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July 1st , 2023

Feature Flags in
Angular Apps
Alex Muturi M.

MuturiAlex alex-muturi
Feature flags / toggles
Feature Toggles (often also referred to as
Feature Flags) are a powerful technique,
allowing teams to modify system behavior
without changing code.
Why use Feature Flags
• Separate code deployments from feature releases
• Control what users can and cannot / targeted delivery.
• Enable a culture of continuous experimentation
Practical Applications
• QA to test functionality in production and validate changes.
• Sales and Customer Support to provision entitlements.
• Product Management to manage which end users get beta
program access or align releases with non-engineering business
• Marketing to run A/B tests or time releases to campaigns.
Major Con
Flag debt / Technical debt: code becomes littered
with flags and old code that are no longer useful
because the feature has been rolled out to the
entire user base.
Implementing flags
DIY Options
• In-house Feature flag management system
• Adopt and maintain an Open source version
• Config files using YAML, XML, JSON files
SAAS Options
• Launch Darkly
• Split
• Optimizely
• Harness
EM: I just got a call
from the PM, prod is
broken, you said it
was a simple
refactor, what is
going on?
You: I’ll turn
the flag off
and we’ll
look at it on
first thing
in the
Make it possible to deploy to
prod and do releases on a
Friday evening

Thank you

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