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Laws of the Other World

Jiao Tang Dong Gua


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Novel Summary
A botched rescue mission with an unknown objective cost Zhou Yu his team members,
while leading him progressively closer to the multinational biotech corporation Juli’s
research core.
In order to protect his botanist younger brother Zhou Qing, Zhou Yu accepted employment
under the Juli Corporation, and is dispatched to a parallel world—Nibelungen.
Nibelungen’s biological systems are completely different from the world Zhou Yu is from.
To live in this place, Zhou Yu must follow three great laws:
The first law, fear is the sign of the hunted, so you must never show fear.
The second law, the more beautiful an organism is, the more dangerous they are. Do not
approach them, and do not trust them.
The third law, do not be misled by the mimicry of S rank organisms. They understand your
mind, and they know how to entice you. Always remember that they have no human
emotions or love. All humans are no exception to them.
Finally: We wish everyone can live happily in Nibelungen.
- Description from Novelupdates


Laws of the Other World Chapter 1: Unidentified rescue mission

Settings saved..
The entire space was extremely tight, the front corner of the liaison was full of sweat, and
the back was soaked.
"Line 2! Please receive feedback on the second line!"
“Is Line 3 still there? Please reply to the message on Line 3!”
“Is the number five still online?”
In this temporary command center, the three liaisons involved in the operation are
working hard to contact the special police team members who entered the Juli Group
Biology Institute, but they were lost in less than ten minutes after entering the institute.
This silence is the first time to be scared.
Behind the three liaisons is the action commander Zhou Yu, wearing a bullet-proof vest and
holding his arm.
The 28-year-old Zhou Yu’s eyes are a sinking cold, the lip line is a strong line, and the right
index finger is holding his left arm.
His silence is because of thinking, but the information that is now fed back from the
research is not enough to support his thinking.
What exactly is it that can allow seven specially trained, well-equipped, skilled and
experienced SWAT team members to lose contact within ten minutes, and let the command
center completely wonder what happened to them?
This is a seemingly simple rescue operation.
Juli Group is a biotechnology company jointly invested by large group of financial
institutions from Asia, the United States and Europe. In recent years, there has been a rapid
development in the field of biopharmaceuticals. Whether it is the control of some large-
scale infectious diseases in Africa, it is still a country. This group is very active in the
treatment of the genetic diseases of the dignitaries. Regardless of the branch research
institute in which the Juli Group is located, it will be specially protected by this country.
Just an hour ago, the special police team of Zhou Yu received a task, which was to enter the
Bio Research Institute of Juli Group to rescue the trapped hostages. The cause of the
incident is alleged to be a researcher's mental disorder caused by long-term work pressure,
trying to destroy the entire research institution. Although his destruction was not
successful after his discovery, he also used the system equipment in the institute. Trapped
other researchers into their lives, threatening their lives, and demanding that Juli Group
terminate all research on a codenamed "Nibrongen Ring".
Such a request cannot be agreed.
So Zhou Yu’s team, as an elite, accepted this task and went to the closed research institute
to rescue other trapped researchers.
Before the mission was deployed, the contact manager Mei Xi was shocked to see the
information of these researchers.
They are cutting-edge scholars in various fields, cytology experts, neurologists, virologists,
etc. Their value cannot be measured by money, which means that they will try their best to
complete the rescue task even if they have everything. .
This also makes Meixi curious, what kind of research is the Juli Group doing?
Meixi at the moment, faintly feels that the so-called researcher's abnormal abduction of
other colleagues in the institute is just a cover-up. There must be something even more
terrible in it... Meixi also believes that the players who have been sent may already have
At this time, information feedback appeared on Line 7.
"Head! Don't come in! Don't come in!"
It is the voice of the vice captain Chen Chong.
Zhou Yu, the captain who has not said a word, smashed the headphones of Meixi and issued
a command: "Chen Chong! Where are you? Immediately withdraw!"
The signal was not interrupted, but a burst of broken bones came, Zhou Yu’s fist tightened
at that moment, and Meixi’s fingertips trembled.
"Chen Chong! Chen Chong!"
Zhou Yu’s voice has always been cold, which makes the atmosphere in the entire command
car instantly suffocate.
"Head..." Meixi also experienced many large and small actions. Although she had not been
charged, she had seen all kinds of situations. She thought she had developed a calm heart,
but she overestimated herself.
Zhou Yu’s back was only stiff for less than a second, and he began to sort out his own cut-
proof gloves, determine the inside of his thigh holster, and slammed the 95-type assault □,
and opened the door.
The whole action is neat and decisive.
At the moment when Zhou Yu left the car door, Meixi realized what he was going to do:
"Hey, you can't go! Have you forgotten what Chen's vice team said at the end? And the
reinforcements are coming soon!"
"When the reinforcements come, our people may not even find the body."
Zhou Yu’s voice is still cold, as if he will face the same as before, and it’s a big deal. But they
know in their hearts that it is absolutely impossible to be as simple as a bullet.
"Header..." Meixi knew that once Zhou Yu had made up his mind to do something, no one
could stop it.
"I just go and see what we have solved. What is it?"
Zhou Yu walked quickly and approached the research institute.
For Zhou Yu, this has nothing to do with curiosity, but responsibility. What must happen to
those teammates who followed him to death, he must know. If they are all derelict, Zhou
Yu, the commander of this mission, is not likely to let himself live so unclearly.
The exterior of the institute is an all-metal building that reflects the cold light under the
moonlight. There are no other buildings around the institute, there are gravel everywhere,
no smoke, it is like an island in the sea.
According to the architectural map, it is a hexagonal patio building with a pattern like the
In order to protect research secrets, the system here is very sophisticated. The height, pace,
and voice of each researcher are recorded in the system. Each researcher can only be active
in the appropriate area and will be locked out and warned once they have exceeded their
research area.
In order to facilitate the rescue work of the SWAT team, the system technicians of Juli
Group have opened the channel of the institute remotely.
Zhou Yu took the gun and came to the entrance of the passage.
The front is bright, but I can't see a person.
This scene is actually a bit like a biohazard. Maybe two more steps will be taken, and a large
number of zombies will come in, or infrared laser cutting will cut the invaders into pieces.
But at the moment, Zhou Yu only wants to find his own people as soon as possible.
He held the gun, his back was straight, his foot was steady but there was no sound, and he
kept walking and walked in quickly.
The communicator in the ear heard the sound of Meixi: "Head, the order is issued, asking us
to evacuate immediately! The mission is terminated!"
Zhou Yu snorted: "We don't even have people, do we still need to evacuate?"
He knew that he should obey the order and turned around and left. He also knows clearly
that once he turns back, everything that happens here will become a secret that cannot be
said. He will not only see his teammates again, he will never know what happened to them.
It’s not as good as guessing and regretting in his life. It’s better to know the answer now.
Zhou Yu resolutely finished this passage and he is about to turn left.
The front was originally a double door, but at the moment the door and the outer door have
been opened.
Zhou Yu did not move forward with his voice, and his sensory nerves were sharp at this
moment. He carefully searched with his own hearing, but there was no sound here, except
for his own breathing.
Where are the researchers?
Where are his players?
And such silence makes Zhou Yu feel abnormal.
Finally, in front of this passage, he saw a figure lying on the ground. That should be a
researcher, because he was wearing a white long scorpion, and under his body was a large
piece of blood, which stained the white long scorpion with a large piece, which looked
This space is full of blood traces of flying, like something moving with the researcher's
blood and moving at high speed. But at this time, Zhou Yu did not see anything in the
vicinity, no matter who or what killed the researcher, he or it is not here for the time being.
Zhou Yu slowly squatted down and remained alert. His left hand was licking the other's
neck, the pulse had stopped, and the body was cold.
Zhou Yu slightly licked his face and wanted to determine whether he was a mentally ill
researcher or hostage, but the scene that poured into his sight made his whole body
suddenly tighten.
The chin of the corpse was completely gone, like what was bitten by the beast, and the part
below the sternum was empty, and even the internal organs were gone.
Zhou Yu’s eyebrows picked up and cursed in her heart: Mom!
Juli Group is definitely lying, and the research they do is not believed to be just
Maybe even the researcher's mental disorder is fake!
Zhou Yu adjusted his breathing and continued to move forward.
Just passing another double door, everything in front of him is beyond his cognition.
There was blood everywhere. The security staff of a research institute sat on the wall, his
eyes widened, his two calves were gone, and something hit his brain. Zhou Yu didn't need
further inspection, and he knew this guy. The back of the brain is completely broken.
Two researchers in white long plaits were still standing in front, one of them was quite
distorted and looked like it was broken from the waist.
The whole space is like Shura Hell under the light, not angry, close your eyes as if you can
still hear the sound of blood dripping.
Zhou Yu is very convinced at this moment that it is definitely not human beings to do all
The voice of Meixi came from the earphones: "Head! Come back soon! The above said that
this task is beyond our ability! I beg you! If you have another accident, what should we do!"
Meixi’s voice is very low, and she is suppressing her own tears.
"Xiaomei, if I can't come back, you should have done this all the time."
At that moment, the three liaisons, including Meixi, were silent. They clenched their fists,
and maybe outsiders couldn't understand Zhou Yu's insistence, but they could.
"We don't go, wait for you to come back here." Meixi replied.
"Thank you."
Zhou Yu took off his headphones and turned off the contact device.
Laws of the Other World Chapter 2: It... is coming...
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Nothing can make him worry.
Zhou Yu continued to move forward. According to the information obtained before, the
front is the Stem Cell Culture Research Department.
The research department was in ruins, and all the equipment was destroyed, as if it had
been crushed by tanks.
Zhou Yucai took a small step forward and stepped on the glass **** of the test tube and
made a slight noise. In this silence, such sounds tremble, as if there is any hidden danger
that will be awakened. But Zhou Yu is very calm.
The ground is the body of several researchers. Their death is very miserable, and in terms
of the rigidity of the body, Zhou Yu suspects that they also died before they accepted the
Zhou Yu looked up and saw the surveillance camera on the ceiling. With the remote
monitoring capability of Juli Group, they must have known what happened, but they even
asked the relevant departments to ask for the rescue of the hostages, which led Zhou Yu’s
players to become victims.
Zhou Yumo counted the number of corpses, which was consistent with the number of
researchers on duty on the day of the Stem Cell Culture Research Department.
The computer display has been broken, and the mainframe has been smashed. Zhou Yu
wants to check what they are studying.
Going to the other door of the Stem Cell Research Department, it is hidden.
Zhou Yu sideways, fingers pressed the door open, as if something was leaning against the
door, only heard a bang, fell down.
When the half of his face emerged from the crack between the doors, Zhou Yu discovered
that it was his youngest player, Zhao Cheng. He opened his mouth slightly and his eyes
earned a lot, as if he saw something incredible before he died. At that moment, Zhou Yu's
heartbeat accelerated, and he squatted down, his fingers covering Zhao Cheng's neck... no
Zhou Yu used his power to close his eyes. Because he didn't know what was at the other
end of the door, he had to carefully move Zhao Cheng's body and then push the door open.
It is still a passage. If Zhou Yu remembers correctly, from that passage, he can go to the
center of the entire institute, where there are animals for biological research.
Zhou Yu closed Zhao Cheng's eyes with his hands, and then he found that Zhao Cheng's
body was punctured many wounds from below the neck, and the blood flowed into the
river. Zhou Yu couldn't imagine what caused such a fatal wound, and the walls of the
passage were traces of bullets, and the shells were everywhere. Zhou Yu just picked up
Zhao Cheng’s gun and knew that the bullet had been emptied.
And Zhao Cheng’s hand is still stiff in the action of pulling the dagger’s self-defense from the
waist... But what kind of use can the dagger have?
Seeing the horror of Zhao Cheng, Zhou Yu can basically determine that none of his own
people are still alive, including vice-captain Chen Chong.
This is the end of the matter, even if it is hell, Zhou Yu also has to see the guy.
He lifted the gun, walked forward, stepped bigger than before, was a little less careful, and
more wanted to face the unknown.
He stood in front of the rear of the feeding center and pulled the door sideways.
The moment the heart tightened, he thought there would be something rushing out, but
everything was silent.
Zhou Yu’s thoughts settled. He thought he would be afraid and afraid. After all, he had 99%
chance of dying like Zhao Cheng, but death did not come. A few seconds ago, Zhou Yu felt
that such tranquility was like torture, and at this moment, Zhou Yu suddenly felt... This is
like another door to his life.
He walked in and thought he would see all kinds of animals locked in a cage, but he found
himself wrong.
It is a huge glass house, planted with many plants that Zhou Yu has never seen before. He
kneeled on one knee and pulled up a withered grass from his feet. The blades of grass were
diamond-shaped with some markings on them. It feels like the temperature of Zhou Yu's
fingertips, which is scattered like an ashes.
At the moment, Zhou Yu also found that all the plants in this glass room had been defeated,
as if they were all dead at the same time.
In addition to these plants, Zhou Yu did not see any living moving objects.
The west side of the glass room was cracked, and two special police officers wearing
bulletproof vests fell to the ground.
Zhou Yu stepped forward and although he had already prepared himself, he still took a
Their bullets are almost finished, and they have more combat experience than Zhao Cheng,
and they are still partners for several years.
Judging from the time they broke off contact with the command center, their death
occurred between a few seconds.
Zhou Yu looked up and looked at the cracks in the glass room. No matter what killed them,
they should have passed through the broken mouth.
Fastening the gun in his hand, Zhou Yu’s teeth are tight, he just wants to kill the guy!
He crossed the crack and went further, no lighting, and if he continued, it was dark.
He knew that the thing must have waited for him in the dark.
Moreover, Chen Chong lost his time is not long, he may have the opportunity to find him
Zhou Yu hurried away and rushed into the darkness, looking desperate, but his senses were
The smell of the nose, his hearing, the feeling of stepping on the ground at every step, even
the friction of the body colliding with the air.
Zhou Yu has always had the insight and responsiveness that ordinary people don't have. It
is this kind of keenness that has made him pass by with countless times.
He did not care about the sound he made when he was running, because he just wanted to
bring it out.
At a certain moment, he suddenly stopped, and his ears were light and unspeakable. Zhou Yu’s face, even in the darkness, he can clearly distinguish the silhouette
belonging to Chen Chong. He leans against the wall and looks dying.
"A Chong!" Zhou Yu came to his side, Chen Chong used his last strength to push him.
"I... don't ask you not to come... why don't you listen..."
Zhou Yu did not answer Chen Chong. He was very clear. That is, if Chen Chong was replaced
in the command car, Chen Chong would also come to save him.
It was too dark here, Zhou Yu could not check Chen Chong's injury, but he smelled a strong
blood taste.
When Zhou Yugang wanted to take Chen Chong up, he found that his entire arm was gone.
"It... is coming..."
This is what Chen Chong finally said to Zhou Yu.
Full of fear.
Zhou Yu’s voice came from behind him. He turned on the flashlight in an instant, and when
he turned back, his world was completely subverted!
It is a monster that looks like a human figure. The muscles are completely free of skin
wraps and crawling. It is very powerful with Zhou Yu’s intuition.
The average creature will be subconsciously evaded once it is illuminated by such strong
light, but this monster has no eyes!
Then its hearing must be sensitive, otherwise how can so many professionally trained
special policemen die?
Zhou Yu held his breath and did not move.
The monster opened his mouth and the saliva flowed down, which made people sick, but
these are nothing for Zhou Yu.
He carefully observed the monster. Its tail was long, waving slowly in the air, and the tail
was turning up some sharp barbs from time to time. If Zhou Yu did not guess, Zhao’s
achievement was killed by the guy’s tail. . And Zhao Cheng and several other players have
not shot the bullets, or the guy is faster than the bullets... or the bullets are not lethal to this
This monster is approaching step by step, Zhou Yu still does not understand its way of
action, dare not move.
It slowly approached Zhou Yu, and Zhou Yu’s right hand was buckled on the trigger, ready
to launch. It is getting closer and closer, Zhou Yu's left hand is holding a flashlight, meaning
nothing to turn off or put down, sweat slipping down from Zhou Yu's forehead. He just
wants to see this monster clearly! The wrinkles on his face, the amplitude of the muscles of
his limbs, and the radius of his tail attack.
When its face is only a few centimeters away from Zhou Yu, Zhou Yu's nerves are tightened
to the limit from birth to the present.
This monster has more than just eyes, it doesn't even have a nose and ears!
Can it hear the sound? Can it smell the smell?
Zhou Yu was suspicious.
Just on the sleeve of Zhou Yu, a piece of glass was dropped. He caught it and yanked it out
with his fingers.
The shards of glass fell on the ground not far away, making a crisp sound.
The monster didn't respond, and even the head didn't deflect.
So... it is inaudible!
If it can't hear, how does it kill so many people?
At that moment, the monster suddenly moved, and Zhou Yu did not respond to anything.
He just turned to the side and Zhou Yu’s powerful reaction ability saved his life again,
otherwise he would be hit by the monster. open.
And behind him came a "slap".
Zhou Yu’s heart tightened instantly.
He slowly turned back and saw the monster's front paws pressed against the wall, and
Chen Chong, who had only one breath left, was killed by it.
This is so fast, Zhou Yu has no chance to stop, Chen Chong died in front of him.
Zhou Yu’s fingers are getting tighter and tighter, he wants to kill it.
He must kill it!
"Let me see... how fast you are!"
Zhou Yu got up and started to run fast with one hand and while the bullet was continuously
shot, the monster was hit back two times, and then quickly ran in this space, its tail
constantly swaying, it seems Positioning Zhou Yu.
Soon, the bullets were finished, and the tail of the monster smashed from the top of Zhou
Yu’s head. Zhou Yu’s side fell to the ground and replaced the clip very quickly, quickly
getting up and avoiding the attack of the monster’s tail.
Zhou Yu also discovered that the bullets that were shot into the monster's body were
discharged by their bodies. The wound, while retaining blood-like things, was healing. In
other words, its resilience is far higher than other creatures in Zhou Yu's cognition.
Zhou Yu took a sip and stared at it coldly.
If you want to solve this monster, you must approach it, then the first thing is to solve its
annoying tail.

Laws of the Other World Chapter 3: Alive

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Zhou Yu observed its healing speed, about thirty seconds.
In other words, you only have 30 seconds!
After making this decision, he lifted his gun and pointed the monster's tail and pulled the
trigger constantly, and it was almost always in one place.
The monster hummed, and the sound seemed to shatter the ceiling.
Zhou Yu’s headache is so powerful that there is something in the brain that creaks, but he
doesn’t care about it, keeps moving his position, leaving himself outside the attack range of
the monster’s tail, and the bullet does not stop for a moment.
The muscles of this monster are very special. If the ordinary creature has been beaten into
a mud, but its tail is just hanging there, it is about to break but has not fallen from the body.
Zhou Yu’s magazine is empty.
It is this time! If you miss it, there will be no next chance!
Zhou Yu threw the gun and rushed to the monster at the fastest speed.
He knows that if he rushes to its limbs, the good result is to be photographed by it, and it is
more likely that it will be smashed like Chen Chong.
Zhou Yu stepped on the monster's abdomen with one foot. The monster really fluttered
quickly. It wanted to use the tail to attack Zhou Yu, but the tail was only unable to shake the
ground twice, and did not lift it.
Zhou Yu slammed on its back, and before he was opened with great power, he slammed
into the back of the monster with a dagger.
The monster immediately raised his face and screamed in anger. Zhou Yu is about to be
picked up from his back. He can only clamp it with his legs.
It’s almost ten seconds, and I can’t stop wasting time.
This creature does not seem to have a brain, or its brain does not grow inside the skull.
Zhou Yu pulled out the shackles in the thigh holster, and it was a mad trigger on the neck of
the monster. He finished all the bullets in a few seconds.
The monster painfully smashed Zhou Yu, and his neck bones were almost pierced by Zhou
Yu, making a resentful voice, and the original agile hand swayed.
Zhou Yu just fell to Chen Chong's side, picking up Chen Chong's gun and shooting again at
the tail where the monster has healed half of it has begun to lift!
There is no weapon that can be used around. Zhou Yu Gu does not put on the magazine,
throws the gun directly, picks up a piece of steel pipe that has been fallen by the monster,
and rushes forward. He opens toward the belly of the monster. A shot.
The monster rushed toward him from the angle of shooting. The spirit of Zhou Yu was very
concentrated at this moment. He fastened the steel pipe in his hand. At the moment of the
millennium, the steel pipe was broken into the abdomen where the monster was hit by
Zhou Yu knows that this guy's muscles are very developed, so he has exhausted his whole
body and his back muscles are almost cracked, putting all his energy in his life at this
The steel pipe penetrated into it, and the monster's tail lifted up and quickly penetrated
Zhou Yu's abdomen.
Zhou Yu should have been scared. Once the meat of the tail of the monster stood up, Zhou
Yu’s internal organs would all be penetrated, and he would die worse than Zhao Cheng.
But at that moment, the severe pain made Zhou Yu inexplicably awake, and death became a
thing that was not worth mentioning.
He has already reached this point, even if he wants to dodge too late, since it is so inferior
to give this monster the most painful blow!
Zhou Yu frantically pushed the steel pipe inward, and the blood of the abdomen fell off for
Zhou Yu as if it did not exist.
He stretched his shoulders and stepped forward, letting the tail of the monster penetrate
himself, and the steel in his hand was getting inside. The monster struggled and could
escape at its speed, but it looked Do not dare to move, just quickly retreat, even its tail is
quickly recovered, Zhou Yu suddenly bloody. But at that moment, he knew that the one he
had stabbed was definitely the key to the monster. Even if he died, he would have to pierce
"Ah--" With the roar of Zhou Yu, the monster will accelerate away from his attack range.
Zhou Yu runs hard, the volley jumps up, his right foot squats at one end of the steel pipe,
and slams it into it. Through the layers of muscles, it is like what is soft in the thorns, only
to hear a bang, like a brain-like liquid flowing out of the monster's wound.
It was losing its balance, Zhou Yu fell to the ground, the blood spread under his body, and
he coldly glared at the guy in front of him until it crashed down and there was no reaction.
At this time, Zhou Yucai slowly closed his eyes.
He knew that the amount of bleeding like this was mostly dying... When he was immersed
in consciousness, he seemed to hear the sound of the helicopter engine.
The ear is a regular instrument sound, and it seems that someone is talking.
"The heart rate is normal."
"The pulse is normal."
“The wound is in good condition and there are no signs of infection. It is expected to be
fully restored within two months.”
Zhou Yu’s brow screamed, is the doctor talking?
"Good, wait until he wakes up, I hope to talk to him."
This sound sounds very gentle, but it reveals a hint of indifference above everything.
Zhou Yu slowly opened his eyes and saw the bright ceiling. The surrounding light was
dazzling to Zhou Yu, and he could not help but narrow his eyes.
This is a ward surrounded by various monitoring instruments. Two doctors wearing white
long squats are standing on the other side of the bed and discussing what is going on.
Not far away, a middle-aged man in a black suit and rimless glasses noticed that Zhou Yu
had recovered consciousness. Slowly raised a smile on his lips, he walked to Zhou Yu's side
without hesitation, pressing one hand on Zhou Yu's pillow and leaning down: "Hello,
Captain Zhou."
Zhou Yu looked into the other's amber eyes.
"Where is this?" Zhou Yu asked.
His voice was a little hoarse, and there was a pain in the abdomen. It seemed that the place
pierced by the monster had been dealt with. It’s just that Zhou Yu is thinking about which
hospital has such a high level. His internal organs are ruptured and he has a lot of blood
loss, but he is now alive and looks like a stable situation.
"Where do you think it is here?" The other smiled.
At this time, the two doctors turned their heads and looked like they were going to check
Zhou Yu’s body.
At that moment, Zhou Yu jerked the neck of the man next to him, sat up, and tied him to his
body with one hand, and could pinch his neck at any time.
"Here is the Juli Group!" Zhou Yu lowered his voice and said with a grin.
The two women who were dressed in white were not doctors, and they had the same
identification card as the researcher at their waist.
"Captain Zhou! Don't be impulsive! We arrived to save you!"
The two researchers looked very nervous. It seems that the guy who was caught in Zhou
Yu’s head is an important figure in the Juli Group.
"You saved me? As far as I know, you are all elites in various fields. How can you even have
no causal logic?" Zhou Yu pulled his lips and smiled coldly. "Who cultivated such a
monster?" Who is hiding the facts and sending us to perform the task of 'rescue the
hostages'? Where is the mentally ill researcher? When we went in, there was no living
person in the institute at all? We were just sent to kill Does the monster do the chess for
you to clean up the aftermath?"
The man suppressed by Zhou Yu chuckled.
"Zhou Yu, you are really interesting."
"Do you think people who can break your neck at any time are very interesting?" Zhou Yu's
eyebrows provoked.
"No, I mean someone who can kill that monster. It's very interesting. When we found you,
you have lost a lot of blood, only one or two steps away from hell. The medical team going
to you is all the way." Blood transfusion, know that you certainly can't get to the hospital,
they have surgery for you directly on the helicopter. It can be seen that we really hope that
you are alive. Given this sincerity, can I talk to you well? Chat? I will answer all your
Zhou Yu lowered his eyes and looked at the man.
Anyway, there is nothing to lose, and he let go of his hand.
The other side straightened up and finished his collar, and the other two researchers
breathed out.
“Hello, Zhou Yu, I am Song Zhi, the project leader of Juli Group’s “Nibron Root Ring”.”
The name "Nibrongen Ring" made Zhou Yu's heart tremble.
“I heard that the Juli Group recruited elites from elites. I don’t know what Mr. Song is a
doctor who graduated from a world-class university?”
Zhou Yu said with a taunt.
He has always had no feelings about the dignitaries, and he is even less interested in the
kind of makeup that Song has made.
Song Zhi did not smile with a smile: "Is that identity meaningful to you? I tell you my name,
it is just convenient for you to call me to talk to me. First of all, I have to clarify, you
received the news, It is a fact that there is a mentally ill researcher who takes the hostage of
other researchers. It is not a fictional story of our group."
Zhou Yu did not speak, just staring at Song Zhi’s eyes, waiting for him to continue to say.
"He negotiated with Juli Group and demanded the termination of the 'Nibelungen's Ring'
plan. After being rejected by the top management of the Juli Group, he was furious and
released the monster, which later caused the results you saw after entering. But When you
perform the task, there is no living person in the institute. This is the fact. The monster in
the institute, our Juli Group will have sent a more experienced team to deal with, but your
superiors also bear With a lot of pressure, they probably hope that the monster will be
solved as soon as possible, so they sent you. They don't tell you what your real goal is, just
because 'the ring of Nibelungen' is absolutely confidential."
Song Zhi’s eyes calmed down, and Zhou Yu could not see a sway and avoidance in his eyes.
What he said is true.

Laws of the Other World Chapter 4: Nibelungen

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"What the monster is? Ordinary bullets can't kill it! Its healing ability is like a science fiction
movie! I need your explanation, Mr. Song! Did the Juli Group cross the bottom line and
create this creature?' What is the ring of Nibelung's plan?
Song closed his eyes and thought for a few seconds. He said: "Are you sure you want to
know? Although the truth exists objectively, but your life, even if you don't know the truth,
it has no effect. But once you know, It was completely dropped from the edge of **** to the
Zhou Yu smiled. He pointed to the huge wound in his abdomen. In his mind, Chen Chong
was killed by a monster. "Mr. Song, I have been to hell."
"Trust me, you are still far away from hell. You just have a glimpse of a shadow." Song Zhi's
face is an inscrutable expression.
This is also the place where Zhou Yu hates those scholars. He always thinks he knows
It seems that even his fate of Zhou Yu has been touched.
"You asked me on the surface whether you want to know, but you are ready to tell me,
aren't you?" Zhou Yu asked.
Song Zhi went to the side and smiled.
This guy is very white, should stay in the institute for a long time, and is rarely exposed to
the sun. It seems that he rarely does exercise, and the whole person seems to be thin. But
when he has no expression, he looks super-indifferent. When he laughs, he has a
temperament of integration of elite and refined.
"Yes, I want to tell you. First of all, the monster you saw, we call it 'Pelly Winter', a monster
in Western mythology. You should have noticed that this monster has no eyes, No ears, no
nose, and ferociousness."
"So it has no sight, hearing and smell. So how does it distinguish its goals?"
This is a question that has always puzzled Zhou Yu.
Song Zhi raised his chin: "You know that there are many creatures in this world. They are
different from humans in positioning their prey. For example, bats use 'ultrasound' to judge
prey. Another example is dolphin, echolocation method. There is also a platypus, electronic
positioning. The monster you see, it is chased according to the 'fear' of the prey. The more
you fear, the more you can stimulate its destructive potential."
Zhou Yu lived. What Song said is completely beyond his understanding.
"You mean fear?"
"Any animal, including humans, once a fearful emotion occurs, the brain secretes a special
trace of hormone that is released into the air through the skin of the human body. Once the
tongue of 'Pelly Winter' feels the hormone It will chase the prey. This is why the
researchers will die. They know too much about the characteristics and ferocity of 'Pelly
Winter'. The more they warn themselves not to be afraid, the more fear they fear. When
this fear spreads infinitely. They have already pushed themselves to hell."
Zhou Yu looked at Song Zhi with a skeptical look.
"You think about it carefully. Why are your teammates dead? But you are not dead?" Song
Zhi held his chin and looked at Zhou Yu meaningfully.
It seems very patient, he has enough time to wait for Zhou Yu to clear this problem.
Zhou Yu closed his eyes and imagined the voice of his teammates in the contact.
"what is this?"
"Oh my God! How is this possible?"
"Impossible! This is impossible! How can there be such a thing!"
It was an incredible fear of death and rapid approach.
They are not the same as Zhou Yu. They originally entered with the purpose of saving the
hostages, but they encountered monsters that they had never seen before. Starting from
the most inexperienced Zhao Cheng who attacked the monsters, everyone was shaken.
They saw the horrible part of the monster, not to mention the bullets could not kill it. Once
there was the slightest fear The monster will catch up and kill everyone.
When Zhou Yu met with Chen Chong in the last breath, what really attracted the monster
came was not Zhou Yu, but Chen Chong’s fear. Even the monster would kill Chen Chong
directly without discovering Zhou Yu until the trace hormone caused by fear disappeared.
"It seems that I have never felt where I am?" Zhou Yu suspiciously asked Song Zhi.
When Zhou Yu shot his tail, it was enough to avoid the bullet to kill Zhou Yu, but it was like
losing direction and not knowing where Zhou Yu was.
Song said with a smile, stretched his arm and pointed his finger on Zhou Yu’s chest: "You
ask yourself, are you afraid of it? Do you have fear to be tortured by it? You look at your
teammates broken. When you are in the body, do you have anger and the attachment to the
truth, or fear?"
"I want to find it. I want to kill it." Zhou Yu raised his eyes, and the sternness in his eyes
made Song's smile more obvious.
"Look, this is why you can live and kill it. Your eyes tell me that you accept my explanation
for you. This is a good thing. If you can't even accept this, I will tell you next. Things, you
will be more difficult to understand."
Zhou Yu is silent.
"The second point I want to make," Song said, extending his finger. "This kind of monster,
Perry Winter, is not cultivated or created by us. It is not a product of human paranoia, but it
exists. ""
After Song Zhi finished, Zhou Yu really stopped.
"Is there already? You want to convince me that the Juli Group has discovered a new
creature on earth?"
Zhou Yu felt that Song Zhi was getting more and more ridiculous.
"Do you know the concept of parallel space?" Song asked.
"I saw it in the movie. So now you want me to believe that this monster comes from another
parallel space? This is really a universal explanation!"
Although this explanation is like a fabrication, what Zhou Yu saw from the eyes of Song is a
kind of determination, at least in the heart of Song Zhi, what he said is true.
"That parallel space is called 'Nibelungen'. Although the name is very unfamiliar, I
personally prefer to use systematic letters, such as Alpha or Beta, even a world, b world, It’s
better than Norse mythology, but there is no way. The board of Juli Group likes this name.
Zhou Yu, many years ago, scientists felt that gravitational waves were just a concept or
even non-existent, but they are now confirmed. The development of the world is, once and
for all, confirming what we think is impossible, and the existence of Nibelungen is the
Zhou Yu leaned back and listened to the expression of the story: "So what's in this world?"
His reason tells himself that such a world does not exist, and it must be an excuse made by
Juli Group in order to cover up its own research purposes, but his innermost intuition is
constantly echoing: that is true, Zhou Yu. That is true.
“It’s close to the Earth, but it has a biological system that is very different from the Earth.”
"The monster is what you brought from that world?" Zhou Yu would not ask the other
party what the so-called "different biological system" is, because it is a big and very
professional problem.
“Yes. The risk factor for doing any research there is very high, and our researchers are
always at risk. So we brought some of the research here and continue our research in an
environment we know and we can control. ”
In other words, Juli Group has sent a research team to the world. Since this can be done, the
Juli Group has mastered the way to cross the two worlds.
"When you bring that monster to our world, it brings the risk. With a step back, even if you
can control the world, there are things that don't belong to the world. You can't control it.
Zhou Yu’s voice went cold.
In his heart, these madmen are doing everything they can to pursue the answers they want.
"Have you seen the healing power of that monster? Also see its special biological structure?
Studying them can help humans resist or even overcome many diseases, even if the disease
comes from our own human beings. For example, Huntington's disease, two Eleven trisomy
syndrome, etc., and even other malignant cancers can be cured. We humans can even
overcome the other consequences of environmental degradation and continue to prosper."
“It sounds great.” Zhou Yu knows that every scholar who conducts crazy research will give
himself a high-sounding reason. “Mr. Song, I believe that your exploration of different space
is absolutely confidential. But now you tell this secret. I should not be for science. It is
better to say your true purpose."
Song Zhi smiled. He bowed his head slightly and made a way of thinking: "There are many
people who have seen Perry Winter, whether they are researchers or the team that our Juli
Group trained to perform special tasks, they can't do it. To be like you, to abandon fear and
to look at death. In that world, fear is the mark of our hunting. But almost everyone has this
mark on their body. Although we have done countless research, we have made various
kinds of Equipment to cover up the mark on us, but the fear is always objective. You are
very special, Zhou Yu. You are the first person I met, but I didn’t have any fear of Perry
Winter. I hope you join us and go to another The world on one side."
This answer surprised Zhou Yu. He did not think that he had such value to the Juli Group.

Laws of the Other World Chapter 5: Zhou Qing

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"If I say that I don't agree, will you regret it, and you should let me die there?"
Song Zhi shook his head: "For the past, I never assumed."
"I can't promise you. You want me to participate in a research project that takes away all
my teammates' lives? Don't be kidding. I don't know how much I want to kill you." Zhou
Yu's eyes are cold.
"How long have you not met with your brother Zhou Qing?" Song said suddenly.
Zhou Yu’s pupil trembled and smashed the collar of Song Zhi: “What happened to Zhou
Qing? Or did you drag him down?”
Song Zhi’s fingers knocked on Zhou’s back and motioned him to let go: “Professor Zhou is
indeed a talent we cherish, a leader in plant physiology and plant embryology. For every
scholar, Participating in the most cutting-edge research in your field is a lifelong pursuit, so
you should not use 'drag the water' to describe our relationship with Professor Zhou."
"How did you convince him?"
Zhou Yu knows his brother. Zhou Qing is a simple scholar, but has his own bottom line.
However, the research of Juli Group has exceeded that bottom line in Zhou Yu.
Song Zhi stood up and sorted out his clothes. Zhou Yu does not appreciate the kind of
person who has no image at all times, but Song Zhi’s feeling for Zhou Yu is rigorous and
step by step.
"The point is not how we persuade Professor Zhou, but... How long have you not had a good
day with your brother to eat and eat? Do you know his current situation? Have you felt
what he needs? Go see He, then if you tell me categorically that you will never accept the
olive branch of our Juli Group, I promise not to disturb your life. Our Juli Group is very
After that, Song Zhi left the room.
The world turned over for a few minutes for Zhou Yu. He still hasn't had time to immerse
himself in the grief of losing his teammates, but another problem has arrived.
He experienced a life-and-death confrontation with a monster, heard a parallel world
named "Niebergen", someone hired him to go to the world, and he was reminded that he
had too few contacts with his younger brother Zhou Qing.
Everything is like being planned.
Zhou Yu’s recovery time was faster than expected, and a month later he left with a
helicopter arranged by Song.
When the helicopter passed the sky, Zhou Yucai discovered that they had been in a large
desert. Once the atmosphere, the dust rose, the vast soup, as if everything was drowned.
In the city, Zhou Yu returned to his single apartment. He received a call from a superior,
and thought he would be punished, but did not expect his superior to give him a month of
long vacation, let him cultivate well.
Zhou Yu smiled helplessly, and this thought was like the time that Juli Group gave him
"good consideration."
He received a phone call from Meixi. She was very worried about him. She just heard Zhou
Yu’s “Xiaomei” and cried directly on the phone.
Fortunately, the superior did not pursue the dereliction of duty of Meixi and the other two
liaison officers. They should have stopped Zhou Yu in the first time, but they did not. Zhou
Yu’s team was almost completely annihilated, and Meixi was assigned to another action
When Meixi asked what Zhou Yu had encountered in the institute, Zhou Yu just said:
"Xiaomei, if you live your life well, you don't need to know, don't know."
Sometimes closing your eyes is far more happy than chasing the truth.
Meixi is no longer eager to ask.
"Zhao Cheng and Chen Chong's aftermath?" Zhou Yu's fingers were stiff.
Although he will not deliberately recall, but their dying look is deeply imprinted in Zhou
Yu's mind.
"The funeral has ended. It is said that they have been cremated because of their public
service, and the body has been cremated before returning to relatives."
Their cause of death is a secret, and of course it is impossible for family members to see
their bodies.
"I will go see them." Zhou Yu's eyes fell.
Then there is the relative silence with Meixi.
On the afternoon of the afternoon, Zhou Yu went to the cemetery and watched the
tombstones of the teammates and the photos on the tombstones.
The next day, he bought a ticket to go to another city and visit his younger brother Zhou
Zhou Qing is the youngest university professor in the industry. Although he is young, he is
deeply succinct.
Zhou Yu came to f, called a younger brother, but found that his brother's mobile phone was
turned off. He went directly to the office in Zhou Qing and saw two of his research
"Hello, I want to find Professor Zhou Qingzhou."
"Professor Zhou is not here for the time being. I don't know who you are, what research
organization or society is it, or which biotech company?" Zhou Qing’s reputation is very loud, and various academic or cooperative
invitations are constant, but he is a person who is not good at socializing. Without the
necessary activities, his assistants will refuse to replace him.
"I am Zhou Yu, the brother of Professor Zhou."
After Zhou Yu’s words were finished, the attitude of the two assistants changed
"It turned out to be Captain Zhou. Did Professor Zhou not tell you his ward number?"
Zhou Yu’s heart was in the middle of the week, was Zhou Qing hospitalized? But I didn’t
even know.
There was no extra expression on his face, just follow the assistant's words: "Yes, he forgot
to tell me. You all know his character, and important things are always forgotten."
“Professor Zhou lives in the special ward of the third comprehensive hospital in the city.”
"Thank you."
The bad premonition in Zhou Yu’s heart is constantly expanding. Why did you not tell
yourself the only big brother? And still live in a special ward... What disease did he have?
Twenty minutes later, Zhou Yu came to the First General Hospital, where he learned that
Zhou Qing had just completed the removal of cerebral gliomas a few hours ago. Zhou Qing’s
attending doctor told Zhou Yu that the tumor was malignant and the recurrence rate was
extremely high. Although the surgery in Zhouqing is very successful, it is expected to recur
in half a year to a year or so. Zhou Qing's brain will gradually be squeezed by the tumor,
and may gradually lose sight, mobility, and breathing.
Zhou Yu’s fingertips trembled.
The teammates are what he has lost, and the established results cannot be changed.
The younger brother Zhou Qing is what he is about to lose. He is willing to do anything to
save Zhou Qing, but at the same time he knows that he can't compete with the laws of
Zhou Yu has been sitting at Zhou Qing’s bed and waiting for him to wake up. In the process
of waiting. He has been thinking about what Song said to him.
"How long have you not had a good chat with your brother for a day? Do you know his
current situation? Have you felt what he needs? Go see him, and if you tell me categorically,
you will never accept us." The employment of Juli Group, I promise not to disturb your life.
Our Juli Group is very trustworthy."
The meaning of Song Zhi’s remarks is that it can cure Zhou Qing with the top technology
level of Juli Group? He wants to use Zhou Qing’s life as a bargaining chip?
Zhou Yu is a very determined person. He has always been clear about what he has lost,
what he can get by his own efforts, what he has to do, and what he has to do to protect
everything, even if there is no result.
A few hours passed, Zhou Yu had been sitting in the position of the bed, and the
surrounding medical staff also checked it several times, and did not bother Zhou Yu’s
When Zhou Yu returned to God, the sky outside the ward was completely dark, and even
the corridor was very quiet, and it was already midnight. Zhou Qing on the hospital bed did
not know when to wake up. He looked at Zhou Yu with a calm look, not knowing how long
he had watched.
"Zhou Qing, you woke up..."
Watched by Zhou Qing with the kind of thorough animal vision, he didn't even know what
to say.
"I didn't expect you to come." Zhou Qing slowly spoke.
His voice is a little hoarse. There was no trace of blood on the pale face, and the whole
person lost a lot.
"I am your brother." Zhou Yu said.
I don't know when it started, and the connection between him and Zhou Qing is getting less
and less. Is it because Zhou Qing is obsessed with research and he is busy with various
tasks, or is it because they are in different cities? Or just the intersection between them is
getting less and less.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about my condition. I just thought... I can't change anything if I
tell you. And... you often have some dangerous tasks, I will distract you."
Zhou Qing lowered his eyes.
"Your surgery is very successful, but after all, the place to operate is your brain, too
complicated, even if you touch a little nerve, it may affect your ability to move or other
"I know." Zhou Qing smiled. "Recovering from me that I am not comfortable at the moment.
When you are in a daze, I have reviewed my ongoing research and found that my thinking
and memory skills should be No effect. I tried to move my fingers and toes, and it feels
good. After all, the surgery is done by Daniel Benn, the world's number one surgeon in
brain surgery."
Zhou Yu’s eyebrows smashed.
Daniel Benn, the world's number one brain surgeon, is definitely not the move that Zhou
Qing can ask.
"It is Juli Group." Zhou Qing directly answered Zhou Yu's question.
"What about the conditions?"
"The condition is that I want to participate in a scientific research project called
'Nibelungen Ring', the location is in another world." Zhou Qing carefully observed Zhou
Yu's expression, Zhou Yu's calm is like everything is expected," You don't ask me what the
Juli Group is doing, nor what I am 'the Nibelungen Ring', even if I say another world, you
are not surprised, so you already know?"
"You have not seen creatures from that world. You will die, Zhou Qing."
For a long time, Zhou Yucai said.

Laws of the Other World Chapter 6: Instructor Wu Yun

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"Even if this operation is successful, I will die. My time is running out, I should do
something more meaningful." Zhou Qing replied.
"What is more meaningful?"
"Don't care about the development of human science and technology, don't care about the
established issues, just follow the way I want, to understand the world and the world
outside the world."
"I understand." Zhou Yu reached out and covered his brother's forehead. "You have a good
rest and just finished the operation."
When Zhou Qing fell asleep again, Zhou Yu got up and went outside the ward. He took a
breath and looked at the blue sky outside the window.
Zhou Yu is a quick decision maker. The nature of his work requires decisiveness.
Most of the hesitation is because of fear of losing something. But really hesitate, and often
lose more.
Three seconds later, he called Song Zhi.
"I didn't think you would reply me so soon, Zhou Yu." Song Zhi's voice is still not slow.
"You told me that your purpose in entering the world is to conduct biological research and
overcome various human diseases."
"Yes, this is one of the purposes."
"So what about cerebral glioma?" Zhou Yu asked.
"You are a person who does not accept lies, so I am not going to lie to you. Tumors, of
course, brain tumors are not our core research. But in all the projects we are studying, find
a cure for brain gelatin. The possibility of a tumor is very large. For example, the monster
Pelican you see, it can remove the foreign body invading your muscles and complete the
healing of the body. Once this cellular mechanism is decrypted, it may be It is applied to the
self-repair of tumors. Professor Zhou Qing's research topics include plant embryology. This
is also a very interesting subject. Perhaps when his research makes some progress, he also
provides self-help for himself. method."
"Well, I accept your employment, but I have a condition."
"Please say."
"I want to be with my brother."
"Human nature. And Professor Zhou will have many companions who have a common
language with him. His life will be very fulfilling. I will send the employment contract to
you. As for your current job, we also Will handle the resignation for you."
Zhou Yu smiled and it seems that Juli Group can really get through.
"I feel that you are laughing. Do you think the Juli Group has too much power?"
"Nothing. There is always someone in the world standing at the top of the pyramid."
"So, look forward to seeing you again, Zhou Yu." Song Zhi's voice is a clear smile, he had
expected this result.
In the evening, the legal and human resources commissioner of Juli Group, wearing a suit,
came to the hospital and signed an employment contract with Zhou Yu.
Zhou Qing slept heavily because of the drug.
The legal and human resources explain the terms of the contract to Zhou Yu one by one,
from the confidentiality agreement to the remuneration package and death and death, so
that it is impossible to ignore Zhou Yu’s neglect.
“After a week, a commissioner will come to pick up Mr. Zhou for closed training. Please be
"Got it, thank you."
The following week, Zhou Yu has been with Zhou Qing. Their brothers still have no
common language. Most of the time, Zhou Qing is quietly rehearsing and reading academic
Zhou Yu uses a mobile phone to view various online news and check out various
information about Juli Group.
The financial strength of this group is unfathomable. Their group chairmanship is still a
secret. Zhou Yu can find all kinds of cutting-edge achievements belonging to this group,
seemingly brilliant, but foggy.
A week later, a man in a suit came to the hospital. Zhou Yu nodded to the other side. He told
Zhou Qing that he had something to do at work, and then waited until the end of the event
to visit Zhou Qing.
Zhou Qing stunned, Zhou Yu was not sure if he found anything.
The car took him to the airport. The whole plane was only Zhou Yu, which Zhou Yu did not
think of.
After a few hours of flight, Zhou Yu landed at the private airport of Juli Group. What is
specific here, Zhou Yu is not clear. This place is like a base. Fully armed patrols can be seen
everywhere. This makes Zhou Yu unable to imagine that there are more exotic world
creatures than Perry Winter.
The base level is more rigorous than the previous one.
Zhou Yu followed the manpower commissioner who came to pick up his own and came to
the depths of the base. He invited Zhou Yu into a room. Around the round table, three
people have already sat down.
One is a young man who is about twenty-five years old and has a big eye and is curious
about everything.
Next to the young man, sitting a woman of about thirty-five years old, short hair, looks very
neat, is a strong woman.
On the other side of her is a middle-aged man in his forties, wearing black-rimmed glasses
and wearing a dark sweater and jacket, which looks old-fashioned.
Zhou Yu sat down. These people have no meaning of communication with each other, and
Zhou Yu has no interest in talking with strangers.
A few minutes later, a man dressed in a camouflage uniform and tall and tall, walked in. His
sleeves were raised above the arm, and the muscle lines that were exposed were smooth
and explosive. It is not a good-looking but incompetent muscle that is practiced in the gym,
but is actually exercised.
A deep scar on his forehead doesn't look embarrassing. On the contrary, there is a depth
after a mature man is polished by the years. His eyes swept through a few people present,
and there was a bit of scrutiny.
When he laughed, there was a kind of chic that didn't matter to everything.
His hands were on the edge of the round table and he leaned over: "There are world-class
IT elites, doctors with first-aid experience in the field, and super-high-level engineers,
His eyes stayed on Zhou Yu's body, and his eyes were obviously playful.
Zhou Yu looked at him with calm eyes, as if nothing could pick up his waves.
"I am the instructor of your training, Wu Yun."
Wu Yun shrugged and smiled and said: "I am a person who is not very lucky, just like my
name, Wu Yun - no luck. I have brought at least hundreds of students, but no one has lived
to the present. They They all died in Nibelungen, and most of the bodies could not be
"I am so embarrassed..." The middle-aged man with black-rimmed glasses snorted.
Wu Yunming Ming heard it, but he did not take it seriously. "My students, most of them, are
very self-sufficient and lack self-control. I have taught them to remember what they must
do, they are the same. Did not remember."
The black-rimmed glasses man stunned.
Wu Yun jumped naturally and sat on the round table. He leaned over and looked at Zhou
Yu: "You know that in Nibelungen, more than 70% of the creatures, how do they judge and
kill Prey?"
No one answered.
"I just went there to design the system. Juli Group told me that my work is only based on
the research needs of the local base to adjust the system at any time." The big-eyed young
man did not care to speak.
Wu Yun smiled and said: "Ah, you are the one who Stanford dropped out of school, but put
a multinational banking system almost to Li Qian?"
"Yeah." Li Qianyang raised his eyebrows.
"Do you think that Juli Group wants to hire you?" Wu Yun asked.
"Because I am a genius in this field, and they can't find someone better than me." Li Qian
His voice was calm, but his eyes were arrogant.
Wu Yun smiled and looked at Zhou Yu: "Zhou Yu, what do you think?"
Zhou Yu knows that he has been observing him since Wu Yun entered here. Or before this,
Wu Yun is already observing him.
"Because the position of important system engineers is empty." Zhou Yufu replied blankly.
"So why is it free?" Wu Yun continued to ask.
"Because he is dead." Zhou Yu's eyes on Shang Wuyun.
"This kind of system engineer only needs to stay in the lab and does not need to contact the
outside world. And there must be a large number of elites protecting him. How can he die?"
Wu Yun looked at Zhou Yu’s eyes and suddenly became heavy. .
"That means that it was completely destroyed." When Zhou Yu said this sentence, except
for Wu Yun, everyone's face changed.
And Zhou Yu’s mind emerged from the expression of his teammate’s tragic death.
"Yes." Wu Yun finally turned his gaze to Li Qian, who was pale. "This is why you are hired. If
you are going to accept this job, stay in Nibelungen, you must remember me. Every word I
Everyone swallowed, and even Li Qian’s expression that he didn’t care about was focused.
"Back to the first question I asked. In Nibelungen, more than 70% of the creatures are
based on what to hunt?" Wu Yun looked at Zhou Yu.
At this time, the other three people also discovered Wu Yun’s special attitude towards Zhou
But Zhou Yu’s face still has no expression.
Wu Yun has been watching Zhou Yu, it seems that he does not get his answer, Wu Yun will
not continue to talk.
"It is fear." Zhou Yu replied.
"Ah? Why is it fear?" The only woman on the scene directly expressed her
"Because there is not the world we live in, don't use the knowledge in our world to judge
Nibelung's creatures." Wu Yun replied, "If you are unfortunately surrounded by a group of
monsters named Perry Winter..."
Suddenly, the projector behind Wu Yun started and played a clip.
The camera is very shaken and is taken from a camera carried by someone trapped.
When Perry Winter's appearance appeared in the camera, the three people on the scene
subconsciously leaned back on the back of the chair.

Laws of the Other World Chapter 7: Law of survival

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When Perry Winter's tail swiftly swept, as if to pierce the eye, the female doctor screamed,
and Li Qian and the engineers wearing black-rimmed glasses couldn't speak with half a
mouth. Language can't describe the picture they see, it feels like it was killed on the spot.
"This... This is the effect of the computer made..." Li Qian asked.
"I can send the video to you, you can slowly study whether it is a computer special effect
one frame at a time. You are the master of this aspect after all." Wu Yun smiled and replied.
There are various screams in the video. In a matter of seconds, death completely occupied
their vision.
When the picture becomes a flash of snow, they still haven't come back.
Wu Yun knocked on the table, and the time of rest finally flowed again.
"The first rule of Nibelungen's survival rule, never fear." Wu Yun extended his first finger.
"Do you know why many creatures in the world will catch prey with fear?"
No one answered this question, because both Li Qian and the other two people are
immersed in fear and have not yet pulled their emotions out.
"Because when you fear something, it means that you are not as strong as it is. Since you
don't have it strong, in the world of the jungle, you can only become a prey." Wu Yun said.
"Fart! How is this possible... What kind of community monster? Who can not fear in front of
anyone?" The engineer slammed out and his clenched fist was still shaking.
"Oh, is it?" Wu Yun's line of sight fell to Zhou Yu's body again, but he soon proceeded to the
next step, "The second rule of Nibelungen's survival rule - never be confused by beautiful
things." The more beautiful, the more dangerous."
Another video was released.
It seems to be in a cave, and some kind of insects are attached to the stone wall, emitting a
light blue fluorescent light. The whole picture is like a beautiful blue firefly hole. Only these
fluorescent lights are more thorough, with an ethereal and elegant beauty, like ancient
A researcher who entered the cave looked up and showed an intoxicated expression. He
slowly reached out and seemed to want to touch the fireflies. Several bugs satisfied his
expectations and fell lazily like snowflakes.
At the moment when he touched his skin, the worms suddenly sneaked in. The researcher
was surprised to keep scratching his palm and trying to catch the bugs, but did not expect
them to have entered his blood vessels and propagated to his body in a very short time.
He fell to the ground, the blood vessels of the whole body showed blue, painful and
distorted, and the hoarse screams made the people watching this video tremble.
Suddenly, countless blue fireflies broke through his body and flew out, looking like a star
They slowly rise upwards and reattach to the stone wall.
The researcher’s body was fragmented.
Everything is calm, as if nothing has happened.
The engineer wearing black-rimmed glasses suddenly bowed his head and vomited. The
moment when his glasses fell, he was hooked by Zhou Yu with his fingers.
Li Qian’s shoulders are also shaking, and his eyes are deep fear.
As for the female doctor, she raised one hand and grabbed her mouth, her eyes wide.
"I... I don't plan to join this research project! Let me go back! Let me go back!" The engineer
finally spit out and began to hysterically squat on the table.
They have all been told that the world is dangerous.
But the degree of danger is completely beyond their expectations.
"The bow does not turn back. The Juli Group never left a trail for its own pieces." Wu Yun
came to the engineer and pressed his shoulders to look like he was helping him relax. "Mr.
Li Sizhe, Just remember what I said, do what I want you to do, and you will live until the
end of the contract with Juli Group. Juli Group never breaks the bridge, as long as you don’t
reveal any secrets, you Life will be very good. Almost all your wishes can be realized."
Engineer Li Sizhe retrieved his glasses from Zhou Yu.
"Finally, let me talk about the third article, which is also very important. It seems to be
easier to do than the previous two, but this one is the most uncontrollable." Wu Yun put
away that kind of 慵 Lazy attitude, the eyes are the coolness that Zhou Yu can't understand.
"Don't believe in any creature in Nibelungen. No matter how much they love you, how
crazy you are, as if you are more important than their own lives. Live, they have no love. If
they make you feel charming, feel moved, feel willing to give everything for it, you are
really finished. They just need to breed offspring, and the structure of our human body,
regardless of protein content or something else. It is the perfect ratio for them, and it is
best for their offspring to grow, not a partner, just a nutrient."
"You tell us about love? We can't think that the monsters are charming!" The female doctor
felt that what Wu Yun said was unreasonable.
“The way Nibelung’s biological evolution is very special. Here, the highest creature is our
human being, because we are better at thinking than other animals. But there, the creatures
evolve to a certain height, and some will make you feel The ability to complete a science
fiction movie. We divide the creatures there into five grades. The creatures of the highest
grade s have a characteristic, that is, mimicry. This mimetic is different from the mimicry in
our world, and their cells can be regenerated and regenerated. For example, it turns into a
human being... a very fascinating human being. If they want to confuse someone, they can
change themselves to the one who is most fascinated."
It’s not just Li Qian’s expression of surprise, even Zhou Yu’s stunned.
Can a creature really make itself a completely different creature?
At this time, what appeared in the video was a pregnant female researcher. She was shut
down in a closed study room, full of fear and horror, constantly yelling "Save me" and
"Please help me." She beat her belly, and the tears of tears were full of despair.
"I know her... She is a very good pathologist... What happened to her?"
"Han Li, this is not very obvious, she is pregnant." Wu Yun replied.
"I mean... what is the child in her stomach! Why is she like that? If she is pregnant, why are
you so young?"
"Because her belly is Nie Longgen's s-class creature." Wu said in a tone that hates iron and
not steel. "I reminded her of countless times, but this woman still didn't hold it. Not to
mention, women are The most emotional, I always think that I will become an 'exception'.
She encountered an elegant and **** man in an external exploration, and then she has
After a few seconds, the pathologist died, and Han Li didn't dare to look at the picture, and
the pathologist's screams could not stop.
Li Qian buried his head between his arms. Li Sizhe also wanted to vomit but there was
nothing in his stomach.
Only Zhou Yu, seeing it from the beginning, there is no trace of shaking between the
When the video ends, the entire space is quiet. No one has spoken*.
Wu Yun said indiscriminately: "Don't be so nervous, as long as you remember the three
rules of survival, the probability of dying is not great. Li Qian, you are the youngest of the
people in the place. Remember what the three rules are. ?"
Li Qian opened his mouth, and his mind was blank. Everything he had heard before seemed
to be poured out of his mind and he remembered nothing.
"No, you are the youngest, I thought your memory is also the best." Wu Yun sighed. "Listen,
I only said the last time. First, fear is the mark of your hunting. So never fear. Second, the
more beautiful the creature, the more dangerous it is, don't get close. Third, don't be fooled
by the mimicry of those s-class creatures, they don't have our human feelings, and there is
no love, no humans have them for them. exception."
These three, even if you remember them, can't be done many times.
Because they are contrary to human instinct.
After the end of this class, Li Qian went to other places. They are all professional and
technical talents. The chances of real danger are far less than those of Zhou Yu.
In the six months after that, Zhou Yu accepted a series of rigorous training. These include
the use of special weapons, Nibelungen biometrics, and team mate.
Zhou Yu knows that training here is not as useful for a minute in Nibelungen. What really
determines life and death is actual combat.
It’s just that Zhou Yu has never seen the instructor Wu Yun of the first class.
Six months later, Zhou Yu received a notice and he will go to Nibelungen with this batch of
dispatched teams. The news did not make Zhou Yu have too many emotional fluctuations,
but he knew that the dispatch team included Zhou Qing.
Connecting the two worlds is a sophisticated magnetic shuttle device. When Zhou Yu enters
the control room, the computer screen and countless data are everywhere. Technicians and
researchers are busy, and it looks like the NASA rocket is ready to go.
"Please ask all dispatched personnel to enter the shuttle cabin."
A cold reminder sounds over the top of the head.
In front of Zhou Yu, a circular metal door, in front of the door is a thing like a cable car,
which looks a bit like a satellite exploring the universe, tight and cold.
When he was about to go forward, someone stopped him.
"Hey, Zhou Yu."
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Laws of the Other World Chapter 8: Magnetic field crossing

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Zhou Yu turned around and saw Song Zhi. The other person is holding his arm and his face
is very light.
"Mr. Song." Zhou Yu nodded. "You shouldn't come to see me off?"
"If I said that I really came to see you off? The world on the other side is wonderful, I look
forward to your performance."
"Goodbye, Mr. Song."
After that, Zhou Yu went to the open hatch. When he entered, the first thing I saw was Zhou
The hair that had been shaved because of the craniotomy had grown out, and the whole
person was as pale and sullen when he was not lying on the hospital bed.
At the moment I saw Zhou Yu, Zhou Qing’s eyes widened, and the eyes were full of fear.
Zhou Yu went directly to the seat next to Zhou Qing and sat down. The safety device is
automatically pressed down to cover the Zhou Yu.
"You shouldn't come here. You have your own life." Zhou Qing's voice is not big, but his
eyes are red. "It's very dangerous. I will die at any time, so I don't care about taking my own
life, but how are you?" Can do the same..."
"You have what you want to do, and I have things I have to do."
Zhou Qing closed his eyes and his lips trembled: "I'm sorry... and thank you."
"Thank you for reluctantly accepting it. Sorry, I don't have to."
Zhou Yu’s line of sight swept through the entire shuttle cabin. He saw the young boy Li
Qian, the battlefield doctor Han Li, and a brown-haired man about forty years old.
Zhou Yu searched online, he is the surgeon of the brain glioma of Zhou Qing, Daniel.
"Why didn't you see the engineer?" Zhou Yu whispered.
Li Qian was sitting on the opposite side of Zhou Yu. He pulled his lips and said helplessly:
"Since the first class was scared by the guy who claimed to have no luck, he couldn’t sleep
every night, and he became a god. I heard that I have depression and receive
There is another possibility. He wants to leave the Juli Group but is "handled".
"A person who claims to be unlucky, are you talking about me?"
Lazy and slightly screaming, Li Qian raised his hand and grabbed his face, whispering a
curse: "Mom, how can he be heard!"
Wu Yun came to Zhou Yu’s side and sat down: “Hello, I am your commander of the shuttle
dispatch mission, Wu Yun. Any emergency situation, please be sure to strictly enforce my
orders and follow my command. However, basically there are any problems in the process
of shuttle, we can only listen to the fate, do not count on me. Who told me to be a lucky
"What? There will be problems during the shuttle?" Han Li showed a surprised expression.
"Of course, there may be problems. It is like taking a plane from one country to another... If
you encounter a thunder and lightning, or if the cabin door is not closed, then you have
finished playing." Wu Yun’s eyes It is a smile of gloating.
Zhou Qing was nervous. Zhou Yu looked at him and looked at him: "Don't be afraid. There
will be nothing."
"Yeah." Zhou Qing nodded.
They put on the headphones and the command center alerted them that the system is
detecting magnetic field stability and receiving signals. Various safety factors have also
been determined.
Their seats slowly fell and then floated.
This feeling of weightlessness is wonderful.
Zhou Yu was inexplicably nervous. He knew that once there was any problem, he could not
save Zhou Qing.
Like the slingshot, their shuttle compartment was ejected.
After a sudden acceleration, Zhou Yu could not feel anything. His body seemed to be
paralyzed. According to the truth, he should be nervous, but he could not hear his
heartbeat, as if all biological characteristics were in It was still at the moment.
The shuttle compartment is closed and they don't even know what it is like to shuttle
between magnetic fields.
Han Li prayed in her heart with her eyes closed.
Li Qian, on the other hand, squinted his eyes and regarded every second as the last second
of his life.
However, Zhou Qing did not respond at all, and seemed to fall asleep. This made Zhou Yu
very nervous, but they were all fixed and could not move. Zhou Yu could not touch Zhou
"Don't be nervous. Before entering the shuttle cabin, I took some sedatives for Professor
Zhou to reduce the activity of his brain and thus reduce the impact of two magnetic fields
on his brain." Daniel said.
Zhou Yu just let go of his heart: "Thank you."
"You're welcome. I have two responsibilities for this mission. The first responsibility is to
conduct a brain disease study, and the other is to be the attending doctor of Professor Zhou.
Before his arrival, his glioma growth rate has been Controlled. If he arrives in Nibelungen
and his glioma begins to grow again, I will perform a second removal surgery for him."
Zhou Yu was awkward. Is this the arrangement of Song Zhi? It’s too "intimate", right?
"Hey, Zhou Yu, do you know who team you will be assigned to after arriving in
Nibelungen?" Wu Yun is probably too boring, and chats with Zhou Yu. "Your." Zhou Yu replied.
"Because you said that you are not very lucky. I guess your subordinates should all die
there. You need a teammate." Zhou Yu replied.
"You are really not cute." Wu Yun replied, "But my team is only you and me, is it a bit
"This is very good. If you are dead, I only need to avenge you, the pressure and
responsibility are relatively small." Zhou Yu replied.
"Well, you are not only not cute, but also quite annoying."
Zhou Yugang wanted to say "thank you for complimenting", and the original stable shuttle
suddenly violently oscillated.
Han Li screamed loudly, and Li Qian was stupid. They want to catch something, but they
can't catch anything in suspension.
Immediately after the darkness came, Zhou Yu lost consciousness.
I don't know how long the time has passed. Zhou Yu’s head hurts a lot, and the sound of the
humming sound is constantly coming. He struggled to cover his head and sat up.
Focusing on the line of sight, he saw Zhou Qing fall to his side. He immediately reached out
and touched Zhou Qing's neck and found his pulse to be stable. Li Qian and Han Li fell to the
other side. There was some blood stain on the forehead of Han Li. It should be when the
magnetic field stopped working. She fell from the suspended state and hit the forehead.
Fortunately, the safety device is still there, otherwise she is sure that her head is blooming.
At this time, Dr. Daniel, who passed out, climbed up. He shook his head: "What?"
"I don't know. And... Wu Yun is gone." Zhou Yu said.
Dr. Daniel clenched his fist and knocked his forehead: "He can't disappear from the air. The
shuttle ship didn't disintegrate in the magnetic field... there is only one possibility, Wu Yun
went out."
Zhou Yu nodded and came to the door, trying to pull the door open.
At the moment when the hatch opened a gap, Zhou Yu suddenly closed the door again.
"What's wrong?" Dr. Daniel asked suspiciously. "What did you see?"
"Perry Winter." Zhou Yu replied.
"What...Perry Winter? So we are now in Nibelungen?" Daniel asked.
"should be."
"Is the destination of the shuttle ship not the research base of Juli Group?"
"The base... seems to have been completely destroyed. I saw the wreckage of the building,
and the bodies of some people."
In the end what happened? They just arrived here, the base was destroyed?
If Wu Yun is waking up earlier than them, then where did he go? Why are you leaving them
"Are you afraid? Dr. Daniel?" Zhou Yu sat by the door.
"Is Perry Winter outside? You think I haven't trained, don't you know what Perry Winter
"Do you know that you can't be afraid?" Zhou Yu told Daniel after closing the door that he
did not want the hormones emitted by his fear to be felt by Perry Winter outside.
"I know. But do you think anyone can do it? Do you know why people are afraid? When you
are scared, the adrenal glands will be arrogant, and you can do everything you can to save
yourself! This is our human biological instinct!"
"I need to go out. The circuit in the shuttle cabin has stopped. We can't contact the other
person. If we have been trapped here, we will suffocate and we can't find a solution. And I
don't know Wu Yun." Where is it, there is no possibility of coming back."
"You are going out? Are you crazy?" Daniel showed an incredible expression.
"Yes, I want to go out. I am better at taking action than passive waiting. Dr. Daniel, Zhou
Qing is very important to me. You are also very important to me. Now Zhou Qing, Han Li
and Li Modest is in an unconscious state. This is good, even if I open the door, they will not
fear, and will not become the goal of Perry Winter. So I need you to calm down."
Daniel took a breath: "I... I don't know how to do it..."
"When you are doing surgery, you should have met a moment of millennium? With the
slightest deviation, your patient will die."
"The surgery is not the same as it is now." Daniel hugged his face. "God, why should I wake
"The operation is the same as now. You can calmly withdraw your feelings at that moment,
and you can do it now. I need you to take care of Zhou Qing for me. You can't die." Zhou Yu
Daniel swallowed: "Well, you give me time..."
Only heard a bang, Zhou Yu turned back and turned, Daniel's heart lifted the moment, the
door was slammed shut.
Daniel's eyes widened, and the speed of this Zhou Yu is too fast, right?
He has not had time to fear, Zhou Yu has already left?
And he is not afraid of Perry Winter outside? If he died outside?

Laws of the Other World Chapter 9:

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When Zhou Yu left the shuttle cabin, he had a clearer understanding of the base.
The area of this base is similar to the one that Zhou Yu first entered. In terms of the extent
of the damage, it should have experienced an explosion.
The wreckage is broken everywhere, and the circuit is completely destroyed. Zhou Yu
wants to find a computer that can be used.
A few Perry Winters wandered aimlessly, they have completed their own hunting, and now
it seems a bit boring.
The site of the base is in an open area, and Zhou Yu can see the existence of the jungle far
away. Picking up your eyes and seeing huge birds hovering over the jungle's sky, as if you
would fly toward it at any time.
Zhou Yu rummaged through the researcher's body, but did not find any tools for contact.
Yes, the researcher uses the computer more than the contact, and the contactor must find
the armed person.
Zhou Yu looked around and surrounded by the group of Perry Winter, a body dressed in
camouflage fell there.
Zhou Yu walked over, half-squatted down, groping on the body, and finally found a broken
contact, completely useless.
Are they so trapped here that they can't contact any of their companions or bases?
The base of Juli Group is more than this one. But if they can't contact the base and let them
send people to rescue, exposed to this dangerous environment, it is only a matter of time
before they are completely destroyed.
"Hey, your courage is really big. Mr. Song told me that you wouldn't be afraid in front of
Perry Winter. I thought he was exaggerating. I didn't expect it to be true."
Zhou Yu turned and saw Wu Yun.
His body is full of weapons and equipment, and he does not know where to find a pair of
sunglasses, added to the top of his head.
"Next." Wu Yun threw something to Zhou Yu. "Although you can control the emotions of
Perry Winter, it does not mean that you can remain calm when facing other creatures.
Perry Winter is not the most terrifying. ""
"what is this?"
"Inhibitors. After the injection, you can guarantee that you will not secrete the trace
hormones that make you marked as prey, no matter how much fear you have for forty-
eight hours."
"Thank you." Zhou Yu put it in his pocket.
"Don't thank me, thank you to the researchers of Juli Group. This inhibitor is a life-saving
symbol for all the field personnel. Most of the bases have been blown up... You don't need
it?" Wu Yun passed his head.
"There are Zhou Qing in the shuttle cabin."
"Okay. Come over and help. This base has been destroyed, we must rush to the next base."
Wu ran away.
“Where is the nearest base from us?” Zhou Yu asked.
"Through the forest you saw, the ‘Devil’s Eye’, it’s not far away.” Wu Yun said it was easy.
"Are you kidding? We all know that these forests are in jeopardy. And the forest is very big.
Can we pass before the night falls?"
If only he and Wu Yun are counted, the two of them have already received specialized
combat training, but what about Zhou Qing? There are doctors and scholars who are free
from the power of chickens.
"So we have to use this guy." Wu Yunyang raised his chin.
Zhou Yu followed Wu Yun through a broken wall and saw an off-road vehicle. It is different
from the car in another world, it is more sturdy and has more features.
"This is a special car for the forest."
"Yes. I put everything I can still use." Wu Yun opened the trunk and had food and water in
addition to weapons. And a black box.
"What is that?" Zhou Yu asked.
“The biological embryos of research that have not been blown up. Although they do not
know what level of organisms, they are the initial state of life for each research base and
have great significance for research.”
"Is it?" Zhou Yu's hand was over the box, and at that moment, it seemed like something
resonated with his heartbeat.
The body fell down for a while, and the nerve seemed to be caught by something.
"Zhou Yu, what's wrong with you?" Wu Yun looked at Zhou Yu with a funny smile. "Don't
lose this stuff. It can save us a lot of things. There are objects that can be studied, and those
research supervisors can also Tell us less about what dangerous creatures to catch. Get on
the bus."
"Does things in the box move?" Zhou Yu asked.
Wu Yun laughed: "How could it move? All the embryos in the box must continue to grow up
in a certain situation and become a mature living body."
"Yes? We must take it with us?"
"What happened to you? Zhou Yu, I thought you were not afraid of anything?" Wu Yun also
put the palm of his hand on the box, his expression as usual, as if nothing was felt.
"Okay, let's go."
"Believe me, if you want to have fewer dangerous tasks in the future, you will be more able
to provide material for those crazy research."
It seems that Wu Yun has quite understood the behavior of Juli Group.
Zhou Yu followed Wu Yun to the car.
Wu Yun ordered a cigarette from where to find it, squatting in his mouth, a look like a fairy.
When they got closer and closer to the group of Perry Winter, Wu Yun pressed a button,
and Zhou Yu’s front □ □ stretched out, the barrel was very long, indicating that the range
was very far.
"Take those Pelly winters to solve. Otherwise we open the hatch, and if those guys are
awake, one of the two scared and screamed, we can't cope with it."
"What is a bullet?"
Wu Yun’s voice just fell, Zhou Yu has pulled the trigger, within five seconds, the few Perry
Winter have fallen, like a domino.
"You are too fast!" Wu Yun's smoke almost fell.
"They are not open in a hundred miles. Even if they miss them, they don't know where we
Wu Yun parked the car in front of the hatch, and Zhou Yuli landed the door and stepped
over to pull the door open.
Dr. Daniel is sitting on the wall. Li Qian and Han Li have already woken up. They should
have heard Dr. Daniel tell them the current situation, holding their arms, fear, especially
Han Li, eyes are already flashing. Moving tears.
Zhou Yu did not talk nonsense with them, took out the injection directly, and briefly
explained its function, then injected the medicine into both of them.
Zhou Yu took a look at Zhou Qing, who was still asleep, and glanced at them: "Why don't
you move? Do you want me to take you out?"
"How do we know which medicine is useful?" Li Qian asked.
"You know when you go out." Zhou Yu’s expression went cold.
Dr. Daniel went on the first step. Li Qian and Han Li battled and went out.
The first thing they saw was the body of Perry Winter.
Han Li's big eyes took a breath and held back without screaming. She and Li Qian hugged
together in the car.
Zhou Yu helped Zhou Qing get on the bus and handed the injection to Daniel: "He will give
him another injection when he wakes up."
"Understand." Dr. Daniel nodded.
When Zhou Qing is not conscious, it is a waste of time.
Wu Yun is still smoking, and Zhou Yu, who is sitting on the side, smashes: "Sorry, my
brother is not good, I don't want him to smoke your secondhand smoke."
"Count you." Wu Yun did not want to shake the window.
They drove to the jungle.
This is not a jungle adventure. Zhou Yu knows that they have to face the dangers except
In the eyes of Li Qian and Han Li, it is like the mouth of the big devil, so they are swallowed
up at any time.
"Who would scream for a while, I used this gun to smash someone." Wu Yun pulled up his
waist and shook his fingers between his fingers.
Han Li and Li Qian were so scared that they leaned back against the back of the chair.
Dr. Daniel, who is measuring the pulse for Zhou Qing, is probably the coolest of them.
Just as their front windows hit the jungle, the countless tiny fingers of the birds were
rushed out. They slammed into the front window, scraped the body and made a sharp
sound, so everyone Covered my ears.
The power of the shock is scary, and the car will be hit at any time.
"That is a d-class creature, called 'Little Fingers'. The name is very cute? Although the risk
factor is only d, it is considered as an individual. The power of the group is huge. Li Qian, if
you have not injected Inhibitors, just outside the car, after they fly, you will probably be
poked into a horse's nest by their mouth. The whole body's blood will also be sucked dry."
Wu Yun seems to like to threaten Li Qian.
This creature is definitely explained when they are trained.
"Why don't you give us a shot like Professor Zhou. At least we won't bother you if we faint."
"Is it? I like you to give me trouble."
"You just got a shot and I got it!" Li Qian clenched his fist and held back the impulse of Wu
"It's a waste of bullets. Don't worry, when the efficacy of your inhibitors goes over, and you
are scared, I will shoot you. It's absolutely fast."
When they entered the forest, they looked up and looked up.
The trees here are very tall, like going to the sky.
The branches are lush and intertwined, and only a few rays of sunlight fall from the gap. At
night, there must be no light here.
These trees have grown for hundreds of thousands of years. Their leaves are very strange,
like smart fingers, sliding across each other as if they were embracing each other.
Various strange creatures look at their cars from different locations.
A muscular animal with six eyes jumped from a height and landed on their roof. They only
heard a loud bang, and the people in the back seat did not start screaming. Wu Yun shook.
Shake the gun in your hand.
"That's just an e-class creature, the IQ is low, not a hunting creature." Dr. Daniel in the back
seat spoke, and he held the hand of Han Li to express his comfort.
At this time, Wu Yun suddenly opened the machine gun and moved the position to the roof.
Zhou Yu’s eyes stared at the sight, decisively pulled the trigger, and violently shot at the
open mouth of the creature.
Several people in the back seat trembled with the sound of bullets.
Soon, the animal fell from the roof, and another large face showed another twisted face.
"If it has another c-class parasite in its body, it is different." Zhou Yu opened.
The parasitic beast is a despicable species of Nibelungen. Once they enter the body of the
host, they can control the actions of the host. Get close to the prey with a harmless body
and then parasitize again.
Li Qian shuddered and said: "We... can we go back to the shuttle cabin? The forest is too
dangerous... please, Wu... Wu boss..."

Laws of the Other World Chapter 10: Double-headed tarantula

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"Wu boss?" Wu Yun stunned for two seconds, haha laughed, almost forgot to control the
steering wheel.
Fortunately, there was a side of Zhou Yu reaching for the steering wheel, otherwise the car
had already hit the tree.
"Li Qian, things are already here, it is better to enjoy."
After that, Wu Yun opened the music on the car and put "itihe".
For Li Qian and Han Li, who are in horror, it is a magical sound that is going to drive them
Zhou Qing's eyebrows, which had been sleeping, trembled, and Dr. Daniel immediately
injected him with an inhibitor.
"You are awake." Zhou Yu looked at the rearview mirror and said.
"What's wrong? Have we arrived at Nibelungen?" Zhou Qing licked his head.
"Yes, our Nibelungen adventure has begun in advance." Wu Yun smiled and put out the
"Should we not be in the base?" Zhou Qing looked out of the car.
The sky is about to dim, the sun is sinking, and everything will fall into the dark.
And the night is brewing a different danger.
Dr. Daniel patiently explained the current situation to Zhou Qing.
Zhou Qing closed his eyes and breathed a breath.
"If I can collect the plant samples here, it would be fine. Unfortunately, I don't have a
“Just like this?” Li Qian looked at Zhou Qing with surprise. “Are you not afraid at all? We are
very dangerous now! We will die at any time!”
“When I accepted the invitation of Juli Group, I was mentally prepared. It is not the best
result, but it is not the worst.”
Zhou Qing replied.
Li Qian looked at Zhou Qing. This guy has heard that he is a very good scholar, but he is
studying plants rather than animals. He is very thin and his body does not look good.
"What is not the worst result?" Li Qian asked.
"First, we are still alive. Second, we are not alone. Third, we are protected by two
experienced combatants..."
"Wait, the experience is me, not including him." Wu Yun pointed to Zhou Yu next to him.
Zhou Yu did not hear it, and Zhou Qing continued: "Fourth, we were injected with
inhibitors, and within 70 hours, we were able to avoid the attack of 70% of the creatures."
Zhou Qing’s voice was thorough and indifferent, and Li Qian’s nervous nerves were
inexplicably appeased.
"Sounds, it seems that it is not that bad." Li Qian breathed a sigh of relief.
"It is 70%." Wu Yun reminded.
At this time, Wu Yun suddenly stopped the car.
"Our good luck... I hope it is not over."
Wu Yun extinguished the lights.
Everyone was nervous, and Li Qian clasped Han Li’s hand.
In the darkness, you can see the vaguely moving outline.
The shadow of the limbs passed over their carriages, and everyone was afraid to make a
Two long faces are clinging to the front window with countless eyes.
"Two-headed tarantula." Zhou Qing whispered.
This name makes Li Qian and Han Li tightly embraced together.
Dr. Daniel looked at the monster and opened his mouth.
"It is reasonable to say that there should be no two-headed tarantulas in the activity." Wu
Yun clenched the steering wheel. "My luck is really bad."
The tarantula is a deformed creature in the eyes of humans. They have two brains but share
one body. The two brains can communicate with each other and use the common body
The two-headed wolf spider has twelve feet, each of which is sharp and can wear ordinary
steel. Unlike Zhou Yu’s spiders in their world, this spider is hermaphrodite and breeds
"Does this guy want to eat us?" Dr. Daniel asked.
"After all, the two-headed tarantula is a visual b-class creature. The fear of the prey can
make the creatures here judge whether the other can become their own prey. For example,
they are not afraid of them. But if you are afraid of them and give them such information,
they will take it for granted that they are stronger than you and judge you as a prey. This is
the biological instinct here. Nibelungen's creatures, hierarchical system far More strict than
the world we are in." Wu Yun replied.
At this time, the two-headed tarantula suddenly raised one foot and squatted on their front
The car trembled fiercely.
Han Li closed his eyes and buried his head in Li Qian’s arms. Li Qian also lowered his head,
stiffened his back, and did not dare to move.
The big power did not even smash the front window.
"Don't underestimate the Juli Group. If the vehicles used in the field are so easy to be
smashed, no research will be done." Wu Yun took a breath, he was about to start a machine
gun, who knows the two-headed tarantula Suddenly the liquid was sprayed and attached to
the machine gun.
"Mom - this stuff is too smart!"
The liquid quickly solidifies, and the card slot of the machine gun and the moving machine
gun are all sealed.
"Your luck is really bad." Zhou Yu replied.
"It...what does it want to do?" Dr. Daniel asked. "Since we haven't released fear messages to
it, it certainly isn't about us as a prey! If you don't figure out why it hit us..."
"It's in the breeding season." Zhou Qing, sitting next to Daniel, said.
"What? Breeding period?"
"It's a belly texture that should have been striped, but now it's wavy, it's the egg that has
formed in the abdomen. It's looking for the right nutrients to lay eggs. Our human protein
content is different from the creatures here, for them In terms of it, it is very 'nutritious'."
Zhou Qing replied.
"How do you know? You are not studying plants?" Wu in the front row went over and
“I have seen all the biological information that has been studied in Nibelungen.”
"Can you remember?" Wu Yun felt incredible. The feet of the two-headed tarantula
slammed on the window in front of him, and the sound was horrible, but Wu Yun did not
"My brother's memory is very good. But he will not forget the information he has read
over." Zhou Yu replied.
"Now is not to praise Professor Zhou, how to solve ... solve the big spider of these two
heads!" Han Li shouted out.
"Hey, the sound is not too big, my head hurts." Wu Yun shook his own □ □, Han Li
immediately shut up.
"What should we do now?" Zhou Yu asked.
"Stay. Wait for it to get tired, it will go." Wu Yun touched his pocket and looked like he was
going to smoke.
"Ah? What?" The people in the back seat are unanimous.
"You don't need to spend the whole night, as long as you are in the same place more than
three hundred, the window will be worn." Zhou Qing said.
"Ah? What?" The people in the back seat were once again in unison.
"Reversing." Zhou Yu calmly opened.
Wu Yun smiled a little: "Well, listen to my partner."
The car suddenly started and quickly withdrew.
The two-headed tarantula did not think of this and fell to the ground, but it quickly caught
Wu Yun’s driving technique was indeed not bad. Instead, he turned over half of the bend
and didn’t hit the tree, and the two-headed tarantula was chasing after him.
"Why does it have to chase us? Are we not afraid?"
"Because the eggs in the stomach can't find nutrition, they will die. And although we did not
release the information of fear, we did not show overwhelming power. This is in the eyes of
the two-headed tarantula, though There are risks, but you can also try it.” Zhou Qing raised
his hand and grabbed the armrest of the roof.
"All said that it is 70% of the case! Now we are in another 30% - the breeding season of the
creature!" Wu Yun did not seem to put life and death in the eye.
The angry two-headed tarantula almost slammed into it, and an old tree was shaken and
"Protecting your own offspring seems to be the same whether in our world or here," Dr.
Daniel exclaimed.
"So we just insist that its eggs die." Han Li gritted his teeth.
Wu Yun did not have time to answer her. With the two-headed tarantula still not turning,
Wu Yun turned to the front of the car, stepped on the accelerator and died.
But the two-headed tarantula did not give up, but chased it up with speed, faster than
before. In order to distinguish the obstacles, Wu Yun once again turned on the lights.
The car was bumping forward, and the surrounding ancient trees were hung with amber-
like things. They were swept by the light of the headlights. Amber was a hollow face. The
liquid secreted by the two-headed tarantula wraps people in. . And each human body is
attached to the eggs of the tarantula, and is taking nutrition.
"I don't want to be like that! I don't want to be like that!" Han Li yelled.
"Crash her for me!" Wu Yun shouted.
"No time." Zhou Yu replied.
These people can still see the researcher's long hair or camouflage.
They should have gone through the virgin forest to the nearest base after the base
explosion, but they ran into this double-headed tarantula, which was unfortunately a
breeding nutrient.
The two-headed tarantula is getting closer and closer, and it suddenly spits out the liquid
and sprays it on the rear wheel.
The car slammed and watched it stop.
"Mom!" Wu Yun whispered a curse.
At that moment, Zhou Yu suddenly opened the door. When the two-headed tarant claws
and clawed his eyes and looked at the door to be turned over, he took out the gun at the
waist and shot it continuously.
The two-headed wolf spider in the middle of the bullet screamed, Zhou Yu violently closed
the door and returned to the car. A pus spouted out and could be said to pass by Zhou Yu.
Everything is quiet.
Wu Yun looked at Zhou Yu sideways and Zhou Yu took the gun back into the holster of the
The gun was found by Wu Yun in the base. He and Zhou Yu were alone. The bullet in the
gun is a special neurotoxin.
The two-headed tarantula has fallen to the ground, just on the back of the car. There are
countless tentacles in Zhang Da’s mouth, just against the rear window.
Dr. Daniel protects Zhou Qing: "You don't have to look back, Professor Zhou."
Li Qian grabbed his mouth.
"Oh, hey, I who want to vomit and go outside to vomit." Wu Yun shook his gun
Li Qian hardly swallowed everything that had reached his throat.

Laws of the Other World Chapter 11: Femme fatale

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"I see your movements are neat and decisive. Wouldn't you have been prepared to do so?"
Wu Yun glanced at the door that was sealed by the mucus of the two-headed tarantula, and
Zhou Yu's side face.
"If it is chasing us and we can't get rid of it, there must always be someone to do this." Zhou
Yu replied that everything seems to be justified.
"People just want to have children, do you need to be so embarrassed?" Wu Yunyang raised
his fingers and pointed behind him.
"Then why don't you roll out and voluntarily give up?" Zhou Yu asked.
"Because I have to drive." Wu Yun answered it for granted.
"I will drive too," Zhou Yu said.
"Well, take a step back and say, you don't need to fire so many guns at the two-headed wolf
spider. This is a waste. Do you know that this neurotoxin is not easy to use? Use a little
less." Wu Yun said .
"I know that it comes from the spinal cord of a certain s-class creature. A few micrograms
can kill other creatures. But I forgot it at the time, I will remember it later. But more
importantly, is our car still moving? ?"
Wu Yun tried to start the engine, trying to get the rear wheels off the binding of the mucus,
but the mucus had hardened and the rear wheel was sealed.
"Mom..." Wu Yun whispered a curse.
"Your luck is really bad. Have you ever thought about changing your name?" Zhou Yu asked.
"Oh, what name should I change?" Wu Yun raised his hand on Zhou Yu's shoulder.
Zhou Yu did not answer him, but waved his hand and said: "We can only stay in the car
now, until dawn to see if the car has been repaired. And those who are evacuated are
impossible. Walk into this virgin forest. Before they are captured by the two-headed
tarantula, should they also drive? We can find their car. If you are lucky, there may be a
"Is luck bad?" Li Qian asked.
"Hiking." Wu Yun replied.
Li Qian really didn't want to hear Wu Yun say anything.
"Now thinking about what is superfluous, it is better to rest well and recharge your
batteries." Zhou Yu closed his eyes and seemed to be sleeping.
"Yeah, except for sleeping, there is nothing else to do." Wu Yun also turned off the lights
and locked the car.
"So... how can I sleep..." Li Qian whispered.
Han Li did not speak, raising his hand to cover his face. She should be crying. After so much
experience, the hair that she had originally put on her back was also messy.
Dr. Daniel did a simple check for Zhou Qing to make sure his brain didn't affect the function
because of this series of shocks and stimuli.
Time passed faster than Zhou Yu imagined, and when the first morning light fell on his face,
he opened his eyes.
I have not seen any threatening creatures around. A few multi-eyed birds stopped on the
tree and looked at them curiously, and there were some unknown small creatures.
Wu Yun also woke up. He took his own cigarette case and was still in the face of Li Qian in
the back seat. Li Qian was shocked and waved: "Don't eat me! Don't eat me!"
He was so troubled that several people in the back seat woke up.
When Li Qian opened his eyes, he saw Wu Yun pulling his mouth and looking at himself.
The subtext was "big stupid."
"Are you resting? Get off!" Wu Yun said.
"What? Get off?" Li Qian suddenly understood the meaning of Wu Yun after a moment of
Their car is broken, and the efficacy of the inhibitors is still there. They must pass the
jungle as soon as possible.
Wu Yun and Zhou Yu have already opened the door, and Zhou Qing did not say anything,
just follow the bus.
The two-headed tarantula was still on the back of the car.
"You have to get rid of this stuff, otherwise our water, food and equipment can't be taken."
Wu Yun said to his head, "But it is too disgusting, I really don't want to touch it."
"That is to ask me to come?" Zhou Yu snorted.
"Who wants you to kill it without finding a good time?"
"Next time, I will give you the important task of finding the right time." Zhou Yu answered.
He took out the rope and bypassed the body of the tarantula. Then he threw the other end
of the rope into a tree, and then slammed it, and the tarantula was dragged down.
With a bang, Li Qian did not dare to look far away.
Wu Yun opened the rear compartment and distributed all the water and food to the backs
of others.
"It’s so heavy..." Li Qian had little exercise, and the water and food pressed against his
shoulders. He almost fell to the ground.
"If you don't move, you don't have to eat, you don't have to drink. But it is better to starve
to death than to be eaten by the creatures here." Wu Yun smiled badly.
Zhou Yuzheng had to take over the things assigned to Zhou Qing, but Zhou Qing refused.
"You have to protect everyone, you should carry something more important."
The group continued to move forward. Wu Yun had enough things back, but he still did not
forget to pick up the box that holds the embryo.
"It seems that the things inside are very important." Zhou Yu glanced at it.
"Haha... everything is important."
As they walked, Zhou Qing observed the surrounding plants.
At this time, Li Qian stepped on something and issued a "ah" sound.
He bowed his head and found that it was a flower that was as transparent as glass.
The petals have been crushed by Li Qian.
"I thought... what dangerous creatures are..."
Just as Li Qian closed his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief, Zhou Qing opened him up: "Be
The things as fine as the silver snake slammed out from the heart of the flower, and only
bite on the nose of Li Qian, and scared Li Qian to scream.
The silver snake shrank back, and there was a build-up of power to pop up, as if Li Qian
would not stop.
"Fast... shoot him to death..."
"No, it will die soon. This is just a revenge on the person who hurts it before he dies." Wu
Yun stood in a cool place not far away.
"What is this... How does it grow inside the flower?"
"You haven't seen Cordyceps?" Wu Yun said with a funny voice, "just like it is an upgraded
version of Cordyceps sinensis."
"Ah?" Li Qian couldn't fully understand.
"This is a unique biological form of Nibelungen. Plants and animals are the same. The name
given by the Juli Group is 'The Snake Beauty.' The risk factor is c, similar to the parasitic
beast. Because plants and animals are the same, So the part of the animal can't escape the
rooted soil of the plant."
"If I can leave, can I still live?" Li Qian did not feel surprised at the unique life form here. He
only sighed that he was still alive.
"Yeah, if you are bitten by it, maybe there will be plants growing out of you." Wu Yun said
with a smile.
"You are scaring again!" Li Qian was bored with Wu’s calculations that night.
"Wu Yun did not scare you, he said it was true."
Zhou Qing carried a heavy backpack and walked through Li Qian without hesitation.
The pedestrians continued to move forward. Surprisingly, they saw a car.
This should be left by the people at the base.
"Great!" Li Qiangang had to walk quickly and was taken back by Dr. Daniel.
Zhou Yu and Wu Yun both pulled out the guns and approached step by step.
The door is wide open.
Wu Yun’s gun pointed to the driver’s seat. Zhou Yu pointed to the passenger seat and found
that there was no problem. They checked the back seat and checked the trunk.
After confirming that there was no problem, Dr. Dan Yun of the Wu Yunchao waved.
They just passed away.
Wu Yun tried to start the car, but did not respond.
"No... Is it necessary to go on?" Li Qian knew that he could not carry such a heavy thing for a
Wu Yun checked the car: "Fortunately, it is estimated that because of the impact of the two-
headed tarantula, some things have fallen off. There are repair tools in the car, Zhou Yu to
help me, the car should be ready to use. Others in place Rest, don't allow to go around, and
don't allow anything to touch. Understand?"
"I still don't want to go!" Li Qian sat down in the same place, looking around, afraid that
something would suddenly come close.
Zhou Qing was the only one who did not sit down. He held his hands, squinted and kept the
distance to observe the surrounding plants.
Dr. Daniel looked at his back with a funny look. Although there was not much time to get
along, Dr. Daniel was very fond of the great professor of botany. He respected Zhou Qing's
professional knowledge and his seriousness and rigor, and also admired his calmness in
times of crisis. One day and one night, he and Zhou Yu have formed a very tacit way to
protect Professor Zhou. Just like now, when Zhou Yu turned his back, Daniel’s eyes had
been watching Professor Zhou. He will not stop him from observing the plants, but he is
always ready to pull him away when the danger comes.
Zhou Qing has been attracted by the texture of these primitive trees. The way they rely on
nutrition is not just photosynthesis. Their bark is not hard, but it is like a layer of skin, and
there are blood vessels and even nerves under the skin.
Closer to him, he seems to be able to hear the soft whispers of these trees.
"Professor Zhou, drink some water." Daniel raised the kettle in the distance.
"Oh, oh, thank you!" Zhou Qing understood that it was Daniel who euphemistically
reminded himself that the trees were too close.
What seemingly harmless creatures may be hiding the crisis.
After taking the water and drinking two, Zhou Qing sat down beside Daniel. He looked up at
the head and looked at the waves and leaves. He was completely impatient. The head was
tired and looked down at the mud on the feet.
The illusion was general, as if there was something around his neck, fiddling with his hair,
sliding over his auricle, and it seemed that something was gently plunged into his arms
from behind Zhou Qing.
At first, Zhou Qing thought it was just a breeze, but gradually he felt like a gentle hand,
slowly covering his back, as if to determine whether the craniotomy had harmed him.
Zhou Qing thought it was Dr. Daniel, but the doctor was counting the water and food in his
backpack and both hands could see it.
Li Qian and Han Li also sat on the other side, as Zhou Yu was still busy with Wu Yun.
Zhou Qing was nervous. He turned back suddenly, but there was nothing.
Zhou Qing exhaled a breath, maybe it was really a breeze, and he was really too sensitive.
At this time, the car seemed to be launched. Dr. Daniel looked over and Han Li and Li Qian
got up excitedly and surrounded them.
"How? Can you open it?"
"Great! Let's get out of here!"
Zhou Qing also stood up, and at that moment, his world suddenly fell into a darkness, and
nothing could be seen.
At that moment, what Zhou Qing’s mind thought was whether his brain glioma was
growing again. I oppressed the optic nerve so I couldn't see it?
"Do you want to see it?" The ethereal and elegant voice sounded.

Laws of the Other World Chapter 12: lake

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Zhou Qing suddenly lived. Who is talking?
He wanted to ask, but he couldn't make any sound.
"Come to me."
The voice was very light and soft, and it calmed Zhou’s nervous nerves.
Zhou Qing’s footsteps were uncontrolled and moved step by step to a direction he did not
When the light suddenly came, he found himself standing on the shore of a lake.
The swaying stalks of the stalks are like to spread to the sky, while the stalks are the fruits
of red and purple, and the fruits glow like a light silver bell.
In his own world, Zhou Qing has never seen such a thorough lake, bowed his head, and
even saw the pebbles at the bottom of the lake.
Zhou Qing knows that beauty is just an appearance. No matter how much you want to reach
out, you can never touch it. It is very likely that there are dangerous creatures in the lake.
He went back and found that the woods were not far away, and he could see the back of
Zhou Yu and Wu Yun repair car.
What is it that attracts him?
Just as he turned around, a figure slowly appeared from the lake and gently slammed on the
Zhou Qing’s pupil was enlarged at that moment.
The wet black hair sticks behind his head and ears. He has white skin, and he has unusual
brilliance under the sunlight. The clear eyes are like this lake, and Zhou Qing will The
thoughts are all inclusive.
He has an illusion that the other person seems to enter his brain through his own sight.
Zhou Qing knows that in Nibelungen, in addition to the Juli Group, there are human words...
that must be the mimicry of s-class creatures.
He did not think that he had seen such a creature at the top of the pyramid so quickly.
Is this his hallucination?
"I am not your illusion." The ethereal voice in my mind sounded.
But the s-class creature didn't talk, so the sound he heard was really an illusion.
"The voice in your mind is not an illusion, but I am communicating with you, not
necessarily through the form of ‘sound.’
The other's lip line is slowly bent.
Zhou Qing is a person who doesn't have much concept about "beauty." Those movie stars
or those who are praised as big beautiful women have no difference in his eyes.
But the creature in front of me is really beautiful. The outline of his facial features, his
expression, is like a perfect dream.
"So what do you attract me, and why? I am your prey? Or am I the nutrients you need to
breed?" Zhou Qing asked in his heart.
He knew that he could hear it even if he didn't say anything.
"Prey? I don't need unhealthy prey. As for the nutrients needed for reproduction, you are
not nutritious enough."
The voice of the other party is a kind of enjoyment, so that Zhou Qing feels like lying in the
wilderness, and opening his eyes is a starry sky.
"Listen, don't eat any blue pills in your pocket."
"Why? If I don't eat, my brain will soon be squeezed by the tumor, and I will die very
"That kind of blue pill can inhibit your body's growth and inhibit your body's function,
causing muscle atrophy. It allows you to overdraw yourself."
Zhou Qing lived, why did the other party know this?
"In this world, there are trace elements in the air that can inhibit tumors in your brain."
“Why tell me this?”
"Because... I really enjoy what you look at me."
His voice is still so slow and soft, as if he had experienced the resurgence of the stars.
"Are you real? Is this really not the hallucination that my brain produces?"
"You can try to touch me and feel like... I am not real." The other side turned his face.
Time is getting slower, just like the mountains covered by the clouds reveal the most
original look.
Zhou Qing is there.
Reason tells him that he can't touch him. No matter how beautiful his appearance, he is not
"What are you afraid of? You have already accepted death. But before you die, can you
touch the s-class creature you want to study, isn't it good?"
Yes, he said nothing wrong. How long can you live if you are extremely careful?
If you die like this, it may be a relief for Zhou Yu. He can leave this dangerous world earlier
and return to a peaceful life.
The list of weeks is kneeling in front of him, slowly extending his fingers toward the other
side, carefully looking at each inch of the skin, and constantly sighing in the heart how the
creator made such a perfect creature. Zhou Qing’s fingertips touched the other’s cheeks,
and the moment of slight trembling felt the warmth of human body temperature.
The other hand extended his hand, the fingers of the hand were slender, and the knuckles
were symmetrical, as if they were meticulously calculated.
Zhou Qing’s heart jumped very fast, and the other person covered his back and gently
pressed it on his cheek.
"Is there any difference between me and you?" He turned his face and his eyes followed, and Zhou Qing’s breathing was there.
"Zhou Qing! What are you doing!"
Behind him came Zhou Yu’s shouts.
Zhou Qing’s shoulders trembled, and everything in front of him disappeared, except for the
squid that swayed in the wind and the lake that had nothing to see through.
"I... I just just take a look..." Zhou Qing stood up.
Zhou Yu buckled with a gun and looked forward to Zhou Qing: "Let's take a look? Is there
anything here?"
"There are strange plants that emit silver bells, and the first lake I saw in Nibelungen." Zhou
Qing smiled reluctantly and seemed to say "You are too nervous."
Zhou Yu looked around after a lap and relaxed a little: "You know you shouldn't leave
everyone's sight. You scared Dr. Daniel. He just looked back and saw us, you are gone."
Dr. Daniel stood not far away and saw Zhou Qing’s peaceful appearance and patted his
"I'm sorry... I watched these plants a bit fascinating, so I came here without knowing it."
"The car has been fixed, let's go back." Zhou Yu took a shot of Zhou Qing's shoulder.
Zhou Qing nodded and followed everyone to the car.
Wu Yun is smoking, Zhou Yu walked over and just about to take his cigarette away from his
mouth. Wu Yun hid the past: "I know, I know, your brother is not good! I will finish it. Let
me not. I can't concentrate on driving and smoking!"
While driving the car, Wu Yun put up the "itihe" again.
Li Qian rolled his eyes and everyone ate the first breakfast after they came to Nibelungen in
the car - compressed biscuits and energy drinks.
With the car, it is estimated that it will pass through the forest before the night falls, which
also makes everyone's mood slightly relaxed.
Han Li and Li Qian began to talk about what they should do if they returned to the original
Dr. Daniel found that Zhou Qing’s face had no expression and seemed to be thinking about
"Professor Zhou, what are you thinking about?"
Zhou Qing looked at Daniel, the other is his own doctor, so it must be quite clear about his
"Daniel, is there any ingredient in my drug that inhibits tumor growth?"
"This is of course."
"What about hormones?" Zhou Qing asked.
At one level, Zhou Qing and Daniel are both scholars. Daniel knows that once a lot of things
are logically flawed, it is impossible to get through Zhou Qing.
Their conversation naturally attracted Zhou Yu’s attention, and Han Li and Li Qian heard
this and also looked over.
If it wasn't for Zhou Qing, Li Qian had already been killed by the "Snake Beauty", so Li Qian
was very fond of Zhou Qing. As for Han Li, as a war doctor, she has seen many people and
many scenes, such as Zhou Qing, such a light person, this makes her very curious.
"Since it can inhibit the growth of tumors, will it also affect my body?"
When Zhou Qing looked at Dr. Daniel, Daniel could feel a force in his sight, deep into his
brain, thorough and firm.
Daniel opened his mouth: "For example?"
"Causes my body muscles to gradually shrink."
Zhou Yu subconsciously clasped his fist.
Dr. Daniel is silent.
Wu Yun in the driver's seat suddenly stopped the car, everyone thought what had
happened, showing a scared expression.
However, Wu Yun just took a picture of the steering wheel: "Hey, Dr. Daniel, there is
nothing to tell the truth. Professor Zhou is very important. If there is any problem with his
medicine that affects his body, I must know. Any possibility here will happen. Affect
everyone's life."
"Yes," Daniel replied. "But such symptoms appear at least a year later. One year... enough
for the Juli Group to complete many groundbreaking studies."
Zhou Yu closed his eyes with force.
Although he was well prepared, he still didn't want to see his brother's pain.
"If my brain glioma begins to grow again, can you do surgery for Dr. Daniel?"
"Of course I will." Dr. Daniel answered with certainty.
"Then I won't take that medicine anymore." Zhou Qing directly threw the blue medicine
bottle out of the window.
"Professor Zhou!" Daniel reached out but did not catch.
Zhou Yu had to get off to pick up the medicine bottle, but he gave up.
"Hey, your brother's medicine..." Wu Yunyang raised his chin.
"No. He has made a decision. I only need to support his decision."
Wu Yun sighed: "There are one more people who need protection in this way."
"Ha? What do you mean?" Li Qian asked.
"To be honest, Mr. Song confessed to me that anyone can die, Professor Zhou can't die.
There are many important studies about plants waiting for him."
"We are so unimportant?" Li Qian was angry. Although he knew that Wu Yun was talking
nonsense, he couldn't help but feel uncomfortable.

Laws of the Other World Chapter 13: Revenge of the two-headed

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"Now Professor Zhou doesn't take medicine, so Dr. Daniel can't die. Because he is dead, no
one can do surgery for Professor Zhou."
Wu Yun smiled and used his elbow to top the side of Zhou Yu.
"I should say thank you Professor Zhou?" Daniel stunned his face with distress. "In fact, I
don't recommend what kind of medicine Professor Zhou has to eat. But Juli Group insists."
“I understand. They don’t just overdraw my time, they also overdraw all my research skills.
I contribute the most research within a limited time frame.”
At this time, Wu Yun suddenly accelerated, and the car galloped away.
Li Qian’s head almost hit the roof.
"Hey! What happened!"
The sound of "Kara Kala" came from behind them.
"My mother! It's a double-headed tarantula... a lot!" Han Li loudly turned back.
More than a dozen double-headed tarantulas jumped between the old trees and chased
" the egg of the two-headed tarantula hatched out last night." Wu Yun bit his teeth and
ran at full speed.
I knew that they should solve all the eggs!
At this moment his attention is so concentrated that once they hit anything, they are
"Do they come to revenge?" Li Qian asked sillyly.
"I thought you would scare screams."
Wu Yun arrived at this time and even had a mood to make a joke.
The on-board machine gun was turned on, and as far as the rear was concerned, Zhou Yu
looked at the scope and started shooting.
Because Wu Yun wanted to avoid all kinds of tall trees, Zhou Yu could not aim at it
More than a dozen bullets were hit and only one hit.
"Do you know that you are wasting bullets!" Wu Yun shouted.
"You have the ability to open a straight line." Zhou Yu answered.
They flew up from the uplifted slopes, and all the people were screaming, including Wu Yun
"We are going to die! This time it is really going to die!" Li Qian did not contribute to the
nose and tears.
The car landed smoothly, and after two turns, it continued to run forward.
The two-headed tarantulas are getting closer and closer, skipping the slopes.
Don't look at them because they are not as good as their parents, but they are extremely
smart and fast.
Zhou Yu exhaled a breath, and in the two seconds that Wu Yun opened the line, he fired two
shots and solved two double-headed tarantulas.
"Good job!" Even Wu Yun could not help but praise him.
Zhou Yu returned with a sentence: "No bullets."
"What? How could there be no bullets!" Han Li’s eyes widened and Li Qian was going crazy.
"The bullet is..."
Wu Yun’s words have not been finished yet, and a two-headed tarantula slammed into the
roof of their car. Fortunately, its size is only a quarter of the size of the parents, otherwise
the entire car has to turn over.
It slammed its claws against the roof of the car, and each one was thrilling. Although I knew
that the car was not so easy to be worn by them, Li Qian and Han Li still looked up at the
top of their heads and looked scared.
Wu Yun suddenly turned the steering wheel and wanted to open it, but only shook it to
Zhou Yu's window.
Just seeing Zhou Yu quickly opened the door, the people in the back seat had not had time
to scream, Zhou Yuli landed a shot and then closed the door "嘭-".
The two-headed tarantula rolled down.
"Do you see more Hollywood movies! How do you always do such a dangerous thing! I will
lock the door next time!"
Wu Yun was not a mother, but he was also frightened. Just know what the two tarantula
spit out, not just Zhou Yu, even Wu Yun has to suffer!
"Then why don't you lock the door? Isn't this the driving chart that should be observed?"
Zhou Yu asked coldly.
The other two-headed tarantulas are still following, with two claws scratching their back
cover from time to time, the sound is like scratching on the nerves, making people crazy.
"What about bullets?" Zhou Yu asked. "I have to fill the machine gun."
"In the trunk." Wu Yun replied.
"You want me to climb out, avoid the attacks of the two-headed tarantula at full speed,
open the trunk, take out the bullets, and climb into the car?" Zhou Yu asked.
"I know that you are very powerful, but I did not expect you to be able to do this?" Wu Yun
looked at Zhou Yu's worship.
"I am driving, you climb out and look for bullets." Zhou Yu replied.
Wu Yun gritted his teeth: "I will say how you might have this ability!"
"Don't make trouble! What should I do now!"
Han Li and Li Qian are going crazy.
At this time, the soft and ethereal voice sounded in Zhou Qing’s mind: "Go to the west."
Zhou Qing lived. It is the sound of the s-class creature. Is he near here? Or did he always
follow himself?
"Go to the west."
The voice sounded again, and the original softness revealed a slight pressure.
Zhou Qing’s eyes appeared in his eyes, seemingly elegant and light, but dragging his soul.
If you only have yourself, Zhou Qing may go to the West for a try, but there are so many
people in the car, how can he take their lives to gamble, should you believe in a s-class
Moreover, the so-called s-class creature is not aware of the illusion caused by brain
tumors... A two-headed tarant slammed into their car, and Li Qian’s head slammed into
the front of the chair and fainted.
"You hesitate, everyone will die. If you try what I said, the result will not be worse."
Zhou Qing took a breath and shouted: "Go to the west! Drive to the west!"
"Why is the west!" Wu Yun shouted.
"Feel!" Zhou Qing replied.
Wu Yun still did not move, Zhou Yu on the side directly turned the steering wheel sideways.
The car went wildly toward the west, with a long string of two-headed tarantula behind it.
"Hey! Hey! Hey! We are so open to the West for no reason!" Wu Yun shouted.
"My brother's feeling, this is not a reason!" Zhou Yu replied.
And in front of them are huge vines entangled in the trees, criss-crossing, almost sealing the
road ahead.
"This is the feeling of your brother! Great! We are finished!"
Wu Yun’s hands left the steering wheel directly.
"Tread your throttle! Rush over!"
Han Li and Li Qian’s eyes widened and they saw that they were going to hit the vines.
But what happened to them was unexpected. The vines that blocked the road made a loud
noise and let the road ahead go away in an instant! Their captain drove straight in.
"Back! Back! These are the devil vines!"
Wu Yun showed a shocked expression.
Although the devil vine is a plant, it is defined as a b-class creature. Studies have confirmed
that the devil vines possess animal nerves and thinking ability. They attack and kill the
creatures that invade their territory, and then open the digestive organs on the surface of
their vines to absorb the nutrients of these creatures.
They operate quickly, have a wide range of attacks, and are extremely aggressive and
If the Devil's Vine is fully photographed, the car they are riding on will be rarity.
A devil vine picked up from the ground and wiped the door of Li Qian's side, slamming a
chasing tarantula.
The two-headed tarantula screamed and was instantly crushed by the devil vine.
"Ah! Ah!" Han Li screamed.
The Devil's Vine quickly flipped and moved, like a huge wave, constantly capturing the cubs
of the two-headed tarantula.
Wu Yun has nothing to do with it, madly stepping on the gas pedal, watching the devil vines
walk out from their front and side, weaving into a huge net, and they walk through the gap.
One after another, the two-headed tarantula was pierced, and some wanted to escape but
were obstructed by the devil vine. In response to the sentence, "Heaven has a way, you
don't go, **** has no door to come in."
But this **** is not only for the two-headed tarantula, but also for them.
Half of the two-headed tarantulas almost fell on their front bonnets, and a devil vine swiftly
passed through and rolled it away.
The whole car walked through the vines, just like entering the devil's esophagus.
The heart is lifted in the air, and the tears of Han Li have fallen. And they are about to reach
the end, there is a huge black rock standing in front!
"Quick stop!"
"The brakes are useless!" Wu stepped on the force, and the speed did not slow down.
"Are you kidding!" Han Li is going crazy.
Seeing that they were about to hit, Han Li was overwhelmed and hugged Li Qian, who had
passed out. Dr. Daniel left the head of Zhou Qing, and the two made a shock-absorbing
But the expected shock did not come.
Their speed suddenly stopped, as if they were caught by something.
Wu Yun’s body swayed violently and almost hit the steering wheel.
Wu Yunyu, who had closed his eyes, opened his eyes and found that their car seemed to be
suspended and stayed in front of the giant rock.
They didn't hit it.
"What happened?" Zhou Yu frowned, and he glanced back, and the chasing tarantulas had
become the food of the devil vine.
This feast, they are like visitors who strayed into it.
"The car stopped?" Han Li looked out at the window.
"Don't move." Zhou Yu opened the way.
The wheel is still idling in midair. What stopped the car?
"Devil vine." Wu Yun said.
"They... Do you want to drive the car and get us out?" Han Li asked violently.
"It is very possible." Wu Yun is still the same, he looked for a long time from his pocket,
only to remember that his cigarette case has long since fallen.
"What are you going to do?" Zhou Yu asked.
"Of course it is the last cigarette in my life. Maybe Nicotine can still faint these devil vines."
No one appreciates the humor of Wu Yun.
"Without the two-headed tarantula, and the devil's vine, Nibelungen is so beautiful." Dr.
Daniel sighed. "Professor Zhou, are you okay?"
"I'm fine." Zhou Qing straightened up.
Then a loud noise, their wheels did not turn.
"What happened? What happened?" Han Li whispered and asked.
"The devil vine destroyed the engine." Zhou Yu replied.

Laws of the Other World Chapter 14: incubation

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"Can you shoot them?" Dr. Daniel asked.
"Too much, the bullets are obviously not enough. But suicide is enough." Wu Yun replied.
The cabin is quiet.
Wu Yun looked back at Han Li: "I thought you would cry and say that you want to go home
or I don't want to die here."
"...This road is my own choice. Even if the tears are drained and I have to go to gamble, I
have to finish myself." Han Li took a deep breath and looked at Li Qian next to her eyes. "I
suddenly envied. This guy is fascinated and everything goes."
"I can also stun you."
Wu Yun’s voice just fell, and their car slowly lowered its height and landed steadily on the
Everyone held their breath and didn't dare to speak.
The sound of the devil's vine moving from the body, "screaming and snoring", does not
meet the fast-paced style of the devil vine.
They seem to be very careful and cautious, afraid of hurting anything.
Then the car shook and the devil vine left the bottom of the car.
No one dared to move, almost a minute passed, nothing happened.
"Does they give up on us?" Han Li asked.
"I don't know, but this does not meet the habit of the devil vine." Wu Yun replied.
"Don't you think that the devil vine is actually saving us?" Dr. Daniel asked.
"No, what makes you have such a fairy-tale idea?" Wu Yun asked with a funny smile.
"First, when we rushed into the devil vine, they all let go. With the speed of the devil vine,
the probability that we will not hit one, how big?" Zhou Yu asked.
"Yes, this is impossible," Wu Yunyu raised his eyes. "Second?"
"Second, the devil vines are hunting the two-headed tarantulas that are chasing us from
beginning to end, but they turn a blind eye to us. We can even say that we are especially
allowed to let us keep moving forward. This kind of 'courtesy' is a coincidence. ?"
Everyone exhaled a breath.
"Third, we almost crashed, but the devil vine stopped us. By the way, the engine was dealt
with, and we couldn't possibly hit anything." Zhou Yu finished, he opened the door and
went out. .
"Hey! Zhou Yu!" Han Li worried.
Zhou Yu stood there, half a minute passed, nothing happened.
And the devil vines were so quietly entangled in the old trees that they didn’t move at all.
Wu Yun patted his head: "Well, you are always surprised."
Zhou Yu looked at Zhou Qing. The eyes of that doubt made Zhou Qing not open his eyes.
This car is not a fool, they all remember that Zhou Qing asked them to open the territory of
the devil vine to the west.
But many things, Zhou Qing does not say the reason, they will not ask again. After all, being
alive is the most important thing. And now is not the time to ask. Zhou Qing is a botanist.
Maybe he knows more about the habit of the devil vine than those of them. For example,
compared to them, Devil Vine prefers food like the two-headed tarantula.
"Now we have to hike again. And before dark, absolutely can't go out." Wu Yun shrugged
his shoulders helplessly.
"Would you change your name?" Zhou Yu asked, opening the trunk, filling his guns and
putting all the magazines on.
"Changed to 'good luck'?" Wu Yun also began to pack up ammunition.
Dr. Daniel distributes food and water to everyone.
What makes everyone more worried now is the efficacy of their inhibitors. The efficacy has
passed, and if it has not arrived at the base, the result will be very tragic.
Wu Yun handed a medicine box to Dr. Daniel: "Everyone allocates a potion. If you lose it,
you are responsible for it, no wonder others."
Dr. Daniel took the last potion to Wu Yun and Zhou Yu: "There is only the last one. How do
you divide the two?"
Zhou Yuyang raised his chin: "Give Wu Yun."
"You don't need it?" Dr. Daniel asked in surprise.
"I still have one." Zhou Yu opened his pocket and gave the other party a look.
But Wu Yunxi lived: "This is what I throw at you at the ruined base. Have you been
"Yes, I am useless. If necessary, I will leave it to Zhou Qing."
"This way haven't been afraid?" Wu Yun's eyes widened.
"I control very well."
"I don't understand, how did you do it?" Wu Yun smashed Zhou Yu's collar. "Are you
Superman? Or a monster?"
"Just do it once. Just once you ignore the fear, you can do it for the second time, the third
Zhou Yu looked directly at Wu Yun’s eyes and did not waver.
"I don't believe. Fear is the instinct of human beings. What are you thinking about in your
mind?" Wu Yun's eyes narrowed.
He wants to see through Zhou Yu, but Zhou Yu seems to have been so simple and clear,
there is no need for him to think deeply.
"When you know that some things must be done even if they die, there is nothing to fear.
And there are other feelings that are more powerful than fear." Zhou Yu replied.
"for example?"
"For example, anger. For example, you must say to yourself that you must live."
Wu Yun stunned, and he let go of Zhou Yu’s collar: “It’s crazy to be a partner with you.”
"I thought you would say it was a very exciting thing."
Wu Yun snorted: "I still be optimistic about your brother. Our sixth experience of Professor
Zhou Da is unexpectedly good."
"All the so-called 'sixth senses' are hints of the brain after experience and knowledge
accumulation. Zhou Qing studied so many Nibelungen creatures, he saved everyone with
his sixth sense, not surprising. ”
Zhou Yu looked at the direction of Zhou Qing. His expression is quiet.
When Zhou Qing will belong to his food and water on his back, he said "thank you" in his
And the familiar voice recalled again: "That is my honor. You will leave this forest safely
and without any problems."
That is a promise.
Zhou Qing’s fingers trembled. That is to say, all this is really not their own illusion. In the
world of Nibelungen, the hierarchy is quite strict. S-class creatures are above other
creatures and have control over the same type of creatures below them. The devil vine
must have saved them under the control of the s-class creature.
"You saved us, then what do you need me to do for you?" Zhou Qing questioned in his heart.
He thought that the other party would answer himself. But after ten seconds passed, no one
Did the s-level creature leave his brain?
Or, as a higher creature in the world, he is watching with a detached gaze that they are
struggling to survive in this world. All this is just a pastime for him?
At the moment, when Wu Yun lifted the box containing the embryo, the box suddenly
"Oh my God! What is it!" Han Li was shocked.
Zhou Yu immediately lifted it and grabbed it.
"Hey! Look at your prospects! Just aim at the box, don't aim at me!" Wu Yunsheng was
afraid to be hit by Zhou Yu.
"What's going on? What's in the box? Why are you squatting all the way?" Dr. Daniel came
"Biological embryos." Zhou Yu replied.
"What? You still carry a biological embryo! Do you still think we are not dead?" Han Li felt
that she was going to a mental hospital.
"What do you want to say, look scared!" Wu Yun said helplessly.
"Put the box down." Zhou Yuyang raised his chin.
"Okay. Ok." Wu Yun slowly lowered his body and placed the box on the ground.
"Open it." Zhou Yu said.
"Do you ask me to open it? If it bites my head?" Wu looked at Zhou Yu with "How can you
be so ruthless"?
"By biting off his head or being smashed by me, you choose." Zhou Yu’s eyes are "this box is
what you have to squat, you have to be responsible for it."
"You are really a tyrant!" Wu Yungang wanted to open the box, but Han Li did not agree.
"If it is a double-headed tarantula."
"I will kill it." Zhou Yu said coldly.
"And, Wu Yun, you are carrying this box all the way, don't tell me you don't know what type
of creature is inside." Daniel looked at Wu Yun with suspicion.
Wu Yun exhaled a breath: "See the color of this box? Black box."
"Belongs to the color that must be safely transferred." Zhou Yu replied.
"So I am just performing the tasks we have to perform." Wu Yun shrugged his shoulders.
"In this way, it is likely to be a b-level or even a-level creature?" Han Li nervous.
"Is it maybe s-level?" Wu Yun spread the stall.
“Juli Group should not be able to cultivate s-class creatures,” Dr. Daniel replied. “And the
value of the embryo is very high. Even embryos of b-class organisms should be important
for studying the origin of Nibelungen’s life. The meaning. Just... Does it hatch? The embryo
should be dormant..."
"This body type is not likely to be a creature above level b." Zhou Qing said.
Zhou Qing’s words made Han Li breathe a sigh of relief.
"Wu Yun, you don't open it anymore, it will die inside." Dr. Daniel reminded.
"Is it not better to die inside?" Han Li is still very nervous.
"Okay, okay, I open it."
Wu Yun's fingers buckled on the edge of the box and turned it toward Zhou Yu. If there are
any dangerous creatures, they will be shot by Zhou Yu.
"one two Three!"
When the box was opened and the breath was held, Zhou Yu saw a pair of clear, amber
eyes, unmoved and innocent.
"Well? What is this?"
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Laws of the Other World Chapter 15: small thing

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A long, small thing like a dragon in a Western fantasy movie sits inside, and it has a sticky
liquid. The difference is that it has black fluff on its back. The ear hangs down pitifully.
"What the **** is this?" Han Li squinted his head.
The little thing also looked at Han Li with a look of his head, and his face looked curious. Its
expression was like a smirk.
"Zhou Yu, is it killing it... or not killing it?" Wu Yun asked.
"What level of creature is this?" Zhou Yu asked.
Everyone looks at Zhou Qing, who is the one who knows the most about Nibelungen's
Zhou Qing was close to some, stopped at Zhou Yu's side, and carefully observed the little
guy with his eyes open.
"As far as the body type is concerned, it is not a big body, it is much smaller than the cubs of
the two-headed tarantula... It should be below the c-class creature."
"And the length is not very good-looking. Is it far worse than the snake-beauty beauty?"
Han Li is also close to observing it. "Remember the second rule of survival that Wu Yun
said, the more beautiful the more dangerous the creature. It The adjective from 'beautiful'
is too far..."
"So, do you think Perry's winter is beautiful?" Wu Yun asked.
Han Li did not speak. A ugly creature may not be safe, but a beautiful creature must be
"If you don't plan to take it, just throw it here. If you want to take it away... please clean it
up. It's dirty."
Wu Yun showed his disgusted expression. "It looks like a sticky nose..."
Realizing that there were people behind the box, the little things turned around, and the
two claws squatted on the box, looking at Wu Yun, making a slight "Hm?"
"I rub... Please don't look at me with such innocent eyes. I will feel guilty!" Wu Yun squinted
his eyes.
"We are all difficult to protect ourselves, but also have pets?" Han Li asked, she glanced at
the little guy and sighed again. "Well... like this c-level creature, even parents. None of
them... It is estimated that it will soon become the food of the devil vine."
"Women are easy to sympathize with the flood." Wu Yun shook his head.
Zhou Yu, who had both hands holding the gun, released one hand. He crouched down and
rubbed the ear of the thing with his finger.
It didn't stand still, and immediately sat back on the ground, his little paws waving his ears
and squinting his eyes and showing a silly expression.
"Oh, God, it's best to be like a child who just gave birth... Whether it's killing it or throwing
it here is like a crime..." Han Li breathed out.
"Then wipe it clean." Wu Yun licked his mouth.
As an old fritter, he doesn't think that this creature is dangerous, and most of them are
really not dangerous.
"What to rub?" Zhou Yu asked. "Otherwise, you took off your clothes and used it."
"Go to you." Wu Yunbai took a look at Zhou Yu. "I know that you are good at my body, but
now I am not going to show it to everyone."
Han Li ignored Wu Yun and handed the silk scarf on his neck to Zhou Yu: "There is only
Zhou Yu stepped forward, picking up the ears of small things, and the liquid dripping on his
body fell.
"Zhou Yu, you are gentle, it will hurt!" Han Li nervous.
Zhou Yu bowed his head, and the little guy didn't seem to feel pain. Instead, he swayed
himself, and opened a row of transparent little wings on his back. He fanned up and had a
super-pleasing expression.
The little guy shakes himself, and the dirty things are shaking off.
Zhou Yu touched it and found that the black soft hair on the back was like a satin. When he
touched it, Zhou Yu’s original chilly heart was inexplicably soft. The translucent little wings
on the back also passed Zhou Yu's fingers over and over again, as if expressing his affection
for Zhou Yu in a way that belongs to it, weak, like spoiling.
"It seems to regard Zhou Yu as its mother?" Wu Yun was stunned. "Who is the first person
he wants to see is Zhou Yu?"
Zhou Yu did not pay attention to Wu Yun, and the silk scarf given by Han Li took the little
thing and hung it directly at the waist.
Zhou Yu’s heart is strange. Usually he. I am never willing to take such a small trouble on the
Li Qian is still lying there. Wu Yun directly jumped forward to wake him up.
"Is it still faint? Do you think I will carry you on the road?"
Li Qian was stunned and his face was white. The atmosphere did not dare to make a noise.
He could only climb up from the ground.
The group began to walk again. In addition to Zhou Yu and Wu Yun, the physical fitness of
other people is average, and carrying so many things can not go too fast.
Fortunately, the surrounding devil vines seemed to be kneeling in front of them, and they
didn’t move.
"Before tonight, I can't get out of this wood." Daniel wiped the sweat from his face.
"Don't touch anything, even a small flower with a small flower." Wu Yun once again
reminded, "especially you, Li Qian."
"Know it..." Li Qian’s shoulder bag was sorely pressed. He didn’t want to touch anything,
just wanted to sit down and rest.
After more than an hour, they finally got out of the territory of the Devil Vine.
Everyone exhaled, because they were carrying weights, Li Qian was shaking every time
they took a step.
"Five minutes in place."
Wu Yun’s voice fell, Li Qian and Han Liru were stunned, sitting directly on the ground,
taking apart the compressed biscuits and water.
Zhou Yu did not sit down. He doesn't feel tired, but nutrition and moisture must be added.
He took apart the compressed biscuits and took a bite to observe the situation at any time.
I don't know why, after leaving the Devil's Vine, I saw almost no creatures along the way.
Even those d-class creatures that are not aggressive are not seen.
Zhou Yu glanced at Zhou Qing. He knew that his brother must have something to look at
him, but he did not intend to tell him.
He knows Zhou Qing's character too well, unless Zhou Qing wants to say it, even if a shot
collapses his head, he will not say a word. What made him make a "westward" judgment?
That was not a "feel", and Zhou Qing was very firm and sure at the time.
The little thing at the waist moved, soft and warm. Zhou Yu bowed his head and looked at
the eyes of the little thing. Big and bright, like... a coquettish baby.
It looked at Zhou Yu’s compressed biscuits and looked forward to it.
Good to eat.
Zhou Yu smiled in his heart and shook his finger at the top of his head.
The little thing opened his mouth, just like the little milk dog waiting to eat meat bones, but
Zhou Yu was delayed in sending the biscuit into its mouth.
"Hey, you bully it like that, be careful to retaliate against you."
After Wu Yun’s teasing was finished, Zhou Yu felt a pain in his fingertips, followed by a
current flowing deep into his body along his fingers, rushing down the nerve line, rushing
into the depths of his brain, encroaching on each of him. cell.
He took a sigh of relief, and the nerves that had been tightened seemed to be comforted and
generally become lazy.
After coming to Nibelungen for so long, he never felt so relaxed.
Even at such a heart-warming moment, Zhou Yu knew that the little thing had bitten his
finger and was sucking his own blood.
No... no more can you sink like this...
Zhou Yu’s thinking is plunging into another world that is wrapped in warmth.
That is the ultimate temptation.
It is not money, not fame and fortune, but the satisfaction of the heart.
Zhou Yu clenched his teeth and violently pulled himself away from that feeling. His
shoulders trembled and he lowered his head and opened his own thing. I didn't expect the
guy to let go of his mouth.
"Zhou Yu! You are fine!" Zhou Qing discovered that Zhou Yu was bitten by a small thing and
rushed over to check.
No matter how harmless the little thing looks, no one knows how it will affect Zhou Yu once
the wound has appeared.
Will it cause inflammation? Will there be any parasites that pass through the wound into
the body of Zhou Yu? Will there be any virus?
The little things saw that Zhou Yu was angry, and immediately buried his head in the silk
scarf to hide.
Zhou Yu lifted his finger and looked at it and found that there was no wound.
"Great..." Zhou Qing exhaled.
However, Zhou Yu is very sure that his finger has been bitten by just now, and he can feel
the feeling that the blood is sucked out by the other side.
And... the illusion of appeasement and calming effect, Zhou Yu had to suspect that this little
thing was hunting.
Why are there no wounds?
Zhou Yu pulled the little thing out of the silk scarf, and the little thing was unwilling to
dodge. Zhou Yu grabbed its neck.
"Hey! Zhou Yu! Are you going to kill it?" Han Li rushed over.
Dr. Daniel stopped Han Li: "Zhou Yu seems to be bitten by it."
"It... will bite?"
"What's so strange." Wu Yun shrugged his shoulders. "Hey, Zhou Yu, you're fine. If there are
any parasites coming into your body, don't blame me for a gun crash."
Although Wu Yun has a smile on his face, his eyes are not joking.
The little things were pulled by Zhou Yu, revealing a poor expression.
But Zhou Yu had no soft heart. He opened the mouth of the little thing with his other hand.
He had to determine if there were any teeth in his mouth.
Zhou Qing understood what Zhou Yu was doing, and he also came forward to observe it
carefully. Zhou Yu put his finger into its upper jaw, topped it, the inside was warm and soft,
and the rest was soft.
Maybe it will grow teeth, but at least not now.
Zhou Yu let go of his hand, and the little thing closed his mouth and looked at Zhou Yu with
aggrieved eyes.
"Hey, it shouldn't bite you, just **** your finger? Look at you nervous." Wu Yun said with a
funny voice.
Laws of the Other World Chapter 16: Bright Eyes
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Zhou Yu walked past Wu Yun's side, his eyes coldly passing his face: "So who said that if I
was parasitized, would it be a shot?"
"Okay, okay...sorry!" Wu Yun raised his hands and followed Zhou Yu. "This is the charter of
action. Did you also learn when you were training?"
"Reassure, wait until you are bitten by what d-class creatures, I will implement the action
charter and shoot you."
Five minutes later, Li Qian reluctantly got up and the group continued to move forward.
Zhou Yu walked, and looked down at the little guy at the waist. It seems to have been hurt
in general, has been shrunk there, and has not moved.
Zhou Yu poked it with his finger and whispered: "It won't be dead."
I didn't expect the voice to fall. The little things turned from the silk scarf and looked at
Zhou Yu with the expression of the complaint. It seemed to say: "You hurt me, why don't
you apologize!"
Zhou Yu smiled inexplicably.
He suddenly thought that when he was a child, there was a big man who always liked to
bully Zhou Qing at school. Once Zhou Yu directly smashed him. The next day, the big man
saw Zhou Yu’s expression in school exactly the same as this little thing.
Zhou Yu ignored it, but continued to move forward.
As the evening is approaching, Dr. Daniel reminds everyone to inject inhibitors.
"Zhou Yu, don't you?" Wu Yunyang asked the needle.
"No." Zhou Yu's expression has not changed.
"Well, no matter what you encounter, don't be afraid. There are enough oil bottles here, I
am afraid I can't save you."
"Mind your own business."
Night is not suitable for moving on, and Li Qian does need to rest. Going on, Zhou Qing will
Li Qian and Han Li leaned back, and Li Qian’s arm just fell on Wu Yun’s face and was pushed
away by Wu Yun.
Don't look at the usual Li Qian hates Wu Yun, but at this time, he still only has a sense of
security in the vicinity of Wu Yun, the old fritter.
"Zhou Yu, do you know? I have never slept in the virgin forest, and I have exposed myself to
Wu Yun closed his eyes and said to Zhou Yu, who was opposite him.
"You can rest assured that if you are in danger, I will not save you."
"Because it becomes a drag bottle will hurt your self-esteem. It is more important to
protect your self-esteem than your life." Zhou Yu held his arm and closed his eyes.
"You still protect my life."
The temperature difference between day and night is still there. The only thing that is
fortunate is that the old tree shrouded also retains the rest of the day, not too cold.
Li Qian and Han Li have been together.
Zhou Yu took off her coat and covered it on Zhou Qing. Zhou Qing, who is too tired and
nervous, has fallen asleep. Zhou Yugang turned over and pressed the little thing.
It dissatisfied with the head of Zhou Yu, although there is no power, but at least let Zhou Yu
remember its existence.
Zhou Yu hugged it and looked at it with his eyes open.
Under the shallow moonlight, its black soft hair seems to be shining with silvery light, the
translucent wings are slowly fanning, the wind is flowing, and Zhou Yu's hair is swaying
over and over again.
It seems to have another, clearer world in its eyes, quiet and peaceful.
Zhou Yu smiled.
He felt strange in his heart, why did Wu Yun and Han Li think that this little guy is ugly?
When you grow up, maybe you will become some kind of elegant and noble creature...
Then Zhou Yu felt that she was also very funny. It was like a dad holding his own child and
imagining his future.
Suddenly, the little thing spit out the tongue naughty, just past the tip of Zhou Yu’s nose.
Soft, gentle, just like Zhou Yu's first touch on it.
He knew that he could avoid it, but he didn't know why, he forgot the moment he looked at
his eyes.
Zhou Yusong took his hand.
The little guy was wrapped in silk scarves and fell to Zhou Yu’s chest.
Zhou Yu turned over and it fell off, but struggled but was not freed from the silk scarf.
Zhou Yu stretched out his fingers, and each time he slipped through the black fluff on his
"Well..." The little guy actually narrowed his eyes and rolled over, revealing his belly, as if to
say "I also touched me here."
Zhou Yu couldn't help but think of a Hucksman he had ever raised. Every time I take a
shower, it will lie on the tile floor and turn the belly over, meaning "to give me a good
punch here too."
Zhou Yu licked his belly with his fingers. It even hit a cockroach, and then looked at Zhou
Yu with an expression of dissatisfaction.
This made Zhou Yu interested. He used his fingers to fiddle with its small wings, and it
swayed happily.
"Hey, don't play until you sleep." Wu Yun opened his eyes and reminded him.
"Yeah." Zhou Yuchao made a squeaking gesture. But it doesn't understand what it means, looking at Zhou Yu with his head, and
constantly using his own back to arch Zhou Yu's fingers.
"It seems that it really likes your finger. You might as well try to give it to your fingers,
maybe it will go to sleep." After Wu Yun finished, he turned around.
Zhou Yu’s finger clicked on the tip of his nose, and then the palm of his hand covered his
back. It gently plucked its wings, as if it was afraid to hurt Zhou Yu, it liked the temperature
of Zhou Yu's palm, gave a whisper, and then contained Zhou Yu's index finger.
At that moment, Zhou Yu was nervous. He just had to take back his finger and felt his
tongue touched it. He carefully wrapped Zhou Yu’s fingers as if he was begging and staying.
At the moment when Zhou Yu was soft, the pain of the fingertips came, and he confirmed
that he was bitten again.
Zhou Yu wants to take back his fingers, but then the kind of relaxing joy is as if the pores of
the body are open to meet the oxygen in the air.
His heartbeat is so flat, his mind is like flowing into a warm and wide ocean.
What the **** is going on... It must have bitten me... It must have bitten me... It is sucking my
Zhou Yu gritted his teeth and yanked his fingers back. He looked at the moonlight carefully
and looked hard, but his fingertips were not even the wounds of the needle eye size.
what's the problem?
The little things seemed to be sleepy, half-opening, and a steady breath.
Zhou Yu squinted and carefully opened his mouth.
Still nothing.
Can it hide its teeth?
What is it?
The little things moved a bit, seemingly because they felt too cold, and huddled into Zhou
Yu’s arms.
The feeling of softness, warmth and weakness once again occupies the feeling of Zhou Yu.
It seems to know very clearly how to make others soft.
This is the most terrible thing.
Zhou Yu licked his fingers and didn't feel any pain. This makes Zhou Yu begin to doubt, is
there any special ingredients in the saliva of this little thing, can it produce paralysis effect?
Of course, these are Zhou Yu’s conjectures.
Thinking about it, Zhou Yu fell asleep.
At the same time, Zhou Qing slept very well.
Between the vagueness, he felt that something was gently touching his forehead, and even
the nose was a refreshing and refreshing breath.
Zhou Qing wanted to turn over, but he felt something is describing the curvature of his
brow bone. He opened his eyes and suddenly realized that the face on the lakeside
appeared in front of him.
Taking a breath, Zhou Qing's pupil was enlarged at that moment.
The other person's finger is between the lips, indicating that he is quiet.
"No need to talk, I know what you are talking about."
The voice sounded like the elf in the movie "The Lord of the Rings" and couldn't stand in
Zhou Qing's mind.
Zhou Qing looked at each other's eyes, thinking is like entering another world.
He was curious about his appearance.
The other party smiled, and the curvature of the eyebrows made it impossible for Zhou
Qing to remove his eyes.
Is this the charm of s-class creatures?
Just why did he choose himself?
"You are thinking again. You should think about something more valuable."
That voice sounded again. Zhou Qing subconsciously followed. He hopes to hear more of
the voices of the other party.
Even if it is just an illusion in my mind.
The heart is leaping vigorously, and the blood is rushing.
Zhou Qing’s line of sight cannot depict the other party.
He subconsciously asked in his mind: What should I think about more valuable?
"Like the nerves of these plants, such as how they evolved, from the embryos of plants to
the tumors in your brain, like... me."
Zhou Qing’s eyes widened and looked at each other.
"Everything will be fine. When you accept the world with the simplest purpose, the world
will give you back to me. Good night, Zhou Qing."
Just a blink of an eye, everything disappeared.
Zhou Qing raised his hand and gently rubbed his heart.
In the end, the s-class creature really appeared in front of himself, or... He just created a soft
illusion for himself?
Just as Zhou Qing turned over, he suddenly realized that he seemed to hold something in
his hand.
He slowly opened his fingers and found that it was a pale blue, glassy fruit.
Then he was shocked by the whole person.
He remembers this fruit, and he even read the limited information about it thousands of

Laws of the Other World Chapter 17: The fruit of Elpis

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Its name is "Erpis", once it grows, it is a class A creature.
The name "Erpis" is taken from the goddess of hope in Greek mythology. She was locked in
Pandora's treasure box. When the box was opened, various disasters flew out, only Elpies
stayed in the box. in.
As a class A creature of Nibelungen, it has a very rich nerve, although it does not have the
so-called "brain" of human beings but has the ability to think and perceive complexly.
When Zhou Qing saw the data of this creature, there was a feeling that it would become a
breakthrough to cure his brain tumor.
Juli Group has been working in Nibelungen for many years. The special plant of Elpis has
always been one of the focuses of their research, but they have not only had no chance to
get its fruits and seeds, let alone sampling.
At this moment, Zhou Qing’s hand actually holds its fruit?
It was not an illusion just now.
That s-level creature has really come!
But why is his purpose of helping himself like this?
Well, no matter what his purpose is, he has nothing to be taken away by the other side.
If it is for his life, he can give him... there is nothing unfair, and it will not be a pity.
Instead, he is grateful to him.
The aroma that Elpis exudes seems to have the effect of calming the nerves. Zhou Qing felt
that his thoughts were galloping on a wilderness, running with the wind, and being free.
He fell asleep.
"Zhou Yu! Zhou Yu! Wake up!"
Someone was slaping Zhou Yu’s face, Zhou Yu slammed up and almost knocked Wu Yun’s
"My God, you can sleep really hard. Even Dr. Daniel wakes up earlier than you." Wu Yun
looked at Zhou Yu and raised his hand to cover his forehead.
"What's wrong?" Zhou Yu asked.
"Nothing, I thought you had a fever. But your body temperature is normal."
Wu Yun got up and woke up Han Li and Li Qian.
Zhou Yu licked his face and he felt incredible.
How is this going? Did you sleep so hard?
Obviously, he was a very alert person. After closing his eyes last night, he was not at all
Look down at the little thing, it is sleeping very well, no reaction.
"Hey, if you think it has a problem..." Wu used his gaze to hint at Zhou Yu's gun.
"I thought you would say that you must bring it back to the base study."
"I mean this. Even if you think it has a problem, we have to bring it back to the base. It has a
high research value." Wu Yun nodded.
Zhou Yu did not want to pay attention to him, put the little thing directly into the silk scarf,
kneel on the waist, and continue to move forward. He looked at Zhou Qing.
I don't know if it was because of the night's sleep, Zhou Qing's spirit seemed to be much
better than yesterday. Not only the spirit, but even the face is not so pale.
"Professor Zhou, you can give me something. I will help you back." Dr. Daniel proposed.
"No, thank you. I think it's okay today." Zhou Qing is not only grateful to Dr. Daniel, but
even more grateful.
The spirit of Li Qian and Han Li is obviously not as good as that of Zhou Qing. Both of them
are bowing their heads and squinting.
Wu Yun came to them and clap his hands and said, "Hey! Get up! Come and get out of here
"Actually, our luck is really good. I have not been attacked by dangerous creatures all
night," Dr. Daniel said.
Li Qian and Han Li nodded and felt that their luck was too good, but Wu Yun and Zhou Yu
looked at Zhou Qing.
Zhou Qing knew very well that most of the peace of the night was because the s-class
creatures were protecting them, but they could not tell everyone.
One will cause panic. Secondly, Zhou Yu’s character will definitely want to protect him and
interrupt his relationship with the s-class creature.
However, Zhou Qing does not want this to happen. He hopes to know more about that s-
class creature.
Not only because of the scholar's curiosity, but also because he longs for the other side in
the depths of thought.
He and the s-class creature seem to have some kind of resonance.
He wants to maintain this unique tacit understanding. Even the ending is that he becomes
the prey of the other side.
"Probably because we have injected inhibitors and did not emit any hormones that are
labeled as prey." Zhou Qing replied.
"Maybe." Zhou Yu regained his sight.
"Well, don't waste time, keep going." Wu Yun sees Zhou Yu does not seem to be looking for
an answer, then it does not make sense to stick to it.
"Are you sure that we are in the right direction?" While walking, Li Qian did not ask Wu
Yun very surely. Wu Yun raised his hand and glanced at his watch. A special compass was
installed on his watch. With the magnetic field of Nibelungen, the direction can be
"Our direction is right, but in order to avoid the double-headed tarantula, we have gone
around the road." Wu Yun replied.
"I won't go out until tonight?" Han Li asked with great concern.
Wu Yunben thought that his answer would make everyone very nervous, but I did not
expect that Li Qian and Han Li, the two most ups and downs, were quite calm.
They walked for a while, and the little guy at Zhou Yu’s waist arched and seemed to wake
up. It poked his head out of the silk scarf, staring at the big eyes and looking up at Zhou Yu.
"Hey, it woke up!" Han Li walked to Zhou Yu and touched the top of his head with his
It turned to look at Han Li, the expression was like a smile, its tongue tipped on the back of
Han Li's hand, and then went to the brain to lick it, like a little lazy cat.
Han Li was also amused by it: "You said that we should give it a name?"
"If you look at it all black, don't pull a few, it's better to call it a black coal ball!" Wu Yun's
serious proposal.
Han Li directly gave him a look: "What is this name?"
"Calling Xiaohe is good." Li Qian also came to join in the fun. "Is you hungry?"
After that, Li Qian also shook the half-compressed biscuit that had not been eaten before it.
The little guy’s head turned to the left with Li Qian’s hand for a while, and every time Li
Qian put the biscuit on its mouth, it opened his mouth and closed his eyes, but Li Qian
would move his hand again, repeated several times. After that, it simply turned around, the
small head attached to Zhou Yu's waist, and ignored Li Qian to show dissatisfaction.
Zhou Yu’s palm rested on its small head: “Don’t give it a name. If you have a name, you will
have feelings. If you have feelings, you will not have the heart to give it to the researchers to
do research.”
Zhou Yu’s words made everyone suddenly silent.
The little things are like understanding what Zhou Yu said, and revealing a face that is
completely different from pity, dissatisfaction and grievance.
That is disappointment.
At that moment, Zhou Yu suspected that it could understand the language of human beings.
He had heard before that many creatures in Nibelungen had intelligence, and a small part
of them... even surpassed humans.
Zhou Yu teased it with his fingers, but it did not react at all. Zhou Yu used his index finger to
slide along the soft hair of his head, but he extended his wings and wrapped his head to
prevent Zhou Yu from touching. In this regard, Zhou Yu inexplicably feels funny.
"Do you want a name?"
The little guy showed his head from under the wings, looked at Zhou Yu, and then shrank
back and continued to get angry.
After more than an hour, the humidity in the air was significantly higher than before.
"I seem to hear something..." Wu Yun leaned over his head.
"It is the sound of water." Zhou Yu replied.
Everyone leaned over the ears and listened carefully, and the sound of the water became
more and more obvious.
“Is it a waterfall?” Dr. Daniel asked.
“Suddenly a little curious, what is the difference between Nibelungen’s waterfall and our
Li Qian said that he found that Wu Yun’s face seemed to sink a lot.
When they saw huge water flow from the gap between the branches and leaves of the trees
as if they were falling from the zenith, they all looked up and said "Oh..."
This waterfall has a large flow of water and is deafening.
"If I didn't guess wrong, this should be the biggest waterfall in this virgin forest, and the
source of the river in this forest, Angel Point." Wu Yun said.
"This is the angel's corner? It's so spectacular..." Zhou Qing sent a sigh of emotion.
"According to the research data of Juli Group, the ecological diversity of Angel Point is not
inferior to our Amazon!"
"So... Is there a piranha in it?" Li Qian swallowed.
"The piranha is already very gentle." Zhou Qing replied.
In the Amazon ecosystem, there are many more ferocious creatures than piranhas, not to
mention Nibelungen.
Li Qian’s face was suddenly white.
"Then we still don't want to be near this waterfall!"
Wu Yun did not say anything, just continued to move forward. Everyone silently followed
him. Li Qian did not know what to do, and he smashed Han Li: "Are you not afraid?"
Han Li smiled bitterly: "Is it useful? Wu Yun knows very well here. If we can go around, how
can he not take us around? It must be more time to go around. And our body's inhibitors
Support can't be that time."
Listening to Han Li said, Li Qian also bowed his head and said nothing.
The closer you approach, the more you can feel the splash of water from the waterfall. That
kind of impact, Li Qian has no doubt that if it is hit by the water flow of the waterfall, it will
definitely be broken.
Under the waterfall, it is the longest river in the forest - angel tears.

Laws of the Other World Chapter 18: Life and death sniper
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"It’s really an angel tears..." Dr. Daniel reluctantly sighed.
"Ah?" Li Qian didn't understand Dr. Daniel's sigh.
"Even the angels are crying, I don't know how we should go." Han Li answered.
The river is long and long and can't be seen. It is indeed impossible to bypass.
"Don't we cross the river by boat? There is no boat here!" Han Li looked at Wu Yun with a
puzzled expression.
Since Wu Yun decided to pass the angel tears, then he should have the method of the past.
"Do you see that? It is the narrowest part of the entire angel's corner." Wu Yun extended his
Everyone looked down and there was an extended rock on the other side of the waterfall,
corresponding to the opposite rock, like two hands that struggled to hold each other but
could never touch.
"So? Are we going to jump over? It seems to have at least a dozen meters!" Li Qian said.
"Of course, it is a rope." Wu Yun's thumb pointed to his backpack, and the equipment inside
was not just a bullet.
"I and Wu Yun will shoot the rope to the opposite rock, and then the other end is fixed here.
We slipped over the rope." Zhou Yu replied.
"What you said is like ‘oh, it’s so simple to pour some milk into my coffee’?” Li Qian’s eyes
"There is no coffee or milk here. I don't understand the meaning of your metaphor. But for
me, it's that simple."
At this time, a few three-eyed birds without feathers lingered in the sky.
They flew low, suddenly swooping down, skimming over the water, and saw some kind of
white fish with an adult being picked up and thrown into the air.
At the same moment, a few three-eyed birds rip the white big fish in midair, and the scene
was very visually stunning.
They stood on the shore and looked at it all dumbly.
"Do you think... from here, is it still very simple?" Li Qian turned his face and asked Zhou Yu.
Wu Yun sighed: "Don't worry. They are already full, and they don't feel our fear, they won't
easily start with us."
"God! Are you sure? Anyway, there are those strange birds, I will never pass! And for such a
long distance, how can I support myself to slide over! Halfway through my arm, I will
definitely have no strength to fall!" And if the rope is broken? If one of the ends is not
stuck?" Li Qian stepped back.
"Yeah, there are too many uncertainties in this area, and the danger is too great. We have
not received professional training, and the distance of more than ten meters... is too
Even Dr. Daniel shook his head.
Both Zhou Qing and Han Li were silent, and obviously did not agree to slide over like this.
Wu Yun smiled helplessly and looked at Zhou Yu: "It seems that I have to explain to them
one of the most proud designs of Juli Group.
This is the rope that our field staff often use, called ‘Apollo’s Arrow’. It has a range of fifty
meters and the forepaws are able to penetrate the hardest diamond-producing kimberlite.
The rope has a load of one ton. I believe that we don't have a ton of weight together. You
don't have to worry about Li Qian, you are the lightest of us. ”
“Really?” Li Qian looked at Wu Yun with suspicion.
"But no quality means no acceleration, you are so light, if you stop in the middle of the
center, I really don't know what to do?"
Li Qian Wu really wanted to hit shipped.
Others simply look at Zhou Yu. For everyone, Zhou Yu is more worthy of believing than Wu
Zhou Yu holding his arm, his face is still a cold look: "Wu Yun said everything is wrong,
except for one point."
"Which point?" Li Qian asked.
"I don't know that this rope is named 'Apollo's Arrow.'"
"Well, this name is my temporary, in order to let the most timid of us, Li Qian, pass
"What is this about me?" Li Qianyi rounded his eyes.
"You look innocent and love fantasy when you look at it. Greek mythology is more suitable
for you! When you were young, you must have dreamed of sitting in the golden carriage
and shooting the sun!" Wu Yun said.
"Ha? Isn't it the heir to shoot the sun?" Han Li asked.
"And... here is Nibelungen." Li Qian looked at Wu Yun with a tired look, and did not
appreciate his humor.
"What happened to Nibelungen?" Wu Yun asked.
"Nibelungen comes from Norse mythology. It and Greek mythology are two different
mythological systems. The name you gave this rope is really too playful."
Finally, Li Qian felt that he could brush IQ in front of Wu Yun.
"Even if the rope is safe, you and Zhou Yu may be able to pass such a specially trained
person, but the rest of us can't insist on such a long distance." Zhou Qing reiterated the
question that Dr. Daniel had mentioned. "Don't worry. I will make a t-shaped rope that passes through your two thighs.
You just need to grab the top of the rope to balance. I will push you over. And in you. Before
the past, Wu Yun will first slide over. If he dies, it proves that it is completely impossible to
slide the angel's horn through the rope." Zhou Yu replied.
"Good." Zhou Qing nodded.
"So what about those strange birds? If they treat us as food?" Li Qian pointed to the sky.
Although he did not want to admit it, Wu Yun thought about it with his chin: "This is indeed
a big problem."
Li Qian was speechless on the ground: "I can't get it done!"
"Hey, Zhou Yu." Wu Yun side looked at Zhou Yu.
"What's wrong?" Zhou Yu raised his brow slightly.
"Take them all down." Wu Yun glanced at the sniper that Zhou Yu had been carrying on his
"Call it down? They fly so fast! If they are angry, flying in groups to attack us, what should
we do?" Li Qian was dumbfounded.
Wu Yun took a clap: "Oh, yes, it’s a long brain!"
"My IQ is definitely higher than you!" Li Qian countered.
"Okay, then kill them. They have been embarrassing, and it is indeed a dangerous factor for
us. Since such a risk factor is in front of us, it should be solved."
Zhou Yu said that while laying down from the shoulders, it was easy to assemble, only to
hear the two clicks, and a complete □ was placed in the hands of Zhou Yu.
"Zhou Yu..." Zhou Qing wants to stop.
"It doesn't matter." Zhou Yu glanced at Dr. Daniel, and the other party pulled Zhou Qing.
"Everyone is far away from Zhou Yu, in case the shot is lost, the strange bird will come back
to revenge Zhou Yu." Wu Yun stretched his hands and pulled everyone back.
Although Li Qian wanted to say that Wu Yun had no loyalty, what he said was after all.
"That... Zhou Yu, are you sure?" Han Li asked worriedly, she really didn't want Zhou Yu to
have an accident.
This road has proved Zhou Yu's decisiveness and his reaction beyond ordinary people.
Compared with Wu Yun, everyone feels that he is more reliable.
"If you don't get stuck, I will solve them all." Zhou Yuduan shot, kneeling on one knee,
adjusting the scope, and slightly aiming at the sky above the waterfall.
There are a total of five big birds. There are no birds in the distance. If they are solved, they
should not have other strange birds flying over.
"Then you must not be stuck," Wu Yun said.
Li Qian, behind him, slammed his back.
"Hey, what are you doing!" Wu Yun turned back to Li Qian.
"I don't want you to crow your mouth!"
Others nodded, including Dr. Daniel.
At this time, Zhou Yu had already begun to prepare in his heart. His hand was very stable
and his shoulders did not tremble.
His spirit is extremely concentrated, and he feels the speed of the wind in the opposite
direction. The sound of the heart beating is gradually moving away, and everything
becomes quiet.
His small waist with a small wing opened the scarf with a small gap, and revealed his head.
It found that Zhou Yuzheng was aiming with a gun, so he raised his small shoulder and
seemed to be very scared and nervous.
Han Li snorted and said, "It's time to take it!"
What should I do if Zhou Yu shoots?
But the little things seem to understand what Zhou Yu is doing, just looking at his head and
stretching his neck, as if it were also a gun, staring at the strange birds with big eyes. Zhou
Yu's finger pressed on the trigger, and everything happened in the eyes of others, but it was
like a slow motion for Zhou Yu.
His first shot directly hit the strange bird closest to him, and it screamed into the river.
Just a dozen meters from the river, a creature in the water that looks like a crocodile but is
several times the size of a crocodile swells, biting the bird, swallowing it, and instantly
returning to the surface of the water.
Li Qian’s heart has to jump out.
But this scene did not shake Zhou Yu, when the other four birds found Zhou Yu's direction,
screaming and rushing to Zhou Yu, full of anger as if to tear him, Zhou Yu's figure still did
not shake, the second gun buckle Next, the middle of the head of the giant bird in the front.
It fell down, slid on the ground, raised a dust, almost hit Zhou Yu, and finally stopped at a
distance of less than one meter from Zhou Yu.
Li Qian, they subconsciously raised their hands to cover their eyes.
In the eyes of Zhou Yu, the other two giant birds swooped from the left and the right.
His mind was still calm and raised his muzzle.
The little things on his waist also followed his face and opened his mouth with a look of
"the new world opened in front of me."
Zhou Yu pulled the trigger twice as fast as the two shots, and the two shots sounded almost
simultaneously. Two giant birds fell to the ground and slid to the sides of Zhou Yu. The
huge sound was like the plane hitting the runway without dropping the landing gear.

Laws of the Other World Chapter 19: Crossing the angel's horn
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Their wings pass from the side of the Zhou Yu body, and only a little bit will cut Zhou Yu's
Small things also open their wings and cover their heads.
The last giant bird suddenly arrived in front of Zhou Yu, Zhou Yu suddenly fell sideways,
after pulling the trigger, there was no bullets!
Zhou Qing, who was stopped by Daniel, was instantly eclipsed. He rushed forward in
desperation. Zhou Yu quickly pushed the stuck bullet out, and the giant bird was about to
touch the paw of his thigh.
The neurotoxin spread quickly and the giant bird crashed down.
Fortunately, Zhou Yu responded quickly, holding his elbows and turning over, or he would
be crushed by the giant bird.
"Zhou Yu!" Zhou Qing ran over.
He bypassed the body of the giant bird and watched Zhou Yu stand up and pat the dust on
his body and breathe out a breath.
"Too amazing! I really admire you!" Wu Yun patted his hands.
Li Qian stunned Wu Yun and said, "You really don't want to say anything unlucky in this
crow's mouth! You said that you don't have to worry about it!"
Wu Yun smiled helplessly, he was about to open his mouth, Zhou Yu's cold sight swept.
"Shut up." It seems that Zhou Yu is also impatient with Wu Yun.
Everyone looks at the bodies of these giant birds, they look bigger than in the sky.
Li Qian swallowed, and he constantly imagined himself being swallowed by giant birds.
At that time, no matter whether the giant bird hit Zhou Yu or their wings swept over Zhou
Yu, it would be fatal. However, Zhou Yu can calmly judge, and not move, this is not
something ordinary people can do.
Zhou Yu felt that the waist was soft and there was something in the arch. When he looked
down, he saw the transparent wings of the little things unfolding and closing, as if they
were cheering.
"You are really a little pony." Zhou Yu smiled faintly.
The little things crossed their heads, and the clear, bright eyes kept looking at Zhou Yu, as if
looking forward to what.
Zhou Yu stretched out his finger and poked on the tip of his nose. Its face wrinkled, ugly,
but very cute.
It swayed and escaped Zhou Yu’s fingers. Zhou Yugang had to take back his hand, but it
contained Zhou Yu’s fingertips.
Zhou Yu thought that he would have the illusion of being bitten and sucked, but he only felt
the soft tongue and warm parcel of the little things. It squinted, as if it was smirking,
because it was able to hold Zhou Yu’s fingers and feel proud.
Zhou Yuben wanted to take back his finger, but at that moment he had the idea of
occasionally letting it be self-willed. After all, the dangerous situation just now, the little
things can stay with him all the time, motionless.
Maybe it's because it doesn't understand anything, so it's fixed, or because it believes Zhou
Yu more than anyone else.
"Now the biggest threat has been solved! We have to cross the angel's horn! This will be a
thrilling but fascinating sum in our lives!" Wu Yun clap his hands and take back the
attention of everyone.
"There is a strong color... What kind of ghost?" Han Li said that Wu Yun’s morale is not a
"Although the strange birds have been solved, there are giant crocodiles in the water..." Li
Qian was still scared.
"That is the scale dragon. It has a body length of up to 23 meters. In most cases, it lives in
the lower reaches of the angel's tears. Whenever the breeding season, the dragon will
return to the birthplace of the angel's tears, that is, the angel's corner. Here, the young
dragon is born." Zhou Qing came to the shore and looked down at the splash of water. "The
smell and vision of this creature are very sharp, but they are basically the same as Perry
Winter. According to the fear of prey."
Dr. Daniel worried that Zhou Qing would accidentally fall and came to him. At this time,
only the endless stream of water was seen in the river, and the figure of the scale dragon
was not seen at all. The moment when the giant bird was swallowed is like the illusion of
everyone. No one knows how many anti-scale dragons in the river, and no one knows how
big they are.
"But it may also be like a double-headed tarantula, attacking us to breed the nutrition of
future generations?" Han Li said with concern.
"The rivers are all young dragons, and they don't need to breed for the time being. And the
height of their jump out of the water poses no threat to us. The dragon will jump out of the
water and eat the strange bird because it was hit by Zhou Yu. When the fear was generated,
it became a prey." Zhou Qing replied.
Zhou Qing’s erudition has always made Li Qian respectful. He heard Zhou Qing say so, Li
Qian was slightly relieved, but still very nervous.
"Don't hesitate any more. Whoever doesn't want to go, stay here, I don't care." Wu Yun took
out the rope and came to the shore, aiming at the opposite mountain rock and slamming it
The speed of the claws is extremely fast and fixed on the opposite side.
Wu applied force to smash the rope to determine if it was stable, and then the other end of
the rope was fixed on an old tree that three people could not hold.
"Who first?" Wu Yun looked at Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yuyang raised his chin: "You first. I push them over here."
"it is good."
Wu Yun’s face did not have any jokes on his face. The conversation between him and Zhou
Yu is also very simple. It seems that crossing the angel's horn is imperative.
Wu Yun did not use the lasso, but directly put the strop on the rope, and retreated to the
old tree, and suddenly accelerated forward.
I am completely out of reach!
"Ah..." Li Qian and Han Li stared nervously.
Wu Yun's figure slid down the rope quickly along the rope, and the body was completely
stretched out, which was strong and powerful. For a few seconds, he fell steadily to the other side.
He turned around and inserted his waist with one hand and made a "come" gesture toward
Zhou Yu.
"Who will go first." Zhou Yu looked at the rest of the people.
Han Li and Li Qian did not speak, but Zhou Qing raised his hand: "I am going."
Zhou Qing’s expression was calm and there was no fear.
As a scholar, I can have such courage to let Han Li and Li Qian admire them.
"Good." Zhou Yu looked at other people. "Wu Yun only used the zip line and left his lasso,
just to save you. Plus I don't need a lasso, it can be used by two people. Zhou Qing used one,
and only one of the three of you could use the lasso."
When Zhou Yu’s words were finished, Li Qian and Han Li were dumbfounded.
"What? Why don't you say it early!"
"Wu Yun is not telling you not to hesitate?" Zhou Yu asked coolly, blocking Li Qian and Han
Li could not speak.
Zhou Yu fixed the lasso in Zhou Qing’s leg and hugged Zhou Qing’s shoulder. He said in his
ear: “All the way.”
The voice fell, and Zhou Qing was pushed out by Zhou Yu.
At that moment, everything in the world swiftly passed through Zhou Qing’s eyes, and the
wind screamed and hunted from his ear, just like the scream of speed.
He widened his eyes and the heart was about to spit out of his chest.
The soft and soft voice sounded in my ear.
"Don't be afraid. I am always by your side."
At that moment, all the fears were healed, and when Zhou Qing’s toes touched the rocks, he
was stabilized by Wu Yun.
Zhou Qing hasn't returned to the gods. Wu Yun patted him on the shoulder and said, "Yes,
Professor Zhou Da does not change his face. He doesn't even have a scream. It is really time
for those people on the opposite side to learn."
Zhou Qing looked around, where is the s-level creature? He seems to be able to perceive his
emotions at any time... it’s incredible.
What is his original form, why can't he see his trace?
Zhou Yu side came over: "Who is next?"
Han Li and Li Qian said in unison, even Dr. Daniel couldn’t help but smile: "Are you not
Li Qian’s face was red, and Han Li was nervous. If there was only the last lasso, she had to
go. With the zip line, she could not hold her arm.
She didn't dare to go to see Li Qian because she knew that Li Qian would also like to use
Unexpectedly, Li Qian stepped back and said: "Let Han Li go first."
Everyone is stunned.
"I didn't get it wrong?" Dr. Daniel was surprised.
"That's not how... let me fight for a big man and a woman... It's just fighting for it and not
having a face." Li Qian said sullenly.
"Are you sure?" Zhou Yu asked, "Where is the gentleman's demeanor and life compared to
your choice?"
"This is not a matter of grace. Have you seen the story of the Titanic? There is a Japanese
employee who pretends to be a woman in a lifeboat. After being rescued, he was expelled
from the company and rejected by the society. In the end, he did not kill himself. So Han Li
Go ahead, don't wait until I regret it."
"Thank you……"
Han Li was pushed out by Zhou Yu, and the speed was comparable to a roller coaster.
The wind wrinkled her face.
She really wants to yell, but she can't call it. She was afraid that she would remove her
strength once she spoke, and then she lost her balance and planted it.
A few seconds in the eyes of others is like a century to her.
When she was caught by Wu Yun, the heart jumped and almost cried.
Turning around and looking at the opposite Li Qian, Han Li’s heart is extremely guilty. At
such a fast speed, Li Qian will definitely fall.
Looking at Han Li’s arrival, Li Qian breathed a sigh of relief. At least your own concessions
are worth it.
"Next." Zhou Yu looked at the remaining two.
Li Qian grabbed his head: "Or Dr. Daniel first. I am afraid that my own fall will affect Dr.
Daniel's mood."
Dr. Daniel laughed and said: "Then you are not afraid that I will fall and affect your mood?"

Laws of the Other World Chapter 20: Water illusion

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"How is it possible? I see your doctor's body shape and you know that you often exercise. I
can't compare it with my weak chicken house." Li Qian was a little self-defeating.
Dr. Daniel came under the zip line, Zhou Yu patted Li Qian's shoulder: "See Dr. Daniel's
movements. Also, double gloves into the rope, so that if you let go, the rope will cover your
wrist. Don't fall off."
"It turned out to be like this!" Li Qian's expression of a sudden realization.
Dr. Daniel immediately added the knife: "You don't want to let go, or your wrists will be
dislocated, and you will want to die."
Li Qian swallowed.
Dr. Daniel passed smoothly. After all, he is a rock climber and often participates in some
outdoor survival activities.
But when Li Qian buckled the rope, his heart broke open.
"Li Qian, you have to remember that you must not hesitate when you leave. Once you
hesitate, you will lose speed. If you stay in the center, it means that my path is also
Li Qian’s heart is tight: “Or else you should go first!”
"I am leaving first. What do you do? You will definitely not come."
Zhou Yu’s voice is very stable.
"Zhou Yu, are you not afraid of it?" Li Qian asked.
He thinks it's amazing. Zhou Yu can use no inhibitors. He can shoot at close range in the
face of two-headed tarantulas. When he slams those strange birds, his brows are not
wrinkled. It is not human.
"Of course." Zhou Yu replied.
The little things on his waist exposed his head and looked at him curiously, as if he was
interested in this topic.
"When?" Li Qian asked.
"When I feel that I might lose all my companions."
"Then how do you overcome this feeling!" Li Qian asked as he put the gloves into the rope.
"I find that when they are lost, they are no longer afraid. When you have something more
important than your own life to protect, fear will be overwhelmed. Li Qian, after passing
the angel horn, you will find that You are more brave than you think."
After that, Zhou Yu pushed Li Qian out.
Li Qian thought that if he couldn't pass it, he would block Zhou Yu. When his legs ran hard
and rushed out of his legs, he seemed to rush into the waterfall of Angel Point, and the
world flew past him. Time has no meaning.
"Very good, that's it..." Zhou Yu looked at Li Qian's back and pulled a smile on his lips.
When Li Qian was caught by Wu Yun, Han Li hugged him.
"You scared me! I am really scared of me! I am afraid that you will not come or dare to
come over!"
Li Qian also widened his eyes and did not expect that he really came over. And he didn't
even let go!
It turns out that many things are really not as terrible as I imagined!
Li Qian turned around and waved at Zhou Yu, and Zhou Yu nodded.
He bowed his head and tightened the scarf, otherwise the little things might fall in the air.
The little thing looked at his head and gazed with fear.
Zhou Yu laughed and teased it with his fingers. I didn't expect it to contain Zhou Yu's
fingers, but he shrank in a hurry, as if afraid.
"Hey, you have wings. By the way, you should fly. If you really fall, you can't fly."
At this time, the little thing stretched out his head and used his nose to lick the fingertips of
Zhou Yu, as if he was comforting him, and he was saying "I am not afraid, you should not be
Zhou Yu’s heart instantly softened. He has not been so comforted for a long time.
"Well, do you know that in my world, is there something like a roller coaster?"
Zhou Yu took the zip line and stepped back.
"Let's have a trip without any hesitation!"
Zhou Yu’s legs ran on the rock and rushed out.
His speed is extremely fast, and Wu Yun on the other side is ready to catch him.
But at that moment, something unexpected happened to everyone.
A huge anti-scale dragon in the rushing river water swept the water and jumped out of the
water! It seems like a reversed waterfall!
Its large mouth and fangs made Li Qian and Han Li stupid.
And its scales are like sharp edges, reflecting the chilly light in the sun, like smashing its
prey layer by layer.
Wu Yun immediately pulled out the gun from the waist and shot the anti-scale dragon.
A few shots were drowned by the huge sound of water.
The bullets of □□ are not enough to penetrate the scales of the scale dragon!
Seeing that Zhou Yu is about to rush into the mouth of the scale dragon!
"Brother -" Zhou Qing shouted.
Zhou Yu clenched his teeth, and on the occasion of the millennium, his right foot squatted
on the fangs of the scale dragon and retreated in the opposite direction. However, the anti-
scale dragon bite the rope, and the two ends can not afford the weight, and it is broken.
Wu Yun wanted to grab one of the ends, but everything happened too fast, and Zhou Yu fell
into the river.
"Zhou Yu!" Wu Yunshun ran wildly in the river, but the water flow was too fast, and he did
not even see Zhou Yu's figure. Zhou Qing almost jumped, and a doctor behind him was detained.
"Don't be impulsive! Zhou Qing!"
"That is my brother! Let me go!" Zhou Qing's eyes were red, this is the first time he showed
a runaway expression.
Dr. Daniel did not say a word, and pressed Zhou Qing to: "Calm! Zhou Qing! You can't go!"
"How is this possible... tell me... I dream..."
Li Qian is also dumbfounded.
How can Zhou Yu fall off?
Why did the huge scale dragon appear suddenly?
This is unreasonable! what's the problem?
"Save him... we have to find a way to save him!"
Li Qian still remembers how Zhou Yu encouraged himself. He looks cold, but he is very
responsible. How many times have you helped everyone to escape, how could he be gone
like this?
"I want to go down... let me go!" Zhou Qing's tears fell, his fists slamming the sand on the
If it wasn't for him to come to Nibelungen, how could Zhou Yu come here? It is obvious that
he had a terminal illness in Zhou Qing, the **** person is him, how could it be Zhou Yu!
Wu Yun ran a few hundred meters and ran away while throwing away all the weights on
his body, just to make himself run faster.
"Zhou Yu - Zhou Yu -"
No matter how vocal exhaustion, no trace of Zhou Yu was found.
"Mom! Mom! Mom!" Wu Yun was stumbled by the stone and fell to the ground.
He closed his eyes hard and gnashed his teeth.
He knows better than anyone else... Zhou Yu can't come back.
Forced to hold back tears, Wu Yun's eyes instantly became red.
He regrets that Zhou Yu should be the first to slide past. Maybe at that time, the giant anti-
scale dragon has not yet traveled!
A few seconds later, Wu Yun got up and walked back, watching Zhou Qing, who was
struggling to jump, and gave him a loud slap!
"You know what Zhou Yu cares most. Do you want to discard the things that he cares the
most?" Wu Yun picked up the collar of Zhou Qing and asked him about the geology.
Zhou Qing’s body trembled: “I will die soon...”
"So every minute you leave is important!"
"We... we have to find him... I can't say that he will die when he falls down! He is not bitten
by the giant scale dragon. I see it very clearly!" said Han Li.
"Angel's tear ecosystem is much more complicated than Amazon. You think that there are
so many baby dragons in the river..." Wu Yun did not say anything more.
Han Li’s tears fell and Li Qian clenched his fists.
"I have come over obviously. How could he not come over? How can the giant anti-scale
dragon attack Zhou Yu? Zhou Yu will never fear!"
"Because Zhou Yu’s first strange bird fell into the water and was eaten by the young
dragon. The strange bird’s body contains neurotoxins, and the young dragon who ate it will
definitely die. The sudden attack of the female dragon is In order to retaliate." Wu Yun
"So...he will die for us..."
Wu Yun picked up the lost Zhou Qing: "Go. Now, even if I am dead, you can't die. Because
you are the one who cares most about my partner."
Zhou Qing breathed hard and endured the fact that he lost Zhou Yu.
"Listen, Professor Zhou. You will complete your research, you will fix the tumor in your
head, you will replace Zhou Yu... live long and long. You must have a desire to survive than
anyone in this world." "Wu used force to hold Zhou Qing's cheek."
Zhou Qing subconsciously grabbed his pocket, and there was the fruit of the Elpis.
At this moment, Zhou Yu was hit by a powerful current, and the whole body was in pain. He
has already licked a lot of saliva, and his body cannot compete with the power of the
At this time, many fish with long mouths rushed over, and Zhou Yu was like a bait that fell
into the water and was about to be attacked by the group.
The fish's mouth is very hard, and the scorpion pierces Zhou Yu's shoulders and abdomen.
The blood flows out and quickly dissipates in the water.
Compared to this river, Zhou Yuzhen is not worth mentioning.
A lot of bleeding blurs his consciousness.
He knew that this time he was dead.
Fortunately... Zhou Qing passed the Angel Point. He is a genius, he will find a way to cure
himself from later research.
And Wu Yun... This guy doesn’t look good but it’s very serious. He will definitely protect
everything from Zhou Qing...
Suddenly, all the sharp-mouthed fish escaped.
The female dragon of the scale dragon was chased up.
Its hatred of Zhou Yu is indescribable. As the water hegemon in the tears of angels, it will
never allow other creatures to share Zhou Yu.
Just as it opened its mouth and was about to swallow Zhou Yu, something stretched out in
the water and blocked in front of Zhou Yu.
Between chaos, Zhou Yu saw what a huge creature, the silver translucent shape is like a
beast in a fantasy movie, and the elegance is full of oppression.
The line of sight went away with thoughts, and Zhou Yu first felt out of control.
In an irresistible posture, it rushed toward the inverse scale dragon. In an instant, the
mother dragon was struck into a broken piece, like a billion-dollar star suddenly falling and
disappearing into the endless stream of water.

Laws of the Other World Chapter 21: Scabbard

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Zhou Yu is about to close his eyes, he can't think again.
This may be the illusion before his death...
A figure swam to him.
It was a teenager, and the short black hair swayed in the water, like an unrealistic dream.
The white face, the elegant brow bones, and the eyes are innocent and clear, as if to wrap
all the expectations that have been forgotten in Zhou Yu’s heart.
"You will not die, Zhou Yu."
At that moment, Zhou Yu’s mind rang a voice that was not his own.
Peace is as if it is above all beings.
He is getting closer and closer to Zhou Yu, like a **** who is about to take Zhou Yu to
another world.
His eyes were against Zhou Yu’s eyes, and his nose tip touched the tip of Zhou’s nose, pure
and unintentional.
He stretched out his arms, crossed Zhou Yu’s arm, hugged him, and forcedly went to the
light above his head.
The warm body temperature makes Zhou Yu reluctant in this cold...
So tired, let me sleep over...
I don't know how long it took, Zhou Yu's fingertips trembled, as if something was hurling
on his chest, the heart that stopped stopped suddenly trembled, and breathlessly came up,
Zhou Yu was smashed by water to a severe cough.
I have to cough up even the lungs.
Zhou Yu touched the water on his face, only to find that the little thing that jumped on his
chest was that little thing.
When he saw that he woke up, he couldn’t wait to get rid of Zhou Yu’s chin. Zhou Yu
touched his head and was wet.
He discovered that he was rushed to the shoal, and there were some creature bones around
him, and he and the little things were the only ones alive.
The little thing has been jumping on his chest, is it to give him first aid?
Then the rushing water, this guy should be washed away, how can he be by his side?
Countless questions are no longer important when it comes to its eyes.
Zhou Yu used his strength to smash the head of a small thing: "Even if you are first aid, who
do you study with?"
The small things are generally raised and they seem to be saying, "Seeking rewards, asking
for hugs!"
Zhou Yu really wants to hug it, so in a dangerous situation, small things will not leave on to
himself. Who said that the creatures here are uninhabited?
"Fortunately, you are not a s-level creature. Otherwise I will think that you don't have a
picture." Zhou Yu thought, it probably really regarded him as a parent.
Zhou Yu touched his shoulder without any pain. But his coat is really broken. Looking at my
abdomen again, I clearly saw that my body was penetrated, and I didn’t even have a
How is this going?
The clothes on the abdomen also have a hole in the pair...
So everything that you experience in the water is not an illusion.
What is the silver creature that is bigger than the scale dragon?
Who is the boy who hugged himself?
Zhou Yu’s heart is tight. Is it a so-called s-class creature? The boy in the water is its
If so, why should it save itself?
Song Zhi said that s-class creatures are quite proud. They are living in isolation. Have they
accidentally broke into the field of s-class creatures?
Zhou Yu stood up and watched all around. In addition to the virgin forest and some small
creatures, Zhou Yu did not find anything.
He slammed his head hard.
Maybe he is lucky, saved by a certain s-class creature?
Wait, whether it is a s-level creature is a problem.
Maybe it's really an illusion of his own.
But in any case, I am still alive, this is the most important fact.
The body was soaked, Zhou Yu took off his shoes and poured out the water.
The little things are on the shoulders of Zhou Yu.
He was lucky and was rushed to the other side of the river.
Although farther away, at least after getting out of this forest, you should be able to find the
His backpack is gone, which means he has lost food and water. Honestly, I have just drank
so many tears of water in the angels. I don't know if I have already taken some harmful
microorganisms. If there is a problem, you can only wait until the base to check or treat.
He touched his waist and the gun was washed away. Not to mention that it only slammed it.
No weapons, no water, no food, only one... creatures who don't know what it is.
Oh, fortunately, my wrist watch is still there. The watch and Wu Yun's watch configuration
are the same, and there is a compass inside to indicate the direction.
As long as he follows the general direction, he can find the base after all.
"Let's go." Zhou Yu exhaled and slammed his finger at the little thing.
The little thing ran two steps on the ground, suddenly jumped up, hugged Zhou Yu's arm,
and then bite Zhou Yu's finger with a mouth.
No feeling of being bitten, little things are like little babies must suck.
"You and I are also a life of friendship, I will not care about your childish behavior." Zhou
Yu deliberately stunned, but it is tight.
Zhou Yu went all the way and penetrated into the forest.
There was a group of Perry Winter running in front of him, shaking his tail and seemed to
be hiding in horror.
Zhou Yu began to frown, and then saw a large group of blue palm-sized butterflies flying in
the face.
"What is this?" Zhou Yu's memory is not as bad as Zhou Qing, he remembers that this is one
of the many dangerous creatures mentioned in the training, but what is it called, how
dangerous, Zhou Yu remembers Not up.
And for him, it is impossible to pull away.
This group of blue butterflies quickly approached, and it was overwhelming.
The little guy who hugged Zhou Yu’s arm made a “hmm” and seemed to be afraid.
Zhou Yu knows how terrible the fear is. He uses the other hand to hold the eyes of the little
things: "Don't be afraid, it will soon pass. Soon..."
Whether it can pass, Zhou Yu does not know.
He touched the potion and was washed away. If the potion is still there, he will give a small
Get Zhou Yu's appease, the little things are quiet.
Zhou Yu also closed his eyes.
The butterflies are beautiful, and there seems to be some transparent golden veins on the
wings, which reminds Zhou Yu of the fairy tale that Chen Chong’s daughter often reads.
These butterflies are like elves in fairy tales.
Only occasionally fanned by their wings, Zhou Yu can feel the sting of the skin, and his body
seems to have been scratched by them.
After ten seconds, Zhou Yu could not feel the existence of those blue butterflies.
He slowly opened his eyes, and sure enough, his arm was scratched, and his face must have
been hanged.
Turning around, the blue butterflies flew far away.
On the ground is the body of Perry Winter.
The scene is extremely stunned.
Zhou Yuqi started his eyes, how fast Perry Winter runs, how strong the attack power, Zhou
Yu is very clear. But in a few tens of seconds they are given by these blue butterflies...
That's right, that's the "Sword Bone Butterfly"!
Their bodies will grow very hard bone spurs at any time, smash into the body of the prey,
and quickly leave after taking up nutrients. Although they are small, they are the same level
of creatures as the scale dragon.
Zhou Yu exhaled a breath, and he seemed to have gone away from the ghost gate.
The little things that have been squinted by Zhou Yu have been twisted, and it seems that
they are very dissatisfied with Zhou Yu, why can't they watch.
Zhou Yu sighed, and the little things always grew up.
One day, you may become the prey or nutrients of other creatures in the Nibelungen world.
Although the growth of small things is out of the natural way, it must understand the
terrible nature.
For example, the sword bone butterfly, if it comes across, it does not understand anything...
maybe it will die.
Zhou Yu hopes that it can let go of fear in the face of a creature that is stronger and more
dangerous than itself.
He took his palm away.
When the little things saw Peli Winter's body at first sight, especially those wounds caused
by the sword-toothed butterfly, the original pure eyes were stupid.
Zhou Yu knows that she is so cruel.
But cruelty is a compulsory course for living.
"I saw no. They died very badly. Do you know why they died so badly?"
Hearing the voice of Zhou Yu, the little things seemed to suddenly come back to God, and
immediately got into the arms of Zhou Yu.
The head was drilled under Zhou's arm and it was hard to drill. It was really frightening.
Zhou Yu was also inexplicably distressed. He touched the small things exposed on the back
and whispered: "These dead creatures, we humans call them 'Pelly Winter." Although they
have no eyes and ears, they are quick and quick. The risk factor is b. My best friends are
dead in the hands of this creature."
It seems that Zhou Yu’s sentimental feelings, the little things have revealed their heads and
arched Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu took it up and said as he walked.
“They use 'fear' to locate their prey. Of course, many of the creatures here are hunting in
the same way. At first, I felt that hunting by fear is incomprehensible, but in fact it is the
most natural. A regular way. Any creature will not fear compared to its own weak
creatures. If you feel the fear of the other party, at least you are stronger than the other.
The weak meat is the law of survival in nature. Whether in my world or here, All the same."
Zhou Yu touched its cerebellum hole over and over again.
"Well..." The little thing should have been heard, not as soft as before, a bit embarrassing.
Falling into the angel's tears, facing the terrible creatures like the scale dragon, it was all
right, I didn't expect Perry Winter's body to scare it.
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Laws of the Other World Chapter 22: Never give up

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Perhaps, it has no concept for those terrible creatures, but just now, it was intuitively
understood for the first time, what is "death."
Zhou Yu didn't know if it understood it. But intuition tells myself that it is actually very
Zhou Yu was originally wet, so he deliberately walked in the shade of the sun.
He lifted the little thing and smiled: "Look at your bear."
"Hmm?" The little thing came over his head.
Zhou Yu doubts whether this angle has been carefully designed, and the most people think
it is stupid and stupid.
"Some people think that when we are born, we are doomed what we are. But you can't
accept this view. Because once you think about it, you can never surpass yourself. For
example, when you meet an inverse scale dragon When you know that the other person is
stronger than yourself and more dangerous than yourself, don't be afraid. As long as you
don't fear, it won't feel weak. Do you understand?"
"Hmm..." The little thing looked at Zhou Yu very seriously.
The eyes of Zhou Yu reflected in the amber-like eyes. Zhou Yu smiled. Do you think that this
little thing can understand the words of human beings?
Just facing the sun, Zhou Yu saw the black luster between its black fluff.
Zhou Yu thought of the colossal creature in front of himself in the river.
There was a lot of incredible thoughts in my mind.
Then quickly vetoed by myself.
"You really can become such a big man... it doesn't fit the law of conservation of quality at
Zhou Yu lifted the little things and shook it hard. It squinted and showed a happy
expression, thinking that Zhou Yu was playing with it.
Put it down and Zhou Yu went on.
Most of the time has passed, Zhou Yu is really hungry, but can still persist. The little things
are still on his arm, curiously watching everything around him.
On a large old tree, it is completely covered with vines, and the vines are covered with
some pale golden fruits.
The air is the scent of the fruit.
Zhou Yu swallowed, and the scent seemed to slap him. This reminds him of the taste of the
failed apple pie that Meixi gave to the team.
But Zhou Yu did not come forward.
These vines are so strange that they are like to strangle the tree and squeeze all its anger.
The fruit on the vine is too beautiful.
At the moment when Zhou Yu opened his eyes, he saw many small creatures looming under
the vines. They were bitten by the vines and lost their breath, and the barbs in those vines
plunged into their bodies and absorbed their nutrients.
Zhou Yu closed his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately he stood up...
Somehow, Zhou Yu felt that hunger was multiplied.
He has a *, he has to rush up and stuff the golden fruit into his belly.
Very hungry.
Too hungry...
Zhou Yu took a step closer to the vines, just that step. Zhou Yu’s thoughts had a string
stretched out and suddenly stopped.
Can't go any further.
Its fruit is definitely a problem! It must be that the smell it emits will reduce the willpower
of the creature, and then be tempted to become the food of those vines.
Zhou Yugang took a step back and the fragrance instantly became fuller. The body is once
again out of the brain and the heart is jumping wildly. He is like a puppet, step by step. Even
if Zhou Yu knows that he can no longer go forward, he still can't stop himself.
He is getting closer and closer to the vine, and the other party has extended to him.
Just a little bit, the vine can roll him over!
Suddenly, Zhou Yu’s finger pain spread, as if there were countless sparks cracking in his
blood vessels, breaking the fragrance and the perception of Zhou Yu’s brain, and the
heartbeat gradually calmed down.
Zhou Yu suddenly woke up to God and stepped back. He looked down and saw that the vine
had reached his toes, and there was a layer of cold sweat on his back.
Once caught by it, your end is like the creatures that are caught in the alive.
Zhou Yu quickly retreated, and the vine saw that he could not seduce Zhou Yu, so he shrank
Zhou Yu raised his hand and found that the little thing was biting his finger.
If it weren't for it, I would really die this time.
The little things were sucking with dissatisfaction, and the gangs bulged, looking at Zhou Yu
with an angry look, as if to say, "Look, let me see what you can do without me! So shallow
traps, you will be fooled, too It’s mad!” Yes, I will die without you.
Zhou Yu did not deliberately prevent it from sucking his fingers, but Zhou Yu confirmed
that it had just bitten his finger, otherwise how could he wake up?
Quickly left the scope of the fragrance, Zhou Yu smashed his head. How can you be so easily
tempted by the fragrance? Obviously, if you retreat decisively, you will not have an
accident... It seems that you are really hungry and tired, and your willpower will drop.
The little things see Zhou Yu is thinking, so I let go of Zhou Yu’s arm and climbed to his
shoulder, and licked Zhou Yu’s face with the soft fluff on his head.
Zhou Yu sneaked at it with a funny smile. When he took it back, he found that his fingertips
were still intact.
"You said that you sucked my blood?" Zhou Yu took a look at its back.
"Well?" It passed his head again.
Zhou Yu shook his head and said helplessly: "Forget it. You want to **** and suck. Without
you, I have already died."
Wanting to open this point, Zhou Yu decided not to pursue the hunting method of small
things, and what type of animal creatures it is.
At that moment, the little things suddenly rounded their eyes and shouted.
At the same time, Zhou Yu felt that something was quietly approaching. At the moment he
had not turned around, something was entangled in his leg and he was taken away.
Zhou Yu fell to the ground, and he reacted. The vine that had been specially scented had
been quietly following him, and he shot when he relaxed his alert!
The vines drag Zhou Yu very quickly, Zhou Yu's body was burned with burning pain, and it
was almost sloppy.
The little thing quickly caught up and jumped to Zhou Yu’s body, trying to increase his
weight, but it was not useful. Then it jumped to the vine and bit the vine, trying to break it.
Zhou Yu was not scared by this scene, although all his equipment was gone, but he did not
have a Swiss army knife on his calf. He lifted another calf that had not been caught by the
vines, pulled out the saber, and poked it on the vine.
And this vine seems to be angry, dragging Zhou Yu more forcefully.
The little thing is still biting the vine, and the wings on the left side are rubbed against the
ground and have cracked.
"Hurry up! Fool!" Zhou Yu slammed the vine with a dagger and waved to get rid of it, but
the little thing was obsessively refused to leave.
In a blink of an eye, the vine dragged him to the tree.
What Zhou Yu didn't think was that when the vines wrapped around the old trees opened
in a circle, the center of the old tree turned out to be empty, like an open mouth, and the
vines were actually from the old trees. Growing up! Before seeing Zhou Yuzhi go in, Zhou
Yu would be beheading the ground.
"Drink!" The strength of the vines was too great. Zhou Yu’s arms were bursting with the
blue veins, but they were dragged in a little bit.
When the little things see biting the vines, they bite the shoulders of Zhou Yu and struggle
to squat.
The vines saw that Zhou Yu was struggling too much, and they entangled them in a circle
and circled Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu was struck by it and could not breathe. The bones of the whole body had to be
split, but they held the dagger and refused to let go.
He knew very well that once the only weapon was loose, he couldn’t even rely on anything.
Zhou Yu is very persistent. He can feel that the little things that have been biting his own
have been arrested. This makes Zhou Yu very guilty and very moved.
If he will die, he is not lucky.
But the little things... Zhou Yu clenched his teeth and twisted his wrists, but it didn't work at
Sorry, little things... I really have no strength...
Zhou Yu’s thinking is about to fall into chaos.
The fragment of life really flies through his mind like a horse. He saw Zhao Cheng, saw Chen
Chong, and saw the former brothers.
Everything turned back at the same time. He remembered that when he was a child and
Zhou Qing, he was on his way out of school. It was getting late, and the street lights pulled
the shadows of both of them very long.
Zhou Yugang and the person who bullied Zhou Qing fought a fight and his eyes were
"Go back and remember to tell my mother, I fell into the eyes of wrestling." Zhou Yu said.
"I will not say such a stupid excuse."
"What do you say?"
"I tell the truth. Someone wants to bully me. My brother is in front of me and is swollen."
Completely avoided the initiative of Zhou Yu to fight this matter, focusing on the one that
Zhou Yu was beaten. When parents listen, they will only feel that Zhou Yu is a good brother
who protects his brother. He is also the one who is beaten. It only makes parents feel more
Yeah... and Zhou Qing...
He can't die, he doesn't want to die, at least not here.
If he is alone, maybe he will give up... He will protect Zhou Qing! He still wants to see Zhou
Qing! Can't just die!
The desire for survival, at the moment when Zhou Yu was dragged in, the dagger smashed
into the edge of the tree hole.
Confused, he felt that his vines had been loosened. He finally recovered his freedom and
took a deep breath. He just wanted to find out where the little things were. When he looked
up, he saw a woman with one hand on the ground. Zhou Yu has never seen such a beautiful
woman, and every smile is very exciting.

Laws of the Other World Chapter 23: Ink night

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Her hands were gently placed on Zhou Yu's shoulders, slowly approaching, her lips slightly
open, with some kind of deadly attraction.
Zhou Yu’s heart beats very fast. When she goes back half a point, she also subconsciously
leans forward, as if everything is centered on her.
He wants to kiss her, wants to have her, and everything that he cares about seems to be no
longer important.
At that moment, Zhou Yu’s mind suddenly remembered Wu Yun’s warning: the more
beautiful things, the more dangerous.
And... here is Nibelungen, where is the human female?
Zhou Yu was alert at that moment, regardless of everything, raised the dagger in his hand
and stabbed him!
There was a humming sound in his ear, and his body fell instantly.
The sputum fell, and the dull pain that was sent made Zhou Yu slam open his eyes, because
he could breathe and coughed hard.
When he regained consciousness, he discovered that he did not know when he was dragged
into the tree hole by the vine. The beautiful woman I saw just now is the illusion that this
vine makes itself.
Zhou Yu looked up and saw the dagger inserted in the inner wall of the tree hole not far
away, and made a deep hole. The tree hole just had a faint sunlight obliquely, just to see the
green liquid flowing out, just like the blood of this tree. general.
Below the tree hole is a space that can accommodate three or four people.
Zhou Yu walked two steps and found that the feet were the bones of various creatures,
some of which only left bones, and some were becoming sour.
Zhou Yu wants to vomit, but he needs to leave here more than this!
He didn't know why the vines let go of himself, but he found that the vines grew from the
inside of the tree to the outside, which means that the vines and the tree are one! It is like
the hand of this tree!
This is completely different from Zhou Yu’s perception. The vines in his impressions are
only attached to the trees and climb up, but the tree grows its own vines to capture food!
Maybe you scratched the tree yourself and let it temporarily lose consciousness, but you
must leave it immediately before you are digested by it!
Zhou Yu suddenly remembered something and shouted: "Small things? Little things, where
are you?"
The little things have always wanted to save him, and of course he will not leave small
things to leave alone.
I only heard a bang, and the little things were drilled out of the broken bones of the
animals, and they were dirty.
The inside of the hole is not bright, but the eyes of the little things are like a pair of gems,
and Zhou Yu saw it at a glance.
Picking it up, Zhou Yu exhaled a breath: "You are really scared me! I thought you have been
eaten by this tree!"
The little things looked at Zhou Yu with big eyes, full of joy, and sticking out the head of the
tongue was to lick Zhou Yu’s face. Zhou Yu quickly turned his face away. He didn’t have the
interest to be slobbered.
Without time to chill, Zhou Yu lowered his body and found two long, broken parts in the
broken bones of the animal, piercing the inside of the tree. I brought a few more and
inserted it on my waist.
It seemed to feel pain and trembled.
Zhou Yu, regardless of the three seven twenty-one, stepped on the broken bones, borrowed
the force to go up, and then tied the two on the waist and continued upward. When he
passed his Swiss army knife, he pulled it down.
In this way, I finally climbed out from the tree hole.
Zhou Yu did not rush to escape. When he stared at the vines that fell outside, he used a
Swiss army knife to nail it and the trunk.
"I wish you a good appetite."
After that, Zhou Yu took the little things and continued to move forward.
When he came to a place with clear sunlight, Zhou Yu took a small thing and looked at it. He
especially checked the wounded wings and found that there was no wound.
"Ah, how I forgot, Nibelungen's biological healing ability is very strong." Zhou Yu put it back
on his shoulder and continued to move forward.
They were on alert all the time, and they were afraid that they would encounter the
cannibal tree again. It was until the evening that Zhou Yu did not know how long it would
take to go out. He decided to rest.
Relying on an e-class old tree, there is no danger in checking the surrounding area. Zhou Yu
holds a small thing: "Do you say that we will be eaten by any powerful creature tonight?"
It shook his head.
"Are you afraid of being eaten?" Zhou Yu felt that he must be bored, and he would talk to
him about it.
It paused and nodded.
That serious look made Zhou Yu laugh.
"I am hungry, hungry to die, why don't I eat you?" Zhou Yu deliberately put his face close to
it and wanted to see its reaction.
It shows a dull expression.
Zhou Yu got a bad heart and licked its hind legs: "The meat here is very good, roast and
roast, if it can be a bit salty."
"Well?" It took his leg back from Zhou Yu's hand.
"Oh, it’s not bad to make a fried pork belly here." Zhou Yu touched its belly.
When it comes to fried pork, Zhou Yu misses Meixi's craftsmanship. A few seconds later, it showed a sad expression.
"I want to eat you, you still have to run away." Zhou Yu's play is even bigger, he licked its
It suddenly wraps itself up with wings, like a ball, and then rolls down to Zhou Yu's arm.
Even if I want to eat you, don't you plan to escape?
Zhou Yu sighed: "You are so cute, should I let you go? Don't fall into the hands of human
beings, we are all selfish animals."
Its small wings suddenly raised aside, revealing one eye and watching Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu suddenly felt that teasing it was really a very interesting thing.
"Okay, okay, don't eat you. If you eat you, no one will listen to me."
Tired of attack, Zhou Yu held his arm and closed his eyes.
What is alert is no longer meaningful. What he needs most is rest. If you are destined to be
caught by any creature, then it is fate.
The little things shrank into a group and squatted on Zhou Yu’s body.
Its warmth makes Zhou Yu feel lazy, as if it was covered with a layer of duvet.
The little things have established deep class feelings with him, but they are the life and
"It's better to give you a name." Zhou Yu touched the fluff on his back, and it feels so good.
The little things had closed their eyes, and they heard Zhou Yu’s voice open again.
"When you look at your dark group, what about black cockroaches?"
Looking at Zhou Yu's expression, it seems to guess that the name is not very good, turned
directly to use the **** against Zhou Yu, as if to say "eat my fart."
"This name doesn't like it? It's called a small briquettes!" Zhou Yu thought that this name is
more suitable for you, black and round.
It is also kept with the **** against Zhou Yu.
At the moment, for Zhou Yu, the heart is quiet. He enjoys this world with only one of him,
plus a warm little thing, no longer worrying about anything and carrying anything.
"Oh." Zhou Yu poked its ass, it seems to make up his mind to ignore Zhou Yu.
It was really quiet for a while.
The shadow of the tree is sparse, and the moonlight is only a little bit.
There is a flaw that falls on its back, and the silvery satin seems to flow.
"Ink night." Zhou Yu whispered.
These two words inexplicably flashed over Zhou Yu’s mind.
The little things shook a bit, slowly turned around and looked at Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu pinched its nose: "Do you like this name?"
It licked the big eyes, rubbed the knuckles of Zhou Yu with the tip of his nose, and raised his
eyes. Zhou Yu’s mood is inexplicably and soft.
"It seems that you like this name." Zhou Yu smiled. "Ink is black in my country. It can be
used for writing. It can also be used for painting. What mountains and rivers, millennial
trees, small fish and shrimps, use When ink is drawn, there is a unique artistic conception...
The night is also black, like hidden secrets, and can accommodate all colors."
"Yeah." It looked very happy and the little wings were raised.
"Well, from now on, you will call the ink night." Zhou Yu squinted at the ink night,
deliberately pressed it with his arm.
The ink night made a "hmm" sound, pretending to be bullied by Zhou Yu, and it was still
pressed by Zhou Yu twice. It turned directly over to reveal the belly and looked very
Zhou Yu felt the warmth of the ink night and fell asleep.
When he woke up, a day of sunshine fell on his face. He sat up and looked around and found
that the ink night was gone!
In my heart, Zhou Yu’s brows, wasn’t it last night? Why are you missing now?
Zhou Yu even walked around the old tree he was leaning against, still did not see the ink
"Ink night!" Zhou Yu lowered his voice and shouted its name.
It won't be when I am asleep, is this little thing caught by other creatures? But you can't
sleep so dead! Is there a reaction near the creature?
It’s still the night of the inkless night. He was joking last night and said that he would eat it
and then take it seriously, so he slept and pursued his freedom.
Zhou Yu exhaled, he sat under the tree with his arms, and if the little thing didn't come back
within an hour, he really didn't wait for it.
Ten minutes passed and nothing happened.
Zhou Yu really worried that it will not come back. If it is not intended to be with him, Zhou
Yu feels nothing. But he is even more worried about the dangers of ink nights. Even if the
weak meat is a natural law, Zhou Yu still can't bear it.
At this time, there was a "sparse and sparse" sound in the bush. Zhou Yu immediately
looked at the past and saw something in the ink night.

Laws of the Other World Chapter 24: Return to the base

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Zhou Yu’s mood stretched out in that moment, picking it up.
"Where did you go? Do you know that I almost left without you!" Zhou Yu expressed a bit of
annoyance to this non-disciplined companion.
"Well?" In the night, the ink smashed his head and slammed Zhou Yu's mouth with
something in his mouth.
Zhou Yu quickly took the twig down, only to find that every three or four leaves were
wrapped in some brown fruit. I think that the night of ink hits his mouth with ink, is it the
night of ink to find himself to eat?
"Do you let me eat this?" Zhou Yu asked.
Ink night nodded.
"You just ran away to find food for me?" Zhou Yu asked indefinitely.
Ink night nodded again.
Zhou Yu’s mood was slightly warm, and he suddenly felt that the ink night was really cute.
It will comfort him, will accompany him in his most dangerous time, and will take care of
him in his own way.
Zhou Yu took it into his arms.
The little wings of the ink night shook gently and seemed to be very happy.
It’s just that human beings can’t mess with the things here. And the ink night is only a few
days old, it is smarter, and it is impossible to know more about the world's creatures than
Zhou Yu.
In the night, Zhou Yu only looked at the branch but did not intend to eat fruit, and was
dissatisfied. It arched Zhou Yu and slammed two in his ear.
Zhou Yu suddenly felt funny, thinking about it, anyway, he was really hungry, and he
wouldn’t even eat it if he couldn’t get out of the forest.
Zhou Yu took a small fruit and put it in the nose and smelled it. The faint scent was very
fresh. Zhou Yu feels that such a fruit should be low in risk and can not be eaten. What will
happen after eating, only know if it is eaten. It seems that people used to say that tomatoes
are poisonous. As a result, some people have eaten tomatoes and taste good. They are
already lying in bed and waiting to die. As a result, the sun rises as usual the next day.
Zhou Yu decided to be the first person to eat tomatoes.
He put the brown fruit into his mouth, his teeth slowly bite open, the sweet water
overflowed, and he lingered on the tip of Zhou’s tongue. The cool feeling made him feel
refreshed. The stomach is also warming up, just one, and it feels full.
Zhou Yu ate two more, and then took the rest and put it into the unbroken pocket.
After a long walk, Zhou Yu felt that her mental state was very good, she was not tired, and
her brain was very clear.
It seems that the fruit brought by the ink night is really not poisonous.
"Thank you." Zhou Yu poked it with his finger and immediately became trapped by it.
Before the arrival of the sunset, Zhou Yu finally got out of the woods.
He leaned back and bathed in the setting sun, and he had a feeling of regaining his life.
In front, in an open area, the refracting light of the metal can be seen faintly.
The base is in front.
At this time, Zhou Yu stopped.
There is a decision, he thinks all the way. At this moment, it is time to make a decision.
He touched the ink night with his hand and placed it on the ground.
Ink night looked at him inexplicably, Zhou Yu knees on the ground, and also looked at the
eyes of the ink night very solemnly.
"Ink night, you listen, I am very grateful for your company, but I can't take you to where I
am going."
"Hmm?" The ink night set off its head, and used it to make Zhou Yu look at the soft eyes.
The softer the heart, the more Zhou Yu knows that he can't continue to carry it.
"I am equal to you and me. I am not your owner, and you have saved no matter what
you treat me, I treat you as my brother. Like my former vice captain Chen Chong. My liaison
officer Xiaomei, my brother Zhou Qing... Any one of them is in danger, I will spare no effort
to save them, even if the cost is my life. Therefore, I can’t stand it anymore, some people
regard you as research The object. If you just observe you, but they are likely to hurt you,
can not give you the respect and equality you expect... you are a wise creature, your feelings
will be hurt."
The ink night really understood Zhou Yu’s words, and even the wings on his back fell down.
"So, let's go now. But you have to remember the three rules of survival. First, never fear,
fear will make you marked as a prey. Second, don't be attracted by beautiful things, the
more beautiful, the more dangerous. Third... It seems that it doesn't have much impact on
you. Anyway, the farther away you are from the s-class creature, the better."
Zhou Yu touched the head of the ink night and then gently pushed it.
The ink night is still motionless.
Zhou Yu resolutely got up and strode forward, while the ink night made a "hmm" whisper
in the same place.
Zhou Yu is a person who has never been able to do what he wants to do. This is the first
time that his heart is so uncomfortable.
The ink night is too small, although I don't know what it will be when he grows up, but it is
at least free, better than those who are kept in the Institute.
In the night, I saw Zhou Yu’s point of not turning back. I immediately ran up my little claws
and ran up.
Zhou Yu suddenly stopped and inked his night on his lap. Zhou Yu bowed his head and
stared at the ink night: "I said, don't follow me anymore!"
The ink stayed in the night, and it has never seen Zhou Yu reveal such expression.
"Do you want to be raised in a glass box? Do you want to be cut open to let people study
your internal organs? Do you want to be drained? Do you want your brain to be opened for
Ink night took two steps back, as if it was really scared.
Zhou Yu’s heart is like a hot, rubbed paper.
He turned and walked away quickly.
Don't keep up.
Me and was not a world.
The ink night still makes a whimper, Zhou Yu is extremely regrettable. I really shouldn't
give it a name. Because I will remember that name forever.
And it will always be remembered.
After Zhou Yu went far and far, he finally couldn’t help but turn his head.
Under the dusk of the dusk, the figure of the ink night is no longer visible.
Zhou Yu’s heart feels very special.
But the past is over, no longer looking back, and never nostalgia.
"Goodbye, ink night. You have to be a very good creature, living proudly."
When Nibelung was completely submerged in the night, Zhou Yu also came to the base of
Juli Group. What he wants to know most now is whether Zhou Qing arrived safely.
Zhou Yu came to the metal door and placed his palm on the recognizer, and immediately
connected to the contact center of the base.
After he informed his identity and coding, the metal door slowly opened, and Zhou Yu knew
that the side of the door was a human civilization.
The guards dressed in camouflage guns appeared in front of Zhou Yu, all of them were alert
expressions, as if Zhou Yu was a monster.
Zhou Yu’s brows picked up and someone came out and turned out to be Song Zhi.
Song Zhi opened his arms to him, but his legs did not come forward.
"Zhou Yu! It's incredible. You are alive and come back! It's a miracle."
Zhou Yu snorted: "I came back from the robbery, did Mr. Song welcome me like this?"
"This is also a no-brainer. The creatures here are very complicated. We are not sure if you
have been parasitized by any organisms. You are not sure if you have any bacteria or
viruses in your body, even if you have become a certain The 'nutrition' of the reproduction
of the creatures. When you pass our physical examination, I promise you to drink red wine
to eat the steak."
Song Zhi pointed to a special passage.
"If you have red wine, I really need steak."
At this time, some people crowded out the guards, Wu Yun and Zhou Qing.
Zhou Qing reveals a happy expression, and he will rush to hug Zhou Yu, but he is stunned
by Wu Yun.
"When he passed the inspection and passed." Wu Yun's face was a cold expression, but his
eyes were delighted and hopeful.
"I understand, thank you, Wu Yun."
Wu Yun’s caution is exactly what Zhou Yu hopes to see. No one knows if there will be a
sudden one day something happened to Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu went to the special passage under the guns of the guards. After the disinfectant gas
is sprayed out, Zhou Yu's various physical indications are scanned and input into the
From the circulation of blood in his body to the scanning of dangerous substances, Zhou
Yu’s body is all normal.
Then Zhou Yu was instructed to lie on a bed and enter MRI.
Song Zhi came to the monitoring room and asked, "What is his physical condition?"
"everything is normal."
Song Zhiyu raised his eyes: "Is he not injured?"
“No bleeding spots were found and there were no parasites.”
Song Zhi’s eyes sank: “He’s falling, but the angel’s horn! It’s impossible to come back
without any damage.”
Finally, the blood test, all show that everything is normal, no bacteria or virus infection, and
even the indicators are healthier than the average person, it is the peak state of the body.
"He really has no problem." The monitor replied.
Song Zhi nodded: "No problem. He is very special, I don't want him to die."
But his eyes are full of doubts.
When Zhou Yugang came out, he was hugged by Zhou Qing.
"You are not dead! Great! You are really not dead! Great!"
Feeling the temperature of Zhou Qing, Zhou Yu has a sense of reality that he is really alive.
Wu Yun came to him and hit him with a punch.
"It seems that I don't have to change my partner!"
"You still changed your name and said it." Zhou Yu smiled.

