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§ 360i TITLE 21—FOOD AND DRUGS Page 258

tailer of the device with respect to which the (A) to immediately cease distribution of
order was issued but to whom the order under such device, and
subparagraph (A) was not directed. (B) to immediately notify health profes-
(2) The actions which may be taken under a sionals and device user facilities of the order
plan submitted under an order issued under and to instruct such professionals and facili-
paragraph (1) are as follows: ties to cease use of such device.
(A) To repair the device so that it does not
The order shall provide the person subject to the
present the unreasonable risk of substantial
order with an opportunity for an informal hear-
harm with respect to which the order under
ing, to be held not later than 10 days after the
paragraph (1) was issued.
date of the issuance of the order, on the actions
(B) To replace the device with a like or
required by the order and on whether the order
equivalent device which is in conformity with
should be amended to require a recall of such de-
all applicable requirements of this chapter.
vice. If, after providing an opportunity for such
(C) To refund the purchase price of the de-
a hearing, the Secretary determines that inad-
vice (less a reasonable allowance for use if
equate grounds exist to support the actions re-
such device has been in the possession of the
quired by the order, the Secretary shall vacate
device user for one year or more—
the order.
(i) at the time of notification ordered
(2)(A) If, after providing an opportunity for an
under subsection (a) of this section, or
informal hearing under paragraph (1), the Sec-
(ii) at the time the device user receives ac-
retary determines that the order should be
tual notice of the unreasonable risk with re-
amended to include a recall of the device with
spect to which the order was issued under
respect to which the order was issued, the Sec-
paragraph (1),
retary shall, except as provided in subpara-
whichever first occurs). graphs (B) and (C), amend the order to require a
(3) No charge shall be made to any person recall. The Secretary shall specify a timetable
(other than a manufacturer, importer, distribu- in which the device recall will occur and shall
tor or retailer) for availing himself of any rem- require periodic reports to the Secretary de-
edy, described in paragraph (2) and provided scribing the progress of the recall.
under an order issued under paragraph (1), and (B) An amended order under subparagraph
the person subject to the order shall reimburse (A)—
each person (other than a manufacturer, im- (i) shall—
porter, distributor, or retailer) who is entitled (I) not include recall of a device from indi-
to such a remedy for any reasonable and foresee- viduals, and
able expenses actually incurred by such person (II) not include recall of a device from de-
in availing himself of such remedy. vice user facilities if the Secretary deter-
mines that the risk of recalling such device
(c) Reimbursement from the facilities presents a greater health
An order issued under subsection (b) of this risk than the health risk of not recalling the
section with respect to a device may require any device from use, and
person who is a manufacturer, importer, dis- (ii) shall provide for notice to individuals
tributor, or retailer of the device to reimburse subject to the risks associated with the use of
any other person who is a manufacturer, im- such device.
porter, distributor, or retailer of such device for
such other person’s expenses actually incurred In providing the notice required by clause (ii),
in connection with carrying out the order if the the Secretary may use the assistance of health
Secretary determines such reimbursement is re- professionals who prescribed or used such a de-
quired for the protection of the public health. vice for individuals. If a significant number of
Any such requirement shall not affect any such individuals cannot be identified, the Sec-
rights or obligations under any contract to retary shall notify such individuals pursuant to
which the person receiving reimbursement or section 375(b) of this title.
the person making such reimbursement is a (3) The remedy provided by this subsection
party. shall be in addition to remedies provided by sub-
(d) Effect on other liability sections (a), (b), and (c) of this section.
Compliance with an order issued under this (June 25, 1938, ch. 675, § 518, as added Pub. L.
section shall not relieve any person from liabil- 94–295, § 2, May 28, 1976, 90 Stat. 562; amended
ity under Federal or State law. In awarding Pub. L. 101–629, § 8, Nov. 28, 1990, 104 Stat. 4520;
damages for economic loss in an action brought Pub. L. 102–300, § 4, June 16, 1992, 106 Stat. 239.)
for the enforcement of any such liability, the AMENDMENTS
value to the plaintiff in such action of any rem-
1992—Subsec. (b)(1)(A)(ii). Pub. L. 102–300 substituted
edy provided him under such order shall be ‘‘or’’ for ‘‘and’’ after ‘‘properly designed’’ and ‘‘time of
taken into account. its design’’.
