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Intrusion Detection on IoT data using Neural Network

Major project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the award of the degree of




Under the Esteemed guidance

Assistant Professor
Dept of IT.



This is to certify that it is a bonafide record of Major Project work entitled “Intrusion Detection on
IoT data using Neural Network” done by CHILUKALA JANAKIDEVI (19241A12D5),
DIVIJA(19241A12D4) of B.Tech (IT) in the Department of Information Technology, Gokaraju
Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology during the period 2019-2023 in the partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the award of degree of BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY IN

Dr. K. Lakshmi Prasanna Dr.N.V. Ganapathi Raju

Professor Head of The Department
(Internal project guide) Information Technology

Project External

We take the immense pleasure in expressing gratitude to our Internal guide,
Dr.K. Lakshmi Prasanna, Professor, dept of IT, GRIET. We express our sincere thanks for her
encouragement, suggestions, and support, which provided the impetus and paved the way for the
successful completion of the project work.
We wish to express our gratitude to Dr.N.V.Ganapathi Raju, Head Of The
Department, Information Technology, our project co-coordinators Dr.K. Lakshmi Prasanna,
Professor, G. Prashanti, Assistant Professor for their constant support during the project.
We express our sincere thanks to Dr. Jandhyala N Murthy, Director, GRIET, and
Dr. J. Praveen, Principal, GRIET, for providing us the conductive environment for carrying
through our academic schedules and project with ease.
We also take this opportunity to convey our sincere thanks to the teaching and non-
teaching staff of GRIET College, Hyderabad.

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This is to certify that the project entitled “Intrusion Detection on IoT data using Neural
Network” is a bonafide work done by us in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award
Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad.
We also declare that this project is a result of our own effort and has not been
copied or imitated from any source. Citations from any websites, books and paper
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This work was not submitted earlier at any other University or Institute for
the award of any degree.




Serial no Name Page no

Certificates ii
Contents v
Abstract 1
1.1 Introduction to project 2
1.2 Existing System 5
1.3 Proposed System 6
2.1 Hardware Requirements 8
2.2 Software Requirements 8
5.1 DFD Level - 0 27
5.2 DFD Level - 1 28
5.3 Sequence Diagram 28
5.4 Use case Diagram 30
5.5 Activity Diagram 32
5.6 System Architecture 33

6.1 Modules used 34
6.2 Sample Code 36

7.1 Unit Testing 42
7.2 Integration Testing 43
7.3 Acceptance Testing 44



1 DFD 22


The Internet of Things (IoT) connects a variety of sensors, devices, business

applications, databases, services, and employees. Our lives are being improved by the IoT in
several ways, including smarter cities, agribusiness, and e-healthcare, among others. Devices
connected to the Internet of Things (IoT) have a significant impact on our daily lives and are being
adopted at a rapid rate. Nevertheless, this expansion also comes with it a higher chance of security
risks and data breaches. Intrusion detection systems (IDS) can be used to guarantee the security of
IoT devices. An IDS is a program that keeps track on network activity and looks for any suspicious
or malicious activities. An IDS can track data traffic between IoT devices and the network to which
they are linked to spot any attempts at unauthorized access or data breaches. To guarantee the
security and privacy of the system, IoT security solutions necessitate additional preparation and
awareness. In conclusion, IoT data intrusion detection is a critical aspect of ensuring the security
of IoT devices. There are several techniques that can be used, and the choice of technique depends
on the specific requirements and characteristics of the IoT network being monitored. Machine
learning approaches are used to forecast various cybersecurity assaults, including denial of service
(DoS), botnet attacks, malicious operation, malicious control, data type probing, surveillance,
scanning, and incorrect setup. In this study, we employ Deep Stack Encoder Neural Network
methods to forecast botnet assaults. Several assessment criteria, including accuracy, precision,
recall, and F1 score, were calculated and compared with the results of other prediction models to
assess the performance of the one listed above.

Key words: IoT data, Intrusion detection, security, Neural network

Domain: Deep Learning


1.1 Introduction to Project

The IoT's use in the industrial sector is supposed to increase output, efficiency,
and security of industrial processes, according to the industry 4.0 vision. In essence, the IIoT refers
primarily to the effective application of the IoT in industrial operations. The architecture of the
IIoT can be summed up in four layers. Physical, network, middleware, and application layers make
up this architecture in the industrial sector. The installed physical equipment, sensors, mobile and
computer devices, and other monitoring and automation items are all present in great abundance
in the physical layer. The network layer includes a number of communication networks, including
machine-to-machine interfaces, cellular networks, and wireless sensor networks. Cloud storage,
application programming interfaces, and web services are all part of the middleware layer, which
facilitates communication between the network layer and the application layer. The top layer of an
IIoT architecture is the application layer, which enables numerous industrial processes and services
such as robots, smart factories, smart buildings, smart healthcare, smart vehicles, and more.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a sort of network that connects everything to the Internet
based on a predetermined protocol over data sensing devices, allowing for data sharing and
exchanges as well as intelligent identification, tracing, placement, administration, and monitoring.
The Internet of Things is typically defined as a network of physical items. However, the internet
has evolved into a network of devices of all shapes and sizes, including home appliances, smart
phones, cars, toys, cameras, medical devices, contemporary frameworks, people, animals, and
structures. Each of these connected devices shares and communicates data according to
predetermined protocols.
IoT systems are made up of interconnected computing devices that can be mechanical,
electronic, or any other type of object. They must have unique IDs and the ability to send data
across a network without the need for human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. To
connect to multiple items or things, IoT systems require unique network address schemes. Due to
inadequate security measures brought on by resource limitations, the majority of Internet-
connected IoT devices are vulnerable to cyber-attacks. Yet, the majority of IoT systems run
independently across unreliable network connections and the Internet, which exposes the network
to cyber-attacks. Security concerns need to be resolved as soon as possible given network attacks
and cyber threats vs the bright future of IoT systems.
An IoT system's network layer is where an intrusion detection system (IDS) primarily
operates. A deployed IDS for an IoT system should be able to analyze data packets and produce
replies in real time, analyze data packets at various IoT network tiers using various protocol stacks,
and adapt to various IoT technologies. An IDS should function under strict conditions of limited
processing power, quick response, and high-volume data processing when used in IoT-based smart
environments. As a result, traditional IDSs might not be entirely appropriate for IoT contexts. IoT
security is a persistent and significant issue; as a result, it is important to have a current awareness
of the security vulnerabilities of IoT systems and to establish appropriate mitigation strategies. IoT
security is a persistent and important issue, so it's important to have a current awareness of the
security flaws in IoT systems and to develop strategies for mitigating those flaws.
An IoT network's NIDS (Network Intrusion Detection System) keeps track of all
internet traffic passing through the devices. It serves as a line of protection that can spot threats and
shield the network from unauthorized users and malicious attacks. The main defense against
network intrusion and other threats in modern computer networks is NIDS. IoT devices are
constrained by their physical counterparts' energy consumption, memory capacity, and
computational power. Hence, it is nearly difficult to utilize conventional signature-based intrusion
detection systems on these devices. Large datasets are frequently needed for signature-based NIDS