Laws of the Other World Chapter 25: Base life

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Wu Yun shook his head in his pocket: "You don't know what it feels like when I look at you.
If you change your name, it won't happen to you anymore. I will change my name
immediately!" ”
"Get it." Zhou Yu thinks that Wu Yun should have the phrase "The dog can't change □ □",
and the name of his crow can't be changed.
Li Qian also rushed over. The boy looked twisted and could see the moment of Zhou Yu, and
his nose was red.
Han Li directly shed tears, and Dr. Daniel also came to hug Zhou Yu.
The applause sounded, and everyone turned back, it was Song Zhi.
"Zhou Yu, I almost have to give your pension to Professor Zhou." Song said with a smile.
"Let you down, I am not dead." Zhou Yu replied.
"You are the person I personally invited. When I heard you have an accident, my heart is
very sad. If you die, I am really disappointed." Song Zhi extended his hand to Zhou Yu.
This man is really cold, he can calmly measure everything, open all irrelevant factors, and
only look at the results he wants.
Zhou Yu is one of his all-measures. He lost Zhou Yu and he really felt sad.
Zhou Yu shook hands with Song Zhi: "Mr. Song, you know... I have a reason to live."
Song Zhi took a look at Zhou Qing and nodded. "Our Juli Group has always kept its promise.
Professor Zhou is here to get the best research opportunities and top medical conditions. I
think you have a lot of words." To talk, the restaurant is open to you until 12 o'clock, I wish
you a happy evening."
That night, Wu Yun and Zhou Yu and others had a big meal at the base restaurant. Wu Yun
gave Zhou Yu two cans of beer.
“Hey, the goods are still scarce, beer and cigarettes are luxury.”
"So what about red wine?" Zhou Yu opened the beer and hit the cup with Wu Yun.
"That is only the people of Song who can use it."
"Song Zhi looks very young, but he has such an important position in the Juli Group, I think
it is incredible."
"Tale... I mean the legend..." Li Qian lowered his head and whispered, "Mr. Song had dealt
with the s-class creature, and the s-class creature was almost killed by him..."
"Kill s-class creatures? That's the creature at the top of the pyramid! I heard that the
previous base would be destroyed, also because of a certain s-class creature."
Dr. Daniel expressed doubts.
"This news is really explosive. I have not heard of the Juli Group for so many years." Wu
Yun smiled, but his eyes told Zhou Yu, this is not a nonsense.
Zhou Qing’s fingers trembled slightly. He thought of the s-class creature that had saved
himself, and the reverberating voice in his mind had never heard of it.
Everyone went on to talk about their next life. Li Qian only needs to stay in the base to do
system maintenance and related program design. Han Li and Daniel stayed in the medical
team. Wu Yun and Zhou Yu will wait for the assignment task.
"Is your body still okay?" Zhou Yu asked Zhou Qing.
"Well, there is no adverse reaction at the moment. After I came here, I did a detailed brain
examination. It was amazing that the tumor did not grow. And, I stopped the kind of side-
effect medicine that they gave me." Zhou Qing said with a smile.
This also made Zhou Yu put down the heavy stone in his heart.
This is also the most decent dinner that Zhou Yu has eaten after coming to Nibelungen.
After dinner, Wu Yun took Zhou Yu to the base and made a round trip, familiar with the
environment. The ratio of security personnel, including field personnel to researchers and
other logistics personnel, is 3 to 1. Of course, the highest mobility and loss rate is also the
guards and field personnel, especially in the ruined base, I heard that they are elites. Song
Zhi was also because the base came to Nibelungen.
The area of the base is limited and the living space of each person is not large.
Wu Yun called their room a "sleep capsule."
When Zhou Yu opened his assigned room door, he had to admit that Wu Yun’s metaphor
was very image.
There is only one bed for single people to lie down, and the daily necessities are placed in
the mezzanine on the top of the bed. The space is fully utilized and it is very suppressed. It
seems that the four walls will move toward themselves and squeeze themselves. In such an
environment, Zhou Yuning would like to sleep outside.
He lay down on the bed after washing.
The absolute silence at the moment is different from the tranquility in the virgin forest.
Zhou Yu closed his eyes, and the small body of the ink night appeared in his mind.
How is it now? Have you found something to eat? Have you rested and slept? Is it very
Zhou Yu’s hands were the fruits that the ink night had brought him. Zhou Yu threw one of
them into his mouth, and the sweet feeling made him feel relaxed. But he couldn't sleep.
Looking for a long time finally found a spare pillow, Zhou Yu held it in his arms, pretending
it was ink night.
But the ink night is softer and warmer.
Live well, ink night.
You have to grow up and become a powerful creature.
Then free to do what you want to do.
At this time, Zhou Yu’s intercom was ringing, and Song’s voice came.
"Although I know you need to rest, there are some doubts. If you don't get answers, I won't
Zhou Yu understands what Song Zhi wants to ask.
"I am waiting for you in the office."
After that, the communication was interrupted.
Zhou Yuli landed and left his room, and came to the deepest part of the base is also known
as the safest place - Song Zhi's office.
This office is not big, just a table and two chairs.
Song Zhi buckled his hands and seemed to wait for Zhou Yu for a long time. He is like a
hunter crouching in the dark, and no lies can escape his eyes.
When Zhou Yu sat down, the office door was automatically locked.
And Zhou Yu really has a glass of red wine in front of him.
Although Zhou Yu does not understand red wine, but pick it up gently, look at its hanging
cup and know that it is definitely not cheap red wine.
"You can ask me a question." Zhou Yu said.
"Actually, I can put a little remedy in the red wine. But I don't do that. I want to hear you tell
the truth. Any secret you want to hide will be the reason to kill your partner and even your
brother." Say.
"So I can ask you a question first?" Zhou Yu asked.
"Yes." Song nodded.
"Are you really in contact with s-class creatures?"
"Yes. It is beautiful. The beauty I am talking about does not refer to its appearance, but its
arrogant freedom to not put anything in the eyes." Song Zhi's answer did not hesitate,
completely unruly Thinking.
"So does it seduce you?" Zhou Yu asked again.
Song Zhi bowed his head and smiled: "It doesn't need to seduce me. Its existence is
"But you are still alive."
"This is my luck. It is also my misfortune. I am angry with it. It also punishes me in the most
effective and direct way."
Zhou Yu looked at Song Zhi, his cold eyes were filled with sorrow.
"My fiancée is also a researcher. She is a bullet that she researched and produced to kill the
creature. The s-class creature took her away, and she was pregnant with the child. This
child had her life. I am everywhere. Looking for it, but I have never seen it."
Zhou Yu did not think that Song Zhi had such an experience.
“And all my students and researchers, as well as colleagues and most important friends,
have become nutritious. So I know their dangers better than anyone. Before the moment, it
will make you feel free to go to heaven, and next Seconds is the abyss of hell."
At that moment, Zhou Yu saw a cold in the eyes of Song.
"Now it's my turn to ask you a question. I hope you give me the real answer, just as it is for
Professor Zhou."
"of course."
"Are you really falling the angel's horn under the attack of the scale dragon?"
"Are you not attacked by aquatic creatures?"
"I am not sure if it is an illusion. I think I was attacked."
Song Zhi’s eyebrows picked up and his fingers held the edge of the red wine glass as if he
were thinking about Zhou Yu’s words.
"So what about the scale dragon? Is it letting you go like that?"
"I should have seen the anti-scale dragon come to kill me, but... there is some kind of
creature that is in front of me and kills the scale dragon."
"If there is a creature that kills the scale dragon, it is at least a level creature. Do you have
anything else that is uncertain or do you think is an illusion?"
"Yes. I seem to have seen a teenager save me. Then I woke up on the shore."
Zhou Yu finished, carefully looking at the expression of Song.
Song Zhi raised his hand to cover his forehead and did not speak for a long time.
“Do I have encountered a s-class creature?” Zhou Yu asked.
"I think, yes."
"Maybe it's just a coincidence, it never happened again." Zhou Yu said.
Song Zhi shook his head and reluctantly chuckled: "They will not save any human being for
no reason, because they are too proud. Below their creatures, they will not even look at it.
You must be its target. And we are completely unaware of the criteria for their choice of
Zhou Yu was not surprised to hear the news.
“Be careful, I hope that you can live back to our world.”
"Thank you."
Zhou Yu nodded and left the office of Song Zhi.
Song Zhi’s judgment and the existence of s-class creatures are extremely sensitive.
However, life is a journey that has no return. No matter whether there are s-class creatures
on this journey, the end point will not change.
Since I know the result, Zhou Yu’s heart is calm.
When he was about to walk back to his room, several passing field personnel were chatting.
"Is it heard? The Alpha team came back from the mission and brought back a class a

Laws of the Other World Chapter 26: Night spirit

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"Alpha Squad? Class A creatures? How many people have they lost?"
"No loss for one person! It is a cub without parents! It seems to be born only a few days!"
"That's white! It's too much luck! The commissions and rewards that Juli Group gave them
can't be spent for a lifetime!"
Zhou Yu paused, suddenly felt that ink night is very lucky, otherwise it will become the
same as the kind of a creature, even if it is strong, it has become a research material.
After sleeping in the original forest for so many days, I finally had a stable bed. Zhou Yu’s
head just fell asleep on the pillow. As his thoughts grew deeper and deeper, it seemed to fall
into the clear eyes of the ink night, and every expression of the ink night was so clear.
He could still hear the sound of the ink night in his ear.
It is scared, it is calling for help.
Zhou Yu suddenly opened his eyes and suddenly had a bad feeling. He opened the quilt and
rushed out.
The base at night entered the state of alert, and Zhou Yu could only move in the rest area of
the field personnel, and could not go anywhere.
Zhou Yu immediately contacted Song Zhi with a walkie-talkie.
"Mr. Song, I want to see the a-level creature brought back by the Alpha team!"
"Yes. I give permission. It is in the bio-care center in the x zone." Song did not agree with
Zhou Yu for any explanation and reason.
"Thank you."
Zhou Yu opened the channel and walked quickly to the x zone.
There are many isolated transparent living areas and plants, which make Zhou Yu think of
the first lost botanical garden in the Juli Group Institute.
At the end of the area, Zhou Yu saw the busy researchers and Song Zhi in a black suit.
Song Zhi turned his arms and looked at Zhou Yu.
And in the glass wall behind him, it turned out to be ink night!
It curled up there, very low, and even the ears and wings were pulled.
"How could it be here..." Zhou Yu went to the glass wall and covered it with his palm.
"Do you know it?" Song Zhirao looked at Zhou Yu with interest. "It seems that you still have
a lot of secrets that don't tell me."
"How did you catch it?" Zhou Yu looked at Song Zhi.
There was a kind of strength in his gaze that made Song Zhi feel a great sense of oppression
at that moment.
"It was the car that climbed the Alpha team. They found it when they entered the base to
receive the scan." Song Zhi looked at Zhou Yu's expression and suddenly understood. "It
came to you, right?"
Zhou Yu’s fist was clenched and neither affirmed nor denied.
"This creature is called the night spirit. It doesn't grow very big, it's not very aggressive, but
it's very rare." Song answered.
"If the temperament is docile, why is it rated as a?"
“The definition of level is not defined by risk. It’s just that the higher the level, the stronger
the destructiveness of the creature. But the night spirit...there is a special enzyme in their
body, the time of existence in the air. Very short, but this enzyme accelerates wound
healing and promotes the synthesis of hemoglobin. It is amazing and of great research
Zhou Yu’s fingertips trembled. Could it be that he was able to survive in the river by the
piercings and blood loss? It’s because of the ink night!
"We always wanted to study this kind of creature, but they are too rare. The only thing we
found was the remains of this creature. The research team used this kind of bone to
produce the night spirit. But the base was destroyed, all The embryos are gone."
Zhou Yu’s face has no expression, but she knows that the ink night is out of the research
Song Zhi was keenly aware of the changes in Zhou Yu’s mood.
"Wu Yun mentioned in the report that he brought back a box containing embryos and
successfully hatched. Only the living cubs fell into the angel's horn with you... so it is..." Song
pointed Refers to the ink night on the other side of the glass wall.
"Yes." Zhou Yu replied.
"You should report to me." Song did not blame Zhou Yu, but the tone was very low.
Zhou Yu does not intend to lie, he looks at the ink night.
The ink night that has been curling up seems to feel Zhou Yu’s gaze and slowly raise his
head. At the moment of watching with Zhou Yu, its ears stood up, the small wings fluttered,
rushed to Zhou Yu, then slammed into the glass and bounced back. It immediately climbed
up, changed to a position, rushed over, or hit the glass.
"Ink night! Stop!" Zhou Yu took a shot.
But the ink night is very persistent, it slams over and over again, it can't understand Zhou
Yu is in front of it, what is stopping it.
The force of its impact is getting bigger and bigger, and even the glass wall is trembled.
Every time it falls, it shows a painful expression, and looks at Zhou Yu with pity, but the
next time it will work harder.
The bones of Zhou Yu’s body followed the pain. Every time the ink hits the wall, it hits his
"Ink night! Stop! Stop!" Zhou Yu pressed the glass and inked his little head. It thought that he could feel Zhou Yu, but only cold.
It rounded his eyes, was really angry, and returned to the farthest distance, then rushed
and rushed over.
Zhou Yu really felt the fear at the moment. Ink night seems to ruin yourself and rush into
the world of Zhou Yu.
The monitoring sent an alarm, and the researchers had to ask Song: "Mr. Song, go on like
this... the night spirit will kill himself..."
"Then release the calming gas." Song sent an order.
"No, calming gas is useless for this creature! The enzymes in their bodies help their bodies
metabolize sedatives quickly!"
"Put it out!" Zhou Yu took the researcher.
"This is impossible." Song came over and patted Zhou Yu's back. "The night spirit is a very
fast creature. Once we let it out, it will be difficult to catch it."
"So you have to watch it kill yourself?"
Song Zhi bowed his head and smiled: "Zhou Yu, you seem to have forgotten who you are.
You and it are completely different creatures. Maybe it has feelings, but it is not human."
Zhou Yu looked at Song Zhi and did not speak for a few seconds. The ink night still hits the
glass wall over and over again.
That kind of persistence makes the researchers puzzled.
"Mr. Song, according to the scanning situation, it has cracked his shoulder."
"Don't worry about it. The resilience of the night spirit is very strong."
“What?” The researchers were a little surprised.
Song Zhi just looked at the ink night with a squint: "You originally intended to let it go free,
isn't it? Since it does not cherish freedom, it has to pay a price."
Zhou Yu clenched his fists, and he knew in his heart that once the ink night was identified,
even if he cracked his skull, he would do it. In the heart of the ink night, his Zhou Yu is more
important than freedom.
"If you don't want to let it out, let me in." Zhou Yu said.
"Zhou Yu, don't be impulsive to do stupid things."
Song Zhi coldly warned.
"Stupid thing? Do you think I will run out with it? A small team of guards here is enough to
make me a sieve. You want to study the body of the night spirit more than *, is that the
Zhou Yu’s voice fell, and other researchers looked at Song Zhi.
Song sighed with a sigh: "Well, let Zhou Yu go in. But I will never let the night spirit come
After that, Song Zhi turned and left.
Zhou Yu came to the second door, the first door opened, Zhou Yu went in.
Ink night understands that Zhou Yu is coming in, and immediately rushes to the direction of
the door, pats the door with its front paws.
When a door closes and the second door opens, the ink night jumps up and throws into
Zhou Yu’s arms.
Zhou Yu hugged it, it was still so soft and warm, but it was light.
"I am not asking you to leave? Why are you not obedient? Now you are locked in the glass
room, are you happy?"
The ink night in his arms made Zhou Yu feel a lot of emotions.
The head of the ink night smashed in the chest of Zhou Yu, and the front paws grasped the
collar of Zhou Yu and did not loosen.
Zhou Yu sat down against the wall and touched its ears, its small wings. Just hitting the
wings on the right side, it made a whimper. It seems that it was a fracture when I hit the
glass wall.
"You fool. This glass wall is made of special materials, and the density is even higher than
that of metal. You can't break it." Zhou Yu sighed. If there is anything in the world that
makes him helpless, there is only ink night. .
In the night, I sniffed the fingers of Zhou Yu’s own eyes and looked forward to it. Zhou Yu
suddenly understood what he wanted to do, so he sent his index finger into the mouth of
the ink night. Its small tongue tip was tangled up, and after a slight tingling, Zhou Yu felt an
inexplicable mood pouring into his heart.
Attached, unwilling.
For the first time, Zhou Yu clearly felt that she was the center of a certain world.
The night of the ink came over, nesting on Zhou Yu’s leg, squinting at the eyes, very
pleasant look.
Zhou Yu shook his head helplessly.
In the night, the ink raised his own small wings, and made a squeaking noise in the air, then
gently fanned it.
Zhou Yu knows that it has recovered.
I can't feel the ink night sucking myself, it is probably full. Zhou Yu touched its back, its soft
fluff slowly and undulating as its breath was like a gentle wave, and everything seemed
Zhou Yu felt that the ink was asleep at night, and he was about to take back his finger. The
ink night suddenly opened his eyes. He watched Zhou Yu with great vigilance and bit the
Zhou Yu’s finger. Although it didn’t hurt, it was completely paralyzed. not open.

Laws of the Other World Chapter 27: El Nino Aquatic Dragon

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Zhou Yu had to touch his back with the other hand, and its nervous emotions eased.
I don't know how long it took, the ink night really fell asleep, giving a shallow breathing
sound. Zhou Yu put it down, got up and left.
He went to the monitoring room and chatted with Carlos Carlos, the chief researcher there.
"I really didn't expect to see the living night spirit in my lifetime. This creature is almost
extinct in Nibelungen."
"Do you hurt it?" This is Zhou Yu's most concerned issue.
At this stage, it is impossible for him to take the ink night, not to mention the Juli Group
holding the way he went back to the original world.
"Of course not! It is only alive to have research value! We will carefully extract its saliva, it
will not hurt it! Look, how beautiful it is!" Carlos stood in front of the glass wall, with a kind
of piety Looked at the ink night.
Zhou Yu was a little surprised. For the first time, he said that this black lacquered little
thing was "beautiful." Sure enough, the world of scholars is different from normal people.
"What is its habit? For example, what does it feed for?"
"We didn't know anything until we saw it. But according to the data from the sensor, when
you just have your finger, it is your blood."
"it is as expected……"
Zhou Yu looked at his fingers without wounds.
"It **** your blood, and the enzymes in the saliva also enter your body, and combine with
your cells. On the one hand, it promotes the regeneration of your hemoglobin, produces
fresh blood, and on the other hand promotes all of you. The wound heals, so you can't see
the wound on your finger."
Zhou Yu finally understood what was going on.
"That is, although it sucked my blood, it did not cause any harm to my body?"
"Yes. It will make your body healthier." Carlos shrugged his shoulders.
Zhou Yu nodded. "It's not early, I go back to rest. If the ink night...the night spirit has
anything, please let me know."
"Of course." Carlos nodded and suddenly asked, "Do you give it a name?"
"Yes." Zhou Yu replied, "It is called the ink night, meaning the night of the ink."
Back to the room, Zhou Yu lay on his narrow bed. I haven't heard of any tasks in these two
days, so I can sleep well.
It was only the next morning. Zhou Yu’s walkie-talkie rang, and Wu Yun’s voice came: “Hey,
brother! We got it! There is a research team going out to collect important plant samples
and being trapped.”
Zhou Yu jerked up and glanced at his watch and found himself sleeping for only five hours.
But for Zhou Yu, it is enough. When he left the room, he saw the two brown fruit pieces that
fell on the bed and took them without hesitation.
He and Wu Yun confirmed the equipment and strode to the upper level of the base.
They are followed by a few young field personnel.
Wu used his elbow to hit Zhou Yu and whispered: "This task with a rookie is the most
"They are all new people?" Zhou Yu asked.
"Yes. They thought they knew how dangerous Nibelungen was, but they didn't know it.
They always wanted to show their level and ability. When they got the weight of the Juli
Group, the money went into their pockets, and then the next life. You can lie on the beaches
of Hawaii and sip cocktails to see bikinis."
"Maybe when they go back, they have already run into inflation, and the money they have
exchanged is worthless."
"Haha, although this humor is very cold, but I like it." Wu Yunchao Zhou Yu extended his
In front of them are two standby helicopters.
After entering the cabin, Zhou Yu suddenly thought of something: "Hey, have you not
introduced your name to those newcomers?"
Wu Yun touched his nose and smiled: "The reminder that you can't listen is a no-brainer.
The advice that is not adopted is nonsense. You still don't understand what the meaning of
this task is?"
"Are we not going to save the researchers?"
"The question of whether the two researchers are still alive is a problem. The real purpose
of this task is to screen, and if possible, we want to recycle the research results of the
researchers. Each research institute will carry a recorder when it comes out of the field.
Record everything they do and the speculative conclusions of the observations on the spot.
If you can't save them, it's important to bring them back. The Juli Group won't spend a lot of
money to raise people who have no value. Those who can survive in time and again are the
ones who deserve to spend money."
"Other people, it’s good to receive a pension. Is that true?" Wu Yun shrugged his shoulders and did not answer.
There are two newcomers and the helicopter. Their age is similar to that of Zhou Yu. It
seems that after a hundred battles, the pride in his eyes can't be concealed, and there is no
more meaning to talk to a predecessor like Wu Yun. One of them is from South Korea and is
called Jin Zhuyuan. The other one is from Japan, surnamed Yamamoto.
The helicopter took off and was getting farther and farther from the base.
Nibelungen's daylight is very thorough, and many people who come here will feel that the
air quality is good and the pollution is small, but Zhou Yu and Wu Yun know that such a
thorough and murderous.
“Why do you accept the employment of Juli Group?” Zhou Yu asked.
"I? My life is really bleak. I am in love with a decade of female friendship. It is not easy to
get married. I am pregnant with someone else. The man is my brother! These are not
enough. She is actually with the man." Collusion is going to kill me! I am so angry, I am
slashing and killing them all! Now, I can only stay in Nibelungen." Wu said in English,
obviously everyone I understand.
Jin Zhuyuan and Yamamoto sitting opposite Wu Yun showed sympathy and some
contemptuous expressions.
Compassionate to his girlfriend's betrayal, but disdain that he can actually be mixed into
the situation because of women.
However, Zhou Yu snorted: "After you go back, you can write a script. But it's so bloody, I
don't know if anyone is watching."
Wu Yun smiled and slammed Zhou Yu with his elbow: "I heard that you had put the little
thing on, and it turned out to be obsessed with you. With the Alpha team wanting to come
in to find you, the result was caught. ?"
Zhou Yu did not speak. He suddenly thought that if the ink night woke up and didn't see
him, what would happen?
"Don't worry. Professor Zhou is in the base. When you are not there, he will go to see the
"Yeah." Now is not the time to worry about the night.
Soon, the helicopter flew to a place similar to the crater.
Viewed from a height, the center of the crater is a lake surrounded by green vegetation that
looks like a transparent sapphire in the center of the emerald.
The sun is falling, adding a bright glow to this piece of exquisiteness.
Such beauty is not common.
Just as the shadow of the helicopter passed over the lake, a few dragon-shaped creatures
with wings suddenly emerged from the lake.
The lake was taken a few meters high and crashed back.
And the dragon creatures rushed to the helicopter like a string of arrows.
The pilot had to adjust the angle and Zhou Yu was almost thrown out of the hatch.
"Depart!" Wu Yun shouted and jumped out of the hatch.
Zhou Yu followed closely.
They were wearing flying squirrels and flying in midair with their arms wide open.
The other two players also jumped.
But another helicopter didn't have such good luck.
The names of those dragon creatures are "El Nino Aquatic Dragons". They are named "El
Nino" because they are as unpredictable as the El Niñ o phenomenon. The average aquatic
creature evolves fins to maintain water balance, but the El Niñ o Aquatic Dragon still retains
its wings, often picking up prey from the water. Their dynamic visual acuity is super strong,
often attacking moving objects, and is one of the few creatures in Nibelungen that does not
use fear as a marker to select prey.
These aquatic dragons are very destructive. Their dragon wings are beyond imagination.
They pierce the chassis of the helicopter and directly drag out the players who have not yet
jumped out of the cabin and are torn apart in the sky.
Zhou Yu and Wu Yun have adapted to this situation and kept their balance in the air.
However, Jin Zhuyuan and Yamamoto, who followed them, were scared by this scene.
Wu Yunchao Zhou Yu made a falling gesture. Their goal is to complete the task and not
spare no effort to take care of these rookies. The real strong will adjust their mindset at the
most critical moments and seize a glimmer of life in the cracks.
An aquatic dragon came to face Zhou Yu, and the open mouth could directly bite Zhou Yu.
No one could see Zhou Yu’s movements. He only knew that he had pulled out his gun from
his waist and crossed his side in the air. The bullets were shot into the mouth of the aquatic
This series of actions was completed in less than a second, and Zhou Yu always maintained
an air balance.
The dragon screamed and fell straight down.
Zhou Yu’s aerial posture is smooth and natural. Wu Yun extended his thumb, and Jin
Zhuyuan and Yamamoto showed a surprised expression. It’s just too late to recall how Zhou
Yu killed the aquatic dragon, and another aquatic dragon rushed to Yamamoto.
He also wanted to pull out the gun, but his movements were too slow, and the gun had not
been holstered and was bitten by it.
The pain of Yamamoto did not last long, and he was swallowed into the belly by the aquatic

Laws of the Other World Chapter 28: Underground kingdom

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Jin Zhuyuan swayed from its side, this scene is close at hand, his face is white.
"Focus the attention, prepare to land!" Zhou Yu's shouting made him come back.
The heights of the three of them landed farther and farther away from the lake where the
aquatic dragons lived, and they could not be seen.
They landed on the tree. Zhou Yu lowered his head to observe the ground conditions and
landed. Wu Yun also followed up. The two men leaned back against each other and pulled
out the gun.
Their team's only newcomer, Jin Zhuyuan, also landed. He immediately came to Zhou Yu
and Wu Yun's side to form a triangle.
Wu Yun glanced at the locator on his wrist. All researchers have a positioning device on the
ankle, and the signal sent by the locator can determine the location of the outgoing
The locator showed that the two researchers were not far away.
Wu Yun made a gesture. The new man held a gun with Wu Yun's side. Zhou Yu kept his
back against them and guarded them behind him.
In front of it is an old tree, whose roots are out of the ground and are intertwined.
Wu Yun stopped his steps, and the newcomers around him had to step forward and were
stopped by Wu Yun.
"Be careful, that's not an ordinary tree."
All plants without animal nerves are classified into e-class organisms, which are the safest
Jin Zhuyuan leaned over his face and saw the twisted roots of the tree in front of him. A
researcher's body has been penetrated and earned. He has become the nutrition of the tree.
"My God..." Jin Zhuyuan showed a surprised expression.
Zhou Yu is not the first time I have seen such a situation. The last time I met with the night
in the virgin forest, I also saw a vine that **** the prey with a fruity aroma and then wraps
the prey to absorb nutrients.
His body did not tremble.
"How can we save him?"
Wu Yun shook his head: "Impossible... I have not saved it..."
The researcher seemed to hear the voice of their conversation, opened his eyes slightly, his
eyes were a desire, his lips opened and closed.
"What is he talking about?" Jin Zhuyuan asked.
"He is saying, 'Please kill me.'" Wu Yun replied.
He is very painful, every minute is tortured.
Wu Yun raised the gun and no one stopped him. But he didn't hit the researcher, but the
"Oh--", the bullets fell into the trunk, and the neurotoxins began to spread. The tree quickly
withered, split from the middle and crashed down.
Zhou Yu took a step toward the side, and the tree fell to his side.
Wu Yun came to the root of the break, and the painful expression of the researcher
gradually became calm because of the infiltration of neurotoxins.
Wu Yun saw that he still held the sampler in his hand, so he took it out, put it in his
backpack after being sealed, and then took his research recorder from his wrist.
"Is he over?" Zhou Yu asked.
The end is that the researcher has died. In this world, death is sometimes a relief.
"Yeah." Wu Yun nodded.
He walked to Zhou Yu, and while walking, he looked at the locator on his wrist and said, "It
is estimated that another researcher will not be good."
At this time, Zhou Yu suddenly pulled the trigger, and the bullets were shot by Wu Yun’s
shoulders. Wu Yun quickly evaded, and the newcomers did not break the guns. They were
particularly loud in the dead forest.
Wu Yun looked back and saw that the dead researcher stood up and stood up. His eyes
were out of focus, the eyeballs suddenly whitened, and the limbs damaged by the roots
were hanging there. Step by step, they would cross Wu Yun. .
"What happened? Our bullets can't beat him!"
Jin Zhuyuan stepped back step by step, and he had already emptied the magazine.
The researcher came to him and opened his mouth to bite him. From his mouth, he could
see the roots of a certain plant.
At this time, Zhou Yu took the dagger from his waist and flew out, just in his head.
Jin Zhuyuan has never seen such a scene: "This... is this a zombie?"
Wu Yun took him back: "It’s not a zombie... it was already parasitic before he was captured
by the roots of the old trees."
They bowed their heads and saw something under the feet of the researcher extending into
the soil.
"We hit him, but did not hit the parasites in his body."
Wu Yun aimed at his feet, and had not had time to shoot. Suddenly something emerged
from the muzzle of his head, cracking his skull and rushing into the sky.
"It is mistletoe!"
The voice fell, and the mistletoe fell to the side because there was no climbing tree.
Zhou Yu did not hesitate to hit a shot. The mistletoe quickly withered and rotted.
The newcomer breathed a sigh of relief.
Wu Yunyang raised his chin: "Walk?"
"There is also a researcher who wants to see people and die to see the dead." Zhou Yu held
the gun and continued to move forward.
Along the way, they saw many old trees. These old trees seem to be quiet, but Zhou Yu
seems to hear their breathing.
At the root of an old tree, Zhou Yu saw a part of the camouflage shards, which must have
been left by the guards who had previously protected the two researchers. These old trees
are attacking, but now they are so quiet, they are waiting.
Once Zhou Yu goes deep into them, they will launch an attack and let Zhou Yu have no
chance to escape.
They are like the watchmen of this land, and they are firmly protected.
Zhou Yu looked at Wu Yun and Wu Yun nodded. The three of them took out the breathing
filter and put it on the nose and mouth. Wu Yun took out something like a grenade and
threw it at high altitude.
The grenade made a squeaking sound, and the pale yellow gas quickly spurted out in all
directions and spread out in the air.
The trees are eager to move, and the roots slowly pull up from the soil, as if they were
dying and struggling to attack them.
Zhou Yu and Wu Yun are very calm, but Jin Zhuyuan is a little nervous. Now that he has no
initial pride, Wu Yun has experience, Zhou Yu has instant judgment, he must keep up with
their pace to survive.
The effect of the neuroanaesthetic was the most powerful in ten minutes, and the response
of those trees gradually stopped. This was also specially prepared by the researchers
before Wu Yun’s mission.
It seems that the people who came here before did not expect such a situation.
In Nibelungen, everyone is stepping on the experience of others to survive. And these
experiences are often at the expense of life.
Wu Yun made a "forward" gesture.
According to the orientation of the locator, they came to a cave.
"H... you said that he was dragged in by dangerous creatures, or was he afraid to hide in?"
Wu Yun raised his eyebrows.
Zhou Yu opened the glare flashlight into it.
The hole is very deep, and the light from the flashlight is not more than ten meters.
"Do we really want to go down?" Jin Zhuyuan looked at Zhou Yu and Wu Yun.
In just a few minutes, from the helicopter attack by the aquatic dragons, to the ancient trees
that used * creatures as prey, and the mistletoe that grows from the human body, he has
not had time to breathe, he has to Is it dangerous?
"Does Song Zhi say, why did you send a researcher here?" Zhou Yu asked. At this point,
Zhou Yu must figure out what they are facing.
"Because there is a kind of a-class creature - Elpis. It has biological nerves and can even
think about it and react to the external environment. According to the prediction of the
research department, there is a fruit of Elpis that is about to mature. They are coming to
take the fruit." Wu Yun replied.
"In addition to the two researchers, how many guards are there?" Zhou Yu asked.
He least likes this task of unclear status.
"The guards of the twelve people." Wu Yun’s brows started. "There are a lot of people, but
no one is in contact with the base. They should all be attacked by ancient trees. The old tree
we just saw is The guardian of Erpis. There are two kinds of fruit in Erpis. A seed will be
brought to the vicinity by special animals that live around Elpis. When it falls into the soil, it
will grow into the ancient we see. Trees, once they grow, will launch a deadly attack on all
creatures that attempt to invade the field of Elpis. Another seed, a seed that is only one
thousand years old, will be produced by Earl. The descendants of Pis. When the tree grows
up, the nutrients of the old tree are sucked away, and the old tree is dead."
"So they are coming to take the most special kind of fruit?" Zhou Yu asked.
"Yes." Wu Yun looked at the newcomer. "Hey, you will stay outside the cave, just in case."
"Wait, what if those guards came to attack me?"
"You shoot and shoot." Wu Yun said very simple, "Or you go with us?"
Looking at the cave that had no trace of light at all, Jin Zhuyuan hesitated for a few seconds
and nodded and said, "Okay, then I will stay outside."
Zhou Yu and Wu Yun nodded, and the two opened the glare flashlight and went inside.
"Afraid?" Wu Yun asked.
"What do you think is inside the cave?"
They are still in the range that the sun can barely reach.
"Erpis is inside." Wu Yun said, "But have you heard that the tree grows in the cave?"
"This is Nibelungen, everything is possible." When the darkness completely drowned them, Zhou Yu couldn’t even see the
nearest Wu Yun.
The road underfoot is rugged, and you can step on something like a plant root, and you will
fall if you accidentally.
In the darkness, Zhou Yu said: "Let's we are not close to the core of this cave. Can you tell
me why you must complete this task?"
Wu Yun’s footsteps stopped.
"Isn't this what we should do? It is the loyalty of the people. The Juli Group pays, we sell our
lives. They must have something, we will go looking for something." Wu Yun’s voice is in
this darkness. A little bit of cold taste.
"Yes? Is there any task that is higher than life? We are about to enter a very dangerous
situation now. In fact, you could have gone back and told all the researchers and guards of
the Juli Group to be killed by the guardians of Elpis. Dead, even we can't get close to Elpis.
We only have three people, and the guards of twelve people can't do anything. Even if we
don't do it, Song can't blame us. Unless Song Zhi Give you a death order, and for some
reason you must execute this dead command." Zhou Yu calmly analyzed.
"...I do have a reason to complete the task. I said in the helicopter today that I am
embarrassed because I am not used to telling others what I am carrying."
"What you are carrying will not become what I am carrying because you told me."
Wu Yun chuckled: "Zhou Yu, this is why I like you. You are direct, when, and occasionally
say some hurt the truth. My wife has never been chaotic with anyone, but our feelings are
very Well, she had a car accident eight months pregnant, she died, the doctor saved the
child through emergency cesarean surgery... It was a daughter. Just like you spare no effort
to protect Zhou Qing, my daughter is everything to me. But she When I was eight years old,
I was diagnosed with lupus, and then..."
"The Juli Group then found you." Zhou Yu continued to move forward.
"Zhou Yu, if you are in danger, you don't need to take me out immediately." Wu Yun said.
"I won't do things that don't make sense. If I work hard, you will die. Of course I will not
waste my life."
" are really hurting." Wu Yun’s voice sounded aggrieved but with a smile.
"You just said, like my straightforwardness and the big truth of hurting people."
They went all the way, and Wu Yun’s locator showed that the missing researcher was still
more than a hundred meters ahead.
"This cave is too deep, right?" Wu Yun whispered.
“It’s not so much a cave, it’s like a tunnel leading to a place.”
Wu Yunzheng has to continue to move forward, but Zhou Yu grabbed it: "Be careful!"
With a flashlight, Wu Yuncai found himself in front of a vertical downward hole.
The gravel fell and made a whispering echo.
This height falls, and if it doesn't die, it is not a human.
"Is it still going?" Wu Yun asked Zhou Yu for advice. After all, Zhou Yu can quit this.
This task is too dangerous. From a rational point of view, Zhou Yu knows that he should
withdraw, and should also stop Wu Yun.
But in his mind, there is an inexplicable kind of *.
The darker the more the bottomless place, the more secret it is worth to be discovered.
And that secret is like scratching the heart of Zhou Yu.
"Go look down." Zhou Yu took out the rope.
Because they are gliding in a flying squirrel suit, there are not many equipments to carry.
"If the length of the rope is not enough to reach the bottom, we will give up the task and go
back." Wu Yun knows clearly why Zhou Yu chose to continue the task.
Once the ropes were fixed, they slowly went down.
Zhou Yu put the flashlight on his shoulder and adjusted the light.
As they go down, they can see the traces on the cave.
Zhou Yu's palm is covered. Although he does not understand geology, he has a feeling that
this cave is not naturally formed, like being excavated by something.
When they came to the bottom of the rope, Zhou Yu took a flashlight down and found that
they came to the bottom.
"This height is just right?" Wu Yun had some doubts.
They looked subconsciously and found that there was a lot of light in the place where they
came down.
Wu Yun was nervous. When they came down, they knew nothing!
"What kind of creature is that?"
"It's an eye." Zhou Yu replied, "Do you remember what Elpis relied on to spread its seeds?"
“The people in the research team say it is a small creature.”
"It is estimated that these creatures are."
Their eyes flashed blue in the dark, with a hint of magic and coldness.
"There is a feeling of being calculated. They seem to be deliberately waiting for us to come
Wu Yun’s voice just fell, and the ropes they fixed above the cave were untied and fell.
"Mom--" Wu Yunzhen wants to shoot out the guns and ask them to eat bullets.
"Let's move on." Zhou Yu will drop the rope off his waist.
"Are you not afraid? This is a trap." Wu Yun asked curiously.
"Song Zhi said that Nibelungen is a place where the hierarchy is quite strict. If there is no s-
class creature in this area, then Elpis, a class-a creature, rules the ecosystem, I said right?"
"In theory, this is the case. So?"
"So whether it's the 'guardian' outside the cave, or the small creature that spreads seeds for
Elpis, they all bow down to Elpis. Elpis is a creature with thoughts, it must pass Some way
to control these creatures, right?"
"I heard from the research team that it seems like this. So we have to be careful, and Elpis is
likely to control us in some way." Wu Yun worried.
Their task was indeed too sloppy, and many things were not clear. But why are those in the
scientific research department not using them as experimental mice to test Elpis?
"If Elpis ordered these creatures to kill all the humans who invaded it, what do you think of
the small creatures just now?"
"...when we went down the rope halfway, we untied the rope. So I and you all have to fall to
"But they waited until we got down and got rid of the ropes. Their purpose is not to kill us,
but to give us a chance to go back. Their ruler, Elpis may want to see us." Zhou Yu's The
pace is also calm.
Wu Yun stunned for two seconds. Sometimes he really had to work hard to keep up with
Zhou Yu’s thinking.
It seems a bit ridiculous, and it is just a guess, but it often proves that he is right.
"I think you have a good relationship with Nibelungen," Wu Yun said.
"What fate?" Zhou Yu's flashlight found another hole at the bottom of the cave. The height
of the hole was just enough for him and Wu Yun to walk in.
This coincidence makes Zhou Yu feel that they are not like invaders for Elpis, but more like
guests who are carefully invited.
"You know the way of thinking of the creatures here." Wu Yun also found the entrance and
made a gesture of "inside" to Zhou Yu.
Nowadays, they want to return to the original road. Those creatures who are at the
entrance to the cave will definitely not agree. They can only go on their heads.
Wu Yunzheng was going forward, but Zhou Yu went to the front.
Zhou Yu’s right hand held □ □, and the left hand crossed the flashlight and pressed it over
the □ □, heading forward.
This section of the road is not long, he can see the cave's mouth with a light blue light.
Zhou Yu’s look is heavy, and if there is any danger, he hopes Wu Yun still has time to leave.
Wu Yun understands Zhou Yu’s plan and just whispers: "I can die, but you must not die."
Zhou Yu’s fingers were slightly tight, and he suddenly thought of his vice captain Chen
Chong, the young Zhao Cheng and the face that no longer exists.
This way down, Wu Yun’s position in his mind is no less than Chen Chong.
The last time, he was not guardian, this time he must hold.
When he walked to the hole, his eyes suddenly opened up and his pupils were instantly
No one thought that there was such a vast space in the ground!
In the middle of this space is a giant spiral-shaped giant tree that grows up and covers
almost the entire top of the cave. The trunks and branches are translucent, and they can see
blood vessels that flow like blood, intertwined, and some more slender, nerve-like
The bottom of the blade is very large, and the blue light firefly that Zhou Yu has seen in the
video is attached to the blade! Zhou Yu still remembers how the researchers in the video
died in this seemingly beautiful creature.
The tree is still carrying some huge white flowers. Unlike the flowers of dangerous
creatures, it is so tempting or too enchanting. The flowers of Elpis are simple and elegant,
and the temperament of the valley of the valley is leisurely. There is a bit of a graceful
magnolia. But in those white flowers, the sword bone butterfly is inhabited.
Between the branches and leaves, Zhou Yu can still see the devil vines that are like the giant
Devil vines are dangerous for ordinary creatures. Even a thousand-year-old tree wrapped
up by the devil vines will soon be sucked dry, but it is clear that this Elpis is not exhausted
at all.
Taking a breath, Zhou Yu knows that these dangerous creatures are raised by Elpis.
They absorb the nutrients of Elpis and also protect Elpis.
"What's wrong?" Wu Yun saw that Zhou Yu was still moving. He went to Zhou Yu's side and
looked at it. He also stayed. "My God, is this a whole set of underground ecosystems?"
On the side of this Elpis, you can see a pool of underground water, a stream of water
flowing quietly along the wall, but the pool is not overflowing, indicating that the bottom of
the pool still leads to another place. . And this pool of water may be the source of water for
When the pool of water trembled, he saw an El Niñ o aquatic dragon jumping out of the
water and was shocked to retreat.
In such a closed place, if they encounter the attack of the El Niñ o Aquatic Dragon, it will die.
This space is too big, and the tree is too big to measure how long it has existed.
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Laws of the Other World Chapter 29: The inheritance of Elpis
Settings saved..
“What is the position of the researcher?” Zhou Yu did not seem to be shaken by the scene in
front of him.
Wu Yun raised his wrist and glanced at it. The angle of change seemed to be correcting the
"What's wrong?" Zhou Yu asked.
"According to the distance and direction...he seems to be inside the Elpis..." Wu Yun's brows
wrinkled tightly.
Did Elpis swallow the researcher?
Are they the foods that are tempted by Elpis?
"Wear the top cover." Zhou Yu put on the breathing mask.
Wu Yun suddenly understood Zhou Yu's meaning. He buckled Zhou Yu's wrist: "Even if the
anesthetic bomb is useful for those blue-light fireflies or scabbards, it may not be useful to
"Try it and you will know. Wu Yun, don't forget your daughter. Anyway, it is impossible to
go back from the original road. It is better to give it a try. And I have a hunch that you will
get the recorder on the researcher, and Unexpected gains, go back safely."
"...premonition of this kind of thing... Then do you have any hunch, what will I do?" Wu Yun
asked with helplessness.
Is it dead here?
Still... can you still see your daughter?
"Don't think about it later. It can be changed in the future, and ‘after’ is bound to come.”
After that, Zhou Yu violently threw the only anesthetic grenade he had equipped.
The grenade broke out in midair and the anesthetic gas spread out.
This is a closed underground space that is extremely beneficial for the effectiveness of the
anesthesia bomb.
Zhou Yu counts the time in his heart: one second, two seconds, three seconds... nine
seconds, ten seconds!
The scabbard butterflies attached to the El Niñ o flower have fallen, followed by the blue
fireflies, like the blue rain and fog, the scene is extremely spectacular.
For example, the torrent of light at the same time is like a huge illusion.
The ground was quickly covered.
Moreover, this anesthetic is soluble in water. If it is useful for blue-light fireflies and
scabbards, it should be effective for aquatic dragons in the pool, but the effect will not be
too long.
Zhou Yu made a "forward" gesture.
They must race against time.
The closer they are to Elpis, the more they can feel the magic of this tree.
It seems that every vein is a creature of independent thinking. Zhou Yu’s moment of looking
up is inexplicable.
Elpis seemed to see all the elders in the world, looked down and stared at them with
sorrowful eyes.
At that moment, Zhou Yu’s heartbeat seemed to merge with the flow of the Elpis vein.
Wu Yun looked at the locator on his arm and walked over to Elpis step by step. What made
him feel incredible was that the researcher was lying under the tree of Elpis, neither
harmed by the sword bone butterfly or the blue firefly, nor suffocated by the devil vine.
Wu Yun stretched his hand and held his neck, and found his pulse was very stable.
This is almost impossible.
Wu Yun can determine Zhou Yu’s conjecture. Elpis deliberately let them enter here, and
this researcher is a bait!
What is its purpose?
At this time, the sleeping scientist suddenly opened his eyes and was shocked that Wu Yun
And he slowly stood up, his face showing a smile that Wu Yun had never seen before.
Calm, calm, and noble.
"Welcome to my world."
The voice is ethereal, echoing in this huge underground world, like a star falling into a cup.
"Who are you! This is not the voice of Zhao Xiaoping!"
Although Wu Yun was not familiar with the researcher named Zhao Xiaoping, he had
several missions with him. Zhao Xiaoping’s voice and demeanor, Wu Yun is remembered.
But now this person is definitely not Zhao Xiaoping!
Zhao Xiaoping’s gaze passed through Wu Yun’s shoulder and looked at Zhou Yu: “So what
about you? Who do you think I am?”
Zhou Yu’s expression is much calmer than Wu Yun’s.
"You are Elpis." Zhou Yu replied.
Wu Yun was dumbfounded, and then he understood how Elpis controlled these creatures.
Although it can not mimic humans like s-class creatures, its thinking can enter other
organisms and control their behavior.
"What do you want to invite us here?" Zhou Yu's hand held his own gun, staring at Zhao
Xiaoping calmly, but ready to shoot at Elpis.
Regardless of whether he is doing this or not, he will go all out to win a chance for Wu Yun.
"Don't be such a Zhou Yu. The bullets fired by your gun are not strong enough to penetrate
my body." Zhao Xiaoping turned his face to face, his eyes were a joke, and more of it was a
transcendent over the human.
Wu Yun felt a dangerous atmosphere, Elpis can read their thinking... and it can control
himself and Zhou Yu at any time, making them kill each other.
"What do you want? If you take me and Wu Yun as prey, you don't have to talk to us so
"You should know that as Elpis, the fruit of my offspring is only one in ten thousand years.
But I gave that fruit to a higher level creature than me."
Zhao Xiaoping’s words made Wu Yun and Zhou Yu very surprised.
A higher level creature than Elpels is a s-class creature.
"So I lost the possibility of continuing the blood."
Wu Yun's subconsciousness took a step back.
If Elpis' goal is not to treat them as food, then it may be the nutrition of the progeny!
It wants to give birth to life again, so it needs...
"Let's play a game. There are still three minutes, the anesthetic in the air will be invalid. My
subjects will wake up. If you climb up fast enough, you can leave here."
"Climb up?" Wu Yun is completely puzzled.
Zhao Xiaoping smiled and pointed to his head.
Zhou Yu and Wu Yun together, the leaves of Elpis moved, it seems that there is a trace of
sunlight falling from the gap between Zhou Yu's face, it is the noon of the sun, very glaring,
Zhou Yu deliberately identified the head.
In other words, this huge underground space is not closed. It’s just that the branches of
Elpis are too luxuriant to cover the roof space!
"We are different from the human beings who do not follow the promises. Once you make a
promise, you will do it. Time is too boring, give me some fun. Time is passing! Action is fast,
otherwise my children will I have to wake up."
In the next second, Zhou Yu put the end of the rope into the launcher and slammed it out
into the height.
"Let's go! Wu Yun!" Zhou Yu whispered, let Wu Yun also wake up.
The two climbed quickly along the rope and went up. They struggled to climb up.
For Elpis, they are too small, like the ants on the tree.
It took almost a minute for them to climb into the branches of Elpis.
The sweat slipped from Zhou Yu's forehead. He stepped on the flowers of Elpis, leaped up,
stepped on the devil's vine, and continued to move upwards.
Wu Yun is also very neat, at this moment they have no time to think about whether Elpis is
playing with them or is it really boring to be fun.
Two minutes later, they have not even reached the middle of Elpis.
But can't give up.
Three minutes have passed, and the sleeping creatures are gradually waking up.
And they just climbed through the middle of Elpis and could see the obvious daylight.
Zhou Yu saw countless scabbard butterflies and blue fireflies, flying through the cracks in
the branches and leaves.
Time is not enough!
Zhou Yuhuang came to Wu Yun: "Give me your rope!"
"Hurry up!" Zhou Yu finished, tied his rope and Wu Yun together, tied one end tightly to Wu
Yun's waist, and the other end shot to a branch of the height.
But the metal claws are not embedded in the branches, but fall down from the other side.
Zhou Yu grabbed the metal claws and Wu Yun suddenly understood what he was going to
"Zhou Yu! No!"
"Take me good care for me! Elpis' goal is me!"
After that, Zhou Yu jumped down.
"Zhou Yu!" Wu Yun reached out and grabbed him, but he was pulled up by the ropes, and
watched as the devil's vines slammed down by Zhou Yu, who was jumping down.
The greater the power of the devil vine, the faster the Wu Yun rises.
Zhou Yu’s eyes widened and he watched Wu Yun grab the twig and loosen the rope.
"Don't waste my life!" Zhou Yu loudly reminded Wu Yun that he was soon overwhelmed by
the leaves of Elpis.
Wu Yun’s tears fell vertically and horizontally. He gritted his teeth and faced the more
powerful creatures who could not fight back.
He regretted telling Zhou Yu about his daughter. If he had not said it, perhaps Zhou Yu
would not sacrifice himself to save him.
The sun shines on him, although there is still a long distance from the top of the cave, but
under the sun, blue fireflies will not come. This creature will only live in the dark, and the
sun will rupture its body. The scabbard butterfly locks the target with fear. The inhibitor in
the body has not been metabolized. As long as Elpis does not really want his life, he will not
be attacked.
In Wu Yun’s mind, Zhou Yu’s phrase “Don’t waste my life” is constantly echoing. No matter
how much hate I hate, no matter how much I want to jump to find Zhou Yu, he must
struggle to climb up.
When he finally climbed to the top, he found himself on the edge of a cliff.
He knelt down, his hands on the ground, and his tears continued to fall.
He lost a lot of companions, but Zhou Yu... is the one he least wants to lose.
He wiped his tears, repositioned his direction and headed for the base.
His footsteps are shaking, and all the pictures in his mind have been seen since he first saw
Zhou Yu.
He reached over and covered his eyes.
"You are a bastard! I should... how do you say this to Zhou Qing?"
At this moment, Zhou Yu was dragged by the devil vine, and under his body, Elpis opened
his body layer by layer, and Zhou Yu fell into its center.
It was a golden liquid, Zhou Yu did not prepare for it, and the sound of the cymbal came
from the ear, completely submerged.
His hair lifted up in the water, unable to breathe, surrounded by entangled things like
meridians, which were closely intertwined, like a glass full of champagne.
It was like Elpies opened his mouth and swallowed him, and the liquid was its digestive
Zhou Yuyou is above, he has less and less oxygen, and he is almost ready to reach the
critical surface, just like being pushed by a force, he sinks again.
Oxygen consumption is about to reach its limit, he coughs and swallows a lot of golden
The liquid is tasteless, but once it enters his body it is like infiltration, into his blood, his
cells, deep in his nerves.
Zhou Yu beat hard, but he could not find a point.
His body is getting more and more heavy and he can no longer struggle.
Until the end of the last, his consciousness seemed to pull out of the body, his limbs
stretched out and floated in this golden liquid.
"Zhou Yu... Zhou Yu..."
The soft voice sounded, and Zhou Yu slowly opened his eyes.
Am I dead?
Am I still breathing?
One hand reached into the liquid, Zhou Yu subconsciously raised his hand and took it.
Then a powerful force dragged him up and rushed out of the water into a vast, unmargined
In front of him is a woman in a white dress.
She is elegant and noble, and Zhou Yu thinks of the Elf Queen in the movie.
"Who are you... Where is this?"
Zhou Yu didn't know if this was the illusion before his death, or he was already dead and
going to another country.
"I am Elpis who is trapping you. I am sorry to invite you to my world in this way."
Zhou Yu looked at each other's eyes, she was peaceful, did not have any attack power, her
eyes were even very loving.
"Invite me? Why?"
Erpies smiled: "I told you that I lost the fruits of my own tens of thousands of years. It is my
child. I lost my successor to my blood."
"Yes, you said it. So? Do you want me to be the nutrition of your next fruit?"
Elpies shook his head.
"The so-called inheritance, in addition to the replication and continuation of genes in your
human concept, there is another form, that is, thought. You know that we are not able to
think about the fact that Elpis is a plant with few brain nerves."
"Yes, I have heard of it."
"I lived for 10,000 years and watched the world. My ancestors passed on what they
observed, and I would have passed these memories to my children. But I lost my children
and will soon To the end of life. I must find a living body and receive my memory. This is
the inheritance of our Elpis."
"What? Why choose me? Nibelungen has so many creatures! And I am still a human being
from a different world!" Zhou Yu could not understand.
Erpies smiled, and her smile was to see through the past and the future.
"Because he chose you. It is my greatest honour to be able to inherit everything from you."
"'Who is he?"
Elpis stepped forward to Zhou Yu, her fingers touched Zhou Yu's head on both sides and
slowly closed her eyes.
"The process of accepting this may be a bit painful, but it will be very important for you to
survive in Nibelungen."
After that, there was no opportunity for Zhou Yu to reject and question. Some kind of
power flooded into Zhou Yu’s brain like a flood.
They are shocked, mad, like a whirlpool.
Zhou Yu’s brain is severely painful and cracked.
"Ah--" he made a painful roar.
Countless pieces flashed through his mind. The origins of all kinds of creatures, how they
evolved and how they were extinct.
Zhou Yu can't breathe, he thinks he will die.
The body seems to be broken by this torrent.
"Zhou Yu... you will live..."
The voice of Elpis is getting farther and farther, and all the ultimate pains are dissipated.
Zhou Yu couldn't open his eyes, only knowing that he was sinking.
lose consciousness.
Wu Yun took the helicopter and returned to the base.
He looked very embarrassed. When he went to the office of Song Zhi, the members of other
groups passed by and looked at him.
When he walked into the office of Song Zhi, the first question asked by the other party was:
"Is there any fruit of Elpis?"
Icy, always walking on the established trajectory without any deviation.
Wu Yun for the first time have the urge to beat this man.
"No, that Erpis said it has no fruit."
"No fruit? How is this possible? We have been observing it for three years! Wait... What do
you mean by saying that you have no fruit?"
"Erpis is a plant with thoughts. They can't mimic other creatures, but their thinking can
enter other creatures. One of the researchers, Zhao Xiaoping, is controlled by its thinking
and becomes its spokesperson. Zhao Xiaoping said, Its fruit has been taken away by a
certain s-class creature."
Wu Yun placed the recorder he had recovered from the researcher on the table of Song.
"Very good, I know that you have tried your best. The information you brought back, if it is
true, will make a lot of research on the kind of creatures of type A. Elpies. You can go back
to rest. Although you don't have Bring back the fruit of Elpis, but our group will still pay
your employment in full according to the previous agreement."
Song Zhi’s answer is like a machine.
"Just like this? You don't know if Zhou Yu is dead?" Wu Yun's fist clenched.
He has never been an impulsive person, and he has long been faint for life and death. But at
the moment, he really wants to pull out the gun and collapse the brain of Song.
"He is already dead. What I can do for him is to give the pension to Professor Zhou and to
fully support Professor Zhou's research. Maybe before Professor Zhou's life comes to an
end, he can find a way to heal himself. And you can What we do is to protect Zhou Yu from
wanting to protect. Besides that, do you think that I am crying and sipping tea? Does it have
any practical significance?"
Song Zhi looked at Wu Yun coldly, as if looking at a childish, unreasonable child.
What he said was completely reasonable, Wu Yun could not refute.
"You know that you have such a big emotion for me at the moment, why is it?" Song asked
“Oh? Why? Can’t you see Mr. Song’s research on psychology?”
"You are not blaming us for your great efforts. You are going to perform this task. Because
you know how dangerous it is before you receive the task, and how many chances of losing
your life. You are only guilty of yourself. At that time, people who gave up their lives to save
each other." , why not you."
Wu used his power to close his eyes. He knew very well in his heart. Song said that there
was nothing wrong with it.
"Wu Yun, you still don't know Zhou Yu's personality? Like Zhou Yu, he has no sadness and
sorrow. He will only save his life if he is important to him. And he trusts you to spare no
effort to protect Zhou Qing. So he will save you with confidence. Don't let him down on his
trust in you."
Wu Yun’s throat is so swallowing.
"You can go out. I will go to explain to Professor Zhou why Zhou Yu did not come back."
Wu Yun did not speak and went out. He leaned against the wall, and all this made him
How much he hopes that Zhou Yu is still alive, they are drinking beer in the restaurant and
talking about everything that is not marginal.
Song Zhi in the office connected the intercom: "Is the Alpha team still there? I want you to
perform a mission to confirm the cave where Elpis is growing. If you can, look for Zhou Yu's
body. No matter life or death. I want a clear result."
"Yes, sir."
In the quiet office, Song sent his hands together and held his eyebrows.
"Why do I feel that you will not die like this? Give me a miracle, give me a surprise again...
Zhou Yu..."
At this moment, Zhou Yu opened his eyes in exhaustion.
As the sun sets, the sun shines from the top of the head just as it shines on the pool at the
bottom of the cave.
Zhou Yu breathed hard and felt the blood flow from the brain to the fingertips. His fingers
trembled slightly, and the thought returned at that moment.
Where is this?
Zhou Yu moved and turned around to look at the sky.
What about Elpis? Doesn't its leaves completely cover the hole? How can I see the sky?
Zhou Yu bowed his head and found that his knees were immersed in a clear water.
He shook his head and remembered that he had been smashed into the golden liquid in the
middle of Elpis by the devil vine!
Looking around, Zhou Yu saw that the entire bottom of the cave spread out to belong to the
branches of Elpis, and the originally flowing nerves seemed to be dead and generally
All the white flowers have been lost.
The leaves also appear pale in color.
Zhou Yu stood up and took the center of the liquid.

Laws of the Other World Chapter 30: Freedom of the night

Settings saved..
He took two steps and found that the bottom of the hole filled with various creatures now
seems to have nothing.
How is this going?
Is everything that I have experienced before is an illusion, or is it true?
Zhou Yu’s feet step on the branches and leaves, they are very soft, and every step will leave
Exhaled, this Elpis seems to be really dead?
So those creatures that depend on it will leave?
Or before they were originally controlled by Elpis, and now they are finally free?
Zhou Yu leaned back and felt his breathing and heartbeat.
He is still alive. Although incredible, he is still alive.
He has to go back to the base... I don't know if Wu Yun left safely! And Zhou Qing, if he does
not go back, he will be very worried.
Zhou Yu looked for a long time and finally found the rope that Wu Yun fell when he left.
With this, Zhou Yu can at least go back along the way.
When he finally got out of the stone road, he saw that all the old trees that protected Elpis
were dead.
The world is terrible.
Zhou Yu has been away for a long time before he came out of here.
He was hungry and tired, as if what had happened after falling into Elpis had exhausted his
Suddenly, he remembered that there were two inks in his pocket that he stepped on for
himself. Although he didn't know if he could eat it, Zhou Yu felt that he would fall to the
ground immediately.
He took out one and found that after so much experience, it was still intact, and there was
no sign of losing water and wrinkles.
No matter whether it was harmed by the golden liquid of Elpis, Zhou Yu directly threw it
into his mouth.
Still so sweet.
The body is like being injected with some kind of power. Zhou Yu feels that she is not so
Yes, I thought about Zhou Qing and Wu Yun, I don’t know how the ink night is.
Will it go to the glass wall again and stupidly!
Are you waiting to bite his finger?
I hope it sees Zhou Qing, can be a little bit, don't do stupid things.
I miss the soft fluff on the back, the ear that it pulls, and the small wings of its fan.
Zhou Yu smiled a bit.
When I went back, I didn't know what kind of eyes Song Yi would look at.
The helicopter carrying the Alpha squad also came to the huge hole.
When they looked down from a height, they were shocked by the scene in front of them.
It was like a huge, defeated flower, spread out at the bottom of the hole.
In the setting sun, the moonlight flows into it, like a huge skirt, as if it is flowing with the
moonlight, and it seems like the annual ring of life, still spinning around.
Members of the Alpha squad descended down the ropes of the helicopter and came to the
bottom of the cave, releasing the flares.
Everything is like the day.
They examined in detail one inch and one inch, and found Zhao Xiaoping, who lost
consciousness in a corner.
They sent Zhao Xiaoping to the helicopter, but did not find Zhou Yu.
One of the team members saw the clear otter in the middle of the cave. He took some of the
water from the sampler and left it.
Nibelungen at night is dangerous, and some night-time creatures may attack them, and
they must get back as soon as possible.
When they flew over the forest and saw the guardians of the fallen Elpis, they were amazed
at what happened.
One of the players suddenly pointed to the woods and shouted: "That... is anyone walking?"
The pilot turned on the glare searchlight and shot it into the woods.
Zhou Yu, who is walking, is illuminated by strong light and raises his hand to block his eyes.
"Is it Zhou Yu?"
"It seems like! Let's go down! You must bring him back to the base!"
The helicopter hovered over Zhou Yu, and the members of the Alpha team fell guns along
the ropes.
They didn't know what happened to Zhou Yu in that cave, and he wasn't sure if he was still
in a normal state, so the guns were all on, and the guns were aimed at Zhou Yu.
"Are you Zhou Yu?"
"I am." Zhou Yu did not expect that the base would send people to find themselves. In their
hearts, Zhou Yu should be dead.
"We are sent by Mr. Song to find you, please follow us."
So Zhou Yu was taken on a helicopter.
The two players sitting across from him along the way kept their vigilance and pointed at
him with a gun. For the first time, Zhou Yu felt like she had become a dangerous creature.
After they arrived at the base, everything was the same as the previous one. Zhou Yu went
through the whole body scan and blood test before entering the base.
Song Zhi personally supervised his inspection process.
"The blood is normal, there is no bacterial or viral infection, no parasites, but..."
"But what?" Song told the other person to go on.
The Institute’s finger pointed to the brain of Zhou’s monitor: “The scan showed that his
brain activity was much higher than before.”
"So..." Song Zhiqi looked up and thought.
When Zhou Yu walked out of the quarantine area, the first sight was Wu Yun and Zhou
Wu Yun’s eyes were red, and Zhou Yu was again seen outside his expectations. Zhou Qing’s
expression was much calmer than Zhou Yu’s imagination, as if his own peace came back
within his expectations.
"How many times does your kid have to play back to life?" Wu Yun’s voice was shaking. "Do
you know how many times I have wanted to kill myself from leaving the cave?"
Zhou Yu smiled lightly and tacitly clashed with Wu Yun: "Fortunately, you are not really
doing that."
Wu Yun shook his head helplessly, then hugged Zhou Yu: "You have to tell me how you
"Of course." Zhou Yu also shot Wu Yun, his eyes fell on Zhou Qing's face.
"Brother... you are safe and fine. Don't make such a dangerous decision in the future."
"I will be cautious." Zhou Yu nodded.
"Look at the ink night. It won't be good if you don't see you after waking up."
Zhou Yu’s heartstring was slammed: “Is it not good? Does it want to knock open the glass
wall again?”
That little fool!
"No. It shrinks there, and even if I go inside with it, it doesn't respond. The bio-scan shows
that the body's temperature is decreasing, the heart rate is slow, and nothing has been
"What did Carlos feed it?"
"Specially formulated nutrient solution looks like human blood. I don't know if it is the
night of the ink, it is not blood, or the ink night only wants to see you. Once the ink night
refuses, the body will refuse, the injection can not The injection entered, and he refused to
eat anything."
"I will go see it!"
Looking at the back of Zhou Yu, Zhou Qing slowly clenched his fists, and his palms held the
fruit of the Elpis that the s-class creature had given to himself.
Zhou Yu strode to the area where the ink night was located. The first thing he saw was that
the ink night curled up in the corner.
So small, so lonely.
Zhou Yu is inexplicably distressed.
Carlos, who was responsible for taking care of the ink night, came to Zhou Yu and said with
a headache: "Since you left, this little guy has been like this. Nothing reacts to anything. Can
die of me! I heard that you have something wrong before. I am still thinking if you can't
come back, is it going to starve yourself!"
"Don't eat for a few days, it should be hungry." Zhou Yu knocked on the glass with his
fingers, "Ink night."
There was no reaction in the night, and even the ears that were pulled there did not lift up.
"Look, let's see..." Carlos showed a worried look.
"I went in to accompany it."
Carlos opened the second door for Zhou Yu, and Zhou Yuxin walked to the side of the ink
night and sat down.
He put his hand on his back, his fingers gently embedded in the soft fluff of the back of the
ink, and the body temperature of the ink night was really low.
He didn't talk, hugged it up, learned how to spoil it before, and licked its face.
But the ink night still closed his eyes, and his head was slightly removed, and he did not
look at Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu smiled in his heart, and this little thing is clearly tempered. "In the night, I went to perform a very dangerous task, so I didn't stay with you
for the time being. But Zhou Qing said that he came to accompany you, but you ignored him,
you Really not very embarrassed. Zhou Qing is my most important person, you don't
know?" Zhou Yu's voice is light.
In addition to being bullied by classmates at school in the early days, Zhou Yu has not had
such a person for a long time.
"Well..." At this time, the ink night raised his left ear slightly and posted it on Zhou Yu’s
chest. It seemed to be listening to his heartbeat.
"I almost died. You know what it means to die? You just can't see me again, I will disappear
forever." Zhou Yu used his chin to smash on the head of the ink night.
"Well?" The ink night suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Zhou Yu with his small head.
It seemed very nervous and nervous, and even the small wings on his back were lifted.
"And the creatures of Nibelungen... No... even if compared to you, the length of my life is not
worth mentioning."
If the night spirit is not fatally wounded, it will continue to live.
"Well--" The sound of the ink night stretched, then shook his head, stretched out his front
paws, squatted on Zhou Yu's forehead, and then shrank back.
At that moment, Zhou Yu seemed to understand what it was saying: I am with you. If you
don't, I will not exist.
"A fool." Zhou Yu hugged it.
Carlos, who monitored them, exhaled.
For the first time, he saw any intimate contact between humans and Nibelungen's
creatures. He didn't know what Zhou Yu had experienced, but he was glad that Zhou Yu
was alive.
Zhou Yu pointed his finger on its nose: "Hungry?"
The amber big eyes of the ink night smashed up, very happy. It stretched out its tongue and
slammed it on Zhou Yu’s fingertips.
Zhou Yu thought that it would bite himself right away, but did not expect it to stick out his
claws and keep Zhou Yu's fingers.
It seems to be saying: I will protect you.
Don't give me more warmth.
I am afraid that one day, when I can leave here, I will not let you down.
In the night, I loosened my claws, carefully holding Zhou Yu’s fingers and gently biting it
down, as if I was afraid of Zhou Yu’s pain.
Such subtle feelings poured into his blood again, like there were countless slender and
warm streams that infiltrated into the gap between every cell of Zhou Yu, filling him up
with him.
The night of the ink closed his eyes and made a whistling sound.
It is really hungry.
Zhou Yu can feel that the body temperature of the ink night is rising.
I don't know if it is because it is consuming its own blood. Zhou Yu has an illusion that the
heartbeat of the night is synchronized with himself.
After the meal was full, the ink night still did not loosen Zhou Yu’s fingers.
It turned slightly and revealed his belly.
Zhou Yu smiled and covered the other hand and gave it a sigh.
The ink night immediately gave a comfortable snoring sound.
Zhou Yu turned his finger to the left, and the head of the ink night followed to the left. Zhou
Yu took his fingers to the right, and the head of the ink night went to the right.
It seems that Zhou Yu is teasing himself, and the ink night bites Zhou Yu unsatisfactorily,
but it does not hurt.
He sat in the ink night for more than an hour, and the night of the night made a soft squeak,
as if he was asleep again.
Probably because Zhou Yu is back, the ink night can finally be relieved.
When Zhou Yuyi looked up, he saw the opposite side of the glass wall, and Song Zhi looked
at them thoughtfully.
Song Zhichao Zhou Yu made a "out" gesture, and Zhou Yu knew that everything he had
experienced in the caves of Elpis had to tell Song.
"Carlos, if the ink night wakes up and temper, you tell it I will come with it in a while."
"Does it understand?" Carlos asked dumbly.
"What do you think?"
Zhou Yu left with a smile, followed by Song Zhi, and came to the office of Song Zhi.
"The Alpha team made some liquid samples from the caves of Elpis." Song Zhi always saw
the mountain.
Human time is short for Nibelungen, so they have to do as much research as possible in a
limited time, not wasting time on nonsense.
"Is there a research result so soon?" Zhou Yu asked.
Song Zhi shook his head: "That's just water. But... it's pure water without any microbes and
"It’s like Elpies has exhausted all his nutrients in the evening." Song Zhi looked at Zhou Yu’s
eyes. "When Wu Yun came back, he reported to me that Elpis came through their thinking.
Control the living body."
"Yes. It controls the researcher Zhao Xiaoping."
"Zhao Xiaoping came back. But he hasn't woken up yet. He has detected that his brain
activity is almost absent. Dr. Daniel suspects that he will die when he continues. This may
be the aftereffect of being controlled by Elpis."
Zhou Yu does not agree with this view. So many creatures in the cave are controlled by
Erpis, and after the depletion of Elpis, those creatures have left.
"We brought all the remains of Elpis in the cave back to the base."
Zhou Yu was surprised: "The wreck is very big..."
"Yes. The research team is dissecting it. Although it is the shape of plants, the complexity of
the neural structure of Elpis far exceeds that of humans. When you sacrifice yourself to
save Wuyun, say Elpis. The goal is you. If it is to treat you as a nutrient, what is the reason
you are alive now?"
"The reason is very simple... Elpis did not regard me as food or nutrition, but..." Zhou Yu
was thinking, and what kind of description is more in line with his relationship with Elpis.
"What is it?"
"It is the carrier of its memory, the inheritance of its thinking. Elpies will pass on what they
have seen from generation to generation. But this one Elpis has lost its own fruit, so it
needs another creature. Come accept its memory."
Song Zhi’s eyes lit up and buckled Zhou’s wrist: “Erpis is a very long-lasting creature in
Nibelungen. If it gives you your memory, then there are many creatures here... Do you
know their habits and their characteristics?"
Although Song Zhi’s strength is great, Zhou Yu is easily relaxed.
"Mr. Song, do you believe it?"
This is nonsense for anyone. Memory inherited from other plants?
It’s even more fantastic than a fantasy movie.
"In the memory of Elpis, is there a s-class creature whose original form is a translucent
silver scale creature..."
"Is that the s-class creature that took your wife?" Zhou Yu interrupted Song Zhi.
"Yes. Have you got any information from Elpis? Where do I find it? Is there any way to kill
it?" Song’s eyes fell into a state of madness and looked very scary.
"Mr. Song... You have to know that s-class creatures don't have their fixed form, because
they can change their externalities, they can be anything. They can even become human
beings, and they are among us."
Song gave a horrified expression and fell back on the back of the chair.
"The kind of creature you said, I don't know why it was named by the research team here.
But if you describe the translucent silver scale, the slender body, the character is arrogant
and cold, it should be Nibelungen from ancient times. The time is the creature that has
survived to this day, and the night spirit is its servant. It is like the sword bone disc and the
blue firefly are in the same way as Elpis. No... not the same, the night spirit is absolutely
loyal to it."
Song Zhi’s breathing gradually stabilized. He grabbed his face and said, “Do you know that
there are several categories of s-class creatures in Nibelungen?”
"I know. Three major categories. In the water, on the land and in the air."
"Yes, we call these three types of s-class creatures the king of Nibelungen. And the silver-
scale creatures are called the king of the kings."
"There is a legend, you hurt it."
"Yes, the neurotoxin that you use to make bullets now comes from its spinal cord. It loses a
lot of spinal cord, but it escapes my control. I don't know where it is now sleeping. Once it
recovers. Come over, we will all die." Song suddenly thought of something, "You just said
that the night spirit is its servant? You don't have a night spirit? Can't you find it through
that little thing?"
"Ink night? It's still so small! It has never grown up in its own community! It hasn't even
seen s-class creatures!"
"But...something is in its genes. This creature must be in some way to keep in touch with its
"I think you are crazy, Mr. Song. Nibelungen is so big, ink night is like a baby, if it really has
the ability to find its owner, if it really has something to do with that s-class creature, It will
not be so obsessive to enter the base to find me, but to find its owner, that is its ownership."
"'s's what we copied directly from the eggs that Ye Ling didn't hatch but died....
Maybe it doesn't have the nature of Nibelung's creatures. But one day it will... ...for the
coming of that day, for it to stand on our side..."
Song Zhi seems to have a very important decision.
"Mr. Song?"
His paranoid expression made Zhou Yu inexplicably worried.
"I decided to let it live with you and leave the breeding area of a-class creatures. I want to
let it be free, let it restore the nature of the night, but not do anything that hurts us, as long
as you are there. I want You train it, teach it, assimilate it!"
Zhou Yu opened his mouth and the development of the matter completely exceeded his
But letting the ink night leave there is indeed what Zhou Yu wants, but Zhou Yu has never
turned into a human tool or pet.
Song Zhi directly contacted Carlos and asked him to hand over the ink night to Zhou Yu.
When Zhou Yu left Song Zhi’s office, Song suddenly stopped him: “You have not told me ****
"As you know, it's so powerful. Mr. Song, how did you hurt it at the time? That might be the
way you killed it."
After that, Zhou Yu left.
Song Zhi was sitting alone in an empty but narrow office with a sad expression in his eyes.
"Do you kill it again? That's impossible... because it won't trust me anymore."
Zhou Yulai came to Carlos. Carlos asked with some concern: "Is there really no problem for
Mr. Song? Although I don't want the little guy to stay in this area, it will be depressed after
it is closed! But if you put it out like this, , will it run away?"
Zhou Yu took a shot of Carlos's shoulder: "I will take it regularly to let you check what
heartbeat temperature is, and if I am... it will come back even if it runs away."

Laws of the Other World Chapter 31: Are you public or mother?
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"Okay... you really have to take care of it..."
Zhou Yu smiled. When he walked into the second door, he always had his ears in the
seemingly lonely ink night. Then he turned his eyes and rushed to Zhou Yu, first stepping
on his knees. Then, then jumped up, two small claws squatted on Zhou Yu's shoulder.
Zhou Yu held up his **** and then raised his brow: "You look a lot fat, ink night. It seems
that you have to exercise more, or you will get obesity!"
"Hmm?" The night of the night, I didn't seem to understand what Zhou Yu called "obesity."
When Zhou Yu held the ink night in the base with one hand, the people who passed by were
shocked and looked at Zhou Yu with a surprised look.
"No, I heard that Mr. Song really let him raise the night spirit!"
"The night spirit is not an e-class or a d-class creature! It is a level!"
"It's ridiculous! What if this night spirit grows up hurting us?"
The ink night seemed to understand what they said, and buried his head in Zhou Yu’s chest.
Zhou Yu continued to move forward as if he had not heard anything until he saw Wu Yun at
the entrance of the restaurant.
"Hey, Zhou Yu, drink beer together. Mr. Song gave us a three-day long vacation. You can't
get drunk today."
“Isn't material shortage? Can a few cans of beer?”
Wu Yun extended a finger: "One person and one can."
"Then you still want to get drunk?" Zhou Yu smiled.
He walked into the restaurant and found that Li Qian was also a kid.
"Zhou Yu! Great. After I heard about your business, I am worried about dying you!" Li
Qian’s eyes fell on the body of the ink night, and immediately reached out to his arm. "Oh!
Little things! You are not being Is the scientific madman of Carlos locked in the glass room?
Finally, he is free to celebrate, it is worth celebrating!"
"Yeah!" The night of the ink squinted, it seemed very proud. It is still very familiar to Li
Qian. The most important thing is that Li Qian’s attitude towards it is completely different
from those encountered in the passage. The feeling of ink night is sharp.
Li Qian hit Zhou Yu with his elbow: "Hey, let me hug it!"
"It is not a pet, you have to ask the ink night is willing to give you a hug." Wu Yun snarled.
Li Qian Chao’s night smiled: "Ink night! Zhou Yu gave you a name! It’s so nice! Let the uncle
hold it?"
Wu Yun smiled even more: "How do you like ignorant infants and young children! Ink night
is a class of creatures!"
After Zhou Yu took the ink night into the restaurant, the restaurant was no one except
Probably I felt that Li Qian was not malicious to himself. In the night, I stretched out my left
paw and placed it on Li Qian’s hand. It seemed to say: "You can allow this stupid human to
hold me."
Li Qian took the ink night and touched the fluff on his back: "Oh, it's so comfortable! I really
want to touch it all the time."
In the base, everyone who eats is quantitative.
There are some vegetables in the plate, one steak, some with rice, and some with pasta.
Zhou Yu’s taste is more traditional, and the rice in the plate is rice.
Three people chatted while eating. Wu Yun and Li Qian sang a sum, Li Qian said that he
developed a system of what was in the base, and then Wu Yun immediately said that there
was no use of ghosts.
At night, I sat on the table and watched them eat.
Zhou Yu used chopsticks. He picked up the sliced steak and put it into the mouth with rice.
The night of the ink stretched his neck and looked at Zhou Yu’s hand with chopsticks.
"You are also hungry?" Zhou Yu extended his finger and clicked on the nose of the ink night.
In the night of the ink, he slammed the fingers of Zhou Yu with his small claws and
stretched over to grab his chopsticks.
The opposite Wu Yun was amused: "The ink night is good! It has progressed to take
chopsticks to learn to eat!"
Ink night squinted his head, its claws are not as flexible as human fingers, although they
caught it, but there is no way to pick up the dishes.
Looking at it as it worked hard, Zhou Yu reached out and touched the small wings on his
He knows why it is going to get chopsticks, not for freshness and fun, but because it wants
to be like him, to live with Zhou Yu.
The ink night simply crossed the chopsticks, picked up a piece of beef, carefully extended
his front paws and sent it to Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu opened his mouth and ate the beef.
Li Qian grabbed the ink night and shook it: "You are so cute! What to do! I also want to have
a night spirit!"
"Right, Zhou Qing? Have you seen him?" Zhou Yu asked.
"Zhou Qing seems to be doing research recently, all working in the research room while
eating... You are relieved, Dr. Daniel is going to check him every day. His physical
condition... that is the thing in his head. It doesn't seem to grow up..."
"That's good." Zhou Yu exhaled.
After dinner, Zhou Yu and Wu Yun went to the public bathroom for a shower. Two people
and one person, Wu Yun on the other side is holding something "Love me, kiss me, love me,
hug me." Zhou Yu suddenly did not have a shower*.
He crouched down and licked the head of the night: "Ink night, you must be normal after
you grow up, don't make nerves like Uncle Wu Yun."
"Yeah." Mo did nodded.
On the other side of the compartment came the voice of Wu Yun: "I sang a song! My
daughter will sing this song with me every time I see you!"
Zhou Yu smiled and took off his coat, revealing a strong upper body.
Ink night in the corner, looking up at the head, half-opened, looking very focused, as if
studying Zhou Yu.
When Zhou Yu’s hand was about to open his trousers, he found that the night of ink was
looking forward to the most embarrassing place.
"Hey, turn over, don't look." Zhou Yuyang raised his chin.
"Well?" The ink night passed through his head, a look that he didn't understand.
Zhou Yu pulled his mouth, this little guy is doing it, even if he doesn’t understand it?
Zhou Yu used his ankle on the head of the ink night: "Do you understand? You really don't
understand? Ah... I have never asked Carlos, are you public or mother?"
The biological gender of Nibelungen seems to be different from the original world.
Zhou Yu did not know where the interest came from, and extended his hand to the ink
night: "If you are a public, take my left hand. If you are a mother, take my right hand. Are
you a male or a mother?"
Ink night stretched out his claws and took it on Zhou Yu’s left hand.
Even Wu Yun, who is next door, is also very interested: "Hey, is your family's ink night a
little girl or a stinky boy?"
"It's a kid." Zhou Yu smiled. "It's okay to be a kid. You can wash it together."
"Ah... turned out to be a kid... If a girl should be good..." Wu Yun’s voice looked very lost.
"You can't be a girl." Zhou Yu opened the water and dripped it from the top of his head.
"I have no plans for it. But I can buy her a skirt and wear it, and I can give her a braid!"
"You are talking about your daughter?" Zhou Yu said with a funny smile.
He raised his hand and put the wet hair behind his head.
In the night of the ink, he sat in the corner and looked at Zhou Yu motionless. The outline of
his shoulder, the lines of his legs, full of tension, but introverted.
The head of the ink night slowly slid into the past, as if to appreciate what is very moving,
focus... faint greed.
Zhou Yu hit some bathing liquid, suddenly thought of something, looking at the ink night:
"Hey, your little thing has not been clean since birth?"
"Well?" Ink night took a small step back to the door of the compartment, but unfortunately
it was not quit before being taken over by Zhou Yu.
"I will give you a good wash!"
After that, I sent the ink night directly to the water, and I coughed several times.
The night of the ink coughs, its small wings will follow, and the water splashes, causing
Zhou Yu to laugh.
"Give you some shower gel!"
The ink night struggling, it didn't know what it was.
"That's a taste like this."
Probably this sentence pokes the mind of the ink night, it does not move, Zhou Yu wipes the
body wash onto it, especially the fluff on its back, the ink night is almost surrounded by
Zhou Yu’s hand slipped and almost fell it. The ink night grabbed Zhou Yu’s neck and looked
at Zhou Yu with a rounded eye. It seemed to say: How can you slip your hand!
Zhou Yu simply did not care for it, standing directly under the current, and the two rushed
In the night of the ink, Zhou Yu’s shoulders were used, and from time to time, he used his
head to lick Zhou’s chin.
Closed the water, Zhou Yu wrapped in a bath towel and wiped the night, and the night of
the ink revealed a small head to curiously look at everything in the bathroom.
Wu Yun walked over with a bath towel and took a look at the head of the ink night: "Ink
night, listen to your uncle and tell you, here is called the bathroom. What is the bathroom
used for? It is the place where the dirty things on the body are washed away. You, you have
to take a shower regularly. Zhou Yu likes to touch the small fluff on your back. If you don’t
bathe your little fluff, you will have a long flea. They will jump to Zhou Yu, and Zhou Yu will
be itchy and itchy. I have to shave both you and his hair."
Zhou Yu has no choice but to say: "What are you talking about indiscriminately?"
"I don't have it." Wu Yun said in a serious way, "Ink night, are you like a bald night spirit?"
"Hmm?" The ink night looked at Wu Yun very nervously, as if his hair was really gone.
"Hey, you are really enough!" Zhou Yu took the ink night and left the bathroom.
Someone passing by will still look at the ink night and talk about them.
Zhou Yu still calmly did not see it.
When they came to the door of the room, Wu Yun suddenly said: "Hey, Zhou Yu..."
"What's wrong?" Zhou Yu opened the door, but did not go in.
"I heard that...Erpis passed on its memory to you, so in these memories, is there any way to
cure lupus?" Wu Yun knows that he is stupid, Elpies may even What is lupus erythematosus
is not known. "I had a dream. That dream is very long."
"What kind of dream?"
"I dreamed that you were back home. Your daughter grew up day by day. You grew old day
by day. She went to a good university, found a good job, met a man who would take care of
her and like him. Then They got married, and at the wedding you took the daughter's hand
and handed her to the man's hand. One year later, you have your first grandson. Ten years
later, your children and grandchildren are full. We are all old, no If you go to a dangerous
place to perform any task, even the Juli Group does not exist."
"Isn't that very boring?" Wu Yun said with a funny smile.
"It's quite boring. We are like other bad old men, making tea on the balcony, playing chess.
Occasionally going out to fish. Right, you are still fascinated by the square dance, because
there is a beautiful old lady, you chase others It."
"What the hell..." Wu Yun smashed Zhou Yu's shoulder and his eyes were a little red.
"Hey...thank you."
"No thanks." He can give him comfort, only this.
Wu Yun went far, Zhou Yu threw the ink night on the bed.
The ink night was the first time I saw the "bed" thing. It rolled a roll, then licked my head
and hit a few more rolls until it rolled onto Zhou Yu's pillow.
Zhou Yu reluctantly picked it up and suddenly thought: "When you grow up, I don't have a
place to raise you? Or do you still throw it out?"
The ink night was angry, and the force was going to bite Zhou Yu’s finger, and Zhou Yu
"It's stupid. If you are really as big as I am, I will lie on your belly, warmer and save space."
Zhou Yu was tired, and the pillow on his head pillowed the ink night and hugged it into his
arms. It was really sleepy.
Accepting the memory of Elpis almost consumed all the energy of Zhou Yu, he did not rest
enough. Now Song gave him a three-day holiday. He wondered if he was all sleeping.
The ink night is not sleepy. It arches its own body, and Zhou’s arm pressed against it slides
to the side.
It touched Zhou Yu’s arm with his nose, and Zhou Yu did not respond.
After a few minutes, I heard Zhou Yu’s steady breathing coming.
The ink night adjusted the posture, lying on the side like Zhou Yu, leaning against Zhou Yu’s
It stretched out its small tongue and slammed it on Zhou Yu's lower lip, then quickly
It looked at Zhou Yu nervously. After discovering that Zhou Yulian’s eyebrows had not
moved, he extended his small tongue and squatted again on Zhou Yu’s lower lip.
Zhou Yu still did not respond.
The ink night seemed to have a good time, and the tongue was extended. But before I
reached Zhou Yu, Zhou Yu’s palm suddenly pressed down and slammed the head of the ink
night, and screamed hard: “You are a bad boy, If I don't sleep, I will actually shave the fluff
on your back."
According to the memory of Elpis, the fluff on the back of the male night spirit is used to
attract the spouse and is part of its male symbol. Zhou Yu does not believe that he threatens
to shave its fluff, it can not be embarrassed.
"Oh..." The night of the ink made a poor voice, and he turned around and slammed into the
Zhou Yu smiled with satisfaction.
At this time, all research assistants in Zhou Qing’s research room had to go back.
"Professor Zhou, it's too late, you have been working for more than ten hours, go back to
"Ah, okay. I will take a rest after reading this information." Zhou Qing smiled and nodded.
When everyone left, and only one of them was left, he took out the fruit of Elpis, which he
had collected for a long time.
The fruit's fruit coat is thick and soft to touch but it cannot be peeled off.
Zhou Qing can detect signs of life inside the fruit, but it can't make it sprout in many ways.
Whether it was the soil of Nibelungen or the various nutrient-rich waters, it did not
respond, as if it was trapped in the placenta.
Zhou Qing worried that if the seeds did not sprout again, would this seed die?
After recording the measurement data, Zhou Qing walked out of the study room.
On the face, he met Dr. Daniel.
"Professor Zhou, are you so late after you go back? This is not good for your health, and
sufficient water can guarantee your thinking ability."
Daniel looks also very tired.
"Dr. Daniel, are you? You are not leaving your position so late. How is Zhao Xiaoping?"
When Zhao Xiaoping was mentioned, Zhou Qing was guilty. Before Zhao Xiaoping left the
base, Zhou Qing had asked him if he could help him with some soil from Elpis. I don't know
if it is because of this, Zhao Xiaoping will have an accident, and now he is unconscious.
"It's still the same. Fortunately, Song Zhi would like to know how he was controlled by
Erpis, otherwise I am worried that Juli Group will directly save money..."
"This should not. Although there are talents here, it is not only money that can be done by a
research institute like Zhao Xiaoping who has the ability and experience. I want to see him,
can you?"
"Yes, but after watching him, you are going to bed."
"Of course." Zhou Qing nodded promise.
Zhou Qing came to Zhao Xiaoping's ward. He was importing nutrient solution. He was also
equipped with various instruments for testing brain activity. His face was calm, no pain, no
happiness, and no thought.
One of Dr. Daniel’s patients seemed to be in danger and he rushed over. Zhou Qing and
Zhao Xiaoping are left in the ward.
Zhou Qing sat down beside the bed. He took a breath and reached out to cover Zhao
Xiaoping's forehead, as if to confirm that he still has no temperature.
However, Zhou Qing did not expect that Zhao Xiaoping, who was sleeping, suddenly opened
his eyes and buckled Zhou Qing’s wrist.
"Do you have to treat my children well?"
Zhou Qing took a breath and forced to hold it almost out.
Zhao Xiaoping clearly spoke, but the instrument for measuring brain activity did not
respond at all, so... Isn't this Zhao Xiaoping talking?
"Do you mean... the fruit of Elpis?"
"Yes, I mean my fruit." Zhao Xiaoping turned his face and looked at Zhou Qing.
"You... is Elpis?" asked Zhou Qing.
"You... are you already dead?"
"This is the form of life that you humans think. If you want this fruit to sprout, you must use
the purest water."
"The purest water..." Zhou Qing suddenly thought of the liquid sample extracted by the
Alpha team from the center of the withered Elpis.
"It seems that you already understand."
After that, the instrument that monitors Zhao Xiaoping’s brain activity is ringing.
The doctors rushed to see Zhao Xiaoping sitting up.
"Zhao Xiaoping, are you awake?"
Zhao Xiaoping is ignorant and does not seem to know what happened.
Zhou Qing slowly got up and retired to the medical staff.
In the end, Zhao Xiaoping is Zhao Xiaoping himself, or Elpis?
But for Zhou Qing, the question that has been pursued finally has an answer.
Zhou Yu’s sleep was very heavy. When he woke up, it was already at noon.
The ink night lies in his arms, a very well-behaved look.
Zhou Yu touched the fluff on his back, and the bath was washed and felt better. No wonder
the night spirit is to use the fluff on the back to go to the sister, it is indeed an artifact!
Zhou Yu got up and went to the restaurant after washing. He didn't hold the ink night again,
but let it fall behind his own feet with small claws.
The passing people still cast their vigilant eyes, Zhou Yu did not care.
Some people even said, "Hey, are you optimistic about your pet?"
Zhou Yu squatted in his pocket and raised his chin: "Which eyes do you see that it is my
"You..." The other party probably thought Zhou Yu was too embarrassed, and when he
raised his fist, he was caught by the people next to him.
"Don't fight with him... this guy is a dead monster."
Zhou Yu fell into Angel Point for the first time. The base thought he was dead. As a result, he
The second time it was captured by Elpis, the base thought he was dead, but he lived again.
No one is as big as him.
"Oh... that's right, the monsters have little monsters."
Zhou Yu came to the restaurant indifferently. She came late, and there was no one in the
restaurant. Only Wu Yun, who was also on vacation, stood up and looked at the TV.
The content of the TV is really not suitable for children.
Zhou Yu knocked on the table: "Hey, who is this?"
"I chose it. It is rich in content and enriches the horizon." Wu Yun looked very fascinated.
“Juli Group will also provide such a film to make fun of the people in the base?”
Zhou Yu did not see it, and the voices of grace were like the wind. He bowed his head and
ate lunch.
Today is a potato stew, the taste is not bad.
"What a joke, no matter in which world, do our normal humans need this aspect? And there
are almost no women in the base. Now think about it, Han Li's figure is also good."
The picture is more exaggerated. If Li Qian is here, the ears must be red.
Zhou Yu has always been relatively cold in that regard, probably because of his relatively
self-disciplined relationship.
He took a bite of food and looked up again. He saw the ink night leaning on his head and
looking in the same direction as Wu Yun. His eyes widened as if the new world had opened
in front of it.
Laws of the Other World Chapter 32: Food supply
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Zhou Yu immediately reached over and grabbed it in front of the eyes of the ink night, and
took it back: "Bad boy, the hair is not yet full, what are you looking at!"
The camera is in the best place, Wu Yun waved his hand indifferently: "Zhou Yu, you can't
do this! This is the enlightenment education for the ink night!"
"Educate you! It's so small you let it see this kind of thing!" Zhou Yu knocked on Wu Yun's
Zhou Yuyue is a small head that is blindfolded in the ink night. The more the ink night is,
the more he wants to stick his head out to see it.
Wu Yun stunned them and they almost didn't laugh and blossom, and directly adjusted the
sound to the maximum.
The entire restaurant was enveloped in a welcoming atmosphere.
"Wu Yun, do you really want to be embarrassed by me?" Zhou Yucai just raised his fist, the
ink night in his arms opened, jumped to other places, and concentrated on watching TV.
Wu Yun laughed happily: "See no! Seeing this is the nature of the ink night! The ink night is
really a man! I like it!"
Zhou Yu was helpless and shouted: "Ink night, come back."
Ink night "hmm", but unfortunately the head did not turn around.
Zhou Yu suddenly felt funny. What is the use of ink night to see this? Humans and the night
spirit are definitely different in that respect...
Zhou Yu will finish the dinner, and he will catch up on the ink night in the distance, leaving
Wu Yun to continue watching the movie.
Zhou Yu walked, and the ink night turned back, kneeling on Zhou Yu’s shoulder, his head
still heading towards the TV.
Zhou Yu angrily slammed on his ass: "You really don't learn."
Back in the room, there was no entertainment at night, Zhou Yu found out his mobile
phone, which he brought from the other side.
Nibelungen has no signal, but the movies stored on the phone can still be seen.
Zhou Yu thinks that the movie that Wu Yun just selected in the restaurant will have a bad
influence on the young mind of the ink night. It is necessary to re-educate and establish the
correct...worldview and outlook on life for the ink night.
"Ink night, you listen, just the ones you saw with Wu Yun in the restaurant, not all of us
humans..." Zhou Yu did not know how to explain what he wanted to express on the night.
Ink night looked up, the big amber-like eyes were full of puzzles, and the small wings
slowly swayed as if to say, "What do you mean?"
Zhou Yu coughed a bit: "I show you another movie. The relationship between the two
protagonists in this movie is beautiful and what I hope, not just doing it up."
Zhou Yu opened the phone and hugged the ink night.
Zhou Yu opened the "Benjamin Button".
The film is very long, and the plot is very scattered. It is like a flowing stream. It seems that
there is nothing left after it slips.
Benjamin’s life is the opposite of others, and when people are old, he is getting younger and
The singer in the movie is pure and pure. When she becomes a dancer and dances on the
other side of the curtain, the light just hooks her shadow, Benjamin must be very heart-
The ending of the movie turned into a baby's Benjamin safely lying in the arms of the aging
All life has become a thing of the past, and everything has passed.
Zhou Yu thought that the night will feel that such a movie would be very boring, at least
compared to the "action films" of Wu Yunfang, there is really nothing to look at.
But the ink night was very serious. When Tsui Xi was holding Benjamin, who was a baby,
the ink night slammed into the arms of Zhou Yu, and its body temperature dropped. This is
it is sad.
Zhou Yu grabbed it and the last phone of the phone was used up.
The ink claws patted the phone and looked at Zhou Yu. It seems to be saying: Why is it
gone? and after? What happened then?
Zhou Yu smiled and put his face on it.
"There is no later. The beginning means the end. Ink night, in my eyes, you are like Tracy.
Simple, simple, very beautiful, but our time is different. When I am old, You may be like
Benjamin in your youth. It is a fascinating presence in the crowd."
Ink night raised his eyes and looked at Zhou Yu.
Its eyes are simple and easy to see the bottom.
But there are many complicated emotions that Zhou Yu can't clear.
It seems to have many expectations for Zhou Yu, but Zhou Yu knows that he can't do it.
"So whoever stays with you at the end is just an experience. You have to be yourself, no
matter what happens, no matter what you lose, don't forget the original one." Zhou Yu
licked the head of the night .
The ink night suddenly straightened up his back, and the two small claws squatted on Zhou
Yu's shoulder. When Zhou Yu had not reacted, the mouth of the ink night touched Zhou Yu's
At that moment, Zhou Yu was surprised.
The heart beats fast, and everything goes crazy through my mind.
The mouth of the ink night is soft, just like humans.
Zhou Yu was completely stunned. He supported himself backwards. He looked at the eyes
of the ink night, and the things carried there were full of affection.
Zhou Yu had no other reaction, and the ink night turned and climbed to the side of the
pillow and shrank into a ball.
Zhou Yu grabbed the back of the brain. Didn’t that count just kiss?
Was he being kissed by a night spirit like this? Still a public?
Zhou Yu suddenly felt a little depressed. He poked his ear on the night with his fingers:
"Hey, stinky boy, you can be a rogue."
The ears of the ink night are lifted up, and "playing hooligans" is a new vocabulary. It seems
to be still analyzing what it means.
Zhou Yuxin thought that most of the moves in the night of the night were to see Benjamin
and Tsui Xi kissing, so they had the same kind of learning.
He raised his hand on the body of the ink night and smiled and said: "You just touched my
mouth with your mouth, it is called kissing. It is done to the people you like, understand?
You will encounter a mother's night spirit later. You like it very much, you can do it right.
But it is wrong for you to kiss me. I am human, and as public as you, understand?"
The ink night curled up there and did not respond.
Zhou Yu feels even more funny.
But the movie really makes the ink night very sentimental, it is not as warm as before.
Zhou Yu took it into his arms and thought: Don't be sad about small things, hurry up and
warm up.
After ten minutes, the body temperature of the ink night slowly rose, and Zhou Yu holding
it felt very comfortable, so he fell asleep.
The ink night in his arms quietly came out and stopped at the bedside.
Its shape slowly spreads out, and a black, short-haired, fair-skinned teenager sits next to
Zhou Yu.
He has a deep facial features, clear amber eyes, and the elegance of the world.
His fingers touched Zhou Yu's ankles, gently held, slowly upwards, his palms along the lines
of Zhou Yu's calf, went to Zhou Yu's waist.
The young man came down, his arms slowly hugged Zhou Yu, his face gently attached to
Zhou Yu's shoulder.
Zhou Yu did not feel a trace of weight.
The teenager raised his head and looked at Zhou Yu’s sleeping face. He is like what is
attracted to the general, left hand on the back of Zhou Yu, right hand on the shoulder of
Zhou Yu, side to face, kiss the lips of Zhou Yu.
The teenager closed his eyes, and the thin eyelashes seemed to carry a fragile expectation.
He kisses Zhou's chin last week, kisses Zhou's neck, and then tightens his arms, as if he is
worried that Zhou Yu will suddenly disappear in his arms.
"Well..." Zhou Yu's brow smashed up, just at the moment when he was about to open his
eyes, the teenager's finger touched Zhou Yu's eyebrows gently, and Zhou Yu slept
peacefully again.
At noon the next day, Wu Yun held his head and sat at the table, using chopsticks to play
with the appearance of today's meal without appetite. Zhou Yu didn't care about it all, and
there were only green beans and some canned food on the plate.
Wu Yun said: "Hey! Do you think that today's food is very difficult to eat?"
Zhou Yu shook his head: "It's okay, it's all that taste. The chef's craftsmanship is working
Wu Yun reluctantly sighed and looked at the ink night next to him, using chopsticks to lick
the night's calf and said: "I said Xiaoyin night, do you think that today's food is difficult to
In the night, Zhang night looked at Zhou Yu with his eyes open. He lowered his tongue and
slammed down the carrots and green beans in Zhou Yu’s plate. His small head shrank back
and shook with a pitiful expression. Zhou Yu seems to be saying, "Oh! It’s really hard to
eat!" Zhou Yu smiled, and picked up a piece of carrot with chopsticks and sent it to the
mouth of the ink night. The ink night quickly jumped off but was hugged by Zhou Yu,
opened his mouth and forced it. Put the carrots in.
The ink night struggling, ran to the corner of the table, spit out the carrots and turned
around to look at Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu couldn't help but laugh, and Wu Yun on the side looked at it.
"It’s hard to see how you laugh."
"I am not a dead person, why can't I laugh?" Zhou Yu asked, while he would return to the
The ink night saw that Zhou Yu was going to stuff himself with green beans, and the two
front paws were not loose on the edge of the table.
Wu Yun sympathizes with the night of the ink, and reaches out and holds the ink in the
night. The little head of the night is: "If you look at me, I will say that it is difficult to eat. You
are not pretending that it is not difficult to eat! There is no meat in the plate. Protein can't
be fully supplemented. Do you know what happened?"
Zhou Yu continued to eat, hooked his finger at the night of the ink, and the ink went back to
the night.
Wu Yun looked helplessly at the ink night, said with a mouth shape: You have nothing to
Zhou Yu’s left hand was holding the back of the ink night, holding the chopsticks in his right
hand, and the head did not lift it: “Oh, what happened?”
"This is all the replenishment of this period was sent to the base 5. The base sent a team
yesterday to send us food, but I did not expect this team to disappear in the virgin forest! It
is estimated that something terrible Creatures, they are all eaten!"
Zhou Yu stunned Wu Yun: "I don't understand what you are gloating about? Are they
disappearing? Doesn't it mean that you haven't eaten meat for a few weeks?"
Wu Yunyi shot his thigh: "There is no meat to eat! Soon even the mashed potatoes have not
Then, Zhou Yu raised his head and even took the ink night sitting on Zhou’s leg, and looked
up at Wu Yun’s back.
"What are you looking at?"
Wu Yunzheng is going to turn back, and his hands are on his shoulders. The low and cold
voice sounds: "Since you want to eat meat, you should bother to take a look at the virgin
forest and bring the food of the team back!"
Wu Yun smiled and said: "Oh! It turned out to be Mr. Song! I didn't expect you to hand over
such an important task to me. I really have the honor! But can I go alone? I can't put so
many cars. Come back!"
Song Zhi smiled coolly: "Reassured, I will let your old partner Zhou Yu accompany you."
Song Zhi’s gaze was low and passed through the ink night. The ink night looked at him with
his eyes open. “I don’t want to go to the ink night. It’s just a simple task to bring back the
Zhou Yuqi browed: "Mr. Song, isn't that the team disappeared in the virgin forest? Isn't it
attacked by a dangerous creature?"
Song Zhi chuckled and looked at Wu Yun: "You have always been so good at telling stories!
The team was not attacked, but the fuel tank was leaked and could not move forward. All
the members of the team were still alive, ten minutes ago. We contacted. You just have to
drive another car to send the oil to them, and the fuel tank will make up for it, and the food
will come back, including the meat you want to add protein..."
After speaking, Song Zhi turned and left.
Wu Yun touched his brow: "The food is still there, there is no meat in a day, I can't live,
right? Ink night?"
But I didn't expect that the ink night just glanced at him, and turned his head, a very
unhappy look.
Zhou Yu smiled, raised his hand and touched the little head of the ink night: "Okay, it
doesn't matter, I just want to bring back the food, what do you like to eat! I heard that there
are fresh fruits in the car. Do you like watermelon? I have raised a hedgehog when I was
young. It likes to eat the red part of the center of watermelon."
The original sullen ink night suddenly lit up, half leaning on my head, seems to say: What is
Zhou Yu held the two forelimbs of the ink night and hugged it, like holding a stupid big dog:
"Watermelon is a kind of water, and very sweet fruit, and Nibelon The fruit taste of the
roots is different."
Wu Yun also smiled: "Oh! Ink night, your treatment specifications are very high, we are all
very difficult to eat watermelon once, Zhou Yu actually said to save you food. I am envious
of hate!"
"Okay, go get the food back soon."
Zhou Yu and Wu Yun went to the gun arsenal and brought the ammunition out. When they
left the base, the ink night followed, and they came to the Hummer.
Zhou Yugang sat in it, and the ink night jumped up and sat on Zhou Yu’s knees, and he
decided to follow them.
Zhou Yu shook it with a funny smile: "Well, little sticky worm, you can't follow me, didn't
you hear what Mr. Song said? Do you want him to be angry? He will put you in the glass
The ink night turned over and there was still a "I am very unhappy", and the ink night has
grown up, and the general isolation room in the base can't keep it.
Zhou Yu held out his finger and clicked on its small mouth: "I have done it, I will let you eat
and go well?"
Ink night is still not happy. It stretched out the small tongue, rubbed the nail cover of Zhou
Yu, and passed his head.
Zhou Yu hooked his index finger with a funny smile: "If you don't eat me, I will throw you
out, then I will leave."
In the night of ink, this opened his mouth and put Zhou Yu’s fingertips in. When the ink bite
his skin, the slight pain was followed by a deep sense of attachment, which was conveyed
along the fingertips. Spread all over the limbs, this is the way that the night of the night
expresses his feelings to him.
At that moment, Zhou Yu found that he really wanted to hold the ink night, took it in his
arms and took it to wherever he wanted to go.
After a dozen seconds, someone knocked on the glass window, and Zhou Yu suddenly woke
up from that feeling. He saw Zhou Qing with his face.
"That... brother, Mr. Song asked me to pick up the ink night."
Zhou Yu nodded, rubbed his little head with his other hand, gently pacified his ears and
small wings, and said, "Okay, you should get off at night, you have to be good. Take care of
Zhou Qing and protect him. When I am not there, I can't let anyone hurt him."
Mou night reluctantly spit out Zhou Yu's fingertips, but also did not forget to use his tongue
to lick the place where Zhou Yu was injured, where the wound quickly healed.
Zhou Yu opened the door, and the ink night jumped down and watched Zhou Yu leave.
While driving a car, Wu Yun smoked a cigarette: "Hey, I said, have you ever thought about a
"What problem?" Zhou Yu asked.
"That is if one day we are still alive, I mean to leave Nibelungen alive, if you don't want to
let go of the night, what will you do?"
Zhou Yu raised his face and closed his eyes and seemed to be thinking: "I will probably
adapt it to the environment as soon as possible. It is like a child, but when the child grows
up, it is necessary to leave the parents to have their own free life."
Wu Yun has no tacit understanding of this topic.
In addition to Zhou Yu and Wu Yun, Song Zhi also sent another team behind them. There
were five people in this car, followed by Wu Yun and Zhou Yu into the virgin forest. Zhou
Yu opened the locator to lock the position of the supply car.
“How long does this distance last?” Wu Yun asked.
"It is estimated that it should be open for a long time!"
Opened open, Wu Yun suddenly frowned: "I said Zhou Yu, do you feel a little strange?"
Zhou Yu nodded and replied: "It is very strange. If the supply car is coming from the base 5,
it is reasonable not to go to that position. The original forest was designated as 12 areas,
exactly there. It is the 12th district, the farthest distance from our base, so there are not
many explorations for that area, and there are few details to know. As for the biological
distribution there is also determined by helicopter aerial photography and thermal
scanning. Such a stranger I don't understand why the supply vehicle will drive there?"
Song Zhi’s answer was because they encountered a sword-bone attack on the road. The
driver was in a panic and deviated from the original direction of travel. In the process of
escaping, the fuel tank was partially broken by the roots and caused a gasoline leak. Finally
the car stopped in the same place.
This sounds reasonable. Just somehow why they are attacked by the sword bone butterfly?
Anyway, it will make people feel a little uncomfortable.
"It is said that the supply car has been in the same place for more than a day. You said that
the delivery personnel in the car will not finish eating our food!"
"It’s not bad for them to be food for other creatures."
The closer the 12th area is, the more lush the plant grows. The carriages of the Hummer are
all hindered. The vine branches of various plants fall in front of the window glass of Wu
Yun. The second carriage almost hit the tree.
The tires of the car accidentally pressed to a femme fatale, and the silver snake smashed up
and slammed into the window and slammed into the glass. Although it is known that it can
not break the glass, the visual effect is quite awkward.
Wu Yun continued to drive forward with the rut and the road under the wheel became
more and more rugged.
What worried all the field team members was that they found out that there were two
tarantulas in the forest. Fortunately, these did not reach the breeding season, and they did
not feel the fear of the field members, otherwise they would become prey.
Avoiding the two-headed tarantula, everything seems to be silent, but Zhou Yu faintly feels
that something is following them, crouching secretly in the forest, observing their
movements, and will come out at any time.
"What happened to Zhou Yu?" Wu Yun asked.
"Be careful." Zhou Yu replied.
Wu Yun’s brow slammed slightly. He used the walkie-talkie to inform the vehicle behind
him: “Be alert at all times.”
At this time, a loud bang was heard from the vehicles behind, and a white figure slammed
out of the woods and slammed into the shackles behind them.
Wu Yun did not say anything, and transferred the machine gun equipped with the car to
turn the gun head, Zhou Yu is ready to shoot.
"What the **** is that?"
Zhou Yu saw a white wolf-like creature in the sight. In addition to the pure white, it has two
fangs on its face. The limbs are very strong and fierce, but this creature has a sinuous line. If
it is not because of such a dangerous situation, Zhou Yu will appreciate its strength and
"This is white fierce! The b-class beast living in the 12th district! The attack power is very
strong!" Zhou Yu's eyebrows are thick.

Laws of the Other World Chapter 33: Windtalker

Settings saved..
This white fierce rushed into the rear of the Hummer like a madman. The players in the car
lacked the experience of attacking the beast. The machine gunner of the car was too
inexperienced. The muzzle was always Unable to point to this beast, the players did not
dare to jump off the car, and did not dare to open the window directly to shoot.
A loud bang came and a white scream, and the players were stunned, except their captain
Toby shouted: "Tune the gun! I am coming!"
"A group of nerds!" Wu Yun felt deeply helpless.
Seeing that this Hummer was about to be overturned, Zhou Yu locked the target from the
scope and only fired a shot. The white fierce was hit in the head and fell from the front
cover. The door of the Hummer and the front cover of the Hummer were almost flattened.
"Oh my God, it is so thrilling!" Wu Yun patted his chest.
"White Meng is also a creature that relies on fear to lock prey. Everyone among us has
injected inhibitors. How can it attack us? This is a problem." Zhou Yu said.
Wu Yun had not had time to open his mouth. Zhou Yu had already taken the oxygen mask
and opened the door and went out. This could scare Wu Yun.
"What do you want to do Zhou Yu! You give me back, feed!"
All the players in the rear Hummer did not dare to open the door in the compartment, and
did not dare to come out. They watched as Zhou Yu went straight to the dead white fierce.
Just when Wu Yun had to open the door and follow it, Zhou Yu’s voice came from the
intercom: “Wu Yun, you will stay in the car!”
Wu Yun froze with both hands on the steering wheel and whispered at the intercom: "That
week, you also gave me back, what happened?"
I saw Zhou Yu suddenly turned to the door, opened the door, and sat in the ground,
slammed the door and took off the oxygen mask on his face.
Wu Yunyi looked back and saw that there were countless black bugs flying out of the white
body that fell to the ground. That white fierce should be hollowed out by this group of bugs.
Wu Yun stretched his neck and saw that the white body was smashed down, like a balloon
that was pumped out, leaving only a pair of skins.
The other players in the Hummer behind them also showed a terrified expression. This
kind of panic is completely different from when it was just attacked by white.
Wu Yun looked at Zhou Yu: "What the worms are!"
"The names of these bugs, according to Juli Group's data, should be windtalkers. These
insects can be drilled into the body of the creature through the skin, feed on the blood and
muscles of the creature, and even enter the bone marrow and brain of the creature. Once
inside the brain, it can control the parasitic creatures. The white fierce attack will attack us,
and it should be controlled by the wind language."
"My Scorpio! It turned out to be a windtalker! I have heard that this insect is like a myth. I
didn't expect it to be true! I have seen it with my own eyes. What should we do now? Is it
back? Base, are you ready to come back? What should we do if we run into these bugs?"
"Don't worry, the group of wind talkers who just flew away should die soon. Don't forget
that I hit the white fierce with a neurotoxin bullet. These windtalkers fly from the white
body. When they come out, they definitely absorb neurotoxins, and it won't last long
because neurotoxins die."
“If there is another group of wind talkers? The 12th district is an area we are not familiar
with, and I suddenly have an ominous premonition.”
Zhou Yu expressed his approval for Wu Yun’s concern this time. He opened the contact
directly. The current liaison equipment was modified by Li Qian, and the waves were sent
to match Nibelungen’s magnetic field to the base.
After Zhou Yu reported to the Song Dynasty about the situation of the wind singers, Song
told them that in the medicine chest of the Hummer's trunk, there was a newly developed
yellow pharmacy that could help them resist various parasitic species. Invasion of insects.
"The newly developed pharmacy? Is it reliable?" Wu Yun could not help but ask.
"I wish you a pleasant trip in the 12th district," Song said.
Wu Yun was completely speechless: "There is a pharmacy in the trunk, why didn't he
inform us earlier before we set out?"
"Because we already have inhibitors in our body, there may be side effects if we inject this
medicine. Han Li said that this side effect includes dizziness, tinnitus, vomiting, but I prefer
to be dizzy, compared to being controlled by the wind language. Vomiting, tinnitus."
After Zhou Yu told the companion behind the Hummer, the medicine in the reserve car was
taken out, and everyone went on the road again after the injection.
After a few hours they finally reached their destination. Far away, you can see several
trucks parked in the forest.
However, no one was seen in the driver's seat or the passenger seat. The sun fell through
the gap between the forests on the roof of the car. It was like a painting.
This kind of quietness gives Zhou Yu a bad feeling.
Wu Yun and Zhou Yu did not get off the bus, Zhou Yu blinked his eyes and asked: "Where is
the person?"
Wu Yun also looked around and kept alert. He didn't open the window: "Yeah, why no one?
If it is rested in the place, according to the rules and regulations of Juli Group, they should
stay in the car, but the original forest is not the base. And you see that even the doors and
windows are open, they seem to be leaving the car in a panic."
Zhou Yu had not had time to inform the behind the Hummer, but the team had already
taken action. They got off the bus and went to the side of the delivery vehicle to check. They
opened the truck door and found that the food inside was still not at all. When the captain
of the squad gave a thumbs up to Wu Yun, Wu Yun and Zhou Yu just felt even more strange.
Even where the food is still going?
Zhou Yu picked up the walkie-talkie and said to the team captain Toby: "You should come
back to the car immediately. The situation here is not quite right."
Moreover, the location where the transport vehicles are parked is densely forested. What
prompted them to drive the car to such a place, and it is impossible to retreat.
However, the captain Toby opened the intercom of the delivery vehicle and tried to get in
touch with the missing carriers.
Wu Yun shook his head: "Forget it, if you are good for them, they will only be treated as if
you want to direct them and will not listen to your suggestions."
Wu Yun directly picked up the walkie-talkie and said to the team leader: "You check again,
is the fuel tank of the truck really empty?"
"Oh? It’s weird! There are still 2/3 of the tanks in the truck, enough for them to drive the
truck back to the base!"
The feeling of something wrong is getting stronger and stronger. Zhou Yu immediately
passed the walkie-talkie and sternly said: "You are coming back soon! There is a problem
At this time, the forest made a sound, and the team members immediately turned the
muzzle over, and the voice of the captain was brushed.
Zhou Yu also pointed the gun on the car.
I saw a figure in a camouflage uniform coming out. He raised his hands and looked amazed:
"Hey! Are you scared to death like me?"
Team captain Toby immediately took the gun back: "Frank! It's you! You are not here,
where are you going?"
Zhou Yu coldly stared at Frank from the sight, whispered: "All guards."
Captain Toby’s eyes crossed Frank’s arm and found his blood vessels protruding and even
appearing black. Look at his eyes again, the eyes are full of bloodshot.
"Stand up, don't move!" Toby quickly lifted his gun and pointed at Frank's eyebrows.
Frank showed a surprised expression and walked half a step forward: "Toby, what's wrong
with you? I am Frank!"
"I told you to stop and stop!"
All the muzzles were aimed at Frank, but Frank’s face did not have the horror that
everyone imagined. At some point, Frank suddenly widened his eyes and desperately
rushed toward the captain Toby. Toby’s subconsciously The trigger hit Frank's eyebrows.
Innumerable black bugs emerged from Frank's eyes, ears, and even under the skin, and a
large group of cockroaches had a strong atmosphere.
"I have a mother!" Wu Yun looked at the scene and was shocked. The other players also
dispersed and waved their hands to open the bugs.
Frank fell to the ground and his body flattened down, leaving only a camouflage coat, his
skin clinging to the bones and losing all his water.
Since all the field players were injected with the pharmacy, the worms could not parasitize
the players' bodies, but they made a harsh sound, and they were very annoying around
They turned to Wu Yun and Zhou Yu's car, slammed into the glass, and did not care.
While they were besieging Wu Yun and Zhou Yu, the other players were about to rush back
to the car, but what they didn't expect was that the team members who had originally
transported the team had come out of the forest.
They also carry a gun.
Wu Yun and Zhou Yu, who were completely obscured by the glass and did not know what
happened, only heard the sound of the guns in the air.
"Toby! Toby please reply! What happened?" Wu Yun can only contact the team captain
through the walkie-talkie.
"It's the windtalker! It's no coincidence that the transport team will drive the car here.
There must be a windtalker's lair. After they control the team members, let them contact
the base to pick them up." I sent more fresh food to the windtalker.” Zhou Yu looked cold
and cold. “If I didn’t make a mistake, the transporters controlled by the windtalkers are
fighting the team of Toby.”
"But we can't go out to fight. Once the door is opened, these windtalkers will come in, we
still can't see the outside scene." Wu Yun's hands clasped on the steering wheel, he was
ready, if Toby's The squad was killed and they immediately withdrew.
Supply is a small matter, and life is a big deal.
"Have you discovered that Song Zhi did not send us a task that was easily completed. I think
Nibelungen is not terrible, and Song Zhi is terrible."
Wu Yun stared at the dark glass window in front of him.
Zhou Yu raised his wrist and looked at his watch: "There are still half a minute, these wind
words will die."
The strength and sound of the insect hitting the glass window is getting weaker and
weaker, and gradually disappears.
The gunshots outside stopped.
Who wins? Is it a transport team controlled by the windtalker? Or Toby's team?
Wu Yun started the wiper and swept all the bugs on the front window. In front of his eyes,
Toby’s hands were folded into a distorted state, and the face was painful and leaning
against the tree.
At this time, someone knocked on the side window of Wu Yun, and all the bugs that fell on
it fell down. They saw a smile.
"Hey, if you don't want me to smash Toby, you will come down."
Wu Yunyu looked at each other with his eyes wide open.
That person is not someone else, it is the captain of this delivery team, Morris.
Morris’s eyeballs are also bloodshot, and he is faintly visible in the neck vessels outside the
camouflage uniform to see something squirming.
Zhou Yugao shouted and directly ran the car to the reverse gear for Wu Yun.
Wu Yun immediately accelerated and they quickly left.
When Wu Yun reversing, Zhou Yu looked at the transport players from the sight. He pulled
the trigger and solved two or three people in an instant.
But Morris also took the rest of the people to the car they left behind, and quickly chased
them up.
The distance between the trees in the jungle is too narrow, Wu Yun can not turn around,
and Morris is getting closer and closer.
They also transferred the guns in the car and fired at Zhou Yu and Wu Yun.
The bullets hit directly on the glass of their front car. The penetrating power of the machine
gun is very strong. If this continues, their windows will soon be broken down. Zhou Yu used
a machine gun to shoot at the other side.
Mars burst in the air.
Every time I heard the sound of screaming, Wu Yun’s heart jumped out!
At some point, their rear wheels seem to be stuck in something, no matter how the engine
is started, it seems to be stuck.
And Morris drove straight into the car, "hey--", Wu Yun's neck almost broke.
"Fucking--" Wu Yun threw the gun at Zhou Yu, "Get off the bus!"
Their getting off is not desperate with Morris, which is irrational.
Wu Yun and Zhou Yu climbed into the rear compartment and opened the two doors. As a
result, the sound of the bullets was heard, but they were blocked by the opened doors.
They left the car and found that the roots of a tree exposed to the ground stuck their rear
Without extra hesitation, the two men armed with guns quickly entered the forest on both
sides and concealed.
Zhou Yu is very clear that the parasitic time of the Windtalkers in these transport team
members is coming, they need fresh nutrition.
Looking around, there are only him and Wu Yun left around, and there are no traces of
other creatures. It is estimated that they have been "eaten" by these wind words.
"Hey, are you both going to throw Toby?"
Morris also took the gun, got out of the car, and another person used a gun to shoot in the
woods. The bullet hit the leg of Zhou Yu in a thrilling manner. Zhou Yu just raised his chin
and narrowed his eyes, patiently crouching.
Wu Yun on the other side also raised the muzzle and communicated with Zhou Yu.
Just when Morris and his people went parallel with Zhou Yu and Wu Yun, Zhou Yu suddenly
pressed his muzzle and quickly aimed. He pulled the trigger without blinking, just hit a shot
in Morris. On the legs.
"Ah--" Morris fell to the ground and finally saw Zhou Yu, but the neurotoxin soon took his
Wu Yun is also very old and hot, and solved another person with one shot.
The wind-speakers flew out of their bodies and came to Zhou Yu and Wu Yunfei, but they
could not invade.
Zhou Yu patiently leaned against the tree, waiting for them to die because of neurotoxins.
Wu Yun directly took out half of the cigarette from his pocket and pulled out the lighter.
The worms rushed to the flames of the lighter and were burned with a sultry taste. When
Wu Yun couldn't easily finish the half cigarette, the worms finally died, falling on the
ground and their bodies.
Zhou Yu and Wu Yun patted the shoulders and stood up.
Wu Yun gnashed his teeth and said: "I feel that it will still be disgusting to let me wash a
hundred times."
"Go, go back and look for Toby."
There was no time to change the tires. Zhou Yu and Wu Yun boarded the car of the Toby
squad that was driven by Morris.
Before leaving, Wu Yun glanced at the body of Morris.
"He is a veteran... I didn't expect to die in our hands."
"No, he is dead in the hands of the windtalker."
Zhou Yu pulled down the hand brake for Wu Yun.
"I suddenly thought, Song Zhi is not taking us to do the experiment." Wu Yun said.
"Well, it is possible. With the thinking ability of Song, it is impossible to think that the
delivery team will drive the car to the 12th district. It is strange that our newly developed
anti-parasitic drugs are prepared in our trunk. He had long expected that we would meet
the wind language."
"It was smashed by this guy again." Wu Yun snorted. "This time, go back, don't stop me, I
must break his neck."
"I won't stop you."
When they drove the car back to where it was originally fighting the delivery team, the
delivery car was still there, but the players who were knocked down by Morris before were
gone, even the Tobys who had been screwed off their limbs before leaning on the trees. I
don't know where to go.
Zhou Yu and Wu Yun look at each other.
"I feel very bad..."
"me too."
"The situation is unclear, and immediately evacuate." Just when Wu Yun was about to
reverse the car, he suddenly heard Toby's cry for help.
"Save me - save me - don't go!"
Zhou Yu looked up, only to find that Toby and other players did not know when it was
entangled by some kind of silk thread and fell on the old tree.
"What to do..." Wu Yun gritted his teeth. Since Toby is still alive, he can't easily throw him
away. "Zhou Yu, what is that?"
Zhou Yuqi opened his eyes and saw some kind of translucent silkworm-like creatures
between the trees. They squirmed and secreted a thread from the mouth, sealing Toby and
other players in a circle. A jealousy.
"It should be the sericulture in the Juli Group database. The silk threads they spit out are
not used to scar, but their own digestive organs."
"So they are going to eat Toby! My mom! How is this sericulture aggressive?"
At this time Toby sent a scream, because the silk thread of the silkworm had been wrapped
around Toby's neck.
"They are not aggressive, but the mucus and silk in the body are very corrosive!" Zhou Yu
took the anesthetic bomb from his waist and opened the window. "Toby! Hold your
Toby resisted yelling, Zhou Yu threw the anesthetic bomb into the air, and then quickly
closed the window. He and Wu Yun quickly took out the mask and put it on.
When the anesthetic gas was released, those crystalworms stopped moving and some even
Zhou Yu and Wu Yun opened the door, Wu Yun climbed the tree, kicked the sericulture
silkworms, and came to Toby's side, carefully cutting the silk and putting the rope on
Toby's body. Under the tree, Zhou Yu, who was holding the other end of the rope, slowly
put Toby down.
When they cut the silk from Toby, they found that the camouflage suit had been eroded
almost. If you wait a few more seconds, Toby would be even more fierce.
Wu Yun put down the other players, cut the silk and looked at them again. They all broke
their breath, and some were still bloody.
"I don't understand, there are so many insects here..." Wu Yun licked Toby's wounds.
Zhou Yu suddenly realized what it was, and picked up Toby: "No matter how much! We will
return to the base immediately!"
"what happened?"
"There may be some sort of high-level worms here, just like a kingdom of magnitude, these
worms may be feeding for it!"
Wu Yun did not say anything, immediately walked back to the car, pulled the door open and
stuffed Toby into the rear seat.
The two immediately drove back.
At that moment, Zhou Yu’s mind seemed to sound a familiar voice.
"Be careful behind you."
Zhou Yu is going to turn back, and he has a heavy blow on his head and falls to the side.
Everything happened too fast, Zhou Yu lost consciousness.
"What are you doing - Toby!" Wu Yun turned his head and was about to shoot the gun at
However, Toby’s action, which was broken by his hands and feet, was unexpectedly agile.
He buckled Wu Yun’s **** and slammed up. Wu Yun was shot in his nose and hurt his tears.
Come out, but he pulled the trigger and the bullet hit the glass. He was about to take off the
second shot, but he was screwed to his wrist by Toby.
Toby's power was so great that Wu Yun clenched his teeth and the blue ribs exploded, but
they did not fight the power of Toby. Toby’s eyes widened, and there was a trace of
madness that Wu Yun had never seen before.
"Toby! What the **** are you doing!"
Just then, a silver spider climbed out of Toby's back collar.
It is different from a normal spider and has only four legs. And its eyes are white, Wu Yun
suspects that it can not be seen.
"Zhou Yu! You wake up! Zhou Yu!" Wu Yun's cold sweat soaked the back, watching the
silver spider climbed onto the back of the hand along Toby's shoulder, and the strength of
Toby's wrist suddenly increased. Take the gun away from Wu Yun’s hand.
"Oh shit!"
Even if the gun is gone, Wu Yun does not intend to give up.
Eighty percent is this silver spider that manipulates Toby!
Wu Yunqi slammed into the spider, and the spider jumped up. It was faintly visible that
there was some kind of extremely thin wire attached to Toby's body. Toby's fist waved
over, just hitting Wu Yun's face with a punch, then he took advantage of Wu Yun's head and
slammed into the steering wheel.

Laws of the Other World Chapter 34: Puppet

Settings saved..
Wu Yun had a tinnitus. He hadn't had time to shake his head. Toby hit Wu Yun for the
second time. This made Wu Yun completely fainted and squatted on the steering wheel.
Toby laughed, looking gloomy and irrational.
He got out of the car and the silver spider climbed into his collar again. He dragged Wu Yun
out and threw it into the rear seat, then sat in the driver's seat, drove the car and continued
forward, bumping all the way through the jungle.
They passed the delivery cart, and Toby was crushed by the companion's worm-entangled
body, as if he hadn't seen it, before he came to a towering tree that was entangled in
countless vines.
These vines are hundreds of thousands of curls that support each other, and the huge old
trees are like pillars, standing in the sky, forming a huge tree fort under the entanglement
of vines, and even sketching a window-like shape. The vines are intertwined into tumbling
lines, resembling the ancient Rococo architecture, revealing elegance and mystery.
Toby dragged Wu Yun off the car and took Zhou Yu down.
The light fell from the gap between the vines of the tree fort, like a torrent of turbulence.
Silver-white transparent butterflies dance between these beams, like a string of crystal
Toby dragged Wu Yun to a hole in front of the tree fort, pushed him in, and then threw
Zhou Yu down.
The silver spider climbed out of Toby's collar and jumped toward a falling vine. The wire
connecting it and Toby was broken. Toby suddenly lost consciousness and closed his eyes
and fell down. It happened to fall into that hole.
They slid down the cave and fell into a wide, dark tree hole inside the huge old tree.
At the same time, Zhou Qing opened a pine nut and sent it to the mouth of the ink night:
"Ink night, do you want to eat pine nuts?"
The ink night smashed into a ball, shrinking into the chair beside Zhou Qing, and
occasionally stretching his legs and letting the chair turn, it seems to be self-entertaining.
Its ears are squatting, eyes are closed, and I don't know what I am thinking.
Zhou Qing smashed his head: "The pine nuts... Zhou Yu likes to eat this when he is a child.
There are a lot of pockets in it! Do you want to try it?"
When Zhou Yu was mentioned, the ink night suddenly opened his eyes, and a touch of gold
flashed in the amber scorpion. Zhou Qing smashed it and thought it was his own mistake.
He was about to lick his own eyes, and the ink night suddenly straightened his back and
jumped off the chair.
"Mottle night! Where are you going!"
When the ink came to the door in the night, he slammed hard and the door did not open. It
turned and looked at Zhou Qing, and his eyes were very strong.
"Do you want to go out? Why? Is it too boring to be with me?"
Just as a researcher came in, the moment when the door of the node opened, the ink night
rushed out.
Zhou Qing quickly chased him up.
"Mottle night! Where are you going! Come back soon!"
However, the ink night rushed out of the room and ran fast in the passage. At this time, a
field team member passed the passage gate, and the moment the gate was about to close,
the ink night smashed out from his feet, but Zhou Qing did not have time to keep up.
"God! What's going on!" The field team member couldn't figure it out.
"Professor Zhou! Don't you inform the control department quickly?" Zhou Qing's assistant
rushed over to ask Zhou Qing.
Zhou Qing stood in the same place. He has a feeling that the reaction in the ink night is
because of what happened to Zhou Yu, and if so, he will leave the night instead of keeping it
He pretended that he had not reacted to anything and stayed in the same place. After ten
seconds, the ink-night had completely passed the internal core of the base and rushed to
the base.
Song Zhi finally got the news and issued instructions to the system control center of the
base to keep the ink night here.
No one knows how ink nights are done. It seems to know forever which channel in the
labyrinth base will open, when is someone passing by!
At the most thrilling moment, it passed through a closed gate. At this time, a field team
returning from the outside was about to enter the base. At the moment when the gate was
opened, Song ordered: "Close all nodes! No one can enter or leave! Stop it! You must stop
The cold control of the personnel in the system control center has fallen. The speed of their
thinking and the speed at which their fingers enter the code are far less rapid than that of
the night. It is like a black lightning in the surveillance, breaking through the limits of vision
and thinking.
The night of the ink night is like a meteor smashing the illusion of the night sky. It ran out
from the gap that was about to close. It leaped violently onto the cover of the Hummer in
front of it. Only a loud bang was heard, and the front cover of the carriage was smashed.
Going down, even the front wheels are also punctuated.
The system controller was completely stunned; "This is too fast! We can't predict where it
will go, but it knows exactly which gates are passing!"
Song Zhi’s hands were pressed at the table, and ink nights had no doubt that they had some
kind of transcendence that transcended humanity.
Through the system's surveillance replay, Song Zhi saw the face of the ink night, its eyes
were firmly looking at the front, as if it had any obstacles in front of it will break them.
Song Zhi’s cold sweat dripped down.
It can be seen that the ink night is completely capable of leaving the base by itself. The
reason why it did not go is only because of Zhou Yu.
At the moment, Zhou Yu’s head creaked, and it was hard to find a clear blue. He slowly sat
Surrounded by darkness, darkness, and numerous silver spots flickering, he covered his
eyes and finally saw that the spots were actually butterflies with silver wings.
When the eyes completely adapted to this darkness, Zhou Yu can also see everything
around him. This huge space is made up of various vines. The top of his head can still see
the empty position like a window, the shape of the rule, now should be almost at night, the
afterglow of the dusk falls from the gap, betting on the ground is neatly like a window
Wu Yun and Toby fell to his side. Zhou Yu immediately reached out and pressed it in the
neck of Wu Yun. He felt the beating of his carotid artery. Zhou Yu finally breathed out and
Wu Yun was still alive. He tried Toby again, Toby was still alive, but his hands and feet
remained twisted. Zhou Yu knows that there must be any biological control of Toby, and he
and Wu Yun!
Zhou Yu carefully observed this space. It is like being carefully calculated. It is impossible
for Nibelungen to be natural.
The wall of the tree in front of him is actually part of a huge ancient tree. The silver
butterfly flapped its wings and slowly flew to Zhou Yu's side as if to illuminate him, so that
he could see the wall clearly. There are all kinds of engravings on the walls, and Zhou Yu’s
fingers are attached. These nicks are very deep and intentional. When the light gradually
gathered, Zhou Yu could finally see them clearly. It was a portrait of a woman. She is
lifelike, and her eyebrows are very exciting. No matter who painted this woman, Zhou Yu
believes that he has a deep love for her.
Zhou Yu took out his own recorder and pointed it at the picture above. If he could still live
back to the base, he would hand over everything to Song. This place, whether designed or
engraved, reflects the human civilization.
But the old tree is used as a pillar, the vines are interwoven into a wall with a rococo
pattern, and the silver butterfly is manipulated to become the light in this tree castle. All
this is not human can, at least a level a. biological.
"Welcome to my world."
The light voice sounded, Zhou Yu looked around but did not see anyone.
He suddenly understood that the sound came from his brain, just like Elpis, a certain a-level
or a-level creature was communicating directly with him through the brain.
"Who are you?" Zhou Yu immediately returned to Wu Yun and Toby's side.
"It doesn't matter who I am, but I see a lot of interesting things in your brain. You are a
human, but Elpis has chosen you."
"What do you want to do?" Zhou Yu tightened her muscles and put her hand on the gun at
the waist. The gun is still there!
"My original purpose is very simple, that is, treat you as my food, my nutrition. But it is a
pity that you have injected some kind of medicine into your body. If I eat you, it is very bad
for my health, I can only wait. Wait until the metabolism of your body."
"It turned out to be."
Zhou Yu knows that no matter what he plans and what he wants to do, he will be perceived
by this a-level creature. More importantly, this is the control of the tree castle. It is
impossible for him to leave with Wu Yun. Even if he wants to leave, it is impossible.
"Well, I feel very pleased that you can have such thoughts. You are like me and cats. The
longer you can spend with me, the longer I will keep you. But once I feel that You are
boring, I will open your mouth and eat you."
The voice was ridiculous and ridiculous. I don't know if it was just playing around with
them or scaring them. At least this kind of scare is a little childish.
"So where is your mouth?" Zhou Yu asked coldly.
The voice laughed again, a little crazy.
"My head is on the ceiling, my feet are under your body, my fingers are blowing your throat,
as for my mouth... Where are you? You are already in my mouth."
Zhou Yu secretly opened his eyes: "Why do I think you are bluffing!"
"Oh yeah? Look back." Zhou Yu looked back and found that the vines fell from the air and rolled Wu Yun
and Toby. Zhou Yu immediately ran and pulled out the gun from the waist and fired several
shots at the vine.
Toby was completely swept away, and Wu Yun hangs in the air, and Wu Yun, who was hit
by Zhou Yu, loosened Wu Yun. Wu Yun fell and was caught by Zhou Yu.
He looked up and found that a large vine on his head had already appeared withered color,
indicating that the bullet hit by Zhou Yu played a role.
So Zhou Yu unknowingly shot against the part that had not withered, and soon, a large
piece of green vines on the top of his head turned yellow.
At this time, Wu Yun, who had been in a coma, finally woke up. He looked at the scene in
front of him completely shocked. Here and two were completely different worlds.
Zhou Yu cold channel: "Put out your gun!"
Wu Yun did not say a word, turned over and put the gun at the same place as Zhou Yu, and
the nerves were tight.
The yellow-brown vines gradually peeled off from the air, like a dead snake. The green
vines rolled out of the criss-cross pattern, clinging to each other and tightening, even the
previous window sills were blocked. If there are no silver butterflies, even half of the light
will be gone.
Although Zhou Yu’s shooting was effective, but because there are so many vines here, even
if they burned all the bullets, they could not disintegrate the tree.
"You have caused me such a big trouble. If I don't do anything, it seems that I have not done
it to the landlord. I have to give you some warnings."
The voice in Zhou Yu’s mind rang again, and the vines on the top of his head stretched out.
Toby, who had just been involved, suddenly fell from a height. Zhou Yuchong went up to
catch him, and Wu Yun took it back. The silver-colored butterflies and blackbirds flew past,
and the cold wind swept over their heads. The wings seemed to turn over and the cold light
appeared, like countless sharp blades. , crossed the body of Toby.
Seeing the scarlet bloodstaining, Zhou Yu’s eyes were wide and unable to do anything.
When the silver butterflies were far away, Toby’s body was left with only the bones of the
Three seconds from start to finish, Toby screamed and did not have time to send out.
They are as if nothing has happened. They are scattered and leisurely, flying inside the
castle, like the stars in the dark, full of yearning.
The more beautiful the more dangerous things, this time Zhou Yu is very clear.
The backs of Wu Yun and Zhou Yu have been sweaty. In the face of such creatures, the guns
in their hands can't play any role.
"Well, the new game starts again. Who and your friends will be the next red-blooded art
Zhou Yu’s hole trembled, suddenly loudly: “Wu Yun’s lighter!”
Wu Yun did not ask why, directly throwing the lighter to Zhou Yu.
At this time, the group of butterflies were gathering, and they were flying over. They once
again set their own wings and prepared for the next slash.
"Wu Yun! Come near me now!"
When Zhou Yu’s words were just finished, Wu Yun rushed to Zhou Yu’s side: “I don’t need
to hold you tight!”
Zhou Yu did not pay attention to Wu Yun, just took off his coat and picked up the branches
on the ground. He lit the lighter and quickly approached their silver butterfly to form a
circle, not on the edge of the fire. Dare to go forward.
"Zhou Yu, you are really amazing, even know that these guys are afraid of fire!"
"Now take your vodka out!"
Wu Yun did not ask Zhou Yu how to know his vodka, and immediately threw an iron bottle
from his waist to Zhou Yu.
Seeing that the fire of the lighter is going to go out, the butterflies are rushing to tighten
their rush to them. Wu Yun can even feel his face being blown by their wings, burning pain.
When Zhou Yu once again ignited the lighter, the silver butterflies suddenly dispersed, and
the light of the lighter suddenly approached.
Wu Yun helped Zhou Yu to pour vodka on the clothes and tied it to the branches. He
slammed, and the flames smashed up, illuminating the inside of the tree fort. The butterfly
that couldn’t help but be close to them was stunned by this flame. It exudes a peculiar taste,
neither the stench of carrion nor the burnt smell, but a faint aroma.
Zhou Yu knows that he can't relax, and soon these flames will burn out, and the speed of
death will be very fast.
"Would you have an anesthetic bomb on Wu Yun?"
Wu Yun shook his head: "It seems to have fallen. It is quite lucky to keep the gun!"
Zhou Yu slammed into Toby's widow and there were some equipment. He held the torch
and Wu Yun to come to him. Zhou Yu lowered his body and looked for it. Wu Yun held a gun
to prepare him.
Zhou Yu finally found an anesthetic bomb. He said to Wu Yun: "How many seconds can you
shut up?"
"Hey! Can I use the seconds to calculate my qi? Can it be measured in minutes? Three to five
minutes is no problem!"
"I thought you could hold your breath for 10 minutes, counting on you and yelling at me
from here."
"Then I still expect you to rush out with me!"
"You can be okay, you can faint!"
After that, Zhou Yu actually found an oxygen mask from Toby's body!
"Toby this guy! Let's throw away our two configurations, and keep their own. If you don't, I
will faint!"
Wu Yun knows quite well what Zhou Yu is thinking: when the anesthesia bombs work,
these vines should be scattered, otherwise all the creatures enclosed in this space will faint,
and Zhou Yu and Wu Yun will have a few minutes to They are eliminated. If you don't want
to be eliminated, let the anesthetic air get out. This will have a gap.
At this time, Zhou Yu’s mind re-thought the sound of the a-level creature.
"Zhou Yu, you are too naive. Do you think I will let you leave? I will let you die here! Until
you can't stand it, you will endure it. At that time, I will let you endure a hundred times
more severe than now. Double the punishment."
Zhou Yu did not pay attention to the threat of the other party. He knew in his heart that he
had to resist if he wanted to live.
When Zhou Yu was ready to take advantage of Wu Yun’s anger, Zhou Yu violently threw the
anesthetic bomb into the air, and the anesthetic gas spread out. The frequency of the silver
butterfly flapping slowed down, and then fell to the ground.
Zhou Yu did not hesitate to ignite the torch on the ground and burn the butterflies.
A little bit past, the vines guarded the space tightly, leaving no gaps for Zhou Yu and Wu
Yun to escape.
Soon the bodies of those butterflies were burned out, leaving only the torches in Zhou Yu’s
hands to be the only light in this space.
At that moment, Wu Yunyu looked at Zhou Yu with his big eyes and seemed to remind him
of anything, but in order to avoid being inhaled by anesthetic gas, Wu Yun could not speak.
Zhou Yu warned to stand sideways and saw a silver spider falling from the air and suddenly
jumped to his face.
Zhou Yu was shocked. He took out the dagger from his waist and took it to his face, but the
spider jumped into his neck and quickly got into his collar.
Zhou Yu did not say a word and threw the torch to Wu Yun. He was about to take off the
oxygen mask on his face and gave it to Wu Yun. It was a step later. He only felt that his
vision was in a dark moment and his limbs were moving. Not controlled by his own brain,
he can't hear anything and can't see anything.
Zhou Yu knew that the spider must have been hiding in the crevice of the vine and was not
exposed to anesthetic gas. The burning of the silver butterfly not only consumes oxygen in
this confined space but also consumes anesthetic gas. When the concentration of the
anesthetic gas is lowered, the silver spider appears.
The name of this spider is called a marionette. The name is quite vivid. It can invade the
muscles and nerves of the settlers with its own thread, so as to control the body of the
other. However, unlike the windtalker, the windtalker needs to fully enter the body of the
boarder, but the thread of the marionette is not infected by the blood or any medicine in
the boarder.
Zhou Yu shouted loudly, regardless of whether Wu Yun could hear it.
"Wu Yun! Don't take care of me, grab my mask, kill me, or knock me down! Remember, one
of us must survive!"
Wu Yun raised his own gun and aimed at Zhou Yu. At this time, Zhou Yu was like crazy. He
pulled out the Swiss army knife equipped on his thigh and continually attacked Wu Yun.
The movement was quick and decisive, as if not Wu Yun thousand knives will not give up.
Wu Yun was cold and sweaty, although he could clearly understand Zhou Yu’s shouting, but
how could he shoot at Zhou Yu! Once Zhou Yu is shot, it will die.
Wu Yun said to himself in his heart: Mom's death! Die together!
Wu Yundi put the torch on the ground, and the flame reflected on the staggered vines, just
like a monster from the claws of hell.
Wu Yun also took out the Swiss army knife and Zhou Yu from his waist to compete.
Zhou Yu's posture is strong. Although Wu Yun is sophisticated, he can only avoid the attack
of Zhou Yu. The Swiss army knife collides in the air and wipes out some sparks.

Laws of the Other World Chapter 35: Overlord silver beads

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Wu Yun was still closed at this time, his strength is far less than Zhou Yu.
He must solve the silver spider that controls Zhou Yu. Wu Yun extremely skillfully
wandered around Zhou Yu's body, slammed hard and slashed the camouflage suit of Zhou
Yu's back. The figure of the silver spider flashed and climbed to other places in Zhou Yu.
What are you doing? Is it necessary for him to smear Zhou Yu’s clothes?
Zhou Yu’s attack became more and more fierce, and the blade crossed Wu’s shoulder and
broke Wu Yun’s cheek.
If it is normal, Wu Yun has long shouted, how can he go back to see his daughter when his
face is broken!
Zhou Yu slammed Wu Yun, and held Wu Yun’s neck in one hand. The other hand waved the
Swiss army knife and tied it to Wu Yun’s chest.
On the occasion of a thousand miles, Wu Yun raised his knees and slammed against Zhou
Yu’s abdomen. After he opened him, he rolled over and sat on Zhou Yu’s body. He held
Zhou’s wrist holding the saber and used his hands to put the saber. Unscrew it.
Zhou Yu also took a lot of effort and tried to turn Wu Yun.
Wu Yun squatted on Zhou Yu’s chest with his elbows.
Probably the silver spider hiding in Zhou Yu was almost flattened. It quickly climbed out
and climbed to the back of his hand along Zhou Yu’s shoulder. Wu Yun knew that the spider
wanted to reinvent it. Strengthening the strength of Zhou Yu’s hand, Wu Yun suddenly
released his hand at that moment. Zhou Yu’s dagger was inserted into Wu Yun’s shoulder.
Wu Yun pulled out the waist of the gun and fell sideways. The moving machine, the bullet
hit the silver spider, and made a slamming sound, almost hit Zhou Yu's back.
The silver spider fell down, the limbs twitched, and all the silk threads were drawn from
Zhou Yu’s body.
Zhou Yu suddenly widened his eyes and breathed vigorously. The originally lost vision
gradually returned, and he saw everything in front of him again.
Wu Yun was lying next to him, smiling at him.
"My mother, I was almost killed by you..."
Wu Yun can no longer hold back. Once he breathes, even a small amount of anesthetic gas
dissipates his nerves.
He tried hard to stay awake, but his eyes became heavy.
"Wu Yun! Wu Yun, wake up to me!"
Zhou Yugang had to take off his oxygen mask to Wu Yun, but Wu Yun patted his hand and
said: "Hey! Brother, I can't do it, then it's all up to you, let me sleep!"
Zhou Yuyi gritted his teeth. He was grateful to Wu Yun in his heart. He knew that Wu Yun
was a very loyal person. Although he was always so unreliable, he gave up the most rational
choice today and was willing to take risks. The life to save Zhou Yu.
Wu Yun closed his eyes and fell asleep.
Zhou Yu took Wu Yun up.
The voice in his mind rang again.
"I said I won't let you go."
Zhou Yu smiled coldly: "Yes, you won't let me go. At the same time, you can't leave here?"
"What do you mean by this?"
"It's very simple. You manipulated so many insects, including windtalkers, sericulture,
silver butterflies, snake vines, and marionettes to lure us, capture us, manipulate us, just let
us come here to be your food. Now that your purpose has been achieved, we have to make
the best of it, but you are not going to go out in person. I am very curious about how you
want to open your mouth and engulf us. Do you let us take the initiative to come to you?
Because you simply can’t Move, you live in this tree for some reason, you will only control
creatures lower than you to feed for you, your advantage is that you are at the upper end of
the Nibelungen bio-chain."
"It's very good, I really can't move. Yes, I am waiting for you to come to me. You should be
very clear, unless I am dead, I will not let you leave. So come see me. !"
Zhou Yu looked down at Wu Yun and said: "I don't know if my decision is right or wrong.
You saved my life but I may have pulled you into the hinterland of death. The only thing I
can do is if I am alive, I also let you live, if I will die, I am sorry that I can't save you."
After that, Zhou Yu took all the remaining weapons and equipment, enriched his magazine,
and hung the other ammunition left by Toby, and confirmed that he was armed with a gun.
He would be Wu Yunyu. Got up and walked towards the depths of the tree fort.
He held the torch in the other hand, the light of the torch was getting weaker and weaker,
and his surroundings were surrounded by snakes and vines. These passages were like
some old curse, fixed in the same place, even if How the a-level creatures hiding in the
hidden area summon and control these vines always maintain the shape of the castle.
Zhou Yu walked along and found that there were many dried flowers that had already
withered in the gaps of these vines.
He can imagine that when the flowers are still in a full-fledged posture, the passage is full of
fragrance and flowers, like a fairy tale, Zhou Yu immediately associates with the portrait of
the woman who was engraved on the old tree. It is like a loved one created by a nobleman
to please his sweetheart.
When Zhou Yu walked to the end of the passage, it was the hollowed out part of the tree
center of the old tree.
The flame in the hand is completely extinguished, but the space without the light source is
brighter than Zhou Yu’s imagination.
In the middle of the center, Zhou Yu saw a huge entanglement of silk, which dissipated with
a touch of fluorescence.
Listening to the ear, Zhou Yu seems to be able to feel the sound of the heart pulse.
According to visual inspection, from this scorpion, at least four times the adult double-
headed tarantula!
Zhou Yu slowly released Wu Yun and lifted the gun in his hand.
"You know very well that with this toughness, your bullets can't penetrate me."
Zhou Yu’s brows are constantly thinking in his mind. What is this thing?
"You are the overlord silver spider! Your creatures will form a huge scorpion before
adulthood. After breaking through, the ability will be multiplied. The limbs can eradicate a
tree that has been growing for 10,000 years without any effort! ”
"It seems that you have received the knowledge that Elpis has given you. If you can eat it, is
it all the secrets that Elpis told you? I can get it too!"
"But you will be in a state of embarrassment for almost 1000 years. You are aiming at
human beings and want to get enough nutrients as soon as possible, and break out early."
Zhou Yu said as he took out a bomb from his waist.
At that moment, his ear rang with an ethereal sound like a serenade. The mind was moved,
and all decisiveness and negligence seemed to be suppressed.
Zhou Yu remembered that the Overlord Silver Spider had a very special ability. When they
shake their tails, they produce a sound wave that creates hallucinations and reduces
Zhou Yu clenched the explosives in his hand and used strong beliefs to suppress the impact
of the illusion on himself.
But everything around him changed, the darkness receded, and the side became bright, and
his ear was the voice of the keyboard.
Someone is taking his shoulder: "It's so amazing that you can fall asleep on the table! Wake
up, this evening is Zhao Cheng's birthday, we are going to celebrate with him!"
Zhou Yuyi looked up and found that it was not someone else, but his vice captain Chen
Chong. Looking around, this is his office, and all the people in his entire team are still there.
They chatted and chatted with each other. Meixi put down the documents in his hand and
raised his laziness: "Hey, there is a big meal tonight! My weight loss plan is completely
"You, you are not all..."
These are hallucinations, and this must be an illusion!
The picture of Chen Chong’s killing by Perry Winter is like a branding in his mind. The pain
that comes from the bottom of my heart, he can not forget!
He still remembers that he was still in the tree fort and confronted the Overlord Silver
Spider. How could he suddenly return to the office? How could his lost teammates come
He yanked his gun from his waist and pointed at everyone.
"Head! What are you doing! What is sick!" Chen Chong extended his hands.
"Head! Do you have a nightmare! Still sleepy!" Zhao Cheng also showed a frightened
Zhou Yu looked at the gun in his hand and suddenly realized what... This is not right. If
there is no task now, how can he have a gun on his body? Should return the gun arsenal!
These are fake, like a sweet dream of comforting people. These are the overlord silver
beads used to confuse him!
Zhou Yu closed his eyes and deposited his own mind, and removed all the distractions in
his mind and told himself: I want to return to reality.
The sound of the nocturne in the ear was removed from the brain. When he opened his
eyes, all the light was far away, and the giant cockroach of the tyrannical spider was seen.
"Go to hell!" Zhou Yu threw the blast to the cockroach.
The blasting of the fire, the entire tree castle is shaking, as if to collapse, the cockroach was
blown out of a big hole, faintly can see the overlord silver spider struggling inside. But the
rate of healing was also astonishingly fast. Just when there was only one small hole left,
Zhou Yu suddenly pulled up the small hole through which the bullet-cranked bullets
There was a humming sound inside the cymbal, and the silk spurted out in all directions.
Zhou Yu slammed into Wu Yun’s body.
He could feel the powerful airflow blowing over his head on his back, and the overlord
silver spider stood up with his paws waving, cold as if he had climbed out of the country of
It swayed though it had neurotoxins, but it didn't die so quickly.
Its eyes are blood red, very embarrassing, Zhou Yu will push Wu Yun away, and the
overlord silver spider smashed down, and the tremor generated almost bounced Zhou Yu
from the ground.
Its front paws flashed coldly from the heights, and Zhou Yu flashed sideways and his claws
fell into the ground several tens of centimeters. If you take it for a while, Zhou Yu will die!
The behemoth swayed for a while and stood firm. Zhou Yu once again pulled the gun and
wanted to ask him to eat another bullet. However, its claws were swung over. Zhou Yu was
dodging, and the gun was dropped on the ground. Fly out.
It keeps chasing Zhou Yu, although the interior of the old tree is huge, but Zhou Yu must
take it away from Wu Yun.
Zhou Yu struggling to run, its claws waved, Zhou Yu leaped through the vine wall, skipped
its claws, and retracted his gun when landing. ” Its next attack came again, and Zhou Yu suddenly turned around and jumped up
and hugged the front paws it had attacked. The body is dragged away and the spine is
almost broken. The Overlord Silver Spider directly slammed its front paws against the
inner wall of the old tree. Zhou Yu borrowed his strength from the inner wall at the most
critical moment, opened his arms and jumped, and hugged the upper end of his front paw.
The Overlord Silver Spider swayed and desperately licked his front paws to smash Zhou Yu
and lifted another paw to stab the back of Zhou Yu. Zhou Yu jumped again and jumped to
his other paw and climbed up his claws, and came to the top of his head.
There was still one last bullet in his gun, which was aimed at the oracle bone gap of the
Overlord Silver Spider, and the trigger was missed.
The humming sound resounded through the entire tree castle, and Zhou Yu fell and held his
ear tightly.
After ten seconds, the noise stopped.
Zhou Yu slowly flipped his body, and the stunned seeing the overlord silver spider seemed
to be unable to move on the ground.
Zhou Yu stared at it coldly and watched it swallow the last breath.
The heart is beating wildly, it is dead! Is it dead?
The gleam of the overlord silver spider was gradually extinguished, and everything fell into
silence. Zhou Yu exhaled.
"Okay! If you can't even kill two bullets, I doubt if you are a creature?"
Zhou Yu got up and came to Wu Yun's side to pick him up. He looked around and could only
travel in the dark to find a way to leave the tree.
At that moment, something suddenly pierced Zhou Yu’s chest. He widened his eyes and felt
a sharp pain in his heart. He could not even hold Wu Yun. He slipped from his shoulder. Go
He turned his head hard and saw the silver silk thread in the mouth of the overlord silver
spider. The silk thread condensed into a strand, and it had the penetrating power of steel
bars and fell into the wall of the vine.
Zhou Yu’s huge pain in opening his mouth made him unable to say a word.
The Overlord Silver Spider kept his mouth open and died like this. The blood flowed along
the strands of silk, and it ticks.
Cold sweat from Zhou Yu's forehead corner, his body twitched gently, he raised his hand
and held the thread, touched the waist but remembered that his Swiss army knife had long
been destroyed by Wu Yun.
"Wu Yun... Wu Yun... You wake me up..."
Zhou Yu’s lips are white and his body is getting cold.
This time, death is really going to patronize him.
He felt that he had used up all his luck.
He knew that even if the base sent a helicopter and rescue team, it might not save his life.
His only expectation is to wait until Wu Yun wakes up and can return to the base safely. He
knows that Wu Yun will protect Zhou Qing instead of him.
The pain is gradually paralyzing his nerves, his eyes are getting more and more heavy, his
thoughts can't stay awake, and his body is shaking. Just as he was about to get into chaos, a
familiar voice sounded in his mind.
"Zhou Yu don't sleep! Don't sleep, stay with me! Don't give up!"
The voice full of deterrence seemed to cross the boundaries of death, pulling him back only
two steps away from the abyss.
"who are you……"
Zhou Yu feels that he has an illusion again?
"Don't be afraid, I won't let you disappear! As long as you hold on, you must hold on!"
In the middle of the confusion, Zhou Yu seems to be able to feel that something is
approaching himself. From thousands of miles away, dragging the time and speeding, the
dust rises, with the momentum of fighting everything.
He heard the sound of the snake vine creeping. There seemed to be a window on the top of
the head, and the stars of the sky came in.
A young boy jumped into the gap and landed in front of him.
The teenager was pulling all the light, his hair was raised, his body was light, and he landed
in front of Zhou Yu, and once again, Zhou Yu’s faint sight was lit again.
He has a white face that familiarizes Zhou Yu, and the eyes that are deep in the black glass
sea seem to engulf the five senses of Zhou Yu.
"It's you... how could it be you..."
It was the boy who saved himself at the Angel Point.
At that time, he felt that he was dreaming. Is it the last dream before his death? It is like the
envoy of God, fulfilling his duties to take him to another world.
"Don't be afraid, whether you are born or dead, I am with you."
He reached out and touched Zhou Yu's cheek. His palm had the temperature that Zhou Yu
felt safer. It was warm and seemed to protect Zhou Yu.
His other hand clasped the thread that penetrated the heart of Zhou Yu.
"Don't be afraid...although there is a little pain..."
He leaned over his face and leaned against Zhou Yu. When he leaned on Zhou's cheek, the
warmth of that moment made Zhou Yu's dead cell grow alive again.
"With me... stay here..."
His voice seemed to drag the soul of Zhou Yu from Hell, and his hug would crush Zhou Yu.
The weak Zhou Yu could not bear such power. He broke out the other hand in the moment
of falling backwards and buckled the back of Zhou Yu to hold him.
The collapsed world has returned to its original state.
I finally felt that the silk was being pulled out of my body by the teenager.
The heart also seems to be pulled out of the chest.
Zhou Yu trembled, but the boy hugged him tightly.
He has a familiar atmosphere of Zhou Yu, but Zhou Yu can't remember who it is.
The teenager held Zhou Yu slowly and put him down.
The blood flows down under Zhou Yu, like a red lake.
Zhou Yu knows that the amount of bloodshed must be dead. He just looks at the boy with
his eyes wide open, and he wants to see his five senses as if he want to bring his memory to
another world. If he is going to die, he wants to remember the good things.
The teenager showed a soothing smile to Zhou Yu.
His fingers plucked the broken hair on Zhou's face, bowed his head and put his forehead on
Zhou Yu's forehead with a sincere gesture.
"Trust me, everything is not over yet."
Zhou Yu was so attached to the boy's fingers, but the teenager raised his hand, took out a
stone on the ground, and opened his own palm. The blood dripped down, just dripping in
Zhou Yu's On the chest.
Zhou Yu’s body tightened and the spine bounced. He felt a fresh force entering his heart
through his wounds, quickly closing all the wounds, flying rapidly between his cells,
repairing all Everything hurts.
This force ran rampant in his blood vessels compared to the puncture of the heart. The
great pain spread all over his body, and his bones creaked as if they were interrupted and
His body was soaked in cold sweat.
The boy's hand covered his forehead and covered his big eyes. He lowered his body and
said to Zhou Yu's ear: "Don't be afraid, hold back... everything will be fine, I will always be
in your By the side."
His voice is very light, but with a force that makes Zhou Yu convinced.
Gradually the raging power gradually dissipated, as if it was completely integrated with his
His cold body gradually returned to temperature, and to his surprise, the boy was still
sitting next to him.
"I am alive, or is it dead?" Zhou Yu lay there. At that moment, he didn't want to keep himself
alert, and he didn't want to let himself use any power, even if he didn't want to think. He
looked at the pair. Black glazed eyes, let yourself fall.
The teenager smiled, and his finger was lightly clicked on Zhou Yu’s lips.
"You are chosen by me, how can you die easily?"
Suddenly, the sentence that Elpis once said poured into Zhou Yu’s mind: You were chosen
by him.
Zhou Yu’s nerves were dispatched. He touched his gun and pointed at the boy.
"You are a s-class creature. What is your purpose in getting close to me?"
The juvenile was not afraid to approach Zhou Yu, and one hand was holding it around Zhou
Yu. His face was close to Zhou Yu, and the muzzle was on his chest.
His expression was stunned with a sigh of relief, but it was not a kitsch.
"Have you forgotten? There are no bullets in your gun." The boy's lips did not open and
close, but his voice was lingering in Zhou Yu's mind.
Zhou Yu still remembers the hug of the young man, and he has no desire to control.
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Laws of the Other World Chapter 36: Red wine and canned beef
Settings saved..
"If you want me to be your nutrition, it doesn't matter, please let my companion go."
Zhou Yu put down the gun in his hand and looked at each other's eyes without fear.
"You are confused by the three survival rules of Nibelungen that you humans have set for
yourself. Never forget to use your own eyes to feel the world and listen to the sounds of
creatures here."
The teenager raised Zhou Yu’s palm and attached it to his chest.
Zhou Yu’s ear immediately sounded a rhythmic heartbeat, as if resonating with his own
heart, like a whole.
The teenager showed a smile, with a hint of innocence and sensuality.
He exhaled a sigh of relief toward Zhou Yu, and the breath lingered over Zhou Yu’s lips and
seemed to enter Zhou Yu’s mind.
"We should go, the king of the cypress spider is coming."
The teenager looked up and seemed to hear something.
He got up and took Wu Yun up and went to Zhou Yu Yangba: "Let's go, let me send you."
Zhou Yu found this teenager to know himself more than he imagined.
From the moment he took advantage of Wu Yun, Zhou Yu knew that the boy knew very well
who was important to him.
Is it because his mind can penetrate his brain?
Is it because of the way they can communicate with each other without language?
Zhou Yu looked at his back. He seemed to be maturer than when he saved himself at Angel
Point last time.
They walked quickly through the long passages of the vines.
The teenager made a snap and flew out of a few small silver butterflies between the vine's
cracks. It should have been left by Zhou Yu. The light from their bodies illuminates the way
Zhou Yu is going.
What Zhou Yu didn't think was that no matter where they went, those vines actually
opened purple vine flowers, which fell down, very beautiful, with the silver butterfly light,
like the world in the illusion.
"It's nothing strange, they want to please me...just like I want to please you."
The teenager turned his head and smiled at Zhou Yu.
At that moment, time seemed to be twisted and twisted. The thoughts turned into a big
circle in Zhou Yu’s mind before returning to the original position, and the smile of the
teenager in his mind seemed to be fixed.
The curvature of his lip line and the depression of the lip corner make Zhou Yu
subconsciously describe it.
Zhou Yu forced himself to control himself and forced his mind to return.
"You shouldn't suppress yourself too much. Sometimes it's not your heart, it's self-
The teenager did not look back. Zhou Yu didn't know if he was talking or talking directly to
his brain.
"Sounds, you seem to know humans very well."
"We can make ourselves any creature, not just on the outside, but here." The teenager
pointed his finger at his head.
"Listening to your words, very interesting." Zhou Yu suddenly remembered the ink night.
It is also the ink night of a-class creature. Can it also understand him through spiritual
"What is your name?" Zhou Yu opened, and then he thought that the name is something
that belongs to human society, not Nibelungen.
"I can't tell you my name easily. Because the name is like a kind of mental control, once you
draw an equal sign with yourself, when someone calls that name, I can't sit back and ignore
After they walked out of the vine passage, Zhou Yu discovered that the snake vines
wrapped around the old trees formed a huge arch.
"Let's go!" The boy turned and waved at Zhou Yu.
The starlight fell on his shoulder, and the layer of halo made Zhou Yu feel inexplicable piety.
Just as they stepped out of the arch, two huge overlord silver spiders suddenly came over.
Huge airflow swept through, and even the tree castle behind it was destroyed.
Zhou Yu avoided it, but the teenager next to him buckled his shoulder and jumped up.
His back seems to have extended some kind of wings, gliding freely in the sky.
The two overlord silver spiders chased them up. They spit out countless silk lines and
penetrated all the old trees around them. The teenagers ran between the gaps, not only
holding Zhou Yun but also carrying Wu Yun, as if they were two For him, there is no weight.
Those trees that have been growing for thousands of years are so squeezed, like dominoes
fall down behind them, and each time they almost press on the teenager's back.
The teenager showed a big smile, as if enjoying everything at the moment. His hair is rising
and his smile is comfortable.
This is the most free and easy state that Zhou Yu has ever seen, and the self-disciplined self
is like two extremes that cannot be touched.
These two overlord silver spiders are very powerful, with a wave of front paws and a
Zhou Yu’s shoulders were stretched out.
"Zhou Yu's expression is so cute, have you forgotten that I am a s-class creature?"
After that, Zhou Yu and Wu Yun suddenly fell for a while, the teenager was in midair, and
the illusion grew into a translucent silver dragon, and they were firmly caught.
Like a proud king, he scornfully watches all the ants who invade their territory.
The two overlord silver spiders receded, and the silver light on their bodies gradually went
out, as if they were kneeling in front of the king, and they were absolutely surrendered.
However, the silver dragon whizzed past, and all the old trees that had been knocked over
were picked up, and huge waves formed in the air all attacked the two kings. More
powerful than the tornado's lethality, Zhou Yu's hair is dragged up, like his resonance, his
body cells are also shaking.
When the gust of wind dissipated, the virgin forest had been destroyed, and the two
overlord silver spiders were completely destroyed and disappeared.
Zhou Yu was driven by the airflow and took two steps forward. He was surrounded by a
small forest lake. When he was not careful, he fell down and only heard the sound of the
water coming from the ear.
He struggled to go upstream, but there seemed to be something in the water that entangled
his legs, his body, slamming him into the depths of the water.
Zhou Yu wants to open all the wraps, but the more they get closer, the more they can barely
I only heard a bang, the boy pierced into the lake like a sword, dragging the light,
illuminating the dark lake.
Just when Zhou Yu used his last breath, the arrival of the boy made the aquatic creatures
spread out.
The water grass that was originally wrapped around Zhou Yu’s body instantly released the
The young man buckled Zhou Yu’s backs and gave him a breath in the air.
That force was quite strong, and Zhou Yu was sent directly to the shore.
Zhou Yu turned around and panted on the shore.
The stars are falling, and the night is like another world.
Zhou Yu closed his eyes, and every breath seemed to have experienced another cycle.
After a dozen seconds, Zhou Yu looked at the lake and looked at the lake. He thought that
the boy would appear again in front of him, but the lake was calm and there was no trace of
it. The starry sky seems to have been filled in by it.
"Are you waiting for me?" The voice of the teenager sounded in Zhou Yu’s mind.
"Why save me?" Zhou Yu asked weakly.
"Of course, in order to keep you alive. I can only send you here, I am tired... all the way to
peace, Zhou Yu."
The voice gradually went away in Zhou Yu’s mind and disappeared.
The teenager in the lake closed his eyes and allowed himself to hang down until he sank to
the bottom of the lake. He closed his eyes as if he had fallen asleep.
Although this night's experience made Zhou Yu exhausted, but he still climbed up, not far
away, faintly heard Wu Yun's shouting: "Zhou Yu! Zhou Yu where are you! You **** don't
scare me!"
Zhou Yu waved his arm weakly: "I am here."
"My mother! We are still alive!" Wu Yun ran over and hugged Zhou Yu.
"Do you have a look at the Hummer or the delivery car?"
Wu Yun took Zhou Yu back and found that the two Hummers they had opened had been
overwhelmed by the old trees and scrapped.
A cart was also crushed and the food was scattered.
Wu Yun lowered his head and picked up a canned beef. He opened it directly with a saber
and ate it. He handed the compressed biscuit to Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu shook his head and he couldn't eat it.
Wu Yun turned over again and found a bottle of nutrient solution and handed it to Zhou Yu:
"What do you want to drink if you can't eat?"
"Thank you." Zhou Yu looked up and drank it.
The weak body seems to stretch out.
Wu Yun found a bottle of red wine and excitedly came to Zhou Yu to sit down: "My God!
There is red wine! This is usually only enjoyed by Song Zhi!"
Zhou Yu lifted his chin: "Open it."
Wu Yun smiled and said: "Of course!"
Not only red wine, but also cigarettes. Unfortunately, Wu Yun’s lighter was given to Zhou
Yu and landed in the tree fort.
"Can tell me, how did we survive?" Wu Yun looked around and there were collapsed old
trees everywhere. This is not the ability of Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu took the red wine and took a bite: "We met the cockroach of the Overlord Silver
Spider. After I blew it up, I gave it a shot."
Wu Yun almost didn't squirt out.
"Brother, you can do it! I thought that the silver spider that controlled you was enough for
me to drink a pot. I didn't expect you to encounter a level of overlord?"
There is a sentence between the two. They talked about the sky without a word. After the
robbery, they just wanted to relax. They didn’t want to care that they were in the
dangerous virgin forest at the moment and they were the least familiar area.
"And then how did this piece of messy come?" Wu Yun asked.
"What else is there then? Since there is a little overlord silver spider, it certainly has aunt.
When I look at my doll, I can't find it for me. So they turned this piece of wood over. Zhou
Yuyang started to drink a few big red wines. He always stays awake and alert, rarely
indulging, perhaps because he is infected by the attitude of the boy.
Wu Yun’s eyes are stunned by the boss: “You mean, isn’t it just a small overlord silver
spider, and two big ones? I’m a god, this is skyrocketing, what about the two adult tyrants?
Zhou Yu paused and said in a quiet voice: "Wu Yun, if I said that there is a s-level creature
that saved us... would you believe it?"
Wu Yunyu lived. After a few seconds, he laughed happily: "I believe! I certainly believe it! Is
such a big battle, is it that you Zhou Zhou alone?"
"Do you really believe? I am not kidding you."
Wu Yun’s expression also sank: “I’m not an idiot. Now, in this case, there must be at least
one creature above level a and the overlord silver spider. Is it difficult for Zhou Yu to
become a monster? You say s Level creatures save us, why isn't it a reasonable explanation.
You are very special, Zhou Yu, you have been special...not only because you can always rob
the rest of your life, you are more able to control your emotions than we do, know better
What to choose. You have no fear, some people are ignorant and fearless, and you are
different. You have seen too much and lost too much, so you are fearless. Such a strange
thing for you to attract s-class creatures. That's it!"
"Do you have any advice?" Zhou Yu asked again.
Wu Yun smiled and shook his head: "As a friend and partner, all the advice is nothing more
than a word - be alive anyway, in addition to enjoying life. Don't be like Song Zhi, stick to
your own guidelines and Cognitive."
"Thank you."
The two sat for a while, swaying with the bottle and opening another door to transport the
car and stepping in.
"Hey, Zhou Yu! We have to thank you for your s-class friend! At least it has left a car for us,
otherwise we have to go back and cross the 12 areas, but it is terrible in the original forest."
"Tie a seat belt, you are drunk driving now."
Wu Yun smiled and sighed: "Go back and drive!"
Zhou Yu’s lips twitched a smile, and Wu Yun’s open-mindedness and tolerance made him
feel at ease.
"Go back to the base, don't mention the s-class creatures to Song. Otherwise he will take
you as a bait and make some dangerous decisions."
"You are not afraid that the s-class creature will hurt us?"
"Haha, if we will, we will die long ago. Even if there is a guy who has had a s-class creature
against Song, he can't keep you. Since we are not following it, just use it as our plug-in. Do
you know what it is? In the future, what happened to us in this virgin forest might have to
count on the big brother to take care of us!"
Wu Yun’s mouth slammed the unlit smoke and drove forward.
Zhou Yu held his head and looked at the distance. This vast virgin forest is all-inclusive.
They are too small for them. Why not take into account the future results, it is better to
enjoy the present, Zhou Yu lifted the red wine and took a sip. The empty red wine bottle
was thrown out of the window.
I don't know if it was because of the reason why the wine was drunk too much. Wu Yun's
car was not very proper. Even if he accidentally got stuck in the quagmire, Zhou Yu almost
hit his head.
"I am going!" Wu slammed the steering wheel and opened the door and went out.
Zhou Yuren sat in the car and looked out from the window: "How is the situation?"
"It's over! It's over! The rear wheel is stuck in the mud! It's definitely not too strong with
the strength of both of us! I don't want to give up the supply of this car now and go back!"
Wu Yun came back, opened the door and sat in it. He shot Zhou Yu’s shoulder and said, “Are
you tired? If you are tired, you will have a good night’s sleep. It’s not too far from the base
anyway, maybe you’ll In a few hours, Song Zhi will send someone to come to us, and then
hand over the car to them."
Zhou Yu was really too tired to open his eyes. He nodded and hugged his head and passed
his head and went to sleep.
"Hey! You guys are really reassuring."
Wu Yun locked the car and closed his eyes and began to sleep. In fact, he was worried that
they had been staying in the virgin forest for a day and night, not to mention that the
inhibitors in the body are about to expire, even other The efficacy of the drug has also
passed, and by that time, if Song did not send someone to come, they would have an
accident. But if you rely on it, they are absolutely impossible to go out within half a day.
However, after so many experiences, Wu Yun also felt that there was nothing to fear. He
learned Zhou Yu's appearance and slept with his arms.
I don't know how long I have slept, and the delivery car suddenly has a violent tremor, and
Wu Yun and Zhou Yuqi are awakened.
"What happened! What biological attack have we been attacked?"
Wu Yun looked back and was shocked. A thick vine circumvented their rear tail, and a black
figure on the side of their side bite the other side of the vine and forced forward, evenly
dragging the rear wheel of the cart from the mud. Lift it up!
Zhou Yu immediately opened the window and untied his head and yelled out loudly: "Ink
night! How are you here at the ink night?"
Wu Yun is also dumbfounded. Who is the ink night who bites the vine trailer?
"Isn't the night at the base? How come here?"
The claws of the night of the night continually groaned in the soil, and it was very hard. Its
small ears and small wings stood up. The roots of many plants have been smashed out by it,
and it sounds like "Hmm", as if it were to break up its bones.
"Ink night! Come on, it's still a little bit worse!" Wu Yun yelled at the door and shouted,
"Little guy, you are awesome! I don't know if you have such great strength!"
Zhou Yu was staring at the figure of the ink night, and did not think that it would leave the
base and run out to find himself.
Does it feel that he is dangerous? How does it position him?
In the night, the ink fluttered with wings and the rattan moved into its muscles. I saw that
Zhou Yu was inexplicably distressed. Zhou Yu immediately got off the bus and came to the
side of the ink night to pull the rattan with it.
The body of the ink night brewed a powerful force beyond the imagination of Zhou Yu, so
that such a heavy freight car was picked up from the mud pool to the ground. This makes
Zhou Yu stunned.
"My mother! My mother! You are so good at the night, I love you!"
Zhou Yu returned to the position, he is still digesting... Where is the strength of the ink
Wu Yun opened his arms and wanted to embrace the ink night. The ink night jumped out of
the cane and rushed to the window of Zhou Yu. At the moment when Zhou Yu opened the
door, it slammed into the pocket of Zhou Yu. In it, it was shrunk.
Its warm body temperature makes Zhou Yu's heart have an inexplicable sense of security,
like telling Zhou Yu that the most dangerous moment has really passed.
Zhou Yu raised his hand and slowly stroked the fluff on the back of his back. The ink night
stunned slightly. Zhou Yucai found that there was fine sand between the fluff and the mud
was also on the claws. It can be seen that it ran for a long time. I came here.
"You must not have been allowed to get permission from Zhou Qing or Mr. Song? You will
not give you food after you have carefully checked this little thing."
But I didn't expect that the ink night directly turned the brain half a circle, containing Zhou
Yu's finger. It first licked it with the tip of the tongue, as if asking Zhou Yu for permission,
but also told Wu Yun to give it rice. It is Zhou Yu who is not a Song.
Zhou Yu smiled and hooked the tip of the tongue at night. The ink night immediately bit the
Zhou Yu's finger and sucked it hard. He squinted and his mouth groaned.
It is really starving, running from such a long distance to find them, the ink night must have
spent too much physical strength.
Zhou Yu closed his eyes, and he could feel the impulse of pursuing himself in the night of
the night. In front of his eyes is a vast world. He seems to be able to see the night of the ink
between the heavens and the earth. It gave up all the freedom just to find him again.
In the night of the ink, Zhou Yu’s fingers were asleep on his lap.
Wu Yun drove the car and continued to move forward. Zhou Yu just touched the fluff of the
back of the ink night.
After sleeping for more than an hour, the ink night whispered "Hmm--", the small wings
fanned out, and the ears were erected. It straightened up the back and put his head on the
open window, its small ears. The fluff of the head and the fluff in the wind seemed to be
At this time they have completely left the virgin forest and galloped in the deserted gravel.
"Hey! We expect to be back in the base for more than an hour." Wu Yun glanced at the ink
night, reminding him.
Zhou Yu slammed his chin on the head of the ink night, whispered: "Ink night, now I give
you another choice. You can leave here and enjoy the free life in the original forest. I can't
stay with you." I’m here forever... You know very well. After you leave, I will tell Mr. Song
that I have never met you. You can rest assured that if I see you again in the virgin forest, I
will not know you. We can still play together."

Laws of the Other World Chapter 37: eat watermelon

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However, Zhou Yu thought that when he and the Juli Group's contract was over, he would
never see the ink night again when he returned to the original world. He could not satisfy
the attachment of the ink night. He would rather learn to be strong in the night.
The ink night was like no understanding at all. He still put his small head on the window,
and the wind blew his ears, and the fluff flew up. It squinted at the eyes and enjoyed it.
"Ink night, do you understand what I am talking about?" Zhou Yu asked.
In the night, the ink turned his head and licked the lips of Zhou Yu with his small tongue,
and then looked at Zhou Yu with the clear eyes.
At that moment, Zhou Yu was full of guilt. He felt that he was only selfishly trying to make
himself better than to give the ink night such a choice, but in the heart of the ink night,
perhaps he left himself and there was nothing.
Zhou Yu will ink the night to the circle of arms: "If you forget it, you will follow me."
The eyes of the ink night lit up, squatting in Zhou Yu’s chest, and continued to put the small
head on the window, squinting and feeling the wind and sand passing through the face.
Wu Yun shook his head helplessly: "You are so spoiled by it... will spoil it, do you know?"
In the night, the ink came to the side and deliberately took a picture of Wu Yun’s head with
his front paws.
"Hey, you kid! Look at me and feed you to eat green beans and carrots!"
The ink night hit another on Wu Yun’s head.
"Zhou Yu, throw it out for me!"
Zhou Yu just held the ink night, holding the window, showing a smile.
They returned to the base and went through a series of checks. Zhou Yu had been worried
that his body would have any abnormalities, but he passed all the checks. He thought that
the blood of the s-class creature would bring some changes into his body, but it didn't seem
to. This is incredible.
He and Wu Yun reported to Song Zhi how the entire team of Toby was killed.
Song Zhi pulled up his lips and looked at Zhou Yu and said, "So you solved a overlord silver
spider alone? And Wu Yun just fainted, and didn't know anything?"
There were speculations in the eyes, there was doubt, but Zhou Yu just calmly looked at it
and did not evade it.
"I am just lucky, it is still in the shackles. If it is an adult tyrant silver spider I have no
chance of winning." Zhou Yu took out the recorder and pushed it to the front of Song Zhi,
"This is I recorded it in the tree castle that had collapsed. It seems that humans have been
Song Zhi suspected that he had taken the recorder and opened the picture directly. When
he saw the picture, the pupils of both eyes contracted.
"What's wrong? Mr. Song?"
"That was my fiancee. She disappeared in the virgin forest for a month. She stayed in that
tree for the past month... with a s-class creature. The s-class creature was made to please
her." This tree castle, manipulated some seemingly beautiful creatures in Nibelungen to
give her a romantic experience to touch her heart, when he got her heart, everything is no
longer so romantic. When my fiancee is pregnant After that, the s-class creature left, and he
knew that my fiancee would die very badly, but he didn't care. What he really wanted was
only a descendant. I used to look for him everywhere, and the information he passed to me
turned out to be. It was my fiancee who chose this all willingly." Song provoked the corner
of his lips. "She must bear the consequences of the fall alone."
Zhou Yu stepped back: "I am sorry."
"You don't need to be sorry for Zhou Yu. You are the most sensible person among us, but
when a reasonable person loses his sense of reason, he will be more crazy than the average
person. I just remind you not to forget the three rules of survival."
"I will keep in mind." Zhou Yu replied, "Please also answer my other question. Have you
already known that the delivery team will be trapped in the 12th district, and the purpose
of sending us over is to experiment with new ones. Does the agent have any effect on the
parasitic insects there?"
Song Zhi raised his eyes and his voice remained calm: "All research results need practice to
"So, do you expect Toby's entire group to die?" Zhou Yu asked.
"That was unexpected."
"I hope you will always remember your own 'unexpected'. It is six lives, and you are not
much more noble than them."
"I always remember." Song Zhi lowered his eyes. "But the real 'unexpected' is the ink night.
It actually went through the base for you. You are not curious, how does it sense that you
are dangerous? How? Positioning where you are? It doesn't go away but still comes back
with you? What does it want from you?"
"When it asks for it, we will know." Zhou Yu replied faintly.
Song Zhi did not order to shut the ink night to do research, so the ink night is still leisurely
and leisurely to follow Zhou Yu's side.
Only sometimes, Zhou Yu couldn't help but think of the s-class creature that saved himself.
He feels special about him, as if they have known each other.
Where did the boy go?
What is he doing now?
He is close to himself. What is the purpose?
Thinking of the teenager using blood to heal his body, Zhou Yu could not help but think, is
there still blood left in his body? How will this affect him?
Zhou Yu took out the Swiss army knife from the waist and made a trace in the palm of his
hand. The blood quickly flowed out and the pain was so clear.
However, after half a minute, Zhou Yu could not feel the pain.
He quickly wiped out the blood of his palm and found that there was not even a scar there.
Zhou Yu lived, his Swiss army knife fell and was bitten by the ink night.
"Well?" In the night, Mobei looked at Zhou Yu with a head in his eyes, and there was a trace
of worry in his eyes.
"I'm fine." Zhou Yu took the knife back from the mouth of the ink night.
Ink night straightened up the back, and stretched his neck to lick Zhou Yu's palm.
"I'm fine! Really okay!"
The warm tongue of the ink night slipped over Zhou Yu's palm and found that his palm was
really not wounded, which revealed the same expression as before.
Zhou Yu hugged the ink night, but he thought subconsciously. Is this rapid healing ability a
good thing for him or another disaster?
Song Zhi gave them a three-day long vacation.
Wu Yun did not know where to get a back-shaped dart, saying that he would take the ink
night to play.
Zhou Yu did not want me to stay with her alone, and took him to an empty place in the base.
Wu Yun pointed to the back-shaped dart in his hand and said: "Ink night, after this thing
flies out, you have to chase it back, understand?"
The ink night smashed his head, as if to say: How does this thing fly out?
Wu Yun took a look at the ink night and threw the back dart.
Ink nights widened their eyes and looked very interesting.
Wu Yun smashed back the dart and came to the night of the ink night: "Do you understand?
Come back to it!"
"Yeah!" Nodded in the night.
Wu Yun felt that there was finally something that could pass the boring time. He looked at
the ink night, and the ink night sat ready to run. Wu Yun threw the jig back out, but it
returned to its original place. Squinting at Wu Yun.
"Mottle night! Why don't you go back to the shape of the dart?" Wu Yun looked at the ink
Zhou Yu is sitting not far away, holding his arms.
Ink night is not to chase back the shape of the dart, but to play Wu Yun.
Zhou Yu has increasingly discovered that it is not necessary to regard the ink night as an
ordinary creature. The longer it is with human beings, the more it will have human
thinking. Don't even think of it as a baby, maybe it's smarter than any of them.
Wu Yun still does not give up the determination to use the ink night as a huskies to
reinforce the rules of the game.
He threw the jigsaw out, and the ink night finally ran up, and the speed was very fast, which
made Wu Yun very surprised.
But the goal of the ink night is not a dart, but Wu Yun.
It hit Wu Yun’s chest and Wu Yun fell. Then ink night squinted to Wu Yun's side, patted Wu
Yun's chest with its small claws, as if to say: Brother, you take care.
Wu Yun dissatisfiedly grabbed the head of the ink night and looked at Zhou Yu: "Zhou Yu! It
plays me! Don't you care about it?"
"You have to play with it, of course, you have to bear the consequences of being played by
After playing all day, Zhou Yu got a message that Song Zhi was sending people to the night
island. "He really didn't give up, he must try his best to find the s-class creature." Zhou
Yu said in his pocket.
Wu Yun also reluctantly snorted: "Just don't know if we are hunters or prey."
Zhou Yu looked back and glanced at the ink night that was playing with the claws. It
suddenly threw the back-shaped darts out. Zhou Yu quickly squatted down and the darts
were on the back of Wu Yun. .
"My mom--"
On the night of the holiday, Zhou Yu was called to the office of Song Zhi.
Song told him that tomorrow he would take the ink night to the night island.
Zhou Yu looked at Song Zhi with an incredulous look: "What do you do to the night island?"
"Of course it is to study the creature of the night spirit. The Alpha team will go with you,
your partner Wu Yun is also together. You two are already very tacit, aren't you?"
"Study the night spirit? The night spirit is extinct, and the ink night is probably the only
night spirit of Nibelungen."
"So we have to cultivate more night spirits." Song Zhi replied, "A research team will follow
you to collect samples. Carlos collected some of the genes of the ink night, but the copy
failed, we need more The genetic sample of the night spirit."
"Collect the sample? If so, why should you bring the ink to the night? You are not afraid, will
I let the ink night go?" Zhou Yu asked.
"I said that the night spirit is a very loyal creature. The ink night identifies you, wherever
you go, where it will go. Except your blood, it will not eat anything else. You want it to go, it
It won't go. It has already proved this point before it rushed out to find you and followed
you back. And Zhou Qing is here, you will definitely come back here." Song Zhi had already
seen all this.
The night spirit is a loyal creature, and Zhou Yu’s memory in Elpis has already been seen.
They can guard an island for generations, only a master, never wavered, never tempted by
the outside world.
"There is the place where the night spirits are inhabited and buried. It is as if Elpis will pass
on his memory to future generations, maybe when your ink night sees its ancestors, it also
We can inherit something, and we will have unexpected gains."
Zhou Yu knows that the things decided by Song Zhi will not change.
For the ink night, its world cannot be confined to Zhou Yu forever.
"Do you want to find that s-class creature?"
"Yes." Song answered.
Zhou Yu took a breath and just opened the door of Song Zhi’s office. The small head of the
ink night came in.
Song Zhi smiled and waved his hand at the night of the night, and the night of the night
smashed his head and left with Zhou Yu.
"Take it to Carlos and Carlos will put a tracker on it."
Zhou Yu sneered in his heart, and it was really impossible for Song to let the ink night leave
Carlos' tracker is like a bracelet and is mounted on the front paws of the ink night.
The ink night has been smashing, and I want to knock down the buckled tracker.
Zhou Yu touched its back and calmly said: "Forget it, ink night. Compared to staying in the
glass wall, you will wear a bracelet or something, and you will accept it."
Ink night smashed twice, then turned his head away, meaning: I accepted this stuff, but I
don't like it.
"Ink night seems to grow up," Carlos said.
"No, it only grows in a few days?" Zhou Yu looked at it, and didn't feel heavy when he
picked it up.
"Come, ink night, can we measure your current length?"
Carlos took out the ruler, and the night did not know what it was, and he was going to hide
behind Zhou Yu. Zhou Yu reached out to the belly of the ink night, Carlos smoothly
measured the length of the ink night.
"With the tail, it has been about five centimeters long."
“Five centimeters?” Zhou Yu’s eyes narrowed up and carefully examined the ink night. As
such, it seemed to be a little longer. “But how do you feel that you have not been heavy?”
"Tell it and you will know."
Zhou Yu will hold the ink in the night and put it on the scale.
Dr. Carlos was also surprised: "Hey, how to grow up, the weight has not changed."
Zhou Yu recalled the memory that Elpis passed to himself, and suddenly remembered
something: "The weight of the night spirit is the same as the weight of their birth."
"It turns out to be like this... How do you know that? I have to write down such important
information!" Carlos asked in surprise.
"Nothing." Zhou Yu was chosen by Erpies. Except for Song Zhi and Wu Yun, others should
not know.
At noon the day before going to the night island, Zhou Yu came to the office of Song Zhi.
"Mr. Song, I am here to apply for a watermelon." Zhou Yu said.
Zhou Yu still remembers that he promised to pass the ink night. After completing the task
of transporting the supplies from the 12th district to the base, he asked me to eat
watermelon at night. It was just that this mission was too twists and turns, and he almost
forgot this promise.
Song Zhi sighed slightly: "You want a watermelon... Why?"
"Supply is that I and Wu Yun risked their lives and brought them back from the 12th area. I
think that if I want a watermelon, it should not be a very excessive request!"
"Of course not too much. I just didn't think that you have only a soft spot for watermelon in
so many foods. It seems that I should apply to the group and ship more watermelons to
make you eat enough."
After that, Song Zhi called the restaurant's food ration and told them to let Zhou Yu lead a
Zhou Yu went to the restaurant with the ink night, and the restaurant really prepared him a
whole watermelon.
He placed the watermelon on the table, and the night jumped into the seat and jumped to
the table, where he was very curious to see the fruit he had never seen before.
Zhou Yu reached out and pulled the little ears of the ink night. The ink night raised his face
and looked at Zhou Yu. The big eyes looked like a very happy smile, and they looked
forward to what they were looking forward to.
Zhou Yu deliberately moved and sat in the seat and held his head to look at the ink night.
Gradually, the ink night did not smile, it curiously extended the front paws and touched the
watermelon. When the watermelon rolled down and saw that it was about to fall off the
edge of the table, Zhou Yu reached out and grabbed it, and put it back on the table.
Ink night, bowed his head, sniffed the watermelon with his nose, gently topped it, and then
looked at Zhou Yu’s claws and patted it on the watermelon, making a dull sound.
"It seems that this watermelon is good, it should be very sweet." Zhou Yu still holding his
chin and watching the night smile, I don't know why the ink night grin, Zhou Yu feels so
In the night, I saw Zhou Yu’s motionless. It was really a little angry. It raised its own
forepaws and tried to shoot on the watermelon. It was caught by Zhou Yu, who was quick-
"You little bad guy, if you are scattered by you, I see how you eat!" Zhou Yu no longer
tossed the ink night, took out the Swiss army knife from the waist, cut the watermelon,
revealing the red melon.
“Well?” Ink night looked down and sniffed. The fragrance of watermelon was very unique,
and the ink night never smelled. It stretched out his tongue and licked it in the middle of
the red squat, then picked up his eyes and opened his small wings. It seems that he likes
watermelon very much.
Zhou Yu's dining spoon dug out the center of the watermelon. The head of the ink night also
moved with Zhou Yu's hand. Zhou Yu opened his mouth and sent the watermelon into his
mouth. The ink night stretched his head. Looking at it with an eye, it seems to be saying:
Give me something to eat too!
Zhou Yu smiled in the heart, and he put down his wrist and put the spoon on the lip lips of
the ink night, deliberately topped its nose with a spoon.
When the ink night opened his mouth to contain the spoon, he was removed by Zhou Yu. So
the ink night followed the spoon, Zhou Yu raised the spoon again, the ink night also
straightened his back, Zhou Yu put the spoon down, the ink night quickly slammed down,
Zhou Yu will turn left to the right for a while Finally, I was annoyed by the ink night. The ink
night took a handful of Zhou Yu’s hand and grabbed him, then ate the spoonful of
Zhou Yu actually knows that the night of ink night is very fast and the strength is great. It
will be played by Zhou Yu just because it also likes to play with Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu licked a few spoonfuls of watermelon and fed it to the ink night. The ink night sat
with satisfaction. When Zhou Yu moved the other half of the watermelon and gave it to the
night, the ink night shook his head and put the spoon. Pushed to Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu knows that any good thing wants to share with himself, so he also opened his
mouth to eat this watermelon.
In the night of ink, I sat next to Zhou Yu’s side, still looking at Zhou Yu with those big eyes.
The eyes were full of curiosity, but this curiosity was not directed at watermelon.
Zhou Yu raised his hand and said: "Are you asking me, what good things are there in
addition to watermelon in my world?"
Ink night nodded immediately, Zhou Yu thought carefully: "Actually, I am not very
concerned about what I eat, as long as I can fill my stomach, it is not super bad. But in my
world, like The things your age kids like most should be candy, ice cream and the like!
Candy can be made into a variety of shapes, such as a can of stars, a rainbow in your hand.
There will be a variety of flavors, such as watermelon-flavored, milk-flavored chocolate. As
for ice cream, it is ice-cold and generally only eats in the summer, you think about it when
you are hot enough The last bite of ice cream should still be very refreshing, although I
prefer to drink beer."
The head of the ink night came together, and the tip of the nose almost passed through the
tip of Zhou Yu. It seemed that it was very interested in such ice cream.
"In fact, I am not very clear, ice cream... It should be made of milk and cream. It is very
sweet and has a variety of flavors. Some of the more advanced ice cream shops will make
the ice cream into various shapes. The ice cream is in the mouth. Melting, then the
sweetness is full of tongue, I think this is why the children and girls are particularly fond of
ice cream. When the next mission is over, I will apply for ice cream to Mr. Song for you to
Zhou Yu also deliberately put his head to the night of the ink, and used his nose to smash on
the top of the night. The ink night showed a very happy expression, and the two front paws
were also placed on Zhou Yu’s shoulders, which looked like a hug.
Touching your little wings and opening a fan, it seems that it is full of expectations for ice

Laws of the Other World Chapter 38: Nightingale Island

Settings saved..
"Ink night, you are not right. You have always followed me and should like to eat what I
like, such as drinking beer." Zhou Yu showed a very solemn expression, as if he did not
follow what he said, he would Really angry, he opened a can of beer and hooked his finger
at the night of the ink. "The mouth is open."
Ink night is like a sly child, opening his mouth. Zhou Yu immediately poured beer into his
mouth. The next moment, the eyes of the ink night wrinkled, slammed the beer out of the
mouth and sprayed Zhou Yu's face.
Zhou Yu wiped the beer on his face and looked at the ink night.
A night of ink, worried about Zhou Yu's anger, he stepped back, retired to the corner of the
table, and looked at Zhou Yu with innocent and wronged eyes.
Zhou Yu also looked at the ink night coldly, and there was no expression on his face. It
seemed that the warm time of eating watermelon at night with a spoon suddenly went cold.
After ten seconds passed, Zhou Yu’s expression was still like that.
The ink night was really worried. Although it was afraid of Mo Zhouyu's anger, it slowly
approached Zhou Yu slowly and used his nose to lick Zhou Yu's shoulder. Zhou Yu ignored
him. The ink night smashed into a group and arched the arms of Zhou Yu. Zhou Yu directly
smashed his head.
The night of the ink made a cry like a cry.
However, Zhou Yu’s understanding of the ink night, he knows that the ink night is being
filled with pity is not really crying. Zhou Yuzhen deliberately wants to get up and leave.
Thinking of the ink night, this little guy will definitely keep up with himself, and then feel
very funny when he is holding his own leg.
But what he didn't think was that the ink night suddenly threw him down.
At that moment, Zhou Yuxi's eyes widened, and he felt as if he had become a prey for the
ink night!
The appearance of the ink night is elegant and full of strength, like breaking everything in
the world and rushing into the vision of Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu thought that he was ready, his reaction has always been super strong, but this time
is different. The power of the ink night completely exceeded the range that Zhou Yu could
bear, and was thrown to the ground by the shackles.
Zhou Yu thought that his spine would be cracked, but the ink night stretched out his wings
to wrap Zhou Yu. When he landed, Zhou Yu could not feel the pain.
Zhou Yu had a feeling of staying for the first time. He looked at the eyes of the ink night,
until the night of the ink came down, and used his little tongue to lick Zhou Yu’s lips.
Zhou Yu produces an illusion that he is owned by the ink night.
"Oh! Well, the ink night is getting up! Get up!" Finally, it was hard to raise his hand and
patted the back of the ink night.
At this time, he could deeply feel that the ink night was really grown up. When his body was
fully extended, it was like a young man who had not yet reached adulthood but had already
left the young leopard.
Ink night did not let go of Zhou Yu, it turned his face and licked Zhou Yu’s cheek. He seemed
to say, “Are you still angry with me? If you are angry, I won’t get up!”
Zhou Yu shook his head helplessly, stroking the fluff on the back of the ink night,
whispered: "You little fool, I am teasing you. How can I be angry with you!"
The ink night slowly climbed up, and when the ink night owl sat on Zhou Yu's side and put
away its wings, Zhou Yu suddenly realized that he seemed to be in contact with the world
"Okay! Ok! Let's go back!"
When Zhou Yu turned and was about to leave the restaurant, he found Wu Yunzhen
watching them with cigarettes.
"Zhou Yu, you found no, our little ink night has grown up, no longer a child who is being
bullied by anyone." Wu Yunyi was very emotional.
"You understand."
Zhou Yu’s subtext is that the number of times you want to bully the ink night is far higher
than me.
This evening, Zhou Yu was lying in their capsule space with the ink night.
"Ink night, tomorrow we are going to go to a place..."
Zhou Yu stopped, a few seconds later, the ink night did not hear Zhou Yu said, with his head
arched Zhou Yu's chin.
"Okay, okay, the place we are going to is the night island."
This name does not seem to have any special meaning for the ink night, it just looks at Zhou
Yu with a kind of "I am going to the park to play tomorrow". After all, the base is really
boring for the ink night.
"Do you know what the night spirit means?"
Ink night shook his head and grabbed his face with his claws.
"I am human, and you are the night spirit. The night spirit is your race, understand?"
Ink night did not shake his head and nodded, seems to be asking: Then?
"The spirit of the night spirit, many years ago...maybe a thousand years, maybe it was
extinct 10,000 years ago. But before that, the night spirit is a servant of some powerful s-
class creature. You serve this The creatures are also taken care of by this creature. But you
don't know why, you are all dead. Tomorrow, we will set off for the night island, maybe
there, you can hear the voices from your ancestors. Will tell you what they have
experienced, and you..."
What direction will there be?
The ink night was not satisfied with Zhou Yu and he was still asleep, so he stretched his
paw and patted it on his face.
Zhou Yu, who had come back to the face, squeezed the face of the ink night with his hand,
which was a joke, but said in a serious tone: "Whatever you hear, what you see, always
remember what you want to be. Your Destiny, you choose, understand?"
"Yeah." Ink night looked at Zhou Yu with his big amber eyes.
"Okay, we are sleeping."
Zhou Yu hugged the night with ink. In the night, the ink sticks out his claws and rides on
Zhou Yu’s face. Zhou Yu waved it away. In the night of the ink, he put his claws back on
Zhou Yu’s face. Zhou Yu smirked it again, and then he became angry at the night, turned
around and picked it up, ignoring Zhou Yu.
"Okay, okay, your temper is the biggest, I let you take it with you?"
Zhou Yu found the little claw of the ink night, put it on his face, and the ink night turned
around with satisfaction.
Early the next morning, Zhou Yu took the helicopter and left the base.
Opposite Zhou Yu, sitting in Wu Yun.
Wu Yun slammed his mouth: "In this way, we have not gone out to sea, maybe we will be..."
"Close your crow's mouth." Zhou Yu must stop him from saying before Wu Yun's "Jinkou
Yuyan" comes true.
"The helicopter that traveled this time is different from the previous one," said a researcher
sitting next to Wu Yun.
“What is different?” Wu Yun asked curiously.
"Equipped with sonic bombs. Once a flying creature tries to attack us, it will be hit by sonic
bombs, and the internal organs will be shattered."
“How have you not heard of such technology before?”
"still testing."
"What? Use the technology still under test in such an important task... I can express..."
Zhou Yu once again interrupted Wu Yun: "Close your crow mouth."
Wu Yun snorted and looked at the researcher: "Are you new? I have never seen you, what is
your name?"
"You call me Xiao Chen just fine."
Xiao Chen and Wu Yun shook hands, but the hand stopped before Zhou Yu, because Zhou
Yu looked more serious.
However, Xiao Chen’s eyes have been watching the ink nights on Zhou’s legs, and his eyes
are taboo and curious.
The first time I took a helicopter in the night, it looked very embarrassing. Its head has also
been shrinking.
Wu Yun poked his fingers on the buttocks of the ink night: "Hey, stinky boy, are you
In the night of dissatisfaction, he turned his head and took a look at Wu Yun.
Xiao Chen showed a surprised expression: "That... that is the night spirit?"
"Yeah. Ugly is very cute, right?" Wu Yun said with a smile.
"It's a class creature! If it's angry, we'll die!" Xiao Chen was frightened.
"What, this little thing has not been overheated, just how do you bully it!" After that, Wu
Yun also pulled the wings of the ink night.
The ink night was really angry, and he looked at Wu Yun with his eyes closed, and he
looked like he was biting, even though he did not see any teeth in his mouth.
Wu Yun smiled: "Ha ha! Are you still a milk cat? Even the teeth are not long!"
Zhou Yu is speechless. Is there any teeth in the ink night, is there anyone more clear than
"Bite him." Zhou Yu said.
The ink night really bite down with a mouth, and Wu Yunxi can't open it.
As they get closer and closer to the clouds, the clouds slowly spread out.
Wu Yun looked at his face and looked out the window. He seemed to be trying to
distinguish something.
"What happened, Wu Yun?"
"Look... what is that?"
Zhou Yu looked in the direction of his sight, only to see what huge things hovered,
connected between the heavens and the earth, there was a stream of water falling from the
sky, forming a screen that shines under the sunlight.
Because it is too far away, I can't see it clearly.
But no matter what it is, it is even more spectacular than the Babylon Tower.
"Yeah, what is that?" Xiao Chen also narrowed his eyes and wanted to see clearly.
Zhou Yu’s mind flashed countless fragments, and he could feel a kind of incomparable
worship and sincere respect from the memory of Elpis.
"That is the ancestor of all plants, Imir. The s-class creature on the land." Zhou Yu opened
the way.
"What do you say... What ancestor? How did I hear about it in the Academy?" Xiao Chen
showed an incomprehensible expression.
"Of course you haven't heard of it...because you haven't seen it at all."
Imir has a history of hundreds of millions of years in Nibelungen. It is definitely capable of
Since it can be mimicked, it does not need to exist in the form of such a giant tree. Maybe it
will turn into a leaf, perhaps an inconspicuous e-class creature, and perhaps somewhere
quietly paying attention to the invasion of Nibelungen. Human.
But when their helicopter turned a corner, the giant tree disappeared.
Xiao Chen shook his head: "That is not the ancestor of any plant. I bet it is an air
phenomenon, such as a tornado. Nibelungen's creatures have a spiritual life for a long time,
and it is impossible to live with them." ?"
Zhou Yu did not continue this topic because he knew that when an ordinary human had not
seen the world in the eyes of Elpis, he would not believe what he said.
As for why the ancestor Imir will appear in front of them, it is another matter.
Helicopters flew over the land, and their bodies were gradually replaced by a blue ocean.
The sound of the waves came in, and the researchers in the helicopter were quite looking
forward to it.
"In the original world, I have never seen a beautiful sea!"
Wu Yun shook his head: "It seems to be an inexperienced rookie."
"What?" Xiao Chen was very dissatisfied with Wu Yun’s remarks.
"The more beautiful things, the more dangerous it is. The ocean is even more so." Zhou Yu
When they sailed deep into the ocean, the helicopter also pulled up a lot.
Suddenly, the sea was surging, and a huge creature with a snake head but a fish tail
suddenly jumped and slammed into the helicopter where they were.
"Ah--" Xiao Chen was scared and screamed.
On the contrary, Wu Yun and Zhou Yu appeared to be very calm, while the ink night simply
went to the window. A small face quickly smashed the window glass and wanted to see the
huge creature.
Its length is staggering.
"This... Is there a length of an aircraft carrier?"
There are countless fins on either side of the creature. It falls at a height of more than ten
meters from the helicopter and shoots huge waves.
"It... Is it going to eat us?" Xiao Chen was terrified. "Can the helicopter be a little higher?"
"This is already the limit height of the helicopter. And the danger of that kind of creature is
only d-class." Zhou Yu replied faintly.
"Class d? Are you kidding? So big!"
"It jumped out of the water, not to hunt us, but to get in touch with the sun." Zhou Yu
"Daylight can promote the absorption of some important nutrients in it. In fact, as long as
we don't fall into the sea, this height can threaten us, only the creatures in the air." Zhou Yu
"Wait, how do you know so many things that I have never heard?" Xiao Chen was puzzled.
"Let's go back and read the Juli Group's bioinformatics library."
If we all still have the opportunity to go back alive.
The helicopter flew for a long time, and in the process it did encounter an attack by aerial
Fortunately, sonic bombs are not just theories, they have indeed protected them again and
After more than an hour of flight, they can see a green island in the distance, like the
emerald floating on the sea.
"That is the night spirit island." Zhou Yu finished, the ink night went to the window to see.
The helicopter found a flat place on the night island and stopped.
When they looked from the sky, they only knew that the island's vegetation was quite rich,
but they did not see the remains of the night spirit.
Zhou Yu stepped out of the helicopter, and the ink night jumped down.
The captain of the Alpha team said to all the guards: "It is very dangerous here, everyone
must be small..."
His words have not been finished yet, and suddenly a giant worm opened his mouth behind
the tree and bit him.
"Ah--" Xiao Chen has never seen such a scene, and Zhou Yu grabbed Xiao Chen's mouth.
The other members of the Alpha team immediately took out their guns and thought they
didn't want to shoot hard.
The shell of the giant worm was shattered and the pus flowed all over the floor.
When the worm stands upright, it is like a tree, so the captain of the Alpha team will not
find it.
When the team members opened the mouth of the giant insect and pulled their captain out
of it, they determined that the captain was dead.
Wu Yun raised his hand and covered his head: "He also counts as a battle... died in the
hands of a worm, what is going on?"
Zhou Yu looked up and looked around with his eyes open. The insect was called a
"treeworm." It is also a creature that locks prey based on fear, but it will suddenly attack
the captain of the Alpha squad. There is only one reason. There are larvae of tree-shaped
worms. The larva will attack all the living space during the time when the larvae are just
born. Creature.
"Everyone is careful, there may be larvae of tree-shaped worms nearby." Zhou Yu
Wu Yun went to Zhou Yu, and the two men leaned back against each other to guard against
each other.
“Where is the remains of the night spirit found by the researchers?” Wu Yun asked Xiao
Xiao Chen pointed to the other side of the woods and said: "It is buried in the gravel in the
center of the island."
"Then go to the helicopter, we fly over." Wu Yun has some big heads, which is totally
unclear action, they should land directly in the center of the island!
In order to avoid being attacked by tree worms, they quickly returned to the helicopter.
The helicopter just flew into the air and the plane suddenly bumped.
Wu Yun reluctantly knocked on the driver's seat: " are flying asleep..."
Wu Yun’s words have not been finished, and the driver has turned to one side.
On his neck, a small tree-shaped worm is drilling inside.
This scene scared the researcher Xiao Chen.
The helicopter looked at the side and Zhou Yu went forward and slammed the direction.
"My God! Helicopter will open!" Wu Yun's eyes on Zhou Yu's worship.
"I don't want to deal with this tree-shaped worm soon!" Zhou Yu roared.
Wu Yun immediately took the dagger from his waist and carefully pulled the tree-shaped
worm out of the driver's neck and threw it out of the window. He tested the driver's pulse
and found that he was still alive. However, the place where the tree-shaped worm is going
to be in the middle of the blood has been bleeding, and Wu Yun will carry the hemostatic
belt with him to bandage him.
"I hope that the end of this mission can be faster, or the driver's life will not be able to
"I'm afraid it's not that simple." Zhou Yu glanced at the white gravel outside the window,
and then warned the Alpha team. "Alpha team should pay attention to the fact that the sand
gravel may be inhabited by linear sandworms. Please pay attention to safety!"
"Linear sandworm? How do you know that there is a linear sandworm in the sand?" Xiao
Chen was really curious, and he felt that Zhou Yu was like everything.
"Look at it, you know more."
The so-called "look more" is what Elpis told him to see.
After the helicopter landed, Zhou Yu did not let Xiao Chen and Wu Yun leave, but waited in
the cabin. Linear sand worms are creatures that are quite sensitive to vibration. They
should feel like they have to fly over the sand.
But the members of the Alpha team can't wait, after all, they can go back with the bones of
the night spirit, and the wealth they can get is enough for them to keep their lives.
"Hey, don't you stop them?" Wu Yun asked.
"I have already warned them. Once I left the cabin, I don't know what else can stop them."
Zhou Yu said coldly.
Just as the four members of their group walked down with guns, the gravel suddenly
undulating, like continuous waves.
They shot with guns and the bullets fell into the gravel, but the white sand waves moved
too fast and they came to them in a blink of an eye.
Among the gravel, a giant cockroach creature suddenly picked up, its tail swept away, two
players flew up, fell in the distance, and another fell on the glass in front of Zhou Yu, issued
a burst Loud.
The linear sandworm's mouth is wide open, and almost half of the helicopter can be
The ink night, which was originally stretched out of his head, also subconsciously shrank
his head back.
Xiao Chen was so scared that he said: "This... can this be called a worm?"
"This linear sandworm, which belongs to ancient times in Nibelungen. Even in the world
we live in, the size of the worms in ancient times is not small?"
Xiao Chen has not said anything in half a word.
Zhou Yu’s look sank: “When you go back, tell Song Zhi, don’t look for these people who
don’t listen to the warnings to follow us!”
"What should we do? Give up the mission and return to the base?"
In Wu Yun’s view, it is a reasonable scope for them to give up the execution of the Alpha
"Can't you remember that we have sonic bombs?"
Seeing the direction of the linear sand worms, biting them, Zhou Yulian's structure in his
mouth can be seen clearly.
At that moment, Zhou Yu slammed the button and fired a sonic bomb.
Invisible vibrations in the air, the linear sand worm seems to have been pushed out by a
powerful force and fell on the white sand.
Wu Yun exhaled a breath: "Mom... can your kid not always play so thrilling!"
For example, open the door to shoot two-headed tarantulas and the like.
"I am sure, not a thriller." Zhou Yu replied.
Everything was quiet for a while.
Wu Yun said: "Can we go now?"
His hand just touched the hatch, and the night of the ink came over and bit his arm.
"Let's wait... I remember that linear sandworms live on a family basis."
At this time, the ears of the ink night stood up.
Zhou Yu turned the direction of the machine gun and fired backwards.