(e) Recall authority 1990—Subsec. (e). Pub. L. 101–629 added subsec. (e).
(1) If the Secretary finds that there is a rea- § 360i. Records and reports on devices
sonable probability that a device intended for
human use would cause serious, adverse health (a) General rule
consequences or death, the Secretary shall issue Every person who is a manufacturer or im-
an order requiring the appropriate person (in- porter of a device intended for human use shall
cluding the manufacturers, importers, distribu- establish and maintain such records, make such
tors, or retailers of the device)— reports, and provide such information, as the
Page 259 TITLE 21—FOOD AND DRUGS § 360i

Secretary may by regulation reasonably require (4) shall not impose requirements unduly
to assure that such device is not adulterated or burdensome to a device manufacturer or im-
misbranded and to otherwise assure its safety porter taking into account his cost of comply-
and effectiveness. Regulations prescribed under ing with such requirements and the need for
the preceding sentence— the protection of the public health and the im-
(1) shall require a device manufacturer or plementation of this chapter;
importer to report to the Secretary whenever (5) which prescribe the procedure for making
the manufacturer or importer receives or requests for reports or information shall re-
otherwise becomes aware of information that quire that each request made under such regu-
reasonably suggests that one of its marketed lations for submission of a report or informa-
devices— tion to the Secretary state the reason or pur-
(A) may have caused or contributed to a pose for such request and identify to the full-
death or serious injury, or est extent practicable such report or informa-
(B) has malfunctioned and that such de- tion;
vice or a similar device marketed by the (6) which require submission of a report or
manufacturer or importer would be likely to information to the Secretary shall state the
cause or contribute to a death or serious in- reason or purpose for the submission of such
jury if the malfunction were to recur, which report or information and identify to the full-
report under this subparagraph— est extent practicable such report or informa-
(i) shall be submitted in accordance with tion;
part 803 of title 21, Code of Federal Regula- (7) may not require that the identity of any
tions (or successor regulations), unless the patient be disclosed in records, reports, or in-
Secretary grants an exemption or variance formation required under this subsection un-
from, or an alternative to, a requirement less required for the medical welfare of an in-
under such regulations pursuant to section dividual, to determine the safety or effective-
803.19 of such part, if the device involved ness of a device, or to verify a record, report,
is— or information submitted under this chapter;
(I) a class III device; and
(II) a class II device that is perma- (8) may not require a manufacturer or im-
nently implantable, is life supporting, or porter of a class I device to—
is life sustaining; or (A) maintain for such a device records re-
(III) a type of device which the Sec-
specting information not in the possession of
retary has, by notice published in the
the manufacturer or importer, or
Federal Register or letter to the person
(B) to submit for such a device to the Sec-
who is the manufacturer or importer of
retary any report or information—
the device, indicated should be subject to
(i) not in the possession of the manufac-
such part 803 in order to protect the pub-
turer or importer, or
lic health;
(ii) on a periodic basis,
(ii) shall, if the device is not subject to
unless such report or information is necessary
clause (i), be submitted in accordance with
to determine if the device should be reclassi-
criteria established by the Secretary for
fied or if the device is adulterated or mis-
reports made pursuant to this clause,
branded. and 2
which criteria shall require the reports to
be in summary form and made on a quar- In prescribing such regulations, the Secretary
terly basis; or shall have due regard for the professional ethics
(iii) shall, if the device is imported into of the medical profession and the interests of pa-
the United States and for which part 803 of tients. The prohibitions of paragraph (7) of this
title 21, Code of Federal Regulations (or subsection continue to apply to records, reports,
successor regulations) requires an im- and information concerning any individual who
porter to submit a report to the manufac- has been a patient, irrespective of whether or
turer, be submitted by the importer to the when he ceases to be a patient. The Secretary
manufacturer in accordance with part 803 shall by regulation require distributors to keep
of title 21, Code of Federal Regulations (or records and make such records available to the
successor regulations) 1 Secretary upon request. Paragraphs (4) and (8)
(2) shall define the term ‘‘serious injury’’ to apply to distributors to the same extent and in
mean an injury that— the same manner as such paragraphs apply to
(A) is life threatening, manufacturers and importers.
