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Skills Assessment 2

Unit code, name and release number

CHCLEG001 - Work legally and ethically (1)

Qualification/Course code, name and release number

CHC32015 - Certificate III in Community Services (2)

Student number

Student name

Assessment declaration
Note: If you are an online student, you will be required to complete this declaration on the
OLS when you upload your assessment.

This assessment is my original work and has not been:

 plagiarised or copied from any source without providing due acknowledgement.

 written for me by any other person except where such collaboration has been
authorised by the Teacher/Assessor concerned.

Document title: LA025621 CHCLEG001 Ed 27 Skills Assessment 2 Page 1 of 9

Resource ID: CHC32015_Certificate III in Community Services (2022)
Version: 2.0
Date created: 6 July 2018
Date modified: 28/09/2023

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TAFE Digital, Strathfield

© 2022 TAFE NSW, Sydney

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The content in this document is copyright © TAFE NSW 2022, and should not be reproduced without the
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September 2023. For current information please refer to our website or your teacher as appropriate.

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Resource ID: CHC32015_Certificate III in Community Services (2022)
Assessment instructions
Assessment details Instructions

Assessment overview The objective of this assessment is to assess your knowledge and
performance in how to identify and work within the legal and
ethical frameworks that apply to an individual job role.

This applies to community services and health workers who play a

proactive role in identifying and meeting their legal and ethical

Instructions for this This is a skills-based assessment in which you will be assessed on
assessment your ability to demonstrate the skills required for the unit
CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically. This assessment is in two
(2) parts:

Part 1: Complete the table Policy Frameworks and Continuing

Professional Education. Please watch the following YouTube video
before attempting Part 1.

Part 2: Case study (Policy Development) with three (3) questions.

For parts of this assessment, you will need to access the Indigo
Community Services and Health Hub. The URL is:

Before completing and submitting this assessment, you must read

through the LibGuide and all required learning resources for this

This is a written assessment and it will be assessing you on your

knowledge of the unit.

Submission Once you have completed this assessment, you are required to
instructions submit it for marking via the OLS.

It is important that you keep a copy of all electronic and hardcopy

assessments submitted to TAFE Digital and complete the
assessment declaration when submitting the assessment.

What do I need to do This unit is competency based. In order to be deemed competent

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Resource ID: CHC32015_Certificate III in Community Services (2022)
Assessment details Instructions

to achieve a in this unit you must satisfy all elements specific to the unit and
satisfactory result? the essential knowledge and critical aspects of assessment in a
range of situations. The assessment has been developed to cover
these criteria and your TAFE Digital teacher will review all you
work and assess your overall result to deem you competent.

Please reference your work – referencing guides are available on

the OLS.

Assessment Appeals are addressed in accordance with Every Student’s Guide

feedback, review or to Assessment in TAFE NSW.

Specific task instructions

The TAFE assessor will use the instructions and the criteria in the tasks and activities to
determine whether these have been satisfactorily completed. Use these instructions and
criteria to ensure you have demonstrated the required skills and knowledge.

Part 1
This part of the assessment requires you to complete the table below. Please watch the
following YouTube video before attempting Part 1. An example has been provided for you
and there are two tables for you to complete.
The first table requires you to think about Policy Frameworks. This framework is the
collection of policies within a workplace, developed to govern staff behaviour and
operational activity within the organisation. Consider the legal and ethical considerations
that organisations and their individual workers need to make, regarding the policy
framework of their service. Once you have identified these considerations, think about
possible consequences for any breaches of these legal and ethical requirements.
The second table requires you to think about continuing professional education in a
community service context. Consider the legal and ethical responsibilities of workers and
organisations, in terms of the ongoing training and skill development of staff. Consider the
legal and ethical considerations that organisations and their individual workers need to
make, regarding the continued professional education of staff within their service. Once you
have identified these considerations, think about possible consequences for any breaches of
these legal and ethical requirements.
In the 2nd column you should identify the legal and/or ethical considerations for:
 The organisation

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Resource ID: CHC32015_Certificate III in Community Services (2022)
 The individual worker, and
 Whether these considerations are at the local, State/Territory, National or
International level (tick the relevant boxes)
In the 3rd column you should identify the consequences for any breaches of the legal and/or
ethical considerations for:
 The organisation, and
 The individual worker
Please note: As an example, the 1st row of the table has been provided (in red) to show you
Part 2 should be answered. This example should not form part of your assessment.

Legal and/or ethical considerations in the workplace Consequences of breaches of

for: legal/ethical considerations for:
 the organisation and individual worker, and the location  the organisation
Category impact  the individual worker
 the individual worker, and
 whether these considerations are at the local,
State/Territory, National or International level
☐ International ☒ Organisation
☒ National ☒ Individual Worker
EXAMPLE: ☒ State/Territory
☒ Local
Children in the ☒ Legal and/or ☒ Ethical
 For the organisation and the individual
(i.e. where children worker, there will be legal considerations
 For the organisation and
may be present but regarding duty of care, work health and
individual worker: When a duty of
are not the primary safety, child protection and mandatory
care is owed to a person, and it is
recipient of support) reporting to ensure the safety of a child in the
breached as a result of negligence
workplace. For example, a legal consideration
resulting in injury or damage, the
for an organisation would be to ensure that
injured person can sue the
all employees coming into contact with
organisation or individual worker
children in the workplace, have appropriate
who breached the duty of care for
WWCC clearances.
damages. This can include:
 There will also be ethical considerations for
Compensation for pain and
the organisation and individual worker to
suffering, and loss of enjoyment of
consider. For example, whether a child is
life caused by physical injury,
being put in unnecessary danger from
psychological injury, or both.
equipment being used, if there are inadequate
hygiene facilities, or inadequate supervision,
and whether workers are being distracted by
the child in the workplace.