Laws of the Other World Chapter 39: Linear insecticide

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Just a linear sand worm attacked their tail but was hit by a bullet.
The neurotoxin quickly caused the linear sand worm to fall down and almost broke the
The sweat on Wu Yun’s forehead fell quickly. He patted Xiao Chen’s shoulder and said,
“When you go back alive, you can write a novel.”
Xiao Chen gasped and his body shook like a sieve: "End... Is it over?"
Zhou Yu sighed: "It’s probably over. Let's go down."
When the hatch was opened, Xiao Chen grabbed the safety rails and refused to go out.
In fact, Wu Yun did not dare to confirm whether it was safe. He went down first, carrying a
gun and paying close attention to the ups and downs of the gravel.
Instead, the ink night behind him suddenly jumped out and landed on the white gravel. He
jumped two times and then looked at Wu Yun with his head. He didn't seem to understand
why he was so cautious.
Wu Yun did not have the patience to wait for Xiao Chen to be bold and directly lifted him
out of the helicopter.
"Ink night, come back." Zhou Yu left the driver's seat and closed the helicopter door.
The ink night was very obedient to the feet of Zhou Yu, fanning its small wings.
Zhou Yu took the gun and protected Xiao Chen with Wu Yun.
"Xiao Chen, where is the bone of the night spirit? This gravel is so big, don't tell me that I
want to dig up the sand."
Xiao Chen swallowed, for fear of stepping on something messy.
"It's the middle of the gravel...the night spirits are dead together."
"Is it?" Wu Yun thought that there was such a strange death?
They came to the same place, Wu used his elbow to top Xiao Chen: "Hands."
Xiao Chen was dumbfounded, touched for a long time, finally found a gun.
"Ha? Xiao Chen, do you even have a gun? Have you tested it through the guns? It doesn't
matter if you hit yourself, don't hit me!" Wu Yun asked worriedly.
This is actually a sampler that has been modified from a special gun.
As long as he shoots at the target, the sampler will penetrate the gravel into the inner layer,
and then press another switch, the sampler will be automatically retracted, and there is no
need to dig the gravel.
"Well, Xiao Chen, don't listen to Wu Yun's nonsense, hurry up and take samples."
Xiao Chen didn't want to wait for more than a moment. He pointed at the ground, pulled the
trigger, and the sampler shot. When the sample was taken back, the ink night stayed at
Zhou Yu suddenly squatted on Zhou Yu's trouser legs. he is gone.
"What's wrong?" Zhou Yu asked worriedly.
Xiao Chen has put the sample in a container and sealed it, and then collected different
samples from different directions.
Ink night shook his head desperately, and did not seem to want them to take the samples of
these remains back.
“Is there a problem with these samples?” Zhou Yu asked with an eye.
Nodded in the night.
“Don't we have to resample?” Xiao Chen showed helpless expression.
At the moment when Xiao Chen moved, the gravel under their feet suddenly fell, and Xiao
Chen slammed down and screamed: "Ah-"
"Xiao Chen!"
Wu Yunzheng had to reach out and hold him, but did not expect that the area of the fall was
getting bigger and bigger, Wu Yun also fell.
Zhou Yu immediately ran out, but he couldn’t run faster than the speed of quicksand. He
followed him down. The night jumped up and bite on Zhou Yu’s shoulder, but the ink night
also stepped on the quicksand. Can not force on the top, and suddenly fell with Zhou Yu.
It turned out that there was a hollow under the gravel. When Xiao Chen shot the sampler, it
just pierced the rock that supported the sand. The cave collapsed and the gravel fell, and
they fell.
Wu Yun sipped the sand and climbed up. Xiao Chen was not far from him, and the sand
almost buried him. Wu Yun quickly took Xiao Chen out and patted Xiao Chen's face: "Hey!
Fool! You give me up! Don't want to be buried by the sand, hurry!"
A steady stream of sand poured in, like filling the entire space, Zhou Yu was completely
crushed by the sand, but fortunately, the night of the night dragged him out of the gravel.
Zhou Yu was almost killed. He held his breath on the ground and coughed hard, spitting all
the sand in his mouth.
Seeing that the sand is about to spread, Wu Yun will pick up Zhou Yu: "Don't stop! We will
be drowned by the sand!"
Zhou Yu raised his eyes and the front was dark. He couldn't see how much space there was.
Is there another exit to go out?
Zhou Yu took the oxygen mask from the rucksack and quickly put it on.
Wu Yun immediately understood the meaning of Zhou Yu. This underground space was
closed for so long. There may be harmful gases inside, that is, some oxygen was poured into
the top when it was cracked, but the oxygen is not enough.
And now they are running on the skeleton of a large piece of broken night spirit. White's
bones are criss-crossed. It can be seen that they experienced a very brutal struggle before
death, and this is not the case. The foreign enemy is between the night spirit and the night
Xiao Chen showed amazed expression. He was about to take a sample, but he was stunned
by Wu Yun: "I still can't run! Do you want to die?"
The quicksand is gradually submerging the sacral bones of the night spirit, even to the
knees of Xiao Chen.
Xiao Chen came back to God and ran quickly.
After running the old drifting sand, I finally didn’t come over. Xiao Chen’s gas was stopped
and the heart stopped. Wu Yun and Zhou Yu stopped. They took out the glow stick from
their backpack and licked it. The darkness finally got some shimmer.
This space is bigger than they think.
Wu Yun snorted and said: "I hate the cave, I hate the cave very much. From the cave of
Elpis, I hate this claustrophobic space!"
Zhou Yu raised his own glow stick, and he found that there are also many night bones in
this cave. He looked down and looked at the ink night sitting next to him, a little worried
that the night would be scared. After all, this is the first time it has seen the same kind of
skeleton, and it is the first time that it understands that even with its strong self-healing
ability, its race is still likely to die.
Xiao Chen’s eyes widened and looked at it all: “What makes these night spirits kill each
other, and the night spirit is a creature with a strong self-healing ability. It’s incredible to
die like this!”
This space is too quiet, just like entering the mausoleum of the night spirit, dry but dark,
the soul of these night spirits seems to be the janitor of hell.
Zhou Yu is also skeptical, but the ink night seems to care less about everything in front of
him. It just looks up at Zhou Yu. In this darkness, its big eyes are especially bright, just like
the weak fire in the dark. , will burn the entire space at any time.
"Xiao Chen, you still don't sample?"
Xiao Chen immediately responded, put on gloves, and squatted in front of the sacrum of a
night spirit, and placed the fragments of its bones into the sampler.
Wu Yun looked around and showed a sad expression: "What kind of thing is it? The only
place we have come down is the hole, but it has been sealed by the quicksand, and there is
no way out in other places! Even if you don't die here, you have to be hungry. Die here."
Xiao Chen’s original face was full of expectations: “What? We will starve to death here?
Let’s die here? Hurry up and find out how to get out?”
"Don't worry, Xiao Chen. These nights can come in not only because of the crack at the top
of the head, but there must be another entrance for these night spirits to go in and out."
Zhou Yu said this, Xiao Chen finally calmed down: "Yes! How did these night spirits come
in? Certainly not through the crack, the crack is an accident! So there must be an entrance
here, I am going to find it!"
"Zhou Yu, what are you doing! I want to scare and scare him, let you dismantle it." Wu Yun
regretfully shrugged his shoulders.
"Now is not a good time to make a joke. Although there should be an entrance here, these
night spirits have been dead here for thousands of years. The entrance is still absent. It is a
big problem."
Zhou Yu is the light stick that goes to the stone wall of the cave, looking for any crack in an
inch and an inch, and any clues that can go out.
The ink night followed Zhou Yu's side, and occasionally walked through the sacral bones of
the night spirit, it would only seem to be completely uninterested in the past.
Occasionally stepping on the stone or kicking the broken bones of the night spirit, the
sound of the sound has been resounding for a long time, making people inexplicably scared.
Suddenly, the ink night bite Zhou Yu’s trouser legs and swayed hard. Zhou Yushun looked
at the sight of the ink night. He saw that there were some bugs crawling in the ground, so
he squatted down and illuminate the ground with a glow stick.
These worms are ordinary d-class creatures without any threat. They climbed in from the
gap between the stone walls, avoiding the shin of the night spirit, and transporting things
like moss on the opposite stone.
Zhou Yu stood up and took a closer look at this piece of gravel. The other stone walls are all
one piece, only this small piece is broken.
"Wu Yun! Wu Yun! You are coming soon! I think I found the exit!"
Wu Yun also looked at it with his eyes open. The glowing stick followed the group of gravel
and circled a large circle. Then he showed a regretful expression: "No mistake, Zhou Yu!
You can find the exit? We How to be born again!"
"Why is this happening? It is blocked!" Xiao Chen also came over and was almost crying.
"People will win the day, now we can only kill the horse as a living horse doctor, try to see if
you can remove all the gravel."
Zhou Yu put the reflective stick underground and moved his fingers and wrists. It seems
that he is really ready to move the gravel.
"I think if I move to half, it falls down, and we are all crushed to death. That is really worth
Although Wu Yun said this on his mouth, he still intends to work with Zhou Yu. He also
understands the truth. If he does not work hard, he will give up. It is an idiot. Zhou Yu spent a lot of effort, borrowing the Swiss army knife to knock the
stoning, and then the first stone was pulled out. After the gap, the other would be easier.
It took only two hours to move, and they also moved less than 10 cm in length.
"Zhou Yu, what do you say is the opposite? Is it bright? Also said that the seawater is
pouring in!"
"Close your crow mouth!"
The sweat ran down, Zhou Yu was tired, he sat aside, took a bottle of water from his
backpack and drank two.
Ink night came to his side, straightened up the back, and licked the sweat of his forehead.
Although Xiao Chen has little power, he is already very tired. No one knows how long these
gravels are? Can you see the daylight after you move? Everyone relies on hope and persists.
Once the hope is broken, it is desperate.
Xiao Chen looked at the ink night and sticked to Zhou Yu’s side, showing an envious
“Why are people in the base so afraid of ink nights? The ink night is very docile!”
"You think that the ink night is docile because the ink night is only gentle to Zhou Yu. You
haven't seen this little guy lose his temper when he is angry. He can get rid of the roof." Wu
Yun also made a joke.
Zhou Yu did not finish all the water, but the water bottle was put to the lips of the ink night.
The ink night just stretched out the tip of the tongue and licked the bottle, but did not mean
to drink.
Zhou Yu extended his fingers and licked the tip of his nose. The ink night stretched out the
tip of the tongue, licking Zhou Yu’s fingertips and putting Zhou Yu’s fingers into his mouth.
Its tongue circled around Zhou Yu's fingers, even gently sucking, but did not bite it.
"Are you not hungry?" Zhou Yu asked.
The ink night shook his head, then turned around a small circle around Zhou Yu and then
squatted beside Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu knows why: Mou night feels Zhou Yu is spending too much physical strength, so he
can't bear to **** his blood.
"It's a baby."
Zhou Yu licked the head of the night, but the night of the ink showed a dissatisfied
expression: I have grown up! I am no longer a baby!
Wu Yun took a clap and stood up and said: "Okay! Guys! The time for rest is enough. We
still have a long and long road to dig!"
The three people, together with the ink night, began a hard excavation work.
After several times, the gravel fell, and almost Zhou Yu and Wu Yun, both of them were
blocked by the open night of the ink, which made Zhou Yu very distressed. I don’t know if
the wings of the ink night were injured, even if it It has a strong healing ability and it will
When they had dug a few meters deep, they found a large stone blocking the front. This
stone was embedded very tightly, and Zhou Yu and Wu Yun had no way to tell it to move
"Mom!" Wu Yun angrily slammed into the stone and was caught by Zhou Yu.
"Don't mess, what if it falls down?"
"I know, I won't be really embarrassed! Just do it!"
Wu Yun and Zhou Yu retired.
Zhou Yu was drinking water on his back, and Xiao Chen was sitting there and muttered to
Wu Yun touched his whole body up and down to find a cigarette, but unfortunately he had
nothing but a half bottle of vodka.
"Oh... the last time vodka can save the life of the two, this time vodka can only be used to
paralyze myself."
It was at this time that the ink nights rushed back into the caves they dug.
"Mottle night! You give me back! Be careful of the collapse of the cave!" Zhou Yu quickly
chased it up.
But what Zhou Yu did not think was that the ink night suddenly violently rushed, rushed up
quickly and ran into the big stone.
I only heard a bang, and the stones that fell in the air fell.
Zhou Yu’s heart was suddenly gripped and could not be beaten. He shouted loudly: “Ink
night! Ink night! How are you?”
"My mother! Is this little thing crazy?" Wu Yun also ran over.
But the big stone embedded in the stone road was completely knocked out by the ink night,
and the scroll rolled, indicating that it was already open!
The gravel fell into the channel, Zhou Yu searched nervously, and in the dark seemed to see
the amber eyes of the ink night.
"Well?" Zhou Yu Yin can see the ink night smashed his head, a pair of front paws pulling the
"Ink night? Are you crushed?" Zhou Yu nervously picked up the glow stick and stretched it
toward the passage. He saw the ink night on the other side of the passage, and seemed safe
and sound.
Zhou Yu finally breathed a sigh of relief.
"This little guy has a lot of strength!"
Wu Yun and Zhou Yu began to move the gravel in the passage, and Xiao Chen also came
over to help.
This passage is a bit short and they have to retire to go.
"How is it still black! From one hole to another! Is there anything wrong?" Wu Yun was
extremely disappointed.
They have been busy for a long time, but the other side is not an export.
Just at the moment when Zhou Yu had to go completely, the ink night suddenly stopped in
front of Zhou Yu’s body, opened his wings and blocked several people behind him.
"What happened to the ink night!" Zhou Yu was nervous.
Wu Yun passed his head and whispered: "Zhou Yu, do you hear what sounds?"
Quiet, Zhou Yu seems to be able to hear the sound of moving on the other side of the cave,
and not only a voice, but a lot of things are moving.
There must be some dangerous creatures, otherwise the ink night will not stop them.
"Wu Yun! Lighting bomb!"
Zhou Yu’s voice just fell, Wu Yun took off an illumination bomb and threw it out from the
shoulders of the ink night. The light of the illumination bullet illuminates this area. This is a
larger cave than before, but the illumination is too bright. However, Zhou Yu and Wu Yun
could not help but go.
When the light of the flares gradually weakens, they can see that there are countless linear
sandworm larvae crawling on the ground in the cave. The smallest linear sandworm is only
as long as the index finger, but the larger linear sandworm Just as big as a cobra.
They are stunned and seem to be crouching in waiting. Once Zhou Yu enters, they will
gather and attack!
There is also a skeleton of the creature in this cave.
This skeleton is extremely large, almost supporting the top of the cave, with a strange glow,
and is far more spectacular than the fossils of the superstar dinosaurs in the museum, and
twice as big as the adult Tyrannosaurus.
"Oh my God... what is this..." Xiao Chen came to Nibelungen for so long, and for the first time
saw such a huge creature.
Above the skeleton, there are things like oval oval eggs. They stretch out like blood vessels,
entangled, criss-crossed, and connected to each other, exuding a near-corrosive
The history of this cave must be longer than the bones of the night spirit. This giant
creature must have died for a long time, but what is attached to its bones? Why are these
eggs still alive, Zhou Yu seems to be able to hear different heart pulsating sounds?
Zhou Yu has a very bad feeling.
Fortunately, they carry an oxygen mask, otherwise Zhou Yu does not doubt that Xiao Chen
will spit out behind him.
"Mom! It turned out to be the sons and grandsons of those linear sandworms! It's a
paradise. I don't want to go. There is no way to go in hell! I definitely want to avenge my
aunt!" Wu Yun whispered.
At a certain moment, those linear sand worms suddenly rushed over, and the ink night
opened their wings and slammed the entire cave, only to hear the sound of smashing, and
Zhou Yu’s shoulder was subconscious.
Xiao Chen was scared to kneel and grab his head.
Zhou Yu took out the anesthetic bomb from his backpack and sang: "Ink night! Your
The ink night was lowered in an instant, Zhou Yu’s anesthetic bomb was thrown out,
bursting open, and the anesthetic gas was scattered. The linear larvae’s larvae fell into
contact with the gas, fainted, and some twisted on the ground. Twist, want to restore your
Fortunately, the metabolic capacity of the ink night is stronger than that of the average
creature, and the efficacy of the anesthetic bomb does not work for it.
"Oh..." The night of the night made a whimper.
Zhou Yu immediately came to the side of the ink night, to turn it over, but the ink night is
lying on the ground, refused to turn over to Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu picked up the light stick and checked the wings of the ink night to find that the
wings of the ink night had been smashed with countless blood holes. Some linear sand
worms were embedded in his wings. After seeing Zhou Yu, his eyes were red. stand up.
"Show me! Hurry up!" Zhou Yu was extremely angry. Apart from the last time Perry Winter
killed his players, he rarely had such anger. He just wanted to grind these linear
sandworms. Into a powder.
In the night, the ink sticks out the tongue and rubs the back of Zhou Yu’s hand. It seems to
be pacifying him: I don’t care, it will be good soon, it will not hurt at all.
The body of the ink night is healing rapidly. The sand larvae embedded in its flesh are
squeezed out by its muscles, and all the wounds disappeared. Zhou Yu still feels heartache.
Wu Yun raised his feet angrily and trampled all the large linear sandworms under their
The author has something to say: Voice entry is easy and many typos, everyone bears!

Laws of the Other World Chapter 40: Bonefly

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"Zhou Yu, we still need time to find the export, but these sand bugs are big problems. Let's
burn them in a fire! Otherwise, the effects of the anesthesia bombs will pass, and they will
attack us again." Wu Yun picked up His own bottle of vodka swayed.
Zhou Yu shook his head and said, "This is not the case. We don't know how much oxygen is
in the cave. It is different from the tree castle. If we burn them all, we will also die."
"Then take the time to find the exit." Wu Yun said as he continued to step on the linear
sandworm on the ground, thinking that he could step on some more and step on the dead,
so that after the anesthetic bomb had passed, at least not So many enemies.
Zhou Yu had a second flare, trying to see the terrain completely when the cave was still
The skeleton of that huge creature occupies 2/3 of the space of this cave. Zhou Yu quickly
looked around and found no traces on all the walls and even the top of the wall.
Xiao Chen and Wu Yun also observed carefully.
When the light gradually darkened, our eyes seemed disappointing. Xiao Chen also shook
his head toward Zhou Yu, and nothing was found in the entire cave.
The wall of the cave is completely integrated.
Zhou Yuqi opened his eyes and looked up at the skull of the huge creature, constantly
changing his own point of view and looking for something.
Its head and cervical vertebrae are connected together, which makes it look like it is still
"What happened to Zhou Yu, what did you find?" Wu Yun went to Zhou Yu and looked at
the past with the same angle.
"I was thinking that this creature is so big, it is dead... How does its neck stay upright and
hold its skull?"
Xiao Chen also curiously came over: "Oh... yes! You see that its neck is not straight, but a
little curved, its skull does not seem to be embedded in the top of the cave, this is because It
is embedded, so the whole body will not collapse and the bones will remain upright."
Zhou Yu looked at Wu Yun and nodded hard.
They all suspect that the entrance to this cave was blocked by the skull of the creature, and
its skull was just embedded at the entrance, forming this confined space.
Zhou Yu took out the rope and shot it to the height of the cave. The other end of the rope
just fell around the eyes of the monster. Wu Yun grabbed the other end of the rope and the
two men pulled hard together and pulled the rope down to kneel down the skull of the
But the skull of this creature, I don’t know how many years there have been there, maybe I
have grown up with the cave, and it’s easy to talk about it with the power of two humans.
Xiao Chen also understands what Zhou Yu and Wu Yun think is what rushed to help, but
unfortunately the glass of water is useless.
The blood vessels on Zhou Yu's arm burst out quickly, and the back was sweaty, but the
skull did not move. Not even a small stone that fell.
At this time, the ink night ran up, biting Zhou Yu’s trouser legs with his mouth.
Zhou Yu stopped to look at the ink night, and the ink night looked at him with big eyes.
"I can't do it, it's too tired! I have to rest, as far as I can see, we will blow up this bone with a
blasting bomb!" Xiao Chen was unable to sit down on the ground. As a researcher, he could
do so well.
"Unless you want to bury yourself here." Wu Yun also sat down, and he was too tired to
regain his strength.
All three of them sat on the ground and rested, and the ends of the rope hanged on the
The ink night had bitten the end of the rope and ran to the other side, biting the other end
of the rope into the mouth, and then suddenly ran forward.
At the moment when the ropes at both ends were tightened, the front and rear claws of the
ink night were hardly slashed on the ground, and the sound of the smashing stone was
broken. It seemed to exhaust the power of the whole body with its eyes closed. A pair of
wings slammed openly, and the skull actually came like a cracking sound, and the sand fell.
Wu Yun took Xiao Chen up and looked up. Zhou Yu was also very surprised. He did not
think that the strength of the ink night was so large.
"My God, are you eating something for Xiaomo night? Today it is really brave!"
Although the skull was loose, but the ink night seems to have exhausted his strength, it
loosened the rope, opened his mouth, gasping and screaming, as if very exhausted.
Zhou Yu came to the front of him, kneeling down on one knee, stroking its head and holding
it in his arms: "You can have a night! Rest, the rest of me and Wu Yun continue."
Zhou Yu was the first to see that he protected himself and made every effort for himself.
This time I came to Yeling Island, and I had a lot of bitterness in the night, and I was even
injured. This made Zhou Yu very uncomfortable.
The ink night was issued, and "squeaky" two voices, with his head squatting in the arms of
Zhou Yu, like a spoiled.
Then it left the arms of Zhou Yu, and took a rope and pulled it forward. The eyes are looking
forward, and they are unshakable. They don’t seem to achieve what Zhou Yu wants to do. It
will never give up.
"Well--" The sound of the ink night is like the sound of human beings through a huge
painful bite.
Zhou Yu despised Wu Yun: "Not enough to help!"
Wu Yun and Xiao Chen had already seen it. They rushed back and came over to help the
ropes with Zhou Yu.
There were more and more gravel falling down. There was a gap between the skull of the
giant creature and the hole at the top of the cave. The faint sunlight was revealed.
Xiao Chen and Wu Yun, who felt the hope, pulled the ropes harder.
The night of the ink made a low snoring sound, and the back line was stretched out, and all
the strength was exhausted. Only a loud bang was heard, and the skull of the giant creature
and the gravel fell.
"Be careful!" Wu Yun threw down Xiao Chen, who was almost caught in the skull of the
Zhou Yu and Mo Ye also quickly disappeared.
When the monster's skull landed, it slammed and the entire cave was shaking. It rolled a
large circle and crushed a lot of linear insecticides.
The hole can accommodate three or four people at the same time, the position is relatively
high, the sun falls, forming a circular spot at the bottom of the hole, and the dust dances
"Great! Finally saved!" Xiao Chen is going to cry.
"Don't waste time! We will leave quickly! The anesthetic will be scattered from the hole,
and these sandworms will wake up!" Zhou Yuyi reminded that Xiao Chen remembered the
Just as Wu Yun was about to shoot the rope out of the hole, one of the eggs attached to the
skeleton of the giant creature suddenly fell down and fell to the ground. The outer shell of
the egg cracked, and the stinking pus was flowing inside, and Some creature that is not yet
mature, like a giant fly, struggles in it and then dies soon.
Xiao Chen looked silly, Wu Yun could not help but open: "I... did not read it wrong, these
things in the egg are still alive?"
"Don't worry so much! Let's go!"
Zhou Yucai just stepped out, and the skeleton left by the monster suddenly disappeared
like a loss of balance.
Huge sounds rang out in the caves, and the eggs fell down. The smashing of the eggs was
like an egg that was constantly being smashed. The cracking sound was inexplicably
In the space where the giant bio-ribs and sternum were formed, the eggs hung, swaying,
and only heard the sound of continuous slaps, and countless flies that were like fists flew
"Born! These are bone fly!"
Finally, I took out the gun at the waist and quickly pulled the trigger. After three or five
shots, several bone flies were shot and dropped.
Wu Yun also did not hesitate to shoot, the ink night opened his wings and patted the close
bone fly.
This creature will place the egg on the bone of the dead animal. One end of the egg
penetrates into the bone to absorb the nutrients in the bone marrow for embryo growth.
It is only obvious that the bones of this giant creature have been trapped in this cave for
thousands of years. When did these bone flies fall on this bone? If it is these recent years,
the bone marrow of this creature has already dried up. If it was a millennium ago, these
bone flies are quietly in the dark, waiting for the opportunity to wake up?
There are more and more bone-eating flies hatching, and the sound of their wings vibrating
makes people numb. Zhou Yu can feel the flow of air in the caves because of the wings of
these bone flies.
Once they are bitten by them, the flesh and blood will be reduced by a large chunk.
In this way, not only the bullets will be lighted, but even those sleepy linear sandworms
will wake up at any time, and when they are enemies, they can't cope.
In order to protect them, the ink night has been bitten by the bone fly.
"Mom, we will blow the skeleton to him! Kill all the larvae that have not yet hatched!" Wu
Yun was so annoyed by these bone flies.
Zhou Yu opened his gun with one hand and took off his coat with a coat and waved the
bone fly in the cave.
Seeing a small group of bone flies will rush to the face of Xiao Chen, the sound of their
vibration wings makes people feel tinnitus. Wu Yun had no time to protect Xiao Chen. Xiao
Chen hugged his body in fear and screamed.
In the scream of Xiao Chen, one of the wings of the bone fly that flew to him broke down
and fell to the ground.
Xiao Chen rushed up and slammed on March 7 and 21.
Wu Yun had some disappointment at that moment: "Is this a situation?"
Zhou Yu responded: "Xiao Chen continues to scream! Don't stop! These bone flies are afraid
of the sound!"
"What?" Just when Xiao Chen did not respond, another small group of bone flies rushed to
his back.
Without Zhou Yu reminding again, Xiao Chen screamed frantically, and the decibel was
obviously higher than before. Those bone fly flies with their wings swaying, and the brains
are cracked, and they fall off and fall.
"What? If you scream useful, then I will try it!"
Wu Yun made a roaring roar, which was very deterrent, but those bone flies were like
nothing, and they surrounded it. Wu Yun’s bullet is about to be finished.
Xiao Chen screamed again, and the bone flies left far away, clinging to the cave wall and
hiding back into the sternum of the giant creature.
Xiao Chen kept screaming and staring at the blind man.
Wu Yun quickly shot the rope outside the hole above the head.
He tightened the rope and looked for Zhou Yu and Xiao Chen to beckoned: "Hey, let's hurry
and leave!"
Xiao Chen coughed twice, and those bone fly flies had to fly over again. Xiao Chen quickly
screamed. Wu Yun quickly tied one end of the rope to Xiao Chen’s waist and climbed up
first, then pulled Chen up.
Xiao Chen did not leave after going up, but continued to scream at the hole.
Zhou Yu also climbed up. He climbed and said to the ink night: "In the night, you bite the
other end of the rope, I will pick you up!"
But I didn't think that the ink night was a run-up. The front paws were placed on Zhou Yu's
shoulder and then one wing. One borrowing force, instead of Zhou Yu, stepped outside the
It looked at Zhou Yu in the hole and seemed a little smug.
A group of three people and ink nights finally climbed out of the hole, and there was a
feeling of escape from birth.
Xiao Chen was afraid that the bone fly would be chased out and still yelling at the hole.
Wu Yunyu’s ear, took out a blasting bomb from the rucksack: “Do not shout when you do it!
Call again, my ears will be smashed!”
Zhou Yu nodded and understood what Wu Yun was going to do.
Wu Yun threw the blasting bomb into the hole, and picked up Xiao Chen and strove to run
Zhou Yu and Mok Night also spread their legs and ran hard. A loud noise came from below,
and the smashing stone fell down like an earthquake, deafening.
When the ground under the foot of Zhou Yu fell completely, he jerked and grabbed the edge
of the crack with both hands. The ink night fell steadily on top, and it bite Zhou Yu’s
shoulder and pulled him up.
When they looked back, they found that a huge pothole was blown up. The skeleton of the
giant creature was also blown up.
"In fact, I have always been curious, the hole that comes in is so small, how did this giant
creature enter this cave?" Xiao Chen was puzzled.
"Yeah, how did this giant creature come in?" Wu Yun clap his hands, his body is full of gray,
and Xiao Chen’s problem has also aroused his interest.
"If it is not a geological change, the hole that will be able to come in. If it is closed, I think of
another reason." Zhou Yu looked at the skeleton of the giant creature for a long time and
said, "Maybe when he was still a child, It fell into this cave. The night spirit living here has
been raising it, let it grow up little by little. Until the night spirit is dead, it can't leave the
cave and die here."
Wu Yun shook his arms with his own arms: "That is to say, this big guy is probably a night-
raising pet?"
"Maybe the night spirit is to raise it, just to guard this cave!" Zhou Yu said.
"You mean that what might have been in this cave in the past... is it very important for the
night spirit?" Wu Yun asked.
"It should be, the night spirit is guarded by s-class creatures. Maybe there have been
embryos or cubs that have not been hatched by s-class creatures here." Zhou Yu looked at
the face and looked at the ink night. He found the ink night. Looking at the skeleton of the
giant creature for a long time, it seems to be missing something, sometimes a little bit sad.
"Ink night, do you know what that creature is?"
Ink night looked up and looked at Zhou Yu, then licked his head.
"Okay! Ok! Don't think so much, let's go find a helicopter and fly back! This task is really
unlucky! Saying why Xiao Chen's scream can kill those bone flies? My roaring but Useless!"
"This may be related to the frequency of the sound. The frequency of Xiao Chen's screams is
just killing the bone fly, but your roar sounds like momentum, and there is no right way."
Zhou Yu replied.
The helicopter leaned in the gravel.
Wu Yun exhaled a breath and held his head and said, "Fortunately... our helicopter is still
At this time, the ink night suddenly stopped, raised his face, revealing a sinking expression,
and then ran in the other direction.
"Ink night!" Zhou Yu shouted its name, but it did not respond at all.
Zhou Yu had to chase it up and ran back and said: "Wu Yun, you bring Xiao Chen back to the
helicopter immediately! You can fly to us!"
Wu Yun was stunned and pointed at himself, then look at Xiao Chen: "I look like I will be
driving a helicopter?"
Xiao Chen shook his head.
The speed of the night spirit was very fast. It didn't take long for the shadow of the ink
night to disappear.
It is very dangerous here, not to mention the tree-shaped worms, other creatures are also
Zhou Yu was lost in a forest. He remembered that Carlos had installed a positioner for the
ink night, so he quickly began to position.
A few minutes later, Zhou Yu finally found the ink night.
It stood on a rock facing the sea. The sea breeze hunted. The ink night was half-headed, and
the side of the ear was like listening to something. Its wings were raised, as if it would
become the wing of Kunpeng at any time.
That expression is very focused and there is some loneliness.
"Ink night?" Zhou Yu slowly approached.
The ink night is very sensitive, so I can easily jump on the reef that stands in the sea. But for
Zhou Yu, this distance is a bit far away, and if you accidentally fall into the sea.
Suddenly, there is some kind of illusion in the air in the distance, sweeping in, magnificent,
like a beast, a mountain that is cracked.
This airflow is getting closer and closer, Zhou Yu’s eyes wide open and his arms are waving:
“Ink night! Come back in the night!”
The ink night seemed to be unable to hear any sound, and looked at the airflow obsessively.
It is getting closer and closer, and the wind is getting bigger and bigger.
Zhou Yu subconsciously squatted down and raised an arm in front of his face.
The airflow roared, like a beast running, about to crush everything on the island.
Ink night looked up at his head, and his posture did not change.
In the end, the airflow rushed to the front of the ink night, and the intensity plummeted. It
was like a dialogue from ancient times. I don't know if the ancestors of the ink night passed
on in this way.
The illusion of airflow spread out as if it had never existed.
For the first time, Zhou Yu saw such a strange sight.
Ink night turned and jumped back.
Its wings are wide open and gliding in midair.
That gesture is so smooth.
Zhou Yu feels that the ink night seems to be a silvery glow in the black body under the sun,
a little more sharp than the usual sticky night of the ink.
It landed, ran towards Zhou Yu, and jumped into Zhou Yu’s arms. When Zhou Yu caught it,
he took two steps backwards.
The strength of this little thing is really getting bigger and bigger.
But the ink night quickly broke away from the arms of Zhou Yu, jumped to his feet, biting
his trousers and pulling forward.
Its expression is serious and worried.
"Do you want us to leave here right away?" Zhou Yu asked.
Ink night nodded.
The vigilance and worry in the eyes of the ink night made Zhou Yu suspect: "Is it dangerous
Ink night nodded again and ran towards the original road.
Zhou Yu found that as long as he followed the ink night, it seems that no creatures are close
to them. I don't know if this is the shock of a night creature, or it is born into the night
spirit. The creatures on the island are in awe of it.
Wu Yun has taken Xiao Chen to the helicopter, they are waiting for Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yuyi entered the cockpit and began to take off.
Ink night jumped in and climbed to the position of the co-pilot.
"What's wrong?" Wu Yun asked.
"We have to leave right away, and ink night thinks it is dangerous."
"Mei night thinks? In this world, only you can understand what ink night said?" Wu Yun
said with a funny smile.
Xiao Chen had long wanted to leave. I heard that he could leave immediately. There was a
glimmer of hope in his fearful eyes.
They are getting higher and higher, bowing their heads to overlook the island, being
illuminated by the sun, and looking like a peace.
But this is Ning He, buried a whole **** squad.
As they get higher and higher, their horizons become wider.
The waves in the distance are tumbling, as if a tsunami is brewing.
Wu Yun was nervous. If it was a tsunami, their helicopter could not resist it.
"That... that can't be a tsunami... The tsunami's sign is not like this..." Xiao Chen said in a
There is neither a fast ebb and no fish floating on the beach.
As the wave of waves got closer and closer, they saw a huge golden underwater creature.
The part of the water that appeared out of the water was like a giant worm in the Egyptian
legend, dressed in gold forged armor. As it moved, it made a loud noise. .
Its mouth is round, with a full circle of cavities and no visible nose. There seems to be a
mouth in the mouth of this mouth, exhaling a strong air current, impacting the night island.
The author has something to say: Scream is also a weapon.

Laws of the Other World Chapter 41: Hai Jinyu

Settings saved..
All the vegetation on the island was overwhelmed by this airflow, and the white sand in the
center of the island was suddenly blown open, revealing the remains of the night spirit.
Countless night spirits are crushed and generally intertwined.
"That is the guardian of the night island, Hai Jinyu."
It is like a mythical beast, such a dazzling color, reminding Zhou Yu of the second rule: the
more beautiful the creature is more dangerous.
"Hai Jinyu? What is it? How have I not heard of it?" Xiao Chen whispered and asked, "Can
we still go back alive?"
Zhou Yu did not answer, but flew away from the sea at the fastest speed.
The fore paw of the ink night squatted on the window, staring at the golden monster.
The weather that was just like the illusion was just the breath of Haijinyu. The ink night just
felt the arrival of Hai Jinyu, only to remind Zhou Yu to leave.
In Zhou Yu’s mind, there is information about Hai Jinyu. But even the creature of the night
spirit has been extinct for so long, and he assumes that Haijinyu is also extinct.
Unexpectedly, Haijinyu still guards the night island.
Despite leaving at full speed, Haijintun bypassed the night island and headed for them.
The sea was rolling, and a wave of waves came to them.
Xiao Chen closed his eyes and screamed.
Wu Yun stared nervously at the wave tip and fell a dozen meters away from them, making a
huge noise.
If they come back for the second time, their helicopters will definitely not escape.
"Why has it been chasing us?" Wu Yun felt incredible. Since Haijinyu has been protecting
the night island, they have already left. Why is it still chasing after it?
"Because we took away the things that belong to the night island." Zhou Yu guessed.
Wu Yun pointed to Xiao Chen.
"Then we throw the sample away! The most important thing to live!"
Xiao Chen is terrified.
"Throw away the sample of the hand, even if you return to the base, will the Song madman
let you go?" Wu Yun asked coolly.
At this time, the helicopter was violently bumped. Haijinyu exhaled a large amount of air in
their direction. The sea water was mixed in between, and even the tail was almost broken.
Zhou Yushun flew in the air, and the helicopter kept sounding an alarm.
Xiao Chen’s tears have to fall down, and muttered to himself: “We will die... we will really
Hai Jinyu opened his mouth wide, revealing his teeth, and swallowed them at any time.
The waves hit the side of the helicopter, and the impact was about to knock them over.
"Ah--" Xiao Chen shouted and screamed.
The world rotates, and the helicopter looks into the sea!
Wu Yun looked at the sea and was close at hand. He said to himself that good fortune had
come to an end, but he never imagined that Zhou Yu stabilized the balance, quickly pulled
up, and finally lifted off again.
But for them, this is just a delay in the patronage of death.
Xiao Chen’s legs trembled badly.
"No! Xiao Chen, you actually peeed out!" Wu Yun looked at Xiao Chen with surprise.
"Let's throw out the night bone samples of the night spirit... please, I really want to live..."
Xiao Chen pleaded.
Wu Yun shouted to Zhou Yu: "Zhou Yu! It is most important to live today! Throw away the
sample and try!"
"Good!" Zhou Yu replied.
Wu Yun opened the window and threw the sample container out.
Haijinyu paused for a moment, and the helicopter finally got a chance to breathe and
continued to fly into the distance.
Wu Yun took a picture of the heart, but did not expect Hai Jinyu to catch up.
It opened its mouth and watched it breathe out again.
"Mom--" Wu Yun yelled, "Is it still gone?"
The sea breeze hula came in, mixed with the sea water ejected by the sea gold.
"What level of creatures does Haijin calculate?" At this moment, Wu Yun can only use chat
instead of fear. Even though, this makes people feel annoyed.
"A class creature." Zhou Yu replied.
Although he seems to be calm, but deep inside knows that this time they are afraid of
"What? Is such a big guy a mere a-class creature?" Wu Yun said, "You are joking with me."
"If it's s-class, maybe it will be a avatar to seduce you."
"This joke is not funny! In the night, you are also a grade! How is the specification so bad?"
"Hmmm?" The ink night looked over Wu Yun.
"This sea gold cockroach is going crazy again, your Zhou Yu will be swallowed by it!"
The eyes of the ink night are round and stare at Wu Yun, which seems very nervous.
Daddy, it jumped up and smashed out between the windows that hadn't had time to turn
"Ink night -" Wu Yun was completely dumbfounded. He stretched out his hand and wanted
to catch the wings of the ink night, but there was only air in his hand.
"Wu Yun! What do you say to it! You don't know if it understands!"
Zhou Yu immediately transferred the helicopter and wanted to recover the ink night.
However, the sea was stirred up by the sea gold, and if they continued to approach the
crash, the risk would multiply.
The figure of the ink night is like the black lightning that is thrown into the storm. It is so
small, but it breaks the wind and rushes to the top of Haijinyu.
This is the first time Zhou Yu saw it flying. Zhou Yu did not think that the ink can fly at
night. In this world, the wings are not furnishings, but the ink night is from the beginning of
Zhou Yu, and there is no similar kind of teaching. It is no more similar to it to demonstrate,
but it is like instinct, ink night learned to fly.
"Ink night -" Zhou Yu's heart has been raised.
Since coming to Nibelungen, he has not been as fearful as he is at this moment.
Haijinyu only needs to open his mouth to swallow the ink night.
"Ink night! Come back soon! Ink night!" Wu Yun's shouts were completely drowned by the
sound of the waves.
The ink night is not afraid of the hugeness of the sea gold, it makes a loud cry to the sea
The call is special. With the innate arrogance, even the air is shaking, as if an invisible force
is hitting Hai Jinyu.
"This is the power of the night spirit?" Wu Yun was stunned.
The helicopters are inaccessible, but the ink night is close!
The wings of the ink night fanned, and it was like an ant tree.
Haijin’s mouth opened again.
"Ink night..." Zhou Yu’s heart has to be shattered.
"Ah! It angers the sea gold! We are going to die! It's going to die!"
Xiao Chen completely lost his reason.
Wu Yun smashed his foot: "You will smash it again, I will throw you down!"
The ink night re-issued its voice, as if it was ordered to leave the sea.
The sea water between the teeth of Haijinyu was shaken by the power of the night
The scene is extremely spectacular.
Hai Jinzhen did not swallow the ink night, it retreated, seemingly surrendered to the ink
night. After turning over a large circle, it fell into the sea.
The sea is surging, like the sinking of an aircraft carrier.
Zhou Yu and Wu Yun stared at everything in front of them.
The sun is still the same and the sea is calm.
The ink night fanned his wings, flew to the helicopter, and flew in from the window.
The mist left in the air forms a rainbow under the sun, and the ink night seems to cross the
rainbow from another world.
Wu Yun and Xiao Chen looked at the ink night silly.
A few seconds later, Wu Yun finally woke up to God, holding a dark night into his arms, and
slammed it with force: "God! Ink night! You are so heroic! Do you know what you looked
like?" The knight in the Dragon Quest!"
The ink night was uncomfortable by Wu Yun, and after two sounds, it was drilled out. It
looked at Xiao Chen with a disappointment, jumped into the cockpit and sat next to Zhou
Zhou Yu’s fingers are still shaking.
He almost lost his ink night.
He even has the illusion that the ink night that comes back to him is not true, but an illusion
of his own. "Hmm?" On the side of the night, Zhou Yu found that Zhou Yu did not even look
at himself, and suddenly felt very lost.
It stretched its forearm and clawed it on Zhou Yu's sleeve.
Zhou Yu did not respond. But for him, that moment of contact is so real.
Ink night smashed Zhou Yu again, like a child who did a good job but did not get rewarded,
showing a grievous expression.
They ran smoothly on the sea.
Xiao Chen clasped his hands and kept praying that he would not encounter other dangers
along the way.
Wu Yun said with a funny voice; "This is Nibelungen, the **** you pray is in another world."
When the land was close at hand, Zhou Yu’s nervous mood finally relaxed slightly.
He reached out and touched the top of the night of the ink, and closed his eyes to reveal a
satisfying expression.
"In the future, don't do anything like this..."
The ink night squatted on the seat, looking sideways at Zhou Yu, no sound.
The quietness in the cabin made Wu Yun not used to it.
He curiously asked Zhou Yu: "I said... Ink night can actually push such a huge sea gold
scorpion... Is the night spirit such a powerful creature?"
"It’s your own saying that the ink night is also a class-level creature." Zhou Yu’s mind
emerged from an ancient picture. At that time, the night spirit still lived on the island, and
Haijinyu lived around the island. Since they are all old neighbors, for the ink night, maybe
this is not a battle, it is just asking the old neighbors to make a way.
"This is good. When we go back, Song will definitely study the ink night like a madman." Wu
Yun worried.
Song Zhi also wanted to rely on the ink night to find the s-class creature, he would not hurt
the ink night. And if the ink night is really as strong as today, Zhou Yu is not worried about
anything that can hurt it. Instead, you may become the burden of ink night.
Zhou Yu looked at the ink night and said in his heart: If you don't want to be so loyal, just
fine. Go anywhere, live your life.
I am afraid that I will not be able to protect you soon.
Ink night is like hearing what Zhou Yu is thinking, and gently put its claws on Zhou Yu's
Obviously very light, but very powerful.
They returned to the base safely.
Zhou Yu saw the Zhou Qing when he saw the helicopter. There was not much
communication between the two people, but Zhou Qing clearly exhaled a breath.
Any one of the tasks here may make him never come back.
Zhou Yu, Wu Yun and Xiao Chen, as the only survivors of this mission, they must report the
specific situation to Song.
Zhou Yu’s conditioning clearly reported the process of the Alpha squad’s death and how
they encountered Hai Jin’s attack when they left, and then how to escape.
Zhou Yu did not conceal the details of the night to protect them, even if he did not say, Xiao
Chen would say.
Song Zhi was also very satisfied with Zhou Yu’s confession.
"So this task is a complete failure. You lost all the samples you obtained?" Song asked.
Zhou Yu was silent, but Wu Yun said: "No, we brought back the only sample."
Wu Yun took a sample container out of his pocket and placed it on the desktop of Song.
Song Zhiton paused, and a smile on his lips: "Isn't it all thrown into the sea?"
"I haven't had time to throw it out. I will fly out of the helicopter to protect us."
Wu Yun’s face was right, Xiao Chen was stunned, and Zhou Yu wanted to throw a fist and
Wu Yun’s meal.
This guy is really hidden! No wonder they are still being chased by Hai Jinyu after throwing
away so many samples, because Wu Yun has also hidden one!
"Very good... After all, there are creatures such as Haijinyu guarding around the night
island. It is very difficult for us to get samples again." Song Zhi was very satisfied with the
Zhou Yu opened his mouth and wanted to say something but did not say it.
"Zhou Yu, what you want to say is best to be honest and don't have reservations. Although
your opinions may not be adopted by me, if you don't say anything, I will not even have the
opportunity to adopt them."
Zhou Yu thought about it. If he didn't say anything, he might really regret it. So he sorted
out the ideas.
"First of all, when the night came to the night of the island, the remains of the night spirit
did not reflect or be curious about the ancestors. But when Xiao Chen successfully sampled
from the night bones buried in the sand, The ink night is very nervous, I hope that we will
give up these samples. All the actions of the ink night are aimed at protecting me, so in the
heart of the ink night, these samples are very dangerous."
"That's more because the night of the night feels the existence of Haijinyu. It is worried that
if you take the sample, you will be attacked by Haijinyu?" Song asked.
"In my impression, Haijinyu is the guardian of the night spirit island. The night spirit can
communicate with Haijinyu. If even the guardian objects no longer exist, then Haijinyu still
guards the night spirit island for so many years. For what? Is it just a habit that has long
been formed as a creature? Or is it the same reason that the night does not want us to take
away the night bones. They all know that these bones are problematic and can only be left
in place and cannot be taken away. ?"
Zhou Yu’s question is completely illogical for Song Zhi: “The creatures of Nibelungen are
connected in a special way. It is like Erpies and the scabbard butterfly and blue firefly that
live with it. And Hai Jinyu, maybe also has some connection with the remains of the night
spirit, but we don’t know it.” Song gave a light smile. “When we use the shin to cultivate the
maternal night spirit, maybe your ink night. It is no longer lonely."
Is that right?
Zhou Yu always felt that something was wrong.
"And... since we know the power of ink night, we have to conduct research. You can rest
assured that these studies must be based on not hurting the ink night. All tests and samples
are taken care of by Dr. Carlos and must be with you. Under the supervision. If you can't do
it, Dr. Carlos will never do it. How?"
Song Zhi seems to be seeking Zhou Yu’s consent, but Zhou Yu knows that he has no room
for rejection. This is just Song’s study in disguise that Zhou Yu cooperates with Carlos.
Without Zhou Yu, the ink night will not let anyone close, will not give any samples, and will
not cooperate with any tests.
"As long as I don't hurt the ink night, I will cooperate." Zhou Yu replied.
"That's good, I really look forward to our ability to make a big step forward in the study of
the night spirit."
The three of them left the office, and Xiao Chen went back to his research department,
leaving only Zhou Yu and Wu Yun in the corridor.
"Hey, you won't blame me for leaving that sample?" Wu Yun patted Zhou Yu's shoulder.
"I want you to be absolute. So dangerous situations, you still want to keep the sample. If we
throw all the samples away, maybe the ink night is not used..." Zhou Yu sighed, "But I know
why you are If you do this, you will not be angry."
Wu Yun needs Juli Group to save his daughter. The flesh and blood, Wu Yun will pay for
"Yeah, if not, we don't know that the ink night is so powerful! How much capacity do you
still hide that we don't know?" Wu Yun looked back at the ink night behind them.
Ink night looked at them with his head, I don't know if it was an illusion, and its eyes
became more and more beautiful.
It is as deep as it is to **** in the soul of Zhou Yu.
The ink night has a deadly mystery, like a British gentleman in a suit. At first glance, the
old-fashioned and old-fashioned look can calm down and feel the elegance of the nobility.
"Zhou Yu, what's wrong with you? I even looked at the night of the ink night?" Wu Yun said
with a funny smile.
"Nothing, I am just thinking about things."
Zhou Yu recruited and waved, and the ink night followed up, staring at Zhou Yu. Zhou Yu
suddenly knew what it was thinking, so he hugged the ink night, and put out his finger to
poke the nose of the ink night. The ink night opened his mouth to cover the fingers of Zhou
Yu, but Zhou Yu deliberately moved his finger. open. Ink night put his mouth together, and
Zhou Yu deliberately removed his fingers.
This is already a routine joke between Zhou Yu and Mo Ye.
The ink night made a long stretch of "Hmm--" pretending to be angry. It stretched out the
front paws, grabbed Zhou Yu's fingers, and put them in his mouth.
The slight pain of the fingertips came, but it was quickly replaced by a strange feeling. The
kind of lingering nerves, like the feeling of countless feathers passing over the heart, made
Zhou Yu inexplicably shaken.
He is a person who is not easily emotional, but the feeling of that moment makes his blood
flow down, and the uncontrollable feeling makes Zhou Yu wake up instantly.
Wu Yun is still teasing the ink night that **** Zhou Yu's fingers.
Zhou Yu swallowed, he must be careful to let Wu Yun not find his own strange. He hooked
his fingers, and the tip of the ink night entangled Zhou Yu's fingertips, snoring and snoring,
completely not yet full. Before it is satisfied, it will never be loose.
"I went back to the room to sleep, see dinner." Zhou Yu said as usual.
"Oh, okay."
After bidding farewell to Wu Yun, Zhou Yu returned to the room with the ink night.
He leaned on the bed and inked his night on him.
Ink nights sucked harder, and the feeling of intriguing feelings became more apparent.
Zhou Yu looked up and swallowed. When he opened his eyes, he saw that the ink night was
watching himself intently.
"Ink night... What did you do?" Zhou Yu’s voice was hoarse. He raised his hand and patted
the back of the ink night, indicating that he let go of his finger.
But the ink night was dissatisfied and smashed down, without the meaning of loose mouth.
"You will **** down again, I will become a corpse..." Zhou Yu wants to get out of this strange
feeling that she has never had before.
Ink night still contains Zhou Yu's fingers, but did not continue to **** Zhou Yu's blood. It
turned sideways and looked lazy, and Zhou Yu felt that something was **** for the first
"Ink night, I want to be angry." Zhou Yu depressed his voice.
In the ink night, I was unhappy to release Zhou Yu’s fingers. When I loosened it, I used a tip
of my tongue.
Zhou Yu touched his head, but the ink night stretched its forearm, and the claw touched
Zhou’s forehead.
As for the ink night, Zhou Yu is also a favorite child.
In the eyes of the ink night, Zhou Yu was inexplicably tired. His eyes hang down slowly, and
the last thing he saw was that the night of the ink leaned toward himself and looked
It’s gentle and gentle.
Zhou Yu, who was in sleep, screamed at the sound of the water, and the body was swept by
the water. Rushing in his uncontrollable direction.
Everything returned to the moment he fell into the angel's corner.
Countless sharp-mouthed fish rushed to him, hanging on the line, Zhou Yu wants to avoid,
but their speed is too fast.
A black figure quickly approached him, Zhou Yu saw the ink night flowing backwards
between the vagueness, and its wings cut the water, as if to illusion.
The sharp-mouthed fish pierced Zhou Yu’s body, the blood flowed out of the body, and the
anti-scale dragon was approaching in an imposing manner, and the ink night was in front of
him. It turned into a huge silver translucent creature in the blink of an eye, tightening the
wings. Put it close to the body and rush to the scale dragon.
It makes a special sound, the river is shaking, as if it is to be picked up and left the riverbed,
it passes through the scale dragon and completely destroys the scale dragon.
Countless blisters filled the space and everything was in chaos.
Zhou Yu reached out and the huge silver translucent creature swam in front of him. Zhou
Yu was like a small flash of life, and the other side dominated it.

Laws of the Other World Chapter 42: Wake up and feel that I love you
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Just as Zhou Yu’s fingertips touched it, it continued to shrink and formed a human shape.
It was a handsome young man who couldn't forget at a glance. A pair of deep eyes had to
seal Zhou Yu's breath, and time stopped.
He hugged Zhou Yu and took him to the water and light junction.
Zhou Yu opened his eyes fiercely and breathed hard as if he had finally jumped out of the
water, and he saw the roof of his room.
He raised his hand and grabbed his eyes.
It was indeed a s-class creature that saved himself, and it was consistent with the
description of the one that Song Zhi was looking for. That should not be his own illusion,
because he had not heard any description of that creature at that time, and he had not
accepted the memory of Elpis. This illusion did not form the basis in his mind. Not to
mention that in the battle of the 12th district of the virgin forest, he saved himself again.
Just how did you dream of seeing it... What did the ink night become that kind of creature?
Zhou Yu leaned over his face, and the ink night cuddled by his side, slept very well, and the
small wings would rise and fall with the breath, and there would be no s-class creatures at
Zhou Yu exhaled a breath and hugged the ink night, but there was a lot of thought in his
heart. Ink night as a night spirit, has a special connection with the silver s-class creature, is
it that the ink night summoned it in a hurry?
Or maybe he was saved by the s-class creature, but it is his imagination that the night of the
night is turned into a silver creature. Regardless of the danger, the ink night confronts Hai
Jinyu and saves everyone, so he will imagine it as a silver creature that saved his own angel
in the angel's corner?
"Ink night... Do you have a lot of secrets that I don't know?" Zhou Yu touched his back.
This sentence let the ink night open his eyes, put his head on Zhou Yu's chest and look at
Zhou Yu always has an illusion that it is seen through. His thoughts, his expectations of the
world, and the fears in his heart are all known by the night.
In the night, the ink arched Zhou Yu’s chin with his nose, then jumped out of the bed and
waved its front paws toward Zhou Yu, meaning “to go to dinner”!
Zhou Yu suddenly laughed.
If the ink night is really a s-class creature, why is it staying by your side? Just want to drink
some of his blood every day?
On the morning of the next day, Zhou Yu went to see Carlos with ink night.
Zhou Yu holds his head and walks leisurely in the passage. It’s rare to have such a pleasant
morning. Zhou Yu lowered his eyes and looked at the ink night on his side. The pace of his
pace was exactly the same as his own. He occasionally put his head in his head, as if he had
the same mood as Zhou Yu.
A team of researchers and guards pushed a petri dish through them.
Zhou Yu looked at the past. The petri dish is a kind of almost transparent pale gold
creature. It rotates in the water and is like a waltz.
Zhou Yu was attracted to the sight: that... it seems to be Nibelungen jellyfish...
Very beautiful...but maybe it’s dangerous...
Less than a second, the ink night was not full of biting Zhou Yu's trouser legs, Zhou Yu
bowed his head, and the moment of watching the night with the ink night could not help
but laugh.
The eyes of the ink night are big and full of unhappiness.
In its cognition, Zhou Yu’s concern is not only Zhou Qing but also a few people like Wu Yun,
and other attention should belong to it. But Zhou Yu looked at the Nibelungen jellyfish for
more than a second, which is really unbearable for the ink night.
Zhou Yu smiled, and lowered his body to use his chin to top the forehead of the night:
"Okay, well, let's go to Carlos!"
The department of Carlos is quite busy and is doing a comparative study of the sample.
As soon as he saw the ink night, he walked out excitedly.
"God, ink night! You have grown up! Have you entered the developmental period recently?
Long and fast!"
Zhou Yu looked down at the ink night and found that the ink night seemed to... really grew
Carlos wants to measure the ink night, but the ink night is like moving with ADHD. Carlos’s
body was sweating, but he couldn’t hold the ink night, and no one could catch it.
Zhou Yu had a bit of sympathy with Carlos, so he said: "Ink night, you have to be a little bit."
In the night, I saw Zhou Yu’s eyes, and I missed my head unhappy, and did not move.
Carlos finally measured the length of the ink night, and said with amazement: "It is three
centimeters longer. This growth rate is too fast!"
Not just Carlos, even Zhou Yu was stunned.
The length of the last measurement of the ink night has not been more than three days, this
guy is actually longer?
What is the growth rate?
"Ink night, you may have entered the developmental period! So it grows so fast!" Carlos
wanted to touch the head of the ink night, but the ink night quickly ran away.
"Development period? No? It hasn't been a few months since birth!"
"Don't use human growth time to measure Nibelung's creatures. The creatures here have a
very short growing season, but their maturity can last for thousands or even tens of
thousands of years," Carlos said.
"That is... you will grow up soon?" Zhou Yu deliberately used his toes to lick the chin of the
night, and the ink night ran away uncomfortably. "It seems that in a few days, you are
independent." The man is too, can't be spoiled by me."
"In addition to the length of the body, we hope to get some ink night saliva, blood and a
sample of the fluff on its back." Carlos pleaded to look at Zhou Yu.
"I will try it, but I guess the night will not be happy." Zhou Yu Chao inked the night and
waved, and the ink night certainly understood what Carlos was saying, so he was far away,
but it was not.
Zhou Yu is close to the ink night, and the ink night retreats to other places. The meaning of
rejection is obvious.
Zhou Yu could only sigh and said to Carlos: "I'm sorry... it's not willing to do anything, even
if I can barely..."
Carlos nodded. "It is not easy to see the living night spirit. We can put the sampling on first,
but for the intelligence of the night spirit, we want to have a comprehensive understanding.
I can understand what you are saying... Of course, I can understand many people's words. I
want to know its intelligence level and whether it really has the ability to communicate
with us. Everything is like a game for the ink night."
Zhou Yu looked at the ink night and said with a good voice: "Don't smoke your blood, don't
pull your hair, just play some games. What do you think?"
This night is close to some.
Carlos raised his hand: "Come with me!"
There are many toys in front of Carlos.
"Since the night of the night can understand human beings and have certain logic skills,
let's play some complicated games. Have you seen it, ink night, this is the Rubik's cube. You
can put this cube into the same color on all sides. Is Carlos holding a magic cube that has
been spelled out in the same color to show the ink night?
Zhou Yu thinks this is too complicated, that is, adults may not be able to do it.
But for Carlos, it is not really necessary to complete the Rubik's Cube in the night, just to
test whether it has a logical thinking similar to humans.
The ink night showed a very interesting expression, and its two small claws hugged the
Rubik's cube and fiddled. Because the claws are not as flexible as the human fingers, they
occasionally use the nose to arch and use the hind legs to top.
But Carlos can see that the ink night is really trying to make the cube become a single-sided
I thought that the night of the ink had to be played for a long time. Carlos went to make two
cups of coffee. Just handed one of them to Zhou Yu’s hand. Zhou Yu raised his chin and said,
“The ink night is finished.”
"Complete...what?" Carlos turned his back and was completely shocked.
Ink night yawned and squatted, the Rubik's cube was thrown aside, and all the faces were
"It is smarter than me." Zhou Yu pointed to himself and said with a smile.
While laughing, I was also surprised by the intelligence of the ink night.
Carlos did a few more difficult tests, including Harvard University's graphical IQ test.
And the ink night refreshed the new height that Carlos understood about it, and the ink
night almost did all the graphic problems.
Carlos was so excited that in his heart he was shocked to put the ink night into a high IQ
"So what about the text? Maybe you can understand the words in the night!"
After that, Carlos went to find a few whiteboards.
He asked Zhou Yu to write his Chinese name on the whiteboard, and then pointed to the
word board and said: "Ink night, this is the name of Zhou Yu, do you see it clearly?"
Ink night stretched his neck, looked very carefully, and nodded.
Carlos was very excited. He erased all the words on the whiteboard, and then asked Zhou
Yu to write many other words on the paper. For example, the words similar to Zhou Yu’s
name, Zhou Yu’s name, Carlos will order the paper. Disrupted, laid in front of the ink night:
"Ink night, can you find the name of Zhou Yu?"
In the night of the night, Carlos looked at Carlos. Carlos thought that the night was not
understood, but the ink came to the white paper. The first one found Zhou Yu’s “Zhou” and
then “ The word "御" was also found, and there was no hesitation.
Carlos hugged Zhou Yu: "God, since the night spirit can learn characters! And the learning
ability is stronger than the average human!"
Chinese is so complicated, there are so many similar words, but the night can be discerned.
Zhou Yu stayed there and looked at the ink night. Does this mean that he can teach the ink
night to know the word, and then he may know what the ink night is thinking?
Carlos also plans to design a more complex test method. Zhou Yu borrowed a few books
from Carlos before he left.
On this road, Zhou Yu’s face was calm, but his heart was full of excitement.
He has a sense of excitement that the ink night can finally communicate in a human way.
Back in the bedroom of the bedroom, the ink night jumped directly onto the bed, and
nestled in the pocket of Zhou Yu as usual.
"Ink night, which book do you like?" Zhou Yu raised his hand and touched the head of the
ink night. Although it was still a habitual movement, Zhou Yu felt very directly that the ink
night really grew up.
This makes Zhou Yu inexplicably produce the illusion that he is aging.
Ink night stretched out his front paws, turned the books over, and looked at his head as if
he could understand it.
Finally, it held down a copy of it.
"Is this?" Zhou Yu did not think that the ink night would choose an old book.
He also thought that the other pages of the ink night would look more vivid.
Ink night shot again with his claws, meaning that it was sure of this.
"You can really choose, "Zhu Shenghao Collection." Do you know who Zhu Shenghao is?"
Ink night shook his head, but he was looking forward to using his head to smash Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu picked up the ink night and opened the book in front of it. The inscription on the
first page made Zhou Yu live, because the signature was "Song Zhi".
It seems to be self-disciplined but it makes people feel full of emotions. This is totally
different from the words that Zhou Yu imagined belong to Song.
He thought that the word of Song Zhi would carry a kind of coolness like a machine, but it
was not.
Zhou Yu opened the first page, and suddenly there was an illusion to explore the inner
world of Song.
Ink night shot the hand of Zhou Yu, as if to say: "Why don't you read it to me?"
Zhou Yuqing cleared his throat and used the sound of no mood fluctuations: "Don't be old,
you must be very cute when you are old. And if you are ten years old, I am ten years old,
and the world is ten years old. God is ten years old. Everything is the same."
This is the first time Zhou Yu read Zhu Shenghao's article, but inexplicably, he felt that this
book was deliberately chosen by the ink night.
Ink night seems to know what Zhou Yu is thinking.
All this seems to be reading the ink night, but it is more like the ink night telling Zhou Yu, it
does not care about the long time between his long life and Zhou Yu's short life. It is willing
to go with him.
Zhou Yu suddenly felt calm and sensible, and he was ridiculous.
Ink night... How could it... It is not human. He is from another world, and it belongs to
In the night of the ink, Zhou Yu stopped, and suddenly turned his head and rubbed Zhou
Yu's chin with his tongue. It seemed to be comforted. Zhou Yu woke up.
"Okay, okay, let's continue." Zhou Yu touched the head of the ink night, deliberately resting
his chin on the top of the ink night.
"I am only willing to use this inspiration to communicate with each other, to bring comfort
to each other, like the glory of a meteor, to shine my tired nightmare. Forever a comfort...
even when parting..."
Zhou Yu suddenly subconsciously guessed, if when his employment period is up, when he
goes back, can he and the ink night be able to say goodbye?
"...wake up and feel that I love you."
Zhou Yu couldn't help but smile and hold her eyes.
His fingertips poked the wings of the ink-sucking night: "Do you know what love is? What is
the use of this for you..."
Love is an abstract concept. From the daily conversations between Zhou Yu and other
human beings, Mok night can understand what the bed is, what is the book, who is Zhou Yu,
but who can't understand what it can't describe and how can it be understood?
When Zhou Yu turned his eyes on the night, he stopped.
I used to think that the eyes of the ink night are beautiful, clear to the extreme... and now its
eyes are like the amber sea, deep enough to drown everything.
The ink night stretched out his neck and touched it on Zhou Yu's lips. It seems to be
answering Zhou Yu, in fact, it understands everything.
Zhou Yu’s world trembled.
"You are a little thing, good not to learn! They said that they must not be intimate with their
loved ones!" Zhou Yu forced the head of the ink night into the quilt.
The ink night struggled.
Zhou Yu knows that his strength is not as good as that of ink night. It just enjoys playing
with Zhou Yu.
Suddenly, the wings of the ink night opened, like a embrace, wrapped Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu’s hands were on both sides of the ink night, and he was completely stunned.
When did the wings of the ink night grow so big?
The eyes of the ink night smashed up, like laughing. Zhou Yu knows what this guy means: I
used to hold me in the past, and now I can finally hold you!
Zhou Yu sat up with a funny smile and looked at the ink night and said, "If you grow up
again, you can't hold you here. You have to go to sleep outside the corridor."
In the night, Zhou Yu looked at Zhou Yu. He seemed to take his words seriously and
immediately curled up to prove that he did not occupy the place.
Zhou Yu’s smile is even bigger.
This also made him inexplicably sentimental. He can feel some kind of tacit understanding
between himself and the ink night. If he and Zhou Qing can talk and laugh like this, it would
be fine.
He and Zhou Qing knew each other and respected each other. It was only after Zhou Qing
became a university professor devoted to research, he often performed some dangerous
tasks, and the topics between the two were less and less.
"You said, how can I communicate with you who can't even talk to you?" Zhou Yu looked at
the ink night and suddenly felt that the problem was magical.
In the night, the ink opened his eyes and looked at Zhou Yu lazily, indicating that he
completely despised the problem.
The next day, there was no task for the time being, and Zhou Yu took a walk in the movable
area with the ink night. Now if someone sees the ink night, there will be no obvious conflict
or fear.
Zhou Yu came to the research department of Zhou Qing. He wanted to go in and see him,
but found that his fingerprint could not pass. I don't know if Zhou Qing did not set him as a
daily visitor, or because of the confidentiality policy of Juli Group.
"Let's go, let's go see Carlos."
Mentioning Carlos, the night is not very happy.
Zhou Yu knees in front of the ink night and touches his head.
"In the night, Carlos is actually pretty good to you."
Do not open his head in the night, it seems to say: I despise his pile of mentally
handicapped tests.
Despite the unwillingness of the ink night, Zhou Yu still wants to know what level of
Carlos's research on the remains of the remains of the night spirit, although it is reasonable
to say that he should not care about such problems.
Carlos was very happy when he saw the ink night. He lowered his body and smiled and told
the ink night: "You will have the same kind. You want it to be a brother, or a pretty girl?"
Ink night is not interested in this issue, and even somewhat disgusted. It turned to Zhou
Yu's back and fell down.
"Ink night seems to have never wanted us to bring samples back. So Dr. Carlos, you must be
careful when studying. I always worry about any problems."
Carlos smiled. "Now we have determined that the ink night has a high IQ. Maybe its
dissatisfaction is that it does not want another night spirit to replace it. Is it going to be the
first in Zhou Yu's heart forever? Like some children, it’s clear that parents don’t want their
brothers and sisters to take care of their parents.”
Zhou Yu laughed.
Carlos waved to Zhou Yu, Zhou Yu slightly lowered, Carlos whispered: "I will take you to
see our current research progress."
"Can this be?" Zhou Yu asked in surprise.
"Of course." Carlos looked at the night, "but don't go in the night. I'm afraid it's excited to
The most half sentence is like a joke.
The ink night was dissatisfied and slammed outside the door, and Zhou Yu followed Carlos
into the door.
An embryo is cultured in a fully enclosed transparent. It is very small and small, with its
eyes closed and curled up inside, as if it is wrapped in the amniotic fluid in the mother's
body, showing a slightly transparent color, which looks like a puncture will burst. Look
carefully at it, although it is not very clear, but it is very similar to the ink night.
The heart of Zhou Yu jumped inexplicably, which is not the joy of seeing the progress of the
research. It is an inexplicable disgust, and even Zhou Yu himself does not know why this
kind of resistance is his own.
"It's very interesting... life is really wonderful. And we created it..."
Carlos’ eyes were full of expectations.
Zhou Yu smiled lightly and talked about the topic: "Do you have any tests for ink nights
"Oh, of course." Carlos came back. "It’s a strength test. You said that even a helicopter can’t
cross the storm caused by the sea gold, but the ink night can. We want to know, ink. How
big is the power of the night."
"Just like this?" Zhou Yu asked.
"Yes. Is there any problem with this?"
"If you want to sample to compare the creature you made, the ink night will not cooperate."
Zhou Yu said.
In the eyes of Carlos, there was a glimpse of the shackles that Zhou Yu had pierced.
When the ink night arrived, the resistance was very high, and the anesthetic gas did not
work for it. Carlos could not successfully sample it.
The current ink night, good mood may be a series of intelligence or thinking logic test of
Carlos as a game to play with them, but to move things on it, even a small fluff, it will not
"I promise that today is just a strength test." Carlos promised.
Anyway, it’s just "today."
Zhou Yu opened the door and saw the ink night boring on the ground. When he heard Zhou
Yu’s footsteps, he straightened up and followed Zhou Yu’s body.
The author has something to say: This is the confession of the ink night~
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Laws of the Other World Chapter 43: power
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"We really don't understand why this attachment to the night is yours?" Carlos said with a
funny smile.
Zhou Yu raised his finger and replied half-jokingly: "Because I am the food and clothing
Ink night seemed to be very dissatisfied with Zhou Yu’s words. From the back, he hit Zhou
Yu, and Zhou Yu was a beggar. When he turned back, he saw the ink face and looked at him
This is its angry expression.
Zhou Yu smiled helplessly. For the ink night, Zhou Yu is not just a person who can feed its
blood. There seems to be some kind of embarrassment between them, starting from the
first sight of Zhou Yu and the ink night.
At the place where the test came, Carlos handed a special rope to Zhou Yu's hand: "Let the
ink hang on the rope at night, and force the instrument forward to test its power."
"This?" Zhou Yu is not sure if the ink night will match, because this seems to Zhou Yu, a bit
like a chain on the pet.
"Otherwise there is no way to test it..." Carlos answered helplessly.
Zhou Yu also wanted to know how much the strength of the ink night was, so he lowered
his body and spread the rope with two hands and placed it on the top of the night.
"Ink night, give you this not to catch you or bind you, just want to see how much your
strength. If you really don't like it, then don't open your head." Zhou Yu looked at the eyes
of the night Say. Zhou Yu carefully felt the mood of the ink night, but if it was a little
unhappy, Zhou Yu would not continue.
The ink night did not refuse, but looked up at Zhou Yu.
Its eyes are pious and focused, as if to give their freedom to Zhou Yu to choose.
Zhou Yu’s hand was lifted there.
He is a person who never hesitates. He doesn't know why he always hesitates when he
faces the ink night.
"Ink night, it doesn't matter. I will take it for you in a while."
Zhou Yu knows that as long as he is in this base for a day, the study of the ink night will not
stop. If the ink night feels that this can't be tolerated, Zhou Yu hopes that it can let go of its
attachment to itself and return to the world as soon as possible.
Just like knowing what Zhou Yu was thinking, the ink night lifted the upper body directly
and got into the rope.
"Great!" Carlos returned to the monitoring room and was ready to read the data.
"Ink night, come over." Zhou Yu stepped back a few steps.
Ink night pulled the rope up and approached Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu retreated and the ink night continued.
When they came to the center of the test room, the ropes were stretched tightly, and the
expression of the ink night was not difficult.
Carlos looked at the degree and widened his eyes: "My God! 12,000 Newtons! The
equivalent of 4,575 kilograms of giants!"
Zhou Yu could not hear Carlos's sigh, he just continued to retreat.
This test seems too boring for the ink night.
It suddenly fell on the rope and yawned.
Carlos was anxious, and he knew that the ink night was far from playing his own level.
Zhou Yu clapfully clap his hands: "Ink night, we havetened to end this test, go back to study
for you to listen to?"
Ink night passed his head, meaning that no matter how you lick me, I have to play with my
little temper.
"I will give you watermelon?"
The ink night still doesn't move, but the expression on the face is obviously: You continue
to lick me!
Zhou Yu shook his head with a funny smile.
From an early age, apart from Zhou Qing, who was bullied by classmates, he really didn’t
have anyone.
"What can I do?" Carlos wanted to rush out of the monitoring room. When he thought of the
night of the night, he only listened to Zhou Yu. The more he was worried, the more likely he
was to be proud of it. Carlos could only sit back.
It's like a child playing temper. The more an adult is jealous, the more he has to brush his
presence. Sometimes adults ignore him, but they will be obedient.
At this time, the door of the monitoring room was opened.
As soon as Carlos turned back, he saw Song’s pockets coming in.
"What happened?" Song Zhi looked at the data and his eyebrows smashed.
"I want to test how powerful the ink night is, but the ink night is playing with a small
temper, Zhou Yu is licking it."
"Hey it? Zhou Yu will spoil it. What do you think is a close to the adult night spirit, like a
child, what is the reason for playing a small temper?" Song asked.
Carlos did not think about this problem at all.
Song Zhi did not say a word, turned and walked out.
"What is the reason?" Carlos asked inexplicably.
Song Zhi did not answer.
He came to the test room, just pushed the door open and stood at the door, and said: "Zhou
"Well? Mr. Song?" Zhou Yu turned around.
Song Zhichao Zhou Yu made a "come over" gesture.
Zhou Yu walked over and was far away from Song Zhi. Song suddenly pulled out his gun
and pointed it at Zhou Yu: "Stop!"
Zhou Yu was shocked by the heart, which he did not expect at all.
Song’s expression was very cold, and the hand holding the gun did not tremble.
"Don't come over again, Zhou Yu. I know your gun shooting skills. Now it's my safe
distance. If you are close to even a millimeter, I will shoot." Song Zhi's voice is steady and
completely rational.
"What the **** is going on? I don't think I did anything wrong." Zhou Yu looked at Song Zhi.
The ink night, which was still lying on the ground, stood up and was ready to go. A pair of
eyes stared at Zhou Yu’s back, and his eyes seemed to pass through Zhou’s body, and Song
Zhi was locked.
Song Zhi slightly moved his body, as if to let the ink night see himself.
"Ink night, I counted three times. Either you rushed over to stop me, or... I shot a gun off
Zhou Yu's head. The neurotoxin in this bullet worked for a very short time, and there was
no first aid time. ”
Zhou Yu finally understood the purpose of Song Zhi.
"Mr. Song! Are you trying to force the ink night to conduct a strength test? Are you crazy?"
Zhou Yu looked into Song Zhi’s eyes. He wanted to understand his attachment, but he could
not understand it.
Song Zhi is a complete madman, in order to achieve his purpose, all the best.
"Ink night, this game should be very interesting?" Song Zhi completely ignored Zhou Yu,
everything became a confrontation between him and the ink night.
"Ink night, don't care about him! He can't shoot." Zhou Yu looked at Song Zhi's eyes.
Song Zhi always hopes that he will live, so that he can control the ink night. How can he
Song Zhi’s face showed a cold and cruel smile: "You can give it a try, will I really shoot?"
After that, a bullet rubbed Zhou Yu’s cheek into the wall behind Zhou Yu’s body, and the
sound echoed fiercely.
"My God!" Carlos immediately jumped off the chair and rushed to the door.
He must stop this crazy thing.
However, he found that he could not open the door. Song Zhi used his authority to lock the
door of the monitoring room.
And the body of the ink night leaned forward, staring at Song Zhi.
The last number has not yet been counted, as if a comet rushed, driving the air in this room,
burning in general, Song was thrown down by a huge force.
"Don't!" Zhou Yu shouted out.
Song Zhi fell to the ground, and the ink night fell on his body, a pair of wings open, ready to
pierce the body of Song.
The rope used for strength testing on the night of the night has been broken, popped
backwards and hit the wall.
I only heard the cracked sound of the metal, and the entire wall behind it collapsed. Just like
an earthquake, Carlos could just see them looking silly.
Song Zhi was surprised. Under normal circumstances, the ink night rushed to himself at
such a speed. He should have broken his bones, but the power he had fallen down was no
different from being pushed hard. How does the ink night control its strength and speed?
And the eyes staring at Song Zhi are indifferent and arrogant, as if threatening its Song is
like jumping a clown.
I am the king of this world.
And you, but the ants that I stepped on under my feet.
Only those who have been selected by me and who have been identified by me have the
right to survive.
During the short half-second silence, Song Zhi felt like he had experienced a long
Zhou Yu came down and picked up Song’s side, and the weight, there could be no bullets in
the magazine.
"Let him get up, ink night." Zhou Yu calmly opened.
The ink night did not move, still pressing Song Zhi.
"He really didn't plan to kill me. There were no bullets in the gun." Zhou Yu said.
The ink night is still motionless.
Song’s rimless glasses fell to one side and have been broken.
There was no expression on his face: "Carlos, what is the reading?"
Carlos was completely stupid, and he was still there.
Song Zhiyang raised his voice: "Carlos - Degrees!"
Carlos woke up and rushed to the computer.
That number made his pupil open and he couldn't speak for a long time. He licked his eyes and reacted for a long time: "More than 500,000 Newtons."
Song Zhi’s lips slowly rose, and he looked at Zhou Yu: “Your ink night is really unusual.
500,000 Newtons, such a small body is brewing such great strength, you really don’t feel
terrible. ?"
Zhou Yu looked down and looked at Song Zhi indifferently: "Is there anything more terrible
than our human beings?"
The ink night slowly receded, leaving room.
Song Zhi sat up and smiled while holding his own eyes.
Zhou Yuchao’s night raised his chin: “We went back.”
After the night of the ink, he stayed behind and looked at Song Zhi. Song Zhichao waved his
A few minutes later, Song Zhi stood up and sorted out his suit hem and cuffs, directly across
the cracked wall and came to Carlos.
"Song...Mr. Song... Are you okay?"
Being hit by such power, Song is still alive, how to think is a miracle.
"Do I look like a ghost?" Song said.
Carlos swallowed, and Song Zhi reached his hand in front of Carlos, slowly opening, and
there were a few fluff.
"This is the night of the ink!" Carlos showed a pleasant expression.
Before the ink night, they did not let them sample, but Song Zhi got the sample in this way,
which is really exciting.
"I am going to take the sample container!"
At that moment, the black fluff that touched the air quickly turned white and turned into a
nearly translucent silver scale.
Song’s fingers trembled and his eyes widened.
The blink of an eye, the silver scales turned into a powder.
"How... how could this be?" Carlos was stupid.
"In this way, the gene will be destroyed. Unless we get its bones or blood samples, just the
epidermis or hair, the result will be like this."
Song Zhi flipped his palm and was about to drop the ashes in his hand. Carlos quickly took
the sample container and caught it.
"Even if the gene is destroyed, maybe we can still find out what!" Carlos was distressed.
"No, you can't get anything." Song took a clap and turned and left.
As he walked, his brows tightened tighter.
"Zhou Yu...will you... please don't be as self-explanatory as I am..."
Song reluctantly chuckled and returned to his office. He took the needle, pierced the vein in
his left arm and took the blood, then opened the safe hidden under the table, inside which
was a low-temperature safe, and put a bag of blood into it.
" can live for a long time, but I will never leave you enough." Song Zhiyang raised his
face and leaned against the back of his chair, showing a tired expression.
Followed by Zhou Yu back to the ink night in the room, there was some tension, as if he was
worried that Zhou Yu would suddenly disappear and disappear, and he wanted to stick
Zhou Yu all the time.
Zhou Yu held the front claws of the ink night and picked it up. The lower limbs of the ink
night just happened to lie on the ground. Zhou Yu could confirm that the ink night grew up
a lot.
"Ink night, in fact, Song Zhi just used me to threaten you, not really want to kill me. He is
not only testing your strength, but also testing my importance to you, you understand?"
Zhou Yu I looked at the eyes of the ink night.
Ink night nodded.
Zhou Yu added: "In the night, you are already very strong. You can hardly hurt your
creatures when you leave here. In the outside world, you can live freely."
Ink night seems to dislike this topic and move his head over.
Zhou Yu sighed.
"Now, Song Zhi regards me as the chain that holds you. If you master me, you will master
you. He wants to catch some sort of s-class creature, but in my opinion we don't have s-
class creatures. The ability to counterbalance, this is a dead end. I don't want you to be a
stepping stone on his self-destructive road. Do you understand this?"
Zhou Yu shook the ink night, meaning to look at himself.
Ink night reluctantly looked at Zhou Yu and nodded.
"So, if you have the chance, leave here. Don't worry about me, even if you are not with me,
you are my friend. Do you understand? My long-cherished wish is that you can be like other
Nibelungen creatures, Live in your own way."
There was a mist in the eyes of the ink night, and its clear eyes became soft.
It nodded and said that he understood the meaning of Zhou Yu. Then, he shook his head
and said that he would not do that.
Zhou Yu has no choice.
He found that the night of ink is more stubborn than human beings. In the face of what it
recognizes, freedom is nothing worth mentioning.
Ink night pushed the "Zhu Shenghao Collection" to the front of Zhou Yu, Zhou Yu will open
the first page, and the claws of the ink night are on a certain sentence, it seems that Zhou Yu
is going to read it out.
"I am willing to give up everything, to miss you for the rest of your life..." Zhou Yu's breath
lingered in the throat, he touched the back of the ink night, "I understand what you mean,
ink night... but this is a love letter. Love letters are written to the people you love. Do you
understand the meaning of love?"
Nodded in the night.
Zhou Yu laughed. In a sense, I also love the ink night. It’s just that the love of love and love
letters is different. The most difficult thing to explain to the ink night is this abstract
In the next two weeks, Zhou Yu and Wu Yun barely received new tasks, largely because the
research focus of the base was placed on the mature night spirit.
Wu Yun is not going to train new people. He is chatting with Li Qian and Zhou Yu in the
restaurant. Li Qian upgraded the base system. Although it was not a field staff or a
researcher, Song Zhi was more and more important because he made the base more "safe."
On this day, Wu Yun and Zhou Yu sat in the restaurant, looked up and looked up at the TV
with other rested field staff.
Wu Yun and Zhou Yu sat at the table near the TV set. In addition to Li Qian biting the potato
chips and sitting with them, the others almost left two or three tables.
Because the ink night is sitting at the table of Zhou Yu.
The movie that was played today is "King Kong."
Unlike the previous "action movie", this movie shows a lot of things in the human world.
The ink night is very fascinating, especially the towering buildings, the moving vehicles,
and the details of various human life.
Wu Yun knocked on the table next to the night of the ink, and said: "Ink night, see no, this is
the world of your beloved Zhou Yu life."
Zhou Yu hasn't spoken yet, Li Qian has whitened Wu Yun: "Ink night, don't listen to this guy
nonsense. There is the United States, Zhou Yu grew up in China."
"What is the difference between China and the United States? Not all human beings?" Wu
Yun licked his mouth.
Li Qian ignored Wu Yun and patiently explained to the ink night what is the brand of the car
and the car, what is the principle of the engine and so on.
Ink night was very interested and went directly to Li Qian’s side.
This is the first time Li Qian feels the closeness of the ink night, so he is more excited and
meticulous to explain to the ink night what is the film, the development of the film industry,
and which world-renowned movie stars.
When Wu Yun reached out to Li Qian's potato chips, Li Qian did not notice it. Instead, he
raised his claws and slap it on the bag.
"Well, you are a Wu Yun! I dare to steal my potato chips!" Li Qianyi went to Wu Yun.
Wu Yun will receive the hand back: "You are so stingy, Li Qian! Do not remember that we
are a life of friendship?"
Li Qian took the potato chips back and replied with hate: "When did we have friendships?"
Wu Yun shook his head: "Hey, ink night... I will teach you a little about the inferiority of
human beings, that is, it is easy to share difficulties and to be rich and rich."
"Well?" In the night, Mo Yun looked at Wu Yun with his head, and did not seem to
understand the meaning of Wu Yun.
Li Qian took back the little head of the ink night and said seriously: "Wu Yun teaches you
not to learn. He is a negative model of human beings, not only poor in character, but also
bad luck!"
"Yeah!" The ink night nodded hard and Zhou Yu laughed.
At the end of the movie, King Kong fell from a tall building, and even at the last moment, it
still protected its beauty.
The desperation in its gaze made Zhou Yu inexplicably sad.
It seems that the moment of King Kong became a night of ink.
When the movie was over, many people got up and stretched out. The ink night was still in
the same place, and looked up, even if the film had no picture, only the subtitles were left.
"The movie of beauty and beast is so boring, can't you broadcast it?" Wu Yun sighed.
Li Qian snorted and he knew what Wu Yun thought was a powerful movie.
The movies here are looped, you can't order them, you can only broadcast what you see.
The next movie is "The Black Hawk Falls." Wu Yun nodded and said: "Although it is not
what I want to see most, at least it is more hobby than watching gorillas and beautiful
"Hey, gorillas and beauties can't fall in love! Don't teach bad nights!" Li Qian said.
"Ha ha ha, yeah." Wu Yun looked at the ink night, "So the ink night, you and Zhou Yu can not
fall in love. You are like the beauty and gorilla in the movie. The gorilla can hold the beauty
in Hands, but there won't be an ending."
In the night, Wu Yun looked at the fingers of Wu Yun in the air, and suddenly stretched his
neck and bit it down.
Wu Yun Zhang opened his mouth, and finally managed to hold back without screaming.
Zhou Yu did not move in the same place. He actually thought about whether to take the
night with him. He worried that the more the ink night knew about the human world, the
more he would not leave him.
Li Qian automatically opened the commentary function and explained the background of
the film to the ink night. What is the Delta Force, what is the Ranger, and the cause of this
street fighting.
The ink night listened very carefully.
It seems to be completely hooked on watching movies.
Li Qian was sleepy when he looked at it. Even if the gunshot sound came from him, he did
not respond.
The plot went to a group of soldiers who hid in a private house. One of the soldiers was
seriously injured. The medical guards tried to carry out the final treatment for him, but
they failed.
I couldn't understand the ink night, so I lifted my paw and pushed Li Qian.
Li Qian blinked and was still very sleepy.
Zhou Yu took the ink night and explained, "The soldier was hit by the femoral artery and
lost a lot of blood. The medical guard wanted to hold his femoral artery to stop bleeding,
but he failed, so he died."
The ink night shivered a little.
The author has something to say: Zhou Yu began to psychologically build the ink night~

Laws of the Other World Chapter 44: infection

Settings saved..
Zhou Yu touched his head and said, "Humans are like this. They are very fragile. For
example, I was hit in my head and will die immediately. I was hit by the heart and I will die
very quickly. I was hit. The femoral artery... Even if there are experienced surgeons around,
the chances of living are very slim. This is human beings, different from you."
Even if you are more capable of healing than the average person because of the s-class
creature, this healing ability may not always exist, and may disappear with the metabolism
of the body. In any case, I am still too weak compared to the ink night.
Ink night retreats back and leans into the arms of Zhou Yu.
In the night, do you know what is "sad"?
"Sadness" and "injury" are not the same.
In the night, like many creatures in Nibelungen, your healing ability is very strong, and
nothing can make you really "injured."
But if something that you care about disappears from then on, you will be sad.
Sad, there is no healing.
"Well..." The night of the ink whispered softly.
Zhou Yu paused, why did he have a feeling of what he was thinking about in his mind?
In the days that followed, Zhou Yu did not have a mission, and often drove the Hummer to
the night near the base. Although it seems to be a desert, even if it is playing with sand, the
ink night is very happy.
Until the sun rose completely and the weather was too hot, Zhou Yu would wave his hat to
indicate the night of the ink and go back with himself.
The wings and ears that the ink night had originally waved would be pulled down.
Zhou Yu opened his car and smiled at the head of the night. "What happened? Go back and I
will find watermelon for you?"
Ink night is still there to ignore Zhou Yu.
Because Zhou Yu also promised Han Li, teach her to shoot.
Once in the shooting room, Zhou Yu intently taught Han Li, and the ink night was left
It was uncomfortable to lie there, staring at the back of Zhou Yu.
"Han Li, pay attention to your focus."
Although Zhou Yu is very close to Han Li, he has never met Han Li except for covering her.
This is why Han Li chose Zhou Yu to be his own shooting coach. In a base where men and
women are less gender-balanced, a female doctor like Han Li will always cause a lot of
trouble if she is too close to the same sex.
But Zhou Yu is different, he is temperate, and he is a real gentleman in his bones.
This is where Han Li trusts him the most.
Han Li shot a few shots. It was really not very good at first. The ink nights in the back were
yawning, and even claws were used to catch Zhou Yu’s calves. Zhou Yu did not look back,
but just lifted his heels and smashed the night. Chin.
Han Li bowed his head and couldn't help but smile: "Zhou Yu, I think if you have been with
the ink night, you don't want to marry your wife in this life."
Ink night directly used his head to arch the back of Zhou Yu, Zhou Yu knows that it is
impossible to continue to teach Han Li shooting today.
"You are the king of destruction." Zhou Yu came down and picked up the ears of the ink
The ink night pretends to be very painful, and makes a "squeaky" sound, using the front
paws to grasp Zhou Yu's arm.
"You install! You will continue to install!"
With the strength of the ink night, it is easy to break away from Zhou Yu.
At the same time, the intercom of the Zhou Qing laboratory sounded.
“Hello, I am Chen Ruoshui from the Marine Life Research Department. I have some ideas
about Nibelungen marine plants and I would like to discuss with Professor Zhou.”
Professor Chen Ruoshui’s famous name Zhou Qing had heard about it. He had a surprise in
his heart and immediately opened the first door and greeted him with his research
assistant Xiao Wen.
Just at the moment when the second door was opened, Zhou Qing had not had time to say
hello. Professor Chen fell directly on Xiaowen’s body, twitching and the temperature was
very high.
"Professor Chen! Professor Chen, what happened to you!"
Xiaowen just touched Professor Chen’s forehead and was frightened by that temperature:
“Professor Zhou! Professor Chen has a fever! Very serious!”
"What?" Zhou Qing was dumbfounded. In the intercom, the voice of Professor Chen
sounded normal. How could it suddenly have a fever?
Zhou Qing immediately contacted the medical team and sent Professor Chen away.
He stood there, there was an ominous premonition of what was going on.
The Han Li walkie-talkie in the shooting room sounded, and the medical team asked her to
rush to the rescue room immediately.
"It seems that I will not be better today." Han Li returned the gun to Zhou Yu and left in a
Professor Chen’s rescue work is not going well. At first, the medical team thought that it
was just a simple fever, but with the rapid deterioration, Professor Chen showed visceral
bleeding and muscle wilting and decay.
Han Li, who was in charge of the rescue work, was alert: "This can't be a simple fever! This
is a symptom of hemorrhagic fever!"
"Not always... Nibelungen also has Ebola?"
"Everything is possible!"
Professor Chen’s blood sample was sent to the laboratory for virus testing. After testing,
there was a virus in Professor Chen’s blood. More importantly, its infectiousness was
unknown but the replication rate was extremely high.
The test results have not yet been sent to Han Li's hand. Professor Chen has suffered from
respiratory failure and died in extreme pain. The whole person's body is like melting into
blood and water. It is awesome.
Han Li’s back was sweaty and the heart beat loudly. She immediately made a decision: “All
the medical staff involved in the rescue and the people who have contacted Professor Chen
are completely isolated!”
The base issued a red alert, requiring all personnel to stay in their rooms and not to walk
Li Qian closed all the nodes of the base, and all departments of the base were completely
Zhou Qing was trapped in the research room. His researchers were very nervous because
they had gone to take care of him when Professor Chen fell. No one can determine when
Professor Chen was infected. They have contacted him before the infection. Because of this,
the researchers are sitting in their respective corners, not communicating with other
people or talking to other people, especially if they are not sure about the way the virus
spreads. In case.
Zhou Yu and Mo Ye just returned to their room. For the first time, the ink night heard the
red alarm. It straightened up its own back and used a nose tip to look at the warning light.
At this time, most people still don't know what happened to the base.
Zhou Yu called the room of Song Zhi: "Mr. Song, what happened in the end? Is there a
dangerous biological invasion base?"
Song Zhi had no concealment of Zhou Yu and directly answered him: "It is worse than that.
The researchers in the base were infected by unknown viruses. We are now testing the
virus to try to find the pathogen and, if possible, to produce antibodies. But in a short time,
the situation is not optimistic."
All of this came too suddenly. For Zhou Yu, the moment he played with the ink night in the
base, the moment became different.
"My brother Zhou Qing, is he okay?"
“Professor Zhou has not shown signs of being infected for the time being.”
Upon hearing Song’s answer, Zhou Yulu was relieved. He didn’t know how long it would
take to wait. When will they be released from closure? If it is only a day of closure, if two or
three days, no food supply has no water, they will die.
Zhou Yu turned the ink night and shook it with him: "Do you know what the virus is?"
The ink night still looked at Zhou Yu with his big eyes. Suddenly, he forced Zhou Yu to fall
on the bed with two strong claws. Two small claws were caught on Zhou Yu’s shoulders. He
used his nose to lick the tip of Zhou Yu’s nose. The tongue came to go to Zhou Yu’s mouth
again, and Zhou Yu quickly slid to the side to avoid it.
"Only this little thing, this time there is such a leisurely feeling." Zhou Yu shook his head
The ink night is a lot longer, and its two hind legs are directly attached to the sides of Zhou
Yu's waist, as if sitting half on Zhou Yu's body.
Zhou Yu patted its back and whispered: "Okay, okay, give me up, you are heavy."
The ink night suddenly showed a dissatisfied expression, motionless, but also deliberately
increased the strength of his own pressure on Zhou Yu, seems to say: you lie, I am not
heavy, I will punish you.
Zhou Yu did not move, letting the ink night lay on himself, he sighed: "It seems that the
virus is not only unique to our world..."
Ink night leaned over and put his face on Zhou Yu’s cheek.
Such relatives and temperatures made Zhou Yu, who was originally worried about Zhou
Qing, feel a little relaxed.
At this time, Song received a report from Han Li, and the situation was even more serious.
The two medical staff involved in the rescue of Professor Chen had symptoms such as high
fever, body ulceration and internal bleeding.
Han Li’s voice trembled and said to Song Zhi: “Mr. Song, I have also had direct contact with
Professor Chen. I think I can’t escape this time...”
"Please don't be too pessimistic. Retreat 10,000 steps and say, if you really have something
here, all the commitments of Juli Group will be fulfilled." Song Zhi’s voice sounded calm, but
he leaned back. I started my own forehead and tried to suppress my nervous breathing.
"Thank you!" Han Li's tears fell.
When the communication was interrupted, Song closed his eyes and opened his drawer. He
put his hand in like something to touch, but eventually he received it.
At the same time, Li Qian, who was trapped in the monitoring room, witnessed everything
from the surveillance video. He saw how Professor Chen died and how the infected medical
staff struggled in pain.
Even so, Han Li is still wearing a protective suit and treating the infected medical staff as
much as possible, accompanying them to face the last moment of death.
During this time, Han Li has been waiting for the worst result. Her recent body is not very
good, she has a bad cough and a low immunity. Although she is far away from the rescued
researcher, she knows that This virus should be transmitted through the air. The possibility
of not being infected is very low.
The medical staff who were infected with the virus died one after another. In this
department, only Han Li was left alone. She simply took off the isolation suit and took a
bottle of nutrient solution from the refrigerator and drank two big mouths. Sit down
against the wall.
There was no death in the entire rescue room, except for Li Qian who was accompanied by
Han Li through monitoring.
"Hey! Li Qian sang a song to listen to!" Han Li closed his eyes and patted the ground with
his hands, high-pitched.
Soon, the song of Li Qian’s incomplete voice came from the radio.
Han Li showed a funny expression: "My God, I was sung by you. I didn't remember what the
song was."
When Li Qian sang a song, he cried and hugged his knees.
"I want to be alive, I really want to live!"
Li Qian’s words of comfort can’t be said, and she can only be saddened by her before
At the same time, Xiaowen, a research assistant in the same laboratory as Zhou Qing,
started on the table. His body looked very hot, the white **** was completely sweaty, and
his ears were bleeding.
The researchers are in a panic, they are sticking to the wall, far from Xiaowen.
"He is the only one of us who has direct contact with Professor Chen! He must have been
Zhou Qing swallowed, he just had to go forward, another researcher spoke: "Professor
Zhou, be careful!"
At that moment, Xiaowen fell to the ground, his body was as soft as a pool of stagnant
water, and even scented in the air. His eyes, nose and ears are bleeding, his face pale and
extremely painful.
The researchers were not excited to excite themselves. The ** of their survival made them
rush to the second door, slammed the door and shouted: "Let us go out! Let us go out!"
But at the moment, Li Qian, who is manipulating the system, is tracking the first episode of
Professor Chen’s contact with him all day.
According to the calculation of Han Li, Professor Chen has not experienced more than 3
hours from the beginning of high fever symptoms to the final death. The medical staff who
rescued him from the contact with him to the symptoms of hyperthermia, only two hours,
that is, the incubation period of the virus from infection to the disease is not long.
Professor Chen’s appearance from breakfast to the study room was very normal, so Li Qian
transferred his monitoring in the research room.
In his research room, he has a marine life like a jellyfish, but it has a different appearance
than a normal jellyfish. Like a golden skirt, it gracefully dances in a petri dish with a
synapse on its surface. This synapse exudes a strange biostatic charge that makes the
person who touches it feel pleasant and gratifying.
This jellyfish has a very simple name, which is the Nibelungen jellyfish. It can survive in
fresh and salt water. More importantly, in the absence of water, it can still stretch out of its
body, like an umbrella, waiting to catch prey. But its prey is generally small insects or
aquatic creatures, and does not have any lethality.
Li Qian saw Professor Chen put his fingers into the glass dish holding the Nibelungen
jellyfish. Jellyfish gently touched him with his own synapse, and his face showed a super-
angular expression like an addiction.
After ten seconds, he finally took back his finger, and the subconscious contained
something in his mouth, and then continued his observation and research. Then he left the
lab and took a piece of information to the laboratory in Zhouqing.
Li Qian just discovered the New World and generally reported the news to Song Zhi.
The base's virus research team immediately armed there to sample the Nibelungen
jellyfish. On the same day, they discovered that there was a virus in the body of this
jellyfish. The virus was originally transmitted through contact, but after entering the
human body, it quickly began to mutate, adapted to the new environment, and became
available through the air. propagation.
At this time, Zhou Qing, staring at all the researchers began to have fever, it was a sign of
infection, they fell around him and tried to open the door, only Zhou Qing still stood. This
Shura **** seems to have nothing to do with him.
His thoughts are in chaos, and he doesn't know how to move his feet.
When will he fall?
When will you start a fever?
What is the feeling of visceral bleeding?
Fear slowly rushed into Zhou Qing’s heart.
"Don't be afraid..." A voice in his mind seemed to pass through the dust and smog and
landed in his heart.
Zhou Qing subconsciously looked around.
"You will not at least be infected with this virus."
The voice was soft and calmed Zhou Qing’s nervous mood.
" them... please help them too..." Zhou Qing prayed.
He knew that the s-class creature that had saved himself was somewhere. He knew
everything and knew everything.
"I can't. You won't be infected, just because you are special, not because of me."
“Special? What am I special?”
But after ten seconds passed, Zhou Qing did not hear any answer.
Li Qian looked at Zhou Qing alone by standing in the middle of the study room. As if he was
about to collapse, he was anxious to ask Song Zhi: "Mr. Song - please let me release
Professor Zhou immediately. He is still not infected with the virus!"
Song Zhi’s brows started: “You said that Professor Zhou is still safe and sound now? So
what about other people in the same research room?”
"All... have fallen!"
Song Zhi tightened his fingers and revealed an incomprehensible expression: "This is
impossible! If everyone else is dead, why is Zhou Qing still alive? Han Li? What is the
situation of Han Li?"
"Han Li is still okay, she drank a few bottles of nutrients, she cried a lot, and now she is
Song Zhiyu raised his eyes and thought for two seconds: "Now send the medical team to the
past and bring them out for isolation."
After hearing this, Li Qian finally let go of his heart. He really couldn't bear to let Han Li and
Professor Zhou be trapped in such an environment, and the spirit and will will be
completely destroyed.
Just as Zhou Yu and Mo Ye were bored in bed and playing, the voice of Song Zhi was heard
in the contact on his head: "Now open your door and put on the isolation suit outside the
door, to the ninth. The district is coming."
Zhou Yu did not say anything and immediately got up. According to what Song said,
wearing protective clothing, ink night wants to go out with him, Zhou Yu directly reached
the head of the ink night, and took it back to the room.
Zhou Yu was in front of it and said to him in a very serious tone: "Ink night, I don't know if
this virus has any effect on you, so you can't go out and stay in my room, okay?" ”
The ink night thought that the excited expression that could go out with Zhou Yu fell down
instantly. It looked at Zhou Yu with a pleading look, but Zhou Yu still shook his head.
The ink night had to bow down and walk back half a step. Zhou Yu looked at it, closed the
door, and then put the palm on the door, whispering: "Hey, I will come back."
Zhou Yu turned and walked away quickly. When he came to the ninth district and saw Song
Zhi also wearing protective clothing standing in front of the isolation ward, he stopped.
Because the isolation ward is not someone else, but his brother Zhou Qing. Zhou Qing
apparently was undecided. He sat by the bed and waited for the medical staff in protective
clothing to conduct blood tests for him.
"Mr. Song, did you just say that my brother is not infected?" Zhou Yu asked coldly.
"He hasn't fallen yet, especially in the case that all his research assistants have been
infected with the virus. Should I answer that you are infected with the virus? Now what we
want to know most is the same In the closed area, all his research assistants were infected
with the same virus, but Professor Zhou was safe. Why is this? Has he already produced
antibodies to the virus in his blood? If so, then our entire base It was saved."
Zhou Qing seems to have seen Zhou Yu, he turned his face and smiled hard. Zhou Yu knows
that Zhou Qing is stronger than he imagined.
But the test results are puzzling, that is, there are no antibodies in the body of Zhou Qing, of
course, he is not infected with the virus. Not only Zhou Qing, but also Han Li, who is also in
It is almost impossible for a virologist who wants to base the base to decode the virus in a
short time.
Song Zhi has packaged everything known to the virus and sent the information to another
world: "If Jiang Jinghang is here, it would be fine."
"Jiang Jinghang?" Zhou Yu felt that the name was familiar, but he could not remember it.
"Juli Group has the first place in virology," Song said.
"At this time, I suddenly felt that the outside world might be safer." Li Qian, sitting in front
of the computer, exclaimed.
"Zhou Yu, the creature carrying this virus is the Nibelungen jellyfish you have seen. I want
to know if you got any information about this creature from Elpis?" Song Zhi looked at Zhou
Yu .

Laws of the Other World Chapter 45: Desert whale

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Zhou Yuqi started his eyes and searched in his mind. He suddenly thought that the
digestive organs of the Nibelungen jellyfish were all over his body, and Professor Chen was
infected by the virus after touching the jellyfish. He suddenly had a kind of Bold
understanding: "Mr. Song, do you say that this virus may come along with the long-term
evolution of jellyfish? Jellyfish directly absorb food through their own bodies, and the
organisms infected with this virus rot very fast. Does corrosion make the jellyfish save time
for decomposition, and it is easier to absorb larger foods?"
Song Zhi half looked up and seemed to be thinking, nodding and nodding. "This idea is very
interesting. I will send it to the headquarters of Juli Group as a reference for Jiang Jinghang
and his team."
Zhou Yu did not say anything extra. He just stood outside the isolation room and guarded
his brother.
In the evening, Juli Group sent a message from the most outstanding virologist Jiang
Dr. Jiang’s report is very colloquial and does not use too many technical terms like other
virologists. He gave Song two choices.
The first option is to give up the base and leave with all the people. But in order to avoid
bringing the virus back to the human world, Juli Group does not allow them to use the
shuttle cabin to come back.
The second option is to find the mother of the Nibelungen jellyfish. This kind of jellyfish is
different from the general Mizuki. They are gender-specific. The male jellyfish does not
grow very large in most cases, just like the one observed by Professor Chen. But their
maternal line, the more nutrients they absorb, the longer they live, the longer they grow. It
is theoretically possible to swallow an entire person. And this virus is produced by their
mother. It is only possible to develop viral antibodies by starting with the mother.
"Zhou Yu, what do you think? How do we choose?" Song asked.
"If it is a transfer, where can we transfer?" Zhou Yu did not think that Song Zhi would
actually ask him for advice, but for him, he only wanted to do his best to keep Zhou Qing's
“The first base established by Juli Group was transformed into an observatory because of
outdated equipment, where the supply is enough for all of us to live for a month. After one
month, if it is determined that no one of us is infected again, We can apply to go to the
nearest base station 2 to the observation station and make a magnetic field shuttle back to
the original world."
"This sounds the most appropriate decision. But Mr. Song, you have to ask me if it is not as
simple as we think."
“Juli Group has studied here most of its super-healing ability and longevity. The virus has
not been included in the research focus. And in my impression, Nibelung’s few creatures
are dead. It is diseased, but it is obvious that this jellyfish virus can not only act on humans
but also on other organisms here. It can cause a great blow to the biological self-healing
system. Juli Group hopes to conduct in-depth research on it. Find ways to fight this virus."
"In addition to resisting the virus, do you want to use it to attack other creatures here, and
use it as a biological weapon?" Zhou Yu coldly asked.
Song Zhi replaced the answer with silence.
If Wu Yun is here, most of them have already sighed in the sky, and in their hearts scolded
Juli Group for wanting to control the two worlds and want to be crazy.
Song Zhi looked at Zhou Yu’s eyes and was trying to figure out his emotions. Zhou Yu was
more calm than he thought. It seems that he had long thought of all this, and said quietly:
"The question is where do you go to find it?" The maternal line of Nibelungen jellyfish, do
we have to go out and catch our field team members?"
"There is a specimen of the Nibelungen jellyfish at Base 2. But the virology study at Base 2
is not cutting-edge, so I need you to bring these virologists to the base 2 with the field
members, of course. On the way, you can also make people who think you are important...
For example, Zhou Qing, and Li Qian and even Han Li sent to the Observatory."
"So this is a deal that makes me take risks, but it gives me a reward. Is the compensation
safe for Zhou Qing? Let him stay away from this virus for a while. Besides Zhou Qing, you
definitely want me to drop the other bases in this base. Important people are also sent
there, right?"
"Yes, I have a list here. We will conduct a blood sample check on all the people on the list
before leaving to make sure they are not infected with the virus before they will go to your
**** team."
"So what about you? Are you leaving?"
"I can't leave, there are always people who have to stay here."
Song Zhi handed the list to Zhou Yu, opened it and found that Zhou Qing and Han Li and Li
Qian were on the list, including Dr. Carlos.
"Dr. Daniel?"
"He volunteered to stay here to study the damage and impact of this virus on the human
"I respect his choice, but I want to take the night with me." Zhou Yu said.
Song Zhi chuckled: "Even if I disagree, we can't stay in the night."
"Then I will go and prepare. I will meet Mr. Song again."
When Zhou Yu and Wu Yun met again in the mechanical warehouse, Wu Yun whistled: "So
we are going to flee this time? Is the end of life or the end of the road?"
Zhou Yu directly threw the magazine to Wu Yun, and the two had a tacit understanding of
the equipment for each other and confirmed each other.
"What do you do with so many anesthesia bombs?"
"Of course, if you encounter something like the Overlord Silver Spider on the road, I throw
it seventeen or eight anesthesia pop-ups, and I am not afraid to smoke it!"
"In this case, do I want to cooperate with you to apply for a car, specifically for anesthesia
bombs?" Zhou Yu asked.
"Ah, is that okay? Of course it's best! If there is a car anesthetic bomb, we are not afraid of s-
class creatures!"
Zhou Yu’s Wu Yun turned and left.
All the vehicles and supplies were arranged, and Zhou Yu went to the list to name it, but
there was no Dr. Carlos.
“Who knows where Dr. Carlos is going?” Zhou Yu asked loudly.
A doctor with the same laboratory in Carlos raised his hand and replied: "Dr. Carlos's
research has reached a very critical stage. He closed himself in the lab and said he should
have no chance of being infected by a virus. He wants to Waiting for your own research
Zhou Yu closed his eyes. He knew that Carlos’s so-called research results should refer to the
use of bones to replicate the night spirit.
The madness of scholars is something he can't understand, and he can't stop it.
Before the departure, Zhou Yu finally confirmed the physical condition of all the
"People who have symptoms such as fever, muscle spasm, abdominal pain, etc., please raise
your hand and tell me immediately. Once we leave the base, you will not get any medical
assistance. If you are sick, you will probably die on the way." Zhou Yu's The expression is a
serious voice and it is extremely cold.
No one raised his hand, Zhou Yu nodded: "We set off."
As usual, Wu Yun sat in the driver's seat. Zhou Yu opened the door and sat in the position of
the co-pilot, but did not close the door, but whistled.
Not far from a black figure, like a lightning bolt from the gate, slammed into the position of
Zhou Yu, because the strength is too great, the horse-drawn carriage trembled.
The researchers in the back team were shocked.
Zhou Yu took a picture of the back of the ink night, and the ink night turned around and put
two paws on the back of the chair, and extended his head to the back.
Although they were in different cars, they were subconsciously leaning back against the
back of the chair. They were still afraid of this a-level creature from Nibelungen in the
depths of their hearts. Only Zhou Qing stretched his fingers and gently touched the tip of
the nose of the ink night.
The amber eyes of the ink night lit up, and the tip of the tongue was stretched out and the
fingernail cover of Zhou Qing was licked.
"Okay! People are all there, we are gone." Wu Yun drove off the train, and several Hummers
behind him followed him.
This time the delivery operation almost dispatched all the field elites in the base.
The team flew in the desert and raised dust. Putting his hand on the glass, Zhou Yu can feel
the temperature outside the car is high. The entire desert is endless and seems to extend to
the end of the sky.
"I don't know what will happen to those who stay at the base? I really hope Dr. Carlos will
follow us..." Zhou Qing said.
"And Mr. Song, although he is usually very annoying, but did not expect that this time he did
not escape from the base, but chose to stay in the back." Li Qian also said.
"Actually, do you think that Mr. Song is very strange, he is obviously a person with integrity
and principle, so I don't understand what he is doing for the Juli Group. What is all about
him? The group has priority, even if I heard that he is the child adopted by the group
chairman, it is not like this... it seems to be brainwashed." Han Li also said.
"Call and stop! Don't tell me anything good about Song! I and Zhou Yu have almost died
outside, and any task he gave is terrible." Wu Yun thought that a shot collapsed. To.
"Then don't mention Mr. Song... but my biggest concern is about the virus. Our vehicles are
limited, not everyone can leave. The people who have not had time to evacuate, although
they are in the isolation area, are not clear. What is the spread of the disease? When we get
antibodies from the base 2, will the base become a dead city..." Han Li frowned, and she had
too many things in her heart.
"Don't think so much, even if this is not a human world, there is a saying that is very
applicable, that is, everything is the arrangement of fate." Zhou Yu said.
Han Li couldn't help but smile: "No, Zhou Yu, you are a model of our base and destiny!"
After two or three hours of driving, they have officially entered the hinterland of this
desert. The fleet formed by more than a dozen cars is like an ant in the vast desert, as if it
will be drowned at any time.
"Hey, how do you see how to drive in addition to sand or sand? I can't even see a small bug.
I really want to smoke and refresh myself." Wu Yun made a big yawn. But everyone knows that even if it doesn't look like anything outside the
window, you can't shake the window.
"Do you want coffee?" Zhou Yuyang raised the hot water cup that he had prepared.
"Forget it, the kind of foreign things like drinking with Chinese medicine, I can't stand it, so
Song made a good one." Wu Yun shook his head.
Look at Zhou Qing and Li Qian in the back seat, the two have fallen asleep together.
Even the ink night that had been kneeling on Zhou Yu’s knees yawned and plunged his head
into Zhou’s chest and seemed to fall asleep.
It occasionally makes a few small whispers, as if doing some sweet dreams.
Wu Yun looked at it with admiration and smiled: "Zhou Yu, what did you say in your
dreams? Is it an action movie? Or a watermelon? Or dreaming to return to the world of
human life with you."
Zhou Yu chuckled: "Is there research that shows that Nibelungen's creatures will dream?"
"You really don't have a sense of humour, so I feel sleepy. Hey! You said that there is no
automatic driving setting on these cars, so I just have to follow one direction, close your
eyes and sleep with you." Anyway, in the desert, there will be no hits."
"Don't dream, wake up early, there is no human satellite in the world of Nibelungen, how
can you drive yourself?"
Although Wu Yun is still very sleepy, he has finished drinking coffee, and it seems that it is
still not very useful.
Just when Wu Yun was slumbering, Zhou Yu suddenly twitched: "Wu Yun, what do you
think of the front?"
The ink night that had been nesting on Zhou Yu’s knees suddenly raised his back and raised
his ears, as if he was alerting.
Wu Yun suddenly woke up to God. He narrowed his eyes and concentratedly looked
forward, only to find that the sand dunes a few hundred meters away seemed to be moving.
It seemed that something was flying from the gravel and leaping into it. The whole desert
was like a piece of land. The sea, and there are huge creatures swimming in this ocean.
Until the moving sand dunes came closer and closer, they discovered that it was a kind of
monster, like a whale, like a scorpion, sometimes gliding a little distance in the air and
plunging into the gravel, as if Swimming in the water, and then from the gravel.
When it glides in the air, the mouth opens, as if the entire team can be swallowed.
The eyes of the people in the car were able to clearly see the throat of the creature with its
open mouth and the jagged bone between the pipes.
"This is... what ghost?" Li Qian, who rarely went out to work, opened his eyes and barely
dared to breathe.
The speed of the behemoth is getting faster and faster, and it’s coming to Wu Yun’s eyes.
The sand that spurts out when his mouth is breathing, squats on the front glass of Wu Yun,
like to take them. Both blow away in general.
Zhou Yu suddenly shouted: "Transfer direction!"
Wu Yun immediately adjusted the steering wheel, increased horsepower, tried to bypass
this behemoth, and used the intercom to inform the team behind; "Transfer direction!
Immediately! Immediately!"
A large piece of sand was raised on the side of the wheel. The angle of rotation of the car
almost broke out. Li Qian’s face was on the glass, but he could not even call it. Zhou Qing
frowned, raised his hand and clasped the armrest of the roof, and the whole body was
pressed against Li Qian, and Han Li was pressed against Li Qian.
The rear team followed Wu Yunda and made an arc in the desert.
The flank of the giant creature lifted the sun, leaving a huge shadow in the desert. The sand
dripped down like a large waterfall flowing through layers. The sound of the faint voice
seems to be falling down, and that kind of visual experience is indescribable.
" mother!" Han Li's car window is just the side close to the creature. She has the
illusion that she is about to be squashed.
Wu Yun drove drastically to avoid the flank of the behemoth, and the dust it brought up
almost knocked the car over.
If even one second later, they will be crushed by it, the consequences are unimaginable.
"This is a desert whale. Their attack power is not big, but they are huge. Every spring and
summer, they will migrate in the desert. In the spring they like the sun, where sunlight can
help them digest. And the cubs that are produced under intense sunlight are stronger. But
in the summer, they need to go to the oasis in the desert to find water and survive,
otherwise they will dehydrate and die." Zhou Yu replied.
"I am not interested in their habits and names! I just want to make sure that they want to
eat us?" Wu Yun asked loudly, and now everyone is not sleepy.
"No. If you die, it's just because we are just being killed on their migration path. By the way,
they are just b-class creatures."
"This big guy is just a b-class creature, Zhou Yu, you are joking with me!"
It was at this time that they saw that there were more than a dozen small whales sliding
behind the desert in the huge desert whale. The scene is spectacular.
It’s not just Wu Yun’s car, but everyone on the back team is watching it all. In contrast, the
exploration of the channel's wildebeest migration is nothing at all, this may be a scene that
they can only see once in a lifetime, but it is also a deadly scene.
At this time, the ink night on Zhou’s knees suddenly used his head to top the side of Zhou’s
face, as if to remind him.
Zhou Yu’s eyebrows smashed. He was thinking about the night of his head while he was
thinking: “Why do I think these desert whales are not just moving, but more like hiding?”
"Get it! Got it! Don't scare me anymore. Even if the desert whales are b-class creatures, the
things that can scare them away are definitely creatures of level a or above. So, do we still
have a life?" Wu Yun glanced at the ink night and reached out to lick its little face. "But we
still have ink nights, and the ink night is also very powerful!"
Ink night seems to enjoy Wu Yun’s praise. For the first time, Wu Yun’s face was allowed.
At the moment when the head was raised, Wu looked at the distance with force. It seemed
that something was connected before the heavens and the earth, but because it was too far
away, it could not be recognized: "What is ahead?"
Zhou Qing picked up the telescope and looked at the distance and shouted: "Oh, it is a giant
tornado! Those desert whales must be escaping from the tornado!"
"I rub, Nibelungen also has a tornado? How is the weather forecast of Juli Group?"
Wu Yun shouted out, increased the throttle, and turned the car in the direction, almost
parallel to the migration direction of the desert whales.
"All said that Nibelungen has no satellites, what kind of weather forecast!" Zhou Qing
Li Qian was about to cry, and he managed to escape the desert whales and came to a super
tornado: "I have a yellow calendar in my computer! I just forgot to watch it when I went out
"It's really not as safe as being suffocated in the base!"
"I am more likely to be crushed to death by a virus than a virus infection!" Li Qian has seen
too many epidemics after being infected with a virus. If he is going to die, he would rather
die directly.
The entire team turned again and made a horseshoe-like trace in the desert.
But the tornado behind them is getting closer.
The team has already had full horsepower, but there is an illusion that it will be swept
away by the wind and sand.
"It's over! Our speed is far worse than the tornado!" Han Li turned his head and looked at
the more and more clear tornado, which was rotating between the heavens and the earth,
constantly strengthening the power, like to take this desert. Things are brought to the sky.
The desert whales are getting farther and farther.
At this time, the ink night suddenly patted the window with his claws.
"What do you want to do in the ink night? You can't go out now, you will be taken away!"
However, the ink night looked at Zhou Yu and continued to glare the glass window, very
determined to go out.
"Is there any way to ink night?" After so many experiences, Wu Yun no longer regards ink
night as a newborn pet.
Zhou Yu also looked at the eyes of the ink night, trying to understand its emotions, the ink
night is firm, and even has some certainty. Zhou Yu knows that the ink night has the speed
that ordinary creatures don't have, and it is possible to get rid of the tornado.
If you can, Zhou Yu also hopes that the ink night will live well, no matter what the cost.
Zhou Yu quickly opened the window and pushed the ink out. The yellow sand was still not
clear, and the ink night disappeared.
A large amount of sand was poured in, and Zhou Yu’s face was blown. He had to shake the
window quickly.
"How is the ink night, has it escaped?" asked Zhou Qing.
Zhou Yu knows that it is impossible to leave himself with the character and persistence of
the ink night, but what does it go out for?
The author has something to say: Ink night: How can I leave my Zhou Yu!

Laws of the Other World Chapter 46: Observatory

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After a dozen seconds, the desert whales, which had already been far away from them,
suddenly flew in their direction, and the desert rolled up, and a golden wave rushed toward
"My mother! What are they doing?" Wu Yun immediately stepped on the brakes. This time
he really didn't know where he should go. After the desert giant whale had a tornado, he
was in a dilemma.
The entire team stopped and was pushed forward by the sandstorm.
"Look, it seems that the top is the ink night!" Li Qian pointed to the desert giant whale
A creature stands on top of its head, and the shape of the open wings is indeed very similar
to the ink night.
It is like a proud king, riding his mount and patrolling its kingdom.
Zhou Yu, who is blowing in the wind, can barely open his eyes, but such an ink night makes
people inexplicably awe.
"Is it the ink night to call them back?" Zhou Qing also looked at it.
"It must be like this. Have you forgotten? The ink night is a class-a creature, and the desert
whale is just a b-class creature. According to the Nibelungen hierarchy, the ink night should
be able to control it, just like the ink night. Help us to get rid of Haijinyu, there must be a
way to communicate with each other!" Wu Yunxi looked out.
The community of desert whales is getting closer and closer to them, and it feels like the
dust is rising like a huge wave. Everyone is afraid.
The baby whale of a desert whale suddenly plunged into the gravel of Wu Yun’s bottom of
the car and leaped violently, and their Hummer was carried by the baby whale on his back
and slammed up.
"My God!" Li Qian grabbed his heart and held the handle of the roof tightly with the other
The heart followed the height of the baby whale and then slammed down.
"Hey - hey - this is really exciting!" Wu patted the steering wheel.
Zhou Qing suddenly grabbed his chest and the other hand banged the window glass hard.
His face was white.
"What happened to Zhou Qing?" Zhou Yu suddenly got nervous.
"He wants to vomit!" Han Li replied.
As the baby whales moved, their cars suddenly rose and landed suddenly, like a cycle after
another. Zhou Qing’s face became more and more ugly.
Wu Yun immediately shook the window glass, and Zhou Qingyi spit out at the window. He
vomited and waved his hand to signal that he was fine.
"It feels like a pirate ship. It's more powerful than a pirate ship. It's definitely not only Zhou
Qing. The researchers in other cars may have spit in what they are. The car should be
equipped with a vomit bag! But this is the case. Experience a thousand miles!" Wu Yun
directly turned off the fire, hands left the steering wheel to look out the window.
The entire desert seems to have been stirred up.
Desert whales came to them in the direction of the observatory. That speed is no match
with the original speed of the Hummer. And they are getting farther and farther away from
that tornado.
"It's like flying!" Li Qian is more comfortable with this feeling than Zhou Qing.
Zhou Yu looked at the leading desert whale, and the ink night was still sitting on top of it.
The seemingly small figure contained more powerful power than Zhou Yu’s imagination.
Although all the way ups and downs, like a pirate ship that has been sitting for more than
an hour, many scholars spit in the wagon, but they came to the border of the desert earlier
than scheduled.
The size of the desert whales can no longer be plucked into the desert, and they stop,
quietly lying on the desert, looking very obedient.
Wu Yun slammed his eyes and stepped on the accelerator to slowly drive the car off the
young whale of the desert whale.
Li Qian showed a very regrettable expression: "So it is over? I really hope that this journey
will be a little longer!"
Wu Yun smiled and looked at Zhou Qing: "If we grow a little longer, our professor Zhou Da
will spit out the intestines and stomach."
Zhou Qing smiled embarrassedly: "This is indeed a very special experience. Although the
process of experience is not perfect, but now I think it is very enjoyable."
The desert is stretching behind them.
Wu Yun informed the team in the walkie-talkie to gather and leave the desert.
The ink night slipped from the top of the desert whale, and its wings glided in the wind for
more than ten meters and landed on the side of Zhou Yu’s window, sticking out his claws
and patted the window, and even put his face on it. On the window glass, it was a bit funny,
and even Zhou Qing couldn't help but laugh.
However, Zhou Yu does not open the window. What is the reason for staying at his side
with such a strong ink night?
Zhou Yu looked at the eyes of the ink night for a long time. He suddenly wanted to leave like
this in the night, and he hoped that it would be free. The longer I stay here, the more I feel
that the research purpose of Juli Group is not simple. It's like another invisible tornado, and
you can roll in the ink night at any time.
The ink night is like realizing what is also squinting at Zhou Yu, the little claws tapping the
window harder.
However, Zhou Yu did not mean to open the window.
Wu Yun just looked at the face and immediately understood the meaning of Zhou Yu, and
also did not press the button to open the window.
"Hey! Zhou Yu! Wu Yun! Why don't you let the ink come in?" Li Qian asked inexplicably.
"In order to give the ink night a chance to choose again. Obviously, even without Zhou Yu's
care, the ink night can live freely in the world of Nibelungen, and then continue, Zhou Yu is
like a night of ink. Like drug addiction, the more it grows up, the harder it is to get rid of it.”
Zhou Qing replied that at that moment, he understood Zhou Yu’s mind more than ordinary
people. No matter what decision Zhou Yu made, he supported it. But this time is different,
"Brother, you have to know that sometimes you feel good about the ink night, and it does
not necessarily make the ink night happy. For the ink night, happiness is more important
than freedom, you are the source of its happiness. , so don't give it up easily."
Zhou Yu clenched his fist. In fact, letting the night of the ink leave him more than the last
time, but he is really not sure whether the choice of staying here is because he is the first
person he saw. Because he is the starting point of all cognition of the ink night, the ink night
regards himself as the axis of life. If you take advantage of this to lock the ink night to your
side, or even make it a weapon to attack and control other creatures in Nibelungen, then it
is really despicable.
The power of the ink-screening window is getting bigger and bigger. In fact, it is very easy
to smash the window glass with its power, but it does not do that. It is stubborn that Zhou
Yu took the initiative to open the window and let it in.
Zhou Yu’s eyes were red, and his heart seemed to be breathless when he was pinched. He
never knew that separation was such a painful thing. He found himself unable to keep his
heart. Zhou Qing said that he made the ink night addictive, but why didn't he indulge in the
companionship of the ink night?
"Zhou Yu, in fact, I hope that you will be more selfish. If this choice can make you happy and
make the ink night happy, then don't be too obsessed with the rules you set for yourself,
and I believe the future can be changed. Wu Yun side of his face to look at Zhou Yu, he put
his finger on the button seems to be ready to press the window to put ink into the night.
However, Zhou Yu sat there and did not move. The team behind him was also in contact
with Wu Yun.
"Why do you suddenly stop? Is there a problem with your car?"
“Why don’t you keep moving forward?”
“What happened? Is it dangerous?”
Wu Yun only answered one sentence: "Shut up!"
Zhou Yu is still thinking, his happiness may be exchanged for the great pain of the night,
and even if it does not become the weapon of Juli Group, it may become a specimen for
research, which is what he is most afraid of. In his heart, ink night is a noble creature, how
can it be destroyed by human interests?
Wu Yun has been unable to stand up, directly pressed the window down, the wind and sand
poured in, falling on the face, itching and some pain, people can not open their eyes.
Zhou Yu did not look at the ink night outside the window, but looked at the front with force.
Be firmer again... Zhou Yu.
Don't look at it... don't look at it...
Just look at its eyes and you will be soft!
Although the window shook down the ink night, it didn't mean to come in. It just slammed
the front paws on the window and looked at Zhou Yu with big eyes. The eyes seemed to be
full of water and overflowing, drowning the whole world.
The ink night also has a time of attachment. It insisted on the affirmation of Zhou Yu, and
Zhou Yu also needs its companionship, so Zhou Yu does not nod. He would rather not come
in outside the window, but he will never leave.
At this moment, Zhou Yu did not have any communication with the ink night, and he could
feel how sad the ink night was. Its heart is filled with smashed ice, cold, and cracked by ice.
The car is very quiet, everyone is waiting for Zhou Yu's choice.
"Well..." The ink night suddenly sounded like a crying voice. It was very small and very
grievous and sad. Countless emotions poured into Zhou Yu’s mind and collapsed the wall
that had strengthened him.
He reached out and licked the head of the night, and hugged the ink in the night.
The night of the night, the sob-like voice shrank and squeezed tightly into Zhou Yu’s arms.
Zhou Yu raised his arms and circled it, as if he had recovered.
For the first time, he was so hard to hold the ink night. He suddenly found that he did not
know when to start, he really could not do without this little thing.
This little thing is stronger every day. Now it is no longer Zhou Yu to take care of it, but it is
desperately protecting Zhou Yu in this world.
Protecting Zhou Yu has become the instinct of the ink night.
If it is not for Zhou Yu, no one will know how powerful the night is.
Wu Yun smiled and fired the car and said: "Go! We go to the observation station!"
Li Qian on the back seat grabbed his chest and breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that the
night was also watched by him. Although it is said that the beast that was adopted from an
early age will be released to nature after he grows up, he is really reluctant to stay in the
The ink night held by Zhou Yu leaned his head on Zhou Yu’s shoulder and could just look at
Li Qian. It blinked at Li Qian, and a smattering smile made Li Qian suddenly understand that
this little thing was deliberately pretending to be pitiful. It had long known that Zhou Yu
could not kneel down and really drive it away.
"It's a bad thing!" Li Qian shook his head with a funny smile.
"What bad things?" Zhou Qing asked inexplicably.
"Nothing... I am talking about compressing biscuits! Too dry! I can't swallow it!" Li Qian's
heart was a little angry, maybe for the ink night, he couldn't even count on his friends!
But he did not think that the ink night even blinked at him again, as if to say: What do you
think? Of course, when you are a friend!
Li Qian suddenly felt that his injured heart was not so painful.
Wu Yun touched the head of the night and smiled and said: "Fortunately, you did not leave
like this. You must know that there are a lot of watermelons in the observation station. You
can eat it as much as you can! If you leave us, you will never be able to eat it in this life.
Zhou Yu is speechless. He knows very well that there is not only vodka in the observatory,
but even more fruits like watermelon.
He raised his hand and suddenly turned to the back of Wu Yun. At the same time, the ink
night also stretched out his claws and patted Wu Yun’s shoulder. Wu Yun’s head almost
slammed on the steering wheel, he looked speechless. Ink night and Zhou Yu. Both the ink
night and Zhou Yu had a tacit understanding of the front, and did not look at Wu Yun’s
expression in his eyes.
Zhou Yu’s arm was always surrounded by ink nights. He said to himself that since the ink
night chose himself without hesitation, he would not give up the ink night so easily.
Ink night is like feeling the feeling of Zhou Yu. He put his head on Zhou Yu’s cheek and
gently rubs it. The softness at that moment makes Zhou Yu close his eyes and remove all
the atrium.
The team traveled all the way and finally came to the observation station. It is on the edge
of a virgin forest with no tall trees around it.
It is only a quarter of the size of the base, and it is said that there are six scientists and a 12-
member escort. Zhou Yu’s arrival made this observation station lively.
After Wu Yun and Zhou Yu entered the information as the responsible personnel of the ****
team, the gate of the observation station slowly opened and the team entered.
At the end of the passage, a middle-aged man wearing a long white coat and wearing a pair
of glasses stood where he was the head of the observatory, Professor Lu Zhenlu.
He looked a little nervous and kept pinching his fingers. Behind him are three guards.
"The white long squat is wearing a suit and rimless glasses. How do I feel that he has a fan
of Song Zhi?" Wu Yun said half-jokingly.
"I don't look at it at all. This road professor is a very awkward person. He is not good at
communicating with people." Zhou Qing said.
"I don't care if the professor of the road is like Mr. Song, or is it not swearing... I just want to
know if my bed can at least be the same size as the base here? Otherwise I am really not
sure if it can Sleeping?" Li Qian said.
At this time, Professor Lu had already walked to the window of Wu Yun. Wu Yun quickly
shook the window: "Hello, Professor Lu, this time will bother you. I will hand these
important scholars to you. On the hand, please send a contact letter to Mr. Song Zhi from
the base to let them know that we have completed the first task."
Professor Lu nodded and looked nervous: "When... of course... you have worked hard all the
way, I have prepared a lunch for you."
The ink night on Zhou’s knee suddenly stalked his back, squinting his head and looking at
Professor Lu, while Professor Lu’s face smashed his face and seemed to dare not look at the
ink night.
Wu Yun also noticed this. He smiled and raised his hand and licked the head of the night.
"Although it is a creature of Nibelungen, it is also our brother. It protects us from
completing this escort. Mission. So the road professor you don't have to be afraid of it, it
won't hurt anyone."
"Ah... that's it... of course. I will take you to this observatory now." Professor Lu barely
looked up and watched the night.
Li Qian stretched his arm and patted Wu Yun’s shoulder and said, “Are you not going to the
base 2 to retrieve the maternal sample of Nibelungen jellyfish? Send it here, leaving some
guards with us. Just fine, you have to go to the next task, there are still many people in the
base waiting to unlock the secret of the virus!"
"Oh... I almost forgot that you still have tasks to perform. It's a shame. We made some
vegetable bacon and risotto, and the taste is really good." Professor Lu smiled regretfully.
Wu Yun put his arm on the window and showed a lazy smile: "How come? Vegetable
smoked risotto, of course, we have to eat, we have already eaten the compressed biscuits
all the way, do not change the taste and supplement the energy. The task! Is there vodka?"
Professor Lu showed a distressed expression: "We don't have vodka... but we have beer."
"Beer is also very good!"
Wu Yun opened the door and got off the bus. Li Qian was about to say that when Wu Yun
ignored the task, Zhou Yu actually took the car with the night.
"Ink night, you can taste the vegetable bacon and risotto for a while." Zhou Yu just raised
his hand, and the night of the ink sticks out his front paw and touches Zhou Yu's finger and
follows him.
Li Qian did not think that Zhou Yu would have like Wu Yun, ignoring that important task.
Wu Yun raised his hand and said to the walkie-talkie: "codeblue."
This is usually a warning to the field staff, but Li Qian is nervous because he knows that
before leaving the base, Song Zhi deliberately informed everyone to adjust the code. If the
codeblue code is issued, it means that all The guards are alert.
Zhou Qing’s expression also became serious. Li Qian vaguely felt that there was something
wrong with this observatory. And the problem seems to be very serious, Zhou Yu, Zhou
Qing and Wu Yun have already understood.
Professor Lu walked and introduced the structure of the observatory, but Li Qian found
that there were not as many people as he imagined in this observatory. Juli Group arranged
five researchers and 12 guards, but until now, he only saw Professor Lu, and two other
researchers were in the research room, but did not conduct any research, just sitting alone
And the three guards who followed Professor Lu, the others were gone.
Li Qian couldn't help but ask: "Why didn't you see other researchers and escorts?"
Professor Lu did not answer immediately, but continued to talk about the weather for the
past two days.
Wu Yun held his arm and was not interested in the things introduced by Professor Lu. He
also asked: "Hey? Yeah, where are the other people going? It’s just an observatory. You
shouldn’t have to go out of the field? All the guards. I only need to protect this observatory.
How come people are gone?"
This observation station is not very big, but walking inside listening to the reverberation of
his footsteps, as well as the cold lights, there is a feeling of chilling.
"Well... that, all the scholars here, we also want to study the creatures of Nibelungen as
much as possible. I heard that you will come, and will leave at least 20 people to guard here,
so there are several colleagues. Has been unable to withstand, was escorted by nine guards
to the vicinity to collect samples." Professor Lu lifted the glasses to answer.
"Oh, it is like this! Your courage is really big enough." Wu Yun looked at Zhou Yu at the side.
“Is it worth more than 9 people to protect 3 researchers? And they won’t go far away, they
will definitely come back in an hour or two.”
"Do you report your actions to Mr. Song? Have you obtained his permission?" Zhou Yu
"That is of course." Professor Lu stopped his steps. "The restaurant is here, I wish you a
happy meal."
"You don't eat with us? There are other staff at the observatory!" Wu Yun asked.
Professor Lu shook his hand and said: "The lunch at the restaurant is specially prepared for
you. We have already eaten."
"Oh - it is like this, so thank you, Professor Lu." Wu Yun smiled.
Professor Lu had not had time to turn around and left. The night of ink went to him and
looked at him with his face up. Although he was looking up, he had an indescribable sense
of oppression. Professor Lu took a half step back and stood firm. After that, he patted the
chest and said to Zhou Yu: "This little guy really scared me."
Zhou Yu just looked at Professor Lu and said nothing in a half sentence.
Professor Lu nodded and left with his guards.
Sitting at the table, watching the vegetables and bacon risotto, Li Qian swallowed, and the
smell of bacon stimulated the taste.
However, Wu Yun and Zhou did not move chopsticks. Did not hear the instructions of the
two of them, the other guards on the table and the scholars did not start eating.

Laws of the Other World Chapter 47: Eclipse

Settings saved..
At night, the ink squatted on the corner of the table. It looked down and sniffed the plate in
front of Zhou Yu. Then he lifted his claws, held the spoon, and took a spoonful to reach Zhou
"Ink night is that there is no problem with this meal?" Wu Yun asked.
"Yeah." Zhou Yu nodded and covered the spoonful of rice. Other people on the table saw it
and began to raise chopsticks to eat.
"Mom, how does this taste seem to be poured out from the cans?" Wu Yun shook his head.
"Is there no chef in the observatory?"
Gradually, the voices around him were no longer as cold as before, but the strange and
strange atmosphere of this base, Li Qian also felt faintly.
He kicked Wu Yun with his toes under the table.
"You can tell me, what happened?"
Wu Yun sighed with a sigh of relief: "You don't feel that Professor Lu's reaction is very
strange? Professor Lu is a scholar. Any scholar here should be very surprised and curious,
seeing Dr. Carlos. That way, even if you are afraid of being a type A creature, you can't help
but look at it more. But Professor Lu is not like this. He is like being afraid to see himself
through the night."
"I am a botanist like Professor Lu. But when Professor Lu saw me, he didn't come up with a
cold, and he didn't have any academic exchanges with me. It seems that he doesn't know
me at all. This is also very abnormal." Zhou Qing said.
"And even if I went out for sampling, I actually removed the guards from the protection
observatory 2/3 or more. Didn't Professor Lu even have the most basic common sense?"
Zhou Yu's eyes looked coldly at Li Qian, "Li Modest, I need you to find a way to invade the
monitoring equipment here, to see what happened during this time? Without solving these
doubts, Wu Yun and I have no way to leave you at this observatory."
Han Li also nodded: "I also think that only three guards in the entire observatory are not
Li Qian was nervous and was said by everyone. He felt that there was indeed a lot of
"I understand. If you want to invade their surveillance, they will be suspected, so I need to
go to a place where I can get to the computer."
"Then at least in the research room, so, after dinner, I said to Professor Lu that I have
research needs, let Li Qian accompany me to the research room." Zhou Qing said.
"I hope that everyone can get together, especially the guards. At least no matter what
happens, Professor Lu has fewer people here, and we have more people. Once dispersed, it
is easy to be broken." Wu Yun said .
Zhou Yu nodded and agreed.
"Han Li, you will stay here, you have a medical staff walkie-talkie, we will contact you
through it."
"Good." Han Li nodded.
After lunch, Zhou Qing made a request to Professor Lu, and needed to borrow the research
room here.
"I worked with Li Qian to design a plant research sample system. When I left the base, the
system was designed in half. When I was eating, I and Li Qian had a discussion. I had a lot of
new ideas and wanted to go right away. Practice it."
"Of course! Of course! Is there such a system? I think it is so interesting! I will take you to
the research room!"
Professor Lu left Zhou Qian and Li Qian to leave the restaurant, and Wu Yun and Zhou Yu
also followed behind them. Ink night stayed in the restaurant and looked at other people.
When they came to Professor Lu’s research room, he opened the first door with his
fingerprint. He turned to Wu Yun and Zhou Yu and said, “Do you want to go into the
research room? This does not seem to meet the requirements of Juli Group. ......"
This road professor did not say anything wrong. Under normal circumstances, the guards
are not allowed to enter the research site, which involves researching secrets.
"It doesn't matter, we are just curious." Wu Yun shook his hand in front of Zhou Yu, Zhou
Yushun handed his gun to Zhou Qing.
Li Qian walked into the second door and looked back at Wu Yun. Wu Yun spread his hand
and said that he had no chance to put a gun to him.
When both doors were closed, there was only Zhou Qing, Li Qian and Professor Lu in this
closed laboratory. Li Qian was inexplicably nervous.
Li Qian sat down nervously to open the computer, input the code as fast as possible, and
watched the movement of Professor Lu nervously while tapping the keyboard. At this
moment, Zhou Qing deliberately blocked in front of Professor Lu, leaning against the
experimental table, as if he was very casual to discuss some research ideas with him.
Professor Lu smiled and looked very careful and interested in listening, but Li Qian knew
that he did not listen, and Zhou Qing deliberately made himself look very excited. What is
even more ridiculous is that Zhou Qing will be a foreign botany. The paper was carried out
intact, but did Professor Lu actually have no reaction at all?
Let Zhou Qing be more sure that there is a problem with Professor Lu.
At this time, Li Qian has entered the surveillance system and began to review the
surveillance video a few days ago. He entered the fast forward mode and only needed to
find the part that had the problem.
The time was 3:45 pm yesterday. The location was this lab. Everything Li Qian saw, his
pupils shrank and his fingers stiffened on the keyboard.
Professor Lu was observing very carefully in front of the microscope. Another researcher
wearing a white pheasant came behind Professor Lu. He lowered his head. Although he
could not see his expression, he was carrying his back and the figure was full. I am ill, but
Professor Lu is unaware of it.
The researcher took the back of Professor Lu Lu, and at the moment when Professor Lu
turned back, he spit out a creature full of limbs and worms from the mouth of the
Professor Lu tried to avoid it in horror, but the worm was already on his face and forced
into his body!
Professor Lu struggled, but the researcher slammed the shoulder of Professor Lu. The
professor Lu fell to the ground and forced the worm out of his hands. His face was red and
he resisted. The researcher seemed to lose strength, softly fell to the ground, his hands on
the ground, staring at Professor Lu.
Until the arthropod worm completely climbed into Professor Lu’s mouth and squirmed in
his throat, Professor Lu’s body trembled fiercely, his limbs were distorted, as if there was
anything in his body that shattered To support his bones.
The researcher's skin was peeled off, the flesh and blood were torn apart, and the ground
was stained with red.
Li Qian endured the urge to vomit, cut off the video and sent it to Zhou Yu's contact.
Ten minutes after the video, Professor Lu stood up and systematically cleaned the
researchers' bodies and the blood on the ground. There was a slight smile on his face, and
people looked chilling.
At this moment, the liaison on the wrist of Zhou Yu, who studied outside, rang, he received
a video screen, the screen was small, but everything that happened was very clear. His face
has changed.
"Oops! It's a boneworm!"
"What kind of insect?" Wu Yun looked at Zhou Yu's expression and knew that the situation
was serious. He immediately asked all the guards to protect the scholars in the restaurant
and absolutely did not allow the other people in the observation station to approach.
If they want to go to the research room, they must wait until Li Qian invades the system to
open the second door.
Zhou Yu quickly assembled his own guns and lifted the gun with Wu Yun, pointing to the
laboratory door.
Li Qian was nervously entering the code to control the access control system. He looked up
and passed the professor and found that Professor Lu was bending down a little bit. His
face was getting closer and closer to Zhou Qing. The posture was like his former researcher.
The same was true of the attack.
However, Zhou Qing did not know that the danger was coming. Li Qian could not enter the
remaining code, and suddenly stood up and took Zhou Qing.
At the same time, Professor Lu’s mouth suddenly rushed out of a large worm with a large
Zhou Qing’s eyes widened and he avoided it in a thrilling way and fell on Li Qian’s body.
Li Qian’s internal organs were almost squeezed out. He shouted: “Shooting! Zhou Qing
The worm that was spit out by the professor of the road rushed out and quickly shrank
back. Professor Lu’s smiling expression became stunned.
He walked to Zhou Qing, bowed his head and opened his mouth and saw that the worm had
to be sprayed out.
Zhou Qing took out the gun and found that the safety bolt was not opened! That's too late!
Li Qian pushed away Zhou Qing, who was pressing on himself, and watched the worm come
to his eyes!
Zhou Qing’s eyes, which fell to the side, looked at everything that was about to happen, and
a voice in his mind sounded: "Don’t refuse me."
At that moment, a force rushed from the depths of his brain along his line of sight as the
torrent of the explosion, the world was still in his eyes, the time became slow, and the huge
worm seemed to burst from the inside. The splash is everywhere.
"Ah-ah--" Li Qian shouted with his hands closed and waving his hands.
Zhou Qing sat aside, and he still held the gun in his hand.
The four flesh-and-blood flesh is like a meticulously calculated one. Nothing touches Zhou
Qing and Li Qian.
"The next time I remember to learn how to use a gun with your brother." Zhou Qing’s mind
was familiar with the elegant and modest voice.
He is the s-class creature he encountered when he first entered Nibelungen? Has he been
following himself? Have you been watching yourself? It wasn't until he left the base this
time that he came to him. Where is he hiding?
Zhou Qing also expects that the voice will ring again, but he seems to have completely
disappeared from his life, everything is quiet, except for Li Qian’s frightened shouts.
Zhou Qingping regained his heartbeat and came to Li Qian's side, slamming Li Qian's
shoulder: "Li Qian! Li Qian! Open your eyes! It's okay, let's open these two doors!"
Li Qian just woke up. He found himself calling for so long. If it was really attacked, it should
be finished now. He looked at the road professor who fell to the ground, completely
dumbfounded: "This... what the **** is going on?"
"Probably when he first attacked me, he didn't succeed. If he didn't have time to come to
the second time, he would destroy himself!" Zhou Qing squeezed out such an explanation.
Li Qian certainly didn't want to stay here for a second. Just enter the code from the
computer and open both doors.
At the moment of opening the door, Wu Yun and Zhou Yu held the gun and rushed in.
Looking at the professor on the ground, Wu Yun said: "He... is it so dead?"
Zhou Yu’s look was cold: “Let’s leave now and don’t forget that there are three guards
behind the professor, and two researchers, who are very likely to have problems!”
This observatory had such an obvious problem that even Wu Yun and Zhou Yu, who had
just arrived, could feel it, not to mention the original staff here, so most of the people
staying in the base had problems. They must rush back to inform others to leave here as
soon as possible.
"let's go!"
Wu Yun did not put down his gun, but held a gun in front of Zhou Qing and Li Qian. After
Zhou Yu followed them, a group of four people walked out of the study room.
But they did not go far before they saw that three guards were coming towards them. Both
ends of the passage were closed, and unless Li Qian returned to the lab to open them with a
computer, they could not leave.
"Hey? What happened? Where is Professor Lu?" asked the head of the escort.
"In the research room." Wu Yun replied coldly, but did not put down the gun in his hand.
Although these guards are completely unaware of what is happening, the more they feel
their attitude, the more strange they are. After all, Wu Yun and Zhou Yu both held guns,
indicating that their situation was very dangerous, but in such circumstances they did not
pull out their guns, as if to ease this tension. This is totally inconsistent with the normal
response of the guards.
"I went to see him. What did you do to him?" The team leader saw Wu Yun and Zhou Yu did
not put down their vigilance, and finally pulled out the gun and slowly went to the research
Although Wu Yun they have four people, Zhou Qing and Li Qian are not fighting, and the
guards have three people, which is equal to three enemy two, and there are two oil bottles,
Wu Yun and Zhou Yu are at a disadvantage.
"Do not move." Wu Yun pointed the gun at the captain of the guard.
As the old fritters, Wu Yun knows that if the **** captain enters the research room, and the
other players are at their own and Zhou Yu's two ends, the escorts can attack them from
three directions, only Wu Yun and Zhou. The two men are unable to resist, and the guards
must be left at the left and right ends of the passage. This is the most favorable situation for
Zhou Yu and Wu Yun.
"What do you want to do? Did you kill the road professor?" The captain of the guard also
gave his gun.
Three guns were aimed at them, the atmosphere was tense and suffocating. Li Qian
swallowed hard and the cold sweat on Zhou Qing’s back.
The air is cooled by ice and dried as if it were to be cracked. However, Wu Yun and Zhou Yu
seem to be very calm.
Wu Yun faced only one captain and Zhou Yu faced two guards. He secretly simulated how to
hit the two in the shortest possible time.
The **** captain slowly moved to Wu Yun step by step.
Wu Yun quickly fired a shot. The bullets rubbed the captain's cheek on the door of the node,
and the gunshots echoed. Li Qian's shoulders shrugged.
Wu Yun is not sure that these guards have problems, so they dare not kill them.
"When you come forward, I will really kill you with a shot. I think the speed of my shooting
is far faster than yours." Wu Yun chilled.
The captain of the guard was in that position and did not come forward.
"Even if you want to shoot me and kill me, please explain what Bai is for. What did you do
to Professor Lu?" The captain's fingers were also buckled on the trigger. The result of this
confrontation is likely to be both.
"Don't you really find the abnormality of Professor Lu? There is a worm in his body." Zhou
Yu replied.
"What? What is that?" The captain of the guard showed a completely sluggish expression.
"Do you still have to pretend? Are the other people in your observatory already a food for
the worm?"
"I didn't! I really don't know, Professor Lu told us that they all went to the observation
station to sample. He is the head of the observatory who could lie to us!" The captain slowly
lowered the gun and turned it off. The head looked at the other two players, meaning they
were asked to put the gun down.
He raised his hands and walked two steps in the direction of Wu Yun. Wu Yun’s muzzle was
always aimed at him.
But the **** captain’s eyes showed that he really didn’t know about it.
At the moment when Wu Yun’s heart was also skeptical, the guard’s waist bent down and it
seemed uncomfortable to hold his chest.
Wu Yun’s head had to look at his head and see what happened to him. Li Qian behind him
shouted: “Be careful –”
At that moment, Wu Yun almost did not respond. From the mouth of the **** captain, a
huge worm was sprayed out, and the sticky voice was disgusting. Wu Yun’s big eyes clearly
reflected the mouth of the worm, even the knot in his mouth. He has a sense of crisis to be
swallowed up.
But the body moved earlier than the brain, and he pulled the trigger, and the bullet passed
through the throat of the worm to enter the inside of his body.
The erupted worms suddenly fell less than a centimeter from the nose of Wu Yun.
Wu Yun’s heart is about to jump out of the chest.
However, Zhou Yu’s problems were even more serious. The two guards bent down at the
same time and violently spit out the worms.
Zhou Qing, behind Zhou Yu, is very hopeful that he can help his s-class creatures to exert
magical power again before, but his mind is pale and nothing, he just wants to knock Zhou
Yu and block him.
Zhou Yu shot decisively, and the bullet hit one of them, but the time was obviously not
At that moment, Zhou Yu had already prepared for himself to be hit by another worm, and
even thought that the worm would enter his body, and he would solve himself with one
However, he did not think that the body seemed to be not his own, as if it was controlled by
another force. His ability to move was several times that of the previous one. The reaction
speed of the moving gun was completely beyond his brain's expectation, and the trigger
bullet was just right. Hit the worms that came to me.
Zhou Yu’s body leaned back, and the worms only touched his skin a little bit, but suddenly
broke open.
Zhou Yu kept the action of lifting the gun, and did not expect it to happen.
Zhou Qing has already stayed, because the speed of Zhou Yu is definitely not human.
Wu Yun and Li Qian turned around together and watched the two guards who fell to the
ground and the cracked worms, all dumbfounded.
"My goodness, Zhou Yu, how did you do it?"
Wu Yun’s admiration for Zhou Yu has reached a certain level.
Zhou Qing’s screaming made Zhou Yu return to God. He knew very well that the person
who just pulled the trigger was not himself.
He swallowed and a familiar voice sounded in his mind.
“How can you want to commit suicide? No matter what happens, the worst thing you
should do is to hurt yourself.”
This is the voice of the boy.
In other words, is that s-level creature nearby?
Unlike the ridiculous and lazy voice, this time his voice is full of oppression, with a feeling
of anger.
Zhou Yu’s fingertips trembled inexplicably, and he was able to clearly feel the anger of the
s-class creature and the indescribable... fear.
It is as if the brain between him and him is connected together, the other party can know
what Zhou Yu is thinking, and Zhou Yu can feel the emotion of the other party at that
moment, the heart and body cells are tight and break through at any time. The critical
point, let yourself completely madly destroy the top, almost Zhou Yu pressure.
"Hey? Zhou Yu, what's wrong with you? Are you scared?" Wu Yun noticed that the sweat of
Zhou Yu's forehead was flowing down. His expression was still quiet, but Wu Yun could feel
the difference of Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu breathed a sigh of relief and put the gun down.
"I'm fine, we hurry back to the restaurant! Others are still there!"
Li Qian immediately returned to the research room and used the computer to control all
the nodes in the channel to open the access door.
At the moment, Han Li and other researchers sat together, and she did not have the
appetite for eating. At this time, all the walkie-talkies received a message: "Absolutely not
let anyone in the observation station approach! For those who do not listen to the warning,
immediately kill!"
Han Li immediately said to the walkie-talkie: "Zhou Yu! What happened in the end!"
"This observatory was infected by the osteopetrosis!" Zhou Yu replied in a cold voice.

Laws of the Other World Chapter 48: Culprit

Settings saved..
At that moment, the guards in the restaurant brushed up and slammed the gun. The
atmosphere that had been relaxed was once again tense.
The ink night that has been accompanying Han Li’s side turned to the restaurant outlet. It
reminded me of what turned and looked at Han Li.
Han Li nodded to it: "Go!"
The ink night flew away.
Just as Zhou Yu and Wu Yun took Li Qian and Zhou Qing back to the restaurant, they heard
the rushing running sounds and screams.
"Help! Help!"
Zhou Zhao’s research assistant Xiao Zhao ran wildly in horror, and he was followed by two
researchers wearing white long squats. The two researchers all looked down, as if they had
to rush out of their mouths.
Xiao Zhao’s tears are falling down. Seeing Zhou Qing and Wu Yun, they are like seeing the
straw of life: “Professor Zhou! Help me save me!”
Xiao Zhao flew into the arms of Zhou Qing.
The two researchers vomited out the worms in the mouth, Zhou Yu and Wu Yun, did not
hesitate to pull the trigger to hit the forehead of the two researchers, and they fell to the
"Xiao Zhao! How come you are here? Isn't it for you to stay with everyone in the
restaurant?" Zhou Qing asked sharply.
"We have been sitting in the car for so long, I want to go to the toilet! There were two
guards who accompanied me into the toilet. Who knows that when I came out, the two
guards fell to the ground! I found that the situation is wrong. Immediately shouted for help
and rushed out of the bathroom, but I found that the door to the restaurant was closed!
Then the two researchers suddenly came out, I think their look is problematic, so I want to
avoid them, but I The more they hide, the more they chase me. One of them also squirts the
big, disgusting bug, and I just fell off and sneaked away! Then I continued to run and ran
into you!" Xiao Zhao The panic on his face has not dissipated.
However, Zhou Qing was stunned by Zhou Yu.
"Who are you? You mean that I and Wu Yun are not able to escape the eclipse of 100% of
the worms, but you have not ran this way yet?"
The strength of Zhou Yu’s gaze made Xiao Zhao almost unable to lift his head.
"I really avoided... or do you just want to kill me?" Xiao Zhao shook his head and shook
Li Qian is the easiest to be soft. He just got to the front half but was caught by Zhou Qing:
"Don't move."
With Xiao Zhao's retreat, the light behind him was suddenly dark, and Xiao Zhao was
hidden in the darkness.
Zhou Yu pointed to the walkie-talkie and informed everyone: "Be careful of Professor Zhou
Xiaotian, research assistant of Zhou! He should have been infected by the osteoclast!"
"What do we do? Is it going to chase Xiao Zhao? Or back to the restaurant?" Wu Yun asked.
"Of course, back to the restaurant with everyone leaving the ghost place."
They still used the original formation, Wu Yun held the gun in front, Zhou Qing and Li Qian
in the center, and Zhou Yu back with a gun pointing to the direction of Xiao Zhao leaving,
after the break.
But when Wu Yun took Li Qian and Zhou Qing just walked through a passage node, the gate
of the passage suddenly fell, and Li Qian was about to be hit in the shoulder. Zhou Yu
reacted and kicked him over. But he was locked on the other side of the channel.
"Zhou Yu! Zhou Yu!" Wu slammed the door.
Zhou Yu said to the walkie-talkie: "This door will fall down and it means that someone is
monitoring and monitoring us and manipulating the system here! Wu Yun, you take Li Qian
to other places where you can operate the computer, and take control of the system back! ”
Wu Yun gritted his teeth. He knew that it was impossible to open the door with their
strength: "Good! I will take Li Qian to find a computer now! We will keep in touch at any
"Of course." Zhou Yu turned and stared at the darkness in front of him.
Zhou Yu can almost certainly determine that this observatory will be largely infected by the
eclipse, and the initiator is the one who is sitting in front of the computer and looking at it
through the screen.
Wu Yun but Li Qian and Zhou Qing all the way forward, each research room is locked, they
simply can not enter.
"Mom..." Wu Yun gnashed his teeth. At this moment, he was worried about Zhou Yu’s safety.
The longer he stayed in the dark passage, the more dangerous it was.
Wu Yun picked up the walkie-talkie and informed the people in the restaurant: "Put out all
the people out of the observatory."
But the response was that the exit of the observatory was also locked.
"Are we going to be left here to become a food for the boneworm?" Li Qian asked.
There is always a frightening effect in darkness, especially if nothing is visible. Zhou Yu
gathers his spirits and he can feel what is moving to himself.
Suddenly, he took out the spare flashlight on his lap, and the straight-line light shone out,
just in the face of Xiao Zhao’s pale face.
He smiled and looked at Zhou Yu, and the expression was exactly the same as that of the
previous professor.
Before he bent down, Zhou Yu slammed away from the light that turned off the flashlight,
then pulled the trigger and hit the bullet on the wall.
Zhou Yuping took a breath and moved his steps very carefully. Where did Xiao Zhao go
now? In which direction will he be? Zhou Yu listened very carefully.
At a certain moment, he felt a gust of air striking himself. Zhou Yu slammed down and lifted
it. He felt a shot in that direction and then quickly moved his position.
In the dark he heard something falling down and the sound of the muscles tearing open.
Finally, the flashlight was turned on again, just in the face of Xiao Zhao’s big eyes. His
mouth was almost cracked, and one of the worms was exposed and dead.
Zhou Yu calmed down his breath, and he knew that it was not the end, but some sort of
Just as he stood up, the node in the front channel suddenly opened, and the darkness was
suddenly replaced by the light. Zhou Yu almost didn't open his eyes.
But this kind of light is cold, the brighter the hall, the more chilly in my heart.
Only the front channel is opened, which means that the other party only allows Zhou Yu to
continue moving forward instead of back.
At the moment, Wu Yun was anxious. He came to the door of a laboratory and lifted his gun
at the door of the laboratory and fired several shots.
"This is useless. If the laboratory door can be easily opened by bullets, then it is not the
laboratory of Juli Group."
Zhou Qing replied.
"Right! There is ink night! The power of the ink night is great! Maybe it can open the door of
these nodes! And as a class A creature, it may be able to manipulate these boneworms like
the sand whale!" Contact Han Li immediately.
"Ink night seems to know that you are in danger, have already gone to find you!" Han Li's
answer made everyone breathe out.
"Just...where did the ink go to the night?" Wu Yunyu raised his brow. "Is it necessary to
equip the ink night with a walkie-talkie?"
"We don't want to rely on ink nights all the time! See if there is anything we can do now?
Use the bombs equipped with Wu Yun to blow up the passage door. Does Professor Zhou
feel feasible?" Li Qian asked Zhou Qing.
"How many explosive bombs does Wu Yun have?" Zhou Qing asked.
"Three. We can try to blow up the door of the lab!"
Zhou Qing sighed: "You can only try this, although I think the results are not optimistic."
At this time, Zhou Yu held a gun to brake statically.
He knows that even if he doesn't come forward, the hidden enemy will naturally come over.
After ten seconds passed, the whole passage was quiet as if the whole world was asleep.
Zhou Yu’s heart beat vigorously. He said to himself: Even the worst results he had already
It is like testing his patience, nothing unusual happens.
Zhou Yu always maintains a posture of alert, and the arm of the gun is shaking without
He knows that in this contest, it is not that he loses patience and that the other person loses
Just at the moment of Zhou Yu’s breathing, there was a bang in the front passage, and
something fell from the top.
Zhou Yu’s shoulders were instantly tightened. It was a group of guards who had been crept
by the eclipse and even the muscles began to fester!
It turns out they are still in the base!
Zhou Yu’s eyes widened and he watched one of the eyes that had not had a focal length and
suddenly stared at himself.
Zhou Yu did not hesitate to immediately pull the trigger. But that body is far more flexible
than Zhou Yu's imagination. He suddenly moved to one side, and the other guards suddenly
dispersed. The bullets rubbed the shoulders of one of the guards and hit the door.
The entire passage is like a shock.
A total of eight people, all flew toward Zhou Yu at the same time.
Fortunately, Zhou Yu had not resisted, but in such a close situation, he had no chance to
take action!
In the eyes of those guards, they have already lost their humanity. Some of them have
festered to the inability to recognize the facial features. Some of the limbs are connected
with only bones, like Zhou Yu as the last nutrient, and the mouth is sprayed with eclipse,
just like No support arrow. Time is like a moment to compress a century into a second.
Zhou Yu pulled the trigger and opened the first shot. One of them was in the middle. The
worm in his mouth burst away from Zhou Yu’s arm. The other seven people are rushing to
rush, Zhou Yu must make a judgment in an instant, who shoots first, who shoots later, how
to shoot!
The bullet seemed to go out without thinking. Zhou Yu sideways avoided a worm, and then
lowered his body. He felt that there was a high-speed shuttle from the top of his back, and it
was a shot. One-handed support jumped, kicked a guy who had already run to his face,
quickly retracted, pulled away the distance, and locked the position by feeling, Zhou Yu
fired another shot.
Zhou Yu replaced the magazine with the fastest speed. Just when the gun was fired, a guard
team member had already come to Zhou Yu’s face and looked at his turbid eyes. He saw the
worm in his mouth re-emerge. Squirting out, everything seems to be slow in the eyes of
Zhou Yu, Zhou Yu raised his muzzle, hit the other's knee, the neurotoxin spread instantly,
and the worms can even feel the disgusting creatures in Zhou Yu. The temperature dropped
At the moment when the guards fell, Zhou Yu was shocked that the remaining two had
reached his front, one left and one right, but time was too late.
Zhou Yu raised his gun and said to himself that he would kill one!
Just as he hit the one on the left and he was about to be bitten by the right side of the worm,
it burst open.
Zhou Yu’s eyes widened and he was subconsciously dodging, but he still couldn’t wait to
avoid the splashing plasma and pus.
At that moment, a hand came out from behind Zhou Yu’s body and covered it on Zhou Yu’s
face. Zhou Yu’s back and his back slammed into someone’s chest.
The heart is suddenly tightened.
Apart from him there are others!
Is it an infected guard?
Zhou Yu’s elbows went back and the other side went straight back. At that moment, he felt
something warm and licking his earlobe.
Such familiar temperature and security... Zhou Yu turned and lifted the gun and saw a
familiar face.
White skin, elegant lines but not feminine facial features, his eyebrows are a kind of light
and lazy, but have such a young and pure face.
"You are hiding too fast. I want to hold you for a while."
He took a step forward and stood up against Zhou Yu’s muzzle.
"My bullet contains neurotoxins." Zhou Yu replied.
But the other side was even tighter. He lowered his head and leaned over his face, as if to
see Zhou Yu’s eyes more clearly.
"Then, do you want to shoot and see. See if you can really kill me."
His eyes are beautiful, but his eyes are extremely strong, as if he has smashed Zhou Yu’s
thinking ability in a circle.
For the first time, Zhou Yu discovered that even his self-controlled breathing seemed to
have lost its proper frequency.
"How did you come in!" Zhou Yu stared at each other.
The boy pointed his finger at the top of his head. Zhou Yu discovered that the ventilation
passage was opened and the air replacement blades were removed.
The teenager smiled with his lips open, and his eyes were full of meaning. He pressed the
guns of Zhou Yu more forcefully, and Zhou Yu could only retreat.
This younger knows Zhou Yu’s bottom line better than anyone, but in a wayward manner,
Zhou Yu’s bottom line is forced back and forth again and again.
"You don't want to know who is the person who has so many worms?" The boy spoke, his
face was too close to Zhou Yu, and his breath was passing through Zhou Yu's with a slight
but insignificant force. Between the lips.
"Are they being kept?"
This is completely beyond the expectations of Zhou Yu.
The juvenile's fingers touched Zhou Yu's fingertips and pulled the gun off.
Zhou Yu’s eyes widened, and all this happened so naturally, he didn’t even have time to
The teenager went to the front of Zhou Yu and walked through the bodies of the guards. He
turned his head and found Zhou Yu still standing in the same place.
"Are you afraid of me?" The teenager smiled. The cold light had too many corners in his
depression, creating an unusual mystery.
"Of course not." Zhou Yu sinks his face and follows behind each other.
With Zhou Yu's question, I don't know where to ask.
The road in front of them was sealed by the nodes. The teenager just smiled softly and put
his hand on the door. The shoulders were slightly pressed back and the whole door was
pushed down.
It collapsed arbitrarily, and the sound of the ground touched the passage.
Zhou Yu took a breath, but the teenager turned to look at Zhou Yu, seems to be waiting for
his approach, until Zhou Yu came to him, hanging the gun on his finger and reaching in
front of Zhou Yu.
"Although I am there, you can't use it at all, but I think... you will want to collapse the guy."
Zhou Yu took his gun, and at the same time, the boy suddenly leaned toward himself. The
eyes were so clear that they seemed to reflect the sun on the lake surface, and they were
inexplicably familiar.
His lips were getting closer and closer to Zhou Yu. Zhou Yu even began to subconsciously
imagine the temperature and touch of the boy's lips. At the moment when Zhou Yu's
heartbeat was out of balance, the teenager suddenly straightened his back and smiled and
said, "Let's go."
He turned and left, Zhou Yu looked at his back, but did not understand what was wrong
with his moment.
The passage was still quiet, only the footsteps of the two of them, and as they stepped
forward step by step, the footsteps of the two gradually merged into one.
This makes Zhou Yu have only one person left in the world, and the teenager in front of him
is just an illusion that he is born under despair.
Has he been swallowed up by the worms?
The teenager’s footsteps suddenly stopped, and he smiled and waved at Zhou Yu. Zhou Yu
came to his side and looked down at him and saw a research room.
Through the glass of the second door of the research room, Zhou Yu saw a female
researcher sitting in front of the computer. She looked at Zhou Yu in horror, her body
trembled, but she was still motionless.
Zhou Yu passed his face and found that a gun was on the side of the researcher's brain, but
was blocked by the door and could not see the other's face.
“Someone forced her to manipulate the monitoring system here?” Zhou Yuqi frowned.
The boy smiled indifferently and put his hand on the first door. With one force, the door
was unloaded.
Zhou Yu once again realized the power of this s-class creature. Ink nights can break
through these passages, not to mention s-class creatures like him.
The teenager walked through the first door, lifted his foot, and easily opened the second
door. It squatted straight in front of the researcher's desk, scared her and closed her eyes
and screamed.
Zhou Yu walked in and saw that she was beside her. A member of the **** held a gun and
pointed at the researcher's head.
His face has begun to fester, and nosebleeds from time to time. When Zhou Yu came in, he
immediately stood behind the researcher.
He did not say a word, but when Zhou Yu was also holding the gun forward, he used the
muzzle to force the top of the female researcher's back, meaning that she would kill her
when I approached me.
The female researcher shook her shoulders in fear, tears in her face, and she dared not
open her eyes, fearing that her heartbeat would end.
She closed her eyes and repeated: "I'm sorry... I didn't mean it... save me... save me..."
The man who was parasitic on her back was occasionally bowed her head, as if it was
difficult to suppress, not letting the body worms spit out.
Zhou Yu slightly released his fingers and moved in parallel to find the opportunity and
angle to shoot.
"If I were you, I would marry the woman directly." The teenager twitched his lips and
smiled with a hint of teasing. He did not put the life of this female researcher in his eyes.
Zhou Yu’s eyes narrowed. He swept the boy with the gaze of the line of sight: “With your
ability, you can get rid of worms even without bullets.”
"But I just like to see her in a terrible look." The teenager arbitrarily pointed his finger at
the direction of the female researcher.
Zhou Yu’s expression was cold. He looked back at the female researcher with an indifferent
gaze. Her name was also written on her badge: “If you don’t tell the truth, I will shoot, Dr.
"...what..." Dr. Lin showed a blank expression.
“It’s very simple. The time when the boneworm is parasitic in every body is limited. When
the nutrients in one body are exhausted, it is of course necessary to choose another body to
regain nutrition. The host behind you is very obvious. I can't meet the needs of the worm,
but he is dead and does not parasitize to you. The creatures here do have intelligence to a
certain extent, especially b-class creatures such as ecclesias. I can Imagine that he has no
reason to endure not attacking you. One is that your body has been eroded by the eclipse,
and the other is that you have a special connection with these worms. Your useful use is
high for them. Be parasitized."
"They just want to keep me alive, to control the system here... to trap you here, so that they
can get more and more food... If it's just me, they will not be nutritious soon!" The doctor
cried and explained it.
Zhou Yu’s expression was not shaken. Dr. Lin’s expression was full of fear, but there was a
kind of defense in her eyes. This kind of defense is not for the boneworm, but for Zhou Yu.
But even then, Zhou Yu is not sure if he should shoot a human being who has not been
At this time, the teenager lazily approached step by step, and did not put the guards of Dr.
Lin behind the parasitic worms in his eyes.
His hands were on the table, his body leaning forward slightly, and Dr. Lin subconsciously
leaned back and put his head on the gun.
"Actually, there are no bullets in the gun, right? You are also worried about what to do if
you really hit you in the event of a gun fire?"

Laws of the Other World Chapter 49: Breakout

Settings saved..
The teenager smiled. His smile was the best thing that Dr. Lin had seen in the world of
Nibelungen, but it revealed a deadly danger.
She didn't know how to move her sight. There seemed to be clear sea water in the amber
eyes that fell down.
Dr. Lin opened his mouth and couldn't speak.
The guards behind her whine, and they couldn’t help but spit out the worms.
At this time, Zhou Yu quickly moved to the side of the other side, even at such a
dangerously small angle, he decisively buckled the trigger, " 砰 -" hit the guard.
At the moment when the gunshots sounded, Dr. Lin jerked back. She widened her eyes and
the tears in her eyes poured out.
At that moment her sorrow was so real.
The guards fell to the ground, and the bullets were pierced by bullets. He glared at the big
eyes, his mouth opened, and the worm had just sprayed two centimeters and it had broken.
The teenager made a snap and said with a smile: "You are very sad... because these worms
are your ‘children’ who are hard to raise, right?”
What... are they raised by Dr. Lin?
Zhou Yuqi raised his brow and he turned his gun at Dr. Lin.
Dr. Lin scorned Zhou Yu, her eyes were full of bitter hatred, and her biting lips seemed to
tear Zhou Yu.
"You killed it... you actually killed it..."
Dr. Lin did not care about the gun held by Zhou Yu. He had to stand up, but the boy easily
sat down on her desk and took her back to the chair with one hand.
"Dr. Lin...they are just osteopetrosis, even if you raise them, they are not your children.
They just use you as a source of nutrition."
"Do you really treat these worms as children?" Zhou Yu's voice was even colder, and his
sight seemed to freeze Dr. Lin's breathing.
This is a special environment, dangerous and even lonely, pushing the mind to desperation.
If Dr. Lin really treats the eclipse as his own child, Zhou Yu will be surprised, but it will not
be unbelievable.
“The life at the Observatory is too boring, right? You just watched this dangerous species
with other researchers at first.”
The teenager left the table and came to a corner of the lab. He pressed a button and a wall
of the lab landed slowly, revealing another biological chamber.
Through the glass, you can see countless worm eggs, which are translucent, and some
larvae that have not yet fully hatched slowly move in the eggs, and do not know when they
will break the eggs.
In this biological culture room, you can also see the remains of many other organisms,
which should have been the nutrients of these larvae when they were just hatching.
Zhou Yu took a gun and took a sigh of relief. There are so many worms, this is definitely not
a day or two or a few months!
"What do you want to do!" Dr. Lin got up nervously, and Zhou Yu fired a shot at her desk.
"Do not move! This gun is a warning, I will blow your head in the next shot!" Zhou Yu cold
The boy returned to Dr. Lin’s desk and fingered her tea cup on the table: “From the
beginning, I watched them one by one from the egg, like a newborn baby, looking for food...
Other researchers just mechanically throw away the creatures they captured in
Nibelungen, then record the incubation time, study their habits, food intake, maturity cycle,
and you have different feelings. You think you are feeding They are like a mother sending
food to the child's mouth."
"You don't understand what it feels like... they need me... they call me when they are
hungry! I am connected with them!" Dr. Lin showed a mad and obsessive expression.
"They need you because they feel your feelings about their morbidity. The so-called
'contact' is just that they are using you." Zhou Yu replied.
"What are you talking about! People like you can't understand it!" Dr. Lin raised his hand
and went to marry Zhou Yu's arm, but he was pressed by the boy.
"You don't want to touch him." The boy's expression is cold.
Dr. Lin struggled, but the teenager easily crushed her wrists bit by bit.
"Ah--" Dr. Lin screamed in pain.
"Your colleagues think that the research on the eclipse is no longer meaningful. You have
already reported to the Juli Group to stop the research on the eclipse, and when you want
to 'clean' them, you are really crazy. You seduce them one by one to the traps you set, and
let them become the nutrients of these worms. When you are suffering from inadequate
nutrition, you have received a notice from Mr. Song, and a large number of people will be
transferred here. You are overjoyed because you have found a rich source of food for your
'children'. Unfortunately, you are no different from food for these worms."
The teenager smiled mockingly.
Zhou Yu knows that as a s-class creature of Nibelungen, he has the ability that ordinary
creatures don't have, such as... He may have seen through Dr. Lin's everything.
"You don't understand! You don't understand!" Dr. Lin shouted hysterically, and she rushed
to the boy.
The teenager easily grabbed her neck, and Dr. Lin waved his hand and slammed it on the
teenager's shoulder.
At this moment, the pair of eyes that once let Dr. Lin lose his heart are filled with the
coldness of death.
"If they really love you, they won't let you do any dangerous things for them. When they are
at stake, they will stop in front of you, not behind you."
Less young laughter, taking Dr. Lin step by step to the glass wall of the cultivation room, Dr.
Lin is struggling every step.
Zhou Yu lived... The boy said, as if he fully understood the feelings of human beings
protecting his important people. How is this possible?
"You are talking nonsense! They love me! If you don't have me, they don't have them! They
love me!"
"Then let's check if they love you."
The teenager smirked, the fingers of his left hand were lightly on the glass wall, and the
glass wall cracked a gap.
“What do you want to do?” Zhou Yu’s eyes widened and realized what it was.
But he took a step forward, and the boy pushed Dr. Lin from the cracked glass wall into the
culture room.
At that moment, the worms that had been huddled in the eggs rushed out, and the scene of
the monks made Zhou Yu’s pupils crack.
They were hungry and drove into Dr. Lin’s body, smashing and biting her bones.
Just at the moment when Dr. Lin’s painful screams were about to sound, Zhou Yu found that
he could not hear any sound, and his eyes were caught by the juvenile in front of him with
his palms.
"Why do you do this?" Zhou Yu asked.
"In order to let her no longer deceive herself, recognize the reality." The voice of the
teenager sounded in Zhou Yu's mind.
This is like another illusory world between him and him. In reality, Dr. Lin is biting by the
worms and struggling with extreme pain.
Zhou Yu knew that he was going to stop it, and it was too late, and Dr. Lin, who was "sickly
ill", was not saved.
It was just the coldness of this boy that made Zhou Yu think of the last of the three rules.
"Zhou Yu, like human beings, I don't have to mourn the whole world and Yan Yue. Zhou Yu,
remember - put all the energy on the people who are important to you, but the people who
hurt you are cold and decisive. It is the true rule of survival in Nibelungen."
When the juvenile's hand was removed, Zhou Yu saw his eyes that would cover the whole
Isolated world returns, his ear hears the eclipse in the moving voice.
A large group of eclipses rushed out of the culture room and rushed to the back of the
They are not satisfied, they are eager for more nutrition.
The boy still had a careless smile. His fingers touched the tip of Zhou Yu's nose. He thought
of the picture that he had let the glass wall crack. Zhou Yu subconsciously stepped back, but
when the teenager's fingertips touched his own At that moment, he felt the near-boiling
passion, as if he wanted to completely engulf him but suppressed it with extreme restraint.
Time is like static, the worms burst out in the back of the boy, splashing in all directions,
but there is no trace of blood on Zhou Yu's body.
The observation station suddenly sounded an alarm, which made Zhou Yu return to God.
He turned his head and saw the red sign on the computer screen used by Dr. Lin, and
passed the boy.
“Let's go – Dr. Lin associates the observatory's self-destruct system with his vital signs! Her
tracker can transmit her heartbeat and pulse data to the observatory. Once her heartbeat is
zero, the observatory will Start self-destruction!"
The teenager was dragged and run by Zhou Yu. He looked at Zhou Yu’s back and smiled.
“This Dr. Lin really made up his mind to die with her little babies...”
At this time, Wu Yun just blasted the door of a research room. Li Qian successfully invaded
the system and opened the entrance and exit of the observatory. The staff in the restaurant
were evacuating.
Wu Yun picked up the walkie-talkie: "Zhou Yu! Zhou Yu, where are you! I am going to find
At that moment, a burst of explosion came, and the entire observatory was shaking and
Zhou Yu almost fell, he stabilized his body: "I will be out soon! Don't look back at me! Take
Zhou Qing and Li Qian to go -"
Li Qian immediately opened all the channel nodes.
"Brother - you don't go anywhere, I don't go anywhere!" Zhou Qing sang Wu Yun's walkie-
talkie treble.
"You don't add chaos to me!" Zhou Yu said, "Wu Yun, you just want to take him away when
he breaks his head! Otherwise I will never forgive you!"
Wu Yunyi gritted his teeth and raised his hand to knock on the back of Zhou Qing's neck.
Zhou Qing fell down and was supported by Li Qian.
Li Qian looked at Wu Yun and Wu Yun replied: "You know how important Zhou Qing is to
Zhou Yu."
From Wu Yun’s eyes, Li Qian can see how painful he is.
"I'm sorry..." Li Qian was guilty. Wu Yun will put Zhou Qing on his shoulder: "What are you sorry for? We are all
dead without you!"
"Without us... you can go back and look for Zhou Yu..."
"Fart! You run me a little faster - maybe I still have time to go back to Zhou Yu!"
At this time, a series of explosions came and they collapsed everywhere, leaving only a
humming sound in their ears.
On several occasions, Li Qian was almost smashed by the things that were dropped, and
they were all opened by Wu Yun. Taking advantage of Zhou Qing, with Li Qian, Wu Yun bite
his teeth and struggle forward.
While Zhou Yu was running and avoiding the collapse, it was an explosion. The ground
seemed to be picked up, and then collapsed.
Zhou Yu felt that there was something pushing him from behind him very hard, and
everything behind him fell down.
"Goodbye, Zhou Yu."
Zhou Yu turned back and found that everything behind him was sealed. The boy was
crushed? still is……
The brain fell into a blank at that moment.
"Don't look back, keep running."
The voice re-emerged in his mind, Zhou Yu’s thoughts returned in an instant, he was a s-
class creature, and it was impossible to die like this.
Zhou Yu resumed calmness and struggled to run.
He has not yet reached the extension of the observatory, and the top of his head has fallen
into pieces!
Zhou Yu really realized what was a catastrophe, and he was too small and weak in front of
all this.
Countless times fell and climbed up, Zhou Yu squeezed to the exit that was almost
impossible to pass.
He wants to live... he can't die here!
Seeing that the entire passage had to be crushed onto him, all the light was about to be
drowned, Zhou Yu could not support himself and was about to fall, only heard a roar, what
broke the collapsed wall and came to Zhou Yu before.
Something opened and blocked at the top of Zhou Yu’s head, holding the space that was
about to be pressed down firmly.
Zhou Yuyi looked up, the other side is the eyes of the ink night.
"Oh..." The ink night shook his head and the dust fell.
The sound of collapse and explosion continues, and they may be buried alive at any time.
"Ink night... How come you came..." Zhou Yu has a feeling of dreaming.
In the night of the ink, he used the tip of his nose to lick Zhou Yu, continued to support it,
turned around and turned his back to Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu immediately understood what it meant, climbed up and hugged its neck. He knows
that the strength of the ink night is great, but it is not clear how the night will take him out.
Only at this moment, Zhou Yu put his face on the back of the ink night, feeling the softness
and temperature there, and the sense of crisis that the world is about to destroy seems to
be less important.
He seems to be able to feel how the blood flows in the body of the ink night, the rhythm of
its breathing, how it tightens the muscles of the body.
"It’s good to have you..." Zhou Yu whispered.
He thought he would be alone here, but he didn't think that the night was coming.
Just when the entire observatory collapsed completely, Wu Yun drove out the last Hummer.
Even if they are sitting in the car, they can feel the power behind them, they will be pressed
in only a fraction of a second.
"My God..." Li Qian turned his head and looked at the ruins in front of him. The heart beat
wildly, like a rush from the top of the roller coaster.
Other people who escaped looked at the direction of the observatory. Some of them were
exclaiming, some were crying and some were hugging.
They lived another day.
Wu Yun’s hands were on the steering wheel. He lowered his head and closed his eyes:
“Zhou Yu? Have you seen him coming out...”
After Li Qian’s robbery, the mood of the rest of his life seemed to be frozen: ""
"I am going to find him... I have to dig it out too!" Wu applied force to close the door and
strode down the car.
Li Qian glanced at Zhou Qing, who was still awake in the back seat, and followed the bus: "I
am going to find him with you!"
Wu Yun bit his teeth and pushed the broken wall away. Others stood not far away, not
knowing what happened.
Even if Zhou Yu could not be alive, Wu Yun still refused to give up.
He couldn't remember when he was crying last time. He couldn't tell if it was tears or sweat
on his face.
Han Li also ran from another car: "Is Zhou Yu... still inside? I didn't see him coming out..."
Wu Yun did not speak, Li Qian nodded.
Han Li did not look away, her tears also fell, although other people are urging Wu Yun to
decide whether to immediately rush to the No. 2 base, the longer the time dragged, until the
night comes, it is even more dangerous.
Wu Yunzheng was going to be a big man. At that moment, there was a huge sound coming
from the ruins. It was like a volcanic eruption. Countless rubble and metal fragments were
brought up by a force, rushing to the sky, in the west sun There were countless dazzling
spots in the middle, and when the debris and dust reached the high point, they all crashed.
Everyone looked up and saw a speeding figure rushing into the sky, overlapping the sun.
Wu Yun just widened his eyes and opened his mouth, unable to say a word.
The wings stretch out in the sky, and then gliding down from the sky, there is a sense of
freedom in the absolute sense of strength.
At the moment of landing, all the bound eyes were finally relieved, and everyone breathed a
sigh of relief.
Zhou Yuxi opened his eyes, his heart beat very fast, as if to break from the chest.
He still remembers the feeling of rushing out with the ink night, the smashing granules
scratching his body, his hands can hardly hold the ink night, every joint of the body is like a
crack, the wind is from his head. The back of the gushing down, everything is flying,
dawning out.
Ink night stayed quietly on the ground, and opened his wings backwards, wrapped up Zhou
Yu, who was kneeling on his back, until Zhou Yu’s breathing became stable.
The slugged Wu Yun woke up, he was still not sure whether he saw it or not. He walked
over step by step, and saw Zhou Yu’s side face from the gap of the ink night wings.
"My God... you are still alive! You are still alive! You fucking... If it is really dead, I have no
doubt that Zhou Qing will shoot me!"
Zhou Yu jumped from the body of the ink night and gently tapped on Wu Yun’s shoulder: "If
you didn't bring Zhou Qing out, now I shot you."
Wu Yun smiled helplessly, the two held together, Wu Yun smashed Zhou Yu's back two
Zhou Yu looked up at the sky and the sun was sinking: "We should go."
Zhou Yuyi turned back, and ink night came to his leg, closed his eyes, and put his head on
his knees, as if he was sure and feeling Zhou Yu's body temperature.
"When it is carrying you...not only that..." Wu Yun stretched his hand.
Zhou Yu understands that in fact, the ink night has been growing up, and the speed of
growing up is not only measured by Dr. Carlos, but faster... Zhou Yu has always regarded
the ink night as a child, but maybe now The ink night is not a child.
"Well..." Ink night opened his eyes and looked up at his head, seemingly full of expectations.
"Thank you." Zhou Yu bowed his head and put his forehead on the top of the ink night.
There is no ink night, he has died countless times.
"We should go. There is still a long way to go to base 2... Our base is waiting for us to find
the key to restraining the virus with the mother of Nibelungen jellyfish." Han Li reminded.
"Let's go!" Zhou Yu took a picture of Wu Yun, and the group went to the car again.
Zhou Yugang was sitting still, but he hadn't had time to close the door. The ink night came
in again and squatted on Zhou Yu's leg.
Zhou Yu opened his arms and reluctantly did not know if he should hold it. He knew that
this guy was actually quite big, but he was too fouled to deliberately make himself look
For Wu Yun, it doesn't matter what Zhou Yu can live.
He was very happy. All his happiness was written on his face. He felt the crumpled smoke
on his face and slammed it in his mouth. He put up the song "itihe" that made Li Qian listen
to the headache.
"Well..." The ink night deliberately used his own back to lick the chin of Zhou Yu, and was
smothered by its soft fluff. Zhou Yu sighed and held it tight.
Then, the more you hug, the tighter you are.
If the ordinary person was hugged by Zhou Yu, it would have been a pain, but the ink night
did not, it was still very embarrassing to be tightened by Zhou Yu.
When the ruins of the observatory disappeared completely into the rearview mirror, Zhou
Yu sighed.
"What's wrong?" Wu Yun asked.
"The observatory was destroyed, so I couldn't see the surveillance." Zhou Yu told Dr. Lin
about it.
"Yeah... I really want to see what happened here... Juli Group should hire some
psychologists to come here. Nibelungen makes people crazy..." Wu Yun exclaimed.
"No..." Han Li looked out of the window like a reddish sunset, as the **** world said, "It is
loneliness that makes people crazy."
The author has something to say: It seems that the number of sister papers that have
recently read the text is getting less and less, and only one of the comments has been lost...
and the sister paper accompanying the fat melon has to leave a message to the fat melon
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Laws of the Other World Chapter 50: Surprise
Settings saved..
Zhou Yu silently looked back at Zhou Qing, who had not yet woken up to Li Qian. What he
really wanted to see through surveillance was how the s-class creature entered the
observatory and whether he left safely.
Of course, now, it doesn't matter.
Be able to live in peace, and let it be submerged if there are some secrets.
Looking at the virgin forest in front of him, Wu Yun exhaled a breath and informed the
entire team to the intercom: "Everyone determines whether to inject inhibitors!"
"Roger that!"
"It has been identified!"
When all the teams responded, Wu Yun drove the car into the virgin forest.
"We have to travel all night in the virgin forest to reach our destination. We have left the
scholars at the observatory. We are still more confident in escorting several virologists to
the base 2, but now with so many people. The difficulty is doubled." Wu Yun bite his teeth.
The ink night sitting on Zhou’s leg stretched out his front paws and patted Wu Yun’s
shoulder, as if he was comforting him, and he was saying: Brother, don’t be afraid! I am
covering you!
The original tense atmosphere was dissolved, and even Li Qian and Han Li whispered.
At this time, Zhou Qing woke up. He looked at his back neck and opened his eyes. He
suddenly remembered something: "My brother - save my brother!"
Suddenly he straightened up and grabbed the collar of Wu Yun from behind. Wu Yun was
dragged by him, and he was almost cut off his throat.
"Don't be excited! Zhou Qing, I am still alive!" Zhou Yu grabbed Zhou Qing's wrist.
Zhou Qing just woke up and looked at Zhou Yu’s side face in a foolish way: “I... I’m not
mistaken... Are you really out?”
"Yeah, Professor Zhou, we are all safe! We are on the way to the base 2!" Han Li also
comforted Zhou Qing.
Zhou Qing finally let go of his hand and looked at the virgin forest outside the window. He
leaned back against the chair and exhaled: "Fortunately... okay, we are still alive,
"It has been blown up. The founder... Dr. Lin is also dead. Fortunately, our team is safely
evacuated." Li Qian replied, "Is you a professor Zhou, is it okay? It won't be knocked by Wu
Yun to knock it." ?"
"What are you talking about!" Wu Yun said dissatisfied.
The team has already entered the ancient woods, and even the moonlight is covered by
dense foliage. The team can only turn on the lights and the shadows of the trees fall like a
sly claw.
Wu Yun suddenly stopped the car, carefully separated by the side of the ear, can hear the
humming sound of certain creatures.
"There is a certain creature that is hunting for food..." Wu Yun finished, and he was almost
sleepy and almost fell asleep. Li Qian immediately widened his eyes.
"What...we will..."
"We have all been injected with inhibitors, as long as they don't touch any creatures above
level a, they won't be recognized as prey... and don't break into the nests where the
creatures multiply stimulate them."
Having said that, Zhou Yu still let Wu Yun transfer out the machine guns on the Hummer,
and the whole team entered the state of alert.
Wu Yun exhaled breath from the nose, and he knew that crossing this virgin forest was not
as simple as they thought.
The sound of running is getting closer and closer, and you can even hear the huge sound of
the branches of the old trees being broken or even collapsed.
"Mom... no matter how you look, it's a group of bad guys!" Wu Yun immediately informed
the team to turn the direction, although I don't know if it is too late.
But the running sound is getting closer and closer, Wu Yunyu has widened his eyes and saw
a group of white rushing up.
Adding up to a total of dozens, their pace seems to be panicked, and occasionally hit the old
trees on the side of the road.
I can't see for a moment what is chasing them. But it is certainly not good to make Bai Meng
so fearful.
Seeing this group of white rushing into their team, this speed is too late to avoid, only to
hear a variety of huge sounds, white slammed on their glass windows and the roof, Li Qian
and Zhou Qing pressed each other The backs of each other are lowered, and as the white
slamming rhythm trembles the shoulders, the wagons vibrate up and down, and the ground
seems to be split.
"My mother..." Li Qian couldn't help but exclaim.
A white slammed into the front of Wu Yun’s car. The neck of the car was almost shaken. The
car crashed a few meters backwards, colliding with a car at the rear, and then chained.
Effect, several cars are colliding under such a force.
"Are we going to die?" Han Li held his head and looked down. He didn't dare to look at it.
The roof of the car has been sunk, and the rear cars have turned out the machine guns to
shoot under such fear.
Zhou Yu immediately contacted them through the walkie-talkie: "Don't fire! Never fire! As
long as we don't fire, we won't attract their attention! Once we fire, it becomes a white
enemy! They are just running away, we just have to Quietly waiting for them to pass!"
Finally, Bai Meng has already escaped most of the past. Just when everyone wants to
breathe and feels that everything is finally over, there is a group of adult double-headed
tarantulas chasing them up!
Their sharp limbs slammed on the window and made a louder sound than before.
Everything seemed to be wearing the roof and windows, and the sound of the puncture
sounded constantly.
Han Li and Li Qian, who once saw the power of the two-headed tarantula, were frightened.
"Don't be afraid! Don't be afraid! They are just hunting food. We are all injected with
inhibitors. They don't feel our fear, so we are safer than white." Wu runs to comfort Han Li.
And Li Qian.
A pair of tarantulas suddenly jumped onto their front hoods, their eyes fixed on the people
in the window, and squinted through their heads, as if evaluating the "food" in the car.
The **** red eyes turned, and the people in the back seat bowed their heads to avoid
touching them. The air is so tight that people can't breathe. The figure of the two-headed
tarantula is like an alien creature under the refraction of light.
Zhou Yu is ready to shoot at any time.
The two-headed tarantula suddenly raised a limb and slammed it on the window.
The three people in the back seat trembled together, only Zhou Yu, looked up and still
looked at the two-headed tarantula. His eyes are unavoidable and there is no fear.
The ink night in his arms straightened his back and looked at it with his big eyes in his
Inexplicably, it took a half step back and slipped from the window. The car was tilted up
because of its movement, and Li Qian, who was sitting behind, almost fell out.
Then I made a slamming car and landed again. Shocked Li Qian and Zhou Qing’s head
almost hit the roof.
The two-headed tarantula slowly retreated a half step, and Zhou Yu could feel its fear.
This fear is not because of the machine gun on the car, but the ink night, it is a higher
creature than the two-headed tarantula. The two-headed tarantula squatted down, as if
apologizing, then bypassed the Wu Yun and Zhou Yu's car and continued to quickly catch
up with the white fleeing.
And behind it there are still more than a dozen double-headed tarantulas running wildly,
spit out strong silk lines between the old trees, and they will fall to their roofs.
As long as one or two more, the Hummer will definitely not stand and will collapse.
“Is this the rhythm that will not let us live to Base 2?”
But what they didn't think of was that none of these two-headed tarantulas fell on the team,
but climbed and leaped on the old trees, watching one giant creatures plunder from their
heads. After that, Wu Yun and Zhou Yu both raised their heads subconsciously, which was
such a thrilling and spectacular scene.
A two-headed tarantula suddenly spit out pus from the mouth and suddenly solidified the
white slam that fell in a run. Then it jumped down and inserted a thorn-like thing in the
mouth into the solidified pus, piercing the white body, and sucking it up. Soon the pus
gradually tightened, and the white fierce only left the white bone, and finally broke.
This scene is extremely horrible. Many people who have stayed in the base have never seen
it before. Zhou Yu is worried that they will make irrational behavior under the impulse.
They once again reminded in the intercom: "Absolutely not allowed to shoot! Remember,
absolutely Don't shoot! Once you shoot, you really anger these creatures!"
It is worthy of consolation that the field personnel of this time were quite calm and
steadfast, and the orders of Wu Yun and Zhou Yu were firmly implemented. Although they
transferred the machine guns, no one fired from the beginning to the end. Until this group
of creatures is far away.
The virgin forest was quiet again.
Wu Yun asked all members to evaluate the loss through the walkie-talkie.
There are three cars that need to be replaced, and one that is completely out of reach.
Fortunately, the delivery vehicle that replaces the oil and food is temporarily normal.
Wu Yun exhaled a breath and said: "Actually, this is luck compared to the last encounter
with the Overlord Silver Spider."
Some of the field players got out of the car and began to change tires. Wu Yun also got off to
help another un-startable car to view the engine.
Opening the front cover of the car, a burst of black smoke emerged, Wu Yun touched his
head and sighed and said: "It is the gods can not let it open again!"
He can only discuss with Zhou Yu the personnel on this car to other cars. After the re-
adjustment, the team set off again.
Wu Yun opened the car while thinking about all the dangerous creatures he had met.
For example, the sword bone butterfly, such as the three-eyed giant bird, such as the devil
vine... It seems that even Perry Winter is nothing, then he subconsciously looked at the ink
night, I hope that the ink night can really cover them.
In less than 10 minutes, the team found another huge problem, that is, a whole piece of
virgin forest in front was destroyed by the white and double-headed tarant that had just
run, although the damage to the original forest itself It is not serious, but the fallen
branches and trunks are completely blocked on the road where the team is traveling.
"This is really a ecstatic result! When we move all of these trees away, it is estimated that
our inhibitors have also failed." Wu Yun looked at the road ahead, which can be described
as sorrowful and horrible. It’s not suitable for the Hummer team.
"Would you like to go around?" Zhou Qing asked.
Li Qian took out the laptop he had been carrying and opened it to point at the electronic
map above. "The road we are currently traveling is the safest in this virgin forest. If you
want to detour, whether it is to the west or the south There are very dangerous creatures.
The two-headed tarantula and white rush are enough for us. Now, if we have to face other
dangerous creatures... I have to say with Han Li and Professor Zhou, anyway, It’s not the
first time. And we all believe in the judgment of both of you. It’s a big deal to bow your head
and die together. But I’m afraid that other members have no such experience and can’t bear
to do more dangerous things.”
Wu Yun nodded and said: "Li Qian's fears are justified. If you can, we'd better go down this
road. And these trees are destroyed, meaning that compared to the lush virgin forest, This
road is even brighter."
After that, everyone looked at the ink night still sitting on Zhou Yu’s knees.
The ink night seems to be completely ignorant of everyone’s intentions, yawning and falling
down to seem to want to sleep. It smashed down and used his head to lick the belly of Zhou
Zhou Yu smiled and stroked its back with a hand, and the satin-like fluff felt better than
before. In the night, the ink whispered and the whole body was smashed.
"Hey, hello! Zhou Yu, you really don't let this little guy fall asleep, I still count on it to clean
the road!"
Zhou Yu’s funny mouth said: “It’s just to play a big name!”
Li Qian quickly put his hand over and licked the head of the night, and said in a pleading
tone: "Good ink night! 乖墨夜! You cleaned up these trunk branches, the team can reach the
base 2 earlier. Zhou Yu can also rest and play with you, isn't that good?"
The head of the ink night was buried deeper, and even the small wings were opened to
smash the entire ear.
"This little thing really will find the time to be willful!" Wu Yun snorted and grinned.
Zhou Qing also bowed down to say to the ink night: "Ink night, we have a very important
thing to do at the base 2. Mr. Song, they are waiting for us to unlock the secret of the virus
on the Nibelungen jellyfish, save the base. Other people. We are one minute late, everyone
is more than a minute of danger, so you can help me clean up the obstacles on this road!
I heard Zhou Qing say this, the ink night moved his own wings, opened the beautiful eyes
and looked at Zhou Yu, Zhou Yu nodded to it.
"Hey! In the night, you listen to me. If you clean up these things, when we get to base 2, I
will let Zhou Yu show you a striptease! Do you know what a striptease is? Old and sexy. I’m
so good!” Wu said in a serious tone.
Such a style of arbitrage, let Li Qian and Han Li look at him with a strange look, Li Qian
couldn't bear to directly reach out on Wu Yun's head and patted it: "Please don't make such
a false promise." ”
However, I did not expect that the ink night issued a "hmm" sound, it seems very
interested, and even looked forward to Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu gently tapped his finger on the tip of the nose of the ink night. There was a faint
love between the eyes of his eyes. This was never seen by Zhou Qing, which made Zhou Yu’s
cold expression seem soft.
"Do you know what a striptease is? Small things?"
I didn't expect the ink night to nod.
Li Qian said angrily: "It must have been learned from the unruly movies selected by Wu
Yun, it is too annoying!"
"But I won't show you striptease." Zhou Yu smiled and replied.
"Oh..." The night of the ink showed a disappointing expression and bowed his head.
But Zhou Yu held his shoulders by hand and leaned against it: "But I hope you clean them
up so that the team can move forward, can't you?"
"Well..." Although very disappointed, the ink night still got up and ready to jump out of the
car door.
Zhou Yu reached out and touched the back of the ink night. When it left, kissed it on its
The body of the ink night was slightly stiff. It turned to look at Zhou Yu. The big amber eyes
were full of surprises and an indescribable joy.
"Go!" Zhou Yu said with a smile.
The ink didn't go back to the night, the wings slid in the night sky, and suddenly swooped,
the power seemed to be a meteor crashing into the ground. Its front paws resisted the
broken roots, the hind limbs forced, the wings flapped, and the air flow formed in the air. It
made a long sound, and the piece was pushed open in an instant, even before it blinked,
they appeared in front of them. A flat road.
"My God..." Li Qian was completely stupid.
"Thank you fortunately, the ink night is brought up by Zhou Yu..." Han Li also sighed.
However, Wu Yun looked at Zhou Yu with sympathetic eyes: "My goodness, what should
you do in Zhou Yu? It is not an opponent of the ink night, he can easily take you how! Now
this small The guy probably hasn't reached adolescence yet, it's just a fantasy for you... until
it starts to enter the most difficult rebellious period, the reason is completely defeated by
emotions, and has the ability to realize his own fantasy, Zhou Yu is really finished. !"
"What are you talking about! Wu Yun!"
This time, Li Qian had not had time to play Wu Yun’s head. Zhou Yu had already raised his
hand and took a picture on the back of Wu Yun’s head.
"Hey! It’s a friend who tells the truth to remind you, okay!"
Wu Yun’s voice just fell, ink night ran back, very happy to break into the car, narrowed his
body, sat on Zhou Yu’s knee, and became a group, like saying: ask for a pro I ask for hugs.
"Look! You see! Zhou Yu, obviously you have no way to him." Wu Yun said dissatisfied.
"Open your car!" Han Li could not help but want to hit Wu Yun's head.
With the help of the ink night, the entire team passed through the virgin forest safely. When
the first morning light of the sun fell in front of the window of Wu Yun, they could already
see the outline of the base 2.
"God bless this time, there will be no more inexplicable worms or other dangerous
creatures in the base 2, we just want to take a good sample and study the virus well." Li
Qian prayed in his heart with his hands together.
Base 2 is one of the earliest bases set up by Juli Group in Nibelungen. Although it is an early
base, the research equipment and research projects here are no less than the No. 5 base of
Song Zhi, even Some studies are at the forefront of all bases, such as virology.
The current head of Base 2 is the leader of ecology, Dr. Ron. Dr. Ron is similar to Song, but
he is younger.
He frowned and looked at the entire team led by Wu Yun and Zhou Yu into his base,
showing a very dissatisfied expression.
"I remember that Song told me that I would arrange most of your scholars and field players
at the observatory, but now that you are here, I have no time to prepare. The space of all
the bases is limited. You can only stay now. In the restaurant, until we squeeze out the
Dr. Ron’s dissatisfaction is justified, and he is not unwilling to help Wu Yun and Zhou Yu,
purely because of the limited capacity of the base.
For scholars who have been working hard for a day and night, it is very rare to be exposed
to dangerous environments. Many people who just came to the base of the restaurant
didn't care about what they were eating and drinking. They fell asleep on the table.
Zhou Qing was also very sleepy, but Li Qian patted his shoulder very arrogantly and said:
"If you are sleepy, sleep on me!"
Some of the field players fell asleep on the ground in the restaurant, and some stayed in the
car. For them, sleep is the most important thing, they must ensure energy to continue to
perform tasks.
Dr. Ron came to Zhou Qing's side and leaned down slightly: "Professor Zhou is too tired, or
go to my room to take a break!"
Zhou Qing was surprised. From the time he entered the base, Dr. Ron did not laugh. Zhou
Qing thought that they brought a lot of trouble to Dr. Ron, but he did not expect Dr. Ron to
visit him personally.
"You are a very good and outstanding scholar, and as far as I know, your body is not very
good. As the person in charge of Base 2, I should give you a comfortable rest environment.
Please don't refuse, come with me. Our base I have already discussed how to take a turn of
sleep. When other staff in the base perform tasks or research work, you can continue to
rest in their room. When their research is over, you can go back to the restaurant and see.
TV, play chess."

