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2021 7th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS)

Health Monitoring and Predicting System using

Internet of Things & Machine Learning
2021 7th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS) | 978-1-6654-0521-8/20/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICACCS51430.2021.9441856

'R iyazulla R ahm an .J 2Shridhar Sanshi 3N. Nasurudeen Ahamed,

Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science
and Engineering and Engineering and Engineering
Presidency University, Presidency University, Presidency University,
Bengaluru, India. Bengaluru, India. Bengaluru, India. shridhar.

A bstract— The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the inaccessible area. Another significant application will be
extraordinary advances for the not so distant future. the idea of Smart City, Smart Homes. The purpose of IoT
Medical care and prosperity will get extraordinary is to transmute the daily job by building intelligent
advantages with the advancement of this innovation. devices everywhere to implement the way we live today.
This paper Donates Health Monitoring and The IoT applications have considered snappy to be
predicting framework utilizing IOT portrays the actually a direct result of the advances of Radio
assortment and interoperation of Patient information Frequency Identification and Wireless Sensor Networks.
gathered from the sensors, The collected sensor data
will incorporated through micro controller Arduino The Radio Frequency Identification enables the naming
board for processing and the processed data is sent to of every single contraption, in order to gratify the
remote server Thing Speak using ESP8266 Wi-Fi essential unique instrument in IoT. o n account of
module. Thing Speak server is an IoT analytics wireless sensor network, every "thing" turns into a
platform that empowers us to imagine, and investigate remote recognizable object. [1]. Things are made smarter
live data streams in the cloud. And it is predicted for and transmit data over a network with no or minimal
best accuracy using Machine Learning algorithm. human intervention. Applications of IoT are Smart
Health Care includes Remote health monitoring,
Keywords—IoT, Arduino, Maxima Intigrated emergency notification, tracking patients internal heat
Max30102 pulse and Heart rate sensor, ESP8266 Wi-Fi level, Heart rate, Blood Pressure[2].
Module, Thing Speak Server,Machine Learning
algorithm. Smart Homes includes House lighting, cooling, heating,
security, Smart cars includes self-driven cars using
I. In t r o d u c t io n machine learning, Environment Monitoring includes
IoT is an assortment of many interconnected articles, Monitoring air, water quality, dampness content in soil,
administrations, people, and gadgets that can impart, Wearable Gadgets includes Wearable gadgets have
share information, and data to accomplish a shared sensors to gather information about client, Industrial
objective in various regions and applications. linked to Applications includes cost saving, efficient, better quality
each other through internet here THINGS refers to work [3]. New devices that are IoT empowered are
touchable objects with unique IP address, sending & arising and works are likewise proceeding to join IoT
receiving data. Information is gathered from the general highlights into existing ones. The benefits of extending
climate through sensors. Data is examined locally or in Internet connectivity to things that are conventionally not
cloud gadgets associated with IoT gateway using IoT facilitated are highly rewarding. It makes life easier
dissimilar protocols like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, ZigBee. and more comfortable. The automation of daily routines
at homes and industries will improve productivity and
The actual gadgets can be cell phones, PCs, earphones, lead to efficient use of time [4].
wearable gadgets, vehicles, or some other such gadgets. Physical entities around us can be monitored using
The possibility of IoT goes back to mid 1980s when the sensors. The significant commitment of the paper is
idea of sensors and knowledge was talked about. This summed up as follows [5]
thought acquired force however gradually later on. The
term Internet of Things was begat by Kevin Ashton in the 1. Data collected from of sensors and processed with
year 1999. This innovation will have various applications Arduino using ESP8266 Wi-Fi and data is uploaded on
in various fields. For instance, specialists will have the remote server Thing Speak
option to follow the soundness of patients from an 2. Different types of Machine Learning Algorithms

978-1-6654-0521-8/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE


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2021 7th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS)
The health monitoring sensors are employed to collect
II. R ELA TED W O R K health related data, i.e. for information acquisition.
Communication can be done by controller for
transmitting information on internet wirelessly [6].

