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Assalamualaikum wr wb.

Good evening everyone!

My name is Renita. First of all, let me express our gratitude to Allah SWT who has given us
blessings so we all can be here in a good and healthy conditions. It is such an honor for me to
give a speech in Public Speaking this week. Let’s go to the topic!

So, what do you guys think about success?

Success is something that you have to define for yourself and no one can do it for you.
Success could mean a sense of accomplishment and career progression. Some people also say
that one can be successful if one is commited, honest, faithful or intelligent.

Successful has many varieties of definitions, doesn’t it? Everyone has different standart
of being successful. Many of us already got career titles, money or social status and yet we
don’t feel successful when we got those things. In the other hand, people think that they are
already too old to be succeed. But in the fact it has no deadline. According to the forbes top
100 lists, the people who found the world’s biggest companies don’t start until age 35. Many of
the world’s most successful people don’t even start persuing their dreams util 50’ or 60’.
Success doesn’t base on a certain age, certain time or certain deadline. That’s because you can
measure success in your life when defining what drives your happiness and helps you find the

Talk about age and success. They both have continuity. There’s a bridge between them.
Do you guys know what it is? yeah It’s married. Before we continue to the main topic. I want to
ask you again guys, what do you want to choose, success before married or after it (married

Some of you guys choose success before married ya, and what if you discover you need
to be married to become successful? There are planty of stigmas to discuss about this topic
there’s no correct opinios and incorrect opinions. Ok! Let me give my point of view. As a
woman I’ll choose to be success first before I get married. I have purpose, I have tons of dream
lists, I have lots of plans that I want to do and no body can’t destroy it. But when I’m succeed
and can get everything that I want there are 2 things that will happen :

1. I don’t need a man in my life

2. a man will feel insecured.
In the other hand, a successful man doesn’t feel enough only 1 girl in his life. Because
he can pay everything especially a woman. It’s very common in big cities.

Many people hesitate to get married because they think that they are still lacking in
financial terms. In fact, it could be that by getting married they actually open the door of
financial. Some people explained that if someone is looking for the perfect one, they will not
get it. so find a partner who wants to grow up together because the substance of every
creature has been guaranteed by God. So if someone already has the ability and the capital to
get married then get married. with a note “no word of regret later on”.

Yes, actually both are legitimate to do. You want to persue your dreams first and then
get married or get married first is nothing wrong to do. Because both of them must have their
own reasons. The most important thing is mental readiness, if you already have it even you
don’t have enough financial and materies you will think it’s only a matter of time to achieve
your prosperity.


That’s all from me. Thank you for your attention. Wassalamualaikum wr.wb.

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