Laws of the Other World Chapter 51: sleeping Beauty

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"This is indeed a good solution. Thank you very much. But now I want to see the
Nibelungen jellyfish. What does this culprit look like?"
"Of course, please come with me." Dr. Ron nodded.
Zhou Qing got up and patted Li Qian’s shoulder and said, “You and Han Li are also tired this
way. Hurry and take a break!”
While walking around, Zhou Qing discussed the progress of his research with Dr. Ron.
Dr. Ron suddenly stopped and said to Zhou Qing: "Professor Zhou has a ruthless request."
"Please say." Zhou Qing can see that such a person who asked Dr. Ron to say
"unwillingness" is definitely important to him.
"I noticed that your brother Zhou Yu, with a night spirit. I heard that this night spirit grew
up with him, only obeying him, we want to do some very simple research on this night
spirit, I hope that you can help us convince Zhou Yu that we promise not to hurt this night
"Of course, but even if you want to hurt it, it is not likely to be possible. The potential of the
night spirit is unlimited. Until now, the ability of the ink night is stronger than any of the a-
class creatures we know. ""
“Thank you very much, we just listened to Dr. Carlos studying some intellectual problems
about the night spirit. I heard that their IQ is far higher than that of human beings. We are
just wondering if it can adapt to the human society.”
"It's not whether it can adapt to the human society, but whether it can be accepted by
human society."
Dr. Ron smiled awkwardly: "It is true that Nibelung's creatures seem terrible, but far
simpler than humans."
When Zhou Qing followed Dr. Ron to the place where the Nibelungen jellyfish specimens
were stored, Zhou Qing was completely shocked.
This is a swimming pool-sized transparent storage, a huge Nibelungen jellyfish is soaked in
it, it looks very quiet, no rotation, no signs of floating, like falling asleep in the water.
This made Zhou Qing think of the fairy tale of sleeping beauty, as if he could wake it up
from sleep.
Its translucent body refracts the light in this storage room, like a huge skirt, to cover the
entire space. The walls of the room were dyed with a faint, transparent gold color.
"In order to save it, the supply of formalin in our base for nearly a year has been used up,"
Dr. Ron said.
"My goodness... it's beautiful."
It is like an elf, like a masterpiece of a god, and it can't open its eyes.
Zhou Qing half-turned his head and his mouth was completely out of place.
"The more beautiful, the more dangerous it is, don't forget the virus it carries." Dr. Ron
reminded him with his arms.
"Yes... I was just wondering why Nibelung's creatures are not as simple as they are?"
"Because the simple beauty is too easy to be destroyed. To keep the good for a long time,
you must be cruel," Dr. Ron replied.
"Who said it? Your summary?" Zhou Qing tested his face and asked.
Dr. Ron shook his head and said: "This is not my summary, but my predecessor, Dr. Jiang's
original words. He is a leader in the field of virus research, just because our human world
has a virus outbreak, so he goes back. If he is still here, I bet that he will be able to research
the vaccine for you in a day. He left a lot of research on the virus of Nibelungen jellyfish
before he left, I will Call it out for your reference."
"I really appreciate it." Zhou Qing looked up at the huge jellyfish and suddenly felt a bit of
curiosity about Dr. Jiang.
At this time, the virus sampler slowly removed the cover at the upper end of the huge
storage vessel and extended the sampler.
Zhou Qing’s heart suddenly became tense. He looked up at the sampler and gently clicked
on the jellyfish. The jellyfish suddenly trembled like a touch of electricity. The light in the
whole space was twisted together. Ripple comes.
"Don't worry, this is because the static electricity on the sampler reacts with the jellyfish,"
Dr. Ron explained.
"Of course, any creature that is soaked in the formalin solution for such a long time can't
live." Zhou Qing smiled.
At this time, all the researchers and field players in the base restaurant were eating. The
side dishes were very simple, only bread and milk, but it was very delicious for them.
In the night of the ink, he squatted on the corner of the table and looked at the food in Zhou
Yu's plate with concentration. From time to time, he lowered his body and sniffed his nose.
This is the first time he smells the smell of buttered bread. He has to say that although it is
just bread, the base 2 gives them a good treatment.
"How long have I not smelled the smell of butter, or I used to eat two pieces of buttered
bread when I brought you back to the area on the 12th." Wu Yun exclaimed.
Zhou Yu opened the bread and pulled out the softest heart, reaching out to the lips of the
ink night beside him.
"Try it, this is at least better than green beans and carrots." Zhou Yu's lips raised a shallow
Han Li said: "It's really rare, Zhou Yu I almost never saw you laughing."
The night of the night seemed to be very happy. It first stretched out the tongue, squinted
slightly on the bread, then shrank his shoulders and narrowed his eyes as if they were
“Do you like it? Like it, eat it.”
But the ink night stretched out the front paws and pushed the bread back to Zhou Yu's lips.
He raised his chin and seemed to say: I am not hungry, I will give it to you.
"Amount... Is it really good to show your love like this?" Wu Yun said that he was very
The ink night looked over and seemed to say: I am jealous of you!
Zhou Yu raised his hand and licked the head of the night.
In this way, the night falls. Research on the virus of Nibelungen jellyfish has also begun.
Several researchers observed samples of the virus in the laboratory.
"Look, you see that this virus is not the same as a normal virus. It is not a ball, a crown, a
brick or a scorpion... it is smaller and more flexible than a normal virus..."
"And you see this part of it is a bit like the influenza A virus, so that it can carry out genetic
recombination in a short time to evolve a new type of disease strain, making its infectivity
multiply. And this paragraph is very similar to Ebola Or the virus characteristics of
hemorrhagic fever such as dengue fever, but this virus is more rapid than Ebola... This is
really the most terrible virus I have ever seen. I heard that Dr. Jiang is undergoing virus
decoding, only one step. I can study disease resistance."
"If he is here, it will be fine... Now maybe we have returned to the base with anti-disease
After studying for most of the night, these researchers were sleepy.
"It's so tired, Dr. Yao... I want to close my eyes and rest for five minutes."
"Yes, Dr. Shen, you sleep first. I continue to check the research records left by Dr. Jiang." Dr.
Yao replied.
But in less than a minute, Dr. Yao, who looked at the information, was also sleepy. He
blinked and finally couldn't stand it. He fell asleep on the table.
I don't know when, the sound of a silver bell ringing in my ear, connected together, like
coming from another world.
Dr. Yao opened his eyes and he was surprised to see a woman in white sitting at the corner
of his desk.
Her eyebrows are like the ink stains in the landscape paintings, and the smile on the lips
makes Dr. Yao tremble. A long black hair fell down as she leaned down to Dr. Yao, passing
over Dr. Yao’s cheek, and a fascinating flow of gold.
"You...who are you? Are you a researcher at the base?" Dr. Yao asked sillyly.
The woman kissed Dr. Yao's lips, and the wonderful feeling at that moment almost took Dr.
Yao's breath away.
The flow of time is still there.
On the morning of the next day, Zhou Yu was awakened by Zhou Qing.
"Brother - brother - you are getting up! Dr. Yao has an accident!"
Zhou Yu suddenly stunned, he did not think that he actually slept so well. Because there are
not enough rooms, he and Wu Yun and other field personnel are sleeping directly on the
floor of the restaurant.
Regardless of Wu Yun’s ridicule, the ink night must be glued to Zhou Yu. Zhou Yu’s pillow is
on the body of the ink night, and the ink night stretches his wings to cover Zhou Yu. The
whole body is warmed by the ink night, which is probably the reason why Zhou Yu gave up
the warning and fell asleep.
"What happened to Dr. Yao?"
"He... he didn't know what was going on, fell into the storage bowl of Nibelungen jellyfish,
and died..." Zhou Qing showed a sad expression, Dr. Yao and he were the same high school
"What? Sudden death? Isn't he studying the virus? What do you do to go to the place where
the specimens are stored?" Zhou Yu thinks this is not just a sudden death.
Wu Yun also got up, "Go! Go and have a look!" Since Dr. Yao was sent by Zhou Yu and Wu Yun, Dr. Ron could not stop them
from going to the scene to confirm.
When they saw the huge jellyfish specimen, they subconsciously exclaimed.
In the formalin solution, Dr. Yao floated between the skirts of the jellyfish. His face was a
serene expression, as if he was just asleep. But fools know that he can't live.
Wu Yun swallowed and pointed to Dr. Yao and said, "He... How did he fall in?"
Dr. Ron sighed: "Please come with me. The monitoring records the whole process."
When everyone followed Dr. Ron to the monitoring room, Zhou Yu subconsciously turned
back and found that the jellyfish's skirt rose slightly, as if slowly turning. Just because it is
too big, it all looks like the effect of light refraction.
But the ink night did not leave, but looked up silently.
"What's wrong, ink night? Is there any problem?" Zhou Yu came to its side, and ink night
bite Zhou Yu's trouser legs and asked him to leave.
At this time, the staff wrapped in a diving suit sneaked in from the top cover and brought
Dr. Yao's body out of Formalin.
He was put in a sealed bag and waited for further autopsy.
Zhou Yu and Wu Yun came to the monitoring room and saw what happened last night.
Dr. Yao left the lab at 3 am in the base to go to the place where the Nibelungen jellyfish was
stored. He opened the lid of the storage bin and held the sampler in his hand, but when he
lowered his head to take the sample, the whole person suddenly fell into Formalin.
"My God..." Wu Yunyu lived in his eyes.
Perhaps it was because Dr. Yao’s fall broke the tranquility in the storage tank, and the
Nibelungen jellyfish soaked in the liquid slowly floated and floated. With Dr. Yao’s struggle,
he was gradually covered by the huge jellyfish. Then his losing strength is gradually being
Dr. Shen, who was in the same laboratory as Dr. Yao, was very guilty. He grabbed his face
and burst into tears: "I didn't mean it... I was just too tired, I wanted to sleep for a while... I
told him. I just want to sleep for five minutes! He must have found something in the
research materials left by Dr. Jiang, so I have to go to the sample to confirm! If I am not
asleep, I can go with him! I can hold it. He won't let him fall!"
"It's not your fault. It's just an accident..." Dr. Ron held down Dr. Shen's shoulder and
Ron turned his face and looked at Zhou Qing's gaze. The two nodded.
Dr. Ron returned to the storage room of the Nibelungen jellyfish and issued instructions to
bio-scan the specimen.
“Do you think Dr. Yao’s stance is strange?” Zhou Qing came to Dr. Ron’s side and asked.
"Yes, it doesn't look like it's extremely tired, but it's like drunkenness." Dr. Ron stared
coldly at the specimen of the Nibelungen jellyfish. "We can't use the creatures of the human
world to measure the creatures here." I now suspect that this jellyfish was just a dormant
state, perhaps because of previous sampling, touching its nerves, and it woke up. Maybe it
used to seduce Dr. Yao, or because of Yao. The doctor is too close to its secret, so this
jellyfish must kill Dr. Yao before the virus is decoded."
"Any idea that originally sounded like a fantasy is a reasonable suspicion here." Zhou Qing
However, after the overall biological scan, no signs of life were found in this Nibelungen
jellyfish, and its cell activity index was zero.
"So is it really just a specimen?" Zhou Qing did not ask with certainty.
“I will send people to monitor its biological activity 24 hours a day,” Dr. Ron replied, which
is now the best solution.
Zhou Yu and Mo Ye stayed in the restaurant all the time. Several researchers looked at the
night in the distance and wanted to come forward to observe, but they did not dare to
approach. Ink night deliberately erected his wings to face them with a sly expression, and
the faces of these researchers suddenly turned away and immediately ran away.
Wu Yun, who was also bored, laughed.
Zhou Yu also licked the head of the night: "You little bad guy, be careful that Dr. Ron will
not give you food."
In the night of the ink, watching the big eyes, Zhou Yu, Zhou Yu knows that this little guy is
pretending to be purely sympathetic to his sympathy.
"Don't look at me like this, it's useless."
The ink night relied on it, deliberately using the tip of the nose to go to the top of the hand
of Zhou Yu, Zhou Yu put his hand away, the ink night chased up, and quickly caught a finger
of Zhou Yu.
It wraps around Zhou Yu’s fingertips with his own tongue, but he doesn’t rush to bite.
Instead, he looks at Zhou Yu with his eyes, and he is very embarrassed, and he won’t get a
look without permission from Zhou Yu, but Zhou Yu is very clear, if he does not let it eat, it
will definitely rely on him to let himself do nothing.
At this time, the anatomy of Dr. Yao began.
There were three anatomists on the scene. They all turned on the video recorder. When the
first knife cut open the abdominal cavity of Dr. Yao, there were countless pale golden
transparent Niberlong root jellyfish flowing out of his abdomen.
The anatomist of the main knife jumped back and forth, and Dr. Yao’s body instantly melted
like a flesh and blood, and the beach was on the dissection table, leaving only white bones.
"My God, how is this going?"
At that moment, the jellyfish on the ground suddenly moved and climbed onto the bodies of
the three anatomists.
"Go away! Go away!" The anatomist wielded a scalpel and poked at the jellyfish, but could
not poke through their bodies.
Soon, the bodies of the three anatomists were covered by the jellyfish. They fell to the
ground and twitched with their hands to capture the jellyfish, but their hands were
swallowed by the jellyfish. The body seems to be melted, and these jellyfish squeeze into
their flesh and blood, frantically sucking nutrients.
“How did Dr. Yao’s autopsy report still come?” A few hours later, Dr. Ron opened the
anatomy room’s liaison very strangely, calling for a long time but no one answered.
He immediately connected to the monitoring of the dissection room and found that all
three anatomists had turned into a pool of blood, and the scene was terrible.
"This situation is like being infected by the virus of Nibelungen jellyfish..." Zhou Qing's eyes
sank, and things were more complicated than they thought.
Dr. Ron immediately closed the dissection room and isolated all personnel who had
contacted the laboratory.
“Is it because the virus of Nibelungen jellyfish was infected by Dr. Yao?” Dr. Ron thought
about it.
Zhou Qing made a suggestion: "We will quickly review the entire process of anatomy!"
When they saw in the surveillance that the group of only the slap-up Nibelungen jellyfish
killed the anatomists, Zhou Qing finally understood.
"The huge jellyfish did not die, as it has been sleeping."
Ron gritted his teeth: "Maybe Formalin is not suitable for its survival, so it directly stops all
its cellular activities and waits for the right environment. We are all cheated by it! Since I
took over the base, it has Here it is! It has not only fooled me, but Dr. Jiang who has been
studying this virus!"
Zhou Qing looked at each other: "Now... Dr. Yao has become the nutrition of its breeding
Dr. Ron immediately issued an order: "Inject a neurotoxin into the storage dish where
Nibelungen jellyfish is located! Send someone to the dissection room to find the jellyfish it
breeds! Where must they hide!"
A whole team entered the dissection room, they turned on the biological scan, and every
corner of the space was checked. Once the Nibelungen jellyfish is fully open and adsorbed
on the ground, it is thin and transparent and difficult to detect.
They finally found a whole piece of transparent jellyfish adsorbed on top of the dissection
"These little things are very embarrassing. They are hiding in the blind spot of sight." Zhou
Qing realized that the intelligence of Nibelungen jellyfish may be very high.
"Be careful... be careful not to be touched by them..." Dr. Ron looked at the monitor and was
nervously worried that he would accidentally repeat the mistakes of the No. 5 base where
Song Zhi was located.
These jellyfish were finally recovered, and they were mercilessly placed in a solution
soaked in neurotoxins, and it was not long before they were melted.
But Ron immediately received another message, that is, they did not design a pipeline to
inject neurotoxin when they originally designed the Nibelungen jellyfish storage container.
After all, who would have thought of injecting toxins into specimens?
So the base sent an executive to carry a neurotoxin manual injection, but did not expect the
executive to come to the jellyfish's specimen, looked obsessively on his back, no matter
how his colleague called him, asked him to perform the task, he No response.
It was an expression of a near pilgrim, his vision as if he had crossed the huge transparent
jellyfish and went to another world.
In the repeated calls over and over again, he took out his own gun, pressed against his
head, smiled and pulled the trigger with expectation...
In the surveillance, as the gun rang, Ron’s shoulder trembled.
"This... what the **** is going on..."
Zhou Qing, who was watching the surveillance with him, is not the first time to understand
such a situation: "I guess this jellyfish has the ability to affect the human nerves to create
hallucinations. Do you remember how Dr. Yao entered the sample room of the jellyfish?
You Said that he was drunk. I guess he was influenced by the jellyfish."
"The system does not inject neurotoxins. Now I have to send people to go and no one dares
to go!" Ron grabbed his temple with a headache.
"Do we completely blow up that part of the area?" Zhou Qing proposed.
"Frozen just happened to get the jellyfish out of the storage. So much formalin solution is
enough to be the buffer of the explosion. It has only started to work now, I think Formalin
has suppressed it to some extent, blasting It is equal to giving it freedom. And its ability to
move is very strong, you can see the little jellyfish it breeds."
The author has something to say: Mirror, Mirror, who is the most diligent melon in the

Laws of the Other World Chapter 52: Dream and waking

Settings saved..
"What should I do?" Zhou Qing found that they were in a dilemma.
At this time, Zhou Yu’s voice came from the intercom: “I took the ink night. I believe that the
ink night, which is a higher creature than Nibelungen jellyfish, has more powerful power
and can help me. Resist its influence."
"Brother! You can't go!" Zhou Qing was anxious. The scene of the executive’s suicide with a
gun was still vivid, and Zhou Qing could not do it calmly.
"This jellyfish is just starting to move. When it becomes more and more aware of the
situation of the base. When it is getting more and more adapted, it is possible that all of us
will become the nutrients of its breeding offspring. It must be solved as soon as possible."
Zhou Yu's The sound is extremely calm.
Dr. Ron muttered his chin: "Professor Zhou, maybe your brother's idea is right. The whole
base can resist the Nibelungen jellyfish only the night spirit. Let it accompany your brother
to perform this task, Perhaps the biggest chance of success."
Zhou Qing knows that once Zhou Yu decides to do something, it is difficult for him to
change. Zhou Qing sighed and bowed his head.
"We must go back together."
"Of course." Zhou Yu replied.
Zhou Yu also took the neurotoxin from the staff's hands with the ink night. The other party
told him that if he opened it and threw it into the formalin, everything would be over.
When Zhou Yu walked into the sample room and looked up at the huge jellyfish, although
he was wary of it in his heart, it was difficult to admire the magic of the Creator himself.
Feeling that his calf was bitten, Zhou Yu looked down and saw the eyes of the ink night
showing dissatisfaction.
Zhou Yu smiled: "Look at me, ink night."
"Yeah." Mo did nodded.
At that moment, the mood that was originally a little nervous also calmed down.
Zhou Yu climbed up to the height of the storage dish, and the time became slow. He secretly
guessed in his heart that this huge jellyfish would not sit still, what kind of resistance and
counterattack would it make?
Zhou Qing, who stood in front of the surveillance screen, was extremely nervous. He
subconsciously tightened his chest. This is not the most thrilling moment for Zhou Yu to
come to Nibelungen, but it is probably the most deadly moment.
Zhou Yu took out the rope, bypassed his waist and hung it outside the storage bin, in case
he would be controlled by it like Dr. Yao and fell into formalin. Then Zhou Yu slammed the
switch, and the lid on the top of the storage vessel slowly moved away. At the moment
when Zhou Yu was about to pour the medicine into it, he only heard a slamming sound. A
slender hand stretched out from the liquid and buckled Zhou Yu. The wrist, such a sense of
strength almost to crush his wrist is generally true.
"Do you want to kill me?"
The ethereal voice sounded, and Zhou Yu’s eyes widened, and he saw the dark-haired boy
who had saved himself from the water.
His smile is like the first time Zhou Yu saw him, with the temptation to look at his eyes, but
elegant and not kitsch.
"How come you are here?" Zhou Yu's pupil was big at that moment.
"Do you miss me?" The other hand of the boy was on the edge of the storage bin. He turned
his head and his line of sight followed.
Zhou Yu opened his mouth and couldn't say anything.
Why is he here?
Because he feels dangerous, so like many times before, to protect himself?
"do you miss me……"
His lips open and close, with some kind of magic, quietly embedded in Zhou Yu's defense,
destroying all seemingly solid resistance.
He turned his face, and the slight drop of the eye seemed to bring all the thoughts of Zhou
Yu into another dream.
Zhou Yu’s subconsciousness relies on the other side, and his heart is filled with an
inexplicable desire to touch the boy and have all of him.
But at the moment when Zhou Yu’s lips are about to hit him, another voice sounds deep in
his mind.
"I never ask you ‘Do you want to kill me?’ because I will put my chest on your muzzle.”
Zhou Yu's muscles tightened in an instant, and all his thoughts were instantly removed. His
ear was the shouting of Zhou Qing in the walkie-talkie.
"Brother - be careful!"
Behind him, it was the night of the ink that jumped up and bite his belt to take him away.
The scene in front of him made him suddenly think of the scene where the fallen angel
angle was swallowed up by the scale dragon.
The huge jellyfish stirred up the water and rushed to the zenith.
I don't know when it was, it turned around in the storage dish, and the whole skirt gushed
up the water, and the open picture was like a huge transparent flower.
And Zhou Yu, only 0:01 will be engulfed by it!
The formalin solution almost splashed on Zhou Yu's body, and the night's wings were in
front of him. He fell and was hung by the ropes on his waist and swayed halfway through
the storage. Ink night wrapped him up, looked up and looked at the jellyfish slammed on
their heads, then spread quickly, extending in all directions, and its body gradually left the
formalin completely!
"Mom!" Zhou Yu did not expect the illusion of this jellyfish to be so realistic.
And his bottle of neurotoxin has fallen into the storage.
"It is to wrap this space up, so that you can retire, it will swallow you!" Zhou Qing's voice
came from the intercom.
Zhou Yu looked up at the jellyfish, and his body was hanging down from the heights of
countless sticky strips, squirming, like its digestive organs.
Zhou Yu pulled his mouth: "The neurotoxin is not only in the bottle of medicine."
After that, Zhou Yu pulled out the gun from the waist and quickly pulled the trigger against
the top of his head.
I only heard two shots of "砰砰-", the bullet penetrated the body of Nibelungen jellyfish and
The jellyfish originally attached to the zenith body loses its strength and generally makes a
sticky sound. It is scattered and it will cover Zhou Yu!
The wings of the ink night scraped through the back of Zhou Yu, cut the rope, and smashed
the wall of this huge sample room with Zhou Yu and rushed out.
At the same time, the jellyfish slammed down and its head was again planted back into the
storage bin. The splashed liquid fell to the ground, as if it had experienced a flood.
The skirt that was too late to be retracted fell on the outside of the storage vessel.
Everything is quiet.
Zhou Qing’s clenched fist before the monitor finally released, and he breathed out a sigh of
relief, only to find that his back was soaked.
Ron is half-small: "The night spirit... The power of the night spirit is so big... It easily hits the
wall of the base! We humans have no way to shut it down..."
"So it will stand on our side because of its choice, not because we are stronger than it."
Zhou Qing replied.
This is not the first time that the ink night has been rushed out with Zhou Yu.
When the ink night slipped in the channel for a short period of time, Zhou Yu was still on it.
The ink night did not rush to let Zhou Yu down, but cleverly squatted down, lifted his wings
and wrapped Zhou Yu on his back.
"Ink night... Nibelungen jellyfish made me hallucinating." Zhou Yu leaned his forehead
against the back of the night.
"Hey..." The ink night sighed softly.
"The illusion... is the one I shouldn't imagine." Zhou Yu suddenly felt that his thoughts did
not seem to have been encroached by the other party from when.
Zhou Yu smiled and touched the top of the ink night: "You saved me again. Without you... I
should die many times?"
"Yeah." Ink night nodded very seriously.
Zhou Yu’s image suddenly guessed what the other person was thinking. He knocked on the
head of the ink night: “What do you think! I can’t show you the striptease! Let’s see Wu Yun
give you a jump!”
"Oh..." In the night, Zhou Yu took two steps, then angrily straightened his back and let Zhou
Yu slip off his body.
This time, Ron was finally sure that the Nibelungen jellyfish was really dead.
Zhou Yu took two steps and saw Zhou Qing standing at the end of the passage waiting for
"I say to myself every time, I can't let you do any risky things... but every time I don't stop
your determination. I am the worst brother in the world." Zhou Qing's expression is as
clear as ever. It seems like nothing about the world.
But his gaze is shaking.
Zhou Yu stepped forward and hugged Zhou Qing.
"Stupid. There are some people who are suitable to make decisions, and some people are
suitable to implement. I am obviously the second person, and I hope that you can become
the first person."
"I know. I will be more decisive and strong."
According to Wu Yun, they should have a party and have fun and celebrate.
Originally, Wu Yun felt that most of his decision would be laughed at, but he did not expect
Dr. Ron to take it seriously. He sent Zhou Yu a whole bucket of red wine.
Wu Yun supported the waist and said very seriously: "Why didn't we be sent to Base 2? It is
obvious that Ron is bigger than Song!"
Zhou Yu just touched the fluff of the back of the ink night, and said with one hand on the
chin, "I like beer more than red wine."
But the ink night was very curious, leaving Zhou Yu, came to the barrel, turned around, and
sniffed the taste with his nose.
Wu Yun laughed: "Ha ha ha, even if you don't drink, ink night also wants to try it!"
Zhou Yu picked up a small glass of red wine and gathered it in front of the ink night. The ink
night immediately leaned over his face and his tongue reached into the cup and smashed.
When I first came into contact with the red wine, the tongue of the ink night shrank back. It
looked at Zhou Yu, and the eyes seemed to have countless stars shaking.
"What's wrong? Don't like it?" Zhou Yugang had to take back the glass. In the night, he
hugged Zhou Yu's hand with his front paws, dumped the cup and drank it.
"Aha..." The ink sighed with his eyes closed and looked very enjoyable.
This is the first time it has issued a sound other than "Hmm" or "唔", even Wu Yun is very
surprised to install red wine to feed the night.
And the ink night was very happy and wandered around Zhou Yu.
"Ink night will not be drunk? Do you want to feed it with red wine! Is it still not adult?" Li
Qian said with some concern.
Zhou Yu smiled and smiled: "It is not drunk. The metabolism of the night spirit is so fast,
how can it get drunk? It should be from the inside of the movie, and learn to be drunk."
In the night, the ink eyes narrowed, and the expression of laughter appeared. He returned
to Zhou Yu’s side and lazily collapsed.
After three rounds of wine, everyone was sleepy.
Zhou Yu lay down directly on the floor of the restaurant, resting on the back of the ink
"Zhou Yu, have you ever hoped that... whether it is Juli Group or Nibelungen or what we
have experienced is just a dream?" Wu Yun exclaimed.
"If you want to be contrary to reality, I still choose to do what I can and change the status
quo." Zhou Yu replied.
Wu Yun chuckled: "But I am more than anyone else to be thankful that all this is true.
Otherwise... in the so-called real world, watching my daughter die, how desperate?"
Zhou Yu raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder: "Maybe wake up tomorrow, the
virus will be solved, and we will be able to return to the original base safely. There is less
than a month, this cooperation with Juli Group. It’s over. You will meet your daughter and
be with her.”
"So what about you? What is your wish... Zhou Yu?" Wu Yun asked.
Zhou Yu lived.
Yes, what is his wish?
From the very beginning, because Perry Winter killed all his teammates, to protect Zhou
Qing from here, but these reasons seem to be less important.
Pelican, a creature of absolute horror in the human world, is nothing in the world of
For Nibelungen, Zhou Yu’s power is too small. If there is no guardian of the ink night, he
will never be able to protect Zhou Qing.
So... what is the meaning of all this in the end?
Zhou Yu raised his hand and touched the ink night. The head of the ink night came over and
glared at his face.
At this moment, all his wishes are about the ink night.
I hope that the ink night is happy, I hope it is strong, I hope that even without his existence,
it can enjoy itself.
Zhou Yu was sleepy and he closed his eyes.
I don't know when, the whisper sounded in my ear.
Some people are singing songs. His voice is unique, elegant and light, as if it is colliding with
dust in the air.
Zhou Yu opened his eyes fiercely and found that the teenager was sitting at the table. The
two slender legs swayed gently, and his hands were on the edge of the table, just looking
down at Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu took a breath and sat up, only to find that the entire restaurant was empty.
Whether it is Wu Yun, Li Qian or Han Li, and those researchers who are not familiar with
them, they have disappeared.
Zhou Yu looked into the eyes of the boy. His eyebrows were smiling and soft.
Last time, Zhou Yu saw this teenager sitting at the corner of the table, when he was
confronted with Dr. Lin. At that time, his smile was as touching as it was, but unlike at this
moment, Zhou Yu felt pure.
"I am dreaming. I am asleep, you are my hallucination." Zhou Yu said with certainty.
The smile of the teenager is more obvious. He tends to Zhou Yu, and stops at the moment
when the center of gravity is too fast to support.
This just the right distance, not too far away, Zhou Yu can not feel his temperature, not too
close to let Zhou Yu not see him.
His eyes are the most beautiful outlines Zhou Yu has ever seen, but the delicate but the
strength to break through the line of sight.
"So you know, if I am your illusion, it's all your dreams... it means you are missing me."
"It is also possible that you have entered my brain."
"Well, just treat it as if I made it for you. Would you like to make it last longer, or wake up
Zhou Yu chuckled and was about to answer, but the other's fingers touched his lips, and the
touch was so real.
"I want to be clear, and then answer me." The boy's smile converges, and his expression is
very serious.
In this world, he stands at the top of the pyramid, he does not need to be serious about
anything, everything is easy for him.
The other's fingertips passed over Zhou Yu's lips.
"There is no such thing in the objective world. But for me and your subjectivity, it is 100%
"So... what is your 'visiting' for?" Zhou Yu asked.
The teenager jumped off the table, his figure was very light, and there was no sound.
Zhou Yu was about to stand up, but the juvenile's hands were on his shoulders. Zhou Yu fell
back and sat down, while the other side sat on his waist.
"Do you know the illusion that Nibelungen jellyfish bring to the prey, not what it can
choose, but what the prey chooses?"
Juvenile leaned on Zhou Yu, almost attached to him, Zhou Yu stabilized his body backwards,
cold voice: "You should be up."
"The moment the jellyfish hunt you, you will see me because I am more attractive to you
than anything."
"I said, you should get up." Zhou Yu looked at each other's eyes and followed his voice cold.
The eyes were too deep, and Zhou Yu felt that he was going to die.
The teenager bowed his head and smiled, and the hair twitched. He let go of his hand.
But when Zhou Yu felt that he was about to push the other side away, the boy suddenly
looked up, and the pressure in his eyes shocked Zhou Yu’s line of sight. Zhou Yu was
stumped and was struggling while the teenager’s Both hands clasped Zhou Yu's wrist and
pressed them to Zhou Yu's ear.
Zhou Yu’s eyes widened and looked at each other.
"Look at your eyes, you are fantasizing yourself into my prey."
"At this moment, am I not your prey?" Zhou Yu asked.
"This is just a dream. If you want to get rid of me, just wake up."
Zhou Yu did not understand it, but the other party suddenly collapsed, containing his lips,
the tip of his tongue squeezed in with irresistible force, hitting Zhou Yu’s brain, just like
being infected by a virus, occupying Zhou Yu’s cell.
Zhou Yu raised his knee to hit the other side. He just raised one hand and pressed Zhou Yu's
legs down. And the pressure of the near suppression, Zhou Yu felt that his knees were
cracked and it was severely painful.
Woke up... Zhou Yu, wake up!
At the moment when Zhou Yu opened his eyes, he took a strong breath and his heart beat
violently. The nose was the smell of red wine that had not yet dispersed in the air.
His ear is the last words of the boy: You know that I am dangerous, but I don’t wake up
immediately because you want to be with me.
And the eyes full of magical charm are even more terrible than the Nibelungen jellyfish who
swallowed the space.
It is a force that is hard to resist. It lurks in every nerve of Zhou Yu, hidden in his thoughts
every minute and every second.
"Hmm?" The voice of the relatives came.
Zhou Yu swallowed his mouth and turned his face to face the ink night.
"Well..." The night of the night, with the tip of his nose, licked Zhou Yu, and the soft touch
made Zhou Yu's nervous nerves slowly relax.
Zhou Yu opened his arms and hugged the ink night, and had been watching the eyes of the
ink night for a long time.
The ink night probably felt that it was strange to be looked at by Zhou Yu. He was about to
remove his face. Zhou Yu said: "Look at me... ink night... let me look at you for a while."
"Yeah." The ink night seemed to feel Zhou Yu's emotions, sticking out his tongue and licking
Zhou Yu's upper lip.
"You are a little bad guy." Zhou Yu touched the head of the ink night and took it into his
Gradually, drowsiness strikes.
This time, Zhou Yu really fell asleep.
As soon as he opened his eyes, he found Dr. Ron sitting in the dining chair and looking
down at himself.
Zhou Yu sat up fiercely. He didn't expect anyone to come to his neighborhood or even sit in
front of him. He didn't even react at all.
"Dr. Ron... Is the Nibelungen jellyfish still dead?"
"Of course not." Dr. Ron shook his head. "It was completely dissolved by us. Its cells and the
viruses carried were also sent to Dr. Shen for research."
"Oh... that's because... you have to study the ink night?"
"So can I dissect it?" Dr. Ron asked.
"Of course not." Zhou Yu looked coldly at each other.
"Can I take a blood sample of it?"
"It's not happy."
“Can I perform other behavioral tests on it?”
"Dr. Carlos tried and ruined a monitoring room."
"Oh... that's not necessary. And I want to study and basically come to a conclusion."
"What do you want to study?"
“Can the night spirit with super high intelligence adapt to the human society.”
"So... conclusion?" Zhou Yu found that there was a generation gap in the brain between
himself and Dr. Ron.
"The conclusion is that if humans trust the night spirit, then of course this is possible."
"..." Zhou Yu did not know what to say.
And the ink night woke up, whispered and looked at Dr. Ron with his head. It found that Dr.
Ron also wore a white long scorpion like the one who had run to see his own, and suddenly
got a bad heart, deliberately showing a sly expression, and a pair of rushing to bite Dr. Ron.
"Hey! Ink night!"
Zhou Yu was about to smash the head of the ink night. He did not expect Dr. Ron to stretch
his fingers and bounce on the forehead of the ink night.
"After you came here, you haven't hurt anyone, so don't think that your little trick will scare
The ink night did not think that the other party would be this reaction, and the
subconscious constrained backwards.
"Oh, yes... Dr. Shen’s virus research has made some progress. Do you want to know why
Professor Zhou and Dr. Han Li are exposed to the virus-borne environment without being
"Because they are all sick. Professor Zhou has cerebral glioma, and Dr. Han Li just had a bad
cold that day. Their bodies are in an unhealthy condition. The virus is attached to the
jellyfish, they are millions of years old. The role of evolution is to help jellyfish digest food.
Professor Zhou and Dr. Han Li are not 'healthy foods'."
The author has something to say: Ink night: I am a fine emperor, I want you all, not from
Monday to Sunday.

Laws of the Other World Chapter 53: Out of control night spirit
Settings saved..
After that, Dr. Ron left.
"This Dr. Ron looks... pretty cute?" Wu Yun, who had been sleeping near Zhou Yu, said.
"Whether it compares Mr. Song, should it look cute?" Li Qian also sat up and looked
depressed. "When can I go back to our base? I sleep on the floor every day, my waist can't
stand it anymore... ..."
At this time, the No. 5 base is still closed.
Song Zhi took a small suitcase and walked in the empty passage.
His footsteps echoed alone, through the layers of nodes, he came to the garage, started a
Hummer and left the base.
The car drove into the yellow sand of the sky.
After nearly an hour's drive, Song got off the car, took the shovel, and shoveled the sand to
reveal a black metal door. Song opened the door with his fingerprint and walked down the
Among the dust that was raised from time to time, another car stopped at a distance not far
from Song. After a dozen seconds, the car drove away, and the sand quickly covered up the
traces it left behind.
The team led by Dr. Shen has finally made breakthrough progress and successfully
developed disease-resistant substances and vaccines.
"Dr. Shen, you are so powerful! We can finally go back to our base." Wu Yun patted Dr.
Shen's shoulder, and Dr. Shen was almost photographed by him.
"No, no... This is not my own merit, but also Dr. Yao... His night is too close to the truth of
this virus, so it will be..." Dr. Shen squinted and remembered his old partner. Mixed feelings.
"But in any case, your research progress is really fast. It is possible to complete the disease
resistance of such a complex virus in such a short period of time and the genetic
decryption. Compared with you, I seem useless." Zhou Qing Smiled.
"That is because when we encountered a bottleneck, Dr. Jiang came. His thinking is very
open, unlike the old guys who are caught in the formula. We spent a few days and nights
can not figure out the problem, **** It took only a few minutes for the doctor to provide
new ideas and find new ways."
"What? Dr. Jiang is coming? Where is he?" Zhou Qing's eyes lit up.
"He came in the shuttle cabin and left after only a few hours," Ron replied.
"Oh, my God! You should recommend me to know him! I have a lot of problems with plant
viruses and I want to ask him!" The expression on Zhou Qing's face is extremely
"But at the time you were already asleep. And... I want to wait until the other side of the
world solves the problem, Dr. Jiang will come back, you can continue to think he asks the
question you want to ask." Ron replied.
Zhou Qing bowed his head and smiled helplessly. Who knows if he can live to the next visit
of Dr. Jiang?
"Don't think about the problem you shouldn't think about." Zhou Yu said.
Zhou Qing slightly groaned, then smiled: "Yes, I should put my thinking ability in a
meaningful place. However, Dr. Shen, do you think that comparing Dr. Jiang, you are
considered 'old guys'? So **** How young is the doctor?"
"Ah... this is the case... I saw him at first sight and thought he was a high school student." Dr.
Shen replied.
"Oh, I hate this young doctor. The younger the more talented, the more self-centered." Wu
Yun held his eyes. "I don't expect to meet him."
Everyone laughed.
"I have also received a telegram from Song Zhi. Since the research here has made
breakthrough progress, he hopes that you will **** virologists to bring back the No. 5 base
with the results of the research. Then drag on, the base No. 5 is true. It’s going to be a dead
city. Those who stay there will become more and more desperate, and Song will be more
and more unable to control the situation."
"Of course." Zhou Yu nodded.
"I have to go back with you," Li Qian said.
"You? The life here is quite good. There are butter breads and you don't have to worry
about being infected by viruses. Are you sure you want to go back?" Wu Yun asked
"Of course. The system of the No. 5 base is designed by me. One person holds a base and
refers to a master like me. If the base No. 5 is really heart-wrenching, Mr. Song will need my
help. If it is me, sit. You can lock you in a room in front of the computer until you starve to
death." Li Qian Chao Wu Yun compared to a middle finger.
"I will go back with you." Without waiting for Zhou Yu to open, Zhou Qing went on to say, "I
have very important research to complete. I have to go back to my research room."
Moreover, no matter where Zhou Yu goes, or whatever Zhou Yu happened, he hopes that he
can know the first time.
"So well, I am going to prepare a horse-drawn carriage for you. And, these days, I am very
happy with you, I hope that there will be opportunities for cooperation in the future." Ron
shook hands with Dr. Zhou and Dr. Shen.
A group of three Hummers drove back to the base.
Wu Yun and Zhou Yu protect Dr. Shen, Zhou Qing and Li Qian. This time, the light car was
simple, and there was almost no accident along the way.
Zhou Yu held his chin with one hand, hung his eyes, and watched the nest sleep very
fragrant on his knees, making a softly sizzling ink night, always feeling that the calm of this
road is related to it.
is it you? Let those dangers stay away from us?
Zhou Yu raised his hand and gently slipped from the top of his head to the back of his neck.
The ink night seems to feel very comfortable, its small wings follow the stroking of Zhou Yu,
gently raised and fell.
At sunset, they finally returned to the fifth base.
When the door opened, Wu Yun breathed a sigh of relief.
"What's wrong?" Zhou Yu asked.
"If you are separated from the world." Wu Yun replied.
The Hummer drove into the base, the gate fell, everything looked cold and lonely, and the
air was full of water.
At the bottom of the passage, it is dressed in a suit, as always, the meticulous Song Zhi.
Behind him are two guards in protective suits.
Wu Yun whistled: "Good evening, Mr. Song. You didn't wear protective clothing. It's not that
you have been infected, so there is no need to wear it?"
Song Zhi’s line of sight directly skipped Wu Yun and fell on Zhou Yu’s body.
"Welcome you back. We have been waiting for a long time." Song said.
Dr. Shen’s disease-resistance was quickly put into use. Two medical staff who had just had
symptoms of infection were saved. The shadow of the death of the entire base was finally
dispersed. The disease is about to pass.
This evening, Zhou Yu did not rush to sleep, but accompanied the ink night in the
restaurant to watch the movie "Ninja Turtle".
Unlike the movie that looked up at the table on the table, the current ink night learned to
nest in the arms of Zhou Yu, leaning the back of the head on Zhou Yu’s shoulder, completely
making Zhou Yu an adult-shaped sofa. There is no room for refusal.
"You really want to spoil it."
I don't know when Song Zhi came to Zhou Yu's side and put a beer in front of him.
The arrival of Song Zhi made the ink night a little unpleasant. It pretended not to see Song
Zhi and continued to look up at the movie.
"It has saved me many times, and it is even more worthy of my trust than my peers."
"Are you talking about me?" Song asked.
Zhou Yu can see the laughter of Song’s lips.
"I always wanted to ask you, have you been deliberately sending me to perform the most
dangerous and most likely tasks that I can't come back to?"
"I am." Song Zhi answered very frankly, even without a trace of hesitation.
"Why? You want me to die?"
"Because those tasks are important to me, but the average person can't do it, so I can only
hope to be on you. If you can't finish the task, then no one can finish it."
“What good is it for you to complete these tasks?” Zhou Yu asked.
"In order for the Juli Group to believe that I have the ability to sit in this position, I will still
do the most favorable plan for Juli Group." Song Zhi answered.
"And then? Sitting in this position, will Juli Group pay you a high salary? You are not short
of money, Mr. Song."
"Because only in this position, I can protect what I think is the most important thing. If
another person gets this position, I am sure that he will do everything he can to destroy
what I care about." Song Zhi for Zhou Yu Opened the beer can.
"Are you bribing me?" Zhou Yu asked.
"Okay." Song smiled.
"If one day this position can't be kept?"
"Then can't keep it... because I am tired, and even in Nibelungen, there is no eternal
immortal. There is always a day to stop, early or late."
After that, Song Zhi got up.
Before leaving, he asked again: "Zhou Yu, do you have any opinions?"
"Nibelungen also has a virus, we have to be careful. Is this a suggestion?"
"Of course. Good night." Song Zhi left.
Zhou Yu deliberately licked the belly of the night, where it was soft.
"Is it easy to eavesdrop on adults?"
In the night, the ink spit out the tongue to lick Zhou’s cheek, but Zhou Yu suddenly stuffed
something into it.
The ink night chewed for a while, revealing an incomprehensible expression, opening his
mouth, and chewing gum stuck to the upper and lower teeth.
Zhou Yu laughed.
A month later, the virus spread by the Nibelungen jellyfish was finally cleared at the base.
They even opened a celebration party in the restaurant, although Song Zhi only gave
everyone a can of beer and a cigarette.
Joy and joy spread all over.
Wu Yun even held Li Qian’s hand and danced ballroom dancing. Although Li Qian was very
dissatisfied, he could only jump in the women’s step.
"Professor Zhou? Why didn't he come and play together?" Wu Yun asked Li Qian as he
walked past Zhou Yu.
"He wants to bring back the progress of the previous research." Zhou Yu replied.
“Hey, these people are really boring.”
It is the ink night eager to try, I really want to dance with Zhou Yu. Zhou Yu was like a child,
dragging the front paws of the ink night with him for two turns. There are fewer and fewer
people who have opinions on the ink night, and everyone seems to get used to seeing it in
the restaurant.
With the rotation of the circle and the circle, Zhou Yu found that everything around him
was not important, except for the eyes of the ink night.
Its happiness is so simple and true.
After midnight, the party is over and everyone is not going back to the bedroom or going
back to their position.
At the moment, Carlos stayed in the lab and focused on the night spirit in the transparent
When the virus was raging, he was always here, never leaving a step, and not in contact
with others. In addition to drinking water and eating the food stored here, he is chatting
with the night spirit.
He is looking forward to it, and it will trust itself like Zhou Yu attached to Zhou Yu.
It is nearing maturity and has a very similar shape to the ink night. The closed eyes made
Carlos unable to help wonder if the meeting was like.
Is it the same amber as the ink night?
Will you have a high IQ and the curiosity and yearning for the human world like the ink
Carlos's hand was covered on a petri dish, imagining its temperature and its touch.
"What is the name for you? What is the match with the ink night... is it white? Sorry, I am
not good at naming, maybe Zhou Yu can give you a good name."
At a certain moment, the night spirit in the petri dish suddenly opened his eyes, it is not a
thorough amber, but blood red!
Carlos was shocked to take a step back.
He thought he had an illusion, so he touched his eyes. But the night spirit is indeed
squinting. Although there was no extra expression, Carlos saw hunger and killing in those
It and the ink night are like two sides of the mirror, a crazy, a cold.
Carlos swallowed, and he suddenly had a hunch that he was not nurturing and sensible
creatures like the night!
wrong! There must be something wrong!
Carlos suddenly had a dangerous hunch.
He wanted to avoid the sight of the night spirit, but when he went to the left, the eyes of the
night spirit followed him to the left.
He went to the right and his eyes moved to the right.
As the shadows follow.
This made Carlos's sense of danger multiplied, and he seemed to be the prey that was
locked by it.
He remembered Zhou Yu’s words and thoughts, and remembered the disappointment of
the night of the night. Maybe everything has a reason, it is no coincidence!
Carlos told himself that it must be resolved before this error becomes bigger! No matter
how Song will question his decision, Carlos knows he must do this!
He swallowed his mouth and clenched his fists. He made a decision: he had to go to his
computer and enter instructions to infuse the petri dish with nerve gas!
He must not let it leave the petri dish alive!
Just as he made up his mind, there was a burst of broken glass behind him. Carlos's heart
suddenly tightened. He turned and saw that the petri dish had been broken. The culture
fluid inside was leaking everywhere, and the sound of the drip was answered, but the night
spirit was no longer there.
In the top corner of the lab, the night spirit was there, and the limbs were hooked up to the
ceiling. It turned and the wings on the back fell and slowly opened like a **** hound.
The **** red eyes stared at Carlos in amazement, making him creepy. It seemed to be clear
what Carlos was thinking, looking at Carlos with a look of mocking the incompetent.
Carlos took a step back. The only thing he could think of at the moment was to completely
lock the lab and not give the guy a chance to leave.
He desperately rushed to his computer, but his fingertips had not been able to hit the
fingerprint device and was hit by a huge force.
At the moment of contact with the ground, intense pain was transmitted to the brain, and
he knew that his ribs had been crushed.
Carlos struggled to get up, and the night spirit pressed on him. He saw the shadow on the
ground, knowing that the night spirit was opening its wings, but for a moment, its wings
pierced into Carlos' body.
"Ah--" Carlos made a scream, but soon he couldn't call it anymore.
The night spirit bite Carlos's neck and sucked hard.
Carlos's eyes widened, his throat was stuck and he couldn't make any sound, and his blood
was quickly leaving his body.
Accompanied by him is the unparalleled pain and fear of dying.
And the night spirit sipped his fear.
Is this the night spirit?
Why is this happening?
He doesn't want to die... really don't want to die...
The sound of the heartbeat sounded heavily in the ear, slower and slower.
It’s finally over, Carlos squinted and died here.
The night spirit slowly came to the side, quietly watching Carlos's body, revealing a strange
Its bones make a squeaking sound, lifting up the neck and stretching out the stretched lines,
as if they were born again after the break.
When it lowered its head and turned its head, its body suddenly grew by a third.
Ten minutes later, Carlos’s research assistant came to the second door. He opened the first
door and entered the second door. At the moment of opening, he was attacked by a
lightning-like shadow. After a few seconds. This black figure closed the second door and
patiently squatted in the space between the two doors. It waited quietly, and someone
would always open the door.
Tonight, this base will have a group of researchers and field personnel to return to the
original world.
The magnetic field shuttle compartment is being checked for reading. The staff was busy,
and Song Zhi stood in front of countless monitors on the wall with his arms, and the bright
spots from the data changes passed over his face.
Li Qian sat in front of the computer, and his eyes were deep dark circles under his eyes. As
a system designer, he must ensure that the system can support shuttle operations without
any "accidents."
Although the Juli Group has had almost no accidents during the past two years, the risk is
much higher than that of the manned spacecraft. A reading error can cause unpredictable
At this time, Li Qian, who had been snoring for two seconds because of lack of sleep, opened
his eyes. A researcher on the screen who saw the sample opened the first door of the Carlos
laboratory, but was thrown down by a black night spirit. The picture of the attack.
Li Qian’s shoulder was amazed. The coffee on the table fell down and he was covered with
pants. Fortunately, coffee has long been cool.
Li Qian couldn't take care of him. He stared at the picture in the surveillance and blinked.
"Is that ink night? Impossible... How can the ink night hurt the researchers?"
"What's wrong?" Song Zhi's voice rang in Li Qian's ear.
Li Qian took a breath and pointed to the night spirit that was slowly walking in the passage.
"Song...Song... Is that ink night?"
Song Zhi leaned down, narrowed his eyes and looked at the screen. The night spirit seemed
to feel that something was looking at it, and suddenly looked sideways in the direction of
The shock of the **** red eyes made Li Qian almost not fall off the seat.
Song Zhi immediately connected to Carlos's research room: "Carlos! You are not inside! Go
No response.
"Open the monitoring equipment in the Carlos research studio! Immediately!"
The piece of wolf suddenly appeared in the eyes of Song, Carlos kneeling on the ground, his
head almost screwed to the back.
Two researchers died before and after the second door.
Li Qian licked his mouth and almost vomited.
"It's the night spirit... Carlos trained..."
Song Zhi turned around and claped everyone to everyone: "Today's shuttle mission is
temporarily over! All combatants are on standby!"
This news caused an uproar.
Everyone talked about what happened.
"Give all the combatants a garrison command! All researchers lock their rooms or the
research room is absolutely not allowed!"
"Yes, Mr. Song!" Li Qian immediately entered.
"Can Carlos' laboratory still release neurotoxins?" Song asked.
"Let's take a look!" Li Qian entered the data on the keyboard and nodded. "Yes. I first
entered the instructions and opened the second door of Carlos's room. Then I released the
neurotoxin, but I didn't know that the toxins spread into the study. Will the channel be too
low for the night spirit to work?"
"Try it and you will know."
When the neurotoxin spread and rushed to the night spirit, it just looked back and let it be
drowned by the toxins.
A few seconds later, Li Qian and Song Zhi looked at it and walked out of the fog, and the
pace was leisurely.
"How could this be? It has not been affected at all!" Li Qian could not understand at all.
"Because... it held his breath." Song Zhi clenched his fist.
"How long can it hold?"
"It should be so calm, it should be a long time." Song Zhi licked his head, it hurts.
A team of special operationsmen rushed to the research area where Carlos was located.
Before they opened the door, they received a warning from Li Qian, who waited at the other
end of the door.
Song received the intercom equipment and said to them: "You don't need to hesitate after
opening the door, you can light the bullets!"
The special warriors were waiting for the moment, and when Li Qian used the system
command to open the door, they were desperate for a burst of fire.
The author has something to say: Ink night: For my family Zhou Yu, the horse must also go

Laws of the Other World Chapter 54: Full evacuation

Settings saved..
I only heard the sound of bullets hitting the wall, and the eardrums shattered.
A burst of smoke dissipated, and a figure walked out lazily.
"Oops!" Li Qian looked at the picture and wanted to immediately block the passage
between the special warrior and the night spirit, but it was a step late.
It threw down the captain with lightning speed, biting his neck and booing quickly.
Others have pulled out their guns and it is a burst of fire.
But it moved instantly, through the bullets, and threw the second person, followed by the
third, fourth, and soon beyond the human reaction, the entire team was completely
resolved in a matter of seconds.
It lazily **** their blood and opens their wings more than twice as long as it just rushed out
of the channel.
"How... what to do..." Li Qian has never seen such a scene, and everyone is scared.
"Block all the channels! Never let it touch anyone! It will treat them as food! The more it
sucks, the faster it evolves!"
Song Zhi’s order made Li Qian return to God.
All the passages were closed, but Li Qian was still a step late. The night spirit kept a special
warfare player. He shrank in the corner and watched it eat until he was satisfied with the
meal and slowly walked toward him. The head is lifted, meaning that the other party should
open the channel with his own authority.
Li Qian wanted to close the authority of the player, but he could not find his name for a
while. When hesitated, he had already opened the door!
This night spirit reveals the expression of evil spirits and smoothly enters the rest area of
the field personnel!
"Mom." Song gnawed his teeth and punched his fist on the table.
Zhou Yu, who was sleeping, felt that the ink night in his arms suddenly sat up. He opened
his eyes and touched the other's front paws: "What?"
Ink night sideways, as if listening to what sound.
At the same moment, the alarm sound in Zhou Yu’s room rang, Zhou Yu quickly got up, was
about to turn on the lights, but the ink night buckled Zhou Yu’s hand.
At this time, Song Zhi’s voice was heard in each room: “All the field personnel should pay
attention, never open your door! Never open the door!”
Just outside the corridor, the night spirit forced the special warrior to ring the room
opposite Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu raised his ears.
"Amo, I am McGee... Please give me a door for me!" McGee said with a trembling voice.
Li Qian and Song Zhi looked at it all through the monitoring on the corridor.
"You also heard the radio... I just didn't go back to the dormitory, please let me in!" McGee
was pushed by the night spirit behind him. He was terrified and he could only continue to
"It is not only instinctive hunting, it is very embarrassing, with humans and even more than
human intelligence." Song's face is more and more dignified.
Li Qian contacted Amo's room and informed Amo that he could not open the door anyway.
The night spirit was very patient. It pushed Mickey and asked him to continue to knock on
the doors of other rooms, but no one opened the door.
They came to the innermost bedroom, which belonged to Wu Yun.
Zhou Yu got nervous and came to the door and was ready to rush out.
McGee called Wu Yun’s name, but nothing happened. They went over.
Zhou Yu exhaled.
It was like a game for the night spirit, but no one responded to the game, which made it
It came to the next door of Zhou Yu, and McGee’s knocking sounded again. He is very
scared, if no one opens the door, this night spirit will kill him!
Still no one opened the door, and the claws of the night spirit covered the door, making a
sharp voice, leaving a deep trace on the door.
"Can it push the door away?" Li Qian, who was watching the monitor, whispered and asked.
"Ink nights can walk through the storm, they are all night spirits... What do you think?"
Song asked.
Li Qian said: "But the night of the ink never kills, except for the blood of Zhou Yu, it does not
eat anything... and it is desperate to protect Zhou Yu, it is not the same as the ink night...
Maybe the ink night can defeat it?"
"Look at its growth rate... It's already over the night of the ink! The situation is not clear
now... The ink night is rushing against it..."
At this time, the night spirit pushed open the door of the bedroom, followed by the screams.
Zhou Yu in the room heard very clearly. The only thing he worried about now is where is
Zhou Qing? Is he safe?
Zhou Yu has taken out the gun and waited for McGee to ring his door.
The ink night lowered the figure, and once the night spirit tried to come in, it would rush
out before Zhou Yu.
The night spirit walked slowly into the room and threw down the McGee who was about to
"I beg you to let me go! Let me go!" McGee panicked for mercy, and in order to survive,
there was nothing in his brain.
It just smiled at him, lazy and evil blood red eyes made McGee even forget to breathe.
It opened its wings and signaled Mickey to continue their game.
Zhou Yu’s look was cold. He closed his eyes and felt the footsteps of their approach. His
thinking gradually stabilized and became more sober than before. Even the heart that
accelerated the beating because of Zhou Qing’s heart calmed down.
At this moment, like a hunter in the crouching, everything in the world around him is very
clear in his mind.
When McGee had just knocked on Zhou Yu’s door, the night spirit shook his head and
motioned him to knock on another room.
The game continues. If you are in a good mood, you will not enter the door. If you want to
play, you will rush into it and have a good time.
"Let them leave from there..." Li Qian said.
"That also requires them to have the guts to leave. Is Zhou Yu and Mok night not there?"
Song said.
"I don't understand why it doesn't knock Zhou Yu's door?"
"Because Zhou Yu is not afraid." Song Zhi replied.
"But I... I don't understand, Zhou Yu's brain is no problem, why can't he fear?"
"Because once there was an anger that overwhelmed the fear, once it was enough, it was
enough for him to learn to take care of himself. He forgot death, and he forgot death."
The field personnel who are resting are not injecting inhibitors. If they are afraid, then the
night spirit outside can feel their existence.
"The only ones who can save them are Zhou Yu and Mo Ye. What about Professor Zhou?
There are other researchers, who are still in the area with the night spirit, and evacuate
them all here!" Song calms Say.
"Are you going to evacuate here?" Li Qian asked.
"Yes, use the shuttle cabin to evacuate them all. This base can only be temporarily
abandoned." Song Zhi replied, "There is no green fire in the mountains."
“Yes!” Li Qian immediately began to calculate the evacuation route of researchers in
various regions.
Zhou Qing, who is not aware of what is happening in the research room, is extremely
nervous. He pinched the fruit of Elpis in his hands until the news of the evacuation spread.
All the researchers left quickly, and Zhou Qing hurriedly took the liquid sample of Elpis
brought back by the Alpha team and left with everyone.
His heart beats very fast. He wants to see the seeds of Elpis sprouting than anyone else, and
he is worried that he was found to have taken the sample privately.
When all the researchers were safely evacuated to the Song Dynasty, Song began to arrange
for them to enter the shuttle cabin.
"Professor Zhou, please..."
"I don't want to go, my big brother?" Zhou Qing found that this evacuation did not even
have a field staff. He suddenly realized that things were more serious than he thought.
"Professor Zhou, please..." Song Zhi tried to persuade Zhou Qing before, but was
interrupted by Zhou Qing.
"Mr. Song, that person is not someone else, it is my big brother. I don't want to waste
everyone's time and entangle this problem with you, please respect my choice. Dr. Shen,
you must go first!" Zhou Qing looked directly at Song Zhi's eyes, unexpectedly momentum.
Dr. Shen looked at Song Zhi and Song Zhi nodded.
The first researchers entered the shuttle cabin and entered the magnetic field.
At this time, Zhou Yu, who was at the door, listened to the movement in the corridor. The
night spirit seemed to take McGee to the end of the other end.
At this time, the broadcasts in the corridors and in the rooms sounded, but they were
different in length.
Zhou Yu instantly understands that it is Morse code!
The ink night can understand the human language. Song Zhi and Li Qian are not sure
whether the night spirit can understand. Maybe he also learned from Carlos? So they can
only issue instructions in a different way.
The content of the Morse code is to inform them to evacuate from the area as soon as
possible, please cover the night. Li Qian gave them up to five seconds. If you don't have the
guts to open the door or run out of the channel without speed, you will be locked in this
Zhou Yu stunned, and he looked down at the night.
How big is the monster outside, they don’t know... What if the night is not its opponent?
The ink night suddenly stood up and patted Zhou Yu’s shoulder with the right wing, as if to
say: I will protect you.
Zhou Yu exhaled a breath, he covered his palms on the top of the ink night and said: "The
point is not that you want to protect me, but that you are alive."
Ink night nodded, straight up the back, attached to Zhou Yu's face.
That temperature, the sense of touch, made Zhou Yu more and more sure that they must
not die.
He and the ink night must live to the end!
Zhou Yu’s fingers were buckled on the door lock, waiting for Li Qian’s notice.
Just at the moment of "叮-", Zhou Yu opened the door and did not see the night spirit there,
rushing to the front door opened by Li Qian. In addition to him and Wu Yun, no one dares to open the door!
The night spirit at the end of the passage suddenly turned and looked at Zhou Yu’s back.
The **** eyes revealed a bloodthirsty excitement!
Wu Yun was the closest to the passage. He had already crossed the passage but did not
leave immediately. Instead, he turned his gun and pointed at the night spirit that came from
the attack.
Once upon a time, Zhou Yu gave up everything and saved him. This time, he will never let
go of Zhou Yu!
Within a second, he shot all his bullets out. The night spirit was like a black whirlwind in
the passage, sweeping away, avoiding Wu Yun’s bullets and rushing to Zhou Yu’s back.
The speed of human beings is impossible compared to the night spirit.
At the moment when Wu Yun’s heart had to be split, the ink night rushed out and slammed
the night spirit out! It fell to the center of the passage and the ground split open. The power
of the ink night is great. The night spirit slides directly back to the bottom of the passage,
and the "砰-" hits it, and the door at the bottom of the passage is hit and sagged.
Its bones seemed to split and the wings were broken.
Li Qian, who looked at this scene, was dumbfounded: "Is it really ink night? It's too
If this is the case, they do not have to evacuate at all, the ink night can certainly solve the
night spirit!
"What are you doing?" Song Zhi replaced Li Qian and pressed the keyboard. The access
door was immediately closed.
When the ink turned around and opened his wings, Wu Yun only felt a hurricane. He and
Zhou Yuyi left and right were picked up by the wings of the ink night and glided to the
bottom of the passage.
Li Qian quickly opened this passage and let the ink night pass Wu Yun and Zhou Yu without
any hindrance.
At this time, the injured night spirit slowly raised his head.
McGee ran to the entrance of the passage and patted the door: "Let me leave! I beg you to
let me go!"
Li Qiangang wanted to open the door and was stopped by Song.
"Mr. Song?" Li Qiangang asked why he didn't save him, and Mickey's screams came.
But the blink of an eye, the injured night spirit actually came to the back of McGee, biting
him in one bite.
Li Qian was almost shocked and fell from the seat.
"It grows and evolves every time it eats. Just the night of the night shows its power, it will
use the ink night as its opponent. We must let Zhou Yu arrive as soon as possible! We can't
save everyone. When you sent Moss code but only Zhou Yu and Wu Yun left, it means that
we can save only two of them. If we can't choose, we may even have to go to both of them at
the end." Song Zhi answered.
Song’s expression is not cold, but firm.
Zhou Qing, who stood behind Song, was worried. He thought that everything he had
experienced when he first arrived at Nibelungen was cruel enough, but he did not expect
Zhou Yu to experience even more brutal battles.
The speed of the ink night was very fast, and it passed through the periphery of the base in
one minute and came to the core.
And the night spirit, all the people who did not evacuate were found out, and a dozen
bodies were piled up under the monitor for a while, which was terrible.
Li Qian didn't want to look at it all, but he had to monitor the movement of the night spirit.
It looked up at the head as if to feel something. Its body continued to expand, and the wings
plunged into the metal walls of the passage.
"It... it has evolved again!"
"Where did Zhou Yu go?" Song asked.
At that moment, the night spirit rushed forward in desperation, and slammed the front
door after a loud noise. It has no meaning of slowing down, knocking open the layers of
blocked nodes, chasing the ink night.
"It's over! Ink night, hurry! Ink night, hurry up!"
Li Qian opened the channel layer by layer and closed it layer by layer. The night spirit is
getting closer and closer to the ink night.
Suddenly, the ink night fell Zhou Yu and Wu Yun on the ground, turned around and blocked
them in front of them, its wings opened, and Zhou Yu and Wu Yun were completely
"Mottle night! What are you doing!"
Zhou Yu forward, and the sound of the night spirit hitting the passage is getting closer and
Li Qian opened the last door behind Zhou Yu and Wu Yun.
The ink night did not turn back, but the wings were one, and Zhou Yu and Wu Yun were
pushed in with the air flow.
Zhou Yu and Wu Yun fell in front of the shuttle cabin, and Zhou Yu had to go forward and
was caught by Wu Yun.
"Listen to Zhou Yu, that is not the struggle we can participate in!"
Song Zhi will open the shuttle door and say: "Zhou Yu, if you stay, it will become the
nutrition of the evolution of the night spirit. Are you going to help it deal with the ink
"Brother, I know what you are thinking, but we must evacuate!" Zhou Qing also grabbed
Zhou Yu's arm.
At this time, the night spirit had already rushed to the front of the ink night.
The amber eyes of the ink night became cold. It opened its mouth and made a certain
sound. The invisible power spread in the air and it was irreversible.
The claws of the night spirit clasped the ground, but it was almost overturned by this force.
Song said coldly: "You are the last group of evacuees. Zhou Yu, you have to believe me, that
night spirit is definitely not the opponent of the ink night. Or you want Wu Yun, Li Qian and
Professor Zhou to follow Are you buried?"
Zhou Yuyi gritted his teeth, at this time, the call of the ink night came again.
It is not a disappointment or a pain, but Zhou Yu believes that it can solve the night spirit.
It went straight into the depths of Zhou Yu's brain and shattered all his doubts.
At that moment, Zhou Yu found that his body was completely out of control. He stepped
forward and stepped into the shuttle cabin.
In this scenario, Zhou Yu remembers that this is only the case when he is controlled by the
s-level creature.
is it you? Are you controlling all this?
If yes, save the ink night! It can't die!
Zhou Yu wants to resist the power to control himself, but he is too small in front of that
"Goodbye, Zhou Yu. See you next time, please don't kiss your kiss."
This is the first time that the boy has always been lazy and seems to have a hint of
attachment to the voice that does not care.
At this moment, Zhou Yu has already sat in his position.
Zhou Qing and Wu Yun also crossed in.
Song Zhi came to Li Qian and patted him on the shoulder and said, "I came to send
instructions for you."
"What, Mr." Li Qian showed a surprised expression.
"The base self-destruction command is set after half an hour. It should be enough for the
night of the night and the night spirit. If the ink night is successful, I will terminate the self-
destruction process. If the ink night fails, it is my bad luck. ”
"Mr. Song..."
"Li Qian, you are not loyal to the Juli Group at the end, but are loyal to your friends. You are
only for Zhou Yu to stay until the end. I admire you, I don't like the people I admire to die.
So You boarded the cabin. This base was built by me. It should be in my hands to be
destroyed." Song said quietly.
Li Qian gritted his teeth and came to the front door.
He looked back at Song Zhi, and Song Zhi waved his hand and said, "All the way."
The door is closed and the safety device is activated. As they came, their bodies floated and
the shuttle cabin rushed into the magnetic field.
At this time, the door was knocked open, and the night spirit pressed into the ink night and
rushed in.
Song Zhi did not look at this thrilling scene in his eyes. He lowered his body and picked up
the cigarette case on the ground. He shook a cigarette to the lips, then ignited and took a
The battle between them is a moment of life and death, and the space must collapse.
Song Zhi sat in a chair and said like an outsider: "When do you want to install it? Zhou Yu is
no longer here. Or are you going to let the night spirit destroy all my computer equipment?
I have to remind you that these devices are very important, and Zhou Yu has not yet
reached the other side safely."
Daddy, the ink night turned over, the overwhelming advantage of the night spirit stepped
on the foot, let it reveal a fierce expression, the ink night is always proud and calm.
It lowered his eyes and looked at the night spirit, and his eyes blew in the sky. The
expression of the night spirit was put away, and finally realized what was happening, and
the fear rushed.
The wings of the ink night slowly open, from the top of its head to the tip of its wings,
gradually plated with a transparent silver, which looks like a beautiful illusion.
Song spit out a ring of smoke, and through the ink night it seemed to see something more
The ink night is like a stream of clouds that constantly change shape, swooping down, with
an irresistible momentum, completely disintegrating that night spirit into dust, like an
The invisible power in the air came in from all directions.
The computer made a squeaking noise, and the smoke from Song made a screaming sound,
and his hair was rising.
Then, a young man walked slowly from the dust mites.
He has a short black hair with Zhou Yu, a deep facial features, and is beautiful and
breathtaking. Every step is like a century of change.
Song Zhi took a researcher's white long scorpion and threw it at the other party.
The young man easily caught the long squat, put on his shoulders, and put a half-circle in
the air, and there was no rush in the elegance.
"I should call you why?" Song Zhi smashed half of the smoke, still sitting in the same place,
looking at each other.
The young man's calf exposed outside the long squat was straight and slender. He sat down
in the opposite direction of Song Zhi and grabbed the potato chips left on Li Qian's table.
"My name is ink night, don't you know?" Ink night answered.
"Sounds like you really want to take the name Zhou Yu gave you as a matter of fact?" Song
revealed a half-smirking smile.
The author has something to say: Is the vest of the ink night lost?

Laws of the Other World Chapter 55: Two worlds

Settings saved..
"This is my only name." Ink night opened the bag of potato chips, and the slender and
beautiful fingers were pinched and sent into the mouth. "Well... I really don’t know why so
many children and Li Qian would like this. Food. Not healthy at all."
"You know a lot about the human world."
"Of course, I really want to know what the ice cream is." The expression of the night of the
ink with a hint of innocence and pure temperament, inexplicably exciting.
"I will take you to look for it in a while. Maybe there is in the restaurant." Song answered.
"Forget it. Let's go straight to the point. You know very well that this night spirit is not my
opponent. You don't have to use the teacher to remove all the people here. In fact, you just
want Zhou Yu not to be by my side? Because of you What to do, Zhou Yu will definitely stop.
Now that he is gone, you can tell me what you want to do."
The ink night looked at Song Zhi, and the eyes were thorough to understand everything.
He has a transgender beauty, and the longer he looks at him, the more he will be swallowed
up by this invisible temptation.
Song Zhi took his own gun from his waist and placed it on the table.
"The bullet is made from Zhou Yu's spinal fluid. You are taking blood from Zhou Yu, so Zhou
Yu's spinal fluid is the only way I can think of controlling you."
"This is indeed a characteristic of Nibelungen's higher creatures. It's just that you want me
to shoot myself, are you crazy?" The lip line of the ink night bends with ridicule.
He is close to Song Zhi and wants to see Song’s eyes.
Song Zhi leaned back against the back of the chair: "You should keep your charm to confuse
Zhou Yu, especially after he knows what you are."
"Ha ha ha! But you still didn't tell me, why should I shoot myself?" asked the ink night.
His voice is not light or heavy, just like the moonlight falls into the goblet, calm and light,
combining two very different temperament, just like the two sides of the coin, inseparable.
"Because I entered a disintegration command for Zhou Yu’s shuttle cabin. You are very
smart, and the knowledge that humans can learn in a few years can be learned. But the
computer program is still very complicated, waiting for you to master the cracking
technology. At the time, Zhou Yu has disappeared into the magnetic field." Song Zhi
"You don't know, I am not defined to learn by you as a s-class creature. I just have to look at
your brain. This is how I have always understood Zhou Yu."
"Yes? Then you give it a try, what's in my brain?"
Song revealed an expression of indifference.
The smile that Momo had originally slid slowly, and the time passed by little by little, and
everything quietly sank into the dead.
He looked at Song Zhi and his eyes went cold: "You are the possession of another s-class
Song Zhiyang raised his eyebrows: "Yeah, although I don't like your statement. You can't
penetrate my mind, because my thoughts are protected by it. There is still a minute left, ink
night. You decided to kill me and leave. Let Zhou Yu die. Or shoot a shot at myself, we can
get along well, eat human ice cream, watch movies..."
Song Zhi’s words have not been finished, and the ink night picked up the gun on the table
and pulled the trigger towards his shoulder.
"Oh--", the ingredients in the bullet spread rapidly in his body.
He raised his head and raised his eyebrows, feeling that every cell in his body was locked.
"Is it painful?" asked Song.
"That is Zhou Yu's spinal fluid, I am very happy that it is integrated with my body." Ink did
not care to throw the gun in front of Song.
The red blood on his shoulders is like a butterfly that wants to vibrate its wings and fly
The wound is quickly healed.
"It seems that you have to keep humanity for a long time." Song said.
"Remove the disintegration command."
Song Zhi raised his hands and shook his head in apologetically: "I am very sorry, this order
does not exist."
"So you lied to me?" The ink night raised his eyebrows, but his real emotions were like
drowning in the soft river bottom and could not be seen.
"Yes. I know that you must want to kill me now, but I advise you not to do this. If you want
to see Zhou Yu again, you need me."
"It sounds so reasonable. Am I the first s-class creature that you deceived?" Ink night asked
"Of course not. But I really want to know, if you are really a night spirit, will you save Zhou
Yu even if you sacrifice your life?"
"What joke are you making? If you can't have a human form to get along with him, then I
might as well eat him and let him be a part of me forever." Ink night said with a very
serious expression.
Song Zhi chuckled and slowly got up and sorted his cuffs and clothes as usual: "Go."
"Where to go?" The ink night followed behind Song Zhi.
“Go to the restaurant and look for ice cream.”
"I said, you used Zhou Yu's spinal cord to paralyze my nerves and weaken my ability. Isn't it
just for me to accompany you here?" The hands of the ink night are behind the head,
revealing a bored expression.
"Of course, to study you." Song Zhi answered.
"Oh - you want to pass me, find the weakness that is suppressed by you and control your s-
class creature, isn't it?"
"Yes." Song Zhi expressed his purpose without concealing.
"Just you are sure that you want to get rid of it?" The sound of the ink night is very long, just
like tearing the nerves of Song to reveal the most original things.
"This is my business."
They really came to the restaurant, there was no power outage, but the chef and other staff
had not had time to evacuate.
At first they thought it was a dangerous creature coming in. The chef even took a kitchen
knife and prepared it. When he saw it, the chef slowly lowered the kitchen knife.
"Song...Mr. Song... Why are you still here?"
Song Zhi sat down at a table and sat opposite him at night.
When the chef and the staff saw the ink night, they were all stunned.
Song Zhi’s fingers knocked on the table: “How long is our food reserve enough for us to
survive here?”
"If there are only those of us, there is no problem for one year."
"That's very good. Within a year, people on that side will definitely come over to pick us
up." Song Zhi turned his head and looked at the chef and said, "Give me a steak. Give me the
opposite Mr. Fancy ice cream."
"Yes...Yes, Mr. Song!" The mouth should be carried, and the chef's eyes were still not
removed from the body of the ink night.
Song Zhi made a snap, and ink night looked at the chef: "I want to eat ice cream."
The chef just woke up and went into the kitchen to prepare. A burst of screaming sound
came, I don’t know if he fell or smashed something.
"Why choose the form of the night spirit?" Song asked with one hand on his cheek.
"Of course, in many biological forms, the appearance and characteristics of the night spirit
are the most likely to attract Zhou Yu." Mo night answered.
"Oh? What kind of appearance and features?" Song Zhi held his chin and looked at the ink
"Don't be too beautiful, but have a firm and loyal heart. Just like Zhou Yu himself." Ink night
"I didn't expect you to choose Zhou Yu from the beginning." Song Zhi smiled and shook his
head. "So what do you want from him? You show him a unique dependence on him, except
his Blood, you don't eat, you protect him like a knight in this crisis world, and try your best
to hide your true face and understand his world. You are so deliberate, if you just use him
as a prey or a nutrient for breeding, it is too much Do you have a big problem?"
The fancy ice cream was personally carried by the chef and sent to the front of the ink
The ink night just smiles at each other, the world becomes slow, and the chef does not
know how to remove his sight.
In the night, I picked up a spoonful of ice cream, sent it into my mouth, and raised my eyes.
It seemed to taste the milky fragrance and the sweetness and the cool feeling. Then he
showed a disappointing expression: "It is better to have Zhou Yu's taste. ”
Song Zhi held his arm and looked at the ink night without saying a word. His eyes told the
ink night: answer my question.
"Okay, okay, Mr. Song, you are really an impatient guy. For you, to survive in Nibelungen,
you must at least follow the three rules. First, don't be afraid, that is the mark of being hunt.
Second, don't be fooled by beautiful creatures, the more beautiful the more dangerous.
Third, don't believe in the mimicry of s-class creatures, the creatures of this world have no
love. The first two I barely accept, but this third is too bad. "Ink night shook the spoon in his
hand. "You are really a self-interested person. S-class creatures are not without love. We
are also eager to establish a special connection with other creatures. Only this connection is
absolute, pure You can't wait for a sway and betrayal. You human nature is not specific. The
so-called love is also casual and casual. And you betray the guy who trusts the most and is
the most dependent on you."
Song Zhi’s eyes trembled slightly, but he did not leave any emotional fluctuations.
"For most s-class creatures, the first three rules of survival we have to follow since the
arrival of you humans... First, don't yearn for humans, because you are selfish. Second, don't
feel that human beings are good because you are hypocritical. Third, don't believe in
human beings, because you are a thorough self-interest." The ink night tends to Song Zhi,
and the eyes are like lakes in the sky, including the sun, the moon and the stars.
"The human language, you have a good grasp." Song said.
Ink night laughed: "Because Zhou Yu."
"His words are rare."
"He said a lot to me. And he said, it is the same as what he thinks in his mind. This is my
favorite place." Ink night pointed his head with his finger.
"What you just said is the rule of survival for most s-class creatures. So what about you?"
Song asked.
The eyes of the ink night hang down and continue to stir the ice cream together with a
Song Zhi’s gaze passed: “The food here is enough for us to survive for a long time, but there
are not many ice creams.”
It means not to waste as much as possible.
"I want to eat potatoes and beef stew, and rice." The ink night suddenly opened.
"You are not used to it. No matter how much you want to get in touch with everything that
Zhou Yu has touched, your sense of touch is different. No matter how you try the food that
Zhou Yu eats, your taste is different. Even Zhou Yu Go back, and you can only be here, your
world is different." Song answered.
"Don't tell me you don't plan to let Zhou Yu come back." Ink night raised his eyebrows.
"He is so good, of course not. And you are here, going back to you with his character."
Ink night closed his eyes and smiled. His smile was very quiet: "Your words make me very
Song Zhi turned and said to the chef, "Do another potato stewed beef with white rice."
"Yes, Mr. Song!"
"Thank you." Mo night laughed.
"So the last question today, what is the problem with the samples of the night spirits that
we brought back? Why is the night spirit cultivated so bloodthirsty? Is this instinct, or is
our research and technology problematic, causing genetic defects? ?"
"This is not a problem. It is only the last time you say in your mouth. As long as the last one
is not the last one." Ink night sighed. "Why did the night spirit you initially guessed
"Being attacked by other powerful enemies. This is the most probable possibility."
"Well, the disease is also a strong enemy." Mo night answered.
"Sickness? What kind of disease? Night spirit is only a creature with a strong healing
power..." Song Zhi was very surprised.
Not far from the ink night, a few of the staff members who looked at them waved.
One of them has come over.
The ink night closed his eyes, and the staff suddenly seemed to be in the face of the night,
and he closed his eyes.
"What do you want to do?" Song Zhiqi frowned.
"I am learning the knowledge of your human beings so that they can be explained in a way
that you can understand. I can't read your thoughts, then I can only read others."
A few minutes later, the ink night suddenly opened his eyes, and the staff member sat down
on the ground like a force, seemingly exhausted and exhausted.
"The night spirits are infected by a virus, their self-healing system is destroyed, and the
genes evolved because of this virus. Only some evolution has made a species more
adaptable to the environment, and some have evolved to make this species extinct. The
species died on the island, so the species disappeared. The samples of the night spirit that
you brought back to cultivate were originally problematic. So from a technical point of
view, your training skills are very high, but the root cause is wrong." The ink night leaned
against the back of the chair and smiled at Song Zhi. "Zhou Yu reminded you many times,
sample questions, but the thirst for the unknown makes you ignore all risks."
Song Zhi bowed his head and thought about it.
At this time, the chef came to the front of the night with potatoes and beef stew. The ink
lifted the chopsticks in the night, his fingers were long and the movements of the
vegetables were very skillful.
"Do you still use chopsticks?"
"I have observed so many times, how can I learn?"
“What is the taste of potato goulash?”
The ink closed his eyes, chewed, and nodded: "Well... super delicious!"
"you sure?"
"I'm sure." The ink night seems to have a lot of appetite. "I bet, Zhou Yu must hate ice
cream, so I will not like it."
"I think we have to get together for a long time. I hope we can get along well." Song Zhichao
reached out in the night.
Ink night smiled and shook hands with each other: "The premise of getting along is that my
Zhou Yu will come back."
At this time, Zhou Yu's shuttle cabin successfully reached the magnetic field connection of
Juli Group. At the moment of pause, the shock felt that Li Qian’s heart almost jumped out.
The door slowly opened and everyone stared out. Did they arrive safely in the original
world, or was it another destruction?
The lights came in, and Li Qian and Zhou Qing subconsciously exhaled.
When they walked out of the shuttle cabin, there was such a feeling of being separated from
the world.
Standing in front of them is a woman in a black suit skirt, with long blond hair and a very
capable look.
"Hello, I am Dr. Amanda Cook, the person in charge after you return."
Li Qian exhaled a breath and hugged Wu Yun next to him.
"Great! Great! We are all alive!"
Wu Yun took a shot of Li Qian's back and smiled: "This is my best luck."
"Dr. Cook, I want to ask the other side of the base how? Is Mr. Song still alive?" Zhou Yu
immediately asked.
In the time of the shuttle cabin, for Zhou Yu, the day is like a year, his palm is still sweat.
As long as Song is still alive, it means that the night of the night defeated the night spirit.
Dr. Cook looked at Zhou Yu: "I am sorry, we have not been able to get in touch with Mr.
Song for the time being. As far as I know, the base is seriously damaged, but as long as Mr.
Song is still alive, his ability will definitely Find ways to get in touch with us. We will also
actively confirm the specific situation of Mr. Song’s base through other bases, but the
determination of this information will take time."
Zhou Yu exhaled.
Throughout the shuttle, he has been worried about the ink night.
Do they still have a chance to meet?
If this time the ink night survived, Zhou Yu hoped that he would no longer see it, at least
sure that it was finally free.
No, no... no matter what, he wants to see it again... the connection deep into the blood cells
can't be easily disconnected.
"The group will arrange for everyone to take a vacation. Although it is a vacation, it is on
standby. Professor Zhou, you can temporarily return to school to continue your research."
Dr. Cook said.
"Thank you." Zhou Qing nodded.
“Other colleagues, please strictly abide by the confidentiality clauses you have signed in
your daily life. For those who violate the terms, I believe that you all understand the
capabilities of our Juli Group... you will definitely face more than a huge amount of
compensation. It's that simple." Dr. Cook's warning is cold.
"Yes, every time I come back, I have to listen to Dr. Cook to say something about the
confidentiality clause. You might as well record the same words, and every time we come
back, we will play it in the shuttle cabin, and it will also achieve brainwashing effect." Wu
Yun waved his hand.
Dr. Cook glanced at him and turned and left.
Zhou Yu and Zhou Qing took the special car arranged by Juli Group and returned to the city.
Wu Yun went to the hospital to visit her daughter. Li Qian stayed at Juli Group as a system
When the city scenery passes from both sides of the window, Zhou Yu has a feeling of being
separated from the world.
There are no dangerous creatures here, no virgin forests, and the smell in the air is more
complicated. The noise, the voice of the ad, the sound of the car horn filled the world.
High-rise buildings, steel gardens.
There is no ink night here.
And everything in Nibelungen is like a movie.
"I know that you are worried about the ink night." Zhou Qing looked at Zhou Yu and said.
"I can't worry too much." Zhou Yu replied. He lost all his teammates, maybe tomorrow, he
will also lose Zhou Qing.
They got out of the car and Zhou Qing returned to his dormitory in the school.
"Brother, do you want to go back to the original city?" Zhou Qing said as he cleaned up the
sheets and covered his head.
"Where are you going back? I still stay here, your body is not good, I don't want you to be
uncomfortable when there is not even a relative." Zhou Yu replied.
Although he did not know if he left it necessary for Zhou Qing.
I don't know when it was time to travel to Nibelungen. Zhou Yu planned to rent a house
near the school in Zhouqing.
"That... then live here with me." Zhou Qing suddenly said.
"I live with you... I am afraid that you are not used to living..." Zhou Yu was surprised.
"How come! All are family! Let's cook hot pot at night!" Zhou Qing's eyes lit up.
This reminded Zhou Yu that when he was a child, he and Zhou Qing were in the hot pot. The
family is not very wealthy, and the amount of meat bought by the parents is very small.
There is no more in the pot. Every time parents give two children, Zhou Qing will be clipped
out to Zhou Yu.
"Good." Zhou Yu nodded.
Although Zhou Qing’s smile on his face is not big, the happiness in his eyes can’t be
In the evening, the two brothers went to the supermarket to buy food. Zhou Yu called Song
Zhi when Zhou Qing did not pay attention. Show no answer. It seems that Song Zhi has not
returned from Nibelungen. Zhou Yu knows that he is not the core of the Juli Group and
wants to know how difficult the situation in the world is.
When I was eating hot pot this evening, Zhou Qing opened two cans of beer. The two
brothers talked about the childhood when they were drinking beer.
"They shouldn't bully you anymore?" Zhou Yu and Zhou Qing clink.
"I told them that if I bully me again, my brother would kill their teeth." Zhou Qing smiled
and replied.
The author has something to say: I will meet again soon~
Say that ink night, how do you want to explain to Zhou Yu?
Laws of the Other World Chapter 56: Reasons to go back
Settings saved..
This made Zhou Yu somewhat surprised. I was so depressed from childhood, I didn’t expect
that there would be such a "distraction" when it was not like Zhou Qing, who was a bit
arrogant in the literary grace.
After satiating, Zhou Yu watched TV for a while. Zhou Qing was watching the documents
and looked at it and fell asleep on the table.
Zhou Yu took a coat and originally wanted to cover Zhou Qing. He glanced at what
information Zhou Qing looked at and found that it was related to the soilless culture of
plants. He patted Zhou Qing's shoulder, Zhou Qing squinted his eyes and straightened his
back, still not fully awake.
"If you are sleepy, you will sleep in the room. You shouldn't stay up late."
Zhou Yu was worried about Zhou Qing’s brain tumors. After he returned, he had not done
any detailed examinations.
After Zhou Qing fell asleep, Zhou Yu also came to the room next to sleep.
He put his arm on his head and looked at the ceiling.
He found himself looking back to the original world, but the most important part remained
Every time I sleep, the night of the ink will lie on my side. Before going to bed, he is always
used to stroking the fluff on the back of the ink night. Now, this bed is several times wider
than the "sleep capsule" in the base, but Zhou Yu feels very empty.
Between half-dream and half-awake, he saw what had passed through the ceiling to his
face, the elegantly stretched lines, mysteriously like the black that was to be smudged... It
was the ink night!
Zhou Yu suddenly woke up, the pair of amber eyes on the ink night.
It is like the messenger of the night, mysterious and noble, its wings slowly open, wrapped
around the world of Zhou Yu, as if to take him away.
Its head is lowered, and the tip of the nose gently touches Zhou Yu's forehead. This is the
gentlest posture that Zhou Yu has and experienced.
The heart seemed to flow into the warm air, and Zhou Yu stretched his arm to hold the ink
in the night.
At that moment, the pure black body of the ink night turned into a transparent silver white.
Zhou Yu’s eyes widened and he was about to push it away, but it controlled Zhou Yu with
absolute power.
"Come back to me... I miss you..."
The voice is as ethereal as it is from billions of light years.
They are so close, but so far away.
"Who are you?" Zhou Yu asked.
"I am your ink night."
It suddenly turned into a young man in the air, Zhou Yu still remembers the elegant and
moving face, the s-class creature that appeared in front of him from time to time.
He is getting closer and closer to Zhou Yu, like a miracle that cannot be owned.
His breath is so real, and he has passed through the eyes of Zhou Yu. Everything in the
world has quickly disappeared, leaving him and him.
This is not true, it is an illusion.
Zhou Yu said to himself.
"Of course I am real, Zhou Yu. Born for you, because you exist, do not fear to die, this is my
He took Zhou Yu's hand and gently covered his cheek, which was a warm skin touch.
"I can be what you want, just to get your recognition."
He kissed Zhou Yu's eyes and took a pious attitude.
The sound of the heartbeat sounded in the ear, and Zhou Yu’s calm world seemed to be
alive at this moment.
When he opened his eyes, the teenager disappeared.
"Ink night -" Zhou Yu raised his hand and wanted to catch the moment that belonged to
him, but nothing was caught.
Zhou Yu slammed from the bed and found that it was all a dream.
The white belly has been turned up outside the window.
Zhou Yu lived in his own eyes and felt very tired and tired.
What exactly is going on? I really missed the ink night... I missed the same madness... If I
was not sure about Zhou Qing’s physical condition, he would immediately apply to Juli
Group to return to Nibelungen, even if it was to Dr. Ron’s No. 2 The base is also available!
But why did he imagine the ink night as the boy?
There is no similarity between them!
Ink night is like a child, willful, spoiled, and its purpose Zhou Yu can always see through.
However, the s-class creatures are different from each other. It seems to be beautiful. Zhou
Yu can feel a lot of secrets and dangerous premonitions.
He knew that he had to go back to Nibelungen and had to see the ink night still alive.
At nine o'clock in the morning, Zhou Yu sent Zhou Qing to the school and dialed Dr. Cook's
phone to tell the other party that he wanted to return to Nibelungen.
“Our research project has not yet fully started and the damaged base is being repaired. But
we do have a place for you.”
“Training new people. This time our staff was seriously damaged and needed to replenish
fresh blood. Mr. Song’s report stated that you accepted the memory of Nibelunga’s a-class
creature, Elpis, and your understanding of the ecosystem there may More than the
researchers and field staff here. We hope that you can share this information." Dr. Cook
"Is Song still alive?" Zhou Yu asked again.
"I can't answer you for this question for the time being." Zhou Yu's breathing is holding, he
is waiting for a definitive answer.
Dr. Cook’s answer is still official and disappointing.
"When is the next dispatch?"
"Three months later. As an elite, you are our first choice."
"Thank you."
Still three months...
For the first time, Zhou Yu found that she had lost the patience of waiting.
In the laboratory, Zhou Qing took out the fruit of Elpis and placed it in a soilless culture
He knows that in the research laboratory of Juli Group, the whole process is monitored.
Once this seed sprouts, it belongs to Juli Group.
However, this is the s-level creature handed to him, his only connection with that creature.
He didn't want to lose this connection, but he knew that the consequences of the growth of
Elpis in the human world were unpredictable and could even lead to disasters.
But his mind has been echoing the sound of the s-class creature: it is time to sow, Zhou
Qing... Please believe me.
Zhou Qing could not resist the control of the voice to himself. He poured the liquid sample
that he secretly brought out into the seed, waiting for its germination according to the
optimal proportion and temperature of soilless cultivation of human world plants.
Three days later, Zhou Yu was sent to the new training base by Dr. Cook, and began a one-
month closed training.
Zhou Qing had a great opinion on this. He slammed Zhou Yu very seriously and asked: "Is it
easy to return to the normal life, so you can't wait to go back?"
"Zhou Qing, I just went to be an instructor." Zhou Yu said with a smile on his brother's
"You are not just going to be an instructor... you just can't let it go."
Zhou Qing looked at Zhou Yu, and his eyes were an absolute understanding of Zhou Yu.
"Yes, I have a reason to go back. And take care of yourself. I have already greeted Dr. Daniel.
If you have any problems with your body, he will tell me the first time. So, don't miss you.
Conceal me as much as I did last time."
Zhou Yu said very seriously.
Zhou Qing let go of his hand, because there is also a reason for him to return to Nibelungen.
After Zhou Yu left, Zhou Qing returned to his research room. These days I got used to the
feeling of my big brother at home, which made Zhou Qing not want to go back to the house
without people.
When the research assistants left, Zhou Qing was still alone at the table and he collapsed.
Time is close to the early morning, Zhou Qing sleepy, and then fell asleep on the table.
Between half-dream and half-awake, his cheeks seemed to be carefully stroking.
The room temperature was a bit cold, and Zhou Qing subconsciously tightened the collar.
Then, a warm breath surrounded him, like being held in his arms by someone.
The lonely thoughts were smoothed, and Zhou Qing slept very deeply.
Until someone shook his shoulder: "Professor Zhou! Professor Zhou! How do you fall asleep
here! It will catch cold!"
Zhou Qing opened his eyes and saw his graduate student.
"Oh, I just wanted to take a nap, but I didn't expect to fall asleep completely..." Zhou Qing
stood up.
"Does your neck not be uncomfortable?" the graduate student asked.
Zhou Qing shook his neck and found that he was not only uncomfortable, but he seemed to
be especially good after waking up.
“Hey, Professor Zhou, is your soil-free seed seem to sprout?”
“Really?” Zhou Qing immediately ran over, because he was too anxious, and he was stunned
by the chair, but he was helped by the graduate student next to him.
"Professor Zhou, how is this special plant? You seem to care about it!"
When Zhou Qing came to the dish, she saw a green bud between the gaps of the fruit, which
seemed to be squeezed out from the most solid gap, and could be retracted at any time.
Zhou Qing’s heart jumped very fast. He carefully pointed his fingers and touched his
fingertips. The soft and fragile feeling instantly fills Zhou Qing’s mood.
"This is not a special plant... It was given to me by my friend. It has a special meaning for
me." Zhou Qingqiang suppressed his inner excitement.
It’s just sprouting. It really takes thousands of years to grow up, but for Zhou Qing, it’s like a
As it sprouted, Zhou Qing didn't even want to go home, staying in the lab twenty-four hours
a day.
Even Zhou Qing’s graduate students felt that Professor Zhou seemed to be enchanted.
They are all talking privately about what the plant is.
A week later, the buds of Elpis grew out of tiny leaves.
When Zhou Qing came to it with tea, when he saw this scene, the tea cup fell to the ground.
"How is this possible? How is this possible! It has grown out of the leaves!"
Zhou Qing originally thought that the life of Elpis, it may take years or even decades to
grow the first leaves, but I did not expect it to be just a few days! Is it because it has come to
the human world, so its life cycle is synchronized with the creatures here?
The leaves are tender green, with blue fluorescence under the light of the lab.
The more Zhou Qing looked at it, the more he felt that he was calling him.
He seems to be able to hear it whispering in his ear, whispering.
This feeling is really amazing.
Zhou Qing touched the young leaf with his fingers. He was so worried that he would have
broken it, but he could not press his own desire to contact him. At the moment of touching,
the young leaves slowly rolled up a curve, which was combined with Zhou Qing’s fingertips,
as if it was a hug for Zhou Qing.
This wonderful feeling makes Zhou Qing immersed in it.
Until the graduate students in the lab came.
"Oh, Professor Zhou, have you knocked out the teacup?"
"Professor Zhou, you won't stay here again for a whole night?"
Zhou Qing took back his fingers, and the young leaves slowly fell, as if they had been
mourned because of Zhou Qing’s departure.
In the past few days, Zhou Yu saw a new batch of special warfare members selected by Juli
Group in the closed training base.
Most of them are young, physically energetic and more difficult to discipline.
Wu Yun is their combat instructor, but with Wu Yun’s character, he will not seriously teach
each other anything. They are already well versed in the battle between people. But when it
comes to another world, how to fight, only when you get there can you really learn.
However, these young people have seen Wu Yun’s ability and suffered from him. Although
he is not convinced, no one dares to make a mistake in front of Wu Yun. Needless to say, Dr.
Cook, the head of their training program, told them in a cold voice that in the special
warfare team sent to Nibelungen, only one of Wu Yun was alive and returning more than
three times. He is the most experienced of them.
The least they like to listen to is the theory class. I heard that when someone taught about
biological knowledge about another world, they thought they would come to a doctor,
professor or researcher, but later I heard that I was only a former Nib. Longgen's field staff.
Although I know that if I want to keep the wages paid by the Life Group, I can't miss any
words, but they are still rebellious in their hearts.
But what they didn't expect was that Wu Yun actually came.
In the big lecture hall, watching these people wearing combat suits sitting there, Wu Yun
also felt a little funny.
"Hey, before you come to the instructor who talks about biological knowledge, let me say
two things first. First, who is joking or sleeping while he is teaching, I will kill him. Second,
what he said, even I have to Listen well, trouble you in your mind."
"Wu instructor, who is the week instructor who is coming?" One of the young people raised
his hand to ask.
"My partner. And the person who saved me many times." After that, Wu Yun came to the
first row and sat down with his arms to look at the podium.
This made everyone very surprised. People who have saved Wu Yun many times must have
a good skill, but why do you talk about biological knowledge?
A few minutes later, a tall, straight-eyed man walked in with a camouflage suit. There is no
expression on his face, and there is no information in his hand. It is not like being prepared.
But when he put his hands in his pockets and his eyes swept over everyone, there was a
very oppressive momentum.
"Hello everyone, I am Zhou Yu. Now I will introduce the common and aggressive creatures
of Nibelungen to everyone here. Every sentence I say is only once, and every sentence is
only said once." Zhou Yu is not redundant. The enthusiasm, straight into the theme.
This also allowed the special team members on the scene to stand up. Because Zhou Yu
looks like a gold word, and is very efficient.
The first creature that appeared on the projected image behind Zhou Yu let everyone squat.
"The name of this creature is called Perry Winter. Their brains are not in the position we
know, but in the abdomen. They have no eyes, no ears, no nose, so there is no sight, hearing
and smell. Nibelungen, 70% of the creatures hunt for fear. Pelican is one of the most
representative ones. Their self-healing ability is strong, of course, most of the creatures in
Nibelungen The self-healing ability is very strong, ordinary bullets can't hurt them, so in
that world, the bullets you use are specially formulated, don't waste too much, usually a
shot is enough, of course, if you hit it As for the ability of this creature to attack, you see it
After that, Zhou Yu will let the projection position go away.
This image is the one that Wu Yun put it to them.
Like Zhou Yu’s imagination, those special warfare players were scared. This is the
consistent style of the Juli Group. They want to screen out those who do not have enough
courage and determination.
When the image ends, Zhou Yu still calmly explains a series of features of the two-headed
tarantula, the devil vine, the El Nino aquatic dragon, the scabbard butterfly, etc., but how
many people listen to it, it is not known.
"The morning class is here. I wish everyone a good appetite."
Yu did not laugh from the beginning to the end of the week, because this knowledge is not a
joke to him.
When leaving, Zhou Yu nodded to Wu Yun.
Then, these special warriors blasted the pot.
"That Perry Winter is terrible! If there is no inhibitor to restrain our fear, it will kill us all in
one second!"
Wu Yun smiled a bit.
"Wu, instructor, what are you laughing at?"
"I laugh... Even if there are no inhibitors, some people can kill Perry Winter. And they are
not using special bullets."
"Who? Wu instructor, are you?"
"I? I don't have that kind of ability. It's Zhou Yu." Wu Yun got up.
He was immediately stopped by several players.
"Wu instructor, we know that you are experienced and have a good skill, but you said that
Zhou Yu can kill Perry Winter? We don't believe it."
"Believe or not with you. He hasn't gone far, you can try his hand." Wu Yun's lips showed a
bit of a bad smile, it seems that they are expected to be repaired by Zhou Yu.
The curiosity of these players was provoked. If Zhou Yu is really better than Wu Yun, what
is the extent?
These players are eager to try, they left the classroom and walked to Zhou Yu.
After special training, they barely had any sound in their footsteps. They knew that Zhou Yu
was about to pass through the corner of the corridor, so the other two people went around
the other side and wanted to attack Zhou Yu before and after.
The surveillance in the corridor passed the image and was received by Li Qian.
Li Qian stretched his arm and took the potato chips over. A pair of optimistic looks: "You
guys are hard to fight. Don't let me..."
I haven’t finished talking yet. I only saw one of Zhou’s abdomen’s abdomen. I took
advantage of it and stepped on the wall. A diagonal kick kicked the second person’s neck
accurately and fell on him. After that, the third guy's wrist was also twisted by Zhou Yu, and
then the fourth and fifth people were quickly put down.
Zhou Yu looked at them coolly: "You will react faster, and you will die faster."
When he finished, he went far.
Li Qian blinked his eyes: "What are you doing... my potato chips haven't been opened yet!"
Then, Li Qian’s brow smashed. He played back the picture again.
"This speed... is too strange... can ordinary people have this speed?"
Wu Yun, holding his arm and walking to the front of the special warfare members, smiled
and slammed down: "Hey, how is the experience?"
One of them struggled to get up and looked incredulous: "He...he is it human?"
Zhou Yu's movements are fast, sturdy and accurate. There is no trace of redundancy or
brute force.
Wu Yun did not know whether Zhou Yu had been so powerful in the end, or Nibelungen’s
experience trained him.
"Maybe someday...we are not human." Wu Yun smiled and smiled and stood up.
Zhou Yugang got out of the way and received a call from Dr. Cook.
"Zhou Yu, your younger brother Zhou Qing was found to be fainted in the study room by his
students at 8:30 this morning."
"What?" Zhou Yu's heart was half cold. "Is he sent to the hospital? In which hospital!"
"His brain glioma has recurred, and according to the results, he has already taken up one-
third of his brain."
Zhou Yu stupidly said: "How is this possible? Didn't he check it when he came back from
there? The tumor did not recur at that time! It hasn't arrived in a month!"
"This shows that after he left Nibelungen, the tumor grew faster." Dr. Cook replied, "Dr.
Daniel is performing surgery for him."
Zhou Yu stepped back two steps. Even if Daniel could not harm Zhou Qing's brain last time,
it is already his second craniotomy. Even if Zhou Qing can survive, how will it affect him?
Zhou Yu can't think.
When Zhou Yu was sent to the hospital by Dr. Cook, the surgery in Zhou Qing had just
ended and was sent to the intensive care unit.
His graduate students are standing outside the ward and are very concerned about his
One of them still holds a plant that has been cultivated without soil.
When Dr. Daniel saw Zhou Yu, his expression was not good.
The author has something to say: Ink night: In this chapter, I only appear in the illusion of
Zhou Yu, I am not happy!
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Laws of the Other World Chapter 57: Bai Yingting

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They tacitly avoided the graduates and went to an unmanned office where they stood in
front of the window sill.
"You tell me directly, how bad the situation is." Zhou Yu said.
"Actually, from the perspective of surgery, I have done a very perfect and very successful. I
removed the parts that can be removed as much as possible, and kept his brain function as
much as possible..." Daniel said, after all, Zhou Qing is not only a patient but also a friend to
"I know that no one in this world can do better than you. What you can do is already the
limit of medical standards. So, tell me the results, I can accept."
"Zhou Qing will be very embarrassed. His left and left legs will lose their function and need
rehabilitation. He may lose his language skills... and this is not the worst..."
"Please continue."
“Zhou Qing once said that the air composition of Nibelungen suppressed the growth of
tumors in his brain, which I also studied. Because the air quality of Nibelungen, that is, the
concentration of oxygen is slightly higher than ours. The world, according to reason, will
also provide more nutrients to the tumor, but it has never grown up. But now, the growth
rate of tumors is three times that of the past. Maybe only after returning to Nibelungen,
Zhou Qing can Ok, but..."
"But his current physical condition, Juli Group will not let him go back." Zhou Yu said that
Daniel did not finish.
Dr. Daniel nodded.
"You have tried your best. I am very grateful to you. I want to accompany Zhou Qing."
"of course."
When Zhou Yu came to the door of the ward, the graduate students were still there. They
are very concerned about Zhou Qing and want to know how his surgery is, but Zhou Yu
can't give them the answer.
"What is this?" Zhou Yu saw a graduate student holding a petri dish, and the seeds inside
took out two young leaves.
"It is the plant that Professor Zhou has been cultivating these days. He seems to value it
very much. We are thinking that when Professor Zhou wakes up, he will definitely want to
see it, so he brings it."
"Thank you." Zhou Yu took it over.
It is reasonable to say that no plant can be brought into the ward of Zhou Qing, but Dr.
Daniel allowed it.
Because a lot of things may not make sense for Zhou Qing.
Zhou Yu carefully observed the petri dish, and the plants inside were no different from
ordinary plants from that point of view.
Perhaps it is the seed of a new life, and the feeling of the beginning of life has a special
meaning for Zhou Qing.
Zhou Yu placed it in the corner of the ward and opened the chair to sit on the bed of Zhou
He didn't know, this time Zhou Qing woke up, how much different from the last time.
Zhou Qing has been in an unconscious state.
His mind was sinking aimlessly.
It was dark all around.
He didn't open his eyes until someone caught him steadily.
At that moment, he found himself floating in this directionless space, and in front of him
was the s-class creature he had seen in Nibelungen.
"It's you! How come you are here!"
Zhou Qing’s eyes widened and he wanted to see each other clearly.
Such a gentle facial features, elegant and awkward smile, he seems to be floating in the
eternal river of time, looking for a place to land.
"Where are you, where am I, isn't that good?" His arms wrapped around Zhou Qing.
This is the most weightless but most natural hug that Zhou Qing has experienced.
"But here is the world of mankind, not Nibelungen..." Zhou Qing did not understand at all.
"You brought me, don't you remember?" The lips of the other side fell more obviously.
When Zhou Qing's eyes touched, it was like an inescapable reincarnation.
"You are... the seed of the Elpis? How is this possible!" Zhou Qing stunned.
"I am defined by you as a s-class creature. The mimics that this level of creature
possesses...not just human forms, aren't they? And our thinking can be passed on by other
In other words, the seed is the medium of communication for his thinking?
"So... what do you want from me?" Zhou Qing asked curiously.
"What can you give me?" The other side smiled and asked.
His smile contains too many things that Zhou Qing does not understand.
"I can't give you anything." Zhou Qing said helplessly, "but I am looking forward to seeing
you all the time. I am really greedy."
"This is not greed. It's just your attachment. You still have a lot of time. Don't always be
afraid that you still have a lot of things to finish. Enjoy your life, believe me." After that, the
other party will gently He pushed it up.
Zhou Qing stretched his hand and was getting farther and farther away from each other.
"who are you?"
The other's lips moved, but Zhou Qing did not hear what he said.
The glare of the light entered the eyes of Zhou Qing, and Zhou Qing deliberately recognized
the face.
His fingers trembled and his throat was dumb: "Water... I want to drink water..."
When he said this sentence, Zhou Yu, who was holding him, suddenly began to start: "Zhou
Qing, what do you want?"
Zhou Qing’s eyes finally opened completely, and he was on the eyes of Zhou Yu: "Brother...
How are you here... I want to drink water..."
"I will pour you water right away!" Zhou Yu hurriedly poured water into Zhou Qing. After
watching him drink, he immediately went out to find Dr. Daniel.
"Dr. Daniel! He wakes up in Zhou Qing! You worried that his language function would be
affected, but he spoke to me and understood what I asked him!"
Dr. Daniel's eyes widened and quickly rushed to Zhou Qing's ward.
At this point, doctors and nurses are already checking for Zhou Qing.
"The heartbeat, blood pressure, and pulse are normal." The nurse told Daniel.
Daniel came to Zhou Qing and pointed to himself and asked: "Professor Zhou, do you know
who I am?"
Zhou Qing smirked and smiled: "You are Dr. Daniel... I want to forget that I can't forget...
because if my tumor recurs, only you can save me."
Dr. Daniel swallowed: "You are lifting your left arm now."
Zhou Qing raised his left arm and moved his left hand. Daniel checked his limbs' mobility
and found that his physical mobility was not affected by the surgery.
When Zhou Qing was slightly restored, another expert came to do a logical ability test for
Zhou Qing. He even had the same ability to think.
"This... it’s a miracle..." Dr. Daniel covered his face and couldn’t believe it.
Moreover, the average patient received such an operation and was inevitably injured, but
the recovery rate of Zhou Qing exceeded the doctor's expectations.
When he sat up and saw the petri dish in the corner of the ward, he asked Zhou Yu very
nervously: "What is that?"
"It was your graduate student who brought it back from your research room and said that
it was a certain plant that you have been raising."
"What! How did they bring it! The room temperature here is too high..." Zhou Qing was
anxious to get out of bed, Zhou Yu had to reach out and hold him, but he walked over.
The young shoots in the culture dish have withered.
Zhou Qing stood there for a long time, with no expression, but the feeling in his heart was
complicated and inexplicable.
"Zhou Qing?" Zhou Yu came to his side, he was the first time he saw Zhou Qing revealing
such expression.
"How long have you put it here?" asked Zhou Qing.
His expression and just regaining consciousness are so concerned about this young shoot,
so that Zhou Yu is convinced that it is not a general plant.
"When you have an operation, your student is holding it outside the operating room. Can
you live again? If it is because of the room temperature, will I send it back to your lab now?"
The young shoots have died and the roots have rotted.
Zhou Qing’s heart was sore, which could not be saved.
He shook his head and said: "Not only because of the room temperature, but also the water
may have entered some harmful substances... It has too many absolute conditions for
"What special plant is this?" Zhou Yu asked.
"This is... This is a very important person to hand over to me. It is difficult to survive. It is
already very surprising that it can sprout, but it has not grown up." Zhou Qing’s expression
was very embarrassing, "Brother... Would you like to send me back to the research room?"
"Well, let me talk to Dr. Daniel."
Zhou Qing took a breath, is it that the s-class creature in his sleep will push himself away, is
it goodbye?
Because the young plant died, he lost the medium of thinking, so he disappeared?
If you don't go back to Nibelungen, are you not seeing him again?
Although Dr. Daniel hesitated, Zhou Qing’s physical condition was so good that he could not
understand. Examination showed that the wounds of his brain surgery were healing. Brain
scars caused by such surgery can cause epilepsy, but Dr. Daniel feels that Zhou Qing's brain
healing ability is completely beyond ordinary people. He agreed with Zhou Yu’s request,
but only gave him three hours.
Zhou Yu drove Zhou Qing back to the research room. Zhou Qing took out the unused Erpies
solution and poured it into a new Petri dish.
He carefully peeled off the part of the seed that had been ulcerated, and put the remaining
part into the liquid with tweezers. I didn't expect it to be completely soluble in the liquid
and disappeared.
Zhou Qing’s hand is stiff there.
After the death of Elpis, part of the body turned into clear water. And this seed is integrated
into these clear waters... so this clear water is the final state of Elpis' death.
He completely lost it.
Zhou Yu came over: "How is it? Can't it be saved?"
"Yeah. Some things are not saved by our efforts." Zhou Qing put the dish on his face, and his
eyes were blurred. "Brother... It is the seed of Elpis."
Zhou Yuxi lived: "What do you say? You... brought the seeds of Elpis from Nibelungen
Zhou Qing lived in his own eyes: "I know that this is not only the professionalism of being a
scholar, but even threatening the human world... But the voice in my mind persuaded me,
he let me I feel trust and security, so I took the seed to the world here as he said."
Zhou Yu was instantly alert and seized Zhou Qing’s shoulder: "Who do you mean by ‘he’?”
Zhou Qing opened his mouth and finally decided to bury the secrets buried in his heart.
He said that he had encountered the s-class creature for the first time on the lakeside and
every time he was rescued by the other party.
"I know what you are thinking... You are thinking that he is tempting me, maybe he wants
me to be his food, or the nutrition he breeds... but I am, I may die at any time, there is no
The value that is tempted by the other party. If the s-class creature wants to eat me, it is
Zhou Yu held his arm and looked at Zhou Qing.
"You are arrogant, Zhou Qing."
Zhou Qing looked up and thought that Zhou Yu would no longer be close to the creature,
and would say that everything was designed by that creature, and then cited the example of
a female researcher who was tempted to become pregnant after death. But Zhou Yu said
such a sentence.
"Brother... I don't think he ever thought about hurting me."
"I know."
"Do you know...what?" Zhou Qing did not ask with certainty.
"I know this feeling. Even if the whole world is telling you to be careful, stay away, but your
instincts tell you that you can't look back. Because you need him."
Zhou Qing’s eyes widened and he looked at the deep eyes of Zhou Yu’s black obsidian. He
did not expect Zhou Yu to say such things.
"So... what should I do?" asked Zhou Qing.
Zhou Yu reached out and pointed his finger at the heart of Zhou Qing's heart: "Always
remember where your bottom line is. Always remember who you are, even if you sacrifice
everything, will never hurt. Before that, go to experience and feel." ”
"You really are my big brother?"
"Do you want to be my older brother?" Zhou Yu asked with a funny smile.
Zhou Qing smiled: "Brother... let's go back to the hospital."
"Good." Zhou Yu nodded.
Looking at the back of Zhou Qing, Zhou Yu’s eyes sank. Although he has had such an
experience, and even keeps himself alert at all times, Zhou Yu understands that the feelings
are being swayed and unable to restrain.
He is very clear that although Zhou Qing seems to be no different from other scholars, his
heart is desperate. But the appearance of the s-class creature gave Zhou Qing comfort. If he
strongly requested Zhou Qing to break the connection with the s-class creature, this time,
Zhou Qing was once again in despair.
Compared with despair, Zhou Yu hopes that Zhou Qing is happy.
Therefore, he needs to look at Zhou Qing more carefully than before.
Even if Zhou Qing couldn't see clearly, as Zhou Qing's eldest brother, he had to see him
clearly, especially before Zhou Qing was dragged off the cliff by any temptation, he had to
hold him.
"But what about myself?" Zhou Yu smiled helplessly.
The picture of the dark-haired boy floating in the water appeared in front of his eyes. His
hair swayed with the waves, and his gaze seemed to bring Zhou Yu into the end of the
Zhou Yu closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He found that the more he wanted to
suppress, the deeper and deeper the face of the boy in his brain, until it was unmeasurable.
In the office, Dr. Daniel held his arm and looked at the photos of Zhou Qing’s brain.
When Zhou Yu went back to Zhou Qing to cook porridge, Dr. Daniel came to Zhou Qing's
bed and sent his ct photo to him.
"Can tell me, what special creatures have you been exposed to in Nibelungen?"
Zhou Qing's fingertips trembled. He knew that Dr. Daniel was too professional. The most
difficult thing he could hold was him.
"Erpis." Zhou Qing replied.
"I have been studying the sample of Elpis. I don't know if it is because I often touched its
samples, so it has an impact on my body. Elpis is a very special creature of nerves... complex
nerve structure , superior nerve healing ability and memory, you should have heard that it
can give memory to another living body before death."
Zhou Qing tried to transfer Dr. Daniel's attention.
"If this is the case, there is still a chance to go to Nibelungen. I have to study this creature
too well." Daniel accepted the explanation for Zhou Qing, but accepted it.
A month later, Zhou Qing left the hospital. He did not continue to retreat, but instead
invested in subsequent research.
His paper on the evolution of autonomic nerves published in an academic journal has
caused an uproar in the industry, and many scholars have commented it as "a conjecture
from heaven." Zhou Qing believes that plants in the distant future are likely to evolve the
same nerves as animals, and even develop brain forms that belong to plants. It will not be
confined to the animal's brain. This kind of thinking nerve may spread throughout the
plant, or even store it. Complex memory.
Some scholars directly commented that Zhou Qing should be a science fiction writer.
In this paradox, several groups that originally sponsored Zhou Qing also thought that he
was not thinking about brain surgery because of brain surgery, considering withdrawing
funds or recommending Zhou Qing to receive psychotherapy.
This made Zhou Qing's graduate students very low, but Zhou Qing continued his own
research just like nothing, and did not change the direction of research.
I have always invited Zhou Qing to participate in the seminar and to express a sharp drop
in the number of people who want to sponsor. Zhou Qing knows that his own thoughts are
because he has seen the world of Nibelungen. He has seen the nerves of those plants, felt
their thoughts, and even their ability to act. This is unimaginable to ordinary humans.
But what Zhou Qing did not think was that a professor from the same university in the
United States published another paper, which discussed Zhou Qing’s theory in more depth.
Different from Zhou Qing’s conjective arguments, the other’s arguments are more logical,
and a large number of examples have been added to point out the significance of related
research on the healing of human neurological diseases.
Zhou Qing read this paper over and over again, and he really wanted to talk face-to-face
with the professor.
The name of the professor is Bai Yingting, and the English name is Constantine.
Just as Zhou Qing was still trying to find the contact information of Professor Bai, Professor
Bai’s assistant contacted his research office and said that he would come to visit Zhou Qing
This makes Zhou Qing happy.
And that night, Zhou Qing sat in the study room to see Elpis's liquid ecstasy, his cell phone
rang, it was an overseas phone. At that moment, Zhou Qing’s heart beat very fast, and he
had a near-jumping hunch.
"Hello, I am Zhou Qing."
"I hope I didn't bother you. I am Bai Yingting. I have contacted you before. My doctor is now
at the airport. I will arrive in your city tomorrow night. I don't know if I can have dinner for
Professor Zhou. ?"
The voice made Zhou Qing’s heart jump out of the chest. The thick sound quality, the
faintness reveals a trace of aristocratic temperament. That was repeated in countless times
in Zhou Qing’s mind.
how is this possible?
How could he exist in this world?
"Of course... yes. This is my pleasure."
At this time, the other end of the mobile phone heard the broadcast of the airport terminal.
"Professor Zhou, I am going to the plane. Good night."
That "good night" with a faint smile, calming Zhou Qing's nerves.
"Right, Professor Zhou..."
"Are you still sitting in the lab?"
"Ah... yes..."
"You should go back to rest. Have a cup of hot milk, take a shower, have a good night's
sleep... Then you will see me."
He is like knowing Zhou Qing for a long time, knowing everything about Zhou Qing, even at
the other end of the world, he can look at him.
"Thank you."
The call was over and Zhou Qing was lost. He came to the computer and searched for Bai
Yingting's information. Apart from his papers, Zhou Qing knew nothing about his personal
However, his early research directions are very traditional, and the methods of discussion
and research are also very rigorous. There is a big gap with the recently published paper.
His only photo is also a photo of his Ph.D., although the pixel is unclear, but from the outline
of the five senses, it is definitely a very elegant and elegant scholar.
Zhou Qing shut down the computer, which is the first time in so many days that he
returned to his dormitory before nine o'clock. He had a cup of milk and slept after the
This night, he slept unexpectedly.
When he woke up, it was already ten o'clock in the morning. Zhou Qing pressed his head,
which was the best night he slept after he was discharged from the hospital.
All day, he is looking forward to dinner.
When he received a call from Bai Yingting at 5:30 in the afternoon, his fingertips were
slightly hot.
He has a strong sense of foreboding, but he does not know what this hunch is.
Bai Yingting’s voice is still not ill, with a touch of temperature familiar to Zhou Qing.
The author has something to say: Professor Bai debuts, but his plays are not many. After
the chapter, he is almost a bird... but Professor Bai is very gentle and powerful.

Laws of the Other World Chapter 58: Return to Nibelungen

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He told Zhou Qing which hotel he lived in.
Zhou Qing is thinking about how he wants to go to that hotel. Bai Yingting suddenly said, "I
am in the downstairs of your dormitory."
Zhou Qing stunned. He came to the window sill and saw a man in a smoky gray trench coat
standing under the street lamp.
He seems to feel the sight of Zhou Qing and slowly raises his head.
The silent wave rushed to Zhou Qing, sweeping the fresh and gentle atmosphere and
drowning Zhou Qing.
Bai Yingting's eyebrows are elegant. There is something in his eyes that is difficult to
describe. It seems to have gone a long way. After a long time, he finally met Zhou Qing.
Zhou Qing rubbed his eyes hard, and Bai Yingting raised a smile on his lips. He stretched his
hand and waved gently.
"White... Professor Bai, how do you know that I live here?"
"It's your Ph.D. student left to my research assistant. Professor Zhou, if you mind my
uninvited, we can meet in other places."
"No! Of course not!" Zhou Qing looked back at his house, but fortunately, the number of
times he came back was not much, but the clothes that had not been washed before were
thrown on the sofa.
Zhou Qing cleared the room at the fastest speed and opened the door, while Bai Yingting
stood there with his pocket.
In this close-up view of Bai Yingting, Zhou Qing felt more and more that he and Bai Yingting
had met each other... Zhou Qing violently reacted, he really like the s-class creature he had
This similarity is not on the outline of the five senses, but rather a certain inner overlap.
“Have I ever seen you there?” Zhou Qing asked.
When he reacted, he felt that the problem was a bit abrupt.
“On the Internet?” Bai Yingting replied, and then he smiled again. “Professor Zhou, do you
know that the words “Where have I seen you before” are outdated?”
Zhou Qing’s face suddenly turned red, and he let the position open: “Sorry... Professor Bai,
please come in!”
"Actually, you call me Professor Bai, I call you Professor Zhou, we professors come to the
professor, will it be too hospitable?"
"Ah?" Zhou Qing did not slow down between the moments.
If you don't call the other person "professor", what should he call the other person? Mr.
"And..." Bai Yingting suddenly approached Zhou Qing. At that moment, his handsome face
appeared clearly in Zhou Qing’s field of vision. Zhou Qing was there with a blank in his
mind. "I just joked that your words are like a conversation, yours. The face is red. It seems
that Professor Zhou has not talked about love."
Bai Yingting is very tall, belonging to the type of long legs and long legs. Zhou Qing, one
meter and seventy-five, is still half a head in front of him. He is different from a scholar who
has a low emotional intelligence. He is so handsome, and such a man has knowledge and
should be very popular with women.
In order to see the expression of Zhou Qing, Bai Yingting deliberately bent down, as if
looking at a child who was doing something wrong. At such a distance, the beautiful outline
of his eyes is clearly presented in front of Zhou Qing, and his eyelashes that rise slightly
upwards are like butterflies that are about to flutter.
"White Professor is really joking." Zhou Qing turned and went, "I am going to give you tea."
Zhou Qing’s heart jumped very fast.
As if after listening to Bai Yingting’s voice, his heartbeat is not his own.
When he soaked the tea and put it out, he saw Bai Yingting carrying his hand and extending
his head to the window sill, seemingly looking at something.
Zhou Qing put down the teacup and came to Bai Yingting's side. He looked at him and found
that he was looking at a small flower that was opened in the wall.
It seems to be fragile, but it is swaying in the wind, free in the sun, and no one can
appreciate it.
"This is the place where I like the creatures in this world." Bai Yingting said.
"Growing under the most difficult conditions, perhaps weak, perhaps barren, naturally
gives it what kind of living conditions, it will bring such conditions to the limit." Bai
Yingting turned his face.
His body is a touch of grass, and Zhou Qing has never smelled it like this.
"Drink tea, Professor Bai." Zhou Qing said.
"Okay." Bai Yingting smiled.
His smile is shallow and calm.
Zhou Qing found that even if Bai Yingting's facial features are not as delicate and elegant as
the s-class creatures, as long as Bai Yingting smiles, the similarity will be doubled.
The two talked about their theory of plant evolution, and Bai Yingting had too many views
and Zhou Qing. Not only that, but he also guided Zhou Qing to make his ideas more
systematic and more convincing. If your own paper is completed with Bai Yingting,
probably there are not so many people who can't accept his point of view.
When Zhou Qing’s stomach snorted, Bai Yingting looked up at the watch and found that it
was already ten o'clock in the evening.
"God, we have been talking for so long! Professor Bai has not had dinner yet!" Zhou Qing's
eyes widened. He and Bai Yingting were too involved, and they forgot the time.
"It doesn't matter, what's in your refrigerator?" Bai Yingting got up.
"How can I make Professor Bai cook, we still..."
Bai Yingting smiled: "The restaurant near this time has been closed. As for the professor
Zhou who often stays in the research room for 24 hours, will he cook?"
Zhou Qing was embarrassed again.
Bai Yingting opened the refrigerator and found that except for the eggs, there were only
some mushrooms and potatoes.
This made Zhou Qing feel once again, and he is probably a person who doesn't understand
life in Bai Yingting's heart.
"We can spread the egg cakes." After Bai Yingting finished, he took two eggs from the
"Do you come to eat for me? How can this be! Professor Bai, you are a guest, or I am
Zhou Qing’s words have not been finished yet, and Bai Yingting is close to him again. The
eyes were extremely deep, which gave Zhou Qing an inexplicable sense of weightlessness.
"Professor Zhou should not even make tomato scrambled eggs?"
"I...I..." Zhou Qing wants to say that he will do it, but in fact he really won't.
Most of the time, he finished his meal in the study room and went back to the dormitory.
Some time ago, when Zhou Yu was there, Zhou Yu bought food and cooked food. Even the
eggs in the refrigerator were left by Zhou Yu.
After all, he is indeed an idiot in life.
"Oh, Professor Zhou will do it? Is it the first to fry the tomato or the first to scramble the
eggs?" Bai Yingting asked.
His smile is a bit bad, but he doesn't mean to laugh at it or look down. Even if he has known
Zhou Qing for a long time, he can make jokes casually.
Zhou Qing opened his mouth and did not know how to answer.
Bai Yingting reached out and scratched the tip of Zhou Qing's nose.
The heart is like being swept by feathers, and Zhou Qing’s blood and breathing pause at
that moment.
"Professor Zhou. There are dark circles under your eyes. You might as well sleep for a little
while, let's have dinner together after ten minutes?"
"Oh, thank you……"
Zhou Qing did not leave the kitchen, but stood not far from the back of Bai Yingting.
His wrists form an elegant arc, tapping gently on the side of the bowl, and the eggs slide
into the bowl. Even with the salt of rice, he still showed some kind of aristocratic grace.
Until a plate of omelet slipped into the plate, Bai Yingting turned and looked at Zhou Qing
and smiled; "Professor Zhou, why not take a break?"
"I am learning from you." Zhou Qing has been looking for a reason for himself to look at Bai
Bai Yingting walked past Zhou Qing's side with a smile: "Take a taste of my craft and see if
the value is worth learning."
The two sat down at the table, and Bai Yingting handed the chopsticks to Zhou Qing.
The material of the quiche is very simple, and there is no rich preparation. However, the
first bite of Zhou Qing’s bite feels the tenderness of the egg and the fragrance of the
He hasn't been taken care of for a long time, and there is a warmth in his heart.
"My research team will go to the Kakash Mountains next month for a biological
investigation. I would like to invite you to go there, but I heard that Professor Zhou has only
recently performed surgery. Such an environment is not suitable for you. Really
"Kakash Mountains?" Zhou Qing's eyes lit up.
It is a paradise that has just been discovered by the expedition. It is inaccessible and
maintains a relatively complete natural appearance. Because it is in a closed environment,
many new species have also been discovered.
But the creatures of the Kakash Mountains are so rare and interesting that Zhou Qing has
seen the world of Nibelungen.
"Yeah, the Kakash Mountains. But it doesn't matter. After Professor Zhou's body is well-
trained, we can go together."
Zhou Qing is very clear that his tumor is impossible to be cured. If he is sick in this world,
he would rather lie in a place like Khosh.
He and Bai Yingting are too too inconsistent. He even thinks that if they are together, all the
research will get twice the result with half the effort. If one day you can't do it, maybe only
Bai Yingting can continue his research in this world.
But Nibelungen... The world is too dangerous, how can he make Bai Yingting in danger? And
even if he recommends Bai Yingting to Juli Group, it will not necessarily be accepted.
In the next few days, Zhou Qing and Bai Yingting were not in the research room, or they
were discussing tea with each other on the balcony of the Zhouqing dormitory. Sometimes
their arguments are quite intense. It is a collision of ideas, but in any case, Bai Yingting can
maintain a gentlemanly manner and push Zhou Qing's thinking to another, broader level.
At the same time, Zhou Yu finally got the task of sending to Nibelungen.
He and Wu Yun will take six new people and perform the shuttle mission to the 12th base.
This base is the reinforcement of the old base and is known as the most solid fortress of the
Juli Group. In addition to the six newcomers, some of the people who went to the station
included some of them.
Zhou Yu glanced at the list, with Li Qian and Dr. Daniel, and the name of Zhou Qing.
This is mixed for Zhou Qing. The bad thing is that in that world, Zhou Qing has almost no
self-protection ability, and even will be lured by the s-level creature. The good news is that
if you can't get back to Nibelungen, Zhou Qing's brain glioma will recur sooner or later.
People's ability to withstand is limited, not to mention that his brain is the most delicate
part, and it is impossible to undergo surgery again and again.
The name alongside Zhou Qing is a university professor named Bai Yingting.
Wu Yun’s head came together: “It seems that there are a lot of oil bottles this time!”
Zhou Yu replied coolly: "Are you not?" Wu Yun is speechless. His old fritters have become cumbersome in front of Zhou
Yu... really hurt self-respect!
A week later, all the dispatched personnel were picked up by the Juli Group.
When Zhou Qing and Dr. Daniel entered the shuttle cabin together, Li Qian was already
inside. He was very excited to give Zhou Qing a big hug.
And Zhou Qing’s gaze crossed Li Qian’s shoulder and he saw the temperament of a tall,
gentle man.
"White...White Professor?" Zhou Qing's eyes widened.
That man is Bai Yingting.
"Do you know?" Zhou Yu came over and asked.
"Yes... yes." Zhou Qing nodded.
Bai Yingting extended his hand to Zhou Yu: "Hello, the captain of the week, long-awaited."
Zhou Yu did not hold his hand, but looked at him with a look of his eyes.
This man has a special temperament. Others who are about to enter Nibelungen, even if
they are not the first "senior" sent by Dr. Li Qian and Dr. Daniel, are very nervous at the
moment. But the white professor is calm and calm, as if he was just going to participate in
academic research in another country.
"Hello." A few seconds later, Zhou Yucai took his hand.
Bai Yingting’s hand is steady and the palm temperature is not high, which shows that he is
really not nervous.
"Professor Bai, have you been recruited by Juli Group?" Zhou Qing could not help but ask.
"Yes. To be honest, when they found me, I didn't believe in the world they said. But when
they told me that you joined the plan, I decided to join." Bai Yingting replied.
Zhou Qing’s brows picked up and grabbed the other’s arm: “Do you know how dangerous
there is! It’s exactly the same as the world you know!”
"I know." Bai Yingting nodded. "There is no need to pay for anything without knowing. The
more we know, the higher the price. It is my greatest honour to work with you. You are also
looking forward to it." , isn't it?"
At that moment, Zhou Qing felt that all his thoughts, Bai Yingting seemed to understand. Bai
Yingting patted Zhou Qing’s back and signaled that he did not need to be nervous. Zhou
Qing realized his own gaffe and quickly released his hand.
"Sorry, I……"
"No concern. Happy cooperation, Professor Zhou."
There is a kind of soothing meaning in Bai Yingting’s smile. It seems that no matter how
nervous Zhou Qing is, he can calm him down.
Zhou Yu looked at him silently. When he left Zhou Qing's time and soon, when did Bai
Yingting emerge? And Zhou Qing also cares about him especially...
Dr. Cook came to Zhou Yu and Wu Yun and handed over the information of No. 12 base to
both of them.
When Zhou Yu saw the column head of the base filled with Song Zhi, the heart that had
been hanging was finally calmed down.
Song Zhi was still alive, indicating that the ink night had won the night spirit.
Everyone entered the shuttle cabin.
Wu Yungang said what he wanted to say, Li Qian pre-emptively said: "Shut up!"
Wu Yun’s crow mouth was blocked in advance.
The shuttle cabin ejected.
Li Qian closed his eyes and the tension was the same as the last time.
Zhou Yu observed the white professor, and he closed his eyes and seemed to be resting.
The other people who made the first magnetic field crossing were also very nervous.
Sometimes several people talked to each other, but the topic could not continue because of
the tension.
After nearly an hour, the shuttle cabin suddenly stopped. The cabin personnel slowly
recovered gravity from the suspended state.
Li Qian’s sigh of relief finally came out: “We arrived safely, right?”
The safety device was lifted up, and everyone sat up cautiously and looked around.
"I won't open the hatch and find that the base has been blown up again?" Li Qian is still
very uneasy.
Wu Yun chuckled: "Your crow's mouth is not inferior to me."
Li Qian was too confused to speak.
When the door slowly opened, standing in front of them was Song Zhi holding his arm.
He is still wearing a meticulous suit and rimless glasses, and his face is indifferent.
"Welcome to Base 12. Nibelungen's Law of Survival, I believe everyone is very clear. I am
very happy to see the old faces."
Song Zhi’s eyes stayed on Zhou Yu’s body and nodded.
After the dispatched personnel were assigned, Zhou Yu quickly followed Song Zhi.
Song Zhi knew the purpose of Zhou Yu, and the two men were silent all the way, until they
left only two of them in the passage, and Song suddenly stopped.
"Where is the ink night?" Zhou Yu asked.
Song Zhi did not turn around.
"Are you sure you want to know where he is? I am afraid that you will regret it later."
"It's not dead, isn't it? If it dies, you can't live." Zhou Yu's brows are tight, and he doesn't
understand what Song said about him.
“Do you know that the 12th base is the largest, most equipped and strongest base of the Juli
Group here?”
"I heard Dr. Cook say it."
"Because there is a s-level creature here." Song Zhi replied.
Zhou Yu did not speak. He has a hunch that Song Zhi said that he must not hear it.
"His name is ink night."
When the name rang, Zhou Yu’s heart instantly seemed to be split.
"What do you say? Ink night is the night spirit... is a class a creature..."
"Don't you know that s-class creatures can be mimicked into any biological form? It's not
just humans, but also the night spirit." Song answered.
Zhou Yu’s heart leaped wildly like a volcanic eruption, and gradually calmed down after a
dozen seconds.
He remembered the silver creature that saved himself when he dropped the angel's horn,
and it turned into a boy. It hugged him and saved him.
He remembered that every time he encountered the most dangerous moment of life and
death, the boy would appear.
Everything in the past was quickly replayed in Zhou Yu’s mind. The most subtle expression
of the boy’s eyebrows, all the deep meaning of his smile, every movement he raised his
hand, and the big eyes of the ink night...they are different. .
"Do you not believe it?" Song asked.
Zhou Yu remembered that every time the boy appeared, whether he saved himself in the
angel's corner, brought himself out in the nest of Bawangyinzhuzhu or solved the eclipse in
the observation station... He did not appear at the same time as the ink night. Over. And,
whenever he leaves, the night will return to his side!
It is no coincidence that he will be saved, but because the boy is the ink night!
When I think of the night of ink, I feel like the bite of my fingertips. The blood is like a
gushing out.
"Do you still want to see him?" Song asked.
"Of course." Zhou Yu’s fist was clenched.
The little thing that often cuddles in his arms and is attached to him... is actually a s-class
creature! What is the purpose of doing this?
"If the ink night is a s-class creature, how did you capture it?" Zhou Yu immediately thought
of this problem.
Song Zhi took his pocket and bowed his head and chuckled: "Because I told him that if he
didn't shoot at himself, the shuttle cabin you took would be disintegrated because I had a
"The gun is a neurotoxin?" Zhou Yu asked.
"It's a neurotoxin for him... your spinal fluid."
Song Zhi’s answer made Zhou Yu suddenly angry.
He smashed the collar of Song Zhi and slammed him into the wall: "You guy! You took my
spinal fluid in the name of the test and said that I was worried that I was infected and was
parasitic. It was used to deal with the ink night. You already know that the ink night is a s-
class creature? You never told me! Are you deliberate?"
Song Zhi’s eyes looked into Zhou Yu’s eyes without hesitation.
"Are you angry, Zhou Yu? This is really rare. At first, I didn't know that the ink night was a
s-class creature, but it was later suspected. But have you forgotten the purpose of the s-
class creature approaching humans?"
"So? You want to say that I am the nutrition of the ink night? Is his prey?"
"You have to ask him personally... if he tells you the truth." Song took a shot of Zhou Yu's
back. "It is not easy to burn a suit here."
Zhou Yu released Song Zhi and said coldly: "I will see him now."
"Follow me." Song smiled. "You are different from anyone else here. Even if we instill your
rules of survival, you have your own judgment."
"Because you are not credible. So everything you said is not credible." Zhou Yu replied.
"It seems that I have a crisis of trust." Song smiled. "But it's good."
"You will not make the same mistakes as me." Song Zhi turned and went, his words always
let Zhou Yu do not understand.
Zhou Yu followed Song Zhi and walked through the channels of alert.
The author has something to say: Ink night children's shoes, how do you think about how
to explain your bad child behavior with Zhou Yu?

Laws of the Other World Chapter 59: I am fascinated by your world

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Numerous small holes can be seen on the walls of the passage, and once there is any
dangerous creature to escape, such as the night, it will release high concentrations of
Infrared is changing the scanning track every second, as long as one command becomes a
cutting machine.
He followed Song Zhi to the deepest part of the base.
There is no one here, but it is strictly guarded, just like another independent beating heart
in the base.
When the last door opens, everything becomes brighter.
The area of this department made Zhou Yu secretly surprised.
Numerous researchers dressed in white are busy.
"Are they studying ink nights?" Zhou Yu asked.
"Yes. The genes of the ink night are very complicated. We want to figure out what makes
the s-class creatures mimicry and other abilities we don't understand. But what we have is
like a drop of water in the sea. From the answer we are pursuing, there is still a long way to
go." Song Zhi answered.
He continued to go inside.
Zhou Yu found that this department did not have the protection and patrol of armed
"You don't worry that the night will escape."
"Of course I am worried. But this kind of worry is worthless. He has been put on a shackle,
and the proximity of other humans will become a weapon used by him. For example, the
former night spirit, so many people have grown up. Nutrition."
Song Zhi stopped in front of a door: "I will send you here. It is his ability to move forward.
Although he can't take me, I don't like the feeling of being juggled by him."
Zhou Yu didn't know what Song Zhi said about "snuggling", but he knew that the so-called
"shackles" was Zhou Yu's spinal fluid.
He stepped forward step by step, his body was steady, his heartbeat was very fast.
It is like a secret is about to be revealed.
In front of him is a room, the room has no door, but one wall is directly transparent.
The room was brightly lit, a young man lying on the bed, with his legs on, and looking at a
Zhou Yu moved his own steps and subconsciously turned his face to see the young man
from various angles.
His skin is very white, tall and tall, similar to Zhou Yu, wearing a white t-shirt and loose
slacks. The legs are straight and slender, and the wrists of the book have an elegant
"I miss you."
Zhou Yu’s mind suddenly sounded this sentence.
It came from a very deep and distant place, with centuries of dust.
Zhou Yu took a breath. He knew that it was impossible for the young man to talk because
the room was soundproof.
The voice is in his mind, not the ear.
"I miss you every day."
The young man slowly put the book that blocked his face aside and sat up without
Zhou Yu stunned on the pair of amber eyes.
Bright, clear... that's the eyes of the night.
The young man walked to Zhou Yu and stopped in front of the glass.
If human beings are really created by God, then this young man is truly the perfect model.
He has a beautiful silhouette, and the nuances are inexplicable.
He raised his hand and covered it on the glass wall. Zhou Yu was like a demon, and his hand
was lifted up and covered.
"I miss your temperature, Zhou Yu."
The whole body's blood rushed toward the fingers. He seemed to be bitten by the other
side. His fingertips were sucked and the blood was about to leave the body.
Zhou Yu raised his chin and tried to resist with willpower.
At this moment, he finally understood what it means to be "juggling" in Song Zhikou.
Is this also the ability of s-class creatures?
"It seems that Song Zhi has instilled a lot of wrong ideas into you."
The young man smiled. His eyes seemed to fall into countless stars. The curved lip line was
a charming demeanor. Zhou Yu’s breathing became slow. He was close to Zhou Yu and
looked at Zhou Yu's subtle expression changes, as if Zhou Yu was the sample that was
trapped in it for research.
At that moment, Zhou Yu’s body recovered his freedom, and he took a step back.
"What is your purpose close to me?" Zhou Yu asked.
This problem seems ridiculous, and the other person shrugged and smiled.
His forefinger's knuckles gently passed over the glass, but Zhou Yu felt that his cheeks were
like being stroked.
Can this guy not only manipulate his actions, but even feel it?
"You look at your vigilant expression, as if I will eat you. Are you completely forgotten? It is
the Juli Group that brought me out of the night spirit island. It is Wu Yun’s obsessively
trying to train my black box. It is the first person you came to see in the world before you
came to the box. All the encounters were not designed by me, and the only thing I chose
was the mimicry that you liked."
“Imitated to what I like?” Zhou Yu heard this illogical statement for the first time. As if all
this was caused by his Zhou Yu.
"Do you not like it? Looks like a humble creature, it seems that you are dependent on you,
but you are strong at the most critical time, and you are always loyal to important people
like you. I just let myself be yours. What do you like, why do you look like a deceitful
"Become what I like? So are you the creature I like? If not, isn't this a deception?" Zhou Yu
"From the beginning of my own consciousness, the first piece of information I read is from
you. I understand your brain, your thoughts, and I look at the world from your perspective.
Then, I chose You, grow up as you wish. You humans may have made many rules for
themselves in order to survive in Nibelungen, but I am different. I only have you in my law."
The young black man turned his face Come, look at Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu finally understood what he meant. From the beginning of his thinking, he took
Zhou Yu as the center... Zhou Yu expected, what he hoped, became his direction.
However, how is this possible?
He is a s-class creature!
Strongly standing at the top of the Nibelungen bio-chain, human beings should be small and
ignorant in front of him!
"Zhou Yu, are you aware of it? You haven't called my name once since you entered here."
Is the name important to you?
If you haven’t said anything yet, it’s easy to be interpreted by the other party.
"Of course it matters. That is the proof that I have in your heart. By denying that name, you
will deny everything to me."
"If in your heart, you are the ink night, then you will always be the ink night, no one can
deny you, including me."
"is it?"
At that moment, the young man’s body seemed to penetrate the glass, as the same invisible
force flocked to Zhou Yu.
As if to be rushed, Zhou Yu’s eyes raised his chin and subconsciously pulled back, but his
back was pressed by a force, forcing him to bear everything that was coming.
There seems to be something to kiss myself, but there is nothing in front of him.
And the young man, just standing opposite the glass, stared at him for a long time.
"Zhou Yu... Don't be old, you must be very cute. And if you are ten years old, of course I am
also ten years old, the world is ten years old, and God is ten years old. Everything is the
"What do you say to me?" Zhou Yu said coldly.
He wants to drive out the voice in his mind. At this moment, the other person reads the love
letter of Zhu Shenghao that he once read for him, reminding him of the warm past that
embraced the night in the little bedroom. He is shaking.
"From the last time I separated from you, and I reunited with you at the moment, I feel like
I have had a dream."
The other's eyebrows are embarrassing, even under such cold white lights.
Zhou Yu felt that she was blindfolded by the other side, let him guess what he never
assumed, and Zhou Yu found himself completely unable to linger in his memories of his
most nostalgic ink night.
"Wake up and feel that I love you."
In an instant, Zhou Yu felt that his most solid wall was destroyed by the other side, even if
Zhou Yu’s face made an indifferent expression.
You are not with me, I miss you so much.
It seems that there is something in the ear of Zhou Yu, like a dark and deep stone corridor,
blowing the dusty wind.
Zhou Yu took a breath and turned and left.
At every step, his world is changing rapidly.
He is not sure what he has been cherishing and what he wants to protect is true.
When Zhou Yu left, Song Zhi came to the glass wall.
"How is it to feel like seeing him in human form?"
"As you wish, it is rotten." Mo night looked at Song Zhi with his head, obviously a lazy and
indifferent expression, but it was inexplicable.
Song Zhi chuckled: "If you really want to impress him, do it in your own way. Instead of
using the look that makes him softest."
"So what about you? You are already tired, what are you still insisting on?"
"You can rest assured that I will not hold on for too long." Song smiled indifferently.
"You know..." Ink night lowered his head and leaned his face, slowly moving in front of the
glass, observing Song Zhi. "When you don't care about anything, and don't disguise it, it's
actually very nice to laugh. That is better than me." Are the brothers who came to this
world first confused by your smile?"
"If you have the chance, you can ask him for me." Song answered.
"What are you planning?" Song did not care to face his face. His eyes crossed the layers of metal walls and
went to the distance.
"I am not planning anything...just all the rebellion and the pursuit of freedom will cost you.
If you don't want people you care about to go through the fire, then you have to be
prepared to destroy yourself."
"The world of mankind is really complicated." Ink night walked back to his bed and lay
down with his arms.
"Good night, child." Song Zhi turned and left.
This evening, Zhou Yu and Wu Yun, who were reunited at the base, drank beer in the
"How is your daughter?"
"The condition is stable. I just can't imagine that one day I am gone, and the Juli Group will
try to take care of her."
"Even if Juli Group is not trustworthy, there is me." Zhou Yu replied.
Wu Yun’s beer in the imported food was almost not sprayed out: “I said that you are so
sure, are you living longer than me?”
"Well, I am sure."
Wu Yun shook his head and immediately thought of something: "Hey... Did Song tell you,
where did the ink night go? I have been here for a long time, there is no night spirit in this
base... Is it before the base was destroyed? , ink night left?"
If so, it is the best ending.
"Do you know that there are s-class creatures in this base?" Zhou Yu lowered his voice and
Wu Yunyu looked at Zhou Yu with a big eye: "Song Zhi didn't always want to catch a s-class
creature... Did he do it?"
Zhou Yu did not answer.
Wu Yunyu lived in his head: "God... God... I am so unlucky..."
"What's wrong?" Zhou Yu asked.
"You haven't explored the law yet? When the researchers here think they can control what
they are, they can't control anything, and even become a prey in turn! The former night
spirit is the best example! Now Well, the night spirit is not counted, actually turned off the
s-class creature here? I bet you, this is not a □ □! One day will explode!” Wu Yun opened his
fingers and made an explosion gesture.
"Do you think that ... s-level creature is very dangerous?" Zhou Yu's voice is not big, he
lowered his eyes, people can not tell whether he asked Wu Yun or himself.
"Crap, if not dangerous, why define it as en, Superman!"
"So, if a s-class creature starts from the world, it depends on you, needs you, knows you as
much as you can, and always protects you. What do you think is its purpose?" Zhou Yu
looks at Wu Yun .
Wu Yunxi lived: "This... what kind of ghost? I know you said that there is a s-level creature
that is interested in you. I also reminded you that you should be careful but you can trust
your instincts. But what depends on Need... Are you talking about s-class creatures? Sounds
like an emotionally weak child?"
"It's nothing."
For Zhou Yu, everything has a clear division. For example, loved ones, friends, enemies, and
people who are not so important. But the ink night is different, he made Zhou Yu hesitated
for the first time.
"...The s-class creature that Song Zhi caught, is it ink night?" Wu Yun suddenly spoke.
Zhou Yu paused. Wu Yun is not stupid. Song Zhi still lived in the ink but did not know
where to go. The base has another s-level creature. It is not surprising that Wu Yun has
such doubts.
Song Zhi did not ask Zhou Yu not to reveal the identity of the ink night to other people.
After all, most of the people here have never seen the ink night. But Wu Yun is different.
Maybe he knows the true identity of the ink night, and it is also a kind of protection for him.
"Yes." Zhou Yu admitted.
Wu Yun blinked his eyes and didn't know if his brain was blank or thinking.
"Have you seen him?" After a few seconds of silence, Wu Yun asked again.
"What kind of? Is his original form, or..."
"The mimetic state of the human state."
"Is he beautiful?" Wu Yun grabbed his head and seemed to be less entangled like Zhou Yu.
"Wait, I remember that the ink night is male, then it has nothing to do with beauty."
"His beauty has nothing to do with gender. The form of the night spirit is also his mimetic. I
just don't understand that as a s-class creature, he can be invincible in Nibelungen, why
should he always be by my side? If he wants What I get from me, such as controlling my
thoughts, my behavior, and even taking my life is easy, but why should he spend so much
time with me?"
This is a question that has been made to him until he knows the identity of the ink night.
"The original needs and dependencies are the ink nights!" Wu Yun showed his expression.
"A person only needs another person. But the premise is that he is human... at least in
himself. In his heart, he is human."
"Thank you."
Wu Yun got up and slammed it on Zhou Yu’s shoulder: "But there is one point, I must
remind you - never let yourself fall."
"I know."
"After two days, we will take the rookie out of the task and take a rest."
"of course."
The base's bedroom is still the same as the sleeping capsule.
What is different from the past is that the ink night can no longer be shrunk into a group to
snuggle around him.
Zhou Yu turned off the light, pillowed his arm, and was about to go to sleep.
He is a very adaptable person to the environment.
Just at the moment when his mind was about to sink, he suddenly felt something and
slammed his eyes open.
A figure sits on his bed!
And that outline, Zhou Yu can instantly discern the same as the ink night he saw on the
other side of the glass wall!
Zhou Yu was about to play up, but the other side took him one step, clasped his shoulder
and pressed him back.
The hair in front of the ink night falls down, and the tip of the hair just touches the forehead
of Zhou Yu.
And those eyes, even in a room without light, seemed to be as deep as if there was another
"What do you want to do?" Zhou Yu lowered his voice and said.
Ink night slowly put his head on Zhou Yu's chest: "I am used to holding you. I can't sleep
without you."
Zhou Yu can imagine that if this is the night of the night spirit, perhaps he is holding his
nose against his chin and gently squatting.
Unfortunately, that is just a mimetic.
"Is it... then, in the months when I am not there, have you never slept before?"
"Yes, I have never slept. Don't you believe it?"
"I do not believe."
"Then go ask your most trusted Song."
The fingers of the ink night slowly follow the wrist of Zhou Yu, like a stroke, but the force of
Zhou Yu's wrists is pressed against the pillow.
Zhou Yu has never experienced this state of total suppression.
The ink-night fingers are embedded between Zhou Yu's finger joints, interlocking with his
fingers. Such an awkward posture, Zhou Yu can not be immersed.
"You can constantly doubt me, Zhou Yu. Then I continue to suspect that my feelings are the
illusion that I brought you. But one thing you never know, is that you invited me to read
your thinking and make me fascinated by you. world."
Ink night straightened up his own back, leaning toward Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu struggled to resist, but at that moment, the figure of the ink night disappeared, and
even the power exerted on himself was gone.
Everything is like an illusion.
But how could it be an illusion!
Zhou Yu sat up and his back was soaked.
He took the walkie-talkie and connected directly to Song Zhi.
"Where is the ink night?"
"Of course it is the place where you saw him today. Don't tell me, you want me to let him
out and sleep next to you as before."
"Are you sure he is still there?"
"I am sure." Song Zhi's answer is quite certain.
Zhou Yu directly terminated the call and held his face.
He is used to restraining everything and controlling everything, even his own fears... but he
knows that from the moment he sees the ink night through the glass, what is destined to
get out of control.
Two days later, Zhou Yu and Wu Yun led a team to leave the base and perform the task.
This task is quite special and has a lot to do with the ink night.
The ink night was accidentally brought back by the researcher of Juli Group when he
sampled from Yeiling Island. The person was Dr. Turing, a leading scholar of embryology.
According to the confidential information left by Dr. Turin, he once entered the cave of the
remains of the spirit and saw the skeleton of the giant creature.
The ink-night that has not yet hatched, perhaps for thousands of years, may be guarded by
that giant creature. It is the guardian of the ink night.
The so-called night spirit sends food from the hole to the giant creature. But since the ruin
of the night spirit, the guardian who did not get the food died. Dr. Turing successfully
brought the egg back to the research base, but it has not hatched for many years.
Just after Zhou Yu arrived in Nibelungen, Dr. Turing lost contact in an outing, and the entire
team that protected him could not return.
Song Zhi always wanted to find out what happened to Dr. Turing, but the locator on Dr.
Turing was damaged and stopped transmitting signals, which also made it impossible for
Song to send someone to look for him. But in Zhou Yu, they returned to Nibelungen this
time, Dr. Turing's locator actually started to send letters again.
Is this a coincidence, or is Dr. Turing's help?
Dr. Turing has been studying the embryo night, and he has first-hand knowledge of the
origin of s-class biology. Song Zhi must find him back.
Before Zhou Yu left the base, Song asked him to go to see the night.
"I don't want to be distracted before performing important tasks." Zhou Yu refused Song
Zhi in the walkie-talkie.
"He has something to say to you, related to your mission. The things in his head, except you,
will not be shared with other people...even other creatures."
The author has something to say: I finally passed through May... I don’t know if I can still
insist on full attendance in June...

Laws of the Other World Chapter 60: "messenger"

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Zhou Yu closed his eyes, quickly adjusted his emotions, and turned back to the base.
"Hey, Zhou Yu! What happened?" Wu Yun asked inexplicably.
Zhou Yuyang raised his hand and did not answer him.
After the level checkpoint, come to the deepest place.
The ink night sits very lightly under the light, holding a book in his hand. When he saw
Zhou Yu coming to him, his lips slowly raised and lifted his chin slightly, giving Zhou Yu an
illusion that he was looked up by such a powerful creature.
His facial features are meticulous.
This kind of meticulousness has nothing to do with femininity, but guides Zhou Yu to
subconsciously describe it.
"Song Zhi said, you want to see me."
"Don't go to perform this task." Ink night answered.
"Dr. Turing is no longer there." Mo night said.
"how do you know?"
After Zhou Yu’s question was over, the night of the ink went to the side and smiled.
"I know that Dr. Turing does not exist, just as I know that you were expecting me to kiss
you last night, the same."
After Zhou Yu’s fingers froze slightly, he quickly stretched out.
"That is not my expectation for you, the illusion that you create."
"Maybe it is an illusion, but it is not necessarily what I made." The ink night stood up and
came to Zhou Yu's face. His eyes sank. "Don't go, Zhou Yu."
The phrase "Don't go" is like the most affectionate call in Zhou Yu's mind, but Zhou Yu
forced his emotions to withdraw from it.
"Looking for Dr. Turin, and Dr. Turin is still alive and has nothing to do with it." Zhou Yu
turned and left.
He knew that the ink night had been standing in the same place looking at him, but he did
not even hesitate for a moment.
He got on the helicopter, and Wu Yun, who was sitting across from him, asked him: "Hey,
what happened to you?"
"Wu Yun, this task must be careful." Zhou Yu said.
Wu Yun looked a glimpse and lowered his head and lowered his voice. "Is it what Song told
"It’s not Song Zhi, it’s a night. He said Dr. Turin is no longer there.”
"That's really a ghost... How can his life message be transmitted?" Wu Yun pulled his mouth.
"And even if I want to be careful, with such a rookie, what use is it?"
For this mission, Zhou Yu and Wu Yun each brought three people. They know very well that
the people who can survive after this task are the people that Juli Group wants. In
Nibelungen, the Juli Group will not give anyone the time to grow or adapt, and everything is
survival for the fittest.
When Zhou Yu closed his eyes, a voice rang in the depths of his mind.
"Once I leave my ability, I can't protect you, Zhou Yu."
Zhou Yu clasped his fist.
"This may be the way to protect me for you, but it is a kind of control for me." Zhou Yu
answered in his heart.
If the ink-night has always had this ability, does it mean that when they are together every
minute, they are like a book that is spread out, and they are clearly seen by the ink night?
"Even if you know the danger and know the most likely outcome, you will still do what you
think is right. I will not stop you, but I will bear the final result with you."
Looking out of the window, the base has been completely invisible.
The sound of the ink night never sounded again.
Perhaps he has always existed in Zhou Yu’s mind, quietly interpreting Zhou Yu’s brain and
silently observing everything that belongs to him.
The helicopter came to a rolling hill, covered with green vegetation, lush vegetation, and
the helicopter could not find a stop.
"This environment... is even more tricky than the original forest we passed through for the
first time." Wu Yun looked at the locator on his wrist. "Dr. Turin should be in this area."
Wu Yun took a clap and said to his team members: "Children, we have to go on. To be
honest, I did not expect that Juli Group will send you directly to such a dangerous place. As
a predecessor, I can only remind you. Only - this mission is fatal."
After that, Wu Yun slipped down the rope and his team members followed.
Zhou Yu bowed his head, except for the branches with low wind pressure brought by the
helicopter, nothing else could be seen.
After Wu Yun’s team fell to the ground, they immediately organized the defense. They
armed with guns and paid close attention to the situation around them.
There are almost no creatures in the forest, which makes Wu Yun somewhat surprised. The
air is a faint botanical fragrance, and the oxygen quality is fresher than the base, making it
feel that every cell in the body stretches out.
But the more seemingly harmless, the more dangerous it is.
Dr. Turin is here. If it is really not as dangerous as it seems, he should have come out long
ago. How can he suddenly signal after a few months?
Wu Yun’s experience tells him that there must be something crouching in this silence, and
they are all prey.
Half a minute passed, Zhou Yu still waited at the door of the cabin, not meaning.
A team member couldn't help but ask: "Week instructor...we..."
Zhou Yu just raised a hand and made a fist and asked them to continue to stand by.
This is the tacit understanding that he and Wu Yun have formed. Guess the boxing before
each mission, guess the one who led the team to explore the road first. If there is no
dangerous situation, the second team will go on. This is done to avoid encountering
dangerous creatures and causing the whole army to be wiped out.
After another ten seconds, Wu Yun’s message came: "Go down, but orange alert."
Zhou Yu turned back and said "Orange Alert" to his team members, quickly grabbed the
rope and slipped from a height. He is very worried about Wu Yun now.
The other players swallowed saliva. They thought that Wu Yunyi began to say that this
mission was fatal but only to draw their attention, but it was not a joke to issue an "orange
alert." This means that the environmental assessment conclusion is “dangerous”.
They kept up, and the two teams will be able to meet.
But when they fell into the forest, they found that there was silence, and even an e-class
animal did not see it.
No insects call it. Even if the vegetation is lush, it also gives people a sense of "dead city."
Wu Yunyang raised his hand, and Dr. Lin’s signal came from the front.
Zhou Yu nodded, but did not go forward, he carefully observed the things around him. The
trees here are not too high compared to the world of Nibelungen. Almost all the vines are
on the trees. Zhou Yu’s eyes narrowed and he quickly issued a command: “hold your breath
and put on your breathing mask!”
Wu Yun did not hesitate to take out the mask immediately. But still one person is one step
The concentration of the fragrance in the air suddenly increased. A member of Zhou Yu’s
eyes was separated. The breathing mask in his hand had not come to remember and fell on
it, and was caught by Zhou Yu. He walked forward sullenly, and the other two players
quickly hugged him.
But he was so strong that he could hardly stop him, and his face was obsessed. The players
quickly put him on the mask, but it didn't seem to be useful.
Wu Yun directly gave him a punch and almost knocked out his teeth. He swayed and stood
up, walking towards a tree entangled in vines.
Zhou Yu has also been caught by this creature almost once, it is not easy to kill them. Even if
they are not confused by the fragrance emitted by this plant, they will be directly attacked
if they resist this illusion. The vines are so powerful, and it seems that the plants grow
everywhere in the woods, and even if they burn the bullets, they will not escape.
Zhou Yu took out the anesthetic bomb directly and shot it.
The pale yellow gas diffuses and the aroma gradually diminishes. The vines that were to be
extended to them were taken back, but the effects did not last long, and even if they used up
all the anesthetic bombs they carried, they could not support the end of the mission.
Zhou Yu issued a command to cancel the mission to the helicopter.
But the response was "rejected."
"This bunch of bastards." Wu Yun snorted. "When we are all dead, see who they can send."
"Forget it." Zhou Yu only said such a sentence.
"Sorry, I have already said what I should not say."
They can only continue to move forward, seeing a crack in the valley, without light, as an
invitation to the abyss of hell.
“I hate anything like entering a cave and a valley.” Wu Yun remembers that in the
underground cave where Erpis grew up, he and Zhou Yu almost died.
They can't rush into it, there is any danger, they don't have room to move, and even this
may be the nest of some dangerous creature.
Just when Zhou Yu hesitated, they suddenly heard the sound of some creatures running,
very fast.
"It’s Perry Winter!" a team member called.
How did Perry Winter find them? They can only identify the hormones in the air that are
prey due to fear, but the entire team's inhibitors are still in effect!
The group of Perry Winter is still a few tens of meters away from them. But a few tens of
meters is nothing for this creature.
I saw that Zhou Yu had taken the □ □ on the back, and quickly slammed, aimed, and blinked,
and had already fired two or three shots, and the guns hit.
The other players finally came back and picked up the gun and started shooting.
When Perry Winter rushed in front, Perry Winter rushed up.
"Mom! What the **** is going on!" Wu Yun immediately contacted the helicopter and asked
the helicopter to come to support immediately.
The helicopter just put down the ropes, and the players jumped up regardless of the three
seven twenty-one, and climbed up the rope ladder quickly.
If you don't want to waste bullets, Wu Yun really wants to give them a shot!
A Pelican rushed over, its tail swiftly swept, Zhou Yu fell backwards, its tail brushed the tip
of Zhou Yu's nose, and the open barb passed his eye. Zhou Yu immediately shunned
sideways after falling, and Wu Yun, who was on the side, was shocked.
Some of the players who were climbing the helicopter ropes were swept up by Perry
Winter, fell down, and died very badly. The rope broke open. Only two members climbed to
the heights, and two fell. .
Seeing a Pelican rushing to Wu Yun, the speed could not escape. "Your Majesty!" Zhou Yugao shouted.
Wu Yun didn't say anything, and Perry Winter's legs just passed over Wu Yun's head. Just
when it was going to bow down to bite Wu Yun's calf, Zhou Yuguo broke the gun.
The Perry winter shot fell and the head was directly pressed against Wu Yun.
At that moment, Zhou Yu’s thinking was surprisingly calm. Just now, Pelican actually knew
where Wu Yun was, just like having a vision!
what's the problem?
Zhou Yu’s eyes swept, and he found that he did not know when to start, and some blue-
violet birds were parked on the tree. These birds are the size of hummingbirds, their eyes
are red, they are hidden between the leaves, they don't make any sound and they don't
have any action, just look at Zhou Yu. If you don't take care, you can't find them.
The information that Elpis passed to Zhou Yu quickly flashed through his mind. He
suddenly realized that those Perry Winter Ming could not feel the fear they distributed but
could accurately lock their position!
These birds are b-class creatures, they are not aggressive in themselves, but they have a
special ability to connect their vision and hearing with other creatures! So the reason why
these Perry Winters can "see" is because of the existence of these birds! They are called
Wu Yungang climbed out from the dead Perry Winter and the other came again.
The two players who fell down found that the helicopter had risen and lost the possibility
of evacuation. They had to take out the gun and shoot at the approaching Perry Winter.
They are all panicked.
But the object of Zhou Yu’s shooting is not Perry Winter, but the “messenger”.
He shot down one shot and the rest of the hula flew up.
At the same time, those who had a clear goal, Perry Winter, seemed to be panicked, and
they could not find the right direction and were solved several times.
But those "messengers" are squatting in the sky, and Perry Winter regains vision.
According to normal circumstances, any creature will feel the threat will escape, especially
Zhou Yu has already killed one of them, but these birds are always left in a place where
they can see them clearly. There is only one possibility - these birds will be Zhou Yu They
became targets!
It is unrealistic to solve these birds one by one.
Zhou Yu took out another anesthetic bomb and tried to throw it at them as much as he
The anesthetic gas was quickly released, and the birds fell from the air and smashed.
Pelican lost his sense of direction and trampled on the ground, killing the birds a lot.
They looked at the scene in front of them with surprise. Only the remaining two players
could not help but ask: "Week instructor... Are these birds related to Perry Winter?"
Zhou Yu solved the last Pelly Winter, and said coldly: "These birds and Perry Winter are all
manipulated by some more advanced creatures."
"Perry Winter has no sight and sound, but it has a high attack power. So the creature
manipulates Perry Winter to attack us. At the same time, it also manipulates birds that can
share vision with other creatures. The 'messeng' came to point the way for Paley Winter. I
have to say that this creature is definitely above level a."
Just like Elpis is able to manipulate the sword bone and the devil vine.
At the same moment, there was a bang in the sky.
I saw a group of six-eyed giant birds rushing to the helicopter in the sky. These giant birds
are the same as those encountered by Zhou Yu at the Angel Point.
The helicopter released the sonic bomb and blasted the giant birds one after another.
Some of these giant birds fell down and could not move because of serious injuries; some
flew to the helicopter after flying, and they were desperate to follow suit.
They don't seem to stop the helicopter and never give up.
The helicopter had to evacuate quickly.
The two players who didn't have time to climb up went all the way and chased them up.
"Wait for us - hello!"
"Bastard! Take us away!"
If the helicopters go this way, they will be left in this ghost place.
"The two fools!" Wu Yun hated the teeth.
"Be careful!" Zhou Yu shouted.
Just seeing a giant bird in the sky chasing a helicopter suddenly swooped down and opened
his mouth, he would take one of the two players.
Zhou Yu rushed up and threw down one of them.
The other was smashed up, but fortunately Wu Yun took the opportunity to break the gun
and hit it.
It loosened its mouth and fell.
The team member who was taken away by it also fell down and rolled a few laps. Although
it was scary enough, it did not cause any serious problems.
Other giant birds are like inspiration, and they have rushed down.
The player who was thrown down by Zhou Yu was stupid, even if he had experienced many
battles in the original world, he had never seen such a scene.
Zhou Yu grabbed him: "Run -"
Wu Yun and another person ran away in a big step.
This forest has no place to deliberately hide.
Even if Zhou Yu knew that these giant birds were controlled by certain creatures hidden
here, they deliberately forced them, but they had no choice but to rush into the cracks in
the valley.
The giant birds tried to rush in, but their bodies were too big to put their mouths in for a
while, and they were so shocked that they repeatedly retreated.
When the two players looked up at the long mouths of the giant birds and had not returned
to their hearts, Wu Yun had turned around: "Alarm behind you! Idiot!"
They were dark behind them, as if there was something coming in.
Zhou Yu and Wu Yun took out the glow sticks and shook them. The cracks in the darkness
finally had some light.
At the same time, those giant birds see Zhou Yu, they have gone far, can't catch them
anymore, and retreat.
But this is not the end. The vines wake up from anesthesia, move up, wrap around, layer by
layer, and seal the entrance to the crack.
"Mom..." Wu Yun gnashed his teeth.
He and Zhou Yu can now be sure that they have completely entered the trap of that kind of
The vines continued to extend inward, and Zhou Yu knew that they could move hundreds
of meters away. One of the team members took out the dagger and wanted to slash them.
Zhou Yu directly blocked him.
"Don't waste your time. Can't cut it."
Unless they were like Zhou Yu’s last experience, they were dragged into the abdominal
cavity of the tree, giving them a fatal blow inside the tree. It was only once they were
entangled that they had almost no chance of holding the dagger.
They can only retreat backwards and avoid these vines.
Their hearts are jumping wildly, and no one knows what is waiting for them in front of
Zhou Yu’s fingers are always buckled on the trigger, and each step is toward hell.
Gradually, they heard the sound of subtle water.
The original narrow crack became wider.
Wu Yun’s foot came with a bang, as if he had stepped on something.
He bowed his head and found it to be a sampler.
Wu Yun picked it up.
Zhou Yu made a gesture, meaning: Is it Dr. Turin left?
Wu Yun shrugged his shoulders and said that he did not know.
The sampler looks the same.
Zhou Yu also looked down at the locator, showing Dr. Tulin's positioner still in front.
They entered the state of defense, and Zhou Yu and Wu Yun sandwiched the two players
one after the other.
The space in front of them is also more and more open, and even heard the sound of water.
If there is a water source, it means that the other end is likely to have an exit!
When Wu Yun’s luminous sticks swayed, they realized that some creature in front was
bowing at the water’s edge to drink water.
The guy had a sharp nose and was covered in scales all over the body.
It has almost no pupils, and all eyes are white, and will be followed by two members of
Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu searched in his mind, what exactly is this creature, and what are its
However, Zhou Yu found that he did not have the slightest impression. It does not belong to
the memory that Elpis passed to Zhou Yu.
The four people didn’t know what to do for a while.
Zhou Yu raised his hand and held his fist. Everyone held their breath and did not move.
Zhou Yuqi took a close look at the creature. It looks like a big lizard but has no tail.
They stood here for a long time, and it didn't respond. Zhou Yu suspected that it had no
vision. Maybe it has lived in such a dark cave for a long time, so the vision is degraded. In
the human world, such creatures are usually acutely audible. But Zhou Yu, they came along
the way, it is impossible to make no sound, but this creature did not follow the sound, is it
the same as Perry Winter?
Zhou Yu uncertainly picked up a stone from the ground, threw it to the other side, hit the
stone wall, and made a loud noise, very loud.
But the lizard-like creature didn't even move his head.
Just when Zhou Yu thought it was the same as Perry Winter's hunting method, a small
creature was chasing an insect crawling fast and smashed it out.

Laws of the Other World Chapter 61: Zhou Yu & Mok Night vs Death
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When they were less than five meters away from the lizard, the lizard blame suddenly
raised his head and jumped up, hitting the small creature accurately. The speed was so
amazing that Zhou Yu was surprised.
This made Zhou Yu, who had made the decision to move, stop.
The lizard blame calmed down after splitting his prey into the abdomen.
It got up and walked toward Zhou Yu in their direction.
Zhou Yu and Wu Yun had to step back step by step. They are automatically blocked in front
of the two players, and they are not the same as Zhou Yu and Wu Yun. They lack experience
in dealing with Nibelung's different creatures. They don't look at each other's habits like
Zhou Yu or Wu Yun. Judging, once you lose your mind, it will cause devastating results.
In any case, Zhou Yu believes that prey will only be identified after entering a certain range
around it.
Just as they stepped back, there was a sudden exclamation behind them.
The other lizard blame didn't know when they came behind them, and as they retreated,
they attacked the nearest player from them!
It bit the shoulder of the player's creature and dragged it on the ground.
The player took out his own gun and shot at the lizard. However, because of a shoulder
injury, the direction could not be grasped, the bullets collapsed, and Mars was shot.
Wu Yunzheng ran over and tried to save him, but he was almost hit by bullets.
"Mom - you will shoot again and I will collapse directly!"
The bullet hit the tip of his toes, only one millimeter, and he would die here.
This cave is too dark, and no one can shoot when the targets are unclear.
"In the future, even if you have a mission during the day, you must have a night vision
This is the experience that Wu Yun got.
Zhou Yu struggling to run, chasing Wu Yun, Wu Yun chasing the lizard blame, another
player chasing him according to Zhou Yu's footsteps.
Zhou Yu’s only feeling is that the ground under his feet is slightly inclined downward. In
this way, they should be running deeper.
It’s no coincidence that it’s a coincidence, whether it’s the “messenger” or Perry Winter, the
attacking helicopters and the giant birds that forced them into the gaps in the valley, and
the vines that sealed the entrance, all of which indicate that there is something creature to
push them into. The deepest part of this cave.
Can't always be the initiative of the other party!
Just when Zhou Yu would hand in his back to the back of the rucksack, a cool breeze hit,
Zhou Yu did not want to pull the trigger upwards, only heard a bang, something fell in the
bullet, fell to the ground Chasing the players.
"Are you alright?" Zhou Yu took out the glow stick and took it.
The player pushed the lizard blame hard and climbed out, fearing.
Zhou Yu grabbed the other side.
"What the **** is this!"
At the moment when the glow stick swayed, Zhou Yu seemed to find something on the
lizard monster. He said to the player: "You are on guard!"
He knelt down and the light stick ran through the monster's body.
The scales on it grow like flesh and blood, and there is a trace of blood. Zhou Yu has no
doubt that when these scales grow, it must be very painful.
There are some scars on the neck, like the traces left after being scratched hard.
And... does it seem to have a throat?
And under the abdomen and arms, there are no scales. Zhou Yu's eyes are wide open and
his hand is turned over to turn his arm over.
"Week instructor..." Somewhat worried about Zhou Yu’s team members, in case it did not
die, suddenly attacked Zhou Yu?
"Nothing." Zhou Yu turned over his forearm and found that there was a faint pattern there
that could not be seen.
"Week, instructor, what are you looking at? We still don't care about him, I am worried
about Wu instructor..."
"It's a tattoo." Zhou Yu suddenly said.
"What? Tattoo? How is this possible?"
He also knelt down and looked at the light of the glow stick, where there was indeed a
tattoo-like mark.
"It seems to be an English name... This looks like e, this letter is like y." Zhou Yu said.
"If it's an English name, look like Emily? But how can a creature here have a tattoo! Can
anyone say that someone helped it?"
Zhou Yu’s mind flashed through the message that Song Zhi had given them to Dr. Tulin’s
last mission.
One of the guys, named Chris, wrote in his message that he had the name of his fiancée on
his arm: Emily.
"He is very likely Chris Fawkes."
Zhou Yu got up.
"What? This guy is... a lost field player? How is this possible! This is obviously a monster!"
what's the problem? How did he become like this?
If Chris Fawkes is like this, what about the other players? What about Dr. Turin? Did he also
become a lizard blame?
"Oops! Wu Yun!"
If his inference is correct, then there must be something here that will cause human
variation! Zhou Yu held a glowing stick and another member chased him behind him.
Just ahead, he faintly saw Wu Yun holding a glowing stick.
"Wu Yun, are you okay?"
Wu Yun made a banned gesture toward Zhou Yu, then put his hand to the top of his head,
indicating Zhou Yu, what seemed to be on their heads. The three of them leaned back
against each other.
Zhou Yu finally decided to take out the flare and shoot it at the top.
The illuminating bomb rose more than a dozen meters before it burst.
The entire cave was illuminated, and at that moment they were all stupid.
The cave was much larger than they thought, and it was about the same size as the cave
that Elpis grew. There are countless holes in the stone wall of the cave, which can be
described as riddled with holes.
On such a stone wall, there are several lizards. They have no reaction to such strong light.
The player who was bitten by the lizard blame had been hit by the stone wall, his legs were
suspended, his gun fell and he fell to the ground.
"So...more... what should we do?" Followed by Zhou Yu's team members.
The team members who were taken away were still alive, shaking because of blood loss.
Even if they can see it at the moment, they can shoot, but once they shoot, the team
member falls from this height, and most of them will die.
Other lizards blame their heads in their direction. Zhou Yu knows that they have entered
the hunting range of these lizards.
Zhou Yu secretly calculated the number of these lizard monsters, which is consistent with
the number of missing field personnel.
"They are mostly the field players who protect Dr. Turin." Zhou Yu said.
"How is it possible!" Wu looked at Zhou Yu with the expression "Is your brain broken?"
Zhou Yuyang raised his chin and gestured to Wu Yun to see the lizard who bit the players.
The lizard blame climbed higher and higher, and from the ray that the flare was about to
dissipate, you could see what seemed to be on its forearm.
Wu Yunyu’s eyes widened, and that thing was exactly the same as the locator on his arm!
That is the basic configuration of Juli Group to protect the researcher!
Wu Yun also found that the other crawling lizard blame still has a broken camouflage suit!
These are no coincidences.
"This... what is going on here? If they are really the players, are they still conscious?" Wu
Yun asked.
"If you are conscious, you won't attack us." Zhou Yu raised his gun. "Resolve them before
they attack us."
It is impossible to bring them back to the base without losing their human consciousness,
and it is absolutely too late to passively wait for these lizards to attack them.
The pity for the same kind has no meaning at the moment.
The lizard blame climbed higher and the bitten team member pleaded weakly: "Help me...
ask you to save me..."
At this time, what is at the top of the hole is slowly opening, it is a huge flower.
The brightness of the flare has been lost, Zhou Yu looked up and could only see the huge
shadow at the top of the hole.
Hell is gradually engulfing their world.
"Wu Yun! You still have no lighting bombs!" Zhou Yu cold channel.
Wu Yun did not say a word, once again launched a flare.
The interior of the cave is bright again.
Zhou Yu looked up and looked at the huge flower.
Its petals are translucent, with a silver center and a pale gold edge that is more refined than
the top of a western church.
This kind of beauty makes it almost impossible to remove the line of sight.
The flower slowly extended a certain red meat line, wrapped around the injured player
sent by the lizard blame.
"What is this ghost thing!" Wu Yun looked at Zhou Yu.
"Death Dahlia..." Zhou Yu opened the answer and raised the gun to the top of the head. The
meat line of the dead dahlia quickly put the injured player into the heart and pulled the
lizard closest to it. Blame, blocked Zhou Yu’s bullets.
Death Dahlia, like Elpis, belongs to the same level a creature, but it is much more ferocious
than Elpis. It also has the ability to manipulate low-level creatures, and the "messeng" bird
and Perry Winter near the valley are under its control. Its flower heart can grow many red
meat lines, which are its digestive organs. But the death dahlia is how to turn those field
personnel into this way, Zhou Yu is not known.
"Mom..." Zhou Yuben thought that this guy was so big, his goal was obvious, and he was
growing in a fixed place. He didn't expect it to be so sensitive.
At the same time, the lizards that had been attached to the cave wall had also rushed up.
They were controlled by the dead dahlia and had already been swayed for its subjects.
Zhou Yu replaced the magazine, Wu Yun and the remaining team members shot in all
directions regardless of the three seven twenty-one. A few lizards were hit and fell to the ground.
Zhou Yu calmly shot in their random shots and solved three nearby lizards.
There was still one that rushed to the top of their head, its claws slid over the body of the
player, and Zhou Yuguo broke the gun and hit it.
"Ah..." The player fell to the ground.
"Hey, how are you doing?" Wu Yun picked him up and checked his shoulders, but
fortunately his coat was broken.
At this moment, the lizards in the cave are dead.
Wu Yun exhaled a breath, and Zhou Yu extended his arm to pull Wu Yun and the remaining
team members to the distance: "Be careful!"
I saw that the heart of the dead dahlia that had been closed was slowly opened again, and a
lizard monster was slowly spit out.
It also had a thick liquid on the body, and it made a "squeaky" sound when it fell to the
It crawled slowly, and there was some scale on the back that broke through the skin and
grew out of blood.
"My goodness……"
Zhou Yu continued to retreat, watching it struggle in pain, it opened its mouth, but could
not make a sound, then it stretched out its twisted front paws and grabbed its throat.
"It... It was just eaten in...." The player behind Wu Yun was completely stupid.
All this is beyond his knowledge.
"What do you say about the death dahlia... Is there such a function?" Wu Yun asked.
In the next second, the lizard blame the original human eye suddenly lost the pupil, turned
up, leaving only the white eyes.
It looked down and seemed to be feeling, then rushed toward Zhou Yu and Wu Yun.
Zhou Yu did not say anything, pulled the trigger, and hit his head, ending all this.
The death dahlia opened its mouth again, and countless meat lines made a greasy voice that
extended from the heights.
Zhou Yu did not say a word, holding a gun at the center of the flower is a burst of shooting.
But the epidermis of the dead dahlia has a layer of mucus. When the bullet hits the mucus,
it is like hitting the bulletproof vest. It can't be injected into the interior of the dead dahlia,
and the nerve speed can't work.
And those meat lines frantically squirmed, and Zhou Yu and Wu Yun ran while shooting.
They went along the only underground river, but the players who ran behind screamed,
and Zhou Yu turned back to find the meat line piercing his ankle and dragging him away.
Wu Yun and Zhou Yu want to go forward, but there are already meat lines extending to
What should I do!
Now how to do?
The bullet can't shoot through it, its meat line is a very penetrating weapon! It is a class a
creature. If you don't solve it here, even if you leave the cave, it can also manipulate other
creatures to kill them!
For the first time, Zhou Yu realized that she had been forced into a desperate situation.
Wu Yun emptied the magazine and had to take the dagger from his waist: "The big fish is
dead! Anyway, this life is also coming!"
At this time, Zhou Yu’s mind rang a certain voice: I am here, Zhou Yu, I am here.
Zhou Yu’s pupil trembled, and he realized that the sound was ink night.
He thought he was far enough away from the base, but did not expect that the ink night
could still be in his brain!
Zhou Yu, I am not your enemy, I want to bring you back, so don't reject me anymore, don't
resist me again, even once... as long as this time is good, please believe me.
Zhou Yu closed his eyes and remembered the scene of saving himself for the first time.
What is so scary, Zhou Yu. No ending will be worse than it is now. Death Dahlia is a class-A
creature, and it is true that only s-class creatures like the night can deal with it!
Zhou Yu said in the bottom of his heart: Ok. If I believe in you, what should I do?
Ink night answer: Let me borrow your body and let me lead it all.
Zhou Yu took a deep breath and he knew that this was the case. He had no other choice.
The sound of the ink night sounded again: relax, Zhou Yu... relax...
He felt like he was caught in a warm embrace, and the ink night hugged him behind him. He
stuck it on Zhou Yu's cheek, his breath swept through every cell of his skin and infiltrated
into his body.
"Don't worry, give everything to me... trust me."
When Zhou Yu opened his eyes again, he ran hard.
"Zhou Yu! What are you doing!" Wu Yun reached out to hold him, but Zhou Yu's speed was
too fast, he did not have time.
Seeing that the meat lines are going to penetrate Zhou Yu's body, they are like being
rejected by an invisible force and instantly dispersed.
Wu Yun was shocked and followed up.
Zhou Yu ran wildly, without any hindrance. He rushed to the bottom of the death dahlia and
raised his head.
All the meat lines were quickly recovered as if they were frightened, indented into the
heart of the flower, and even the open petals quickly closed.
"What is going on?" Wu Yun, who was caught up, was shocked by the scene in front of him.
"Zhou Yu! Come back soon! Zhou Yu!"
However, Zhou Yu did not respond at all.
And that **** dahlia is like to shrink and not be noticed, it seems to be afraid of Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu looked up, and the eyes suddenly turned golden.
The **** dahlia at the top of the cave seems to be forced into a desperate situation, and the
petals are opened openly, and Zhou Yu is swallowed up.
Wu Yun was frightened. Even if he had a dagger left, he couldn’t let Zhou Yu be eaten by it!
At the moment when Wu Yunchong went up, the petals of Dahlia seemed to be impacted by
some kind of force, completely torn apart and landed around Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu still maintains a look up.
Time is still.
Those petals fell on the ground and instantly decayed and smashed.
The player who was engulfed by the dead dahlia was also spit out.
He still had the consciousness, he got the oxygen, and he coughed hard.
And Zhou Yu turned his face and looked at Wu Yun: "Let's go."
The color of Zhou Yu’s pupils scared Wu Yun, and immediately pulled the gun and pointed
it at Zhou Yu.
"What are you? What did you do to Zhou Yu!"
Wu Yun’s hand holding the gun was steady, but the heart trembled badly.
The man's lips in front of him slowly rise, and there is a kind of temperament that does not
belong to Zhou Yu.
Lazy and proud.
As if he was born above them.
"Wu Yun, I am the ink night. If you don't want to die, just follow me before you have the
Wu Yun instantly understood.
Zhou Yu, who was controlled by the ink night, bent down and pulled the team members
who had lost strength, and put them on the shoulders.
His strength is surprisingly large, and he is clearly a person, but he is not at all unsteady.
They walked along the water.
It was strange to feel in the heart of Wu Yun behind him.
"Are you really ink night?"
"If I am not a night of ink, is it the death dahlia?" The voice of the ink night is a trace of
This is the tone that Zhou Yu will not have under normal circumstances.
"Are you in Zhou Yu's body?" Wu Yun asked again.
"My thoughts are in Zhou Yu's body. Do you want to say that if Zhou Yu is parasitized by
me, should you kill me?"
"Zhou Yu is my brother." Wu Yun replied.
He will find various ways to treat Zhou Yu, but he can't get a hand to trigger Zhou Yu.
"If it is not parasitic, just relying on your thinking, how do you control Zhou Yu's body?" Wu
Yun asked.
This is like being possessed. Wu Yun is difficult to understand.
“It’s like the “messenger” sharing the vision to Perry Winter, who is controlled by the Death
Dahlia, a remote sensing of thinking and a special ability of Nibelung’s creatures.”
"So how did you kill the dead dahlia? You obviously didn't touch it even after touching it!"
"It's what you said, Nibelungen's creature has a strict hierarchy. My level is higher than it,
so I can kill it." Ink night is as simple as drinking a cup of tea.
"So can you use that method to destroy us?" Wu Yun asked again.
"No, because your nerve structure is different from that of Nibelungen. The creatures here
have a special nerve pulse, and all creatures can be connected to each other with such
impulses, even to mutual understanding and communication. The higher the level of the
creature, the stronger the power. It is like a class A creature like Elpis can manipulate lower
creatures, and as a s-class creature, this pulse force is more powerful."
"Thank you for your science. I think Mr. Song should be very interested in what you said."
Wu Yun replied.
"But I don't have the interest to share this knowledge with him. I prefer to see him groping
in the dark, and it is better to go further and further on the wrong road." There is a bit of
joke in the voice of the ink night.
"Well, I don't like Song Zhi very much. Then, besides Zhou Yu, can you control other human
bodies?" Wu Yun suddenly worried that if his own assumptions were established, everyone
in the base would be very dangerous. The so-called restricted freedom of the night is
nothing but a game played in his leisure and humans.
"What are you thinking about? I have Zhou Yu's blood in my body. Our genes are matched,
so I can use his body to develop my abilities, but other human beings, except to seduce you,
read it. Your thoughts, make a joke... The other is not useful."
The ink night suddenly turned around and leaned on Wu Yun.

Laws of the Other World Chapter 62: alienation

Settings saved..
Even in the darkness, the eyes of the ink night are like glass, and his sight is like a flowing
stream, passing through the nerves of Wu Yun.
Wu Yun’s heart was inexplicably missed.
It is clearly the eyes of Zhou Yu, but it has a completely different feeling, as if there is
something that extends from the eyes and entangles the breath of Wu Yun.
"It's like this." Mo night smiled and straightened up.
Wu Yun took a breath and returned to God.
"Please don't make such a joke to me again in the future." Wu Yun cold channel.
"Of course. If I play with you, Zhou Yu will be unhappy." The tone of the ink night sounds
like he really cares about Zhou Yu.
Because the hole is too dark. Wu Yun’s luminous stick fell off when he wrestled with the
dead dahlia. He just followed the sound of the ink night, and his feet were cold and
stumbled by a stone. He almost fell a big slap, but was walked in front of the ink night. Hold
“Hey,” Mok smiled lightly. “You can’t die.”
"Why can't I die?" Wu Yun, who stood firm, asked with a funny smile.
In Nibelungen, no one can guarantee that he will live to the end, whether he is Wu Yun or
Zhou Yu.
"If you are dead, Zhou Yu will be sad."
Ink night turned and went, but did not continue to move forward.
"what happened?"
"Take you some light, afraid that you will break your head."
When I finished, I saw a faint blue light shining in front.
Then, a blue firefly flew to Wu Yun.
Wu Yun was so scared that the fireflies were attached to the top of the cave, and the road
under his feet was illuminated.
"Don't be afraid, they won't hollow you out." Zhou Yu smiled at his face.
Wu Yunton lived, and Zhou Yu seems to come from another world.
They walked all the way, and the rock walls on both sides were getting narrower and
narrower, as if they were going to swallow them all.
"What do you want from Zhou Yu?" Wu Yun asked.
"What would you do if I used him as my prey?"
"Kill you." Wu Yun's face sank.
"Ha ha ha..." Zhou Yu’s body of ink smiled and his shoulders trembled. It seems that I heard
something extremely absurd joke.
"You think I am very self-reliant, right?" Wu Yun asked.
"Yes, it's very self-reliant. But this is also where I appreciate humans the most."
"For the things that I think are important, even if we end up with all the consequences, it’s
really amazing, even if we don’t do it ourselves."
Wu Yun looked at the back of Zhou Yu's tall and straight, and seemed to be able to see the
lonely night.
"Tell me, what do you want from Zhou Yu?"
" my nutrition..." Ink night answered.
Wu Yun can't tell if this is a joke or a truth.
"He is my only nutrition, I am like his parasite. If one day, the host is dead, then I can't live."
Mo night smiled.
"This metaphor is really chic. I never thought that one day I would say it from the mouth of
a s-class creature."
They went deeper and deeper, and the things on the stone wall made Wu Yun stunned.
There are many flower buds of dead dahlia growing on them, their petals are closed, and
their size is much smaller than the one they saw before.
Even so, there are some small creatures in the cave. These creatures, like the former
alienated field players, have scales on their backs, white eyes, no vision, and they should
look like masterpieces of these flowers. They seem to be able to sense the existence of Wu
Yun and the ink night, but they dare not approach.
"This is why you will be attracted. These dead dahlias need someone to be their subject, or
nutrition." Mo night said.
"These...Is the flower buds the descendants of the giant dead dahlia?" Wu Yun was
"Yes." Ink night answered.
Wu Yun pulled out his gun to guard, and these flowers were likely to attack them at any
"Not so troublesome." Ink night extended his hand, stopped, closed his eyes, and an
invisible force extended in all directions.
Wu Yun suddenly felt very stressed, and the heart seemed to be crushed.
The surrounding death dahlia seems to have been taken away from life, falling down and
decaying on the ground.
"You... you killed them?" Wu Yun licked his nose. There is a strong rancid smell in the cave.
Ink night raised his brow slightly: "Not too... these dead dahlias are sick."
"What? I am sick? I heard this for the first time."
"We will leave as soon as possible." Ink night speeded up the pace, Wu Yun quickly caught
up, ink night wearing Zhou Yu's respirator, reminded Wu Yun, "put on your respirator."
Wu Yun quickly put on, it seems that the ink night is not a joke.
"Does Nibelung's creatures get sick?" Wu Yun always thought that the creatures here would
be able to live with the sky as long as there were no accidents.
"Of course. The night spirit on the night island is extinct because of the virus infection." Ink
night replied, "And the death of the dahlia will seduce you, because its children are going to
die. It must be Adequate nutrition continues to breed."
"It turned out to be."
"Maybe, it will be my turn soon." The sound of the ink night echoed in the hole, with a hint
of magic, as if walking between the gaps of hell.
At this time, there was a slight light in front, and they were going to the exit.
When they stepped out, Wu Yun lived.
In front of it is a wide field of wilderness, and the green grass is dotted with red flowers.
When the wind blows, these small flowers fly away from the blades of grass and then fall
into the air.
Look carefully to see that the little flowers are actually some kind of insects.
Although the scenery is beautiful, Wu Yun realized a serious problem. How do they go
And... Wu Yun glanced at the locator on his wrist.
“Why does Dr. Turin’s biological information still have feedback?” Wu Yun raised his eyes
and looked at the ink night.
"What? Have you seen the so-called Dr. Turin in that cave?"
"I am not sure, those people are mutated, and no one can recognize who is who."
Ink night dropped the players on the shoulders, closed his eyes and raised his face, as if he
was feeling something.
Daddy, he quickly rushed back to the hole.
"Hey! Ink night! What are you doing! You know that it is Zhou Yu's body! Don't mess!"
Wu Yun quickly replaced the magazine and chased it up.
The running speed of the ink night is different from ordinary people. Wu Yun even thinks
that he is going to fly.
The blue fireflies in the caves follow the ink night, like a layer of blue transparent smoke.
Wu Yun stepped on the residual leaves of the dead Dahlia flower bud, but fortunately he
did not pick up the hood, otherwise it would be stinky.
They returned to the huge cave again.
Wu Yun was out of breath and finally caught up with the ink night.
The blue firefly illuminates this space.
Ink night looked up at his face, his brows were very tight.
The scene in front of me made Wu Yun stunned.
I saw that the heart of the dead dahlia that they thought had been killed by the ink night
seemed to be struggling.
"What is that..." Wu Yunyu raised his eyes.
The first thing I saw was someone’s head, but it was full of mucus and could not be seen
The eyes of the ink night are wide, and a force spreads in the air, like a shock wave,
generally flocking in all directions.
The air is still, Wu Yun feels strong pressure, his breathing is cursed in the throat, the heart
is more powerful than usual to be able to beat, the brain can not think and can not analyze
the current situation, even the finger has to touch the trigger Can't do it.
I only heard the sound of "哗啦", a person actually fell from the heart and fell to the ground.
He twitched, his fingers stiff, as if unable to breathe because of the ability of the night.
The ink night went over and lifted his foot on his head, his face was cold and ruthless. This
is the first time Wu Yun saw the expression of ink night.
The guy who was stepping on him suddenly raised his hand and buckled the ankle of the
ink night, preventing the ink from working hard at night.
Wu Yun discovered the tracker on the guy's arm and said: "He is Dr. Turin!"
"He is not here now." In the night, Mok lifted his foot and broke away from Turin's **** and
stepped on it. But he was hiding, and the feet of the ink night were in his ear.
Turin jumped up, sensitive and quickly, unlike humans, he went out.
Instead of running along the ground, he crawled quickly along the wall and into a stone
cave in a blink of an eye.
"What the **** is going on! Is it alienated like the field players?" Wu Yun has never seen
such a scene.
"He was really chosen by the dead dahlia."
The night of the ink closed his eyes, and the blue-light fireflies, like the ties, slammed in the
holes and suddenly accelerated, rushing into the cave where Turin escaped.
After a dozen seconds, the blue-light fireflies flew back from another cave, and they were
kneeling beside the night.
"What happened? Are you sending them to kill Dr. Turin?" Wu Yun asked.
"Yes, but unfortunately failed. The distance between me and Zhou Yu is too far, and since I
was infected by Zhou Yu's spinal fluid, the power could not be fully applied." The night
turned and went toward the exit. "Let's go, let's go. go back."
"Go back? How come back? Can you call the helicopter back?"
Wu Yun left with the ink night, and the player who was thrown by them was still in a coma.
Wu Yun touched his neck and pulse.
"Sorry, I don't have a radio function. But it's okay to take you on a flight."
After that, the giant birds that had attacked Wu Yun had glided from the sky and fell in front
of them.
Wu Yun was nervously aiming at the muzzle, and the ink night came to it in an unhurried
It obediently lowered his head to the night of the ink, and the night of the ink covered the
palms, gently touched, as if he was affirming each other.
"Go up." Ink night turned to Wu Yunyang to raise his chin.
Wu Yun thinks that the ink night is a s-class creature, and he has the ability to manipulate
lower organisms.
"So Dr. Turin... What will he do?" Wu Yun asked with some concern.
Ink night turned and looked at the hole that came out of them: "I don't know... The world
here is changing. And Dr. Turin, I am even here, you are part of this change." ”
Ink night came down, and a fainted player was smashed up and tied with a rope on the
giant bird. Wu Yun also crossed the giant bird's back, and then they really flew up.
The wind speed is very high, Wu Yun must force the wing bone of the giant bird to barely
When they flew over the woods, they could see the periphery of the base, and the giant
birds suddenly began to fall.
"What's wrong? We haven't arrived yet..."
On the side of Wu Yun’s face, he found that the night of the ink was half-squinting and
looked very sleepy.
"Hey! Ink night!"
Seeing that the ink night is about to fall, Wu Yun will hold him.
"I... my energy has reached the limit... help me... help me bring Zhou Yu back..."
The giant bird plunged rapidly, and Wu Yun’s face was almost blown away by the wind, just
like a roller coaster.
When the giant bird slammed down, Wu Yun's internal organs were about to turn down.
He untied the ropes that bound them in the night, and the three men fell down. Feeling
lighter, the giant bird flew away in two steps.
Wu Yun exhaled a breath, turned his face and watched the giant bird fly farther and farther.
And the base... is still far away.
"Mom..." Wu Yun swayed and got up, worried to come to Zhou Yu's side, determined his
breathing pulse, and found that he was temporarily okay, finally relieved.
But how can he carry two unconscious guys back to the base?
At this time, Song Zhi in the office received urgent news from the department that studied
the ink night.
"Mr. Song! That s-class creature... ink night... his signs are not normal!"
Song’s finger, which is holding a teacup, is stiff: “Is not normal? How is it not normal?”
"Before his body temperature has been kept at human temperature, but after scanning, his
temperature has dropped below 30 degrees Celsius... his breathing is slow, his heart rate is
also decreasing... it’s like all the functions of the body In recession..."
"Listen, it is absolutely not allowed to open that room! You can't approach him!" Song sent
the teacup down and quickly walked out the door.
"Yes, sir!"
"How long has he been in this state?"
"After Zhou Yu came to see him before he performed his mission, he was lying on his bed
and didn't move."
A few minutes later, Song Zhi rushed to the room in the ink night, looking at him through
the glass.
According to the scan results, his body temperature has dropped to 18 degrees Celsius, and
even the heart rate has slowed down to 12 seconds each time.
Song did not speak. He knew very well that this distance was enough to read his thoughts
in the night and it was enough to convey his thoughts.
After ten seconds passed, the ink night was like testing the patience of Song, and Song did
not receive any information.
Song Zhiyu raised his eyes. From this angle, he could only see the soft black hair of the ink
night and the side back.
In the night, what do you want to do?
At this time, the monitor told Song Zhi that the body temperature of the ink night had
dropped below ten degrees Celsius, and the heartbeat almost stopped.
This made Song Zhi really worried.
Is it because Zhou Yu's spinal fluid has not been able to be metabolized from the body of
the ink night, causing his body to decline?
Song Zhi put his palm on the glass: What do you want to do?
The night of the sleepy night suddenly said: "Zhou Yu is two kilometers away from the
northwest of the base... Send someone to save him..."
His voice was conveyed to Song Zhi through monitoring.
Song Zhi stunned and said to the glass: "How do you know? How is this possible? Zhou Yu
was sent to find Dr. Turin!"
And the sound of the ink night is coming again: go take him back, I need him...
The sound of the ink night is weak, and it is the first time that Song Zhi clearly felt his
exhaustion and powerlessness.
At that moment, Song suddenly realized that from Zhou Yu back to the original world to
this moment, the ink night did not absorb any nutrients. Even a higher creature can't
survive without any ingestion. And for a few months, it may be the limit for the ink night.
Song Zhi immediately sent a helicopter to search for Zhou Yu in the direction of the night.
At this moment, Zhou Qing, who was observing the veins of the plants in front of the
microscope, raised his eyes.
Some red blood is already in his eyes, and he observes various plant samples overnight.
Someone came to his side and put a cup on his hand: "You should have something to eat."
The sound of the warm sound began, and Zhou Qing focused on the tight heart and slowly
evacuated. He left the microscope, straightened his back, and turned his face to the side,
facing the face of Bai Yingting Qing Jun.
"White Professor..."
"Can tell me, what makes you sleepless? You have been observing these plants for a long
time." Bai Yingting sat on the corner of Zhou Qing's desk. His legs were long, and the
posture was elegant and leisurely.
Zhou Qing looked up at his chin, and he knew very well that he had not had much time left.
If the glioma relapses, Dr. Daniel may not be able to perform surgery on him accurately.
And the more the number of operations, the more damage his brain suffers. So he always
thought of doing as much research as possible in a limited time.
Among the many researchers, perhaps only Bai Yingting is the only person who can
understand him and communicate with him in this field.
Zhou Qing pushed all the three plant samples in front of Bai Yingting.
“These are samples of the sage, e-class, belonging to plants that are completely incapable of
autonomy and animal nerves.”
"I know." Bai Yingting nodded. "These three samples, the first one taken from the lived
sage, were brought back after freezing.
The second is taken from the sage that is losing vitality. The last one is the completely dead
Swallowtail. What did you find from these three samples? ”
"We all thought that the plants of Nibelungen will continue to grow as long as there is no
excessive sunshine, rain and other biological damage. Their lives can last for thousands of
"Yes. This is why we came here to study and want to crack their longevity passwords and
apply them to humans."
"But these sages... The second sample, its sunshine, rain, soil environment, and humidity,
temperature and the location of the first sample are not much different, so what is the
reason it is withering? As for the third The same is true for the dead sage sample. I have
been looking for the cause of death of the sage, and then I found... there is some black spot
in the veins of the withered sage. As for the dead sage, it is almost The black spots
completely eroded!” Zhou Qing’s eyes looked at Bai Yingting very brightly, and he waited
for Bai Yingting to respond to himself.
"Are you testing these black spots?"
“In the beginning, I thought this spot is like the traces of plants in our world that are
yellowing or being wormed by lack of certain nutrients, but after the test... I think this is a
kind of virus! Not only that, after me The observation of the different decay stages of the
same species of plants, I think that a virus is likely to be spreading in Nibelungen. Once
infected with this virus, the creatures here... at least these plants will lose their healing
power. Constantly weakened and finally died."
“Lost self-healing ability?” Bai Yingting’s elegant brow squinted slightly.
This made Zhou Qing nervous, is not his own guess is not accepted by the other party.
Although this is the conclusion that was made after observing and testing numerous plants,
it was based on quantification but was not fully justified.
"In our world, humans, ordinary creatures, all have certain immunity, which allows us to
fight disease. But once infected with diseases that attack the immune system, the situation
is very difficult, such as HIV virus We assume that... there is a similar virus in this world...
So how many creatures will be infected?” Bai Yingting looked at Zhou Qing, “You only
observe e-class or d-class plants, then higher plants. What about other creatures? Can they
resist the virus? If it can't resist, is it possible for the creature to evolve another form of
resistance against this virus?"
Zhou Qing lived, and he did not think that Bai Yingting’s thinking went farther than himself.
"Why are you looking at me like this?" Bai Yingting held the table with one hand and leaned
toward Zhou Qing.
"Because..." Zhou Qing did not know how to describe his feelings.
"Because I am more likely to keep up with your thoughts than other unimaginative
ordinary people?" Bai Yingting smiled.
"Yes." Zhou Qing nodded. "And in order to verify my guess... I need more plant samples, not
just e-level... there is a higher level!"
The author has something to say: Help my aunt move rice, both arms tremble... ask for

Laws of the Other World Chapter 63: Alienation 2

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"What you want, you will end up." Bai Yingting’s finger clicked on the cup with oatmeal.
"But first, you have to eat first."
He relied very close to Zhou Qing, and Zhou Qing subconsciously avoided his breath.
Because his breath is very warm and soft, Zhou Qing is afraid that if he touches it, he will
want more.
At this time, Wu Yun felt that he was going crazy. At such a long distance, how did he carry
two people back?
Ink night, ink night, you must be deliberate! Maybe he is testing that Wu Yun will not throw
his brother back!
Wu Yun helped Zhou Yu to get up, grabbed his shoulder and looked at another player: "I
will take Zhou Yu back, and come back to you after 50 meters!"
Wu Yun, while carrying Zhou Yu forward, kept looking back at the situation of the player,
for fear that he would be attacked by any dangerous creature. In this way, the voice of the
helicopter finally came to the sky after nearly an hour of tossing back and forth.
The air that was rolled up when the helicopter landed raised a dust.
Wu Yun blinked and there was a feeling that he was finally saved. What he wants most now
is a glass of cold beer.
Back to the base, Zhou Yu and the drowsy team member were sent to the emergency room
for separate rescue.
After inspection, Zhou Yu just entered the fainting state because he consumed too much
physical strength, and another team member launched a high fever situation.
Song Zhi stood in front of the rescue room and looked at the whole rescue situation with a
cold eye.
"You don't have anything to tell me, Wu Yun?"
Wu Yun slammed his mouth and could only say everything that happened in that cave.
He knows that he can't hide any details, because Nibelungen is a special world, and a little
secret is likely to cause devastating results.
At this time, the rescued member entered a state of high fever. His body is constantly
twitching, his fingers are stiff, and he can't lower his body temperature anyway. His heart is
almost as if he wants to jump out of his chest!
"What is the temperature now?"
"Forty four degrees Celsius!"
"Immediately cool down!"
"The body temperature is still rising! The drug has no effect!"
"What the **** is going on? What should we do?"
"Immediately blood test! He was injured, probably because of a bacterial infection!"
The rescuers were in a hurry, and Wu Yun also clenched his fists.
Don't let him die!
Then, the instrument showed that the player's heart suddenly stopped, and the twitching
body stiffened, and everything seemed to be still.
The rescuer tried various methods, from electric shock to injection of adrenaline, and even
opened his chest, directly massaged his heart, but could not beat his heart again.
His pulse finally stopped, and his big eyes were a desire for survival.
His rescue is about to become an anatomy and sampling. They must figure out what caused
his death.
When the anatomist lifted the scalpel, he found that there were countless red stains under
his skin, and when he lifted it up, Wu Yun suddenly widened his eyes and recognized it.
Wu Yun shouted: "He was also alienated by the death of dahlia!"
Song’s brows are even tighter: “What alienation? I heard this for the first time!”
Wu Yun replied to him: "Death Dahlia will transform all the swallowed creatures into
another way, grow scales, become agile monsters! And obey its instructions!"
Just as the first knife was about to fully open his chest, he suddenly took a hard breath, his
body jerked and his chest burst into a smashing cell, and it miraculously healed. He was
sitting up and his body was changing rapidly. He screamed in pain, because the scales grew
out of his flesh and blood. He squatted on the bed like an animal, his eyes white.
The staff in the rescue room were frightened and fled.
The player suddenly squatted and gnawed up and bit the neck of a female employee closest
to him, blood arrogant.
"Oh my God! Help!"
Then other rescuers were attacked.
Wu Yun immediately responded.
He shouted through Song’s collar and shouted: "Quickly let them out! It will take the
initiative to attack the creatures close to you! This rescue room is too small, and those
rescuers cannot escape its attack range! ”
Song Zhi retired Wu Yun’s hand coldly: “So, do you think the scope of the entire base is
large enough?”
Wu Yun froze.
They mourned, struggling to slap the glass wall and praying for Song to open the door of
the rescue room. However, Song Zhi has almost no expression, as if the cruel scene in front
of him is just a picture in the movie.
Li Qian, who is responsible for monitoring all of this, trembled and asked: "I really can’t
help them! Don’t you let them out?”
Song Zhi replied: "Do you remember the consequences of the night spirit leaving the
laboratory at the previous base? Immediately apply anesthetic gas!"
Li Qian could only close his eyes and clench his lips.
He knows that, rationally, many people must sacrifice a few people to save the majority.
But who can really look at those who have worked with themselves and jokes together to
save such a tragic death, but they cannot be saved?
Song Zhi is such a rational and superior person.
The time for the anesthetic gas to take effect is too late.
After a few seconds, some of the rescuers were twisted off their arms, and some of their
internal organs were dragged out. The mutant field team had completely lost their sense of
being human.
When all the targets had been destroyed by him, it finally quieted down and quietly
squatted there as if waiting for something.
The anesthetic gas finally came into effect, it collapsed, and everything was late, and the
entire rescue room was like a Shura hell.
At this time, Song Zhicai entered the rescue room.
The lizard blame was frozen and shipped.
Wu Yun can imagine how it will be: either killed by injection of neurotoxins, become the
material of anatomical research; or raised like a white mouse.
At that moment, Wu Yun suddenly thought of something and ran out: "Oops! How is Zhou
Yu's situation!"
Song Zhi’s look was a glimpse, and he quickly walked out. They came to the rescue room
next to them and found Zhou Yu still lying in bed and quietly closing his eyes.
Song Zhi asked: "What is the physical condition of Zhou Yu? Have you checked him?"
The doctor in charge of treating Zhou Yu said: "Mr. Song please rest assured that we have
collected blood samples and scans of the whole body. Zhou Yu is in addition to shock
caused by a lot of physical exertion. All other signs are normal. No virus infection. There are
no signs of parasitism."
Song Zhi looked at Zhou Yu seriously. He went in and lifted his wrist to check his skin. He
found that there were no scales on his body, and Song’s tight brow slowly loosened.
Standing next to Wu Yun also exhaled a breath: "Fortunately, I remember that Zhou Yu did
not touch the death dahlia!"
"Let's go, don't bother Zhou Yu's rest." Song Zhi returned to indifference.
Wu Yuntonton suddenly knows that he can't help anything anyway.
Before leaving, Song Zhi lowered the voice through the walkie-talkie and said to Zhou Yu’s
attending doctor: “I will immediately collect 200 ml of blood from Zhou Yu and send it to
the ink night.”
"Yes, Mr. Song."
Zhou Yu’s blood slipped into the room of the ink night through a special passage, just falling
in the pillow of the ink night.
The already weak and intoxicating night slowly opened his eyes and turned his face to look
at the bag of blood.
His lips twitched, revealing a mocking smile: "Is there any mistakes... Every drop of Zhou
Yu's blood is invaluable, and you treat it with such a beautyless way..."
He stood up, because of the weakness and shaking, slowly walked to the shelf of the room,
took out a glass, opened the blood bag, and poured it into the cup. His slender fingers
crossed the base of the glass, gently swaying the blood and drawing a few beautiful arcs in
the cup, then lowered his head to gently smell it, revealing a lonely expression.
"I really miss him... why don't you let him come to me?"
Ink night raised his head and gently sipped, and his face showed a happy expression. It was
the temperature of Zhou Yu and the taste of Zhou Yu. Through these blood, he seemed to be
able to enter Zhou Yu’s dream. Learn his original and purest ideas.
From a taste to greed, ** breaks away from the shackles of reason, he wants more and
Every night is getting faster and faster, his throat is squirming fast, Zhou Yu’s blood slides
into his esophagus and infiltrates every cell in his body... In two seconds, the whole cup of
blood is finished by him. It is.
He still clings to the glass and looks up and still looks for traces of Zhou Yu.
"You don't look satisfied."
I don't know when Song Zhi came to the glass wall and looked at the ink night with his
The ink night also turned his face to point at the glass, and slowly came to face him in front
of Song Zhi, his expression was lazy and enjoyable.
"You are not me, so you will never realize what Zhou Yu means to me."
"Yes? If Zhou Yu is in front of you, what do you want to do with him? Biting his neck to ****
all his blood?" Song revealed a cold smile.
"Of course I won't **** all his blood. Because he wants to live long and long... Only then can I
see the world he sees, experience the time he has experienced, before I swallow my last
breath, Zhou Yu must look at me, this is what I want, of course, if he is standing in front of
me now, I will kiss him, hug him, tighten his bones, let him hurt because of me, I want him
deep I feel my existence deeply. His heart will beat because of me, his mind will be
uncontrollable because of me, he will belong to me completely, you know how it feels...
Song Zhi."
Ink night laughed, it was a near-perfect smile like a masterpiece of God. Even if the coldness
is like Song, there seems to be something in the bottom of my heart that is about to break
free and go to the eyes of the ink night.
Song Zhi knew very well that this glass wall could not really trap the ink night even in all
the equipment that blocked the nerve impulses. He was the darling of the world, and he
stood above them.
"It seems that Zhou Yu has become your prey. In order to protect Zhou Yu, I think I still
don't want you to meet again."
"Song Zhi, some reunion is a kind of desire, you can't stop it. If you can't meet, then it will
be meaningless to live. It's like you are walking dead now. Remember the s-level creature?
You are trained by one, trust. You, who regards you as the center of the world."
Song Zhi's cold eyes seemed to be burning at that moment: "Have you seen him? Or
because you are all the same species, so are they related to each other? Do you know where
he is? If you know the most Ok, tell me now, if you tell me, I will..."
"What will you do? Let me leave Zhou Yu with this?"
Ink night smiled over his face, his smile was very special, very beautiful, as if he was always
licking the deepest nerve, the most slender one.
"You want to find him, not to kill him, but to protect him."
"Protect him? Are you kidding? I have never heard of s-class creatures needing human
protection." Song Zhi’s lips are mocking smiles, but his eyes are extremely cold.
"He also stood in a position similar to me, just like I looked at you like Zhou Yu. You know
better than anyone else that humans are chasing interests. You see through it all, so you
teach him like this over and over. Just as Juli Group tells everyone how terrible s-class
creatures are, you constantly tell him how greedy humans are. Even if you show him the
ugliest things, you are always the most special for him. "Ink night, the Song Dynasty shook
the empty cup in his hand, just like seeing through Song Zhi that the heart that had long
been emptied."
"Is he still safe?" asked Song.
But the ink night did not answer his question: "In fact, you have always cherished his trust
in you and have always missed his hug. I understand the feeling that once you are treated
with gentleness around the world, you will become addicted. You hurt him just to let him
quit his addiction to you. But you never thought about getting rid of this indulge, because
you are determined to break the boat."
"I do not understand what you are saying."
Song Zhi’s expression is even colder.
Ink night smiled indifferently, using his fingers to fiddle with the soft bangs in front of his
forehead, the eyes were a bit sloppy.
"In any case, it doesn't matter if you are so awkward again, my Zhou Yu can see his own
Song Zhi also laughed, with a hint of mockery: "Do you think Zhou Yu will accept your
Ink night turned and went back to his bed, took back the "Zhu Shenghao Collection" and
flipped a few pages: "I am sure."
His voice is not big, but there is an inexplicable strength.
When Song Zhi turned and left, the ink night said: "If I were you, I would send someone to
bring back the samples of those dead dahlias. You don't want to know? What makes those
field players mutate. The mutation can actually work for humans, indicating that it can be
integrated with human genes. For example, Dr. Turin, I bet he should belong to Nibelungen
now, his genes must be very different from your human beings. ""
"Thank you for reminding me, I will send people. And such variations are equally
dangerous for your Nibelungen creatures. Those dead dahlias, even future generations,
can't continue, and this happens in other creatures as well. On the body, including your s-
class creatures. According to Professor Zhou and Professor Bai, this is probably a virus, and
after the virus enters different organisms, it will adapt and achieve different alienation
effects. To some extent this is also an evolution."
"You want to say that the creatures that can resist this virus will survive, and those infected
by this virus will not be able to reproduce. The survival of the fittest is also the rule of
elimination of Nibelungen's nature?"
"Of course, we will now conduct further research to see how many organisms in this world
are infected with this virus and wish you good luck!"
"You want to wish him good luck. Maybe before you find him, he has disappeared into the
world because of this virus, and you will regret it for life - why not let him stay with you?"
Place. Maybe for him, freedom is not important to you at all."
Song Zhi turned and shook his hand: "Leave your words to Zhou Yu."
When Zhou Yu woke up, it was already midnight in the world. He slowly sat up and pulled
out the infusion tube on his arm.
He found that Zhou Qing was sitting on his bed and didn't know how long he kept.
This is the first time Zhou Qing has guarded himself. Zhou Qing’s expression was quiet and
peaceful. Zhou Yu didn’t want to bother Zhou Qing, so he slowly got up and looked around.
He had no impression of what happened after the ink night entered his own mind to
control his body, but as promised by the ink night, he brought him back to success.
I don't know how Wu Yun is doing now?
At the moment when Zhou Yu came back, he stopped. Because my bed is actually lying in
the night!
How did the ink night come in? This is impossible! This room is always closed.
The next second, Zhou Yu understands that all this is the illusion that the ink night stays in
his mind, and it is the control of his brain by the ink night.
The skin of the ink night is still white, the hair is soft and light, hanging in front of the
forehead, elegant and casual. His eyes are as beautiful as colored glass, and even the
curvature of the bridge of the nose is just right, all of which inexplicably attract Zhou Yu’s
Zhou Yu sat up for a long time and couldn't speak. Of course, there was nothing to say about
a phantom.
I just didn't think that the ink night actually turned sideways, holding one's chin with one
hand, looking at Zhou Yu on the back, and said slowly: "How do you feel when you see me?"
His voice is as mellow as the night, with a sense of mystery, attracting Zhou Yu to open the
misty veil in front of him, to see the true world under the smile of this young man.
Zhou Yu said with a blank expression: "I don't feel anything."
The ink smiled at night, and he straightened his back and slowly leaned against Zhou Yu.
The closer he leans, Zhou Yu’s breathing seems to be tighter.
This is the first time Zhou Yu has such a feeling. His beautiful eyes are getting closer and
closer, Zhou Yu subconsciously wants to retreat, but he finds his back is uncontrollable, and
even leans in the direction of the ink night.
"You are moving for me, aren't you?" said the ink night. "In fact, you are not afraid of
anything... you are used to protecting others and are used to taking responsibility, but you
cannot relax yourself and give yourself to another person."
His breath seems to pass over Zhou Yu's lips. Zhou Yu has an illusion that he is touched by
the other side. This kind of touch is very light and soft, and he does not want to be repulsed
by Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu replied: "If you have already seen my thoughts, then don't use words to call me."
The smile of the ink night is more obvious, with a hint of pure temperament.
"How can this be counted? But it is interesting to hear from you that the word 'snap' is
spoken in a serious tone. Just understand that... as far as your human brain is concerned, if
you think something Beauty is not necessarily such a thing is really beautiful, but because
your heart accepts him, he is in line with your aesthetic, and your inner desire."
Zhou Yu looked at the ink night, even if the ink night said Zhou Yu, who did not see other
people, Zhou Yu did not mean to avoid. There is nothing to escape in his life, including the
s-class creatures in front of him.
The ink night stretched out the neck, and there was a strange expectation between the
slightly draped eyes. He turned his face and the ink night at that angle made Zhou Yu
subconsciously trace the outline of his facial features.
His lips are slowly leaning against Zhou Yu, the feeling is wonderful, everything in this
world becomes less important and even his breathing and heartbeat are removed.
His lips are soft, which makes Zhou Yu think of the ink night or the night spirit often touch
his lips. At that time, Zhou Yu thought that he learned from the film, and at this moment he
is very convinced that from that time, the ink night has a different meaning for each touch.
He contained Zhou Yu's lower lip, his tongue tipped slowly, looking for something,
entangled. The squatting Zhou Yu reacted, and the tip of his tongue slammed out.
The author has something to say: The world is so hot, why can't I go and see... I want to go
back to college and go to the summer vacation without any worries...
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Laws of the Other World Chapter 64: Movie screen in my mind

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Zhou Yu knows that ink night is not here, all this is just the feeling of ink night design.
Ink night retired from Zhou Yu's lips, his eyes fell down, and the original soft line of sight
suddenly became extremely powerful, crushing Zhou Yu's nerves.
Zhou Yu struggled. He has always been a person with strong self-control ability. But at this
moment, all his nerves that mobilized his limbs seemed to be tightly bound.
The ink night slammed up, and this time his kiss was as warm as he wanted to take away
everything from Zhou Yu. Zhou Yu’s lips became the battlefield between the two, and the
ink night swept Zhou Yu’s tongue, disintegrating his will to destroy his defense.
Zhou Yu fell backwards, and his back was held by the hands of the ink night before touching
the ground.
The ink night pressed on his body, with one hand on the neck of Zhou Yu. He has locked his
prey, and there is a kind of eye in his eyes. To devour all the power, Zhou Yu felt a fear for
the first time.
This fear has nothing to do with losing life.
The kiss of the ink night seems to crush the skull of Zhou Yu. The kind of kiss that is very
artistic in the movie, Zhou Yu thought that there would be no reality in reality, but the ink
night presented it. The night of the ink, the madness of the ink night, all infused into the
body of Zhou Yu, infiltrated into his limbs, and each of his cells was branded as a night of
ink. No matter where you go, no matter what happens, Zhou Yu will always remember the
existence of the ink night, and can't refuse to ignore it.
Zhou Yu has an illusion of being killed by the other side.
"Do you know that you almost died today? Do you know that I will never see you again if I
almost miss it? This is something that I can't tolerate, and today you are stepping on my
bottom line again and again. You Let me feel fear." The sound of the ink night is calm, but
there is a strong strength in this calm.
What he said is true, Zhou Yu’s intuition tells himself.
But at the same time he is telling himself, don't forget that he is a s-class creature, and
everything he said has his purpose.
"Is there anyone in the base that you care about, Zhou Yu?"
His voice was so gentle that Zhou Yu remembered that he was still pretending to be the
night spirit, and he felt the feeling of her back fluff.
Zhou Yu couldn't speak. He knew that ink night could understand all his thoughts.
"Ah - yes, the most important person should be Zhou Qing!"
In the night, I looked at Zhou Qing, who was sleeping on the chair.
"Well, if one day you die, I will make Zhou Qing my nutrition. What do you think?"
Still a gentle tone, Zhou Yu felt terrible.
"If you do anything to Zhou Qing, I will not let you go, even if you are chasing you to the
abyss of hell, even if you are a s-class creature."
Zhou Yu’s eyes are cold.
Ink night also laughed, but there was a hint of self-deprecating between his eyebrows: "If
you don't want me to start with Zhou Qing, then remember to be alive... Otherwise, Zhou
Qing's life will be my revenge for you. means."
"Is it important for you to live? Is it because you need my blood? If so, you can choose
another person." Zhou Yu did not understand the persistence of ink night.
The world is so big, so many choices.
"It's a pity that there is always only one Zhou Yu in your world or in Nibelungen."
He leaned down and his nose touched the tip of Zhou Yu's nose gently. This is an extremely
gentle gesture.
Zhou Yu subconsciously smashed his knees, and all the sensory nerves became slender and
sensitive. Even the instantaneous temperature of the ink nose was transmitted to every cell
of his body.
At this time, Zhou Qing’s voice suddenly sounded: “What happened to Zhou Yu! How can it
fall to the ground!”
Zhou Yu blinked his eyes, and the figure that belonged to the ink night disappeared
"I... just want to lie for too long and want to get up, I didn't expect..."
Zhou Qing saw Zhou Yu stand up innocently and exhaled.
"You will sleep for so long after you come back, really scared me! And you know..."
Zhou Qing hesitated for a while without saying the words behind.
"What should I know? What happened to you tell me! Is it that Wu Yun has something
"No... not the big brother of Wu Yun. It is the member you brought back. He was infected by
the virus in the dead dahlia. His current dna... has been very different from human beings.
We found that A large section of genes that are very similar to the dead dahlia...that is, the
virus can alienate humans into Nibelung's creatures."
This virus will break the barrier of difference between the two world creatures. Is this a
good thing or a bad thing?
"Have you found Dr. Turin?" Zhou Yu asked.
"No... Mr. Song is now preparing for the arrest of Dr. Turin. If your body recovers, I think
you and Wu Yun may have to leave this base! I really don't want you to face Dr. Turin. I am
really scared that you will be infected with this virus because of accidents... I don't want
you to become Dr. Turin. You haven't heard of Wu Yun's description. It's not human, it's a
monster!" This is Zhou Qingdi. Once, the mood is out of control.
Zhou Yu hugged Zhou Qing and patted his back and said, "Don't worry, I won't have
anything! You see, I have come back alive with so many conditions, maybe in Nibelung, I
The luck is much better than Wu Yun."
After the doctor's examination confirmed that Zhou Yu's body was fully recovered, he left
the ward and returned to his room.
In the narrow empty room, Zhou Yu once again remembered the ink night, he did not dare
to close his eyes, he was afraid that once he fell asleep, he would enter his mind again, or he
would always be there, but he was crouching , silent observation.
Zhou Yu’s lips still seem to have the temperature of the ink night. He lifted his fingers and
covered them. His fingers did not touch the lips, and he let go.
On the evening of Wu Yun, Wu Yun prepared a celebration party. In addition to him, Li Qian
also had Li Qian. They ate steaks in the staff restaurant and drank special beer. Just next to
the table was looking down at the side of the information. Professor Bai who is eating rice.
He wears rimless glasses and wears a white researcher, and his eyelashes are long and
Perhaps it is felt that Zhou Yu has been watching himself, Bai Yingting raised his eyes and
Zhou Yu walked over to him and sat down: "Thank you for taking care of Zhou Qing during
this time. I know that you are studying the virus together. I really want to know what kind
of virus is for Nibelungen's creatures." influences?"
"You can really get straight to the point. When you sit down, you want to put out my
research results." Bai Yingting touched the frame of his glasses. "Of course, all this is a
guess. In my opinion, this virus will cause Nibelon." The roots of the creatures are unable to
reproduce their offspring. But reproduction is the instinct of all living things, so in order to
continue to breed, they have evolved another way, which is to alienate other creatures, and
Dr. Turin is the most successful example. It is said that Mr. Song has locked its position
according to Dr. Turing's locator. He sent a whole team of field teams on the two days of
your sleepiness, but do you know what the result is?"
"They are all overwhelmed by the army?"
It is expected that the rash will be taken without knowing certain biological characteristics.
"Okay, they can't come back anyway. Dr. Turin turned them into lizards, and he will soon
have his own army."
Bai Yingting changed his sitting position. He looked at Zhou Yu with his chin. At that
moment, Zhou Yu suddenly felt that he had an inexplicable similarity with the ink night.
They all have a calm and calm temperament.
"Do you know, Zhou Qing really admires you, including your good friend Wu Yun, and even
Mr. Song can feel his difference to you. In his opinion, other field personnel can't do things.
It will be miraculously finished in your hands."
"You want to tell me, good luck can't always care for me?"
"I want to tell you, you have to ask yourself, are these really your good fortune?" Bai
Yingting extended his fingers and gently touched Zhou Yu's eyebrows.
Yes, his good fortune...falling the angel's horn, the man who saved him is the ink night.
Became the successor of Elpis' memory, because Elpis said Zhou Yu was chosen by "he".
Who is that "he"? It seems that it may be ink night. On the night island, if it is not ink night,
he and Wu Yun are not likely to live. It was also the ink night that fell into the nest of the
King of the Silver King, when his heart was pierced. The last time the base was attacked by
the night spirit cultivated by Dr. Carlos, they almost became their nutrition... Zhou Yu can
successfully return to the original world, still because of the ink night.
Not to mention this time facing the death dahlia.
Next time, can he still be born again after robbery?
"Oh, yes... Dr. Turin has completely removed the tracker from his hand. Although he was
alienated by the dead dahlia, he still retains human intelligence. Song sent a helicopter to
Dr. Turin. The aerial tracking was only transmitted for more than 20 seconds. The
helicopter was crashed by the giant bird attacked by Dr. Turin.” Bai Yingting stood up and
his eyes fell from a height. “Do you know what it means? ?"
Zhou Yu replied: "This means that Dr. Turin has the ability to manipulate creatures below
his level, just like a-level creatures."
"So this situation makes Mr. Song have to consider whether he will send another field
personnel without any preparation, and the sheep will enter the tiger's mouth, and even
send the alienated material to Dr. Turin. He should not do it again. But Mr. Song is
impossible to give up." After that, Bai Yingting left.
A week later, Zhou Yu and Wu Yun and other field elites received a notice and went to the
core conference room of the base.
There are about a dozen people attending the conference, all of whom are the most
experienced and have survived countless missions.
Song did not say too much nonsense, and directly released the aerial picture.
In the picture, Dr. Turin walked between the mountains and forests. He wore a coat that
was stripped from the field staff and crawled around a dozen lizards.
When the helicopter flew over Dr. Turin's head, he looked up with his pockets, and the face
was no different from ordinary humans, and even a little graceful and leisurely. But the
golden eyes are strange and demon. His sight seemed to penetrate the picture and entered
the depths of the people's minds at the place.
This feeling of sneak into the depths of thinking makes Zhou Yu associate with the ink
night. The difference is that the smile of the ink night always carries the aristocratic
elegance, and it is inexplicable to appreciate the gestures. No matter how Zhou Yu tightens
his mind, he will subconsciously relax the alert because of a small movement of the ink
night. But Dr. Turin has a bloodthirsty killing.
There was a smile on his lips, and in the next second, a dozen strange birds rushed from all
directions to the helicopter, swooping and striking with a determined momentum.
The helicopter released a sonic bomb, the first group of strange birds were shaken, and the
second group rushed up. The sonic bomb did not have enough time to start, and the
helicopter crashed after a few seconds.
Everyone exhaled a breath, and Zhou Yu also subconsciously clenched his fingers. Dr.
Turing made people feel that there was no weakness, even if he was close to him.
Song Zhi still kept his arms and sat in front of everyone. His gaze swept through everyone
as if they had already understood their inner thoughts, their inner weakness and fear.
The room was dead.
Song Zhi said: "The helicopter will send you to Turin's attack. There is no doubt that it is
suicidal, so we will take a long-range attack. There is no shortage of excellent helicopter
driving among you. And accurate snipers. I hope these two talents work together. I look
forward to your test results."
"Looking forward to our test results? What test?" Wu Yun has a bad feeling.
Somebody showed a puzzled expression at the place.
Song Zhi went on to say: "I will give you a day to stabilize your mood."
"that's it?"
"What is the target of sniper? Turin?"
"What is the test rule?"
Everyone talked a lot, but Song did not answer the meaning. He got up and sorted out his
clothes corner: "Distracted."
"Mom." Wu Yun screamed in a low voice.
When Zhou Yu left the venue, Song Zhi came to his side and said with a calm but only Zhou
Yu can hear: "If I were you, I would go see the ink night."
That name made Zhou Yu’s eyebrows tremble slightly. Song Zhi did not know, perhaps at
this moment, the ink night has long been through Zhou Yu's vision and hearing, like a
movie audience, watching them.
"I won't go." Zhou Yu said coldly.
Before he could figure out the true intentions of the ink night and his position on the ink
night, seeing him again would only disturb his thinking.
Song Zhi smiled: "You will go. Unless you want us to continue to make mistakes made
before, only the ink night will give you the right answer."
This mission also includes Wu Yun, Zhou Yu does not want anyone who cares about any
danger. He knew that Song Zhi was right, he had to go to see the ink night.
When he came back to the glass wall again, it was already midnight. In addition to the
rotating researchers and patrols, everyone has fallen asleep.
The room in the night is bright as white, and he stands in the opposite side of the glass with
his pockets, seemingly waiting for a lot of time.
This room is not big, but Zhou Yu knows that the night can see all the cockroaches through
his own eyes.
His smile seems to have been meticulously calculated, and the curvature is beautiful, and
the nerves of Zhou Yu are passed.
Everything about him seems to be to please Zhou Yu, based on Zhou Yu's aesthetic.
"You know that I won't answer any of your questions for free." The ink side turned his face,
and the light and shadow left a vague shadow on his face.
Zhou Yu calmly and indifferently asked: "So what price do you want?"
"If I said I want you, would you give it to me?"
The expression of the ink night is somewhat childish, which reminds Zhou Yu that he is still
looking at himself with such innocent eyes when he is still in the night spirit.
Zhou Yu couldn't help but doubt, this is the eye of the ink night, or just the highest level of
camouflage of the s-class creatures, even if it is insightful, it is like a child to relax and
"Song Zhi has already sent you my blood, isn't it? If you don't have enough, I don't care if I
take it."
The ink night suddenly licked his stomach, and he laughed. His eyelashes trembled and the
light danced between his eyelashes.
"Zhou Yu, you are so cute, I said that I want you, but you said that you can give me all your
blood. It seems to be two different things... just like I said that I want the world, but you But
only gave me a grain of sand."
"So what do you want? I don't know what else I can give you."
"Do you understand the meaning of the so-called "all"? The language is a human invention,
but you don't seem to be as good as me. Zhou Yu, you have all of me. And now I can only
retreat to the next, accompany How about watching a movie?"
Zhou Yu replied: "I am sorry, there is no TV set here."
Ink night shrugged his shoulders: "You can use the phone."
Zhou Yu’s expression is still the same, but his mind reminds him of holding the ink night
and watching the scene of “Rejuvenation”.
No matter how you remember, you must exercise restraint.
"I am sorry that my mobile phone has been confiscated by Juli Group, when I am here."
"It's a pity, Zhou Yu. But you know there is another way for me to see the movie." Ink night
stretched out his fingers and slammed the glass.
And Zhou Yu’s body is generally uncontrollable. He also extended his hand and pointed his
finger at the place where every ink night was knocked.
The **** have the same rhythm and the same position, but they can't be touched.
"Oh? What method?" Zhou Yu was not angry with the matter of controlling himself at night.
"Imagine in your brain where the most touching thing in the movie, you know I can see it,
please let me see it."
Zhou Yu closed his eyes and slowly outlined the final picture of the movie: Benjamin was
caught in the arms of the baby after he became a baby. The old Tracy seems to be
comforting Benjamin, telling him that even if the time of the two goes in the opposite
direction, they will still have each other tightly and move toward different priorities. The
daylight warmed through their shadows, leaving a meaningful shadow.
This has always been the favorite picture of Zhou Yu, and the best ending he imagined in
his own ink night.
At that moment, the picture slowly faded and became a scene of holding a dark night and
watching a movie on a mobile phone.
"Is this your intention?" Zhou Yu opened his eyes and looked at the ink night.
Ink night smiled and said: "If my ability can be an excuse for your time with me, then admit
it anyway. Or I will give you another excuse. When you say to yourself, don't think about
the night. On the contrary, your brain will be hinted that you will always think about me."
"What you mean is that I think of you in my mind, not because you made it all, but because
of my suggestion to myself?"
"I mean that your defense against me is too serious, but the stronger the defense is often
because you know you are about to fall."
The ink night tends to the glass. The breath of his speech casts a layer of faint mist on the
glass. The black glass-like eyes are also blurred. Because of this, Zhou Yu has a deeper
desire to see. Know his inner **.
"I know that I am about to use up your patience today. What is the first question you want
to ask me?"
"Tell me how you think you can kill Dr. Turin." Zhou Yu said.
Ink night sneered and replied: "The most direct and effective method you know is very
clear, that is, let me control your body. I will solve it like killing the dead dahlia, as long as
you become the carrier of my ability."
"Then I think the method of Song Zhi is more effective."
"Oh, Song Zhi's method, let's listen." Ink night asked with interest.
“The sniper rides the helicopter, outside his control and attack range, killing him with a
"So, do you know how many meters of Turing's ability to control effectively? And it can also
detect helicopters by controlling other creatures. Maybe you think that the distance of
1000 meters is enough, but maybe it is still far away. Think about it. I am so far away from
me that I can enter your body for nerve impulse control, as does Dr. Turin."
In the night, I looked at Zhou Yu with the expression of the child. It seems that you are
failing to do today's homework.
The author has something to say: Originally, regarding the comments of Song Zhi, I want to
ignore the idea of avoiding being affected. However, after reading the building that was
covered by several readers, a blood didn't spit out and blocked the panic.
I don't know how many readers here are taking part in the work. The simplest one is that
you don't understand, it's called being in your position. He is the supervisor, so he has to
follow the orders of the Juli Group. When sending soldiers to the front line, the soldiers who
sent the soldiers can say that there is danger that they will die, so they will not go? Song Zhi
has such a Madonna, Juli Group will change to another colder person.
You said that he slag, for example, is his **** for his own slag?
When did he not let as many people as possible live within his ability?
Song Zhizhen is really the Virgin you think, the base has long since disappeared.
Finally, I said that I have never written him as a black person, but please don’t say that
because this character is not kind, like the Virgin, he is not black, otherwise you are such a
self. Under hypnosis, I just didn't forcibly wash the white, and there was more to pave the
way ahead. You fall into your own thinking, that is, God can't let you understand the world.
Readers who want to work in the society to understand what is "position" should be able to
understand what I mean.