in order to build reliable detection systems for IoT. The resources of IoT devices must be considered
when restructuring traditional signature-based NIDS.
The NIDS's duties include keeping an eye on the Internet of Things network, spotting
unauthorised intrusions, providing context awareness for other network-connected devices, and
putting in place the necessary defences (firewall rules). Moreover, NIDS generates an alert or
creates attack flags when it discovers internal and external attacks. Internal attacks are launched
via the network connected IoT devices that have been compromised by cybercriminals. Third
parties outside of the dominating network launch external assaults. The three generic parts of NIDS
are observation, analysis, and detection. The network's patterns, resources, and traffic are all
monitored by the Observation module. Analysis and detection are often the primary NIDS
components. They can spot intrusions based on established computational rules. Attack flags were
triggered by the alert module if an incursion was discovered.
It is anticipated that IoT applications and technologies would advance beyond anything
that is conceivable. Unfortunately, IoT technology development is still in its infancy and has not
reached its full security protection maturity. IoT software developers' update management issues
and non-uniform manufacturing standards are two security challenges faced by IoT systems.
Critical challenges include the physical management of security concerns and users' ignorance
because of their ignorance of security issues related to IoT devices. The network and surroundings
of IoT systems must also be protected, in addition to using encryption techniques to secure data
However, the nature of the resource limitations prevents the use of conventional network
security mechanisms in IoT systems. Due to the IoT system applications' quick development and
widespread adoption, several network attacks have also surfaced. The number of assaults will
increase as IoT use cases develop. The likelihood of a network security and data breach is
significantly reduced by being aware of the sharp rise in cyber-threats in the IoT system.
Some examples of the most prevalent attacks launched against IoT systems include:
Spoofing: Attackers pose as a legitimate IoT system within a network to take control of or obtain
unauthorized access to the network. The attacker launches DoS and Man-in-the-Middle attacks on
the targeted devices once they get access.
Denial of Service (DoS): IoT systems or network resources become unavailable to the intended,
authorized users due to a cyberattack. The purpose of these attacks is to temporarily or permanently
interrupt the services provided by a host IoT system.
A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS): The attack is a hostile network attack that has the potential
to interfere with both normal traffic and network services. DDoS saturates the target or nearby
infrastructure with extremely heavy network traffic. When attackers use several compromised
computing systems as the sources to produce a lot of network traffic, DDoS attacks are successful.
The IoT system or other networked devices can be the targets.
Jamming: The majority of Internet of Things (IoT) devices use wireless networks for
communication. Attacking the targeted IoT system, the attackers exhaust the system's bandwidth,
processing power, and memory by sending a false signal to disrupt the radio transmission.
Man-in-the-Middle: MITM attackers listen on the participants' private conversations while
covertly relaying and manipulating the communication between two IoT systems.
Privacy leakage: Communication between IoT systems should prioritize data protection and
privacy. Manufacturers and consumers of IoT systems typically give little thought to the
information that is saved on their devices, how that information is analyzed, and how it is used by
third parties. The risk of personal privacy leakage has significantly increased because of IoT
systems, such as wearable devices that capture user data on location, circumstance, and health.
Mirai Botnet Attack: As part of a botnet in a wide-scale network, cybercriminals employ the
software known as Mirai to turn networked devices into remotely controlled robots. It primarily
targets internet consumer electronics, including IP cameras and routers for the house. Mirai was
frequently used as an initiator in attacks like DoS/DDoS.
Sybil Attack: Peer-to-peer networks are susceptible to Sybil attacks. A Sybil attack alters the
identity of the IoT device to generate numerous anonymous identities and use an excessive amount
of power. It was given that name in honor of Sybil, who wrote the book Sybil, a case study of a
lady coping with dissociative identity disorder. An IoT device in a network that uses several
identities frequently compromises reputation systems' allowed network access. Attacks using Sybil
take use of this vulnerability in the IoT system network to launch initial attacks.
AI-Based Attacks: Since 2007, there have been AI assaults, and they now pose one of the greatest
threats to the Internet of Things. Hackers today develop AI-powered tools that are faster, easier to
scale, and more effective than attacks that focus on people. This poses a serious threat to the IoT
ecosystem. The volume, automation, and customization of AI-powered assaults will make them
harder to stop even while they share some of the characteristics and strategies of traditional IoT
hazards presented by cybercriminals.

Neural networks, a type of machine learning algorithm, were inspired by the structure and
function of the human brain. They are composed of several interconnected nodes known as neurons
that process and transfer data. Neural networks may be trained to recognize patterns and make
predictions by varying the weights of connections between neurons. it includes feedforward neural
networks, recurrent neural networks, convolutional neural networks, and deep neural networks.
Each type has its own structure and serves distinct purposes.
While feedforward neural networks are commonly employed for classification tasks, recurrent
neural networks are effective for sequential data such as language and sound. In domains such as
computer vision, natural language processing, speech recognition, and robotics, neural networks
have demonstrated tremendous performance. They have transformed the field of artificial
intelligence and are employed in a variety of applications ranging from image identification and
self-driving cars to financial forecasting and medical diagnosis.
By analyzing vast volumes of sensor data produced by IoT devices in real-time, neural networks
can be utilized to assess IoT (Internet of Things) data. Sensors, cameras, smart metres, and other
data-generating linked devices may be included. To increase efficiency, security, and user
experience, neural networks analyze iot data using data pre-processing, feature extraction, neural
network training, testing and validation, prediction, and decision making.
By analyzing network traffic and recognizing patterns that signal a potential security concern,
neural networks can be used to detect IoT (Internet of Things) data invasions. We can use strategies
like training the neural network, real time monitoring, detection of threats, prevention, and
mitigation to know any intrusions in the iot data. In summary we can use neural networks to detect
intrusions in iot sensor data.
Neural networks can be trained to detect patterns in network traffic that indicate normal or unusual
behavior. Normal IoT device activity, for example, may comprise regular, consistent data transfers
to a specified server, whereas aberrant behavior may involve irregular or inconsistent data transfers,
or connections to unexpected servers. A dataset of regular and abnormal network traffic is required
to train a neural network to recognize these patterns. The network is taught using supervised
learning techniques, in which it is given examples of both regular and anomalous traffic and learns
to differentiate between the two. Typically, a backpropagation method is used to train the network,
and the network is changed based on the accuracy of its predictions.
As input goes through the network, the neural network analyses it and compares it to the patterns
it learned during training. If the network detects any trends that indicate a potential security danger,
it will generate an alert, urging security personnel to perform further research. When a security
threat is recognized, steps can be taken to prevent or mitigate the attack. Network traffic from
certain devices, for example, may be prohibited, or infected devices may be withdrawn from the
network. These practices can aid in the prevention or mitigation of IoT device and data security

1.2Existing Systems

Although machine learning techniques are used in the current systems, they fall short of
fully assisting an IoT device with security and protecting it from external threats.

The existing algorithms take too much time and are excessively wordy. The majority of
research already published only consider IoT security, not the potential cyber hazards that a device
might present.

The disadvantages come from the fact that there are more external risks to an IoT device than we
can always properly protect it from. Therefore, despite our best efforts, trojans and botnets may
still pose a threat to the Internet of Things.

For some attack categories, a single algorithm tends to have a high detection rate while neglecting
the detection effect of other attack categories.

1.3Proposed System

In proposed model we are using Adam optimizer and Average subtraction based
optimizer, which increases accuracy as compared to existing models. To secure the Internet of
Things, one must first identify the linked devices. This includes utilising a technology for
automatically automating three essential IoT security functions for device identification and
IoT devices on the network are automatically and continuously detected, profiled, and categorised.
Keeps a running list of the gadgets.
The risks like botnets and trojans can be tracked by using ML or AI alone.