Category Legal and/or ethical considerations in the workplace Consequences of breaches of

legal/ethical considerations for:

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Resource ID: CHC32015_Certificate III in Community Services (2022)
 the organisation and individual workers and the
location impact  the organisation
 the individual worker, and  the individual worker
 whether these considerations are at the local,
State/Territory, National or International level

☐ International ☐ Organisations
Policy Frameworks ☐ National ☐ Individual Workers
☐ State/Territory
(150-250 words)
☐ Local
☐ Legal and/or ☐ Ethical
Consequences of breaches:
Please provide a brief explanation below for each
category you have selected:

For organisations For organisations

For individual workers For individual workers

☐International ☐Organisations
Continuing ☐National ☐Individual Workers
professional ☐State/territory
education ☐Local
☐Legal and/or ☐Ethical.
(150-250 words)

Please provide a brief explanation below for each Consequences of breaches:

category you have selected:

For organisations For organisations

For individual workers For individual workers

Document title: LA025621 CHCLEG001 Ed 27 Skills Assessment 2 Page 6 of 9

Resource ID: CHC32015_Certificate III in Community Services (2022)
Part 2: Case Study – Policy development
Review the Indigo Policy Review and Evaluation Policy, and then answer the following three
(3) questions.

1. You may be required to develop and review organisational policies and procedures as
part of your role. Identify four (4) things you should consider as part of this process.
In your response, consider what the policy aims to do, who you might need to
consult with and how the policy will be maintained.
2. There are many considerations to be made when updating or developing policies and
procedures. Explain these considerations, ensuring you include information about
the following (a-e) and how the process of updating or developing policies and
procedures, can be influenced by these things.
a) Timeframes for review.
b) Legal requirements.
c) Stakeholder engagement in the policy development/review process.
d) Translation and reflection of policies in daily practice.
e) A service’s approach to equity and inclusion.
(100 – 150 words)

3. Read the information below and then answer questions a) and b) that follow.
Below is a sample ‘Interactions with Families’ policy and procedure document from
Karita Family Support Services.
 Imagine you have just started working at this service and the manager gives you
this policy as part of your induction to the service.
 As you read the policy, you notice a number of issues with the policy which will
need to be identified and addressed with the manager of the service.
 You speak with the manager about some of the things you have noticed, and she
asks you to put it in an email to her because the service is going through a Quality
Improvement Process and it would be good to know what changes are required,
to the service’s policies (see policy below and additional questions following).


Karita Family Support Services and the family workers, community service workers and all
other staff operating as members of the Service will use every endeavour to build positive,
respectful and equitable relationships with families that are maintained in a way that:
 encourages all members of the family to express themselves and have a sense of

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Resource ID: CHC32015_Certificate III in Community Services (2022)
 allows families to participate in activities and programs that develop self-reliance and
 maintains at all times the dignity and rights of all family members;
 has regard to the family and their cultural values; and
 has regard for the age, physical and cognitive development and abilities of each person
accessing Karita Family Support Services.

Family and community workers will use every opportunity to develop an atmosphere within
the environment that is professional and supportive.
Each family will have the opportunity to engage in unhurried individual interactions and
conversation with their worker that are meaningful, and which support the acquisition of new
life skills.
Family and community workers will actively interact with all family members and respectfully
respond to their comments, questions and requests for assistance.
Family and community workers are to support the development of trusting relationships.
All efforts by all family members to communicate are responded to sensitively and
appropriately supporting a feeling of safety, security and confidence.
All family members will be supported by family and community workers to regulate and
manage their own behaviour, respond appropriately to the behaviour of others, and
communicate effectively to resolve conflicts.
The dignity and rights of every person will be maintained at all times.
OHS Legislation – Community workers will at all times work in accordance with the
requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004.
 Policy version date – September 2018.
 Policy review due September 2019

a) Draft a short email to the manager of the Karita Family Support Service which
includes details of three (3) issues within the policy that need addressing. When
formulating your email to the Manager, consider the following:
 Has the policy been reviewed regularly against current (up-to-date) legislation
and standards?

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Resource ID: CHC32015_Certificate III in Community Services (2022)
 Would someone reading the policy know which legislative and ethical
responsibilities inform the policy?

b) What suggestions can you make for improvements? In your email to the manager,
include at least two (2) suggestions for work practice improvements aimed at
assisting this service, to improve its responsiveness to their legal and ethical

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Resource ID: CHC32015_Certificate III in Community Services (2022)

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