Laws of the Other World Chapter 65: Assault

Settings saved..
"We can estimate the ability of Tulin with the control distance of the death dahlia." Zhou Yu
"Well, it sounds logical. Turin's ability to infect and manipulate other creatures comes from
the part of the gene that death dahlia gave him. In theory, his ability should also be within
this range." Ink nodded and moved forward. After taking a half step, I was closer to Zhou
Yu, and the sense of strength in his eyes was more obvious. "But I still prefer my method
and it is directly effective."
"The second question, Turin has already removed the locator, how can we find him again?"
"Ah, I bet that Song asked you to ask this question, right?"
Ink night, a pair of expressions "I don't want to tell you if I know the answer."
"If you don't want to tell me, I can go back to sleep now." Zhou Yu is about to turn around.
Innocently, Shakelessly shook his head and said, "When is your waywardness become your
patent, Zhou Yu? From the perspective of your human beings, you can try to understand Dr.
Turin’s mood at the moment. He discovered his power as a human being. He is eager to try,
want to change everything around him, continue to control and strengthen his army, so he
wants to gain more power. To do this, he needs to be more powerful to lose reproduction
and carry viruses. The creature re-infects and inherits the ability of this creature. What do
you think is a creature that is more powerful than the dead dahlia?"
Zhou Yu’s pupils subconsciously expanded: “s-class creatures.”
"Yes, it is a s-class creature. I was still worried that you lacked imagination and could not
accept my point of view!" Ink night shrugged his shoulders and continued, "So now what
Song wants to find is a virus infected s. Level creature. The rest is your business, and I can't
provide any help anymore. If Turin found this creature before you, then you lose.
Remember to consider my proposal, Zhou Yu. We last time The cooperation is very
successful, isn't it?"
Zhou Yu stepped back: "Come here today, good night."
"Good night, Zhou Yu. Next time, I want to see "King Kong"." The ink stepped back step by
step, came to the bed and sat down, quietly watching Zhou Yu left the back.
"I don't remember the plot of the movie." Zhou Yu replied.
"But you remember how I watched the movie."
Zhou Yu did not speak.
What emerged in his mind was the ink-spotted night sitting on the table, leaning back on
his head with a very focused back. At that time, it seemed to be so yearning and curious
about the human world, and it was such regret and regret for the outcome of King Kong. He
wants to hug it so much that he wants to know that at least he is not such a cruel and selfish
This is the most wonderful place for the human brain. If someone reminds you not to think
about an elephant, the brain is more likely to imagine the elephant.
Ink night laughed: "I didn't spy on your brain, I just knew about you."
"Goodbye." Zhou Yu stepped back.
"You should say... 'Good night', so that I will try to sleep better. And I can feel that you kiss
me in my heart, just like the one you kissed my back." Yu’s back said.
Zhou Yu told the answer to the long-awaited Song Zhi, "Mr. Song, it is almost impossible to
find a s-class creature infected with a virus."
Song Zhi lifted his rimless glasses and replied: "No, actually we have found it."
"What is it?" Zhou Yu was very curious.
Song Zhi replied: "The first ancestor Imir."
"What? It is infected!" Zhou Yu remembers that on the way to the night island, he had seen
the king of the king on the land.
It is so magnificent and huge, connecting between heaven and earth, everything grows
under its shade, and millions of years have passed, and it will eventually be infected by this
"But we are not sure that Izu, the ancestor, is not attractive to Turin. As far as I know, Imir
is dead. Our researchers have found its original state... all the nerves are no longer active
and can't feel Any transmission of thought and nutrition. It is impossible to maintain the
original state for such a long period of time as the class of simi of Imir. The creatures
attached to it are infected with this virus because they cannot die and then die. It is extinct.
Its rhizome extends hundreds or even thousands of meters underground and is infected
with water. The surrounding lakes and rivers, including fish algae, are infected with this
virus, and the area affected is extremely large. The ecosystem is a devastating blow."
"Imir is so huge, just testing a part of it, can't confirm its death, just like an injured person,
you have to detect that he has broken his limbs, of course, there is no nerve reaction, but
his heart Still, his brain is also there, are you sure that you have detected the most core part
of it?"
"Yes. The researcher is your younger brother Professor Zhou and his partner Bai. If it is not
the goal of Turin that is likely to be Imir, we will send them two to conduct field research.
Now, we can only hope for the map. Lin and you have the same idea, he wants to confirm
whether Imir is still alive. We have to go to the location of Imir as soon as possible, to
complete this task requires you, Zhou Yu. I know your sniper ability, as long as I give you
the most stable Shooting environment, you can hit Turin a few kilometers away."
At this time, Zhou Yu finally understood that Song Zhi had already made plans. The sniper
did not need to be selected. What Song Zhi really wanted to choose was a helicopter pilot
who could cooperate with Zhou Yu.
"Wu Yunhui will be your observer, I know that you two are very tacit," Song said.
"Yes, a tacit and courageous partner can increase our chances of living."
"And a stable driver."
In the evening, Zhou Yu returned to the dormitory in less than 10 minutes and received an
order for an emergency mission. He and Wu Yun rushed to the helicopter takeoff, sitting on
a young girl in her early 20s with a dark skin.
"Hey! I was the first time I saw a female pilot!" Wu Yun said loudly.
The sound of the helicopter started was very loud, and everyone had to talk about it.
The other party did not say a word, just chewing gum, until Zhou Yu also sat in.
"Hello, I am Zhou Yu."
The other side glanced at the □ □ on Zhou’s back, and it didn’t matter, “Hm”.
"I am Li Shengnan."
The name made Wu Yun laugh a little. He just wanted to say something, and the helicopter
took off. That angle made Wu Yun almost hit the forehead.
Zhou Yu took a look at the mission and they will fly to the nearest Pelly Winter's lair.
In this nest, there are dozens of Pelillons, three of which are just the bases, and they have
special marks on them. What Zhou Yu wants to do is to hit these marks outside the distance
of 1,500 meters.
"Do you know this is a test?" Zhou Yu asked.
Li Shengnan smiled so sweetly: "I certainly know. I hope that I can successfully become
your partner through testing! Zhou Yu, you are a legend among us, there are many legends
about you!"
"When you have done it, the parts that know each other are here. About the legend of Zhou
Yu, if you want to know, you can come and ask me, now we should set off to complete this
test, go back to sleep early. I know that Juli will not In order to increase the difficulty of the
test, I made some moths. "Wu Yun frowned, he felt that this test would not be as simple as
hitting Perry Winter.
In the heavy night, the helicopter slowly took off from the base and headed for the target
lair. The entire virgin forest was submerged in the night.
Zhou Yu put on special night glasses and set up a sniper.
Wu Yun was at his side and made observations for him.
The entire virgin forest presents different levels under the night vision glasses, and
different creatures display different colors because of different heat.
Through the sight of the slamming mouth, Zhou Yu found the nest of Perry Winter. Just as
he narrowed his eyes and locked his target, there was a special voice in the sky. It's a bit
sharp and it seems to be very large.
Li Shengnan said coldly: "Oops, we have a three-eyed giant bird!"
"What? I didn't get it wrong! Now it's night! Is the three-eyed giant bird out of action?"
Wu Yun immediately contacted Song to request the cancellation of the task.
At this time, Song Zhizheng sat at his desk with a cup of coffee in front of him and a cup of
coffee on the other side of the table.
When Song Zhi heard the voice of Wu Yun, his pupil trembled. He just lowered his head to
prepare to say something, and the opposite visitor put his hand on his contact.
"Mr. Song, you have done the right decision for every Mr. Eaton’s hope, and this time you
have to be cautious. Because if you make a mistake, no matter how many times you have
done it before, there is no value."
Song Zhi always flashed a surprised look in the eyes without emotional fluctuations: "You
sent him?"
"What do you think? We are all cultivated by Mr. Eaton. He controls everything and knows
"We have no more elites like Zhou Yu and Wu Yun." Song Zhi looked at each other's eyes.
"So, let them do things that only the elite can do, this is the best for everyone." The other
side's lips twitched, and the eyes were dark.
At this time, Wu Yun’s voice came again: “Mr. Song! The situation is different from the test
setup! Request evacuation! Request evacuation!”
Song Zhi looked at each other, the other hand's hand was released from the walkie-talkie,
and Song Zhi bowed his head. His voice did not have any ups and downs, but said faintly:
"In the real task, you often encounter various kinds of differences. In the case of Turin,
there will be more uncertainties. The attack of the three-eyed giant bird is also the same. I
wish you good luck. I hope that you will handle the obstacles and complete the test."
The call is over.
"Goodce." The other party smiled and got up.
"Don't forget, you are also in this world. When you live on the line, there will be no second
Zhou Yu to save you." Song Zhi looked up and looked at each other.
"You shouldn't think about the ‘rescue’ thing. I am with you, both are consumables.”
The other party finished the coffee, put down the cup, and left the office of Song Zhi.
Wu Yun cursed helplessly: "This guy must be deliberate! Maybe these three-eyed giant
birds are also sent by the base!"
"It’s no longer meaningful to say that now," Li Shengnan said. "You are hurrying. I want to
lower the height of the helicopter!"
After talking about the sudden drop, it feels like it is going to crash. Wu Yun grabbed the
handrail: "Hey this guy! Don't you want to pay attention? I haven't had time to pay
After a while, Li Shengnan lowered the height of the helicopter to almost parallel with the
virgin forest, cutting off the giant bird from below. The three-eyed giant birds in the air
immediately gathered in groups, and they swooped down, as if they were going to smash
the helicopter!
At that time, Dr. Turin manipulated the three-eyed giant bird to ruin the aerial helicopter in
the scene of Zhou Yu’s mind.
Suddenly he suspected that these giant birds really attacked them with their own
consciousness? Is Turin nearby?
Li Shengnan calmly released the sonic bomb, and the three-eyed giant bird that came to
attack the first wave was shaken off. In the sky, the screams of the three-eyed giant bird's
five internal organs shattered, and they succumbed to their hearing. At the same time as
the powerful sound waves spread, the helicopter was also subjected to a reverse force,
receding backwards, and almost hit the rear three-eyed giant bird.
One side of the helicopter turned, Wu Yun almost turned out from the window, but
fortunately Zhou Yu grabbed him.
Just when they thought they would crash, Li Shengnan miraculously grasped the direction
and balance, and they vacated again. At the same time of recovery, Li Shengnan had a
second wave of sonic bombs, which happened to knock the second group of giant birds that
had come to attack.
"I have a mother! Li Shengnan, you are so powerful! I don't trust other people to be Zhou
Yu's partner!"
Li Shengnan whispered: "Shut up!"
Zhou Yu said: "Quiet listening!"
The sound of the three-eyed giant bird fluttering from all directions is getting louder and
Wu Yun immediately saw from the night vision device that dozens of three-eyed giant birds
flew toward them.
"This is an endless rhythm!"
Zhou Yu can basically determine that this situation is definitely not designed by Song Zhi,
and Turin is near here! He knows what Zhou Yu wants to do, so start with a strong one!
"If you go on like this, the sonic bombs will definitely run out soon! We will not be able to
go back to the base and will crash!" Li Shengnan analyzed the current situation coldly.
Zhou Yu understands that he must find Dr. Turin's place, but he may be outside the 1000
meters and 2000 meters or even tens of thousands of meters, he can not lock the position
of Turin.
At this time, the voice of the ink night came from his mind. His tone is ridiculous and his
voice is elongated: "Hey, do you still think that the method of Song Zhi is feasible? Or is it
time for you to accept my suggestion?"
Zhou Yu understands what the suggestion of ink night is.
"Trust me, Zhou Yu. Do you think that I am more untrustworthy than Song?"
At this moment, Zhou Yu suddenly does not want to know himself at night. If he gives
himself to the ink-night control, the last time he was forced into a desperate situation, this
time is also a retreat. So next time? Next time? He will rely more and more on the power of
the night, but such power does not belong to him.
Zhou Yu closed his eyes and saw that a large group of three-eyed giant birds were about to
hit. He answered the ink night in his heart: Well, I will give my body to you for control.
The light laughter of the ink night sounded in his mind, and the faint helplessness made
Zhou Yu’s calm mind tremble: "I am not expecting you to give me the body."
After that, Zhou Yu felt that a force penetrated into the depths of his brain. His eyes became
more acute than usual. The original forest that needed night vision to see clearly showed
another kind of Clear appearance. Even the cellular activity in each tree is faintly visible.
He looked at the group of three-eyed giant birds, a force that struck his nerves, like an
unstoppable torrent, derived from his sight, fierce expansion in the air, as if to have all the
cells The matter is destroyed.
The group of three-eyed giant birds were only two or three hundred meters away from
them. Li Shengnan discovered that only the last one was in the sonic bomb. She had to
change the direction of flight and tried to draw a big ring. Unfortunately, the helicopter is
not a fighter, and it is impossible to avoid the speed of the three-eyed birds.
"If this is a battle machine, I might be able to blow up all these giant birds!" Li Shengnan
took a hard shot of the control panel.
"Keep this height and direction." Zhou Yu cold and cold.
"What?" Li Shengnan was dumbfounded. Keeping the status quo is tantamount to suicide!
Zhou Yu climbed to the position of the front passenger, Wu Yun cold channel: "According to
what Zhou Yu said!"
Seeing that these three-eyed monsters are about to collide, Li Shengnan closes his eyes. She
still can't resist the pressure on the control rod, but she is stabilized by Zhou Yu.
The three-eyed giant bird seems to have hit a certain barrier and generally bounces back.
The wings are broken and the body is torn, and their brains burst from the inside out. The
air was filled with the screams of the three-eyed giant birds, and they all fell, while the
other three-eyed giant birds seemed to feel a great danger and suddenly flew away.
"What is going on?" Li Shengnan opened his mouth and was completely shocked.
However, Wu Yun understood what happened. He patted Zhou Yu’s shoulder. Zhou Yu
turned around and did not see the golden eyes he saw last time.
Wu Yun tentatively asked: "Are you Zhou Yu or ink night?"
Zhou Yu replied: "Of course I am Zhou Yu, but I really took advantage of the power of the
ink night."
"What should we do now? Go back to the base? It doesn't make sense to continue this test."
Wu Yun asked.
Zhou Yuqi raised his brow and looked at Wu Yun’s eyes and said, “The machine can’t be
lost. It’s not coming. Since Turin is nearby, we have to find him. I haven’t used it yet.”
Wu Yun sat back in the spot, put on the night vision goggles and looked out the window: "I
support your decision. Maybe luck, we can find Turin."
Zhou Yu once again closed his eyes and asked in his mind: "Ink night, I know that you can
sense the place where Turin is."
"You are really greedy, Zhou Yu. Is it enough to keep your life?" asked the ink night.
"Lost this opportunity, maybe next time I will be alienated by Turin into the lizard monster,
is this what you want to see?"
Ink night replied: "Of course not hope. Those lizards are really too aesthetic. There is no
temperature when hugging, the scales are very horrible, they don't know what kissing is,
it's too boring. I still like you now. Listen, look at your three directions, there is a valley
Zhou Yushun looked at the past with the instructions of the ink night. It was a shadow, and
I could see some lizard monsters crawling. They are on alert and seem to be worried about
what will come.
"How far is that outside?" Zhou Yu asked in his heart.
Ink night replied: "Well... As far as the distance measurement of your human beings is
concerned, I think it is 1500 meters away. Do you think you can hit him with your current
Zhou Yu replied: "I have more than 90 degrees of control."
Ink night asked again: "What are the reasons for the failure of 10?"
"The bullet inside the mouth is useless to Dr. Turin." Zhou Yu replied.
He said to Li Shengnan: "I need you to keep flying in a straight line."
"no problem."
Wu Yun raised the night vision device: "No, have you found Turin?"
Zhou Yu replied: "Yes."
He left the position of the co-pilot, returned to the cabin, calmly held the gun in the future,
stabilized his posture, and extended the muzzle out of the window.
He smoothed his breathing, and all the sounds of the wind and the engine of the helicopter
were filtered by Zhou Yu’s brain outside the world. His heartbeat became incomparably
clear, and in his mind it seemed that another heartbeat was resonating with him, slowly
Through the scope, he was able to see clearly what Dr. Turin is doing now.
He was still wearing the camouflage suit, sitting on a rock with his eyes closed, and his
arms seemed to be meditating. His expression is no longer as self-satisfied as before,
probably because he feels that all the three-eyed birds he has manipulated have been
wiped out by the night. In the face of s-class creatures, Dr. Tulin, who only has a-level
biological power, has no advantage.
Zhou Yu's fingers are buckled on the trigger. This opportunity, he may only have one time,
absolutely no mistakes.
He did not hesitate and pulled the trigger at the moment of aiming.
The moment the bullet fired through the layers of air obstruction, fell into the depths of the
jungle into the valley, Zhou Yu looked at Dr. Turin suddenly opened his eyes, extremely
quickly turned to avoid the bullet .
The bullet shot another lizard monster, which originally climbed on the rock wall behind
Turin and slammed down.
The other lizards immediately surrounded Dr. Turin and surrounded him, never seeing
Zhou Yu clenched his fist - he was lost!
"No, you are not missing. It's just that the bullets at this shot are not fast enough. The
distance of more than 1,500 meters is enough for Dr. Tulin to feel the bullet's approach."
The night of the ink didn't have the laziness and ridicule. Instead, Zhou Yu can feel his
"Zhou Yu! Zhou Yu! Have you hit it?" Li Shengnan shouted.
"It’s lost." Zhou Yu quickly closed the window, closed the gun, and leaned back against the
back of the chair.
The still heart bounced again, as if it had been carefully wrapped by a pair of warm hands.
Zhou Yu knows that it is the night of the night to comfort himself.
"At least, you have proved in advance that it is not feasible to attack Turin. This is better
than when you attack Turin and turn into his prey." The voice of the night is calm.
This kind of calm reveals a kind of power that ordinary humans don't have.
At this time, something is creeping in the virgin forest below them. Suddenly, all the trees
are extending upwards. It is extremely fast and amazing. Under the moonlight is like a giant
Wu Yun was shocked: "Oops! It's the Devil's Vine! Hurry up!"
But a cluster of devil vines has hit and broke the tail of the helicopter. If it is not Li
Shengnan's quick response, it will directly penetrate the cabin!
Seeing countless devil vines entwined, weaving into a net in midair, and rushing toward the
helicopter, Li Shengnan almost reversed the helicopter and barely escaped in the midst of a
thousand miles.
Zhou Yu did not think that her driving skills were so high that it was so high that he and Wu
Yun looked at her.
The author has something to say: I can't guide some readers to look at a role objectively
through explanation and communication or even the plot. This may be the difference
caused by a series of factors such as age, experience, work, reading comprehension and
brain compensation. Since I can't reach a common understanding, then I no longer have to
explore it.
Just one thing, when I discuss with you or when I express my opinion, why does it become
that I am forcing the reader to accept a certain opinion, these readers have to put the
thorns up? . I took the job as an example and I was told that I can't read the text without
work. I really don't understand this way of thinking. I don't think the other person
understands me.
In order not to let my writing mood and structure be affected, I try not to read the reader

Laws of the Other World Chapter 66: Zhou Yu & Mok Night vs Tulin
Settings saved..
Losing the rear wing, the helicopter's balance ability has been lost. Li Shengnan struggled
to lower the height and descended toward the virgin forest. They have no ability to avoid
the second attack of the devil vine.
Zhou Yu understands that this is revenge from Dr. Turin.
At this time, the helicopter's alarm came and the top blade stopped turning. They are falling
Li Shengnan closed his eyes and she had already returned to the sky.
In the next second, the devil vine that had destroyed them suddenly wandered around the
spiral and slammed the helicopter down slowly.
Li Shengnan opened his eyes: "What the **** is going on? Why are these devil vines saving
The devil vine slowly dropped the helicopter into the virgin forest, just as the giant's hand
held a fragile bird carefully.
Wu Yun knows very well that all of this is the control ability of the ink-night as a s-class
creature higher than Dr. Turin. He only used his ability to suppress Dr. Turin and took over
the devil vines. If his reaction is slower, they will have crashed.
"Li Shengnan, can the communication on the helicopter be used?" Zhou Yu asked.
Li Shengnan tried to connect, and the entire helicopter circuit was interrupted: "No, I am
worried that the base thinks that we have crashed. Will we not send people to pick us up?"
Wu Yun stepped out of the hatch and took an illumination bullet from the equipment on the
back and launched it into the air.
The sky is like being crossed by a meteor, and then the bursting light makes people unable
to open their eyes. At that moment, the night sky above their heads was like a white one.
"If Song also thinks that we are hanging up, then I have no hope for his IQ." Wu Yun
chuckled and looked cold. "Listen, what else can be used in the helicopter?" All the
equipment was taken out. We can't passively wait for Song to send people. Turin might
have sent his lizard monster to attack us."
After all, Wu Yun is still an old fritter. Although he sometimes runs a train on his mouth, his
experience is accurate and accurate.
Zhou Yu also collected all the guns and bullets that could be used. Li Shengnan left the
helicopter. She said with some fear: "This is my first time walking in the virgin forest."
"There is always a person for the first time." Wu Yun handed a bottle of water to Li
Shengnan. "Water and food should never give up easily."
"Thank you."
Li Shengnan looked around. This virgin forest is full of giant trees, some unknown birds are
parked on the trees, and it seems to wake up because of the flares.
There are still some creatures moving in the distance, and Li Shengnan subconsciously
seized Zhou Yu.
"Don't worry. Those creatures are below level d and will not attack us easily."
"How do you know? I can't see how they look."
Zhou Yu did not answer this question, but raised the watch to determine the direction
toward the base.
Li Shengnan looked at Zhou Yu's straight and firm back, she could not understand this man
completely. He has too many secrets, and his calm has reached another level.
The sound of the ink night sounded again in Zhou Yu’s mind: "In fact, you don't need to
bring a gun and a bullet. As long as we are still connected, no creature can hurt you."
Zhou Yu’s lips are slowly rising: “So what if you encounter s-class creatures?”
In the night of the ink, "Hm", it seems that I really think about this question: "You said that
you are talking about me? If it is not me, but other seniors, I can only try my best, I can't do
it. Just die with you."
"Dead together? Your boring movie looks too much." Zhou Yu didn't know if the ink night
really liked watching movies.
Perhaps the film is one of the few ways he understands the real human world.
"Ah, when it comes to movies, can you wait for me to come back to see King Kong?"
Zhou Yu is helpless. He is not a fan of movies. He prefers to sleep quietly or listen to music:
"Do you have anything other than "King Kong"?"
"Of course! There are those action movies that Wu Yunai looks at. I want to try it in the
posture inside. Wait... In this way, if these actions are released in your mind, I don’t know
what effect it will be. It must be very sensational." The sound of the ink night is a bit
"Don't tell me that I have been thinking about it when you are alone in that room."
Ink night laughed: "Is this also a cranky thought? I think these are the instinct of your
human beings. I just learn and make myself closer to you."
Zhou Yu does not want to continue this topic: "You are so leisurely, are you not afraid of
this virus? It can theoretically infect s-class creatures. If one day you are infected too? How
do you save yourself?"
The ink night seems to be thinking. After ten seconds, Zhou Yu did not hear his voice.
Li Shengnan touched Wu Yun and said with some concern: "What happened to Zhou Yu? He
did not say a word on this road."
Wu Yun shook his head: "Don't worry, he's fine. Zhou Yu always knows what he should do,
what is his goal. With him, we will be very safe, at least our direction will never go wrong."
Wu Yun’s trust in Zhou Yu made Li Shengnan more secure.
At this time, Zhou Yu suddenly stopped, and in front of them was a large femme fatale. It is
not the flower season of the femme fatale, but the top of the foliage has grown to have a
Wu Yun knows the habits of this kind of creature. Once they touch them, the creatures like
silver snakes will rise up in the heart. In this range, it is still very lethal. Once it is bitten, it
will be parasitic or even Lose your life.
Li Shengnan, the first time I saw this creature, they are beautiful as half carved out of
transparent crystal, and under the moonlight, they have a charming luster.
When she just fell down and wanted to see it clearly, she was stunned by Wu Yun: "Hey,
haven't you been trained before you came? Do you think these things are beautiful and you
want to touch it?"
Li Shengnan suddenly reacted: "Thank you, I forgot it for a while."
This whole femme fatale is like a fairyland in the virgin forest. The faint night smog, these
femme fatales seem to dance under the moonlight.
Zhou Yu was completely untouched by the beauty in front of him. He licked the gun on his
back and walked step by step.
He avoided the femme fatale, and even looked down at them without looking down.
Wu Yun took Li Shengnan forward and shouted: "Remember, step on the place where Zhou
Yu stepped on, and don't leave in other places."
Li Shengnan nodded.
These femme fatales are like getting some kind of suggestion. When Zhou Yu goes to a
place, they are competing to open up. Like a woman who wakes up from a long dream, she
looks at Zhou Yu on her back, but they are like silver snakes in their hearts. The creature
did not appear, like a quiet crouch.
Zhou Yumu left this piece of femme fatale without squinting and continued to move
The sound of the ink night sounded again: "Zhou Yu, you are too uncomfortable."
"What style?" Zhou Yu asked in his mind.
"In the world of your humanity, if a man falls in love with someone, willn't he send flowers
to her? This is the flower I gave you, aren't they beautiful?"
Zhou Yu replied: "They are pretty beautiful, but their names are femme fatales. In addition,
men give flowers to women and don't give another man. You have a problem with the
understanding of the film."
Ink night laughed again: "Well, let me answer your question. You asked me if I was afraid of
being infected by this virus. I carefully imagined how long it would be infected by this
virus? The ability to lose reproduction. I still die? If it is the ability to lose reproduction, I
don't care. Because I and I don't have such a strong desire for the continuation of my
descendants and dna. As for whether or not I will die, Zhou Yu also tells you. I, your life is
just a moment for Meteor to pass. Since it is only a moment, then I will shorten my life to a
good one. If this virus really comes to me, then I Just accept it. But only one thing, I don't
want you to leave me. Otherwise, even this moment will lose its meaning."
Zhou Yu stopped and raised his face to look at the moon in the sky, so the silver was so
beautiful, as if he had seen the ink night in the water for the first time.
"You are really a master of love, but unfortunately used on the wrong object."
At this time, the ink night suddenly said: "Be careful, Zhou Yu!"
"What?" Zhou Yu’s eyes widened and he found Dr. Turin standing in front of him!
Turin’s lips were an inscrutable smile, and he looked at Zhou Yu with his gaze.
"I haven't seen my child for a long time. Although you have been so rebellious, it has broken
so many good things for me, but I still miss you and I can't let you down."
Zhou Yu quickly pulled out his own gun and pointed at each other.
"what are you saying?" Turin under the night moon, the face is white like a **** family in the movie, and
the golden eyes are very eye-catching.
Wu Yun, who was behind Zhou Yu, also pulled out the gun and blocked it before Li
In the silence, what is moving in the shadows, when they slowly walked into the moonlight,
it was the lizard army that was alienated by Dr. Turin.
Their eyes are white, their scales are still stained with blood, and some are wearing
camouflage clothes at the time of attendance, but they are already ruined.
Zhou Yu has entered the attack range of the lizards.
Dr. Turin seems to be not afraid of the night, step by step toward Zhou Yu. He raised his
hand and plucked the bangs in front of his forehead, revealing his forehead, and Zhou Yu
could see his eyes more clearly.
"Hey, do you know how these alienated field players are locking their prey?"
Zhou Yu did not speak, his fingers were buckled on the trigger, and the rest of his eyes
swept over the lizards that were ready to go.
The wind is very cold, but it makes people feel a sense of tension.
"I will tell you the answer, they rely on the ability of heat. Human beings are warmer than
Nibelungen's creatures, and they will make these alienated creatures more sensitive. So be
careful." Turin pocketed, standing only a step away from Zhou Yu, squinting at Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu asked me in the heart: "Do you know Dr. Turin?"
Ink night replied: "I don't know."
At this time, Dr. Turin spoke again. He seemed to hear the conversation between Zhou Yu
and his mind in the mind: "Yes, I heard that the people at the base gave you a name, called
the ink night? I still I remember that when I brought you back from the night island, you
were just an egg. Maybe it’s not very accurate to call you an egg, but we humans call the
original state of life like you an 'egg', listen It’s pretty cute. When I dig into you from the
cave of the night spirit, I thought you were already a fossil, but I didn’t expect you to have a
sign of life when you were doing a biological scan. I am ecstatic and think This is the gift
that God gave me. I want to raise you, watch you grow up, and accompany you to do what
you like to do, but I didn’t think you became a vassal of others. It’s the guy in front of me
called Zhou Yu. I am very envious and very jealous of my children, you belong to me."
Zhou Yu lived, and the original ink night was cultivated by Dr. Turin!
"Ink night is not a vassal of anyone. And since you first discovered the existence of the ink
night, you have already planned to use him. You discovered earlier than anyone that a virus
is infected in Nibelung. The creature here. Your trip to the cave of the dead dahlia is
deliberate. You want to be infected by this virus. You want to get the unique power of
Nibelungin. In fact, your most primitive goal is not death dahlia, but also It’s not the
ancestor Imir, who has been killed by legend, but the ink night. When he grows up, you will
have this virus infecting him, and then let him infect you, so that you will have the ability to
acquire s-class creatures? ?"
Turin bowed his head and smiled: "I didn't expect you to be so smart, Zhou Yu... But is this
what you found yourself or ink night tells you?"
Zhou Yu did not answer this question. He did not know why he could link all these clues
"I always hope that the ink night can be hatched under my expectation. But I used various
methods to adjust the temperature and adjust the nutrition. I put all my energy on him, but
he I always refuse to hatch for me. But now I see you, I know why, because I am not the one
he chose, and you are. So we change the rules of the game. Since you don’t want to come
out to see me, If you don't want to follow me, then let Zhou Yu play this game instead of
After that, the lizards around them were like a command, and they rushed to Zhou Yu.
Wu Yun immediately pulled the trigger and fired at these lizards, and matched with Zhou
But they are too many, not to mention, there are other lizards rushing to Li Shengnan.
For the first time, Li Shengnan encountered such a situation. He did not pull out the gun
from the waist for a long time.
Fortunately, Wu Yun lowered her down, and a lizard screamed through the air and
smashed it. In the blink of an eye, Wu Yun shot and killed.
At that moment, Zhou Yu’s nerves were tightly held by a force, and all the thoughts were
dragged into the abyss by manipulation. His body is controlled by another force, but his
eyes can still see all of this clearly, but he can't manipulate his body.
"Don't worry, I am the ink night. Let me solve it all."
Zhou Yu’s eyes widened, and once again he felt the power of the ink night rolling outwards.
The lizard screaming at Zhou Yu was all bounced off by a powerful force, hitting the tree,
hitting the rock, and smashing the bones.
A lizard blame was torn apart on Li Shengnan's head, and the blood almost splashed on her
body. Li Shengnan's ability to adapt is much stronger than that of Li Qian. She quickly
avoided and even took out □ □ killed another lizard blame behind them.
When the lizard died, they suddenly found that Turin was gone, and the entire virgin forest
was quiet again, as if everything had just existed.
"What about others?" Wu Yun looked around and watched God. "Where did you go?"
"In the sky." Zhou Yu replied.
Li Shengnan and Wu Yun followed up and saw a three-eyed giant bird flying to the distance
with Turin.
Wu Yun came to Zhou Yu's side and lowered his voice. He said to the ink night in his body:
"Can't you use your ability to break down Turin?"
Innocent smile at the night: "What do you think, Wu Yun? It not only has the power of
Nibelungen, but also the genetic characteristics of your human beings. I can't break down
humans and of course I can't break it down."
"But why can you break down those lizards?"
"Because the lizard has only one state, but Turin is different. You can understand that since
Turin was infected with the dead dahlia, human beings are the original state of Turin and
the death dahlia is his mimetic. If I want to break it down Turin must be in his state of
mimicry death dahlia. If he keeps human state, I will be helpless to him."
Wu Yunxi lived: "That is to say, if Turin is really getting the power of the s-class creature,
can he not be defeated?"
The ink night in Zhou Yu shrugged his shoulders: "Yes, so you have to protect me!"
Wu Yun is speechless: "Do you still need protection? Come out from Zhou Yu's body. The
longer you stay, the more angry he will be."
Ink night looked at Wu Yun with a very puzzled expression: "Why is this? Can I solve many
problems for you?"
Wu Yun replied: "No one wants to be controlled by another person. Maybe you want to help
Zhou Yu, protect him, and understand him. In the night, if you really care about a person
who wants to get the approval of that person, It is necessary to achieve your purpose in the
way he approves."
Wu Yun said that he turned and looked at Li Shengnan and said, "Hey, are you okay? We
have to move on. We must be careful of the ambush of Turin on this road. It is really
At this time, Li Shengnan suddenly fell down and shivered.
Wu Yun was shocked and ran to lift her up: "Li Shengnan! You are fine!"
The ink night has not left from Zhou Yu’s body. He walked over and lowered his body: “I
will take a look.”
"She won't be hurt by a lizard?"
Wu Yun untied Li Shengnan's collar and there was no wound on her neck.
"Look at her back." Zhou Yu picked Li Shengnan and her chin rested on Zhou Yu's shoulder.
At the moment when Wu Yun bowed his head, Li Shengnan suddenly opened his eyes and
raised his hand and smashed some kind of syringe into Zhou Yu’s thigh!
Zhou Yu snorted, this pain made him find his body.
And the connection between him and the ink night seems to be broken.
Feeling that something cold liquid had entered his flesh and blood, Zhou Yu violently
waved Li Shengnan, pulled the syringe out and threw it aside.
Wu Yun yelled at Li Shengnan: "What are you doing?"
Li Shengnan slowly stood up and had no guilt on his face: "I am sorry, maybe you really
want to use me as a companion, but I am a student of Dr. Turin. All my teachers hope to
achieve the results, I will do it for him. I believe that my teacher will achieve achievements
that no one can achieve, I will follow him forever! It is he who changed my destiny!"
When Dr. Turin was mentioned, her eyes were a maddening madness, and she was calm
and decisive when she was driving a helicopter.
Wu Yun looked at Li Shengnan's unbelievable expression: "Are you controlled by Turin!
Where are you going to have problems!"
Wu Yunxi shook Li Shengnan's body. Li Shengnan just waved him off with disdain. He
pulled his lips and looked at Zhou Yu: "Zhou Yu, do you know what is in the syringe?"
Zhou Yu frowned, and kept asking in his heart: "Ink night, are you still there? Ink night?"
No response.
He felt that his body was getting hot and hot, his vision was blurred, and his gun in his hand
could not hold down.
"That is the virus extracted from the dead dahlia. If you are also alienated into those lizards,
you don't know how to react to your s-class creature! If you are injured, he can save you
countless times. But this time, he can only watch as you become what he can't imagine!"
Li Shengnan’s laughter echoed in the forest.
"You are a madman!" Wu used a gun to point to Li Shengnan. "Where is the disease-
resistant agent? Where is it? If Turin has developed this kind of thing, it is impossible to
have no antiviral agent!"
The author has something to say: Zhou Yu wants to evolve.
I also wish that the college entrance examination students will break through and complete
the most important evolution in life.
Laws of the Other World Chapter 67: Death is coming
Settings saved..
Li Shengnan does not care to go backwards: "How can there be antiviral agents? This virus
is God's gift to us! You will kill me with a shot, anyway, what I want to do has been done!"
Just at this time, a giant bird fell in the sky, grabbed Li Shengnan’s shoulder and took her
into the night sky.
"Oh - I forgot to say, Zhou Yu is so weak now, I am afraid I can't bear the spiritual control of
the s-class creature! And when Zhou Yu's genes change, his connection with the s-class
creature will also be broken! I wish you good luck Wu Yun! Don't be eaten by Zhou Yu!"
Wu Yun resentfully shot and chased Li Shengnan. The range was limited and he could not
Li Shengnan went long.
"Oh shit--"
Wu Yun can't wait to be alienated is himself, it is best to grow wings to tear Li Shengnan!
He returned to Zhou Yu's side and covered Zhou Yu's forehead. Zhou Yu was very hot.
Even if he knew what happened to Zhou Yu once he began to alienate, he still refused to
give up Zhou Yu.
He took Zhou Yu back and walked forward quickly: "We are going back to the base now!
Song Zhi is a bastard, but I believe he will not give up on you! He will combine all the power
to help. You resist this virus! There are Zhou Qing! Those professors and scholars must
have a way to save you! Zhou Yu hold on! You will survive! You will never alienate into a
Wu Yun carried Zhou Yu all the way forward, feeling that Zhou Yu on the back was getting
hotter, Wu Yun was in a hurry!
Just before this time, there was a shadow in front of it.
Wu Yun was shocked and stopped. He was on alert.
Is it that Dr. Turin is coming again and what do he want to do?
The figure was slender and dressed in camouflage, but there was no weapon. This can't be
a base person. If you don't get into the virgin forest, nothing is a dead end, and Wu Yun has
no impression of this person.
Who is he?
Like the messenger from the night god, he slowly turned around.
It is a handsome face, a perfect body proportion, he is not Dr. Turin.
Wu Yun whispered: "Who are you?"
The other party slowly came over.
His whole body showed a cold temperament, and he lowered his eyes and looked at Zhou
Yu, who was kneeling on Wu Yun’s shoulder.
"When you go back, you tell Song Zhi that I will keep track of Turin. In the next two days, he
will go to the ancestor Imir. We can work together to deal with Turin."
The sound seemed to be smashed ice, and the entire virgin forest was a huge glass of wine,
and the crushed ice collided with each other and echoed in the cup.
The other party is about to turn around, Wu Yun loudly said: "Hey! Wait who you are! You
haven't answered me yet!"
The man turned slowly, and the eyes were golden in an instant.
Wu Yun was shocked: "Are you a human being alienated or a s-class creature?"
"Go back and ask Song Zhi."
In less than two seconds, this mysterious man disappeared.
The ink night that had been lying on the bed suddenly widened his eyes, and his back
arched and slammed up.
He breathed hard as if he had just returned to reality from the country of death. His bangs
were wet on his forehead and his fingertips shivered slightly.
In his mind, Li Shengnan constantly replayed the picture of the syringe into the body of
Zhou Yu.
The things in the syringe must be fatal, otherwise your own thinking cannot be linked to
Zhou Yu.
For a long time, his breathing could not be calm.
Song Zhi stood opposite the glass wall and seemed to wait for a long time.
"It seems that you went to Zhou Yu again. It was just that his resistance was fierce."
Long-distance remote sensing will cause a lot of energy in the night, and he slowly got up
and walked to the front of Song.
At this time, the ink night has no previous calmness and laziness. On the contrary, his
brows are picked up. His gaze strongly scorns Song Zhi: "Zhou Yu has an accident. This is
why I can't feel with him. It usually appears. There are only two possibilities for this. The
first one may be that his body is too weak to withstand my mental remote sensing. The
second possibility is... he is dead."
In the night of the ink, he raised his hand and rubbed his sweaty hair behind his head,
revealing a smooth forehead. He seems to be trapped in deep shackles.
"I know. I will send someone to look for him now. We just saw the flares they fired. I hope
everything is still there."
The ink night turned slowly and was very tired. He returned to his bed and sat down, lifted
his chin, and stretched his neck as if he were struggling.
"Song Zhi, Turin is more difficult to deal with than you think. If you don't want to be his
prey, I advise you to let me out, let me be with Zhou Yu, I can help you deal with him. But if
here, Because of the distance, my ability will be greatly reduced. I can't help you."
Song Zhi looked at the ink night and said faintly: "Do you know what your expression looks
Ink night closed his eyes and asked: "What is it like?"
"It's like you are afraid of anything."
Ink night lowered his head and pulled a smile: "Of course I will fear. Or do you think that
fear is just your human instinct? And you know what I am afraid of."
"I can't let you leave with Zhou Yu. Once you leave, you won't come back."
Innocent smiled helplessly: "So you don't want to know his whereabouts?"
"Who do you mean by him?" Song Zhi’s mood was incited, and the subconscious took a step
"Song Wei... Although he is my predecessor, he was born into this world a few years earlier
than me, but his luck is obviously not good. He chose you, and I chose Zhou Yu. You are
always thinking There is no foolproof plan, but in fact, no matter whether it is the human
world or here, there is no foolproof. You are always thinking, and Zhou Yu will act." The
voice of the ink night is faintly mocked.
Song’s pupil trembled a little: "So... you can't tell me where Song Song is."
Ink night said: "Well... this time I will wait for Wu Yun to come back, he will tell you about
his whereabouts, then you will come back to me and tell me if you decide to let me go."
Song Zhi’s shoulders were tight, but soon he concealed his emotions and left to leave.
Wu Yun carried Zhou Yu all the way, even if he was out of breath, he did not stop.
Daddy, he was stumbled by the stone, fell down, and wolfed.
"Mom! Mom! How come so far!"
Feeling that Zhou Yu’s heavy breathing on his back also became gentle, Wu Yun became
more and more worried. He touched Zhou Yu’s forehead and was very hot.
"Stand up Zhou Yu! You must never give up!"
If you give up, how can I persist?
At this time, the helicopter's beam of light shot from the top of the head, according to Wu
Yun's face, Wu Yun did not open his eyes, the wind swept away, the rope was released from
the sky.
Wu Yun exhaled a breath: "Song Zhi finally sent someone! He saw the flare!"
He turned his back on Zhou Yu, but there was no reaction. Wu Yun climbed up with Zhou
Yu. As soon as he entered the cabin, several field players raised their guns and pointed
them at Wu Yun.
"What are you doing?" Wu Yun glared at each other and stalemate in front of the hatch.
One of the field team members said: "Is Zhou Yu infected?"
"Let your fart!"
Li Shengnan is like this, so is the person sent by Song Zhi! If you don't want to protect Zhou
Yu, Wu Yun will beat these guys!
"We have to be careful, you don't want us to have an accident when we haven't returned to
the base yet?"
He took out a syringe and the tip of the needle was cold.
"What is this?" Wu Yun grabbed the other's hand and asked with great vigilance.
"This is an anesthetic. The reaction of anesthetic gas to the lizard blame is very slow, so it
should be absorbed directly by the body by means of intramuscular injection." Han Li’s
voice came, she climbed from the co-pilot position. "Maybe I will hurt anyone, but Zhou Yu
is definitely not included."
Han Li is their old friend and has been the captain of the field medical team.
"But now I find that no one can believe it easily."
Li Shengnan gave Wu Yun a **** lesson.
"You can rest assured that if he won't die... then this anesthetic will have no effect on him."
The implication is that if Zhou Yu is destined to die, at least the anesthetic can protect the
safety of others.
Wu Yunqiang resisted the impulsiveness. Although he was worried about Zhou Yu, he was
still not rational: "Okay."
Han Li pushed the pharmacy into Zhou Yu’s arm, and she kept paying attention to Zhou
Yu’s signs.
His body was very hot. Han Li bowed his head and put his ear on Zhou Yu's chest. Zhou Yu's
heart beat very heavy, but the speed was quite slow, and he could only hear it after five or
six seconds.
This situation is not very optimistic.
Ten minutes later, they successfully arrived at the base, and Zhou Yu was sent to the rescue
room. This time the rescue can be regarded as full armed, the rescue room is not only
equipped with an anesthetic injection port but also equipped with a machine gun. Once
Zhou Yu has become a lizard monster, he may be killed.
Wu Yun stood outside the rescue room, holding his face with his hands. If he found the
difference of Li Shengnan, Zhou Yu would not have an accident. Self-blame almost drowned
When Song came in, he suddenly swung his fist and hit the face of Song Zhi, knocking out
the glasses of Song.
"You are not saying, is this just a test! You really don't know who Li Shengnan is? If the
driver you choose is not Li Shengnan, this test Zhou Yu will not have an accident! These are
all traps of Dr. Turin. You don't understand! If Zhou Yu has anything, I won't let you go!"
Song Zhi bent down and picked up the glasses in the ground.
It has broken down. Song used his finger to smash the broken lens on the ground, took out the
handcuffs and wrapped the glasses in the pocket. "There is a reason for anything
happening. It’s like I don't have it." I have a problem with Li Shengnan’s background, and
you are also confused by her driving skills and fully trust her.”
Wu Yun opened his mouth and was stunned to say nothing.
"Let's say, who else have you met in addition to Dr. Turin?"
Wu Yunyu lived and thought for more than ten seconds and replied: "I met a young black-
haired man in a camouflage uniform, but I have never seen him in the base. He has a golden
skull, like a night of ink. The same. Dr. Turing also had such eyes when he showed his
ability. He looks like he is in his early 20s and looks very beautiful. I suspect he is a s-class
Wu Yun stared coldly at Song Zhi to observe his expression. He still remembers the legend
between the Song and the s-class creatures.
"What did he say?"
"He said that he wants to work with you to deal with Turin, he will wait for you in the first
ancestor Imir."
"So what time does he tell you?"
Wu Yun shook his head and said, "No."
He looked across the face and looked at the rescue room. Han Li frowned and was making
an electric shock for Zhou Yu. Zhou Yu’s body fell with the current, but the ECG trend was
getting lower and lower.
Wu Yun nervously stepped forward and covered his hands on the glass.
Han Li shouted: "Heart skips and slows down blood pressure, and quickly injects
"His temperature has reached 48c!"
"This kind of body temperature will burn out, and he has almost no rescue." Song Zhiyu
said, "And this is exactly the same as before the last time the player changed."
Wu Yun bite his teeth and stare at Zhou Yu: "He won't mutate, he will never. It's so
dangerous in the past. We think he can't survive. He's coming over, this time is the same! I
believe him. !"
At this time, Zhou Yu's heartbeat has been pulled into a straight line, and breathing has
completely stopped.
Han Li did not give up: "Re-inject adrenaline! Inject into his chest!"
But Zhou Yu still has no reaction.
Han Li gritted his teeth: "Scalpel! Prepare to open the chest and directly recover from the
"Korean doctor! No use! Continue to consume, if he changes, we will die!"
Han Li’s assistant will open her still refused to give up.
"Korean doctor! He has already gone! He has really gone!"
"His heart has stopped for more than half an hour!"
Han Li, who has always looked calm, has lost her tears.
She turned around and said to Song: "Zhou Yu has died..."
Wu Yun half-opened his mouth, his heart seemed to be heavily hit, and he looked incredibly
at everything in front of him.
"This is impossible... Zhou Yu, you wake up!"
Wu Yun hit a fist on the glass.
In order to prevent the variation of Zhou Yu, all rescuers and field personnel were
withdrawn, leaving Zhou Yu lying on the bed. He closed his eyes and his determined brow
bones made him feel that he was still fighting.
"Let me in. Even if you all have to give up, let me go in with him."
Song Zhixuan made a punch on Wu Yun’s face and screamed: “Wu Yun! Are you awake! Do
you want to go in and become his alienated nutrition? If Zhou Yu still has consciousness, he
will never want to have it. Anything happens to you! Especially because of him! If you want
to do something for Zhou Yu, be prepared. When we go to the ancestor Imir to see Turin,
you have the opportunity to avenge Zhou Yu!"
Wu Yun raised his palm and grabbed his face: "No... you don't understand! Every time he
gives everything for us, but we can do very little for him."
"But from this moment, there will be a lot of things you can do for him."
At this time, searching for Zhou Yu’s ink night with his eyes closed.
He looked up at the camera and slowly said: "Li Qian, I know you are looking at me."
Li Qian stared at the monitor screen and stunned. The glazed eyes of the ink night are like
black holes, which makes him unable to recover his mind.
"Help me open this door, I want to go out."
The sound of the ink night seemed to spread from the depths of his brain. Li Qian
immediately turned off the sound of surveillance, but the ink night still existed.
"I didn't control you. Besides Zhou Yu, I can't control other human beings. Your heart is
very clear. If you haven't done anything for Zhou Yu, you will regret it for a lifetime. Now
please ask for Zhou Yu. Do something you can do - let me go."
Li Qian tried to let himself ignore what was said in the night, but the more he ignored it, the
more he remembered the many moments when he had a night with Zhou Yu and the night,
and his heart softened.
Clenched his fist, Li Qian said: "I am sorry for the ink night, I can't do it... I can't!"
He tried to close his eyes.
"Listen to Li Qian, Zhou Yu is going to die. I am going to see him! I must see him!"
Li Qian bites his teeth and enters the code on the keyboard. When the first door is opened,
Li Qian is shocked. He did not think that he would do such a thing.
"I don't want to see you! Don't listen to it anymore! I can't be controlled by you anymore!"
Even if Li Qian said this to himself over and over again, his head couldn’t lift himself to look
at the screen, and look at the night with the ink, the ghost made him enter the second code,
the second door was all open, the ink night went like this. come out.
As soon as I left the room, the alarm sounded immediately, and countless field players
rushed out. They lifted the gun and the voice of the captain was so loud.
Ink night smiled indifferently, his eyes have the charm of soul-seeking.
"Song Zhi did not tell you that I want to live?"
Just as they hesitated, the ink night quickly rushed over, his hair was involved, as if flying in
the wind, his speed is not what humans can match.
When the first shot rang, the ink night rushed to the ceiling with speed. A borrowing force
jumped and suddenly came to the top of the shootingman. When the two looked at each
other, he raised his hand and removed his bullet. As soon as he pushed, the player flew out.
Then the ink night came down, kicked another player and turned to the neck of the next
player. This happened in less than a second, and the line of sight could not be
This passage is a mess, and the ink night is like a **** help. His actions are neat and
decisive, and the players have no power to fight.
Some of them were twisted off their wrists by the ink night, and some of them were directly
knocked to the neck and fainted, but in a few seconds, the channel was a landed team
Li Qian, who was watching the surveillance, was completely shocked: "Oh my God! This is
not a human!"
Wait... The ink night seems to be not a person...
Not to mention the ability of Zhou Yu's spinal fluid, the ink night 70 has been locked, he is
now using his physical strength and rapid action. But every movement of his movements is
as precise as the fast-forward version of Zhou Yu.
"This is even more arrogant than the action movie!" Li Qian could not help but clapping
before monitoring.
Ink night raised his head and looked at the monitor. He said, "Thank you, Li Qian."
He lifted his toes and picked up a gun, held it firmly, and walked out in a hurry.
Song Zhi, who was in the rescue room, received the news of the departure of the ink night.
He immediately informed the guards and said to Wu Yun: "Put out your gun, the ink night is
Wu Yun’s eyes ignited hope: “Isn’t it a good thing to come to the night? He saved Zhou Yu
many times, maybe he can save him this time!”
Song Zhiyu came over: "Are you stupid? Don't forget that the ink night is a s-class creature!
The reaction after seeing Zhou Yu's accident is that we are unpredictable!"
The guards who protected Song Zhi quickly intervened, and raised their guns to guard
around Song’s enemies.
There were footsteps in the corridor, and each of them crushed the nerves of Song.
The door opened, and a young man in a white t-shirt walked in with a gun in his hand. The
black bangs sway gently with his footsteps. His figure is tall and does not seem to be strong,
but every muscle line in the body is characterized by restrained strength.
His expression was cold, and the pressure in his eyes made all the guards carrying the guns
inexplicably trembled.
The two people standing in the front row were shaking at the muzzle.
"Song Zhi! I don't have time to play games with you, open the door. I want to see Zhou Yu."
Song Zhi’s eyes are indifferent: “Are you threatening me?”
At this time, Wu Yun, standing next to Song’s body, suddenly raised his gun at the temple of
Song Zhi, and all the muzzles turned to Wu Yun.
However, Wu Yun did not have a bit of timidity. His muzzle was more stable than everyone
else: "As he said, open the door! Let him see Zhou Yu!"
Song’s expression suddenly became colder: "Wu Yun, you are sure to do this!"
Wu Yun smiled indifferently: "Now let the ink see Zhou Yu!"
As long as Zhou Yu still has a glimmer of hope, he will not give up.
"So you think Zhou Yu will want to watch him being alienated by the night?"
Wu Yun smiled helplessly: "He has not even thought about it, will he care about this?"
Song Zhi had to raise his hand and swayed gently: "Well, Wu Yun. I thought you understood
that for Zhou Yu, the ink night is very important. In front of his important people, I hope
that I am perfect. But... perfect It doesn't make any sense. Li Qian, isn't that you let the ink
night out? If this is the case, you can do it to help him open the door of the rescue room!"
Li Qian swallowed, he knew what responsibility he had to bear, but he also had what he had
to do. Li Qian quickly entered the order, the door of the rescue room opened, and the ink
night went in, and Wu Yun stayed outside the door.
When the ink night approached step by step, watching Zhou Yu, who had stopped breathing
on the bed and had no undulations in his chest, his footsteps slowed down. He widened his
eyes and looked at Zhou Yu’s facial features and slowly lowered his head. Put Zhou Yu into
his arms, as if it were all his breathing and all his life. Without any signs of life, Zhou Yu’s
brain was calm to the ink night and could not read anything.
The ink night did not reveal any grief, his expression was awkward. As if still
understanding what happened.
Then the eyes of the ink night turned into gold, as if entering an unconscious state.
The author has something to say: Happy New Year, Dear~
Want to see World of Warcraft, the results can not buy tickets
And Zhou Yu "dead", born to death.

Laws of the Other World Chapter 68: Thirty-six degrees five

Settings saved..
He tried his best to reconnect with Zhou Yu, but it was like a purposeless divergence of his
thinking, and Zhou Yu closed himself.
The brow of the ink night is tight, which is like a breakthrough for him to go to the sky... At
this moment, he does not know where his sky is.
He never felt this way, the heart seemed to be hollowed out, the blood lost its flow, and
every cell in the body seemed to be painful on the verge of rupture, piercing deep into his
All this is an illusion... he can't lose Zhou Yu...
Obviously everything is under his control, including Zhou Yu’s breathing, Zhou Yu’s
heartbeat, and his every mood swing...
However, in the blink of an eye, it was like a quicksand through his fingers. How can I catch
Suddenly, the shock rang, and it was more intense than a while.
Everyone raised their heads.
“Is it an earthquake? What the **** is going on?”
Li Qian immediately mobilized the surveillance screen and found that there were countless
three-eyed giant birds on the base that were hitting the top of the base, and they were
constantly hitting. Even if their wings were broken, the skull would not break. The
helicopters were all dispatched, releasing the sonic bombs, but they were not able to expel
What makes people even more frightened is that the devil vines roll through the bottom of
the base, seeming to overturn the entire base!
The alarms at the base are heard all the time, and all the personnel are ready to go!
Zhou Qing, who was observing the sample under the microscope, suddenly felt a violent
tremor. He fell from the chair and connected the microscope with all the samples and fell
The researchers all raised their heads: "Is this an earthquake?"
At this time, the guards rushed in, loudly: "Professor Zhou and Professor Bai! Now we
immediately evacuate to the base of the refuge!"
When Zhou Qing was unclear, a strong impact came from the time, and the whole base
seemed to be thrown into the sky! Zhou Qing knows that this feeling is not an earthquake.
"What happened?"
On the side of Bai Yingting raised his face and closed his eyes and seemed to be sensing
something. Compared with the tension of other researchers and the tension of the guards,
Bai Yingting seems very calm.
When he opened his eyes, he said, "It is a snake."
Zhou Qing stunned: "What? Is it a snake? Is that the legendary a-class creature? At this time
they should be dormant, and the snake is a creature that only comes out in winter!"
"Don't worry so much, go now!"
The scabbard butterfly flew in from the open door, and the whole research room was
flustered, and the screams came one after another!
None of their researchers have injected inhibitors!
Bai Yingting put Zhou Qing on his shoulder. When his palm was photographed on the table,
the sword bone butterflies seemed to be frightened and quickly receded and stuck on the
Just as Zhou Qing’s eyes widened and he thought about this scene, Bai Yingting ran with
Zhou Qing and left the lab with the guards. Other researchers also followed suit.
However, Zhou Qing couldn't help but wonder in his heart. How did Bai Yingting know
what the creatures that attacked the base outside were? Obviously nothing can be seen!
As the vibration of the base became more and more obvious, Li Qian, who was watching the
surveillance, was shocked. On the screen, a huge black giant cockroach vacated and rushed
to the base. The black scales seemed to be numerous steel blades. A swing, a tree that has
been growing for tens of thousands of years, is broken and pressed down to the base!
Li Qian sent the surveillance screen to the screen in front of the rescue room. Song Zhi
looked and his eyes narrowed. He quickly turned around and shouted at the ink night:
"What do you want! You have to destroy everything here!"
Wu Yun looked at the picture and was shocked. This huge behemoth had a fight with Hai
Jinyu they had seen before. "What is that?"
Song Zhi replied: "Teng snake! Here is a unique level a creature! Powerful and powerful,
destructive power! And the character is cruel! It must have felt the mood of the ink night, so
came here! Now the ink night wants To ruin everything, he has completely lost his mind!
This is the s-class creature! Only Wu Yun, this fool will count on him to save Zhou Yu!"
The eyes of the ink night screamed through the Song dynasty, and such violentness was like
ruining the earth. He said one word at a time: "Is this all done by Juli Group? I will let Juli
Group pay the price! I will let all the efforts of Juli Group be put on the torch! I will let you
here. Nothing can be gained except despair!"
Such an ink night is cold, decisive, and ruthless, like Shura from hell. Even his beautiful face
is like a mask carved by death.
Wu Yun also stunned, and he smashed the collar of Song Zhi: "Do you know that Li
Shengnan is a Dr. Turin!"
"I don't even know that Li Shengnan is a Dr. Turin! You think I am an idiot. Will Dr. Turin be
left behind?"
Song Zhiyu went to Wu Yun.
Wu Yun’s fist was raised in the air. He knew that Song Zhi had no choice but to do things
himself. He always admitted that he did not lie. Since he personally said that he did not
know that Li Shengnan was a Dr. Turin, he should not know.
The base is still shaking violently. The first time the python has broken through the outer
wall of the base. At this moment, it has put up the back of the back and prepare for the
second impact. Countless creatures have already flooded into the base, and the field players
I had to retreat immediately and hid inside the base.
This has become a war.
Song’s expression was not shaken by the slightest. He just looked at the ink night and said:
“If your purpose is to destroy everything in the Juli Group, I have no opinion. Originally,
Nibelungen was the invader. The intruder should have taken consequences for his decision.
However, if you just hate that you have not protected Zhou Yu from Turin’s hands, you can
ruin me, retaliate against me, and dispel everything that Zhou Yu cares, including Wu. Yun,
including Zhou Qing, including Han Li, who has been working hard to save him, here is
everything that Zhou Yu is holding, you can destroy them all. I just remind you not to forget
who extracted the virus from the dead dahlia? Who used you as the object of utilization
from the very beginning? Why is Zhou Yu the goal of Tulin? Is it because I am Song? You
know very well, no. It’s all because you chose Zhou Yu! Zhou Yu will die, yes. Turin
retaliated that you didn't choose his way."
When the ink night looked at Song Zhi, his body trembled as if it was on the verge of
And the blood in his eyes rushed out.
"Ink night! Your body can't bear the release of such power! In a minute, a lot of cells in your
body will burst! You will die! If you are dead, who will avenge Zhou Yu! Or do you think?
Killed me here, killing all the staff at the base, even if it is revenge for Zhou Yu?" Song asked
his face to face.
When the base is willing to float and the fear spreads, the ink night does not feel the fear of
There was a cold light in his eyes. He didn't care about the destruction of the base of Juli
Group in the night, and even there was an expectation in the depths of his heart.
"Who are you?" In the night, Mo's eyes narrowed, but he couldn't read Song's thinking.
Yeah... If Song Zhizhen betrayed the s-class creature, why should the other party still have
to do everything to protect him?
The nightmare of the ink night picked up his fists. He closed his eyes and looked up. The
body's trembling was more intense. It was not so much the release of power as to withdraw
the uncontrollable power.
"Good... just like this, calm down. Don't hurt yourself any more."
Song Zhi put his hand on the glass.
The eyes of the ink night finally stopped bleeding. He slowly put Zhou Yu back on his pillow
and bowed his head to kiss Zhou Yu’s forehead.
That is a very pious gesture.
Song Zhi’s eyes narrowed.
He seems to think of something... A long time ago, a teenager had kissed his forehead as
In the fear of everyone, the base of the shock suddenly stabilized.
The devil vines have all been evacuated. The three-eyed giant bird and Perry Winter, who
had already flown into the base, have also left. The snake that is about to hit the base for
the third time has suddenly turned back and rolled away and disappeared into the middle
of the night. .
Everyone has looked up and looked around. It seems that they are still confirming that such
calm is true?
The ink night suddenly opened, just like the metaphor from God: "Song Zhi, I will
participate in the action of hunting Turin. I will let him pay the price."
Song Zhi shook his head: "Are you sure you want to go? Turin's goal is originally a s-class
creature. Our current technology can't separate the spinal fluid left by Zhou Yu in your
body. Your ability is greatly reduced, so you can face the map. If Dr. Lin is infected with a
virus, he will use your power to acquire s-class creatures."
This sentence made Wu Yunton live on the side. Song Zhi actually said that it is technically
impossible to separate Zhou Yu’s spinal fluid in the body of the ink, which means... Does
Song want to do this?
So why is everything he did before?
Ink night side to face smack: "I don't care about death, because I am already dead. In fact,
Song did not care about Song Hao at all? If I don't go, when Tulin confirms that the ancestor
Imir is dead, can't be When you use it, he will target the song on Song Yu. Why did Song Hao
deal with Turin? Don’t you know? He does everything for you, although you abandoned
him, you don’t care what he wants. What is it. It used to be like this, it is now, and it will be
the same in the future."
After Song silenced for a few seconds, he said again: "Well, I promise you. But now you have
to come out of the rescue room. According to the time of the last player's alienation, Zhou
Yu will soon be mutated. I will give You have two choices. The first choice, watching him
become a lizard monster, and captive him, but you will never get his response. The second
choice, the way of dignity, let him sleep forever."
"Sleep down? How do you sleep? Do you want a shot to solve him?" Wu Yun asked.
Song Zhi replied: "Quickly frozen, waiting for one day Juli Group intends to study how to
restore the lizard monster to humans... or a researcher volunteers to do such research."
Wu Yun is speechless. It is clear in his heart that Juli Group will not put funds on this, and
there will be no researchers who are really interested in doing such research.
The forehead of the ink night hits Zhou Yu’s forehead, and the attitude of the relatives is
like his childhood when he is leaning around Zhou Yu. "I won't leave me here. It doesn't matter if Zhou Yu becomes what it is."
Song sent a cold turn: "Well, whatever you want, I have to prepare for the next action, but I
don't know when Song Song will act."
Innocent cold night replied: "Don't worry, I can interact with Song and Song. When he acts,
he will tell me."
"Thank you." Song gave up his shoulder and quickly left here.
Wu Yun said to Wu Yun who was outside. "You go out too. We all know Zhou Yu. He won't
want you to see him become like that."
Wu Yun hesitated for a moment, still could not help but ask: "So what will you do? Will you
kill him?"
"I have my own way. I will always accompany him to the last moment." Mo night answered.
"Okay." Wu Yun clenched his fist and turned away. His footsteps were very heavy.
Every time before and after life and death, Zhou Yu was born and reborn. But he knows this
time, Zhou Yu is afraid that no more miracles will be created.
The whole world is finally left with Zhou Yu and Mok night.
The ink-night fingers slowly slipped over Zhou Yu’s brow bones and said with a self-
deprecating voice: “You really don’t understand. When you first put your hand on the box
that holds me, I liked you. Heartbeat. It's very special, it makes me choose you, it makes me
hatch for you. I can really enter your brain to see all the things in your mind, all the
pictures, including your decision to choose yours. I saw The more you want to know, the
more you want to know. I am attracted to the world in your mind. It is like being addicted.
There is no way to get rid of myself... Who is the s-class creature that is deadly to you?
Attractive? It is obviously the opposite... You are so selfish, so ugly, so greedy, but I am
biased and attracted to you. You know that since humans entered the world, s-class
creatures truly survive. What is the law? There is only one – never be fascinated by
The ink night lay sideways on Zhou Yu's side, snuggling into his arms like a child, holding
him tightly. It’s just a pity that the original temperature of Zhou Yu’s body gradually
dissipated and became cold. The cheeks of the ink night smashed on Zhou Yu’s body, like a
"Do you know what my favorite temperature is? 36 degrees five, your body temperature.
Do you know what I think of sleeping in the glass room every night? It is not Wu Yun's
action movie... I want to go to your world, I want to travel with you, eat the things you have
eaten together, go to the movies together, even if I look good, and you will sleep next to
them. Now, these are fantasy. I haven't compressed my time yet, but you have used up your
time. Sometimes I really want you to come into my brain and take a look, then you will
know the real me... you will never Doubt me, you think, when there was no language before,
we can still trust each other, and you can understand all my expectations... But why can I
never trust me when I can speak human language? ?"
This is a sleepless night.
Whether it is Wu Yun or Li Qian and Han Li, they are waiting for the moment when Zhou Yu
is mutated.
But the whole night passed, the sun rose from the horizon, and the morning sun fell on the
base. Zhou Yu was just lying quietly in the arms of the ink night, without any change.
This made Han Li feel very strange. She sent an application to Song Zhi: "I want to go in and
check Zhou Yu, collect his blood samples for further testing. Maybe he is not infected by the
virus at all, at least with the last time. The infected virus is different!"
Song Zhi’s finger knocked on the table: “So do you think that all this is just Dr. Turing
playing with us? If he just wants to kill Zhou Yu, he can use a simpler method, even more
cruel. The visual impact method is used to stimulate the ink night... without having to make
it so complicated."
Han Li replied: "So I need to go in and collect his blood samples for further examination. We
already have a sample of the virus. If we compare it, we know if Zhou Yu is also infected by
the same virus. And the virus on both people. What kind of difference has caused Zhou Yu
to not mutate, or does this extend the variation time? Or is his physique different from that
of a lizard?
Song Zhi nodded and agreed with Han Li’s request: "Please be careful. I don't want to
consume any of us."
“Reassured. You also want to make Zhou Yu a ‘our person’, isn’t it?”
"Thank you."
"The only thing I can do is."
However, when Han Li walked into the rescue room, Zhou Yu’s body suddenly tightened,
his back arched upwards, his limbs trembled fiercely, as if something had to rush out of his
body. !
Han Li was shocked and stepped back, while Zhou Yu’s ink night held his shoulders.
He turned over and sat on Zhou Yu's waist. The strength of Zhou Yu’s struggle was so great
that the whole bed creaked and slammed down.
In the night of ink, he held down Zhou Yu’s head and suppressed him with his own weight.
In the night, I watched Zhou Yu and closed my eyes. He tried to put his thinking into the
brain of Zhou Yu. He thought that he and Zhou Yu could no longer communicate, but at this
moment, whether Zhou Yu is going to mutate or not. Or die, he must try to keep his
When the ink night sneaked into the brain of Zhou Yu, he found himself jumping into a
piece of water, and the sound of the water screaming, the water above it was the childish
shouts of Zhou Qing.
"Brother, come on! Brother grabs me! Sorry! Brother, don't scare me - come on! Help!"
At this time, the ink night was clear. Zhou Yu was already drowning. His ear was a squeaky
sound of water, and the lungs could not breathe. He struggled desperately but could not
swim above the water.
This Zhou Yu and Mo Ye have always seen different things.
He seems to be only thirteen or four years old.
Ink night struggled to swim in the past, but the obstacles of the water flow are so great, like
rejecting him, to withdraw him from here.
"Don't be afraid of Zhou Yu... I am coming. You will be safe! Trust me! Believe me!"
In the night, the open arms, like the one that saved Zhou Yu at the angel's corner, he hugged
Zhou Yu tightly and forced to go upstream.
Feeling a force to support himself, the panic Zhou Yu gave up the struggle and opened his
In the chaotic splashes, Zhou Yu was on the black-glazed eyes of the ink night. He was clear
and pure, and he only had his own eyes.
There is a kind of strength in the eyes of the ink night, even if his lips are not open and
closed, Zhou Yu can hear what he is saying.
"You only need to do two things in your life, Zhou Yu. The first one, believe me. The second
one is alive. Always remember."
Just when Zhou Yu was still thinking about what the other party meant, his body had been
lifted out of the water, oxygen came in, the lungs were dilated, he coughed hard, breathed
hard, Zhou Qing died. Lived his wrist and took him to the shore.
Zhou Yu turned back and saw the handsome and graceful face in the water, with
extraordinary brilliance under the sunlight.
"Wake up, Zhou Yu."
It is like calling from another world.
When he turned around and wanted to ask if he had caught up with Zhou Qing, he found
that there was no one on the shore.
"come here."
Zhou Yu looked at the center of the river, but the young man who saved him was gone.
Where did he go?
Zhou Yu suddenly found that there was only one person left in the whole world, and it
seemed as if he was trapped.
"Come to me... I am waiting for you..."
Zhou Yu bowed his head and found that the sound came from the lake. But he just got
"Leave here, or follow me."
The voice was very light and far away, but Zhou Yu was inexplicably determined.
He took a strong breath and jumped into the water again.
There is a large piece of light on the bottom of the water, as if passing through it and going
back to another, wider place.
Before the light, the white boy who had saved himself just stayed there and extended his
hand to Zhou Yu.
This time, Zhou Yufen did not care for him.
who are you? Where are you going to take me?
When Zhou Yu reached out and held the other side, he was pumped by a powerful force. He
passed through the light and then fell sharply.
Zhou Yu was shocked, and the sense of weightlessness made him want to catch something.
With a bang, it seems that there is a force that has caught him.
The world flips over and is easy to live and die.
"Wake up! Zhou Yu!"
In this call, Zhou Yu opened his eyes, his body was tight, oxygen rushed into his body from
all directions, the closed cells opened again, and the still blood could not wait to flow.
And his sight fell into a black glazed sea.
He breathed hard and clutched the other's hand.
"Zhou Yu... Don't worry, slow down! Adjust your breathing!"
The author has something to say: A person's good or bad, I don't think if he can save
everyone, whether he can make everyone happy, happy life, and free and equal defeat of all
bad guys like the captain of the United States and good people are not dead.
People who can understand can always understand that those who refuse to understand
say nothing.
So everything depends on fate.

Laws of the Other World Chapter 69: evolution

Settings saved..
Zhou Yu’s eyes widened, and he felt that his body seemed to be not his own at that moment.
The other party lifted his head and pressed it on his chest: "You listen, I am here, just follow
A steady and powerful heartbeat came, and his body resonated. It seems that the heart
strength that is going to jump out of the chest is weakening, the rapid heartbeat is relaxed,
and the feeling of insufficient breathing gradually eases until the heartbeat and the sound
heard in the ear are combined.
Zhou Yu’s thinking returned, his mind calmed down. He looked at the young man in front of
him. Was his own drowning illusion or true?
"Zhou Yu, do you know who I am?"
"I... of course I know." Zhou Yu replied, "You are the ink night."
The eyes of the ink night are big, and I will hold Zhou Yu: "Great! Really great!"
Zhou Yu has not recovered, and the last memory in his mind is what Li Shengnan has put
into his body.
Han Li, who was sitting on the ground, was stunned. She slowly stood up: "Zhou Yu? Are
you alive? Do you know who I am?"
"You are Han Li." Zhou Yu replied.
This sober answer surprised Han Li.
Han Li immediately stood up and walked to Zhou Yu’s bedside, lifting the moment of Zhou’s
arm, and the cold night’s cold eyes swept over.
"I just want to check it out... I am worried about the symptoms of Zhou Yu's alienation."
"It doesn't matter. Please check it carefully." Zhou Yu nodded.
Han Li picked up the sleeves of Zhou Yu and did not see any scales. She covered her palms
and pressed down hard, not feeling any foreign matter in his muscles.
Han Li slammed Zhou Yu’s clothes and looked at his back. Everything was normal.
Zhou Yu's body temperature is maintained at 36 degrees five, which is his normal body
"I want to give you blood."
"of course can."
After Han Li sent Zhou Yu’s blood sample to the test, he rushed to the office of Song Zhi.
"Mr. Song! Zhou Yu, he woke up! He may have recovered!" Han Li is difficult to press his
own excitement.
"It is also possible that like Tulin, it has been alienated but retains the human ability to
think, and is also controlled by Turin." Song said that he narrowed his eyes.
Han Li stunned for two seconds and shook his head helplessly: "Mr. Song, why are you
always like this? From the worst point of view, everything is ruined by everyone's hopes?"
“Because in this world, hope is like an analgesic, too eager to become addicted. The more
hope you want, the more you expect from hope, the higher the probability of making a
wrong decision. There is always someone to act. The role of the abstinence, I want to
ensure that most people in this base can live back." Song led his head down to read his
"I understand." Han Li retired.
"I asked a virologist to transfer. His shuttle cabin will arrive in two hours. As Zhou Yu's
attending doctor, I hope that you can cooperate with him. From my point of view...only he
can determine Zhou Yu Whether it is recovering or whether there is a possibility of cure."
Han Li looked back at Song Zhi, and he was the only one in the whole world. He seems to be
indifferent to machinery because he has his own principles.
When Han Li left, Song raised his head to buckle his forehead and exhaled a long breath.
At this time, Zhou Yu felt very hungry. Wu Yun specially sent food from the restaurant. Only
hamburger and milk, Zhou Yu unknowingly sent to his mouth. They can only stand outside
the room and watch their Wu Yun shoot the glass: "I said you eat slowly, it looks like an
African refugee!"
In two minutes, Zhou Yu finished eating the burger. And the ink night looked at him with
his head.
"What do you see in my brain?" Zhou Yu asked.
"I decided to fully respect you from now on. If you don't agree with me to enter your
thinking, then I will wait outside." The night of the ink squinted, the smile on his face made
Zhou Yu think of him or the night spirit form. Spoiled on yourself.
Zhou Yu snorted: "If you have such a high awareness, you will be fine."
This time, it is a special experience to escape. He walked between the two worlds, and the
person who led him was the ink night.
"Can you answer me a question?"
The ink night hung down: "If I answer, would you believe what I said?"
"I will."
"So, you ask."
"Since you can use me to show your strength, why don't you manipulate my body in the
base, let me open the door for you and help you get out of here?"
Zhou Yu looked at the ink night, and there was a kind of strength in his sight. No matter
what kind of creatures are in the night, he can pass through his disguise and see the most
realistic ink night.
The night of the ink smashed, it seems that I did not expect Zhou Yu to ask him such a
And he and he seem to have never had such a deep discussion.
"Because... there are more than 300 field personnel in this base, even if I control your body,
but with your physical fitness, you can't take my mobility. Before you open the door for me,
you It’s already dead. And if I really want to get out of here, I don’t need to use your body.
There are many creatures that are lower than me but can cause fatal damage to humans.
It’s not a solid soup.” Momo night smiled deeply.
Zhou Yu suddenly understood that the ink night means that he can manipulate other
creatures to destroy the base.
"The outside world is not without you, it's boring. And even if you manipulate other
creatures, I can't take more than a minute." The ink stays on the chin and casually points to
the back of Zhou Yu. "Your spinal fluid is still in my In the body, it locks me more than 70%
of the ability. If Song can last a minute, I will still be caught by him."
Zhou Yu glanced at the monitor at the top: "You shouldn't be so honest."
Ink night shrugged his shoulders: "It’s not that I heard it by Li Qian."
"He will tell Song Zhi intact."
"That's what I want. When I play against Turin, he knows that the ability to lock me is the
most misguided thing he has ever done... although he is also forced." Mo night smiled and
squinted. He has beautiful eyelashes and trembles with his laughter.
Zhou Yu did not go over his face.
"Sometimes I am thinking, in fact, you are just not used to the way I am human. I originally
wanted to change back to the night spirit to accompany you, but the blessings of the Song
Dynasty can only maintain this mimetic." Holding my arm, a very regrettable look.
"Even if you are mimicking human beings, it is not a real human being. And you should be
able to stop some of my actions." Zhou Yu cold channel.
"What kind of move?" The ink night suddenly turned to Zhou Yu, his eyes with a playful
Zhou Yu opened the head of the ink night: "I am not interested in males."
"Unfortunately, although it is a s-class creature, we cannot choose our own gender."
"Then be honest."
"Are you taking me as a brother now?" Ink night asked again.
"Do you want to be my brother?"
"When you are a brother, can you watch a movie with you?" Ink night asked very seriously.
"No." Which fool and brother watched the movie together?
"Why can Wu Yun be?" asked the inkless night.
"When did I watch a movie with Wu Yun!"
"In the restaurant!"
"That is watching movies with everyone, not watching movies with Wu Yun." Zhou Yu
corrected him.
"Would you like your brother to sleep with you?" Ink night asked again.
Zhou Yu’s brow smashed up, and he remembered that it was a very uncomfortable feeling
when he pretended to be weak and wrapped around himself.
"No. You sleep on your own."
This answer is expected in the ink night.
He asked again: "Well, be your brother, will you throw me down?"
"No." Zhou Yu said before asking the next question in the ink night, "Be my brother, I also
want to know when to keep quiet."
"Ah... I don't want to be your brother."
Despite the childish expression, Zhou Yu knew that the ability of the ink night was beyond
Zhou Yu lay back on the bed, and sleepiness came again. Song did not let himself go,
indicating that he was not sure that his body was fine. The worst result is that he will
become a lizard monster.
"If I hurt Zhou Qing or Wu Yun, you have to help me." Zhou Yu closed his eyes and said.
"I will. You said this to me, on behalf of you began to trust me." The ink night also lay down
on the side of Zhou Yu, quietly watching Zhou Yu.
At this time, the voyager's shuttle cabin arrived at the base. When Song Zhi brought the
young man in his early twenties to Han Li, she was completely shocked. The other person wore t-shirts and sweatpants, carrying pockets, and even
wearing glasses, there was a little scholar.
"Han Li, this is a doctor of virology from Columbia University, Jiang Jinghang. Don't
underestimate Dr. Jiang. Although he is young, he is a genius in this field. He used to study
viruses in the second base. The key person of the Kennedy Roots Jellyfish Virus. Dr. Turin's
virus from the death of Dahlia and Zhou Yu's blood samples can be handed over to Dr.
"Ah. Yes." Han Li understands that the Juli Group will never spend money on people who
are famous. Song Zhi admitted that he is a genius, then he is a true genius.
Dr. Jiang did not have extra nonsense. He didn't even introduce himself. When he entered
the research room, he sat on a swivel chair, and his feet stepped on it, instructing all the
Song Zhi took a cup of chocolate milk foam and went to Jiang Jinghang's side to put it down.
He whispered: "I need Zhou Yu to live well."
"Can he live well, it is fate, not my decision. By the way, Dr. Cook's research is almost
successful, and you and me will soon be useless." Dr. Jiang Laughing at the corner of his
mouth, as if gloating.
"Then you are relieved, I will definitely be unplugged before you. But as long as the people
we need are alive."
Jiang Jinghang’s childish expression was cold: “If you have anything, what should Song Song
"Don't worry, I am ready."
"No one can prepare for Song Song."
"letitbe. Don't think too much, race. Now focus on it."
"I hate these monitoring devices, I can't concentrate on them."
"You can rest assured that these devices have not monitored you." Song Zhizhi got up and
turned and left.
Early the next morning, Dr. Jiang called the black circle and told Song: "You can release the
suspected infected field team."
"What do you mean?" Song Zhi sat up from the bed and looked at the time. At this time,
Nibelungen just ushered in the sunrise.
"Do you know that we humans have their own immune system?" Dr. Jiang turned the test
chair while turning the test tube in his hand, and saw other researchers nervous, for fear
that he would throw the test tube on the ground, then the virus sample would Flowed out.
"But the human immune system is useless to the virus. How does Zhou Yu immunize this
virus?" Song asked.
"Because he has a dual mechanism in his body - self-immunization mechanism and high-
speed repair mechanism. I don't know what the player has been exposed to, but he has a
biological enzyme that is not found in ordinary humans. This enzyme comes with the body.
The immune system combines to repair damaged cells while rejecting the virus. In general,
humans have completely destroyed the cells before the self-healing, and the immune
system has collapsed. Naturally, it is too late to produce antibodies to the virus."
"Do you mean that he has antibodies now?" Song Zhi suddenly stood up. "Then we can use
his serum to make anti-virus."
When Song Zhi’s words were not finished, Dr. Jiang interrupted him.
"Unless other humans have the same genes as him. Although I told you that he is already
immune to this virus, it also means that his body has undergone some changes."
"You mean...has he still been alienated?" Song Zhi held the pen's bones white.
"From his genes, he is of course human. But some aspects have been enhanced. I prefer to
call this change evolution." Dr. Jiang raised the virus sample in his hand and slowly turned
against the light, as if It is admiring the crystal while suppressing the sound. "This is what
Mr. Eaton wants to see most--the evolution of human self-repair. Since you believe this
person, send him away early, don't let him become Eaton's little mouse. ”
Jiang Jinghang laughed and continued to say loudly in a childish voice: "Mr. Song, let him
out, I want to observe him and study him."
"But you also said that you are not sure about his evolutionary direction... if he hurts..."
"Putting him in a glass room like a mouse is like locking the truth in a box. Humans will also
consider various risk factors before they land on the moon, but they will not stop landing
on the moon because of risk."
Song Zhi’s lip line is tight: “Is this what the chairman means?”
"Uh huh."
Zhou Yu, who was enclosed in the rescue room, had been in the hospital for three days. He
was not anxious, but leaned on the bed and looked at the TV set outside the rescue room.
On the night of the ink, he sat cross-legged on his side, holding his chin and watching the TV
screen bored.
Today is a horror movie, a midnight bell.
"This movie is so boring... can you ask them to change it?" asked the ink night.
But Zhou Yu did not answer.
Ink night turned his face dissatisfied and found that Zhou Yu’s eyes had no focal length at
"Zhou Yu?" The ink night leaned over and raised his eyes and looked at him. "What
happened to Zhou Yu?"
Zhou Yu at this time felt like he was in another world. There are countless kinds of voices in
his mind, some are like the whispers of the wind, and some are like the shouts of
screaming, and the noise is endless.
They seem to be eager to tell Zhou Yu what is painful, pleasant, sad, and various emotions
intertwined. However, Zhou Yu could not hear the same. He was trapped in this world and
did not know how to get rid of it.
At this time, the ink night found Zhou Yu no response, the original leisurely lazy look
sinking, the eyes are cold stars.
He raised his brow and put his forehead on Zhou Yu's forehead: "I'm sorry I don't know
what happened to you, I can only enter your brain. If you are not happy, please forgive me."
The eyes of the ink night are extremely powerful. When he meets Zhou Yu's line of sight,
the two seem to be connected. He raised his hands and pressed them on the sides of Zhou
Yu’s brain. His thoughts rushed in and ran in Zhou Yu’s thoughts.
Zhou Yu tried not to distinguish the sounds, but the more it was, the boiling, drowning him.
"Put yourself down and calm down. The world is quiet. You can only hear it when you want
to hear it. Different creatures have different levels. You want to communicate with which
creatures you want to go to. That level."
Zhou Yu’s mind sounded the sound of ink night.
Calm and calm, as if to put his entire broken world together and hold it up.
"Now listen to me and follow me." The sound of the ink night has become far away.
At this moment, Zhou Yu has a feeling of being relaxed and saved. It seems that the world’s
cockroaches are all separated, leaving only the world where the ink night is woven for him.
"Follow me... believe me... now I will take you back."
Zhou Yu followed the voice, as if he was groping in the dark. Daddy, the eyes are wide and
bright, and the heart is flying.
"Now open your eyes, Zhou Yu. I am by your side."
Zhou Yu took a breath and pulled his eyes open. On the opposite side was the black-glazed
eyes of the ink night.
"How are you?" The hands of the ink night held the shoulders of Zhou Yu very strongly.
Zhou Yu gasped and gasped, and he almost choked in the world of that voice. He tried to get
his mind back. After a few seconds, he said, "What happened to me?"
In the night, Momo raised his brow, raised his hand and held his eyes. For the first time, he
showed a really distressed expression in front of Zhou Yu: "To be honest, I didn't think
there would be such a situation. You just felt and I was exactly the same when I was an
embryo. I heard all kinds of helpless and complicated voices in this world. I felt very bored
and wanted to escape, so I refused to hatch. Their pain, their confession, their needs. I don’t
want to listen, I don’t want to meet... until you appear. When I hear your heartbeat, the
sounds that bother me are gone. I become like through your vision, hearing, and smell. Feel
the world. You think I pretend to be weak in front of you, but I was really weak at that time.
If you don't snuggle around you, I will be destroyed by the rich and massive biological
information of the world. Slowly, I know how to distinguish other sounds in the world and
connect myself with them to get different messages and even manipulate them."
The interpretation of the ink night makes Zhou Yu a trembling.
"What are you talking about? Are you saying that I can communicate with Nibelungen's
creatures now?"
Innocent smiles helplessly: "You are like a baby now, babbling, you can't understand how
to communicate, but you already have the ability to communicate. You need time to master
this ability. It is like... Think of it as another language, but it is not a sound, but a direct
communication between the brain and the brain."
Zhou Yu had to think more seriously: "So, did I become a creature of Nibelungen? Like Dr.
Turin, I keep the human mind, but it has been alienated by the living body here."
Ink night shook his head and said, "I can't answer you on this question. What I know is
what kind of person you will become when you want to be a person. It's all a choice, as if I
saw it. The ink night you want in your imagination, I regard your hope as a goal, so I
became the present."
At this time, applause came. They looked out the window and saw a young man dressed in
casual t-shirt standing in front of them, chewing gum and laughing with a smile on his lips:
"Oh! Oh! It's wonderful." This evolutionary direction is really interesting! I have to study
"Who are you?" Zhou Yu measured his face.
"I? I am Jiang Jinghang, responsible for the study of the virus in your body. You should
thank me for convincing Song to let you out. But you have to be obedient and support my
blood sampling and physical examination."
Zhou Yu immediately thought about it: "Have you ever conducted virus research at Base 2?
Are you also helping Dr. Yao and Dr. Shen to solve the mystery of Nibelungen jellyfish?"
"it's me."
No wonder Dr. Yao said that Jiang Jinghang is very young! So young has become a pioneer
in virology, this Jiang Jinghang is a genius!
The ink night looked at the young doctor with great interest and extended a "hmm", as if it
was measuring what, and there seems to be no other meaning at all.
"We both look almost the same age."
Dr. Jiang shook his finger and said, "That's not necessarily. The salt I eat is still more than
the rice you eat. As far as I know, your rice has not been eaten."
The ink smiled at night, his eyebrows fell, and invisible pressure came on his face.
Dr. Jiang widened his eyes and felt a force rushing into his brain. He was about to resist, but
it disappeared without a trace, leaving only the lips of the night. Ink night is not the first s-
class creature that Dr. Jiang has ever seen, but at this moment, when he looks at the outline
of the five-night officer, he finds himself unable to take his eyes back.
Vision is a very special feeling, and the twists and turns of every inch of sight are the most
subtle arcs.
The ink night side of the face, the transfer of light and shadow he became more mysterious,
the depression of his lips makes Dr. Jiang inexplicably create a dangerous premonition.
"You are really interesting. Since you are a Ph.D. in virology, do you know how to separate
Zhou Yu's spinal fluid from my body?"
The ink night is clearly sitting around Zhou Yu, but Dr. Jiang has the illusion that the other
party is approaching himself.
Dr. Jiang took a small step back without leaving traces, while the ink night leaned over and
leaned his head against Zhou Yu’s shoulder. His face was a playful smile. This made Dr.
Jiang confirm that this s-class creature was just playing with himself.
Dr. Jiang restored the indifferent expression before.
The author has something to say: Although Wood has played World of Warcraft, but still
feel that the movie is pretty good, that is, there are still many races that are not released.

Laws of the Other World Chapter 70: The sound of Nibelungen

Settings saved..
"You have finally asked the right person. If anyone in the world can do this, maybe it is me.
As far as your body is concerned, Zhou Yu's spinal fluid is an alien intruder. The effect is
like a virus, disintegrating your bodily functions and making you lose some of your abilities.
If you want to get back your abilities, there are only two ways. The first is like antiviral
treatment, the week will be The spinal fluid left in your body kills like a virus."
"Killing... It sounds cruel." The ink stays on the chin. "I still choose a gentler way. Everything
Zhou Yu gave me, I care a lot."
"The second method is to convert Zhou Yu's spinal fluid into a part of your body."
"I like this." The night nodded, and he showed a childish smile.
Zhou Yu’s gaze passed through the night, and he didn’t understand what kind of creatures
could combine both innocent and **** qualities.
Dr. Jiang also swallowed his mouth.
"But the former is more likely, and the latter almost crosses the boundaries of the species.
In the end, everything depends on the fate!"
Ink night took a look at Zhou Yu’s shoulder and said, “Hey, I like this little guy.”
Dr. Jiang picked up his eyebrows and replied: "I am not a little guy. And Zhou Yu, you can
come out from there."
After that, Dr. Jiang went to the door and entered the password and fingerprint door to
open it.
Wu Yun, who got the news, and Zhou Qing rushed to Zhou Yu, who was going out of the
"Oh my God! Brother, you have never told me about such a big thing! If you don't come
over, I will never see you again!"
Zhou Qing almost didn't cry, although he usually doesn't seem to be close to anyone, but
Zhou Yu is the only person he cares about.
"If you tell you, you have no intention of working." Zhou Yu took a shot of Zhou Qing's back.
This is the consistent style of Song Zhi, to ensure that everyone who comes to Nibelungen
can complete his post value.
Bai Yingting smiled and looked at the picture of the brothers hugging, and then his line of
sight was opposite to the ink night, and the warmth in his eyes sank.
He walked over and lowered his voice and said to the ink night: "You are really impulsive,
and almost ruin everything."
In the night, the ink eyes narrowed and looked straight into Bai Yingting's eyes:
"Predecessors, do you seem to expect me to save you? If Zhou Yu finds out what you are, I
guess he will shoot you down. He hates most." It’s cheating."
Bai Yingting also reported an indifferent smile: "You can try it. But I will tell him that the
only person who can save Zhou Qing is me."
The two men looked at each other and smiled. Bai Yingting extended his hand to the night
and said: "Cooperative cooperation."
Zhou Yu suddenly turned his face and asked: "What cooperation is happy? When did you
two have an intersection?"
Zhou Qing also looked at it curiously.
Bai Yingting said with a smile: "It seems that Zhou Yu, you still don't know, Mr. Song Zhi is
preparing for the plan to go to the ancestor Imir. I and Zhou Qing as botanists are also part
of this plan. So we are going to cooperate. Right. In the night, did you feel the existence of
Song Yu? When did he plan to go to the ancestor Imir?"
The ink night closed his eyes and searched for something. After ten seconds passed, he did
not say a word. Others were unclear, but they remained quiet.
When the ink night opened his eyes again, the golden color of the two eyes seemed to
compress the whole world into his eyes.
After a few seconds, the eyes suddenly faded and returned to black.
"No... I used too much physical strength before, and I really couldn’t sense Song’s place."
He glanced at Bai Yingting and seemed to say "You can give it a try."
Bai Yingting shook his hand: "I am weaker than you now."
Zhou Qing did not understand: "White Professor is weak? Are you sick?"
Bai Yingting smiled and replied: "I am just a metaphor. Compared with the ink night, all of
us are very weak."
Zhou Qing suddenly remembered how Bai Yingting took himself away from the research
room. He was thinking about asking the other person when there was no one. I didn't
expect Bai Yingting's gaze to have come.
His lips are shallow smiles, as if he has seen everything in Zhou Qing.
At this time, Dr. Jiang said: "Hey, I just heard that Zhou Yu can also sense the location of
other creatures. Since the ability of the ink night is not good, I heard that the temper is
wasting my energy. It is better to teach one week now. Yu. Maybe he can sense Song Song’s
At this moment, Zhou Yu’s question has come again: “Song Song? Who are you talking about
Song Song?”
Everyone looked at Wu Yun, Wu Yun sighed and replied: "Song is a s-class creature. I have
seen him on the way I am carrying you back. He said that he would join forces with Song to
deal with Turin."
Dr. Jiang looked at Wu Yun and stunned his head: "Hey, are you finished?"
Wu Yun nodded and said: "I finished, what else to say? Oh, we don't know when Song Song
intends to act."
Dr. Jiang stunned his face: "It seems that you really don't know anything about Song's
Wu Yun picked up his eyebrows and said: "Roman history? Song Zhi, what other romance
can this guy have?"
Everyone looked over curiously.
Dr. Jiang directly pulled the chair next to him and cocked his legs. His fingers clicked on the
air: "Well, let me tell you a story. Song Song is the s-class creature that Song Zhi cultivated."
At that time, there was a female researcher who was a fiancee of Song Zhi, but the female
researcher was lured by a s-class creature and then became pregnant. Of course, she was
born with a s-class creature. Only the female researcher’s end was very Tough."
Zhou Yu remembered the video of a female researcher who had been let go of Wu Yun’s
first training, with a s-class creature and the past that Song Zhi had vaguely mentioned.
It turned out that this is true.
“Song’s pain was so painful, but the s-class creature that the female researcher gave birth
grew up. Because all the people around him saw human beings, he wanted to integrate into
us and also to imitate himself into a human being. Hate can't kill him, but in any case, the s-
class creature still has the blood of the female researcher. He hates that the child has to
raise him at the same time. Human beings are emotional creatures. A child has been with
him for a long time, and he will have feelings anyway. The s-class creature stayed with Song
Zhi for many years, and Song did not keep him in the research room, but let him grow up
freely, and He also gave him a name called Song Wei."
"The amount... is really unfair, but I have to be kept in the research room." Ink night
pretending to be dissatisfied.
"Song Song grew very fast, two years ago. Juli Group used his spinal cord to create a
neurotoxin specifically for Nibelungen, and wanted to use Song Wei to hunt down his
father. The father killed the revenge of the researcher, but unfortunately failed. Song Wei
was killed by his father in order to protect Song. Nibelungen is such a cruel environment.
Father may not be good to his son. The seriously injured Song Hao finally understood the
use of the Juli Group, so he left the base, hid in other places, healed, hibernated and found
his own biological father."
Everyone else was silent, and only the ink night kept a smile.
"This is really a moving story. Compared with Song Wei, I am so lucky. I don't know who
my parents are. It is an egg."
He took another look at Zhou Yu and said: "And the person I believe is not Song Zhi, but
Zhou Yu. My Zhou Yu has a strong and warm heart."
Zhou Yu looked at the ink night coldly and walked out sideways: "I am hungry. Wu Yun,
let's go to the restaurant to eat."
"Wait, Dr. Jiang, how do you know about Song Zhi and the s-class creature?" Wu Yun asked
"Is this strange? I have worked with Song Zhi at the same base. It is a friend. When Song Zhi
began to ignore Song Song, the little guy often looked at me with poor eyes!" It’s like
looking back a long time ago.
"My God, Song Zhi actually has friends? This is a miracle! Sure enough... even if it is a bad
guy, God will give him a window!" Wu Yun exclaimed.
Jiang Jinghang’s look was cold, and he said coolly: “This is your Bolong, not a playground,
and there is no outdoor teaching. There is always someone who has to play the role of a bad
person to set off your greatness.”
Wu Yun is silent.
When everyone walked away, the ink night came to the side of Bai Yingting and said to him
in a sly voice: "Hey, seniors, how long can your body support?"
Bai Yingting raised his eyes: "It won't be too long. I have put my body into a dormant state. I
don't know how long I can manipulate this body. Moreover, your ability is also tied up. It is
impossible to count on Song Zhineng. Find a way to help you unlock this shackle, he won't
let you go."
The lips of the ink night twitched an inscrutable smile: "Don't worry, my predecessors, I
have found a way to extend my strength."
"what way?"
"Of course it is Zhou Yu. I will teach him the power of s-class creatures little by little, and he
will adapt him to Nibelungen's life little by little."
"But he is always human."
When he came to the restaurant's Zhou Yu, the chef just gave him a potato goulash package,
and he couldn't wait to send it to his mouth. A meal was not enough for him to eat. He
raised his hand to ask the chef for a second meal. The chef was hesitant. After all, all the
food here was quotad, until the chef Song Zhichao nodded in nowhere. The chef then took
another meal from the kitchen.
Zhou Yu ate three times in succession.
"You are simply a thirsty ghost reincarnation! What happened to you? Hurry up and stop, I
am afraid that you will break your own stomach." Wu Yunyu lived on the edge of the plate.
What Zhou Yu realized, slammed the edge of the table and resisted his appetite. He doesn't
know what's going on, as if he woke up this time and felt very hungry, no matter how much
he ate, he would be quickly digested.
And at this time a variety of voices poured into his mind again. Criss-crossing, drowning
Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu lowered his head and held his head in his hands. His brows were very tight. He
wanted to pull himself out of these sounds as he did last time, but the more he struggled,
the deeper he was, the more the voices would be. More and more loud and complicated.
"Remember what I said to you. Their voices have different levels. You are different from
them. You are far above them. Don't think about leaving, but think about transcendence."
The inky night calmly and with a hint of cool sound, Zhou Yu’s burning thoughts instantly
fell into the ice sea, calmed down, and it lifted itself up one by one and finally detached
from these noises.
Wu Yun worriedly asked: "Zhou Yu! What's wrong? Is the body still not recovering? What
Dr. Jiang said that you have no problem at all!"
"I'm fine, just a little headache, just take a break..."
Zhou Yu suddenly stood up and rushed into the bathroom. His hands were pressed on the
sink. Everything that had just been eaten was spit out. Finally spit out only the stomach
acid, Zhou Yu turned around and adjusted his breathing on his back.
At this time, the ink night came to his side and put his hand on his face. The temperature of
the ink night is slightly cooler than that of Zhou Yu's face. This fresh feeling makes Zhou Yu
feel very comfortable.
"I am sorry, let you experience my world in this way."
"If these have become a reality, I just want to know how to master this ability. I can't rely
on your guidance forever to make myself... no longer hear these voices."
In the night, the ink stayed on the edge of the sink and looked at Zhou Yu.
"I know that there is something in your human world called a bicycle. Bicycles need to be
balanced. Balance is a feeling. Once you find the balance, you will never forget how to ride a
bicycle and control your body. The same is true. These voices exist objectively, because
your brain is different from ordinary humans. Don't escape, they are your strength. In the
world you grew up, I don't think anyone would be afraid of bicycles, right. ?"
At this moment, the ink night has a calm and wiseness that is inconsistent with his
superficial age.
There is persistence in his eyes, but in a deeper sense it is a transcendent.
"If you want to get in touch with Song Wei, there are two ways. The first way is to let me
absorb your blood and restore my strength. The second way is that I teach you how to find
the information you want, and other. The creature gets in touch and you come to connect
with Song Yu."
"But now the most urgent task I think Song will not give me such time to learn. Once I miss
the opportunity, not only Song Yi may become the goal of Turin, but we may never be able
to catch him again."
Zhou Yu extended his finger to the ink night, and the ink smiled at night. The slight smile on
his eyes had a mature meaning.
"Fingers are not enough now."
He lifted Zhou Yu’s wrist and bit it. Although he could feel his teeth piercing his skin, then
the kind of soothing feeling rushed down into the deep brain of Zhou Yu’s brain. Then all
the sounds changed shape, soft, with a sense of rhythm, like a concerto.
Zhou Yu knows that this is his own experience of the world through the brain of the ink
Everything became inexplicably beautiful. He seemed to hear the singer of a certain plant.
He seemed to hear it. Some creatures were talking to each other, like whispering whispers,
and those who made Zhou Yu hate. The sound, which has been transformed into a lot from
the mud, has become beautiful.
He didn't know if it was because the sound that the night of the night heard was good, or
because the ink night filtered all the good things for Zhou Yu.
When the ink night put away the teeth and left Zhou Yu's wrist, Zhou Yu suddenly breathed
a sudden waking up.
The world has once again become awkward. Zhou Yu found that as long as he does not
concentrate, those voices will flow into the brain. He can't control himself like a night.
The inky night's thumb is attached to the place where I just bite Zhou Yu, gently rubbing it,
he lowered his head, and there was a gentle look between the eyebrows, which is the
opposite of the woman's femininity - tolerance, and patience, compared Zhou Yu, the ink
night at this time is more like an elder.
"Thank you."
"It doesn't matter, I don't feel any pain anyway. You can try it, can you feel the existence of
Song Yu?"
The ink night closed his eyes again. When he opened it, the golden dragonfly was deeper
than before. Staring around his eyes could feel the emergence of power, expanding rapidly
in all directions, and everything could not escape it. Search. When it reached a certain level,
there was another force that docked with the ink night. Daddy, the golden eyes of the ink
night restored the original black again.
"I found Song Yu, he has been tracking Turin. They will arrive at the ancestor Imir in three
"Then we will tell Song Zhi now."
Song Zhi’s ten fingers overlap. He looked at the ink night and asked with a very serious
expression: “Can I believe in you?”
Ink night sat lazily across from him, his left leg swayed gently on the arm of the chair, his
fingers fiddled with the coffee cup in front of him, and said: "Zhou Yu likes to drink tea and
doesn't like coffee."
"I asked your question what is the relationship with Zhou Yu?" Song asked.
In the night, the ink smashed his head and learned how the fingers of Song Zhi overlap. The
same movement, Song Zhi appears rigorous, but the ink night is in the lazy with a sense of
oppression, like the power infiltrated from the gap of hell.
Sometimes Song did not understand why he was so naive as a child whenever he faced
Zhou Yu, but he could show a completely different expression to other people.
The ink night hung down, and time and the world seemed to pass through his eyes and
eyes, leaving no traces.
He said: "Of course there is a relationship. I am looking forward to all the expectations of
Zhou Yu. I care about all Zhou Yu, and all of Zhou Yu believes that I naturally do. For now,
Zhou Yu believes in you, then, you too I can trust me for the time being."
For a long time, Song suddenly said: "Can I ask you for one thing?"
Ink night raised his eyes, slowly inclined to Song Zhi, his eyes have an insight, has
completely seen through Song.
"I know what your request is? You want me to protect Song Yu and let Song Hao live. But
what Song Wei expects is not just alive."
Song sent his face to the side and gently opened his drawer. There was a book there, and
Song used his finger to open the first page of the book, holding a photo.
In the photo, Song sat coldly at the desk, and a teenager sat on the corner of the table with
his hands on the harmonica, laughing and leaning toward Song.
Song Zhi’s fingertips just touched the other’s face and received it back like a sting.
On the night of the day, they received a message that the third base of Juli Group was
occupied by Dr. Turin.
When Song confirmed the news, he was working on a mission with Zhou Yu and others.
"What is the base?" Wu Yun asked curiously.
Dr. Jiang frowned. "There was a laboratory that was originally established in Turin. The
equipment inside can be used for the cultivation of viruses, and there is also a production
line of neurotoxins."
"Are we going to take back that base?"
Song Zhi shook his head: "It will be sooner or later. But now it is too late to stop to stop
Turin from using the ancestor Imir."
"What else do we need to know?" Zhou Yu asked.
"There are dozens of field players in that base, and joined the camp of Turin like Li
Shengnan." Song answered.
"Oh--that is, we must not only confront the alienated human beings, but also the creatures
of Nibelung, who are manipulated by him, and the demons of your humanity. I am very
curious, they can get from Turin. What did you get there?” Ink night took a piece of
chocolate from Li Qian, and unpacked the package and put it in his mouth and wrinkled it
with only one bite.
“Tulin has mastered the most advanced research results of our Juli Group, and even there
are many research things that only he knows. He can make the death dahlia alienate
himself and retain the human nature, which shows that his understanding of Nibelungen’s
biology has been It has reached a certain height. It is not surprising to decode the powerful
healing ability and the long-lived genetic code of the creature here. Imagine Wu Yun, if one
person promises you, he has already mastered the method of your daughter. Don't you
follow him all the time?"
"Assume that Turin has mastered this method. If he convinces me, I will follow him." Wu
Yun said half-jokingly.
"The Turing I know is a madman. He is a man who has a lot of control over power. He is not
just satisfied with the dominance of the king in Nibelungen. He has human beings since he
retains human thought." **. He will definitely want to go back to the human world, and he
has enough to let him control humans." Dr. Jiang replied.
"I don't have the heroic feelings of saving humanity. I only know that this guy can't save my
This time the mission was not dispatched by the helicopter, and everyone took the
Zhou Yu, Wu Yun, Mo Ye, take a car. What they didn't think of was that this time Song Zhi
also personally went out.
The author has something to say: This week, I have to go to the six-day class... it’s so long...
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Laws of the Other World Chapter 71: Mr. Eaton and Dr. Cook
Settings saved..
In the night, wearing a camouflage suit, the equipment on his body is exactly the same as
that of Zhou Yu. The other field players are curious about this young and beautiful man.
Song Zhi did not disclose the identity of the ink night, and the garrison players who knew
the identity of the ink night They were all left at the base.
Song Zhi directly incorporated the ink night into the squad of Zhou Yu and Wu Yun. This
made the other field players somewhat dissatisfied. Zhou Yu’s reputation has already
spread in the base, and everyone hopes to cooperate with him. After all, in the world of
Nibelungen, the stronger the teammates are, the more likely they are to survive. The
strange and hostile eyes are betting on the night.
Before the trip, when the ink was picked up by the night, several field players gathered
"Hey, young man, where did you come from? We have never seen you before?" The other
party deliberately turned to the ink night, a thick smell of tobacco and sweat came.
Don't open your face in the night, smile on your lips. This is like ridicule for others.
One of them carefully stared at the face of the ink night, and suddenly said: "Hey! This guy
looks very beautiful, he should not be compiled into the Zhou Yu team by what means!"
Another person pretended to be curious and said: "What means!"
"Of course, with his beautiful face!"
"Oh - it turned out to be like this! I understand, but Zhou Yu doesn't look like it. He is not
interested in the 'action movie', it is a Puritan!"
"Who said Zhou Yu? People Zhou Yu will not have fear in the most dangerous state, such
people have long been no one's **! I am talking about our head, that dominates the base
everything Mr. Song."
"Oh, it turned out! I finally understood! Let us see if this beautiful face is also appetizing
with us!"
After finishing this person, he stretched his hand and directly frivolously carried the chin of
the ink night and turned his face. When he saw the five senses of the ink night, he could not
help but be shocked. The eyes were so deep that it seemed to release all the **, and every
curve was so beautiful that he was licking his heart and dragging his nerves.
In the smile of the ink night, his eyes are long and narrow with a hint of playfulness.
"I have an appetite for you?"
His voice seems to come from another world.
The player opened his mouth and couldn't say a word.
Daddy, the ink night stretched out his hand and buckled his wrist, slammed it, and only
heard a click, the field player made a huge scream.
"My arm! My arm! Mom's-"
Another person pointed out the gun directly at the ink night, but what he did not expect
was that the ink night came to him without warning, and the pressure released in those
eyes was almost to pierce his heart. Ink night buckled his gun, his wrist slipped, unloading
the other's magazine, then lifting his leg, knees on the other's lower abdomen, and two
people fell together.
This series of actions is astonishing, not superfluous, and accurate as if it were calculated
by a computer.
"Hey... have you seen it... it’s amazing! I have seen Zhou Yu’s skill, this guy is faster than
Zhou Yu!”
"Or else? Mr. Song has compiled him into Zhou Yu's squad. Is it really a look?"
The gun was hung on the hand of the ink night, and the gun was turned down with a
rotating muzzle between his thumb. Then the ink smashed down and smiled at the two
guys who couldn't speak.
"Hey, you haven't said that I am not suitable for your appetite!"
The eyes of the ink night laughed and bent.
"You bastard!"
The player who was robbed of the gun was ashamed, and suddenly he punched the face of
the ink night, but his fist did not touch the tip of the ink night. The ink night suddenly held
his hand with one hand and lifted his leg up. He only heard 咔 With a bang, his arm was
kicked off by the night.
The screams made everyone look.
The ink night stood up and looked down at each other. That kind of cold and indifferent, as
if there is no human feelings at all.
Song Zhi took a pocket and walked over: "Ink night, I am letting you deal with Turin, not
letting you do the destruction."
Ink night smiled softly: "Isn't Mr. Song so serious? I just helped you to deal with the
unnecessary burdens. Even if they arrived at the location of the ancestor Imir, they would
only become Dr. Turin's nutrition. ""
After saying that the night of the ink went away, he clap his hands and once again pulled
out the childish smile and walked toward Zhou Yu’s direction, and the face of his face
changed. No one can imagine that such a young and beautiful boy has a devilish skill.
Wu Yun sat in the driver's seat of the Hummer, smoking a cigarette, and smiling as he
watched the night of the ink: "Hey, I said Lao Zhou, do you think that the night of the ink is
especially like you, whether it is elbow? The action is still the position of the gun, the grasp
of time and node is exactly the same as you. The only difference is that he is faster than you,
strength is bigger than you, you have to be careful!"
"Be careful?" Zhou Yu asked coldly.
"Of course, be careful if he does something for you, you have no power to fight!"
"What can he do to me?"
"He... from a human point of view, is in adolescence. The hormone will make him impulsive
and right..."
"Close your crow's mouth."
After Zhou Yu opened the door, hooked the hook at the night of the ink, meaning "you give
me the action to come up quickly."
The smile on the face of the ink night was even bigger. When he lifted his leg and stepped
into the seat, he held his hand on the seat and deliberately put his face to Zhou Yu. Zhou
Yu’s face was expressionless, but he could feel the ink. The closeness of the night, even the
afterglow of the eyes, can trace the nose of the night and the contours of the eyebrows.
Zhou Yu’s breathing slowed down at that moment, and the heart’s beating seemed to be
The ink night sat down. The time of rest flows again.
"Where did you learn from where? Did you learn from movies?"
Zhou Yu remembers that when they were in the restaurant, they watched a lot of movies
with ink nights, such as "Black Hawk Fall", "Anti-terrorist Special Forces", "Mission
Impossible" and the like, there are many fighting action scenes.
Ink night replied with a funny smile: "Why should I follow the film? You are my best
At this time, Song opened the door and sat in the position of the co-pilot. He said to Wu
Yun: "Okay, we can leave."
Wu Yun extinguished the smoke in his hand and whistled: "Mr. Song, do you know that I am
the famous crow mouth in our team?"
Song Zhi replied: "Slightly heard."
"If I said that if we met Turin, I wouldn't care about you in any dangerous situation. If you
are dead, if you are not lucky, what do you think?"
Song Zhi raised his glasses and gave a cool answer: "I will tell you that my insurance
amount is very high and there are no beneficiaries. Or I can fill in your name."
The ink night laughed directly.
Wu Yun replied: "This is quite tempting. I guess you really can't come back, I am waiting to
receive your insurance."
"I really like Wu Yun's crow mouth." Mo night smiled and touched his chin.
The team went all the way, they had to go through a whole piece of virgin forest, and how
many people could finally see the ancestor Imir is unknown.
In the car, Song said: "Ink night, how long can you manipulate a class of creatures to deal
with Turin with your current physical condition?"
"A minute or less? More than a minute, my nerves will be severely damaged, and the cells
will rupture, causing bleeding in the body. But Turin now has a team member of the entire
base, and I can't directly destroy humans, your genes. It's different from Nibelungen's
creatures. Do you have any regrets now? You shouldn't bind my abilities." Ink night held his
chin and asked with great interest.
"I don't regret it, because I know what you will do once you have the full s-class ability."
"Oh, what do you think I will do? Turn your base upside down? Kill you all? Or do you think
of the nutrition of the offspring?"
"You will wait here for Zhou Yu to come back from another world. You know that he will be
soft to you. You will confuse him with a young and beautiful look, seduce him, and you will
make all kinds of sacrifices for him. The heart trusts you more, you will take him out of this
base, you will let him do anything for you without hesitation, you will let him out of the so-
called human world, you will let him forget who he is. So even for Zhou Royal, your ability
to be completely released is not a good thing, it may be a kind of seduction rather than the
heart, even if one day Zhou Yu decides to accept you, it must be out of his own judgment."
Song Zhi's voice Smooth, every word he said makes the smile on the face of the ink night
more obvious. This shows that Song Zhi had long seen the idea of ink night.
Zhou Yu’s fingers are clenched, which is actually a puzzle in his heart.
"Haha, these are not just Zhou Yu's confusion. You think about it, you care about it, because
you have all experienced it. Song Zhi, you are a very cautious person, your world has a wall
If someone wants to climb over, you will only build the city wall higher and higher, and the
Song Dynasty who climbs the wall will one day be too high because of the climbing, and it
will be broken when falling. Or... He finally entered your city and saw only the ruins."
Song Zhi’s face still has no expression: “Where is Song Song now?”
Ink night replied: "In fact, you and he have the closest connection. Just like me and Zhou Yu,
just you are constantly rejecting him. When you let go of all the must, accept him, you
Naturally I will hear all the voices from him."
At this time, the team has moved away from the base and is about to enter the virgin forest.
Everyone is waiting for it, and even Wu Yun, who has been unable to keep his mouth open,
is cold.
The virgin forest is like a huge arena, and Turin must set a trap to wait for them.
The giant wood is getting higher and higher, the branches and leaves are dense, and a layer
of green giant nets is formed in the sky, and the ray of sunlight rushes out from the gaps,
illuminating the dim virgin forest.
Song Zhi sat behind, turned on the tablet, and looked at all the details about this piece of
virgin forest.
Both Wu Yun and Zhou Yu are on alert, but the ink night on the back seat with Song Zhi
holds the back of his head and looks up at the roof.
"Do you feel any dangerous creatures?" Zhou Yu asked.
Ink night laughed: "What other creatures are more dangerous than me?"
"To be honest, this is a bit strange." Wu Yun's fingers tapped on the steering wheel. "We
have entered the hinterland of this virgin forest. The giant trees are concealed and hidden,
but there is no movement at all?"
"Your crow's mouth is already open, I think there will be movement soon." Song said coolly.
"Before the movement, I think I will be bored to sleep. Mr. Song, can I ask you? Who uses
the spinal fluid of the owner to lock the s-class creatures, who taught you?"
"Who can teach it? Of course, our wise and wise Mr. Song himself researched it!" Wu Yun
smiled and replied, even deliberately adjusting the angle of the front view mirror, in order
to see the expression of Song.
"Yes." Song gave a calm answer, not paying attention to the insinuation in Wu Yun's
"Not you." In the night, the ink came to his face and his eyes fell on Song’s cheek.
"why it's not me?"
"The purpose of this is to lock in and deal with the s-class creature that killed your fiancee,
that is, Song Sheng's biological father. But you will not think of this method, because you
may have a connection with Song Wei, but There is no connection between any creature
and Song Sheng's biological father. The spinal fluid locking method can never work for you.
You gave Song Song's name instead of a code name or directly called him a s-class creature
because you are right He has feelings. It’s like my Zhou Yu has always refused to give me a
name. He knows very well that the more times he calls me the 'ink night', the more difficult
it is for me to give up, so you The same is true.” The night of the ink suddenly turned to
Song Zhi. His voice was like a cold blade, cutting the nerves caused by Song. “You have 12
times of spinal fluid extraction wound on your back, and you have not extracted it in a
formal way. You I often have a backache."
"This is not your business." Song Zhi's eyebrows picked up, and he looked at the ink night
with his gaze.
"Song has been locked, you don't need to extract your own spinal fluid. The only
explanation is that you are using your own spinal fluid to study how to unlock Song."
Wu Yunqi, who was sitting in the front row, opened his eyes, and Zhou Yu’s face remained
They are waiting, and Song Zhihui will say something.
"Why should I unlock Song Wei? His ability is locked, and Juli Group can study him and
have the opportunity to get him back."
"You just don't want Juli to study him. You just don't want him to be caught. Your goal is to
make sure that he can recover his ability to survive in Nibelungen."
"Your story is very good. It seems that these days the boring movies in the restaurant are
not white."
"That's not a story, it's not just between you and Song Yu. Who is helping you to study
'antidote?'" The night of the ink suddenly sank, as if to suppress Song by sight.
Song Zhi’s subconsciousness clasped the edge of the computer: “I said, it’s all your
imagination. This person doesn’t exist.”
"Okay... we will wait and see. Do you know why I am saying this in a place where only four
of us are here?" said the ink night.
"Because you are too boring." Song said.
"Because the Juli Group will doubt you more and more, you are very clear in your heart.
Soon you will not be able to cover the person who has been helping you. Whether in the
human world or in Nibelungen, it is possible to help. You only have three of us. Now you
don't say that it is very difficult to avoid the surveillance of Juli Group and then export it."
"The chairman of Juli Group is Mr. Eaton... Do you know him?" Song asked suddenly.
"Ah, I know him." Wu Yun extended his finger. "First, he is very rich. Second, he does not
show up in public. Third, although the entire Juli Group also has a board of directors, he is
the real person in power. ”
“Yes, in addition, he adopted a lot of orphans and trained them to become world-class
talents. Some of them have entered the field of scientific research, some have become
political figures of various countries, and even some activities are in unexpected places. For
example, Nibelungen.” Song raised his finger and untied his own meticulous neckline for
the first time, as if to relax the nerves that had been tight. “Of course, this includes me, and
before you. Dr. Ron, who has been met, and Turin, who we have been hunting for."
"The feeling of being bitten by a dog raised by yourself must be very cool!" said the ink
"If you mean Dr. Turin, then this metaphor is very vivid. Zhou Yu teaches you very well. You
have fully adapted to the way humans think. For Mr. Eaton, we are not his children, but he
A tool to accomplish his own expansion of interest. When he was not satisfied in the human
world, he turned his attention to the newly discovered mysterious world, Nibelungen. At
first he just wanted to complete his own colonial dream in this world. Study the unique
form of life here, unlock and master the secrets of human life and death. But just 10 years
ago, he found himself suffering from cancer, cancer cells spread quickly, he can change his
internal organs, but there is a Some of them will never change."
"Brain." Zhou Yu replied.
Wu Yun drove the car and continued to move forward. Although he listened to Song, he was
also seriously guarded. After all, they are the first car.
"Yes, when cancer cells spread to the brain, he thought of Nibelungen's s-class creatures. S-
class creatures have strong healing power, even when their brains are damaged, it does not
mean the end of life. Mr. Eaton wants to use this power to make his brain heal itself. So the
original research direction of Turin was about self-healing."
"If I was brought back from the night spirit island by Dr. Tulin, then what about Song Wei?"
Mok night was very interested in Song Yu, who is also a s-class creature.
"After you were brought back by Dr. Turin, there was no incubation for a long time, which
made the Juli Group lose patience. So Dr. Turin reached an agreement with another s-class
creature. He is the father of Song Wei, we give him The code name is '谛昕'."
"You are talking about his 'code name', not his 'name'. So just like you call me 'ink night',
give Song Song a name, you recognize me and Song Yu, but you don't recognize it. "Ink
night raised his eyebrows."
"He has never touched human culture. It is not like you and Song Yi grew up in human
thoughts and emotions. His world is only himself. He wants everything he wants, including
inheriting himself. The **** child. Song Yu is the final result, the price is the life of my
fiancee. And the person responsible for this project was not me."
"But Song Wei grew up beside you. From the beginning to the end, you are all used by the
Juli Group as a breeder and animal trainer."
Ink night answered.
"So who is the person who studied the s-class biological spinal fluid locking method?" Wu
Yun driving the car could not help but ask.
Song Zhigang wants to speak, but the night of the ink shakes his fingers, with a smirk on his
lips: "You have a name, guess what?"
"Do you have seen this person?" Zhou Yu asked.
"You and Wu Yun have seen." Song Zhi answered.
"Well, I am the stupidest of you, I will guess the first one, it should be Dr. Turin!" Wu Yun
"Zhou Yu, who do you think it is!" In the night, the ink came from behind and hugged Zhou
Yu's back. The fingers just passed over Zhou Yu's cheek, but Zhou Yu turned his face away.
"The most unlikely person may be possible, is it Dr. Ron of Base 2? He is very interested in
ink night." Zhou Yu said.
Song Zhi shook his head, Wu Yun and Zhou Yu's answer is not right.
"This person is not in Nibelungen for the time being, but she has not seen her in the ink
Ink night boringly hugged his head: "It seems that I can't guess."
Zhou Yu’s eyes smashed and searched constantly in his mind. Who, especially the
researchers, belonged to him and Wu Yun, but the ink night has not seen it?
"Dr. Cook."
"Dr. Cook!"
Zhou Yu and Wu Yun are the same.
When they were evacuated from the base for the last night attack, Dr. Cook was receiving
them on the other side.
Song Zhi nodded and said: "In the many orphans cultivated and adopted by Mr. Eaton, only
Dr. Cook grew up around Mr. Eaton. She is the most trusted person of Mr. Eaton and the
only one that Eaton himself. The child's person. Dr. Cook used the spinal fluid left in my
physical examination to create a drug that locks Song Song. Mr. Eaton regards it as the most
valuable research result, with it... as a s-class creature Song Song is not uncontrollable."
“Juli Group will not hand over the spinal fluid locking technology to anyone, let alone you
have not entered the core of Juli Group’s power. Then the person who uses my spinal fluid
to lock the ink night is actually Dr. Cook. ?? Zhou Yu said.
Song Zhiqi started his lips and didn't know if this was the default or could not be answered.
The author has something to say: Mr. Eaton’s name comes from Eton College.
It is said that Hiroshi and the small freckles are all graduated from Eton College.

Laws of the Other World Chapter 72: ambush

Settings saved..
Ink night pulled up the lips and his eyes seemed to extend in the mind of Song. It was a
force that could not be countered, even if Song knew that it was impossible to read his
"Mr. Song, your principle will crush you together with the Juli Group behind you until you
admit that many things are not the result of your efforts. You have feelings for Song, so I
don't want me. The child who grew up around Zhou Yu also had the same ending as Song
Wei, so you didn't agree with the task that Juli Group gave you."
"What mission?" Wu Yun asked. He suddenly felt that he was not in the same world as the
ink night, and he said nothing at the ink night that he could not understand.
In the shape of a gun, the ink night refers to his own brain, suggesting that the so-called
"mission" is that Song caused him to shoot himself with a bullet made of Zhou Yu's spinal
"Efforts will not have the results I want, but if you don't try your best, you will not have
results." Song Zhi answered.
"Yeah, when the night spirit is doing whatever it wants in the base, Juli Group asks you to
withdraw all the researchers, and you have executed the evacuation order. But you never
thought that Dr. Cook would tell you if If you don't perform the tasks they have given you,
they will let Zhou Qing's shuttle cabin break in the magnetic field, and Dr. Cook will not
receive the shuttle cabin in another world. You said to me at the time. The cabin self-
destruction command is true, but it is not controlled in your hands, but in the hands of Dr.
Song was silent.
"No wonder, no matter what you have done, Li Qian seems to be able to forgive you." Wu
Yun revealed the expression of a sudden realization, "because Li Qian is a system inspector,
he can hear you and Dr. Cook and the Juli Group. All the exchanges between them. Those
instructions that almost made me and Zhou Yu’s life are not what you sent out, but the Juli
Group asked you to do it. In this base, is there anyone watching your every move?”
Suddenly understand.
"Since I am not the most trusted person of Mr. Eaton, he will of course send people to come
and see me. This person is..."
Song Zhi’s words have not been finished yet, and the ink night suddenly changed his
posture and leaned forward: “Be careful!”
Wu Yun immediately braked, and the rear team stopped, and the inertia caused the tablet
computer in Song Zhi to fall. Just before his forehead hit Wu Yun’s chair back, the ink night
reached out and blocked it.
The whole carriage was quiet.
The ink night closed his eyes and seemed to listen to what was heard in this deadly
primitive forest.
"Ah... I hate humans. It means that I can't ruin them like destroying Nibelungen creatures."
"You mean... the ambush in front is the person who followed Dr. Turin's No. 3 base?" Zhou
Yu asked.
"Uh huh." Mo did nodded.
"How many people are there?" Song asked.
"It's enough to rival you, not to mention the terrain they occupy is quite good." Ink night
pointed his finger at the top of his head.
The remaining three people looked up and looked up, and there was nothing else in their
heads besides the towering old trees.
"They are in the tree?" Zhou Yu asked.
"What do you think? I can use my ability to summon other creatures to solve them." The ink
night closed his eyes, and after a few seconds, there was no movement in this virgin forest.
The eyebrows of the ink night smashed, and he turned his head to the side, and his fingers
caught on Zhou Yu’s back.
His forehead sweat fell.
"What's wrong, ink night!" Zhou Yu realized that something was wrong. He stretched his
hand from the seat and covered his forehead.
"The offensive creatures in this virgin forest are gone... I've searched for a long time, and I
can't deploy them within the reach of my ability. There should be some kind of creature
above level a to expel them all. ”
“Is it Dr. Turin?” Wu Yun asked.
"No... Dr. Turin has not had such a strong ability. I have a bad feeling... The Turin guy should
not be..."
When Song Zhi’s words were not finished, Wu Yun suddenly stepped on the gas pedal and
shouted: “rpg——”
At the same time as the car left, a rocket launcher exploded in the place where Wu Yun
stopped. The huge sound seemed to be overturned by the forest, which shocked the ears.
Then, one rocket after another hit them, and the cracking sound came one after another.
The heat wave clung to the window, and the blasted tree roots and gravel smashed on the
"We also reward them for eating rpg!" Wu Yun's eyes were red.
In a world like Nibelungen, they are not dying of the most dangerous creatures, but their
own gunfire, too damn!
The entire team will be washed away, Zhou Yu whispered: "What about our rpg?"
"The trunk! You want me to stop the car, let you take it out?" Wu Yun nervously avoided the
explosion again and again.
"No... it’s not as good as using a rocket launcher." After that, Zhou Yu began to assemble his
"Do you know where they are?" asked Song.
The tires made a sharp sound, and another rocket rocket just fell on the tree, and the trunk
of an old tree fell on top of them!
The trunk of the old tree is thicker than a tree that has grown for more than a decade!
"Mom--" Wu Yunqi stepped on the gas pedal and only heard the huge sound coming from
the parking space. They avoided it in a thrilling way.
"Even if I can't recognize their exact location, but someone can."
After Zhou Yu’s words are finished, Wu Yun understands the meaning of Zhou Yu. He wants
to use the super-sensory ability of the ink night to lock these people.
"I won't help you, because you have this ability yourself." Ink night answered.
"Now is not the time for me to learn to use your so-called 'ability'!" Zhou Yu shook the
window and looked back at the night when he was about to pull out of the car.
He discovered that the face of the ink night was pale, and even the focal length of the line of
sight was chaotic.
"What happened to you?" Zhou Yu suddenly became nervous.
"Do what you should do." Ink night raised his hand and held his eyes.
Zhou Yu suddenly understood that when searching for the creatures that can be controlled
in the ink night, it must be compared with the guy who expelled all creatures!
The ability of ink night is limited, and at this time he may not be able to easily defeat each
It was also a rocket launcher. Their teammates were blown up, and the debris splashed and
slammed into their car. They pushed the car away from the original action track and were
almost hit by the next rocket.
"They must have brought all the rockets in the No. 3 base!" Wu Yun gnashed his teeth.
At this time, the ink night suddenly raised his hand, grabbed his head, took a breath,
suddenly widened his eyes, the amber eyes
"Who is it? Mr. Song... Why is this night in the ink night!"
"Yes... he controlled it all somewhere... Turin must have found him! We thought that Turin
would go to find the ancestor Imir, but he joined forces with him!" Song Zhi raised The
hand, holding the window and the top of the head, the car turned an emergency, almost let
him hit his head.
"Don't tell me that you will appear! My **** is now enough trouble! Why haven't it been
blown up!"
Just as Wu Yun shouted, another rocket hit the top of their head and hit another car that
was too late to dodge.
"I rely! Rely! Rely!" Wu used his hand to beat the steering wheel.
Zhou Yu took a breath, and those who were finally easily abandoned by his voice from his
mind, flooded into the depths of his brain, and chaotic five chapters.
They are like a torrent, can't wait to come, eager to be interpreted by his brain, but beyond
his carrying capacity, Zhou Yu even has to be destroyed by this force.
"Don't think about rejecting them... remember what I said to you... detach yourself from
above them."
The night of the night, while holding the back of Zhou Yu, his power seems to extend into
the body of Zhou Yu, and it seems that this power is only the illusion of Zhou Yu.
"You can... do it on your own, you know very well."
Breaking through everything, the chaotic world is suddenly clearer than ever. Zhou Yu’s
line of sight travels along the air and instantly locks.
He drove the gun out of the window.
"Wu Yun, driving at nine o'clock!"
Wu Yun responded quickly. According to Zhou Yu’s steering wheel, at the moment of
turning, Zhou Yu buckled the trigger and hit the first shot.
"Turn to eleven!"
Wu Yun turned the steering wheel again, and the dust was bursting under the wheels. Zhou
Yu was almost smashed out. At that moment, he hit again.
After a few shots, the other side's rockets stopped.
However, Wu Yun did not let out his breath, but said to Song: "Mr. Song! Are you going to
continue your mission? Or are you going to retreat?"
Song Zhi took over the Wu Yun's walkie-talkie: "The whole staff retreat! Immediately rush
back to the base!"
"I have known you for so long, and finally said a word!" Wu Yun exclaimed.
"I have known you for so long, your IQ has not improved." Inklessly exhaled with a breath,
"We have been attacking humans until now, where is Turin going?"
Wu Yun finally realized: "Tulin has never been here! It is very likely that the tiger is away
from the mountain! His purpose is our base? So he used this task to lead the only ink night
that can counter him!"
The team then turned around and rushed back to the base. Just after they drove for ten minutes, Zhou Yu suddenly shouted: "Wu Yun - be
There was no time for Wu Yun to react at all. The numerous ropes from the heights of the
ancient trees were shot and penetrated the body and roof of the Hummer.
Wu Yun and Zhou Yu immediately bowed down to avoid being stabbed by sharp claws,
while the ink night pressed Song Zhi down.
Wu slammed on the gas pedal, and the engine of the car made a struggling sound, but they
seemed to be fixed and could not move.
The other cars were similar, with only a few successfully fleeing.
Song told the escaped vehicles through the walkie-talkie: "Don't look back - go back to the
base right away!"
The other end of these ropes must be fixed on these huge old trees, which is very stable.
At the same time, several field members quickly slid down from these ropes, and they
watched that they were about to shoot at the roof of Zhou Yu’s car. Suddenly someone fell
quickly from the height of the old tree, his movements. Very fast, no one can see how it is
He stepped on one of the neck bones, lifted the man's machine gun and directly shot the
bullets, and the field players who were in the process of rapid drop were shot and fell.
It was a young man who looked a little older than the night, wearing a camouflage uniform
at the base, but there was no weapon on his body.
He has a meticulous face and an indifferent look, and the white skin and the ink night are
exactly the same.
He walked to the window of Song Zhi and tapped directly on the glass: "Are you okay?"
Song Zhi, who kept his head down waiting for the machine gun to shoot, raised his eyes and
looked at the young man outside the window like a deep pool: "Be careful -"
In the eyes of Song Zhi, the look of horror was revealed. When the palms slammed on the
window to remind each other, the opponents who slipped down and attacked other
vehicles shifted their attention and moved the guns.
The young man outside the window slammed his hands hard, and all the metal ropes that
carried the car broke, and the car was violently pushed out of the machine gun range. The
speed of movement was unexpected.
"Song Song--" Song Zhiyu's eyes widened, watching the young man jump up and grab a
metal rope hanging from the tree, a swing leaping into the air, his knees breaking the first
person At the same time, the chin gained strength and jumped to a higher position. He
quickly took the dagger from the thigh, plunged it into the shoulder of the second person,
and slammed the other's rope and turned to the third person.
Everything is like being accurately calculated in an instant, so fast that it can't be
distinguished by the naked eye.
In Song Zhi and Wu Yun, it seems that all this is extremely thrilling, but in Zhou Yu’s eyes,
everything is slow to seem to be decomposed, and he can see every movement of Song Song
At the same time, a team of field players rushed to the direction of Song Zhi and Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu opened the door and quickly got off, Wu Yun also left in the direction of Zhou Yu.
In the night of the ink, Song Zhi also smashed down. They just turned down, and the sound
of machine guns rang.
It seems as if each gun can explode their heads.
And they are getting closer and closer.
"Go to the back of the old tree!" Ink night slammed Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu immediately pressed Song Zhi’s head and retired with Wu Yun, while the ink night
ran out from the Hummer, which instantly attracted all the vitality.
The running speed of the ink night is different from that of ordinary people. The bullets hit
the heels of his feet, and he ran to the side of those guys in the blink of an eye.
The person with the quickest response quickly turned the muzzle. At that moment, his eyes
reflected the cold eyes of the ink night, which was close to his eyes. As expected, the death
of the dead came, and the left hand of the ink night pressed his gun. Mouth, his right hand
quickly cut off his throat, and then lowered his body to avoid the sweep, with the palm of
his hand, kicked sideways, kicked off another person's ankle. At the moment he fell to the
ground, the machine gun was still shooting, just hitting three or four companions.
The remaining two felt the crisis. Their guns kept chasing the ink night, but the body shape
of the ink night flashed too fast. In a blink of an eye, he had already arrived behind one of
them, lifting his foot and crushing the other's knee. In the night, the ink pulled out the
opponent's waist and pointed to the companion next to him. He did not hesitate to pull the
trigger. The bullet passed through the other's head and the two fell.
Turning around, Song Hao has also solved the solution. He holds an enemy gun in his hand
and dismantled it and threw it on the ground.
"Your Song is there over there -" Ink night refers to the back of the old tree.
Song Yu is still an expression of indifference, and walked quickly.
Wu Yun and Zhou Yu leaned against the tree and adjusted their breathing. When the
footsteps came, they all pointed their guns at each other.
The cool sound came, and when they saw that it was Song Hao’s hand, they put the gun
"The tone of your guy's speech is exactly the same as that of Song." Wu used his thumb to
point to Song Zhi who was behind them.
Song Yu walked between Wu Yun and Zhou Yu and came to the front of Song Zhi. His eyes
fell slightly, and although his expression was blank, he showed a soft look: "Your computer
is broken."
"Yeah." Song Zhi nodded, but turned his face.
He didn't seem to be willing to face Song's eyes, but Song Hao held him with his arms open.
"You shouldn't be here...there are people from Juli Group." Song’s voice trembled.
"But I can see the people I hug you, only two of them. Do you need me to kill them?"
"They are the people I believe in." Song took a breath.
"Why don't you look at my eyes?"
"You know why. I looked at you for a second, and I thought about watching you for another
second, second second, third second... until the disaster of extinction came. Hurry back to
the base, and Turin went there. I didn't guess wrong. He had already joined forces with him.
He didn't even bother to debilitate and even die the ancestor Imir... We were all cheated by
him!" Song Zhi looked at Song Wei with sharp eyes.
"Is the little uncle also in the base?" Song asked.
"Yes. So you have to go back soon!"
Song Zhi took a shot and Song Hao hugged his arm. The other party let go of his hand and
stepped back, but still looked at Song Zhi.
"Don't hesitate, if he dies... everything is over! Go away!" Song sighed down and scorned
"Because I leave you every time... I feel like I was looking at you for the last time."
"You won't have anything, I won't let you have anything." Song said, looking at each other's
eyes, "I still don't believe me?"
Song Hao seems to have made a great deal of effort, and turned hard to run quickly.
He quickly disappeared at the end of his sight.
Song Zhi suddenly felt exhausted and squatted backwards.
When the ink went away, the gun that was removed by Song Song was picked up and
reassembled, just like playing a jigsaw puzzle. Then he hit the Song Zhi with a butt, and
Song Zhi fell to the ground.
Ink night slammed in front of him: "This is where I can't understand your humanity. Or lie
or tell the truth, or never reveal the true desire of the heart."
"What do you want me to show? With so many field players who came out with us, even if
Song Wei saved them, they would report to the group that they saw Song Hao, and we
didn't arrest him."
"So? You really did not order to arrest him. This is already true. It is better to enjoy his
arms and temperature when he hugs you. If you want to die, it is better to die in his arms."
Looking at Song Zhi at night with his head.
Song Zhi smiled: "I think so, you really have a lot to learn. I go crazy and want Song Hao to
end everything for me, but ink night... If one day Zhou Yu died in front of you? When it hurts
here, how long do you think you can heal itself?"
Song Zhi’s fingers were poked on the chest of the ink night. At the moment when the night
was lost, Song caused him to look up to Zhou Yu and Wu Yun: “We have to rush back to the
base at full speed. It’s just that our speed is not so Fast. I am worried that Song Wei alone
can't cope with Turin who has already joined forces with him."
"Our speed is definitely better than the ink night." Wu Yun pointed to the ink night.
"Song will turn and leave because he knows that I am here. If I leave you, and when there
are dangerous creatures attacking you, do you think the Hummer and machine guns can be
On the night of the ink, he said that he was heading towards their Hummer, and the car
could not be opened.
After sorting out a small number of cars that can still be driven, Zhou Yu and Wu Yun made
a re-planning and continued to drive back to the base.
When Zhou Yu opened the door and stepped into the co-pilot position of a car, the ink night
held the door by hand.
"What's wrong?" Zhou Yu looked up at him.
"I suddenly felt scared." Mo night said.
"afraid of what?"
"I am afraid that you will die." Ink night answered.
Zhou Yu sighed, and the palm of his hand covered the eyes of the ink night: "I am human, I
will die sooner or later. So don't care too much about this result. When you don't care so
much, you won't be afraid."
At the moment when Zhou Yu took back his hand, the ink night kissed his face on his lips.
It was a very short stay, maybe no one noticed it, but the kind of warmth and touch, Zhou
Yu knew that he would always be nostalgic.
Ink night closed the door for him, and Song Zhi sat in the back seat.
The team continued to move forward, and the speed was much faster than before.
Zhou Yu is deeply concerned about everything around him. If their team suffers another
ambush, it will be a devastating blow.
At this time, Zhou Qing was sitting in front of the microscope in the laboratory, but the
samples under his microscope had not been replaced for two or three hours.
"You look very uneasy." Bai Yingting said.
Zhou Qing straightened up, raised his hand and covered his eyes, and sighed with a deep
sigh: "That is my big brother, the only relative in the world. I am afraid that the longer he
stays in Nibelung, the more he is used to danger. When one day he no longer needs to take
risks, it is when everything is over."
The author has something to say: The next chapter... Professor Bai should drop the vest...

Laws of the Other World Chapter 73: Bai Yingting vs Tulin

Settings saved..
"Maybe this time is the end of everything, but the result will be much better than you
think." Bai Yingting smashed his face, and Zhou Qing saw the other's eyes, it was a kind of
"It’s weird, I have the feeling that I have known you for a long time.” Zhou Qing smiled.
"If I am a female researcher, I am already very excited at the moment." Bai Yingting's lip
line slowly bends.
"I am old-fashioned, old-fashioned, and have no hobbies. It is very difficult for anyone to be
happy for me." Zhou Qing laughed at himself.
"That's because you didn't meet the right person." Bai Yingting's smile reminded Zhou Qing
of the lake he had seen when he first came to Nibelungen, and the occasional encounter.
That may be the only romantic thing in his life, and in the eyes of Bai Yingting, everything
seems to go back in time.
"I should continue my research." Zhou Qing measured his face, he can no longer continue to
look at him, there will be more unrealistic imagination.
"Of course, research can make you concentrate, less worry, and more focus."
Just as Zhou Qing lowered his head and continued to look at the microscope, the alarm
sound of the base suddenly rang, and the researchers raised their heads in unison, and
Zhou Qing’s shoulders subconsciously trembled.
"what happened?"
The researchers are scared. The last time the alarm sounded or the night of the night
thought that Zhou Yu died and lost control caused a large number of biological attack bases,
then what is this time?
"Li Qian, what happened? Transfer the picture to the research room." Bai Yingting opened
the intercom and connected Li Qian.
"I don't know what's going on! The base is being attacked by unknown creatures!"
Li Qian’s voice was also full of horror, and the screens in front of Bai Yingting and Zhou
Qing were switched. Just seeing an entrance to the base, an out-of-town vehicle is
undergoing an in-house inspection. Suddenly the roof is lifted up by something, like a
balloon that is about to burst, and the firm roof is slammed. Some kind of dark green plant
grows out of the body of a researcher in the back seat, and quickly opens a huge flower,
red-red fleshy petals, spewing spore-like gas.
The security guards at the entrance checkpoints were too late to pull out the guns, and they
were sucked in these treasures. At the same time as they coughed, some green plants grew
in the body, and all the security personnel’s skulls were opened, and they were crazy and
arrogant. Grow, then open the fascinating flowers!
The researchers widened their eyes and looked incredulously at the scene: "What is this!
My God!"
"Close the air circulation system right away! These spores will spread in the air." Bai
Yingting told Li Qian.
His expression is cold, this is the first time Bai Qing has seen such a white professor.
A red alarm sounded and all the labs and nodes were locked.
And the export of those huge flowers grows fast, like a balloon that blows up, constantly
bulging and expanding.
"These fruits are growing too fast?" Zhou Qing was very surprised.
"It's nothing strange. The human body gives them excess nutrients. And it's definitely not
just an accident caused by plant parasites... there must be something more serious going to
Bai Yingting’s words made Zhou Qing nervous. An idea passed over his brain. He picked up
the walkie-talkie and said to Li Qian: "No matter what method you use, you must destroy
that plant! You can't let its fruit continue to grow!"
"Then send a small team to destroy them!"
As these huge fruits grew, they even resisted the monitoring equipment, Li Qian could not
see anything in front of the computer.
When the **** squad walked through the passage with breathing equipment and saw the
fruits, they were shocked.
They are huge, like a force in it, as if there is a heartbeat and blood is violently pulsating.
Their fingers were on the trigger, but they hadn't had time to squat down. The original
huge fruit suddenly burst like a volcanic eruption. The impact of the formation pushed the
whole guard team out and squatted. On the channel node, the door was pulled out of a
depression, and several guards were either stunned or fainted.
The gate at the entrance to the fruit that oppressed the fruit was also overturned by this
"What happened? The captain please reply! The captain please reply!" Li Qian tried to
contact the other party, but only got a busy tone.
In the research room, Bai Yingting covered his palms on the wall and closed his eyes as if he
was tracking and feeling something.
"What's wrong?" Zhou Qing came forward.
"The fruit of the plant that is parasitic in the researcher's body and enters the base can
grow indefinitely, and the strength is great. As long as the nutrition is enough, there is no
problem in opening such a metal wall." Bai Yingting's fingers knocked on the wall.
Zhou Qing frowned. "So there are people or creatures... I want to break through the barrier
of the base and come inside."
At this time, someone opened the door of Zhou Qing's research room and walked in: "I can
only think of Turin."
The other person was dressed in casual t-shirts, his hands in his pockets and chocolate
candy in his mouth.
"Dr. Jiang... Li Qian has locked all the channels. How did you get in?"
"Because my authorization level is the same as that of Song Zhi." Dr. Jiang shook his fingers.
"And this time I stayed in my room alone, it was very nerve-racking."
"We all thought that Turin was going to the ancestor Imir, but his real goal was this base. If
this assumption is true, what can be attracted to him in this base?" Zhou Qing looked at Dr.
Dr. Jiang swallowed the chocolate in his mouth and quickly shook his hand: "Hey! Hey! Hey!
Why are you looking at me like this?"
Bai Yingting replaced Zhou Qing and replied: "Because your research and talent for viruses
is above Turin. Maybe what problems Turin encountered, need to ask you?"
"Less come! I don't want to do academic exchanges with him at all!" Dr. Jiang widened his
eyes and stepped back. "You... don't you want to hand me over?"
Bai Yingting smiled happily: "I am not sure if it is Turin, Dr. Jiang, you are too nervous."
At this time, the picture in the video made Dr. Jiang very shocked. The huge fruit that broke
out at the same time was tantamount to the power of more than a dozen bomb explosions.
The nodes of the passage were washed away and the entire base was also shocked.
Then, the thick vines suddenly broke out from the depths of the underground, deep down
the blasted passage, and its power was very strong, sweeping several teams guarding the
extended guards.
This is not just a single attack. If it wasn't for Turing's manipulation behind the scenes,
Zhou Qing couldn't think of other possibilities.
The devil's vine arched and formed into a wavy shape, slamming into the depths of the
passage, and the second door was knocked open.
The spores rolled in.
Li Qian can only constantly transfer the guards who are guarding the extension to the
The entire base will soon be fried into a pot of porridge.
"Come back Zhou Yu, they are called back!" Dr. Jiang shouted.
At this time, a black shadow passed, and the signal tower was crushed without warning!
"My mother..." Li Qian, who monitors this scene, is dumbfounded.
In this way, they are not likely to contact Zhou Yu.
And the huge creature that crushed the signal tower turned out to be a snake!
Not long ago, the base was hit hard by the snake that was summoned when the mood of the
night was out of control, but this time... their opponents would never be merciless!
And the snake snaked to the entrance of the base, and on top of it, he sat in Turin.
Turin’s lips were filled with a sly smile, and his shackles radiated golden light.
"Tulin can even manipulate the snake... How is this possible? The death of his dahlia is only
a class of creatures!"
Zhou Qing couldn't help but step forward and stare hard at the image of Dr. Turin on the
Turin walked into the passage that had split and even collapsed at any time. He knew
exactly where the camera would be. He bent down and made a tribute to the gentleman.
The Teng Snake then retraced backwards after a dozen meters, rushing forward, such
speed and impact, Zhou Qing they only felt the world shaking!
One in five bases collapsed like this!
Li Qian’s screen returned to normal after a second of snow, and he could only use the
remaining cameras to understand what happened.
At the same time of collapse, many people who were too late to evacuate were
"We have to leave, the sooner the better!" Li Qian said to Zhou Qing and Professor Bai in the
"The problem is that Turin has sent people around this base, and we have to escape from
Zhou Qing looked at the snake in the video, almost surrounded the whole base, and planned
to smash it and crush all the extensions.
"But the more we evade from the depths of the base, the easier it is to catch us all at the
end. This is a slap in the face." Bai Yingting answered.
"What do you plan to do?" Zhou Qing looked at Bai Yingting.
"Chong out, either leave, or die here." Bai Yingting replied.
"Crush out? Although I want to say if you are crazy? But I prefer the answer of 'Leave'
rather than sitting still, I think you are referring to using the shuttle cabin to leave
Nibelungen?" Dr. Jiang asked.
"Of course! Li Qian, you will immediately get in touch with the headquarters of Juli Group
and ask them to connect to our shuttle cabin on the other side! Then plan the route we have
escaped and set up the relevant cards." Bai Yingting said to the intercom .
"Of course." Li Qian replied.
After a dozen seconds, Li Qian sent the best evacuation route to the display.
This route is almost a straight line that leads directly to the shuttle cabin.
"I have already contacted Dr. Cook of the Juli Group headquarters. She agreed to send us
instructions, but the instructions for sending the shuttle cabin are only known to Mr. Song!"
"I know what the order is!" said Dr. Jiang.
"That's it, let's go!"
Bai Yingting and Zhou Qing nodded to each other. At the moment when the research room
door opened, the two men rushed out together with the researchers and Dr. Jiang.
"Don't stop, gasp! Wait until you leave here and gasp!" Bai Yingting shouted.
A group of researchers who never exercised ran like this in a long passage, and from time
to time they could feel the base shaking.
"The extension of the wall has been destroyed, Turin to the lizard monsters have come in!
You move faster!" Li Qian anxiously reminded the monitor.
"Li Qian, first set all the parameters of the transfer cabin!" Dr. Jiang took the walkie-talkie
from Bai Yingting, and said nothing.
"This is still for you to say! You have to roll over to me!" Li Qian sat in front of the computer
and shook his legs subconsciously. This was his movement when he was nervous.
The heart jumps so fast, even the palms are sweaty, except that the last night spirit
cultivated by Dr. Carlos has been killed in the base, he has not been so feared for a long
At this time, Bai Yingting suddenly stopped and took Zhou Qing, who was next to him,
behind him.
Only heard a loud noise, the metal walls on their heads trembled, as if suddenly under
tremendous pressure, the eardrums numb, the researchers subconsciously grabbed their
ears and bowed their heads.
"Oops! Dr. Turin's Lizard Legion has already reached your head! The lizard blame... it's
terrible! You hurry!"
But it was too late, only to hear a huge tremor, the metal walls on their heads all collapsed,
and the metal walls made a lot of fire when they rubbed against each other.
A monster whose body shape is several times the usual lizard blame falls on the ground,
and the white eyeball sways as if it is locking the prey.
The vines of the devil vines came in and clung to the walls around them, like a solid net, and
they all neted.
The researchers were speechless in horror.
And the lizard blame step by step forward, Bai Yingting took Zhou Qing step by step back.
The air was so nervous that it was suffocating. Zhou Qing only felt that the whole body was
cold. Only Bai Yingting in front of him held the hand on his shoulder and made him feel the
real warmth.
There is no trembling in his body. Unlike the researchers who are desperate, he is still calm.
“Professor Bai?” Zhou Qing subconsciously opened his mouth, but did not know what he
really wanted to say.
"My body is getting weaker and weaker. It is impossible to protect all of you from leaving.
Listen, I am dragging this monster and the lizard army that it leads. You take Dr. Jiang and
leave with a gap."
"What? How do you drag them?"
In the next second, Zhou Qing thought that when the last research room flew in countless
scabbard butterflies, Bai Yingting was able to squat on his shoulders, and there was no
sword bone butterfly to approach or even attack them.
"I told you to leave and leave. It doesn't matter how I stop them." Bai Yingting looked at
Zhou Qing and looked at it. His eyes were covered with a touch of gold. Zhou Qing suddenly
understood what he was subconsciously. The tone, the legs stepped back half a step, but
eventually reached out and hugged Bai Yingting.
"Then I am waiting for you in the shuttle cabin." After Zhou Qing, he held the hand of Dr.
The meridians inside the devil vines suddenly swelled, and the part that was about to be
attacked suddenly burst open, and the rest was rapidly withering.
At the same time, the giant lizard blame in front of them suddenly tightened with limbs and
twitching. The same is true of the dozen or so lizards that jumped down. The body seems to
be tied and twisted and even broken. They can’t breathe or In action, the internal cells are
splitting and making an astonishing sound.
Bai Yingting’s voice just fell, and Zhou Qing smashed Dr. Jiang and ran away from those
Dr. Jiang widened his eyes and looked at this magical scene. When they successfully ran
through this passage, Li Qian also dropped the gate. Zhou Qing subconsciously turned back
and found that no one except him and Dr. Jiang followed.
"Don't stop! Keep running! Until you enter the shuttle cabin!"
The secretion of adrenaline makes Zhou Qing more agile than usual.
Dr. Jiang followed him, stepping on the glasses that a researcher had fallen, and he fell to
the ground.
Zhou Qing was about to lift him up, but the sound of clapping was heard from the corner of
the passage.
"It’s really good. I didn’t expect you to get rid of my escort.”
When the shadow of that person turned around the corner and his face gradually appeared
under the light, Dr. Jiang’s pupil expanded and he said: “Tulin...”
The name is like a basin of cold water, falling from the top of Zhou Qing's head, completely
severing their hope of running away.
Turin, still wearing a white researcher's long squat, with his hands in his pockets, walked
in. His face is a calm look, as if he is a creature above all else, standing at the top of the
pyramid overlooking Zhou Qing and Dr. Jiang's powerless and absurd struggle.
Zhou Qing took a step back and he could feel a devastating force from Turin's eyes.
"Long time no see, Dr. Jiang. You look so young, baby face and good skin are enviable,
unlike my face is full of wrinkles." Turin came to Dr. Jiang, raising his hand Lived his arm
and lifted him up.
In fact, Dr. Turin's face is very smooth, looks like a teenager, the virus has frozen the aging
of his cells, and even produced anti-age effects.
Dr. Jiang’s jaw is shaking, and the heart beats to break.
"What do you want? Kill all the people in the base, or to kill me?" Dr. Jiang, even if he was
afraid, still looked at Turin's eyes.
Turin patted Dr. Jiang's cheek and said in a tone to the old acquaintance: "Don't be like this,
old friend, how can I kill you? You are the most valuable researcher I have ever seen, and
your talent is even 10 I have no way to exceed it."
Zhou Qing finally can be sure that what he and Bai Yingting guessed is true. Turin is indeed
for Dr. Jiang.
"Yes? I really didn't think you could agree with my talents." Dr. Jiang's lips smuged an ugly
"Well... although it is a fusion of the death dahlia, I have gained the supreme power, but it
does have a little problem, so I need you to help me study this virus. Besides me, if anyone
can solve it. If you open the mystery of this virus, I believe that only you." Turin patted Dr.
Jiang's shoulder and finished his sleeves, as if he wanted Dr. Jiang to maintain the same
clean and tidy image. Or, just in a false manner, I apologize for letting Dr. Jiang be so
"I can go with you, but you will leave with your lizard squad and all the creatures outside,
don't hurt anyone at this base!"
"Ha ha ha! How many people in this base are clean? Without the handle being held by Juli
Group, will you give up the warm and comfortable life of the human world? Or do you think
you have the conditions to tell me? ?? Turin asked with a smile.
"Although I am afraid of death, do you think that I really have no courage to accept death?"
Dr. Jiang asked in his usual voice, he has made up his mind.
Turin looked at his face and looked at Zhou Qing: "Do you think that Dr. Jiang is very
courageous and full of sacrifice, representing the most noble ideological realm of
"Don't you say that you?" Zhou Qing asked.
"No! No! No! I am the same as Dr. Jiang. We represent the pursuit of power and ** by Juli
Group. It is not enough to erode the human world. We have to come here to subvert
Nibelungen. At best, This is just a colonization that has never been done. In fact, my luck is
better and I have gained the power I want. Of course, this power will not be shared with Juli
After that, Turin picked up Dr. Jiang and walked toward the other end of the passage.
His pace is very relaxed and looks good.
Zhou Qing chased him up, but Dr. Jiang shook his hand desperately: "Don't worry about me,
you have to evacuate! Li Qian is still waiting for you!"
Zhou Qing knew that he could do nothing, but he couldn't watch the Dr. Jiang being taken
away. He closed his eyes and called the s-class creature in his heart: I know, you are Bai
Yingting. I need your help……
Bai Yingting, surrounded by a dozen lizard monsters, seemed to have heard the call of Zhou
Qing and frowned.
He fixed these lizards to the cells that broke them a little bit. The belly of the greatest lizard
screamed suddenly and slammed on the ground. Other lizards screamed and jumped. To
the face of Bai Yingting.
The author has something to say: There have been a lot of recent meetings.
The boss always said "I only talk about three points", but every point is very long and can
be written independently...

Laws of the Other World Chapter 74: Song Wei vs Tulin

Settings saved..
The researchers held their heads down and some screamed.
Bai Yingting just looked up, time is like a sudden freeze, those lizards that jump in midair
suddenly come from their eyes to their tails, like being broken down, cracking apart, falling
apart, blood splashing Their bodies were also scattered around Bai Yingting.
Li Qian, who looked at this scene through surveillance, was stupid.
"Open the door, I am going to catch up with Zhou Qing!"
Bai Yingting said to the intercom.
Li Qian immediately opened the door, Bai Yingting quickly ran away, and the white long
squat dragged behind him, like a huge white kite.
Turin, who was carrying Dr. Jiang, suddenly stopped. His body seemed to be bound by
some kind of force. No matter how hard it was, the limbs were fixed in the concrete and
could not move.
Zhou Qing, who has been behind Zhaolin for a long time, has stopped. He thought that Turin
would do something to himself, but Turin just stood there and motionless.
Not far from the metal wall, there was a cracking sound. Some people jumped from the gap
between the heads. It was a young man in a camouflage uniform.
His black hair fell with the air rising, and the toes touched the ground lightly without any
sound. He had a handsome face that was subconsciously traced by his eyes, and the
temperament revealed by the whole body reminded Zhou Qing of the ink night.
The surprise in Turin's eyes gradually became a mad smile: "I thought it was the already
decaying Imir! Since it is you, my little master."
"Don't call me a little master." Song Hao came to him and raised his hand to hold Dr. Jiang,
who was shackled on his shoulder, and hugged him easily.
Dr. Jiang looked at Song Wei, and he couldn’t speak for a while.
"Little uncle, are you okay?" Song Yu overslept, and the cold voice sounded.
Dr. Jiang opened his mouth and suddenly pushed Song Song: "Isn't you leaving here! Why
are you coming back! You are an idiot fool! You will let all efforts of Song Zhi be wasted!"
"It’s Dad who asked me to come back to save you." Song Wei replied.
"There are surveillance everywhere, they will find you coming back to save me!"
Dr. Jiang was in a hurry, and Zhou Qing was shocked by this scene. What is going on? This
young man of Mingjiao Song Yu is obviously not an ordinary person. He remembered that
the name of the s-class creature that Song Zhi once raised was Song Song. However, this
Song Song actually came to save Dr. Jiang, so what is the relationship between Dr. Jiang and
Song Zhi?
"I have ruined the surveillance, no one can see me coming in, and... does this person need
me to kill him?" Song Wei looked at Zhou Qing.
"No! He is not the heart of the Juli Group! He is my friend!" Dr. Jiang immediately stopped in
front of Zhou Qing.
"So, I will protect him." Song Yu's tone is always faint.
"You shouldn't call the wrong person "Daddy," and your real father will be quite
disappointed." Turin sneered.
"I decide who is my father."
Song Wei looked at Turin on the side, his eyes were plated with a touch of gold, his strength
struck into the depths of Turin's brain along the line of sight, and Turin could feel the bones
of the body and every cell. Clinking.
Song Hao wants to kill him.
Just as the power of Song Yu was driven straight into the depths of Turin’s brain and
destroyed Turin in the most fundamental way, a force emerged with absolute superiority.
Song’s power was completely ruled out by Turin. The body, the already painful Turin
suddenly took a breath and gasped hard. He looked at Song Hao and showed a smug smile:
"It seems that some people don't want me to die. And, we can't Decide who is our own
father, because that is genetically determined, you should recognize the reality. Your father
will teach you how to be truly powerful."
Song Yu side face, trying to suppress the power in Turin's mind, but it was once again
bounced out.
Obviously, that power is far above Song.
Not only that, but he was also moved by Song Yi’s limbs.
"It's time for you to understand the power of your father."
After that, Song Wei was like being hit, and suddenly he kneeled on the ground and grabbed
his heart with force, as if it was difficult to breathe.
"Song Song, what happened to Song Yu?" Dr. Jiang was worried, but Song Wei had no power
to answer him.
"Reassured, Dr. Jiang, you will not hurt your son, at least within his tolerance."
The name "谛昕" made Dr. Jiang's shoulder tremble. He looked at Turin with amazement:
"You found it, you joined him. Is it strange that your ability is just the death of the dahlia
level? It may be manipulated, and it is also a snake of a-class creature!"
"Yes, this is not the first time I have cooperated with you. He is more honest than the Juli
Group. Do you feel scared, Dr. Jiang, or you finally understand which side you choose? The
most sensible?"
Just as Turin’s hand was on the shoulder of Dr. Jiang’s shoulder, his fingers seemed to be
invaded by some kind of force, stiffened and then twisted, and the sound of the bones was
completely cut off.
"Oh..." Turin grabbed his hand and stepped back. He turned his face and slammed into the
white-eyed pavilion.
"Professor Bai!" Zhou Qing saw the moment of Bai Yingting and finally felt the hope.
Bai Yingting’s expression was cold. He was in front of Zhou Qing and looked at Turin with
his gaze.
“Do you think Nie Longgen is the most powerful creature?”
Turin smiled and looked up at him: "Is it you? Or at least you are not infected with that
virus, it has the power of a powerful s-class creature, and you? You are already weak, aren't
you?" Otherwise, depending on your ability to penetrate, do you still need to stay in such a
false body as a medium of your strength?"
"You are really naive. If you are not infected by a virus, he simply disdains the so-called
'son'. Because he can easily have a second, third. He will easily resent himself against
rebellious Song. Destroy, unless he knows he is infected with a virus, his genes cannot be
passed on before he is cured."
"Professor Bai..." Zhou Qing was surprised to see the back of Bai Yingting. He could almost
piece together the truth of the facts.
Why is he coming to his side? Why do you feel so familiar with him? Why is he able to
escape with the attack of the sword-bone butterfly? And why those lizards are not a
researcher's opponent. These answers are close at hand.
"Even then, he is stronger than you are weak to die!" Turin sneered, but his eyes were a
fear that could not be concealed.
"Well, let me feel that I have only one strength."
After that, Bai Yingting came to Dr. Turin, kneeling on one knee and staring at Dr. Turin's
eyes. Turin seemed to understand what he was trying to remove his face, but there was an
invisible force control. His brain made him unable to avoid the sight of Bai Yingting.
The power of Bai Yingting is completely different from that of Song Yu. He is vigorous and
vigorous, with Hongbo, who has been trained by time, to penetrate into every cell of Turin,
and to clearly feel that his body is cracking and disintegrating.
He groaned in pain, looking at Bai Yingting in front of his eyes with resentful and desperate
The power of Bai Yingting is different from that of the shackles. It is the transformation of
hundreds of millions of years, which is a reflection of life and death, and makes Tulin fear
from the depths of his thoughts.
At that moment, Bai Yingting’s eyes suddenly had bloodshot oozing, which shocked Zhou
Turin, who was already close to collapse and collapse, took a breath, and his chelated
cheeks and cracked muscles healed quickly.
Turin stood up and ran out.
He wants to leave Bai Yingting's power range immediately, otherwise he will be captured
by him, and Bai Yingting will surely kill him with a bang!
And Bai Yingting chased it up: "Do you think you can escape?"
Turin turned back and saw that Bai Yingting’s eyes had already ooze blood, but he did not
let him go.
"Your body is not a suitable power carrier at all! If you continue to try to kill me through
this body, then the owner of this body will die!" Turin yelled as he fled.
"Do you think I will care?" Bai Yingting's voice seemed to come from the depths of hell,
oppressing Turin's nerves. He fled and fled, and rushed out of the base and jumped onto the
The snake quickly moved his body, released the entire base, and fled the place as quickly as
At the same time, the metal walls that were oppressed by the power of the snakes
shattered and made a whispering sound. In addition to the core interior, more than half of
the outside area has been turned into ruins.
"Professor Bai! Professor Bai!" Bai Yingting's speed is too fast, Zhou Qing can only follow
them far behind.
Zhou Qing all the way to the wall, looking at the broken base wreck, under the afterglow of
the setting sun with a **** glow, Zhou Qing only felt chilling, the world's risk factor is
higher than his imagination.
And Bai Yingting stood at the run-out exit, half-faced, staring at the direction in which the
snake fled, like the watchman on the cliff.
Zhou Qing looked at the back of the other party and suddenly felt that he was far away from
Bai Yingting.
"Don't be afraid, he has gone far." Bai Yingting's voice restored the warmth of the past.
Zhou Qing exhaled a breath: "White Professor..."
When he turned around, Zhou Qing was shocked.
Bai Yingting’s eyes are bleeding, and even his ears and nose are bleeding. That scene
reminded Zhou Qing of the ink night.
The ink night that was limited in ability was violently driven by Zhou Yu. Numerous
dangerous creatures were remotely rushed into the base after the ink night, but the ink
night also overloaded their ability. At that time, his horror looked exactly like Bai Yingting
at this time. .
Bai Yingting swayed twice and fell forward. Zhou Qing rushed up and shook him up. He
hugged him.
"Professor Bai, what's wrong with you! You wake up, look at me!" Zhou Qing wiped the
blood on the face of Bai Yingting, only to find that his body was cold and even began to
tremble. Zhou Qing immediately took off his white long scorpion and covered it on Bai
Yingting. He shouted loudly: "Come on! Anyone! Professor Bai has an accident! ”
At this time, Dr. Jiang and Song Yiwen rushed over.
"He has exhausted his ability, and this human body lacks the ability to carry the ancestor
Imir. His internal organs are damaged. Imir has left his body. Now all you need is to find an
excellent one. The surgeon sews the internal organs that he has ruptured and hemorrhage."
Song Wei replied.
"Right, Han Li is still here, and Dr. Daniel! We will send Professor Bai to the rescue room
soon!" Zhou Qing finally recovered calm.
Dr. Jiang turned around and looked at Song Yu very seriously. "You can't enter the base
anymore. You are leaving now."
Song Yu got up and looked down at Dr. Jiang and said, "So... goodbye to the little uncle.
Protect yourself."
"Going to Song Zhi, I am worried that the escaped Turin will retaliate against him." Dr. Jiang
After that, Song Yu jumped out of the ruins, slid along a collapsed wall, landed steadily, and
then ran away from here.
Dr. Jiang looked at the back of his departure and breathed a long breath.
He and Zhou Qing both placed the shoulders of Professor Bai on the left and right, took him
back to the base and sent him to the rescue room.
It was Han Li who came to the operation. Dr. Daniel left the base because of a temporary
task, which made Han Li’s emergency team very stressed.
But no matter what, Bai Yingting finally got out of danger.
At the same time, Song Zhi’s team is still on the way to the base.
The night is coming.
After driving for a whole day, the mood was extremely tense. Wu Yun shook the cigarette
box, contained a cigarette, looked at the people around him, and finally did not ignite.
"Why don't you smoke?" Zhou Yu asked.
"There is no lighter." Wu Yun said with a grin.
What he didn't think of was that Song Zhi, who was sitting in the back seat, threw a lighter
to him.
"I regard this as a smoking permit." Wu Yun smiled. "I didn't expect Mr. Song to smoke."
"Nicotine can make me concentrate. Are you not the same?" Song replied coolly.
"Hey, this time you go back to the base, you can be a smoker." Wu Yun said.
"The difference between us is too much, you still have to smoke yourself!"
"Mr. Song can give me some good smoke and let me improve my level."
"Because of red wine, at least good smoke, you know how to taste. I will accept this
proposal for the time being."
Wu Yun adjusted the front window rearview mirror, just to see the face of Song Zhi: "Mr.
Song, have you just laughed?"
"I don't have it." Song sent a cold answer.
"You are cute when you laugh." Wu Yun said.
"When you laugh, Song Hao must stand up there." The ink night looked at Song Zhi, and the
narrow eyes were like the darkness that was not penetrated by the moonlight, full of
Suddenly, Zhou Yu raised his hand and pressed Wu Yun’s head down. A bullet penetrated
their window glass and hit the tree on the side.
"Yes!"! Wu Yun had a cold sweat on his back. If it wasn't Zhou Yu, his head had already been
blown up.
"All the staff are careful, there is an ambush!" Zhou Yu informed the team behind them in
the intercom.
Zhou Yu has assembled it, but in such a dense forest, it is impossible to identify the specific
position of the other sniper in a short time.
And there were more than one sniper. Soon a driver of a car was already hit and killed.
Their car got out of control and hit a giant tree. The other players immediately left the
shadow of the old tree to escape. But one of them was killed in the process of rapid
"Is the sniper at the base 3 so powerful?" Wu Yun asked as he nervously drove the car.
"I don't have such an impression." Song Zhi lowered his head.
Suddenly, the ink night opened: "Don't open, stop!"
"What's the matter? Stop here as a gun target!" On the mouth, Wu Yun stopped the car.
"There was a mine buried in front." Zhou Yu opened the door and opened the door,
lowering the body. At the same time, several bullets rubbed his heel and back ridge, but
Zhou Yu was magically avoiding, his The response capacity has been greatly improved
compared to before.
Wu Yun followed him, and the ink night protected Song Zhi. Other car members also came
down, but many of them were hit.
"How do you know that there was a mine buried in front?" Wu Yun pulled the gun and
guarded everyone to hide under the tree. It was safer in the shadow than in the open area.
"I smell the smell of mine." Zhou Yu said.
"Is it impossible? I only smelled the sweat of my body." Wu Yun took out the night vision
device, put it on his eyes, and carefully searched for the sniper in the darkness, although
this is a needle in a haystack, it has no effect.
"It was Dr. Turin's injection of Zhou Yu's virus that caused him to alienate, but this
alienation enhanced Zhou Yu's body and five senses of acuity and strength, but it was not
deprived of reason like those lizards, I think That is because the ink night has exchanged
his blood for him to treat Zhou Yu. Dr. Jiang believes that the two systems of human
immunity and self-healing ability of s-class organisms work together to help Zhou Yu resist
the virus and complete The evolution of the body."
"It turned out to be the case, the next time you ink the night, you will exchange some of
your blood for me." Wu Yun said.
"I am sorry, Wu Yun, I am not raised by you. The genes of our two are incompatible."
At this time, they all felt faintly that someone was approaching them quickly, and there was
more than one person.
"It seems that the number of people on the 3rd base is really quite a lot. Mr. Song, you
should upgrade your own charm. You can see that Turin has easily rebelled the entire No. 3
base, and you only have me and Zhou Yu worth it. trust."
"I have arranged everyone I trust to where I should go." Song answered.
"What? Then, what about me and Zhou Yu? For your orders, we went to the fire and the
fire, since they have not entered your trust list?"
"Not my order, it is Dr. Cook's order."
At this time, Zhou Yu and Wu Yun nodded to each other, and two people quickly rushed out
of the hidden zone with a gun, starting shooting at three or seven.
The field personnel who rushed up did not respond, and they were hit and fell to the
ground, but those who responded had already fired the trigger and the bullets madly shot.
Zhou Yu handed down Wu Yun, and the bullet hit Zhou Yu's back. The sense of power was
so clear that Wu Yun scared his heart and jumped out.
"Zhou Yu! Zhou Yu, how are you!" Wu Yun quickly got up and armed with a gun. He shot a
guy who was about to shoot them.
"Can't die." Zhou Yu got up, just like nothing.
Wu Yun thinks of what Song said before. Zhou Yu’s body is filled with blood in the night,
and he now has super healing ability.
And the ink night jumped from the shadow of the tree, one foot broke one of the people's
necks, then turned and elbows to break the back of another person's back, the sound of
broken bones in this forest virgin forest Reverberating in the middle.
Just at this time in the jungle, a bullet came out of the way, his goal turned out to be Zhou
Yu's head.
At the moment when Zhou Yu turned around, the ink night did not know when he came to
him and grabbed the bullet steadily.
"You should be careful. If you are hit in your head, even if you have the healing ability of s-
class creatures, but far from my level. You will die."
"Oops!" Zhou Yu suddenly realized what he was and turned around.
In the shadow of the ancient tree, Song came slowly.
He raised his chin slightly and his face was cold.
All the gunshots stopped.
Standing behind Song’s body, it turned out to be Turin.
" are here..." Wu Yun half-opened.
"I just rushed all the way to get back at this most important time." The gun in Turin's hand
pointed to the brain of Song.
Zhou Yu's muscles were tight. He lifted his gun and pointed to the direction of Turin.
However, Song was in front of Turin.
The eyes of the ink night cooled down, and the golden color rose again.
"Ah, ink night... I know your ability, can you try to see if your strength can invade my body?"
The brow of the ink night smashed up: "Is it awkward? He is protecting you. Although it
will cost me more energy and a little more time than usual, I can still kill you."
The author has something to say: I haven't saved the manuscript, I seem to be starting to
run... Hehehe...

Laws of the Other World Chapter 75: a bullet

Settings saved..
"But before that, I had already pulled the trigger and broke Song’s head." Turin said with a
smile. "You know that Song and Imir didn't want my life together!"
"Oh... I understand, you did go to our No. 5 base, but after being cleaned up, I fled and fled,
so you didn't do it all the time, put the goal on Song Zhi. Because of him, Can threaten Song
Yu." Wu looked at Turin with the look of the jumping clown.
"Don't care for me, kill him." Song Zhi's voice came from the gap between the teeth.
There is no hesitation in his gaze, it is a kind of calmness that sees everything.
He can calculate the value of life and be indifferent to his own life.
However, although Wu Yun and Zhou Yu both raised their guns, they did not have a trigger.
"Tulin - you should be able to feel that Song Yu is coming. When he saw you pointing a gun
at Song Zhi, he would tear down your bones and let every cell of yours burst, let You are so
painful that you can't call it out."
"Then I will wear the head of Song Zhi, so that he can't be so painful." Although Tulin said
this, but the night can feel the fear of his "Song Song" name.
Zhou Yu just moved a little to the side, and Turin knocked on the back of the brain with a
gun: "I know your gun is very fast, Zhou Yu. I have already learned. So this time, I Be very
Zhou Yu can't break through Turin's defenses. He can only say to the ink night in his heart:
help me.
The eyes of the ink night slowly fell and closed his eyes. Even if he felt the powerful force
lingering around Turin, he forced his power into Turin's body.
Turin felt that the finger holding the gun was stiff, and that piece of phalanx did not seem to
belong to him.
The nightmare of the ink night trembles. It is a kind of existence that is farther than itself. It
is hard to imagine that if it is not through Turin's body, but the body of the s-class creature,
the power released is enough to destroy it.
At that moment, Zhou Yu felt Turin’s hesitation, and immediately sideways, found the
angle, the bullets instantly smashed, rubbing Song’s cheeks, and he was about to shoot into
Turin’s eyebrows.
Everything was like slow motion, and Turin opened his shoulders to avoid the bullet, and
the bullets fell into the trunk behind them.
The air flow between the forests, Zhou Yu can feel a force breaking the wind, that kind of
sound... seems to be a high-speed bullet!
"Be careful -" Song Song’s voice sounded. He ran from a distance, and stretched his hand to
touch Song Zhi, who stood in front of Turin, trying to bring him back.
It’s the unrelenting attachment, and the fragmented one is not hesitating.
At the moment when his fingertips were about to touch Song’s shoulder, Mo Ye and Zhou
Yu also rushed forward.
A bullet passed through the index finger of the ink-night and the finger of the middle finger.
When he entered the temple of Song Zhi, the moment he walked through, Song Hao finally
broke into his arms.
The sound of the skull cracking is so clear that the world seems to be broken.
It all happened without a blink of an eye.
But in the eyes of Wu Yun, who is stunned, it seems like a century of change, every moment
makes him feel the heart to split.
The ink night stabilized the footsteps and turned his face to the side. When he saw that
Song Zhi still squinted, his time was still.
Song Hao immediately pulled out the dagger from the thigh, and opened his own palm,
dripping into the wound where Song was penetrated by bullets.
"Hurry up... hurry up!" Song Wei forced his blood out of his palm, but Song was penetrated
through the wound without any signs of healing.
Zhou Yu instantly thought of the last time the ink night was not far away to save himself
and squeeze the blood into his own wound.
It’s just that Zhou Yu is lucky, but Song’s luck is not so good.
"Don't die! Don't die! You are healing!" Song Min's indifferent eyes were drowned by fear.
His other hand patted Song's cheek with a humble pleading. "You can't die... you do not
However, Song did not breathe, his pupils had been completely dispersed, just as if he still
kept the picture of Song Hao rushing to himself.
The blood flowed from the forehead to the face of Song Zhi and flowed into his eyes, but
nothing changed.
His body is gradually cooling down.
"Don't... you won't die... I won't die if you are..." Song Hao still insisted on pushing out his
blood. "Cure a little faster! Heal faster!"
Song Yu’s shoulders trembled more and more, and his despair made people who looked at
him suffocate.
At that moment, Turin suddenly got up and quickly ran away.
In the night, I didn’t say anything to catch up.
The two men struggled in the wind, and the ink came to the side of the night, his eyes as a
sharp blade, piercing the bones of Turin.
The pressure to extinguish the top came, and Turin shouted: "Do you think Song Zhi was
killed by me?"
"Isn't that yours!" The ink night suddenly reached out and grabbed Turin's neck and
slammed his body into the old tree. The trunk of strength was also split, Turin's The spine
is also broken.
"My people? Do you think that is Li Shengnan? Li Sheng □ is not in that direction!" Turin
shouted out, then pulled out a sneer. "Do you know humans? You know what they will do
for the benefit. Things? For example, clean up the aliens in the group! Song Zhi is the virus
of Juli Group, and now they can't stand the impact of this virus invasion, so be clear about
the virus!"
In the night, the eyes narrowed.
"You continue to hesitate and waste your time on me. It is very likely that you will never
have a chance to know who the person is."
All the expressions of the ink night have sunk. His palm covered Turin's forehead. It was
always a curse to stay with this guy. It was better to kill him with a bang.
Only when the power of the ink night infiltrated into the skull of Turin, when his bones
were fully opened, the force hidden in the depths of Turin’s brain swiftly reversed, but the
night of the ink refused to give up, he had to Losing Turin will never give this guy a chance
to hurt Zhou Yu in the future.
Ink night forcibly exerts his own strength. Every nerve in each of his cells seems to be
splitting. He feels that something warm is coming out of his own eyes. It is his blood.
Can't give up here, there may not be such an opportunity in the future! He must kill Turin!
In the night, the ink clenched his teeth and snorted.
Turin’s headache was so heartbroken, he shouted, his jaw creaking, and there seemed to be
a universe in the brain that was about to burst.
It was only an instant, and the power of the ink night was suddenly rejected from Turin's
body. He squatted back and sat down on the ground.
And Turin gasped, didn't know where the strength came, picked up his gun that fell on the
ground, pointed to the head of the ink night, just at the moment when his finger was about
to pull the trigger, Zhou Yu arrived. A shot came over.
Zhou Yu’s shooting was decisive, without hesitation, and ordinary people could not escape.
But Turin's responsiveness is much higher than that of the average human. He thrived
sideways and then turned and flew.
Zhou Yu chased him and even opened three shots, all of which were avoided by Turin.
He came to the side of the ink night, kneeling down on one knee, is about to hold the ink
night, but the ink night is cold: "Don't let go of the gun in your hand! Go chasing the person
who shot at Song! That person is not accidentally injured. Song Zhi, but his goal is Song
"You mean...someone wants to get rid of Song Zhi?"
"Not someone! But the Juli Group!" Ink night raised his hand to wipe the blood stains on his
Zhou Yu gritted his teeth and turned to fly in the direction of the bullet.
The wind rushed through his ear, and the front was a tree trunk that was tilted down.
Before he went to the road, Zhou Yu did not stop at all. He jumped up and stepped on the
side. On the trunk, jumped over and continued to run after landing.
The bullet is so fast, the distance of the person just above will not be more than a kilometer.
After running nearly a kilometer, Zhou Yu stopped and closed his eyes to feel the person’s
From the vibration in the air, and the smell of gasoline that remains as fine as the
hairspring, Zhou Yu knows that the person has left by car.
"Mom--" Zhou Yu hit a fist on the trunk.
At this time, Wu Yun was with him at the side of Song Yu, and it was already a few minutes.
Song Zhi in the arms of Song Yu did not wake up. Wu Yun reached out and wanted to
comfort Song Yu, but he was only stuck in the air and could not say a word.
Until Song Yu's face became pale, his blood dyed the ground underneath Song to Yin Hong,
and Zhou Yu and Mo Ye came back.
"Have you killed Turin's bastard?" Wu Yun asked.
Ink night shook his head, then looked at Song Hao’s direction and exhaled.
"Tulin has escaped. And it is the people of Juli Group who killed Song Zhi. Maybe Song did
something that violated the interests of Juli Group, so he was killed."
Zhou Yu looks at Song Yu, maybe Song Yu is the top creature in this world, but he came to
this world to feel the ups and downs of life is not as good as Song. For Song Zhi, even Zhou
Yu and Wu Yun, he is only a child.
Even Zhou Yu feels that this is happening too quickly to make people come back, let alone
for Song Yu.
"This is humanity... When the death comes, it is very fast, you have no time to do anything."
Zhou Yu knees in front of Song Yu.
Looking at Song Zhen’s moment, Zhou Yu remembered the mural of the female researcher
she saw in the tree castle. They really have three similarities, and it is no wonder that Song
Zhi, who hates s-class creatures, will do his best to raise and protect Song. Perhaps for Song
Zhi, watching Song Song grow up, he is trusted by his relatives, this feeling far exceeds the
jealousy and hate of s-class creatures.
Song Yu’s tears came out in a row, and he pressed Song Zhi into his arms, and his chin was
on his forehead. Song Wei slightly opened his mouth, and the real pain made him unable to
say a word at all.
But the ink night knows all his feelings.
Song Yu has always protected Song’s brain from being interpreted by any s-class creature,
but at this moment it is because a bullet caused Song to die... This is a great irony for Song
Yu. and Song’s picture of being shot through the brain will be repeated in Song Min’s
mind over and over again in the long years to come.
Song Wei held Song Zhi in this way until all the stars fell into the night, and the white
dragon came again.
The sunlight slid from the gap between the forests and fell on Song Yi's body.
There is no warmth, and it makes people feel colder.
The rest of the team and people are coming together. They looked at Song Zhi, who was full
of learning in Song Yu’s arms, and they were shocked.
"Mr. Song is dead... my God..."
The discussion is endless.
Zhou Yu lowered his voice and said to Wu Yun: "We must go back with everyone."
"Do you have any way for Song Song to let go of Song?" Wu Yun asked.
Zhou Yu took a shot of Song Wei’s shoulder and said, “You should go. There are already
many people here who have seen you. I promised Mr. Song that if one day he happens, I will
bring his body back to the base. Give it to a person. I think you know who that person is."
"He didn't die... he won't die." Song Yi's voice was a little paranoid.
"No... he is dead. You can hear the sound in his brain. You know what he said to you. You
also understand... how tired he is. Stay in a position that you hate, do each one." The
decision to understand is worried about your future. Now, he can finally have a good
night's sleep. Let him go, okay?"
Zhou Yu removed Song's arm, even if he knew how cruel the Song Zhi took from Song Yin's
arms, but he promised Song Zhi, he must do it.
At this time, Wu Yun came to Zhou Yu's side, whispered: "Someone reported the news of
Song's death to Juli Group. Li Qian just told us that Dr. Cook is already arriving at the No. 3
base and is leading the team to come here. Come. We must get things done here as soon as
"How did Dr. Cook's news come so fast? And... she has already passed through, just as she
already knew that Song will die."
Zhou Yu looks at the ink night.
"Because the assassination of Song Zhi is the one she sent."
Ink night came to Song Hao's side, whispered: "Let the Song Zhi down, and immediately go.
Unless... you really want all the efforts that Song Zhi has done for you."
But Song Hao has not heard anything at all.
Ink night took a breath and pushed his strength into the depths of Song's brain: you have to
go. Dr. Cook is coming, I believe she is well prepared. You want to be the prey of the Juli
Group again and let the Song death be worthless, and you will stay here.
Song Yu’s loss of focus was restored at that moment. He clenched his fist and stood up,
looking at the ink night, clenching his teeth and turning away.
Zhou Yu knows that ink night can sense the thoughts in his mind: you must also go. Dr.
Cook will not let you go.
In the night, I came to Zhou Yu with my pocket: I will always be by your side unless you
leave. You still need me.
Zhou Yu took a breath: Zhou Qing is still in the base, I have to go back.
Ink night does not matter to answer: If you decide to stay in the base to protect Zhou Qing,
then I stay with you. If you decide to leave with Zhou Qing, I will accompany you to survive
in Nibelungen.
Zhou Yu looked at the ink night, his eyes were firm.
Just like the ink night, Song died in the arms of Song Yu. At this moment, the ink night is so
afraid that Zhou Yu will have an accident in his invisible place.
Zhou Yu discovered for the first time that it is not a bad thing to associate his feelings with
the feelings of another person.
The mood of the ink night is like a tide, falling from above the sky, the fear and attachment
that do not want to lose will drown Zhou Yu.
"Clean up for the Song. This guy has always loved clean, although he doesn't like him very
much... but I don't know why, I think he is decent in front of Dr. Cook." Wu Yun said.
"Go some mineral water in the back box." Zhou Yuchao raised his chin at night.
Ink night knows that Zhou Yu is no longer thinking about forcing himself to go, the lip line
is opened, and a smile is revealed.
It was the first time Zhou Yu saw his simple expression since the night of the night.
The blood on the face of Song Zhi was wiped dry. Fortunately, the entrance of the bullet
was very small. Song’s head was not deformed. Otherwise, Zhou Yu could not imagine
bringing the body of Song Zhi back. The person who helped Song Zhi would be What kind of
But after a few minutes, you can hear the team and the sound of the helicopter.
"It’s really fast." Wu Yun snorted.
A Hummer stopped in front of Zhou Yu and Wu Yun, and Dr. Cook, who was in camouflage,
walked down.
Before she came to Song Zhi’s body with no expression, Zhou Yu and Wu Yun were like air
in front of him. She lowered her body and pressed her finger between the necks of Song Zhi
to determine whether Song did not have a pulse at all. Then she licked Song’s face and
examined the wound he was piercing.
"Thank you for washing his face." Dr. Cook looked at Wu Yun.
"Because I am worried about soiling your hands." Wu Yun replied with a smile.
“What about Song Song?” asked Dr. Cook.
"Go," Zhou Yu replied.
Cook's cold eyes looked into Zhou Yu's eyes: "Don't you let him go?"
"Dr. Cook, Song Wei is a s-class creature, we have no ability to be an enemy." Zhou Yu
added a voice.
At that time, Dr. Cook suddenly took out the gun at the waist and pointed to Zhou Yu: "So
what is the s-class creature you raised?"
The next second, the ink night came to Dr. Cook, and after she twisted her wrist, she quickly
dismantled her gun into a part.
"Are you looking for me? I am here."
Dr. Cook chuckled, and she lifted her broken wrist and recovered it with a single touch.
Zhou Yu and Wu Yun looked at this scene with surprise.
"It’s not only Turin that has developed the virus. My research is far better than him." Dr.
Cook lowered his body and picked up the dismantled parts and quickly loaded it back. "At
least... I don't have to rely on jealousy, but I can also control my own abilities."
Zhou Yu only felt that it was not good. He should have let the ink night go immediately.
There should be no hesitation.
Dr. Cook looked at the ink night, she had no expression on her face, like a machine with no
desire: "You are a child, I will let you stay with your owner. Go, go back to the base. ”
Cook turned back to the car, when Zhou Yu and Wu Yuncai discovered that Dr. Daniel was
actually sitting in Dr. Cook's car.
"Mom..." Wu Yun whispered a curse. "Daniel is a Cook!"
Zhou Yu looked at the ink night and asked in his heart: Is Dr. Daniel the assassin of Song
Ink night nodded.
Zhou Yu took a breath in his heart and thought that every operation before was done by
Daniel for Zhou Qing, and he could not help but carry a cold sweat.
"Let's go." Wu Yun smashed Song Zhi and put it in the back seat of the car. "Zhou Qing and
Li Qian are still waiting for us to go back."
For Zhou Qing, Zhou Yu must go back. But he knows that this time back to the base, Dr.
Cook is likely to use Zhou Qing to threaten himself.
The best way is to find an opportunity to bring Zhou Qing out of the base. But ... and the
enemy of the Juli Group means that it will never be able to return to the human world
The team traveled all the way to the base, and the carriage was quiet.
Wu Yun drove the car and looked ahead. The tree shadow was skipped from his cheek.
"I suddenly felt that...s-level creatures are nothing, like Dr. Cook and Dr. Turin...the real
Wu Yun opened the road.
"You are worried about how Cook will treat me after returning to the base this time?"
"Of course! Look at how they are against Song! Even ruthless to yourself, let alone you? I
feel that you and Zhou Yu are like Song and Song."
"No. I am not the same as Song Wei. I will not leave Zhou Yu in a dangerous place." Mo night
turned his face and looked at Song Zhi, raised his hand to cover the bullet hole on his side
brain. "The shooting of Song is an ordinary bullet, not a bullet containing neurotoxins."
"Is it... I understand... They used Song’s spinal fluid to lock up Song’s power. If you use a
neurotoxin-containing bullet, it will contaminate the spinal fluid." They definitely want to
use Song’s. What did the body do!” Wu took a force to take a look at the steering wheel. “I
knew it would be better to let Song Zhen take Song Zhi away!”
"Maybe the purpose of Juli Group is like this, but I believe... Song said that there must be
other arrangements for me to bring his body back to the base!" Zhou Yu said.
"Do you still remember that Song Zhi asked Song Hao to go back to the base to save his
"little uncle"? Who is that little uncle? Song Zhi's purpose should not be to bring his body
back to the base, but to hand over his body to that The hand of the person." The ink night
said thoughtfully.
The author has something to say: Let me talk about it here. I am afraid that some soft sister
paper misunderstood the fat melon because of the influence of the previous message, so
Mr. Song went to worship, but in fact, this character appeared, the fat melon has been
designed today. The ending, probably because I had already thought about driving him to
the west, so I would argue with some readers about the quality of this character.
As soon as Mr. Song left, Zhou Yu would cherish the ink night, which is an opportunity for
two people to be together.
Although Song Hao did not have a father, but there is a little uncle who hurts him.