Processor – i5 processor
Memory – 16GB RAM (Higher spaces are required for higher performances)

Windows 10,11
Anaconda navigator
Jupyter notebook


Shahid Latif et al,[1] stated that although many characteristics of IoT and
consumer IoT are shared, independent cybersecurity methodologies are used for both networks.
The passage discusses the significance of ensuring security in IoT systems, which are typically
integrated into more extensive operational systems as compared to consumer IoT solutions used
for specific purposes by a single user. Therefore, it is essential to plan and be aware of IoT security
solutions to ensure system privacy and security. The author of the passage emphasizes the
application of machine learning techniques, specifically RNNs, to predict and avert various cyber
threats such as espionage, scanning, improper setup, data type probing, malicious control, and
denial of service. As RNN is highly dispersed, it is well-suited for utilization in IoT security
systems with limited resources, and it can enhance IoT security by detecting anomalies in IoT data.
Anomaly detection is critical in IoT security because it can aid in the detection and prevention of
threats like as intrusion, data tampering, and denial-of-service assaults.
Lo’ai tawalbeh et al [2] stated that, This passage highlights the widespread use of
IoT-enabled devices in both industrial and commercial applications, which can give businesses a
competitive edge. However, with the increasing use of smart devices that share and integrate data,
concerns around privacy and data breaches have become a significant issue for many enterprises.
These concerns can disrupt business activities and network services, and professionals must
implement comprehensive security procedures and policies to secure their organizational assets
and maintain service continuity and stability.The author of the passage, Lo'ai, utilized a narrative
review technique to examine the history and background of IoT systems, their security and privacy
challenges, and the accompanying countermeasures. Lo'ai also provided their perspective on the
broad and diverse IoT model and its associated privacy and security concerns.
Musa osman et al [3] stated, it highlights that the routing protocol for low power and
lossy network attacks is one of the most common vulnerabilities that has not received much
attention in the literature. To address this issue, the author proposed an Artificial Neural Network
(ANN) model in this paper for detecting decreasing rank attacks. The model consists of three
phases, namely data pre-processing, feature extraction using a random forest classifier, and
detection using an ANN model.The proposed model was tested using the IRAD dataset in both
multi and binary detection scenarios. The results were highly encouraging, as the model achieved
over 97% accuracy and passed various tests on the held-out testing dataset. The model's
performance was evaluated based on accuracy, precision, detection probabilities, false-positive
rate, false-negative rate, and other parameters.

Subramonian krishna sarma et al [4] has stated that, growing scientific interest in
securing internet of things (IoT) devices due to the significant increase in cyberattacks. These
attacks can compromise the devices and put important assets at risk, along with privacy violations.
Therefore, it is crucial to detect and prevent such attacks in the IoT environment.To address this
issue, the author proposes a new threat detection system in this study that connects the development
and operations frameworks. The detection model comprises two stages: suggested feature
extraction and classification. In the initial phase, data from each application is processed by
merging statistical and higher-order statistical features with the existing features. This approach
aims to enhance the accuracy and effectiveness of the detection system by providing more
comprehensive data.

S manimurugan et al [5], stated the The present era is characterized by an extensive

deployment of IoT systems that generate vast amounts of data, and the detection of anomalies is a
crucial aspect of every such system. These anomalies may indicate resource depletion in an
industrial environment, unforeseen issues at an aerospace platform, or unusual performance of
medical devices, among others. Hence, the ability to identify anomalies can have a significant
impact on the overall performance of any monitored system. The dataset being referred to in this
context encompasses various types of threats, such as DoS/DDoS, Botnet, Brute Force, Web
Attack, Infiltration, and Port Scan, that could potentially lead to the failure of an IoT system.

Yk saheed et al [6] explains about The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) is a recent
development in the broader scope of the Internet of Things (IoT). It involves a collection of
medical devices, such as smart glucometers, intelligent blood pressure monitors, pacemakers, and
other connected gadgets that interact to exchange critical medical information among healthcare
providers, hospitals, and doctors, with the aim of delivering quality healthcare. However, the
increasing sophistication of technology has also piqued the interest of hackers who seek to exploit
these devices and access sensitive medical data. The author highlights the various attack vectors
that could be employed to gain control of these devices and concludes that it is crucial for IoT
devices to have robust security systems in place to ensure the safety and privacy of patient data, as
these devices lack the ability to assess whether the data is transmitted securely or whether it has
been compromised by attackers during storage or while being shared with physicians.

Muder almiani et al [7] said, As the Internet continues to become more intertwined
with our business processes through IoT platforms, there is a growing need for reliable and
efficient connections. Cloud security is a significant concern in any data storage, management, or
processing scenario, and a security breach can have devastating consequences for IoT
development. In this article, the authors propose an automated intrusion detection system for Fog
security against cyber-attacks. Their model employs multi-layered recurrent neural networks that
are designed to be deployed for Fog computing security, which is in close proximity to end-users
and IoT devices. Because intrusion detection systems are one of the most important measures used
for IoT security, it is common to employ multiple strategies simultaneously. RNNs and other
neural networks can be used to layer data and provide protection against cyber threats.

Janice canedo et al [8] proposes the authors of this study propose the use of machine
learning to improve the security of IoT devices by implementing it in an IoT gateway. Specifically,
they investigate the potential of Artificial Neural Networks to detect anomalies in data transmitted
from edge devices, which could enhance the overall security of the IoT system. As IoT has grown,
security has emerged as a key challenge due to a number of obstacles, such as system heterogeneity
and the need to address security across a large number of devices.

Amiya kumar sahu et al [9] stated that, the number of Internet-connected devices,
such as cameras, embedded machines, sensors, and many others that comprise the IoT, is rapidly
increasing. According to International Data Corporation (IDC), there will be 41.6 billion connected
IoT items by 2025. DL-based security mechanisms are heterogeneity tolerant since they can learn
diverse features from unstructured data on their own. They can also be utilized to distinguish novel
mutated threats from their older incarnations; thus, the security mechanism does not necessitate a
patch on IoT devices on a regular basis. In addition to proposing several cryptographic
constructions and security protocols to safeguard IoT devices and networks, this paper has also
introduced a new security architecture and an IoT attack detection approach based on a hybrid
Deep Learning model to address a research gap and effectively detect malicious devices that have
been impacted by nine distinct types of attacks.nevertheless, installing and maintaining security
for thousands of devices is time-consuming and difficult.

Omerah Yousuf et al [10] observed The applications of IoT are vast and growing,
encompassing public security, infrastructure development, connected health care, smart homes,
cities, grids, and wearables. However, with such widespread use comes the risk of various attacks,
including those aimed at denying service or taking control of the network. Among these, DDoS
attacks pose a significant threat to IoT systems, as they involve many attackers from different
locations overwhelming the network. To combat this, the author suggests using SDN and recurrent
neural networks for DDoS detection and IoT security. SDN, a novel network management
platform, can dynamically deploy and modify rules on all switches in real-time, making it an
excellent tool for detecting and mitigating DDoS attacks. The recurrent neural network can provide
backend support for detecting DDoS attacks and ensuring IoT data security.

Syed ghazanfar Abbas et al, [11] with the widespread adoption of internet of things
(IoT) devices, network attacks have become more frequent and severe. Denial of service (DoS)
and distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks have emerged as the most common types of
attacks in IoT networks. Traditional security measures such as firewalls and intrusion detection
systems are inadequate in detecting complex DoS and DDoS attacks because they rely on static
predefined rules to filter normal and attack traffic. However, integrating these solutions with
artificial intelligence (AI)-based techniques can make them more reliable and effective. By
converting network traffic data into visual representations, convolutional neural network (CNN)
models can be effectively utilized to identify intricate DoS and DDoS attacks.

