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Chapter-16: Intofuction to Financial Information

Concept Concept-Business Reulation

① Why is Business Finance important? Definition Direct regulation of competition in Market

1. Most stakeholder have finance at stake Rule created by Govt. Administrative agencies or other Why Regulation competition important
in business which inteprets statue
2. Primary objective is to maximise Outcome
hareholder wealth Addressmarket failure
3. It is a separate function of business Increase/reduce social standing
4. Help determine business structure/legal See through collective desired How is competition regulated in Bangladesh?
form-how much money business needs +
how to raise it Enhance opportunities Company act 2012 prohibits
Anti-competitive agreements
5. Business financial strategy is central to Abouse of a dominant position
its overall corporate strategy

6. Business exposed to financial isks + try Business response to regulation

to manage it Entrenhment particular pratice
More complience Direct regulation of people in Market
② Uses of Financial Information Full complience
Why do business and managers need innovtion
financial information?
Recoring Transaction
Performance measurement International Regulation of trade
Decision making
Economic advantage of International free trade
③ Type of Financial Information
1. Planning Information Import substitution
2. Opeational Information Export led growth
3. Tactical Information
4. Strategic Information

④ Quality of good information

4.1 Qulity (ACCURATE) Barriers

→ Accurate, Complete,Cost-beneficial,
User-targeted, Relevant, Authorative,
Timely, Easy to use
4.2 What makes information valuable? Tariff or cutom duties
→ It's source, Ease of assimilation,
Assessibility, Relevance Import quotas and embagoes
Assessing cost and value
Hidden sunsidies and import restrictions
Exports - export crefit guarantees,financial help, administrative assistamce
Imports-complex import legislation and documentation

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