Laws of the Other World Chapter 76: Song Zhi’s arrangement

Settings saved..
When they returned to the base and looked at the ruins that were almost completely
destroyed, Wu Yun blinked: "I rub... what is going on?"
The passage for the carriages to enter and exit was also crushed.
Dr. Cook was calm and ordered everyone to get off the bus and enter a base from a passage
dug through the ruins.
When Zhou Qing learned that Zhou Yu’s return, he also rushed out of the ward. When he
ran to the entrance of the passage, he saw the expression of Dr. Jiang standing there.
"Dr. Jiang?" Zhou Qing looked at Dr. Jiang's eyes and saw that Wu Yun was carrying the
body of Song Zhi.
Others who came here were stunned. They thought that they would die many times, but for
the first time they thought that Song will die.
"What is going on here... What happened..." I heard that Zhou Yu was afraid that they were
injured, so Han Li, who came with the medical team, also stunned.
"I am not very sure... Is Mr. Song dead?" asked Zhou Qing.
Han Li did not say anything and rushed forward to Wu Yun’s side. When she saw the
wounds of Song’s brain, she suddenly understood that everything was powerless.
"He is dead. You don't need to waste any effort to do any 'first aid', Dr. Han," Dr. Cook said.
Dr. Jiang almost fell down on the ground, but fortunately Zhou Qing grabbed him and
forced his wrist.
Zhou Qing has faintly guessed the relationship between Song Zhi and Song Yu. He clasped
Dr. Jiang's wrist and reminded him that no matter how sad he was, he must hold back and
never let Dr. Cook see through it.
"Dr. Jiang, you look very sad." Dr. Cook's eyes swept over.
Zhou Qing was inexplicably nervous. Although Dr. Cook’s focus was not on his own, Zhou
Qing had an illusion that he was stared at by death.
"I... just didn't think... In this case, our brother has one less." Dr. Jiang replied.
He suppressed himself hard.
Zhou Yu took a look at Wu Yun. They all remember how Song Zhi introduced the Juli Group.
Both Dr. Cook and Dr. Jiang were adopted by Mr. Eaton.
Cook walked over Dr. Jiang’s side and patted him on the shoulder and said, “He is no longer
our brother. I’m racing, I heard that you and Song Zhi grew up in the same orphanage, so I
Remind you, don't learn from him, do some decisions that are unwise and can't turn back."
Jiang Jinghang swallowed and replied: "You don't have to worry about this, I know what I
should do."
"Very good." Dr. Cook turned around and faced everyone. "As you can see, Song Zhi, the
head of the No. 5 base, is dead. I am also sorry that the base needs to be rebuilt, work needs
to continue, and research is also There must be a breakthrough, so the No. 5 base needs a
new person in charge."
Wu Yun bowed his head and prayed in his heart: Don't be Dr. Cook! Don't be Dr. Cook!
"This person is Dr. Daniel."
When Cook’s voice fell, everyone was in awe.
"What? Dr. Daniel?"
"How could it be him?"
"I thought that even if Mr. Song died, the person who replaced him should be Dr. Jiang!"
But soon, the argument was replaced by a dead silence.
Zhou Qing looked at Daniel inexplicably, and Dr. Daniel went to Dr. Cook.
"Dr. Daniel, I hope that you can manage the No. 5 base and advance the research results.
Don't let Juli Group and Mr. Eaton disappoint."
"This is of course."
Cook came to Zhou Qing and reached out to him: "Professor Zhou, I haven't seen you for a
long time, is your body still okay?"
"Ah... okay..." At the moment when Zhou Qing touched Cook's fingers, her body temperature
was significantly lower than that of normal people.
"Mr. Eaton wants you to get the best treatment. I heard that in Nibelungen, your condition
has been well controlled, but once you return to our world, it will recur, right?"
"Ah... It seems to be related to the trace elements or oxygen in the air here." Zhou Qing did
not understand why Cook suddenly talked about himself.
“Juli Group has set up a new research department here. The research focus of this
department is on cancer, and your brain glioma is also of great research value. I hope that
you can help us find a cure for cerebral glioma. The secret of the inhibition of your glioma
recurrence by Kö nigsbergen."
"..." Zhou Qing opened his mouth and looked at Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu’s eyebrows are smashed, and Zhou Qing will become the hostage of Juli Group.
At this time, Dr. Jiang came to Zhou Qing and smiled and said: "This is very good! The
research work is really too tight, and it is good to go to the new department to recuperate."
Zhou Qing looked at Dr. Jiang and remembered the relationship between him and Song Yu.
He seemed to understand what he was, so he replied: "I hope that this new department can
find a way to treat me. When will I go?"
"Now. The defensive nature of the No. 5 base is also greatly weakened. It is not safe to stay
here." Dr. Cook raised his hand and the heavily armed field personnel were coming up.
This is not like escorting at all, but coercion.
Zhou Yu stepped forward and blocked them in front of them.
"I personally sent you in the past," Cook said.
"I have a friend, I want to say goodbye to him."
"Of course, I will give you ten minutes." Cook ordered a watch.
Zhou Qing nodded and left. He went to Bai Yingting's ward.
Bai Yingting has not finished the operation for a long time, and the consciousness has not
recovered. Zhou Qing bowed his head and put his forehead on Bai Yingting's forehead.
"Thank you for saving me. Although I don't know who will be waiting for you to wake up."
Bai Yingting’s sleepy eyebrows are quiet. Zhou Qing did not know whether this kind of
tranquility was because the thinking of the s-class creature had gone away, or because he
was just tired and needed to take a break.
Dr. Cook looked at Wu Yun’s direction and said quietly: “Wu Yun, Mr. Eaton sent a whole
medical team to take care of your daughter. You can work here with confidence.”
"Thank you." Wu Yun raised his hand and his face was a half-satisfied smile.
"And Zhou Yu, do you know that your old man Meixi has just got married?"
Zhou Yu’s fingertips trembled slightly. Juli Group knows all the people who are related to
This is what Cook is warning him and Wu Yun, don't do anything to betray the Juli Group,
and don't think about hijacking Zhou Qing from the middle of the road and leaving the
This is how the Juli Group controls everyone, directly.
A few minutes later, Zhou Qing came to Cook in front of the bag, and Cook clap his hands
and said, "Let's go."
When Zhou Qing passed by Zhou Yu's side, Zhou Yu grabbed Zhou Qing.
Zhou Qing lowered his voice and said to Zhou Yu: "Do what you should do, don't worry
about me."
After that, Zhou Qing left with Cook.
Before leaving, Cook turned and said to Dr. Daniel, who is the head of the base, "Do what
you should do."
"Of course." Dr. Daniel nodded.
When Dr. Cook left with Zhou Qing, Dr. Daniel said to everyone loudly: "You don't have to
worry about anything, business as usual. The difference is that I will understand the
attributes of each task and be well prepared. It will let you perform the task instead of
treating you as cannon fodder."
Wu Yun looked at Zhou Yu and looked at his face.
And Zhou Yu’s mind has already sounded the voice of the night of the night: “It sounds like
you are not using these field personnel to 'explore the unknown’. Isn’t all the research
results based on cannon fodder?”
"Zhou Yu and Wu Yun, I think we can talk about it?" Daniel made a "please" gesture.
They followed each other and came to the office of Song Zhi.
It’s just that this time sitting opposite is not the unspoken Song, but Daniel.
When Wu Yunyi sat down, he directly lifted Erlang’s legs and said in a satirical tone: “Ha!
When did you get the focus of the Juli Group?”
Daniel did not answer this question. Instead, he tapped his finger on the table: "At least I
saved Zhou Qing... and it was twice. I know that you are not satisfied with my full loyalty to
Juli Group, but Mr. Eaton is me. Father, disobedient father's son, will not have a good end."
"Do you mean Song Zhi? It was killed by another father's son." Wu Yun laughed.
Zhou Yu directly hit Wu Yun with his elbow. At this time, there was no good result with
"It doesn't matter, you have emotions to vent, I can understand. Wu Yun, you are angry that
your daughter has become a hostage. And Zhou Yu, you are also angry with your old
department and your brother has become a bargaining chip for you." At least you should be
thankful, you still have the value that is used by Juli Group. Otherwise, you will end up with
Song Zhi." Daniel smiled and poured English black tea for them.
"I prefer coffee or Chinese tea." Wu Yun said.
"If there is nothing else, can we leave?" Zhou Yu asked.
"If you don't have any interest in black tea, you can go to rest. The reconstruction of the
base takes a lot of manpower and material resources. It's hard work for you."
Zhou Yu and Wu Yun walked in the passage. Wu Yun took the cigarette out of his pocket
and shook it. When he ignited, he found that he used the Songzhi lighter.
"I used to want to smash Song's face sitting in that office. Now I thank him for giving me a
lighter?" Wu Yun felt that life was really ironic.
"Be patient, Wu Yun. Throughout the history of mankind, any power that tries to stand at
the top of humanity is finally overturned. No matter how powerful it might seem."
"Are you talking about s-class creatures, or Juli Group?"
At the end of the passage, it was the night of the ink waiting for them.
Wu Yun pointed out with the thumb that he pointed to the other direction: "I have a
stomach now. I am going to have some beer."
When Wu Yun left, Zhou Yu looked at the ink night for a long time, just like standing at the
two ends of the world, in front of it is an insurmountable gap.
But at some point, Zhou Yu stepped forward and hugged the ink night.
With the greatest strength, the body is broken.
Death can not make Zhou Yu afraid, but Zhou Yu found that he was afraid of the farewell
with the ink night.
For the first time, Zhou Yu was the kind of boiling mood that couldn’t be left behind in the
depths of thinking.
On this way, how much he wants to hug the ink night. The temperature of the ink night
belongs to him, and all the thoughts of the ink night belong to him. He would not arbitrarily
leave him alone, nor would he shed tears like Song.
The ink night stunned, and then he extended his hand and patted it on Zhou Yu’s back.
Do you know what I am most fortunate after being infected by that virus? Zhou Yu asked in
his mind.
What is it?
No language is needed, no need to be understood by anyone, we can know each other's
most realistic ideas.
So don't be afraid, Zhou Yu. You won't die in front of me like Song Zhi, and won't let me
have the painful memories that I can't get rid of.
Don't worry about my pain, because I will always be by your side and will not give anyone a
chance to hurt you.
Although I often miss you when I am still in the night, I prefer to be like this now, and I can
hug with me.
At this time, Han Li entered the passage.
Zhou Yu let go of the ink night, Han Li embarrassedly pointed to the direction of the office:
"Daniel wants to talk to me."
"Good luck to you." Mo night smiled and left with Zhou Yu.
When Han Ligang entered the office and saw Daniel's moment, his heart was inexplicably
"Don't be nervous, I just want to ask you about Bai Yingting. How can Professor Bai
suddenly rupture the internal organs?"
Daniel looked at Han Li slightly, and the pressure was that Han Li had never experienced
This is the real Daniel, the former and Yan Yue color are illusions.
Han Li is very clear, Daniel can read all of this from the monitoring, or from the mouth of
other researchers to know the scene.
"I didn't see what happened at the time. I just received a call for help, so I did surgery for
Professor Bai in the rescue room. His internal organs were bleeding, the spleen and
stomach were broken... I have never seen it before. He has lost too much blood... I almost
can't save him."
What Han Li said is true.
"Well, what happened to Professor Bai’s body, and we can figure it out a little bit later. Han
Li, I have been observing you. You are independent and have no deep feelings with anyone
in the base. But you will stick to your position until the last moment. I appreciate it. I don't
expect you to go through the fire for the group, but I don't want you to make any decisions
outside of your duties."
"Yes, I understand." Han Li nodded.
"Do you know where the body of Song Zhi is?"
"I know."
"Go and pull out all his spinal cord, don't drop a drop. Then send it to me."
When Han Li left the office, she leaned against the wall and took a strong breath, then went
to the morgue in Song. When she opened the door with her own authority, she stunned.
Because Jiang Jinghang is actually inside, and his hand is holding a scalpel, it seems that he
is preparing to cut the body of Song.
"You... how come you come in? Daniel only gives me permission to enter..." The next
second, Han Li knew who helped Jiang Jinghang come in.
Dr. Jiang dropped the scalpel to remove the gun, but he was too nervous and the gun almost
fell to the ground. His fingers twitched and pulled the trigger and said, "Don't force me to
kill you..."
His eyes are very red and his tears are not dry.
"You and Mr. Song are very familiar?" Han Li raised his hand and tried to calm Dr. Jiang.
"I just take a little bit of what I want. When I finish it, I will leave." Jiang Jinghang said.
"You are not afraid that I will tell Daniel? You will get what you want... Daniel will come to
you right away."
"Then you will not see me at all!" Jiang Jinghang said with a hoarse voice.
"I'm sorry... I can't. Because you cried, no one in this base will cry for Song, unless someone
knows what he is doing and why he was removed by Juli Group." Jiang Jinghang, slowly
removed the gun in his hand, "And you need help. You are not a surgeon, no matter what
you want to get from Mr. Song, your hand is not stable, maybe you will make mistakes."
Jiang Jinghang licked his lips, and the silent tears fell again. He could not say a word.
"Maybe I am very small, Juli Group makes me helpless. But... I am very grateful to Mr. Song,
he has helped me a very important busy. Since you are the person he trusts, I will help you.
Now calm down and tell What do you want to take?"
"On his back... We are cultivating the unlocking agent for s-class creatures... I need to take
them out. Although not necessarily successful, but..."
"But maybe it can help Song Song to restore some strength."
Han Li picked up the scalpel and cut off the back muscles of Song, revealing a row of rice-
sized capsules. They are associated with the nerves of Song. If they are not careful, they will
be cut by the scalpel. .
"No matter who... Put these things into Mr. Song's body... It's too fine..." Han Li had to sigh.
"Can you take them out for me? My fingers are shaking... I really..." Jiang Jinghang grabbed
his face. "I really can't make a knife and cut his body..."
"I am coming. We are moving faster. You must leave here as soon as possible. Once Daniel
discovers that you have been here, Li Qian will be finished."
Jiang Jinghang stunned: "How do you know... is Li Qian?"
"Since you can come in, the system gives you permission. And the alarm did not trigger,
indicating that Li Qian did not see you in the monitoring. Now watching the monitoring is
not only Li Qian, but also Daniel. But no one I found that you came in, indicating that Li Qian
replaced the surveillance video with some method.” Han Li calmly took the capsules one by
Just a few minutes later, the door of the mortuary suddenly opened, and Daniel walked in.
Han Li was scared and almost dropped the needle in his hand. Daniel’s eye was caught.
"I am a monster?"
"No... I just didn't expect anyone to come in."
Daniel glanced at the body of Song and frowned. "You dissected his back?"
" said that you have to pull out all the I..."
Daniel smiled and returned the needle to Han Li: "No, you are doing very well. Don't leave a
After that, several guards came in and took the spinal fluid that had already been taken
Han Li breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately Dr. Jiang left a minute ago.
At this time, Zhou Yu and Mo Ye came to the restaurant together and saw Wu Yun sitting at
the table, no beer, only a bottle of nutrient solution.
"Can you imagine? Now even the quota of beer is gone? We can only drink nutrient
solution!" Wu Yun shook the bottle with anger.
Ink night smiled and sat down in front of him: "The nutrient solution is very good! Things
that are not useful to the body, such as beer, have been cut. The nutrient solution can make
you more physically fit to go to the task. Daniel really is very good for everyone. Health is a
"Fart! Beer is good for my mental health!" There is no doubt that if Daniel is standing in
front of him, Wu Yun will punch him in his face.
"Is there still watermelon?" Ink night asked the chin to ask Zhou Yu.
This reminds Zhou Yu of the use of a spoon to feed the night to eat watermelon.
"I will ask." Zhou Yu got up and went to the distribution window, but he only got a piece of
He sent it to the front of the night.
"Ah... I have a feeling that I am really being raised by you." Mo night smiled and took a bite.
His manners are elegant, and the movement of teeth on the watermelon is inexplicably
Wu Yun squinted his eyes and pushed the nutrient solution to Zhou Yu: "I really don't want
to see this picture."
"If you have a chance to come out next time, you can give us some delicious fruit." Zhou Yu
"A word is fixed."
At this time, Dr. Cook drove Zhou Qing to the base.
They entered the virgin forest and the team hurried through the shadows.
At some point, Dr. Cook’s driver was suddenly hit by a bullet and the car ran into the trunk,
but Dr. Cook pulled back the steering wheel.
The rapid rotation caused Zhou Qing's head to hit the window glass.
Cook's guards were immediately guarded.
Zhou Qing looked around with his head, but did not see the figure.
Then, the next bullet came over and the target was Cook's head.
Dr. Cook shunned in a thrilling way, kicking the dead driver out of the door and quickly
replacing his position.
In other words, the opponent's goal is Cook!
The two cars behind followed Dr. Cook, but their drivers were hit.
The next second, Cook's car tires burst into a bursting sound and couldn't move.
"How is this going……"
Zhou Qing’s doubts have not been resolved, and Cook gets off the bus, bends down to lower
the height below the door, and then pulls Zhou Qing out of the car.
She forced Zhou Qing to stand up straight and block her.
Zhou Qing felt that Cook was using a gun against his back.
The author has something to say: Mo Ye and Zhou Yu will enter the mutual mode.
Mr. Song, whether he is alive or a dog belt, plays his role, and his brain is full of Song Xi’s
blood. If you swindle something in the distant future, I hope that you don’t say that I’m
going to go back... because I’m guilty. The corpse is definitely useful, I will not be for

Laws of the Other World Chapter 77: Your heart is jumping fast
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Someone attacked Dr. Cook. But who is this person?
It’s definitely not Zhou Yu and Wu Yun. They are being watched by Daniel in the base, and
Wu Yun’s daughter is still in their hands. It is impossible to act rashly.
So who is Dr. Turin?
It’s just that the other party doesn’t seem to want to kill himself. All of them are Dr. Cook’s.
Turin is not like the guy who doesn’t harm the innocent.
So...who is it?
Zhou Qing’s heart has been speculating for a thousand times, but there is always no answer.
The people who have not been killed have gathered at Dr. Cook's side. They are leaning
back to Cook and the guns are pointing in all directions.
At this time, there was a humming sound in the sky. The huge three-eyed giant bird
swooped down through the giant forest, and the moment the wings waved, the three or five
people were cut off.
"It’s Song Hao!"
Cook moved the position against Zhou Qing’s gun and hit the giant bird with a shot.
But soon, a whole group of giant birds flew in, and the guards shot and fired. But their flight
speed is too fast, and two players are killed.
Cook snorted and took out a special whistle-like thing from his waist: "Song Wei, let you
feel the latest invention of Juli Group!"
The whistle was blown, but Zhou Qing couldn't hear any sound. Instead, the three-eyed
giant birds in the sky couldn't bear the sound, and the power of losing their flight fell. The
scene was like a meteor falling.
Just as these guards were preparing to kill these giant birds, there was a huge sound
coming from the forest. The devil vines entangled, like the waves that flowed in the forest.
They ran rampant and hit the guards seventy. Eight huge, a huge vine looks at the top of Dr.
Cook’s head, but she is extremely quick to squat around Zhou Yu, constantly shooting,
bullets shot the vines, neurotoxins in these activities Let them quickly wither and rot.
But this is not the end, the gravel of the ground is ups and downs, as if there is any attack.
There are only three guards left behind by Cook, and a group of Perry Winter can be seen in
the forest.
"my God……"
They are too few people, and the bullets are quickly emptied. It is impossible to be the
opponent of Perry Winter!
Dr. Cook bit his teeth and pushed Zhou Qing to the three people: "Give me optimism!"
Perry Winter ran in, and I saw Dr. Cook take out the □ □, the action is that Zhou Qing has
never seen.
Three shots were fired in one second, and three Perry Winter fell to the ground.
But there is still a large group of eyes that will rush to them.
Dr. Cook quickly replaced the magazine with a precise gun.
When the bullets were lighted, a Perry Winter had already come to her, the tail swept over,
and the meat stabbed, but Dr. Cook was very calm, avoiding Perry Winter’s tail and
punching hard. Hit in its abdomen, Zhou Qing can clearly see the vibration of Perry Winter
muscles, and then this Perry winter fell down.
Its abdomen's brain was destroyed.
The other Perry Winter was surrounded, and Dr. Cook jumped on one of the Pelillons while
being attacked by their tails. He took out the dagger and plunged it into his neck, forcing his
head. Its tail followed by the rotation and swept to other Perry Winter.
"Give me the gun - now!" Dr. Cook shouted.
A team member immediately threw the gun and the clip over. Dr. Cook rode on this Perry
Winter and did not break the gun. The surrounding Perry Winter fell.
Zhou Qing swallowed.
Even Zhou Yu can't do this. Dr. Cook... Is she still a person?
Cook's waist was just swept away by Perry Winter's tail and slid a lot of blood. He looked at
the eyes and woke up, but she looked up like she couldn't feel the pain.
"You give me out - Song Hao! Always hide in the shadows, what is the skill! Does Song Zhi
teach you this way?"
Zhou Qing suddenly had an unrealistic imagination: the relationship between Song Yu and
Dr. Jiang is obviously beyond the understanding of ordinary people. Song Yu will specially
save Dr. Jiang, indicating that Dr. Jiang is very important to him. On the day of his own
departure, Dr. Jiang also agreed that he would leave... Is it the way Dr. Jiang used to inform
Song Hao to save himself?
Just as Zhou Qing was still thinking about it, a giant bird flew in midair, and slammed down
from its back, only three shots were heard, and all three guards around Zhou Qing fell. And
he stood firmly in front of Zhou Qing.
"I haven't seen you for a long time, Song Wei."
Song Hao raised his gun at Cook.
"You are a s-class creature, but with human weapons... This is really ironic." Dr. Cook
smiled and seemed to be afraid of Song's bullets.
When Zhou Qing had not responded, Cook suddenly lowered his body and quickly
approached Song Wei from the side. Her hand was holding a syringe, and at the moment
when she was about to touch Song’s arm skin, Song Wei sideways. I escaped and lifted my
leg on Cook’s abdomen.
Cook flew out and slammed into the tree. Zhou Qing could hear the broken bones, but Cook
stood up again and twisted his neck.
"This can't kill me."
"You injected yourself with **** blood?" Song Yan's eyebrows smashed, and he changed his
angle, and once again blocked Zhou Yu behind him.
"This is the highest level of research in our Juli Group, not from others, but from me. The
person who uses Song's spinal fluid to lock in your ability is me, and let ordinary humans
have the ability to move fast, super strength and healing. The person who is capable is also
me! I am not as useless as Turin, and I am pinning my abilities on other s-class creatures! I
am not under anyone, except myself!" Dr. Cook sneered at Song cold.
"You are a madman." Song Yu opened his eyes.
At that moment, Dr. Cook rushed forward again, faster than before.
Song Wei stood there, motionless, slamming his hand through Cook's chest, and the other
hand broke Cook's wrist holding the syringe.
"Your so-called 'ability' is no different." Song Hao took back his hand. "I just smashed your
Dr. Cook fell and the syringe was trampled by Song.
"You and your Juli Group, go to **** together."
After that, a giant bird in the sky flew down and landed next to Song Yu.
"Go up. I will send you to a safe place."
"Here... is there a safe place?" Zhou Qing asked helplessly.
"If Nibelungen is not safe, at least with some safe people."
Song Yu helped Zhou Qing to the back of the giant bird, and the two men vacated, and the
wind blew from Zhou Qing’s ear.
As they fly higher and higher, the scenery under them is getting smaller and smaller.
The virgin forest is like a huge green sea, and in the distance is the undulating hills and
giant waterfalls.
There are more than a dozen three-eyed giant birds flying side by side in the air, and they
seem to be escorting Song Song.
Ten minutes later, Dr. Cook, who had fallen into a pool of blood, had suddenly lost his pupil,
and she took a breath and raised her hand to force her heart.
The huge wound is healing, her face is ugly, she took some kind of medicine from the
pocket of her thigh and slammed it into her muscles. Her body seemed to be very painful.
After ten seconds, when she fished Camouflage, the wound in the chest is healing.
She swayed and stood up, walked forward, opened the body of a guard, and cursed in a low
voice: "Waste!"
In the intensive care unit of the No. 5 base, Bai Yingting finally woke up.
"Professor Bai! You finally woke up! You are safe and sound... I have to explain to Professor
Zhou!" Han Li showed a smile, and there was finally something that made her feel relieved
in the past few days.
"Who are you?" Bai Yingting showed a completely unresolved expression. "Where is this...
What happened to me?"
Han Li smashed, and then lowered his voice and said, "Is it because you know that the
people of Juli Group want to see you? Some people have reported to Daniel that you can kill
the lizard blame... Amnesia is indeed a Good explanation!"
"What are you talking about? What is Juli Group?"
A few minutes later, Daniel came to the ward and even sent a lie detector. The test result
was that every statement that Bai Yingting said was not a lie.
"I remember... I was inspected with the research team in the mountains. Then I fell down
the mountain... Then I didn't remember anything... After you woke up, you told me that I
was in Juli Group?"
Dr. Daniel found the information before Bai Yingting, determined that he had accidents two
months ago, woke up after a week of coma in the hospital, then flew from the United States
to the university where Zhou Qing was located, and published a series of attractions to
attract Juli Group. After the paper, Juli Group invited him to Nibelungen.
In this way, all the papers are like bait, and the Juli Group is the fish that he caught.
Dr. Daniel sent a series of tests to Bai Yingting, including his blood, his spinal fluid, and
everything he had found no abnormalities.
At this time, Zhou Yu and Mo Ye stayed in the capsule-like bedroom.
Zhou Yu holds his arm and lies on the side.
After too many twists and turns, too many things have happened, and he is already very
And the ink night sat next to him, bowed down, the original tempting eyes became soft, his
palm covered Zhou Yu's forehead, whispered: "You should have a good sleep."
"I am really sleepy... but when I close my eyes, there are those voices I don't want to hear in
my mind... Then I want to let myself go beyond those voices... But I can't do it at this time..."
Zhou Yu sucked Take a breath.
"And when you close your eyes, you will remember the picture of Song’s death. You are
thinking, will I repeat this reincarnation with you. And... Zhou Qing, taken away by Dr. Cook.
As long as you have one day The value of the use, Juli Group will not hurt Zhou Qing."
"It's not so much that I have the value of using it. It's better to say that they want to use me
to control you. But how can you be controlled by me?" Zhou Yu showed a mocking smile.
"You have always controlled me and supervised me spiritually. You are my king."
The sound of the ink night is very low, but there is a kind of piety and the strength to
penetrate everything.
"You really can say good things." Zhou Yu smiled, then he raised his hand to cover his ears.
"When can I completely learn to control these forces... It's really noisy."
The knuckles of the ink night slipped past his ear and whispered: "Would you like to do
something interesting with me? Transfer your ‘hearing’?”
Zhou Yu smiled helplessly: "You really don't learn well."
"If you learn well, you can't make you feel comfortable."
The night of ink surrounds the waist of Zhou Yu. His former strength has an absolute
advantage for Zhou Yu, but now Zhou Yu, more and more, finds himself different from the
past, whether it is five senses or strength.
The face of the ink night leaned against Zhou Yu, his soft hair slipped over Zhou Yu's cheek,
his tongue tipped gently to Zhou Yu's lips, and slowly squeezed in from the small
He enjoyed the process of entering Zhou Yu's mouth. His tongue slipped over Zhou Yu's
captain, with some kind of swaying.
At that moment, all the hustle and bustle were dispelled by the touch and temperature of
the ink night, and the entanglement between the tongue and the tongue became closer, and
the ink night began to suck. His face turned to the past, and Zhou Yu felt that there was a
kind of power that seemed to take his cells out of the body and take them away, but like
gravity, they couldn’t get rid of them.
Zhou Yu subconsciously propped up his upper body. When the ink night gradually
straightened his back, Zhou Yu also sat up, the kiss of the ink night became more and more
powerful, and his palm tightly buckled Zhou Yu’s back and put him Sticking to himself,
Zhou Yu also straightened his back and kissed him back to the night. I don’t know when
Zhou Yu sat on the body of the ink night, and pressed his hands against the shoulders of the
ink-night and took him down.
The black hair of the ink night was scattered. He smirked and looked at Zhou Yu. Whether it
was the curvature of the lip line or the hint of his eyes that seemed to outline Zhou Yu’s
nerves, Zhou Yu’s heartbeat accelerated.
"Ah... Your heart is jumping fast." The ending of the ink night is elongated. It is better to say
that he is tempting Zhou Yu instead of being proud of his own enthusiasm for Zhou Yu.
However, Zhou Yu can clearly feel the madness of the ink night in the blood, the impulse to
devour himself and completely possess, like the current in the blood vessels of Zhou Yu.
"You really don't hide your intentions at all." Zhou Yu was at the height of his face and
looked at the ink night.
"You can see the picture in my mind more clearly." The lips of the ink night are pulled
At this time, Zhou Yu’s picture that appeared in the mind of the ink night was actually in the
shower room, and he opened the shower and untied the belt.
"Mom... are you thinking about it?"
At that time, Zhou Yu took the ink night to the shower room. This guy was still in the form
of the night spirit. He looked at the corner and looked up enough.
"I am admiring you. I appreciate you every day. Is this wrong? Your shoulder width and
waist ratio are perfect, your abdominal muscles are very textured, and the lines of your
legs... I don't want to take your Fold your legs and press under the water..."
"You don't have to say anything... I can see it from your head. My God, this ability is best!"
Zhou Yu lowered his body and looked at the eyes of the ink night. His fist knocked on the
chest of the night: "Don't think you can come to me. You are still early."
"Yes? You just imagined being taken up by me?" Ink night deliberately raised his head, and
his chin just happened to squat on Zhou Yu's chin.
"I'm going to sleep."
"Unfortunately you can't sleep at all."
Ink night wants to get up, but Zhou Yu is strongly pressed back.
"Be honest."
"I just want to help you control the sounds you hear in your mind."
"Okay... I really want to sleep." Zhou Yu closed his eyes and inked his hands over his ear.
"Now listen to my voice, focus on my voice. The voice that follows me enters my brain and
realizes everything I hear."
Zhou Yu went with the sound of the ink night, and the mind went to an extremely wide
Every creature, whether it is the simplest primitive giant wood or a variety of insect beasts,
is spliced together in the middle of the mind in the sound of a piece of sound, like a sacred
song, Zhou Yu slowly slides into Dreaming.
"Good night, Zhou Yu." The ink night slowly covered Zhou Yu's body, and his ears were
attached to his chest to listen to Zhou Yu's heartbeat.
"... um... good night... ink night."
And in the middle of the night, Dr. Cook walked back to the base on foot.
"Song Wei took Zhou Qing away." Dr. Cook sat at Daniel's desk, opened the mini-
refrigerator under his desk, took the nutrients out, and drank more than a dozen bottles in
one go.
"What? Song Yan took away Zhou Qing to do?" Daniel never understood and suddenly
understood. "It was for Zhou Yu... Song died, he wants to draw a comrade?"
"I feel that this is not just a matter of wooing Zhou Yu. What he wants to draw is the ink
night under the control of Zhou Yu. If Zhou Yu knows that Zhou Qing is no longer under our
control, then it is bad. ""
"Then we will kill Zhou Yu, and the ink night," Daniel said.
Cook shook his head: "We can also deal with Song Yu through the ink night. If the weight of
Zhou Qing can be won back, the situation can be reversed."
"Wait... we may have a chance to kill Song."
"I have tracked Song Zhi before. He has been collecting his own blood for Song Hao and
then secretly brought out the base. The last time I followed him to the desert, a sample
bank was abandoned by our base and stored his blood there. ”
"I understand... Since he has stored the blood, Song Yu is very likely to take it. Are you
"I am ready. I have set up a sensor in that sample library. Until now, the sensor has not
been touched, indicating that Song Wei has not yet gone. We just have to wait for the
rabbit... He needs more power to deal with us. I need the blood of Song. We need to wait for
the rabbits!"
"But if he doesn't know the existence of the sample library at all?"
"Then we deliberately let the news go out."
"Okay, just do it! I stay at the base and watch Zhou Yu and Mok Night. You go to the sample
library and get Song Song. Before you release the news, be prepared."
"Tomorrow I will go to the sample library setting agency."
At this time, Song Yu took Zhou Yu through the night and stopped in front of a lake.
"We are here." Song Yu helped Zhou Yu.
"Here...what is it?" Zhou Yu looked at the whole field under the morning light, and did not
understand why Song Song brought him here.
Song Yu knees down on one knee and palms are covered on the grass: "This is the No. 0
base of Juli Group, where I was born."
"Juli Group's..." Zhou Yu looked around. He thought it was a tree surrounded by vines. It
was actually the signal tower of the base.
Song 凛掀 凛掀 一片 一片 , , , , 凛掀 凛掀 凛掀 凛掀 凛掀 凛掀 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” 凛掀 凛掀 凛
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凛掀 凛掀 凛掀 凛掀 凛掀 凛掀 凛掀 凛掀 凛掀
“Inside... there are also people from Juli Group?”
"It should be said that the people here were once the people of Juli Group. This base has
long been abandoned."
Song Yu’s words made Zhou Qing stunned. Is there another human being in Nibelungen
besides the people in the base?
Follow Song Song and when the door is closed, all the light is isolated.
The smell of airborne Chinese rust, there is no electricity, it is indeed abandoned.
After they walked for nearly half an hour, Zhou Qing only felt that the deeper and deeper,
Song Yu opened another door and brought him in.
The sudden bright light made Zhou Qing unable to open his eyes.
"You are back, Song Hao!"
A young man in a camouflage suit leaned against the gun, holding a pair of guns at his waist
and looking at them with his arms.
"Yes, I am back, Qu Yun."
"Who is this guy?" The man named Qu Yun squinted and looked at Zhou Qing.
"Professor of Botany."
"And then?" Qu Yun asked helplessly.
"Then, his big brother is the one we need, and the Juli Group intends to use him to control
his older brother Zhou Yu."
"Oh... you understand that when you say this. Welcome." Qu Yun laughed and raised his
arm to hug Zhou Qing.
“Are you a s-class creature?” Zhou Qing’s eyes widened and asked.
Qu Yun haha laughed: "Sorry, the s-class creature I have seen is limited to this guy. But the
s-class creature we have to deal with is very powerful - hey, have you heard that? And we
want The enemy of the resistance, Juli Group... is even more crazy than it is."
"Song is dead. Juli Ji" □ people killed him. You are responsible for bringing in Professor
Zhou, I have something to do."
The author has something to say: Let us sing, mutual 撩 ** good~
Saying that the website is so good, the messages are all there...
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Laws of the Other World Chapter 78: And, I love you
Settings saved..
Qu Yun opened his eyes and looked at Song Wei, revealing an incredible expression: "What
did you say? Who is dead?"
"Song Zhi." Song Wei answered.
He turned and the original straight back was very lonely and fragile.
"Oh... my God, we have said to him long ago, I have to withdraw it in time. He always said
that he hasn’t arrived yet... It’s not yet... He should know that once he thinks it’s time,
everything will be It’s late...” Qu Yun’s eyes were red, and he raised his hand to cover his
"Tell this news to Professor Chen and your boss."
Zhou Qing was surprised, that is to say, this place is not only Song Yu and this man named
Qu Yun, but also others?
Does Juli Group not know such a secret base?
Zhou Qing has too many questions, but at this moment he can only follow behind the man
named Qu Yun.
"Song Wei said that you are a professor of botany. Are you recruited by Juli Group?" Qu Yun
"Yes, my name is Zhou Qing."
"When Song died, were you by his side?" Qu Yun's voice sounded calm, but Zhou Qing knew
he was shaking.
"I am not by his side, but I think death is coming soon. He has not suffered too much...
because he was hit by the bullets of the rifle." Zhou Qing knows that this is his only Can
comfort each other's arguments.
When the other door at the end of the passage opens, the underground fortress suddenly
becomes brighter – bright lights, constantly running computers, the sound of instruments
“drips”, the old man who is thinking about the notebook, and keeps behind him. Young
people reporting data, and some wearing camouflage uniforms are sitting at the table and
chatting and playing cards.
Zhou Qing visually has about 30 people.
If it wasn't for Song Hao who brought him here, Zhou Qing would really think that this is
another observation station of Juli Group.
"Professor Chen, I have something to say to you." Qu Yun opened his mouth and everyone
looked at it.
They looked at Zhou Qing after Qu Yun.
“Is there a newcomer to join us?” The old man put down his notebook and looked up. He
should be Professor Chen and Song Yun.
Zhou Qing lived, because this Professor Chen is not someone else, it is the tycoon of the
virology - Chen Rongwen. Zhou Qing did not know much about virology experts, but he
vaguely remembered that according to news reports, Professor Chen died of cerebral
hemorrhage three years ago. At that time, he held a grand farewell ceremony... But why did
he appear here?
"Don't show such expressions, young people, my old man is still alive. But Juli will put all
the people who died because of their missions with some seemingly common causes of
death, such as cerebral hemorrhage, heart disease, suicide. If your body is ugly, your cause
of death may be a car accident or a gas explosion. Your world and Juli Group think I am
dead, but my old guy is still alive!” Professor Chen came over and stared Zhou Qing’s face
looked for a while. “It’s a bit familiar, but I don’t remember where I’ve seen it.”
Zhou Qing did not know how to introduce himself.
"Listen to Song Yu, he is a botanist, called Zhou Qing." Qu Yun replied.
"Oh, you are Zhou Qing? I have heard about it, young talents, welcome you to join us. I hope
that you have enough determination and perseverance, and will not be tempted again by
Juli Group." Professor Chen bowed his head and passed through. I watched Zhou Qing
through the glasses.
Although he seems to be an old man with gray hair, kindness and indulging in research, he
has a penetrating power in his eyes.
"And... Professor Chen, Song Zhi... He died. It was assassinated by Juli Group." Qu Yun
bowed his head and everyone was stunned for a moment.
Professor Chen also paused and took a half step backwards. Fortunately, Zhou Qing helped
"He chooses the path he wants to choose, and he always plans everything. He is good at
preparing and crouching, but sometimes, things are not as he imagined... they will move in
the direction he envisions... It’s ironic that a white-haired person sends a black-haired
man.” Professor Chen turned and swayed to his computer. “I want to speed up our
research. I have to get the answer before Cook can solve everything, otherwise all Sacrifice
is in vain."
"Where did Song Song go?" Another tall man came out. Whether it was the strength of his
footsteps or the expression on his face, Zhou Qing had a feeling of seeing Zhou Yu at that
moment. The difference is that There is a deep scar on the man's face from the forehead to
the chin, which looks very embarrassing.
"I think he wants to recycle the remains of Song Zhi!"
"No, Song Zhi's body will be returned to Dr. Jiang, Dr. Jiang? Has he withdrawn from the Juli
"No, so far, Dr. Jiang may not stay exposed, he may stay longer. And his research also
requires the equipment of Juli Group."
"But it is true that in addition to Dr. Cook, Juli Group can no longer find a better virus
researcher than Jiang Jinghang, they will not easily kill him, even if there is doubt." The man
turned to look at Zhou Qing, "Hello, I am the captain of the **** of this small base. My name
is Rong Zhou."
"Hello. I want to ask, is everyone here a member of the Juli Group?"
"Yes, but we have all discovered the true purpose of Juli Group, so we left the group. So far,
Juli Group does not know where this shelter is. We continue our research here." Rong Zhou
"What is the purpose of the Juli Group?"
"Of course, it is not just a simple research study, but it is intended to create drugs for
treating various cancers and terminal illnesses. It is even more about wanting to colonize
Nibelungen. You should know Mr. Eaton - he is the chairman of Juli Group. Manipulating the
entire group and the flow of the largest amount of money in the world. His purpose is not
only to treat his own diseases, but also to live forever, which simply breaks the laws of
nature, and madmen like him live forever. It is definitely a curse to mankind. His ambition
does not stop there. He has another purpose. He uses the genes of s-class creatures to
create soldiers with great destructive power and combat ability. For example, Dr. Cook, I
think You have already seen it. That is to say, Mr. Eaton wants to control human beings
from all fields, whether it is war, money, or life." Rong Zhou replied.
At that moment, Zhou Qing’s heart was cold. He thought that this kind of madman, which
only appeared in the movie, did not expect it to exist in reality.
And Eaton is not just using money, he even corrupts everyone from the spiritual level.
"Oops! My big brother is still in the base, and there is a s-class creature ink night with him!
Juli Group will not let them both! If they turn my big brother into Dr. Cook or What should I
do to hurt the ink night?"
"Sounds like you still don't want your big brother to become Dr. Cook? Dr. Cook has superb
mobility and inductive ability, as well as the healing ability of s-class creatures, although it
can't reach the level of manipulating Nibelungen creatures. , but enough to survive in this
world." Rong Zhou asked with interest.
"To get some kind of powerful ability, we must sacrifice something. This law of
conservation does not only apply to energy. I believe that Dr. Cook is not as strong as we
think, and she must have a weakness, and this soft rib says Maybe it's fatal. I don't want my
big brother to be like her, like a machine, centered on Eaton and Juli Group." Zhou Qing
Rong Zhou came over and took a picture of Zhou Qing’s shoulder: "You guy, I like it. Stay
here with peace of mind, and soon we will get your big brother and his s-class creatures
out, Song Hao should have Brothers and sisters accompanied," said Rong Zhou.
At this time, Qu Yun had taken out a photo of Song Zhi and hung it on the wall. It was a
graduation photo of the university, and it looks young, although it is still unsmiling. In
addition to Song Zhi, there are some other people on the wall. Zhou Qing thought that they
should all be sacrificed in the battle against the Juli Group.
They poured vodka into the cup, and everyone raised a glass of photos to Song, and said in
unison: "You are always with us, brother."
Zhou Qing exhaled a breath, and he knew that these people in this base would have to fight
against the Juli Group... as if they were hitting the stone. However, some things are not
"almost impossible" and you can't do it.
At the same time, Song Wei ran across the forest, crossed the virgin forest, and entered a
Daylight is in the desert, with shadows and light rising and falling with the sand dunes.
In the middle of the desert, there is a stone monument with a high height. The surface of
the stone monument seems to have been weathered.
Song Yu extended his palm and pressed it on the stone tablet. He only heard the sound of
slaps under his feet. The sand flowed and fell into the open ladder.
Song Yu’s face was an indifferent expression, and he went step by step. At the moment the
lamp was turned on, a black thermostated suitcase was placed in the entire storage room,
arranged in a flat, from top to bottom, impacting the vision.
Inside these suitcases are the blood of Song, the "nutrient" extracted from his body for
many years.
Song Wei stepped forward and covered his palm on one of the suitcases, bowed his head,
and pressed his forehead against it, tears falling from his corner of his eye.
"This is not what I want... you know..." Song said with a whisper.
And just above the suitcase, there is an envelope.
After a long silence, for a long time, Song Yu looked up. There was a deep pain in his eyes. It
was like a gap, piercing time, and never being able to pass.
He opened the letter, the letter was unexpectedly short, the font was rigorous, and at first
glance it was Song Zhi’s handwriting:
It’s really strange to chat with you this way. Because from the time you came to the world, I
don't need to say anything. You understand what I am thinking. This is the way I have been
communicating with you all the time, so when I write to you, I actually have nothing. Great
adaptation. But for us humans, writing a letter is a very affectionate thing. The letter is
usually for those who can't see the face, or some words that they can't say face to face. And for me, when you see this letter, I may never be with you. My child, I only
hope that you can do three things.
First, don't go to your father, because hatred doesn't make any sense.
Second, don't have any contact with Juli Group. They fully reflect human greed and the
pursuit of interests. I don't want you to be desperate for humanity.
Third, the blood I left for you is not to feed you, but to help you to abstain. You don't need
to rely on anyone, and you don't need to be attached to anyone. From now on, live your life
and choose your life.
And, I love you.
Song Hao turned the letter back and pressed it on the black box. His body trembled fiercely.
He raised his face and the tears rushed out.
"Why don't you understand? I have chosen my life... you are my life."
From then on, he will never get any information from that person again. The warmth of his
indifference, the original Song Zhen thought that it was his secret, only the best things he
could read, but now it has been completely destroyed with that bullet.
He still remembers when he was a child, sitting on the corner of Song’s desk and blowing
the tone piano. Song Zhizheng bowed his head and typed on the computer, but Song Hao
could hear him from his mind. The tone of the tone piano is softly sung, warm, soft, calm,
and happy. It is Song Zhi who nobody knows. It is also Song Zhi who only Song Song knows.
This man will not be pleasing to the world, but he has given him the most unforgettable
He used himself to teach Song Yi a human feeling, called pain and heart.
At this time, Daniel took the team into the desert. The last time the base was attacked by
the virus of the Nibelungen jellyfish, Song Zhi once sneaked here with his own blood
sample, and Daniel followed him and found the place. Today, Daniel came here with his
people and opened the storage room hidden under the desert with the fingerprints of Song
Zhi from them.
"The three of you will follow me! Others are here! We have to renovate here as soon as
possible, and arrange the automatic machine gun with neurotoxin! Once our target enters
here, I will lock this storage room, no longer give The opportunity for him to go out!" Daniel
is very satisfied with his plan.
When they entered the storage room completely, the moment the light was on, as Daniel
expected, the shelf was filled with a black box.
Daniel sneered: "Song Zhi, Song Zhi, you are really patient! Even storing so much blood, but
they are wasted!"
Daniel took one of the black boxes with his hand and found the box light. His heart sank and
opened the box and found that it was empty.
"What happened? Did Song Hao come over?"
Daniel knocked down the other boxes. They were all light, all open, and they were all
"Mom, we have all been played by Song!" Daniel showed his sullen expression and directed
others to say, "Let's go, leave here."
When the pedestrian walked out of the steps and tried to open the exit, he found that the
door was locked.
Daniel flustered: "Take out the fingerprints of Song Zhi and open the door!"
"Sir, we have passed the fingerprint set of Song Zhi, it is useless!"
"Are you kidding? How is this possible!" Daniel grabbed the fingerprint sleeve and tried it
on his own hand and found that he couldn't really open it.
"With a gun, you give me a gun to open the door!"
"This is useless, sir! We can only inform people outside to explode it with a bomb!"
"Then what are you doing? The walkie-talkie!" The sweat slipped from Daniel's forehead.
He had a bad feeling. This place was not only used by Song to play him, but also a trap.
"Mr. Report, the walkie-talkie is useless, there is no signal at all, we are blocked!"
"Mom - Mom! Song Zhi, you are already dead! What do you want to do! Do you want to keep
me here? Want to starve me? Want to kill me? I tell you, this is impossible! Someone will
come to me soon, I am now the head of the No. 5 base!” Daniel raised his head, as if Song
was still in this storage room, he shouted hysterically.
Sitting in front of the computer, Li Qian, Li Qian stood behind Han Li.
"Are you sure you want to see this?" Li Qian asked.
"He killed Song Zhi, I want to see him come to see the death." Han Li replied.
"Okay! I don't really like to watch these things, but you can accompany them." Li Qian
raised his hand and took down the entrepreneur.
At this time, Daniel heard some kind of sound in the storage room. He pulled his guards
over: "Have you heard no? What is this sound?"
"I am not very clear, sir, it sounds like a wind..."
"No, this is not the wind, it's not just the wind!" Daniel pushed the other side and put his
ear on the wall. "It's the air, some people have to take the air away! We will all die! Go and
open the door, now Hurry up and open the door!"
The escorts blew their bullets, but they only left some bullet holes in the door and they
could not go out.
The air content dropped rapidly, and Daniel pulled away his sleeve and was unable to
breathe. His chest was undulating, but no air came in.
His face showed a look of despair and fear, grabbed his throat, and stood up unsteadily.
After ten minutes, he finally stopped moving.
"Are you adjusting the angle of the camera? I can't see his last expression." Han Li said.
"You are a girl, you shouldn't look at those things."
"You don't understand, I have seen many wounds that have died of healing, but Mr. Song's
body is always in my mind. If I can see Daniel's dead face, maybe, whenever I close my eyes,
I want When you fall asleep, it won't be so uncomfortable." Han Li said.
"So far, Han Li, don't let hatred blind our senses, otherwise we will soon be exposed in front
of Dr. Cook. You should inform Zhou Yu, I hope he can do what Mr. Song Zhi always wanted
him to do. Decided." Li Qian looked at Han Li and cleared everything in the computer
without leaving any traces.
At this time, the ink night was coming out of the study room, and Dr. Cook stared at him
with a cold gaze.
"You have taken away nearly a liter of blood, and I don't want to drain me!" Ink night
looked at each other in a smirk, and he attached it to Dr. Cook's ear. "Actually, I think your
talent will stop here. The enhancer you made with your blood has put a lot of burden on
your body. Your life will not exceed 3 years. You want to solve it. This problem is very
"Then I will create more super soldiers and accomplish the goals of our group." Dr. Cook
replied coldly.
"I wish you success." Ink night waved and walked past her side.
Zhou Yu took his pocket and waited for him in the middle of the node.
The face of the ink night suddenly burst into a smile, with a hint of innocent charm, he
opened his arms and hugged Zhou Yu.
“What movie is in the restaurant today?”
Zhou Yuren held it like this: "There are no movies in the restaurant recently. Dr. Cook
doesn't like it. I hope that all the staff will go back to rest as soon as possible after the meal,
to maintain ample physical strength and complete all tasks."
"Amount, it will be unhealthy in my heart, and it will become like Dr. Cook." Ink night
deliberately pointed his finger at Cook.
The two walked side by side in the passage, and the ink night suddenly lowered the voice.
He said to Zhou Yu: "I sensed the message from Song Yu. He took Zhou Qing away. Zhou
Qing is not in the hands of Juli Group. ”
Zhou Yu’s shoulders are stiff, but he continues to move forward if nothing happens: “So
what do he want us to do for him?”
"There is something very important in Dr. Jiang's hand, and we need to bring out this base."
Mo night answered.
"So Dr. Jiang is a Song Zhi person. Song Zhi is going to give his body to Dr. Jiang. And Song
Yu’s purpose of taking away Zhou Qing is obvious, that is, we must go with him."
"At least we can treat it as an invitation, not a threat."
Mo night smiled and said that his face leaned against Zhou Yu's cheek and his lips licked
Zhou Yu's skin.
The author has something to say: The next chapter, Mo Ye and Zhou Yu continue to be tired,
do not watch if you have diabetes.

Laws of the Other World Chapter 79: Come to my side

Settings saved..
"Dr. Jiang is coming over." Ink night looked at Zhou Yu with a playful look. Zhou Yu
immediately understood the intention of the ink night.
They want to find ways to take things from Dr. Jiang under supervision.
"You guys want to go to me, I want to be too beautiful." Zhou Yu suddenly showed an
expression of anger, and slammed the shoulders of the ink night, pressing him against the
"Don't you want to come back to me? But you are not my opponent!" The night of the night,
the smirk in those eyes made people want to flatten him.
Zhou Yu grabbed the face of the ink night with his fingers, and looked a bit rough and
slammed up.
The impact of the tip of the tongue and the lips is like a game. Zhou Yu’s kiss has the
strength to strangle the other, but it is softened at the most fierce moment.
Ink night squinted at the eyes, slightly surprised, but the dying dying rushed to the top of
his head, he forcedly suppressed his body, he knew that his power would definitely hurt
Zhou Yu, but in the body The desire to swell madly, less than a second of all sensible
collapse, he turned to the main, and turned Zhou Yu on the wall.
The spine was almost crushed. Zhou Yu was sucked up by the ink night and had to lift his
chin. He finally realized what kind of madness he had lit up.
Dr. Jiang’s footsteps are getting closer and closer, and Zhou Yu is in a hurry. His purpose is
not to make the ink night go crazy, but...
Zhou Yu raised his hand and was about to push him away. The ink night did not give Zhou
Yu such an opportunity. His slender fingers squeezed into the gap between Zhou Yu’s
fingers and pressed his hand against the wall. In the night, the ink went to the side and
almost completely surrounded Zhou Yu. His knees slammed into Zhou Yu’s legs, trying to
bring Zhou Yu’s right leg.
Oh shit! Oh shit! You give me a wake-up call!
Zhou Yu knew that his screaming night could be felt, but the ink night continued to kiss him
in an endless manner, like a child who had been curious about what was sealed in the
restricted area, the moment he opened the door. Enticed by the devil, released all his greed.
Zhou Yu had to worry that he would become the first person in the base to die because of a
Zhou Yu used his shoulder to go to the top of the night, and the ink night finally retreated
from Zhou Yu. Zhou Yu thought that when the other party finally woke up, the ink night
suddenly bite the upper lip of Yu Zhou.
Zhou Yu felt a tingling coming, and the ink sucked up in the night, and he was sucking his
blood. Unrestrained, arrogant and crazy, like to engulf Zhou Yu.
The temperature is getting hotter and hotter, Zhou Yu feels that the blood is like bursting
out of the blood vessels.
Zhou Yu didn't know where the power came from, and broke away from the shackles of the
ink night. The backhand pushed the ink night.
In the night of ink, he used his tongue to lick his lips. The eyes were not deep, as if they
were from the temptation of death.
"You just jumped in the heart."
Zhou Yu looked at him coldly, but the night of the ink went back again. Zhou Yu directly
lifted his foot and squatted on the belly of the ink night.
Determined and sharp.
Ink night turned back, two steps, just hit the body of Dr. Jiang, and knocked Dr. Jiang down.
"Dr. Jiang, you are fine!" Zhou Yu was going to help Dr. Jiang, and Dr. Jiang shook his hand
and stood up.
"I'm fine! I'm fine! What are you doing!" Dr. Jiang asked worriedly. "Is your relationship not
always good?"
"This guy is crazy." Zhou Yu pointed to the ink night.
While the ink night smiled and went to Dr. Jiang, there was a good distance between the
two: "Do you think I will be crazy?"
Jiang Jinghang looked at the eyes of the dark night like black glass and only thought of a
weight loss. He quickly moved his eyes: "In theory, you are also likely to go crazy."
After that, Jiang Jinghang blushes and walks quickly between them. It seems quite
At this time, Dr. Cook stood in front of the monitor and looked at Li Qian’s computer
display. He sneered: "They are really unscrupulous."
Li Qian also smiled and did not speak.
Dr. Cook is like an obsessive-compulsive disorder. He comes to Li Qian’s monitoring every
ten minutes and asks to read what Zhou Yu and Mo Ye are doing.
Just yesterday, Dr. Cook also said that he would install surveillance in Zhou Yu’s bedroom.
Li Qian can only tell the other person with a headache. The monitoring of any place in the
base is taken for granted. Zhou Yu and Mok night will not doubt anything, but in Zhou Yu’s
bedroom, he will monitor and he bet the moment when Zhou Yu opens the door. They will
find both of them. This is a meaningless move.
Dr. Cook has been thinking coldly for a long time, which makes Li Qian very uneasy, do not
know if he will cause Dr. Cook's doubts, but Dr. Cook agrees with his ideas.
"Daniel hasn't returned yet?"
"Not yet." Li Qian's answer was calm and calm.
When Dr. Jiang left, the ink came over his face and pulled his lips and smiled at Zhou Yu:
"Would you like to go back to the bedroom again?"
After that, he wiped his lips with his fingers, and the action looked like a movie pictorial,
**** and innocent.
At that moment, Zhou Yu had a kind of **, wanting to fully possess such an ink night,
watching him always laughing and joking on his face with a scared expression.
He wants the body of the ink night to twist for himself, wants to control the breath of the
ink night, wants to hear his crying and begging for mercy.
Although Zhou Yu’s face has no extra expression, he feels deep in his heart that he is crazy.
The smile of the ink night is like a layer of poppies blooming, burning the sanity of Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu’s throat shook.
The ink came over and the fingers hooked over the neckline of Zhou Yu's camouflage. His
eyes slid over Zhou Yu's nerves like a quicksand. His lips didn't open at all, but Zhou Yu's
mind heard the sound.
"What you think of... exactly what I want to do for you."
Zhou Yu slammed the other side: "I didn't allow you to read my brain."
"When your brain is like a book that is spread out, I don't think it is difficult to read it." The
fingers of the ink night hooked Zhou Yu's collar and walked toward their bedroom. "Let's
continue to finish it." Things!"
Zhou Yu is very sure, this is the ink night learned from the film.
Just like those **** actresses, the ink night is more elegant and calm, without the vulgarity,
but pure and sexy, not to mention the sense of strength hidden in his eyes, like to
completely smash Zhou Yu until suffocation and smash .
Zhou Yu felt that her breathing was more urgent than before. It was clear that the night was
so close to her, but he wanted to catch him.
The door of the bedroom was just opened, and Zhou Yu pushed the ink night into it. The
night of the night took a step and fell on the narrow bed.
The ink night did not mean to resist, but supported his upper body and looked up at the
moment to appreciate Zhou Yu’s expression.
"You look like you have to eat me."
"You are suggesting me, do you think so?" Zhou Yu pressed on the body of the night, and
kissed it.
He is very clear that the ink night is not a vulnerable woman, and he does not need to have
any scruples. His kiss is wild, heroic, without the slightest cover, frank and warm.
Although he was so hard, the ink night still supported his upper body, and at the moment
when Zhou Yu pressed the lips of the night, the night of the ink smashed and pushed him
"I said - you are not my opponent." The ink of the night's fingers crossed Zhou Yu's cheeks.
His face was not so proud of his smile. "But you are not willing to be overwhelmed by me."
In your heart, there is not a gap in strength between you and me, but a genetic gap."
"So?" Zhou Yu looked at him calmly. For him, it was really impossible to get into the night,
so forget it. Only in the future will he make this little devil feel good.
Ink night still smiled and bowed his head, closing his eyes, his low-cut eyes were elegant
and fragile, with mysterious shadows, sketching the most touching and most unpredictable
corner of the world.
He put his forehead on Zhou Yu's forehead, and the moment that he poured into the eyes of
Zhou Yu, it was too impactful.
That kind of chaos, madness, unrestrained.
Such an impact and deep, with a devastating possessive.
Zhou Yu’s heart beats very fast, every cell is tremble, but it is a feeling he has never had
before, even if it is imagined.
The ink night kissed his chin, his voice seemed to come from the deepest crack in the deep
brain of Zhou Yu.
"Do you know your heart is jumping fast?"
"Do you know your body is hot?"
"Do you know your breath is very sexy?"
"Do you know that you really want my pictures for you to be true?"
"Your mother! You can put these things in your own head, don't show it to me!" Zhou Yu
slammed the ink night, but the ink night did not move.
"Do you want to know when I started to have these fantasies?" The fingers of the ink night
passed over Zhou Yu's eyes, as if he was stroking his eyelashes.
"I am not interested in this issue."
It’s not from Wu Yun to show you the beginning of the messy movie.
"No, oh." Mo night smiled, and he read Zhou Yu's brain without permission. "From what I
found myself to be a s-class creature, I can start mimicking humans."
Zhou Yu wants to marry her.
"I won't be here for you. Here is the site of Juli Group." The fingers of the ink night stroked
Zhou Yu's brow bone, and his tongue tipped Zhou Yu's eyelashes with patience.
The feeling of moistness made Zhou Yu swallow, unlike the tough madness, the ink night
became even more embarrassing.
Zhou Yu went to the side and the world seemed to be soaked in a mist of water. The ink
night closed his eyes, his hands were held in Zhou Yu's ear, his breathing was heavy, such a
gesture made Zhou Yu feel dangerous, he seems to be brewing the next wave of subversion
Zhou Yu.
It was not until the heavy and hoarse breathing of the night of the night returned to a
steady state that he slowly opened his eyes.
His gaze was clear, and Zhou Yu, who was looking at him, calmed down.
In the night, Mo Xiao took out a small iron box from his pocket and shook it in front of Zhou
Yu. "You guess, what is it inside?"
"You took it from Dr. Jiang, is it the moment you hit him?" Zhou Yu asked.
"Yes." At night, I tried to open it, only to find that this small storage box needed specific
biological information, such as fingerprints and irises.
Of course, it is not impossible to force open it with the power of ink night. If the container is
damaged, I don't know if it will have a negative impact on the things in the preservation.
That is what Song Zhi had to hand over to Jiang Jinghang if he died. It must not be damaged.
"Don't open it." Zhou Yu said.
"I am just curious." In the night, I put it back in my pocket.
"Some things are not peeping because of curiosity."
"I know. But Zhou Yu, do you want us to escape from the base and go to our life?" Inknight
asked half-jokingly.
"There are difficulties at present. First, Juli Group used my old department to threaten me,
and Wu Yun’s daughter is in their hands. Even if I don’t care about my old men, they know
that Wu Yun’s relationship with me is also Will make Wu Yun and his daughter in danger."
"So you know Dr. Cook today, pumped me nearly a liter of blood?" The ink night showed a
"He wants what your blood is doing?" Zhou Yu straightened up and frowned. Dr. Cook is a
real madman.
"According to what Song Wei told me, I speculate that she probably wants to use my blood
to make some super warriors." Ink night pointed his finger at the brain, and the
communication between him and Song Yu did not depend on language or geography. The
"Like me?"
"You are an unexpected example of more successful than Dr. Cook, but they don't know it
yet, thinking that you are only immune to the biological virus here."
"So what should we do now?"
"First of all, you don't have to worry, Dr. Cook can't make anything with my blood, because
my blood has been infected by your spinal fluid, and she can't make any blood with my
blood besides you. Super soldier, because of the exclusivity of genes."
"What else?" Zhou Yu enjoyed the moment and talked so closely to the ink night. Every time
she talked, the warm breath of the ink night would pass over her cheek.
"You need to learn to master your abilities as soon as possible."
"Do you mean the sounds of various creatures in my mind?"
"No, I mean to manipulate creatures that are lower than you." The eyes of the night are
Zhou Yu’s heart suddenly tightened: “What do you mean? Do you mean that I can
manipulate other creatures like Dr. Turin?”
"Yes, Dr. Turin is infected by the dead dahlia, but you are different, you have my blood, that
is, what you get is the power of the s-class creature. Don't waste it. You can't be my spinal
cord. The liquid 'locked'." Ink night pulled up the lips, revealing his smirk.
"But before you learn to walk, it is impossible to learn to run." Zhou Yu is a pragmatist, and
the power of the ink night is far higher than the death dahlia. Turin may be able to
manipulate the power of the dead dahlia, but he may not be able to manipulate the power
of this level of creatures.
"I will help you. Let's take it slowly."
"But what does Dr. Jiang want us to hand over to Song Song? Dr. Cook definitely doesn't
want us to know that Zhou Qing and Song Yu are together. He will trap us in the base and
will not give us any chance to contact Song Song. He I will always think that Zhou Qing is
under their supervision. If we can't go out, how can we send things out?"
"Then pretend that we don't know. I used to be a virus embedded in this organization. Now
it is me and you. To give something to someone, you don't have to meet him face to face.
Here is Nibelungen. ""
Zhou Yu’s eyes widened and he immediately understood the meaning of the ink night.
"Now I want to systematically teach you the first lesson, how to get rid of the sound you
don't want to hear, and how to find the sound you want to hear." Ink night sat up, untied
the collar of his camouflage, moved The neck, the movement is natural and sexy.
Zhou Yu was lying on the pillow and looking at each other. Anyway, he couldn’t think of
anything in his mind. It’s better to appreciate it directly.
Ink night tricks: "Go into my brain and see how I filter these sounds."
Zhou Yu looked at the eyes of the ink night seriously. It was as deep as a passage to another
world. He let his thoughts go into another world. There are many voices here, which are
more than Zhou Yu’s acceptance. More complicated, more awkward, more noisy, more
crazy, but as the ink night peeled off a little, the sharpest voice disappeared, and the rest of
the chaos. Then, some sounds were filtered and the rest of the sound became harmonious.
As these harmonious voices gradually drifted away, the rest of the story turned out to be
the sound of Zhou Yu heard by the ink night.
This is the first time Zhou Yu heard his voice, and also saw himself from the perspective of
ink night.
It was the self that took off the hard shell and was full of attachment to the boy in front of
"Look, this is actually very simple." In the night, his face was long, his neck was long and the
lines were beautiful. Zhou Yu had the urge to bite at that moment, and wanted to destroy
this perfect line.
"I like the feeling of you at the moment." Mo night said.
Zhou Yu raised his knee and licked the other side: "I said, a lot of things are in your own
head, you don't need to tell me, you don't need to let me know."
"Okay, okay, I won't help you this evening, you have to sleep on your own."
"You don't need to lie down? Or do you miss the former glass room, the bed is quite big."
I smiled at the night.
"I don't need to lie down and fall asleep. The place you are in is the most comfortable
"Then I slept." Zhou Yu closed his eyes.
Just like what I did just now, I also filtered the voice of the world layer by layer.
The ink night sitting on the side of the Zhou Yu bed suddenly suddenly paused.
Because he felt that Zhou Yu had stripped everything and chose to listen to his voice.
good night. Ink night said in my heart.
He bowed down and kissed Zhou Yu's lips.
The next morning, Daniel’s team returned. The news they brought was that Daniel had a
trap in Song, and the warehouse that hoarded the blood of Song was fake. When Daniel
kept the outside of the department and blew the door of the storage warehouse because he
couldn't contact them, he found that Daniel and his men had suffocated and died.
Dr. Cook clasped his fist, and when Han Chung pulled open the white cloth covering Daniel
and asked Dr. Cook to confirm the body, Cook snorted coldly.
"It's really useless."
In this way, the second director of the No. 5 base is also dead.
At lunch time, Wu Yun still sat with Zhou Yu, and they whispered.
"Daniel is dead, don't know who is the next supervisor?" Wu Yun picked a brow.
"Now Dr. Cook has doubts about everyone, she will not easily appoint a new supervisor."
Zhou Yu replied.
"Daniel is dead, although I feel inexplicably happy... but I am also worried about one
thing..." Wu Yun played with the delicate lighter.
"You are worried about Zhou Qing... In case his glioma recurs for the third time, no one can
give him such excellent and precise surgery."
"You said... Are all the good people trained by Juli Group?"
"Of course not. Are you?" Zhou Yu asked.
"So I am still good?"
"Are you still not good now?" Zhou Yu bowed his head and continued to eat the dishes on
the plate.
At the same time, Zhou Qing, who was working with Professor Chen’s team, suddenly fell
from the microscope.
"Professor Zhou! Professor Zhou, what happened to you!"
"Get up to him!"
Zhou Qing looked at the bright ceiling, the world was spinning wildly. He raised his hand
and held down the place where he had had surgery. It was very painful, and the bone head
was about to burst.
Zhou Qing was helped, sitting in a chair, and other researchers gave him hot water.
A familiar voice sounded from his ear.
"- Come to my side... come to my side..."
What Zhou Qing saw in front of him was the giant tree between the heavens and the earth.
His thoughts, his breath seemed to be taken away.
No matter how other people call his name, Zhou Qing can't hear.
Until Song Yu came to him, raised his hand to cover Zhou Qing’s head.
"His brain glioma has recurred." Song Yu's cold voice sounded.
"What... I thought his illness was already good... I thought that the technology of Juli Group
was advanced to cure brain glioma..." Professor Chen showed a very worried expression.
"No. The reason why he was safe in Nibelungen was because the ancestor Imir used his
ability to contain the regeneration of glioma from a cellular perspective. But now Imir is too
weak to remotely monitor. Can't control the glioma in his brain." Song Wei replied.
The author has something to say: Imir said: How do I have the taste of a ghost girl...
Laws of the Other World Chapter 80: Please you
Settings saved..
When Zhou Qing woke up, he found many people sitting around, but his eyes were not very
clear, with a ghost.
“Is my brain glioma recurring?” Zhou Qing’s voice sounded calm.
"Yes." Song Wei replied, "I must tell you a bad news, that is, Dr. Daniel is dead. It is
impossible to have someone to do cerebral glioma removal surgery in Nibelungen."
The people around them feel sorry. In their eyes, Zhou Qing is a simple and very focused
scholar. He works and studies with him. He is very comfortable.
Zhou Qing closed his eyes and listened to his breathing, like a wave of wind blowing over
the sea, but did not know how to fall.
"I think I can't continue to study anymore, but I have one thing that needs your help, Song
Wei." Zhou Qing turned his face and looked at Song Hao's direction.
He can vaguely identify the shadow of Song Yu.
"Can you send me to see the ancestor Imir?"
Professor Chen heard his words and said with concern: "You are not good enough to rest in
bed now. Do you want to continue to study Imir? I know that as a scholar, you want to do as
much research and research as possible in your lifetime. Imir can unlock a lot of secrets,
but your body can't support Song Hao to send you so far."
"He is also missing me." Zhou Qing measured his face and looked at Song Hao. "If I really
want to die, I hope that my last breath can stay in his arms. You understand it, Song. cold."
Song Hao nodded and went straight to start packing.
"We will leave now, I will let you see him."
"Thank you!" Zhou Qing's face showed a happy smile.
The people who accompanied us around Zhou Qing felt very strange. They thought that
Zhou Qing would be afraid, or painful and confused, because of the recurrence of glioma,
but these emotions were not there.
He accepted it all calmly and calmly. In his view, death is the right ending.
Song Wei took up Zhou Qing and took him to a Hummer, which was taken from Dr. Cook,
and left.
"Professor Chen, you said they will come back?" Qu Yun asked.
"Of course. Well, what are you doing here? Let's continue our research."
Zhou Yu and Mo Ye were bored in the base, and even Wu Yun was assigned to follow Li
Shengnan, but they could not go anywhere.
"How are you going to send things out?" Zhou Yu sat opposite the ink night and played
cards with him.
"Of course, it depends on our good brother Wu Yun." Mo night smiled, and the finger
clicked on the card, as if thinking about what kind of card.
But in fact, he is very clear about what his card is, and he is very clear about what Zhou Yu's
card is.
"What? You shouldn't give it to him? You will kill him."
Ink night pointed his finger at his brain: "Dear, you try to read my brain."
Zhou Yu sighed helplessly. To be honest, he was really not used to this straightforward way
of communication, but he closed his eyes and felt the ink night in front of him.
The thinking power of the ink night is powerful, and like radiation, it will flow in all
directions, and no corner can escape.
Every creature in the range of radiation, Zhou Yu can clearly feel their heartbeat breathing,
the movement of their limbs, his brain is filled with the sights, hears, and touches of various
creatures, but It is transmitted and perceived in a very organized manner. For the first
time, Zhou Yu discovered that the way the ink night sensed the world was completely
different from that of himself. The world of Zhou Yu was single, and the world of ink night
was rich and complicated.
The power of the ink night goes deep into the blood and cells of every creature here,
exquisite and delicate, as if the ink night is the beginning of their life, and all these
creatures are an extension of the ink night.
He connected all the creatures of Nibelungen together. This is a powerful and powerful
force. Zhou Yu is small and ignorant in front of it. He first experienced the magic of life.
At this time, Zhou Yu felt the fluctuation of the ink-night thinking, and immediately, a group
of silver spiders quickly shuttled between the trees. Countless kinds of perspectives on the
world are all gathered in an instant. Zhou Yu finds that his vision follows these silver
spiders up and down. Every time he jumps, every time he glides, even the wind feels so
clear. It seems that I really became these silver spiders.
And these silver spiders are chasing the Wu Yun's Hummer!
At this moment, Zhou Yu suddenly understood what he wanted to do at night.
He is not worried about the safety of Wu Yun at all. On the contrary, he has a strong sense
of curiosity. How will the ink night control this?
At the moment, Wu Yun, who is smoking in the carriage, Zhou Yu’s line of sight swayed
with the jump of the silver spiders, and they landed on the roof of the car.
The speed of the car is also so clear.
The spiders climbed into the bottom of Wu Yun’s car and followed Wu Yun’s team all the
In this way, they can see the entire process of Wu Yun's execution of the mission.
Wu Yun’s team looked very sad because they did not find Li Shengnan. On the contrary, Wu
Yun did not care about this. Dr. Turin was not tempted to avoid confrontation. Wu Yun felt
very lucky.
After more than an hour, Wu Yun’s team returned to the base.
According to the rules and regulations, Wu Yun's team must pass the scanning channel
once. The hidden silver spiders actually touched the alarm, and the whole passage was
flustered. Wu Yun and his team members hurriedly jumped out of the car. Wu Yun taught
this spider in the tree castle, and his face was white at the moment.
The players immediately put on the oxygen mask, and the spray began to spray the
anesthetic. These silver spiders were stunned.
Emergency handlers arrived and collected all of these silver spiders.
Dr. Cook recognized this spider, which has the ability to control other biological nerves. It is
a semi-parasitic organism and is of great research value. Because of this particularity, it is
less likely to be captured. The Juli Group has not studied more than ten of them so far. This
time, a large group has been captured, and Dr. Cook feels lucky.
"It seems that they originally planned to lay eggs on Wu Yun's car, but they did not expect
to be scanned when they entered the passage." Dr. Cook looked at the monitor and said to
Li Qian.
Li Qian swallowed: "But Dr. Cook, is this creature a bit dangerous? What if the researcher is
accidentally controlled by it?"
"So I will study them in person." Dr. Cook's lips twitched with a cold smile.
At this time, the connection between the ink night and these silver spiders was broken.
He slowly opened the eyes of the clear eyes, and it was Zhou Yu’s gaze on the top.
"How is this experience?" Ink night sideways, holding his chin and asking.
"Very good, next time I want to try a three-eyed giant bird, or a scale dragon."
"You are such a man who likes danger. But do you know that it is better than the three-eyed
giant bird to let you fly, and the anti-scale dragon in the water?" The eyes of the night look
calm, but like It is a burning flame that sweeps over, as if to turn the whole world into
Zhou Yu feels very puzzled. How does this calm and madness come together?
And at that moment, Zhou Yu found that he could not move his body. Is it the night of the
night that controls him?
In the night, I lifted my finger and gently licked the half-length black hair. Then, if the
ordinary person started this movement, it must be quite feminine, but the ink night made
Zhou Yu feel the strength to break the time.
Inexplicably felt very hot, Zhou Yu's fingers finally moved, subconsciously untied his
neckline, he opened two buttons, pulled down, until the collar bones also revealed.
Ming Ming ink sat there and motionless, Zhou Yu felt a force, like touching his body,
arrogant and impatient, and more and more arrogant.
Zhou Yu knows that his place is about to burst.
"Ink night, you don't want to be too much." Zhou Yu lowered his voice and warned.
"What?" I had a very innocent expression on the night.
"Don't control me anymore."
The lip line of the ink night slowly bent, as if to tear the heart of Zhou Yu.
"Wrong, I am not controlling you, but you want to be controlled by me."
Ink night stretched out his fingers, fingertips lingering between Zhou Yu's lips, then
squeezed in, wrapped in Zhou Yu's warm mouth, slowly pressing Zhou Yu's tongue and
stroking the edge of his tongue.
Like hundreds of millions of cells were smashed by the other side, Zhou Yu’s fists clenched.
At that moment, Zhou Yu’s nerves were like a crack, and he stood up violently. His
expression was about to smash the ink night, but he grabbed the collar of the ink night and
fiercely Kissed up, frantically biting the lower lip of the night.
The night of the ink night was driven by Zhou Yu. His hands were eager to reach into Zhou
Yu’s camouflage uniform, and he felt his real body temperature, like crushing each of his
bones and crushing him. Every cell.
Possession of the brain that is greedily filled with ink night, he took Zhou Yu from the other
side of the table and forced himself to do whatever he wants on his legs.
But what did not think of the night of the ink was that Zhou Yu actually crushed him down,
his knees against his abdomen, and looked at him with his cold eyes, and the
condescending momentum made the night disappear.
At that moment, the ink night suddenly understood that when he deliberately used Zhou Yu
in his own ability, Zhou Yu was also anti-customer at some point, entered his brain, set the
trap, let him lose his mind, and then without warning. He knocked him down in one fell
Ink night is not angry, he is only obsessed with Zhou Yu at the moment.
He is the ruler of his world.
"It may be difficult to manipulate a certain creature, but it seems that it is not so difficult to
manipulate you." Zhou Yu said.
"Do you like my hair?" The topic of ink night turned Zhou Yu to keep up with his logic.
"Do you like my hair? This length can be left behind. You like what I am."
Zhou Yu’s brow screamed: “Are you deliberately letting your hair grow long?”
"I said, everything I do is to please you."
In the night of ink, he smiled and picked up his knees. Zhou Yu leaned back slightly, and his
back leaned on his lap.
Ink night sat up directly and looked at Zhou Yu.
"Your learning ability is beyond my imagination. If I can be controlled by you, what else can
there be in this world to escape your power?"
The expression of the ink night is pious, but Zhou Yu is very clear, it is because the ink night
is willing to fall into his trap.
Zhou Yu’s finger knocked on the forehead of the ink night and stood up.
"I am going to the shower."
"Are you inviting me to shower with you?"
"I mean, what should you do when I go to the shower." Zhou Yu put the cards up and didn't
look at the ink night.
He is trying to calm his heartbeat.
In the face of the ink night, the number of impulses seems to be more and more.
Zhou Yu went to the bathroom and locked the door of the compartment. He took off his
clothes and stood under the water.
When he remembered the previous ink night or the night spirit, he always let this guy look
at himself in the corner.
God knows that the guy has installed something from his mind since that time.
After a few minutes, Zhou Yu closed the water and pulled it over his waist.
He had thought that the ink night would come over, but he didn't expect this kid to be so
At the moment when Zhou Yu opened the door, he was on the eyes of the ink night.
"Ink night..."
Are you always outside the door?
The words have not yet had time to finish, the ink night rushed in.
Zhou Yu’s reaction was very fast. He just put his hand on the shoulder of the ink night, and
pushed him out. The ink night buckled Zhou’s legs and lifted him up.
You guy is too arrogant!
Zhou Yu did not have a chance to swear, and was kissed by the night.
He turned his face and greedily ate everything in Zhou Yu's mouth.
Zhou Yu’s legs were off the ground, and the bath towel was almost dropped. The skin of my
leg is almost close to the waist of the ink night, and the palm of the other hand squats under
the towel.
There was a voice in the bathroom compartment that spoke and showered.
This makes Zhou Yu's heart jump fast.
At the moment when his legs were about to be put down, the ink night lifted them up very
uncomfortably, sucking Zhou Yu more forcefully.
This made Zhou Yu’s first experience to turn around.
I know that you want me to come in.
I know that as long as we are separated, you will think about me as much as I think of you.
Zhou Yu’s mind kept screaming at the night of the ink, until he pressed his hands on the
shoulders of the ink to forcefully grab his neck and began to respond enthusiastically.
"It's so cool." Ink night looked up and looked at Zhou Yu.
They kissed for a long time, like spending all their time on this kind of thing.
"You bit me." Zhou Yu glanced coldly at the ink night, raising his hand and rubbing his lips.
"What's the relationship? Anyway, it will heal soon." The ink smiled at night, and the water
in the eyes made Zhou Yu's blood rush.
Feeling his reaction, the eyes of the ink night are even more sorrowful.
"□ □ You." Zhou Yu hit his hand on the head of the ink night.
"Yes." Ink night answered.
"Let me down."
"This position is quite good."
"Do you want to die?"
"You just said that you want to □ me." The night of the ink to bite Zhou Yu's lips was
avoided by Zhou Yu.
"Now no one, if you don't go out, you will stay here for a lifetime."
Zhou Yu’s feelings come quickly and go very quickly.
The ink night can only regretfully put him down, standing behind him, watching him take
off the bath towel, completely revealing the lines of the back and legs.
Smooth and full of tension, like to stretch your eyes.
The throat of the ink night squirmed and his body was very hot.
Zhou Yu’s image is what he feels. He has been dressed neatly and turned around to poke his
chest with his fingers. “Be honest.”
Ink night smiled helplessly and followed Zhou Yu.
Dr. Cook can't wait to start research on these silver spiders.
Although Juli's research has given her strong athletic ability and high-speed healing ability,
she still lacks the same decisive power, that is, Dr. Turing can control Nibelungen's
This silvery spider may become a breakthrough, and their silk is the extension of their
nerves, which can connect with the nerves of other creatures, including humans.
The silver spider in the lab has been paralyzed and quietly squatting in the surgical dish.
Dr. Cook took the scalpel and put his hands in. His eyes were cold and cold, as if it were just
an inanimate object.
At this time, Zhou Yu accompanied Wu Yun in the restaurant for dinner.
"I knew that I might not be Li Shengnan's opponent. I was glad that Li Shengnan did not
appear. Who knows that once in the base, I found that my car is full of silver spiders! Can
you imagine? They are in the bottom of my car. In the gap of my seat, they can control me at
any time! My mother! If I am controlled, I will be shot and killed when I am detected in the
channel!" Wu Yun thinks of these, and has a lingering fear.
Zhou Yu raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder: "This kind of thing will not
"Speaking... Where did the ink go? He is not always stuck to you?" Wu Yun asked curiously.
“The team brought by Dr. Cook will check and sample him every day.”
Wu Yun showed a bad expression, whispered: "The ant always wants to shake the elephant.
The elephant just took a nap, and when he woke up, there was a good show."
The ink was lying in the scanning instrument, and the research institutes passed him
through the scanning area over and over again. He closed his eyes and pulled a smile on his
lips. The researcher in charge of the surveillance showed a very appreciative expression.
“This is a perfect human body. Whether it is the density of the bones or the muscle content
or even the ratio of his height to weight, it is impeccable...”
"At the same time, it is a pity that he is not really a human being. What kind of mystery is
there in the genes of s-class creatures, can they be mimicked?"
When they scanned the brains of the ink night, it was discovered that the brains of the ink-
night brain were far more active than humans.
"Usually the human brain is only about 2 percent developed and used, and most of the rest
are sleeping. But you see his brain... these red fields are all part of the activity... this is
"And according to the research materials left by Dr. Carlos, this s-class creature showed a
very high IQ at an early age, and he can easily master our human knowledge!"
What they don't know is that the brain of the ink night is active because he is now
associated with the silver spider dissected by Cook.
Although the anesthetic gives this little thing the ability to move, the ink night is like
another brain that manipulates its body.
When Dr. Cook’s scalpel just touched its abdomen, its legs suddenly twitched, and Cook’s
pupil tightened for a while, and the spider slammed her scalpel and turned over. .
It moved very fast, Dr. Cook wanted to catch it, but because both hands were stuck in the
seal groove, the range of motion was limited, and the spider climbed to the top of the seal
slot and jumped to the top. Dr. Cook's arm.
"Anesthetic! You guys!"
Dr. Cook yelled at the researchers who monitored the operation, and the anesthetic quickly
spewed out, filling the entire seal.
When the anesthetic fog gradually subsided, Dr. Cook discovered that the spider did not
faint, but hid in the corner of the seal groove. At the moment when Dr. Cook opposed it, it
suddenly jumped up. I have to jump on Cook's arm again.
Dr. Cook tightened his nerves, and the vision was several times more common. She could
clearly see the spider's open mouth and the silk that was about to be spit out.
Once this thread is drilled into her body, she will become its captive!
She can't tolerate such a thing!
She smashed the scalpel out, pierced it from the spider's mouth, and pierced it through the
tail. She only heard a "click", it fell on the glass, and the amputation twitched and struggled.
The researchers who looked at the picture were relieved, and Dr. Cook’s eyes were
“Why is an anesthetic effective against this spider?” Dr. Cook asked.
"...maybe...have resistance?" her research assistant guessed.
Cook grabbed the spider's abdomen and pulled the scalpel out.
I only heard the sound of "磕啦啦", and the larvae of hundreds of silver spiders were
brought out at the same time as the scalpel was taken out.
The author has something to say: I feel like a night of ink...

Laws of the Other World Chapter 81: You have controlled everything
about me.
Settings saved..
They didn't die, they crawled up along Cook's scalpel and quickly spread throughout the
The researchers once again injected anesthetic gas into the seal tank, but the larvae were
completely unaffected. They were not mature enough to eject the silk that could control the
nerves, but secreted some kind of mucus.
Dr. Cook quickly took his hands back, but what she didn't think was that the larva's mucus
fell on her gloves, and the gloves were all corroded. Seeing that they had to sneak into her
body in groups, Cook quickly retracted his hand and slammed the vacuum button in the
sealing groove to kill the spiders in the trough.
But she was still a slow step, and a small group of spider larvae had climbed out along her
Just when Cook was frightened by what they wanted to do, they realized that these larvae
had grown their wings and flew up. Their goal was to clean the air! From this device they
can leave this lab!
Dr. Cook’s research assistant took the initiative and closed the entire laboratory, including
air purification. But still a step later, a number of larvae have already flown into the air
purification channel and quickly flew out after finding the exit.
Outside the study was Cook's guards, and all came to the surprise. These flying insects
quickly plunged into the body of these guards and quickly drained their nutrients. When
they flew away, they were smaller than the ants. It grew to the size of rice.
Dr. Cook in the research room ruthlessly cut off his already parasitic right hand and took
the incinerator on the test bench and burned the right hand.
"Dr., those larvae that are not silver spiders, but blood rusts that are parasitic in it!" a
research assistant suggested.
Cook immediately asked Li Qian to close all air passages and nodes through the walkie-
However, Li Qian’s instructions were a step later. The worms flew out of the air ports of the
various passages, and the whole base was in chaos.
Zhou Yu and Wu Yun, who were eating dinner, suddenly heard the sound of "呜呜"
uploaded from the top of their head. When they just looked up, they were pressed by Zhou
Feeling a gust of wind blowing over the top of the head, followed by a scream, one of Dr.
Cook's subordinates was attacked by these worms, and even the screams were too late to
be sent, and fell to the ground.
This has caused the entire base to fall into fear.
After the worms had enough to eat and drink, they all squatted on the wall, slowly flapping
their wings, like a small donkey, and the whole restaurant was surrounded by them, and
human beings became their prey.
"What the hell?" The moment Wu Yun looked up, he was shocked by these **** bugs.
Only Zhou Yu knows that they are under the control of the ink night, and all actions are
unified rather than indiscriminate.
Looking at the pictures in the various channels that Li Qian sent, Cook's eyes were red, and
she wanted to vacuum the entire base. These bugs made her lose an arm!
But for Juli Group, it is not easy to recruit a whole base, she can only hold back.
She took the guards and sprayed the pharmacy while walking to avoid the closeness of the
worms until they arrived at the lab where the night was.
When the researchers saw Cook's broken arm, they all showed a surprised look.
The hands of the ink night overlap, lying quietly in the scanning cabin.
Dr. Cook knocked on the scanning cabin and said coldly, "You give me up."
The ink night was slowly pushed out of the scanning cabin. He stretched out and patted the
bulkhead behind him and said, "I heard that the radiation is eating more and it is easy to
get cancer. Is it true?"
Cook did not answer this question, but said coldly to him: "Our base has been occupied by
blood rust, I want you to control them to leave our base."
"Ha?" The ink came out of the night and didn't worry at all. "Blood rust? You actually
studied this creature. Although their size is small, it destroys the power of a level, and this
insect has a characteristic, then There is no sleep nerve, which means that your anesthetic
is useless to them."
"If you want Zhou Yu to die here, I don't mind if you continue to talk nonsense with me." Dr.
Cook whispered.
In the night, I looked at Dr. Cook’s **** wrist fracture and smiled and said: "Aha, I don’t
know the level of prosthetic limbs of Juli Group."
Cook's eyes are colder: "I can go to your Zhou Yu with a shot now."
"Your level is not enough." Ink night smiled coldly. "Let Li Qian open all the vents, and I will
take them all out from there."
At the moment when the vents were all open, the group of blood rusts rushed in, squatting
in the passage, and colliding with the metal passage wall to make a sound of resonance. The
ceiling of the base seemed to fall at any time.
Zhou Yu looked up and looked coldly.
Until this sound suddenly disappeared.
A large group of blood rust worms flew out of the passageway, like a dark cloud, and then
A group of blood rusts carried a circular iron box moving at high altitude until a three-eyed
giant bird flew, and the blood rust worms handed the iron box to the giant bird. The giant
bird spread its wings into the clouds.
Song Hao drove the Hummer and shuttled through the forest.
The position of the first officer lies on Zhou Qing.
His face was pale and his eyes were dim.
The glioma has oppressed his optic nerve, and all he can see is the shadow of the head.
At this time, a three-eyed giant bird swooped down, and Song Hao put his hand out of the
window and firmly caught the box.
"What's wrong?" Zhou Qing asked.
"Nothing, just a little night for me to send me something."
Song Hao stopped the car. He didn't need to open the lid and could feel what was inside.
He put the box on his forehead, clenched his fist and took a deep breath.
This time, he did not cry.
Because his tears have drained in the place where the blood is stored in the Song Dynasty.
He collected the iron box, started the car, and drove forward.
"What's wrong?" Although she couldn't see Song's expression, Zhou Qing could feel his
"Nothing. Everything will be fine, Zhou Qing." Song Yan's face was an expression of
Far away, you can see the giant wood connected between the heavens and the earth. All the
branches and leaves are dying. Even the vast land underneath it is desertification. Every
huge branch is like to poke into Song’s eyes. .
"I believe... everything will be fine."
Zhou Qing closed his eyes and remembered the situation when he first saw Imir.
He kneels on the shore of the lake and looks up to himself.
For the first time, Zhou Qing clearly defined the definition of "beauty."
This is a destined encounter.
After the blood rust has left, the entire base is still in the shadows.
Cook looked at the ink night coldly: "Don't let me know that it's all you got."
"Oh, what is the purpose of all this?" The ink night sat in the same place, holding his head
and looking at Cook.
Clearly he was so close to Cook, but Cook felt that the other side had stood proudly on the
other side of the world, looking at himself with condescending.
"You don't know, manipulating these creatures for more than a minute, will I die because of
cell bursts?" Ink night laughed and jumped, leaving Cook as air and left.
On this night, Zhou Yu and Mok night sat at the ends of the bed.
"Are you sure that something was sent to Song Yu's hand?"
"I'm sure." Mo did nodded at night. "I ‘eyes’ saw Song 凛 reach out and catch it. And... He
took Zhou Qing to find Imir.”
"Why?" Zhou Yu's brow smashed.
"...Zhou Qing's brain glioma has recurred."
Zhou Yu raised his hand and grabbed his head.
Ink night kissed Zhou’s forehead and whispered: “Don’t worry, Song Wei will go to Imir
with Zhou Qing. It must be that Imir has a way to save him.”
"But Imir is already weak..."
"For me, there is only one law of survival in any world."
Zhou Yu laughed, but at the same time, when his thoughts touched the night, he knew very
well that the ink night was so real.
"The same is true for Imir and Song Wei."
Zhou Yu looked at the extremely serious eyes of the ink night and couldn't help but laugh.
He turned his face and kissed him on the lips of the ink night.
It may be a great fortune to be able to connect with the thinking of the ink night.
At least, he doesn't have to have any suspicions about ink nights.
Every word spoken by the ink night proves what he thinks in his brain.
When Zhou Yuzhi got up, the ink night showed a disappointing expression: "Is this the only
"What do you want?" Zhou Yu lay down sideways.
The ink night fell directly on his body, his hands held in his ear, and he followed his face to
look for Zhou Yu's gaze.
"At least the tongue should come in."
Zhou Yu’s eyebrows rose slightly: “Where did you learn from these things?”
The ink night lies directly on the side of Zhou Yu, and he is tightly tied with him. His warm
breath is occasionally swallowed between Zhou Yu’s lips: “I have learned a lot. Not only
from TV, but also There are so many people here."
The palm of the ink night covered the waist of Zhou Yu and slowly descended along his
body line.
Zhou Yuzheng had to turn around and was forced to hold his waist by the night.
"I want to go to you."
"You said that you will not be here for me two days ago."
Ink night laughed, deliberately sticking his lips on Zhou Yu’s lips and saying, “That gives
you a feeling of being on me.”
At that moment, Zhou Yu’s pupil suddenly opened and his eyes were oppressed by the eyes
of the night.
The bones were almost smashed, and the feeling of possessing every cell in the body made
him breathe.
His throat made a hoarse voice, even if it was the most primitive repetition, forcefully and
desperately to break free from the **** of the body, and every moment caused his nerves to
The kiss of the ink night is crazy, like to use the Zhou Yu to crush the whole world.
Even if he knew that the ink night was lying on his side, he did nothing but hug him, but the
feeling was real enough to make him tremble.
As if from the depths of the universe, he was too small to be submerged and conquered.
Zhou Yu felt that he was too fast to breathe. At the moment when the illusion that the night
of the ink had disappeared, he suddenly turned over and sat on the body of the ink night,
breathing heavily, looking down at the ink night.
Ink night smiled and looked at him: "Do you want to kill me?"
"No... I just want to know, when can I do this to you?"
Take control of your feelings and shackle you in my world.
On the lips of the ink night, a smile was put on his lips. His hands swam in the waistline of
Zhou Yu. His palm was very hot. The strength of the kneading through the camouflage was
like embedding into the muscles of Zhou Yu. The hint of human blood is in it.
"I have left a small gift for you." Mo night answered with a smile.
That charm is fatal. Casual, sloppy, but the mood is evoked, and he is not willing to fall.
Zhou Yu reached out and clasped the neck of the ink night: "If I find out that you are
laughing at someone other than me, I will kill you."
"That must make me die in your body."
In the night, I took out a small glass bottle from my pocket. It was the simplest sampler
with a small blood rust.
"It didn't fly away?"
"I leave it to you." The tip of the ink night knocked on the bottle, and the little worm
trembled. "Is it cute?"
"Cute?" Zhou Yu shook his head helplessly, but he was very clear about what the blood rust
is to do in the night.
"Remember that day, I made you feel how I control the creatures here?"
"Try it now."
Ink night smiled and unscrewed the bottle cap, and the blood rust immediately flew out.
It lingers in this small room, but it is never close to Zhou Yu or the ink night.
It can clearly feel the oppression of the ink-night as a s-class creature, and the power of the
s-class creature flowing in Zhou Yu's blood.
Zhou Yu looked up at him, but the ink night reached out and grabbed Zhou Yu’s eyes.
"Even if you don't rely on your own vision, you can see it here."
The meaning of ink night is not to rely too much on your own feelings, but to see the world
through this blood rust.
Feeling the temperature of the palm of the night, Zhou Yu remembered how that day and
night did all this.
Thinking is like leaving the brain, overflowing, until it covers the blood rust, infiltrating its
body little by little, its cells, its nerves until it is completely occupied.
"You are really talented." Ink night slowly moved his palm.
Zhou Yu’s eyes were sluggish, and he looked at the whole bedroom through the bug.
"This perspective is really interesting." Zhou Yu said.
Then, the little worm flew around their heads and landed on the lips of the ink night.
The smile of the ink night is more obvious. He sneaked into the camouflage suit of Zhou Yu
and put it tightly on Zhou Yu's skin. His touch is more arrogant, with a strong temptation.
And the blood rust slid along the lips of the ink night, like Zhou Yu's response.
In the throat of the ink night, he pressed Zhou Yu down.
"You are playing with fire." The sound of the night is hoarse, as if something is burning.
Although Zhou Yu’s mind was with the blood rust, he managed to hold himself.
And the little worm left the lips of the ink night, came to the back of his hand, and suddenly
smashed into the skin like the ink night.
This pain did not cause any fluctuations in the ink night.
"Are you so eager to enter my body?" The voice of the ink night was cold.
The colder it is, the more violent it is.
The little worm really got into the blood vessels of the ink night. This is the first time Zhou
Yu realized the feeling of being drowned by the blood of the ink night.
Hot, hot, bit by bit burning blood rust, until it was completely destroyed.
Zhou Yu’s shoulder trembled a little, and with the death of blood rust, his heart completely
"You are the best student I have ever met." Mo night said with a smile.
"Sounds, have you taught other people?" Zhou Yu asked.
Zhou Yu knows that it is only a manipulation of a blood rust, and it is impossible to
compare with the radiation range of the ink night that he felt last time.
Ink night can manipulate a group of creatures at the same time, and maintain their own
reason, Zhou Yu can not do at this moment.
He lay down beside the ink night, and the ink night deliberately put his knees into the legs
of Zhou Yu, moving gently, like feeling the legs of Zhou Yu.
"Next time, are you going to send me a whole group of small pets?" Zhou Yu asked.
"What do you like? Devil vine? Teng snake? Haijin 氓? Inverse scale dragon? Death dahlia
even if..."
"I like you."
"You have controlled everything about me."
At this time, the intercom of Zhou Yu’s head rang, Dr. Cook.
"Zhou Yu, you are coming to my office right now."
Zhou Yu snorted in his heart. Is this the rhythm that does not make people sleep well?
"Go." Ink night deliberately grabbed a hand under Zhou Yu's waist.
Zhou Yu’s eye knife swept over his face and went out the door.
He came to Cook's office, and the other person sat there coldly, her broken wrists had been
handled properly, and the new prosthetic limbs had not been adjusted so quickly.
"Zhou Yu, we found the whereabouts of Li Shengnan, the subordinate of Turin. She is in the
twelfth district. You go to see what she is doing, it is best to kill her." Dr. Cook said.
"You are not afraid of me taking the opportunity to leave?" Zhou Yu held his arm and asked.
Dr. Cook snorted: "I didn't say let the ink night accompany you."
Zhou Yu understands what she is thinking. The last time Wu Yun took someone to hunt
down Li Shengnan, but he didn't even face it.
"Wu Yun also stayed here."
Zhou Yu knows that Dr. Cook is suspicious of Wu Yun as an adult.
In fact, there is ink night, you can easily leave here with Wu Yun. But Wu Yun is impossible
for her daughter to go. Not to mention that Mei Xi, the old man of Zhou Yu, is also in their
This feeling of being cramped is really bad.
"You can rest assured that although your old partner will not go with you, I will send you
the most elite team."
The so-called "most elite" refers to her people.
"It doesn't matter."
There is no time to rest, Zhou Yu's squad is well equipped to leave the base.
In the night, I went to Zhou Yu’s side with my pocket: “I will stay with you all the time.”
"I know."
"And, this is a good opportunity to 'practice'."
Zhou Yu certainly understands what the so-called "opportunity of practice" means.
With so many creatures outside, he can try to control creatures that are bigger and more
aggressive than blood rust.
The team left the base, galloping in the desert, and more than an hour from entering the
virgin forest.
Zhou Yu closed his eyes and held his arms and said to his driver: "I have to sleep for a
"Yeah." The other party is not going to talk to Zhou Yu.
An entire carriage was quiet.
At this time, Zhou Yu had a little miss on Wu Yun’s crow mouth and his unsold music.
They went straight to the twelfth district, where white savage and various dangerous
insects were found.
What did Li Shengnan go to in such a place?
Or is it just a trap to introduce Cook's people into dangerous areas?
When they are about to enter the virgin forest, the driver wakes Zhou Yu.
The car turned on the remote scanning function, which is the latest invention of Juli Group.
In the past, due to the different temperatures of Nibelungen's organisms, the red hot
external instrument could not accurately perceive these creatures. Juli Group has
established a huge database for this purpose and finally invented this remote scanning
instrument. The scanning radius can be up to 50 meters.
This improves the survival rate for the field players who are deep into the virgin forest.
Of course, in the face of a truly horrible creature, this so-called "early prediction" is simply
Through the scanner, Zhou Yu can clearly see the white fierce in front.
The team members that Cook left to him were of high psychological quality, and each of
them had a firm look on their faces.
Zhou Yu asked them to temporarily stabilize their firepower, and each of them did it.
They just passed through the white habitat.
Zhou Yu exhaled a breath, under normal circumstances, they injected inhibitors, white
Meng will not attack them.
But the last white that was controlled by the "windtalker" was impressive.
They also entered the hinterland of the twelfth district.
There were many dangerous creatures on the scanner, and the sound of the ink night
sounded in Zhou Yu’s ear.
"The distance here is too far, I can't control it remotely. But you can."
"What can I do? Control them?" Zhou Yumo asked.
"You can appease them and avoid unnecessary attacks."
The author has something to say: The comments have been eaten up...

Laws of the Other World Chapter 82: Inverse scale dragon vs. snake
Settings saved..
Zhou Yu closed his eyes and extended his strength from his mind. This is a very strange
experience. Unlike the small insect in the bedroom, he feels like a planet. The explosion,
which radiated quickly, all the creatures in all directions were drowned in his mind.
The nerve structure of a bug is completely different from that of white. The white nerves
are stronger and more complex. He felt that his strength had penetrated into these white
and fierce bodies and he did not know what to do. He just completed the connection with
these creatures, but could not mobilize their nerves.
Human beings are always accustomed to doing something with concentration, and Zhou Yu
has to control so many brains at the same time.
"Don't be eager to make progress, you just need to make their brains unable to convey
instructions to the limbs." The inky night sounded very patiently.
It seems that there is a warm airflow over Zhou Yu’s ear, with a kiss on his earlobe, and it is
clear that the night is not by his side.
Zhou Yu couldn't help but ask each other in her mind: Did you intentionally create an
illusion for me?
The sound of a chuckle in the night sounds in his ear: I am in your brain, and you are in my
brain. What you feel, maybe what I want to do, or what you need me to do.
Zhou Yu is too lazy to argue with the other party, but just snorted: When I go back, I will let
you ‘the dream come true.’
Ink night answer: I am looking forward to it.
The driver's name is Cole, and he has been following Cook at the base, which shows that he
is Cook's confidant.
His observation ability is also amazing.
"So a large group of white fierce, even if they did not think about attacking us, why did they
not express any curiosity or temptation?" Cole's eyes moved to Zhou Yu, "I heard that you
are a Nibelungen creature. Encyclopedia, do you have any explanation for such a
"Because they are neither hungry nor in the breeding season, the inhibitors we inject also
make them feel no fear, can't judge as creatures, whether we are above them, or below
them, so they dare not act rashly, There is no need to attack us."
Zhou Yu calmly explained that at the same time, his spirit still stayed in these white fierce,
this feeling is extremely peculiar.
As if he is no longer a Zhou Yu, but a lot of Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu can look at a whole fleet from different angles.
Zhou Yu did not try to control them, but let them feel that Zhou Yu did not have any
offensive meaning. This kind of consciousness made all the white savage relax, some of
them linger among the trees, some squatted leisurely. Looking at them, they maintain a
delicate balance.
But in the depths of these white and fierce brains, Zhou Yu can feel their fears. This fear is
deeply ingrained. They seem to be waiting for the coming of death, which makes Zhou Yu
Cole and the rest of the team felt like a guest. They were invited by Bai Meng to enter their
courtyards and take a leisurely sightseeing. Although the owner did not mean the
reception, there was no meaning to drive away.
Until they passed this group of whites completely, they entered the jungle where various
insects were mixed.
"Nobody should open the window, no matter what happens, don't get off the bus." Zhou Yu
coldly said, "I and my teammates have met the windtalker here."
The name "Windtalker" is still extremely deterrent.
This insect can quickly parasitize into the host's body, while fully controlling the host's
nutrients while controlling the host. The former field elite Morris and his delivery team
became the "windtalker" food.
"Understand." Cole frowned, while looking directly at the scanner with the light of his eyes.
But to their surprise, there was no trace of insects in this area. Cole's team members
secretly sighed, but Zhou Yu faintly felt something wrong.
Insects like this parasitic insect, once attempted to enter a body of a higher level than it,
will be quickly corroded and absorbed by the blood of this creature.
For example, last night, Zhou Yu tried to control the body of blood rust into the ink night
but was dissolved by the blood of the night.
"Don't you say that there are very dangerous insects in the vicinity? Why is there no trace?"
Cole did not believe in Zhou Yu, but also felt that something was wrong.
Zhou Yuqi opened his eyes: "I suspect there is a very high level of dangerous creatures
here, you have to be careful."
This creature may need nutrients very much, and all the parasitic insects in the vicinity,
once in its blood, are absorbed as nutrients, which is why all insects have lost their tracks.
And those white fierce people are waiting to stay nearby because they are not allowed to
leave because of the deterrent power of this creature. They are like captive food.
"But nothing was found on the scanning device." Cole replied.
Zhou Yu did not speak, but released his spiritual ability once again, and learned how the ink
night spreads rapidly toward the surrounding area. This is like a scan, and its scanning
range is much higher than the instrument of Juli Group.
The sound of the ink night is once again ringing in his mind: Zhou Yu, not only to feel the
emotions of these creatures, but also to understand the information that these creatures
convey to you. They are your eyes, your ears, the way you see the whole world.
Zhou Yu knows that he has been afraid to hear these sounds, but at this moment, he must
filter like layers of ink to listen to their voices.
"be careful……"
"Don't go any further, go back..."
"It's terrible..."
"We are all food for it..."
Zhou Yu’s thinking is associated with a variety of nearby trees, flying birds, small creatures
inhabiting them, and they are reminding Zhou Yu.
For the first time, Zhou Yu tried to communicate with them in the way of Nibelungen. The
kind of thinking that does not require language, even in the depths of the mind, does not
form a language, just like countless data is emitted, and finally feedback back quickly.
"There is a snake in front!" Zhou Yu grabbed Cole's steering wheel.
"What? Take a snake, are you kidding? There are no such huge creatures on my scanner!"
“How many meters is the radius of the scanner?” Zhou Yu asked coldly.
"50 meters!" Cole seems to understand the significance of Zhou Yu's question.
"So, you really want to think about the length of a snake! Maybe the snake has not yet
entered the scanner's sensing distance, but we must have entered the attacking distance of
the snake!"
In Zhou Yu’s mind, he has been able to sketch out the huge snake, winding around the
towering trees, and patiently moving slowly towards them, avoiding any loud sounds. The
place that was crushed by its weight left a huge mark.
Its huge head is like a Cambrian dinosaur, wrapped in a hard shell, its vision is extremely
sharp and long-term, its prey has been seen in its eyes, exuding the gloom of excitement.
"Back! Go back soon! It is coming!" Zhou Yu transferred the machine gun on the car,
although he knew that the bullets of the gun could not penetrate the scales of the snake.
"Is your s-class creature reminding you?" Cole asked quickly as he reversed the car.
Zhou Yu nodded, he did not want the other party to know his ability.
However, in a dozen seconds, the forest made a loud noise, the trunk broke, and the sea fell.
The snakes felt that they were about to leave, and they no longer hide their lurking.
It's extremely fast, and the scales of the old trees are shocking.
The black tail sweeps across the sky, and huge shadows are placed on top of their heads.
Kerr's eyes widened, and this was his first close encounter with the snake.
Fortunately, his response quickly, avoiding the collapsed trees.
Zhou Yu mobilized the machine gun to start a crazy shooting, the bullet hit the scales on the
tail of the snake, and was quickly bounced off, without hurting it.
"This is the purpose of Li Shengnan coming here!" Zhou Yu shouted.
Cole quickly regressed and asked: "What purpose?"
Zhou Yu took out the rocket and slammed his shoulder. The inside of the rocket launcher
also contained neurotoxins. He opened the door and half of it went out. With a loud noise,
the rocket was launched.
Cole shouted in his heart, you can't hit it, it's moving too fast!
However, Zhou Yu just expected the trajectory of the snake to take shape. The rocket hit its
tail and even smashed an old tree out of the pit.
"Have you hit him!" Cole asked aloud.
Zhou Yu was almost inaudible by the sound of the rocket launcher.
He blasted its tail scales, but did not blow up its flesh and blood, the neurotoxins could not
work, and the blasted scales quickly grew.
Seeing that the next wave of sweeps is about to come, Cole can only retreat more quickly,
and even knocked out the slower vehicles.
In front of their faces, Teng Snake rolled up the broken car and smashed the same two old
trees together. The sound of metal deformation and cracking was shocking.
Cole had no expression on his face, nor did he have any guilt about his companions,
retreating in a more sparse direction toward the old trees.
After the turn of the snake turned a big circle, he turned his head to them.
This is a huge monster in armor. The deep black eyes have a boiling killing and cold chill. It
opens its mouth like a sharp barb, a roar, air turbulence, Zhou Yu The cars are like being
blown out.
"What did Li Shengnan come to find it?"
"Become the second Turin." Zhou Yu replied.
If it is said that this snake is the most vulnerable, it is probably its eyes.
Zhou Yu tried to enter his mind into its nerves through its sight, but the resistance of this
snake is too strong, and the spiritual power of a-class creatures is not ordinary. In this kind
of mutual crushing, Zhou Yu finally lost, and was completely pushed out by the other side. Is it really too anxious?
It’s just a big disaster. He really hasn’t grown up.
The distance between the ink and the night is too far away. It is quite difficult to form a
remote sensing with Zhou Yu. It is impossible to rely on him to control this snake. And long-
distance manipulation of such a powerful a-class creature is also a kind of damage to the
ink night.
"Don't be afraid, Zhou Yu. You get the power of s-class creatures. The genes are destined to
be surrendered to your feet."
The sound of the ink night echoed in Zhou Yu’s mind, calm and calm.
Under Zhou Yu’s mental disturbance, Teng Snake couldn’t swing like that before, which was
Cole’s time to escape.
Zhou Yu’s thinking once again rushed into its mind, spread all over its nerves, and
infiltrated into every tiny tip. The snake was like a spider net. It was constantly spinning
and struggling, squeezing Zhou Yu’s Power, but also from time to time hit the giant wood
around, refused to give up chasing Cole.
Cole was extremely nervous in maneuvering the direction and speed, and a carelessly
collapsed giant wood would hold it down.
Zhou Yu was also under tremendous pressure, and his back was cold and sweaty.
At some point, he felt that he had completely entered every cell of the snake. He did not
hesitate to extend his body out of the window and fired a rocket launcher again. This time
he aimed at the snake. The mouth, the rocket rocket rushed into its teeth, the moment it
burst into the throat, it slammed back, avoiding the rocket, its upper jaw was blown open.
This also makes it more resentful to Zhou Yu, and repeatedly resists Zhou Yu's control over
Zhou Yu suddenly and sincerely admire the ink-night, if they also have the power of s-class
creatures, the control of the ink night is obviously too strong, he can control countless
other dangerous creatures while controlling the snake.
The chase is only afraid of never stopping until their Hummer punctures or is oil-free. But
never expect this snake to take the initiative.
"Oh shit--"
As Cole yelled, the other Hummer car that followed them was suppressed by a snake, and a
loud noise was deafening. The carriage was completely squashed, and the body of the snake
was completely crushed from the head to the tail.
Zhou Yu gritted his teeth.
"Juli Group is not equipped with missiles, which is too bad."
"The missile can't be transported by the magnetic field! It's too unstable and will explode in
the shuttle cabin!" Cole replied.
The more serious situation is close at hand.
Zhou Yu has heard the sound of huge water, which is vast and extends into the distance.
According to the electronic map, behind them is the tributary of the Angel Tears "Blood Red
Mary", and this tributary is very long!
"We are finished!" Cole said.
Because the speed is too fast, too late to brake, they almost fell directly into the river.
The gravel has rolled down and merged with the waves of the river.
Teng snake still forced them tightly.
Just as the rear tires of the car almost fell, Cole turned in the direction and flew along the
river bank.
Zhou Yu’s cold sweat is straight, knowing that once it falls into the river, there are also
many dangerous creatures inside.
However, the snake was suddenly vacated, and the scorpion fell, and the river bank
oscillated while breaking.
Zhou Yu, they are like racing against time, and they are constantly falling behind the gravel.
"Calm down, Zhou Yu. Li Shengnan is brewing in the body of this snake. With your strength,
you can't cut the body of this snake."
The sound of the ink night sounded again. This reminder seemed like a match, and the
dazzling light was shining in the darkness. Zhou Yu suddenly understood what was coming.
His thoughts continued to extend along the river. He was quietly resting on the bottom of
the river with an ancient giant creature. Taking advantage of its most undefended moment,
Zhou Yu quickly occupied its brain. He read countless belongs to it. Memory, about survival
and killing, is like a brief history of Nibelungen's time in the past millennium.
At the moment when this ancient creature felt the invasion, it began to counteract the
Zhou Yu was crushed by this powerful spiritual force to be difficult to breathe. He widened
his eyes and clenched his fists.
He must not lose this game.
The afterglow of Cole’s eyes seemed to find Zhou Yu’s difficulty breathing, and he shouted:
“What happened to you!”
But at the moment, Zhou Yu was unable to answer him and was still fighting against that
I am above you.
Zhou Yu issued his own orders to it, releasing his determination to control absolutely.
The river seems to roll a powerful force, coming back.
Just as this huge Teng snake is about to bite and engulf Zhou Yu and Cole’s Hummer,
suddenly there is a huge wave in the river, a scale dragon rises up, and the sun shines on its
scales. Above, like countless huge sharp edges, it rushed in the direction of the snake. Its
scales instantly opened the belly of the snake, and the blood spread out in the air, like a red
Zhou Yu’s Hummer was only bitten by the snake, and Cole’s eyes closed, waiting for the
moment of being destroyed by the snake, but did not expect their car to continue to move
After a few seconds, Cole couldn't help but look at the rearview mirror. The fight between
the scale dragon and the snake made him open his eyes.
They bite each other and die until they die. Every time they collide, the **** smell in the air
is even thicker, as if there are shock waves spreading in all directions.
"Where is this anti-scale dragon?" Cole felt completely unbelievable. "Is it ink night? Isn't he
the ability to be locked by your spinal fluid? Can he still manipulate the scale dragon and
the snake?"
"No, every creature has its own territory. In the process of chasing us, the snake has left its
own territory and came to the vicinity of the angel's tears. For the scale dragon, the snake
violated it. The territory. This is like a war for them." Zhou Yu replied.
His fingers trembled secretly. He could feel every collision and attack of the huge body. He
dispatched the inverted scale dragon to open his mouth and bite the belly of the snake.
The sound of the snake's humming sound broke through the sky, and many creatures flew
The forest is the sound of all kinds of creatures running. They are screaming at the moment
when the snakes lose control. They are rushing to leave this place.
The counter-scale dragon is about to take the snake into the river, and the snake is not
willing to hook up more than a dozen towering trees with the tail. At the same time, the
snake also rotates its neck and bites it. The back of the scale dragon.
Zhou Yu, who was remotely sensing with the scale dragon, felt the pain of the bones, and
Zhou Yu almost fell forward.
Teng Snake refused to let go, Zhou Yu knew that the scale dragon was a weapon. He
tightened the muscles of the whole body of the scale dragon, and set the scales like a blade,
and slammed into the body of the snake.
With the struggle of the scale dragon, its scales constantly cut the flesh and blood of the
This game is destined to die for both death and death.
Zhou Yu gradually became extremely tired. When he took his mind back, he breathed hard
like an oxygen deficiency, but oxygen could not enter because of nervousness, and his lungs
could not expand.
"Zhou Yu!" Cole realized what he was, slammed on the brakes and slammed Zhou Yu's
After deeply inhaling oxygen, Zhou Yu finally came alive.
Kerr raised his eyes: "Is it what you did to the scale dragon?"
"No, you think too much. I have already said to you that the anti-scale dragon is to protect
his territory and compete with the snake."
Zhou Yu turned around and the anti-scale dragon was going to live. At this moment, the
horsepower was fully open and wrestled with the snake.
Two giant creatures stirred up the virgin forest.
In the end, the snakes swayed the ancient woods nearby, and the tail slammed heavily
against the scale dragon. The scale dragons put away the scales, loosened their teeth, and
quickly retreated into the river. Its tail was finally split by the tail of the snake, but at least
it did not lose its life.
The red blood of the river spread wide, but it was quickly washed away.
Teng snake returned to his life and was in the same place.
Its back undulations gradually weakened, as if it were exhausted and died.
"Where is Li Shengnan?" Cole asked.
"In the belly of the snake." Zhou Yu replied, "This snake will soon die. If Li Shengnan does
not want to die, she will find a way out."
Cole took out his own □, Shangyu, and stayed in the car.
Controlling the anti-scale dragon consumes Zhou Yu's great brain power. At this moment,
he only thinks that the world is vague and full of ghosts. He does not want to think or act at
The sound of the ink night sounded in my mind: Your ability is beyond my expectations.
Zhou Yu asked in a weak voice: Can I control you?
Ink night replied: You only control the counter-scale dragon for twelve seconds. Think so
short time, is it enough for you to come once?
Twelve seconds? For Zhou Yu, it is like a century.
The author has something to say: Is Zhou Yu very powerful?
It seems that there have been fewer and fewer people watching recently... The fat melon
feels that he has not written a collapse...
Laws of the Other World Chapter 83: The death of Li Shengnan
Settings saved..
Gradually, the snake was originally calmed down by the deep breath of the waves, as if it
had died.
Cole did not come forward. Because he is very clear, the a-level creature also has a super
healing ability. Although the anti-scale dragon gives a very heavy blow to the snake, it does
not have its life.
At this moment, Zhou Yu was very sleepy. He forced his spirits and looked in the direction
of the snake. He could not feel that the snake had any thought fluctuations. It was really
"Be careful... there must be something in the body that drains the nutrients it uses to heal..."
Zhou Yu raised his hand and licked his own temple.
At this time, the neck of the snake snake seems to have something squirming and making a
squeaky voice.
The head of the snake is huge, but at the moment its upper jaw is stretched by a force.
Cole nervously gripped the gun in his hand and pointed to the mouth of the snake.
A lumpy thing was spit out of the mouth by the snake, and it breathed out a breath and
finally stood still.
"Zhou Yu..." The scene in front of him made Cole stunned. He couldn't judge what the sticky
thing was.
But when he turned his face, he found that Zhou Yu had completely fallen asleep.
"Zhou Yu?" Cole swayed Zhou Yu's shoulder, but Zhou Yu slept too much, as if there was
any exhaustion of his energy.
And a large mass of viscous things squirmed, and Cole's back was stretched out and waited.
One hand actually stretched out from the Tong sticky!
What Cole realized was a shot. And the hand quickly recovered the viscous material. The
bullet was buffered with power and did not hit the target.
And the viscous material formed a human shape, stood up and stalked toward Cole.
Cole quickly pulled the trigger, and several bullets were shot into the viscous material, the
clips were empty, and the viscous material almost came to Cole.
Cole opened the door with one foot, and the door just hit the sticky object. It stepped back
two steps and fell down.
Cole quickly left the car and ran towards the distance.
After a dozen meters, Cole couldn't help but look back. The viscous material seems to melt
down, and it is not someone else, but Li Shengnan!
Li Shengnan’s hand actually held the bullets that Cole shot. She looked in the direction of
Cole and smiled scornfully. The bullets fell on the ground.
Cole is very clear, Li Shengnan has completed her alienation through the snake. And he is
definitely not the opponent of Li Shengnan.
Zhou Yu is still lying in the position of the co-pilot. Li Shengnan stood there and looked at
Zhou Yu with his head on his lips.
She lowered her body and took his gun from Zhou Yu's waist and pulled the trigger against
Zhou Yu's head.
Only heard a bang, and Cole turned and went even more desperately.
At the moment when Li Shengnan buckled the trigger, Zhou Yu turned his face to the side,
the bullet rubbed his ear, and the glass shattered.
Li Shengnan also wanted to open a second shot, but his wrist was caught by Zhou Yu. Zhou
Yuqi opened his eyes, his eyes stared at Li Shengnan as a sharp blade, and the
murderousness spread in the narrow carriage.
"You manipulated the anti-scale dragon and my snake to fight!" Li Shengnan said with a
Zhou Yu’s gaze was indifferent, and the strength of his fingers became more and more
fierce. He fell to the ground and crushed Li Shengnan’s wrist bones. The gun fell and Zhou
Yu caught it with the other hand, don't go back.
"I just took a nap and you can't wait to kill me."
Zhou Yu lifted his leg and kicked Li Shengnan out on one foot.
Li Shengnan climbed up and her wrists healed quickly.
"So we can continue the battle between the scale dragon and the snake." Li Shengnan took
two steps and looked at the imperceptive Zhou Yu. "I know that you have acquired the
ability of s-class creatures. But the ability is more Big, the more difficult it is to control.
Unlike me..."
Li Shengnan’s voice just fell, and a large group of three-eyed giant birds suddenly flew in
the sky. They hummed and slammed down at almost the same time, smashing into the
Hummer’s carriage.
At the same time, Zhou Yu’s body suddenly broke out, fiercely heading toward the sky,
stretching and piercing the three-eyed giant birds, intertwined like a cage, locking all the
remaining three-eyed giant birds. among them.
Li Shengnan stunned, and at this moment Zhou Yu’s eyes had a touch of gold.
Zhou Yu’s lightly came out of the car.
"You want to compete, then the contest starts from this moment."
Zhou Yu’s voice fell, and the giant devil vines began to move. They violently swayed and
rushed to Li Shengnan’s direction.
Li Shengnan, regardless of the three seven twenty-one, turned and ran, a three-eyed giant
bird swooped down, grabbed Li Shengnan's shoulder and took her to the distance.
Zhou Yu’s heart is beating rapidly, and because of his ability to use it excessively, he can
feel the breakdown of blood cells in his body.
However, he was not willing to let Li Shengnan go, and letting go of her will cause more
Zhou Yu knows that he must persist, and he should adapt his brain to such a powerful force
as soon as possible.
He took a deep breath and searched for traces of creatures in the sky. A group of three-eyed
giant birds swept across the sky, and Zhou Yu captured one in an instant.
The three-eyed giant bird landed beside him and bowed his head in a warm and docting
manner. Zhou Yuqi sat up, it flapped its wings and quickly chased Li Shengnan.
The wind whizzed past Zhou Yu’s ear. He grabbed the feathers on the back of the three-
eyed giant bird with one hand. At this speed, ordinary people have already fallen, but Zhou
Yu’s body has been strengthened. His arm strength allows him to hold three eyes under
such high speed. Giant bird.
They are getting closer and closer to Li Shengnan.
Zhou Yu tried to attack the three-eyed giant bird controlled by Li Shengnan, but his
strength was not enough. He had not yet entered the brain core of the giant bird, and was
excluded by Li Shengnan’s power.
They were in a huge roundabout in the sky, and Li Shengnan tried to get rid of Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu pulled out the gun from the waist and single-handedly aimed at Li Shengnan's
direction, and pulled the trigger off.
The bullets flew away. Although Li Shengnan did not look back, he could feel the power of
the wind. The three-eyed giant bird swooped down to avoid the bullet. But the bullet still
fell into the wings it raised, and the neurotoxin spread quickly. The three-eyed giant bird
When Li Shengnan fell to the ground, he ignored the fractured leg and ran after running.
Zhou Yu rode his three-eyed giant bird and swooped down. The decisive posture seemed to
hit Li Shengnan into the center of the earth.
Li Shengnan turned over and avoided.
The ground was almost knocked out of a large pit. The huge sounds surprised the nearby
creatures from fleeing.
Zhou Yu was shot again and hit her side.
Li Shengnan didn't do two, he didn't run away, but rushed to Zhou Yu, leaping violently,
and kicking Zhou Yu from the back of the giant bird. Zhou Yu raised his arm and blocked Li
Shengnan's leg, but the gun fell.
Li Shengnan turned over and took Zhou Yu’s gun. He did not say anything and fired all the
Zhou Yu's dodge speed is amazing, although he has felt bullets rubbing his cheeks many
times, his arms, even passing from his back, he has not been hurt.
At this moment, Zhou Yu realized that his physical strength and reaction speed had also
changed drastically. It was like the ink night that he had grasped the bullets with one hand.
Zhou Yu held one hand on the back of the bird, kicked Li Shengnan's gun on one foot, and
then lifted his knee and hit her abdomen.
This series of attacks cooperated with each other, and there was no chance for Li Shengnan
to respond.
Her internal organs must have been cracked by Zhou Yu. The severe pain made her cold
sweat and took her two steps back. Then she rushed up and punched Zhou Yu’s chest.
Her punching speed was amazing. Although Zhou Yu responded, she was hit by her
shoulder. The sound of the broken shoulders is very loud.
Zhou Yu made a sigh.
But soon, his bones healed.
The two of you come to me to compete with each other, the air seems to be sparked by
Zhou Yu controlled the three-eyed giant bird and slammed into Li Shengnan. After Li
Shengnan sneaked away, he stepped on its wings, flew up, rode on its neck and twisted it.
Zhou Yu followed her, grabbed her leg and pulled her off the back of the bird.
Li Shengnan rubbed Zhou Yu’s cheek into the old tree, and the sound of the trunk cracked
in Zhou Yu’s ear. This battle is not your death, or I am dead.
Zhou Yu came down and fell to Li Shengnan, kicking off her calf.
Zhou Yu walked over and was preparing to use his knee to crack Li Shengnan's brain, but
something suddenly came behind him.
It was a white fierce, it was controlled by Li Shengnan, and it was placed on the top of Zhou
Yu’s spine.
At the same time, Zhou Yu violently pressed down the body, and the palm of his hand
slammed into the brain of Li Shengnan. The devil vine suddenly broke out from the ground
and pierced the white.
Zhou Yu gasped heavily, and there was a cold sweat on his back.
The white fierce screams and becomes the food of the devil vine. The devil vine glides past
Zhou Yu’s side, making a squeaking sound.
At this moment, Zhou Yu has lost the power to continue to control it, but the Devil Vine
seems to be able to sense the blood of the s-class creatures flowing in Zhou Yu, humble and
squat, and slowly leave.
Zhou Yuyi gritted his teeth and forced the palm of his hand to directly crush Li Shengnan's
Li Shengnan, who was originally struggling, was like a broken puppet. Zhou Yu leaned over
and lay next to her, watching the sky exhale with a deep breath.
He swayed and got to the side of the three-eyed giant bird.
It widened its eyes and looked at the direction of Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu could feel its fear, so he reached out and covered it on his head and slowly stroked
"Don't be afraid, everything will be fine... your neck will heal will find yourself
able to control your wings..."
Although it has been alive for hundreds of years, it is still too young for Nibelungen.
This is the first time it has been seriously injured.
The pain made it overwhelmed, and it was experiencing the pain of bone regeneration.
This kind of pain, Zhou Yu also experienced.
Although it is not human, Zhou Yu, who has entered its brain, resonates with it. He used his
forehead against it and accompanied him to experience this rebirth.
"Whenever everything goes, today you will be stronger than you were yesterday." Zhou Yu
comforted it in his mind.
Drowsiness struck, Zhou Yu could not support, relying on this three-eyed giant bird to
sleep. He wants to work hard to stay awake, but his eyes can't open.
At this time, Zhou Yu heard the sound of the Hummer.
Someone opened the door and walked over.
Zhou Yu vaguely saw Cole's face.
I did not expect this guy to come back to find himself, thinking that he really ran!
Cole picked Zhou Yu and put it back in the co-pilot position of the Hummer, and fastened
his seat belt for him.
Then, he pulled out his gun at his waist and fired a few shots at Li Shengnan's head. He then
smashed her body and threw it in the back seat of the Hummer.
Zhou Yu was all confused. He only heard Cole say to the intercom: "The mission is
completed and wrapped on the road."
package? What is the package? Is it that he is Zhou Yu, or is Li Shengnan?
The Hummer was galloping in the woods, and the shadows in the sky passed.
Cole looked up and was shocked by the three-eyed giant bird that had fallen to the ground
He thought that it had been killed by Li Shengnan, how come he survived?
Whether or not Cole drove the car anywhere, the three-eyed giant bird followed closely.
In the confusion, Zhou Yu can sense its existence. It wants to wake up Zhou Yu and wants to
leave with Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu’s lips twitched a smile: Thank you, little guy... I won’t have anything, let’s go...
Just as Cole was preparing to transfer the machine gun on the car, the three-eyed giant bird
flew far away.
Cole breathed a sigh of relief, and Zhou Yu’s thinking completely sank into the darkness.
When he woke up, he found himself lying in a white ward, sitting next to him is Han Li. She
is typing something on the tablet.
"Are you awake?" Han Li lowered her body and checked Zhou Yu's pupil.
“Is this a base?”
"Yes, I am giving you a nutrient solution. Just now Cook took nearly one liter of blood from
your body."
Zhou Yuqi browed: "What does she take my blood?"
"Then you have to ask Cole, what did he say to Dr. Cook?" Han Li looked at Zhou Yu with all
her fingers and then left the ward with a tablet.
At this time, the ink came in with his pockets coming in.
His upper body was wearing a white t-shirt and his lower body was a trousers in a
camouflage uniform.
White is pure color, reflecting the white night skin and elegant facial features, showing a
kind of innocent temptation, and his long legs wrapped in camouflage clothes are full of
strength, every step toward Zhou Yu, both It is a **** slap.
Ink night sat down at the bed of Zhou Yu, and the knuckles of the index finger hooked Zhou
Yu's chin: "I know what you are thinking."
"Oh, what am I thinking?" Zhou Yu vacated the hand that had not been injected with
nutrient solution, padded under his head, and looked at the ink night in a leisurely posture.
"You want to pick up my white t-shirt and kiss my abs. You still want to pull off my
camouflage trousers and run rampant in my body."
The ink night slowly lowered his head, his voice was pulled long, and one hand pressed
against Zhou Yu's pillow.
At that moment, Zhou Yu saw the picture in the mind of the ink night, which was blushing,
exaggerated and mad, as crazy as the end of the world.
"I think the content I think of is more maneuverable." Zhou Yu said in a serious tone, and
raised his knees, he would go to the belly of the night.
If the average person is so topped, it will definitely spit out overnight.
"Is it?" The lips of the ink night slowly slammed, and Zhou Yu’s knees were smashed down.
His hand slowly reached into Zhou Yu’s clothes, which seemed to be a deliberate test of
Zhou Yu’s patience.
This is the first time Zhou Yu has lost control, especially if he is already tired. Ink night's
fingers with sparks ignited all the impulses in Zhou Yu's blood.
Like the magma from the long-sinking crust, Zhou Yuqu got his knees, and even his back
arched, and he was always broken.
The heavy breathing is full of suppressed feelings, but the ink night is to liberate all this.
When Zhou Yu lost his self, he saw the black nights like ink-colored nights.
He bowed his head, kissed the lips of Zhou Yu, like a tyrant, raging and plundering, seeing
Zhou Yu's heart will jump out of his chest, ink night raised his hand and smashed the
instrument to monitor Zhou Yu's signs.
This is a violent kiss. The tongue of the ink night stirred up the heaven and earth of Zhou
Yu, Zhou Yu constantly resisted, and passed the ink night between the gaps, hoping to
appease his arrogance. But the solace that passed by in this moment is like the flame from
hell, which instantly makes the madness of the ink night doubled.
The greed of the ink night is vividly reflected.
Until Zhou Yu thought that his sternum would be fractured, the ink night was still
unrelentingly retreating his lips.
"I don't think my fantasy is not operational."
The sound of the ink night is hoarse and sexy, as if you want to swallow Zhou Yu at any
time. Enduring this man lying in front of himself in perfect condition, it is a supreme torture
for the ink night.
"How did Cole report to Cook?" Zhou Yu needs to shift his attention to the ink night?
The ink night really showed a disappointing expression.
"Cole told Cook that the person who killed Li Shengnan was you. And Li Shengnan has been
successfully infected by the snake and gained the power of a-class creature. Killing such a Li
Shengnan, do you know what it means?"
"So I became the research object of Juli Group."
"We have always been their research object." Ink night shrugged his shoulders. "And it
always comes to attract Atton's attention. He has stood at the top of the food chain in your
human world. There is always something to attract him. Come to this world."
"For example, I have the powerful healing ability of s-class creatures."
"They took your blood away and wondered if you could use your serum to make countless
of you. Cook is obviously a fake for Juli Group, but you want to be perfect." Mo night said.
"However, everyone's genes are different, even if they are the same humans as my blood
type, they may not be able to obtain this power." Zhou Yu replied.
"Take you □." Ink night lay down beside Zhou Yu.
"If it is □, what Mr. Eaton can only get is a tough army. He still can't save himself. His brain
will still be necrotic."
"That is the question he should think about, it is not our business."
"I am worried about Zhou Qing now, I don't know how he is." Zhou Yu blinked and looked
at the ceiling and breathed out.
"You can rest assured... In this world, there is always someone belonging to Zhou Qing. He
will work hard for Zhou Qing to even the last breath."
After a long journey, even the car oil in the carriage was exhausted, and Song Hao finally
took Zhou Qing to the nearest place to the ancestral Imir.
The largest tree in Nibelungen now has only the dead branches. All the creatures that have
been attached to it have left.
The sky supported by it seems to fall at any time.
There is no fresh breath in the air.
Song Yu knows that even if it is death, it is also an extremely grand and magnificent ending.
Song Yuyang began to look up, but the line of sight extended, but could not reach the top of
It is too far away.
"Are we there?" Zhou Qing asked.
Zhou Qing closed his eyes, but did not hear any voice from Imir. Is it late for me? Is he
already dead?
The world is high, the wind blows through Zhou Qing’s ears, and the world is so lonely.
"Can you take me up?" Zhou Qing asked.
"Of course." Song Hao raised his hand, an El Niñ o aquatic dragon smashed out of the lake,
struggling to spread his wings and came to Song Yu.
Song Yu helped Zhou Qing to sit up, sitting behind him, the dragons of the aquatic dragons,
carrying them along the branches of Imir and hovering.
In front of Imir, they are as small as ants.
The wind tears Zhou Qing’s body.
He couldn't see this spectacular sight, he could only imagine it constantly in his mind.
From time to time, there are trunks that strip Imir's body and fall toward the ground, just
as the meteor breaks through the atmosphere and returns to the embrace of the earth.
They drove into the clouds, as if they were separated from the world of Nibelungen and the
shackles of gravity.
"It's there!" Zhou Qing suddenly shouted.
The aquatic dragon stopped.
Song Wei saw a deep crack between the trunks, which seemed to reach the core of the tree.
Song Yu backed Zhou Qing and walked in along the crack. They went deeper and deeper,
and there was no light gap between the gaps.

Laws of the Other World Chapter 84: You are me

Settings saved..
Song Hao heard the sound of crawling.
It turned out to be Turin's Lizard Legion! They hovered and attached to the inside of the
tree, and they waited for it. They felt Song Hao, and they showed a fierce expression.
Just as these lizards flew at them, Song Yu’s eyes pierced their bodies at the same time as
countless sharp edges, extending into their cells, and instantly bursting them.
Zhou Qing was nervous and clasped Song Song’s neck.
Song Hao raised his finger and countless blue fireflies flew in and stuck between the cracks,
completely illuminating their way forward.
At the end of this crack is a huge space.
Turin was there, bowed his head and looked at the bottom of the space.
It seems that there is no end.
There is no trace of wind, only death.
"You are late, Imir is dead."
Turin leaned over his face and looked at Song Wei with a regretful look.
Zhou Qing whispered to Song Yu and said to his ear: "Let me down."
Song Yu bent down and held Zhou Qing standing next to the abyss. If he is not careful, he
will fall down and he will never return.
Zhou Qing extended his hand and covered the palm of his hand inside the trunk. He seemed
to feel the vitality of Imir with his heart.
But he did not feel any information belonging to Imir, its blood vessels had dried up, its
nerves had decayed, and this giant tree connecting the heavens and the earth, now only the
body is left.
Zhou Qing put his forehead on the trunk and asked silently in his heart: Are you still there?
If you are still please don't leave easily...
Turin shrugged his shoulders: "This tree has completely withered, without the slightest
This huge space should have stored the fountain of life of Imir, which breeds the creatures
of this continent and represents the luxuriance and vitality of Imir.
Today, it is empty.
Song Yu looked at Turin with a cold eye, and the contest between the two men’s spiritual
forces has begun.
Song Yu’s invasion of Turin’s cells, which had not reached the core, was rejected by the
power of Turin’s body. The two forces collided with each other, as if the stars had burst,
and the cells in Turin continued to rupture and were reborn again.
His forehead was full of sweat.
At this time, the devil vine climbed to Imir, frantically extending upwards, squeezing into
the crack and attacking the back of Song.
But they did not touch Song's back and burst open, and the air was blown up in all
directions, and the air that was rolled up made a squeaking sound in this deep space.
Zhou Qing was dragged by the air and almost fell. Fortunately, Song Hao’s eyes were fast
and he held him down.
Turin's white long scorpion was picked up and he looked at Song Wei coldly.
"It is impossible for you to kill me here, unless you kill your father first."
The power of cockroaches stretched out through Turin, striking Song's brain and strangling
his cells.
After a tinnitus, Song Yu’s subconsciousness stepped back a half step, and the world
seemed to be trembled. The power of shackles is tough. He crushes Song's body as if to tear
them apart, suppress them, and give them no room to breathe.
Breathing seems to be contained in the throat, and the premonition of death is a golden
touch on Song’s eyes.
After calming down the mind and calming his own heartbeat, Song Yu surged his power
from the depths of his mind, and fiercely collided with the power of the scorpion. He
blasted his impact and rushed out to Turin.
The skull was almost cracked, and Turin grabbed his head and receded.
"Are you too much to look at, or look down on me." Song Yi step by step forward, cold eyes,
unintentional face, as if to slash the death of a sickle.
Suddenly, countless scabbard butterflies came in from the gap, as if the blue wave rushed
toward Turin.
They had already cocked their spikes, and at the moment they were about to touch Turin,
they were broken down by the power of Turin. The blue wings fell to the abyss of the
center of Imir, but there seemed to be nothing to fill it.
Turin's face was marked with a few blood marks, but he soon healed.
He looked at Song Hao with his gaze, and said with a grin, "Child, you are angering your
"My father is dead."
After that, Song Yu leaped into the air, his body stretched out of the lines of tension in
midair, and the momentum was amazing. One hand smashed the throat of Turin and
pressed him into the trunk.
Only heard the sound of smashing, Turin was crushed into a depth of more than ten meters
by this force, and the bones of the whole body broke open. This kind of severe pain is the
warning of Song Yu to him.
Song Yu’s eyes were heavy. He raised his hand and punched into Turin’s head. The tinnitus
came again. His brain seemed to tremble in the skull and resonate with some kind of force.
Will burst in general.
But Song Hao clenched his teeth and cracked Turin's skull.
At this time, a certain voice came from the abyss, and the sound of "squeaking" sounded as
if it was scratching the bones.
More than a dozen Tyrannosaurus spiders climbed out.
Song Hao immediately turned to protect Zhou Qing.
Those overlord silver spiders, a beating, came to the front of Zhou Qing, watching the sharp
amputation, they must wear Zhou Qing, Song Hao came to Zhou Qing, kneeling down, palms
hold the body, a bite will be this However, the giants fly.
These overlord silver spiders spit out silk threads to them. These silks were tough and
infiltrated into the trunk and almost penetrated Song's body.
Song Yu took up Zhou Qing and shuttled among these silks, and every moment was
extremely thrilling.
Zhou Qing, who can't see his eyes, can feel an air gliding across his cheeks, and he will
penetrate himself with Song Song at any time. Every moment is a moment of life and death.
Song Song jumped to the back of one of the overlord silver spiders, punched the carapace
on the back of his arm, took out the gun at the waist, and pulled the trigger on the muscles
inside the carapace, "砰-", this sounds, this Only the overlord silver spider fell to the abyss.
Song Yu borrowed a leap and reached out to grasp the silk thread of the Overlord Silver
Spider through the huge tree hole, and constantly jumped back to the original height.
Turin has struggled to come out of the cracked gap, although his face has been deformed,
and the facial features are slowly being repaired.
He touched his face and looked at Song Yu in the cold.
These overlord silver spiders are controlled by the shackles, and Song Yu tries to regain
control, but he cannot surpass the power of shackles.
"Can you kill them all? Children?" Turin slowly walked out of the gap, planted backwards,
and looked like he was desperate to fall.
A dragon flew over and just caught Turin. He arbitrarily shuttled between the clouds, flying
farther and farther.
"Don't think about defeating your father, you can never do it!"
The voice of Turin came in the air, entered the crack, and echoed in this deep space, as if
from the judgment of hell.
The attack of the Overlord Silver Spider is more acute, and Song Yufei rises up and rides on
one of his heads. Even if you can't control all the Overlord Silver Spiders, then at least try to
control one!
The power of Song Yu took up the body of this overlord silver spider and controlled it to
attack other similar species.
Zhou Qing, who was backed by Song Yu, felt like sitting on a roller coaster. After a while, I
went straight into the sky, and then I fell into the bottom of the valley, and the internal
organs were spit out from the eyes of the blind.
A Tyrannosaurus was trampled down, constantly striking the wall of Imir, making a
continuous and huge sound, and the battle continued.
It seems that I have made up my mind to give Song Yi a deep lesson.
The collisions of these behemoths are like the explosion of the planet. What is even more
incredible is that they all happen in Imir's body.
Song Yu rode his mount and commanded it to slam into the other overlord silver spider.
The two behemoths smashed each other's outer shells. Their joints smashed into each
other's body, the blood splattered, and the humming sound echoed. Zhou Qing could not
help but hold his ears.
At that moment, the familiar voice rang in the ear.
"Come to my side... I am waiting for you..."
It seems to come from another world, full of expectations.
Zhou Qing loosened his hands and leaned back.
"Professor Zhou!" Song Yi reached out and tried to catch him. The other tyrant, the silver
spider, jumped from the heights and wanted to crush them.
Song Yu fled by trepidation, but half of his body, the overlord silver spider, was smashed
into the abyss.
At the moment of the fall, Song Yi grabbed the leg of another Tyrannosaurus spider, and as
soon as the body swayed, he climbed up along its legs.
This is the overlord silver spider in this space, flying fast and swaying, to Song down.
Song Yu hit a fist and broke into the abdomen of the Overlord Silver Spider. No matter how
he struggled, he could not get rid of Song Yu.
In desperation, it slammed into the inner wall, and Song Hao pulled his arm back, letting
the tyrant's silver spider smash his head and smash his blood. He hooked the thread and
gently swayed. another side.
"Let me go... he is below..."
Zhou Qing opened the door.
"This is impossible. There is nothing in the following." Song Yi browed.
Seeing that there were two overlord silver spiders coming in, Song Song took up Zhou Qing
and planned to escape from the gap.
"Trust me, let me go." Zhou Qing's voice is firm.
"You will die, Professor Zhou."
"If you hear the voice of Song Zhi at this time, you will jump back without hesitation, right?"
Zhou Qing smiled helplessly.
At that moment, Song Yu violently pushed all his powers like a fierce tsunami, completely
covering the two overlord silver spiders and instantly conquering them.
He jumped on one of Zhou Qing’s backs and climbed down the abyss.
The speed of the Overlord Silver Spider is extremely fast, and the feeling of weightlessness
makes Zhou Qing almost spit it out.
Song Hao knew that he could not control them for too long, so he urged them to slide down
at the fastest speed.
The Overlord Silver Spider spit out a strong silk thread, hanging their huge and heavy body
and slamming down to the bottom.
The darkness engulfed them.
Song Yu’s nerves are tight and they are hard to support. His eyes are sore and the red blood
cells in his body are rupturing.
Zhou Qing is like what is sensed, attached to Song Hao's ear and whispered: "Thank you,
send me here, you can... again, friends."
After that, his hands loosened Song’s neck and he did not hesitate to fall to the abyss.
"Professor Zhou -"
"wait me back--"
Zhou Qing’s voice echoed.
There is no fear of falling and death, as if it is blooming to life.
Song Yu’s mind suddenly echoed a voice: believe me.
His eyes glanced and suddenly understood that Imir did not die.
Zhou Qing fell faster and faster, and at a certain moment, the empty walls suddenly heard
the sound of water flowing, followed by a waterfall, bursting from the ruined, and rushing
into the abyss.
The already depleted Imir seems to be resurrected again. This abyss is like a wine glass,
with clear water flowing in, swirling and rushing.
When Zhou Qing fell in, only heard a loud noise, and the sound of the water was in the ear.
These fluids infiltrated into his body, and each of his cells filled up as if it were full of
What is intertwined and spread in his mind.
His thinking seems to be exploited in an instant, and another more open-minded space is
slowly unfolding in front of him.
He opened his arms and embraced this new life.
"Where are you? Why not?" Zhou Qing asked again and again.
As if there was a force, gently covering him, stroking his brow, brushing his hair and feeling
his body temperature.
It is a complex emotion that looks forward to being combined with infinite love. Even
without any description of the language, Zhou Qing can feel the most true feeling.
Zhou Qing is so wanting to catch each other, it is a desire for instinct, can not be patient, can
not be ignored. However, there is only water flowing between the fingers of Zhou Qing.
This sense of emptiness makes Zhou Yu feel that it does not really exist.
That force suddenly lifted Zhou Qing and left the water.
Fresh oxygen poured into the lungs of Zhou Qing. He opened his eyes and looked up. He
saw countless blue fireflies, like the stars in the dark.
It is obvious that the brain glioma has been squeezed into his optic nerve. He should have
nothing to see. Is this all an illusion?
At this time, the water emerged with a shape, elegant and noble lines, slowly sketching out
the arms, waist, and slender legs, forming a human form, step by step toward the direction
of Zhou Qing.
His facial features gradually became clear, and Zhou Qing’s eyes widened, which was the
first time he had encountered a s-class creature on the lakeside.
"It's you... I finally saw you again..."
The language becomes poor.
Zhou Qing looked at each other. He has seen everything in the world, and it is less than one
ten thousandth of the image in front of him.
"Stupid, I have been by your side." The other's fingers swept over Zhou Qing's cheeks, the
watery texture, the cool temperature.
Zhou Qing looked up and greedily traced the other's eyebrows. Whether it was his smiling
expression or the shackles of his eyebrows, he was dragging his thoughts around Zhou
"Why is it me... If you said that you have been watching me, why did you choose me?" Zhou
Qing turned his face and he did not understand why he asked this question. He only wanted
to communicate with each other. Talk to him.
The figure slowly lowered his head, his hair fell, and the water slid across Zhou Qing's face.
His breath was like an illusion. When his lips were attached to Zhou Mei's eyebrows, the
whole world suddenly moved away.
"Do you know who I am?" The other side asked, his voice seemed to come from ancient
times, crossed the boundaries of heavy time, and came to Zhou Qing's ear.
"You are the first ancestor Imir."
"So how do you know how long I have lived?"
"As long as this continent."
“Time is tiresome and boring, and you are an interesting episode. When observing you
become a habit, I am slowly addicted. You know that the virus has infected me, and I am
constantly weakening. I am about to leave the world. If it is doomed to destruction, then I
would rather replace you with my rebirth."
"You are not going to die, I am studying this virus, and many people are studying this
Imir smiled lightly.
"I have seen many life and death parts, everything has its own end, I am. Always keep a
curiosity, always respect life, and always cherish yourself. Maybe I, in the billions of years
of this world, just to Waiting for your encounter."
The shape of the hydration is gradually losing its shape and falling back.
Zhou Qing held him in horror, but only the water flowed through his arms.
"I will always be by your side, don't be afraid. From now on, you are me. Don't worry, a cell
can make me reborn."
The clear water flow under Zhou Qing slowly penetrated into the ground and disappeared.
At the same time, a huge force extended to the limbs of Zhou and Qing, which made him
unable to bear.
He raised his hand, pressed his head and poured it backwards. The blue-light fireflies on
the top of the head flew upwards and flew out of the gap.
The heavens and the earth are shaking, the dry body of Imir is constantly shattering, and
countless branches of trees fall down from the sky, like a huge meteor shower.
The sound of cracking is endless.
The cracks between the trunks are getting bigger and bigger, collapsing outwards and
The entire land was affected and trembled.
A three-eyed giant bird flew in through the gap and swooped down. Song Yu took the
opportunity to jump on its back and flew toward the bottom of the abyss, as if racing
against time.
Excitingly avoiding the huge trunk that is constantly falling, this three-eyed giant bird
seems to be rushing into hell.
Finally, they came to the bottom and saw the faint figure of Zhou Qing.
A trunk will fall and see that it will be overwhelmed by Zhou Qing.
Song Yi kicked it off and knocked down a large trunk. At the moment of landing, Song Yu
picked up Zhou Qing and jumped on the three-eyed giant bird.
This is a speed of life and death, the three-eyed giant bird sometimes tightens its wings to
avoid, sometimes hovering upwards, going upstream, rushing to the weak light source.
Seeing that the gap that could be accessed was completely collapsed, Song Yi gritted his
teeth, and the vines of the devil vines rushed in, and the smashed open the gap, tearing
open a mouth, they rushed out and rushed to the light.
Everything in front of me is suddenly open.
Song Yu protects Zhou Qing in his arms, and his body is stabbed by the falling debris
because of his speed.
Wind hunting, everything flies.
When they re-entered the fog and clouds, Song Yu looked back and found that the death of
Imir was like a catastrophe.
The entire continent is almost covered by the wreckage of Imir.
Various creatures continue to flee and migrate into chaos.
Song Yu exhaled a long breath.
The demise of Imir took three days and three nights.
And in the center of the wreckage of Imir, there is a huge lake, clear and without impurities,
reflecting the sunlight of Nibelungen.
Song Yu’s Hummer was also destroyed. He can only walk back with Zhou Qing all the way.
Zhou Qing has been continually slang, and seems to be calling for Imir.
Professor Chen saw that Song Hao brought Zhou Qing back. He was very happy.
They had a systemic examination of Zhou Qing and were surprised to find that the gliomas
in Zhou Qing’s brain disappeared completely.
Zhou Qing woke up a week later. He looked at everyone with a stunned look until Professor
Chen stepped forward and hugged him and said, "Child, this is a miracle! You have healed."
Zhou Qing looked at Song Wei behind Professor Chen, and Song Hao nodded. At that
moment, Zhou Qing understood that it was Imir who saved him with his last vitality.
With the permission of Zhou Qing, Professor Chen took Zhou Qing's blood samples for
Song Yu soaked a cup of tea and handed it to Zhou Qing.
"I know that your heart must be very uncomfortable, but we must cherish those who have
given us life, please live well. Use your eyes, your ears, instead of Imir to feel the world."
Zhou Qing raised his face, and his eyes were a kind of firmness that Song Wei had never
seen before: "I know, I still have to do something, this virus has taken away Imir, then I
have to overcome this virus. I know that he will never leave me. He is in my body, in my
blood, in every cell of mine, as long as I am still alive, then Imir will always be a miracle."
"Yeah." Song Hao nodded, his fingers clasped the iron box that was sent by the ink night.
He handed the iron box to Professor Chen’s hand, and Professor Chen understood
everything when he opened it.
The author has something to say: When I watch "Independence Day 2: Make a comeback", I
deeply miss the "above the sky", Li Wei, the little **** and his solid color lady, as well as
Claude's look and Leslie. A shadow-like guardian.
I don’t know if the readers who serialized "On the Sky" still have the embarrassment left
We are all growing up, with our own work and family, and when we are bothered by the oil
and salt and the chicken feathers, I hope that I can be touched by what was touched by us.
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Laws of the Other World Chapter 85: Isaac Eaton

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"I didn't think... Song Zhi and the competition actually succeeded! They always wanted to
unlock your abilities! Do countless research! Failed countless times! But I did not expect
them to succeed! You know Song Zhi Leaving so much his blood is not to give you
nutrition?" Professor Chen asked.
"Is it a commemoration for me?" Song Yan's face still has no expression, but his voice has a
strong self-deprecating and helplessness.
"In order to fill your body with his blood." Professor Chen stood up excitedly. "You and
Song Zhi's genes are compatible. You know this very well, so once Song's blood completely
enters your body. Then, the spinal fluid that Song Zhi originally left in your body will no
longer be a foreign body. It will merge with the blood and all become part of your body. In
this way, your power will be unlocked! The medicine in the iron box is an important
substance that helps the spinal fluid in the body to melt into the blood. With it, the spinal
fluid in your body will be metabolized into the blood, and you are free, the child."
Song Hao stayed there.
Professor Chen hugged him tightly.
"Professor, what you mean is that I don't have to exclude the only thing in the body that
belongs to Song, and I can get back my ability, right?"
"Yes, not only need not be ruled out. From now on, in your body, in your blood vessels, it
will be the blood of Song. Only all treatments will be risky, and we can't do any
experiments, you dare to bear this. The risk?" Professor Chen showed a worried
"How could I not dare? How much I expect him to be alive." Song Hao raised his hand and
buckled on his chest. "Just do it, Professor. Otherwise I will not know the meaning of living."

At the same time, Dr. Cook is also studying the blood of Zhou Yu intensively. She separates
his serum and tries to inject it into other experimental bodies. As a result, these serums are
incompatible, phagocytizing and destroying the experimental body. The cells that caused
the rapid death of these experimental bodies.
"Mom--" Dr. Cook's fist was on the test bed. The prosthetic limb she used was made of
titanium, which easily smashed the test bench.
And the ink night stood next to her, chewing gum. This is the snack he brought from Li
Qian, and he is very interested in this rubber-like thing recently.
"Ah, it failed, but it is a pity that these lives."
Dr. Cook suddenly had bloodshot eyes in her eyes. Her mechanical arm slammed the throat
of the ink night and pressed him to the wall.
The huge noise made other researchers look over.
Everyone showed a surprised expression, for fear that Dr. Cook really pinched the throat of
the ink night. This beautiful young man is the only beautiful scenery in their cold base.
"Why is this? You must know why!" Cook screamed hysterically.
"Of course it is because of the boundaries between creatures. For example, although
monkeys are closely related to human genes, monkeys and humans cannot breed offspring.
Such boundaries cannot be broken. This is the original intention of the creator. Monkeys
are always only It can be a monkey, and human beings are human beings. Similarly, the
boundary between Zhou Yu and these experimental bodies can not be crossed." The ink
night does not care to smile, he looks at Cook's gaze, it looks like a **** A greedy but
ignorant human being.
Dr. Cook slammed him twice.
"You must know the answer! You must know! You are just playing with us!"
Ink night raised his hand and slowly opened Dr. Cook's robotic arm.
"You know that your time is running out. Right? The drugs you have studied before can give
you a strong healing ability and mobility, but at the expense of consuming your own cells,
this is an overdraft. Your Life is not long-lasting and will not last more than a year.
So you are eager to live now. ”
Ink night opened Dr. Cook and showed a charming smile to the researchers who were
worried about themselves.
"If the blood is useless, we will try Zhou Yu's spinal fluid until it is drained," Dr. Cook said
The ink night jumped and sat on the test bench.
"I can easily ruin everything here, including you, but I know very well that Dr. Cook is dead,
there will be countless Dr. Cook. And if Zhou Yu cares forever, you are always there. On the
hands, he will try his best to protect them. This is a contradiction, I am helpless, but I can
only accept. So don't provoke me, once I am irritated, I don't care about those being you.
The hostage held in the hand."
After that, the ink night suddenly picked up a pen on the experimental platform, and
appeared in front of Dr. Cook in the face of lightning, and raised his hand, Dr. Zucker’s
"Ah!" Cook couldn't take care of his shoulders, couldn't bear the weight of the ink night,
kneeling on the ground with one knee, and the knee bones were broken.
The ink drops his eyes at night and looks at each other indifferently.
"There is nothing special in this world, except for Zhou Yu, so no one should think about it,
create or even look at the ability to belong to Zhou Yu."
Such a dark night, cold and sharp.
At this time, the sound of clapping sounds.
"It's really impressive action! You are a masterpiece of God, so don't blame dull humans for
wanting to spy on the power of God."
A clear and mellow sound.
Ink night turned around and saw a middle-aged man in a black suit.
The short hair of linen is combed back to reveal a high forehead.
He looks like thirty-five and six years old, which is the most attractive time for men.
"Father." Cook gnashed his teeth and climbed up from the ground, but his eyes were
absolutely respectful to each other.
But then Cook realized what it was, and the respect of the eyes was replaced by surprise.
Ink night widened his eyes.
"Father? Dr. Cook's father is really young! I thought that Dr. Cook's father should be a
typical villain with a white face, a harsh expression and a cold eyes." In the night, I took
another test on the test bench. I only played with a pen.
Does anyone here know who Dr. Cook’s father is?
As the other side walked towards the night, all the researchers in the lab stood up.
Despite the man’s lips and Hee’s smile, everyone’s eyes are awe.
His guards stood behind him, not the same as Cook's field players. They were not wearing
camouflage and body armor, but a black suit like this man.
He reached out to the night of the ink, and he said: "Hello, my name is Isaac Eaton. I am
fifty-five years old, not as young as you think. And I am not what you imagine. That 'Mr.
It is such a man who controls the most powerful group in the world, above the heads of
state, his power not only infiltrated into the human world, but even spread to Nibelungen.
He is the real king of innocence.
But he said that he was not "that Mr. Eaton"?
Ink night sideways, looking at each other with his usual unpurified and pure eyes.
"According to what you said, I am a masterpiece of God. Then my strength, who is the lucky
one, who I don't want to give, whoever wants, is to challenge the authority of God."
"Of course." Mr. Eaton took back his hand.
The ink lifted his chin at night, revealing a proud expression.
"You are not qualified to have my strength."
"Just at the moment, it doesn't mean the future." Mr. Eaton replied with a smile.
Ink night left with a pocket.
Dr. Cook came to Mr. Eaton.
"How come you come here, it's dangerous. Father knows you are here?"
"Of course I got the permission of your 'father'. The world is so interesting, how can I not
take a look, I heard that you have made great progress. Someone has gained the power of s-
class creatures and completed Evolution." Eaton’s gentle gaze suddenly became heavy.
"It's a field player called Zhou Yu. We extracted his serum, but I can't integrate it with other
"This is the question that God has left us. Once we get the answer, we can go to the sky and
walk side by side with the Creator. God is not absolutely present." Mr. Eaton raised his
hand and patted Cook's shoulder. Anxious, child."
Cook bowed his head and bit his lip. : "Don't call my child."
This evening, the originally unclear No. 5 base was so lively.
"Zhou Yu, have you heard about it? Eaton’s chairman Eaton has come, I thought he will
always be a mysterious figure hidden behind the scenes.” Wu Yun raised his arm and
placed it on Zhou Yu’s shoulder, eagerly Say.
Zhou Yuqi opened his eyes: "Since no one has ever seen Mr. Eaton, the person who came to
the base in rumors is not necessarily the real Mr. Eaton."
"It’s good to say." The sound of clapping sounded.
Zhou Yu and Wu ran around and saw a middle-aged man in a black suit coming towards
them. His steps were regularly trampled on the metal floor, as if walking in a leisurely walk.
Behind him are two guards who are also dressed in black suits.
"My last name is Eaton, but it does not mean that I am Eaton."
This middle-aged man has a fair skin and a deep facial features. It is a rare man in humans,
not to mention that he has a different kind of demeanor. It is like seeing everything in the
world, calm and indifferent, it is impossible to let People think of Mr. Eaton who wants to
get everything, control the world and even reverse the laws of nature.
"So, what are you?"
Zhou Yu asked not "who are you", but "what are you?", which gave Mr. Eaton a smile.
"I came from Mr. Eaton’s genes. Although it is a body, it is very precious. Because I have the
same genes as President Eaton, all the treatments that apply to him must pass my
verification. ""
"Oh." Wu Yunyu widened his eyes. "The rich people are different!"
"Then you are really rich and sacrificed." Zhou Yu didn't know what experiment Cook was
doing. He raised his eyebrows and said coolly, "Don't just accidentally inject my serum, it
will kill you." of."
After that, Zhou Yu turned and left.
"So what is your name? How to call it?" Wu Yun asked.
"Isac Eaton." "Oh." Wu Yun nodded stunnedly and turned to catch up with Zhou Yu.
Isaac stood in the same place and stared at the back of Zhou Yu’s departure.
"Sir, he..."
"He is very interesting, isn't it? Such people are usually very tough and have their own
principles. Once they have goals, they will be unswervingly done. No one is terrible, such
people are the most terrible, you can't use money and Benefits to buy him, even if you have
the person in his hand, but in front of right and wrong, he is very clear, there is nothing to
cross his principles." Isaac looked at his face Subordinate, "This may be the reason why he
was chosen because the infinite potential will not be abused in him, as if he wanted to be
packed into Pandora's box."
The restaurant on the 5th base this evening was very lively and everyone came.
The food is also quite rich, not only with red wine and steak, but also a variety of desserts
that look like a dinner party.
Isaac held a red wine glass, stood in the middle of the restaurant, smiled at everyone,
thanking them for their hard work here.
The style is pleasing and refreshing.
It’s rare to play elegant music in the restaurant. Isaac swayed the glass and smiled and
nodded to everyone, but Zhou Yu felt that he was watching everyone.
When Wu Yun stuffed the steak into his mouth, he said with a vague saying: "This guy is
really the best spokesperson!"
Zhou Yu sat at the table and ate a piece of cake without hesitation. In the night of ink, he sat
next to his chin.
His toes gently touched Zhou Yu's calf, slowly following his calf line up, gently squatting
back and forth.
The feeling of numbness flows down the snow veins into every gap of the body.
Suddenly, the ink night opened long legs and sat elegantly on the corner of the table. He
bent down and turned his face, ignoring the eyes of everyone, and kissing the lips of Zhou
Indiscriminately invaded, once Zhou Yu rebelled, he forcedly seized Zhou Yu's back. He
desperately ingested the temperature belonging to Zhou Yu and slowly straightened up.
Because of the huge sucking power, Zhou Yu had to follow his face and even stood up.
In the night, he held out his hands and hugged Zhou Yu. He greedily stroked on his back,
pulled away his camouflage clothes and stretched in.
Zhou Yu took a breath and his nerves returned. Wu Yun still commented on Isaac Eaton’s
suit in his ear. Zhou Yu understood that everything was just a trick of the night.
Zhou Yu leaned over his face and stared at the ink night with a warning eye.
Ink night did not care to smile, and leaned into Zhou Yu's ear.
"Look at this Mr. Eaton's gesture, his waist, his wrists, his leg lines, are quite perfect, at least
as humans. He is a creature after advanced genetic modification." The breath of the speech
passed over Zhou Yu’s ear.
"So? Are you going to lure him?" Zhou Yu asked coolly.
"I am afraid that he will seduce you." The night of the night, the lips and lips, clearly still the
clear eyes, but Zhou Yu feels full of □ □.
"You said that he was genetically modified?" Wu Yun looked at his head for a long time. "So
he is very powerful? If it is really so powerful, what more do he need to do with so many
"Arrange." Ink night answered.
At this time, a researcher came to Isaac's side: "Mr. Eaton, your arrival really surprised us...
we thought..."
Wu Yun shook his head: "Is it so flattering? I can't hold it when I am excited!"
Zhou Yu’s brow was smashed.
It's not excitement, but... nervous, or... fear.
I only heard a gunshot and the restaurant was in awe.
"Go to **** - Eaton!" The scream was full of hatred and disgust.
Isaac leaned sideways and the bullet broke a glass of red wine behind him.
The researcher's wrist was screwed by Isaac, the gun fell, and Isaac kicked it easily with his
toes and held it in his hand.
"The researcher's words, it is better to look at the computer. Guns are so dangerous, not for
The researcher's face was distorted and his wrist was crushed by Isaac.
Isaac let go of his hand, and he took two steps back and fell to the ground. He looked up at
Isaac with fear.
The black bodyguards around him came to his side and were about to pick up the gun he
was hanging on his finger. I didn't expect Isaac to raise his arm suddenly, pull the trigger,
and shot the researcher's eyebrow.
"I rub..." Wu Yunzheng was about to get up, but Zhou Yu pressed it down.
The researchers around me were chilling and going backwards. Some don't open their eyes
and dare not look at the body of the researcher. Some of them tremble.
Isaac still had the most appropriate smile. He took a napkin and gently covered it on the
face of the body, then handed the gun to his subordinates.
"I am sorry, I have swept everyone's Yaxing." Isaac said with a smile.
At this time, Wu Yun has nothing to eat: "It is really disappointing."
"Although our Juli Group is not the best choice, it is definitely not the worst choice." Isaac
smiled and came to another female researcher.
The other party took a half step back in horror, and Isaac took the other hand and kissed
the back of her hand.
In the next moment, the gun she had hidden in her sleeve was screwed out by Isaac, and the
action was too fast to keep up.
Isaac smiled with a smile on his head, only to hear a karaoke, and the magazine was
unloaded by him.
"Dear, who gave you the gun?" Isaac asked in a scornful tone.
The female researcher trembled in horror, and the entire restaurant was quiet enough to
hear the sound of breathing.
Wu Yun shook his head helplessly and said with a voice that only Zhou Yu can hear. "Are
they brain-dead? Just want to assassinate Eaton?"
No plans, no preparations, completely chaotic.
"Who gave you the gun?" Isaac's voice was still very light, but the power in his eyes made
her collapse.
Tears slipped down her eyes.
"Dear, the average researcher can't get the gun. Only the field players have the opportunity
to get in touch with the gun. They can lie and lose in the action, and then keep it for you.
You are used by them. They are the best at them." The person who uses the gun can hide in
the dark and watch you rush to me. How despicable it is."
Isaac comforted her with a merciful look.
"As long as you tell me who that person is, I will never be jealous of what you have done.
You know that Juli Group has always kept its promise." Isaac's expression is very
She raised her hand and pointed to the direction of Zhou Yu and Wu Yun.
Wu Yun almost did not spray the saliva.
"What is this?"
Isaac threw the female researcher to his bodyguard and then headed for Zhou Yu and Wu
Zhou Yu pushed the plate to the side, tightened the muscles and stood ready to go.
Ink nights are like nothing, stirring up the ice cream in front of them.
Isaac pressed his hand on Zhou Yu’s shoulder, patted it in a soothing manner, and then
looked at a field worker who was about to leave behind Zhou Yu’s body.
Zhou Yu’s mind rang the sound of ink night: he just hinted at you.
Zhou Yu silently asks: What does it imply me?
Ink night answer: Roll the sheets.
Zhou Yu’s face has no expression, but he wants to use a fork to fork the back of the night.
Imagine that he has a painful and distorted expression, and Zhou Yu feels comfortable.
Ink night looks at Zhou Yu, a look surprised: you like this! We can play with leather belts!
When Zhou Yu understood what the ink night hinted at, he really wanted to smash his
And Isaac pressed the field staff step by step, his bodyguard stood in the same place, and
did not mean to protect him.
The field team member suddenly pulled out the gun and only heard the three shots of "砰砰
砰", and many of them shook their heads.
Isaac quickly evaded the past, knees from the side against the waist of the field player,
smashing his shoulders, twisting his gun back and aiming at his temple.
Wu Yun looked silly.
"This level is better than Cook... there is nothing more than it..."
"Who is instructing you to do this?" Isaac's mild voice became cold.
"No one! It is our own decision to do this!"
Zhou Yu looked at the ink night, he was thinking about whether the other person was left
by Song.
"So if you are not instructed, why are you doing this?" Isaac showed an incomprehensible
"In order not to be controlled by you! In order to avenge your false promises!"
"We can help you with things you can't do, such as bailing you out of jail. And you are
selling for us, it's fair, isn't it?"
The author has something to say: Another Monday, sadness~

Laws of the Other World Chapter 86: This is the real beauty
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Just as Isaac was about to pull the trigger and penetrate the other's head, Zhou Yu suddenly
lifted his muzzle up.
"Mr. Eaton, are you sure you want to kill someone in front of so many staff members?" Zhou
Yu asked coldly.
Isaac’s eyes showed a shallow smile on the eyes of Yu.
At that moment, the gentle smile appeared in the silence. He skillfully separated from Zhou
Yu’s wrist and pointed the gun at Zhou Yu’s chest. The speed of shooting was unexpected.
Wu Yun was shocked to stand up, and the Han Li wine glass not far away fell. With the
sound of the glass cracking, Zhou Yu turned sideways and lifted his hand to remove the
Aisa from the speed of lightning. Gram's clip, his arm against Isaac's throat, and he
slammed him back down on the table.
The table violently vibrated.
Zhou Yu looked at each other coldly, and Isaac’s bodyguards pulled the gun at the same
time and pointed to Zhou Yu’s direction.
Isaac was lying at the table, and the short linen hair fell backwards, revealing his forehead,
which made his nose look taller.
He smiled unconsciously and shot the bullet without a bullet to Zhou Yu’s back.
Zhou Yuli landed in the past, and Isaac stood up and arranged his suit very gracefully.
"Your skill is really good."
"Thank you." Zhou Yu answered.
"You are right. There are so many employees working for the group. How can they kill
people in front of them?" Isaac raised his hand and the bodyguards collected the gun.
He came to the front of the field team and raised his hand to sort out the collar of the other.
"I don't need you to pretend to be pretending! You just kill me! Let everyone here see your
"I didn't say that you will live well. When you plan this, you have already violated the
agreement with the group. It is time for everyone to understand how the Juli Group
provides protection for everyone in this world. ”
After that, the two bodyguards held the field team member left and right and expelled him
from the base.
The TV screen in the restaurant is no longer a music mv, but monitors the picture taken
outside the base.
The field player stood outside the door of the base, and although his face was still a
generous expression, his trembling shoulders exposed his fear.
Mr. Eaton looked at everyone in the restaurant and smiled and said: "You can continue to
dine and forget about the unpleasantness you just had."
Wu Yun snorted: "It is really hypocritical."
It was at this time that something was going on in the sand outside the base.
Everyone raised their heads and looked in that direction.
A few linear sand worms smashed out of the sand, opened the mouth and smashed the field
team member, and then dragged it into the sand.
This picture is extremely powerful.
"Ah--" Several new female researchers screamed.
Others have to hurry and go.
Although such a thing happens outside the base, it is very likely that it will happen to
oneself, so everyone is at risk.
Zhou Yu and Wu Yun were not the first to see such a scene, but my heart was still extremely
This originally expected dinner ended in such an atmosphere.
Zhou Yu and Mo Ye returned to the bedroom.
Just entering the door, the ink night will put Zhou Yuxi on the bed.
Zhou Yu, who did not feel the ink-night thinking at all, was a little surprised, but he quickly
lifted his leg to the ink night, but was firmly held by the ink night.
"Hey - what neurosis did you send?" Zhou Yu turned his face and looked at the ink night.
But there is an inexplicable expectation in the depths of my heart.
What does this little devil want to do to himself?
What method will you use to get out of control?
The feeling of guilty before the horse made him feel itchy.
If the ink night is addicted to him, is he not addicted to the ink night?
The ink night did not loosen Zhou Yu's ankles, but slowly bent Zhou Yu's legs, bowed down,
kissed Zhou Yu's knees through the pants of camouflage clothes.
His face was filled with a smile, and Zhou Yu was still unable to read his emotions for the
first time. This cold and unintentional expression also had an elusive appeal.
"I wanted to tie you up with a belt." The sound of the night of the night sounded like a
vintage red wine in a cup, with a mellow texture and a taste of fine tasting.
“Is the belt useful to me?” Zhou Yu was too lazy to resist, lying there and looking at each
"Isac Eaton is very interested in you." Moss knees on the side of Zhou Yu's bed, and by the
way, the leg of Zhou Yu, who has already lifted it, is put on his shoulder and slowly bends
down. Hands are supported by Zhou Yu's pillow.
This position is quite awkward.
"Oh, can you read what Isaac Eaton is thinking?" Zhou Yu did not care.
"I don't need to read it. It is enough to see it with my eyes."
The left hand of the ink night hooked Zhou Yu's earlobe, and the finger came to his neck.
One hand untied his camouflage button and stretched in, lingering around his collarbone.
"Oh, what did your eyes see?" Zhou Yu leaned over his face and looked at the expression of
the ink night as if he were looking at a wayward child.
"When his wrist rotates his red wine glass, his eyes are around your waist. He tastes the red
wine and tastes you." The ink night is completely up, his sight is very hot, palm The blood
seems to be boiling up.
"I always thought that it was something you would do." Zhou Yu propped up his upper
body. Although this posture was quite distorted, he still kissed the lips of the ink night.
It was a male kiss, not a slap in the face, full of explosive power.
The ink night did not say that the words were pressed down, and the air seemed to be on
His tongue swept through every corner of Zhou Yu's mouth and swears sovereignty. This is
not a gentle show of love, more like a wild plunder.
There is a force in his body that is about to burst, and he wants to release it into Zhou Yu’s
Until Zhou Yu patted the back of the ink night hard, warning in the mind that the ink night
should not be too hot.
But the ink night refused to stop, Zhou Yu saw from his mind that Isaac Eaton was obsessed
Such a suggestive line of sight, and a confusing smile, are all seen after the "psychological
processing" of the ink night.
The kiss is not enough to relieve the mood of the night, this time, Zhou Yu taught how to
solve the ink night.
The narrow room is full of male scent, and the night of the ink is extremely rich.
Zhou Yu regretted why he did not ask Wu Yun to have a cigarette.
He lay sideways, and the ink around him did not give up his hand, Zhou Yu felt that his palm
would be broken.
"Mom..." Zhou Yu looked at the sweaty forehead of the night, and cursed it in a low voice.
"Do you want me to help you?" The hoarse voice of the night.
"No." Although the smell in the air really made him a little impulsive.
"It will be bad." Mo night said with a bad smile.
"That's broken." Zhou Yu is not easy to get his hands back.
On the morning of the next day, Zhou Yu received news of the collapse of Imir.
This made his heart can not help but tighten.
He looked at the direction of the ink night and asked in his heart: Don't you say that Song
Hao took Zhou Qing to see Imir?
Ink night answer: Don't worry. Zhou Qing has healed.
This answer surprised Zhou Yu. He did not think that Imir had such ability.
At the same time, Cook and Isaac are also planning to conduct a study on the remains of
Shizu Imir.
Cook and Isaac had a very heated dispute. Cook believes that research on s-class creatures
and viruses that infect them should be her responsibility, but Isaac has to go in person,
which makes Cook very worried about his safety.
"Mr. Eaton! If Turin knows, he will definitely go to assassinate you!"
"What about that? We don't have ink nights and Zhou Yu?" Isaac said uncomfortably.
" know that we can't control them at all!" Dr. Cook said, lowering his voice.
"You will stay here and study the body of Li Shengnan. She is the extraordinary ability to
get infected by a-level creatures. This power is also very important for the group. If the s-
class creature cannot be decoded in a short time. The genes, we can only temporarily
retreat to the next," Isaac said.
"Sir, you are joking about your life!"
Isaac leaned back and looked at nothing without a ceiling: "I am precious, but it is because I
can test the treatment for that person."
"Sir! It's rude to say this!" Dr. Cook sat up and slammed on Isaac's desktop.
Isaac just stretched his fingers and pointed it on Cook's forehead, pushing her away: "Does
your father have something in your head?"
Dr. Cook fell back and sat back.
The power gap between himself and Isaac is quite obvious.
"Reassured. My purpose is to lead Turin. This guy steals the power belonging to the group
and wants to control everything in this world. Of course we have to get rid of him. But it
depends on you or mine. Strength, to compete with the supporters who support him, is still
too self-effacing."
"So... do you want to use the power of Zhou Yu and Mok night?"
"Yes. Even if you can't kill Turin, don't you want to know how much power Zhou Yu got?"
Isaac leaned forward slowly, his facial features were hidden in the shadows. "Mottle night
is locked, but Zhou There is no royalty. He is the limit of the ability of human beings to
obtain Nibelungen. Just take this action as a test. Even if I am dead, your father will have
other bodies. Too much in my heart."
"But...the father said that you are..."
"I'm the best."
The next day, Zhou Yu and Wu Yun received the news and went to Yimir.
Wu Yun checked the configuration and said with a funny voice: "It's really rare, let me go
out with you. They are not afraid that you will elope with me?"
A voice of cough came from behind Wu Yun.
In the night of the ink, he sat on the corner of the table and threw a Swiss army knife into
the air. When he fell, he almost wiped Wu Yun’s cheek.
"Hey, even if you want to run away, I am taking Zhou Yu away. Your setting is a drag
bottle." Mo night said with his head.
Wu Yun reluctantly turned his eyes to the sky: "You really are cute when you are young."
"Do you know why the fierce creatures are mostly soft and cute when they are small? For
example, tigers and lions in your human world."
"I don't know." Wu Yun is not interested in knowing.
"In order to lower your alertness, gain your compassion, and strive for the greatest chance
of survival when you are still weak. But don't expect the fierce beast to grow up to be 'cute',
because it has been patience for so long, and finally plundered It's time."
Wu Yun looked at Zhou Yu, who was checking the scope: "Old Zhou, how do I feel if your
son has something to say."
"Hey." Zhou Yu looked at Wu Yun from the side. "You don't understand the dinner at the
restaurant that day. Who did the show of Isaac Eaton perform for the big show?"
"To everyone. Of course, the focus is also for you. Let you understand that once you betray
the Juli Group, your brother Zhou Qing, you stay in the human world under the Meixi, and
the people you have sacrificed The family, Juli Group will let them bear what you bear." Wu
Yun replied.
Zhou Yu walked past him and slammed it on Wu Yun’s shoulder: "So don't think too much.
What about it, how?"
This time the mission was executed, and the Hummer was not dispatched, but the
helicopter was all the same.
Because the collapse of Imir caused the entire land to be a dead wood, which greatly
affected the activities of the Hummer.
As they moved away from the base from high altitude, they watched the golden desert
beneath them spectacular.
Wu Yun looked down and looked at it all.
"It's really beautiful here." Isaac, who is sitting across from Zhou Yu, said, "Even if it is
Sahara, there is no such pure and original beauty."
Just between Isaac's words, a desert whale jumped from the sand and took its group
toward the distance.
When the desert whales went away, Isaac looked up and just met Zhou Yu’s line of sight.
"Here, beauty usually means danger." Zhou Yu has no evasive sight and confrontation with
each other.
Innocently raised his eyebrows thoughtfully, suddenly raised a leg, just stepping on Isaac's
side, shocked his bodyguards nervous, trying to pull the gun.
"I'm just a little tired on my knees." Ink night pulled up his lips and said funnyly.
Isaac's hand held up the ankle of the ink night, his fingers stuck into the legs of the ink-
colored night trousers: "I like all the good things, including you."
"Ha..." At night, the ink came back.
Zhou Yu said in the bottom of his heart: It seems that his goal is you, not me.
Ink night answer: This is called to cover.
They did not suffer any interference during this journey.
The closer it is to the wreckage of Imir, the more you can see the ancient trees that are
being bent and the plant torso of Imir.
They dry and weather in the sun.
There is a whole mirror-like refraction in front, sparkling, and there are constantly
creatures passing through the sky and then falling down.
"It's there." Isaac raised his chin.
It is a very huge lake, and the reflection of the helicopter can be clearly seen from the sky.
There are many creatures that drink around the lake.
This made Zhou Yu think of Elpis, and when it died, it turned into water.
The lake is crystal clear and you can hardly see any creatures in the lake.
Of course, after many years, it may be another scene.
The researchers on the helicopter sent the sampler down. After the test, the researcher's
answer was that the texture of the water was quite pure, but there was nothing special
about it.
Lake □ □, the bottom of the lake is naturally the root of Imir.
The helicopter was parked on the shore and the divers carried the equipment and prepared
to sneak into the bottom of Imir.
Isaac came out of the helicopter and stood on the shore.
The breeze struck, and the ripples on the water seemed to touch the nerves of the watcher.
"It is dead, returning to the beginning of everything." The ink night quietly opened, step by
step to the lake. "I don't know what answer you still want from here."
Zhou Yu looked at the back of the ink night, bathed in the sun, as glass is transparent, which
makes Zhou Yu subconscious have an illusion that he will lose the ink night at any time.
"To die, it is a unique feature of the creature here." Isaac began.
At this time, a group of three-eyed giant birds swept through the air, and their shadows
were like the embellishments in the quiet lake.
The people around Isaac immediately stood guard and pulled the gun at the sky.
Zhou Yu was motionless and calm.
"When you don't destroy their calm, they don't want to provoke you."
At this time, a three-eyed giant bird fell in front of Zhou Yu, which made Isaac's bodyguards
even more nervous.
"Stop, don't hurt it, I know it."
Zhou Yu was in front of the bodyguards.
"Do you know it?" Isaac turned his face and looked at Zhou Yu with great interest.
Zhou Yu went to it and extended his palm. The three-eyed giant bird slowly came over and
lowered his head. He placed his head under the palm of Zhou Yu and gently groaned.
Isaac said: "You control it?"
Zhou Yu twitched his lips coldly: "In your heart, is there only a relationship between
control and control?"
After that, Zhou Yu slammed on the back of the giant bird. It fluttered away and flew
against the lake. The mirror made a wave of ripples. Zhou Yu and the ink standing in the
lake passed by. I picked him up and the two went away.
Isaac looked up and looked at the figure they were flying away.
"Sir!" His bodyguards came forward and worried that Zhou Yu and Mo Ye will leave.
Isaac’s lips had a slight smile.
"This is the real beauty."
The wind swayed the hair of Zhou Yu, and the daylight passed by, the light and the light,
like a big dream.
"When did you raise a new pet?" Ink night put his chin on Zhou Yu's shoulder. There was a
bit of waywardness and jealousy in his voice. When he read Zhou Yu's mind, he was even
more angry. "You turned out to be." Also want to give it a name!"
"I didn't give you a name too?" Zhou Yu said with no intention.
Ink night immediately exploded: "I can be the same with it!"
Just as he had to kiss Zhou Yu’s face and kiss his lips, he found Zhou Yu laughing.
"I am interested in juggling me?" The ink night still kissed up, and the tip of his tongue
slammed into Zhou Yu's lips.
"Can't you feel what I am thinking?"
"I think it's fun to guess your thoughts sometimes." The night's arms were clutching Zhou
Yu, and said with a sullen mood.
The three-eyed giant birds will fly back to their original place with a big roundabout.
Ink night said: "If you must give it a name, it is called teasing."
"That is the name I used to give you."
The voice just fell, and the ink night slammed on Zhou Yu’s waist.
Zhou Yu chuckled, and the ink night could feel his mood.
Just as they turned to Isaac's direction, he pocketed and smiled at them.
"Look! This guy is seduce you again!" said the inkless night.
"How do I remember that Mr. Eaton is interested in you..."
At that moment, Zhou Yu’s pupils tightened and quickly pulled the gun in the direction of
His bodyguard noticed that he quickly pulled the gun, but Zhou Yu first pulled the trigger,
and the bullet rubbed Isaac's cheek and hit the two-headed tarant behind him that was
about to touch his back.
The three-eyed giant bird they were riding quickly drove down and avoided the bullets
shot by the bodyguards.
The two-headed tarantula fell down.
Isaac turned around and his eyes flashed a little surprised. The two-headed tarantula came
silently behind him, and so many people could not detect it!
Zhou Yu turned over and jumped from the three-eyed giant bird. He glanced at the two
bodyguards indifferently: "In addition to looking at the front, pay attention to the back."
They almost killed the three-eyed giant bird.
"I'm sorry." The bodyguards immediately guarded and used the scanner to perform a
biological scan to determine if there were any other dangerous creatures nearby in
addition to the two-headed tarantula.
Zhou Yu raised his hand and touched the head of the three-eyed giant bird. He said in his
mind: Thank you, go with your companions.
The three-eyed giant bird shakes its wings and flies into the distance.
"This is a coincidence, or is Turin nearby?" Isaac asked.
Zhou Yu closed her eyes and seemed to be very focused on what was inductive.
And the ink night looks at him with a smile, and he has 100% trust in his ability and
When Zhou Yu opened his eyes again, Isaac saw a golden flash from his eyes.
“There are a large group of double-headed tarantulas that are approaching us quickly. My
advice is that Mr. Eaton, you better leave by helicopter.”
"The sky is not necessarily safe."
The author has something to say: The phone is broken... Can't fly the voice to transcribe...
Sad and hot...

Laws of the Other World Chapter 87: a grain of sand and a world
Settings saved..
"So... your real purpose is not to do scientific research here, you want to use yourself as a
bait to lead Turin!" Zhou Yu's eyes are more severe.
Isaac nodded. He didn't panic because of the proximity of the large group of tarantulas. On
the contrary, he was very calm.
"I wipe!" Wu Yun was angry. "In this case, we will let you eat by the two-headed tarantula is
not a more troublesome!"
"Can you?" Isaac spread his hands indiscriminately, and his eyes returned to Zhou Yu’s face.
"I know you can kill Turin."
Zhou Yu’s look is more indifferent.
This is really the consistent style of the Juli Group, and everyone's role is maximized,
including life and death.
There was already a sound of activity around them, and it was the sound of the dead wood
on the ground that the two-headed tarantula's limbs broke.
A large group of "little fingers" were shocked and flew into the distance.
In the night of the ink, his eyes were closed, but Zhou Yu was in front of him: "Don't use
your power so early. Turin has not appeared yet."
On the lips of the ink night, he smiled and smiled. He kissed Zhou Yu’s back neck: “Then I
will naturally hide behind you and accept your protection.”
Zhou Yu has only learned how to manipulate other creatures, but he has not reached the
point where he can simultaneously invade the nerves of such a large group of two-headed
tarantulas and even destroy them.
Isaac’s bodyguards have been guarded by him, and Wu Yun has prepared the rocket
launcher with other field personnel.
At the same moment, four or five double-headed tarantulas flew up and jumped up at a
distance of ten meters from them. They opened their mouths to highlight their unique
mucus, and Zhou Yu’s thinking quickly captured. I have arrived at one of them.
It suddenly fell, steadily blocking the top of Isaac's head, the limbs picked up, just blocking
all the mucus.
I only felt a stream of air flowing over Isaac's side, he was carrying his pocket, his face still a
light expression.
The two-headed tarantula lifted the limbs, cracked the solidified mucus, and fought against
the two-headed tarantula.
More and more double-headed tarantulas will also join the battle.
Wu Yun took the rocket launcher with other people, and the explosion sounded one after
The two-headed tarantula kept jumping and dodging, and one of them actually rushed to
Wu Yun in front of them.
At this time, rockets will be fired again, and the injured will be themselves.
Wu Yun decisively smashed, the wings of the two-headed tarantula broke into the gravel on
the side of his head, and the sound made Wu Yun's eardrum cracked.
At that moment, Wu Yun took out the □ □, hit the gap between the joints of the two-headed
tarantula, the neurotoxin caused the monster to softly fall down quickly, and Wu Yun
immediately rolled away, almost being crushed.
He just got up, the other two-headed tarantula will split his head!
Zhou Yu, a run-up, slipped sideways to Wu Yun’s front, and his hands jerked to the fallen
"Drinking--" Zhou Yu took a hard shot and pushed it out while pulling out the gun and
hitting its eyes.
At this moment, Isaac has been surrounded by three double-headed tarantulas, and the one
controlled by Zhou Yu has been killed by its kind.
His two bodyguards are still calm, because they are inspired by Zhou Yu, they all pull out
the eyes of the two-headed tarantula.
But they are moving too fast and have been unable to shoot. And they did not come forward
in order to avoid bullets.
Just as one of the bodyguards replaced the magazine, a two-headed tarantula slammed into
Isaac's face and saw that he would pierce his body.
Wu Yun was shocked and Zhou Yu took out □ □ is aiming at the gap between the joints of
the two-headed tarantula, but was pressed by the ink night.
"Let's also take a look at how much Mr. Eaton has."
I saw Isaac at the most dangerous moment, stepping on the striking limbs, and borrowing a
force, squatting in the gap of the carapace on the side, forced it to the top of its head.
"Oh..." Wu Yunyu lived.
Isaac's movements are so fast that his eyes are not clear.
Zhou Yu snorted and took Wu Yun’s rocket launcher and began to deal with other nearby
The two-headed tarantula swayed angrily. Isaac's linen-colored short hair rose. He grabbed
it with one hand and sat firmly on it. He took out the gun and pointed it at the gap in the
carapace above it.
It was like a sudden power outage, and it made a cry and stumbled.
However, Zhou Yu felt the constant flow of double-headed wolves.
Not only that, but also Perry Winter and White Meng from Mercedes.
"You really don't need me to solve them." Ink night said with a smile in his arms.
But the ink night is very clear that this guy also wants to give himself a little more chance to
The control of ability requires practice.
"No need." Zhou Yu replied.
He once again divulged his own thinking, and it is very difficult for him to **** the control
of these two-headed tarantulas from Turin.
In this case, it is better to look for creatures that are more powerful than the two-headed
"Are you sure you can control it?" The ink night raised his lips. Obviously, what he thought
in Zhou Yu’s head caused the interest of the ink night.
Zhou Yu snorted.
Last time, he clearly manipulated the anti-scale dragon to reinvent the snake.
Although the time is short, Zhou Yu believes that this time will be even stronger.
His power invisibly extended in the air and rushed in all directions.
He felt different creatures, their bodies, their feelings, their movements, and then his mind
wrapped a huge creature.
I chose you!
And more and more tarantulas are coming around, and the rockets are running out.
Wu Yun smashed Isaac and returned to the helicopter. He fired a sonic bomb in all
directions and shook the nearby two-headed tarantula.
Their limbs are broken and the strong vibrations in the air knock them over.
Their carapace is also shattered.
The sonic bombs equipped with the helicopter were quickly used up. The driver took off
forcibly, but less than five meters from the ground, a double-headed tarantula flew, the
harsh sound of the blade was destroyed, and the helicopter jerked. Landing, people in the
cabin were shocked. The two-headed tarantula was also cut off and wrestled on the
helicopter, and the top was sunken, almost in the middle of Isaac.
Wu Yun licked the other's collar and asked coldly: "Is this the effect you want?"
Almost lost to everyone's life, but Turin still did not appear!
There are more and more tarantulas around, and there are white rushes, and the situation
is critical. The people trapped in the helicopter are in danger!
At this time, what rushed between the tall old trees, and swept all the creatures in front of
them in a sweeping manner, and a large shadow covered the helicopter.
Wu Yun looked out at the cracked window, and as soon as he looked up, he found the
behemoth covering the top of their heads stunned.
"my God……"
That is a Tyrannosaurus!
The Overlord Silver Spider swayed its claws, and the two-headed tarantula and white
savage a few meters away from the helicopter were swept out.
Its limbs fell to the ground, and two two-headed tarantulas were crushed, and the silk
thread spit out was powerful and powerful. It instantly penetrated more than a dozen
double-headed tarantulas and white savage, piercing the distant trunk. in.
It shocked the creatures from these sieges with absolute momentum.
"Fucking... cool!" Wu Yun has been stupid.
Isaac's lips slowly twitched a smile.
Zhou Yu’s sweat on the forehead fell.
Manipulating such a huge creature, let Zhou Yu first realize that the cranial nerves are
tightened to the feeling of breaking open at any time. He is like entering the tyrannical
silver spider, combining it with it and realizing it. Every action and every judgment.
Isaac stepped out of the fully deformed helicopter. He clapped his hands and walked over
to Zhou Yu: "It's really impressive."
Just as his fingers were about to pass the sweat of Zhou Yu’s forehead, the ink night buckled
Isaac’s wrist. The original gaze with a smile was like a thousand blades, and the cold light
"He is not something you can touch."
The strength of the ink-night fingers is great, and Isaac's wrist bones are crushed.
He did not take it seriously and took back his hand. He was stunned and had no painful
expression on his face.
And the overlord silver spider bent his own limbs and squatted in front of the ink night and
Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu took a breath and felt that the energy he had dispersed had been collected.
He can't keep his waking while controlling other creatures like the night. This is fatal
because it may be killed by other creatures when you "walk".
"You are too strong, and Turin probably didn't dare to appear." Isaac turned to look into the
At this time, a bullet came out of the air, Zhou Yu looked a glimpse, and a collar that buckled
Isaac took him over.
The bullet flew past Zhou Yu's cheek, and Isaac slammed into Zhou Yu's arms. After Zhou
Yu raised his hand and propped him up, he pushed him to the two bodyguards.
"It’s Turin!"
After that, Zhou Yu flew away in the direction of the bullet.
"Ink night -"
The ink night followed.
Overlord Silver Spider followed, Zhou Yu and Mo Ye left and right to grab the carapace on
both sides, jumped onto its back, and quickly chased the past.
Isaac stood there and smiled helplessly: "They never thought about my life and death?"
Wu Yun found the gun from the destroyed helicopter and threw it to Isaac: "I believe that
Mr. Eaton can protect himself. To pursue the difficult and high-tech things like Turin, let
them be."
The Overlord Silver Spider is extremely fast, facing the obstacles blocking the front, it is not
a high jump, it is a direct collision.
Zhou Yu has bumped all the way, and the internal organs of ordinary people have to be
reversed, but Zhou Yu has not changed his face.
In the night of ink, sitting behind Zhou Yu, one hand clasped his waist and attached it to his
ear: "Mr. Eaton has been watching your back."
"The only thing you can see from his point of view is your back." Zhou Yu replied coldly.
At this moment, he can feel that Turin is riding on a black-backed pterosaur.
The black-backed wind dragon is the fastest flying dragon in Nibelung. It is only one-half of
the size of the Overlord Silver Spider, but the attack power is very powerful. According to
Zhou Yu’s memory from Erpis, the black-backed pterosaur can hit a mountain. Therefore,
Zhou Yu wants to catch up with him by the Overlord Silver Spider, which is almost
Zhou Yu released his power and chased Turin, trying to control the black-backed pterosaur.
But he just infiltrated into his body, and he was oppressed by a force with absolute
Zhou Yu stepped back, just in the arms of the ink night.
The brain hurts so badly that the sound of tinnitus sounds in the ear, and the whole person
seems to have disappeared from the world.
The ink night clasped Zhou Yu, and the cold came: "I am coming!"
Zhou Yu can feel the thoughts of the ink night as the eruption of the cosmic radiation. While
locking the black-backed pterosaur, it quickly gathers and condenses into a huge force,
conquering it in an instant.
And the power to control it was crushed out.
The black-backed pterosaur made a tweet, turned the direction, and flew toward Zhou Yu
and the ink night.
Sitting on top of Turin, he showed a surprised expression. He didn't think that he had used
the speed of the black-backed pterosaur to open such a long distance, but he still couldn't
get rid of the ability of the ink night.
At this moment, the ink night focused on it, and the force tried to regain control of the
black-backed pterosaur from the ink night, and the two forces struggled in the body of this
Finally, the black-backed pterosaur could not withstand such pressure and swooped down
at a very fast speed. Turin jumped from its body at the most critical moment, and it
slammed into the ground and sent out. A loud noise, a large pit like a crater, a broken stone,
a smog scattered, Zhou Yu saw the rapid rushing to try to leave Turin.
The Overlord Silver Spider ran away, and the ink night stared at the back of Turin.
Turin slammed down, and then he felt his limbs seem uncontrolled.
Zhou Yu’s Overlord Silver Spider has already come to Turin’s face, and he looks down on
him from a height.
Turin is still struggling, but he can't get rid of the embarrassment of the night.
The ink clenched his fist at night, and he was constantly being shocked by the power of
Turin's body. Zhou Yu sensed the war without smoke, and knew that the ink night could not
be supported for too long. He directly lifted the gun and aligned Turin's head, pulled the
At the same time as the gunshot, a black figure swiftly passed and hit Turin on the other
It was the black-backed pterosaur that had just crashed into the ground. It was
manipulated by the scorpion and saved Turin with the last breath, and Zhou Yu’s bullet hit
It looks in the direction of Turin, and the eyes are the unwillingness and fear of death.
Zhou Yu immediately turned his direction and fired a second shot at Turin, but did not
expect that the overlord's silver spider under his body would have shaken sharply and
shake him and the night.
"what happened!"
Zhou Yu and the ink night both fell, this tyrant silver spider even waved his claws to attack
them, an old tree was cut down, but fortunately Zhou Yu and ink night reacted quickly,
otherwise it would be hit.
Zhou Yu understood that it was when the night of the night controlled the body of the
Turin, and then they controlled the overlord silver spider they rode.
Zhou Yu tried to control it again, but he did not give him a chance.
In the face of the powerful power of Yan, Zhou Yu is like a child, unable to shake it.
And the ink night goes to Turin step by step. Every time he takes a step, Turin's headache
becomes more and more intense.
He curled up his body and held his hands on both sides of his head, but he could not
suppress the power of the ink night from the depths of his brain, as if he had to break away
from the skull and release it in all directions.
"Ah--" Turin is still resisting.
The ink night is ruthlessly strangled.
Seeing that the overlord silver spider spit out a strong silk thread, it must penetrate the
body of the ink night. Zhou Yufei stood up and squatted on the wire like a steel cable. The
silk thread shot the waist of the ink night and went out. On the ground, a loud noise.
At the moment when the ink night was about to destroy Turin, his eyes were black and he
fell backwards.
At the most critical moment, he stunned the power of the ink night.
The darkness of the mind of the night of the night sounded an elongated and elegant voice.
It sounds mild and heavy, but it can feel a kind of indifference and ruthlessness to life.
"Child, you are not my opponent."
Seeing the arthropod raised by the Overlord Silver Spider is going to smash the night, Zhou
Yufei came, his heart smashed, and ignoring everything, his power forced into the nerves of
the Overlord Silver Spider, and another The strength of the stock is combined into one, and
after the deprivation of the control of the cockroach, it is replaced by a strong one!
The Overlord Silver Spider was there, and then squatted back.
Zhou Yu did not think that he and the ink night teamed up, even suppressed it!
Just as they played against the power of the scorpion, Turin climbed up and fled.
In the air, passing an El Niñ o aquatic dragon, he buckled Turin's shoulder and took him
When Turin flies farther and farther, the power of the cockroach is completely withdrawn
from the body of the tyrannical silver spider, and the power of the ink night and Zhou Yu
rushed out like a flood, and the body of the tyrannical silver spider could not bear for a
while. Shaking and shaking, it seems to be broken.
Zhou Yu took a hard breath, this is the power of his s-class creatures, so intuitively feel the
power of 谛昕.
On the night of the ink, he raised his hand and rubbed the hair in front of his forehead to his
head, holding his forehead and raising his face.
“How do you feel?” asked the ink night.
"It’s like dead and resurrected once." Zhou Yu replied.
"Let Turin run away again." Ink night stepped back two steps, leaning directly against the
fallen tree.
Zhou Yu looked down at him and said: "Unless we can beat you, Turin is not so easy to get
rid of it. And this time compared to the last confrontation with Turin, he obviously has a lot
of worries. This shows that we It’s not far from being beyond.”
In the night of the ink, he lowered his hand and slowly opened his eyes. His eyes were full
of bloodshot eyes. His internal organs and cells must have been damaged. If he continued,
Zhou Yu could not imagine.
"You are so confident, Zhou Yu." Mo night smiled at his head.
Compared with the decision to kill Turin, he is innocent like a child at the moment.
"Because I got your strength, I am confident."
And when it is combined with the power of the ink night, Zhou Yu has a refreshing feeling
of conquering the world.
Ink night lazily extended his hand to Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu lowered his body and the moment his fingertips just touched him, he was smashed
by him.
The strength of the power made Zhou Yu a sly, and the other hand of the ink night squatted
on Zhou Yu’s waist and sat on his body.
And the ink night looked up at Zhou Yu.
"I only give you a grain of sand, but you have made it a world."
Behind them, the overlord silver spider moved, Zhou Yu was shocked to look back, but the
ink night pulled his collar down and pulled him down, and kissed his lips without warning.
That force slammed into Zhou Yu's mouth, as if to occupy every cell of his body.
The kiss and sucking of the ink night is a crazy power competition.
Zhou Yu wants to release his own power to control the overlord silver spider. The ink night
can not tolerate his distraction, and his legs force up to a pad, freeing a hand to cling to his
back. Forced to bear the power of the ink night, Zhou Yu squatted on the other side's
shoulders, from passive to the other to take the initiative.
Zhou Yu’s moment of going out of the tongue of the night, just less than eight seconds of
rest, the two men’s uncooled breathing entangled together, Zhou Yu slammed the night,
vigorously stirred his mouth, slipped over His captain, the ink night is more emotional, and
Zhou Yu’s midfielder is about to stand up, but Zhou Yu is pressed.
He is not unable to restrain Zhou Yu, but at this moment, he does not want to do that at all.
This is his privilege to give Zhou Yu the privilege of conquering himself.
They are eager for each other. Although the ink night can clearly feel the possessiveness of
Zhou Yu’s mind, he does not feel angry. On the contrary, it makes him sink into it and kisses
each other more.
As the desires rushed, the ink night couldn't hold himself any more. He turned Zhou Yu into
a strong, pressed down and kissed the other.
He does not understand why human beings use this way to express their feelings in their
Because he wants Zhou Yu to feel much more than this.
This time, no matter how Zhou Yu wants to counter control, it is suppressed by the night.
you are mine.
You can only be mine.
I will not give you any chance to leave me!
I will ruin you, crush you into the tiniest powder, and embed it in all the gaps in my body!
Until the evening is approaching, Zhou Yu and Mo Ye are separated.
Zhou Yu turned around and found that the overlord silver spider had long been expelled by
the ink night.
"You know, I should be here for you." Ink night laughed and said.
"I didn't expect you to have this abnormal hobby." Zhou Yu said.
"What metamorphosis hobby?"
"Let's do it while letting the overlord silver spider look."
"It has long since gone. When you kissed me actively."
The author has something to say: Yes, the ink night said that I really want to try the wild
play, so I have this chapter...
My comments are gone...

