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At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:

1. Summarize the concept of multimedia, its categories, its elements and forms;
2. Recognize and label the multimedia on your chosen website; and
3. Conceptualize a way to promote an advocacy through a multimedia.
4. Demonstrate your new skills by creating a working model of your own personal website
5. Evaluate your peers’ output and showcase your website.

We are on the Information Age on which information seems so easy to reach. One of the
tools that we usually use if you need to answer a question from your subject is a website
which can we use if we are online. A website or web site is a set of related resources from
the web. These resources were considered as web pages and multimedia (e.g.: videos,
music, images).

Directions: Arrange the letters to form the correct word.


______________1. SEMAG Fireboy and Watergirl from
______________2. SUMIC Sangay ng Pasig Hymn
______________3. ODIVE Alex Gonzaga’s Vlog
______________4. ASTCOPD TED Talks
______________5. AREWOURCES


However, this pandemic

hinders us to have a face-
to-face interaction. For M.
Scott Peck, all human
interactions are opportunities to
learn and to teach.
Thankfully, developers
managed to add interactivity
with our web pages.
However, this pandemic hinders us to have a face-to-face
interaction. For M. Scott Peck, all human interactions are
opportunities to learn and to teach. Thankfully, developers managed
to add interactivity with our web pages.

These days, we could quickly send and receive messages in several ways, and with that,
we could accomplish the engagement we 're looking for. However, the interaction may differ
depending on the level:

1. When the reply is not related to previous messages, it not interactive;

2. it is reactive when the reply is related only to one immediately previous message;
3. when the responses were related to a few previous messages and to the relationship
between them, it is interactive.

These messages could not only be transmitted

and received by traditional media such as text,
graphics/drawings and images, but can also
be achieved by multimedia.
These messages could not only be transmitted and received by traditional media such as
text, graphics/drawings and images, but can also be achieved by multimedia.

Multimedia is any computer information that can be represented

through audio, video, and animation integrated with any
traditional media. This information can be represented, stored,
transmitted and processed digitally.

These are the basic elements of multimedia:

Characters Digital It is a set of A digital image It is some
used to representation of graphics that that is played sort of
construct non-textual generate an back at speeds of rhythm,
sentences, material, such impression of 15 to 30 frames voice or
phrases, and as illustrations, motion per second and some other
paragraphs. charts or provides the sound.
photographs. illusion of It is some sort
continuous of rhythm,
motion. voice or some
other sound.

of non-textual
material, such
charts or
It has two categories:
1. Linear Multimedia – it does not feature any sort of navigational abilities and
it progresses in chronological order. It is useful to transmit a fixed message. For
example: Video presentation

2. Non-linear multimedia – it allows free movement around all aspects of the

multimedia in any order. For example: Hypermedia like games

Here are the multimedia contents that you can search on certain websites and link to
your own web page:

It is a series of recorded motion picture which are shown on television or viewed on a
screen (Cambridge Dictionary). You can share your self-made video through video
hosting sites such as YouTube.
It is something that you can listen, or that can be heard. For example: Spotify
Before we had Mobile Legends, users enjoyed browser-based games like online
games found in and Facebook. Browser-based games can be run and played
without installing it in your device.
Online survey forms and tests that automatically display the results when finished. You
can try: 5 Love Languages and 16 Personalities
Online courses that simulate the classroom online. TESDA offers online courses
that can be done at home. Check their website:
This term is a combination of of “iPod” and “broadcast”. An episodic series of digital
audio files (or text files) that a user can download to a personal device for listening
(Wikipedia). For example: TED Talks and Ear Biscuits
It is a video stored in a digital form that you can download from the Internet and play
and viewed on a device (Cambridge Dictionary). For example: YouTube
series/shows like Good Mythical Morning, Facebooks live streaming videos

Here are the advantages and disadvantages of multimedia:

 It is very user-friendly.  Information overload.
 It is multi-sensorial.  It takes time to compile.
 It is integrated and interactive.  It can be expensive.
 It is flexible.  Too muck makes it unpractical.
 It can be used for a wide variety of audiences.

How to embed YouTube video on your personal

website? One of the multimedia you can embed in your personal website
is a video. It can be your personal video or a YouTube video. Note: For these
procedures, I used YouTube video and Google Site.
How to embed YouTube video on your personal website? One of the multimedia you can
embed in your personal website is a video. It can be your personal video or a YouTube
video. Note: For these procedures, I used YouTube video and Google Site.

Step 1: Search a video you on YouTube website that you want to embed in your personal
Step 2: Go to the bottom of the video and click the Share button.
Step 3: A dialogue box with options will appear. Click the Copy link button.0
Step 4: Click the Embed button and paste the copied URL.
Step 5: Click the Insert button.
Step 6: Click the Preview button for checking.

Directions: Underline the error in the statement. Copy and answer. Write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.

Directions: Underline the error in the

1. Interactivity has two categories:
linear and non-linear.
2. Browser-based games must like
Farmville and Pet Society need to be
installed in your device.
3. If you want to share a YouTube
video, look for the share button at the
of the video.
4. One of the advantages of the
multimedia is that it is expensive.
5. The text do not create a word.
1. Interactivity has two categories: linear and non-linear.

2. Browser-based games must like Farmville and Pet Society need to be installed in your
3. If you want to share a YouTube video, look for the share button at the top of the video.
4. One of the advantages of the multimedia is that it is expensive.
5. The text does not create a word.