(B) results in permanent impairment of a (b) User reports
body function or permanent damage to a (1)(A) Whenever a device user facility receives
body structure, or or otherwise becomes aware of information that
(C) necessitates medical or surgical inter- reasonably suggests that a device has or may
vention to preclude permanent impairment have caused or contributed to the death of a pa-
of a body function or permanent damage to tient of the facility, the facility shall, as soon as
a body structure; practicable but not later than 10 working days
(3) shall require reporting of other signifi- after becoming aware of the information, report
cant adverse device experiences as determined the information to the Secretary and, if the
by the Secretary to be necessary to be re- identity of the manufacturer is known, to the
ported; manufacturer of the device. In the case of

1 So in original. Probably should be followed by a semicolon. 2 So in original. The word ‘‘and’’ probably should not appear.
§ 360i TITLE 21—FOOD AND DRUGS Page 260

deaths, the Secretary may by regulation pre- unless the facility, individual, or physician who
scribe a shorter period for the reporting of such made the report had knowledge of the falsity of
information. the information contained in the report.
(B) Whenever a device user facility receives or (4) A report made under paragraph (1) does not
otherwise becomes aware of— affect any obligation of a manufacturer who re-
(i) information that reasonably suggests ceives the report to file a report as required
that a device has or may have caused or con- under subsection (a) of this section.
tributed to the serious illness of, or serious in- (5) With respect to device user facilities:
jury to, a patient of the facility, or (A) The Secretary shall by regulation plan
(ii) other significant adverse device experi- and implement a program under which the
ences as determined by the Secretary by regu- Secretary limits user reporting under para-
lation to be necessary to be reported, graphs (1) through (4) to a subset of user facili-
the facility shall, as soon as practicable but not ties that constitutes a representative profile
later than 10 working days after becoming aware of user reports for device deaths and serious
of the information, report the information to illnesses or serious injuries.
the manufacturer of the device or to the Sec- (B) During the period of planning the pro-
retary if the identity of the manufacturer is not gram under subparagraph (A), paragraphs (1)
known. through (4) continue to apply.
(C) Each device user facility shall submit to (C) During the period in which the Secretary
the Secretary on an annual basis a summary of is providing for a transition to the full imple-
the reports made under subparagraphs (A) and mentation of the program, paragraphs (1)
(B). Such summary shall be submitted on Janu- through (4) apply except to the extent that the
ary 1 of each year. The summary shall be in such Secretary determines otherwise.
form and contain such information from such (D) On and after the date on which the pro-
reports as the Secretary may require and shall gram is fully implemented, paragraphs (1)
include— through (4) do not apply to a user facility un-
(i) sufficient information to identify the fa- less the facility is included in the subset re-
cility which made the reports for which the ferred to in subparagraph (A).
summary is submitted, (E) Not later than 2 years after November 21,
(ii) in the case of any product which was the 1997, the Secretary shall submit to the Com-
subject of a report, the product name, serial mittee on Commerce of the House of Rep-
number, and model number, resentatives, and to the Committee on Labor
(iii) the name and the address of the manu- and Human Resources of the Senate, a report
facturer of such device, and describing the plan developed by the Secretary
(iv) a brief description of the event reported
under subparagraph (A) and the progress that
to the manufacturer.
has been made toward the implementation of
(D) For purposes of subparagraphs (A), (B), and the plan.
(C), a device user facility shall be treated as
(6) For purposes of this subsection:
having received or otherwise become aware of
(A) The term ‘‘device user facility’’ means a
information with respect to a device of that fa-
hospital, ambulatory surgical facility, nursing
cility when medical personnel who are employed
by or otherwise formally affiliated with the fa- home, or outpatient treatment facility which
cility receive or otherwise become aware of in- is not a physician’s office. The Secretary may
formation with respect to that device in the by regulation include an outpatient diagnostic
course of their duties. facility which is not a physician’s office in
(2) The Secretary may not disclose the iden- such term.