Katarzyna filus et al,[12] stated that All information processing systems now include
a fundamental component for the detection of cyberattacks, and once an attack is identified, it
might be possible to stop it or lessen its effects. This study discusses how to create a simple
detector for specific Botnet attacks on IoT systems using a learning recurrent random neural
network (RNN). For edge devices, its compact 12-neuron recurrent architecture and cheap
computing cost make it particularly appealing. A quick simplified gradient descent technique
may be used to train the RNN off-line, and we demonstrate that it can produce high detection
rates in the order of 96% with minimal false alarm rates.
Erol Gelenbe et al, [13] said that all information processing systems now include a
fundamental component for the detection of cyberattacks, and once an attack is identified, it might
be possible to stop it or lessen its effects. This study discusses how to create a simple detector for
specific Botnet attacks on IoT systems using a learning recurrent random neural network (RNN).
For edge devices, its compact 12-neuron recurrent architecture and cheap computing cost make
it particularly appealing. A quick simplified gradient descent technique may be used to train the

RNN off-line, and we demonstrate that it can produce high detection rates in the order of 96%
with minimal false alarm rates.
Yan naung soe et al [14] concluded, because of the limited resources available to
process the sophisticated security mechanisms on these devices, IoT devices are readily
compromised by malware. One of the most hazardous types of IoT malware. Even though various
security methods have been introduced for IoT devices, an effective detection system for IoT
environments is still required. the detection system employs a machine learning technique, a
simple architecture, and an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) to detect this type of assault. To
construct a machine learning-based DDoS detection system, the authors applied the SMOTE
(Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique) to solve the imbalance data problem. Their
findings show that the proposed technique may efficiently detect DDoS attacks in an IoT
Nadia chaabouni et al [15] stated that, The complexity and diversity of security
attack vectors have increased in recent times, making it necessary to analyze approaches in the
context of IoT for identifying, preventing, or detecting new attacks. This survey defines the threats
and issues of IoT security for IoT networks by evaluating existing defense mechanisms. As this
study mainly focuses on network intrusion detection systems (NIDSs), existing NIDS
implementation tools, datasets, and free and open-source network sniffer software are analyzed.
The study also evaluates and compares state-of-the-art NIDS approaches in the IoT environment
based on their architecture, detection methodology, validation tactics, addressed threats, and
algorithm deployments. The authors believe that this study will be valuable for academic and
industry research in three ways: identifying IoT risks and challenges, developing their own NIDS,
and proposing new intelligent techniques in the IoT environment. while considering IoT limits.
Furthermore, this study will help security professionals distinguish between IoT NIDS and
traditional ones.
Vikas hassija et al [16] stated that, Security is crucial in practically all This passage
discusses the implementation and growth of IoT applications across various industries. The author
notes that while some existing networking technologies provide sufficient support for many IoT
applications, certain applications require more robust security measures. Furthermore, the author
predicts that in the future, IoT devices will not only connect to the internet and other local devices
but also directly communicate with other devices on the internet.

Huichen lin et al [17] stated, The Internet has evolved from being a useful research
tool for academic institutions to becoming an essential utility, comparable to gas, water, and
electricity. However, as with any valuable resource, there is a risk of crime intended to exploit the
technology illegally or to impede others from using it. The interconnectedness of the Internet
makes it vulnerable to attacks from anywhere in the world, making cybersecurity a crucial concern.
According to the latest survey conducted in 2015, security breaches are increasing. Furthermore,
in the future, gadgets will not only be connected to the Internet and local devices but will also have
the ability to communicate directly with other devices on the Internet. The cloud-based solution
eliminates the need for a separate home controller and provides a good means for IoT to interact
and cooperate; nevertheless, it substitutes the need for local computing with a significant Internet
communication need.
According to Albara Awajan et al,[18] our lives are changing because of the Internet
of Things (IoT), a new computer paradigm. Transportation, smart homes, healthcare, industrial
production, security, supply-chain management, and blockchain monitoring are just a few of the
uses for IoT devices. Cybercriminals are more interested than ever due to the Internet of Things'
(IoT) rapid growth pace. The assertion is supported by the rise in cyber-attacks on IoT devices and
intermediary communication medium. Attacks against IoT might result in serious service
interruptions and financial loss if they go unnoticed for a long time. Moreover, identity protection
is a threat. Making IoT-enabled services dependable, safe, and profitable requires real-time
intrusion detection on IoT devices. For identifying malicious traffic that could start assaults on
linked IoT devices, this intelligent system employs a four-layer deep Fully Connected (FC)
network architecture.
Sachin Kumar et al,[19] states that emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT) has
revolutionized conventional living and introduced a high-tech way of life. IoT has enabled various
changes, such as smart cities, smart homes, pollution control, energy conservation, smart
transportation, and smart industries. Several essential research studies and investigations have been
conducted to advance technology through IoT. However, to fully realize the potential of IoT,
several obstacles and challenges need to be addressed. These difficulties and issues must be
approached from diverse perspectives, including IoT applications, challenges, enabling
technologies, and social and environmental implications..
According to Hela Mliki et al,[20] in order to function, the Internet of things (IoT)
relies on a variety of devices and protocols. Because of its smart devices that can improve daily
operations and enable deft decisions based on sensed data, the Internet of Things (IoT)
technologies are anticipated to provide a new degree of connected ness. The IoT might gather
private information and should be protected against. IoT security is a hotly debated topic in both
academia and business. Threats to IoT systems and services could, in fact, result in security lapses
and data leaks. The ML method might offer useful capabilities for quickly identifying unique
intrusion activities.
According to a study by R. Williams et al,[21] several IoT devices are currently on
the market, many of which are fully functional in various services and are open to cyber-attacks.
IoT device attacks are not limited to the actual devices. IoT devices typically connect to other
systems and appliances. As a result, they serve as attack points that hackers can use to access
anything related to them. Amazon, Twitter, and Netflix experienced internet outages because of
the attack on Dyn in 2016 that exploited imaging IoT devices [9]. Medical IoT is one of the IoT
sectors with the quickest growth (MIoT). Because they are closely tied to healthcare, MIoTs are
Bruno bogaz zarpelão et al,[22] stated that the potential for integrating smart
objects into our daily activities through the Internet has increased with the development of various
technology fields, such as sensors, automatic identification and tracking, embedded computing,
wireless communications, broadband Internet access, and distributed services. The Internet of
Things is the confluence of the Internet with intelligent devices that can converse and cooperate
with one another (IoT). One of the most significant players in the Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) sector for the foreseeable future is this new paradigm. IoT systems may offer
considerable advantages in a variety of application domains, including logistics, industrial
processes, public safety, home automation, environmental monitoring, and healthcare.
Unfortunately, the incorporation of physical items with the Internet exposes the majority of our
regular activities to cybersecurity concerns. Attacks against vital infrastructure, such power plants,
and the transportation network, might have disastrous repercussions for entire towns and nations.
home appliances could also be the main target, endangering families' privacy and security.
Traditional security remedies were ineffective in IoT systems because to the various standards and
communication stacks involved, the limited computational capacity, and the large number of
networked devices. Therefore, it is crucial to create specialised security solutions for IoT to allow
individuals and companies to fully benefit from its benefits.

