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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 6

I. -Objectives:

At the end of lesson, the learners expected to:

● Demonstrate understanding on the effectiveness of having proper waste disposal management in our
● Show the appreciation for the important of having proper way of disposing waste material, and
● Explain the classification of each type of waste as being the way to dispose of waste in the
environment and Practice proper waste segregation based on 3R's: Reuse, Reduce and Recycle.

II.-Subject Matter:

Title: The proper waste disposal management

References: Science and Health for grade 6,page: 136-139 , book
Materials: Picture/ image / POWERPOINT PRESENTATION etc.

III. Procedures:
Teacher’s Activity: Student’s Activity:
A. Preliminary Activity
● Opening Prayer
● Greeting
● Checking Attendance
● Classroom Management
● Review
Class before we proceed to our lesson let us
have a review in our past lesson. ( student may answer vary depend on their learning in
Did you still remember our lesson last time? past lesson)
Anyone can briefly recall it.
B. Motivation
Class let me show these images.
All you need to do is to share something
that you can think of or what you have
understood to the image.(The teacher will
show the image)This time, I need a student
to volunteer to answer, kindly raise your
hand to share your thoughts regarding this

What have you noticed about the picture?

(Student may answer vary)
The picture shows the proper disposal of waste/ waste
What is waste?
Waste is any substance which is discarded after primary use,
or is worthless, defective and of no use.
What materials are considered waste and
should be disposed of? (The student's answer may vary.)
The materials that can be disposed are Examples include
municipal solid waste (household trash/refuse),
hazardous waste, wastewater (such as sewage, which
contains bodily wastes (feces and urine) and surface runoff),
radioactive waste, and others.
In the following waste you had given, how
each of you classify to dispose of these? (The student's answer may vary.)
Why? We need to separate those things Biodegradable waste are
those that decompose. Non-Biodegradable wastes are those
that take a long time to decompose like plastic. Or it is much
better to dispose of it by separating it based on waste type.

What we can apply can be done proper (The student's answer may vary.) Proper waste disposal and
waste disposal and management? management can be done by applying the 3R – Reduce,
Reuse and Recycle. Reducing means lessening the amount
of trash/garbage produced. Reusing refers to using materials
more than once while recycling means creating new
material or product out of trash/garbage.
How can you help practice proper waste (The student's answer may vary.)
disposal in the community/school? Compost food scraps and other organic wastes. Reuse
materials whenever possible. Recycle materials and
organize for government and industry to
develop community recycling programs. Collect, transport,
and store wastes safely.
Is it possible that waste produces a new
product? How?
Yes, the old and used materials can change into new
products that are called recycle.
Why should we need to practice or be in the
habit of properly wasting? (The student's answer may vary.) These services can save
your business a considerable amount of money, and can
also prevent the environment from being harmed.
C. Activity
● Divide the class into four groups and give them each activity.
● Remind the learners about the standards to be followed during activity
● Read and understand the instruction properly
Cooperate with your group
Do not disturb other group
Seek the guidance of teacher if needed
Minimize your noise
Submit your output on time
● Present the scoring rubric to be used for group activity

● let each group work the task within 15mins.

Group 1:
Group 2:
Do research on the type of waste..

Group 3:
Direction: Make a diagram about waste management and after that give some tips for living less
Group 4: Search about various methods of waste disposal and list a reason why we should commit
yourself to practise proper waste disposal.
D. Analysis
● present the group outputs (The students answer may vary.)
● group presentation will be rated
based on the rubrics given
What are other non-biodegradable materials
that are thrown away? How do we do you
dispose of non biodegradable waste?(Group

By putting it in proper waste disposal of each waste,

We can collect materials by bringing it to the collection
centers like junk shop or the bgry. waste management

What are the type of waste, and how to deal There are five types of waste: Organic waste, Hazardous
with them to reduce environmental waste, Solid waste, liquid waste, and recycle waste.
✔ Liquid waste refers to all grease, oil, sludge, wash
water, waste detergents and dirty water that have been
thrown away.The three methods we can remove liquid
wastes from wherever they’re located include;
Containment, Treatment and Disposal.
✔ Solid waste is any garbage, sludge, and refuse found in
industrial and commercial locations. The five major
types of solid rubbish are; Glass and Ceramics, Plastic
waste, Paper rubbish and Metals and Tins.
✔ Organic waste refers to rotten meat, garden and food
waste. This type of rubbish is commonly found in
✔ Recyclable Waste is all discarded items like metals,
furniture, organic waste that can be recycled fall
under this category.
✔ Hazardous waste includes flammable, corrosive, toxic
and reactive materials. In a nutshell, they are wastes
that pose a significant or potential threat to our
environment.The four ways of disposing of hazardous
waste are;Recycling, Incineration and Destruction,
Pyrolysis, and Disposing in a landfill.

What are some tips for living with less


Diagram explained Waste management:

Here are the most commonly used methods that you

should know about waste management:

Landfills-waste disposal focuses attention on burying the

waste in the land.
Incineration or combustion is a type disposal method in
What are the various methods of waste which municipal solid wastes are burned at high
temperatures. The process eventually converts them into
disposal? residues and gaseous products.

Resource recovery is the process of taking useful discarded

items for a specific next use. These discarded items are
then processed to extract or recover materials and
resources or convert them to energy in the form of useable
heat, electricity or fuel.

Recycling is the process of converting waste products into

new products to prevent energy usage and consumption of
fresh raw materials.

Plasma classification is another form of waste

management. Plasma is primarily an electrically charged
or highly ionized gas.

Composting is an easy and natural bio-degradation

process that takes organic wastes i.e. remains of plants and
garden and kitchen waste and turns into nutrient-rich
food for your plants.

