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Part 4 - Know your Magic Number

What is your Aspiration Revenue Goal? (please mention time

period of goal)
For eg: 10 CR from 1 st January 2021 to 31 st December 2021

What percentage of Aspiration Revenue Goal do you want to
earn from each type of customer? (please mention percentage
and calculate the revenue goal respectively)
• Amazing Customer
For eg: 60% of 10CR =6CR


• Breadwinning Customer
For eg: 30% of 10CR = 3CR


• Convenience Customer
For eg: 10% of 10CR = 1 CR

What is the Average Revenue per Customer per Year? On
an average, how much does each customer spend with you
in a year?
• Amazing Customer (Low effort, High return)
For eg: Average Revenue Per Customer Per Year = 50,000


• Breadwinning Customer (High effort, High return)

For eg: Average Revenue Per Customer Per Year = 30,000


• Convenience Customer (Low effort, Low return)

For eg: Average Revenue Per Customer Per Year = 10,000

How many customers are required to achieve the Aspiration

Revenue Goal for each type of customer?
• Amazing Customer
For eg: 6CR ÷ INR 50,000 = 1200 Customers


• Breadwinning Customer
For eg: 3CR ÷ INR 30,000 = 1000 Customers

• Convenience Customer
For eg: 1CR ÷ INR 10,000 = 1000 Customers


What is the conversion ratio for each type of your Customer?

• Amazing Customer
For eg: Every 20 out of 100 prospects become my customers =
20% Conversion

• Breadwinning Customer
For eg: Every 20 out of 100 prospects become my customers =
20% Conversion


• Convenience Customer
For eg: Every 30 out of 100 prospects become my customers =
30% Conversion


What are the number of leads to be generated for achieving

the Aspiration Revenue Goal for each type of customer:
• Amazing Customer
For eg: 100 x No of Customers Needed ÷ Conversion Ratio
100 x 1200 ÷ 20 = 6000 Leads

• Breadwinning Customer
For eg: 100 x 1000 ÷ 20 = 5000 Leads


• Convenience Customer
For eg: 100 x 1000 ÷ 30 = 3334 Leads


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