Ismail butun et al [23] observed, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are an emerging
technology with diverse applications in our surroundings, and they have been integrated with the
Internet of Things (IoT) by adding Internet access capability in sensor nodes and sensing
functionality in Internet-connected devices. The IoT provides access to vast amounts of data
collected by WSNs across the Internet. Securing WSNs is a crucial first step in securing IoT, and
this paper presents a comprehensive review of security attacks on WSNs and IoT, along with
preventive, detection, and mitigation techniques. The attacks are classified into two categories:
Passive Attacks and Active Attacks, and the article examines and analyzes all types of attacks
against WSNs and IoT under these two categories.
P.I. Radoglou Grammatikis et al [24] concluded because each technology has
different vulnerabilities, the heterogeneity of the numerous technologies that the IoT mixes raises
the complexity of the security operations. Furthermore, the massive amounts of data generated by
the numerous interactions between people and objects or among objects complicates their
management and the functionality of access control systems. In this regard, the author attempts to
provide a comprehensive security study of the Internet of Things by investigating and evaluating
potential threats and countermeasures. The use and progress of this technology are primarily
determined by the security component, as security measures must now regulate the behaviors of
both users and objects.
Ansam Khraisat et al,[25] stated that in major industrial systems, the Internet of
Things has been developing quickly in the direction of having a bigger impact on daily life. In
recent times, the Internet of Things has become a prime target for cybercriminals, putting the end
nodes at risk of being attacked. Consequently, researchers have proposed various intrusion
detection systems to mitigate attacks on the IoT ecosystem. These systems can be broadly
classified based on their detection techniques, validation strategies, and deployment methods. This
survey paper provides a comprehensive review of the existing IoT IDS and presents a summary of
the techniques, datasets, deployment strategies, and validation methods frequently used to develop
IDS. The paper also proposes a taxonomy of IoT attacks, outlines the upcoming research
challenges to mitigate these attacks, and highlights the benefits and drawbacks of various IoT IDS
methodologies. The primary objective of this survey paper is to bring together and compare
different research efforts to aid IoT security professionals in identifying and detecting IoT assaults
using advanced IDS and detection capabilities.

Daming li et al [26] stated, The Internet of Things is susceptible to attacks due to the
limited resources of sensor nodes, complicated networking, and open wireless communication
characteristics. To ensure secure and reliable IoT application operation, an Intrusion Detection
System (IDS) detects network anomalies and takes countermeasures. In this study, the author
presents an IoT feature extraction and intrusion detection method for smart cities, which employs
a deep transfer learning model to combine deep learning and intrusion detection technology. These
methods are considered passive defenses, as they lack active intrusion detection capabilities.
Proactive defense techniques for IoT security involve intrusion detection systems that monitor the
network's overall condition, behavior, and usage to identify external data behavior. IDS not only
detects external attacks but also tracks unauthorized behavior by internal users.
MM.sadeeq et al [27] stated, self-organization and short-term thinking
Independent of the specific resource limitation aspects, The Internet of Things (IoT) enables
outsourcing of data and cloud computing, and there are various measures being developed to
address integration concerns between IoT and cloud computing. Cloud computing provides
efficient delivery and storage of data, and many organizations are moving their data from in-house
records to cloud computing providers. As the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) expands rapidly,
a significant amount of data is generated by multiple sources. Due to the limited energy and storage
capacities of end devices, it is not feasible to store all raw data on IIoT devices locally..
Leonel Santos et al,[28] states that one of the main technological advancements
in computing is the Internet of Things (IoT), a new concept that unifies physical items and the
Internet. It will be difficult to build specialised security measures and implement unique security
mechanisms due to the limited accessibility and lack of interoperability of many of these devices
in a broad heterogeneous landscape. In addition, IoT networks are still open to assaults that try to
disrupt the network. IoT-specific additional security solutions are thus required. This function
could be carried out by an intrusion detection system (IDS). with a particular emphasis on the
status of research through literature analysis, trend identification, and presentation of unresolved
concerns and future directions.
Abdulrahman Yarali et al, [29] stated that the The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to
a network of interconnected devices that aim to simplify human life. It finds applications in various
fields, such as home automation, smart cities, healthcare, agriculture, manufacturing plants,
automotive industry, smart devices and wearables. However, like any other technology, IoT faces
several challenges, including connectivity, compatibility, longevity, and network security and
privacy, with the latter being the most significant concern. While IT security providers view IoT
security as an extension of IT security, definitions of IoT security have emerged from security
market, media and analyst firms. IoT security is significantly impacted by IT security products and
services. Nonetheless, the use of IoT devices in physically-oriented industries like transportation,
utilities, and manufacturing also necessitates discussing IoT security in a different context. IoT
security strategies have diverged because of divergent perspectives on IoT security. Risks of
privacy invasions are common in today's culture. These hazards have been one of the main drivers
of the many criminal activities that are common today.
Sufian Hameed et al, [30] stated that The Internet of Things (IoT) is a complex
network that involves various parties such as cell operators, software developers, access
technology suppliers, and others. It is used in a wide range of industries, such as manufacturing,
utility management, agriculture, healthcare, and more. The IoT is a communication paradigm that
enables machines and people's gadgets to communicate with each other automatically. Smart
gateways have been developed to connect IoT devices with the traditional internet, and the latest
initiatives aim to connect cloud computing with the IoT infrastructure, expanding the potential of
the IoT. However, the security issues that IoT networks face are amplified due to their increasing
complexity. IoT networks are vulnerable to attacks since the large number of connected devices
and data generated make them an easy target for hackers. Moreover, IoT devices lack malware or
virus defence software due to their low memory and power requirements, which makes them
vulnerable to becoming bots that carry out malicious activities against other devices in the network.
Once an IoT device has been compromised, attackers can access sensitive data and take over the
device's routing and forwarding functions, making it challenging to maintain data security,
confidentiality, and integrity. The limited resources of IoT devices make it difficult to implement
solutions for attack mitigation and privacy protection developed for traditional networks, which
makes securing IoT devices a challenging task.
Husamuddin Mohammed et al, [31] stated that Internet of Things (IOT) is a significant
aspect of the future of the internet. Anything that is physically connected to the internet has an
identity and can communicate with other devices on the internet thanks to the IOT's global network
infrastructure. A few examples of the devices are laptops, cell phones, tablets, washing machines,
etc. IOT is a vast network of linked "things." The devices each have a microchip that connects
them all. These microchips monitor their environment and report back to both humans and the
network. The best feature of IOT is that every physical object may connect with one another and
is reachable over the internet.Many devices are linked to the internet as a result of cheap internet
access. In 2008, there were more linked gadgets to the internet than there were people on the planet.
These gadgets act as a surface for potential attackers.
Tanusan Rajmohan et al, [32] stated that as more "things" become intelligent and
connected, such as smartphones, smart automobiles, smart energy grids, and smart cities, the
Internet of Things (IoT) is growing in popularity. An IoT system is "a system of entities (including
cyber-physical equipment, information resources, and people) that share information and interact
with the physical world by detecting, processing information, and acting," according to the IEEE
Standards Association. The International Data Corporation (IDC) predicted that by 2025, there
will be 41.6 billion IoT devices operating in the world. Footnote1 The majority of the key
infrastructures mentioned in the EU's Regulation on Network and Information System Security
IoT is being used or will be used in sectors Footnote 2 such energy, water, transportation, and
healthcare.IoT security vulnerabilities would therefore "impact not simply bits and bytes," but also
"flesh and blood" as the society becomes increasingly digital. Without strong security, assaults,
and problems with IoT-based critical infrastructures could exceed any advantages. On the other
side, the IoT places a high value on privacy. Nowadays, a lot of "things" that individuals use daily
at work and at home are online. This implies that private information can be made vulnerable
online.. It's also probable that vendors of IoT systems frequently disregard security and privacy.
Phillip Williams et al,[33] stated that the Internet of Things (IoT) has created a world
of limitless opportunities for applications across many facets of society, but it also comes with
several difficulties. Security and privacy are two of such issues. IoT devices are more vulnerable
to attacks and security issues. The limitations of IoT devices, such as limited power, memory, and
area, make it challenging to implement security solutions suitable for IoT devices and applications.
This lack of security measures has caused the securely connected world of IoT to become the
"internet of insecure things." However, with the integration of advanced technologies like
blockchain, machine learning, quantum computing, and fog/edge/cloud computing, IoT networks
now have more vulnerabilities
According to Mirza Abdur Razzaq et al, [34] Wireless communication networks are
susceptible to security threats that are prevalent in the military, business, healthcare, retail, and
transportation sectors. These networks can be wired, mobile, or ad hoc, and wireless sensor
networks, actuator networks, and vehicle networks are gaining attention in society and business.
In recent times, there has been a lot of research interest in the Internet of Things (IoT), which is
believed to be the future of the internet. IoT has the potential to transform business structures,
standards of living, and social norms. Therefore, it is crucial to implement effective security and
privacy protocols in IoT networks to ensure confidentiality, authentication, access control, and
Sasho guergo et al [35] This passage discusses a thorough exploratory study that
analyzes the challenges facing the integration of blockchain, AI, and IoT. The study reveals that
the integration of these technologies as a unified system is impacted by security, scalability,
accountability, and communication trust issues. The successful and effective integration of these
technologies can accelerate the digital transformation of market companies and the development
of new business models. To achieve this, new convergence approaches must be implemented,
which should prompt executives to address new technology demands to gain significant efficiency