( the answer may explain the image above) Waste to Energy (WtE) process involves the conversion of
non-recyclable waste items into usable heat, electricity, or
What are the reason why we should commit fuel through a variety of processes.
yourself to practise proper waste disposal?
Biomedical Waste is one example of such a waste disposal
method. It is primarily practiced in health care facilities
and similar institutions. The special waste disposal system
effectively disposes of hazardous biomedical waste.

The easiest method of waste management is to reduce the

creation of waste materials thereby reducing the amount
of waste going to landfills.

Here are ten good reasons why you should recycle, reuse,
and segregate your waste: Aids in organization, Cleans the
landscape,Promotes health and sanitation, Reduces pest
infestation, Protects you from biohazards, Improves
community health, Protects the environment, Ensures
physical safety, Adds to waste energy and Earns you

E. Abstraction
Now class, if you really understand our
lesson today,
What do you mean by Proper waste (The student's answer may vary.)The process of waste
disposal or waste management? management involves treating solid and liquid waste. ...
“Waste management or Waste disposal is all the activities
and actions required to manage waste from its inception to
its final disposal. Proper waste disposal and management
can be done by applying the 3R – Reduce, Reuse and
Recycle. Reducing means lessening the amount of
trash/garbage produced. Reusing refers to using materials
more than once while recycling means creating new
material or product out of trash/garbage.

What are the benefits of proper waste (The students answer may vary.)Proper waste removal
disposal? helps improve air and water quality as well as reduces
greenhouse gas emissions. It helps in minimizing the
extraction of resources along with reducing pollution and
energy consumption which is associated with
manufacturing new materials.
F. Application
(For individual)
Class let’s have a game. I have here a four box with each of these labels (mixed waste, Biodegradable,
Non biodegradable and recyclable). Then I have a mystery box and inside of it you will choose or get one by

Direction of game: The image you will get in the mystery box will make you make a decision where this
waste needs to be put in a box with a label. Explain why you chose to dispose of it there, then if it is a
recyclable thing, what things you want to produce new things.

(for group activity)

ROLE-PLAY Instruction: 1. Form a group with 5-8 members. 2. Think of scenarios or situations that show
the importance of 3R (reduce, reuse and recycle) practices of waste disposal and management at home. 3.
Demonstrate the importance of observing the 3R at home through the role-play. 4. Perform the role-
play/skit within 7-10 minutes.


IV. Evaluation
Activity 1:
Make a short essay writing about Your own learning in proper disposal of waste.
Activity 2: Multiple Choices Test:

Direction: Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is any substance which is discarded after primary use, or is worthless, defective and of no use?

A. Waste Management
B. Waste
C. Dispose
D. Recycle

2. The following are examples of waste, except one.

A. municipal solid waste (household trash/refuse),

B. hazardous waste,
C. water
D. radioactive waste,
E. Recycling plastic into new things

3. What is called wastes are those that take a long time to decompose like plastic?

A. Hazardous waste
B. Organic waste
C. Biodegradable
D. Non-Biodegradable

4. It is a management of waste can be done lessening the amount of trash/garbage produced?

A. Recycle
B. Reuse
C. Reduce
D. Waste Management

5. What is called waste classification that decomposes easily?

A. Hazardous waste
B. Organic waste
C. Biodegradable
D. Non-Biodegradable

6. Waste management refers to using materials more than once.

A. Recycle
C. Reduce
D. Waste Management
7. It refers to waste management creating new material or products out of trash/garbage?

A. Recycle
C. Reduce
D. Waste Management

8. The following are examples of Biodegradable ,except one which it is?

A. Human and animal excreta

B. Paper,

C. leaves, and wood

D. Plastic bags

9. The following are examples of Non-biodegradable, except one, Which it is?

A. plastic bottles,
B. Tetra packs,
C. Carbon paper,
D. Human and animal excreta

10. The following are types of waste except one, which is it?

A. Organic waste,
B. Hazardous waste,
C. Solid waste,
D. Fresh fruit

V. Assignment:
Find out how proper disposal of waste is done in your community. Find out how they use it by
having 3R. share your answer with your classmate.
_____Lesson carried. Move to the next objective
VI. Remarks _____Lesson not carried

VII. Reflection

VIII. Others
_____learners mastered the lesson in section_____
A No. of learners who earned 80% in the
_____learners mastered the lesson in section_____
_____learners mastered the lesson in section_____
B No. of learners who require additional _____learners mastered the lesson in section_____
activities for remediation
_____learners mastered the lesson in section_____
_____learners mastered the lesson in section_____
C Did the remedial lessons work? Learners _____yes _____no
have caught up with the lesson
_____learners caught up the lesson in section_____
_____learners caught up the lesson in section_____
_____learners caught up the lesson in section_____
D. No. of learners who continue to require _____learners continue to require remediation ____
_____learners continue to require remediation ____
_____learners continue to require remediation ____
E .which of my teaching strategies works _____socratic questioning
well? Why did these work? _____use of visual
_____game based learning
_____pair work
_____cooperative learning
_____explicit teaching
_____Group collaboration
_____differentiated instruction
_____discovery method
_____lecture method
_____manipulated tools
_____interactive lecture demonstration
_____inquiry based approach why? ______
_____complete IMs
_____availability of materials
_____students eagerness to learn
_____group members collaborations /cooperation in doing
their task
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my _____bullying among students
principal or supervisor can help me solve? _____students behavior/ attitude
_____colorful IMs
_____unavailable technology
_____science / computer/ internet lab
_____additional clerical works

G. What motivation or localized materials did ______contextualized / localized and indigenized IMs
I use which I wish to share with other ______localized video
teachers? ______recycling of plastic to be used as IMs

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