tity of a device user facility which makes a re- (B) The terms ‘‘serious illness’’ and ‘‘serious
port under paragraph (1) except in connection injury’’ mean illness or injury, respectively,
with— that—
(A) an action brought to enforce section (i) is life threatening,
331(q) of this title, or (ii) results in permanent impairment of a
(B) a communication to a manufacturer of a body function or permanent damage to a
device which is the subject of a report under body structure, or
paragraph (1). (iii) necessitates medical or surgical inter-
vention to preclude permanent impairment
This paragraph does not prohibit the Secretary
of a body function or permanent damage to
from disclosing the identity of a device user fa-
a body structure.
cility making a report under paragraph (1) or
any information in such a report to employees (c) Persons exempt
of the Department of Health and Human Serv- Subsection (a) of this section shall not apply
ices, to the Department of Justice, or to the to—
duly authorized committees and subcommittees (1) any practitioner who is licensed by law to
of the Congress. prescribe or administer devices intended for
(3) No report made under paragraph (1) by— use in humans and who manufactures or im-
(A) a device user facility, ports devices solely for use in the course of his
(B) an individual who is employed by or professional practice;
otherwise formally affiliated with such a facil- (2) any person who manufactures or imports
ity, or devices intended for use in humans solely for
(C) a physician who is not required to make such person’s use in research or teaching and
such a report, not for sale (including any person who uses a
shall be admissible into evidence or otherwise device under an exemption granted under sec-
used in any civil action involving private parties tion 360j(g) of this title); and
Page 261 TITLE 21—FOOD AND DRUGS § 360i

(3) any other class of persons as the Sec- Pub. L. 101–629, §§ 2(a), 3(a)(1), (b)(1), 7, Nov. 28,
retary may by regulation exempt from sub- 1990, 104 Stat. 4511, 4513, 4514, 4520; Pub. L.
section (a) of this section upon a finding that 102–300, § 5(a), June 16, 1992, 106 Stat. 239; Pub. L.
compliance with the requirements of such sub- 103–80, § 3(u), Aug. 13, 1993, 107 Stat. 778; Pub. L.
section by such class with respect to a device 105–115, title II, §§ 211, 213(a), (c), Nov. 21, 1997, 111
is not necessary to (A) assure that a device is Stat. 2345–2347; Pub. L. 110–85, title II, §§ 226(a),
not adulterated or misbranded or (B) other- 227, Sept. 27, 2007, 121 Stat. 854.)
wise to assure its safety and effectiveness. AMENDMENTS
(d) Repealed. Pub. L. 105–115, title II, § 213(a)(2),
2007—Subsec. (a)(1)(B). Pub. L. 110–85, § 227, sub-
Nov. 21, 1997, 111 Stat. 2347 stituted ‘‘were to recur, which report under this sub-
(e) Device tracking paragraph—’’ for ‘‘were to recur;’’ and added cls. (i) to
(1) The Secretary may by order require a man- Subsecs. (f), (g). Pub. L. 110–85, § 226(a), added subsec.
ufacturer to adopt a method of tracking a class (f) and redesignated former subsec. (f) as (g).
II or class III device— 1997—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 105–115, § 213(a)(1)(A), (F), in
(A) the failure of which would be reasonably introductory provisions, substituted ‘‘manufacturer or
importer’’ for ‘‘manufacturer, importer, or distributor’’
likely to have serious adverse health conse-
and, in closing provisions, inserted at end ‘‘The Sec-
quences; or retary shall by regulation require distributors to keep
(B) which is— records and make such records available to the Sec-
(i) intended to be implanted in the human retary upon request. Paragraphs (4) and (8) apply to dis-
body for more than one year, or tributors to the same extent and in the same manner as
(ii) a life sustaining or life supporting de- such paragraphs apply to manufacturers and import-
vice used outside a device user facility. ers.’’
Subsec. (a)(4). Pub. L. 105–115, § 213(a)(1)(B), sub-
(2) Any patient receiving a device subject to stituted ‘‘manufacturer or importer’’ for ‘‘manufac-
tracking under paragraph (1) may refuse to re- turer, importer, or distributor’’.
lease, or refuse permission to release, the pa- Subsec. (a)(7). Pub. L. 105–115, § 213(a)(1)(C), inserted
tient’s name, address, social security number, or ‘‘and’’ after semicolon at end.