Tools And Libraries:

About Python:

A high-level, interpreted programming language called Python was originally made

available in 1991. Because it is made to be simple to read and write, both beginners and experts
favour it. Since Python is open source, a sizable and engaged community actively participates in
its development. web development, data analysis, machine learning, artificial intelligence,
scientific computing, and automation are just a few of the many uses for Python. Developers may
write code quickly and effectively thanks to its succinct and expressive syntax.
Several helpful modules and functions for activities like string manipulation, file I/O, and
networking are available in Python's standard library. In addition, Python may be extended with a
wide variety of third-party libraries and frameworks, such as NumPy, Pandas, Django, Flask, and
Python is well renowned for being readable and straightforward, making it simple to learn and use.
Its syntax, which is based on indentation, also supports readability and good coding habits. Overall,
Python is a strong and adaptable language that is widely utilized both within and outside of the
computer sector.

Applications of Python:

Python is a powerful programming language with numerous applications in a variety of

fields. The following are some of the most popular uses for Python:

• Web development: Python is a programming language that is used to create server-side

web applications in web development. Python-based web frameworks like Django, Flask,
and Pyramid are some of the most well-known ones.
• Data analysis and visualization: Python is used for processing huge datasets, cleaning and
converting data, and creating visuals in data analysis and visualisation. For these jobs,
libraries like NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib are frequently utilized.
• Machine learning and artificial intelligence: Python is frequently used in machine learning
and artificial intelligence (AI) to create models, analyse data, and create intelligent systems.
In these fields, libraries like TensorFlow, Keras, and PyTorch are frequently employed.
• Scientific computing: Python is used for numerical calculations, simulations, and
modelling in scientific computing. In scientific computing, libraries like SciPy, SymPy,
and Pyomo are frequently employed.
• Desktop application development: With the aid of frameworks like PyQt and Tkinter,
desktop applications can be created in Python.

Python In ML:

• Python is one of the most widely used programming languages in machine learning (ML)
because of how simple it is to use and the wide variety of libraries and frameworks available. Here
are a few of the main justifications for why Python is so popular in ML:

• Easy to learn and use.

• A rich ecosystem of libraries and frameworks

• Interoperability

• Scalability

• Visualization


High-performance capabilities for data analysis and manipulation are offered by the
Python module called Pandas. It is constructed on top of the NumPy library and intended to operate
with tabular and structured data. A DataFrame, a two-dimensional table-like data structure that can
contain many data kinds, is a sophisticated data structure that Pandas offers. Pandas has several
important features, such as data manipulation, data cleansing, data analysis, time series analysis,
input/output, and visualisation. Pandas is frequently used in applications related to data science
and machine learning, as well as in the fields of finance, social science, and other disciplines that
work with structured and tabular data. It is a crucial tool for Python data analysis and manipulation
due to its versatility, strength, and usability.


The term "Comma Separated Values" or CSV. It is a straightforward file format designed
to hold plain text tabular data. Each row in a CSV file represents a single data record, while the
columns stand in for the record's fields. The term "comma-separated values" refers to fields with
values that are separated by commas.

Because CSV files can be created, read, and edited with a variety of software applications, they
are frequently utilized. Tabular data can be stored in plain text using the straightforward and
popular CSV file format. It is a vital tool in many applications, particularly in the domains of data
science and analytics, because it is a lightweight and adaptable means to store, exchange, and
analyse data.


A Python package called NumPy offers a strong and effective method for working with
multi-dimensional arrays and matrices. It is one of the fundamental libraries used in scientific
computing and data research.

Applications for data research, scientific computing, and machine learning frequently use NumPy.
It is a crucial tool for processing and analysing data because of its strong array operations and
mathematical capabilities. It is a popular option for many applications due to its interoperability
with other scientific computing libraries as well.

SK Learn:

Python machine learning library Sci-kit-learn, also referred to as sklearn. It offers a quick
and easy approach to create and use machine learning models, and it is built on top of NumPy and
SciPy. Data science and machine learning applications frequently employ Scikit-learn. Even for
users with minimal machine learning experience, it is simple and straightforward to develop and
apply machine learning models using this API. In addition, the sci-kit-learn Python library is well-
liked for a variety of applications due to its interoperability with other scientific computing

None, shuffle=True, stratify=None)

Split arrays or matrices into random train and test subsets. Quick utility that wraps input validation,
next(ShuffleSplit().split(X, y)), and application to input data into a single call for splitting (and
optionally subsampling) data into a one-liner.

sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred, *, normalize=True, sample_weight=None)

Score for accuracy in categorisation. This function calculates subset accuracy in multi label
classification; the predicted set of labels for a sample must exactly match the corresponding set of
labels in y true.

sklearn.metrics.precision_score(y_true, y_pred, *, labels=None, pos_label=1, average='binary',

sample_weight=None, zero_division='warn')

Calculate the accuracy. The ratio of the number of true positives to the number of false positives,
or tp/(tp + fp), is used to measure precision. Intuitively, the classifier's precision is its capacity not
to classify a negative sample as positive.The best value is 1 and the worst value is 0.

sklearn.metrics.recall_score(y_true, y_pred, *, labels=None, pos_label=1, average='binary',

sample_weight=None, zero_division='warn')

Determine the recall. The ratio of the number of true positives to the number of false negatives,
tp/(tp + fn), is known as the recall. The classifier's capacity to locate all the positive samples is
known as recall.The best value is 1 and the worst value is 0.

sklearn.metrics.f1_score(y_true, y_pred, *, labels=None, pos_label=1, average='binary',

sample_weight=None, zero_division='warn')

Calculate the balanced F-score, sometimes referred to as the F-measure or F1 score. The F1 score
can be thought of as a harmonic mean of precision and recall, with the best value being 1 and the
poorest being 0. Precision and recall both contribute equally in terms of percentage to the F1 score.
The F1 score is calculated as follows:F1 = 2 * (precision * recall) / (precision + recall)In the multi-
class and multi-label case, this is the average of the F1 score of each class with weighting
depending on the average parameter.