Laws of the Other World Chapter 88: This nutrient solution does bring
Settings saved..
When they returned to the lake, Isaac was still standing there.
The orange sunset falls on the lake, and there are birds flying from time to time. The picture
is like a movie.
"I didn't see Turin being brought back by you. Can you guess, he fled again?" Isaac asked.
Ink night shrugged his shoulders and walked past him: "If your Dr. Cook did not bother to
lock my abilities, Turin had already been crushed."
Isaac smiled: "That's so sorry."
"Even if this is the case, you have never thought about letting me have complete strength.
Because you are afraid, after Turin is solved, the next step is to solve the problem."
"Ink night, if you know this well, why bother to let me know?"
"I didn't feel your embarrassment at all." Zhou Yu held his arm cold.
Isaac looked at the helicopter that had lost its function and said: "The question now is not
whether I am embarrassed or not, but how should we go back to the base?"
After a dozen seconds, a large group of three-eyed giant birds flew over their heads and
landed in front of them.
"These three-eyed giant birds are controlled by the ink night, or is Zhou Yu doing it?" Isaac
looked at them, and the eyes were the meaning of inquiry.
Looking at Isaac, even if you know that the other person can't read your brain, there is a
unique power in his sight, as if you infiltrate every gap in your mind and dig into the secret
that is most hidden.
"It's not the ink night control. I just asked my friend to take us a ride."
Zhou Yu took a picture of the young three-eyed giant bird, and the other party seemed to be
very happy and shook his head.
"So... Zhou Yu, can you control a group of creatures?"
"No. In your eyes, if Nibrongen's creatures are surrendered, is it only controlled with the
most direct spirit?" Zhou Yu disdainfully licked Isaac's face. "I am sorry, I just ask It helped
me a lot. I didn't expect it to bring her own ethnic group."
Zhou Yuli sat down on the floor and then made a snap in the direction of the ink night.
Ink night smiled and came to the front of the three-eyed giant bird, knocking it on his head
with his fingers, and it painfully retracted his head.
"I have already said it well, and its name will be called 'Le Bean' in the future." Zhou Yu
"Isn't it better to call ‘combination’?” said the inkless night.
"It doesn't like the name 'too much'."
"Le Dou is not much better."
Zhou Yu looked in the direction of Isaac, screaming: "Mr. Eaton, please don't fall down.
They are very fast."
When the voice fell, Ledou patted his wings and flew to the sky, and the other three-eyed
giant birds followed.
At the moment of flying, their bodies leaned back and several people fell.
But Isaac steadily followed the birds and flew up, and his body did not shake.
In the night, I snorted and was disappointed.
"You seem to hate Isaac Eaton." Zhou Yu said.
"I don't hate him. Can you feel it clearly?"
"You are not going to tell them, have you sensed where you are?"
"If you say it, there will be big trouble. This time we can join forces to force a balance. If you
talk face to face, you and I will not be the opponent of Song Song. If Juli Group has Knowing
this news, they will definitely want to send people to test the power of 谛昕, and even get
his strength. I don't want to be cannon fodder."
Zhou Yu looked to the distance and calmed down.
"Mottle night... help me."
"How can I help you? Or use your mouth?"
Zhou Yu does not need to look back, but also can imagine the expression on the face of the
ink night.
"You know what I am talking about."
"Okay. Let's leave Le Dou, I told you how to explode its head."
Zhou Yu feels helpless.
However, he felt a bit distressed in his heart, because whatever the night of the night taught
him, he was under the supervision of Juli Group.
When a large group of three-eyed giant birds came to the base, the entire base entered a
state of garrison.
Fortunately, Li Qian saw Zhou Yu’s face from the surveillance and immediately notified the
field team not to attack.
The three-eyed giant bird landed at the entrance of the base smoothly, and Zhou Yu and Mo
Yingli jumped down.
Turning around to see other people, some face pale, after all, at the speed of the giant birds,
they can stay on their backs is not easy.
Some used a belt to tie themselves to the neck of the giant bird, and now they are
unfastening the belt, including Wu Yun.
Only Isaac stepped down like a murderer and walked to the front of Zhou Yu and Mou
“This is really an interesting experience.”
"I hope you won't suddenly want to catch three-eyed giant birds and domesticate them into
vehicles." Zhou Yu replied.
"This is a good idea. But you certainly won't agree." Isaac stepped forward and opened the
entrance door with his palm print.
Zhou Yu cares touched the neck of Le Dou, and Le Dou just wanted to bow his head to take
a look at Zhou Yu, and he was stunned by the night.
"Cute than you, you should go." Ink night also learned how to look like Ledou, squinting his
head and looking at it.
As if I felt something in the sight of the ink night, Le Dou made a whimper and stepped back
two steps.
Zhou Yu’s brow screamed: “Why are you scaring it?”
"Where do I scare it? I am obviously fascinated with it."
Le Dou took a few steps back and flew away with its ethnic group.
Zhou Yu looked at the ink night coldly.
Ink night shrugged: "I promise that I have nothing to do with it! It is just a teasing!"
Zhou Yu still looked at the ink night coldly.
"It scares yourself. Do you still blame me?" One night was a bit aggrieved.
Wu Yun came over and patted Zhou Yu’s shoulder and said, “Let's go! I am hungry! Don't
stay outside, if it is attacked by linear sandworms, it will be unlucky.”
The desert outside the base was very hot, and when they walked into the entrance, they felt
a cool chill.
The group was routinely examined to confirm that they had entered the base without any
Cook stood there nervously and saw Isaac’s breath exhaling.
"Fortunately, you are safe."
"Do you think that Mr. Eaton’s body is safe and sound?" Isaac smiled ironically and walked
past Cook.
At dinner, Wu Yun, who had been exhausted for a whole day, ate two meals at a time.
Zhou Yu did not have the urgency to eat Wu Yun. He is very hungry, but he also feels that
only a few meals can not meet the needs of his body.
As he sent the food to the entrance, he was also very clear that the night of the ink stayed
on his chin and looked at himself. The voice of the night was heard again in his mind: Do
you know why you always feel that you are not eating enough?
Zhou Yuyang raised his eyebrows: Why?
Ink night deliberately turned his face to the direction of Zhou Yu: because I did not eat
enough. What you feel is my hunger.
Zhou Yu sighed and extended his arm to him: "Then you bite."
The ink night showed a disappointing expression.
It was at this time that Isaac came to Zhou Yu’s table.
The presence of the ink night attracts the attention of almost everyone in this restaurant.
But when Isaac arrived, this kind of appreciation became inexplicably heavy.
Isaac smiled and his finger tapped on Zhou Yu’s plate: “Come on my office.”
After that, he squinted at the ink night and left.
The original still restaurant was noisy again.
Ink night raised his brow: "If he is looking for you, you can talk to him, why do you want to
come to the restaurant in person? He really has no picture for you."
"In order to see you with your own eyes." Zhou Yu replied.
"Ha?" Ink night frowned. "You don't shift the topic!"
Zhou Yu looked at Wu Yun, Wu Yun swallowed a large meal and replied: "I also think that
Isaac Eaton is obviously interested in the ink night. He just squeezed your eyes!"
"The next time I will let you eat what messy monsters." Ink night refers to Wu Yun.
Wu Yun stunned.
After Zhou Yu finished eating, he went to Isaac’s office. Ink night followed him: "Are you
sure not to accompany me in?"
Zhou Yu buckled the head of the ink night and opened him.
"I'm not sure. You are not going to find the researchers to see if there are any creatures that
can be used to practice for me?"
"Okay." Innocently shook his head.
Zhou Yugang went to the wall without any two steps.
His back was shaking and his mind was ringing.
When he bowed his head, he discovered that it was the night of the ink that used a single
hand to hold his neck and suppressed him.
His other hand was held in the ear of Zhou Yu, with a heavy sense of oppression in the cold.
When Zhou Yu and his thoughts meet, he feels that the power of the ink night suppresses
The eyes of the ink night penetrated Zhou Yu’s eyes and went straight into his mind.
You listen to me, if you are really caught by Isaac Eaton, I will make you die very badly.
For the first time, Zhou Yu felt that the ink night expressed such obvious exclusivity. Shouldn’t it be that Isaac Eaton’s death is terrible? Zhou Yu asked.
The expression of the indifference of the ink night finally broke open and smiled.
He leaned his face against Zhou Yu, and when his tongue slowly came out of his lips, Zhou
Yu’s heart leaped quickly.
It was a powerful temptation. It was clear that the ink night had not touched itself, the
willpower was disintegrated, and the desire of the heart was dragged out by the other
party without mercy.
The ink night smashed Zhou Yu's lips, then swept through his lips, squeezing it inside and
licking his teeth.
Zhou Yu subconsciously opened his lips, and ushered in a crazy kiss like a squally shower.
Do not need ink night to continue to suppress him, Zhou Yu's arm tightly wrapped around
the shoulders of the ink night.
Ink night picked him up.
The Isaac finger in the office squatted on his chin and looked at the two kissing people on
the computer screen.
Until Zhou Yu felt unable to breathe, and the mood of the ink night was like a burst of fire,
everything was about to get out of control. Zhou Yu borrowed his strength from the
shoulders of the ink night and jerked his knees, just on the belly of the night.
The ink night is like a long-awaited general, the right hand is pressed down, and Zhou Yu’s
legs are smashed down.
At the same time, his tongue tipped on Zhou Yu's upper lip and slowly retreated from his
Zhou Yu’s breathing was unstable, and he stood there to calm his heartbeat.
The ink night is squinting at the head, and the smile on his lips shows that he is in a good
mood at the moment.
"Only I can make you show such an expression." The tip of the ink night scraped on Zhou
Yu's cheek and walked away in his pocket.
Zhou Yu snorted and turned to Isaac's office.
This office was temporarily sorted out by the original conference room and was larger than
the office that Cook used now.
Isaac sat sideways at the desk, and when Zhou Yu came in, Isaac raised his wrist and looked
at his watch until Zhou Yu stood in front of him.
"56 seconds." Isaac said.
"You and the night from kissing to separating."
"I don't see Mr. Eaton still have this hobby."
Isaac was not angry, his eyes fell on Zhou Yu's body, as if he was pulled out layer by layer,
looking at the deepest thoughts.
"The base is full of cameras. Although I used to have zeros and ones and felt that I should
not look over, but curiosity drove me to see the end from the beginning." Isaac did not seem
to feel anything wrong. .
"If you are curious, I can call the ink night and let you feel his kiss." Zhou Yu answered with
no expression.
Isaac smiled and opened the refrigerator next to him, putting a bottle of golden liquid in
front of Zhou Yu.
"You need it than ordinary food."
After that, Isaac leaned back against the back of the chair and looked at Zhou Yu.
"What is this?" Zhou Yu did not reach out to get that kind of thing.
"Nutrition solution. You have the ability to accept s-class creatures. According to Dr. Cook's
analysis of your blood and spinal fluid, your cells are constantly growing, which is why you
have more acute action than ordinary people. Just like in development. Children, you need
enough nutrients to support the strengthening of the cells. This is the use of the Juli Group
specifically for me and Dr. Cook, who are intensive. Our nutritional consumption is also
particularly high."
Zhou Yu just looked at the bottle of nutrient solution indifferently, or did not mean to take
"Why, are you afraid of something that you shouldn't have inside?" Isaac hooked it to his
face with his fingers, sipped it and took a sip, then let go, looking at Zhou Yu with a calm
look, " Is there anything else to worry about?"
“I was just thinking, what is the purpose of providing you with adequate nutrition?”
"Aim? Throughout Nibelungen, you are the only one who has a s-class creature and your
power is only your own. You are different from Turin, he only gets the power of death
dahlia. He is attached to 谛昕 In my opinion, he is like a small parasite relative to
cockroaches. As for me and Cook, although we have accepted the transformation of genes,
we have more or less acquired some power that is not human. But this is like a bottleneck,
so far we can't cross. And you...what will you be like in the end, I am very curious," Isaac
"How much time do you have left?" Zhou Yu asked.
"It should be a year or two more than Cook." Isaac's eyes were not shadowed by death.
"Then wish you good luck." Zhou Yu hooked his finger, Isaac would like to take another
bottle of nutrient solution from the refrigerator and pushed it to Zhou Yu.
"I thought you would drink the rest of me, at least prove that I have no problem drinking."
Isaac said with a smile.
Zhou Yu turned to the door.
"Right, you just misunderstood a bit. I am not curious about what it feels like to kiss a s-
class creature."
"Oh? What are you curious about?"
"As a s-class creature, how do you feel like kissing?"
Zhou Yu opened the door and turned away.
Nibelungen under the night is mysterious and quiet. The star screen seems to fall.
Zhou Qing sat on a tree and raised his face with his eyes closed, as if he was listening to
Song Hao came to his side and sat down with him.
"What are you listening to?"
"The sound of Nibelungen... The sound of the blades of grass, the sound of the tree veins,
the sound of the flowers falling. They all have their own feelings, their voices are like
praises..." Zhou Qing opened his eyes and watched Song Wei to the side.
"They are praising their ancestor Imir. Your blood is flowing with the power of Imir. For
them, you are Imir."
"I miss him very much." Zhou Qing turned his face. "I have a feeling that although his body
has collapsed, he is still alive. He is waiting for me."
"For Imir, as long as one cell is still alive, he can reshape his body. I believe in your
"Song, teach me." Zhou Qing looked at each other with a very serious look.
"Teach you what?"
"Teach me how to control my strength. I know that I am different from the past." Zhou Qing
finished, stretched out his hand and gently raised it.
In the whole field under the tree, all the plants are dumped in the direction of Zhou Qing’s
"I can't waste this power. I don't just have to live, I have to do something."
"Good." Song Wei answered.
Zhou Qing exhaled a breath.
As if to sense his emotions, the grass in the wilderness has opened silvery white flowers.
When these flowers are completely bloomed, they are separated from the blades of grass,
slowly vacating and swaying in the wind.
"They are all your people. It's already late, you should go back to rest. Otherwise Professor
Chen will worry about you."
"it is good."
When the voice fell, a black-backed pterosaur suddenly came to them. Zhou Qing jumped
down and sat on it, flew back.
At this time, Zhou Yu took the bottle of nutrient solution and came to the training center of
Juli Group.
In addition to Cook's research team, most people in the base just thought that the ink night
was a newly recruited field team member.
He has a beautiful appearance and a humorous conversation, and he easily captured the
researchers in the entire district.
At this time, the ink night, sitting in the corner of the experimental platform, did not know
what to say to a female researcher, the other party laughed, and the ink night also
supported the desktop to laugh out loud.
His smile has an indiscriminate indulgence, but it does not make people feel uneasy and
Almost everyone's eyes left their computers or samples and looked in his direction.
Zhou Yu did not speak, but stood not far away and looked at him quietly.
Until the night of the ink lifted his eyes and touched Zhou Yu’s line of sight, he was sorry to
raise the hand to the female research institute and jumped off the experimental platform to
Zhou Yu.
"You look very happy." Zhou Yu replied.
"Their thoughts are much simpler than Isaac Eaton. I like humans like this." Mo night said.
"You shouldn't want to think that you haven't been infected by a virus yet, so you want a
female research institute to breed for you." Zhou Yu said half-jokingly.
Ink night laughed, raised his arm and pressed it on Zhou Yu's shoulder, deliberately
slamming him to himself, although Zhou Yu always wanted to not go too far, but was still
kissed by the ink night on the neck.
"If I really want to breed offspring, I should also choose you."
"I still want to live two more years." Zhou Yu removed the hand of the ink night. "You are
not here to find out if there are any creatures that can be used to practice me?"
"No. The creatures here are both d-class and e-class, and you can just kill them all at once."
Mok night shook hands with no lack of enthusiasm. "Or else, just call 'combination'." I teach
you how to explode its head."
Zhou Yu finally removed the arm of the ink night and handed the bottle of nutrients from
the pocket to the ink night: "Do you think I can drink?"
"Is this a nutrient solution? It seems that Han Li is assigned to the field team." The night
opened the bottle cap, drank it, and squinted for a moment. "Oh... this thing is really strong,
It is good for you. However, your blood is the most nutritious for me."
Listen to him saying that Zhou Yu assuredly left the rest of the drink.
"Who is this for you? Han Li?"
"Isac Eaton."
"What? You spit it out! He can't drink anything!"
"Don't you just say that it is good for me?"
"There is no benefit and can't drink!"
"Too lazy to care about you."
Zhou Yu walked forward with his pocket.
As soon as he entered the bedroom, the ink night pressed him to the bed according to Zhou
Yu's back.
Zhou Yu side turned and let the palm of the ink night press empty. When he looked at Zhou
Yu with his side, Zhou Yu found a golden color in his pupil.
"Don't use your ability for me!" Zhou Yu lifted his legs and went to the night.
This time, the ink night was taken to the door.
Zhou Yu sat up and looked at his palm: "This nutrient solution really works!"
The author has something to say: Ledou said: I am innocent. Can you not pull me on each
Recently, Jinjiang is very popular. I often remove the updated chapters. The page is not
displayed, so please dear ones pay attention to the last chapter update date every day. If the
update date after 12 noon is not the same day, it must be taken away. There are also
chapters later.
If not updated, the fat melon will take time off in Weibo and copywriting.

Laws of the Other World Chapter 89: Zhou Yu vs Isaac

Settings saved..
"You will not be easily bought by this nutrient solution?" Ink night looked at Zhou Yu very
"What do you think?" Zhou Yu glanced at the ink night and glanced at him. "If you are
worried that I will be bought by the other party, you can also give me some benefits."
"How about?" The ink night returned to Zhou Yu's side with interest, sitting with one hand
on Zhou Yu's side, leaning forward and looking at Zhou Yu's eyes.
"For example... give me a feeling of blood and blood, on the condition that I can't touch me,
can't read my thoughts. Just like a human being to attract another human." Zhou Yu pulled
a smile and lay sideways. His neckline opened casually, and when he looked sideways at the
ink night, the neck line was full of tension.
The sight of the ink night was detained on Zhou Yu’s body.
"What? You won't? Or can you only use your s-class creature's unique ability? From this
point of view, you have lost to Isaac Eaton."
Ink night slowly said: "I just thought, whether it is Isaac Eaton or other, even Wu Yun, they
must have never seen you like this. You give the impression that it is a bit Indifference, self-
control, you hide your needs and even **, not like now... tell me what you want."
Zhou Yu’s eyebrow smiled and reminded: “The rules of the game, don’t touch me, don’t
show me the things in your head.”
The ink night also chuckled, the body leaned back against the wall, and the line of sight
locked with Zhou Yu's gaze. At that moment, Zhou Yu had the illusion of a heart sinking.
The ink night slowly stretched out the tip of his tongue, licking the corner of his lips, and
the light and shadow seemed to follow him. He raised his hand and gently opened his collar
with his fingers. In front of Zhou Yu's face, he slowly placed his legs on both sides of Zhou
Yu, but deliberately did not touch Zhou Yu.
The tip of the ink night was taken back. He stared at Zhou Yu with a smile and pulled his
neckline lower and lower until Zhou Yu could see his half of the collarbone.
The same action, if it is done by others, will look vulgar. But the ink night is different, he is a
natural stunner.
Every angle, even the most subtle expression, is like a good calculation. Nothing is in order
to let Zhou Yu’s heart move.
Zhou Yu clasped his fingers, and the blood rushed from his limbs to his lower abdomen as if
to burst at that moment.
His eagerness drowned him, and the only thing he wanted at the moment was to tear the
young man in front of him into the belly.
Ink night carefully observed the expression of Zhou Yu.
When he saw Zhou Yu’s gaze dim, the smile on his lips became more and more obvious.
It was like a flower from hell. With the peeling of a piece of petals, Zhou Yu was deeply
involved and could not struggle.
Zhou Yu squatted straight up, grabbed the shoulders of the ink night, and pressed it down.
"Don't kill you!"
The air is burning, and Zhou Yu kisses the night of the ink.
The ink night just raised his hand to hug Zhou Yu, Zhou Yu put his wrist on the wall, he was
so impatient.
He wants to control him and engulf him.
In the night, Mou responded to Zhou Yu, step by step, pulling Zhou Yu from the sensation of
the crazy cliff. When Zhou Yu loosened the wrist of the ink night and turned to pull his
clothes, the ink night pressed Zhou Yu down.
All this was caught off guard, and Zhou Yu’s back had fallen on the mattress.
Offensive and defensive translocation, Zhou Yu wants to resist but has lost the best time,
and the power of the ink night is absolutely not to be provocative.
His hands lingered in the body of Zhou Yu, as if to squeeze into his flesh and blood, crushing
his bones.
The blood is rolling in the body and is about to leave control.
Zhou Yu’s knee tried to lift the ink night for the last time, but it only passed the waist of the
ink night.
He is like a gorgeous beast, arrogantly plundering the prey's sight, patiently waiting for the
prey to be lost, and then destroying everything at the most dangerous moment.
Zhou Yu was completely mad, and Ming and Mi night agreed not to interpret his own brain.
Zhou Yu still couldn’t help but enter the other side’s thinking.
It is like a collision of souls. All the obsessions and desires are criss-crossed. Zhou Yufen
does not know whether it is his own feelings or the feeling of ink night.
When all the ups and downs of madness finally calmed down, Zhou Yuxi was there, closing
his eyes and feeling the weight and body temperature of the ink on his body.
The breath of the night is very heavy, like a falling sky, and a surge that cannot be carried
by the entire planet.
"Are you satisfied?" Zhou Yu asked with a dumb voice.
"Not satisfied. You didn't call it out." Mo night kissed Zhou Yu's head.
"You are not saying that you will not be in this base?" Zhou Yu asked.
His breathing calmed down, although it was almost falling apart because of the
unrestrainedness of the ink night, but there was a feeling of lameness in the depths of his
"Because I think this base belongs to the Juli Group. But I don't think it needs to be taken
care of now. Although the base even this small poor bedroom is the Juli Group, but you are
inside me. And only me. Can go." The ink moves slowly, like to come again.
"You give me away." Zhou Yu frowned.
Ink night is like a child who has eaten sugar for the first time. The world that has not tasted
the taste finally has a new feeling, not to mention that this feeling has a fatal temptation. He
has completely abandoned his self-control and decided to indulge himself.
However, Zhou Yu felt that he should let the ink night understand, what is the point.
The ink night hugged Zhou Yu, and when he was about to move, Zhou Yu directly slammed
his elbows back.
At that moment, the ink night felt a powerful force entering his brain and controlling his
body. Although he only crushed this force in a few seconds, Zhou Yu had already got up and
squatted from the ground. Set up your own clothes.
His legs are long and powerful, and the lines on his back are smooth and pleasing when he
bends down.
The ink stared at Zhou Yu’s legs until Zhou Yu completely passed the clothes.
"Where are you going?"
"Bathroom. The body is very sticky."
"I will go with you."
"No way." Zhou Yu knows what ink night wants to do.
It was like this when he disguised himself as a shower with Zhou Ling and Zhou Yu. At that
time, he looked at Zhou Yu with such pure eyes. The ghost knew what was in his head.
Walking in the hallway, most people have fallen asleep at this time.
Zhou Yu’s waist and the cracked bones seem to have recovered and healed. He walked into
the bathroom and started to rain.
He knew that the ink night was behind him, and he knew that he was sitting outside the
door of the cubicle.
The warm water flowed down from the top of the head, and Zhou Yu’s brain gradually
became awake.
He exhaled, suddenly thought of something, and took a hard shot of the door of the
"Bastard, I won't die like the tempted humans?"
"Are you afraid of dying?" The voice of the ink night has a hint of embarrassment.
"It is too embarrassing to die like this." Zhou Yu replied.
"I haven't been to you yet." Zhou Yu turned off the water and walked out around the bath
The ink night stunned slightly, and the smile became more obvious: "It sounds really bad.
So... no matter what happens, you can't die."
Zhou Yu held his arm and snorted: "It sounds like you will let me go."
In the night, the ink stretched out his arm to hook the towel of Zhou Yu, but it was buckled
by Zhou Yu.
"If I know, you did what I did to the female researcher, I will kill you." Zhou Yu looked down
at the night.
In the night of the ink, he did not go to the bath towel of Zhou Yu. Instead, he buckled his
wrist and turned him to himself, then turned around and hugged each other's waist.
He looked up and looked at Zhou Yu with a sincere look: "How can I do that? I don't need
future generations, it is more important for me to enjoy."
Zhou Yu chuckled and bowed his head to kiss the forehead of the night.
“Can you come here once?” The ink night looked at Zhou Yu with those extremely beautiful
Zhou Yu knocked directly on his head: "Go back to sleep."
The ink night showed a disappointing expression, and the eyes were covered with a mist of
Zhou Yu did not like him any more, he took his arm and walked to the door.
Ink night is behind him.
Woke up the next day, Zhou Yu went to the office of Isaac Eaton.
"It's very unexpected, you will come to me on your own initiative." Isaac was on the table
with ten fingers and looked at Zhou Yu.
"I want to know, are you going to store me in this base like a specimen, or let me go out?"
"How? I think most of the field players don't really want to go out. Instead of staying
outside to take risks, it's better to stay in the base and mix the contract to lead the money
and enjoy the good days. Your previous tasks are very dangerous, aren't you? Or do you
enjoy the thrill of this life?" Isaac asked with a smile.
"Now I am different from the time. I need the opportunity to control my abilities, or are you
afraid that I am getting farther away from the limits you can control?" Zhou Yu came down
and looked into Aisa. In the eyes of E. Eaton.
Isaac just took less than a second, and suddenly he laughed with his arms.
"Have you forgotten what I said to you? I want to know how far you can go. As for whether
you will be out of my control and what is the relationship? Anyway, I am under the control
of others." Isaac Standing up and making a snap, "Go, go to the fighting room, let me see
your ability."
Zhou Yu did not have the ability to see Isaac. He was very interested in this proposal.
"If I have broken my neck, don't regret it."
Isaac laughed at the table.
He took out a bottle of nutrient solution from the freezer and pushed it to Zhou Yu: "As long
as you can let me admit defeat in three minutes, I will let you go out."
Although Zhou Yu never competed for victory, Isaac’s so-called “confirmation” once again
poked Zhou Yu.
Open the nutrient solution and drink it, Zhou Yuyang raised his chin: "Go!"
"You are not afraid of this bottle of nutrients?" Isaac said with a funny smile.
"I have already had a problem with the problem."
Two people came to the fighting room. Isaac broadcasted to all the people who used the
fighting room to leave. He and Zhou Yu went in.
Isaac took off his suit jacket, rolled up the cuffs of his shirt, and made a "come" gesture
toward Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu looked at each other from head to toe and said: "If you lose, don't complain that
pants limit your skills." "Of course not."
As soon as the voice fell, Zhou Yu rushed forward, and the first fist fell straight to Isaac's
face. Isaac's eyes widened and the feeling of breaking the wind was too obvious.
Just as Isaac escaped sideways, Zhou Yu’s knees attacked his waist, and the punch was just
a sniper attack.
Isaac reached out and blocked Zhou Yu’s knees, but was shocked by the strength of the
blow to the palm of his hand.
Zhou Yu's offensive speed is getting faster and faster, and the speed and strength of his leg
strikes are several times that of ordinary people.
Isaac was kicked out by Zhou Yu and landed on the ground.
He coughed up, and there was always a wandering in the face of the old god.
However, Zhou Yu did not intend to give him a chance to breathe. When he stepped
forward, he would raise his leg and heel to the top of Isaac’s head.
Isaac escaped with one hand.
He looked at Zhou Yu in surprise, revealing a playful smile.
"I can't think of it."
"What can't you think?" Zhou Yu's voice is cold and oppressive.
"I thought that compared to the offense, you are better at hitting the opponent in the
process of defense. I thought I was wrong."
Zhou Yu once again appeared in front of Isaac, his left elbow was on his sternum, and
suddenly his side knife was cut to Isaac's waist. Isaac's reaction was much faster than
before, blocking the week. Yu's hand knife, and turned to force Zhou's calf.
Isaac was absolutely trained in professional combat, and he attacked the fragile parts of the
joints during the movement.
The two played three or four rounds in a matter of seconds.
Every time Zhou Yu avoids Isaac, it looks like it has been meticulously calculated by the
computer, but in fact every moment is extremely thrilling.
Isaac also found that Zhou Yu had no extra action on offense or defense, and did not drag
the water while shortening the reaction time.
Another punch, Zhou Yu sideways slammed his chest from Isaac's arm after avoiding
Isaac's attack.
The sound of the broken sternum was loud, and Isaac fell backwards.
Such an injury, he can not recover for a while.
Falling to the ground, Isaac gritted his teeth and endured severe pain.
Zhou Yu came to his side and gently rubbed his arm with his toes: "Hey, have you ever
At that moment, Isaac’s gaze slammed the squat of Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu lifted another leg and stepped on the sternum that Isaac had broken. Isaac not only
escaped but also let Zhou Yu fall out of balance.
At the same time that Zhou Yu fell to the ground, Isaac tightened his neck and suppressed
Zhou Yu with his legs.
"Oh..." Zhou Yu tried to break Isaac's arm, but Isaac did not let go.
"You denied the loss?" Isaac almost covered the ears of Zhou Yu.
No need to look back, Zhou Yu can also imagine the smile on Isaac's lips.
In addition to the ink night, Zhou Yu did not adapt to such a closeness to anyone. Zhou Yu
gritted his teeth and licked his fingers into Isaac's arm until he split his arm.
"Oh..." Isaac gritted his teeth and made a muffled sound.
Although such an injury can heal later, the pain is extremely real.
However, Isaac did not let go, but more forcefully tightened Zhou Yu’s throat.
Only heard the "嗑啦", Zhou Yu completely cut off Isaac's arm.
Zhou Yu swayed and stood up, watching Isaac's forehead still covered with cold sweat,
knowing that this guy was hurting badly.
"Hey, have you ever lost? If you don't admit defeat, I can break your other arm."
Isaac exhaled breathlessly.
"I surrender."
"Would you like to see a doctor?" Zhou Yuyang raised his chin.
"No. I go back to drink a nutrient solution and it will heal itself."
"So what do you promise me?"
"Follow me." Isaac went to the door and pointed his chin to the suit he was taking off.
Zhou Yu would like to, hook his suit from the ground and put it on his shoulder.
"Can you not be so **** at any time?" Isaac said before opening the door.
"I will do something to make your nightmare."
After that, Isaac went out.
The two walked in the channel one after the other, and met Dr. Cook less than ten meters
When she saw Isaac pressing her ever-blowing arm, her face changed.
"How is this going?"
"Nothing. I was scratched by my own lion." Isaac did not care to walk past Cook.
But Cook grabbed Isaac's shoulder and she lowered her voice and said, "Don't forget who
this body belongs to."
"Of course it belongs to me." Isaac smiled and gestured to Cook to release himself.
Cook opened his mouth and turned and left.
Isaac continued to move forward and returned to his office.
He opened the refrigerator, took out a bottle of nutrient solution, and pushed it to Zhou Yu
with one hand.
He didn't mean to give Zhou Yu a drink. Zhou Yu opened the bottle for him. Isaac still had
aristocratic temperament to finish the nutrient solution.
"I know that if you are sent to hunt down Song Song, it will definitely be ineffective." Isaac
"So, the prey I gave you is awkward."
After Isaac finished, Zhou Yu was surprised.
"Do you think I will be a good opponent?"
"Now, it may not be long. Dr. Turin tried to control the embarrassment, but now he is
controlled by the embarrassment. That is because he knows that it is as powerful as it is,
and it is better to borrow it than to conquer him. His power. But you are different. You can
integrate with the genes of s-class creatures, you can get the power of s-class creatures, you
are a huge temptation for Juli Group and even Mr. Eaton who pursues eternal life. This
temptation even surpasses Nibelungen itself, and the Juli Group will spare no effort to
control you as a private item. If you want the group to dispel this idea, the most intuitive
way is to tell them... you are so powerful that they are impossible to control. In this way, the
situation will be reversed, and the Juli Group may be attached to you like Turing.
Isaac’s words made Zhou Yu’s life.
"Mr. Eaton, do you know that if you hear this by Dr. Cook, will she tell the top management
of Juli Group as it is?"
"So I told you, not to Cook." Isaac smiled and threw an aerial picture in front of Zhou Yu.
"This is the Ice Crack Grand Canyon, its length and depth. It is very similar to the African
Grand Canyon in our human world, but the difference is that this section is covered by
snow and ice. The temperature is equivalent to minus 26 degrees Celsius."
Zhou Yu looked at Isaac and signaled the other party to continue.
"We suspect that you are here."
"Why should he stay in such a desolate and cold place?"
"You should know that Nibelungen has a virus that deprives the creatures of reproduction
and self-healing ability. Is it supposed to spread the virus? According to our speculation, he
should have been infected with this virus. He used to and has not lost the ability of Song.
There was a big fight. He almost wanted Song Wei’s life, but Song Hao made him hurt.”
"If he is infected with this virus, is it difficult to heal from the damage that Song Wei has
caused him?"
Isaac laughed: "This is why I like to talk to smart people. He really has a hard time healing.
Temperature is also a good choice to reduce the time of virus replication."
"You mean that you stay in the Grand Canyon, and use low temperatures to reduce the
speed of virus replication."
"I think so. Do you have any interest to go and have a look?"
"of course."
"You are not afraid to die in your hands?"
"I can walk slowly, isn't it?"
On this way, he can practice how to control his ability.
"Although my authority is higher than Cook, Cook has the privilege of reporting directly to
the group. If you and the night leave the base, Wu Yun will stay here."
"I know."
"I will give you half a month. This half-month into the Grand Canyon, not to make a
decision, but to confirm whether he is there, and his situation. We can not let the helicopter
fly Closer, he can easily control the creature to destroy the helicopter."
"You can get ready." Isaac raised his chin.
"Thank you." Zhou Yu left the office.
And Isaac looked at his back, even if Zhou Yu closed the door.
"I hope my decision is right..."
The author has something to say: I let Zhou Yu and Mo Ye night!
What a memorable chapter!
Fat melon said to give Zhou Yu boiled red bean rice!
You guys have no conscience and overlord me! Comment it! Give me a blow!

Laws of the Other World Chapter 90: Reunion

Settings saved..
"You went to find Mr. Eaton. What did he say to you?"
As soon as he entered the bedroom, Zhou Yu saw the ink night sitting cross-legged on the
bed and holding his head to look at himself.
This guy's concern for Isaac Eaton is beyond Zhou Yu's expectations.
The posture of the ink night is elegant and leisurely. His gaze is lazy, and such laziness
implies a certain intensity, which penetrates the vision of Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu came to the side of the ink night and sat down, holding out his finger to lift his
chin, his eyes falling, watching his eyes say: "Mr. Eaton has promised us to leave the base."
The night of the ink squinted, it seemed to enjoy Zhou Yu’s fingers holding his own feelings.
"Impossible, he promised you this request? He won't worry about controlling us?"
"He allowed us to go to the Grand Canyon, and he thought that he was there. And he knew
very well that he couldn't really control us. His idea was more unreadable than Cook."
Ink night laughed: "It seems that the ability of Juli Group is not as good as we imagined."
"You mean that you also think that you are in the Grand Canyon, the last time you saw
something in Turin's mind?"
"I feel the cold." Ink night answered.
"Okay, then I will go to the Grand Canyon. I will get ready."
"Is it ready to run away with me?" In the night, his eyes narrowed, and his eyebrows
showed a hint of embarrassment. The temptation was like Zhou Yu’s leaves falling from the
branches, no matter how struggling in the wind, eventually Can't escape gravity.
Zhou Yu did not speak, but looked at the ink night quietly, as if to see the ink night of this
Ink night slowly sideways: "You are worried... worried that we are not awkward
"Are we now?" Zhou Yu asked.
"Not yet, but not necessarily in the future. Even if the Juli Group does not allow this action,
we must also rush over, because Song Hao has been unable to resist. Losing Song Zhi, his
life has no goal. For him In terms of his hatred, he brought him to the world and cultivated
him with the pain of losing his fiancee from Song. In the end, Song Zhi gave up everything
for him, including life. He wanted to The source of all evil is removed, and he thinks that
there will be a thrill of revenge."
"But in my opinion, he hates that he is more than awkward. And he is not an awkward
opponent. It is too reckless to do so. He is wasting Song’s sacrifice for him. He should be
"It seems that he has not learned ‘sense’ from Song Zhi, and if he has regained his ability?
Don’t forget that Dr. Jiang asked us to bring him something, that is the key to decoding
"So we must first find Song Wei and stop him."
"No, we are going to find Song Yu, and decode my abilities in the same way. The four of us
are joining hands, and you are no longer a myth." The lips of the ink night slowly cocked as
if they had already foreseen everything.
"Four people? Where are the four people? I, you and Song Wei, who is the other person?"
"Zhou Qing." Ink night replied, those eyes have been watching Zhou Yu, seems to want to
see his expression.
Zhou Yu’s shoulders paused, but then he thought of something: “Is it because of Imir?”
"Yes, he got the power of Imir."
This answer surprised Zhou Yu.
"So we will not go directly to the Ice Crack Grand Canyon this time, but we must first find
Song Yu and Zhou Qing."
"Yes. I believe that Song Yu and Zhou Qing will give us a lot of surprises, including a whole
team behind them." There are many things in the smile of the night that are finally
"This is not so easy, because the Juli Group will send people to follow us."
"So we must have a reasonable reason to get rid of them." The night of the night blinked,
and Zhou Yu could almost see the bad water in his stomach.
The preparations for going to the cold region were quite complicated, and it was Cook’s
right-hand man, Cole, who was responsible for commanding this mission.
They will take a helicopter to the Luna Mountains on the edge of the Grand Canyon.
Wu Yun came to Zhou Yu to see him off.
He opened his arms and hugged Zhou Yu tightly, attached to Zhou Yu’s ear and whispered:
“Hey, brother... I know that the reason you stayed at Juli Group is more or less because of
me, so this time I seize the opportunity. Either stay away from danger, or leave the Juli
Group without having to take care of me. If you don't come back, don't come back. If you
disappear, the Juli Group can't really kill me."
"Are you sure? I am not covering you, maybe you will die in the next mission." Zhou Yu had
no expression on his face, but his voice was in a half-joking tone.
"Death is dead. From joining the Juli Group, I have never thought that I will be able to go
back to see my daughter. And the Juli Group has been working to solve the disease of Mr.
Eaton, my daughter is just added value... ...they won't invest a lot of money to study the
treatment of lupus."
Everyone who wants to be close to them will be desperate, but this time Wu Yun’s reason
makes Zhou Yu very surprised.
"I will be back, Wu Yun. But if I come back to pull him down, not to succumb to him."
"Then wish you good luck, my brother." Wu applied force to shoot Zhou Yu's shoulder.
"We should set off, Zhou Yu, I think this time should not be the farewell of you and Wu Yun,
no need to waste so much time," Cole said.
He kept laughing with his arms and watching it. He came to Cole and poked the other's
chest with his index finger. At that moment, his eyes were accompanied by a bloodthirsty
killing, which made Cole shudder.
"I said that you are so anxious to go to die? You know that I really face the embarrassment,
and Zhou Yu and I have the opportunity to evacuate, like the human flesh and blood of your
human being, it is afraid of all Not enough. My advice is to enjoy the time you live, and enjoy
it. Life is like a movie. You should have more feelings and appreciation."
Cole's face changed slightly, and the ink of the night poked his nerves, but he quickly
concealed his fear, cold channel: "Into the cabin."
Zhou Yu and Mo Yun boarded the helicopter. When they turned around, they found Li Qian
and Han Li standing in the distance not far from them. Li Qian said to them with a mouth
shape: Be sure to live.
Zhou Yu smiled lightly: Of course.
The helicopter quickly left the base, and the scenery of Nibelungen swept through the
desert from the desert to the virgin forest.
"Every helicopter is equipped with a sonic bomb that is three times more than the average
helicopter. But Mr. Eaton also said that with the ability of Zhou Yu, at least the level of
creatures like the three-eyed giant bird is Can't attack us." There is something in Cole's
words that Zhou Yu must guard the entire helicopter team.
"Do you have enough nutrient solution? The ability to use my level is a great drain for the
human body." Ink night reminded.
Cole took out a small box and handed it to Zhou Yu: "This is a concentrated injection type
nutrient solution, which can be directly absorbed by blood. Its efficiency is five times that of
drinking nutrient solution. It is Mr. Eaton’s special Prepare for you, please don't let him
"Thank you." Zhou Yu quietly put the iron box into his pocket.
The eyebrows of the ink night picked up: "I really can't see Mr. Eaton so much? I said that
you went to the office to find him that day, really just chatting?"
"What can I do in addition to talking about business?" Zhou Yu asked in a cold voice.
"I heard that there is a phenomenon in your human society called the unspoken rule?" The
sight of the ink night moved away from Zhou Yu's face and turned to look opposite Cole and
other members.
Others showed a slightly awkward expression and moved their eyes away.
"Then I will talk to you about science again. To say the unspoken rules, your conditions are
more suitable for being hidden."
Cole coughed and motioned to end the topic.
The helicopter team flew over two-thirds of the virgin forest, about to fly over the edge, and
then faced a strait. After crossing the strait, the so-called ice-cleaved canyon was seen on
another continent.
At this time, the helicopter driver said: "What is that?"
Cole narrowed his eyes and looked out the window, and there was a cloud coming from the
other side of the strait. The low image is to crush the world.
But as long as you watch it carefully, you will find that the dark clouds are moving too fast.
Cole took out the telescope. When he saw what it was, his face changed and he turned to
the direction of Zhou Yu and Mok Night: "That is a whole group of black-backed pterosaurs!
You two have to think about it." The way to fix them! Just like the last time we drove into
the 12th district, Zhou Yu, did you not let those whites slam the soldiers?"
Zhou Yu’s brow slammed: “That’s the black-backed pterosaurs are not white! They are not
the same level of creatures at all. The speed of the black-backed pterosaurs is the fastest of
all pterosaurs, they can penetrate one. The whole mountain, let alone our helicopters! With
their speed and quantity, I think I have no time to control them, they have been crashed!
My opinion is, we immediately stop and wait for them to fly."
Cole looks at the ink night: "But you can do it, isn't it?"
"This strait is so wide, do you have the confidence to fly over the entire strait within a
minute? If not, wait until my abilities fail, we will only die even worse - fall into the sea and
fall to the land, you I think that the survival probability is higher?" Ink night lifted his chin
and looked at Cole, indicating that he had to make a decision.
Cole clenched his teeth and ordered the entire helicopter team: "All helicopters are lowered
in height to avoid direct impact with the black pterosaurs. We will now stop in the original
But the speed of the black-backed pterosaurs is too fast, just a few seconds, they have
already leapt across the strait and came to the helicopter team. Although the helicopter
team desperately lowered the height, countless black-backed dragons still collided. Come
For the black-backed pterosaur, the hardness of human helicopters is not worth
It is like a unilateral ruin.
One of the helicopters has been easily hit by a young black-backed pterosaur. Fortunately,
it passed through the sides of the cabin door. The helicopter was only knocked away from
the distance, and it was just in the direction of rotation. It was instantly destroyed by
another black-backed pterosaur.
It fell to the ground, making a loud noise and exploding.
Cole shouted: "Drop! Drop! Avoid them! Zhou Yu! Ink night! Think about it!"
The situation is critical, life and death for a moment.
Zhou Yu closed his eyes and captured the black-backed pterosaurs away from their
helicopters as quickly as possible, but after controlling a few of them, they could not do
anything about the whole group behind them.
"Ink night, now is not the time to retain your strength, we must live first!" Cole yelled.
Seeing a large group of black-backed dragons penetrating the pterosaurs controlled by
Zhou Yu, Cole almost despaired.
The ink night looks awkward, and one of the invisible forces is booming. The instantaneous
radiation covers a few hundred meters. The scene in front of the eyes is like a static time.
These black-backed pterosaurs are solidified in the air.
The helicopter team was able to drop smoothly.
"Quickly, they are controlled by the shackles. You should already know that we have to
cross the strait..."
The brows of the ink night are close and the fingers are buckled.
However, Zhou Yu is very clear that these pterosaurs are summoned by the ink night, not
After a dozen seconds, the blackback dragons recovered again like black meteors.
Although the helicopter team has landed smoothly, the towering ancient trees that were
black-broken by the pterosaurs fell down one by one, and the helicopters could not be
dodged by them. Their goal is obviously the helicopter team.
Just when an old tree was hit by three or four pterosaurs at the same time. When the
helicopter fell to Cole, the driver shunned urgently, but the propeller was cut off. Cole took
the opportunity to open the door and jumped out.
He fell to the ground, turned a few laps, and a loud noise came from his ear. His helicopter
was completely overwhelmed by the old trees.
The dense black-backed pterosaurs in the sky passed by, and the sun finally landed again in
this virgin forest.
Cole looked at his helicopter completely stupid, and he quickly walked over and squatted
on the ground to see if there were any people in the gap.
But the helicopter was completely crushed. Such ancient trees are rare in the human world,
and the weight is extraordinary. Once pressed down, no one can escape.
"Zhou Yu! Ink night!" Cole shouted their names.
"This is impossible! You must have escaped!" Cole slammed the ground, then stood up and
However, apart from the two helicopters that survived, they did not see Zhou Yu and the
ink night.
"Cole... they won't really be underneath?"
"Impossible! I can jump out, let alone the two of them! Find me right away! Find it for me!
Go to the helicopter and start searching!"
In spite of this, Cole had no impression that Zhou Yu and Mok Night also jumped when he
opened the hatch.
The helicopter searched the virgin forest for a few hours and found nothing.
But Cole knew that he couldn't go back like this, and that he was not doing things right, and
Cook would never let himself go.
At this time, Zhou Yu and Mo Ye were riding on a black-backed pterosaur and flying fast
between the clouds.
The wind is very big, pulling the hair of Zhou Yu, this feeling to be blown into the powder
by the wind Zhou Yu is still the first experience.
The sound of the ink night sounded in my mind: Hey, how is this feeling?
Zhou Yu replied: Very cool.
Ink night laughs and asks: Is it better than when I was with you?
Zhou Yu replied: Of course.
Ink night: The next time I should work harder, I shouldn't let you go.
Zhou Yu: You think too much.
With the speed of the black-backed pterosaurs, they quickly leapt into the virgin forest, in
front of a wilderness.
The black-backed pterosaur quickly lowered its height, and the feeling that the heart was
about to jump out of the eyes of the scorpion made Zhou Yu subconsciously squat on the
black-backed pterosaur.
They flew almost a few hundred meters against the grassland. A whole piece of grassland
was driven down by the air of the black-backed pterosaur, and the grass seeds flew up, and
the shape of the mist was pulled behind the pterosaur.
When the pterosaur suddenly stopped, Zhou Yu took a breath.
There are several trees growing in the middle of the grassland. They are not as tall as those
in the virgin forest, they should have just grown up in recent decades.
"Big brother."
A familiar voice came from Zhou Yu’s head. Zhou Yu raised his face and saw Zhou Qing
sitting at the height of the tree, bowing his head and looking at himself with joy.
"Zhou Qing! You... how is it so high!"
Zhou Yu is happy to see his younger brother again.
But at this moment, he is more worried that Zhou Qing will accidentally fall.
Zhou Qing smiled: "This is the ability I have just mastered. Song Wei said that this is just the
tip of the iceberg. I know too little about my ability."
After that, countless vines wraped around the soil and climbed along the tree, connecting
vertically and horizontally to form a seat shape. Zhou Qing slipped down from the height
and let Zhou Yu look under the tree. There was a burst of tension, but he fell steadily on the
vine-interwoven seat, slowly descending and returning to the ground.
He stepped forward in three or two steps and hugged Zhou Yu.
"Big brother!"
Zhou Yu was awkward, and he felt that Zhou Qing at this time was different from the past.
"Zhou Qing... Did you use the power of Imir just now?"
"Yes. I am no longer tired of you. I have to thank Song Song for the time and have been
patiently teaching me how to use my abilities. Look!"
Zhou Yushun looked at the direction pointed by Zhou Qing's fingers.
I saw that the vines that were originally twisted and twisted together suddenly seemed to
be slanted to the sky, and some flying creatures in the sky screamed and quickly avoided.
"Oh... I scared them, but I didn't mean it... It seems that I have to control it again." Zhou Qing
looked at his head with a very serious expression as if trying to figure out how to use his
power more carefully.
But Zhou Yu just reached out and covered his forehead.
"I just want to know if your illness is really good?"
Zhou Qing’s thinking turned back. He looked at Zhou Yu’s eyes and answered seriously: “My
illness is really good. This is the result of Imir’s last vitality. So I will not hide in you again.
Or someone else's behind."
Zhou Yu smiled.
This is the first time he feels so happy after coming to Nibelungen.
In the night, holding his arms, he looked at the scene against a black-backed pterosaur.
"I said, Zhou Qing, can you take us to see Song Song?"
"Oh...Yes! Of course! Come with me!"
This is the first time Zhou Yu has seen the No. 0 base of Juli Group. It is the first base
established by Juli Group after arriving in Nibelungen. It is also the first place where Song
Zhi worked, and grew up by Song Yu. local.
Here, Zhou Yu actually saw many legendary characters.
For example, the team leader of the field team who died in the pursuit of the shackles.
When Zhou Yu was still in the human world, he heard the name of Rong Zhou. Fighting and
firearms were all incomprehensible. He was a master of high hands. Even Wu Yun was
brought out by him. Originally, Zhou Yu was very sorry that he did not have the
opportunity to collaborate with the other side in Nibelungen and even fight side by side,
but did not expect to see each other here.
There are also some talented scientists Zhou Yu has just heard of.
Although the scale here is not as good as the No. 5 base, but it is a combination of the No. 5
base, even the elite scholars who can't find the earth, whether it is a cytologist, a virologist
or a neurologist, Cook's team is dwarfed.
"Why are you hiding here... Can the Juli Group not come back for investigation? If they find
out that you are here..." Zhou Yu asked inexplicably.
"Not for the time being." Song Yu came to Zhou Yu and explained, "In that year, the base
was destroyed by the wrath of the wrath. At that time, it was poured by the lake, and the
whole base was like a water tank. There is a transparent creature in the lake. It is a
dangerous creature between a and b. It can change its body shape into any gap, so it can't
be caught. Once it is attached by this creature, it will become them. When the Juli Group
returned to Nibelungen for the second time, it did not think about repairing the base, but
because this creature paid a heavy price. So far, two-thirds of the base is still We are
drowned by the lake, we are not many people, and this part can be used."
"But once the Juli Group came to investigate the situation and did not enter from the place
you designed, it was only the lake. But the creatures in the lake will not hurt everyone,
because they are under your control." I smiled at the night and looked at Song Wei.

Laws of the Other World Chapter 91: singasongforyou

Settings saved..
"Yes." Song Wei replied.
That is to say, in this base abandoned by Juli Group, there are many studies and plans to
subvert the Juli Group.
Zhou Yu finally understood what Song meant to put his own people in the right place.
Whether it is Professor Chen or Rong Zhou, or Dr. Jiang, even if Song Zhi is already dead,
they all play their own roles, and the foundation of Juli Group is being eroded little by little.
Perhaps Dr. Cook and Mr. Eaton do not know that such penetration is proceeding in secret.
Or they know, but they can't clear this penetration.
"Three days later, they are about to unlock the surgery. If Song Zhi and Dr. Jiang's research
is feasible, you can use the same method to unlock your abilities, so that our chances of
dealing with you are even greater." Say.
"You are really fearless. Isn't it true that Jiang Jinghang's idea is wrong? Song's blood has
killed you?" The inkless night showed a serious expression.
"He also knows what kind of fate he will choose if he chooses me. So I believe in his choice."
Song Wei replied.
"That's good, just these few days, I will let Zhou Yu do a good job." The ink night stretched
out his arm and took Zhou Yu's shoulder. "He can't fully control my ability until now!"
Song Wei transferred a holographic map from the computer and pointed to a large piece of
wilderness: "There has been a long-term weathering lack of water, and there are fewer
living creatures. Under normal circumstances, Juli Group will not send helicopters to
investigate, 谛 The inductive power of the dragonfly is not enough to continue so far, Zhou
Yu can practice there without interference."
"Thank you." Mo night is quite satisfied with this arrangement.
Due to the shortage of food, the dinner at this base is only compressed food. And these
foods are all when Song is still alive, bit by bit.
After dinner, there is no TV on the TV as in the original base. Professor Chen continued his
research with the researchers, while others just played cards and played chess and opened
some boring jokes.
"Would we like to go out? The night here seems to be particularly beautiful." Mou night said
to Zhou Yu.
At that moment, Zhou Yu saw the picture in the mind of the ink night.
They are under the stars, in the grasslands, indulge, and it is difficult to be beautiful.
"Dream, you take a cheap time, but also want to take the second time?" Zhou Yu turned his
face and looked at him coolly.
"So I will give you the opportunity to let you take advantage of me!" Ink night always can
say something shamelessly.
Zhou Yu stood up and said, "Let's go."
Rong Zhou reminded: "Don't look at the end of the base is just an endless grassland, but it is
also a dangerous biological activity. You both should be careful when going out."
Zhou Yu used his thumb to point the direction of the night: "What other creatures are more
dangerous than him?"
Rong Zhou said: "That is."
Leaving the base, sitting in the wilderness, the air is the fragrance of the blades of grass, the
night wind hit, screaming Zhou Yu's eyebrows and hair tips, he closed his eyes and took a
deep breath, really For a long time, there was no such leisure time, and the ink night was
sitting next to him.
Sometimes Zhou Yu thinks that the best ending in life is nothing more than this. The family
is safe and loved by the side, and the sky is wide and free.
The ink night held his chin and looked at Zhou Yu, and a faint smile on his lips.
"You will look at me so safely, I feel very surprised."
"You think of me as your love in your heart, such a good atmosphere, how can I bear to
Zhou Yu has already felt that it is not necessary to interpret his own thinking from time to
In the night, I touched Zhou Yu’s elbow with my fingers: "Let's dance a dance!"
"I can't dance." Zhou Yu replied.
"You really can't understand the style." Innocently shook his head.
"Dancing is a thing that a man and a woman do. Didn't you see it in the movie?"
"Zhou Yu is not a woman in my heart, not a female, not a choice for my offspring. You are
the one who shaped my world, the one I really love, so I want to be in any human world and
beloved. What people do together."
In the night, the ink looks far away, and his line of sight is long, as if he has reached the
other side of the world.
Zhou Yu finally understood, in fact, in the heart of the ink night, longing for the human
society. When Zhou Yu and Wu Yun, even people like Song Zhi and Cook, have seen through
human hypocrisy and greed, but the eyes of the ink night are the most beautiful part of
human beings.
Zhou Yu stood up and walked to the front of the ink night, bent down and lowered his body,
made a very gentleman's movement, and reached out to him.
The night of the ink smashed, and then a very naive smile appeared.
This is him, with a sense of superiority of higher biology, has no interest in the interests,
has a weak in life and death, but in front of Zhou Yu, a little touch can make him show no
modification Real expression.
"No music." Ink night stood up and buckled Zhou Yu's hand.
Maybe the ink night learns how to dance faster than Zhou Yu, but at this time the two just
clasped together, cheeks on their cheeks, feeling each other's temperature and embrace.
Zhou Yu sang softly, just in the ear of the ink night.
The arms of the ink night are getting tighter and tighter, but there is no pain in Zhou Yu.
He is like a child, attached to the arms of Zhou Yu, and all the warmth of Zhou Yu and
everything about him is the root and starting point of the world of ink night.
At that moment, Zhou Yu’s old sea heard the sounds from countless worlds, whether in the
sky, between distant stone seams, even the tinyst creatures in the air, singing the same
The grasslands under their feet are undulating, surrounded by countless blue fireflies in
the night sky.
It seems that the whole world is infected by the emotions of the night.
The whole Nibelungen, with the thoughts of the ink night, is singing for Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu gently kissed the eyebrows of the ink night.
I know, I know... even if I only give you a few months, or a few years, but what you want to
give me is the whole world.
"Zhou Yu..." The ink night screamed softly.
"what happened?"
"I love you."
"I can read it."
"I want to tell you in a human way."
At that moment, the softest part of Zhou Yu’s heart was like a careful care of the night.
There is something emotionally swaying from the bottom of my heart, but Zhou Yu knows
that the most subtle power is the most unconquerable.
If you don't meet the ink night, you will know that you will still experience a wonderful and
thrilling life, but he met him and hugged him. Zhou Yu knew that he could no longer be so
excited for the second person or even the creature.
Ink night is his first session.
They stayed outside until late at night until Zhou Qing was worried about finding them.
On the morning of the next day, Zhou Yu called his old friend Ledou.
When Ledou landed at Zhou Yu's side, it was quite happy. After jumping for two steps, he
used his head to lick Zhou Yu's shoulder.
Only when the sight of the ink night swept over, Le Dou showed a scared expression and
was in the same place.
Zhou Yu directly reached the neck of the Le Ledou, and then looked at the ink night with a
"Will you threaten it next time, believe it or not?"
"Heaven and earth conscience! I have not threatened it at all, obviously this is the inferior
creature's natural surrender to me."
The expression of grievances on the night of the ink looks at the direction of Song Yu and
Zhou Qing.
Zhou Yu directly straddles Le Dou. "You control what creatures you catch up with, I will go
Ink night looks at Zhou Qing: "You brother, he won't!"
"My brother is actually very short-sighted." Zhou Qing smiled hard.
"I am also your brother, how can your brother not protect me!"
This is differential treatment! This is discrimination! In the human world, he can sue him!
"Live it." Song Wei only said these two words and then turned back to the base.
A few seconds later, a black-backed pterosaur landed next to the ink night.
Ink night sat up indignantly: "Zhou Yu is wasting my ability to control other creatures."
The three-eyed giant bird can't fly faster than the black-backed pterosaur, and the ink night
flies to the destination in less than a minute.
He held his head and leaned against a rock. After the sun's exposure, Zhou Yu waited for
two hours before he saw the late arrival of Le Dou.
"The idiot must have deliberately flew slowly." Ink night snorted. "Look at me to find an
opportunity to explode your head."
Le Dou stopped at a distance of a few meters from the night of the ink and never came
Zhou Yuli jumped down and walked to the front of the ink night.
"Hot me, how are you so slow?"
Zhou Yu handed a leaf that resembled banana to the ink night.
"Are you not afraid of the sun?"
The ink smiled with the leaves in the night: "Well, I forgive you."
Half of his smile is hidden under the shadow of the leaves, and he is somewhat cute.
"Don't say so much, start training now."
I think that Zhou Qing can now manipulate some creatures very skillfully. Zhou Yu feels
that he should not fall behind his brother.
"Well, I have taught you a lot about how to distinguish the sound of Nibelungen and how to
manipulate some creatures. You have the ability to manipulate some a-level creatures. It
seems that you have adapted to the battle, but in fact you I don't have the most basic ability.
Do you know why Zhou Qing adapts so fast?"
"Why?" This is also a very curious place for Zhou Yu.
“Nibelungen is a very complex and rich ecosystem. If you just think of it as an ecosystem, an
environment for living things, then it is wrong. In this world, all living things form a whole.
And you are part of this whole. Whether it is me, or Zhou Qing has completely integrated
into this system, and you always regard yourself as an individual outside this system. In
this way, you can not conduct the transmission of thinking perception, I can't control a
huge number of creatures at the same time as I do, and manipulate them to follow my
"What you mean is that there is no difference between humans and other creatures here,
there is a difference between living and non-living things." Zhou Yu said.
"Yes, it's easy to understand this, but it's hard to really accept it from the depths of thought.
Humans are used to standing at the top of the food chain in their own society, everything is
a resource. But in Nibelungen Although the hierarchy is quite strict, everyone is equal from
the perspective of life connection.” Ink night hooked a finger, a small beetle like a sand flies
slowly and stays in the ink. The palm of the night.
"Nibelungen is like a huge database, whether it is me or a small beetle that can easily be
killed by me. Our rights to access this database are equal. This little beetle also I can also
know what it wants to know."
"But we are much faster than them."
"Yes." Ink night sighed softly at the little beetle, and it slowly fell back into the gravel. "And
the power of various creatures to condense is different. The whole Nibelungen is also a
Huge power reservoir. Every living body is a channel for flood discharge. This little beetle is
too small, only a little bit of power can be released from its body, but I am different from
you, if necessary, We can even shed the power of a real Nibelungen, and these creatures
that we manipulate are like the flood drains that we merge."
"Your metaphor is very imagery, I think I can understand it."
"That's because my way of thinking is exactly the same as humans." The night of the night
blinked and smiled.
This kind of ink night is totally different from the one who lost his control at that night.
Zhou Yu suddenly felt that he was very cute and wanted to kiss him.
Of course, this kind of idea is best not to feel the night, otherwise the guy has to smugly
ridicule himself.
"So the first step I have to do now is to make myself truly part of Nibelungen."
"Yes. If every human being who comes to Nibelungen can feel it here, you will feel that it is
very beautiful, not a seemingly dangerous alien hunting ground. In fact, you are not a prey,
more like foreign matter."
Zhou Yu took a breath; "So let me try it now."
He closes his eyes and feels all the tiny creatures in the grave, and connects them in
tandem. He is not conquering them, but using them as a medium for his thoughts. At the
same time, he found that the range he could reach infinitely expanded. He broke away from
the desert, and his thoughts rushed into the virgin forest. He seemed to cover every tree
and entered every vein. He can feel how each plant transports water and nutrients from the
sand to each leaf and from the leaves to the air.
He can feel the various fish swimming in the river, their collisions, and the resistance of the
countercurrent to them.
He seems to have turned into a small scale dragon in the soft sand of the river. He can sense
the feeling that the water flows slowly through the gaps of each scale of the scale dragon.
And how the black-backed pterosaurs in the sky are free and easy.
Every creature has not been controlled by Zhou Yu, but they have naturally become the
channel for Zhou Yu to disperse his own thinking and understand the world.
Even the spread of this kind of thinking is not a waste of effort.
Zhou Yu feels that she suddenly has a lot of eyes, and suddenly seems to have reached
many places at the same time.
He is omnipresent.
Sensible to feel.
He felt as if he had become the entire Nibelungen.
This feeling made him not want to go back to reality at all.
It spans the boundaries between geography and distance and transcends species, which is
true freedom for Zhou Yu.
Then he felt the existence of the ink night.
The teenager who stares at herself has the simplest and most intense emotions.
Even if he was just sitting at such a distance, he looked at him with a huge leaf.
His heartbeat, the intensity of his vision, and the way he describes himself are as clearly
This is like the most straightforward show of love.
Without any splendid words, Zhou Yu can fully feel his desire for himself.
I want to kiss you.
Zhou Yu can hear the sound of ink night.
The heart trembled at that moment.
He opened his eyes, sat up straight, leaned slowly toward each other and kissed his lips.
This is Zhou Yu’s response to the ink night.
He has to say that he seems to fall in love with Nibelungen because the world has the most
intuitive and simple gesture.
And the Ledou, who was waiting not far away, curiously picked up his head.
Ink nights are more than a gesture.
Le Dou made a whimper and took a few steps back.
Zhou Yu suddenly raised his hand and knocked **** the head of the ink night.
"I didn't tell you, don't you threaten it?"
"I didn't have it at all."
"Lie, I just knew what you were thinking. You want to find an opportunity to explode its
Ink night shrugged his shoulders: "Then I just think about it, it's not really going to do it,
thinking about it is two different things. And you don't really have to raise it as a pet!"
"Ledou is not our pet, it is our friend. It wants to come, want to go and leave."
"You just said us?"
"My friend is your friend, do you understand?" Zhou Yu thinks that sometimes it is like a
child to the night.
The ink night looks at the direction of Ledou: "The three-eyed giant bird is not a very
powerful creature. In the world of Nibelungen, there is not much advantage in survival. If
Zhou Yu turns it into a friend, You have to be prepared, and one day you will lose it."
"I was just thinking, if I can get your strength, then is there any way to get other creatures
to get a powerful force? Instead of controlling them, I think we need allies more."
"This is a good idea. You can communicate with Professor Chen." The night raised the
leaves and looked up at the sun in the sky. "It's still early, do you want to learn to control a
whole group like me?" Black-backed pterosaurs? They are very good fighters. You must
first learn to be able to control them in order to learn to help them break free of control and
return them to them."
"Of course." Zhou Yu is still a pragmatic person compared to some ideas in his mind.
He uses the transmission of power just now, and his perception of thinking expands
exponentially in an instant, like radiation. More importantly, this kind of radiant coverage
does not cost him too much energy, just like using the ear to listen naturally and look at it
with your eyes.
He found a large group of black-backed pterosaurs, which inhabit a valley, some are
resting, and some are raising young dragons.
He associates his own thoughts with their thoughts and blends with each other. It seems
that Zhou Yu’s thoughts are the thoughts of these black-backed pterosaurs. This sense of
security makes them have no intention of resisting.
After a dozen seconds, there was a burst of wings in the sky.
A small black cloud came to them.
The shadow on the ground moves with it.
Ledou seems to be a little scared, and moved a few steps to Zhou Yu's side.
Zhou Yu’s squatting smashed his head.
As this small black cloud gets closer and closer, you can clearly see the wings of the black-
backed pterosaur. They are scattered to form a band, hovering in the sky, like a huge ring.
Ink night smiled and said: "Try to see if they can land safely, don't break this desert into a
crater group."
Slow down, slow down, don't be afraid.
Zhou Yu’s mood has become flat, and the flying speed of these black-backed pterosaurs has
gradually slowed down.
They are getting lower and lower.
The amplitude of the wing is also getting smaller and smaller.
One after another landed around Zhou Yu. When all the black-backed pterosaurs stopped,
the scorching sun once again completely shined on this desert.
The black-backed pterosaur is almost filled with the places that Zhou Yu can see.
"A total of one hundred and thirty-two, you have improved a lot." Mo night laughed.
Zhou Yu took his mind back from the body of these black-backed pterosaurs.
He would like to know if these black-backed pterosaurs would attack him if they were not
under their control.
"Hey, you are playing with fire." Although the night of the night is in a warning tone, the lips
still have a smile, maybe he also wants to know the same answer as Zhou Yu.
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Laws of the Other World Chapter 92: Born to death

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These more than one hundred black-backed pterosaurs looked at Zhou Yu with a very
vigilant look. In such a short distance, once they accelerated, Zhou Yulian could not find the
Ledou is even more afraid.
Zhou Yu stood up, and these black-backed pterosaurs also straightened their waists, staring
at Zhou Yu with a pair of eyes, as if he had any change, they would put it to death.
Don't be afraid, please don't attack me.
Zhou Yu conveys such information to these creatures, and he is not sure if they can
understand. And if they understand and can you believe him?
Zhou Yu slowly moved to the nearest pterosaur. It looks very young, has a strong body
shape, and wings that are several times larger than the body.
Zhou Yu extended his hand and approached it. The pterosaur opened its mouth and was
ready to spray it enough to corrode the blood of Zhou Yu.
take it easy.
Zhou Yu tried to make his mood soft and gentle, without the calm and decisiveness of the
When his fingers touched the pterosaur's forehead, when the warmth passed, the
pterosaur closed his eyes and passed his head.
Zhou Yu got its response and sensed the message that the other party conveyed to himself.
It has memories in the mind that were once controlled by Turin. Turin killed his parents
and took away his brothers and sisters for research. At that time, it was just broken and
very weak. Turin thought it could not survive, so he threw it in the nest. When Turin went
away, his mind was filled with the voice of his brothers and sisters calling for help.
I will not do such a thing, please believe me.
Turin is also my enemy.
Zhou Yu exchanged his memory of hunting for Turin.
The black-backed pterosaur perceives with closed eyes, and Zhou Yu can feel that it is also
distracting it to other pterosaurs while reading this memory.
When it opened its eyes, the expression of alertness was gone. It leaned over the face and
docilely topped the palm of the top.
The other black-backed pterosaurs also showed a lazy attitude, lying on the wasteland and
starting to basking in the sun, as if they were friends with Zhou Yu for many years.
"It really disappoints me, you get it like this, I am still waiting to use my strength to clean
up your mess!"
"This is called a heart in the human world. I think they are my friends now. In the world of
Nibelungen, thinking can't lie, this kind of communication is more sincere, unlike in
humans. In the world, words can only be expressed in words, and there are always many
"I regret a little regret telling you to use Nibelungen to communicate with the creatures
here. Without any s-class creatures, they will exchange their memories with creatures
lower than themselves. These black-backed pterosaurs should be the first. Communicate
information in an equal manner and with s-class creatures. Usually we don't tell them what
we think, we just order them to do what they do."
"It's a pity that I am a human being. Although human beings are greedy and shameless, they
are afraid of lonely creatures. We are eager to communicate."
"So in addition to this silly three-eyed giant bird, there are more than one hundred new
friends?" Mo night held his head, revealing an extremely unhappy expression, "When I got
back my ability, I Explode all of their heads."
"You don't have to worry about your status at all, because you are neither my friend nor my
pet." Zhou Yu laughed at the head of the night.
"So, what am I?" Ink night raised his face and asked.
"You say it!"
Ink night side face, just kissed Zhou Yu’s finger.
A whole piece of dryland that seems to be cracking out of sparks seems to be infiltrated by
a mild source of water at that moment.
As the sun is slanting, the temperature of the rocky desert is gradually falling. The wind is
mixed with the smell of sand, and it is as dry as if there is a spark that will burst at any time.
But if you taste it in detail, you can feel a little cool.
The air at the tip of the nose also has a bit of moisture.
The stars in the sky are looming.
"We should go back." Mo night stood up and stretched out.
"Come back tomorrow." Zhou Yu patted the dust particles on his body.
"If it is tomorrow, who do you want to be friends with?" Inknight asked half-jokingly.
"I don't know, but as you said, I treat them as friends. If one day, according to the principle
of nature's natural selection, if they die, my heart should be uncomfortable."
"Want to do so much? It's like I fell in love with you. I know very well. The probability that
you are ahead of me is far greater than spending my life. We can't refuse to own because
we are afraid of losing." I raised my eyebrows and came to the front of the black-backed
dragon. I turned around and raised a bright smile in the direction of Zhou Yu. "Please send
your new friend to us!"
The Beans that have been with them in the desert have long been dehydrated.
Zhou Yu took out his own kettle, poured water into the mouth of Le Dou, and then patted
its head and said, "Man, you have worked hard today, you can go back first."
Le Dou nodded and raised his wings and flew away.
The black-backed pterosaur came to the side of Zhou Yu and raised the wings on one side,
indicating that Zhou Yu was sitting up.
As Zhou Yu took off, other pterosaurs also followed, as if the guards were around them.
They are flying under the night sky, the stars fall on Zhou Yu's shoulders, and the whole
group of black-backed pterosaurs bet on the ground and shadows.
They crossed the virgin forest, leapt to the lake left by Imir, and returned to the grassland.
Zhou Qing still sat on the tree, waiting for them to come back.
"If you don't come back, I will go to see you." Zhou Qing said.
"How do you come to us?" Zhou Yu took the shoulders of his brother.
"I can manipulate the devil vine."
"But the desert we are in, there is no water, if the devil vine enters the desert, I am afraid
that it will dry up and die." Zhou Yu said half-jokingly that he is now very clear that Zhou
Qing is no longer the one who used to need someone else. The researcher who came to
"Then next time you can say good things to Ledou, leave it with me." Zhou Qing said.
"Well, next time I let Ledou stay with you."
Returning to their base last night, Zhou Yu had Professor Chen and started an in-depth
He explained his thoughts to Professor Chen.
"I found that when I can communicate with other creatures through Nibelungen, in fact, in
a sense, they are like our people of different races, they can become our friends, even allies.
If you say Both Cook and Isaac can enhance their genes and abilities in some way. I want to
know if Nibelung's creatures are also possible. If we can enhance the strength of our allies,
we can form a powerful alliance."
"This will no longer be a lonely battle for more than 30 of us. We can join hands to defeat
the Juli Group and even swear." Professor Chen is very open-minded and fully understands
Zhou Yu's meaning in one or two sentences.
"So Professor Chen, do you think this is possible?"
Professor Chen’s hand was a little bit in the air, and his head seemed to think of something:
“You wait.”
Professor Chen took out his tablet and found a research record after entering the password
and fingerprint confirmation.
The content of this project is quite a lot, Zhou Yu glanced at a few hundred g.
“This is the research project that Song Zhihe’s competition just came to Nibelungen. At that
time, they were quite simple, mainly devoted to the research in the biological field, and had
nothing to do with any interest. This project actually has As a result, it was only because
this result was not verified by the real case that it was stopped by Juli Group, because this
project has no practical significance for Juli Group. It can only use Nibelungen's creatures
instead of humans. ”
Zhou Yu wants to stretch his hand and show his hand if he can read it.
"Look at it!" Professor Chen pushed the tablet into the hands of Zhou Yu. "The main content
of this project is to break the hierarchy between Nibelungen creatures, that is, the spiritual
constraints of higher organisms on lower organisms. ”
Zhou Yuwan did not think that Song Zhi had been such an excellent researcher. His
research level is not inferior to Jiang Jinghang, who is known as a genius.
"The idea of Song Zhi and the competition is to create a virus. Don't misunderstand, this
virus does not harm the organism itself, but acts as a vector carrier. They are the transfer
boxes of genes, and the s-class creatures have a super cure. The special gene of function
enters the body of other organisms. When the virus infects all the cells of the organism, it
also brings the gene into every cell. In theory, it has been infected since then. Creatures,
their thinking will be closely linked to the infection of their s-class creatures. Their brains
will no longer be controlled by other creatures, except for this s-class creature, and their
physical fitness will be doubled. Growth, including their ability to heal themselves."
"I understand why Juli Group will stop this project. Because even if this project is
successful, it will only control the control of the creature in the hands of a s-class creature,
not in the hands of humans. Unless this s-class creature Already dead, otherwise these
creatures will never be free."
"But Zhou Yu is different. This kind of power is like a sword that is enclosed in a scabbard.
If you own this sword, it does not mean that you want to shine a sword. You can be the
protector of these biological brains, not the control. You have the right to choose, and those
who can communicate with you have the choice to believe in your rights," Professor Chen
"I need to think about it."
"Yes, of course you need to consider, although they can connect with your brain so that
they are not controlled and utilized by other s-class creatures, but again, once your ability
is not enough to marry such senior s-class creatures If you are against each other, you can
take control of these creatures from your brain."
"So if I am not strong enough, I can't protect my friends."
"Yes, child."
Professor Chen’s words made Zhou Yu fall into deep thought.
Zhou Yu could not sleep that night. He left the base and returned to the grassland.
He lay flat on the ground, surrounded by vegetation, and the sky was staring at the night.
Ink night came to his side, sideways to gently hold him.
"I know your concerns."
"Yeah, how free you are to hear these voices. They have their own ideas and their own way
of living. Once you are connected with me, maybe it doesn't exist."
"There is no absolute power, no absolute power. You have to pay for freedom, because
freedom is not absolute. You should ask their choices."
In the night of ink, he got up and his fingers swept gently over Zhou Yu’s forehead.
"Of course, when you express your ideas to those creatures, they have the freedom to trust
or not trust you. I know who you are, and the creatures who are in touch with you know it.
It is a war. If we want to win, we always want to believe in the people who fight with us."
"I know."
At this time, a shadow in the sky passed, and Le Dou didn’t know when it flew back and
landed next to Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu's funny Xiao Le's head: "You guy, what are you doing here so late? Don't go to
sleep, be careful to be blasted by the bad guy next to you."
The ink on the side of the night held his knees and made a laugh.
"Is you calling the Ledou?" Zhou Yu responded.
"I said that I want to explode his head and scare it." The ink night also stood up and touched
the head of Ledou. "You are a very responsible person, Zhou Yu. You are also a bottom line."
People who draw very clearly. Once Le Dou or other creatures have accepted your
protection, you will not abuse this power, but will do everything you can to protect them.
So don’t think if you have taken away these creatures. Freedom? You have to ask them.
Their choice is their own freedom."
Ink night put his head on the head of Ledou, and he passed his thoughts to Ledou.
What he didn't think was that Le Dou not only agreed, but also very happy.
It's like what it dreams of.
"You didn't force it!" Zhou Yu suspected the direction of the ink night.
"When you read its brain, I can't make a fake, and it can't be controlled." The ink night
spread the hand, which is regrettable for Zhou Yu's suspicion.
Zhou Yu stroked the neck of Le Dou over and over again: "I hope I can be strong enough so
that you will not regret your decision."
Le Dou’s throat made a cheerful voice, shaking his wings.
Zhou Yu could not help but laugh.
Looking for Cole, who had no results for a few days, stunned his forehead.
The virgin forest is so vast. If Zhou Yu and Mo Ye are interested in avoiding them, can he
find one?
Cole’s subordinates couldn’t help but ask: “Where can we go back? Our inhibitors are
almost ineffective.”
"Cook will kill us," Cole said.
"Will you kill us Zhou Yu and Mok night? Maybe they didn't escape, but they died in a
"Forget it, let's go back." Cole shook his head helplessly, and he was sure and sure that Mo
Ye and Zhou Yu were absolutely not dead.
Sure enough, when they returned to the base, Cook was furious.
Her mechanical arm swung over and saw that it was going to smash Cole's head, but Isaac
was stopped by the side.
"No one can watch Zhou Yu and Mok night," Isaac said.
"You agreed to this action, you must be responsible to Mr. Eaton," Cook said coldly.
"I have already reported it. You don't have to worry about it. You are pulled into the water.
In your father's eyes, you are still the perfect daughter." Isaac smiled so-called.
"What are you calculating? Don't forget to betray the group's end."
"I just think that your fears are still too early. Ink night and Zhou Yu are going to solve the
problem sooner, but when you are cleaned up, what you should worry about is what power
is better than Mo Ye and Zhou Yu. powerful?"
After that, Isaac turned and pocketed and left.
The next day, Professor Chen took some of his blood samples from Zhou Yu with his
researchers, and isolated the special enzyme from his blood sample, and synthesized a
certain drug with the virus as a carrier. At the same time, the project to unlock Song Song is
also ready.
The ink night looked at the huge blood replacement device, revealing a worried expression.
"I said Song Wei, you won't die in this thing like this!"
Song Hao’s look stood in front of it indifferently.
"This is my father and Dr. Jiang calculated the results of thousands of times. It will not be
wrong, my father will never take my life to risk."
Even if Song Zhi did not exist in this world, Song Yu’s trust in him did not waver.
Professor Chen and his team made another final correction.
Ink night shot Song Song’s shoulder and said, “Remember to share the feeling of regaining
freedom and give it to me.”
"When your body is bleeding with the blood of your most important person, that feeling is
just sharing, do you think enough?"
At the same time, Zhou Qing tried the synthetic drugs synthesized by Professor Chen on
other plants, and there was no rejection reaction.
However, their cellular structures are enhanced, and their growth rate and rate of division
are different from those of ordinary plants.
Zhou Qing raised his eyes from the microscope and said to Zhou Yu: "I don't know if Song
Zhi and Jiang Jinghangchang expected this day. Their calculations and analysis have
reached perfection. The only thing missing is proof. I think this virus It should be used on
other creatures.
We can observe another week to see if these plants have other negative reactions. ”
Zhou Yu also agrees with Zhou Qing’s judgment.
"Yes, I hope that this virus will not be at the expense of the vitality of living creatures, just
like Cook and Isaac."
And the most important day has finally arrived.
Song Yu lay in the blood replacement device, and the entire base of the people gathered
almost in the laboratory.
In the night, Momo came to Song Hao's side with his pocket, and asked his head with a bad
voice: "Is there any last words to explain?"
"When you next lie in this device, I will ask you the same question."
Professor Chen’s students will take out the spinal fluid from the capsules taken from the
body of Song and inject them into Song’s body.
The heart seems to be stuck in the dead, Song Song clenched his fist.
"Children, you have to endure, this is a normal reaction." Professor Chen said comfortably.
Zhou Yu, who stood outside the glass wall and observed all of this, was also very nervous.
If Song Song fails, then it also cuts off the hope that ink nights will get back to their abilities.
"Don't worry, I am very satisfied with the status quo." Mo night side face to look at Zhou Yu.
For the ink night, as long as he is with Zhou Yu, he does not care if he keeps human form
Song Yu’s blood was pumped out of the body and into another container.
His face gradually became pale, and his voices were constantly intertwined and
embarrassed. He lost too much blood and prevented him from controlling his abilities and
senses as usual.
The sound of his heart beating became very heavy and his breathing became more and
more difficult.
His body trembled because of the temperature loss.
Gradually, all the perceptions have gone, and his world has been sinking.
The researcher who monitored the indications of Song Wei’s life was very worried and
turned to look at Professor Chen: “Professor, his heart stopped.”
Although Professor Chen is worried, he still maintains reason.
"The heart is originally an organ that controls blood flow. There is not enough blood in his
body, and it is a matter of course to stop jumping. Unlike human beings, Nibelung's
creatures will not die if they lose a lot of blood. Of course, Song Wei is the same."
"But a lot of blood loss and no blood at all are two different things!"
Seeing that Song Yu’s body has less and less blood left in his body, it’s already less than one-
tenth. Everyone is nervous enough to clench his fist.
"Professor, it’s still time to stop. Once the blood is completely removed, Song Yi will die."
"To die, it is the nature of Nibelungen."
"Professor, Song Yi's cells are also losing their activity!"
This is a more dangerous signal than a cardiac arrest.
Zhou Yu looked to the side of the ink night, and other people's fears, the expression of the
ink night is always calm, he seems to have already determined the ending.
The last blood in Song Yu’s body was also expelled from his body, and his cell activity index
suddenly dropped to zero.
"Can you still sense the activity of his brain?" Zhou Yu has not felt anything from Song Wei.
Ink night just stared at Song Hao’s face and said nothing.
The author has something to say: The commentary has... and the rice has... You guys are
grinding the little goblins!

Laws of the Other World Chapter 93: Counterattack No. 5 base

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"I will immediately introduce the blood of Song Zhi! The action is fast!" Professor Chen's
walking stick knocked twice on the ground.
The blood entered Song Song's body in an instant.
The computer shows that the blood content in Song Min is rising.
But his cells did not return to life.
The researchers stared nervously at the computer screen.
"Professor, the heartbeat is still unresponsive."
Professor Chen’s lips have begun to whiten, and the hand holding a cane is shaking.
“Professor, the cells have no signs of regaining vitality! What should we do?”
The heart of the entire base has been tightened.
"He won't have anything to do, and Song Zhihe's calculations will not be wrong."
Professor Chen has comforted himself over and over again.
Until all the blood entered the body of Song Song, his face gradually recovered, but it
seemed like the time was still, and all the instruments did not read.
A female researcher's tears have fallen, even though she forced herself to stop crying.
No one talks and no one talks.
An hour passed and Song Hao was still lying there.
"Is there something wrong with the way of operation?" Zhou Yu looked at the ink night.
Ink night put his finger on his lips, suggesting that Zhou Yu waited.
Two hours passed and Song Wei still didn't wake up.
Professor Chen came to Song Hao's side with the help of the researcher. His hand was on
Song's chest.
"Children, don't scare me with this old bone, wake up soon!"
Song Yu’s body is already cold.
"Professor, are we killing him?"
"Impossible, we have counted countless times, what is wrong? Is it wrong?" Professor Chen
opened his tablet and began to calculate it, checking their research again.
But his heart is already in chaos, and nothing can be seen.
Two researchers have begun to give first aid to Song Yu. The electric shock they have tried
has also tried to give him an injection of adrenaline. Everything looks like mud cows into
the sea and there is no response.
Zhou Yu closed his eyes and tried to connect with Song Min’s thinking.
But there is nothing in this space.
It was a few hours later, and the researchers were almost desperate.
"Zhou Yu, do you remember that I told you? Every individual in life can be connected to the
whole life system in Nibelungen, so Song Yu’s thoughts may not be here, he can be any in
Nibelungen. The place."
Zhou Yu slightly stunned, no longer confined his own thinking to this place, but constantly
transmitted and spread, feeling the place of Song Yu.
Come back to Song Hao and come back to us.
Zhou Yu conveys such information to every creature that he can contact.
At some point, the computer data that was still at rest suddenly jumped.
Cell activity is like a rocket that crosses the upper limit.
The heart that stopped the jump pulsed again.
Professor Chen turned his head in tears and other researchers were ecstatic.
"My God, he seems to be alive!"
"God, this cell activity is definitely a s-class creature! His power is recovering!"
At the same time, I can finally feel the return of Song Yu's thoughts.
This seems to be a journey of life. It has already reached the end, but it has crossed the limit
and went to a broader place.
It was originally born to death.
Zhou Yu looked at Song Wei. He was like a Nirvana phoenix, bringing infinite hope.
Just as the cell activity broke through the upper limit that the computer could calculate,
Song Hao suddenly opened his eyes and sighed hard, followed by a violent breath, as if the
air in the entire space was not enough. His chest rises up and his back bends.
The blood rushes through his body like a frenzy, and the bones seem to break into powder
and re-emerge.
The golden image in his eyes is to capture the whole world.
The base was caught in a jubilation.
Professor Chen hugged Song Wei tightly.
"Great, my child, you are finally alive."
After Song Song’s loss of a moment, he raised his arm and hugged Professor Chen gently.
Zhou Yu was also moved by this moment.
The recovery of Song Wei’s ability was exchanged at a myriad of costs.
The ink night suddenly kissed Zhou Yu's forehead.
"I don't want that freedom."
"I know."
In the night, the ink came to the face of Song Yu with his pocket.
"Alive doesn't mean success. How much is your ability now? It's time to show it to
“It’s enough to make you and the Juli Group regret it.”
Song Yu walked out of the base under the attention of everyone and came to the
He closed his eyes. At this moment, the whole world is very different from before, so vast
and so rich.
He opened his arms.
The wind came on the face and involved his hair.
His body is like a vast illusion, instantly rushing from the ground into the air, like a cloud as
a wave that rushes to the sky, bringing a huge airflow, sweeping the sights.
Professor Chen was very excited and quickly ran out of the base with other researchers.
Rong Zhou took his people to protect around them.
They looked up at the sky, their eyes wide open, and their faces were admiring expressions.
"It's really beautiful..."
"I didn't regret coming to Nibelungen for the first time."
It is an unfettered form, strong and unconstrained, galloping across the clouds.
This reminded Zhou Yu that the ink night saved himself for the first time in Angel Point.
How does the ink night develop his own posture in the water, how his body moves, and
how to embrace himself. Even if Zhou Yu has repeatedly suspected that it is an illusion,
even if it is an illusion, he wants to hold it tight.
Perhaps that moment is not as great as the Song of the free, but Zhou Yu always remembers
the feeling that his life is embraced by the other.
As the hurricane passed by, the remaining shadow of Song Yu still remained in the sky.
Zhou Yu leaned his head and whispered: "I miss you very much."
"Well?" In the night, I looked at Zhou Yu. "I am by your side."
"I miss the one who can change freely into what he wants."
"Now is what I want."
When the miraculous creatures in the sky dissipated, slowly gathered and returned to the
shape of the human, the ink smiled and picked up Song’s clothes and walked toward him.
"Congratulations, regain your freedom."
Song Hao’s face did not have the slightest joy. He took the clothes and put them on.
"This is not the freedom I want."
But in any case, the entire base is immersed in joy.
Professor Chen set out to use the same method to use Zhou Yu's spinal fluid to prepare the
ink night unlocking agent.
"It seems that we have to stay here for a long time." The ink night reveals a bored
"Hey is Song's father, his strength is above Song Yu. Even if he is weak because of the virus,
but it is weak, we don't know." Zhou Yu said.
"So, why are we going to kill it? Just because Juli Group needs us to do this? For Nibelungen,
human beings are invaders. Is it not a legitimate counterattack to kill human beings? ”
At this time, Song Hao came to their side to sit down.
"Do you know why you originally chose to work with humans?"
This problem is not only interested in the night, Zhou Yu is also very interested.
"Because you want to go to the human world. Although human beings seem small and weak
in front of s-class creatures, they are the accelerators of biological reproduction and
evolution because of the special body structure. When Juli Group tries to control
cockroaches, Oh, why don’t you want to control humanity? The world of Nibelungen has
made him quite boring. The human world is like a large amusement park, but he is
definitely not satisfied with this trip.” Song Wei replied.
"It is because of this... Juli Group is impossible to bring cockroaches to the world of
"Yes, so when he learned about human intentions, he began to retaliate. He ruined the
research base and forced mankind to send him to the other side. At that time, he was
coerced by my father, Song Zhi."
"Ah... have you done a job for Song Zhihe?" asked the ink night.
"Yes. I can say that I was ignorant and fearless at the time. I know very well that once you
get into the shuttle cabin with you and Song, they can't reach the destination they want to
go. I have to put Song. I was rescued from his coercion. My strength broke out very
strongly, I was seriously injured by surprise, and then left. When he left, I could sense his
hatred. He told Ju Li Group Betrayal is abhorrent, and there is a desire for human beings to
be a strong person. He will not let go of any human being in Nibelungen. This is why I have
to get rid of him." Song said.
"But, I think Song Zhi never wants you to confront each other." Zhou Yu said.
"I don't go looking for cockroaches, I will come and hunt me sooner or later. For him, I am
not his son, but a failed work. S-class creatures are hard to have offspring, but human body
and Nieber The different nutrients of the dragon roots allowed him to complete the
breeding of this creature. What he wanted was to take orders from his family. He wanted
the army that was born by humans and then invaded the world of mankind. ”
"It sounds like humans are asking for trouble. It's just unfair that the Juli Group has caused
the world to take on the other side."
"So there are two things we have to do." Ink night stretched out his fingers, "The first one,
to solve this hateful ambition. There is him, even if I or Song Hao are willing to be in
Nibelungen If you live a safe life, he will not let us go. The second and more important thing
is to solve the Juli Group. If the Juli Group that masters the magnetic field crossing
technology does not exist, then you can’t go. Go to the other side of the world."
"But humans are very greedy. Even if all the bases in Nibelungen are destroyed, they will
also find ways to cross them. Maybe five years, maybe ten years, with more powerful
technology and lethality, that will It is no longer a scientific investigation, but an invasion."
Zhou Yu said.
Ink night holding his head: "Oh--it seems that we have to put the giant group out of the pot.
The magnetic field shuttle needs to receive us at the other end, so we can't get through. But
if there is any way to attract the supreme Mr. Eaton. When Nibelungen comes, we can turn
passive into initiative."
"I heard that Mr. Eaton has not left his office. How do we attract him?" Song said.
"Use me." Zhou Qing's voice sounded.
Ink night, Zhou Yu and Song Yu Qi Qi turned back.
"You..." Zhou Yu immediately understood the thoughts of Zhou Qing.
"Eaton suffers from brain disease, I also have brain disease, and my disease is malignant.
But now my miracle has recovered and gained more power, which is not enough for Eaton
to be tempting. At first, researchers at Juli Group believed that Nibelung's biology is
different from the human world. The nerves are more complicated. Even the nerves that
deal with problems, control the body and breath are not limited to the so-called head. The
Bolonggen creature may still recover even if the brain is damaged. But human beings are
different, the human brain is very fragile, and a little damage will have a huge impact. But I
broke this idea, I got Imir's After the power, he recovered."
"So why can't my blood be?" Song Wei looked at the ink night. "Why can't Song Zhi wake
up? Is it because my ability was locked at the time?"
Song Yu’s gaze was extremely powerful, and the hearts of the other three people sank.
Yeah, why?
The bullet hitting Song did not contain neurotoxins. According to the truth, Song should
wake up.
"Because there is not enough nutrients to complete the evolution?" Zhou Yu opened the
"We have to bring out his body and figure out what is going on. Otherwise, no one will be
reconciled." Zhou Qing said.
"If you want to go, I can go. Zhou Yu and the ink night, once you appear, Cook will definitely
threaten you." Song Yi got up.
"Then we will meet you outside the base. If you can't come out, let's save you. Although...
with your current ability, the probability of being caught by Juli Group should be zero."
"I am going with you." Zhou Qing's eyes narrowed. "This is a good opportunity for Cook to
see me who is more capable than ordinary humans. I have to let her know that I am cured,
and she will bring this news to her." That 'father'."
"That's it." Zhou Yu replied.
The ink night showed a surprised expression: "I really can't see it, would you agree with
Zhou Qing?"
"With Zhou Qing's current ability, Juli Group may not be considered dangerous." Zhou Yu
He will not blindly protect Zhou Qing. The current Zhou Qing is no longer a flower in the
greenhouse. If you want to survive in Nibelungen, even if you can hold on to a strong enemy
without foreign aid, you must let go of Zhou Qing to train yourself.
That night, after Song Yu said his plan to Rong Zhou, he asked Rong Zhou to protect the
base. Then they and four people rode the black-backed pterosaur and broke the wind.
"Do you want to enter the base?" Zhou Yu asked Song Wei.
"Crash directly into it." Song Wei replied.
"I like this answer." Ink night stretched out his thumb.
The black-backed pterosaur stopped at the edge of the desert outside the base.
There are many linear sandworm activities here, and Zhou Yu can clearly sense their
"It's time to give them a little panic." Song Wei looked at Zhou Yu, "This is a good practice
"I just regret that I can't tell Wu Yun and Li Qian."
Zhou Yu’s voice fell, and the desert that was still standing still in the evening wind rolled up
like a wave, and waved to the base.
At the same time, the alarm at the base rang and it was brightly lit.
Li Qian fell from the bed and rushed to the monitoring room without wearing a jacket.
According to the scan, the computer showed that a linear sand worm in the entire desert
came to them, and it was very loud.
They all have awkward looks, desperately hitting the extension of the base.
A loud bang trembled the people in the base.
All the field members began to guard, Wu Yun rushed to protect Li Qian and Han Li.
"What the **** is this going on?" Li Qian looked at the computer screen and almost blew the
Both Isaac and Cook came to the monitoring room.
"Don't be nervous. Although these linear sand bugs look a lot, they are not enough to break
through the base of the base." Isaac pressed Li Qian's shoulder.
The base's automatic defense began to start, and guns containing neurotoxins were
Linear sandworms are not opponents, and Zhou Yu immediately evacuated them.
They quickly retreated, hidden in the sand, and scattered toward the four sides.
Bullets and artillery fire hit them in front of them, and if they were later they would be hit.
"We have to find some faster or harder helpers." Mo night licked his mouth, hitting Zhou Yu
with his elbow, and looked like "I want to see the big show."
Li Qian, staring at the monitor, breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately... okay... they all fled!
Mr. Eaton, you are right, they can’t get out of the base, let alone since the last time the base
was vacated. After the snake attack, we made further reinforcements!"
"No, this is not the end." Isaac's brow slammed.
"Is it Turin?" Cook asked coldly.
Isaac did not answer, just staring coldly at the surveillance, as if waiting for something.
Just the next moment, a humming sound came from the sky.
The radar shows that a large group of creatures are rapidly approaching the base.
"My God! What is this!" Li Qian zoomed in on the picture taken by the night vision goggles.
"It's a black-backed pterosaur! There are too many!" Isaac clenched his fist. "It seems that
someone has to come in!"
"You mean the fastest dragon creatures? Their speed and bone density are enough for them
to hit a mountain!" Cook nervous. "You must hold the extension!"
It’s only a dozen seconds. These black-backed pterosaurs are like a large meteorite.
The collision sounds one after another, and the ground under the foot also vibrates.
"Our base is not a mountain, but a metal that is a hundred times harder than a mountain."
Isaac's lips slowly twitched, and his eyes were a playful smile. "It's interesting. See how
long you have to play." What happened? This person is definitely not Turin."
"Not Turin? So who will attack our base?" Li Qian asked.
Isaac just chuckled, and he seemed to know the answer but didn't intend to tell others.
The black-backed pterosaur shuttles through the artillery fire that extends from the base.
They are like black ghosts, even if the gunfire illuminates the sky, they can't hit them.
The extension of the base was knocked out by the black-backed pterosaur with a
The guards who defended the walls with guns were extremely nervous. Every vibration is
so strong that there is something to go through.
These black-backed pterosaurs consumed the base's ammunition in just a few minutes.
On the back of a black-backed pterosaur, the ink-and-night legs held his head and said, "It
seems that the black-backed pterosaurs are fast and powerful, but they still look down on
human technology. The extension of the base depends on these lovely blacks. It’s a little
difficult for the guys to get through."
"Big Brother can actually control a-level creatures. For example, Teng Snake will extrude
the base, but what Big Brother is doing now is to let those who are hired by Juli Group feel
the fear. Only fear is more than the money promised by Juli Group. When there is more
pressure, they will think about how beautiful the world of mankind is, why bother to come
here to drown." Zhou Qing looked at Zhou Yu, "Right? Big Brother."
"Yeah. But it's time for them to see their 'old friend'." Zhou Yu suddenly thought of
something, looking at the direction of the ink night, "Or I handed the snake to you?"
Zhou Yu is very clear, it is boring to sit here at night.
"No need." The night of the ink shook hands. "I don't want to waste my ability on them.
When my ability is unlocked, I will knock over the base in one go. Say... Waiting then you
will help me. Are you wearing clothes?"
The expression of the ink night is very serious.
"No." Zhou Yu's answer is also very serious.
The black-backed pterosaurs are still lingering over the base, like the shadows that hang
over everyone's mind.
"The base is like a bulletproof car. These black-backed pterosaurs are bullets. The bullet-
proof car blocks the bullets, but it does not mean that it can withstand a steady stream of
artillery attacks." Li Qian looked at Isaac with concern.
All the researchers in the base were evacuated to the bottom.
Cook buckled Isaac's shoulder and said, "You should also evacuate."
“Do you think the underground is useful?” Isaac asked with a funny smile.
"You are very important. We are now sending a request to the group and sending you back
in the shuttle cabin." Cook insisted.
Isaac shook his head: "Let those researchers go first. They are a wealth that cannot be
replaced. As for me, Mr. Eaton wants to copy as many as you can."

Laws of the Other World Chapter 94: Song Wei’s confrontation with
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"Isac!" Cook's mechanical arm clasped his shoulder. "I repeat, you have to go!"
"Because it is hard for your father to cultivate a high-matching body like me?" Isaac
detained Cook's robotic arm, one sideways, and overwhelmed her to Li Qian. A cry, Li Qian
tightened his shoulder and did not dare to speak.
Cook tried to resist, but Isaac’s power was much bigger for her.
Isaac leaned over and attached her to her ear: "Life is too short, you and I can't live the
length that Mr. Eaton expects. If so, enjoy this feast."
Isaac's strength is very strong, almost to crush Cook's sternum.
Cook's mechanical arm vibrated, but he couldn't display it in front of Isaac. She gnashed her
teeth and said, "Do you want to betray Mr. Eaton?"
Isaac’s smile is even more obvious: “So would you kill my head like a killing of Song?”
At this time, Li Qian’s computer issued a red alarm, and the alarms of the entire base
"It's a snake! The snake is coming again!"
"My God!"
The fear in the base has multiplied.
The black shadows of the group quickly approached, while they were madly hit by the
black-backed pterosaur.
Isaac loosened Cook: "Your enemy is not me, but this guy."
Isaac raised his chin and Cook immediately informed his research team: "Ready to charge
the sonic device!"
Since being attacked twice by the Snake, Juli has developed a defensive device for this
powerful class-a creature - sound waves.
It can release powerful sound waves through the wall, which is enough to penetrate the
scales of creatures such as the snake and the scale dragon, and even damage their internal
But because of the huge energy consumption, it can only be used once.
So this only once, you must calculate the distance.
If the snake is too far away, then the sound wave has not hurt it and it has been reduced.
But if the distance is too close, the power of the sound wave has not reached its peak.
Li Qian launched the sonic oscillation system and all personnel were evacuated.
The sweat fell from Li Qian's forehead.
With the slightest deviation, the entire base may be destroyed.
And the ink night that looked at all of this was raised.
"I seem to remember that the Juli Group has a sound wave attack system?"
Zhou Yu pulled up his lips: "Then just let us try them and they succeeded."
The snake rushed to the base and the sand rose, as if to cover the night sky.
The system is automatically calculating the distance.
Seeing that the snake is getting closer and closer to the best attack distance.
Li Qian counts down in his heart: ten, nine, eight... four! three! two! One! zero!
The sound waves rushed in all directions.
This powerful shock wave is like pushing the entire desert away.
Even the interior of the base was followed by a sudden shock.
This invisible force pushed the surrounding sand into a higher and higher wall, and it was
about to hit the snake. But it turned out to be as early as possible and generally evacuated
at the fastest speed.
"Mom--" Li Qian whispered in a low voice. "It ran away!"
When the sound wave catches up with the snake, it is just equivalent to pushing it, and it
does not cause any lethality.
The sand wall that was originally pushed by the sound waves fell back and covered the
body of the snake.
The snake was hovering and turned and rushed to their base again, faster than before.
"It's like knowing that we have a sonic shock system. Just now it didn't rush to us at full
speed, but to lure us to use sound waves!" Li Qian realized what.
Isaac just smirked.
This snake slammed into it.
After that loud noise, the base earthquake trembled as if it were going to fall apart. All the
computers appeared to be screened, and the lights flickered.
Researchers who have taken refuge have clung to their heads.
The guards also swayed and almost stood still.
Monitoring showed that the outer wall of the base had been broken.
Countless black-backed pterosaurs rushed in and smashed.
Li Qian shut down all the nodes, but the nodes are constantly being washed away by them.
"It’s time for us to go." Song Yu rushed into the base with a black-backed pterosaur.
Zhou Qing followed.
The wind is fast enough to burn the skin of Zhou Qing.
He grasped the scales of the pterosaurs, and this kind of enjoyment felt the first time in his
When they were ten meters away from the base, the pterosaur suddenly gathered its wings,
and like a sword, it rushed into the wall that was knocked open by the snake.
The field of view suddenly narrowed, as if walking through the tunnel.
When the black-backed pterosaur suddenly stopped, Zhou Qing almost couldn't control the
inertia and fell out. Fortunately, Song Song, who was stopped first, clasped his shoulder.
"Do you know where Song Zhi’s body is?"
"Of course I know. In the frozen specimen library."
Zhou Qing walked through the long corridor with Song Yu. No research institutes or guards
have been seen here.
At the door of the sample library, Zhou Qing just wanted to try his own permission, but
Song Hao directly punched the door.
Zhou Qing stepped back half a step, and he knew that Song Hao had lost patience.
Song Hao walked in quickly.
The entire frozen specimen library is cold.
However, Zhou Qing, who has already obtained s-class biological power, does not feel cold.
"where is he?"
There are countless sample boxes in this sample library, embedded in the wall.
Zhou Qing pointed to the heights with memory: "It should be that one."
Song Yu jumped up and clasped the handle of the sample box with one hand. It is
impossible to open it by manpower alone without releasing it through the system.
However, the power of Song Yu is far beyond the limits of human beings. He dragged the
sample box out without any effort.
When he looked inside, he found that the sample box was empty!
Song Yu was there, Zhou Qing looked up at him, saw him for a long time without moving,
and asked: "Song, what happened?"
"He is not here." Song said.
"What? I... I should have made a mistake... Did they move the position?"
“It doesn’t matter.” Song Hao dragged these frozen sample boxes directly and efficiently.
But still did not find Song Zhi.
"What is going on here? Did they dispose of Mr. Song's body?" Zhou Qing's brow smashed.
Song Hao grabbed the freezer at the top with one hand and looked down at everything.
Zhou Qing knows that he is in fear, fear that all hope is lost.
"I should take him away, I should not leave him." Song Hao released his hand.
The process of free fall with a sense of decisiveness, seeing Zhou Qing a burst of horror.
Fortunately, Song Song landed smoothly.
At this time, someone came to Zhou Qing's body. Zhou Qing's perception ability was already
several times. He turned sharply, and some kind of seed sprouted in his hand, like a whip,
but he was taken away by people. pass.
“It’s really incredible... Professor Zhou, what have you learned?”
The person coming is Isaac Eaton.
Isaac's face was marked by a blood mark by the air that was driven by the plants that Zhou
Qing manipulated.
He raised his hand to touch, but soon the blood mark disappeared.
His healing ability even surpassed Cook.
Zhou Qing showed his expression of alertness, and Song Hao stared at him coldly.
"Are you coming to find Song?" Isaac’s voice was smiling.
There are a lot of creatures in the outside of the passage, but Isaac can come here safely, his
ability can not be underestimated.
"Where is he?" Song screamed coldly.
Isaac laughed. He stepped closer to Song Yu and pointed to the first freezer he opened. He
said, "Thirty-eight hours ago, he did lie here."
"So what about him now?" Song Yu's voice is getting colder and colder.
"You know... When I first met Song Zhi, he was only eight years old. I was sitting next to Mr.
Eaton and reading a book, pretending to study hard, but in fact my mind was already a bug.
Attracted until Song Zhi was brought in by Mr. Eaton’s assistant."
"Where is he?" Song Wei did not listen to Isaac's meaning of the previous story.
Because of these fragments, he also read it in Song’s mind.
"Do you know that what you see in his mind is not necessarily the same as my memory?
Because people's memories are often influenced by emotions. It is like Song Zhi in my
heart. He is very simple at the age of eight. Clever, has a strong search for the unknown, but
he has his own bottom line. This simplicity, even if he was sent to Nibelungen for the first
three years has not changed." Isaac looked at Song Hao's eyes "Your eyes are very similar to
Song, although there is no genetic connection between you, but you are eager to get in
touch with him, eager to be really his child, so you choose his eye contour as his own.
Human characteristics."
"Where is he? I am not interested in listening to the story you will pass." Song Yu’s fist
clenched and he was about to shoot.
There is a layer of gold in his eyes.
"Of course you don't want to listen. Because when I saw him again in Mr. Eaton's study
three years later, he wouldn't laugh.
Why is this? ”
When Isaac’s voice just fell, Song Yi smashed his collar and slammed his face. "Song Song!"
It is a breeze to flower Isaac’s head with the power and speed of Song Song.
Song Yu’s fist was in the air, and he released Isaac’s collar.
"The last time I asked you, where is he?"
Isaac sorted out the collar very slowly: "He was raised by me. When I honestly heard that
he was solved by Cook, I didn't plan to see him. For me. I still remember that he was better
when he was alive. But just two nights ago, I suddenly wanted to see how he died, so I came
here and opened the freezer. His expression is more than I expected. Ning He, there is no
fear of death... It is like falling asleep. I lifted his head and examined his skull, but I did not
find any wounds there."
This sentence undoubtedly slammed into the heart of Song Yu.
There is no wound on the head, which means... Is the part of Song’s bullet hit that healed?
"And then? What did you do?" Zhou Qing asked.
In other words, Mr. Song did not die to a large extent.
Is it that Juli Group killed him again?
"At the time, I wanted to send him out of the base, but I didn't know where to send it. And I
was eager to know if he was alive or dead, so I thawed him." Isaac will have a u disk Throw
it to Song Wei, "Bring it back to see it. And let these creatures leave the base. Song is not
here, you can't find him."
"What is it that I can't find him?"
"He is in the human world." Isaac's voice fell, and Song's pupils magnified.
"The world of mankind is safer for him than Nibelungen, isn't it?"
"You are lying. Are you killing him again?" Song Yu clasped the u disk.
"I didn't. And please leave here as soon as possible." Isaac said coldly, "Don't forget, he is in
our hands now, and in a place where your ability can't reach."
Zhou Qing looked carefully at Isaac's eyes, and his eyes were a kind of open-mindedness.
Zhou Qing smashed Song Song: "Let's go. He said it should be true."
Song Yu clenched his teeth and finally moved his footsteps.
Just as they walked to the door, Isaac suddenly asked: "Professor Zhou, how is your
"I am very good. Even healthier than you." Zhou Qing pulled his lips and smiled, and
jumped on a flying black-backed pterosaur, and went with Song Hao.
"Is it healthier than me..." Eric touched his chin in a playful manner.
They quickly left the base and came to the front of Zhou Yu and Mok night waiting for them.
"How? Found Mr. Song?" Zhou Yu asked.
"Obviously no." In the night, Mok raised his eyes. "What happened?"
Song Hao’s expression was so cold that he had to freeze his eyes. He just flew between Zhou
Yu and Wu Yun on a black-backed dragon.
It seems to cut through the world's edge.
"Mr. Song seems to have been sent back to the human world by Juli Group." Zhou Qing
"What?" Zhou Yu was able to sense the pain and longing of Song Yu at that moment.
This eagerness is like a burning flame that suddenly falls into the ice sea.
"Let's go." The ink lifted his chin at night and drove the black-backed pterosaurs to follow
The scorpion snake outside the base finally left, and the invading black-backed pterosaur
flew away from the base as if it had obtained a unified order.
Li Qian, who was in front of the surveillance, exhaled.
"We have to improve the sonic oscillator." Cook whispered.
"Yes, it is……"
"What about Isaac?" Cook asked.
Li Qian quickly mobilized the surveillance screen and saw Isaac's hands in his pockets and
walked in the passage.
Cook's face was white, and a punch broke the table next to Li Qian: "This bastard! I want to
report to Mr. Eaton! Send him back!"
A few minutes later, Isaac returned to Cook: "You look excited, Dr. Cook."
"Don't I have a reason to be excited? I can guarantee that after this time you will be sent
back, you will not have the chance to set foot on Nibelungen!"
"This is not something you can decide. Do you know who I have seen?"
"Professor Zhou."
Isaac’s voice fell, not only was Cook surprised, but even Li Qian looked over.
"Professor Zhou... Isn't he in recuperation? Is he back?" Li Qian asked.
"Not only came back, but also surprised people." Isaac smiled and came to Cook's side, and
lowered his body and said in her ear, "His brain glioma has healed."
"What? It's impossible!" Cook lowered his voice and said, "You are crying again!"
"More than that, he has gotten a different power. Don't you think that such important news
should tell your father?" Isaac said with a smile.
Cook immediately raised Li Qian and sat in his position to send a message using a
When Song Yiyi returned to their small base, he inserted the u disk into the computer.
"If Isaac Eaton lie, seeing him again will make him die hard to see."
u disk Chinese style video, the camera should be on the chest of Isaac.
Zhou Yu, Mo Ye and Zhou Qing came to see Song Song.
Isaac put Song Zhi from the freezer onto the cart and pushed him into a research room.
He opened the understanding of the frozen compartment and hugged Song.
Because Isaac is half-bent, the face of Song is just visible in the picture.
"Yes... you see, the bullet hole in Mr. Song’s forehead is really gone." Zhou Qing pointed at
the picture.
"It seems that Isaac said that Mr. Song wakes up is true."
Song Zhi was taken into the frozen warehouse by Isaac, and the input of nutrient solution
was provided in the thawing chamber. After ten minutes of operation, the hatch was
Isaac stood in front of the hatch and bent down to see Song lying in a transparent liquid.
He still had his eyes closed, his hair twitching gently, and his pale face had a different blood
Song Yu’s breathing lingered in the throat, his fingers were subconsciously clasped, and his
shoulders could not tremble.
That is the person he dreamed of trying to touch and hug.
In the video, Isaac began to check various readings and even talked to himself: "He looks
like he is still alive... Why is there no breathing and heartbeat?"
A minute passed, two minutes passed... Song in the liquid still did not respond.
Zhou Qing was worried about whether Isaac had made any mistakes during the thawing
process, but neither Song Wei nor Zhou Yu had any expression, and it was so cold.
At a certain moment, Isaac, who was head down, suddenly heard a sound of water and a
strong cough.
At the moment when Isaac turned back, the camera on his chest photographed the back of
Song’s struggle to sit up from the thaw chamber.
He is not only coughing, but still breathing!
"My God... my God... you are really alive..." Isaac stepped forward step by step.
The image of Song Zhi in the picture is getting clearer and clearer.
He lowered his head slightly, his eyes were unclear, and the black hair was stuck on his
On his wrist, on the neck and even on the back, there is a pipe for nutrient input.
"Song Zhi! Song Zhi, you look at me... Do you know who I am?"
When Isaac came to the front of Song, when his face appeared clearly in the picture, Song
Hao clearly took a breath.
His pupils expanded at that moment and completely wrapped the figure of Song.
Song did not seem to hear what Isaac was saying. He looked sleepy and his eyes could not
be focused.
Isaac took out a few nutrient injections and injected them into the veins of Song.
"Don't worry, let's take it slowly."
Isaac found a towel, covered it on Song’s shoulder, and took him out of the liquid.
Song Zhi did not have the ability to stand, and Isaac would slip down at any time as long as
he was slightly relieved.
Isaac took him to the side of the seat, half knees in front of him, his hands covering his
"Look at me, Song Zhi. Look at me."
When he heard the only voice, Song Zhi seemed to finally react, and his eyes gradually
"Do you know who I am?" Eric asked.
"Isac... Where is this?" Song asked to raise his hand and hold his head.
His brows are very tight.
"This is the base number five."
"No. 5 base? When did the group establish the No. 5 base?" Song Zhi swayed his head, as if
he was splicing something, but could not find the source.
"You are the research director at the 5th base. Do you remember?" Isaac asked.
"I am not at base 0? What happened to me?"
"You were hit in the brain, and a bullet came in from here." Isaac pointed his finger to the
side of the forehead.
Song Zhi shook his head: "I don't remember..."
"So what do you remember?"
"I remember... you don't look like now... so old..."
Isaac smiled: "Don't worry. You can make up for it after you forget it. The bullet destroys
the cells inside your brain and may damage the hippocampus. Even if you recover now, the
original cells may be Replaced by new cells, although the hippocampus has recovered, the
stored memory has been destroyed."
Zhou Qing looked at this piece and had to say: "So...he may not remember us?"
Ink night looked down at Song Song, and he could feel the tremendous pain he suffered at
the moment.
The person who cares the most, the only person who has the best memories, can't
remember himself?
The author has something to say: I really didn't have a manuscript...
I have to run away at any time...
Laws of the Other World Chapter 95: Back to Imir
Settings saved..
Memory is a very special thing for both humans and Nibelungen creatures.
It determines who we will be.
"You can't stay here. I want to find a way to leave you." Isaac suddenly thought of
something, he was about to get up, and the door of the lab was opened.
Dr. Cook and her men walked in with a gun.
"What do you want to do?" Isaac was in front of Song.
"He betrayed us. The traitor has the proper end." Cook raised his hand.
The bodyguards behind her stepped forward and held down Isaac’s shoulders one by one
and left him.
However, Isaac put all of them in one second in a lightning-fast manner. When he took out
the gun and pointed it at Cook, the people of Cook also pulled out their guns.
"You have no advantage." Cook chilled.
Isaac smiled: "I know that you are going to perform the task of clearing Song. But you see
clearly, he was "dead" after you sent someone to hit the brain, but now he is dead and
resurrected, you Really sure your father doesn't need to know this?"
Cook's shoulder is stiff.
After a few seconds, she said: "But he is a traitor."
"The part that decides if he is a traitor is here." Isaac came to the side of Song Zhi and
pressed his hand to the sides of his head. "His memory is damaged because of the bullet.
The repair of the brain refers to the creature. The repair of meaning is not his memory."
"Maybe he pretends it!" Cook still didn't put the gun down, but he didn't dare to shoot.
"So, ask your father. The decision is right there, not me or you, not me or you," Isaac said.
Cook stepped back half a step and said to her men: "Look at them."
After she left the lab, she locked the door.
Ten minutes later, Cook came back and said to Isaac: "The father ordered us to send Song
Zhi back to Juli Group."
"I will say that. Mr. Eaton needs him. Song is a human being, and a human being with the
ability to heal itself is important to your father."
"Isac, don't think I don't know your mind. Be honest." Cook warned.
Isaac raised his hands and smiled and replied: "I don't have any thoughts, everything is for
the group."
In this way, Song Zhi, who has not fully recovered his mind, was taken away by Cook.
The recorded video is now over.
Zhou Qing exhaled a breath: "It seems that Isaac said that Song is still alive."
"But it was sent back to Juli Group. What will they do to him? It is almost impossible for us
to go back to the original world." Zhou Yu looked at Song Wei, and he worried that Song
Hao would go back to the original world regardless of everything. “The shuttle cabin needs
to transmit signals and receive signals when it is shuttled. Even if we can occupy the base of
Juli Group in Nibelungen, but no one in the human world accepts us, we still can't go back
Song Hao slowly closed his eyes, his forehead against his fist.
He meditated quietly, calming himself like a surge of mood.
Zhou Yu, several of them can feel the complex mood of Song Yu.
The joy of recovery and the pain of two worlds.
I have to find him.
I have to protect him wherever he is.
In the night, I raised my hand and held Song’s shoulder.
As long as Song is still alive, everything has hope, and they will help him.
"But... I showed my ability in front of Isaac. Will he tell Mr. Eaton? If Mr. Eaton is interested,
will he come here?" Zhou Qing did not ask with certainty.
"He will come. When I was with my father, I knew how much Mr. Eaton was eager to live
forever. The healing of the brain is too important for him. But we must make him realize
that his brain disease must Come here to cure." Song said.
"Well... in this respect, we have to discuss it with Professor Chen."
Professor Chen’s research is progressing very fast. Before Song Zhi cultivated the unlocking
agent that took effect in the body for several years, Professor Chen adopted the method of
in vitro culture, and Zhou Yu himself completed the “evolution”, only half a month.
Professor Chen is sure to complete.
The days waiting in the base are very boring.
Zhou Qing is very focused on the virus.
He found that his understanding of knowledge and his ability to remember soared like a
He used to focus only on botany, and his knowledge of mathematics, neurology, and
virology was only a general understanding. But to understand the mystery of the virus, he
had to learn other things. He thought that he needed five years, ten years or even longer to
understand these cutting-edge academic accumulations, but it took him only a week to read
all the knowledge stored in the base database, even When he and Professor Chen's research
team discussed, the professional level is not inferior to Jiang Jinghang.
Instead, the ink night relies on Zhou Yu’s side every day, and he sneaked at him from time
to time.
"Let's go out and breathe." The night of the night showed a poor expression.
Zhou Yu knows very well what this guy is called “breathable”.
The activity space in the base is very small. What the ink night does for Zhou Yu, the whole
base can be seen.
Not to mention the time when he wants to “make a lot of exercise”.
So once you go outside with this guy, the ink night is bound to be lawless.
"I think the air in the base is very good." Zhou Yu glanced and continued to look at the book
in his hand.
He is like seeing the night of the ink.
In the night, the ink rested his chin on Zhou Yu’s shoulder and looked at Zhou Yu’s book.
It was a travel note, the pages of the book had fallen off yellow, and the book was soaked in
water, crumpled.
The ink of the night of the night deliberately smashed Zhou Yu’s chin, and Zhou Yu just used
his fingers to pull him away.
Zhou Yu’s heart has a feeling of being scratched.
He is very clear that it is the night of the ink to share his feelings with him.
This little bastard.
The ink night smashed Zhou Yu for a long time, Zhou Yu did not respond, so he had to rely
on Zhou Yu to see the book he read.
"Hey, guess if my ability to unlock, what do I want to do?" Ink night said to Zhou Yu's ear.
Zhou Yu snorted and turned his face against the lips of the ink night: "Do you want to come
with the mimicry of the night spirit?"
"You really know me!"
"You showed me all the thoughts in your head. I don't want to see you still have to show me
hard, what can I do?" Zhou Yu was so hard to show a funny expression, but continued to
The ink night felt that Zhou Yu was really uninterested, so he had to squat on the shoulder
of Zhou Yu and said: "There are a lot of scenery in this travel book, Nibelungen has it. And it
is more magnificent than the book."
"But there are things that Nibelungen will not have."
"Story. This is the place where human beings live, telling the story of human beings.
Remember the movies you have seen?" Zhou Yu asked with a smile.
"The human story is very good. But here is the story of you and me. Zhou Yu, I always
wanted to ask you, if one day you can go back to the human world, will you give up on me?"
"You can read the thoughts in my mind, don't need to ask." Zhou Yu did not know how the
ink night suddenly became more sentimental.
"I just want to get the answer in a human way."
Zhou Yu closed the book, stretched his arm and held the ink night, and pressed his head to
his hungry shoulder.
"Where I am, I choose to be with you."
The nightmare of the ink night trembled, and turned slightly to the face, and smiled at the
angle that Zhou Yu could not see.
"You said how good you should be if you have been so cute." Zhou Yu also smiled and
bowed his head to kiss his forehead.
The ink night also said with a low voice: "You originally liked me. No wonder you are
unwilling to accept my identity. I am so good at technology, can make you cool, this is not
enough? You just want me to be a Cute pet?"
Zhou Yu smashed the head of the night, and looked like he seriously thought: "Your
technique is good, I have reservations."
"Do you believe me tonight to let everyone hear?"
"Then you lie on your own."
At this time, Zhou Qing suddenly came out of the laboratory.
"Zhou Qing, where are you going?"
Look at him carrying his bag, there are tents and food inside, obviously going out to the
base and not planning to come back.
"I am going to visit Imir. I need to sample, I need his genetic sample." Zhou Qing's eyes are
under a layer of black.
He has not slept for a long time.
For Imir, Zhou Yu knew that she could not stop Zhou Qing from doing her best, but now he
really needs a break.
"I am going to send you." Zhou Yu got up, and the ink night followed.
"Without Big Brother, I am not the one who is in the past. You don't need to be so careful to
protect me." Zhou Qing pointed to his head and said with a smile, "And I have recovered."
"I am not going to protect you, I am going to take care of you. This is irrelevant whether you
have the power of s-class creatures and whether you are cured." Zhou Yu insisted.
"Okay." Zhou Qing licked his lips.
"Then I naturally want to go too! I don't have to be locked up here, I can go out and
Hearing the words "to breathe", Zhou Yu is very keen to knock on the head of the ink night.
"Song Wei, the base will be handed over to you!" Before the night of the ink, I did not forget
to inform Song Song. When they came outside the base, Ledou and its ethnic group were waiting
Zhou Yu and Zhou Qing were riding on Ledou's body. Zhou Yu said to him: "It will take a
while to reach the destination. You can just sleep."
"Thank you big brother!"
Zhou Qing calmly leaned into the arms of Zhou Yu and fell asleep.
In the night, the other three-eyed giant bird flew side by side with Zhou Yu. He showed
dissatisfied expression and said to Zhou Yu in his mind: That is obviously my position!
Zhou Yu replied coolly: Then you are now going back to the night spirit, I will return this
position to you.
The night wind is very cool, there is no cloud tonight, and the stars in the sky are as clear as
they can reach out.
The lake left by Imir is like a silver plate, and the stars reflect the stars.
When Zhou Yu flew over the lake, the air pushed the lake out of layers of texture, and the
stars followed.
Zhou Yu leaned over and looked down at the lake, admiring such beauty in his heart.
The ink night flew past him, and suddenly the body leaned over and kissed Zhou Yu’s lips.
Only a moment, just like the meteor breaking through the night sky, when Zhou Yu reacted,
the ink night has gone.
He stopped at the shore of the lake and turned to look at Zhou Yu.
At that moment, Zhou Yu was very keen to overwhelm him, so that the eyes that were
thoroughly under the night sky were weak.
The lip line of the ink night bends, and the finger clicks in the air: "I saw what you were
thinking. No way."
The phrase "No Doors" is full of ten Zhou Yu's tone.
Zhou Yu’s eyebrows were picked. If he was holding Zhou Qing who was asleep, he would
really go forward and let the ink night know his power.
Zhou Qing blinked and woke up.
"We have arrived?"
"Yes, we are here. What sample do you want to get here?" Zhou Yu asked.
"Imir told me that he can regenerate as long as a cell. I want to find out where the cell is."
Zhou Qing put down the backpack and opened it with a wetsuit.
Zhou Yu looked at the ink night, and they remembered the Isaac divers down to the bottom
of the lake.
Perhaps Juli Group also knows that Imir is not really dead.
"Because all the samples here are dead cells, I want to get the virus inside the living cell."
After Zhou Qing finished, he put the wetsuit on the body. "Sorry, I didn't prepare your
wetsuit." I will go down first."
"Go, I am watching you on the shore with me at night."
Zhou Qing nodded and left the lakeshore and slowly walked into the lake.
When the lake passed over his neck, he closed his eyes and felt a feeling of being embraced
by Imir.
The power of the s-class creature allows Zhou Qing to breathe oxygen for a long time, and
even in the darkness, he can clearly sense everything in the lake.
Zhou Qing radiated his thoughts out of the brain, covering the entire lake area, trying to feel
even if it belonged to the existence of Imir.
Zhou Yupan sat on the shore of the lake, and the ink came over at night. He deliberately
used his toes to lick Zhou Yu’s ankles all the way to his knees.
"I bet, Zhou Qing is looking for a long time."
The ink night slowly came to Zhou Yu's face, and his hands were just on the shoulders of
Zhou Yu.
The stars are graceful, and the five senses of the ink night are vaguely hidden in the night.
Zhou Yu admits that he is a heart, but he is somewhat dissatisfied with the other party's
deliberate act of tempting himself.
And this guy, how do you want to do it all the time?
"Do you feel that I want to marry you?" Zhou Yu asked.
"I feel it. And... From the age of human beings, when I am in the most energetic aspect of
that, should you fully understand me?" Ink night grinned.
His nose is dotted with light, and his eyebrows are bent, which is really fascinating.
Zhou Yu was so hard to stretch his neck and leaned up to kiss him, but did not expect the
ink night to lean back, just to avoid Zhou Yu.
There is a smug meaning in his smile.
But I didn't expect Zhou Yu to pull the neckline of the ink night and kissed it up.
The ink night glimpsed a little, feeling Zhou Yu's tongue as if the master of the lord swept
into his mouth, provoked his feelings, and the shoulders of the ink night shrugged. Zhou
Yu's strength stirred up the desire of the ink night, and the night's hand pressed Zhou
Zhou's shoulder just to force, but did not expect Zhou Yu to kneel against his waist side,
violently turned over and pressed him down.
The heavens and the earth reversed, Zhou Yu pressed the ink night, and it seemed as if the
flames were burning in the seemingly cold eyes.
Ink night raised his hand, his finger touched Zhou Yu’s cheek, as if he was sure that Zhou Yu
was true.
"I want to □ you." Mo night said.
Zhou Yu pulled a sneer: "Try it."
"I really want to give it a try." Ink night deliberately put aside his waist.
I felt that something hot was on my back. Zhou Yu gritted his teeth and patted it on the
head of the ink night: "What are you in your head? Zhou Qing is still looking for something
in the lake!"
Ink night smiled helplessly: "I know that I know, we are here to help watch Zhou Qing. Wan
Qingqing came up to find that his most respected big brother is being topped by me, and
will definitely be broken."
"The latter sentence is superfluous."
Zhou Yu was about to get up, but he didn't think that the night of the night clasped his wrist
and took him down.
Zhou Yu was not cold and fell to the ground, while the ink night used a single hand to
buckle Zhou Yu's wrists on top of his head. Zhou Yu looked at each other, and he was going
to burn the night.
"You know that you look at me like this, I will want to do whatever I want?" Ink night
vacated a hand, and pressed back to hold the knee that Zhou Yu was trying to force.
Zhou Yu smiled coldly: "Then you try to see if you really can get it?"
At that moment, a force poured into the depths of the mind of the ink night, the heart of the
ink night sinking, he was too big, and even let Zhou Yu control himself!
He had been handcuffed by Zhou Yu’s hand and was easily removed by Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu is not in a hurry to get up, and looks at the ink night with his arms relaxed, but his
heart is not relaxed at all, as long as the night can be free of his own control.
"What do you want?" In the night, Zhou Yu looked at Zhou Yu. He did not think that Zhou
Yu’s mastery of his ability had reached this point without knowing it.
"I want you to lick a little." Zhou Yu's lips curled up.
Such a picture is **** in the eyes of the ink night.
It is full of the mature charm of men and the unrestrained chic.
The throat of the ink night is a bit awkward.
Zhou Yu’s eyes narrowed up: “You guys, even if I’m subdued, I’m not in my head.”
"Because the hands and feet can't move, the only thing that can move is the brain." The ink
night hung down and stared at Zhou Yu, saying in a gentle but heart-warming voice, "Why
don't you let us do a little of us two?" What do you want to do?"
This proposal, Zhou Yu accepted.
Just seeing the ink night slowly bowed down and kissed on Zhou Yu’s lips. Zhou Yu still
maintains his posture with his arms and closes his eyes.
Ink night very carefully kissed every warm place in Zhou Yu's mouth, just like a pilgrimage.
When the two separated, the ink night smiled helplessly: "This is far from what I want to
Zhou Yu smiled and patted his back: "Hey, give me up."
The brow of the ink night picks: "No, is there really a man with a beautiful scenery?"
No need to look back, ink night also knows that there is a devil vine behind him. But unlike
the general devil vine, it suddenly rushes to the back of the ink night, the speed is very fast,
bite into a two-stage ink night!
Yes, it has a mouth!
Zhou Yu took the ink into his arms. He felt his gaze is like the extension of his body. He was
crazy all over the devil vine in a moment, feeling its cell activity and tightening when it
moved. The strength... far more than the ordinary devil vine!
Zhou Yu controlled its movement. At that moment, the ink night he was holding in his arms
covered his ear and said, "Explode it!"
Zhou Yu’s pupils expanded at that moment.
He knows how to sense other creatures and how to manipulate other creatures, but he has
never tried to destroy a creature.
The ink night in his arms is warm. He let Zhou Yu know that some things are
uncompromising. Once infringed, Zhou Yu will inevitably fight back mercilessly.
Zhou Yu's power tried to cut off the connection between the devil vine cells from the inside
out, but the power of the cell is huge. He just curbed the action of mutating the devil vine,
but could not break through the limitations between its cells.
What is undulating between the shadows of the lake?
Zhou Yu sensed that there were more devil vines coming to them.
The ink night slammed Zhou Yu’s neck and smiled at his head: “It seems that Turin is
coming. He has done some research to make these devil vines mutate, more speed and
Zhou Yu’s thinking advanced in all directions, restraining these devil vines that are
"Zhou Yu, if you find it difficult, I can solve them." Mo night said with a smile.
Yes, the ink night can solve them.
However, Zhou Yu can feel that these devil vines are huge in scale, and they are constantly
coming in from the mountains and rivers. This is the purpose of Tulin, which consumes the
ability of ink night. Once the ink night falls, Turin can do whatever he wants.
Zhou Yu will not let Turin easily succeed.
Gritted teeth, a sigh, and the blue ribs of Zhou Yu’s forehead burst.
The devil vines behind the ink night trembled.
Laws of the Other World Chapter 96: Death of Turin
Settings saved..
The ink night looked at Zhou Yu like this, slowly put away his smile.
"You can do it. Push your strength into the gaps in the cells, and then smash them all apart.
You have my strength. You are far stronger than all of them."
Seeing that the group of devil vines are getting closer and closer, Zhou Yu’s eyes are
congested like a crack.
"Don't suppress it any more, release yourself." The voice of the night of the night carries a
tempting temptation.
Zhou Yu felt that there was a line of defense break in his mind, as if the force of deep lock in
the bottom of his heart was sprayed out, and the devil vine in front of him burst open.
The sound of the sound seemed to come from the depths of the soul.
Zhou Yu’s body is subconsciously shaking.
This is the first time he destroyed a creature without any contact. For the first time, Zhou
Yu felt that she was actually terrible.
But the ink night hugged him.
"Listen, this is not a killing! This is release - your concerns and the bottom line are too
many, bound yourself, and limit your ability!"
The sound of the ink night is the most necessary identification of Zhou Yu.
The power of Zhou Yu broke through the **** and generally flew out, quickly infiltrating
into the devil vines that are constantly close to them.
It's like a fireworks show without fire.
For the first time, Zhou Yu felt what it was called freedom.
His mind walked through obstacles one after another, instantly breaking through and
rushing into the distance.
For ten seconds, these devil vines have been destroyed.
Zhou Yu took a breath and returned to God. He could not sense the existence of these devil
vines. He really wiped them out.
"I really want to go to you now." In the night, he said half-jokingly.
Starlight fell between his eyes, Zhou Yu did not know whether the ink night is how
beautiful and **** he is in his eyes.
In the night, the ink lifted his finger and passed over Zhou Yu’s cheek, and the tip of the hair
slipped from the tip of his finger.
At the moment when the mood was moved, Zhou Yu suddenly realized what it was.
"Not good! Turin went to the bottom of the lake!" Zhou Yu suddenly got up.
The ink night followed Zhou Yu and jumped into the lake.
At this time, Zhou Qing was groping at the bottom of the lake. He sensed something as if he
was whispering in his ear. Zhou Qingshun feels the deeper and deeper.
As if there was something dragging on himself, Zhou Qing saw a crack in the bottom of the
lake. The crack was deep, as if straight into the heart.
Zhou Qing entered the gap and instantly felt the feeling of being swallowed.
But what he didn't think of was that through this gap, he was sent to another space by the
This is the cave at the bottom of the lake. Zhou Qing climbed out of the water and breathed
There is no light here, but all the holes are faintly glowing with pale golden light. Zhou Qing
will cover it with his hands, only to understand that he is inside the wreck of Imir, another
cave at the bottom of the lake, and part of the roots of Imir. .
The heart of Zhou Qing jumped up at that moment.
Imir seems to have collapsed, but he still has a part that has not died!
Supporting a huge body is a heavy burden. Since it is not so good to discard unwanted
parts, leave the most important!
Zhou Qing opened his arms and put it on the wall of the cave, sticking his face on it.
He seems to be able to sense the beating of the heart of Imir, the conduction of nerves, and
even his temperature.
"Fortunately... you are still waiting for me."
Zhou Qing took out the sampler, scraped the inside of the cave, closed the sampler, and
placed it in the backpack on the back.
At that moment, Zhou Qing realized what he had turned around and saw that Turin stood
not far away.
"It’s a moving reunion!" Turin smirked his face with a mocking smile.
There was a burst of coolness in Zhou Qing’s heart: "How come you are here?"
At this time, Zhou Yu and Mo Ye also came to the cave.
"He has always suspected that Imir is not dead, but he has not found evidence that Imil is
alive, so he follows us." In the night, Mok coldly hugged his arms and stared at Turin.
To be honest, the ink night has never been particularly annoying, but Turin is one of the
very few. He is like an undead cockroach, always coming out to brush the sense of existence
when he is least needed.
Zhou Yu snorted: "It's not just tracking. Now it may be Nibelung's only creature with s-level
ability that is not locked. But if Imir is cured, it is different, he wants The ambition to be
king in Nibelungen cannot be realized."
"Zhou Yu... I know that you are now enjoying the ability to become a s-class creature more
and more, and know that I am not your opponent alone. But are you sure you want to solve
me here?"
Turin stretched out his hand and covered it on the wall. In an instant, the wall of the cave
cracked a large piece.
"What do you want to do!" Zhou Qing was desperate to go forward, but was smashed back
by Zhou Yu.
Turin is so arrogant, it is obviously the power of shackles.
And the purpose of this time must be to completely destroy Imir!
The cracks on the wall are getting bigger and bigger, even spreading over their heads.
Zhou Qing immediately pulled Rong Gun out of his gun and pointed it at Turin. He was
caught by Zhou Yu at the moment he wanted to pull the trigger.
"If you escape after Turing, you will hit Imir!"
Zhou Qing’s heart trembled and had to take back the gun, but I didn’t expect Turin to take
out his gun with a smile and watch it pop up at the top.
At that moment, his fingers were frozen!
It was Zhou Qing who couldn't bear it anymore. He released his own strength and rushed
into Turin's body, temporarily suppressing Turin's body.
Turin clenched his teeth and Zhou Qing’s strength confrontation. Zhou Qing loosened his
hand, and a seed fell into the water and sprouted quickly. The slender plant slammed out of
the water like a sharp blade and penetrated the fingers of Turin. The gun fell like this.
"Oh..." Turin didn't think that Zhou Qing had such ability. Although the wound was healing,
the pain caused the hatred in his heart.
Zhou Qing did not know how to control his ability to strangle Turin, but he was used by
Turin as a medium to use his own power to fight back.
Zhou Qing only felt that the skull seemed to be bursting open, and he concentrated on
He felt that the aggressive force of the cockroaches infiltrated his cells and continually
smashed the cells that shattered his body.
His face was white and he was going to fall to the side, but he was supported by Zhou Yu.
From Zhou Qing’s attempt to kill Tulin to the beggars, everything was only a moment.
"Zhou Qing!"
"Kill him... kill him!" Zhou Qing clasped Zhou Yu's wrist.
Turin’s lips twitched: "You got the power of Imir."
At that moment, the forces invading Zhou Qing’s mind doubled in shock, Zhou Qing had to
use his own ability to suppress.
The arrogance and power of the cockroach will completely suppress Zhou Qing.
Seeing that Zhou Qing is going to be destroyed by the shackles, Zhou Yu understands that
he must kill Turin, otherwise he will kill Zhou Qing who inherits the power of Imir.
Ink night is about to use his own power to save Zhou Qing, but Zhou Yu has buckled the
wrist of the ink night and sent his power into Turin's body. The ink night suddenly
understood the meaning of Zhou Yu. Zhou Yu needs ink night to use his most powerful
power in the most critical time.
Zhou Yu's power is like a rushing flood, condensing, and rushing into the cells of Turin,
spreading rapidly, and the fierce competition began.
The two forces collided violently between the cells of Turin. Zhou Yu wanted to rush out
and break through the limitations of Turin's body, but he blocked him.
Zhou Yu’s cold sweat fell on the forehead, and he stared at Turin.
His power surged with a firm attachment, and Turin's body became the battlefield of this
invisible battle.
Only Turin can feel the mutual crushing and impact of the two powerful forces in his body,
like countless explosions, and he may be completely destroyed in a moment.
Turin felt the fear for the first time.
The power of blasphemy seems to be no longer the absolute existence.
The bursting feeling of Zhou Qing’s brain finally eased. He took a deep breath, his eyes
glanced, his strength extended again, and he joined Zhou Yu with the battle.
Turin’s eyes were red, and he rushed to Zhou Qing, but Zhou Yu, who was guarded by Zhou
Qing, punched his chest. Turin fell on the wall, Turin fell, and he could still act, indicating
that the power of the dragon had not been completely suppressed.
Turin smiled coldly: "Is your strength just that?"
His voice is cold, as if from a height overlooking all beings, the air in his ear seems to be
It was not the voice of Turin, but the voice of the cymbal.
He has completely controlled his body, just like when he faced the death dahlia, and the ink
night entered the body of Zhou Yu.
Turin suddenly rushed to the direction of Zhou Qing, his speed is faster than Zhou Yu's
His fingers were about to buckle on the neck of Zhou Qing, and Zhou Yu lifted his legs and
kicked, but Turin suddenly changed direction and hit the ink night.
In less than this second, the world of ink night is like a static. He raised his hand and
blocked the attack of Turin. He slammed him to the ground and then raised his knee. The
spine of the top cracked Turin. At the same time, the space above their heads trembled fiercely.
The cracked part of the original cracked down.
Turin looked up at the ink night, suddenly holding the wrist of the ink night, and a reverse
twist off the control of the ink night.
"It’s going to collapse here." Turin... or it should be said that the smile on the lips is deeper.
Hey, he doesn't care about Zhou Yu. Will they kill Turin? He just wants to take advantage of
this opportunity to completely destroy Imir.
The cockroach was completely let go. At that moment, the cells in the body of Turin were
constantly destroyed by Zhou Yu and Zhou Qing. He trembled and watched his finger
muscles split open and even revealed the forest bones, but at the same time could not stop
谛昕 Attack Imir.
It seems as if I am racing against time. I saw that Immersed Imir first, or Zhou Yu and Zhou
Qing first killed Turin.
Ink night suddenly said: "Zhou Qing! Protect Imir! I am dealing with Zhou Yu!"
Zhou Qing immediately withdrew from Turin's body and merged into Imir.
He felt that a huge amount of energy was breaking down Imir.
This is the power of blasphemy. What they felt in Turin just now is only part of it. The force
that he infiltrated into Imir was swallowing the cells that Imir was still alive at a very fast
speed. Even if the power of Zhou Qing was injected, it would be like a car.
The ink night no longer intends to retain his ability, rushing into Turin's body in one
breath, interweaving with the power of Zhou Yu, blending into a powerful force, madly
moving in Turin's body, blocking all obstacles in front of them. All things are destroyed.
In the event of God killing God, encounter Buddha to kill Buddha.
Break through all the limitations and constraints, and break through the limits.
"Ah--" Turin made a painful sorrow. He fell to the ground. His eyes were bleeding with
blood. His broken cells were too late to be repaired and crushed by the power of the ink
night and Zhou Yu.
He constantly pleaded for the rescue of himself, although he also resisted Zhou Yu and the
ink night with partial strength, but he did not protect Turin at all. He can see that the blood
vessels in his own have burst open, the blood is flowing out, and the bones become
extremely fragile.
Zhou Yu and Mo Ye night slammed into the depths of Turin's brain, but the last level was
On the original lazy face of the ink night, he showed a sharp expression. He stung in and
desperately. Tulin embraced his head and felt his nerves were breaking. The perception of
the world became increasingly blurred, as if he was imprisoned. Another space is average.
His heartbeat is heavy, breathing seems to be contained in the throat, and even the energy
of thinking is being deprived.
At the same time, Zhou Qing is under tremendous pressure.
Not only did he break down the Imir, but even infiltrated into Zhou Qing’s body, he
swallowed his cells.
For Yu, Zhou Qing, as the successor of Imir's ability, will inevitably become a powerful
threat once he grows up. So I want to solve Zhou Qing together.
Zhou Qing clenched his teeth and continued to resist. For the first time, he hated his
weakness and was vulnerable to it.
The power of cockroaches went deep into his brain. Zhou Qing felt the tremor of the brain.
He looked at Zhou Yu and the night of the ink, knowing that they would kill Turin. At this
time, they must not be distracted.
At this time, the top of the head was completely split and the lake was poured in.
At first it was just a glimpse of the trickle, and then it spewed in with great force. The water
surface rose very fast and quickly drowned Turin and Zhou Yu.
The top of the cave collapsed completely. Such pressure, if not the ability to have s-class
creatures, Zhou Yu suspected that he would die.
Ink night traveled over and hugged Zhou Yu, pointing to the place where they sneaked into
Zhou Yu would like to know that Zhou Qing was pulled in the past, only to find that Zhou
Qing is not good.
His eyes are covered with bloodshot eyes, and if he continues, he will bleed.
Zhou Yu immediately hugged him and took him away.
They went upstream, and after they got on the shore, they discovered that the lake was
spirally filled into the hole.
"Tulin?...Where is Turin..." Zhou Qing swayed and stared at the whirlpool. He did not forget
how he tried to destroy Imir.
After the battle of the past, the ink night was quite exhausted, but he still used his own
strength to find Turin.
"He didn't die... still..."
The words of the ink night have not been finished yet. I saw an El Niñ o aquatic dragon in
the sky swooping down and slamming into the water, and even took Turin out of the water
and brought a large splash of water. The thought of the ink night immediately caught up
with the aquatic dragon and forced it to fall.
Zhou Yu did not say a word, and once again sent his power into Turin's mind. He was once
again connected with the squad, and the game of power was on the verge.
In the night of the ink came to Turin, and he did not say a word and a fist on his face.
Turin was **** and coughed up.
At this time, he is only a body, fragile.
The ink night did not intend to let him go, but took out the gun at the waist and pointed it at
Turin's head. He just wanted to shoot, the brain trembled, and it hurt like a crack, sharp
tinnitus. Straight into the depths of the brain.
"Ah--" Ink night had to hold his head.
Zhou Yu immediately understood what was going on, and he entered the brain of the night
to protect him, which also distracted him from the energy of the battle.
And Zhou Qing felt that the presence of Imir was getting weaker.
No... He must not let Imir disappear again!
Zhou Qing gave up everything, not how to break down himself. He pushed his power back
into the roots of Imir and resisted the invasion.
Seeing that Zhou Qing’s eyes began to ooze blood, the brains of the ink night were attacked
by shackles. Zhou Yu took a gun from the ink night and pointed it at Turin’s head.
"Oh--" After a shot, Zhou Yu thought that everything would end, but he did not expect that
Zhou Qing's bleeding still did not stop, and the eyes of the ink night did not have a focal
length, it seems to still sink into another world.
"The body of the cockroach is not Turin!"
Zhou Yu’s heart was tight, and he immediately released his power and covered the area in
an instant.
Every leaf is fallen, and each of the most threatening creatures, Zhou Yu has not let go.
The part of Imir's survival is getting smaller and smaller, and he will die completely if he
goes on like this.
Where is it?
Where is he?
Zhou Yu is desperately searching, but he is hiding very well.
Under such circumstances, Zhou Yu had to give up the search and instead put all his energy
into the protection of Imir.
Calm, Zhou Yu!
Zhou Yu’s back has already had a cold sweat.
The ink night buckled Zhou Yu’s finger and whispered: “Let's come together... again.”
"You can……"
"What will I do? You can borrow other media, but I own you... Is there any medium in
Nibelungen that is stronger than you?"
Although the body of the ink night is locked, his body cells can not withstand the release of
his own strength, but Zhou Yu's body is different, which can greatly reduce the burden of
ink night.
"Okay, let's be together."
Zhou Yu showed a firm look.
In the night, Mokou smiled and hugged Zhou Yu’s shoulder from behind. He attached it to
his ear and said, “It’s so handsome and foul... I can’t force you now.”
Just when Zhou Yu wanted to raise his hand and go back to the head of the ink night, the
power of the ink night was wrapped around Zhou Yu’s nerves.
Zhou Yu did not have the slightest resistance, letting the ink night enter his limbs and filling
up every cell of his body. The sense of oppression and exhaustion that he brought to him
before was swept away.
The power of the two rushed out.
Zhou Yu did not think that the power of combining himself with the ink night would
increase exponentially.
It is like a frenzy from the top of the sky. It slams down from the height of 10,000 meters
and crashes into the lake. It instantly reaches the bottom of the lake and penetrates into the
roots of Imir.
谛昕 violently reversed, hitting Zhou Yu’s nerves, but Zhou Yu protected his brain. He didn’t
care how he hurt his body cells, and he didn’t care about the pain that was split. He was just
with the night. Together, madly impacting the power of the cockroach, constantly pushing
him out of Imir's body.
This is a vast force, with the momentum of no hesitation, to support the collapse of Imir.
Zhou Yu felt that she had never been so refreshed, he didn't even want to stop. The sense of
accomplishment that goes hand in hand with the ink night, and the sense of
accomplishment that constantly breaks through the bondage, makes every cell tremble
with excitement.
He seems to ride on the war horse, flew past the battlefield, sweeping the army!
Feeling the anger of jealousy, Zhou Yu pulled up his lips.
You are not the only powerful existence of Nibelungen!
Like Zhou Yu, Mok Night also enjoys the thrill of crushing strong enemies.
At the most thrilling moment, the two men joined forces to knock out the Imir.
The lake is like a boiling water, splashing in all directions at a certain moment, forming a
ring of huge water wall, straight into the sky!
Zhou Yu stepped back, and the ink night next to him would fall back and fall, but he was
hugged by Zhou Yu.
The water wall fell back in all directions and fell into the soil.
The original deep water almost bottomed out.
However, Zhou Yu and Mo Ye did not stop here. The torrents they formed flooded into the
distance, and they continued to extend with all living things. They chased the power of the
scorpion, crossed the mountains, and ran, and became more powerful. Sweeping over the
glacier and reaching the brain.
The strength of that moment is unparalleled, as if to destroy everything in this world.
I was so isolated from the moment, despite such a long distance, Zhou Yu and the ink night
gave him a heavy blow.谛昕 This attack has bounced back strongly, and Nibelungen’s
creatures have almost been affected, the trees are dumped, and the creatures fly away.
Laws of the Other World Chapter 97: Ice cracked canyon
Settings saved..
Zhou Yu and Mo Yin took a breath and took back their minds.
Zhou Qing stepped over and showed a sad expression: "I can't feel him..."
"Zhou Qing!"
At this time, Zhou Yu did not feel the presence of Imir, and her heart was half cold.
The power of shackles is overbearing and powerful, and Imir is weak to near death. Even if
Zhou Yu and Moh night join forces to drive out, this is not equal to saving for Imir.
He is like a ruin... it is completely destroyed.
Zhou Qing stood in the middle of the lake, which was shallow to the knee. Under the
moonlight, his figure seemed so fragile.
"This is my fault." Zhou Qing said.
"This is not your fault. It is awkward to kill him." Zhou Yu embraced Zhou Qing with a
distressed heart.
"No... this is my fault... If I am strong enough, I can kill you with you, and I won't give him so
much time to hurt Imir..."
Zhou Qing closed his eyes and his tears fell down his cheeks.
He said nothing more in silence.
Imir’s departure seemed to take his breath away.
In the night of the ink, he walked coldly to the front of Zhou Qing and gave him a slap in the
"What is in your backpack?"
The eyes of the ink night are extremely powerful, so that Zhou Qing, who is about to fall
into sorrow and blame, wakes up instantly.
Inside his backpack is a sampler.
And there is a live Imir cell sample!
Zhou Qing immediately unloaded the backpack and took out the sampler. The small piece of
the sample there was covered with a thin layer of pale golden light.
He is still alive!
As long as a cell is still alive, Imir has the chance to be born again!
Not to mention more than one cell inside!
"Now do you know what you should do?" asked the ink night.
"Of course I know."
Zhou Qing at that moment was firm.
Zhou Yu and Mok night can feel his determination like a meteorite.
They flew back to the base.
Zhou Yu and the ink night were exhausted, and they fell directly on the bed.
Zhou Qing did not mean to rest at all. He immediately started virus research.
Time is precious, and the activity of this small sample every minute is diminished.
Gradually, Zhou Qing’s line of sight was blurred.
He became very sleepy. He said to himself that he only closed his eyes for five seconds, but
he did not expect to fall asleep like this.
Among them, it seems that one hand is gently stroking the top of my head.
Zhou Qing licked his lips, raised his eyes, and paired with a pair of familiar eyes.
Deep but gentle, like the morning sun, falling in his eyes at the most exact temperature.
Such elegant five senses, just the right transition, the dagger smile makes all the
miscellaneous thoughts in Zhou Qing’s mind go away.
"It's you... I thought..."
"Why are you?" The other person sat on Zhou Qing's desk, holding his hands on the edge of
the table, bowing his head, and Zhou Qing was closer.
"I thought... I didn't protect you." Zhou Qing's eyebrows trembled.
The "fool" was very light, with the meaning of pet, as if the will of Zhou Qing was instantly
disintegrated, and his tears fell.
"You are doing very well." The hand stroked the tears on Zhou Qing's face and kissed him
on the cheek. "There is no other person in the world or even another life will be like you,
not a biological grade instinct." Not because of my fear, but to protect me. And in the long
years, only you can protect me."
Zhou Qing opened his arms and hugged each other tightly.
Gradually, Imir in the arms disappeared, and the empty sense of loneliness made Zhou Qing
unable to open his eyes.
But after all, the dream is to wake up. Compared to indulging in comfort, Zhou Qing knows
that he still has more important things to do.
He sat up and took a deep breath.
The research room is still the research room. The display of the original conversion data is
black, and the icy incandescent light makes Zhou Qing wake up.
He has once again invested in research.
On the night of the ink, sitting on the edge of the bed, watching Zhou Yu give himself a
nutrient solution.
"You should have sensed it." Mo night stared at Zhou Yu's arm and said.
"Yes, our last blow caused damage to the cockroach. The virus he infected made him unable
to recover quickly in a short time, so we must rush to the Ice Crack Grand Canyon as soon
as possible. But I did not like Mr. Song. You left enough blood to complete the replacement."
Zhou Yu's brow smashed.
Ink night put his head to Zhou Yu, and his eyes drooping down quietly did not have the
same sultry as before, but with a trace of tranquility and comfort, Zhou Yu’s originally tight
heartstrings relaxed at that moment.
All the ink and death of life and death in front of the eyes is no longer so important for Zhou
"Tomorrow I will tell Professor Chen that I have to use the unlocking agent cultivated with
your spinal fluid in advance." The sound of the ink night is very calm.
"You are crazy! That won't let you completely release your ability!"
While Zhou Yu gritted his teeth, his brain could intuitively feel the persistence and
persistence of the ink night.
"I am with you, can reverse tracking and attacking at such a long distance, indicating that
we are very strong. Plus Song Yi, who has completely recovered his ability, I don't think we
are not awkward opponents. I Not willing to miss this opportunity."
The thoughts of the two are synchronized at this moment.
Zhou Yu raised his hand and grabbed the shoulders of the ink night. At that moment, the
ink night felt that he fell into the abyss of Zhou Yu’s eyes. Zhou Yu’s face came over and
leaned toward the ink night. He did not deliberately slow down, instead with a masculine
and decisive male.
This is not the first time Zhou Yu is close to himself, but the heart of the ink night is like a
sudden growth of the wings, tearing the flesh and blood, and rushing into the sky at the
moment when Zhou Yu’s lips contain his own.
Zhou Yu’s tongue poured into the lips of the ink night, adsorbing the tip of the ink on the
night of the ink, so that the capture and strength of the strong sense of force made the head
of the ink night slamming, what was burning wildly, and then bursting Open.
In the night of the ink, he raised his hand and seized the back of Zhou Yu and slammed him
He knew that he was very strong and knew how greedy and arrogant he was, but he didn't
want to feel any concession and rejection at Zhou Yu. He freed his other hand and grabbed
Zhou Yu's cheek. He kept his lips open and sucked hard.
Such a sense of strength is simply to let Zhou Yu's whole body cells split.
Ink night jumped over to Zhou Yu’s body and instantly attacked.
The initiative to kiss the ink night for Zhou Yu is because of the moment of emotion, he did
not think that the ink night will suddenly be so fierce, almost interrupted his spine.
I haven't had time to lick the other person's **** in my heart. The tip of the ink night goes
deeper into Zhou Yu's throat. He bends and bends his hand, and his hand is hard enough to
break into Zhou Yu's flesh and blood.
Zhou Yu did not dare to respond at this moment. He knew that even if he moved slightly, he
would completely lose control of the ink night.
But the ink night unsatisfiedly loosened his hand and picked up Zhou Yu’s shoulder, forcing
him to bear his kiss half-length.
Zhou Yu had to lean back, but the ink night was more eager to plunder and plunder. This
made Zhou Yu feel terrified for the first time.
And he understands that this fear is not necessarily his own, it may also be the ink night.
The kiss of the ink night is not so much the struggle of Zhou Yu in the struggle between
reason and indulgence, but rather the desire to let Zhou Yu collapse, both physically and
Zhou Yu finally couldn’t help but respond. It was like a collision of jade and stone. They
swallowed each other, wild and fierce, with the destructive power to divide the world
Once Zhou Yu thought that with every second is the end of the world's madness to kiss a
person is only the emotions that exist in the movie, but the ink night makes him deeply
understand the crazy emotion of subverting the world.
Do not be afraid.
I will always be by your side.
Zhou Yu held the ink night.
The blood seems to evaporate. All the feelings are thought to have been taken away by the
other side. The body weight loss is generally going to fall down. Zhou Yu’s sense of what is
general, he pushes the ink night away and looks at each other with great force.
"What did you do to yourself?"
In the eyes of the ink night, it was still a wave of unsuccessful feelings. He looked at Zhou
Yu, and his lips smacked a smile, and his fingers opened the hair of Zhou Yu.
At that moment the world was quiet until everything ceased to exist.
Zhou Yu feels like she is accepting some kind of trial. He can feel the power in the body of
the ink night crouching in silence, ready to go, and swallow everything at any time.
This is not the ink night that Zhou Yu has always been familiar with and feels. It is like a
wild horse that is dislocated, running with the control of trying to break free of cells. Destroy others while destroying others.
"What the **** are you doing!" Zhou Yu grabbed the neck of the ink night and overwhelmed
him, forcing him to answer his question immediately.
He knows that the night of ink is very much trying to protect himself. This kind of
protection is far beyond what he has shown, even destroying the entire Nibelungen to have
Zhou Yu, and the ink night is not hesitating.
Although he grew up beside Zhou Yu, he shaped the human appearance and even human
thinking, but he is always a s-class creature. He is still like a skeleton, as long as he wants it,
it is destroyed. I have to get it myself.
But this is not what Zhou Yu wants.
"Say!" Zhou Yu's fingers are getting harder and harder, almost crushing the throat of the
ink night.
Ink night lightly said: "I injected the unlocking agent formulated by Professor Chen with
your spinal fluid."
Zhou Yu’s heart seems to have been suddenly pinched.
"Without my blood replacing the blood in your body, even if your ability is unlocked, your
body doesn't match... you will..."
You will crash at any time.
Ink night lifted his hand indifferently and circled Zhou Yu’s waist: “I took back 70% of the
ability, but I am still locked in the human state. I like this state, it can protect you and have I
have the same form as you. I have already said it to Song Yu, and tomorrow he will set out
to go to the Grand Canyon, and the day after tomorrow we will leave. We will give a fatal
Zhou Yu closed her eyes and listened to the heartbeat of the ink night.
He knew that he couldn't stop the decision made by the ink night, and he could only walk
side by side.
But this time, Zhou Yu did not intend to let Zhou Qing go with them.
"I hope that you stay here." Zhou Yu came to Zhou Qing and stood behind his arms.
Zhou Qing slowly turned around from the microscope and looked at Zhou Yu. His face was a
clear look: "After you are worried that after you left, no one can protect everyone once they
discover it."
"Yes." Zhou Yu nodded. "And... your research has reached the most critical stage. If you
have it, Imir and other creatures infected with the virus will not be treated."
Zhou Qing did not immediately answer, but looked at Zhou Yu for a long time.
Then he smiled helplessly: "I don't know when I started, I am used to doing dangerous
things. Of course... everything in Nibelungen is very dangerous. I will not insist on asking.
You go with it, because everyone has something to do. And my battlefield is here."
Zhou Qing tapped his microscope with his finger.
"You don't think that I was deliberately wanting to leave you here." Zhou Yu got up.
Zhou Qing stood up and hugged Zhou Yu. He said very seriously in his ear: "Every time I can
wait for you to come back. This time is also..."
Zhou Yu took a shot of Zhou Qing’s shoulder: "Well, wait for me to come back."
Song Hao has been waiting for them at the exit.
Ledou and its ethnic groups stayed outside the base. Zhou Yu licked its head and
whispered: "I have given you this place."
Le Dou had a mission and nodded.
A few black-backed pterosaurs in the sky swiftly crossed and steadily fell in front of them.
The ink night and Zhou Yuli landed on the ground, and the black-backed pterosaur
fluttered away, as the black lightning disappeared into the sky.
The wind tore off the hair of Zhou Yu, he lowered his body shape, almost attached to the
back of the black-backed pterosaur.
In the night, I looked at Song Wei with a funny smile: I thought that you would rush to the
Grand Canyon with the original form of s-class creatures.
Song Wei just answered coldly: I chose to leave some surprises.
They shuttle between the clouds, beneath the vast virgin forests, grasslands, lakes and even
the oceans of Nibelungen.
In just a few minutes, the black-backed pterosaurs took them to the other side of the sea.
The temperature is getting lower and lower, and Zhou Yu’s eyelashes are covered with hail.
Even the air seems to freeze the lungs. The black-backed pterosaur quickly reduces the
flying height and breaks through the clouds. Zhou Yu’s eyes appear. A whole white world.
The rolling hills of the mountains are frozen, and the cold light reflected by the sun feels the
incomparable loneliness of this world.
It may not have been set foot by humans here, including the research team of Juli Group.
And in the distance is a large plain, like an endless mirror, mapping the sky.
Just above this mirror, there is a twisted black crack.
Far from seeing it, I can't understand it deeply, but when the black-backed pterosaur came
to the initial place of the crack, Zhou Yu lived.
This crack is not as great as the Great Rift Valley.
It seems to divide the world of Nibelungen into two halves.
And its depth seems to be directly to the core.
It is from the devil's sight, seeing through the deepest darkness in the soul, Zhou Yu
subconsciously picked up his own eyes. Because the longer you look at it, the more you feel
that you will be dragged down by it.
But Zhou Yu is a determined person. Soon, this feeling of weightlessness disappeared, and
darkness was only darkness in his eyes.
You can't tell him that I have super vitality. Although it seems to be a frozen wasteland,
Zhou Yu knows that there must be other creatures that they can't imagine.
Where are you going to hide?
At that moment, Zhou Yu felt a tinnitus, and the nerve line was dragged to the depths of the
crack. The speed of falling, as if the body is torn apart. He couldn't see anything, and there
was no wind in his ear. He felt like he was completely stripped of his body.
How is this going?
After a moment of suspicion, Zhou Yu finally reacted - his brain was attacked by
Here, the distance is so close, his ability is multiplied compared to what they have felt
before, and he controls his world of thinking at an unpredictable speed.
Zhou Yu even guessed that he must still be on the black-backed pterosaur at this moment,
because once it falls, it will cause doubts of the ink night and Song Yu. They will unite to
backtrack the power of the cockroach in the brain of Zhou Yu. At the moment, what I want
is to break through one by one, and Zhou Yu is his first goal.
Zhou Yu will not let anyone kill, he will crush him out before he completely captures every
cell in his body.
In front of you, they are all children, childish and weak, not worth mentioning.
Zhou Yuyue wants to be free, and the more he can feel the power of the shackles, as if the
power of the wilderness spreads between the heavens and the earth, and he controls
everything with a strong arrogance. Zhou Yu is in the power of shackles, and the world is
like tiny ants.
This seemingly endless weightlessness and falling down finally stopped. Zhou Yu fell to the
depths of hell, and the body seemed to have experienced numerous cracks and explosions
at the same time. A layer of pain, followed by a layer, occupies his senses.
"Welcome to my world."
The icy, unintentional voice sounded.
Zhou Yu opened his eyes in a difficult way, and his body was under tremendous pressure,
as if the weight of the whole world was on him.
In front of him, there was a man sitting. His black hair seems to be derived from the cracks
of **** and penetrates into every farthest tiny place in the world. He has an extremely
beautiful facial features, cold as a cliff. There is no human expression on his face, and it is
clearly in front of Zhou Yu’s eyes, but it seems to stand on the height of hundreds of
millions of meters overlooking the people.
"This is neither a human world nor a human being."
His lips and teeth open and close, like a god.
"Then you shouldn't marry this human world, you want to control more lives." Zhou Yu
"This is not a jealousy. The biological height of Nibelungen is equal to the fact that you
humans are too many, and you want to use the laws of the human world to interfere with
everything here. It is ridiculous and arrogant. If we control human beings, we can make
humans more awake. This is based on surrender of the fittest."
He came to Zhou Yu’s face, hung his eyes and looked at Zhou Yu, as if he was observing
something rare.
"You are special. You are not like other human beings infected with s-class creatures, but an
accessory to power. And you can make your own judgments, not controlled by your s-class
creatures. You cross the border."
"So?" Zhou Yu coldly asked.
"So it must be cleaned up." The voice of the cockroach was cold to the extreme.
At the same time, the side of the ink flying side by side with Zhou Yu looked at Zhou Yu,
who pressed the body down on the pterosaur.
Zhou Yu’s expression did not change at all, and the line of sight extended into the distance.
Gradually, the brow of the ink night smashed.
He found that he could not sense Zhou Yu’s thinking.
"Zhou Yu!" Ink night leaned on Zhou Yu, stretched his arm, and the tip of his finger just
touched the shoulder of Zhou Yu. He slipped from the body of the black-backed pterosaur
and fell into the crack.
The ink night immediately drove his pterosaur down and chased it up. Just in the moment
when Zhou Yu did not enter the darkness of the Rift Valley, he swept him into his arms and
rushed to the height again.
At the same time, Zhou Yu chills and squints at the sight, in the other's sight as if to see
everything from ancient times to Nibelungen.
Fighting the stars, life changes, like a space-time tunnel.
At that moment, Zhou Yu didn't care how the other side would destroy himself. He rushed
into the tunnel and climbed the power of the captain. Then he merged into the tunnel and
went upstream.
The pupil of the skull trembled, and he did not think that this human being would attack
the enemy at all costs!
Zhou Yu is arrogant. If the power of the scorpion is to inundate the ocean of the world, then
Zhou Yu will swim in this ocean. No matter how much wind and waves, he will break
through all the abyss.
Just as Zhou Yu’s power was getting stronger and stronger, he felt himself hit an invisible
wall, his power was smashed in an instant, and then drowned by the deep sea.
"Zhou Yu!"
The familiar voice was heard in the ear, Zhou Yu suddenly woke up, and returned to reality
from the hustle and bustle of the world. He took a sigh of relief and felt the cold of the
world again.
"Are you okay?" Song Yu also came to their side.
"I'm fine. It's just more suffocating than us. He tried to try me." Zhou Yuchao smiled
comfortably at night, and his black-backed pterosaur that fell deep in the rift came back
again, Zhou The squad jumped back and returned to its back.
The author has something to say: I don’t want to write when I’m hot...
Laws of the Other World Chapter 98: Song Wei vs 谛昕
Settings saved..
In the eyes of the ink night is a worried look.
Zhou Yu pulled up his lips and looked at the ink night and said, "I think I know where he is."
The black-backed pterosaur flies along the rift in the cold wind.
Zhou Yu can feel that they are getting closer and closer to each other, and the faintness in
the air can sense the scent of sputum.
At this time, the ice fields under them seemed to be shaking, and the frozen land was like a
Zhou Yu and the ink night look at each other, and he will not let them find him easily.
The surging ice sheet suddenly fell apart and separated from the gravity of the earth,
splashing toward the sky.
The black back wing suddenly rose to a height.
Zhou Yu leaned over and looked down, only to see that it turned out to be one and another
snowy ice wolf with wings. Their eyes are blue and their faces are fierce expressions.
This is a unique creature in the Nibelungen Icefield. They spend most of the year sleeping
under the ice sheet, only a few days will wake up and hunt on the ice sheet. Their wings are
not only used for flying, but also have a powerful lethality.
They came together, as if the entire poles had risen into the air and rushed to Zhou Yu's
Zhou Yu is still thinking about these snowy ice wolves, although watching horror, even if he
is difficult to deal with Zhou Yu alone, but the ink night and Song Hao can definitely control
The eyes of the ink night turned from deep ink to a thorough gold, like the core of the sun
burning in the air.
Flying into their snowy ice wolf is like hitting a barrier, even the ice on the wings are
broken, can not go one step further.
At that moment, the power of the ink night was like an erupting planet. Zhou Yu’s hair was
dragged up. When the power of the ink night passed through his own moment, Zhou Yu
even felt that he would split with the power of the ink night.
And the ice wolves near them are like broken ice sculptures that are generally broken,
spreading toward them in all directions, like the waves of ice, engulfing the world.
Zhou Yu took a sigh of relief. This is the first time that I have demonstrated my ability after
using the unlocking agent in the night. It is not inferior to □□.
When the dust smashed, the daylight fell on the ice sheet again, but the snowy ice wolves
that gathered from afar rushed up.
In this scene like an avalanche, there is no way to avoid the smile on the face of the ink
They came to the fore, but at the moment they stood up and stabbed them, they couldn’t
move forward as they stood still, and then fell down stiffly.
This height is no small matter. They collide with the ice sheet and make a huge sound,
which is one after another.
Numerous pieces of ice on the ground were hit, like a snow-colored fireworks show.
Ink night to Zhou Yu side of the side face, Zhou Yu will be interested, low body to ride the
black back pterosaur in the falling snow ice wolf.
They are getting closer and closer.
Suddenly, the glaciers in front of us seemed to be pushed up by a powerful force, rushing
toward the sky and blocking them in front of Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu’s pupil is tight, I don’t know what creature is on the other side of the glacier! At
least Zhou Yu sensed that it was not awkward!
Rushing over.
Zhou Yu’s mind sounded the sound of ink night.
In the face of the ice that formed for thousands of years, their black-backed pterosaurs
pierced like black blades.
Zhou Yu lowered his head and felt the ice layer smashed by the pterosaurs swept through
his body as if he were traveling in another planet.
Suddenly, there was a bright light in front of them, and then a giant giant was in front of
them. The silver-white body was constantly rotating, and the scales on the body even
twisted the glaciers.
This is a whole piece of sea that has not yet been frozen. It leaps upwards by the force of
the sea. The wide open mouth almost engulfs the reach of Zhou Yu’s sight.
With the high-speed flank, the black back phoenix can still feel the gust of the other side.
The huge creatures were chasing after Zhou Yu behind them, even vacated, and they were
forced to push them into the sea.
Zhou Yu responded, it was a huge glacier sea gold!
At that time, before the ink night was still hatched, it was left on the night island. In
addition to the guardian of the night spirit, there was also the guardian of the sea around
the island. As a sea creature, sea gold has always had some resonance with s-class
creatures. If Zhou Yu guessed it right, this glacier sea gold dragonfly is the one that has
always guarded the dragonfly.
Even if it is also dispatched, it means that there is nothing to control.
But for loyal creatures, Zhou Yu always has compassion.
When Song Song went back and was about to release his power, Zhou Yu was in contact
with the sea gold.
This is not your battle, now leave now!
However, the Haijintun did not pay attention to Zhou Yu’s warning. After falling into the
sea, he re-emerged and became imposing.
Every creature has its own value, and this is also the sea gold.
Its mouth is wide open, and they will swallow Zhou Yu in one breath.
The temperature of the ice sheet was originally low, and the black-backed pterosaurs flying
long-distance and high-speed have entered a state of exhaustion. Seeing the spiral
jaggedness of the sea gold cymbals will kill them. Song Hao does not intend to show mercy,
just look back, the sea gold 牤 The mouth bursts outward.
At the same time, he touched the power of jealousy.
Strong enough to crush him in the body of Hai Jinyu, but Song Hao broke free.
Do you really think you can beat me?
With the cold and chilly voice oppressing Song's nerves, his back was sinking.
I am not trying to defeat you, but to destroy you.
In this case, then come on.
Behind the sea, Jin Jinyu sank into the ice sea.
They rushed into the widest and deepest part of the Ice Crack Grand Canyon.
The black-backed pterosaur flies toward the darkness, and the light above the head is
getting farther and farther away. They are like going to **** and being swallowed up by the
The temperature is a dozen degrees lower than the canyon. Even the fingertips of Zhou Yu,
who has s-class power, seem to have no feeling.
At that moment, Song Yu jumped from the black-backed pterosaur and instantly turned
into a silver s-class primitive state, like a stream of clouds and waterfalls, passing through
the canyon.
Zhou Yu and Mo Ye also jumped from the body of the pterosaur and happened to be caught
by Song Yu.
And the black-backed pterosaurs screamed and followed behind them.
Zhou Yu looked back at them: Go back.
They flew their wings to the light of the top of the head.
Song Hao took them to the bottom of the Ice Crack Grand Canyon. This speed of going
straight into the heart made Zhou Yu's heart seem to jump out of his throat. And Song Wei's
speed is getting faster and faster, and the cold air rubs against the skin, as if it is going to
catch fire.
But when Song Song’s speed seemed to hit the canyon, it seemed to hit something. Zhou Yu
could hear the cracking sound from every cell in the body.
Song Yu did not prepare for it. He was pushed out by this force and slammed into the ice
The huge sound spurred the eardrum, and Zhou Yu’s eyes widened and he found that the
front had reached the end.
Song Yu was the most affected. He instantly restored the human form, and he self-healed
while holding his hands on the ground.
Ink night threw the jacket on Song Hao's body, then looked at the huge ice wall in front of
He stepped forward step by step, and the eyes again raised a layer of gold. His gaze
penetrated the thick layers of ice and went straight into the darkness. He saw a huge
shadow that could not describe the shape. It was embedded between the molecules of the
ice layer, as if moving, slowly transforming into different shapes.
At that moment, the shadow suddenly surged into the face of the ink night. It seemed to
penetrate the ice wall and rush into the air and rush into the mind of the ink night.
At the same time, Zhou Yu felt the invasion of the power and immediately combined his
power with the ink night to counter the shadow.
They can be sure that you are inside!
The low temperature of the glacier can reduce the activity of the virus in his body, so he
must have been inside for a long time!
They tried to infiltrate into the body of the skeleton, but the self-protection of the dragonfly
is like an indestructible wall. They can only swim in the ice, but they cannot touch the body
of the skeleton.
It’s like another all-encompassing world, and Zhou Yu and Mo Ye night are just a part of this
This is what he has, and he has encountered many opponents who want to kill him in his
long life, but he has lived to the present, and only powerful is unable to shake him.
Song stood up at the edge of the jacket and showed an expression of indifference.
Last time, he tried his best to seriously hurt him. This time he was stronger than before, but
he was on the decline.
He came to the ice and covered his palms. His power was released from every cell of the
body, and it penetrated into the ice. He deliberately avoided the cockroaches, but the whole
ice wall shook.
In the night, the ink stretched out and buckled Zhou Yu’s shoulder and stepped back.
The frozen wall collapsed like a powder in a few seconds, and the entire ice-cleped Grand
Canyon swayed with the sizzling ice. The entire ice sheet seemed to drift.
Zhou Yu was the first to realize the feeling of this landslide.
The power of Song Yu's perfusion was multiplied, and at a certain moment, a powerful
airflow hit the surface, accompanied by the rush of ice particles like the rushing tide.
Under the impact of these impacts, these ice particles turned into countless ice needles, and
the pain of touching the skin invaded the bone marrow.
Zhou Yu and Mok Night were hit by this force and flew out. The sound of the tsunami
sounded in the ear, and the soul was about to be washed out of the body. Song Yi once again morphed the shape of the s-class creature, suddenly wrapped
Zhou Yu and ink night, and quickly rushed to the top of the head with them.
Zhou Yu realized that the body of the dragon had left the ice.
冲 rushed to Song Song with a very overbearing force, with a momentum of killing. In the
world of jealousy, there is no concept of father and son, only surrender and destruction.
Zhou Yu and Mo Ye once again joined forces. When they hit Song Song, they took the
opportunity to infiltrate each other's body and drive straight into it.
It’s like a vast universe. Zhou Yu and Mok Night didn’t even find a gap that could be rushed
The rest of their power is like a mud cow into the sea.
Song Yu sensed the predicament of Zhou Yu and Mo Ye, struggling to rush to the sky.
The ice sheet under the sunlight reflects the huge shadow of two s-class creatures, as the
ink marks falling into the water spread rapidly.
The space for activities is no longer restricted, and Song Yu turned around in the air,
desperately rushing to the hustle and bustle.
The cockroaches did not slow down. At the moment they collided with each other, the
power broke out in all directions. The air was pushed open and almost formed a vacuum.
The glaciers on the ice sheet were overturned by this force and made a deafening sound.
"Oh..." Zhou Yu’s soul seems to be destroyed by this force.
Song Yu’s body was almost to be smashed, and the ruined part spread to the surrounding
space. It is not a matter of one or two minutes for such an injury to recover.
Zhou Yu was too late to worry about Song Yu, and the night of the ink took him to attack
Song Hao has created an excellent opportunity for them!
With a slight gap they can tear it off a dawn!
Zhou Yu and Mo Ye have once again joined forces, and their power is flying along the
surface of the body. Every cell of the previous cockroaches was tightly combined. Even if
Zhou Yu and Mok night tried to shake them, they just entered the trap set for them. At this
time, the sly body is like losing soldiers. The guarded wall, Zhou Yu and Mo Yin infiltrated
into it, slid through it, broke through every blood cell that he was flowing, strangled his
muscles, and smashed his nerve connection!
Zhou Yu feels that she is flying with the unscrupulous flying night, no matter what is
obstructing in front of her, in the face of their speed and strength, it is instantly lost.
Song Yi, who was hit hard, fell from high altitude.
However, the shackles that were decomposed by Zhou Yu and the ink night resolutely
swooped down and desperately destroyed Song Song.
However, in a flash, I caught up with Song Wei and strangled savagely.
The two s-class creatures form a huge silver vortex, which strikes the ice sheet from the
end of the sky. The power of the impact is like a comet burst!
Zhou Yu and Mo Ye are racing against time.
Zhou Yu’s heart beats very quickly, as if to be free from the constraints of the body.
Every moment he is faster than the previous moment.
"Don't bind yourself anymore... You are like me, our power never needs to be bound by any
container, even if this container is our body..."
The sound of the ink night sounded in Zhou Yu’s ear, seemingly separated by a world.
Zhou Yu only wants to be closer to the ink night and break all barriers.
Every cell is close to destruction. Pandora's magic box is opened in the depths of thought,
and the powerful power that Zhou Yu never realized is continuously released.
It is not the power that can be described by the huge waves. It seems to be constantly
escaping from the depths of ancient times and rushing to block everything from rushing to
the light. The more the **** of breaking and stripping, the stronger it is. At the moment
when it meets the power of the ink night, it will completely encroach upon the body.
The shackles that fell into the depths of the ice sheet at the same time as Song Hao were
extremely surprised, even when he first produced fear.
In the long time, he first realized the feeling of extinction, his body was not washed away by
his own control! It is like a dust, a hurricane strikes, his existence will be completely
Song Yu broke through the hustle and bustle, and the ice sheet split a huge gap, which is the
trace of Song Yu’s departure from the ice sheet.
The ice particles he brought up glowed in the sunlight, hovering past, like a polar light that
shrouded the heavens and the earth.
But he sank into the bottom of the crack and struggled to move.
His body is already fragmented.
The power of Mok night and Zhou Yu returned to the body, and the moment of dripping is
like a Nirvana rebirth.
Zhou Yu closed his eyes and took a deep breath. The cold wind slid over his cheeks. There
was no moment in his life to determine his existence.
Song Hao took them to land smoothly, and he returned to the human form again, and ink
wrapped him in a coat at night.
"Oh... are you sure you really want to kill him?" In the night, the ink lifted his chin, and there
was a hint of indifference in his voice.
Song Yu lowered his head and swayed at the edge of his jacket and stood up.
He is very weak, and fighting with him has consumed almost all his power.
He knocked the ice sheet out of a huge, deep crack, and he fell in the crack.
Song Hao came to the edge of the crack and looked down at it.
The wind pushed his body as if he would blow him down at any time.
"Do you want to kill me?" The sound of the cymbal came from the bottom of the crack, with
an echo.
There is a hint of arrogance in his innate arrogance.
Song Hao shook his head.
"I never thought about killing you. I just want to ruin you. Now I have done it."
Song Yuzheng is going to turn back, but the sound of the cricket is coming again, just like
the slamming of the glacier.
"You can never be human."
"I am or not a human being is not important." Song Yu’s voice was a little tired, but there
was a firmness. "Nothing can be immortal, including you and me. I know where I have to go
back... how about you?"
Zhou Yu and Mo night stood in the distance and looked at Song's back.
Compared to this endless ice sheet, he is so small, but his back is so tall and straight, like a
sharp blade that pierces the sky.
Zhou Yu’s vision passed through Song’s shoulder and saw a vast space.
Song Yu raised his hand, and a few snowy ice wolves flew over and landed in front of them,
bowing their heads, showing a surrender and humble gesture.
"Let's go back." Song Yi crossed one of them.
"Are you sure?" Ink night passed his head. "I won't kill him at the moment, and you won't
have such an opportunity in the future."
Song Yu looked back and looked at it with a calm and calm voice: "His body is almost
destroyed by both of you, and the virus in his body is disintegrating his self-healing ability.
He will become weaker and weaker until Losing the last breath. No need to do it,
Nibelungen will also want his life."
Zhou Yu understands what Song Wei said, "Nibelungen will also want his life."
No creature has a deadly natural enemy. Perhaps he stood at the top of the Nibelungen food
chain, but Nibelung eventually used his virus to consume his life.
Eternal life does not exist.
Zhou Yu suddenly felt that Song Yuzhen and Song Zhi were very similar.
Love someone, will you become more and more like that person?
When he sat on the ice wolf, he came to him behind him, hugged his waist and leaned his
face against his back.
"I want to be with you." The voice of the ink night is a little lonely.
"Yeah." Zhou Yu grabbed the feathers on the back of the ice wolf in the snow, and the other
hand covered the back of the ink night.
They thought about flying at high altitude, and the sun was falling on them, bringing a
touch of warmth.
They passed through the deep ice-cleaved Grand Canyon, and the darkness that looked at it
was as if it would be illuminated at any time.
Those who climb out of the abyss will not be afraid to be swallowed up by the abyss.
They passed the pure white ice sheet and came to the border of ice and snow.
The ice wolf stopped and Zhou Yu found that the black-backed pterosaurs that had left
before were waiting for them.
Seeing that they were safe and sound, the black-backed pterosaurs showed a happy
expression, which also raised a warmth in Zhou Yu’s heart.
"Go, go back!"
The black-backed pterosaurs squatted across the sea and flew to the original land.
Zhou Yu leaned over his face and looked at the ink night with a lazy expression, and kissed
his lips in his heart.
It seems that Zhou Ying’s emotional ink lips are gently sunken. He closes his eyes as if he is
listening to the wind.
At this time, the No. 5 base is busy, because the most important person is going to the
Nibelungen from the human world through the magnetic field.
Dr. Cook is extremely nervous, personally checking all the parameters, and constantly
smashing the mouth.
"Why should he come here so urgently? It is not safe enough here!"
Isaac held a mug in his hand and leisurely looked at Dr. Cook’s back: “Nothing is absolutely
safe, even the world of mankind.”
Cook heard the other person's voice, just like a kind of stimuli, he said, "I know it is you!
You are confusing your father! You asked me to send Song Zhi back, but now my father
does not care about him at all." Betrayed the general, and continued to let him do research
"Who wants Song's research ability to be above you? Let the memory of the first three
years of Nie Longgen alone create a slow-release drug for the tumor. He saved your father's
life. We respect Mr. Eaton’s trust in him is not absolute. Dr. Ron was not sent back to assist
Song Zhi? Nominally he was assisted. Actually, who did not know it was 'monitoring'? And
Song Zhi’s father gave him The research lab can't go anywhere, can't do anything, just like a
research machine, until it is drained by your father."
The author has something to say: Why is there 31 days in July! I am dead and I am not able
to work hard...
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Laws of the Other World Chapter 99: Cook's death
Settings saved..
Cook's look is even colder: "Isac, you should not be too proud. Don't forget that the person
who stays in Juli must be the most trustworthy person. Otherwise, once the other party
refuses to send us an acceptance code, we all People can't go back to the human world
"Do you mean that even Dr. Ron is not trustworthy? If so, my suggestion is that you are not
coming over to Mr. Eaton and returning to Juli Group. If you are there, we don't have to
worry about not going back."
"Do you think I will count your plans? Once I left here, when my father came, who will
protect him?" Cook asked coldly.
"Is there still me?"
"You are the least trustworthy person." Cook snorted.
"If the execution code of the magnetic field crossing is only available to Mr. Eaton, I must of
course ensure that he is alive, otherwise I will not be able to go back to the human world."
Isaac took his pocket to the surveillance video, looked at the endless desert, and laughed at
himself. Smile, "Do you think I will be satisfied with the king in this world without
After pondering for a moment, Cook sent a request to the headquarters of Juli Group.
On the evening of the same day, Dr. Cook performed a crossover and returned to Juli Group.
Jiang Jinghang, who was informed of the news, rushed to Isaac Eaton’s office, and when he
was about to pull Isaac’s collar, he was easily back-smashed on the table.
Jiang Jinghang’s face was on the table, his shoulder hurting and his face was white.
Isaac smirked and lowered his body: "Dr. Jiang, if you don't have a good brain, I will kill
"Isac Eaton! You let Cook go back to Juli Group! You know what the first thing she did once
she went back!" Jiang Jinghang's eyes were red, and his body trembled with anger.
"Of course I know. The first thing she has to do is to completely remove Song Zhi." Isaac let
go of Jiang Jinghang and pushed him out.
Jiang Jinghang fell to the ground and was very embarrassed.
He turned around and saw Isaac calmly taking out a bottle of red wine. The bright red
liquid slipped down the wall and looked shocked in the eyes of Jiang Jinghang.
"Just this time... who is the hunter, who is the prey, there is no way to know."
At this time, the communicator on the Isaac table sounded a reminder.
"Sir, Mr. Eaton is about to arrive at the base."
Isaac pulled up his lips and raised his neck to drink the red wine in the glass.
He came to the front of Jiang Jinghang, and he lowered his eyes. The voice was a bit pleasing
and pleasing to the eye: "Dr. Jiang, Mr. Eaton is also your father? Father came to see you,
should you be happy?"
Jiang Jinghang stood up with his teeth and followed Isaac to the control center.
The elites of the entire base are gathered here, the atmosphere is tense, and everyone is
ready to wait.
Li Qian corrected the data with a serious look. Even the snacks he had placed on his desk
were cleaned up. The eyes were so bloodshot because they had not been closed for too
The energy filling of the shuttle cabin rises to a critical point, the magnetic field is turned
on, everything around it is sucked in, and the current is criss-crossed, making it scary.
Everyone knows the importance of this shuttle. Once any problems occur, all the people
present have no chance to return to the original world.
In the heartbeat of everyone, the top of the shuttle cabin gradually appeared, and then the
cabin appeared completely. When all the data was stable, everyone including Li Qian
The hatch was opened and a wheelchair was pushed out.
Li Qian’s saliva lingered in the throat, and he knew that he was about to see the person who
controlled the Juli Group at the top!
Isaac smiled and walked up to help the assistant with white gloves push the wheelchair out.
This Mr. Eaton and Li Qian think completely differently. His dress is very British. Although
he is in a wheelchair, he does not give any morbid and weak feelings. His face has a kind
smile. His age seems to be between fifty and sixty years old, but according to Li Qian, he is
90 years old.
Mr. Eaton raised his eyes and looked at Isaac: "Are you ready?"
"Everything is ready." Isaac, who has always been lazy about everything, has a hard
"So, let's get off now."
"Sir... don't you need to take a break?" Isaac's eyebrows picked up.
"When I am dead, I can rest for a long time. But now, my spirit is very good, we should race
against time to finish what we have done." Mr. Eaton’s blue eyes looked at Isaac, see It
seems calm but like the core of the storm, destroying Isaac at any time.
Isaac showed a humble gesture: "So I will let the helicopter ready to go now."
Mr. Eaton nodded and his eyes swept over Isaac’s shoulders and landed on Jiang Jinghang,
who stood quietly in the crowd.
He raised his hand toward Jiang Jinghang, and Jiang Jinghang swallowed and went over,
holding Mr. Eaton’s palm.
"Jing, my child... I haven't seen you for so long, you still haven't grown up."
Jiang Jinghang’s shoulders subconsciously trembled.
"You, if you can be obedient like Cook, as a father, I don't have to come here personally."
Jiang Jinghang took a breath and stepped back less than half a step. He was immediately
stunned by Mr. Eaton.
"Cook is not there, you will accompany me to the Grand Canyon. After all, you are the best
virologist among all my children."
"Yes, father." Jiang Jinghang said with difficulty.
Mr. Eaton nodded and he let go of Jiang Jinghang.
Jiang Jinghang, like losing power, almost fell down, but it was for Isaac to hold his arm.
Isaac pulled up his lips and looked at Jiang Jinghang with deep thoughts: "Your father is
omniscient. You should be clear about what you did with him."
"So...Before Song Zhi, is it my turn now?"
Jiang Jinghang knows the wrist of this so-called "father".
He can be more gracious and affectionate, and even love and care for it. Jiang Jinghang still
remembers being held in his arms when he was a child. He is patiently feeding himself with
snacks, even if he has a whole piece of cheese. He fell on his body, but he was not angry at
all. Instead, he kissed Jiang’s forehead and said to him: "When you are my child, you want
the stars in the sky, and I will pick it up for you. But when you are no longer my child, I
won't even give you a breath."
At that time, Jiang Jinghang did not understand the meaning of this sentence, and when
Song Zhi’s body was returned by Wu Yun, he finally understood the meaning of the
"Don't think too much." Isaac's fingers bounced on Jiang Jinghang's head.
The group put on a heavy winter coat and took off from the base.
This time the helicopter was equipped with sonic bombs several times before, but everyone
knows that it is still very dangerous once they hit the group of flying creatures.
Jiang Jinghang clasped his seat belt and looked sideways at the desert in the wind. He was
not worried about himself, but Song Zhi.
At this time, Cook has arrived at the Juli Group. When she came out of the shuttle cabin, she
was waiting for Dr. Ron, who was dressed in white.
"Where is Song Zhi?" Cook asked coldly.
"He was in the special room that Mr. Eaton had arranged for him. He couldn't go anywhere
except the lab. The lab was closed and the average person couldn't get in." Ron struggled to
follow Dr. Cook, who was walking fast. . There was a layer of cold sweat on his back.
He is very aware of Cook's loyalty to Mr. Eaton, and no matter who has moved a little bit of
betrayal of Juli Group, Cook will be mercilessly eradicated.
Song Zhiyuan was originally sent back to Juli Group as a research object, but he did not
expect that Mr. Eaton would continue to use him to do research. Even if Mr. Eaton can
tolerate it, Cook can't stand it.
At that moment, Cook suddenly turned around and smashed Dr. Ron’s collar and sneaked
into his eyes: “The average person can’t get in, but you can, right?”
Ron was suffocated by the collar. He patted Cook's robotic arm and the other person
opened him like a litter. Ron coughed hard, but Cook came to him on one knee and looked
at him with a sneer in his head: "Don't tell me, you really feel that Song has lost memory! If
he loses memory, how can I complete my expenses? Studies that have not been completed
for decades?"
"That's because Song Yu's blood directly entered his brain, and the cells in his brain
evolved! Mr. Eaton tested him IQ, and his IQ was one-fifth higher than before!"
Ron’s explanation was not heard by Cook, but her face was even colder.
"So he got the power of the s-class creature! That would make him even more dangerous.
Ron... sending him to the human world is probably the most wrong decision we made."
In the eyes of Cook, there was a killing.
"We have made a polygraph on him and scanned his brain activity! He really doesn't
remember the existence of Song Wei! Those things he really can't remember! He has
returned to the pair of Juli Group and Mr. Eaton. A state of respect!"
"No... he can't go back to that state! He accepted the power of Song Song, which means that
his resonance with Song Song will never be terminated unless his brain is no longer active!"
Cook Ron slammed and pushed hard.
Ron was awkward and immediately felt that something was on his back. It was Cook's gun!
The back was stiff and Ron swallowed hard. He never thought that Cook wanted to kill
Song’s heart so firmly.
"Go! Don't play any tricks! You know I haven't had any patience!"
Ron can only walk strong before the town is oriented.
When the door slid open, the layers of guarded bodyguards were about to be seen, and
Cook turned to hold Ron's arm, and the gun was against Ron's side but was blocked by the
arm. The two walked into the elevator and did not cause any bodyguard doubts.
The entire Juli Group is a metal fortress with a clean ground that almost reflects Ron and
Everything looks cold and orderly.
When the elevator door closed, Ron’s body could not help but tremble.
"Which layer?"
Ron stretched out his finger and slammed it on the button at the bottom of the floor. The
fingerprint scanned through, the iris was scanned, and the elevator went down.
"Father still needs Song Zhi, if you kill him, my father will not forgive you." Ron trembled
and reminded.
"He is like a poppy. Of course I have to get rid of him before my father is more and more
dependent on him."
The elevator door opened, which was a cold area. Cook knew that without Ron's passing
instructions, she would start an infrared laser by stepping on it, and any nearby objects
would be cut by laser.
With such a rigorous defense, Mr. Eaton did not think about letting Song leave.
They walked through the long, cold passage and came to the door of the lab. Ron took a
breath and held out his palm and pressed it on the door.
After the palm print was recognized, the cipher was turned on, Ron entered the password,
and the research room door opened.
This is a top secret space of tens of meters underground, and it has the most advanced
research equipment of Juli Group.
Cook could see a white long shackle on the seat in front of the holographic computer desk.
The smell of coffee can be smelled in the air, and Cook immediately discerned it. This is
Song's favorite coffee.
Cook shot Ron with a gun and signaled Ron to speak.
Ron walked in for a small step and opened his throat: "Song Zhi, are you there?"
"If I am not there, can I disappear from the air?" Song’s voice was as cold as ever, but there
was a hint of calmness. "I am making coffee, do you want to drink?"
Ron looked over to Cook and Cook raised his chin.
"Oh that's fine."
Ron walked in the direction of the coffee machine, and Cook quietly followed Ron, but they
found no one in front of the coffee machine!
Cook was shocked, she looked to the left, when a coffee cup flew in her direction, and the
brown liquid near the boiling in the cup splashed away. Cook subconsciously stretched out
his mechanical arm to resist, but felt the flow of air, someone slammed his foot on her
robotic arm, and the powerful force made Cook a shock, backwards, and The other person's
figure had already leaped into the air, stepping on her robotic arm from a height, causing
her finger to hold down the gun and subconsciously pressed it down. The bullet was shot
and was hit by a metal wall.
Immediately after the other party buckled Cook's wrist, she forced her gun off at her tiger's
Cook discovered that the other party turned out to be Song Zhi!
Song Zhi took a gun and stared at her coldly, like watching a specimen that was soaked in
This kind of skill... is not Song Zhi at all!
"You really..."
Cook’s words didn’t open yet, and Song sent the triggers one after another. Cook’s reaction
quickly, desperately running and dodging, even running along the smooth metal wall, the
bullet hit her feet, every moment may have to Her life, until Song Zhi finished the bullet. She
was about to take hostage of Dr. Ron, who was hiding her head against the wall. She did not
expect Song to take her step by step.
"Lock the door!" Song sent a cold voice.
Dr. Ron had long been scared and pale, and he didn’t know what it was.
And Song Zhi raised his hand directly, squatting on the wall, the alarm sounded, and the
entrance was locked.
In the next second, Song Zhi opened a certain device and pushed Dr. Ron into it.
It was a narrow space, and Ron was neither hit by bullets nor injured, but the outer casing
of the device was transparent, and Ron could see everything that happened.
At this time, Song Zhi, regardless of the expression on his face or the tone of his speech, is
exactly the same as what Ron knows, but what is Ron completely strange.
Cook stared at each other, gnashing his teeth: "You really deceived your father. You
remember everything that happened in Nibelungen!"
Song did not throw away the gun in his hand, but looked down at the magazine clip at the
waist of Cook: "You want to kill me, so I have to kill you first, this is my loyalty to my father
and whether I remember it. Everything that happened in Nibelungen has nothing to do
with it."
Just when Cook was preparing to attack Song Zhi, he did not expect Song to send him first.
He slid to the foot of Cook and smashed the left leg of Cook. Cook fell down on one knee.
However, he used a robotic arm to smash the chest of Song.
Song Zhi raised his hand and blocked it, and the two began to compete in power.
Ron saw that he even forgot to breathe.
Song Zhi looked a glimpse and suddenly turned his elbows to Cook's shoulder. He only
heard a bang, and Cook's shoulders were dislocated.
And almost instantaneously, Song took the clips from her waist and pushed forward as she
pushed forward. She was condescending and pointed to Cook.
His fingers were buckled on the trigger, and his look was still cold and cold, like a **** of
death and death.
Cook looked at each other with big eyes, and did not expect this moment to come.
"Tell me, can you remember the things of Nibelungen?" Cook asked.
If she must die, she will die.
Song sent his face to the side and his lips were slightly sunken. This was the first time Cook
saw his smile, which was very shallow but impressive.
He did not answer Cook's question, but pulled the trigger.
Cook wants to escape, but the leg bones that had been kicked by Song before have not
healed. She didn't have enough strength, and the bullet hit her abdomen.
She looked down at the blood of the oozing clothes, as if she refused to accept this reality.
"This is impossible...this is impossible..."
Song Zhihang down and looked at Cook. That is Cook's bullet, which is a neurotoxin. Even if
Cook has a strong healing power, the penetration of neurotoxins is fatal.
She soon felt that it was difficult to breathe, clasping her neck with her hand and feeling
that life was lost from her body.
She looked at Song Zhi, remembering that the last time she sent Dr. Daniel to solve him, he
shot his head, and this time Song did not hit his own head, he was deliberate!
"This is death. You can feel it for your father. This is a process that must be done as a
human being. No one can refuse."
Song Zhi untied the **** of Cook's waist, not to be on his own body, then put the gun in,
went to the chair, and put on his researcher.
Gradually, Cook's breathing stopped, her pupils spread, and her hand clasped in her throat
Song Zhi opened the device and Ron fell out.
He ran to Cook's side, confirmed her pulse and heartbeat, then fell to the ground: "My God!
You really killed her! You really killed Cook!"
"I didn't tell you that I want to solve her?" Song Zhi calmly returned to his seat and
continued to do his own research.
"No, no... you told me that you have to solve her... I thought you would design a trap...
instead of straightforward, she would solve her!"
"Otherwise, do you think?"
"She won't wake up suddenly?" Ron asked, raising his brow and worried.
"Of course not. The bullet containing neurotoxin will destroy her healing ability and kill the
cells of her body." Song Zhi's fingers quickly tapped on the keyboard.
"So the next step, what are we going to do?" Ron asked with his arm.
"We wait. When our people come back from there, they can take control of Juli Group."
Song Zhi took a u disk from his neck. "This is the program designed by Li Qian. With it we It
can output all the illegal information of Juli Group and then send it to the political figures of
all countries."
"When the building is dumped, it is the most beautiful. Just... your skill is too strong. Where
did you learn from it? You just got awake and been sent back here. I haven't seen you
practiced." Ron revealed Exploring the expression.
And Song Zhi just said faintly: "In addition to doing research, I often watch movies."
"what movie?"
"Action movie. This is how I learn. Have you seen the Matrix?"
Song’s counter-question was so reasonable, and Ron was speechless.
At this time, the helicopter team of Juli Group has crossed the ocean and reached the other
side of the mainland.
It’s snow and ice everywhere. Overlooking the sky, the glaciers are criss-crossed, as if they
have experienced a catastrophe.
They leapt across the entire Grand Canyon and found no traces of blasphemy.
The author has something to say: Dr. Cook, nozuonodie, lwxs520-->

Laws of the Other World Chapter 100: Isaac's trap

Settings saved..
But soon they found a giant cavity that was hit by a collision in the ice cracked Grand
Mr. Isaac and Mr. Eaton immediately took the helicopter.
They stopped at the edge of the hole, and the polar cold wind blew, and the helicopter was
turned over at any time.
"Mr. Eaton! The life of the hole is found at the bottom of the hole! And..." A research
institute brought the computer to Mr. Eaton.
It was a huge monster, but it looked like it was incomplete.
Mr. Eaton’s pupil trembled and he recognized it at a glance: “This is a s-class creature! This
is oh!”
"But his life is very weak and it looks like he is dying."
Isaac, wearing a windshield, looked around and chuckled: "It seems that someone has been
here before."
"Who?" asked Mr. Eaton.
Eric pointed to the long gully that extended from the distance into the deep hole and said:
"This is obviously the trace left after the collision. If I didn't guess wrong, it should be Song
Song or ink night. The power was unlocked. I suffered a huge blow. Dr. Jiang and I originally
suspected that the cockroach was infected with the virus. It seems that he has been hiding
in the Ice Crack Grand Canyon to reduce the activity of the virus at low temperatures."
Mr. Eaton smiled: "If he is also infected with a virus, does that mean that I can get his power
like Turin's death dahlia?"
"In theory, yes."
"Let's go down."
"Sir, this is very dangerous," Isaac reminded.
"The danger is no more than death." Mr. Eaton’s eyes suppressed some kind of hunger.
His body was slightly trembling and he could not wait.
The helicopter landed at the bottom of the hole, and as they approached the silver-white
giant creature, the smooth and graceful lines implied power. Imagine how powerful it was
when it soared for nine days.
"This is really a masterpiece of God..." Eaton sighed with sincerity. He subconsciously
remoted his wheelchair and went forward. He had a strong desire to communicate with
each other.
Isaac buckled his wheelchair and said: "Sir, this is dangerous. Please don't go any further."
"He can't do it... It's not like the consequences of a virus... He should have been attacked by
other powerful creatures. Our luck is so good, if he is still in a state of power, it will be easy
for us to Kill!"
"Yes, sir," Isaac replied.
"You have to do what he did when he was still alive."
"of course."
Jiang Jinghang stood not far away, watching the s-class creature whose life is about to come
to an end, could not help but reveal a sad look. At the same time, there was a glimpse of the
deep inside, and Song Yu was seriously injured, at least indicating that he is living very well
Isaac took a special gun and stepped back to a safe distance, aiming at the position of the
spine and buckled the trigger.
The bullets carrying a certain liquid rushed out, and the air brought up took the
bodyguards standing on both sides. The bullets shot into the body of the beggar, and he
struggled with the last breath. This bullet carries the blood of Mr. Eaton, and it quickly
spreads through the body, as if to break through his body.
The silver-white body had a layer of gold, and they could clearly see the veins in his body
filled with dark red liquid.
Eaton looked at the scene obsessively, clasping his hands to the sides of the wheelchair.
As the scream of screaming sounded like a low sigh, the whole piece of ice was trembled.
The resonance of the ice layer caused everyone to subconsciously lower their bodies to
cover their ears, and even caused an avalanche in the distant snowy mountains.
"The body of the cockroach has completely accepted the blood of Mr. Eaton, we can collect
his spinal fluid and blood." Isaac waved.
This principle is like the night of ink feeding the blood of Zhou Yu, his blood is compatible
with Zhou Yu's genes, so when Zhou Yu's body touches the blood of the ink night, the ink
night can easily infect the week. The royal cell makes Zhou Yu evolve. The same example
has been reflected in Song Zhi’s body.
Even if the cockroaches at this moment have entered the state of dying, no one dares to go
Mr. Eaton was in a hurry. His eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes. He suddenly took out
the gun and killed one of the bodyguards who hesitated and refused to go forward.
"Must take out his spinal fluid and blood before he is alive!" Eaton groaned.
Isaac twitched his mouth indifferently, took the gun-like sampler from the dead bodyguard,
and climbed to the head of the skull like a rock climber, hitting it in one shot.
The spinal fluid and blood were pumped out.
Isaac looked coldly at the layer of gold that gradually faded away, and the silver-white body
lost its luster like an extinguished light, eventually turning grey.
"How do you think you are strong again?" Isaac sighed and slipped from his body and
landed steadily.
At this time, Mr. Eaton’s excitement is beyond words.
The helicopter team set off for return.
The snow that fell from the snow-capped mountains fell into the cave like a tidal wave,
completely burying it.
At this time, Zhou Yu was collecting blood samples in front of Professor Chen to prepare for
the complete unlocking of the ink night.
Looking at Zhou Yu's blood into the reservoir through the pipe, the ink stays on the chin
opposite Zhou Yu, and the throat is tight.
"What's wrong?" Zhou Yu asked his side.
"It’s so hungry. I want to eat it all the time." In the night, the ink sticked out his tongue and
rubbed his lips.
Zhou Yu stretched out his left hand and took a picture on the head of the ink night: "Think
less about some mess."
Zhou Yu's blood volume was much higher than that of Song, and with the nutrients that
Isaac left for him, Zhou Yu recovered quickly.
"Do you know why Song Yu wants to stay a sigh of relief?" Ink night squinted, revealing a
lazy expression like a cat.
"Because he is not the same as he is. He grew up in the environment of human morality. He
is his father. He demands himself by human standards, so he can't be a father."
"Just like this?"
"And... in order to attract Eaton’s chairman Eaton." Zhou Yu replied.
"So guess, has his purpose been achieved?" Ink night asked again. "Who knows." Zhou Yu completed the injection of the nutrient and put the folded
sleeves down.
Just as Zhou Yu got up, the ink night suddenly took him back, and when Zhou Yu leaned
down, the sound of the ink night sounded in his ear.
"Are you sure you should not let me eat?"
"You still have to eat a sandwich made by Rong Zhou."
"That can poison people." The night of the ink showed a poor expression.
Three days later, the Juli Group made breakthroughs in the study of blood and spinal fluids.
Jiang Jinghang sent the pink liquid to Mr. Eaton.
Jiang Jinghang stood quietly as if listening to the trial.
Eaton smiled and looked at Isaac.
Isaac deliberately took out one of the liquids and injected it into his vein.
All the people involved in the study looked at Isaac. This is not just that Isaac is
experimenting with their research. Once Isaac has anything different, Eaton is likely to kill
all of them.
Isaac closed his eyes, and suddenly he showed his extremely painful expression and fell to
the ground.
The researchers frightened for help, and Han Li came to the rescue with a medical team,
but only a few minutes later, Isaac’s breathing stopped.
Han Li used various methods and could not save his life until his body became cold. Han Li
looked at Mr. Eaton: "Isac... He is dead..."
In the eyes of Eaton’s eyes, the expectation was extinguished and covered with a layer of
frost. He turned his face and looked at Jiang’s voyage. He said with a steady but crushed
nerve: “My child, I know how smart you are. You do this. ...I want to kill me?"
Jiang Jinghang’s heart was filled with fear, but he still tried to calm himself down.
"Please believe me, my father. Before Zhou Yu was infected with the virus, it was also the
symptom - no breathing, no heartbeat, and the rescuer suddenly died after twenty-four
hours of death. Now Isaac is also experiencing The process that Zhou Yu had experienced
before, the human immune system is resisting the virus, and the virus carries the
cockroach gene into his body and infects all his cells to give him the power of the sputum.
The immune system and the self-healing system Adapting to each other requires a process
of struggle and running-in."
The coldness in Eaton’s eyes faded away: “Then we wait twenty-four hours. If Isaac still
doesn’t wake up at this time tomorrow, I think you know what will happen.”
"Of course." Jiang Jinghang nodded.
The surrounding researchers exhaled breathlessly.
Isaac was sent to the ward, and Han Li constantly monitored his temperature.
"You should find a chance to leave here earlier." Han Li adjusted the instrument while
whispering to Jiang Jinghang, who was next to him. "Isac may be really dead. His situation is
different from Zhou Yu. At the beginning, it was fed by Zhou Yu’s blood, but it was injected
into the blood of Mr. Eaton before he died."
"But I can't go now. Just let us do what we always want to do, finally." Jiang Jinghang's eyes
are as firm as a meteorite.
Han Li smiled.
The night fades and dawn comes.
It was getting closer and closer to Mr. Eaton’s time for Jiang’s competition, but he continued
to study his own indifferently until Isaac’s body in bed was struggling and struggling.
His hair was sweaty, and the pale face was full of blood, and the fist clenched the whole
body and seemed to be completely shattered.
Mr. Eaton heard the news and sat outside the door of the rescue room. He widened his eyes
and looked at the surprise. Isaac woke up again.
"This is a miracle... this is the miracle God has given us..."
Isaac struggled to breathe, like a drowning fish, struggling to swim in the light, and when
oxygen finally entered his lungs, he finally recovered the Qingming and sat up from the bed.
He put one hand on his knee and looked awkward, but his eyes penetrated the glass wall
and went straight into Mr. Eaton's eyes.
He said to the other person with a mouth shape: I am still alive.
Han Li’s medical team tested the Isaac nervously and effectively, and Isaac pushed them
away, directly picking up the pill bottle on the ground and cutting a blood-red hole on his
"Hey! What are you doing!" Han Li cried.
But in front of everyone, the wound on Isaac's arm quickly healed, not even a scar.
This healing ability is several times that of Isaac!
"Oh, he succeeded! He succeeded! He got the power of jealousy!" Mr. Eaton, who had
always seemed calm and calm, showed his mad expression and shouted. "Give me the
potion! Give me medicine!" ”
His brain disease will soon be restored like Song Zhi and Zhou Qing!
Jiang Jinghang took the medicine, because too much tension could not put the needle into
Mr. Eaton’s body.
Mr. Eaton clasped Jiang Jinghang’s hand impatiently and pierced his needle into his blood
He closes his eyes as if he feels that the body cells are being swallowed up, his breathing is
getting harder and harder, and the intense pain in his body is like being crushed into the
gaps of hell.
His bodyguards were nervously surrounded.
Isaac came out of the rescue room, and he slid his hair back, revealing a smooth forehead
and a dangerous face.
"You don't really think this pharmacy is useful to you?" Isaac asked with a smile.
Mr. Eaton stared at him with his eyes wide open, and he couldn’t even breathe if he wanted
to say something.
Fear and the anger of being deceived are intertwined, like a giant python, to kill Isaac, but
Isaac is unmoved.
Mr. Eaton’s bodyguards heard the words of Isaac and they pulled out and grabbed them.
Isaac removed one of the guns and smiled and said: "If Mr. Eaton is gone, who is the one
who will take over the Juli Group?"
Eaton stretched his hand and grabbed Isaac's hem. He tried his best to pull him down, but
Isaac didn't move.
"You won't be lonely. Cook is waiting for you there. She is the most loyal child to you, you
should listen to her opinions."
Eaton’s hand lost his strength desperately, and he turned over from his wheelchair.
His bodyguards found that he had not breathed.
"Don't wait, he is different from me. He won't wake up again."
The author has something to say: I decided to give up the 6,000-word full-time work... I
have run out of papers and catch up with the three-yuan work check... I am still alive and
free, and I am not forced to take six thousand words to work hard...
Laws of the Other World Chapter 101: Isaac's show
Settings saved..
The bodyguards immediately pulled the guns and pulled the triggers at Isaac.
Jiang Jinghang was kicked off by Isaac, and the bullet passed through the cheek of Jiang
Jinghang, and Isaac’s movement was so fast that he could not follow.
The bodyguards who were able to stay with Mr. Eaton were all well-chosen and well-
behaved, but they were vulnerable in the face of Isaac.
Isaac's knee kicked one of the chins, and after leaping, he smashed the shoulder of another
person from the height with a heel. After landing, he turned and twisted his neck.
In less than three seconds, all bodyguards were resolved.
Jiang Jinghang sat down on the ground and looked at everything in front of him.
Isaac claps his hands and comes to him and kneels down: "Do you know why I have your
Jiang Jinghang hasn't returned to his mouth with half a mouth.
"Because Song Yu and Zhou Yu will definitely come back for you."
The heart is like being hit by an electric current. Jiang Jinghang asked: "You...what do you
want to do?"
"I want to be the real Mr. Eaton." Isaac clap his hands and several guards came in. "Dr. Jiang
gave it to you."
At this moment, Jiang Jinghang’s mind was blank.
Everything is out of the original preset. What he and Song Wei planned was to attract Mr.
Eaton and then take him back to the human world. Even after going back, how to deal with
the Juli Group has detailed planning, but Isaac turned it all. Another direction.
When Jiang Jinghang was taken away, Wu Yun, who was on the patrol, passed by and
watched the scene stop.
The entire base began to change water, the researchers were taken care of alone, and even
Li Qian was banned from using computers and was placed under house arrest in his own
Wu Yun knows what is going to happen.
People are worried, Wu Yun wants to contact Li Qian or Han Li but they have no chance to
face them.
It was not until a week later that he was called to Isaac’s office alone.
Wu Yun’s heart is awkward, and this office is more open and cold than what he felt when he
"Long time no see, Wu Yun."
The sound of Isaac sounded.
His fingers point to the position of the temple, leisurely holding his head, his eyes watching
Wu Yun playfully.
"You killed Mr. Eaton." Wu Yun said.
Isaac smiled: "It's incredible, I obviously blocked the news. How did you guess it?"
" did. The people in the core of the base have changed, and the people who have
stayed with Cook are gone, including Cole. You can solve Cook's people in such a big way,
Mr. Eaton can't. But ask. So I said that you solved Mr. Eaton." Wu Yun replied.
"So you know what I am looking for for you?"
"do not know."
"You used to be Zhou Yu's partner. When I saw you, I would think of Zhou Yu."
"But I don't think he wants to be remembered by you." Wu Yun's face did not have any
Isaac pushed a photo to the front of Wu Yun, the girl in the photo smiled brightly, and the
photo was taken in the snowy mountains of Switzerland.
"Your daughter is now recuperating in Switzerland and the situation is very good."
Wu Yun’s eyes were red, but he refused to look at his second eye.
"What do you want me to do?"
"Don't be as bad as I thought, I won't ask you to hurt your brother, just..."
Isaac suddenly slammed Wu Yun’s neckline. Wu Yun subconsciously reached out and
supported the table. He only felt a pain in his neck. Wu Yun discovered that Isaac had a
syringe and injected something into his body.
"You..." Wu Yun’s consciousness was blurred. He swayed and wanted to stick, but he
eventually fell.
Isaac looked down at him and said, "I really envy you. Because you will see Zhou Yu one
step ahead of me."
The office door opened and Isaac’s bodyguard took Wu Yun up and took it out.
On this day, Zhou Yu just completed the last blood delivery. Professor Chen was very
pleased to tell him that he could help the ink night to be completely unlocked tomorrow.
Ink night was lacking in this interest. He hugged Zhou Yu from behind and put his face on
Zhou Yu’s face and said, “Do you especially want me to come with you in the state of the
night spirit?”
Zhou Yu pulled his lips and smiled: "Do you think I don't know what you are thinking?"
"Oh, what am I thinking?" The night's lips curled up with a hint of innocence. "The human brain is very strange. The more you deliberately remind me not to
think about anything, the more I will think about it. It is like saying 'Don't think about me',
my brain I will think about you subconsciously."
"So in your imagination, will it be more energetic than my human state?"
"You obviously can read my thoughts myself."
The eyes of the ink night fell, and then the brow slammed: "How did I read nothing?"
"Because I am very familiar with your little tricks, I didn't think about anything." Zhou Yu
raised his hand and smashed his head like a child.
At that moment, a certain picture flashed over Zhou Yu’s mind, and his soft eyes flashed for
a moment, and suddenly got up and rushed out.
Ink night quickly followed him.
"What's wrong?" Zhou Qing, who was carrying coffee, was almost knocked down.
"It’s Wu Yun!"
Zhou Yu rushed out of the base, and a black-backed pterosaur crossed the sky and came to
him. Zhou Yu rolled over and went up, and the black-backed pterosaur fluttered away.
The ink night followed him.
They rushed into the virgin forest, where they saw the claws of an El Niñ o aquatic dragon
holding Wu Yun's shoulder and hanging him in midair. Wu Yun apparently lost
consciousness, and the El Niñ o Aquatic Dragon lowered its flying height and was about to
rush into a lake.
When chasing it out, Zhou Yu’s heart was pinched, but now his spirit has concentrated and
instantly penetrated the aquatic dragon.
But what he did not think was that the aquatic dragon was actually controlled by another
In addition to the embarrassment, Zhou Yu has not sensed such a powerful remote sensing
capability for a long time.
However, the other party is obviously remotely controlled. Zhou Yu’s black-backed
pterosaur is just a blink of an eye. It is alongside the aquatic dragon. His power rushes into
the body of the aquatic dragon, forcing it to loosen Wu Yun. .
At the moment of the fall of Wu Yun, Zhou Yu’s black-backed pterosaur swooped and
slammed Wu Yun.
Put your hand on Wu Yun's neck, make sure he still has a pulse, Zhou Yu exhaled.
The black-backed pterosaur landed smoothly on the lakeside, and the ink night also came
to Zhou Yu’s side.
"How is he?"
"Alive still." Zhou Yu's brow snorted. "He seems to have been injected with an anesthetic,
no consciousness. Who did it?"
"Whether it is done, the other party knows your friendship with Wu Yun. And... The
purpose of his doing this is to use Wu Yun as a bait and want to seduce you. Either make
sure that you are still alive, or that is In order to find you. But absolutely absolutely not
good." Ink night squinted at Wu Yun's neck, took the Swiss army knife from the thigh, cut
his back neck, and took out a rice-sized tracker. .
Ink night sneered and shook the tracker.
Zhou Yu checked Wu Yun again and determined that he did not have any other tracking
devices on his body and took him back.
Isaac in the office leaned back against the back of the chair and leaned back at the chin.
When his power was squeezed out by Zhou Yu, the El Niñ o Aquatic Dragon, it was like
killing himself.
The sense of loss of control caused Isaac to inexplicably want to experience again and
His lips twitched and reached out and grabbed his eyes: "Zhou Yu... You are more and more
Zhou Yu handed Wu Yun to the medical team at the No. 0 base. When the efficacy of the
anesthetic dissipated, Wu Yun woke up. He saw that Zhou Yu’s first reaction was to raise
his hand to touch his back neck.
"Oops..." Wu Yun discovered that the wound on his back neck had been stitched.
Zhou Yu buckled his wrist: "Don't worry, the tracker has been taken out. What happened!
Who used you as a bait?"
"It's Isaac Eaton. This guy..."
When Wu Yun said that Isaac had killed Mr. Eaton, Zhou Yu was surprised and immediately
told Professor Chen and Rong Zhou about this.
“Isac Eaton is a genetically modified human being. He has more powerful mobility and
healing ability than the average person, but it is undoubted, but it controls the Neilino
aquatic dragon... This means that he got the same creature as Turin. The power!" Professor
Chen worried.
They can't know what kind of creatures Isaac is getting, and what his purpose is.
Professor Chen decided to exchange blood for the night of the night, the researchers were
busy, and the entire base was running efficiently.
Even the team of Rong Zhou has also stepped up its guard.
"I already knew that this Esek Eaton would be a big problem." In the night, Mok said with a
cool pocket. "He uses Wu as a bait, not threatening you, but thinking of you."
"What do you mean?" Zhou Yuqi opened his eyes. He knew that the logic of the ink night
was sometimes different from him.
"Wu Yun is your brother. He returned your brother to you. Isn't that good?" The night brow
of the ink night rose.
"Sounds, I should thank him."
Zhou Yu’s voice just fell, and the ink night suddenly raised his hand and pressed his chest
straight down to press him against the wall.
"So what about you? If he is really showing up, will you accept his invitation?"