Subsec. (a)(8). Pub. L. 105–115, § 213(a)(1)(D), sub-
other identifying information for the purpose of
stituted ‘‘manufacturer or importer’’ for ‘‘manufac-
tracking. turer, importer, or distributor’’ wherever appearing and
(f) Unique device identification system substituted period for semicolon after ‘‘misbranded’’.
Subsec. (a)(9). Pub. L. 105–115, § 213(a)(1)(E), struck
The Secretary shall promulgate regulations
out par. (9) which read as follows: ‘‘shall require dis-
establishing a unique device identification sys- tributors who submit such reports to submit copies of
tem for medical devices requiring the label of the reports to the manufacturer of the device for which
devices to bear a unique identifier, unless the the report was made.’’
Secretary requires an alternative placement or Subsec. (b)(1)(C). Pub. L. 105–115, § 213(c)(1)(A), in in-
provides an exception for a particular device or troductory provisions, substituted ‘‘on an annual
type of device. The unique identifier shall ade- basis’’ for ‘‘on a semi-annual basis’’ and struck out
quately identify the device through distribution ‘‘and July 1’’ after ‘‘January 1’’ and struck out closing
provisions which read as follows: ‘‘The Secretary may
and use, and may include information on the lot
by regulation alter the frequency and timing of reports
or serial number. required by this subparagraph.’’
(g) Reports of removals and corrections Subsec. (b)(2)(A). Pub. L. 105–115, § 213(c)(1)(B)(i), in-
serted ‘‘or’’ after comma at end.
(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), the Subsec. (b)(2)(B). Pub. L. 105–115, § 213(c)(1)(B)(ii), sub-
Secretary shall by regulation require a manu- stituted period for ‘‘, or’’ at end.
facturer or importer of a device to report Subsec. (b)(2)(C). Pub. L. 105–115, § 213(c)(1)(B)(iii),
promptly to the Secretary any correction or re- struck out subpar. (C) which read as follows: ‘‘a disclo-
moval of a device undertaken by such manufac- sure required under subsection (a) of this section.’’
turer or importer if the removal or correction Subsec. (b)(5), (6). Pub. L. 105–115, § 213(c)(2), added
was undertaken— par. (5) and redesignated former par. (5) as (6).
Subsec. (d). Pub. L. 105–115, § 213(a)(2), struck out
(A) to reduce a risk to health posed by the
heading and text of subsec. (d). Text read as follows:
device, or ‘‘Each manufacturer, importer, and distributor re-
(B) to remedy a violation of this chapter quired to make reports under subsection (a) of this sec-
caused by the device which may present a risk tion shall submit to the Secretary annually a state-
to health. ment certifying that—
‘‘(1) the manufacturer, importer, or distributor did
A manufacturer or importer of a device who un- file a certain number of such reports, or
dertakes a correction or removal of a device ‘‘(2) the manufacturer, importer, or distributor did
which is not required to be reported under this not file any report under subsection (a) of this sec-
paragraph shall keep a record of such correction tion.’’
or removal. Subsec. (e). Pub. L. 105–115, § 211, amended heading
(2) No report of the corrective action or re- and text of subsec. (e) generally. Prior to amendment,
moval of a device may be required under para- text read as follows: ‘‘Every person who registers under
section 360 of this title and is engaged in the manufac-
graph (1) if a report of the corrective action or ture of—
removal is required and has been submitted ‘‘(1) a device the failure of which would be reason-
under subsection (a) of this section. ably likely to have serious adverse health conse-
(3) For purposes of paragraphs (1) and (2), the quences and which is (A) a permanently implantable
terms ‘‘correction’’ and ‘‘removal’’ do not in- device, or (B) a life sustaining or life supporting de-
clude routine servicing. vice used outside a device user facility, or
‘‘(2) any other device which the Secretary may des-
(June 25, 1938, ch. 675, § 519, as added Pub. L. ignate,
94–295, § 2, May 28, 1976, 90 Stat. 564; amended shall adopt a method of device tracking.’’
§ 360i TITLE 21—FOOD AND DRUGS Page 262

Subsec. (f)(1). Pub. L. 105–115, § 213(a)(3), substituted [For effective date of amendment by Pub. L. 102–300,
‘‘or importer’’ for ‘‘, importer, or distributor’’ wherever see section 2(b) of Pub. L. 102–300, set out above as an
appearing. Effective Date of 1992 Amendment note.]