Fig 1. Block Diagram

A rdu in o Uno

Fig 2. Uno

The Arduino UNO is a microcontroller of ATmega328 program whether it is working or not. The Arduino board
contains 14 pins. The Arduino board does not have has very easy compatible interface design for
capacity to execute code by itself accompanied by any communicating accompanied by the sensors and it needs
external power supply. The Arduino board has inbuilt only 5v supply [7].

M axim in tegrated M A X 3 0 1 0 2 p u lse


Fig 3. Maxima Integrated MAX30102 is combination of Pulse Oximeter and Heart Rate Sensor unit.

The coordinated heartbeat oximetry and pulse screen

Heartbeat Sensor is an electronic gadget that is utilized to module is a super low force arrangement giving a total
quantify the pulse for example speed of the heartbeat. framework to that facilitate the plan in cycle for portable
Checking internal heat level, pulse and circulatory strain and wearable gadgets.
are the fundamental things that we do to keep us sound. The hardware for crucial sign observing is quickly
advancing, simple joining is at the core of this System» 24

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2021 7th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS)
chip and coordinated unit arrangements are quickly The MAX30102 coordinates red and IR LEDs to tweak
supplanting plans. LED beats for oxygen immersion and pulse estimations.

N odeM C U : E S P 8266

Fig 4 . The ESP8266 is inbuilt Wi-Fi module incorporated in SOC with transfer control protocol and intern

convention stack that can provide controller to access The following steps are followed for using Thing Speak
WI-FI. For the wireless communication ESP8266 Wi-Fi server [10].
module is used for sending the data from the Arduino to 1) Create a Thing Sspeak account [11]
the Thing Speak server[8]. 2) Create a channel in things speak [12]
3) Go to the API tab copy read and write API and paste
Thing Speak into the code
Thing Speak is an IoT analytics platform service that 4) Change the Wifi Name and Password in the code
enables us to aggregate, visualize, and analyze live data 5) The wifi should be 2.4gz (ESP8266 supports only
streams in the cloud. We can send data to Thing 2.4gz wifi)
Speak from devices, create instant visualization of live 6) Create more field variables to pass more than one
data, and send alerts [9]. value to the things speak api

Machine Learning can be analysed using different Machine Learning

Machine Learning is a division of artificial intelligence algorithms it allows computers to find hidden insights
that allows computers to learn from prior examples, data without being explicitly programmed

Fig5. Methodology

programmers for software development. The language C

III. METHODOLOGY is used to write the program and further uploaded to the
The heart beat values and pulse values are sensed by the Arduino.
sensors and the sensor values are sent to the
microcontroller Arduino for further processing and the IV CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK
values are sent to Thing Speak remote server using
ESP8266 Wifi module the data is visualized using Thing IoT Technology is an incorporation of different advances
Speak server and the data is analysed using Machine which empowers various gadgets and objects to interface
Learning Algorithm. Arduino Integrated Development with one another and utilize distinctive organization
Environment (IDE) software is used to program Arduino innovations. The proposed framework gives better and
that provides comprehensive facilities to computer compelling medical care administrations to patients and

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2021 7th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS)
the data gathered from sensors and visually monitored the
sensor values in graphical manner using Thing Speak
cloud server. Machine learning to a great extent relies
upon the accessible dataset and accessible calculations to
group the information into certain classes either through
regulated learning (supervised learning) or unaided
learning (unsupervised learning). People do accept wrong
choices as we human likewise rely upon our procured
information to make a choice. The choice we make now
and then includes feeling, on the opposite PCs won't
have that. We people can be one-sided to settle on a
choice dependent on our moral qualities, insight towards
the world, political and strict worth and self-personality.
These variables can arise in the accessible dataset which
the PCs will be utilized to prepare to settle on a choice.
Consequently it is a test to guarantee the dataset which
will be utilized for Machine Learning is liberated from
human inclinations however much as could be expected.
Defeating these deficiencies in IoT and ML can
additionally upgrade individual medical services.

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