Laws of the Other World Chapter 102: track

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Zhou Yu chuckled, and the cold face had always added a trace of evil.
He did not put the threat of the ink night at the bottom of his eyes, and even showed a few
expressions of enjoyment. He lifted his finger and hooked the chin of the ink night,
deliberately learning the way of the ink night to lengthen the sound.
"I have already taken your thief boat, and who can accept the invitation?"
The eyes of the ink night are tight, and the heart is like being pinched by the other side. He
will kiss Zhou Yu’s lips without saying anything.
In his heart, Zhou Yu is so sexy.
However, Zhou Yu blocked his face with his hand and pressed him open. He said coldly:
"Don't make trouble, you will complete blood replacement in a while."
Innocently shrugged his shoulders, and deliberately touched Zhou Yu’s ear and whispered,
“When I get back my strength, you want me to be what I can be.”
Zhou Yu looked at the idiot's eyes and looked at the ink night.
He talked with Wu Yun for a long time.
Wu Yun did not think that he would be independent of the Juli Group, and there would be
other human beings here.
Including Wu Yun’s former instructor, Rong Zhou, he was still alive!
"I saw you fall from the cliff with my own eyes! I also personally led the team to the cliff to
find you! We found your shoes and a large blood, the dna of blood is consistent with you!
And the amount of bleeding is fatal! We all think that you have become a kind of biological
food!" Wu Yun saw Rong Zhou's first look, just like seeing a ghost.
Rong Zhou smiled and lazily took a cigarette, rubbed Wu Yun with his toes and threw
another cigarette to him.
"So, what you see is not necessarily true."
"What you mean is that you have already planned the cliffs... even the blood on the beach is
prepared in advance?"
"Your expression is like not wanting me to be alive." Rong Zhou stunned the doctor, and the
other hand took a picture on Wu Yun's head.
Wu Yun gave himself a little bit of depression, and he remembered the unskilled shoes that
had been broken at the time. He almost burned the bullets and wanted to solve the
creatures that could be seen in his eyes! For a long time, this guy is living well!
The smoke is smoking, it is not a taste.
"Wait... How does this smoke seem to be the last time I and Zhou Yu died from the 12th
district of the original forest?"
Zhou Yu also looked at her face and looked like it was really.
Wu Yun is even more frowned: "I haven't made a mistake! This is the blood and sweat of
me and Zhou Yu! I was given it by you!"
It is not difficult to guess that both the research results and the materials, Song Zhi shared
this side.
"Don't say this, what is the situation of people we know in the No. 5 base?" Zhou Yu asked.
Wu Yun’s brow screamed: “I’m not very clear about the situation. It feels like I’m going to
be overwhelmed overnight. Han Li, I haven’t had a chance to see it, Li Qian heard that he
was under house arrest. Isaac should have long suspected He, just forbearing until now.
And... Dr. Jiang was also taken care of by his own people."
Zhou Yu turned his head and saw Song Wei.
In addition to Song Zhi, Jiang Jinghang is the only person who grew up with Song Yu. Zhou
Yu has no doubt that Song Yu will want to save him.
"It seems that Isaac Eaton sent you Wu Yun, not to show good, but a bait." Mo night came to
Zhou Yu's side, sat on the table corner and looked at Zhou Yu.
His eyes are warnings. It means that no matter what Isaac Eaton did, Zhou Yu could not act
rashly. Isaac's purpose is obviously to tell Zhou Yu through Wu Yun that all the people who
Zhou Yu cares are held in his hand. If Zhou Yu wants to save them, he must go to the No. 5
"I was curious, where Isaac's confidence he can deal with us? When Zhou Qing and Song Yu
broke through the base, he should understand our strength." Zhou Yu looked at his lips.
"I know that after Mr. Eaton came here, he went to the Grand Canyon with Isaac." Wu Yun
Zhou Yu, they suddenly realized.
"It seems that Isaac completed the study and got the power of blasphemy. No wonder... he
is so fearless."
In the night of the night, Song night hammered a half-jokingly with a punch: "You don't
regret not killing now?"
"What is the difference between Mr. Eaton or Isaac Eaton? We all have to take the No. 5
base and use their shuttle cabin to go to the human world."
As for Song Song, as long as you can see Song Zhi again, everything else can only be
regarded as "fine details".
Ink nights are thinking with their heads in mind, he feels that things are not that simple,
and Isaac may be more difficult to deal with than any humans they have seen before.
"In the night, we have new enemies. It takes a certain amount of time for Isaac to fully
master the shackles. We have to kill him, and the sooner the better. We have to get the
shuttle cabin and shuttle equipment. Zhou Yu looked up at the head and looked into the
eyes of the ink night.
Ink night leaned down and kissed Zhou Yu’s lips.
"When you say you want to get rid of Isaac, it makes me feel so good." On the night of the night, Professor Chen was ready, and the entire base came to
the lab to perform blood replacement for the night.
The ink night lay on the place where Song Song once lie.
Professor Chen’s students are correcting the data, and Zhou Qing also specially came to
review and operate supervision.
Wu Yun was very nervous. He kept asking Rong Zhou: "Is it really okay to do this? Will the
blood of the ink night be drained after it..."
The word "death" had not been said yet, and it was knocked down by Rong Zhou.
"At this time, close your crow's mouth."
Zhou Yu came to the side of the ink night and took his hand. At this time, the ink closes his
eyes and looks like he wants to sleep. Zhou Yu thought that he would be nervous, but when
Zhou Yu bowed his head, it was the excitement of the ink night.
His mind is full of pictures that Zhou Yu is hard to tell.
"What the **** are you thinking about!" Zhou Yu wants to crack the head of the ink night.
"I miss you." Mo night smiled and opened his eyes. "Are you sure not to give me a kiss?"
Zhou Yu looked at him coolly.
"Maybe you want to kiss me later... I can't kiss it."
The sigh fell on Zhou Yu’s heart and trembled.
Zhou Yu lowered her body and didn't care about everyone's eyes, kissed him on his lips.
"I am waiting for you to come back."
Zhou Yu stepped back step by step and gave space to other researchers.
Looking at the blood of the ink night was pulled out of his body, Zhou Yu's fist clenched, as
if the person who lost blood was not the ink night but himself.
Until I watched the heartbeat of the ink night stop, I could not sense the activity of any of
his brains. Zhou Yuming knew that all these Song dynasties had experienced it, but he still
could not restrain himself.
Breathing is curbed, and Zhou Yu constantly searches for information from the ink night,
even if it is only a trace.
Song Hao came to Zhou Yu's side and held his shoulder.
"He will wake up, believe me."
"Yeah." Zhou Yu nodded.
At this time, the blood belonging to Zhou Yu was continuously input into the body of the ink
night. His face that was pale to the touch of a face was a little bit restored to the blood. At
the same time, Zhou Yu's cold fingertips also followed the warmth.
At this time, Zhou Yu sensed something and looked up.
Song Yu also frowned, and Zhou Qing also stood up from the computer.
"What's wrong?" Rong Zhou saw that the situation was not right.
"It was Isaac... He controlled a group of black-backed pterosaurs to attack us!" Song Yan
walked out of the base with a cold face. He looked at Zhou Yu, meaning to give him the
"How does Isaac know our position? Didn't you take out the tracker in Wu Yun's body?"
asked Rong Zhou.
Zhou Yu clenched his teeth: "We were cheated!"
"The tracker in Wu Yun is a blind eye. It makes us take it for granted that Isaac will rely on
the tracker to lock our position, but in fact... since he can control a whole group of black-
backed pterosaurs, then through other It’s not difficult for a creature to see where he wants
to see or even track it!”
That is to say, Isaac now knows that they are hidden in the base of zero!
"Even if you are, it takes a long time to fully learn the ability to use s-class creatures. Is
Isaac Eaton a genius?" Rong Zhou showed a skeptical expression.
"He is not a genius... He has always been different from Cook. The blood and viruses of the
ink night gave me the power of a s-class creature, but before me maybe Isaac is the closest
human to Nibelungen, he The adaptability is much stronger than me! The power of 谛昕 is
as if he is like a fish into the sea, how can he not swim?"
Zhou Yu looked worriedly at the ink night. At this time, the ink night had not completely
obtained the blood of Zhou Yu, and the breathing and heartbeat were stopped.
However, in a matter of seconds, the overwhelming black-backed pterosaurs swooped from
their heights to their bases, which was like Isaac’s revenge on the last attack on the No. 5
base by Zhou Yu’s black-backed pterosaurs.
But they are not enough for Song Song. After experiencing confrontation with Sui, Song
Song grew up. His power flocked to the sky like countless strings of arrows. He invaded all
the black-backed pterosaurs at the same time and captured their bodies.
The black-backed pterosaurs that are about to collide with the top of the base seem to be
blocked by some kind of barrier, and they are turning in all directions.
Not only that, Song Yu reversed the trend, the power exploded, and was about to break into
Isaac's mind.
The author has something to say: Eat a lot of peaches with a lot of sweet water... and then
Laws of the Other World Chapter 103: wake
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But I didn't expect Isaac to shield his brain. Song Wei's power broke the clue and could not
find the target.
And the group of discrete black-backed pterosaurs gathered again, like a black tornado that
was about to fall into the clouds.
They rushed to the ground to destroy the earth.
Song Yu calmly watched as they were about to drown themselves, and in a moment they
turned into a silver stream, rushing to the sky, like a galaxy rushing back into the night sky,
instantly smashing the black cloud.
The top of the base shook and the lights flickered.
Professor Chen nervously asked his assistant to check the circuit, so that the key moments
could not be mistaken.
At the moment when the last blood was introduced into the body of the ink, the base
suddenly lost power.
The whole space is in a darkness.
The nervous researchers gave a cry.
"I will go see it." Rong Zhou quickly walked away to check the power.
Zhou Yu’s heart was raised, and the night of the ink must not be an accident!
This kind of darkness is nothing to Zhou Yu, but other people can't see anything.
How can I suddenly lose power?
The last time Song Song replaced the blood, there was no such situation...
Zhou Yu closed his eyes and felt that the researchers' breathing and heartbeat, the
footsteps of walking, and... the boat seemed to have been hit by the back of the neck!
Rong Zhou can become the instructor of Wu Yun. His skills and alertness are not
comparable to those of ordinary people. But the other party not only sneaked into this
closed base or even quietly approached Rong Zhou? Who is he?
Zhou Yu knows that he must solve the guy.
"What's wrong?" Wu Yun, standing next to Zhou Yu, whispered.
"I will go see it. You are here to help me look."
Zhou Yu took out the gun at the waist and quietly approached the position where Rong
Zhou fell.
He communicates directly with Zhou Qing: Be careful. Isaac may have been embedded.
Zhou Qing immediately alerted: I know. I will watch the ink night.
Zhou Yu walked out of this research room and entered the dark and deep passage.
There is no one here, and all the voices are left behind Zhou Yu.
Walking through the corner of the passage, I could see the figure of the boat standing
beside the voltage equipment. His hand was holding the flashlight. The flashlight was not
turned off, and the light was shining on the wall in a straight line.
Zhou Yu squinted at his side and he was very clear that the purpose of the other party was
to let him go to the side of Rong Zhou to check his pulse or turn off the flashlight. At that
moment, the other party would attack him.
Ok, just as you wish.
Zhou Yu will count down, he can hear the sound of the boat, the other party did not kill him.
Just when Zhou Yu’s hand was about to pick up the flashlight of Rong Zhou, a figure fell
from Zhou Yu’s head. Zhou Yu leaned over and the other’s heel rubbed his shoulder.
Everything seemed to be thrilling but Zhou Yu had already ready.
He held his hand with one hand, and his knees looked up and he was about to hit the other
side, but he did not expect the other's muzzle to directly resist the head of Rong Zhou.
Zhou Yu had to forcibly withdraw his leg, but when he saw his face, he was completely
The voice is still falling, Isaac is close to the speed that Zhou Yu never thought of, like to
crush Zhou Yu, only feel that something has penetrated his body, Zhou Yu’s heart quickly
died after a burst of expansion The blood is not allowed to circulate. Generally, he pours a
sigh of relief and is caught by Isaac.
"Do you know the difference between us and Song Yi and the ink night?" Isaac lowered his
eyes and looked at Zhou Yu. "They want to be human or think they are human, but they are
all just Nibelungen." The s-class creature is only. I am the same person as you."
After that, Isaac easily put Zhou Yu on his shoulder.
“How come there is no call?” Professor Chen is more and more anxious, they can only use
the most primitive method to monitor the heartbeat and pulse of the ink night.
Zhou Qing also did not feel the recovery of the ink-night thinking in this space. More
importantly, he could not sense with Zhou Yu.
"Oops!" Zhou Qing jerked up from the seat and ran out.
"Zhou Qing - What's wrong!" Professor Chen was almost brought to his knees by his action.
Zhou Qing did not have time to explain, running all the way in the channel, he felt someone
took Zhou Yu out!
Zhou Qing told Song Hao outside the base that Song Yu immediately began searching for
Zhou Yu's place.
A black-backed pterosaur carried Isaac around the base and flew into the distance. Song Yu
tried to compete with Isaac for the control of the black-backed pterosaur, but unexpectedly
discovered that the pterosaur had a certain brain. A kind of magnetic field device hinders
Song Meng’s brain pulse entry. It seems that Isaac is well prepared.
Before this day, he did not do less research than Professor Chen, and may even have come
to Professor Chen.
Song Yu once again chased away with the original form of s-class creatures.
The black-backed pterosaur is faster than the Song dynasty.
But when Song Song screamed and bite the black-backed pterosaur, Isaac just took out the
□ □ and withstood Zhou Yu’s head.
Song Yu is there, and Isaac is flying farther and farther.
At this time, Zhou Qing chased it out. He threw a seed out. It quickly plunged into the soil.
He instantly grew a giant devil vine, held up the running Zhou Qing, and quickly rotated in
the soil. Chasing Isaac.
Where Isaac flies, the various plants are mad and form sharp thorns, which are tied to the
sky, and they are entangled and stretched higher and higher.
When their tips wiped the wings of the black-backed pterosaur, Isaac could not help but
He patted Zhou Yu in his arms and leaned his chin on his shoulder. He said in a playful
voice: "Our Professor Zhou is getting more and more powerful!"
At that moment, Isaac looked at it and watched the plants chasing them cracking from the
top, the cracks continued to spread downwards, and then sprang like a spore to the
surrounding space!
Zhou Qing, who was sitting on the devil's vine, did not expect that Isaac would accept the
power of 谛昕, and he could control it freely!
He fell from a height, and there were no creatures to manipulate around him. Just before he
fell to the ground, Song Yu swooped down and caught him.
Just as they were going to catch up, they suddenly heard a burst of explosion.
"Oops -" Zhou Qing went back and saw their base being blown up and the lake poured into
It was already set when Isaac sneaked in. □ □!
Isaac’s voice rang in Song Yu’s and Zhou Qing’s ears: I set up three bombs. Now the first one
is blown up. If you catch up again, I will detonate the remaining two.
"Mom--" Zhou Qing gritted his teeth, this is his first dirty words.
Song Hao took him quickly and flew back to the base.
Since Isaac tried his best to take Zhou Yu away, at least he did not intend to kill him.
The base trembled fiercely, and Wu Yun could clearly hear the sound of the current.
"Close the passage right away! Never let the water flow in!"
Wu Yun went to the circuit device, started the power supply, and took the boat back. The
system starts up again, the lights illuminate, and the water is sealed out of the passage, but
they are also trapped inside.
"What can I do?"
“Do you want us to open the channel and swim out? There are not a few of us swimming!”
And the ink night is still lying in the original position, just like falling asleep.
"We only have to wait for the ink night to wake up and take us away in the original form of
s-class creatures." Professor Chen looked at the ink night and looked serious.
Wu Yun gritted his teeth, and the current situation is not optimistic.
Zhou Yu was gone, Zhou Qing and Song Yu chased out and did not come back, but they were
trapped inside.
The stunned boat finally woke up.
He told everyone that someone had attacked himself from behind, and that should be the
one who set up the bomb.
"My God, someone can come close to you quietly, I really want to know who the guy is..."
Wu Yun said half, remembering Zhou Yu, who should be looking for Rong Zhou, suddenly
thought of something, " Oops... Is Isaac Eaton personally going out? Besides him, I can’t
think of anyone else who has this skill...”
Wake up soon, ink night!
Zhou Yu needs you!
If you go to sleep again, you can't get anything!
Wu Yun said to the ink night that still has no sense of recovery.
Zhou Qing and Song Yu looked at a large area that was flooded by the lake, and could not
help but exhale.
Song Wei said to Zhou Qing: "Since Isaac has discovered this, all the obstacles have no
effect, and this lake is also."
"Then I will **** it." Zhou Qing closed his eyes and mobilized the plants from a farther
Various vines and seeds flew into the lake, they were desperately absorbed like a long
drought, and the entire lake was covered by a variety of plants.
The surface of the lake is constantly falling and drying, gradually revealing the top of the
collapsed base.
Ledou flew down with a group of three-eyed giant birds. They opened the part of the base
that was blown up. Various plants extended and continued to absorb the water that
penetrated into the base, clearing the way for the entry of Zhou and Song.
At this time, the inkless night that had been unresponsive suddenly opened his eyes, and as
a trace of gold spread from the depths of the pupil, the ink night took a breath, and the body
seemed to be broken, and suddenly sat up. The chest is undulating.

Laws of the Other World Chapter 104: Go back to the human world's
delivery code
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The blood flows freely in his body, and the chin of the ink night rises up as if he is feeling
Deep inside is a strong desire to trace the roots of his spirit. His power is like an expanding
universe, engulfing everything around him, but he can never touch the person he always
wanted to possess.
The huge emptiness made him illusion at that moment, and the engulfing air caused the
people around him to raise their hands and retreat.
The silver flowing cloud blasted the lab like an illusion. He broke through all the constraints
and opened the top of the base and galloped toward the sky!
The inverted lake water has been sucked up by the plants controlled by Zhou Qing, and the
sunlight has fallen from the place where the ink hits the night, like a layer of transparent
gold yarn.
Professor Chen looked up and looked at the ink night that almost covered the sky. It was
pure and vast, as if he had pursued and dedicated his life for this moment.
The ink night hovered in the sky, sweeping everything around it.
He is constantly looking for, but he does not feel the atmosphere of Zhou Yu.
When he screamed past the wilderness, almost all the blades of grass were picked up.
Song Hao immediately chased him up and galloped with him.
"Zhou Yu was taken away by Isaac! When you lost consciousness, Isaac sneaked into our
Song Yu’s words instantly burned the eyes of the ink night.
That is how he will be taken away by people who have to catch up with life and death!
He rushed to the No. 5 base, and Song Hao followed him.
The speed of the ink night is too fast, and the air is hot because of him.
In a few minutes, the ink night flew over the entire virgin forest.
The creatures in the forest are the anger that senses the night of the ink, and they rush to
Ink night never likes to have Zhou Yu at this moment. He wants to see him at the moment
he opens his eyes, feel his temperature and his temperature, and at this moment Zhou Yu is
like disappearing from this world. This is absolutely unacceptable for the ink night!
The closer to the No. 5 base, the more the mood of the ink night is more turbulent and
crazy, like eager to find a breakthrough, tearing the world to embrace Zhou Yu.
Only heard a loud noise, the extension of the No. 5 base was washed away, and the
destruction was generally broken.
The people in the base did not anticipate such a situation at all. It was like a sudden disaster
that was suddenly unable to resist.
Jiang Jinghang, who was under house arrest in a research room, looked up in amazement.
At the moment the wall collapsed, Jiang Jinghang seemed to see the death coming. He
subconsciously raised his arm and blocked it. He was brought up by a force, envisioning
The pain did not come. He opened his eyes and found that Song Yu, who followed the ink
night, took him and resisted the damage caused by the ink night and took him out.
"Don't let him ruin the base - if you still want to see Song!"
Jiang Jinghang’s reminder made Song Song understand that he accelerated the collision of
the ink night from the side.
The great power seems to shatter the tinyest dust.
"They are not here!" Song Yu hopes that the night will calm down. "Do you want to kill Han
Li and Li Qian?"
Song Yu used his body to die against the ink night, and the desert gravel outside the base
was raised to cover the sky.
The golden eyelids of the night of the night faded slowly, and he breathed heavily, gradually
returning to the human form.
"Calm a little... calm down." Song Yi also returned to the state of humanity, his hands
holding the ink night until his heavy breathing gradually stabilized.
It is confirmed that the ink night will not erupt again, and Song Yu released the ink night.
The hands of the ink-night were holding the gravel, and the sweat fell from the body. He
punched hard in the gravel.
"I just need to wake up a few seconds earlier to stop Isaac! I don't feel any thoughts
belonging to Zhou Yu!"
"Don't worry, Isaac must have used what method to make Zhou Yu completely lost
Jiang Jinghang took off his coat and came to them. He said awkwardly: "That... who are you
Song Yu turned around and hugged Jiang Jinghang tightly: "Fortunately, you are fine...
Fortunately, you are fine!"
Jiang Jinghang closed his eyes and patted Song Yu’s back: "You hold me like this, so I am not
used to it. The last time I saw you like this, you are still a kid who looks like only five or six
years old. It!"
Conquering the No. 5 base is a very easy thing for Mok Night and Song Yu.
They found Han Li and Li Qian. Li Qian was obviously frightened, his tongue was knotted, and his back was
When Song Wei found him, the people who guarded Li Qian were already dead.
"Ink night... Is this the power of your s-class creature?" Li Qian swallowed.
Very beautiful...and dangerous at the same time.
Li Qian looked at the ruin of a large base in an instant. For the ink night, it was like breaking
a glass. The former night spirit that was spoiled, and the jokes that would make a joke like a
cat disappeared. .
"Li Qian, you can check it out quickly, can the magnetic field shuttle device work?"
Jiang Jinghang’s words made Li Qianqing wake up, and he immediately rushed to the
deepest underground.
"Little uncle, Isaac took Zhou Yu away. We thought he would return to the No. 5 base, but
he did not come back. Where do you think he will go?" Song asked.
Jiang Jinghang raised his brow: "If this is the case... I don't think he will return to the base 5.
The base 5 is a too obvious goal... Isaac has only one person, and you and the ink night
teamed up. How could he be your opponent?"
"He took Zhou Yu just to threaten us." The ink came over and took the coat from Jiang
Jinghang's hand and put it on the floor. "We have four people with s-class biological ability.
He won't be stupid enough to shoot in such a place. Isaac is a man who is better at
enduring, crouching and preparing than Song. Song will expose himself for his own bottom
line, but Isaac will not. He only has his own purpose. He will never give up until he reaches
his goal. He has planned this day, and naturally he has already prepared how to deal with
other s-class creatures."
Jiang Jinghang frowned. "Maybe there is still a secret project of the Juli Group in
Nibelungen, but we can't reach it at this level. But any project needs to deploy human and
material resources, and it is impossible to leave no trace. Just let Li Qian went to check
Isaac and the computer where Cook stayed here."
The night of the night looked at the remaining part of the crumbling No. 5 base: "Can the
shuttle cabin here still be used?"
"Fortunately, it is underground." Jiang Jinghang contacted Li Qian, who had already gone to
the inspection. After a few minutes, he replied, "The shuttle cabin can still be used. But we
don't know the startup code. Li Qian is cracking."
"Receive the code?" This is the biggest problem.
Even if you return to the human world, you still have to face the Juli Group.
"Don't worry. Dr. Ron will receive us there." Jiang Jinghang replied.
"It turns out that Dr. Ron is also yours. I should have thought of it..." When the night
recalled that they had gone to Dr. Ron’s base to obtain a sample of Nibelungen jellyfish, Dr.
Ron worked like an old friend. same.
"Now what we have to do is to send Professor Chen back. Then we go to Zhou Yu and
Isaac." Song Wei answered.
"You should go back with Professor Chen. You don't want to see Song Zhi as soon as
possible?" said the ink night.
Song Hao lowered his eyes: "I certainly want him. My body is flowing with his blood.
Everything of mine originates from him. But I understand everything about him, his way of
thinking, his principles. If I leave here, He won't hug me, but will give me a punch."
"Thank you." Ink night answered.
A few hours later, Li Qian did not get any useful information in Isaac's computer.
What did the ink night think of, said to Li Qian: "Where is Mr. Eaton’s body?"
"It's just... in the sample room you've been in before... it's been destroyed by you."
The ink night immediately turned away and rummaged through the broken walls.
Song Hao also came to help.
They pushed the ruins away and finally found the body that Mr. Eaton had been crushed,
but his brain was still intact.
"It’s luck." Song Hao raised his eyes and glanced at the ink night. "But what are you looking
"Wu Yun mentioned that both Isaac and Eaton have been to the Grand Canyon, and their
goal is to smash. The result is that Isaac gained the power of s-class creatures, and Mr.
Eaton died. I just used Isaac’s way of thinking to speculate that the blood they injected into
the sputum for genetic fusion was not Mr. Eaton’s, but Isaac’s.”
Song Yu suddenly understood: "This is like I grew up drinking Song Zhi's blood. His genes
have long been integrated with me. I can only cure Song Zhi, others are ineffective. And you
and This is also the case with Zhou Yu. Although Isaac was the copy of Mr. Eaton, he had
already undergone genetic modification, and he had a very subtle difference in genetics
with Mr. Eaton. Mr. Eaton was injected with the blood of Isaac. After the pharmacy, there
was a rejection, so it died."
"Yeah. But as long as the cockroach's genes enter Eaton's body, he is not just human, he is
the failed Nibelungen assimilates." The night closes his eyes, his hands are on either side of
his brain. "We can read his mind and get the code in the shuttle cabin in his mind."
His mind rushed into Eaton’s brain, using his power to infuse every dead cell at that
moment, connecting his neurons, and Eaton’s eyes suddenly opened, and countless
thoughts were instantly interpreted by the night. .
After only a few seconds, everything was dim again, and the ink night put his head down:
"Fortunately, he was frozen. Otherwise, I wouldn't get anything that was too bad."
In the ink night, I wrote a piece of code and handed it to Li Qian: "You can see if you can
start it."
If it can be started, Mo Ye and Song Yu can inform Zhou Qing, let Wu Yun come with
Professor Chen to come back to the world of mankind.
When the magnetic field of the shuttle cabin was activated and all the data was normal, Li
Qian showed a happy smile: "This code! This code is not wrong!"
Almost at the same time, the night of the night is remote sensing.
Ledou and its ethnic group took Zhou Qing and Professor Chen to them to the No. 5 base.
The author has something to say: Under the thunderstorm, the mother will not let the fat
melon use the computer, saying that she is afraid of being thunder!
Laws of the Other World Chapter 105: magnetic field
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There are too many people in the base, but Wu Yun and Rong Zhou can't control so many
"Zhou Qing, you are no longer the former scholar who only knows to complete his own
research. You know how to protect other people, right?"
Ink night turned and looked at Zhou Qing.
"I know. You can rest assured to find Zhou Yu. I promise that when you come back, this
magnetic field shuttle device must be in our hands." Zhou Qing slammed Li Qian's shoulder,
both of them firmly Look at the ink night.
Since the promise, Zhou Qing knows that he must do it. And he also has the ability to do it.
"I have adjusted the parameters. The other end of the magnetic field, Dr. Ron and Mr. Song,
are already in place. We can deliver the first batch of people." Li Qian said.
But no one knows if Ron and Song Zhi are in the opposite situation. What is the situation?
If you go back and fall into the control of Juli Group, it is better not to go back.
When everyone hesitated, Professor Chen patted his chest and said, "I will go back! Qu Yun
walks with me! Li Qian, you give us a string of passwords. We will respond after we arrive.
If there is a situation there. Suitable for everyone to go back, you will receive these two
passwords from me and Qu Yun!"
Professor Chen looked at the ink night and Song Hao, and they nodded.
Professor Chen’s idea is very straightforward. That is, when they arrived on the other side,
they did not see Song Zhi and Ron. Even if the people of Juli Group forced Professor Chen
and Qu Yun to tell Li Qian all the safety, they must both surrender. .
Although Professor Chen is too old to stand up to toss, he is also a determined person. Qu
Yun is well trained and endurance is very good. Even if he is dead, it may not be used by Juli
Professor Chen and Qu Yun entered the shuttle cabin, and his research assistants helped Li
Qian to confirm all the parameters again.
Before leaving, Professor Chen clung to Song Wei: "My child... you must come back."
"I will go there to find you, and I will go hiking with you. Please tell him, I will definitely go
there to find him." Song Hao patted Professor Chen's back and personally supported him.
He sat in.
When the hatch fell, Li Qian’s finger on the keyboard to send the code was shaking.
Watching the shuttle cabin gradually disappear into the magnetic field, the people on the
scene are very nervous. Li Qian folded his hands together and arrived at the forehead and
Time passed by little, and the alarm clock set by Li Qian rang. This means that according to
the estimation, Professor Chen and Qu Yun should have reached the other side.
Several research institutes couldn't help but squeezed behind Li Qian, waiting for feedback
from the computer.
Time passes by little, and uneasy emotions are spreading.
Even if no one whispers, their thoughts are not difficult to guess.
Isn't that something going wrong?
Did Professor Chen and Qu Yun reach the other side?
Or was it controlled by Juli Group after arriving?
Just as this speculation, disappointment and fear escalated, Li Qian’s computer flashed two
rows of numbers.
He widened his eyes and looked at the two sets of numbers.
"Li Qian, is this number right?" A researcher couldn't help but push Li Qian's shoulder.
Li Qian just woke up and pointed at the screen. He couldn't tell the whole story for a long
"I just nodded, not shaking my head." Song squinted and opened his mouth.
Li Qian slammed his head like a garlic, and his face was an ecstatic expression.
The people around me cheered up.
This means they can go home!
After several round trips, Li Qian sent the researchers of Professor Chen back, and the last
round was the team members led by Rong Zhou.
The original people in the base couldn’t stand it anymore. They tried to get in hard with
guns. It was like a battle, and the whole base was in chaos.
Rong Zhou said: "We are not leaving, staying to protect you..."
His voice just fell, and the vines with sharp barbs hurried through the passages of the base,
entangled with these restless guys, and the barbs pierced into their muscles, and the wacky
and painful shouts came one after another. These vines automatically dismantled their
guns and locked them up.
Li Qian locked all the channel nodes of the base to ensure the safety of this magnetic field
transportation center.
"In fact, after all of us have left, we will send them back one by one. We are not gods, and we
do not have the qualification to leave them here." Zhou Qing looked at the people in the
surveillance video with an indifferent look, then Turning your head and looking at Rong
Zhou, "Captain Captain, you still take your people immediately. The Juli Group has a deep
root. Even if Mr. Song and Dr. Ron can cope, they also need help. Here I will deal with it.
Rong Zhou thinks again and again that his role in Zhou Qing is really small, and Dr. Song Zhi
and Dr. Ron may need more help.
He took his own person to the shuttle cabin and left Nibelungen.
At this time, the unconscious Zhou Yu gradually woke up.
His head hurts, and the cicada in his mind seems to be overturning his skull. Consciousness gradually recovered, and remembered that Isaac approached
himself, Zhou Yu opened his eyes.
He wanted to move, but he found himself sitting in a chair, and the alternating current
could be seen around the chair. They formed a spherical space and wrapped Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu stood up and looked around to see the situation around him.
It looks like an empty lab with metal walls on all sides, but no researcher and no computer
or research equipment.
It was Isaac who took him away. Is it the No. 5 base?
What about ink night? How is the ink night!
At that moment, Zhou Yu’s heart sank. When he was about to walk out of the space formed
by the current, the front door slid and Isaac came in.
"If I were you, I wouldn't touch the magnetic field."
"The magnetic field... what do you want to do?"
Zhou Yu stared at Isaac, even if Isaac said that the surrounding magnetic field could not be
touched, but Zhou Yu could not be really stupid to try.
Isaac came over to another chair, tilted his legs, looked at Zhou Yu leisurely, and lifted his
left hand, meaning: You can try it.
Zhou Yu’s fingertips touched up, and a moment of power was transmitted from his
fingertips to his whole body. From the tiniest cells to the bones and nerves, he was
destroyed in an instant. Zhou Yu went backwards and fell back to the chair.
He breathed hard, such damage is fatal, if he just forced to cross this magnetic field, it will
be smouldering!
Sweat fell from his forehead, and the power of the s-class creature was healing his damaged
part, but he needed nutrition.
Fortunately, he still has the nutrients that Isaac gave himself before his waist. He took one
and put it into his vein.
"Ah... I didn't expect you to keep what I gave you. Can I regard this as your trust in me?"
Isaac said with a smile.
Zhou Yu lowered his head and did not speak.
The recovery of the body is the division and growth of the cells, as if experiencing
numerous tremendous pains in a short period of time.
But Zhou Yu knows that Isaac deliberately left the nutrient solution to him. Because the
other party does not want him to die in the magnetic field.
"What do you want to do?" Zhou Yu asked with a grin.
"Of course not letting you accompany me to chat here. Do you know what the most stupid
thing you have done?" Isaac asked with a smile.
"What is it?"
"He could have been the most powerful existence across the two worlds, but he promised
to cooperate with Turin and created Song. If it were me, would anyone follow me, and
whether or not there are any descendants of his own. What you want is unique.” Isaac’s
smile is indifferent. In such a light, Zhou Yu saw the real madness.
Mr. Eaton pursues the rights and eternal life, and Isaac wants to get far more than that.
"You want to solve all the s-class creatures..." Zhou Yu looked at each other with incredible
Isaac slowly got up and took his pocket to Zhou Yu’s face: "Yeah. So if you want to ruin you,
I still have a pity. It’s lonely to stand alone. Should I leave you? What? Just leaving you, will
be my companion, or an opponent playing chess?"
"You can't do it. Whether it's Song Min or ink night, you are not their opponent!"
In Zhou Yu’s heart, Isaac’s plan is just a big dream.
"I am different from Mr. Eaton. Everything I want to do must be prepared. When Turin and
I made a covenant, I was thinking that if one day I was tired of wanting to break the
contract. It’s a breeze. There must be a practical way to restrain him, so there is this base.”
Isaac looked around and looked around. “Do you know where this is?”
Zhou Yu does not speak.
"This is the sixth base of Juli Group. It was just built before Eaton came to Nibelungen. You
have already seen the magnetic field shuttle, right?" Isaac's body leaned forward slightly.
At the moment he looked at him, Zhou Yu had a bad feeling.
"This whole base is located in an extinct volcanic crater. The whole base is a huge magnetic
field maker, but it is not set to reach the target, and there is no protection device such as a
shuttle cabin. Once it is taken in... it will be torn by the magnetic field. broken."
The heart of Zhou Yu seems to suddenly collapse, and the back of the ridge suddenly chills.
"I am waiting for them to come." Isaac smiled.
"You are a madman!" Zhou Yu tried to rush out, but the body was shaken by the magnetic
field, and it bounced back, and the internal organs were rolling.
"Don't worry too much, you will hurt yourself. You don't want to see the last side of the ink
Isaac smiled and got up, took his suit collar and went out.
Just when Zhou Yu woke up, the night of Mo's night seemed to be a lightning bolt to break
through the darkness. He immediately flew to the base outside the No. 5 base.
Song Hao also followed him.
"Zhou Qing, ink night senses where Zhou Yu is! We go to him!"
The author has something to say: I still want to say that I will write the ending on the
weekend, and I will return to the unit to work overtime...
My mood is not as happy as a thunderstorm
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Laws of the Other World Chapter 106: Break

Settings saved..
Two silver figures pierced the sky and galloped into the distance, like the time of flight, and
everything was removed.
Zhou Qing can only watch them go away from the monitoring outside the base.
He clenched his fist and closed his eyes: I wish you good luck. Be sure to come back!
The heart of the ink night has never been so eagerly awaited and longed.
And Song Hao can hardly catch up with him.
Zhou Yu, who was trapped in the magnetic field, sensed the proximity of the ink night. He
had to work hard to remind the ink night: don't come over! This is a trap! Once you get
here, Isaac will start the magnetic field!
In the night, I saw everything in Zhou Yu’s mind, but such danger could not stop him from
wanting to see Zhou Yu’s mood. It was like a meteor that had already broken through the
atmosphere and would not rest without crashing into the ground.
He frantically chased the one who would let him recover again, even if he ruined himself.
Song Zhen sensed the message from the ink night, and he suddenly stopped.
Since Isaac has set this trap, if he does not go in, he will not be able to save Zhou Yu. But if
both the ink night and the Song dynasty enter, there is no possibility of escape.
Let him see how powerful this magnetic field is for capturing and destroying s-class
Ink night rushed to the dead volcano.
It is a giant crater that Nibelungen rarely sees. Even if it has been sleeping for hundreds of
millions of years, it seems that there is still a powerful force to destroy the heavens and
earth from the depths of the earth to the sky.
The crater is a huge circular ring, and the night of the night feels like a black hole.
The general crater is covered by vegetation, but this crater is different. From the top to the
foot of the mountain, it is weathered into various forms of rock. They are like sharp scales,
scratching the creatures close to it at any time.
The ink night is surrounded by the crater in the original state, and the induction of Zhou Yu
is getting stronger and stronger.
I said that you should not come!
Even if he didn't see Zhou Yu's face, the ink night knew that the guy's eyes were red.
what are you worried about? We ruined this magnetic field together!
The look of the ink night is firm and calm.
The crater is covered by heavy metal, just like the fortress formed by Juli Group relying on
natural terrain.
Such a grand project, I don’t know how much manpower and material resources I have
spent, why didn’t I notice it?
Ink night snorted. If it is him, it will never give humans the opportunity to make such a big
battle in Nibelungen!
Since Isaac is confident that this magnetic field can cause damage to s-class creatures, its
gravity is bound to be strong. The magnetic field that transports the shuttle cabin is not
worthy of integration in front of the s-class creature, and its gravity is enough to break free
for the ink night.
So... this whole crater is probably an entire magnetic field!
Is Isaac wanting to **** in Nibelungen?
This bastard!
Ink nights gather their bodies without fear, like arrows from the strings, rushing to the
metal wall in an instant.
The speed of his dive burned the air, the temperature above the crater suddenly increased,
and the line of sight was twisted!
I only heard the sound of the sound of the earth, and the ink slammed into the air.
The heavy metal surface is like a broken mirror, passing by the ink night.
The dark bottom suddenly lit up at that moment.
At the same time as the earth moved, Zhou Yu felt the closeness of the ink night, and he
looked up.
The ink night broke through a lot of obstacles, just like Zhou Yu rushed into the abyss of
**** from the vast sky.
Zhou Yu’s eyes are wide, and the line of sight seems to be splitting. It usually hurts along
the cranial nerves.
"Don't--" Zhou Yu hasn't had time to stop the ink night, and the ink night has broken
through the metal ceiling of Zhou Yu's head.
He slammed into the magnetic field surrounding Zhou Yu, how fast the previous speed, and
now there is no hesitation!
The magnetic field reverses the powerful energy and stuns the body of the ink night. He
violently bounces out, and the Zhou Yu, who is trapped inside, synchronizes with the
induction of the ink night, and also feels the enormous damage suffered by the body of the
ink-night body and ordinary humans. Unbearable pain.
But the energy of the ink night is huge. This magnetic field fluctuates at that moment. It is
hard to be knocked out by the ink night. Then, at the moment when it is about to recover,
Zhou Yu rushes over everything, only one thousandth. In seconds, his body will be cut off
by the magnetic field!
"Ink night -" Zhou Yuchong went up and hugged each other.
The resilience of the ink night was powerful, and his body quickly recovered.
"let's go--"
The ink night did not intend to waste time, rolled up Zhou Yu, wrapped it in his body, and
quickly leaped to the light of the head.
Just as the body of the ink night has not completely left the bottom, the magnetic field is
activated, as the giant vortex of the rotation spreads upwards!
The speed of the ink night suddenly slowed down at that moment, as if dragged by a
powerful force, even if he stretched his neck and tried his best, but he was farther and
farther from the top of his head.
Even Zhou Yu, who is protected in the ink night body, can feel the power.
The magnetic field at the bottom is being opened little by little. It not only absorbs the air,
but through the crater, even the metal fragments that were previously knocked in are
absorbed. They cut through the body of the ink night and even penetrated him. The body is
drawn into the magnetic field.
Those creatures that were too late to escape were smothered and sucked in. When they
were too late to enter the magnetic field, they were distorted by the powerful force.
Zhou Yu felt the fear for the first time!
Not because of the death, he is not afraid of death... but he does not want to die here at
Even if it is as powerful as a s-class creature, the speed at which the body of the ink is
healed cannot keep up with the speed destroyed and absorbed by the magnetic field.
There are constantly cells that are dragged by the magnetic field like a gravel to leave the
body of the ink night. It is a huge pain that is repeated repeatedly. The more the ink night
struggles, the more parts he loses.
Every part of Zhou Yu’s body followed the pain of the ink night.
The pain is heartbreaking, like being burned, split.
"Don't worry about me! You will leave here immediately!" Zhou Yu knows that ink nights
consume a lot of power in order not to let the magnetic field hurt himself.
If you don't waste this power, maybe he can break free!
"What are you talking about! Without you, how can I be me!" Ink night came out. "Do you
think I am protecting you from being alive? I am not so great! If you are destined to be
destroyed - I must You are dead with me!"
This is the persistence of the ink night.
Zhou Yu is everything to him, this is the only survival rule he has to observe!
At that moment, Zhou Yu suddenly felt that death was such a warm and crazy thing.
It is not the end, but a massive fusion.
"Amount - ah -" Ink night rushed to the highest point, and even the magnetic field
underneath seemed to be dragged away by him!
The volcano is shaking, and Zhou Yu feels that it seems to be cracking.
Yes, such a powerful magnetic field must have a source of energy!
As long as the ink exhausts the energy of the magnetic field, even if they are seriously
injured, they will certainly survive!
At this time, Song Yu, who was outside the crater, looked at the huge vortex formed above
the crater, and the vortex constantly expanded to absorb the surrounding matter.
"Well, can't make it too arrogant!"
Since you can't ruin it from the inside, let it collapse from the outside!
Song Yu sensed Zhou Yu and Mok night, knowing that the ink night has already protected
Zhou Yu, then he has nothing to worry about!
Like the hurricane in the gallop, through the limits of life and death, Song Yu slammed
against the ground and rushed to the outside of the volcano, he would knock the volcano
into a crack!
The silver figure formed a powerful energy group and slammed into the volcano. At the
moment of touching, a large piece of dust was raised and covered.
The volcano swayed and there was a huge crack, and the magnetic field initiating device
inside the volcano was oscillated and unstable. At the moment when the strength
weakened, the ink night slammed upwards for more than ten meters, but was quickly
sucked again. It is.
Song Hao quickly retreated and then ran into it for the second time.
The blow was more violent than the last blow, and one-third of the volcano collapsed. The
falling rock was shattered by the magnetic field and burst into a loud sound.
The power of the magnetic field is once again weakened, and the ink night is rushing out of
the crater!
Song Yu once again stepped back, but at that moment, his mind seemed to be hit by a force,
Isaac was attacking him with a pulse of the brain!
This battle without smoke began, Song Song must drive Isaac's power out of his body, but
the crisis of ink night and Zhou Yu is imminent!
At this time, Zhou Yu also sensed Song’s struggle.
Just kidding, people with s-level power are not only Song and ink nights!
At that moment, countless black-backed pterodles avoided the vortex of the crater's power,
flying fast against the ground, like a dense black and white lightning, hitting the volcano
that had been hit by Song Song!
Not just the black-backed pterosaurs, it seems that all the aggressive creatures of
Nibelungen come from all directions, like a huge hand, squeezing the volcano and pushing
it down.
The volcano is like being moved, making a loud noise, constantly falling and falling!
The magnetic field manufacturing device is also destroyed at the same time. The power of
the magnetic field is weakening. At a certain moment, the ink night is like a diamond star
that has to return to the universe, rushing toward the sky, dragging a layer of silver. .
Zhou Yu and Mo Ye went together to the highest point.
How strong is the previous bondage, how crazy is the speed at this time!
Zhou Yu closed his eyes and realized the freedom of this moment.
They are beyond the boundaries between life and death, as if they broke the barriers of the
two worlds!
The author has something to say: The next chapter: Isaac, you have to be bloody!

Laws of the Other World Chapter 107: Choice

Settings saved..
The ink-night that runs out of strength is like a exhausted meteor, getting smaller and
smaller, and finally can't wrap Zhou Yu, return to human form, and fall down.
Zhou Yu was shocked. Two black-backed pterosaurs crossed an arc in the sky and caught
Zhou Yu and Mok night at the most dangerous moment.
When Zhou Yu hugged the ink night because he was exhausted and went to consciousness,
he took a deep breath, and the ink night was hugged by him in his arms, like a treasure
In the distance, it is Song Song in the contest with Isaac.
His tail flew across a virgin forest, and tall old trees collapsed like rows of waves.
Zhou Yu clenched his teeth, his fingers stroked the forehead of the night sweat, and kissed
his eyebrows: "Wait for me here. Anyone who hurts you, I will let him pay the price!"
After that, Zhou Yu took off his coat and covered it on the night of the night.
Ledou flew down from the sky, and Zhou Yu touched his head and said, "Brother, take care
of him for me!"
"Hey!" Le Dou nodded.
Zhou Yu once again crossed the black-backed pterosaur and soared away.
He wants to solve Isaac as quickly as possible, and then return to the night of the ink night!
At this time, Isaac rode on the back of a Tyrannosaurus, and was quickly leaving the area.
Song Yi chased him and collided with Isaac's power.
Zhou Yu is like a black blade breaking through the wind, passing through Song Hao's side:
"Protect the ink night for me - I have to personally clean up Isaac Eaton!"
Song Yu looked at Zhou Yu’s side face in the wind. His hair was rising, like a boiling wave.
His eyes were firm and penetrated everything. Nothing could stop him.
Song Yu turned without hesitation and rushed to the direction of the ink night.
And Zhou Yu went to the forefront and slammed into the overbearing silver bead that was
running fast.
It was felt that Isaac, who was close to Zhou Yu, looked up, his pupils expanded, and one
hand held the back of Bawangyinzhuzhu, and he jumped off when it was hit by the black-
backed pterosaur!
The overlord silver pearl made a sharp sorrow, while at the same time it highlighted the
tough silk thread, solidified into a strand, rubbing the wings of the black-backed pterosaurs
to the heights, and the black-backed pterosaurs were more sensitive, just sideways. At the
moment of flight, Zhou Yu took the opportunity to jump down and kicked on Isaac's body.
Isaac shunned in the midst of a thousand miles, Zhou Yu landed, and confronted Isaac
"Zhou Yu, I didn't expect you to be alive." Isaac pulled a smile.
It was not a sneer sneer, but a joy to the opponent.
Zhou Yu does not want to have any communication with this madman, because he said, the
madman will not understand!
What is even more intolerable is that this madman has hurt his most important person!
Just blink of an eye, Zhou Yu has come to Isaac's face, and suddenly punched his abdomen.
Isaac didn't expect it to sneak out of the abdomen.
Zhou Yu did not give him the opportunity to breathe. He jumped up and slammed his head
to his head. He could not wait to smash his head.
Isaac lifted his arms and resisted. This time he didn't fall, but his body fell straight and
slipped back a few meters.
In his eyes, the gas was bloodthirsty, and he pulled up his lips and his words were cold and
"Zhou Yu... Dear Zhou Yu... Do you know that you are more interesting than everything
After that, Isaac rushed to the front of Zhou Yu as if he had counterattacked. He punched
Zhou Yu’s face, but he leaned over at the moment of Zhou Yu’s defense. He used his elbow
to fiercely top the Zhou Yu. Side waist.
The internal organs were shattered by this shock, and Zhou Yu held back the pain and
raised his knees and slammed into Isaac's abdomen.
The game between the two players attacked and defended the rounds in a second, and the
speed was extremely fast, even the space had to be distorted.
Zhou Yu stepped over his legs, against Isaac's knees, and slammed Isaac's back with his
elbows. The sound of broken bones was particularly loud.
Isaac fell down.
But the healing of the spine was extremely rapid, just as Zhou Yu rode on his back, holding
his back in one hand and holding his neck in the other, and when he had to screw his neck
down, Isaac suddenly Backward an elbow, directly crushed Zhou Yu's several ribs.
This battle is like a pure contest between two humans.
They are all masters of close combat, without any extra movements between each other,
each shot is to give the other party the most deadly damage.
Zhou Yu's movements are getting faster and faster, and it seems to be flowing, but for Isaac,
a momentary misjudgment and hesitation will be killed by Zhou Yu.
At a certain moment, Isaac buckled Zhou Yu’s wrist and quickly pressed forward, forcing
Zhou Yu to retreat while pressing Zhou Yu’s arm to his own neck.
"Do you know why I like you so much?" Isaac's smile was a fascination.
This fascination is the opposite of the simple and crazy emotion of the ink night. Like the
fallen darkness, it is necessary to drag all the light down.
Zhou Yu is the dawn.
"Because only you can let me experience the thrill of being close to death -"
After that, Isaac would use Zhou Yu’s arm to break his neck, but he did not expect that Zhou
Yu turned around and did not care to screw his arm off, even if he didn’t even scream,
which made him successfully transferred. On the side of Isaac’s side, his knees split and
broke Isaac’s knees, and the pain caused Isaac to release Zhou’s arm.
Zhou Yu held the dislocated arm on the ground, a force, only heard a bang, the place where
the dislocation recovered.
And Isaac sneered at Zhou Yu, shaking and standing up.
"This is not the end. Do you think this is just a war between me and you?"
After that, a black-backed pterosaur rushed to Isaac's side and Isaac jumped up.
Zhou Yu realized what, with Song Wei remote sensing: hurry back to the base!
Song Hao immediately took the ink night and went straight to the base.
At this time, Professor Chen and Rong Zhou had almost all of them delivered, leaving only
Wu Yun, Zhou Qing and Li Qian to stay here.
They are still waiting for Zhou Yu and Mok night to come back.
Zhou Yu was chasing behind Isaac, and the two black-backed pterosaurs competed one
after the other, and they controlled Isaac and Zhou Yu in the invisible battle.
Isaac manipulated the spiders of the numerous Tyrannosaurus and the two-headed
tarantula to attack the No. 5 base, and they sneaked in from the crack.
Zhou Qing controlled the thorns and thorns to pierce the invading two-headed tarantula.
The body of the Overlord Silver Spider is too large, they propped up the collapsed walls, so
that more aggressive creatures are drilled in, posing a great threat to their safety.
Zhou Qing sensed the closeness of Song Yu and Zhou Yu, and also realized the power of
Isaac's power.
He almost completely mastered his ability. He resisted Zhou Yu's invasion and went deep
into Zhou Qing's brain. When he read the information in Zhou Qing's mind, he made a
smile: It was really interesting, Zhou Yu - The energy to maintain the magnetic field is only
transmitted for the last time.
Are you talking about you, or me?
Isaac’s provocation has tightened Zhou’s back, and the speed of the black-backed pterosaur
has increased exponentially!
He almost slammed into the base at the same time with Isaac.
They walked through the passages of the base, and the Overlord Silver Spider constantly
crushed the metal walls and shattered them behind Zhou Yu, like a domino.
Waiting for their Zhou Qing's eagerness, the Devil's Vine and the Overlord Silver Spider are
contending from all directions.
The upper layer of the base is riddled with holes.
The inner core of the transmission clearly felt the vibration, and there was something
falling from the top of the head.
"Why haven't they come back yet!" Wu Yunjiu is going crazy, only hating his own
powerlessness, and nothing can help Zhou Yu to do them.
The devil vines are interwoven into a huge net, shrouded in the upper layer of the base, to
isolate attacks from other creatures.
Song Song rushed to Zhou Qing with a stunned ink night.
Zhou Qing and Wu Yun immediately stepped forward to help the ink night.
"What's up with him?"
"He just exhausted his power." Song Wei looked at the energy indicator and was almost
"I am going to help Zhou Yu! Zhou Qing, you and Li Qian are taking the ink night! If the
energy is not enough, you will go immediately!"
"No... I won't go." Zhou Qing looked firmly at Song Song. "I have nothing to do here, but you
have a reason to leave!"
Song Yu’s heart seemed to be pinched.
On the other side of the world, there is Song Zhi who he always wanted to see.
"I can't let you stay here to deal with that madman... I..."
Zhou Qing reached out to Song Yu’s chest and said very seriously: “Different people have
different things to do at different moments. It’s not that you are left to deal with Isaac. I feel
it. It’s not just the ink night, but your power is running out. The Juli Group is a huge
organization. To defeat him in the human world, Dr. Song and Dr. Ron need more and more
powerful power. Song Yi. Believe me, I also believe in Zhou Yu. At this moment, fighting
with my big brother is something I have to do. Resistance to Isaac to protect the ink night is
what my older brother Zhou Yu must do. And what you have to do is to see Song Zhi again.
There should be no more waiting between the two of you."
Song Yu opened his mouth.
Zhou Qing showed a cold expression: "Think about it. If Song Zhi is here, what decision will
he make?"
The author has something to say: Ledou: Professor Zhou is so ambitious, is he forgotten to
take medicine?
Laws of the Other World Chapter 108: Crossing two worlds (the end of
the text)
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Song Yu’s heart trembled, and the name could disintegrate his firmness and patience in
building everything.
"He will make the most favorable decision on the situation."
"Yes. Now the energy to maintain the magnetic field is declining. We must make the worst
plan, that is, Isaac will try to return to the human world through this magnetic field. This is
for humans... for the world where Song Zhi is now. It will be a disaster. We must let as many
people who belong to us go back. There must be you among those who have to go back,
because Song is still waiting for you. The night must also go with you. He is seriously
injured, no Any awareness is now an important juncture between Zhou Yu and Isaac. If he
stays here as a hostage, Zhou Yu can't do anything." Zhou Qing looks at Wu Yun, "and you
must go back. You The daughter is waiting for you. And there is nothing here that you can
do for us."
"Zhou Yu is my brother, I can't just like that..."
"Isac is about to break in!" Li Qian stared at the screen nervously.
"Okay! All the people who are leaving now go now! Give me here and Zhou Yu!" Zhou Qing's
cold expression is similar to Zhou Yu's death.
His voice is very strong, making people inexplicably obedient.
"But... what to do with the system..." Li Qian asked worriedly.
"The system handed it to me." Zhou Qing came to Li Qian's side and lifted him up from his
seat and pushed it to the shuttle cabin. "Take care of Han Li."
At this time, Han Li, his eyes are already red.
Only heard a loud noise, Isaac had broken through the nearest node, and Zhou Yuqi ran up
and fought with him in the passage.
Zhou Yu slammed forward from his black-backed pterosaur, and fell to the back of Isaac. He
grabbed Isaac’s back collar but did not expect to put his coat. Pulled it down.
Isaac turned to Zhou Yu's cheek is a punch, Zhou Yu sideways escaped, but the punch is too
strong in strength and speed, the air brought up actually left a blood mark on Zhou Yu's
side face.
"Dear, can you wait to get rid of me?" Isaac's lips swelled up.
Zhou Yu looked at the back from the body of the black-backed pterosaur, but he also
hooked Isaac's leg and the two fell to the ground.
The flying speed of the black-backed pterosaur is very fast. When it falls, the passages
follow the vibration, and the bones of Zhou Yu and Isaac are broken.
Zhou Yu endured a severe pain and lifted his leg and stepped on Isaac’s head, stern and
Isaac lifted his arms and blocked his wrist while pulling Zhou Yu again.
The two black-winged pterosaurs also fought each other, their wings across the metal wall,
making a very sharp and harsh sound.
At this time, Song Song sat in the night and Han Li took her medical team members into the
Li Qian hesitated and didn't know what to do: "I'm afraid... I won't see you again after this
Zhou Qing smiled lightly: "I will always be by your side. Don't feel uneasy about each other.
It's just a physical distance."
Li Qian closed his eyes and entered the cabin.
Wu Yun followed Li Qian, but he did not step in and he stopped. He turned his head and
looked at Zhou Qing: "The last position in the shuttle cabin is left, I..."
"I and Zhou Yu have things to do. And believe in us." Zhou Qing hurried forward, grabbed
Wu Yun's back and forced him into the shuttle cabin.
When the hatch fell, Wu Yunlai was too hesitant to be shut down.
Zhou Qing closed his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief. He came to the computer and
entered the sending code. The magnetic field started to work.
His look stunned and came to the door of this transmission room, coldly said: "It is my turn
I only heard the sound of moving, from far and near, like the vast ocean rolling over the
waves. The devil vines madly jacked up the collapsed base, extending the unworthy parts
directly, and infiltrated into the ground, and when they saw it, they came to the front of
Zhou Yu and Isaac who were fighting.
Zhou Yu stepped on the body of the devil vine, the devil vine was controlled by Zhou Qing,
and Zhou Yu had a tacit understanding, Zhou Yu jumped up and squatted on Isaac's chest.
Isaac's sternum was split and he had already shown a bit of wolverine, not as easy as he
was at the beginning.
He raised his eyes and a touch of gold rose from the bottom of his eyes. Zhou Yu realized
what immediately protected himself, and the devil vines burst from the inside out, and the
whole space was filled with the wreckage of the devil vine.
Isaac passed through the cracked devil's vine, punched in Zhou Yu's chest, and penetrated
his body to take out his heart.
At this time, the vines covered with thorns and barbed wire rushed over and almost
penetrated Isaac's body. Isaac had to give up attacking Zhou Yu, stepping on the wall
sideways, a big turn over, one Pull these thorny vines, tear them apart, and quickly rush to
the end of the passage.
Zhou Yu followed.
When Isaac opened the door with one foot, it was Zhou Qing’s eyes.
After Zhou Qing's body, the magnetic field is being closed, and the shuttle cabin has been
hidden into the magnetic field.
"What have you done?" The gold in Isaac's eyes seemed to burn to the extreme flame, and
the Zhou Qing was burned into powder.
Zhou Qing’s hair rose at that moment, and he suffered the power that suddenly came to
Like to turn everything upside down, his body is as painful as being torn, his brain is full of
Isaac's power, and everything is destroyed. Zhou Qing subconsciously raises his arm to
resist, forcing him to Power pushes out of your body, but Isaac is unstoppable as an
Until Zhou Yu came behind him, and despite all the punches that penetrated Isaac’s body, at
the moment when Zhou Yu was about to pull out the other’s heart, Isaac suddenly took a
step forward, Zhou Yu did not succeed, and Aisa Although he was healing behind him, the
blood was blooming on the clothes, and the drip was dropped.
The last drop of energy that keeps the magnetic field running is also exhausted, and the
magnetic field disappears completely after a burst of sound.
Zhou Qing did not have to look back and knew that the people he wanted to send away
safely had already been sent away.
Zhou Yu also exhaled with a breath.
"Do you know what you did? We will always be trapped in Nibelungen--" Isaac's gaze is like
a knife sweeping over Zhou Yu and Zhou Qing's face.
"No, we won't be trapped here. But you will disappear here." Zhou Yu cold channel.
"What? Just two of you?" Isaac turned his face, his smile was even colder, and the force that
rushed into Zhou Qing's body became stronger. Zhou Qing clenched his teeth and stood by
each of his own. cell.
At this time, the metal walls above their heads were opened by a group of overlord silver
spiders, and the glare of the light fell.
"Isac... Nibelungen has the law of Nibelungen. Don't be attracted by dangerous things. The
so-called 'dangerous' refers not only to the creatures here, but also to the greed that does
not belong to one's own strength. want."
Isaac laughed insanely: "Do you think these bully spiders can do me? I can kill them all
easily! And your brother - he will not die!"
Zhou Qing grabbed his head, kneeling on the ground, his body was shaking, his muscles on
his arms and cheeks seemed to split.
But Zhou Yu always looked at Isaac calmly.
The eyes that were as calm as black holes gradually emerged from the golden color, and
then rushed down from the sky like the rushing tide, rushing into Isaac's body, breaking
open every cell of his body and entering his body. The bone marrow, along his nerve line,
continually destroys everything he has.
Isaac's eyes widened and looked at Zhou Yu. Zhou Yu's look was like the performer of the
absolute will of the gods. It could not be shaken and could not be destroyed.
Isaac had to recover the power of attacking Zhou Qing and fully cope with Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu is like a universe, and the power of the explosion devours everything.
The base is constantly collapsing, and a variety of Nibelungen creatures are coming.
Isaac couldn’t care for them, and the tough silver thread of the Overlord Silver Spider
spurted out and penetrated Isaac’s body.
The black-backed pterosaur gathered in the sky swooped down like a black vortex.
At this moment, Isaac seemed to be the center of Nibelungen. He was bitten by many
creatures but was suppressed by Zhou Yu and could not resist.
Zhou Yu went to Zhou Qing's side and helped him up.
Le Dou flew over, Zhou Yu and Zhou Qing riding up and galloping to the sky.
In the sun, they saw Isaac drowned by these creatures.
"For them, being able to overcome s-class creatures beyond their own ranks is like
breaking away from the limitations of genetic chains." Zhou Yu looks down on Isaac's
"Zhou Yu - Do you think that I am dead? Can you live in Nibelunggen perfectly? You are
human beings, and the longing for human life is always! The creatures that control this
place are never as good as the pleasure of human beings! You - you will never see your ink
night again!"
Isaac’s rumor came as if it were the echo of hell.
Zhou Qing looked at Zhou Yu, Zhou Yu just smiled softly.
"Look, it’s an honor for Isaac to die like this."
Zhou Qing swallowed, he has never seen such a scene.
The creatures of Nibelungen are gathered together just to destroy one person.
The madness that they have been suppressed for hundreds of millions of years has been
released at this moment.
After only a few seconds, these creatures left in all directions, and Isaac’s bones were gone.
"I can't sense his existence..." Zhou Qing said.
Zhou Yu took a picture of his brother's back: "So now, I will accompany you to do what you
want to do most."
Zhou Qing stunned and nodded: "Let's go!"
They are flying under the sun, and Nibelung is born underneath.
Ledou glides in the sky and falls on a huge and tranquil lake.
The sun sets on the lake, and the lake seems to contain the entire sky.
Zhou Qing took a sampler from his waist and walked to the lake. When he opened the lid of
the sampler, he subconsciously looked back at Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu nodded to his younger brother and said to him with his mouth: Believe in yourself.
Zhou Qing took a deep breath and sent the sample period into the lake.
When he stepped back step by step, a magnificent miracle happened in front of them.
Among the lakes, there are trunks that continue to grow upwards, and the branches and
leaves grow in all directions, giving a heart-pulsing sound.
A living cell can make Imir reborn.
At this moment, Zhou Yu and Zhou Qing looked up and looked at Nirvana, the rebirth of
Nirvana, heading for the sky.
That is a miracle of life.
The top of the head is a vibrant green, covering the sky.
Zhou Qing’s eyes are extremely devout.
At that moment, Imir morphed into an adult shape, as Zhou Qing first met with him, like the
purest **** in nature.
He smiled low and smiled, close to Zhou Qing with such an elegant and beautiful face.
There is no banter, and the pride of condescending, he is so solemn.
Zhou Qing’s eyes trembled, and the world twisted like a fog in his eyes.
Imir opened his arms and held him in his arms.
"Do you know... this is the way I really want to meet you."
Zhou Qing’s tears finally fell.
The creatures that have survived on Imir have come back from all directions. It is like the
way home of life. From here, I will leave here, but in the end, I will return here.
"Thank you, choose me." Imir kissed Zhou Qing's eyebrows.
"No, we are destined to belong to each other." Zhou Qing smiled.
At that moment, he saw the scene of the other party seeing himself for the first time from
Imir's mind.
The entire Nibelungen is the eye of Imir, who can look at Zhou Qing from different angles of
From the initial curiosity of the outsiders, Imir felt that when Zhou Qingyi picked up a dry
leaf on the ground and observed the veins in the light, Imir’s mood jumped.
In his long life, he met a creature for the first time, so curious about everything he already
knew, and observing everything with the eyes of inquiry and understanding. All the tiniest
things are in the eyes of Zhou Qing. Unusual meaning. When Imir discovered it, he had been watching Zhou Qing for a long time
through a flower, a vine, a seed, and a tree.
At this time, Zhou Qing saw a self he never knew in the mind of Imir.
Such subtlety and magic.
And the heart is moving.
Zhou Yu stepped back and stepped over the back of Ledou. He patted the head of Ledou and
said, "Go, brother. I have what I am going to do."
Le Bean spread its wings, Zhou Yu closed his eyes, the wind slid from his ear, picked up his
hair, like every touch of the ink night, it is heart-rending.
His heart is vast and wide, listening to the voices from the entire Nibelungen.
The shuttle cabin arrived safely on the other side.
When the hatch opened, Li Qian and Han Li came out at the moment, watching the bright
lights and Song Yi and Ron standing opposite them.
Li Qian swayed forward and he licked his eyes, not even sure if he saw it.
Song’s unsmiling face slowly showed a smile.
"Welcome home."
The coldness is like a mechanical tone, but it has an inexplicable warmth, which makes Li
Qian’s eyes instantly red.
Professor Chen and Rong Zhou walked over quickly and held Li Qian tightly.
"Great! Child! You are back! You are finally back!"
At the moment when Song Hao stepped out of the hatch, the body stiffened there.
His gaze portrayed Song Zhi's figure over and over again, as if all the expectations in his life
were finally fixed at that moment.
He didn't know how to get out of the next step, because he was so frightened that for a
second, the Song of the present would disappear.
Song Zhi calmly looked at Song Yu, but at the moment when the line of sight touched, the
air that was adjusted to a fixed room temperature seemed to burn warmly.
"How long do I have to wait, will you come over?"
Song Zhi asked.
Song Yu opened his mouth and couldn't speak a thousand words. His mind couldn't think of
it except the person in front of him.
He stepped forward and stepped on the beat of the heartbeat every step of the way.
He clung to Song Zhi, just like embracing his freedom and life.
"I found you... I finally found you..." Song Yu tightened his arms, and that strength would
have to crush the bones of Song.
Song closed his eyes and raised his chin. Tears fell along the cheeks on Song's shoulders.
As long as it is the person who belongs to him, even if it crosses the boundaries of time and
space, it is a reunion.
"What about Zhou Yu? The shuttle cabin can't be sent back... It must be because the energy
on the other side has been exhausted..." Han Li came out, his face was guilty and worried,
"Zhou Yu and Zhou Qing... Can they not come back?"
The ink night that has been sleeping all the time, slowly opening your eyes at that moment.
Like the black glass of deep sea, we must include all the waiting and missing in the world.
"I am here. So Zhou Yu will definitely come back."
"I believe Zhou Yu." Song Zhi looked at the display. "I will wait here. Wait for his signal and
pick them up."
Zhou Yu rode the Ledou and returned to the extinct volcano that had been overturned.
Under the guidance of his strength, the creatures of Nibelungen flocked in. The overlord
silver spider pushed away the huge gravel, and the snake snake moved the mountain with
the body. Zhou Qing also came to help, using the devil vine to use the whole The blocked
crater was sorted out again.
"I know what you want to do." Zhou Qing showed a smile.
"Oh? What do I want to do?"
"The magnetic field used by Isaac may be the most powerful source of energy for the entire
Nibelungen. You only need a part of it, bring it back to the base 5 and restart the shuttle
magnetic field."
"I can extract the energy source, but I don't have Isaac's mind and Li Qian's technology."
Zhou Yu pointed to Zhou Qing.
"Your luck is good, I have both mind and technology."
Several black-backed pterosaurs flew into the depths of the crater, and Zhou Qing found the
energy of this magnetic field through their eyes.
"It is to store energy through the nuclear movement of Nibelungen. Isaac can do this step,
he is really a genius." Zhou Qing sincerely praised.
"It's a pity that it is a crazy genius." Zhou Yu replied.
Zhou Qing spent a year using the energy to repair the magnetic field, and successfully
received the shuttle cabin sent back by Song.
"It's time for you to go back, big brother." Zhou Qing said.
"You don't go with me?" Zhou Yu asked.
However, Zhou Yu’s heart already knows Zhou Qing’s answer.
"We are brothers, with the closest genes in both the human world and Nibelungen. No one
in this world is more like me than me, and no one is more like me than you. It can be like
two similar ones. Seeds, even in different places, will grow more germinated and grow
differently. But no matter where, no matter which space... I am your brother, you are my
brother, and can never be changed." Zhou Qing said.
In addition to the magnetic field shuttle device and system circuit, the fifth base has not
been repaired.
The sky above their heads is bright, and Zhou Yu can see the lively Imir between the
heavens and the earth.
He will take care of Zhou Qing forever, and they will accompany each other.
For Zhou Qing, perhaps in Nibelung, it is really more lively, simpler and more happy than in
the human world.
Zhou Yu closed his eyes and listened carefully to the voice of the world.
Ledou and its ethnic group landed nearby, and they stared at Zhou Yu with their bright
The black-backed pterosaurs that have been fighting alongside Zhou Yu have also come
here, and they all come to Zhou Yu.
No language is needed, they know each other and Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu knows that from the years to come, he will be very impressed with the truth and
frankness of Nibelungen. This is simple and straightforward in the human world.
"Goodbye, my old friends." Zhou Yu's heart is like a pilgrimage.
He has no love for anything in his life, but at the moment, he finds himself unable to let go
of everything here.
"Hey, big brother... you know, but we are going to this step today, is life no longer a multiple
choice question and a right or wrong question?" Zhou Qing's smile has a clear wisdom.
"With your heart, happiness is good." Zhou Qing will cover his hand on Zhou Yu's chest. The
heartbeat of the two brothers will be one at the same time. "Just like Imir used his life to
wait for me, ink night. I am waiting for you."
"Goodbye." Zhou Yu clasped Zhou Qing's shoulder, Zhou Qing closed his eyes and smiled.
Then Zhou Yu resolutely released his arm and entered the shuttle cabin.
At the moment when the hatch was closed, Zhou Yu said to Zhou Qing: "You must be happy.
Because even if you are not happy, I will think that you are happy there."
Zhou Qing waved his hand: "Big Brother, don't have to bear the expectations of others!
Enjoy the life that belongs to Zhou Yu!"
When the hatch is closed, Zhou Yu’s past and future are like being cut off at this moment,
but the fluctuations of the mood are still coming from deep in memory.
He took a deep breath and sat in the position where he came to Nibelungen.
The shuttle cabin rushed into the magnetic field.
Life is a journey to him without going back.
Before he came to Nibelungen, he thought that he still thought so when he left.
It’s just the depths of memory. From the first ink night, I appeared in that suitcase and
looked at myself. He went to the tree fort to save himself from being killed by the Overlord
Silver Spider, and then he became human. In the final form, he used his own life to protect
himself in the magnetic field. Zhou Yu knew that this journey must have the ink night to
accompany himself.
The memories are not over yet, and the shuttle trip has reached the end.
When the hatch was opened, Zhou Yu did not even sit up.
Until Song Zhi went to the front of the hatch, looked at him, and used the expression of
Zhou Yu when he first saw him: "Do you want coffee or black tea?"
Only Song Zhi once asked Zhou Yu in his office.
Hearing this sound, like the time goes by, the mood is very good.
Zhou Yu’s eyes passed through Song’s shoulder and saw Song Song standing behind him.
"Ink night... Where is it?"
"He is everywhere." Song Wei replied.
"What do you mean?" Zhou Yu frowned.
Song Yan showed a disdainful expression and pointed to the outside.
Here is the headquarters of Juli Group, and Song Zhi sent a car to Zhou Yu.
Whether it is the gas station of the expressway or the LEDs of the major shopping malls in
the city, you can see the image of the ink night.
Song Wei, who drove, said: "This guy has spent a year and has become a hot international
superstar. It is exaggerated and boring."
The car drove into the steel gardens of high-rise buildings, full of material desires, and the
floating world of people in the world.
Through the crowd, Zhou Yu saw wearing sunglasses, and the ink on his lips was
indifferent to the ink nights surrounded by countless bodyguards and reporters.
He has a breathtaking beauty.
Each of the five senses is a masterpiece of God's just right.
Such a man can easily let the world fall in front of him.
Zhou Yu got out of the car, and the moment when the ink night looked up, he touched his
Through the vast sea of people, without talking, they all know what they are thinking about
each other.
Zhou Yu: Why do you have to do such boring things? The streets are all you, I will be tired
of aesthetics.
Ink night: Because I want to be with you when I return to this world, I will reunite with me
all the time.
Zhou Yu: If I can't come back in my life?
Ink night: I have a much longer life than humans. I will use my life to find you until the end
of the two worlds.
For the first time, Zhou Yu, who was carrying a pocket, painted the night of the ink so
He suddenly remembered the poem that he had remembered in his arms in the night
Don't be old, you must be very cute when you are old, and if you are ten years old, of course
I am also ten years old, the world is ten years old, God is ten years old, everything is the
I am only willing to use this inspiration to communicate with each other, to bring comfort
to each other, like the glory of the popular, to shine my tired nightmare, forever a comfort,
even when you are away.
Wake up and feel that I love you.
The author has something to say: After the text is over, the fat melon did not expect that he
could finish it in one breath!
Thanks to the cute sisters who have been supporting the fat melons in Jinjiang. I can't stick
to the end without you!
The next meeting will say how everyone's life becomes, and Zhou Yu and ink night are not
calm everyday ~

Laws of the Other World Chapter 109: Extra (1)

Settings saved..
The sun was warm and fell on the window sill, and a pale yellow flower swayed with the
wind under the window.
The street below the window is a bustling crowd of people, and the distance is far away.
A cold-faced man spread a financial newspaper in his hand and read it with a slight brow.
What is written in the news is the news about the restructuring of the assets of large
multinational corporations. Including the chairman of Juli Group, Eaton died of illness. He
has no wife and children. According to his will, Dr. Cook, who had the first inheritance right,
died because of an accident. At the same time, Isaac Eaton, who had the second inheritance
right, died. To everyone's surprise, Song Zhi, who has always been low-key and has been
mobilized for research projects in remote areas, has inherited all of Eaton’s shares and
officially became the new chairman of Juli Group.
Since Song Zhi almost had no fame, Juli Group was caught in chaos and was exposed by the
media to have some illegal secret research. Many shareholders withdrew their capital,
which led to the stock price of Juli Group falling into a crisis.
The man's brow furrowed slightly as he heard the footsteps that he was not slow to walk
He reached for the cup on the side table, but he was caught by the person.
The other person lifted his left leg, his knee slowly brushed over the outside of his thigh,
pressed against the edge of the seat, and the other leg was lifted up, sitting directly on his
“Is the newspaper better than me?” The sound of the ink night was very long, and with the
sunlight in this room, Zhou Yu’s nerves became more and more soothing.
But he still didn't move the newspaper away, just freed up one hand and buckled the
opponent's midfielder: "You are the best person I have ever seen. Just watching it for a long
time, I will also be tired of aesthetics."
In the night of the ink, the newspaper in the hands of Zhou Yu was smashed down, thrown
aside, and then hooked Zhou Yu’s shirt collar and played it.
It seems to be careless, but there is a dangerous and mysterious temperament.
It is this temperament that makes him in front of the camera and reverses all beings.
"Hey, are you really tired of me? How do I remember that you are not looking at me for
more than ten minutes a day?"
"We sleep together every night." Zhou Yu's voice sounded helpless, but deep inside he
enjoyed the "night" of "night".
"But when you sleep, you are keeping your eyes closed. When I am with me, I only allow
you to close your eyes in one situation."
"What is the situation?" Zhou Yu raised his eyes with a funny smile.
At that moment, the ink night looked down and contained Zhou Yu’s lips.
His kiss was as warm and eager as ever, invading Zhou Yu's mouth, suppressing Zhou Yu's
tongue, licking his warm captain, followed by a whirlwind of sucking.
Zhou Yu doesn't even understand that the human world is very safe. They don't have to
worry about anything. With their longevity, they are afraid to become old monsters like
And the temptation of the human world is too much.
The former ink night was not contaminated, no matter how clever he was, he could not
truly appreciate the glitz and fame and fortune of the human world in Nibelungen. Perhaps
gradually, he will not care so much about Zhou Yu. What's more, there are many beautiful
men and women who are better than Zhou Yu around the current night.
But this kiss made Zhou Yu feel that the ink night was more greedy than he was before.
There are still important things today, Zhou Yuzheng has to face his face to stop the kiss. He
is too clear that it is easy to wipe out the fire in the state of ink night, but the ink night does
not mean to stop. Even if it is irritated, with Zhou Yu’s direction leaning over his head, he is
forced to be in Zhou Yu. The degeneration of the lips and teeth, he clasped Zhou Yu's collar,
as if warning him not to avoid himself.
Zhou Yu’s original back slanted backwards until the night of the night, and Zhou Yu’s collar
was turned and the hands were pressed against the back of the seat.
The ink night was getting more and more forceful. Zhou Yu patted his back and motioned to
stop him, but the ink night ignored it. Zhou Yu felt that he would be crushed by the ink
The chair is screaming because of Zhou Yu’s tolerance and the power of the ink night.
It was not until the door knocked at the door.
"Ink night, are you at home? We should set off! Today's photographers are more tempered
and must not be late!"
The agent of the ink night came out of the door.
Zhou Yu said to the ink night in his mind: Don't get in. And, I hate people who are late. Since
you have done this job, you are bothered to be professional.
Ink night laughed and finally let go of Zhou Yu.
But when Zhou Yu was on his eyes, he was stunned.
What is in the eyes is not the golden color, but the red bloodshot, like the anger after a
terrible thing is interrupted.
"Don't suffocate the girl." Zhou Yu looked at the ink night coldly.
"Know it. You really know how to pity the jade. Isn't my idiom useless?" The night of the ink
twitched his lips, with a kind of evil in his smile.
It is this temperament of innocence and evil that makes him the darling of many
"I still don't go down from me." Zhou Yuyang raised his chin.
He felt that he was going to spoil the ink night.
"I thought you would think it was very sexy." The ink night didn't mean to go down. He still
used his fingers to fiddle with Zhou Yu's shirt collar. "You actually wore a shirt. The special
police team needs to wear a shirt?"
After Zhou Yu returned to the human world, Song used the influence of Juli Group to
restore Zhou Yu’s identity. It’s just that Zhou Yu rarely attends the job, and more is the
instructor who is a newcomer.
"Today I want to have lunch with Song. Now the situation of Juli Group is very troublesome.
One is not handled well, and my identity in the human world will be very embarrassing."
"I know, relying on the big tree to enjoy the cold. Song Zhi is now our big tree." The ink
night stretched out a waist, and reluctantly came down from the chair.
The knock on the door sounded again.
"Ink night, are you not here?"
"I am. You let me go out in the toilet and come out."
The meaning of "finished" in the ink night is obvious. Zhou Yu does not need to open the
door to know that the girl's face outside is definitely red.
"Don't take someone else's jokes again." Zhou Yu glanced at the ink night and then got up
and took the suit jacket on the hanger.
"Will you come back tonight?" Ink night holding his arms, his forehead against the wall,
admiring Zhou Yu's back.
Zhou Yu snorted: "How many times have I said, don't show me what you think in your
"I am asking for love."
"Yesterday you have not done yet?" Zhou Yu is really wanted to hit each other anymore.
"Time is not enough ah you saying we should go to bed, I said I could all night." Ink night
threw your hands up, an innocent look, "ah, I know! I wanted to hit you now."
Zhou Yu was too lazy to care for him. He took the car key and opened the door directly. He
saw Xiaolin, the agent of the ink night.
"Dr. Zhou!" Xiaolin is a very experienced agent.
When I saw Xiaolin for the first time, Zhou Yu introduced herself to say that she was a
family member of the ink night, but the night of the ink did not evade Zhou Yu’s shoulder
and said, "This is my favorite person." The consequence was that he was directly hit by
Zhou Yu’s fist.
Kobayashi was shocked.
Ink night but smiled a little angry, and Zhou Yu said to Xiaolin: "This guy is guilty. When he
deliberately provokes you, you are welcome."
At that time, Kobayashi had a tacit understanding that the ink night was not a joke. Because
a person can only give and condone without principle if he is facing someone he loves the
Ink night connives Zhou Yu to do anything for himself.
While Kobayashi entered the room, Zhou Yu had already left.
On the night of the night, I took a cup of tea that Zhou Yu had not finished, and took a sip.
He stood at the window and watched Zhou Yu drive away.
"Do you think Zhou Yu is particularly handsome when driving?" The eyes of the ink night
are like being taken away by Zhou Yu's car.
After getting along for more than a year, Kobayashi has become accustomed to such a dark
night, and even imagines how Zhou Yu’s face is when he hears this.
“Whether it’s a steering wheel or a focused sight, it’s masculine.”
"Yeah." Xiaolin nodded and then reminded, "We should go too!"
"I want to come in the car once." The night of the night licked the lips.
Xiaolin walked to the door and almost got to the feet.
Zhou Yu drove the car to the temporary apartment in Song Dynasty.
Even without the Juli Group, Song Zhi’s savings were enough for him and Song Yu to live for
a few more years. Buying an apartment here is a slap in the face of Song Zhi.
The person who opened the door for Zhou Yu was Song Wei.
He wore a smoky grey sweater and khaki slacks. The whole person looked a little less
indifferent and more warm than when he was in Nibelungen.
He had no extra words, just nodded.
After Zhou Yu entered the door, Song Yu pointed to the study.
At the door of the study, Zhou Yu laughed. This feeling is like when I first went to the office
of Song Zhi in Nibelungen.
Opening the door of the study, Zhou Yu saw the documents of Chengshan pressed against
the desk, and almost completely blocked Song.
"I didn't stay at the headquarters of Juli Group. It was full of traces left by Eaton. And many
reporters were around there, wanting to hear me explain what the Juli Group did. And I
can't tell them, Many of the rumors they heard were true."
The sound of Song Zhi sounded.
There is still no feeling of □ □ □, but it is a bit tired.

Laws of the Other World Chapter 110: Extra 2

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"You should take a good sleep." Zhou Yu said.
Song Zhi smiled: "We have the power of s-class creatures in our body, even if we don't sleep
for a month. But the problem of Juli Group is very tricky. Now the heads of state know that
the research content of Juli Group is what."
"They will be like the power of Nibelungen like Eaton."
"No, I told them that Nibelungen's s-class creatures want to come to the human world. It
will be a unilateral invasion and disaster, and we can't cope. This time our people can
withdraw, pure It is luck."
"But some people will not believe it." Zhou Yu replied.
Song Zhi pulled up his lips and smiled coldly.
"The research on Nibelungen has left a lot in the world here. What we have to do is to erase
all of these studies."
"Yeah." Zhou Yu nodded. "You asked me to come, do you want me to be a 'cleaner?'"
Song Zhi nodded.
"If I promise you, will you let go of everything in your hand and let Song Hao accompany
you to take a rest? For example, go to the Maldives, lie on the beach, have a cocktail, and
soak up the sun."
Song Zhi side smiled and smiled.
He rarely laughs. When he laughs, the whole cold and sharp facial features are soft and
At this moment, Zhou Yu can understand why Song Yu is so attached to him.
"Your suggestion sounds like what the ink night will say. Does he often make suggestions
for you like this?" Song Zhi's fingers circled gently along the coffee cup on the table.
"Ha..." Zhou Yu snorted. "His suggestion is that I want to lie in bed with him for twenty-four
"It sounds like a headache. It seems that I entrust you to do this, just to let you leave him for
a while, just 'rest'. It's the same, I will pay you a reasonable salary, and send you a A tacit
partner. Although all your actions are secret, they are the default of the authorities."
It seems that Song Zhi has already obtained the approval of the authorities.
This is a great thing for the future of Juli Group and this time to follow them back from
The so-called "reasonable" of Song Zhi usually means "rich."
Zhou Yu knows that he can live for a long time, so the “pension” that Song is willing to pay
is naturally richer and better.
"Li Qian will be the liaison to your future actions."
"This liaison is a heavyweight." Zhou Yu has been back for so long, and has not been active.
The days are so busy and moldy. Now I have something to do.
Going to the door, Zhou Yu stopped and stressed: "Will you consider my suggestion?"
"I don't think I will go to the Maldives." Song Zhi moved another document to himself.
At this time Song Song came to the door, and the cool voice sounded: "We will go to
"Oh, it's quite right for you. Honeymoon Holy Land. Look at the sunrise with your left hand
and the sunset with your right hand." Zhou Yu smiled.
When he left the door of the door, he saw Song Song holding his head down from the
shackles of the study, and kissed him on Song’s forehead.
This made Zhou Yu suddenly think of the small flower swaying in the morning light in the
seam of his window sill.
Out of the apartment of Song Zhi, Zhou Yu saw a familiar figure at first sight, the other side
was holding one eye, squinting and smoking while basking in the sun.
Zhou Yu took a picture of the other person's shoulder, and the other party lazily waved his
hand: "When I have finished the cigarette."
"You don't have to accompany your daughter?"
"It’s just to accompany my daughter, so I haven’t smoked for a long time. I’m having fun
"Song asked you to be my partner. I suddenly had an ominous premonition for the
'cleaning' work, Wu Yun."
"Less come." Wu Yun finally finished the smoke and hung his hand on Zhou Yu's shoulder.
"After your boy came back, he would be tired of being together with ink night, not looking
for me to drink a beer, gossip about home."
"I don't have a family, how can I gossip with you?" Zhou Yu asked.
Wu Yun shook his hand: "Get it, go, go and get the equipment out."
The subject they are going to investigate is a senior researcher at Juli Group.
Since the withdrawal of the last group of Juli Group and the expiration of the exploration of
Nibelungen, the well-known professor of neurobiology in the industry has left the Juli
Group because of depression and is recuperating at home.
It is reasonable to have a carer to take care of him regularly, but just a week ago, he closed
the door completely.
"Professor Tan Yiming, fifty-six years old. Divorced his wife twenty years ago. His ex-wife
died of illness two years ago and his children have become married. His son came to visit
him three days ago, no matter how knocking And no one answered the phone call, so his
son called the police. Professor Tan was in a special position, and the call was immediately
transferred to Song Zhi.” Wu Yun explained the news he knew while driving.
"Since Tan Yiming has depression, it is very likely that he committed suicide in the room.
Can his research directly contact Nibelung's creatures?" Zhou Yu asked.
"Of course. It was only a long time ago that his research project did not progress, and Mr.
Eaton terminated his investment. We went to confirm Professor Tan’s situation, if he just
ignored depression because of depression, or he committed suicide. It’s starving to death,
and it’s not about us.”
Tan Yiming lived in the suburbs of the city, a single-family villa, a hundred meters away
from the square.
"This is the so-called "out of the group". There is no supermarket nearby. I bet that
Professor Tan is starving." Wu Yun opened the door and walked out.
The courtyard of the villa is overgrown.
If it is not during the day, Zhou Yu will even think that he is coming to a haunted house.
"How do you say?" Wu Yun raised his eyebrows.
"Of course it is the first ritual soldier."
Zhou Yu and Wu Yun pushed the door of the courtyard.
The rusted iron door made a "beep" sound, like a knife cut in the heart.
Zhou Yuzhen rang the doorbell, and no one responded for five minutes.
"Maybe Professor Tan is in the toilet?" Wu Yun touched his nose.
Zhou Yu habitually walked around the villa, and all the windows were covered by curtains,
and the situation inside could not be seen. Looking up, even the window on the second
floor was tightly closed. Zhou Yu took out a glove directly, put it on his hand and returned
to the door.
"Hey, it seems that Li Qian is quite prepared." Wu Yun said.
As a researcher of Juli Group, Professor Tan's villa anti-theft measures are very strict. In
addition to the infrared alarm device, his door is also opened by fingerprint authentication
and key.
Zhou Yu’s gloves were made by Li Qian’s fingerprint from Tan Li’s information database,
and Wu Yun received Tan Yiming’s villa spare key.
The two opened the door together.
The lights in the entire room are lit, the ground is clean and the light is like a mirror. The
room temperature in the room is a few degrees lower than the outside.
Everything is spotless.
"It seems that Professor Tan has a very serious cleansing."
Wu Yun said as he took the gun out.
As long as it is related to Nibelungen, any variables can happen.
Zhou Yu gently closed the door.
There is only a living room and dining room on the first floor, and no one is looking at it.
The two walked silently and came to the front of the kitchen.
Wu Yunchao Zhou Yuyang raised his chin, meaning "you go first."
Zhou Yu snorted and raised his chin, meaning "by what."
Wu Yun slammed his mouth and stepped into the kitchen step by step. There was nothing
in it.
But Wu Yun did not forget to check the refrigerator.
At least there is no food in the refrigerator to let them know if Tan Yiming has eaten
anything recently.
Only when the refrigerator door opened, Wu Yun’s shoulder froze.
Zhou Yu was on the side of Wu Yun and found that the refrigerator was actually sealed
glass test tubes.
The test tube is like blood.
It seems that Tan Yiming is really carrying his research on the back of Juli Group.
Wu Yun quietly closed the refrigerator door, and the two left the kitchen and walked up the
According to Li Qian’s description, Tan Yiming’s second floor of the villa is a study, a master
bedroom and a second bedroom.
They first saw the second bedroom, no one in the room.
Then they came to Tan Yiming's master bedroom. There was no lock on the door, and the
quilt on the bed opened, it looked like the owner had just got up. However, Zhou Yu gently
touched his hand on the bed, which was dust, indicating that Professor Tan had not
returned to the master bedroom for a long time.
The remaining one of the remaining study rooms, Zhou Yu looked at Wu Yun.
Wu Yun shook his head and made a gesture of "you please first".
Zhou Yubai took a look at Wu Yun and went to the door of the study. He held the door
handle and turned it slowly, pushing it away.
The first thing that caught my eye was a man in his fifties who was white and sat at his desk
and stared at them.
Zhou Yu stiffened his back and Wu Yun stopped.
"Professor Tan..." Wu Yungang wanted to explain that their purpose was not to hurt him.
Wu Yun realized that Professor Tan’s eyes had no focal length.
Zhou Yuqi opened his eyes: "He is dead."
Despite this, Zhou Yu did not put down the gun in his hand, but slowly and cautiously
walked to Professor Tan's side, raising his hand to cover his neck.
The body is already stiff and the pulse is gone.

Laws of the Other World Chapter 111: Extra (3)

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"Look at him, it is not like starving." Wu Yun turned his face to the side, took out the rubber
gloves and put it on, untied Professor Tan's collar, pressed it down, and instantly showed a
surprised expression, "Zhou Yu, His belly seems to be empty!"
Zhou Yu looked around and closed her eyes to use the ability of s-class creatures to find
traces of Nibelungen creatures in this villa, but nothing.
Or my own judgment is not accurate, but what other research led to Professor Tan’s death?
"No matter what is going on his life, that kind of thing is no longer here." Zhou Yu began to
make a phone call and called Song Zhi. "You can send someone to take the body of
Professor Tan."
"I know. I am in trouble. I will inform you again if I have an anatomical result." Song’s cool
voice sounded.
It is so unnatural for Professor Tan to die. It is estimated that Song Zhi will not go to
Santorini with Song.
Zhou Yu and Wu Yun looked at the helicopter of Juli Group and took away the body of
Professor Tan. The whole villa was also blocked.
"Ah, Professor Tan is dead. The investigation is over. I can go back to accompany my
daughter." Wu Yun stretched out.
"You don't really think that Professor Tan's death is not important." Zhou Yu looked at Wu
Yun coolly.
Wu Yun shrugged his shoulders: "Things should be investigated clearly, but the rice should
be eaten, and I feel sleepy. My daughter is also to accompany."
This also reminded Zhou Yu that as long as one night did not accompany the ink night, this
guy would find various reasons to go to the house.
Going back to the apartment of myself and the ink night, it is exactly his apartment in Zhou
Yu, and the ink night has not come back.
Since there is a shooting job today, I will probably be busy late.
Zhou Yu opened the refrigerator, took out a can of beer, turned on the TV while watching
the news and put two legs on the coffee table and drank two.
This is his daily life before going to Nibelungen. At that time, he enjoyed this peace. He
could empty his brain and didn't want anything.
But at the moment, when he got to the wine cooler next to the refrigerator, he inexplicably
missed the body temperature of the ink-night and the warmth of his speech in his ear.
He still remembers the first time he opened his apartment door after returning from
Nibelungen, the familiar and unfamiliar feeling.
It is familiar to all the furniture here, even when the sun shines through the window
without any change. But the strange thing is that this space is full of the atmosphere of the
ink night. When I was away, this guy lived here leisurely for more than a year, and
completely regarded it as his own territory.
In addition to a pair of slippers, a pair of leather shoes and a pair of sneakers that Zhou Yu
often wears in the shoe cabinet, the other spaces are filled with shoes of the ink night. The
same is true in the closet. Zhou Yu’s clothes are not much. One quarter is also a change of
two or three sets. Every time I open the closet, I can see the bottom. But it is different now.
A variety of furs, casual suits, shirts, and fashion clothes fill the wardrobe.
But Zhou Yu found out that it was that the ink night never squeezed Zhou Yu’s clothes into
the corner, but put them all in their clothes.
Whenever Zhou Yu opens the closet, there is always an illusion that he is like an island and
is drowned by the ocean.
At this time, the ink night will go to Zhou Yu's back, leaning his head on his shoulder, asking
him "what to look for" in a playful voice, and then embracing Zhou Yu from behind, will be
Zhou Yu The clothes I found were taken out.
"Before I came back, you gave me the wardrobe."
"This has been sorted out. Isn't the clothes in each quarter in different grids?" The ink
smiled slightly, his confusing face always allowed him to take it for granted after doing bad
things. Ignored by others.
"I mean my clothes and your clothes." Zhou Yu seriously poked his chest with his fingers.
"I just want to put your clothes in my clothes. When you wear them, it is my taste."
"boring. Do you want to learn the puppy that divides the site outside?"
"Do you allow?"
"I want to beat you."
Zhou Yu know, that you want to beat the other day there will be a long, long time.
It’s already ten o'clock in the evening, and the ink night hasn't come back yet.
Zhou Yu, who had to wait for him to have dinner together, was a little sleepy. He casually
smashed the casual suit on the sofa and put it on his body. He took a nap and took a nap.
I don't know what time it was. I heard the sound of the door opening. Zhou Yu didn't mean
to get up, but he could feel the other person coming to his side, raised his leg and crossed
both sides of his body.
Since coming to the human world, the ink night has grown much higher, and it is already a
few centimeters higher than Zhou Yu. His slender body, even if it is suspended above Zhou
Yu, will make Zhou Yu inexplicably feel a sense of crisis.
"You miss me very much, right?"
The sound of the ink night sounded softly, as if it came from the gap of the long canyon and
swayed the heartstring of Zhou Yu.
"One point." Zhou Yu did not intend to cover up. Anyway, even if he said that he didn't want
to, he knew what he was thinking. "I want to hug you."
Zhou Yu’s eyes were completely open, and the eyes of the ink-filled night seemed to be
"I have something to do tomorrow." Zhou Yu raised his arms and patted the back of the ink
"One night, it will not affect your tomorrow."
The ink night did not care about Zhou Yu’s thoughts and directly pressed down.
Zhou Yu did not refuse, but at the moment when the kiss of the ink night was most devoted,
he turned over and pushed him to the ground.
He knows that he is really a favorite of this bad guy, and he can do whatever he wants at all
times. It was like a little bit of anger at the bottom of my heart. Zhou Yu mentioned the
collar of the ink night, kissed his lips with force and sucked his tongue. This gave the ink
night a great excitement. He retorted Zhou Yu and kissed him violently, but Zhou Yu often
quit his tongue at his most emotional moment.
Again and again, I finally angered the ink night. Regardless of the three seven twenty-one,
he held Zhou Yu's back of the hand with one hand, and the other hand grabbed Zhou Yu's
back, and turned over and pressed Zhou Yu down.
This night, Zhou Yu admitted that she was a little embarrassed. The ink night ran
rampantly to eight o'clock the next morning.
Zhou Yu, who was pushed into the cloud by the other party, letting his own thoughts rise
and fall, Zhou Yu wakes up at the moment when the ringing of the mobile phone rings.
"Bastard... you give me out!" Zhou Yu raised his leg and tried to lick each other, but this
angle just made the ink night more crazy.
Looking at the low-lying face of the night, the hair swayed with the swaying, and it was like
an addictive investment and sexy. Zhou Yu knew that this guy would not let go of himself if
he didn't finish it.
He stretched his arm hard and finally touched his mobile phone from the edge of the coffee
table. The phone number displayed on the screen was Han Li.
Han Li is responsible for the autopsy of Professor Tan, and there should be results.
Zhou Yu lifted his legs and wanted to smother the night, but this time the ink night was
really angry. He smashed Zhou Yu’s cell phone and threw it on the farther sofa, then
buckled Zhou Yu’s waist and did whatever he wanted. .
"Mom--" Zhou Yu's bone shelf was quickly dismantled by the other side.
Until nine o'clock, the ink night took Zhou Yu from the ground and put it on the sofa.
He glared at Zhou Yu, neither meant to go to the shower nor meant to move, but he knew
that Zhou Yu was very upset and took the initiative to take Zhou Yu’s mobile phone back
from the edge of the sofa.
Zhou Yu took a look at the ink night and dialed the number of Han Li.
"Hey, Han Li. Is the result of Tan Yiming's autopsy?"
"Well. Tan Yiming's internal organs are completely gone. After we opened his abdomen, I
found that there were many bites in his ribs and sternum. No matter what was in his
abdomen, they were not directly bitten after a full meal. Open his belly and climb out."
Zhou Yuqi raised his brow and recalled the scene in which he and Wu Yun discovered Tan
Yiming's body.
"When he died, he kept his position in the chair. So the thing didn't come out from below.
But when Tan Yiming died, his mouth was slightly open, and he should have climbed out of
his mouth."
"I checked his esophagus and there were scratches. These marks should have formed after
his death, in line with your inference."
This makes Zhou Yu feel troubled. Because they did not sense the existence of any s-class
creatures in Tan Yiming's villa, then Song Zhi sent a special person to go to search and
check, and also found nothing.
In other words, killing Tan Yiming's things, either left the villa himself, or was taken away.
Zhou Yu suddenly felt a little headache.
The key is that they don't know what it is.
At this time, the ink night on the side suddenly caught Zhou Yu.
"Hey! What are you doing?"
"Bath with you. Then we will go to the villa of Professor Tan to check it out."
"What? You have to go? You have no work to do?"
"I am resting today."
After the two showered, Zhou Yu put on refreshing clothes.
In the ink night, wearing sunglasses, wearing simple white t-shirts and slacks, accompanied
by the key to accompany Zhou Yu downstairs.
When I walked to the door, Zhou Yu suddenly thought of something: "I heard that you are
very red, but why have I never seen a paparazzi near here?"
"Because I invited a substitute and lived in a luxury apartment under my name. He would
wear sunglasses and a mask to go out and buy things, and ask the staff to go home to eat
and drink." The night of the ink smirked.
The author has something to say: I am almost killed by a big dog food...

Laws of the Other World Chapter 112: Extra (4)

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"Your boring level is beyond my imagination." Zhou Yu showed a scornful expression.
Even though he was across the sunglasses, Zhou Yu knew that his face was very happy at
the moment.
"I am going to do more than you think in order to be with you."
Tossing Zhou Yuyi for the whole night, the ink night was consciously sitting on the driver's
seat, and Zhou Yu leaned against the window and slept with his head.
There is ink night, Zhou Yu is very at ease.
The sun passed through Zhou Yu’s cheeks one by one.
The ink night is not looking at him.
When they stopped at a crossroads, the woman in the next car recognized the side of the
ink night and shouted at the window: "Zhou Mo Ye! Look! This is not Zhou Moyue." !"
This screaming made Zhou Yu open his eyes and looked over.
After the ink night made a "depending" gesture directly to the woman, at the moment the
green light was on, the accelerator was stepped on.
"Are you discovered?" Zhou Yu held his head and asked the old god.
“Reassured. I will have entertainment news on the top of my own apartment building with
a pool party on my left.”
"Then the woman would think that she had mistaken the wrong person?" Zhou Yu yawned.
I smiled at the night. Zhou Yu, who he knows, always wears a string, rarely showing a lazy
look like this.
"In other words, since you have your own apartment, when do you get back?" Zhou Yu
asked coolly.
"The purpose of my coming to this world is to cherish all the time that can be with you. If
you don't live with you, what is the significance of my coming here?"
Although the sunglasses covered the eyes of the ink night, Zhou Yu knew that the smiling
ink night said this sentence, it is extremely serious.
"Look at the road, don't look at me." Zhou Yu reached out and smashed the head of the ink
It was illuminated by the sun, and the inside of the carriage was the atmosphere of the ink
night. Zhou Yu quickly fell asleep and sleepy.
They drove out of the city, and after they were busy, they came to Tan Yiming’s villa.
At this time, it was close to noon, and the whole villa was swayed in white, and the weeds in
the courtyard were so dry that it fell languidly.
Ink night did not deliberately wake up Zhou Yu, but used his fingers to fiddle with the
broken hair in his ear.
Zhou Yu’s eyes trembled and opened his eyes: “Are we here?”
"Yeah. Let's go and see."
Maybe something was missed by the people of Song.
This time through the courtyard, Zhou Yu did not know why there was always a strange
feeling, as if this time was different from the previous one, but he could not think of the
Opening the door, the villa is still the same as before, pulling the curtains, all the windows
are closed.
Zhou Yu put on rubber gloves and turned the lights on.
"This Professor Tan really loves to clean and love too much." Ink night smiled and walked
in pockets.
His expression looks like he is following a real estate agent to see a new house.
Unlike the last time I found Professor Tan’s body, this time he carefully examined every
place, even if the people of Song Zhi had checked it here more than once.
"You said... Tan Yiming once left a lot of blood in the refrigerator?" The ink opened the
refrigerator at night, and it was empty. All the blood samples were sent to Han Li's
"Is the blood sample belonging to a different person, or is it Tan Yiming?"
"According to the test results of Han Li, they all belong to Tan Yiming."
"Ha... interesting..." The ink touched the chin at night, and easily jumped to the counter next
to the refrigerator and played a mug. "If our Professor Tan wants to learn Mr. Song, leave
his blood to What people or creatures use is not a test tube. The things in the test tube are
usually used for testing, such as virus tests, bacteria tests, and red blood cell content tests.
But he stores so many in the refrigerator. Blood sample, what do you think is doing?"
The night of the ink tends to Zhou Yu, and the posture seems to be coming up, but it is
stopped because of the distance.
His smiling eyes carry a trace of embarrassment.
“In order to compare?” Zhou Yu suddenly understood. “These bloods are definitely
different from each other. Or Professor Tan is using his own blood samples and even his
own body to do some kind of experiment!”
"Uh huh." Mo did nodded.
Zhou Yu immediately called Han Li and told the other party about the idea of the night.
Yesterday, Han Li focused on the autopsy of Professor Tan. The blood samples in the
refrigerator are only confirmed that their DNA is consistent with Professor Tan. It's easy to
find the commonalities of these blood samples, but it's not that easy to find the rules and
exact reference targets in different situations.
"Hey, let's give Han Li a little time, go to another place to see it." The ink raised his
eyebrows at night, jumped down, and there was no sound when he landed.
The light figure makes Zhou Yu unable to appreciate it.
In the night, I took my pocket and went upstairs.
He opened Professor Tan's study door and looked up at the row of bookshelves behind the
desk, but the books on the bookshelf had all been removed.
"You said, will the people of Song Zhi check all his books?"
"Maybe I won't look at the contents carefully, but each one should be carefully checked. The
collections here are academic books and periodicals." Zhou Yu said.
The ink nodded at night, standing on the bookshelf with enthusiasm and squinting at the
side, looking at something very carefully.
"What did you find?"
Ink night shook his head: "Nothing. But... I was wondering... Is Professor Tan's body without
internal organs?"
"We assume that his internal organs have become a kind of biological food... And if this
creature is still here, it should be hungry, waiting for other nutrients?" Royal.
Some kind of dangerous premonition rushed into Zhou Yu’s heart, but Zhou Yu couldn’t
help but want to delve deeper.
"Do you want to wait here?"
"Yeah." Ink night looked up and looked around. "Do you not think that the goal you want to
find is always here?"
What ink night said is exactly what Zhou Yu’s heart has been unable to put.
"So what are we doing now? Waiting?" Zhou Yu raised his hand and looked at the watch. It
is now 1:30.
For Zhou Yu and Mo Ye, even if you don’t eat for ten days, it’s not a big deal, but if you want
to wait for the test results of Han Li in this villa or the creatures hidden here, maybe it’s
very For a long time.
"According to the truth, if Professor Tan is engaged in some kind of research, he should
have his secret laboratory here." Mo night asked, "Have you found out?"
Zhou Yu pointed to the ground: "There is indeed a private laboratory. But the things
"The people who were also sent by Song Zhi moved."
The two went to Professor Tan's private laboratory to look at it. It was very small and could
see the side at a glance, and not only the research instrument, but even the workbench was
removed by the people of Song.
"Ah, I also want such a basement." The night of the night reveals the look of hope.
"What do you want to do in the basement?" Zhou Yu thought that the clothes of the ink
night occupied their wardrobes. Isn't that enough?
How many things does this guy have?
"I want to keep you in the basement, day and night, you belong to me alone."
On the night of the ink, he said that he was leaning toward Zhou Yu. He leaned over his face
and leaned against him. His fingers touched Zhou Yu’s collar. His breath became rich and
heavy, and Zhou Yu immediately stepped back.
"Hey! Here is Professor Tan's lab!"
"Yeah, so I am sad. Why isn't this our basement here?"
Zhou Yu’s eyes narrowed and he snorted: “I will never have a basement anyway.”
After that, Zhou Yu went upstairs.
Professor Tan has almost no life, not even a TV set.
The two sat down directly on the sofa in the living room.
Ink night online to answer fans' questions, and occasionally tweeted two sentences.
Zhou Yu used his mobile phone to browse all the webpage information about Professor
The two stayed so quietly until Han Li’s phone call came.
"Zhou Yu, you must have imagined what we found in Tan Yiming's blood sample?"
"Don't sell it, tell me the answer directly."
"It's the gene of Rhodes Silver Spider!"
"What? Rhodes Silver Spider?" Zhou Yu lived.
When Zhou Yu met the Rhodes Spider in Nibelungen, he was in a tree-castle cave against
the Overlord Silver Spider. He was once lost by this biological control, even facing Wu
Yunbing. The silk thread of Rhodes Silver Pearl can penetrate into the muscles and blood
vessels of the human body and control the nerves of the human body.
"That is, Tan Yiming is likely to bring the Rhodes Spider to the Juli Group?"
This is a dangerous thing!
If Tan Yiming is still alive, Zhou Yu has no doubt that he will punch him.
"If it is Rhodes Silver Pearl, it is the creature of Nibelungen. There is no reason why I can't
sense it. And the way the Rhodes spiders hunt is not to enter the human body to eat all the
internal organs." The opening reminded.
"It is indeed... Han Li, apart from the genes of Rhodes Spider, what other discoveries? After
all, so many blood samples are for comparison. Maybe Tan Yiming is comparing Rhodes
Silver Spider with other creatures?"
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Laws of the Other World Chapter 113: Extra (5)

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"Give me some time. Professor Chen is very interested in this case and is stepping up
analysis of all blood samples. There may be results this evening." Han Li said.
"I am waiting for your message."
Zhou Yu hung up his phone and held his arm against the sofa to close his eyes.
In the night, Zhou Yu looked at Zhou Yu's side face, and his feelings were cold and cold. This
feeling made him want to destroy the other party's fragile expression.
He just turned to Zhou Yu, and Zhou Yu said coldly: "This is Tan Yiming's villa. If you dare
to come here, I promise you can't stand up in the future."
"This threat is terrible." Ink night smiled regretfully.
But he still leaned his head on Zhou Yu's shoulder. Zhou Yu saw that he had no special
moves, and he let it go.
But after a few seconds, Zhou Yu suddenly felt that his shoulders were light.
He opened his eyes and looked at it. His shoulders were shocked. He found that the night of
the ink didn't know when he changed back to the shape of the night spirit, curled up, and
put his head on Zhou Yu's leg.
"Hey, you can play this!" Zhou Yu bounced **** the head of the ink night.
The guy immediately made a grievance and screamed, looking up at the deceptive little
The big eyes are like water.
Ming knew that this guy was loading again, but Zhou Yu couldn’t help but reach out and lick
his head.
The time to wait is too boring, and Zhou Yu knows that Mohlin is also trying to find
something to enjoy.
When I touched the fluffy hair on the back of the ink night, the gentle and smooth feel made
Zhou Yu extremely incomprehensible. He subconsciously smashed it twice, and the ink
night made a "hmm" sound, which was very long and seemed to be very enjoyable.
He climbed up directly, snuggled into Zhou Yu's arms, and used his head to give Zhou Yu's
stomach, as if he had to get into Zhou Yu's body.
Zhou Yu smirked directly on his ass: "Are you still finished?"
The ink night was more fun, and he used the claws to hold Zhou Yu’s hand and forced him
to hug himself.
Zhou Yu cried and laughed, but his heart was still inexplicably soft.
Forget it, anyway, it’s boring now, just play with this guy.
Zhou Yu licked the front paws of the ink night, hugged him halfway, his head flat with his
face, and then turned his face to the side, using his nose to lick the nose of the night.
The big eyes of the ink night smashed and smiled very happy.
Zhou Yu can feel the heartfelt joy and warmth in the heart of the ink, and the heart becomes
softer and softer.
He kissed the small mouth of the ink night, and whenever the night of the ink came out,
Zhou Yu would push the ink night to the distance.
Ink night pretending to be angry, Zhou Yu took him back again, and touched the mouth of
the ink night again. The soft touch of the ink night had a hint of innocence, and he felt the
wet tongue of the ink stick out. Zhou Yu went backwards. Once you retreat, you will be far
The hind paws of the ink night fluttered up, and from time to time stepped on Zhou Yu’s
chest to get on.
Zhou Yu followed Haha and laughed, thinking that if he raised only Labrador or Golden
Retriever, it would be good.
But this kind of thought was only a moment. He was suddenly rushed forward by the ink
night with his hands on his front paws, and he suddenly smashed Zhou Yu.
When Zhou Yu’s eyes were so dark as ink on the night, suddenly realized that this guy was
Probably because you want to keep a pet.
Zhou Yu laughed happily with his hands around the waist of the ink night and said, "How
can I have a pet? You are enough for my headache. Do I have to watch you fight with the
The night of the ink made a "squeaky" sound, and he wished to extend his tongue to the lips
of Zhou Yu.
They played for a while, Zhou Yu admitted that he had relaxed in a cautious mood, but
when the evening was approaching, Han Li’s phone dialed.
"What did you check out?" Zhou Yu asked.
"Tan Yiming, he... He has propagated Rhodes and Tarantula to breed new species!"
"What?" Zhou Yu slammed up and pushed the night to the side. "Is he crazy? Juli Group
should have long forbidden to cross the creatures of Nibelungen and the creatures of the
human world!"
“Yes! Professor Chen said that this spider is temporarily called “Rhode Wolf Spider.” They
are highly adaptable to the environment and can continue to breed with the local
"So do they also have the ability of the Rhodes spider to infiltrate the human body to
control the nerves?"
"According to Professor Chen's genetic comparison, this part of the ability was replaced by
the ability of the tarantula, but the difference is that ... they are more tough and attacking
than the ordinary tarantula!"
If this is the case, the incident of the mutant spider attacking people should have occurred
early and will not be calm until now. And with the ability of Juli Group to control the media,
it is impossible to get the news.
In other words, it is really like the night of the night, these spiders are still somewhere in
this villa, did not leave?
Why is it?
"Notify Mr. Song, send someone to do a detailed inspection of this villa! Wear a thermal
Zhou Yu hung up the phone and took a photo of the night of the ink night: "Well, don't play.
Put on the clothes, don't you want someone from Song to see you like this stupid?"
The ink night slowly restored the human form, and put on the jacket without delay.
Zhou Yu’s fingers came over and he took the hair in front of his forehead.
"No wonder I can't sense the existence of Nibelungen creatures because they already have
the characteristics of this creature."
"But once they appear, we can still grasp the characteristics of their Nibelungen creatures
and destroy them." The old **** of the night is leaning against the sofa, and the bottom of
the eyes means to play with Zhou Yu for a while.
"Any study has its purpose. I just don't understand, what is the purpose of Tan Yiming's
research? Just to create new species? To transform spiders?"
"He is dead, and none of us knows what is in his mind."
The afterglow of the setting sun was not submerged in the clouds, and the whole world was
In addition to the street lights of the distant roads, there is only the illuminating light of the
villa through the curtains.
Han Li sent a text message to tell Zhou Yu that the team sent by Song Zhi was already on
the road.
"Do we still have to wait here? It's so boring!" said the night at the ceiling.
"Don't you say that the creatures don't come out during the day, but are you likely to come
out at night?"
"If it is not coming out during the day, but it is coming out at night, it is a night creature. Do
you want to consider turning off the lights of the villa?" The ink night looked at Zhou Yu,
and the corner of his lips was a smirk.
But this suggestion made Zhou Yu a bit of curiosity.
He really got up and came to the door and turned off the power.
For him and the night, even at night, he has super vision.
When the whole villa fell into the darkness, Zhou Yu’s hearing became extremely sharp.
He could hear the sound of a distant road vehicle passing by, the sound of the wind
sweeping through the window, and the breathing of the ink night still sitting on the sofa
and staring at himself.
When Zhou Yu took a step and slowly walked toward the ink night, he suddenly stopped.
The sound of washing and washing outside the villa was very slight, but it sounded dense.
The ink in the darkness made a smile.
Zhou Yu constantly searches and imagines in his mind, what is the sound?
Countless spiders opened the soil in the courtyard and climbed out.
It is like a shadow, covering the doors and windows of the entire villa.
Zhou Yu came to the window and pulled the curtains apart. The spiders were only half the
size of the palms, and the legs were slender. The crawling on the glass gave a soft, squeaky
sound, but did not leave any scratches on the glass.
"It turns out... they have been hiding in the soil in the courtyard..." Zhou Yu was very
And the ink night came over with his pockets. These spiders and Zhou Yu had a dark night,
and the original dim eyes seemed to have a reddish glow because they saw the long-lost
food. The dense red dots were seen. The hair is in the heart.
“If they have been living in the soil of the courtyard, how do they come in?”
Zhou Yu is puzzling.
"You listen." Ink night sideways.
There seemed to be a subtle but fast-paced sound in the kitchen.
Zhou Yu suddenly understood: "It is the irrigation system in the courtyard! They climbed
through the water pipes in the courtyard for irrigating plants! The water pipes in the
courtyard must be connected to the water pipes of this villa!"
"Hey... we have guests, and we still don't ask for it." Innocent night raised his chin.
I saw a whole group of spiders crawling out of the kitchen, as the shadows that emerged
from the **** continued to expand, as if to cover the entire space.
"This situation is not very easy to handle." Zhou Yuqi started his eyes.
If they are pure Nibelungen creatures, Zhou Yu and Mok Night can use brain pulses to solve
them all at once. However, it is obvious that their brain structure is more inclined to the
tarantula of the human world, so the ability of Zhou Yu and Mo Ye night is not very good.
"Do you want to play, see who packs up?" Mo night smiled and asked.
"Less come, if they attack and attack, as long as one has successfully penetrated into your
body, you will be sucked up by the internal organs." Zhou Yu replied coldly.
"Although the light doesn't kill them, but they choose to travel at night, they should not like
the light." After the ink night, he took out the car key at the waist, smashed out, and
squatted in the living room accurately. On the light switch.
Suddenly, the entire living room was bright.

Laws of the Other World Chapter 114: Extra (6)

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The spiders who tried to pounce on it were like the static button pressed, and all the
activities were in the same place.
Zhou Yu discovered that the spiders were less than two meters away from their feet.
Just above their heads, countless spiders hang down with the silk thread, and the silk
threads look very fine, but Zhou Yu can feel that their strength is absolutely not ordinary.
Once they are around the neck, they can definitely cut the neck of ordinary people. Come
What did Tan Yiming do to transform and house these dangerous creatures?
The shells of these spiders are harder than the average tarantula, and they tremble under
the cold light.
Soon, all the Rhodes tarantulas trembled together.
Gradually, their rhythm is unified, and the sound waves seem invisible, but Zhou Yu's heart
feels like being oppressed by ordinary boys.
These sounds are getting more and more subtle, and the sounds that different people can't
distinguish are clear to Zhou Yu.
The skull seemed to tremble as well, and the bones were torn apart with this unified
rhythm. Zhou Yu raised his hand and hugged his head, trying to smash his skull that was
about to be shaken.
"I can't see these guys still have two things..." The night of the night, his eyes narrowed and
he supported the Zhou Yu next to him.
Perhaps it is felt that the lights in the villa are not lethal, and several Rhodes tarantulas try
to get close to Zhou Yu and Mok Night.
Ink night lifted his legs without hesitation, and trampled the nearest one.
I only heard a bang, and then the other Rhodes spiders rushed over, and the night of the
night pulled off their coats and slammed them. The tarantulas on the top of the head were
swept away, and the clothes were instantly drawn by their threads. For a while.
Just when Zhou Yu felt that the situation was not good, he only heard a "squeaky" sound,
and all the Rhodes tarantulas froze, not again.
This scene looks like the world has been captured by the Rhodes Tarantula, but only Zhou
Yu and the ink night are still not falling.
The tremor of madness stopped.
Zhou Yu exhaled a breath and looked at his face and found a lighter in his hand.
These Rhodes tarantulas are afraid of the flames, or they are afraid of the temperature of
the light, so they will not come out during the day!
The look of the ink night is cold and cold, and Zhou Yu rarely sees him showing such
Although they are in crisis, Zhou Yu still subconsciously feels that the side of the ink night is
like a cliff in the dark, and has a **** temperament.
The sound of the ink night sounded in Zhou Yu’s mind: Now is not the time to look at me.
Once the flames go out, they will swarm again, and even a small movement will accidentally
let the flame of the lighter go out.
Zhou Yu didn't mind that his thoughts were seen by the other side. He slowly lowered his
body and picked up the clothes that had just been cut off by the rhinestones of Rhodes
Silver Beads. He picked it up and patted the shoulders of the ink night and said, "Let's go.
The ink night protects the flame of the lighter with one hand, and Zhou Yu slowly
withdraws back.
As they walked, the Rhodes tarantulas that came rounded up and retreated until they
advanced into the kitchen.
Ink night had to say to Zhou Yu: the space in the kitchen is smaller.
Zhou Yu replied: There is wine in the kitchen.
On the countertop, half a bottle of vodka was placed, and Zhou Yu unscrewed the lid and
poured them all over the clothes.
Ink night naturally understands what he means, igniting clothes with a lighter.
In a flash, a large burst of fire was burned, and these tarantulas were stunned and
withdrew from a large position.
Zhou Yu threw the clothes out and covered them on a small piece of Rhodes tarantula,
which instantly burned like an infection.
The eyes of the ink night also followed, and they did not think that these Rhodes tarantulas
were so flammable! If one is burning, the surrounding will soon burn, and the speed of
flame transmission is extremely fast.
But they will not sit still, and will spread out in an instant. When the burning Rhodes
tarantula is left with ash, there is still a large piece of film against Zhou Yu and Mo Xi.
Ink night smiles helplessly in the heart: I suddenly hope that they are from Nibelungen.
So don't take a second, Zhou Yu and Mok night can kill them all.
But unfortunately... they are not.
Zhou Yu glanced at the microwave oven behind them and then stretched his hand to the
trouser pocket of the ink night.
Ink night pulled a smile, said to Zhou Yu in my mind: Dear, I know that you want me now,
but I am not in the air!
Zhou Yu snorted and screamed out the phone of the ink night.
Ink night buckled Zhou Yu's wrist: Hey, that's my phone! I have to use it to contact the
Zhou Yu replied coolly: You don't answer the phone anyway. If it is Miss Lin, she can't find
you and will take the initiative to call me.
Regardless of how the ink night thinks, Zhou Yu will open the microwave oven, adjust the
firepower to the maximum, and take the ink night to the position of the kitchen window.
Ink night: Are you sure you will not kill me and you?
Zhou Yu: I didn't open the gas.
After ten seconds, the mobile phone in the microwave oven exploded, and even the
microwave oven was blasted, making a loud noise, and the whole villa was shaking.
The Rhodes tarantulas who felt the heat had retreated, and the glass of the kitchen window
was shattered.
Taking advantage of the Rhodes tarantula has not caught up, Zhou Yu, regardless of his arm
was injured by the glass, directly swayed the remaining glass and stepped out.
In the night, I found out that Zhou Yu went out, showing a surprised look: how did you
throw me down!
Zhou Yu: You can't die anyway!
The ink night shook the lighter and shook the lighter, and the Rhodes tarantula that was
stunned again retreated. Taking advantage of this time, the ink night also crossed the
But this does not mean safety. The group of tarantulas behind them spread out from the
window, like an invisible hand, to grab them.
Zhou Yu ran while smashing through the lawn mower that seemed to have been used for a
long time without rust.
"Burning these weeds!" Zhou Yu shouted.
The ink night immediately lowered his body and leaned the lighter against the weeds that
had dried up.
They have almost no moisture, and they burned in an instant, forcing them back.
Zhou Yu dumped the gasoline in the lawnmower. The weeds burned even more crazy, and
the whole villa seemed to be in the flames of hell.
At this time, the voice of the helicopter came from the top of the head.
It is the people of Juli Group.
Ink night sighed with a funny smile: "They are really coming in time..."
"I hope that Juli Group can solve them all."
The door of the helicopter opened, and Wu Yun shouted with a scorpion: "You are really
loyal! I ran to do such an important investigation and didn't call me!"
Zhou Yu immediately told Wu Yun to be careful about the attack power of these Rhodes
tarantulas and their characteristics of being unable to withstand high temperatures.
Song Zhi immediately dispatched two helicopters to carry firearms to "kill the insects."
Professor Tan’s villa was completely burned like this, and the rest was handed over to Wu
Yun to work.
Zhou Yu leaned on him and the night of the car, watching all of this coldly.
On the night of the ink, he sat on the front bonnet and asked Zhou Yu: "Is the fireworks like
"Have you seen it in the movie?"
The midnight wind swayed Zhou Yu's hair, letting the ink night subconsciously stretch his
fingers to fiddle with his hair.
"What you see in the movie should be different from the reality."
"The fireworks exist to show the beauty of the moment. What you see now is simply
burning, its purpose is to destroy."
Only heard a loud noise, Professor Tan’s villa collapsed completely.
The air is mixed with a scorching smell and is very pungent.
The fire did not end until the early morning of the next day.
Smoke rises from the ruins.
Juli has set up a special working group to recover the ruins. Less than noon, the place
where Professor Tan once lived has disappeared.
"Go, go home." Zhou Yuyang raised his hand.
But the word "going home" made a smile on the night.
Looking at Zhou Yu leaning against the window is a pair of sleepers, ink night is to want
each other to talk to themselves.
"Hey... don't you feel strange?" said the ink night.
"You mean why Professor Tan wants to train these spiders?"
"Yes, anything that humans do will ultimately boil down to a certain purpose. But I think
Professor Tan's purpose should not be to prove that Nibelungen and the human world
spider have the possibility of hybridization or genetic integration." I think many people can
do it."
"What he wants is a creature with a certain function...but this creature should not be a
spider that can **** his internal organs."
After that, Zhou Yu made another call to Li Qian.
"Li Qian, I asked to read Professor Tan's previous research materials and research
directions. Don't tell me these are secrets."
At the end of the phone, the sound of Leica rubbing, don't think, this guy must be eating
potato chips again.
"These are really secrets, but if you want to see it, Mr. Song should not object. But you have
to come to see me. The information is not allowed to be brought out of the Juli Group."
"Of course." Zhou Yu hung up the phone and raised his chin and said, "Go, go to Li Qian."
"But I want to go home." The night of the night showed a grievance.
"Don't pretend. You want to go home and you want to do that thing." Zhou Yu ruthlessly
pierced the ink night.
"I was hurt by 10,000 points."
"But your ability to withstand is endless."
Inknight smiled reluctantly, and turned the steering wheel to the Asian regional
headquarters of Juli Group.
The building towers high and has a sense of standing out from the surrounding buildings.

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Ink night lifted the sunglasses and the line of sight extended along the building to the sky.
"Hey, Zhou Yu, do you have any secret magnetic fields in this building, can we not come out
when we go in?"
"You have too many movies." Zhou Yu walked in his pockets coolly.
His fingerprint has been entered and it is easy to pass the security system of this building.
The ink night was stopped outside the door.
"You are here waiting for me." Zhou Yu said nothing.
"But I have to go in and protect you." The inky face looked serious.
"To be honest a little, I'll punch you."
After that, Zhou Yu walked forward and entered the elevator, disappearing into the vision
of the ink night.
In the night of the ink, he lowered his eyes and chuckled.
Zhou Yu passed the level checkpoint and finally came to Li Qian’s office.
Surrounded by all-metal, Li Qian has six computer screens arranged in front of him. His
eyes are focused and his fingers are constantly tapping the keyboard.
Zhou Yu stood patiently in front of the computer and did not interrupt the other party.
Until Li Qian entered the last piece of code, he suddenly left the seat and came to Zhou Yu’s
front and hugged him.
"My God! I finally saw you again! It’s so happy!"
Zhou Yu glanced at Li Qian’s desktop and said with a funny voice: “This is incredible. I
didn’t even see snacks on your desktop?”
Li Qian shrugged his shoulders helplessly: "You know Mr. Song's character, how could he
tolerate me eating snacks on the table?"
"Although I really want to talk a little more with you, I think it's up to you."
"You are still the same, so no emotion." Li Qian pretended to look at Zhou Yu with an angry
look, but was prepared to transfer the information.
Zhou Yu sat in Li Qian's position and stared at the computer screen. His reading speed was
several times faster than before. The ability to understand and remember is the same. He
clearly understands the fact that he has not understood these research data.
"It's strange that Professor Tan's previous research direction was to find a way to treat
Alzheimer's disease by borrowing the characteristics of the world's species on both sides.
But the biological characteristics exhibited by the Rhodes Spider are far removed from the
treatment of Alzheimer... ...and there is a subtle difference between the gene chain that
Professor Tan originally tried to implant and the actual placement."
Zhou Yu pointed to the computer screen, Li Qian looked at the past with a squint.
“Is there a difference? How do I feel the same?”
"There is a difference." Zhou Yu's expression has become cold, and the effect of this
difference is that "the difference is a thousand miles."
Then another name attracted Zhou Yu's attention.
“Who is this person?” Zhou Yu pointed to another name given by Professor Tan’s research
The writing was a bit sloppy. Li Qian finally found the name of the person according to the
project's responsibility: "Lian Wensheng - this guy is a supporter of Mr. Eaton. When Mr.
Song took over the Juli Group, his actions continued. In order to maintain stability. Mr. Song
will have Lian Wensheng withdraw from the core research. This guy should be on vacation
"Take up his research, I want to see."
The picture flashed quickly in front of Zhou Yu, and Li Qian couldn't keep up with Zhou Yu's
reading speed.
This even Wensheng not only participated in the transformation of Isaac and Cook's
research, but his other projects also focused on how to use the biological characteristics of
Nibelungen to create biological weapons that can be controlled by humans.
Zhou Yu immediately thought of Professor Tan’s death.
"Zhou Yu? Zhou Yu? What happened to you?" Li Qian reached out and shook hands in front
of Zhou Yu.
"Nothing. I wanted to have a dinner with you, and I talked about it... but I seem to have
something important to do." Zhou Yu calmly got up.
"Amount... Although this is the result of my expectation... Are you sure you don't even give
me a hug of love?"
Zhou Yu opened his arms and hugged Li Qian. Li Qian almost didn't spit it out.
"The hug of love is usually gentle, how can you be like this! Almost no break!" Li Qian
Zhou Yu went to the door and said: "I only have a strong hug, and the hug of love can only
be given to you by Han Li."
"Hey, when did you learn to make such a joke!" Li Qian's blush was suspicious.
Zhou Yu came to the door of the building but did not see the ink night.
It’s just a pity that the mobile phone of the ink night is gone. Zhou Yu can only close his eyes
and search constantly in the vast sea of people.
Until he found the ink night in a cafe.
He didn't order coffee, but a cup of chocolate milk. He leaned against the seat and his side
was hidden in the shadows.
Zhou Yu rarely sees such an ink night.
It looks mature and introverted, and the expression of peace and childishness is very
Zhou Yu came to his opposite side and sat down slowly. "How are you here? Isn't it good to
wait for me downstairs?"
"The movie always plays regardless of whether the hero and the hero are separated by
thousands of miles, and will eventually reunite and then be together. This is called destiny.
I want to give it a try. I have no such fate with you, can't you? "Ink night once again reveals
his childish expression."
Zhou Yu was not angry. Instead, he touched the mug in front of the ink night and the
chocolate milk inside was already cold.
Explain that he has been waiting for himself for a long time.
"I didn't have a fate with you before. It's because there is only one in the world that can
read my brain directly, and only I can read you directly. But it is not this ability that makes
you unique in me. But I am I am willing to let you read my thoughts, which makes you no
one can replace me."
The lip line of the ink night slowly rises: "You really will marry me."
"Li Qian just said that I have no sentiment."
"To him, what kind of sentiment do you want?"
"So look at what I think in my mind." Zhou Yu closed his eyes and leaned toward the night.
In the night, the ink raised his hands and covered them on Zhou Yu’s cheeks, and lowered
his forehead against Zhou Yu’s forehead.
The two people touched each other and instantly merged together.
Ink night is like reading the research materials about Tan Yiming and Lian Wensheng
stored in his mind through Zhou Yu’s eyes.
After a few seconds, ink night sighed: "It turns out."
"you understood?"
“Well. Professor Tan’s research is devoted to the treatment of Alzheimer. Because
Nibelung’s Rhodes spider has a very special ability to integrate with other biological
nerves, Professor Tan wants to use this ability to complete Treatment of patients with
Zehmer syndrome. Chen Wensheng was also working with him at the time. It was only
Professor Tan of Chen Wensheng's research purpose that he was different. He wanted to
turn Rhodes into a weapon. So when Professor Tan conducted When the gene fusion of the
tarantula and the Rhodes spider, Chen Wensheng was tampered with, and finally the
creature cultivated by Professor Tan was far from what he imagined."
"According to Li Qian's research log recorded by the system, Professor Tan's research log
shows that when Song Zhi took over the Juli Group, Professor Tan's research project was
suspended. At the time, these spiders were in the incubation stage. More advanced
authority than Professor Tan helped Professor Tan 'destroy' these eggs. But I believe that
he actually helped Professor Tan to bring these eggs out. Because even Wensheng is very
clear, once Mr. Song understands these insects. What is the egg, it will destroy these eggs."
"So, we don't even have to eat dinner?"
Zhou Yu suddenly licked the collar of the ink night and kissed his lips.
At that moment, the heart seemed to jump out of the chest of the night.
"Do you still have dinner?" Zhou Yu lowered his eyes and looked at the ink night.
"I decided to eat supper at tonight. Because I am really hungry and going crazy."
"Let's go." Zhou Yu snorted.
This guy is just giving a little sunshine.
Ink night driving and Zhou Yu driving in the bustling night streets, surrounded by shopping
malls, neon shine, even the stars in the sky are eclipsed.
Compared with Tan Yiming’s out-of-group living, Lian Wensheng lives in the downtown
area and is also the top floor of a luxury apartment.
When Mo Ye and Zhou Yu came to his house, they heard loud music from the hidden door.
Zhou Yu looked at the ink night, and the ink night said with a mouth shape: it seems to be a
It seems that this even Wensheng has refreshed Zhou Yu’s stereotype of the researcher.
Zhou Yu opened the door, the nose was full of alcohol, and the young men and women
twitched in the room.
The lights are not dim, but they give a feeling of solitude.
The top of the apartment is directly at the bottom of the rooftop swimming pool and you
can see a beautiful and wonderful sound.
"Ah... he really enjoys it, I have to study hard." Ink night raised his face.
At this time, a few young people who appeared to have just entered the university came to
Zhou Yu and Mou night.
"Hey, who are you? Shouldn't you be invited?"
When Zhou Yugang wanted to say something, he was blindly buckled by the ink night.
"Lian Wensheng is here?" Ink night picked up the sunglasses.
The young people suddenly stopped.
"That is... Zhou Moyue?"
"Impossible... How can Zhou Moyue come here?"
A few girls also looked over and whispered.
“Is it really Zhou Moyue? It looks more than the poster...”
"More sexy!"
Ink night kept a smile with patience: "We are looking for a doctor. Is he not here?"
The author has something to say: Auntie, fat, dead me... How much exercise is done
Laws of the Other World Chapter 116: Extra (8)
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"Dr. Dr....he is..." A young girl had just raised her finger at the swimming pool at the top of
her finger. If she hadn’t said it, she was smashed by another burly man.
"What do you do for your doctor?" The man's eyes were cold, and watching Zhou Yu and
Mok night was like watching something inanimate.
Ink night touched the nose: "We have some research problems and want to consult a
The man’s eyes narrowed up: “You are the people of Juli Group?”
Mok night looked at Zhou Yu and replied: "It's just a little bit related to Juli Group."
"Then you should know that Mr. Lian has stopped doing any research."
The other party raised his hand, meaning that you should leave the night and Zhou Yu.
The young people around them showed a regretful expression, and they all hope that the
ink night can stay here for a while.
At this time, someone walked down the ladder connecting the top of the building, holding
two women who were irritated on the left and right, and the face was a happy expression.
"A Gang, look at you, how can you ask for your guests?"
This man’s face, Zhou Yu, has been seen in Li Qian’s database. He is even Wensheng, but it
seems to be younger than the data.
Lian Wensheng looked at Zhou Yu and Mo Ye night with interest and threw a bottle of beer
to Zhou Yu.
The beer bottle was almost broken at the foot of Zhou Yu, but Zhou Yu lowered his body
and caught it. Zhou Yu's movements are very fast, but it seems very relaxed, his fingers are
pinching the bottle, the thumb is up, and the bottle cap is dropped.
Zhou Yu took a sip and he knew that even Wensheng had been watching himself.
"Mr. Lian, you are not curious as to why we are coming?"
Lian Wensheng turned around and turned to the top floor: "Since you are related to Juli
Group, come to me, nothing more than some research I have done."
Zhou Yu and Mou night followed Lian Wen to the top floor.
When they saw a huge overlord silver bead by the pool, they subconsciously controlled it,
but found that it had no life.
Lian Wensheng sat down directly against it and touched his chin: "This is the real overlord
silver pearl. Of course, it is only empty shell. It is the gift that Mr. Eaton gave me when I was
working on the 10th anniversary of Juli Group. ""
"Well... I can keep the shell intact, and it really takes a lot of thought." The ink nodded and
said that he liked it.
"But I basically know your identity. Look at your skills, you should be a team member of the
field force to Nibelungen." Lian Wensheng seems to appreciate Zhou Yu.
"What about me?"
"You were a little surprised when you saw this big guy. This kind of surprise is not out of
fear, but rather that this thing should not appear here. You have lost a bit of humiliation of
the field team, but it seems too young as a researcher. I can't guess your true identity in the
Juli Group." Lian Wensheng turned back and obsessedly touched its outer shell. "It's just a
cub, the adult king of the silver bulls is afraid of not being able to fit the roof." ""
"Since even Dr. has already guessed my identity, can I ask the question I want to ask
"Of course. I am also curious what you will ask me."
"You and Professor Tan were responsible for the experiment of gene fusion between
Tarantula and Rhodes. Why did you replace the gene fragment that Professor Tan
originally prepared?" Zhou Yu carefully observed the expression of Dr. Lian.
"Because it's interesting." Lian Wensheng was close to Zhou Yu and pulled his lips. "You
shouldn't think that without the instruction of Mr. Eaton, can I really do this under the
supervision of Juli Group?"
"Of course." Zhou Yu replied, "So what effect does the gene you replace have on the results
of the trial?"
"Tan Yiming's wife is suffering from Alzheimer. He wants to find a way to treat his wife. He
wants the wolf spider that is closest to the Rhodes spider's gene in the human world to
accept this gene. But the part I replaced can Let the tarantula have a stronger attack, but it
also has a flaw."
"They are afraid of the ultraviolet rays in the sun, but also afraid of high temperatures." Mo
night said.
"Yes, we always have to leave a little flaw. In case this kind of creature is out of control, we
also have ways to destroy them." Lian Wensheng frowned. "But this research has passed,
why do you suddenly mention it?" ”
"It's nothing."
Mo Ye and Zhou Yu know that even Wensheng must not say everything he knows, so they
will have their own reservations.
"Hey, you guys, I can't help you." Lian Wensheng spread his hands.
Zhou Yutou did not return to the place with the ink night: "The doctor did not even think
about helping us."
When both of them left the apartment and got on the bus, Zhou Yu said: "Do you feel it?"
"Well, yeah. The two women around him are genetically modified like Cook. They are not
even Wensheng women, but more like his bodyguards."
"It is possible to let the giant force set out to protect the genetically modified person. It
shows that even Wensheng is very valuable to Eaton. It is different now."
"Song Zhi did not fully grasp the Juli Group. There must be many people like Lian
Wensheng. They themselves were tasked by Eaton and they were not willing to end up like
"Just I don't think that even Wensheng is simply trying to make biological weapons for Juli
Group." Just at this time, the ink night suddenly whistled a whistle.
Behind them, there is a black suv behind them.
"Lian Wensheng already knows that we are the people of Juli Group. He has to send people
to follow us. It is more likely to find opportunities to kill us than to be friends with us." Mo
night said, "I don't plan to bring them. Come back home."
"Then go down to their minds and go to a remote place."
At night, the car drove out of the bus, and the surrounding cars were getting fewer and
fewer. The suv behind them finally couldn’t stand it and accelerated.
"Ah, you have to be hit." The ink was cool and open.
The next second, the car hit the rear of the car, the body shocked, do not have to look back
and know that the rear of the car was hit a large piece.
Stepped on the gas pedal by the ink night and accelerated forward.
The engine of the suv was excellent in performance, and it quickly went hand in hand with
the ink night. The body was used to hit the ink night. The ink night turned over the steering
wheel, but it was directly hit by the suv under the road.
After a while, Zhou Yu raised his hand to support the roof, and they completely turned over.
Just as Zhou Yu and Mo Ye were about to climb out of the car, the people in the suv had
already arrived at their doors.
When Zhou Yugang climbed out, he saw Lian Wensheng’s man named Agang coming over
with a gun.
He pulled the trigger three times and the bullets came out, but they didn't hit Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu loosely released his hand and the three bullets fell.
A Gang stunned, and immediately threw the gun, rushed to Zhou Yu, and swung a fist.
Zhou Yu steadyly held his fist, and when he twisted, he heard A Gang screaming in pain.
The ink night broke the front glass and climbed out.
At this time, the rear door of the suv opened, and the two women around Wensheng came
out, and while they walked, they buckled their fingers and made a squeaking sound.
Ink night laughed: "You shouldn't think that you can be transformed into a gene that can be
invincible in the world?"
One of the women rushed up, and lifted her leg to the ink night. The wind swept over the
cheeks of the ink night, and the ink night took a step back. No one could see his movements,
and the woman who attacked him fell to the ground.
"I have never understood pity and jade."
Another woman also attacked.
Her movements are agile and murderous.
But the ink on the lips of the night always has a ridiculous smile, just like knowing what she
is thinking, it always seems to be ample to avoid.
Zhou Yu pressed Agang and watched the night of the two women fighting.
"Is it enough? If you have enough, you should bring them back and find Lian Wensheng."
Suddenly, the two women screamed together and were twisted off the left and right arms
by the ink night.
Zhou Yu dialed Song Hao's mobile phone number: "If you have time, come over and receive
some goods. By the way, send someone to go to the apartment of Wenwen, and his
subordinates will kill us."
"Come now." Song Xiao's cold voice sounded.
Less than half an hour later, Song Yu came to the car with a car. The two women were still
struggling and refused to give up. Song Yu came to one of them and directly smashed the
other's shoulder.
This scream is very powerful.
Ink night looked at Song Wei with amazement: "They are women!"
"So?" Song Yan turned his face and looked indifferent and indifferent under the moonlight.
"So you should be gentle."
"I will only be gentle to one person." Song Yi lowered his body and picked up the woman
from the ground and threw it into the car. "The people we sent said that even Wensheng
was gone."
"I'm missing? His apartment is still partying half an hour ago."
"When our people went in, the party was still going on, but even Wensheng was gone."
"It seems that he does have problems. How much does Tan Yiming's death have to do with
him." Zhou Yu looked at the ink night. "I want to go to his apartment again and see if he has
left anything."
Ink night sighed long and sighed: "Don't we go back to sleep now?"
"You will have a chance to stay asleep."
Zhou Yu unceremoniously sat in the xtlwxs520 that chased them-->

Laws of the Other World Chapter 117: Extra (9)

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They drove the car back to Tan Yiming’s apartment. When they pushed away the door of
Tan Yiming’s apartment, the ink night looked at the on-site sampler sent by Song Zhi. He
said without words: “This is what Song Wei said,’ '? Is this not just missing?"
The party was in a mess, and the people who attended the party were cleared out of the
Three bodies floated in the pool in front of them. After the work of the samplers was
completed, the police rescued the bodies.
The expression on the face of each corpse is full of desire and yearning, as if they have
reached heaven.
In the night, Momo walked to the side of one of the bodies. It was a woman who recognized
the ink night with her friends and was one of those who hoped that the night could stay in
the party.
I haven’t spoken in the first two hours, but I didn’t expect to die so soon.
Her eyes were wide, her lips were slightly open, and one hand was already stiff, as if she
had to catch something before she died.
"Lian Wensheng will not poison them, right?" The night of the night, the eyes of Zhou Mo, to
Zhou Yu, to know that Zhou Yu is the person who drank the beer handed by Lian
"In addition to the neurotoxins made from the s-class biological spinal fluid, the human
world should not be able to kill my life." Zhou Yu replied.
"I am afraid that it is not a toxin in the human world."
"Everything can only wait for an autopsy report."
The police station issued a wanted order to Lian Wensheng, but Zhou Yu knew very well
that even Wensheng’s desire to avoid hunting was actually an easy task.
Zhou Yu and Mok Night walked around the scene to observe.
The outer shell of the phoenix spider, which is even Wensheng, remains in the same place.
The people of Song Zhi are trying to find ways to transport it away.
Zhou Yu leaned over his face and stared at it: "Ink night, do you think it is different from
what we saw before?"
“Different?” Ink night touched his chin. “When I saw it, it looked like I was going to jump up
and bite our head. It looks like a broken body. ”
"It's the eyes. Its eyes are gone." Zhou Yu stepped forward, put on his gloves, and reached
into the eye socket of the Overlord Silver Spider. "It's empty! I decided that its eyes are
Ink night went over: "If I didn't guess wrong, the camera here should be the camera. Even
Wensheng probably expected this to happen. I deliberately hid the camera in the eye socket
of the Overlord Silver Spider and filmed it all. ”
"If this is the case, the video picture will definitely be transmitted to a terminal. The
wireless transmission range of this camera is limited..."
"Maybe it was passed to Lian Wensheng's tablet. If this is the case, even Wensheng will take
the tablet away while taking the camera."
"So...we still can't know what happened?" Zhou Yu sighed, and as he passed his way
through the bottles and glasses at the poolside, he seemed to find something and quickly
walked over.
He squatted in front of a bottle, picked it up and turned it at the light.
"What's wrong?" The ink night also fell down beside him.
"Do you think the liquid left in this bottle seems to be glowing with blue light?" Zhou Yu
Ink night nodded: "Yes. It is blue, and it is very shallow and subtle blue. If it is ordinary
human eyes, it should not be visible."
“Real beer doesn’t reflect this color.” Zhou Yu picked it up and handed it to the sampler sent
by Song, and asked, “Are you asking people at the party? How were they invited? Is there
anything here and what do these people have in common?"
"They said that they all received an electronic invitation letter from Lian Wensheng. The
number of people who promised to go to the appointment is more than 10,000 yuan. If they
say something in common, the only thing I can think of is that they are very young, at the
age of twenty. Until the age of twenty-eight. No more than thirty years old."
This answer made Zhou Yuqi brow.
Ink night came to his side with a pocket and said: "It doesn't sound like a test for a specific
object? This is one of them, maybe there is another reference group somewhere."
"Well, yes... I think the purpose of even Wensheng is not just to make biological weapons."
When the pool party was processed, it was already half past three in the morning.
"Now can we go home?" Ink night asked Zhou Yu, who was still frowning.
"Let's go, let's go back."
In the night, the ink lifted his arms and took the shoulders of Zhou Yu. When everyone
didn't care about them, the ink night quickly kissed Zhou Yu's eyebrows: "Hey, the thoughts
on Lian Wensheng are over, wait until Han Li or Li Qian gave you other clues and thought
again, otherwise everything is a lack of basis."
"I know, you are not saying that you want to eat supper? Let's go." Zhou Yuyang raised his
"Eat night snacks? This time?" Ink night looked at Zhou Yu with the expression "You don't
make jokes." "Well, this time there are fewer people."
Zhou Yu opened the door and sat in the position of the co-pilot: "Go to Wutong Lane."
"...what is that place?" Innocent night, sitting on the co-pilot position.
"You navigate." Zhou Yu held his arm and closed his eyes and looked ready to sleep.
Looking at the eyelashes that he was illuminated by the street lights, the ink night was a
little itchy.
Zhou Yu can of course feel the emotions of the ink night, directly reaching out with his eyes
closed, holding the shoulders of the ink night and pressing him to himself, then kissing him
on the corner of his lips.
The moment of the ink night was a little surprised, and then the childish smile was
"Well, drive to Wutong Lane, I really want to eat something."
The night of the car started the car, and the lip line was bent upwards along the way.
When he came to the entrance of Wutong Lane according to the navigation, he suddenly
smelled a strong food aroma.
It is already more than four in the morning, and there are still some people sitting on the
snack stand to talk about the wine.
This alley is deep and long, with a lot of snack stalls, and a variety of rich flavors
intertwined, making people hungry.
Zhou Yuqi opened his eyes and said: "Let's go."
Ink night blinked, and he was not eaten by the roadside stall. When Zhou Yu was not there,
the ink night was followed by the staff after the filming ended, but the nightingale was the
first time.
Because the guests are almost gone, many stalls are steadily packing up.
“The food stalls here are open from 10:00 pm to around 5:00 in the morning, and when the
day is over, these stalls will all be withdrawn.”
Zhou Yu sat down in front of a booth and opened the disposable chopsticks. He did not wait
for the ink to open the mouth. He had already ordered two bowls of noodles.
"Are you sure I would like to eat the noodles here?" Mo night smiled and asked, he held his
head and looked at Zhou Yu in front of him.
"I don't know if you like to eat, but I like to eat." Zhou Yu scraped off the wood thorn on the
chopsticks and handed it to the ink night.
The noodles come very quickly, they should be the last single business.
After Zhou Yu mixed the noodles with the marinade, he looked at the ink night and turned
it over with chopsticks. At the end, there was still a burst of white and red, and he pushed
his face directly.
"You eat this."
Zhou Yu knows that this guy is not going to mix noodles, just wants to mix himself with
him, but I don’t know why, Zhou Yu doesn’t want to tear him down.
"You said that Tan Yiming studied the spiders in order to heal his wife's Alzheimer's
syndrome... Why did he do this?"
"Because his wife can't communicate with herself normally, can't remember what they are
going through now, can't take care of themselves... or in the eyes of the world, Alzheimer is
like a kind of disability."
"She may not be able to communicate properly with Professor Tan, but other ugly things in
the world can't affect her. If she can't remember what they have experienced, Tan Yiming
will accompany her to recall the past. It can be him now. What the wife remembers must be
beautiful and precious. Even if Alzheimer is a defect in the eyes of outsiders, it does not
affect Tan Yiming’s wife and he eat a bowl of noodles. Like me and you now.”
Zhou Yu lowered her eyes and smiled.
The night is like water, and even the faint mist is filled. Zhou Yu’s introverted facial features
have become softer.
"This is where I least like you. What you think is different from many people. It seems so
‘not normal’.”
"But this is also the place that you like me the most, because you know that no matter what
you become, I will love you. I love you the most original look, and love what you are now."
After eating the face, Zhou Yu and Mo night drove back to the apartment. After simply
showering, Zhou Yu went back to bed and pulled the quilt to sleep.
While rubbing his head at the night, he came to Zhou Yu's side and sat down, reaching out
and touching his forehead.
"I don't have any hair, how can I sleep?"
Despite this, the ink night lie down with his hair and hold Zhou Yu, and sleep with him until
At 10:30 in the morning, Zhou Yu’s cell phone shook at the bed.
Almost at that moment, Zhou Yu woke up and stretched his arm to take the phone, only to
find that the ink night almost completely encircled himself, his chin was on Zhou Yu’s
forehead, even if he fell asleep, he did not forget to show himself. Possession. His closed
eyes looked naive and lazy, and the slightly raised eyelashes were like the wings that were
about to be fanned.
Zhou Yu took the phone and found that it was Han Li’s phone.
The author has something to say: To go out tomorrow, so the update is also in the evening.
Everyone will come to sleep tomorrow night.

Laws of the Other World Chapter 118: Extra (10)

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"Hey, Han Li, is there an autopsy result?"
"Yes. The brains of the bodies in the pool are almost melted. And... I found the residue of
Rhodes spider in their blood. According to our study of Rhodes in Nibelungen, Each of the
Rhodes spiders contains this substance in the silk thread, but the content is extremely
small, only a few micrograms each. Once this substance reaches a certain weight in the
human body, it will not only affect the human brain's manipulation of the body. It also
produces hallucinations that accelerate the functioning of the brain and the dissociation
and necrosis of brain cells..."
I don't have to look at Han Li's expression, and I know that she is frowning at the moment.
"If I didn't guess wrong, should I also have this substance in the beer bottle that I handed to
the sampler?" Zhou Yu asked.
"Yes. And according to Professor Chen's research, he believes that even Wensheng replaced
the gene fragment of Rhodes spider, and another gene was implanted in the tarantula
selected by Tan Yiming, in order to utilize the reproductive ability and Rhodes Silver
Spider's unique genetic fusion to increase the content of this substance, thereby achieving a
large number of extraction purposes."
Zhou Yu raised his hand and grabbed his own eyes. It seems that this thing is more
complicated than he imagined. It is not simply an accident that the researcher brings the
research target out of the research room, but is purposeful and targeted.
"Do you think Professor Tan is probably the accomplices of Wenwen?"
"What do you mean?" Han Li asked indefinitely.
"I mean, Professor Tan has raised a large number of mutant spiders in their own yards. Is it
using these spiders to extract this substance and then hand it to Lian Wensheng?"
"If this is the case, I think Professor Tan and Lian Wensheng are not a group. Because we
found that in the blood sample that Professor Tan left in the refrigerator, the newer the
collected blood sample, the less the content of this substance. I think... Professor Tan may
have discovered the conspiracy of Lian Wensheng, so he secreted the antidote to this
substance in secret manufacturing. But these are just speculations. Professor Tan’s
underground laboratory was almost evacuated, it should be Lian Wensheng and Professor
Tan moved after the death."
"I know, thank you." Zhou Yu hangs up the phone.
The ink night next to him woke up long ago, raising his hand and rubbing the hair in front
of his forehead, holding his face and looking at Zhou Yu.
"Hey, the way you call is always so serious."
"is it?"
"The serious man is the sexiest, haven't you heard of it?" The night of the night will kiss,
and Zhou Yu will reach out and push his forehead.
He used his mobile phone to dial Li Qian’s phone.
Ink night chuckled, not angry at all, got up and went to the kitchen while sipping a song and
started breakfast.
"Hey, Li Qian, I want to know who has the most contacts with Wensheng before and after
leaving Juli Group? I want you to check his mail, his mobile phone, his WeChat and all other
social tools. And the common contacts of the two bodyguards around him."
"You give me ten minutes, I will give you the answer."
When Zhou Yu was waiting for Li Qian, he smelled the aroma of the food floating in the
Then I watched the ink tray and sat back on the bed with a dinner plate. The plate was a
sandwich that looked very simple, but it was inexplicably opened to Zhou Yu’s appetite.
Usually Zhou Yu is a very disciplined person who absolutely does not allow himself or
others to bring food to the bed, but at this moment, he is leaning against himself at the ink
night, lifting the sandwich and biting the corner is not disgusting.
He is like a lazy hair, leisurely but sexy.
Zhou Yu directly turned his face and bit the other corner of the sandwich.
The night of the ink showed a surprised expression: "Hey, I thought you wanted to kiss
"It tastes good." Zhou Yu chuckled.
Ink night is like a child who is praised, and reveals a kind of innocent but embarrassing
At this time, Li Qian’s voice came: “In the most common contact person of Lian Wensheng,
there are academic institutions, other researchers, his life assistants, and many business
leaders. The most special and most attractive to me. It should be Kong Lingyun."
Zhou Yu’s eyes narrowed up: “Kong Lingyun? You are the chairman of Lingyun
Pharmaceutical and Kong Lingyun, one of the board members of Juli Group?”
"Well, yes. Actually, in a strict sense, I am not surprised that even Wensheng will have
contact with Kong Lingyun. Because I believe that in Kong Lingyun’s contact book, there
must be quite a lot like Lian Wensheng. Researchers. And... The private labs under the villa
of Tan Yiming are sponsored by Kong Lingyun."
"It seems that this is not a coincidence. I think I will visit Mr. Kong Lingyun, Song will not
have any opinions?" Zhou Yu asked as he got up.
"Haha, should there be any opinions? And Kong Lingyun originally had the intention to
withdraw from Juli Group. If he withdraws, Juli Group will have many biopharmaceutical
research elites to follow him."
"thank you for telling me."
Zhou Yu looked at the ink night still lying on the bed and raised his eyebrows.
Ink night chuckled, came to the bed with a plate, squatted straight up, and stuffed the
remaining sandwich into Zhou Yu's mouth.
"People like Kong Lingyun, I want to see him, I am afraid I have to make an appointment."
Zhou Yu chewed the sandwich with patience and then got up and went to the bathroom.
The ink night has already learned about Zhou Yu’s thoughts. If they go to visit, Kong
Lingyun can still go to court, this is a good thing to say.
If Kong Lingyun wants to put on the shelf, Zhou Yu will directly lick his collar to let him
Of course, the ink night likes the latter.
When they went out, it was already one and a half in the afternoon.
When I arrived at Lingyun Pharmaceutical's headquarters, the sun was burning on the
building, reflecting a dazzling light.
Ink night looked up and smiled: "Kong Lingyun should enjoy power very much. He wants to
be the center of the world all the time. He is a person with strong desire for expression and
"Oh, you haven't seen him yet, how do you see it?"
“From the architectural style and location of the Lingyun Pharmaceutical Building, a
biopharmaceutical company does not need to have its headquarters in the center of the
downtown area, nor does it need to make itself look like a kaleidoscope.” Ink night
shrugged his shoulders.
Zhou Yu smiled and came to the security department of the building with Mo Ye, and
initially gave him a work permit for him.
"You are the people of Juli Group? I don't think Kong always wants to see you." The security
guard's face was very cold.
It seems that Kong Lingyun’s departure from the Juli Group is not unfounded.
When the ink came to the other side of the night with a smile, when the deep eyes were on
the security guard, the other party was inexplicably involved in some kind of power and
could not move.
"You haven't asked Kong Lingyun before, and you have decided not to see us for Kong
Lingyun. Are you a Boss of Lingyun Pharmaceutical, or is Kong Lingyun? Since we are from
Juli Group, there must be important and valuable things to come. He. Isn't this value judged
by Kong Lingyun himself?"
The sound of the ink night is gentle, but it makes people feel pressure.
The security guard swallowed his mouth, lifted the walkie-talkie and asked the secretary's
office of Kong Lingyun.
After a dozen seconds, he entered the elevator with the ink night and Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yuben thought they would go to the top of the building, but did not expect the
security guard to take them to the ground, and it was ten floors.
Zhou Yu silently said to the ink night: According to your analysis of Kong Lingyun, he
should like to live on the roof.
Ink night answer: The place where the city is the closest to the core, isn't it the place closest
to the source of power?
When the elevator door opened, Kong Lingyun, wearing a t-shirt and slacks, stood at the
door waiting for them.
"Ah, Zhou Yu, I didn't expect you to come visit me, it really made my Lingyun
pharmaceutical shine."
Kong Lingyun's age is similar to that of Song Zhi. His smile is very attractive, and Zhou Yu
has seen many things in his eyes that are difficult to describe in words.
Perhaps as the ink night described, Kong Lingyun and Eaton are the same kind of people,
and they are too much to pursue.
"Sounds, Mr. Kong knows me?" Zhou Yu and Mo Ye walked out of the elevator door.
Kong Lingyun took them through a passage and came to the front of his office.
At the moment when the door opened, Zhou Yu had a feeling of openness in front of his
This office occupies the entire floor, and the wall turns out to be a whole piece of aquarium,
where many of the sea creatures that are not commonly found can be seen.
A wide variety of fish swim, and the five colors are very eye-opening.
In the night, Mou said to Zhou Yu: This guy is really too much money to spend. If I were, I
would not spend so much.
Zhou Yu is funny and asks: If it is you, how would you spend money?
Ink night answer: I will buy a beautiful island and shut you down.
Zhou Yu: You are really bored.
Kong Lingyun personally made a black tea for Zhou Yu and Mo Ye, and they came to them.
"Zhou Yu, you are a giant collection." The most legendary of the field players in Nibelungen.
I even heard a rumor that you have a s-class creature, even if you have their power, And far
better than Cook and Isaac."
Kong Lingyun carefully observed the expression of Zhou Yu, as if to dig all the secrets from
Zhou Yu’s hidden gap.
Zhou Yu just chuckled: "Mr. Kong, do you believe it?"
Kong Lingyun shook his head with a smile: "I don't believe it. Because it is really like that,
you have mastered the Juli Group, not Song."
"I think I am still straightforward to explain it. Mr. Kong is very familiar with Lian
The author has something to say: It seems that the dog food is sprinkled every day and it is
faster to write.

Laws of the Other World Chapter 119: Extra (11)

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"Of course I know him and know his research content, but it does not mean that I am
'familiar' with him." Kong Lingyun replied.
His gaze was very calm, and there was no change when he heard the name of Lian
However, it is this kind of calm that makes Zhou Yu suspicious. Kong Lingyun will at least
be surprised at why they will come to the door to ask the things that even Wensheng wins,
and what problems have happened to even Wensheng. Kong Lingyun's performance made
Zhou Yu feel that he had long known that Juli Group would send someone to come to him.
"So what does Mr. Kong know about the research content of Lian Wensheng?"
"He and Professor Tan Yiming are working together to develop drugs for the treatment of
Alzheimer's syndrome. Mr. Song suspended their project after returning from Nibelungen,
so we continue to sponsor them to complete the project. Is there any problem? My team
has evaluated the research plans and data submitted by Lian Wensheng, which is worth
investing in. Or is it that Mr. Song wants to take back the project?"
Zhou Yu sneered in his heart, and Kong Lingyun’s statement completely extracted himself
from the illegal research of Lian Wensheng. What Lian Wensheng is studying, how could
Kong Lingyun not know.
"Mr. Kong, do you know that Professor Tan is dead?" Sitting in the ink night beside Zhou Yu,
he sipped black tea and asked in a lazy tone.
"Professor Tan is dead? I... Of course I don't know. Professor Tan has temporarily
withdrawn from the research project because of suffering from depression. I have not
heard about Professor Tan for a long time."
Kong Lingyun's logic still has no problems.
"But I am very curious. Like a popular star like you, it is also a person of Juli Group. Is Song
Zhi intending to let Juli Group move from the forefront of technology to the entertainment
"Mr. Kong... Do you know what kind of situation is most entertaining?" The ink night leaned
forward and squinted at Kong Lingyun.
He has beautiful facial features, and the long eyelashes can't be described by words when
the eyelids are drooping.
Even the veteran Kong Lingyun could not help but lose sight of God at that moment.
The tea cup in the hands of the ink night fell down like this, and the tea eye looked down on
the leg of Kong Lingyun. He suddenly returned to the gods and reached out to push the
edge of the coffee table. Even the person slipped back with the chair. The coffee table was
moved by his power and pressed against Zhou Yu’s legs. Zhou Yu directly lifted his left leg
and quickly pressed the coffee table.
The tea fell on the ground like this.
"Ah, Mr. Kong is really good! I think Dr. Cook, who is staying with Mr. Eaton all the year
round, is not as agile as you are." The forehead of the ink night swayed against the cup, and
the smile on his face was so bad.
"My skill is not surprising." Kong Lingyun stood up while finishing his clothes. "Juli Group is
a consortium of different corporate consortia, but people with a little status are more or
less from The benefits of Nibelungen. It’s just that we are lucky, there is no problem with
the brain, and not as much as Mr. Eaton.”
"Really, you have a reasonable explanation no matter what." Mo night nodded.
"Since it is reasonable, it can naturally be explained. The two also saw that I was originally
engaged in golf. If I don't go now, I am really late."
Kong Lingyun began to defer.
However, for Zhou Yu and Mo Ye, I can't ask anything if I continue to stay.
Just walking out of the door, the ink night will turn back and ask: "Mr. Kong, who are you
playing with?"
"Of course it's a beauty. The golf course is a great place to win a beautiful woman."
The ink-night night laughed and left with Zhou Yu.
When they got into the car, the smile on the face of the ink night was collected.
Zhou Yu also dialed Li Qian’s phone and told them the conversation with Lian Wensheng.
"I understand, I will investigate in depth the people associated with Lian Wensheng and all
his communications."
"Kong Lingyun is a smart person, I am afraid that it is not so easy to find the connection
between him and Lian Wensheng."
"Reassure, I am Li Qian. As long as he still carries his mobile phone, I can hear what he is
doing recently."
"Thank you," Zhou Yu said.
At this time, the ink night holds his head in a lazy appearance.
Zhou Yu reached out and threw a hand on his forehead: "You don't have to work?"
"I told the agent that I slipped after getting drunk and hurt my eye socket. I have to work
and wait until my eyes are not swollen."
Zhou Yu sighed, this guy seems to be more and more self-willed.
"Do we want to go golfing too?" In the night, the ink came to the side and smirked at Zhou
"It seems like you know where Kong Lingyun is going to play golf."
"No, I said that golf is not played on the grass." Ink night reached out and circled his fingers.
"I said golf refers to 'one shot into the hole.'"
"It's a pity that I didn't bring the gun to my body." Zhou Yu said coolly, "Drive. Go back and
take a nap."
This afternoon, it is really rare to leisurely.
Li Qian’s phone has never come, and there is no clue on Kong Lingyun’s side. Zhou Yu is
sitting on the window sill and playing with a large pot of sunflowers he has planted.
In the night, holding his arms and looking at his silhouette, he said with a funny voice: "You
look like a retired old man, playing with your beloved flowers and plants."
"I saw you playing chess on the side of the road and the old man."
"I am doing exercises. I am afraid that one day you will be playing chess on the side of the
road. I can't keep up with your ‘progress.'”
Zhou Yu smiled, and the ink night hugged him from behind. The little voice: "Grandpa, the
sun does not need to be so finely cooked, they can grow very well."
“Is it like you? Give the sun a bright spot and the soil will flood.”
"Yes, just like me."
This leisurely time lasted until the time of the day, Song Song’s call came.
"Hey, Song Wei, are you calling me?" Zhou Yu walked back to the room from the balcony. If
there were no important things, Song Hao would not contact them.
"Yes. Today Song was attacked on the way to the board of directors."
"What? What the **** is going on?" Zhou Yu was nervous.
"The car was installed with a bomb and exploded when the car started."
"Mr. Song is in the car?"
"Yes. It's just that his perception and reaction is faster than the average person. He jumped
out at the moment the bomb started, his back was injured, the area was large, and healing
took time."
Zhou Yu can imagine how angry Song Wei is at this time.
However, some people will directly start with Song, and it seems that they are being
After all, Song Zhi has already gained the recognition of many political figures, and the
control in the Juli Group has become more and more powerful. Although some large
consortia have withdrawn due to the inconsistency of ideas, this has also made the Juli
Group in the hands of Song Zhi more pure.
"Is our investigation touched the interests of some people, they have to take it?" Zhou Yu
"This shows that you are getting closer to the truth. Kong Lingyun has absolutely
"Yes, got it."
Hanging up the phone, Zhou Yu’s mood did not calm down.
He kept thinking about it. If you want to know what Kong Lingyun and Lian Wensheng are
doing, you must be clear about what the role of the light blue color is.
It is impossible to simply act as a □□, if it is just to kill, it is not so troublesome.
"I think it is a drug." Zhou Yu turned his face and looked at the ink night that was rarely
sitting quietly beside him.
"How to say?"
"Han Li analysis of the material extracted from the Rhodes spider not only affects the
human brain's manipulation of the body, but also produces hallucinations, accelerates the
functioning of the brain and the dissociation and necrosis of the brain cells. If the volume is
well controlled, it Unlike ordinary drugs, you can get rid of it and the effect is more than
"Well... and even Wensheng’s pool party, maybe it’s constantly debugging the amount of
this drug.”
The words of the ink night reminded Zhou Yu.
He dialed Li Qian’s phone and said to him: “Li Qian, can you search according to the
characteristics of the death of the deceased in this pool party? Who are the similar death
characteristics? I am not referring to the death of the pool. in."
"Understand, you mean the hallucinations before they die and the fact that the brain is
almost dissolved, right?"
Li Qian’s efficiency was amazing. Soon a long list and information was sent to Zhou Yu’s
Although the cause of death and characteristics are certain, but the way of description is
not the same, Li Qian can only search in a wide range, can not refine the search target.
Zhou Yu has omitted most of the examples of deaths caused by diseases and drug abuse.
The last ones he has speeded up to move his mouse and browsed quickly. Three people
who caught his attention were the information technology companies. General manager,
died in a bar. According to the bar surveillance video, he leaned his head before his death,
showing a mad smile. Not long after his body trembled violently, the bar owner called the
ambulance, but he stopped his heartbeat in the car.
The second one that Zhou Yu noticed was a listed financing company ceo. The other
company's share price is booming and its value is also rising. It is a leader in the financial
field. But at a public reception, he also died after he had the same symptoms.
The third is a famous surgeon who is the first in domestic cardiac surgery, but did not
normally go to work in the hospital the day after the meeting after a surgery. When his
body was found at home and sent to an autopsy, the results showed that his brain was
partially dissolved and there was no external force injury. He thought that he was infected
with a certain disease and his body was cremated.
Zhou Yu looked at the screen and browed, and the night came to his side to sit down.
“They are elites in all fields, such as information technology, finance, and medical.”
"If you divergence your thinking and make your brain hole bigger, what do you think?"
Zhou Yu turned his face and looked at the ink night.
"Lian Wensheng, with the support of someone, uses the substance extracted from the
fusion of Rhodes and the local tarantula to make a certain drug, and wants to use this drug
to control important people in various fields, if this drug If you succeed in the upper class of
the upper class, this person who controls even Wensheng can control the whole society."
"It sounds a little scary."
"But it’s more realistic than Mr. Eaton’s idea."
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Laws of the Other World Chapter 120: Extra (12)

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"Don't worry, Li Qian is not using his mobile phone to monitor Kong Lingyun twenty-four
hours from now. It is estimated that it is not impossible to use Li Qian's technology and
Song Zhi's network to monitor him by satellite. Unless he disappears from this world,
Otherwise we always know what he is doing."
In the night, Zhou Yu’s face turned to himself and kissed him.
There is no such thing as a kiss in his kiss, just like a language expression, telling Zhou Yu
that he is with him no matter what happens, and that they can solve whatever happens.
Zhou Yu closed his eyes and the original nervous nerves eased.
A whole week passed, Kong Lingyun did not have any movements, and his trip seemed to
be normal: Ling Yun Pharmaceutical's normal work, various social activities, a person's
leisure time, etc., monitoring his Li Qian is almost bored I fell asleep.
This made Zhou Yu unable to doubt his judgment.
Does the disappearance of even Wensheng really have anything to do with Kong Lingyun?
So where is Wenwen going?
Who is this ultimate goal that he has developed, or is it the ultimate goal of "drugs"?
The six-year board meeting of Juli Group is about to be held, and Kong Lingyun is one of
This time the board meeting place is a small island.
The purpose of Song Zhi’s choice of this island is that Zhou Yu is very clear. This time the
board of directors may have an accident that does not want to be seen by the public, and a
small island is separated from the group and the scope is controllable. When entering and
leaving the island, there are only two modes of transportation, yachts and private jets. Song
Zhi can send people to carry out detailed inspections. Third, the surveillance hole Lingyun
is also more targeted. The island is bigger, and Kong Lingyun can only move underground
in the eyelids of Song.
This time the semi-annual board meeting, Song Zhi also sent an invitation letter to Zhou Yu
and Mo Ye.
"Do you have a suit?" Ink night asked with a sterling silver invitation.
"Of course I have." Zhou Yu replied.
"You mean that after wearing it, don't know if it is selling insurance or selling a small
brother's suit?" Ink night a pair of "don't tease me" expression.
"Otherwise?" Zhou Yu just lifted his eyes and looked at the agenda of the board of directors
Li Qian from the computer. He kept thinking about which links Kong Lingyun would wait
But it seems that it is basically a speech such as data reporting and development strategy.
Just as Zhou Yu concentrated on the gods, suddenly something jumped on his knees, a pair
of claws squatting on his shoulders, his head resting on his chin.
The soft feeling was introduced into his brain along the skin of his chin. Zhou Yu closed his
eyes and raised his head. He knew that the bad guy of the ink night deliberately turned into
a night spirit and disturbed his thoughts. Not angry.
He leaned over his face and stuck it with the ink night, slowly leaning back against the back
of the chair.
The neck of the ink night licked Zhou’s chest, and the small tongue tipped out, licking
Zhou’s earlobe.
Zhou Yu lifted the shoulder on the other side, seemingly to hold the ink night, but only
slightly topped him.
When Zhou Yu felt that the ink night in his arms was about to become bigger, Zhou Yu
slammed his shoulder: "You want to ride on me? Dreaming? Be honest."
"You just like my night spirit more than human form."
"Since you know, you will always keep the shape of the night spirit." Zhou Yu said with a
funny smile.
The ink night still turned into a human appearance. He sat on Zhou Yu’s body and pressed
against Zhou Yu. The chair fell backwards. Zhou Yu opened his eyes and looked at the ink
night. He looked calmly. The process of falling down, until the back of the chair is about to
touch the ground, the ink night holds the ground with one hand, and the other hand drags
the back of Zhou Yu.
"Because I yearn for you and want to enter your world."
"Well, find a reason for me to accept. Can you put your clothes on now?" Zhou Yu leaned
Ink night, but smiled incomprehensibly, leaning against Zhou Yu, biting **** his nose.
“Song Zhi’s directors were shackled on the island to facilitate his control of the situation.
But at the same time, for Kong Lingyun, he wants to control the entire board, is it much
At that moment, Zhou Yu was provoked by a nerve in the brain. He sat up and took the
"Mr. Song? I am Zhou Yu."
"I know." Song Zhi's voice still carries a metal texture, as if there is always only one rhythm.
"The goal of Kong Lingyun is the board of directors of Juli Group. At first I guess that Kong
Lingyun and Lian Wenli used the Rhodes to create drugs to control political and business
celebrities, but now it seems that Juli Group is not the most representative. Sexual goals?
The members of the board of directors are leaders in all walks of life, and their influence is
extraordinary. If this 'drug' makes you addicted, you will all succumb to Kong Lingyun."
"I understand. Don't scream the snake first. I will have my arrangement."
Song Zhi’s answer made Zhou Yu feel at ease.
Regarding preparation and hunting, no one in Zhou Yu’s understanding is better at Song
At this time, the sound of the ink night sounded again: "When you wear this one, how?"
At night, a set of pure black suits stood in the night and looked at Zhou Yu.
"It looks like a good cut, but it is your size." Zhou Yu said.
"I will ask someone to change it." The ink-sucking fingers slide down the neckline, and Zhou
Yu inexplicably creates an illusion that he is touched by the other side.
"You often say that I am bored and boring. If you put on this suit, you are sure that it will
not look more old-fashioned?" Zhou Yu smiled and asked.
Ink night squinted at Zhou Yu: "But when I knock it down, I will be very excited."
Zhou Yu reluctantly sighed: "This stalk is very old-fashioned."
"Do you not like old things?"
Soon, the half-year board meeting was held, and Zhou Yu and Mo Yun boarded the private
jet of Song Zhi and flew to the island.
Unlike Mr. Eaton, who always carries a large number of bodyguards, Song Zhi’s entourage
is a necessary staff member, except Song Wei.
Song Yu was sitting next to Song Zhi and made a pot of tea for him.
He is very aware of the temperature and concentration of the tea that Song Zhi likes, and
there is a burst of tea in the entire cabin.
Song Zhi, who has been browsing the information, was slightly tired. He lifted his hand and
pressed it according to his own eyes. Song Hao took the information in his hand and put it
on the side, and pulled the thin blanket on the back of the Song Dynasty. Song Zhi was on
the side. Over the face, fell asleep.
When Song Yong was about to get up and dim the lights, he discovered that Song did not
know when he had buckled his hand.
The ten fingers clasped a warmth on Song's lips.
Zhou Yu, who is not far away, sighs in his heart: When can you be as sensible as Song Wei?
The ink night is dismissive in my heart: If my character is like Song Song, are you not born
with love, and your heart is like stagnant water?
After flying for a few hours, the private jet landed on the island at sunset.
There are only a few reefs around the island, and no other islands echo each other.
But the resort hotels on the island have everything you need.
The ink stayed on the chin and looked down at the small island from the window: "It's a
great place to enjoy. Do you want to go swimming together at night?"
"You are careful to be washed away by the sea." Zhou Yu replied coolly.
He knew what was thinking in the unfair brain of the ink night.
"Then will you come to save me?" Ink night grinned and asked.
"I will drink whiskey while basking the moon at the beach, watching you go further and
Such an answer was expected in the night of the ink, but he was still cold and kissed on
Zhou Yu's lips.
After the plane landed, Zhou Yu walked out of the cabin behind Song Zhi and Song Yu, just
happened to meet the board members of another private plane.
"Mr. Song, I haven't seen you for a long time."
Zhou Yushun looked at the voice and saw Kong Lingyun, a casual cotton shirt and khaki
pants, squatting toward them.
"Long time no see, Mr. Kong." Song Zhi's face did not see any expression.
"This time the board of directors can be mixed. I heard that many directors are very
dissatisfied with the decision to completely suspend the research on Nibelungen. You may
not be able to sit still in the position of the chairman of the board." Kong Lingyun picked up
The eyes smiled and said.
"Mr. Kong rest assured that at least the position of the Chairman of the Group is so
laborious, I will not push you on."
"I look forward to your persuasion of the entire board." Kong Lingyun clap his hands and
turned and left.
"What are the entourages of Kong Lingyun?" Song asked his side to ask Song Wei.
“A secretary, a personal assistant, two security personnel, an accountant and a legal officer,
plus an accounting assistant.”
"These people look normal." Song Zhiyu opened his eyes.
"Of course it looks normal." Ink night came to the side of the shoulder with Song, looking at
the silver moon in the sky with his pockets. "If he wants to arrange for someone to come in,
he doesn't need to go through him. Today attends the board. There are dozens of directors,
and if one-third of them have arranged their manpower around, they are all unacceptable."
The "hands" referred to by the ink night is not a simple bodyguard, and it is likely to be a
genetically modified person.
The night of the island is not as boring as the outsiders imagined. There are casinos and
pool parties, which is like another miniature world.
Zhou Yu took a glass of whiskey and walked slowly around the beach. The ink night
followed him behind him and stepped on his footprints.
"You are really boring." Zhou Yu whispered.
"You explain that you know that you have a companion to follow yourself, but you can see
that only the footprints you left behind are like horror movies." The night of the night
reveals a childish smile.
"I will feel lonely." Zhou Yu replied.
The night of the ink smashed, leaving Zhou Yu’s footprints, took his glass, and took a drink
and smiled and said: “The most unlikely person in the world is you.”

Laws of the Other World Chapter 121: Extra (13)

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"Yes? Now, my only brother is in Nibelungen. I don't have a brother who drinks beer and
jokes with me. Isn't this kind of loneliness?" Zhou Yu said with a funny smile.
"If you want to accompany you to drink beer, you can find Li Qian, he must drink you. If you
want to tell a joke, there is Wu Yun, he will talk about making you want to seal his mouth. If
you want to take a private jet Travel around the world, Song Zhilian will not look at the
brows. You can also find Rong Zhou, Qu Yun, they practice their skills, although I think they
are not your opponent. Even if one day they are not there, not me? ”
"Is there you? What are the advantages of you besides being annoying?" Zhou Yu asked
with a funny smile.
The ink night suddenly stopped, standing in the same place, watching the ink night.
His eyes are deep and far away, as if they penetrated the moonlight, the beach, and Zhou
Yu's heart.
"I will accompany you to the old age."
This is not an oath, it is something he can really do.
Zhou Yu smiled, like watching a child who was unreasonable.
"Hey, what are you laughing at?" Mo night wants to read Zhou Yu's thoughts, but Zhou Yu
does not give him the opportunity to read.
"you guess."
"You laugh at me childish."
"You are naive, I don't need to laugh at it."
"What do you laugh at? Do you think I can't do it?"
"It doesn't matter if you can't do it. If you did it, wouldn't I be very miserable in my life?"
"Why don't you let me read your thoughts?" Mo night frowned, this is his first time to show
"Why should I let you read my thoughts?" Zhou Yu asked coolly.
"Because... I let you read my thoughts."
"I don't have to read and know what you are thinking." Zhou Yu smiled.
Ink night side to face, trying to force into Zhou Yu's mind, but Zhou Yu is firmly guarding
himself, a little gap is not left to the ink night.
"I am really angry."
"I know you are angry." Zhou Yu still walked forward with a leisurely gesture.
The sea breeze plucked his black hair, and the moonlight blew on the back of Zhou Yu, and
it was connected with a piece of sandy beach, which was inexplicably high-spirited.
After a full night of rest and entertainment, the board of directors will be held soon.
Song Wei is responsible for all the preliminary preparations for the meeting.
This morning, when Zhou Yu opened the quilt and got up, the ink night stretched his arm
and was about to pull him back, but Zhou Yuxi took a look at his head.
"Be honest."
So the ink night lazily lie on the bed sideways, watching Zhou Yu put on the back of the
shirt, when the arm is stretched into the sleeve, the muscles are fully stretched out, such a
line makes the throat of the ink night inexplicably tighten, blood The temperature rises
unconsciously, boiling as if to rush out of the body.
Just as his gaze was getting darker and darker, Zhou Yu turned his back and pressed one
knee on the edge of the bed, tied the last button and lowered his head to lean toward the
His eyebrows are drooping, revealing a rare gentle look.
At the moment when the ink night opened the lip slit slightly, Zhou Yu straightened his
waist. When he was about to leave, the ink night suddenly propped up his upper body and
kissed him up.
Zhou Yu almost lost balance, one hand to support his upper body, finally stabilized the
balance, but the ink night sucked up arrogantly, Zhou Yu directly fell into his arms.
In the night, the ink stretched out his arm and hugged Zhou Yu, but Zhou Yu quickly
regained the initiative, holding down the shoulders of the ink night and getting rid of the
other's embarrassment.
"I told you to be honest." Zhou Yu's voice was lower by an octave.
"Is it true that you are not honest?" In the night, Mob raised his eyebrows and raised his
hand to smash the hair in front of his forehead, so that Zhou Yu could more clearly see the
dissatisfaction in his eyes.
"What you are dissatisfied with is Song Zhi. He left you outside, but let me follow him to the
venue to be responsible for security." Zhou Yu entered the bathroom to wash.
Ink night followed him to the door of the bathroom, staring at Zhou Yu with his eyes open. "He doesn't know if you look like a proud prey?"
"Yes? Then you are the hunter who thought he could control everything?" Zhou Yu looked
at the ink night when he walked out of the door. "We are all inside, and I will give it to you
"This is the purpose of Song Zhi, and tied you to his side to coerce me to be obedient."
Zhou Yu showed a light smile and reached for the top of the night.
This is the first time Zhou Yu has participated in the board of directors of a large group.
The seats in the entire conference room consist of two seats inside and outside.
The inner circle is of course the core director with the strongest capital in the group.
Except for the security personnel of the core directors who can enter the venue, no other
directors can enter. The entire conference uses a closed network to prevent confidential
content leakage.
The marble floor of the conference room is as clean as a mirror, and the cool white light
reminds Zhou Yu of the research laboratory of Juli Group.
After each director was seated, they were chilling with each other and smiling at each
other, but Zhou Yu felt that it was like a thick mask, and the mask was cold and cold.
Zhou Yu and Song Yu walked behind Song Zhi.
The expressions of the smiling members of the board of directors were all cold, and the
time was like solidifying. Until Song Hao lowered his head and removed the chair for him,
Song sat calmly and looked sullen.
Zhou Yu knows that this will definitely not be as simple as reporting business profits or
dividing interests. This will be a war without smoke.
After Zhou Yu’s eyes looked around the conference room, he fell on Kong Lingyun’s body.
He is not a core director, but because of his affable appearance and several internal
decisions, he is very trustworthy.
The meeting is about to begin, and Zhou Yu and Song Yu are going backwards.
Song Zhi did not speak, and a core director pre-empted.
"I said Song Zhi, when Eton was still there, everyone's interests and purposes were the
same. He painted us a super cake - Nibelungen. Although it cost a lot, we did see it. Some
profit margins. The investment in the past few years is so huge, and now various research
projects are hard to start earning money. You have to stop the entire Nibelungen study,
isn’t it a joke?”
"Do you know how much we invested? Hundreds or even hundreds of billions of dollars!
Do you know how much we are recovering now? Thirty percent is not there!"
"I suggest, start voting now and change the chairman!"
This sound fell, the other directors followed the appendage, the crusade sounds like a wave,
which Zhou Yu did not think of.
These guys have been through the storm, how could they be so unsettled?
Unless this is what they have long planned, kick out Song.
Song’s fingers were easily buckled, and the figures standing at the top of the money empire
were as if they were watching a circus performance.
The other core directors still retain their own demeanor. In such a storm, they don’t say a
word. After a few minutes, one of the core directors raised their hands and signaled
everyone to be quiet, and the noisy meeting room. It tends to be calm.
"I think before we make any decision, at least we have to listen to Mr. Song's explanation.
After all, when Mr. Eaton said that he found another world and asked us to pay for it to
study and explore, everyone is still arguing like this. There are even people who say that
Mr. Eaton should go to see a psychiatrist and worry that he has paranoia."
This is the second largest shareholder of the group, Goodwin Zee, after Eaton.
The situation also made Zhou Yu understand that the chairman of the Juli Group is Song
Zhi, but in fact other shareholders have long embraced the big tree of Goodwin.
How does Song Zhi intend to respond?
"We thought that after we went to Nibelungen, we would become hunters and become
rulers. Everything there will become our resources." Song Zhi's cold voice sounded, and the
temperature boiling before the whole meeting room also fell. "The question is, who in the
room really went there?"
"Oh, I understand, Mr. Song, are you afraid of death?" Good Wenze showed an expression of
understanding, and other directors laughed. "After all, only a few people evacuated from
Nibelungen this time, and I heard that We built all the bases there and it was destroyed. But
we have money, there is no problem in restarting the study."
Song Zhi looked into the eyes of Gud Wenze's gray-blue, his eyes did not have a trace of
turmoil, he seems to have walked back from the depths of hell, and feel the calmness of the
"You misunderstood. You have heard of s-class creatures, but you don't know what s-level
creatures are."
"They can mimic a beautiful human being, confuse us and control us. We all know."
Goodwin Zee spread his hands.
Song Zhi smiled, and his smile was a sharp sarcasm.
"They regard humans as prey. They wait for us to restart the magnetic field. They can cross
the magnetic field and come to the human world. And we will become the most abundant
nutrients. They have far superior understanding than humans, human technology. In their
minds, they are only one of the best in the world, and their power is not something that we
humans can easily control. I am talking about not only 'biological' but more noble species
than humans. Are you sure you want to open the door and welcome them to invade?"
Goodwin Zee smiled after two seconds and said: "You are alarmist."
The author has something to say: I have not forgotten the update today, IQ Online

Laws of the Other World Chapter 122: Extra (14)

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"Any benefit is associated with risk. The higher the profit, the greater the risk. I thought
that Mr. Song has already understood this!" said a director sitting next to Goodwin.
"So maybe the danger I said has lurked around us?"
At this time, the huge screen behind Song’s body appeared the pictures of those who died
because of the drugs made by Lian Wensheng.
Although there is no flesh and blood scene, it still attracts the attention of board members.
“This is the research that one of us is doing. The purpose of this drug is not to sell it on a
global scale, but to control someone at the place.” Song said, “Imagine everyone here. If a
drug is addictive, what would it be like. Mr. Goodwin, can you still laugh and laugh like
"Even if this drug does exist, there is no evidence that it is for us."
Other shareholders also laughed. In their hearts, Song Zhi is fighting the beast before the
"Oh, the cooling system in the conference room is not very good today. The shareholders
present here are in suits and suits, so they are very hot." Song said.
The meeting is supplied with natural snow from the Alps, packed in glass bottles, stuffed
with oak stoppers and airlifted to the island.
What Gud Wenze realized, the look sank.
"Song Zhi, what have you done?"
As the voice fell, the faces of other shareholders changed.
"Do you have anything in the water! Are you trying to control us with this drug!"
Many directors couldn't help but stand up and even tried to spit out the water they drank.
"Since I know the existence of this kind of drug, I will of course check all the items in this
meeting, including drinking water. The problematic water has been detected and replaced.
But everyone is not curious, why does Mr. Kong not drink water? What? You are not
thirsty? Your shirt collar is wet."
All the people are quiet and look at the direction of Kong Lingyun.
Kong Lingyun finished the whole collar and opened the bottle without hesitation. After
drinking a big mouth, he looked at Song Zhi: "Mr. Song is really good at diverting attention.
I was just worried about Mr. Song, you are facing the directors. I won’t come to Taiwan
after the questioning, and I won’t even be thirsty. How did Mr. Song burn the fire to me? I
am here?”
Song Zhi chuckled: "Mr. Kong, in fact, I have changed the drinking water of everyone, but I
have not changed your bottle."
Kong Lingyun’s look is unchanged, and laughs: “Mr. Song is really joking.”
"I am not kidding. Mr. Kong, you really don't feel dizzy now, is there a sea of water that is
flowing gently?"
Kong Lingyun’s smile was collected: “I didn’t feel anything except the air here.”
"Are you sure that there is no buzzing sound in your ear, like the wind coming from a very
distant place?" Song Zhi's lips twitched a smile.
This outsider looks like a game between Song Zhi and Kong Lingyun, but Zhou Yu is very
clear about what Song thinks.
Zhou Yu pays close attention to Kong Lingyun's actions and is ready at any time.
"Do you have delusional symptoms?" Kong Lingyun's smile is getting colder and colder.
Song Zhi’s finger tapped on the table and smiled. “Mr. Kong, you should know that it takes
only three minutes for this drug to enter the brain through the absorption of the digestive
tract. It’s been a minute, two minutes, otherwise we Let's take a look at the addiction
symptoms together?"
"Song Zhi, you have no meaning doing this!"
"How can you say that it makes no sense? You are the only sponsor of Lian Wensheng. The
result of his research is the earliest one. Although you have never admitted, I would rather
kill 10,000 and not misplace one. Song Zhi looked at the watch and said with a calm and
calm voice. "There is still one minute left. Mr. Kong, do you feel that your heartbeat is very
fast, like coming from the depths of your brain? You are getting addicted." ""
"Song Zhi, you will regret playing this game with me." Kong Lingyun's expression change
has become distorted.
"There is still half a minute." Song’s face was an expression that was unmoved.
Kong Lingyun's eyebrows trembled, and his heart seemed to be experiencing a struggle.
Just as other directors wanted to denounce Song’s chaos, Kong Lingyun took a small bottle
from his pocket and swallowed a drug quickly.
"So this is antidote. You said that you have no contact with Lian Wensheng. You said that
this drug has nothing to do with you, but you have an antidote to this drug... Mr. Kong, are
you saying that you are scared by me? I got a heart attack and almost made it. Just that
medicine is a quick-acting rescue heart?"
Song’s gesture has not changed at all, as if I had expected it all.
At this time, Zhou Yu turned his face and heard a strange voice in the sound of his ears.
It seems that someone has placed something in the air duct of the conference room, and
there is a gas squirting at this moment.
"You forced me. Originally, you have a lot of research experience in Nibelungen. I want to
leave you a life, but now it seems that there is no such necessity!"
After that, Kong Lingyun took off his watch and pressed it. An air filter was opened and he
put it on his face.
At the same time, other security personnel in the venue actually did the same thing.
Goodwin Zee realized this: " are all people who are Kong Lingyun!"
Some kind of light blue gas floated out of the vent.
"It's that kind of drug! Everyone holds their breath!" Zhou Yu immediately reminded him.
The directors present immediately sighed.
"Kong Lingyun! You keep saying that there is a problem with Song, Song Zhi wants to
control the Juli Group with one hand! The original problem is you!" Good Wenze glared at
Kong Lingyun.
The bodyguards came forward and blocked them at Kong Lingyun, protecting him.
"Everyone is going out!" A director got up and rushed to the door, but found that the door
could not be opened.
"I have already locked the door. Song Zhi, your security measures here are really not
perfect." Kong Lingyun's eyes are the smile of the winner, he looked at Song Zhi, the eyes
are bloodthirsty.
"Let us go out! Kong Lingyun, you are crazy! My family will not let you go!"
"I will give this drug to your son, your daughter, your brother, all the people in your family,
I will let them accept it willingly. So you don't have to worry."
"Open the door! Is there anyone in it! Open the door right away!"
"Now, I will give you the opportunity to choose. I will continue the research of Nibelungen
and will also give you profits, provided that you have to stand on my side. From then on, I
am the chairman of Juli Group. !"
After that, Kong Lingyun raised the bottle in Yang's hand: "The antidote is limited. It
depends on who you are willing to become the core director of the new Juli Group. The
quota is limited."
After that, one of the core directors rushed up: "Drug the drug to me! I originally supported
the Nibelungen research project! And I have always supported you Lingyun Pharmaceutical
is not it?"
"Ah, Uncle Carol, you are my most respected elder, how could my core director not have
Kong Lingyun immediately poured a medicine into Carol's hands.
Several other directors immediately rushed up: "Of course we support you!"
"Give me the antidote!"
After all, these directors in the Juli Group are in a storm, and most people will not easily
succumb to Kong Lingyun.
"Even if I die here, I will let my family and my company kill the Lingyun Pharmaceuticals.
Do you think this will make us succumb?"
"No, your family will only hate Song. Because he brought you to this closed island, and then
he killed it. And I solved Song Zhi’s revenge for you. You Don't you think that your family
heir will be very grateful to cooperate with me? I remember that the family training of the
Goodwin family is '睚眦必比,有恩必还'."
Goode Wenze clasped his fingers and looked in the direction of Song: "Don't tell me, you are
not prepared for this!"
"Isn't Mr. Goodwine doubting my judgment?" Song asked.
And more and more shareholders have left their investment in Kong Lingyun.
"If you can solve Kong Lingyun first, we can talk slowly about the rest!"
The two core shareholders who remained at Goodwin's side also nodded: "It's no longer a
joke! It's almost three minutes!"
Song Zhi slowly stood up and clap his hands: "It’s wonderful, Mr. Kong. Your play is one
after the other."
Kong Lingyun looked at Song Zhi and raised his eyes. He suddenly began to doubt. Has his
plan been seen by Song?
"You deliberately sent people to the drinking water provided by the board, but these
waters are just a strategy to divert my attention. You want me to think that I have solved
your plan. But your real plan is actually to use the meeting room. The exhaust passage
releases the gas containing the drug." Song raised his hand to point at the top of his finger.
"You don't understand it right now," Kong Lingyun said.
"No, I want to say... In fact, this is just a normal gas that does add a little bit of
pharmaceutical ingredients. It is only the efficacy of this drug ingredient for the purpose of
recuperation. It can be used for the adjuvant treatment of cardiovascular and
cerebrovascular diseases, with mild efficacy. After waiting for the directors to return to
their rooms tonight, they will feel refreshed."
Song Zhi’s lips swelled up slightly, and the half-ridiculous smile made Goode Wenze live,
and Kong Lingyun stopped.
The author has something to say: Today, while driving a video conference, I used the
mobile phone to update it under the desk... The finger was crying again.

Laws of the Other World Chapter 123: Extra (15)

Settings saved..
"How can you know that I am using gas? You are swindling me. Song Zhi, you are taking
gambling with yourself and so many directors."
"You deliberately put a simulation on Lian Wensheng, thinking that we will not recognize
him, but if I tell you, I found it when he came to the island? My memory is very good, as long
as The person I have seen once, his walking posture, the small habitual movement, will
always be remembered in my mind. Even Wensheng has a small habit, maybe he has not
noticed it, that is, when he is nervous At that time, he would subconsciously lick his left
thumb and forefinger. I met at the airport yesterday, and you came to me in front of him
with a special tolerance, just want to try to see if anyone would recognize Lian Wensheng.
When Lian Wensheng stood less than two meters away from me, he was very nervous, so
he did the habitual action. I didn't expose it, it didn't mean I didn't know. So I sent someone
to nail it up. Your assistant’s even Wensheng."
Song Zhi’s plan to uncover Kong Lingyun on one floor made Qu Lingyun’s eyes tremble.
Song Zhi picked up the controller of the projector, gently slammed it, and the screen of the
projector changed. What appeared was that Wenwen was so afraid that he could sit on the
ground with his head, but not far away, sitting in the ink on his legs. On the sofa, holding the
chin, a smile on his face looked at Wenwen.
His smile is like a black hole, the beauty is the temptation to transcend gender, as if to take
away the gaze of the gaze, and even Wen Sheng does not even look at him more.
Zhou Yu can imagine that the ink night has given Lian Wensheng an unforgettable
"This gas-filled device is designed by Lian Wensheng? You let him and your subordinates
sneak into the exhaust passage of the conference room, but unfortunately, my people have
been waiting there."
This is why Song Zhi did not let the ink night enter the conference room with Zhou Yu.
"Kong Lingyun, you can take off the mask. The temperature in the conference room is high."
Song Zhi’s voice was rare with a hint of embarrassment.
And those former voices who want to follow Kong Lingyun's directors are incomparably
picked up.
"You only have two people, but I have so many people, do you think you can escape?"
How could Kong Lingyun give up, he waved his hand, and the group of security personnel
was about to point the gun at Song, and Song Wei behind him suddenly knocked down
Song’s chair back. Song Zhilian’s expression did not change, and his hands were easily
handed over. Stacked on his knees, letting his body fall down with the back of his chair, his
eyes are just opposite to Song Si, and smile.
And Song Hao’s other hand was supported by Song’s back, and the upper body was
shrouded in Song’s body.
The bullet flew almost across the back of Song Song.
The directors have shrugged their heads.
Zhou Yu jumped up, his toes stepped on the edge of the conference table, and vacated, and
they rushed into Kong Lingyun's bodyguards as soon as they replaced the magazine for two
It was like a black lightning, which was unpredictable.
They haven't lifted the gun yet. Zhou Yuli crushed the shoulder bone of a bodyguard with
his elbow, then lifted his leg against the belly of another bodyguard, then turned and
twisted the other's arm.
Seeing that other people were about to shoot, Zhou Yu raised one of the muzzles of the
person, rubbed Zhou Yu’s shoulder and hit another person, then one fell back and the other
The mastery of the time difference is more accurate than the computer. It seems that every
moment is a thousand times, but in reality it is shocking.
Kong Lingyun was there, and the directors who bowed their heads to avoid the bullets
looked up and saw the bodyguards falling down.
Zhou Yu's back was standing straight in front of Kong Lingyun, and the muzzle was firmly
aligned with Kong Lingyun's head.
"You...this is impossible! You really..."
At this time, Song Yu buckled the back of the chair and lifted the seat of Song Zhi.
"Mr. Kong, I think your performance is here."
"Song Zhi, do you think that you can really stop all this? The greed of people is endless.
Once you have the beginning, there is no end!" Kong Lingyun did not care about Zhou Yu
pointing his gun, his hand stretched into his pocket. What?
Zhou Yu is capable of stopping him, but there is a reminder from Song in his mind: don't
stop him.
"What have you done!" Goodwin Wenger shouted.
"Let you see the weapons I have researched! You will regret not choosing me!"
At this time, there was a faint voice in the air duct.
For this voice, Zhou Yu is very familiar and is the sound of the rogue spider.
Zhou Yu looked at Song Zhi, it is obvious that Song Zhi had already seen Kong Lingyun,
since he can arrange for the ink-night to wait for the rabbit to catch Lian Wensheng, thus
enticing Kong Lingyun to expose his true face in front of many directors, why not stop him.
Release the Rhodes Tarantula?
Is it true that Song Zhi is ready to deal with the weapons of Rhodes Tarantula?
A few seconds later, I saw a large group of spiders coming out of the vents and quickly
spreading all over the ceiling, spreading in all directions.
"You don't want to know how I brought the Rhodes tarantula to the island? You have
already checked all of us' planes?" Kong Lingyun showed a proud smile. "Because these
spiders lived from very early ages." On this island! This island is a gift I gave them!"
"Oh... God! What is this! What is this!"
"Don't be near us! Go away!"
Seeing that the spiders are approaching them quickly, the directors are getting tighter and
tighter, just like an island is about to be drowned.
They were still lucky enough to survive the rest of their lives, but they found that a wave of
unrest has started.
A director has collapsed over his chest and panicked to take the medicine out of his pocket.
Song Zhi took out the white gloves from his pocket and put it on without hesitation.
A Rhodes tarantula jumped from the top of his head and was firmly held in his hand. He
slammed it and threw it in the direction of Kong Lingyun.
Kong Lingyun subconsciously stepped back, and the spider fell on his knees and climbed up
his legs. He reached out and grabbed the spider and dragged it into his palm.
"Do you think they will hurt me? No. When I created them from the very beginning, I put
their own gene fragments into their bodies. For them, I am their kind. But you are different.
They will slowly enter your body and **** your internal organs!"
"Do you mean that we will die like Professor Tan?" Song asked.
"Quickly think! Song Zhi! As long as these spiders are solved, we will always support you as
the chairman of Juli Group! We will support all your decisions! including the termination of
Nibelungen's exploration plan!"
After the words of Goodwin Zee, other directors responded.
In their view, it is more important to solve the madman of Kong Lingyun than anything
Song Zhiyang raised his finger, and Song Yu behind him took out the gun and extended his
arm along the shoulder of Song Zhi, aiming at Kong Lingyun.
"It’s useless to kill me." Kong Lingyun smiled.
That sneer made Zhou Yu feel very familiar, let him think of Isaac Eaton.
"You blocked my goal, Zhou Yu." Song Wei's voice sounded.
Zhou Yu knows that once this bullet is shot, it will be more than just death.
But everyone has to pay for the choices they make, and Kong Lingyun is also.
Zhou Yu opened his own body and the bullets were accurately shot into the abdomen of
Kong Lingyun.
"Oh..." Kong Lingyun looked at Song Zhi with a big eyes. He didn't think that Song Zhen had
not directly killed his own gun.
"Do you think that even if you are dead, these spiders can also kill us? After all, the
conference room has been closed by you, we can't get out. The whole conference room is
full of fire protection systems, we can't even use fire to burn these spiders, because once
When the fire catches fire, the fire suppression system will start. But other genes are more
tempting for these spiders than your genes."
The blood oozes between the fingers of Kong Lingyun's wounds, and the outer shells of
these Rhodes tarantulas squeak, and the entire conference room seems to be trembled.
The directors who are not accustomed to such voices raise their hands to cover their ears,
and their heads seem to burst open and uncomfortable.
In the heart of Kong Lingyun, there was an ominous premonition, and a strong fear rushed
into his heart.
"What's in the bullet? What's there!"
"The **** hormones of Rhodes spiders. These Rhodes tarantulas that you have cultivated
are resistant to the **** hormones of the Nibelunger Rhodes spiders that give them the
most powerful genes. It drives them crazy."
Song Zhi’s words were just finished, and Song Hao behind him raised his hand in front of
his eyes.
These Rhodes tarantulas rushed to Kong Lingyun madly, and plunged into his body from
his wounds. For a moment, his whole person was covered by this group of spiders. The screams of Kong Lingyun's heartbreaking lungs came and filled the space.
The directors were completely stupid, their shoulders were shaking, and they couldn’t
This scene is more cruel than the horror film.
The director who had a heart attack just fainted.
And Goodwin is completely stupid.
"This is why I chose this board to hold the board." Song Zhi’s voice rang in Zhou Yu’s mind.
It turned out that all of this was pre-arranged by Song.
Whether it is to expose the true face of Kong Lingyun or to be engulfed by Rhodes
Tarantula, this is the biggest warning to the directors.
"Rod Spider is not the most terrifying creature of Nibelungen."
Song Zhi side turned his face to look at Goodwin.
"This kind of creature is not worth mentioning in front of s-class creatures. The destructive
power of s-class creatures is hundreds of times more, and the wisdom of s-class creatures
far exceeds that of humans. They can easily learn all human beings. Proud and difficult
science. The closer we are to this creature, the more conquered or even enslaved. You are
now standing at the top, Mr. Goodwin. You are sure, do you still want to be closer?" Song
At this time, Song Zhi’s helicopter had already arrived outside the glass window of the
conference room. His people used a welding torch to cut the tempered glass and took the
directors away from the conference room.
Sitting in the helicopter, Goodwin has never said a word, Kong Lingyun's last picture is
lingering in his mind.
He is very clear that if there is no Song Zhi, it will be the ending of him and other directors.
"You are right... We are now at the top... no need to take risks..."
"I regard your answer as an approval to me."
Goode Wenze closed his eyes: "I am tired, Mr. Song, let me take a break... take a break..."
And the professional team of Song Zhi began to clean up the Rhodes tarantula on the island.
A week later, the six-year board of the Juli Group was held at the top floor of a luxury hotel
in an international metropolis. Song was re-elected as chairman and released the next three
years of development plans to many directors, which won the unanimous approval of the
directors. .
The stock price of Juli Group has steadily increased.
On the night of the night, Song returned to his apartment, which was far from the city and
looked up to the stars.
He sat in a chair and heard the footsteps of Song Song behind him, holding a red wine in his
Only when he was about to walk to Song’s body, Song’s chair suddenly leaned back, and
when he was about to fall completely on the ground, Song Hao came and supported his
From this angle, he can clearly see the eyes of Song.
There is no icy sarcasm and step by step rigor, but it looks warm and soft.
It is like a quiet stream that spreads the whole world, and it is also awkward when it is
"I know that you want to kiss me at that time."
Song Zhi opened the way.
Song Yu looked at Song’s eyes and was nervous for the first time.
"You can kiss me now."
The shoulders were trembled, and the heart seemed to burst open. Song Yi bowed his head
and kissed Song’s lips.
The night also followed.
In the ear is the wave of waves, Zhou Yu walked on the beach with his pockets, and the ink
night followed him.
The moonlight is like the softest gauze, covering the place where the line of sight is.
"Do you know what I was thinking about when I didn't let you read my brain that day?"
I was looking at the ink night that was stretching.
"Are you not laughing at me in your heart?" The ink night is still in his arms.
"I was thinking, what would we do when we were old? I asked myself, are you still with
"What about the answer?"
"I don't know. The world is impermanent. Sometimes things that we take for granted don't
happen. Sometimes we feel that things should be ok, but they should be taken for granted."
"For example?" Ink night asked with a head.
"For example, I feel that I love you more than I think."
Zhou Yu continued to move forward with his pocket.
At the night of the ink, watching the back of Zhou Yu, as Zhou Yu went further and further,
the eyes of the ink night grew bigger and bigger.
Just as Zhou Yu was about to disappear on this beach, the ink night flew up and chased it
"Say what?"
"Say you love me more than you think!"
"Don't you hear it? Why do I have to say it again?"
"Then you let me read what you think in your head! Maybe you are laughing at me!"
"I will tell you again after one hundred years."
"A hundred years later? Are you kidding?"
"Is it a hundred years old? I have not said 10,000 years later."
"Then I have become fossils."
"Then I will say to the fossil."
"You are also a fossil!"
"That's not to say."
"Zhou Yu..."
"You are really my disaster."
"Oh, then you are destined to escape."
The author has something to say: Today, the text is officially finished! Fat melons have
written the longest ever! Applause!
Thank you all for your support! Please pay more attention to my Weibo. Any news about
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So, once the fat melon is updated, everyone can get the reminder of Jinjiang for the first
In short, thank you all for your companionship, another pit that is being filled by fat melon
is "Looking at the Abyss", and the visual inspection is almost finished. Hahaha.
I wish you all a happy reading in Jinjiang, what?

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