1993—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 103–80 substituted ‘‘para-
graph (7)’’ for ‘‘paragraph (4)’’ in last sentence. REGULATIONS
1992—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 102–300, § 5(a)(1), added pars. Section 2(b) of Pub. L. 101–629 provided that: ‘‘The
(1) to (3) and redesignated former pars. (1) to (6) as (4) Secretary of Health and Human Services shall promul-
to (9), respectively. gate regulations to implement section 519(b) of the
Subsec. (b)(1)(A). Pub. L. 102–300, § 5(a)(2)(A), sub- Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act [21 U.S.C.
stituted ‘‘a device has or may have’’ for ‘‘there is a 360i(b)], as added by the amendment made by sub-
probability that a device has’’. section (a) (including a definition of the summary re-
Subsec. (b)(1)(B). Pub. L. 102–300, § 5(a)(2)(A), (B), sub- quired by paragraph (1)(C) of such section) not later
stituted ‘‘a device has or may have’’ for ‘‘there is a than 12 months after the date of enactment of this Act
probability that a device has’’, designated existing pro- [Nov. 28, 1990]. In promulgating the regulations, the
visions as cl. (i), and added cl. (ii). Secretary shall minimize the administrative burdens
Subsec. (b)(5)(B)(iii). Pub. L. 102–300, § 5(a)(2)(C), on device user facilities consistent with the need to as-
struck out ‘‘immediate’’ before ‘‘medical’’. sure adequate information.’’
1990—Subsec. (a)(6). Pub. L. 101–629, § 3(a)(1), added Section 3(c) of Pub. L. 101–629, as amended by Pub. L.
par. (6). 102–300, § 2(a)(2), (3), June 16, 1992, 106 Stat. 238, provided
Subsecs. (b), (c). Pub. L. 101–629, § 2(a), added subsec. that:
(b) and redesignated former subsec. (b) as (c). ‘‘(1)(A) Not later than 9 months after the date of the
Subsecs. (d), (e). Pub. L. 101–629, § 3(b)(1), added sub- enactment of this Act [Nov. 28, 1990], the Secretary of
secs. (d) and (e). Health and Human Services shall issue proposed regula-
Subsec. (f). Pub. L. 101–629, § 7, added subsec. (f). tions—
‘‘(i) to require distributors of devices to establish
CHANGE OF NAME and maintain records and to make reports (including
Committee on Labor and Human Resources of Senate reports required by part 803 of title 21 of the Code of
changed to Committee on Health, Education, Labor, Federal Regulations) under section 519(a)(6) of the
and Pensions of Senate by Senate Resolution No. 20, Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act [21 U.S.C.
One Hundred Sixth Congress, Jan. 19, 1999. 360i(a)(6)], and
‘‘(ii) to implement section 519(e) of such Act.
EFFECTIVE DATE OF 1997 AMENDMENT The Secretary may exempt from regulations described
in clause (i) classes of distributors of class I and class
Section 211 of Pub. L. 105–115 provided in part that
II devices from whom reports are not necessary for the
the amendment made by that section is effective 90
protection of the public health.
days after Nov. 21, 1997. ‘‘(B) Regulations under subparagraph (A) shall—
Amendment by section 213(a), (c) of Pub. L. 105–115 ef- ‘‘(i) require appropriate methods for maintenance
fective 90 days after Nov. 21, 1997, except as otherwise of records to ensure that patients who receive devices
provided, see section 501 of Pub. L. 105–115, set out as a can be provided the notification required by such Act
note under section 321 of this title. [this chapter],
EFFECTIVE DATE OF 1992 AMENDMENT ‘‘(ii) require that manufacturers adopt effective
methods of tracking devices,
Section 2(b) of Pub. L. 102–300 provided that: ‘‘The ‘‘(iii) take into account the position of distributors
amendments made by subsection (a) [amending sec- in the device distribution process, and
tions 3(b)(3) and 3(c) of Pub. L. 101–629, set out as notes ‘‘(iv) include such other requirements as the Sec-
below] shall take effect as of May 27, 1992 and any rule retary deems necessary for the adoption of an effec-
to implement section 519(e) of the Federal Food, Drug, tive user tracking program under section 519(e) of
and Cosmetic Act [21 U.S.C. 360i(e)] proposed under sec- such Act.
