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“I measure the progress of a

community by the degree of

progress which women have
― Bhim Rao Ambedkar
Despite sharing 49% of the
population Women are virtually
Quote Based
absent from the "New India"
which is drastically different from
"India of My Dreams" envisioned
by Mahatama Gandhi.
In second para
mention Thesis (Your View on the

As per Census 20111 Women in

Introduction India constitute 49% of the
population but still they occupy
only 14% seats in parliament, less
than 24% in labour force and
Fact based nearly zero as religious heads.
Despite their numbers the real
women of India are missing from
the frontline.
in Second para give your

Your Skill- You can start from

Sharda who is a tribal girl in
Odisha and then show various
Story Based
stages of her life where she forced
to be Hidden by Patriarchial

Brief history of Hidden women

from Ancient to Modern Times

Mention Rig Veda, Medieval Era,

British and Post independence
Mention Social Evils like Purdah,
Widows, Sati, Johar etc

Mention female infanticide, Dowry

Central level

Politically hidden women State level

Local level


Start ups

Economically hidden women Jobless

lack of good jobs



Rape culture

Who are these Hidden Women? Domestic Violence

Socially Hidden women

Girl Child

Old Age

Female drop outs

Education Low number in IIT NIT

Very low in higher education


Culturally Triple Talaq


Rural Women


Political Impact

Panchayat Patis
The "Hidden" Women of India



Economic Impact Skills

Gender Gap



Impact of these Hidden Women
Body Respect

Reproductive RIghts

Social Impact
Sex ratio


Feminisation of Agriculture

Child Marriage

Child Health

Spiritual Rights

Cultural Impact Subjugation

Religious freedom


Reservation bill
Political participation must
quota at local level
increase at all levels
Chavi Rajput type example


Technology Work from home

Economic Survey suggestions Creating jobs locally

Stand up India Scheme

Maternity benefits and creche

For facts, Example data refer facilities
Equal pay for Equal Work
You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies, Role Models Deepa Malik, Sania Mirza
You may trod me in the very dirt
attitude change of society
But still, like dust, I'll rise.
Schemes like Beti bachao beti
Society padhao
Way forward
Does my sassiness upset you? Social Media to raise voice

Reproductive rights to be given to

Why are you beset with gloom?
’Cause I walk like I've got oil wells
Social Media #Metoo type movements
Pumping in my living room.
Technology Jobs generation

Security on road
Just like moons and like suns,
Feminisation of Police force
With the certainty of tides,
Strict implementation of laws and
Just like hopes springing high, Violence rules

Still I'll rise. Reporting and conviction shall


Reforming old practices

Did you want to see me broken?
Property Rights
Bowed head and lowered eyes?
Religious Rights
Shoulders falling down like
teardrops, Discarding myths such as impurity
of women
Weakened by my soulful cries?

Conclusion Quote or Poem

Does my haughtiness offend you?

"If you exclude 50% of the talent
Don't you take it awful hard pool,It's no wonder that you find
yourself in a war for telent."
’Cause I laugh like I've got gold Theresa J Whitmarhs (Executive
mines director of Washington State
Investment Board)
Diggin’ in my own backyard. Quote Based
“There is no chance for the
welfare of the world unless the
condition of woman is improved.
It is not possible for a bird to fly
You may shoot me with your
on only one wing.” Swami
You may cut me with your eyes,
Introduction Raising women's participation in
You may kill me with your the labour force to the same level
any 1 or 2 para from it Poems and Sayings as men can boost India's GDP by
Fact Based 27 per cent, IMF Chief Christine
But still, like air, I’ll rise. Lagarde and Norway's Prime
Minister Erna Solberg have said in
a joint paper.

Start by a Character named

Does my sexiness upset you?
Pushpa who did graduation from
IIT Delhi and MBA from IIM but
Does it come as a surprise
Story Based she left her job because her
inlaws do not want their daughter
That I dance like I've got
in law to work outside and then
narrate story from her angle
At the meeting of my thighs?
Mention brief history of Work and
Women- Stereotype associated
with them, ghar ki izzat, man are
Out of the huts of history’s shame made for outside and women shall
handle house work. Mention
I rise mentality of Society and
contribution of women in India
Up from a past that’s rooted in post 1947 in Economy and
pain present staus of women in
I rise
IMF Report
I'm a black ocean, leaping and
wide, Link it to Social empowermet

Welling and swelling I bear in the Link it to political empowerment

Link it to better opportunity for
her children
Leaving behind nights of terror Gender balance
and fear
Growth of GDP
I rise Need of Women in Economy
Work culture improvemet
Into a daybreak that’s wondrously
Top Down effect- More women in
Women in India’s Economic economy, better for women
I rise Inclusive growth
Bringing the gifts that my Essay Points
Breaking Social Chains and Myths,
ancestors gave, removing dependence

I am the dream and the hope of Full stop to sexual harrassment at

the slave. workplace

I rise
Glass Ceiling effect- Top Position
occupied by male
I rise
Lack of leaders who can make
I rise.
Maya Angelou Body
High drop out ratio in Higher
केवल नारी नही ँ म classes and colleges

केवल नारी नही ँ म, Lack of opporutunity to compete-

Parents don't want to send them
धरती पर जीवन का आधार ँ म। out
Sexual Harrassment
डूबती ई नाव नही,
Unequal pay for equal work
पार ले जाये सबको वह पतवार ँ म।
Lack of suitable jobs
बंद िपंजरे की िचिड़या नही ँ म,
Stereotypes- Women are not good
जो आज़ादी को भूल गयी है । in Science

