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Emma's Weekend Routine

1 Can You Fill in the Blanks?

the shopping, some housework, some exercise, breakfast, an early night, stay in, to-do list, a
Emma loved her weekends. After a long week at work, she always looked forward to some time
to relax and do the things she enjoyed. On Saturdays, Emma liked to have _____(1) and then do
_____(2) to start her day off right. She would go for a run in the park or take a yoga class at her
gym. Afterwards, she would do _____(3) and then make a _____(4) for the weekend.
On Sunday mornings, Emma usually spent time with her relatives. She would have _____(5)
with her parents and then visit her grandparents in the afternoon. They would talk about their
plans for the future and reminisce about old times.
In the evenings, Emma liked to mix it up. Sometimes she would _____(6) for the evening, watch
a movie and have _____(7). Other times, she would go out with friends and have fun, trying new
restaurants or going to a concert. And if she needed to do _____(8), she would usually do that
on Sunday afternoons.
Overall, Emma felt that weekends were important for recharging and enjoying life. No matter
what she did, she always made sure to balance rest and relaxation with productivity and fun.
Correct Answers
1 Correct Answers:
1 a lie-in 2 some exercise 3 some housework 4 to-do list
5 breakfast 6 stay in 7 an early night 8 the shopping

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