Why Does Coffee Taste Better in The Morning

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Why does coffee taste better in the morning?

Coffee and morning are two words that seem to go well together, right? Drinking coffee first
thing in the morning has been practiced for ages. There are varieties of ways where someone can
drink coffee, but generally, it is in the mornings.
There are scientific explanations as to why coffee tastes better in the morning compared to when
it is taken during other parts of the day. It may be attributed to the fact that caffeine is
metabolized during sleep and our body is experiencing “withdrawal” due to a lack of caffeine.
The first sip of coffee we have in the morning is greeted by our body with so much enthusiasm
that it tastes BETTER than the coffee we drink in other parts of the day.
It may also be psychological since our minds are trained to see morning as a new and fresh start.
The coffee taken that time automatically becomes part of the “new” and “fresh” start thus
acquiring a better taste. It is deemed more important coffee than the coffee taken on other parts
of the day hence the better tasting one.
But I think the reason why coffee tastes better in the morning is both scientific and
psychological. A cup of coffee in the morning contains chemical compounds that when broken
down, can help us achieve our goals for the day. It is absorbed by our body and provides us with
the right “punch” to get on the whole day. And when you think of that, it makes every sip of
coffee taste better!

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