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assignment (30%)

1. Let u=(−1 , √ 3 , 0 ) , v= (1 ,−1,1 )∧w=(0,1 ,−2) be vectors in space.

Then find
a. the unit vector in the opposite direction of u .
b. the area of the parallelogram formed by v∧w .
c. The angle between u × v∧u−v .
2. Find the volume the parallelepiped with the vectors u=i+ k , v=2 i+ j+4 k∧w= j+k as three of
its edges.
3. If the area of an equilateral triangle with adjacent sides u∧v , is25 √ 3 cm 2 ,then findu . v
4. If the angle between the vectors A and B is 6 with each other and ‖A‖=√ 3 and

then calculate the cosine the angle between the vectors A+ B and A−B .
5. Let u∧v be a pair orthogonal vectors such that ‖u‖=t∧‖v‖=r . find the angle between the
tv+ ru
vector p= and the vectoru.
t +r

6. If A and B are perpendicular unit vectors, show that

7. LetV =2i + j∧W =2 i− j+3 k . Then find the directional cosines & directional angles of V ×W

8. Find the parametric and symmetric equations of the line passing through the point(2, 3, -
4) and parallel to the vector (-1, 2, 5).
9. Determine whether the following two lines are intersecting or parallel or skew.
l : x =3+t , y=2−2 t , z=4 +t∧m: x=5−2 t , y=−2+ 4 t , z=1−2t .
10. Find an equation of the line that passes through the point (2, -1, 3) and is orthogonal to the
plane3 x−7 y +5 z+ 55=0 w here does the line intersect the plane?
11. Given the points (1, 2, -1), (4, 0,3) and (2, -1, 5) in a plane, find the equation of the plane
in general form.
x−1 y +3 z−2
12. Find the angle between the planes x + y + z=10∧theline = = .
2 3 −1
13. Find the distance between the point Q(3, 1, -5) to the plane 4x + 2y – z = 8.
14. Find the distance between the planes π 1 : x +2 y−2 z=3∧π 2 :2 x + 4 y−4 z=7
15. Let V =R 3be a vector space with the usual addition and scalar multiplication over R .Then:
assignment (30%)

a. Show that W ={ ( x , y , z ) : x +2 y +3 z=0 } is a subspace ofV .

b. B= { (1,1 ,−2 ) , ( 1,0,1 ) ,(1,2,0) }forms a basis ofV .
c. B= { (1,2,1 ) , ( 1,0,2 ) ,(1,1,0) }forms a basis ofV .
16. Determine whether the following set of vectors in the vector space V =R 3are linearly
dependent or independent.
a. { ( 1 , 2,3 ) , (−2, 1 ,1 ) ,( 8 ,6,10) }
b. { ( 2 , 6,0 ) , ( 2, 4 ,1 ) ,(1 , 1 ,1) }.
3 3
17. Let V be a vector space over ℜ . Determine whether the following are subspace of ℜ ,
where all a , b , c ∈ℜ.

a. w={ ( a , b , c ) / a≥0 }
b. w={ ( a , b , c ) / a−3 b+4 c=0 }
c. w={( a , b , c ) / a2 +b 2 +c 2 ≤1 }
18. Write a vector v =(1,−2,5) as a linear combination of v 1 =(1 ,−2,5) , v 1 =(2 ,−2,0) and
v 3 =(1,−5,7) in the vector space ℜ3 .

19. Show that vectors v 1 =(1 , 2 , 3) , v 1 =(0 , 1 , 2 ) and v 3 =(0 , 0 ,1) are linearly

( )
1 2 11
20. If ¿ 3 7 6 5 , then find Rank(A).
−2 −1 7 4
21. Using Gaussian Elimination Method to solve the system

x+ y+ z=0
2x+3 y+z=1
x−z =2

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