पंख मेरे भी है अरमानों के, Marriage and Materinity phase

Informal Sector- Most of them are

िजनको फैलाना जान गई ँ म।
in informal sector
अब अबला नही ँ म,
Schemes of Government for it
भय को जीतने वाली िनभया बन गयी ँ म।
Laws such as Sexual Harrassment
नारी म भो ा नही, Reservation in Educational
Institutions such as IIT NIT
एक नई पहचान लेकर भा ा बन गयी ँ
म Implementation of Maternity
Benefits Act
So here I stand, one girl among Way Forward More Women Leaders and CEOs
Promoting women led Businesses
I speak not for myself, but for all
girls and boys. Skill Development especially that
of rural women

I raise up my voice – not so that I Innovation in Agriculture as most

can shout, but so that those of them are in Agriculture
without a voice can be heard.
Formalising the Informal Sectoe
Those who have fought for their
rights: Conclusion Quote or Poem
Their right to live in peace.
"You can judge a nation, and how
Their right to be treated with successful it will be, based on how then link it to we are putting
dignity. Quote based
it treats its women and its girls." burden on women
—President Obama
Their right to equality of
opportunity. According to a United Nations
report on women and climate
Their right to be educated. change, "Women are more
vulnerable to the effects of
Malala day is not my day. Today is climate change than men —
the day of every woman, every Fact Based primarily as they constitute the
boy and every girl who have Introduction majority of the world's poor and
raised their voice for their rights. are more dependent for their
There are hundreds of human livelihood on natural resources
rights activists and social workers that are threatened by climate
who are not only speaking for MALALA 16th Birthday Speech change."
human rights, but who are at UN
struggling to achieve their goals of Start with a Women living in
education, peace and equality. Rajasthan whose Husband left for
Mumbai and she has to take care
"The wise saying, 'The pen is Story based
of 2 kids a boy and a girl in a
mightier than sword' was true. village where water is drying up
The extremists are afraid of books because of Climate Change
and pens. The power of education
frightens them. They are afraid of
Mention about Climate change,
women. The power of the voice of
why it is happening, its impact
women frightens them."
and in the last para mention that
though they have very little say in
"Dear fellows, today I am focusing
climate change politics its impact
on women's rights and girls'
on women is more than men
education because they are
suffering the most. There was a
time when women social activists Men migrate out for work and
asked men to stand up for their burden falls on women
rights. But, this time, we will do it
by ourselves." Feminisation of Agriculture

"I am not telling men to step School drop out rates increases
away from speaking for women's
Walk for long distances in search
rights rather I am focusing on Health
of work
women to be independent to fight
for themselves."
Trafficking cases and rape cases
increases in disaster prone areas
One child, one teacher, one pen
Vulnerability of Women due to
and one book can change the
climate change their disposable income goes
world. Education is the only
Women, Gender Equality and down, eg in MH during drought
solution. Education First." Economy
Climate Change women have to give their
jewellary and savings

Water Wars and Community fights

especially in Slum areas

as family want boys who can work

Child Marriage
and see girl as a burden

Refer document for more facts

and data
Refer document given
Efforts taken
Government schemes

Property rights to women

Easy availability of credit in such


Increasing Women leaders in such


Skill development specifically for

these areas

Alternative sources of income like

AMUL Model and several SHGs

Way forward Here show some innovation Rain Water harvesting on the lines
of Arvari Village in dry areas

More Jobs under MGNREGA and

locally implementing Universal
Basic Scheme

Rural Stratups like Lizzat Papad

Utilising Solar energy in dry areas

and tidal in Coastal areas for
generating income

Taking extra care during

displacement from any area

Conclusion Quote or Poem

Social media is the ultimate

equaliser. It gives a voice and a
platform to anyone willing to
Quote Based
engage.” --- Amy Jo Martin,
Founder and CEO of Digital

In 1995, the Beijing Platform for

Action recognised and predicted
the media’s “potential to make
afar greater contribution to the
Introduction Facts Based advancement of women” . This
call has been echoed in the
proposed targets under Goal 5 of
the post-2015 Sustainable
Development Goals

Start with Sarita an Acid attack

Victim who lost her confidence.
She used Social Media to build a
Story based
strong movement and became
powerful leader and

A brief history of Social Media as a

Background tool of empowerment for many
especially Vulnerables.
Better Economic Opportunities

Giving them Voice- Pressure


Candidates can put their voice in

Political Empowerment open and connect directly to


Putting complaints on social Media

Social Empowerment
getting information and improving
decision making
Social Media and Women
Connecting to a global audience
Role of Social Media in Women Globalisation Participating in global issues and
Empowerment making a strong case for Women

Putting scandals in public

Through writing , videos and


Attitude change and sensitisation Self Confidence

Body giving more space to Women

centric issues neglected by
mainstream Media like Sports,
achievements etc



Violence and exploitation


Challenges of Social Media Body shaming and obsession with

fitness or depression


lack of internet, digital literacy,

smart phones

Fake feminism

Global Tech giants like google

facebook microsoft should take

Strict policy and laws

implementation against criminals
Way forward and trolls

Digital Literacy

Changing Societal attitude by

using power of Social Media

Enhance Cybersecurity

Conclusion Quote or Poem

Fodder already given in PDF

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