Class sklearn.preprocessing.OneHotEncoder(*, categories='auto', drop=None, sparse='deprecate

d', sparse_output=True, dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>, handle_unknown='error', min_frequency
=None, max_categories=None)
Categorical features should be encoded as a one-hot numeric array. The input to this transformer
should be a set of strings or numbers that represent the values that categorical (discrete)
characteristics take on. The features are encoded using a one-hot encoding approach, often known
as one-of-K or "dummy." This produces a binary column for each category and, depending on the
value of the sparse output option, delivers either a dense array or a sparse matrix. By default, each
feature's unique values are used by the encoder to determine the categories. You can also manually
define the categories as an alternative. Numerous scikit-learn estimators, including linear models
and SVMs using the default kernels, require this encoding in order to process categorical data.

The Google Brain team created the open-source TensorFlow software library for
machine learning and numerical computing. Using a high-level API, it enables users to create, and
train complicated mathematical models, in particular neural networks. With its 2015 debut,
TensorFlow has grown to rank among the world's most popular machine learning libraries. A data
flow graph is how TensorFlow represents the computation in a model. In a network, nodes stand
for mathematical operations, and edges show how data moves between operations. With
TensorFlow, users can effectively create and run these graphs on a variety of hardware, including
CPUs, GPUs, and specialised processors like Google's Tensor Processing Units (TPUs).
TensorFlow contains several tools for data preparation, visualisation, and deployment in addition
to its core capabilities for creating and training machine learning models. On top of TensorFlow,
there are numerous third-party libraries available, like Keras, that offer higher-level abstractions
for common tasks like creating convolutional neural networks for image recognition.

TensorFlow Keras sequential:

The library package tf. Keras. Model's stack of linear data is contained in the group known
as Tensorflow Sequential. The Module, Layer, and Model classes all passed down their inheritance
to this Sequential class.
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import keras
from tensorflow.keras import layers

TensorFlow Keras dense:

All of the neurons that are intricately related to one another are found in the keras dense
layer. This indicates that each neuron in the dense layer receives input from every other neuron in
the layer above. As many dense layers as necessary can be added. One of the most widely applied
layers is this one.
Dense class:

** kwargs)

Neural Network:
A particular form of machine learning algorithm called a neural network is motivated by
the structure and operation of the human brain. It is made up of a network of artificial neurons or
interconnected nodes that process and transfer information. Neural networks' capacity to learn
from data without explicit programming is one of their main features. They are therefore ideally
suited to activities where it is difficult to understand the principles regulating the link between the
input and output. They can, however, also be vulnerable to overfitting, where the network gets
overly focused on the training set and struggles to generalise to fresh data.

FeedForward Neural Network:

A feedforward neural network is a sort of artificial neural network in which data only
flows in one direction, without any feedback connections, from the input layer through one or more
hidden layers to the output layer. The reason it is named "feedforward" is that data moves forward
through the network without loops or cycles.
The input data, which is commonly provided as a vector or matrix, is received by the input layer
of a feedforward neural network. The input is then transmitted through several hidden layers, each
of which applies a nonlinear activation function and a set of weights to the input. The network can
simulate intricate, nonlinear interactions between the input and output thanks to the activation
The network's output layer generates the final output, which, depending on the task, may be a
vector or scalar. A single scalar expressing the likelihood that the input belongs to one of two
classes, for instance, might be the output in a binary classification task. A vector of probabilities
for each class can be the result of a multiclass classification task.
The network's output layer generates the final output, which, depending on the task, may be a
vector or scalar. A single scalar expressing the likelihood that the input belongs to one of two

classes, for instance, might be the output in a binary classification task. A vector of probabilities
for each class can be the result of a multiclass classification task.

Adam Optimizer:
A stochastic gradient descent technique called Adam optimisation is based on adaptive
estimate of first- and second-order moments.
Adam class:

Average Subtraction based Optimizer:

Adagrad Optimizer:
Adagrad is an optimizer that has parameter-specific learning rates that can be adjusted
based on how frequently a parameter is changed during training. The updates become smaller
when a parameter receives more updates.
AdaGrad aggressively slows down learning rate (as the denominator grows). As a result, due to
the degraded learning rate, the frequent parameters will eventually start receiving very little
Adadelta Optimizer:
Adadelta optimisation is a stochastic gradient descent technique that addresses two
issues by utilising an adaptive learning rate per dimension: the steady decline in learning rates
during training. the requirement of a manually chosen global learning rate.

Adadelta limits the window of accumulated prior gradients to a specified size rather than
aggregating all previously squared gradients. AdaDelta's key benefit is that we do not have to
specify a default learning rate.


Concept of UML:
UML is for describing, visualizing, building, and documenting software
program.UML is distinct from the more other languages such as C++, Java, and others. UML is a
diagramming language for creating software blueprints. There are numerous dreams for the destiny
of UML, however the maximum essential is to offer a general-motive modeling language that all
modelers can use and that is also simple to recognize and use.

Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a general-purpose modeling language. The main
aim of UML is to define a standard way to visualize the way a system has been designed. It is quite
similar to blueprints used in other fields of engineering.
• Complex applications need collaboration and planning from multiple teams and hence require a
clear and concise way to communicate amongst them.
• Businessmen do not understand code. So, UML becomes essential to communicate with non-
programmers essential requirements, functionalities and processes of the system.
• A lot of time is saved down the line when teams are able to visualize processes, user interactions
and static structure of the system.
UML is linked with object-oriented design and analysis. UML makes the use of elements and
forms associations between them to form diagrams.

Data Flow Diagram

A data flow diagram (DFD) depicts the information flow for any system or process.
It shows data inputs, outputs, storage points, and the paths between each destination using defined
symbols such as rectangles, circles, and arrows, as well as short text labels. Data flowcharts could
really range from simple, even hand-drawn, process overviews to detailed, multi-level DFDs that
delve progressively deeper into how data is handled. They can be used to model an existing system
or to analyse an existing one. That is why DFDs have remained so popular over the years. While
they are useful for visualizing data flow software and systems, they are less useful for visualizing
interactive, real-time, or database-oriented software or systems.
Standard symbols for DFDs are derived from the electric circuit diagram analysis and are shown
in fig:

Circle: A circle (bubble) shows a process that transforms data inputs into data outputs.
Data Flow: A curved line shows the flow of data into or out of a process or data store.
Data Store: A set of parallel lines shows a place for the collection of data items. A data store
indicates that the data is stored which can be used at a later stage or by the other processes in a
different order. The data store can have an element or group of elements.
Source or Sink: Source or Sink is an external entity and acts as a source of system inputs or sink
of system outputs.
Levels in Data Flow Diagrams (DFD):
The DFD may be used to perform a system or software at any level of abstraction. Infact,
DFDs may be partitioned into levels that represent increasing information flow and functional
detail. Levels in DFD are numbered 0, 1, 2 or beyond. Here, we will see primarily three levels in
the data flow diagram, which are: 0-level DFD, 1-level DFD, and 2-level DFD. 0-level DFD It is
also known as fundamental system model, or context diagram represents the entire software
requirement as a single bubble with input and output data denoted by incoming and outgoing
arrows. Parts of the system represented by each of these bubbles are then decomposed and
documented as more and more detailed DFDs. "A" should have exactly two external inputs and
one external output 1-level DFD In 1-level DFD, a context diagram is decomposed into multiple
bubbles/processes. In this level, we highlight the main objectives of the system and breakdown the
high-level process of 0-level DFD into subprocesses. 2-Level DFD 2-level DFD goes one process
deeper into parts of 1-level DFD. It can be used to project or record the specific/necessary detail
about the system's functioning.