Directions: If you will choose among the multimedia mentioned, what will you use to
promote this advocacy: “Stop strand discrimination. We are all equal.”

Directions: Compose a paragraph summarizing the lesson about multimedia and how
multimedia can achieve interactivity and improve the user experience.
Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

Directions: Compose a paragraph

summarizing the lesson about
and how multimedia can achieve
interactivity and improve the user

Websites primarily design as a bridge between those who want to share information
and those who want to consume it. It gives you a platform to reach out to a farand-wide
audience, influence others through blogging, or showcase all your ideas, products and
services online. But have you ever wondered how websites actually work? How are they
built? How do computers, and mobile devices interact with the web? What technical skills
are necessary to build a website? With almost one (1) billion websites now in the ‘world
wide web’, the answers to these questions could be your first step towards a better
understanding of creating a website in order to acquire a new set of skills.

Web development is the building and maintenance of websites. It is a work that

involved collaborative effort among experts which we called as web developers. They are
programmers who design and build a website. Web developers are composed of two broad
divisions – the front-end developers and back-end developers. Front-end developer is
someone who is responsible for the content, design and behavior of the website on how you
interact with it, while back-end developer deals with the servers and uses a database to
controls what goes on behind the scenes of a website. Therefore, web development is a

demanding job that requires a wide professional experience and technical skill but, on this
lesson, we make it simple and easy by using A Website Builder is an online website builder that gives the users the capacity to create a
professional website without having to know a line of code. It provides customizable website
templates and a drag-and-drop interface that includes apps, graphics, image galleries,
fonts, vectors, animations and other options. This drag-and-drop interface makes it easy
and suitable for creating and design your portfolio, small business website, blog, and other
online services with hundreds of great tools in it. also introduced a responsive
editor to allow users to adjust their sites for mobile viewing. Below is the most
comprehensive step-by-step procedure of building your website using

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Build a Website using

This easy, step-by-step tutorial helps you to learn the basics of web development
using Wix. In this guide, it will introduce you to the Wix Artificial Design Intelligence (ADI)
that will generate your website based on your preference. So, here’s how to make a website
with Wix.

Step 1: Go to and Click “Get Started”

Step 2: Create a Wix account and Sign Up
To make a website with Wix, you will first need to register for an account. You will
then be asked to enter your email address and password. After signing-up, the next
page will appear then select Let’s Do it.
Step 3: Identify the website you are looking for and the skills that you have.
Step 4: Use Wix ADI create a website for you and select Start Now
Wix will ask you whether you want to create a website within the Wix Editor or let the
Wix Artificial Design Intelligence (ADI) create your website. In this lesson, we will be
using Wix ADI to build your website automatically. This will be a good option for you
since you are totally new in website building.
Step 5: Add Features
After selecting Wix ADI, you will then be asked which features you might need. Make
sure you carefully choose the design options that most appeal to you as the ADI tool
will design a website based on your answers. Try to provide as much information as
possible, as this allows the ADI to create detailed navigation menus, footers, headers,
and contact pages with ease. And remember – the more accurate your answers, the
more Wix ADI can customize the perfect website for you.
Step 6: Choose a template

Step 7: Edit your website using ADI Editor

After you select a template, you’ll be brought to the Wix Editor. The ADI Editor is
easy to navigate. But here are just few pointers to get you started.
• Elements – Click on an element to customize it. The settings for a selected element will appear in
the left-hand menu bar where you can then make any necessary alterations. Options include
changing the images, writing text, adding buttons, and more.
• Page – Quickly toggle between the pages on your site and your blog.

• Design – Click on Design in the top menu to change your website’s theme and layout, or alter
global colors, fonts, and more.
• Desktop / Mobile – Switch between desktop and mobile mode to edit your site for both device
• Preview – It will show you what your website will look like on a web browser.

Step 8: Make It Look Good on Mobile

Part of having a good website means that it needs to be easily accessible from
smartphones and tablets. For this step, you need to select the mobile icon on the
menu and optimize your site for mobile friendly interface.

Step 9: Choose a Domain Name

Before you publish your Wix site, you will need to set your domain name when you
click “Publish”. However, having a personalized domain name requires you to
upgrade to Wix’s paid plans. For the meantime, you will use the auto generated
domain name in order to publish your website. Your website will follow the format
www.yourname.wixsite/yoursite, which is enough to get it up and running.

Step 10: Publish Your Website

Once you complete the steps, you can publish your site and start generating leads,
driving traffic, and selling products online. Your opportunities are endless. Be sure to
have a copy of the link so that you can share it to your teacher.

You can always edit your Wix site after publishing. Just open your site’s dashboard,
click “Manage Site,” then “Edit Site,” and off you go. To re-publish, just click
‘Publish’ again in the top right corner.

Directions: Read each step carefully and arrange them in correct sequence from 1 - 10.
Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.

__________ Add Features

__________ Choose a Domain Name
__________ Choose a Template
__________ Create a Wix account and Sign Up
__________ Edit your website using ADI Editor
__________ Go to and Click “Get Started”
__________ Identify what website you are looking for and what skill do you have.
__________ Make It Look Good on Mobile
__________ Publish Your Website
__________ Use Wix ADI create a website for you and select Start Now

Congratulations! You are done with your lesson.

“I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” - Philippians 4:13

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