tion 3(c)(2) of the Safe Medical Devices Act of 1990 [Pub. ‘‘(2) Not later than 18 months after the date of the en-
L. 101–629, set out as a note below] shall revert to its actment of this Act, the Secretary shall issue final reg-
proposed status as of such date.’’ ulations to implement sections [sic] 519(a)(6) of the
Section 5(b) of Pub. L. 102–300 provided that: ‘‘The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. If the Secretary
amendments made by subsection (a) [amending this does not promulgate such final regulations upon the ex-
section] shall take effect— piration of such 18 months, the Congress finds that
‘‘(1) 1 year after the date of the enactment of this there is good cause for the proposed regulations to be
Act [June 16, 1992]; or considered as the final regulations without response to
‘‘(2) on the effective date of regulations of the Sec- comment because the implementation of sections [sic]
retary to implement such amendments, 519(a)(6) of such Act is essential to protect the health
whichever occurs first.’’ of patients who use such devices. Consequently, in such
event, the proposed regulations issued under paragraph
(1) shall become final regulations as of the expiration
Section 2(c) of Pub. L. 101–629 provided that: ‘‘Section of such 18 months. There shall be promptly published in
519(b) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act [21 the Federal Register notice of the new status of the
U.S.C. 360i(b)], as added by the amendment made by proposed regulations.
subsection (a), shall take effect— ‘‘(3) Not later than November 28, 1992, the Secretary
‘‘(1) upon the effective date of regulations promul- shall issue final regulations to implement section 519(e)
gated under subsection (b) [set out below], or of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. If the
‘‘(2) upon the expiration of 12 months from the date Secretary does not promulgate such final regulations
of the enactment of this Act [Nov. 28, 1990], by November 28, 1992, the Congress finds that there is
whichever occurs first.’’ good cause for the proposed regulations to be consid-
Section 3(a)(2) of Pub. L. 101–629 provided that: ‘‘Sec- ered as the final regulations without response to com-
tion 519(a)(6) [21 U.S.C. 360i(a)(6)], as added by the ment because the implementation of section 519(e) of
amendment made by paragraph (1), shall take effect such Act is essential to protect the health of patients
upon the effective date of final regulations under sub- who use devices. In such event, the proposed regula-
section (c) [set out below].’’ tions issued under paragraph (1) shall become the is-
Section 3(b)(3) of Pub. L. 101–629, as amended by Pub. sued final regulations on November 29, 1992. There shall
L. 102–300, § 2(a)(1), June 16, 1992, 106 Stat. 238, provided be promptly published in the Federal Register notice of
that: ‘‘Section 519(e) [21 U.S.C. 360i(e)], as added by the the new status of the proposed regulations.’’
amendment made by paragraph (1), shall take effect [For effective date of amendment by Pub. L. 102–300,
upon the expiration of 9 months after the issuance of see section 2(b) of Pub. L. 102–300, set out above as an
final regulations under subsection (c) [set out below].’’ Effective Date of 1992 Amendment note.]
Page 263 TITLE 21—FOOD AND DRUGS § 360j

INFORMATION CONCERNING REPORTING REQUIREMENTS (A)(i) is intended for use by an individual pa-
FOR DEVICE USER FACILITIES tient named in such order of such physician or
Section 2(d) of Pub. L. 101–629 directed Secretary of dentist (or other specially qualified person so
Health and Human Services, during the 18-month pe- designated) and is to be made in a specific
riod beginning on Nov. 28, 1990, to inform device user form for such patient, or
facilities (as defined in 21 U.S.C. 360i(b)(5)(A)) and man- (ii) is intended to meet the special needs of
ufacturers and distributors of devices respecting the re- such physician or dentist (or other specially
quirements of 21 U.S.C. 360i(b), and, to the extent prac-
qualified person so designated) in the course of
ticable, provide persons subject to such requirements
assistance in the form of publications regarding such the professional practice of such physician or
requirements. dentist (or other specially qualified person so
designated), and
STUDY OF REPORTING REQUIREMENTS; COMPLIANCE BY (B) is not generally available to or generally
DEVICE USER FACILITIES; ACTIONS BY MANUFACTUR- used by other physicians or dentists (or other
specially qualified persons so designated).
