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1 Ground granulated blast Furnace slag obtained by grinding granulated blast furnace slag
conforming to IS 12089 may be used as part replacement of ordinary Portland cement confirming
to IS 455 provided uniform blending with cement is assured. A certified report attesting to the
conformity of the cement to I.S. specifications by the cement manufacturers chemist shall be
furnished to the Engineer, if demanded. The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for the
storage of adequate quantity of cement at no extra cost at the site of work as per instructions
and approval of the Engineer.

1.2 The drawing(s) attached with the tender documents are for tender only, giving the tenderer an
overall idea of the nature and the extent of works to be executed. The rates quoted by the
tenderer shall be deemed to be for the execution of works considering the "Design Aspect" of the
items and in accordance with the "Construction Drawings" (except shop drawings and BBS) to be
supplied to the Contractor during execution of the works.

1.3 All scaffoldings, staging, temporary bracing and other necessary temporary work required for
proper execution of the Contract shall be provided by the Contractor inclusive of all materials,
labour, supervision and other facilities. The layout and details of such Temporary work shall have
the prior approval of the Engineer, but the Contractor shall be responsible for proper strength
and safety of the same. All Temporary work shall be so constructed as not to interfere with any
permanent work or with the work by other agencies. If it is necessary to remove any of the
temporary work at any time to facilitate execution of the work or with the work of other
agencies, such removal and re erection, if required, shall be carried out by the Contractor at the
direction of the Engineer without any delay and any extra cost on this account shall be borne by
the Contractor.

1.4 Because of security consideration, there could be some restrictions on the working hours,
movement of vehicles for transportation of materials and location of labour camp. The contractor
shall be bound to follow all such restrictions and adjust the programme for execution of work

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