Section 2(e) of Pub. L. 101–629 directed Comptroller (c) Trade secrets
General of the United States, not more than 36 months
after Nov. 28, 1990, to conduct a study of compliance by Any information reported to or otherwise ob-
device user facilities with the requirements of 21 U.S.C. tained by the Secretary or his representative
360i(b), actions taken by manufacturers of devices in re- under section 360c, 360d, 360e, 360f, 360h, 360i, or
sponse to reports made to them, cost effectiveness of 374 of this title or under subsection (f) or (g) of
such requirements and their implementation, and any this section which is exempt from disclosure
recommendations for improvements to such require- pursuant to subsection (a) of section 552 of title
ments, with Comptroller General to complete the study
5 by reason of subsection (b)(4) of such section
and submit a report on the study not later than 45
months from Nov. 28, 1990, to appropriate committees shall be considered confidential and shall not be
of Congress. disclosed and may not be used by the Secretary
as the basis for the reclassification of a device
REPORT TO CONGRESS ON REPORTING REQUIREMENTS from class III to class II or class I or as the basis
for the establishment or amendment of a per-
Section 2(f) of Pub. L. 101–629 directed Secretary of formance standard under section 360d of this
Health and Human Services, not later than 36 months title for a device reclassified from class III to
after Nov. 28, 1990, to prepare and submit to appropriate class II, except (1) in accordance with subsection
committees of Congress a report containing an evalua- (h) of this section, and (2) that such information
tion of the requirements of 21 U.S.C. 360i(b), consisting
of an evaluation of the safety benefits of the require-
may be disclosed to other officers or employees
ments, the burdens placed on the Food and Drug Ad- concerned with carrying out this chapter or
ministration and on device user facilities by the re- when relevant in any proceeding under this
quirements, and the cost-effectiveness of the require- chapter (other than section 360c or 360d of this
ments and recommendations for legislative reform. title).
(d) Notices and findings
§ 360j. General provisions respecting control of
devices intended for human use Each notice of proposed rulemaking under sec-
tion 360c, 360d, 360e, 360f, 360h, or 360i of this
(a) General rule title, or under this section, any other notice
Any requirement authorized by or under sec- which is published in the Federal Register with
tion 351, 352, 360, or 360i of this title applicable respect to any other action taken under any
to a device intended for human use shall apply such section and which states the reasons for
to such device until the applicability of the re- such action, and each publication of findings re-
quirement to the device has been changed by ac- quired to be made in connection with rule-
tion taken under section 360c, 360d, or 360e of making under any such section shall set forth—
this title or under subsection (g) of this section, (1) the manner in which interested persons
and any requirement established by or under may examine data and other information on
section 351, 352, 360, or 360i of this title which is which the notice or findings is based, and
inconsistent with a requirement imposed on (2) the period within which interested per-
such device under section 360d or 360e of this sons may present their comments on the no-
title or under subsection (g) of this section shall tice or findings (including the need therefor)
not apply to such device. orally or in writing, which period shall be at
least sixty days but may not exceed ninety
(b) Custom devices
days unless the time is extended by the Sec-
Sections 360d and 360e of this title do not retary by a notice published in the Federal
apply to any device which, in order to comply Register stating good cause therefor.
with the order of an individual physician or den- (e) Restricted devices
tist (or any other specially qualified person des-
ignated under regulations promulgated by the (1) The Secretary may by regulation require
Secretary after an opportunity for an oral hear- that a device be restricted to sale, distribution,
ing) necessarily deviates from an otherwise ap- or use—
plicable performance standard or requirement (A) only upon the written or oral authoriza-
prescribed by or under section 360e of this title tion of a practitioner licensed by law to ad-
if (1) the device is not generally available in fin- minister or use such device, or
ished form for purchase or for dispensing upon (B) upon such other conditions as the Sec-
prescription and is not offered through labeling retary may prescribe in such regulation,
or advertising by the manufacturer, importer, or if, because of its potentiality for harmful effect
distributor thereof for commercial distribution, or the collateral measures necessary to its use,
and (2) such device— the Secretary determines that there cannot

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