A use case diagram is a form of behavioral diagram that is prescribed by and
derived from a Usecase analysis in the Unified Modeling Language (UML). Its purpose is to
visualise a device's capacity in terms of actors, goals (expressed as a use case), and any
dependencies between those cases. The fundamental goal of a use case diagram is to demonstrate
which actor is responsible for which system features. The roles of the actors in the gadget can be
seen. The main purpose of a use case diagram is to portray the dynamic aspect of a system. It
accumulates the system's requirement, which includes both internal as well as external influences.
Its goal is to create a visible illustration of capability provided with the aid of using a device of
actors. their desires and any dependencies among the one’s instances. Use case diagram's main
purpose is to indicate which machinery operations are performed for which actor. It is viable to
symbolize the jobs of performers inside the device.


An event is represented by an activity diagram, which consists of a collection
of nodes connected by edges. They can be linked to any modelling element to model the behavior
of activities. It is capable of simulating use cases, classes, interfaces, components, and
It is mostly used to model processes and workflows. It imagines the system's dynamic behavior
and builds a runnable system that integrates forward and reverse engineering. It lacks the message
component, implying that message flow is not depicted in an activity diagram. It is similar to, but
not identical to, a flowchart. It is used to represent the flow of many activities.
An activity diagram depicts the flow of control from start to an end point, highlighting the
various decision routes that exist while the action is being carried out. we can depict each
sequential processing and concurrent processing of activities with the usage of an interesting
diagram. they may be used in business and method modeling where their number one use is to
depict the dynamic factors of a device.


It is an illustration of all of the factors that cross into making up
apart, or the complete system. It helps the engineers, designers, stakeholders — and all and sundry
else concerned inside the venture — apprehend a device or app’s layout.
Think of it as being a bit like a blueprint to a construction: you may see the
component as an entire, in addition to unique sorts of interior perspectives, and things like pipes,
partitions, floorplans, and so forth. Architectural diagrams do the same: They display the complete
machine, as well as its numerous additives.




MODULE 1: Z-score normalization

Z-score normalization, also known as standardization, is a method used to
transform the values of a feature in a dataset to have a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.

The transformation is performed by subtracting the mean of the feature from each value, and then
dividing by the standard deviation. The transformed feature is then referred to as a standard score
or a Z-score. This normalization method is commonly used in machine learning and data
preprocessing to ensure that all features are on a similar scale and to reduce the impact of outliers.
By standardizing the features, it can also improve the numerical stability and convergence speed
of some machine learning algorithms.
The transformation is carried out by dividing each value by the standard deviation after deducting
the feature's mean from each value. The standard score or Z-score for the converted feature is then

MODULE 2: Feature Selectiom using Information Gain

Information gain is a feature selection method used in machine learning to rank the
importance of features based on the reduction of entropy in the data. In decision tree learning,
information gain is used as a criterion for splitting the data based on the features.
The entropy of a set of samples represents the amount of uncertainty or randomness in the data.
By selecting features with high information gain, the entropy of the data is reduced, leading to a
more predictable and accurate model.
The idea is to select features that provide the most information about the target variable, by
measuring the reduction in entropy after splitting the data based on each feature. Information gain
is a simple and effective feature selection method that can be used in various machine learning
algorithms, especially decision trees and decision tree-based ensemble methods.

MODULE 3: Neural Network using Adam Optimizer

Adam (Adaptive Moment Estimation) is an optimization algorithm used in training
deep learning models, particularly neural networks. It combines the advantages of two popular
optimization algorithms, RMSProp and Momentum.The algorithm calculates an exponentially
decaying average of past gradients, as well as the exponentially decaying average of past squared
gradients, to adapt the learning rate on a per-parameter basis.
This allows the algorithm to set different learning rates for different parameters, leading to faster
convergence and often better performance compared to other optimization algorithms.

MODULE 4: Neural Network using Average Subtraction based Optimizer.
Average subtraction-based optimizers are a class of optimization algorithms for
training neural networks. They are called average subtraction based because they subtract the
moving average of the gradient from the current gradient to update the weights. This helps to
reduce the variance of the gradient and stabilize the training process.
One of the most well-known average subtraction-based optimizers is the Adagrad optimizer.
Adagrad updates the learning rate for each weight in the network based on the historical gradient,
with a larger learning rate for weights with a smaller historical gradient and a smaller learning rate
for weights with a larger historical gradient.
Another example of average subtraction-based optimizers is the Adadelta optimizer, which
extends the idea of Adagrad by using the average of the squared gradient instead of the gradient
itself. Adadelta also includes a decay factor to reduce the impact of historical gradients over time.

Importing required libraries.

Feature selection for y1. Selecting top 57 columns using information gain.

Feature selection for y2. Selecting top 75 columns using information gain.

Normalizing the dataset using z-score normalization.

Splitting the data into train and test with test size 0.3 and encoding the output into numerical
data, using one hot encoder.

Metrics for adam optimizer.

Metrics for Adagrad.

Metrics for Adadelta


Testing is a crucial activity in software development and maintenance aimed at

identifying errors and ensuring quality assurance. It is an integral part of the entire process and
plays a vital role in verifying the accurate and complete incorporation of specifications into the
design, as well as ensuring the correctness of the design itself. It is important to detect any logical
faults in the design before commencing the coding phase, as the cost of fixing such faults at a later
stage can be significantly higher. To detect design faults, various methods such as inspection and
walkthrough can be used. Therefore, testing serves as a critical tool to ensure that the final product
meets the necessary quality standards and meets the requirements of the stakeholders.

7.1 Unit Testing:

Unit testing is used to check the functionality of modules built from the device design.
Inputs for exact modules are used to compile each component. During the unit testing procedure,
each module is combined into bigger unit. Testing has been performed on each segment of project
design and coding. During the testing of the module interface, the correct flow of information to
and from the program unit is ensured. The briefly generated output records are ensured that
continue their integrity for the duration of the set of rules' execution with the aid of examining the
neighborhood records structure. subsequently, all blunders-coping with paths are also tested. Unit

testing is accomplished by checking out modules made or that were been constructed from the
design of the machine layout. The use of inputs for specific modules has been compiled for each
component. Each module is combined into the larger unit all through the unit checking out
procedure. Trying out has been finished on every segment of task layout and coding. The trying
out of the module interface is carried out to make sum the proper flow of records into and out of
the program unit even as checking out. The briefly generated output statistics are ensured that
continue their integrity during the algorithm's execution via inspecting the neighborhood record's
shape. Ultimately, all mistakes-dealing with paths are also examined. Unit testing is a process that
aims to verify the functional performance of each individual modular component of a software
system. It involves testing the smallest unit of the software design, which is usually the module.
Unit testing is typically conducted using white box testing techniques, which involve examining
the internal workings of the software to identify and isolate potential issues. By focusing on each
individual module in isolation, developers can more easily identify and resolve any problems that
may arise, helping to ensure that the overall system functions as intended. Ultimately, the goal of
unit testing is to enhance the quality and reliability of the software, helping to minimize errors and
improve performance.

7.2 Integration Testing:

System testing is an important step in the software development process, as it
allows developers to identify errors that may arise due to unexpected interactions between sub-
system and system components. It is critical that the software program is thoroughly tested to
detect and correct any errors as soon as the source code is generated, before it is delivered to
customers. To locate mistakes, a collection of testing cases must be developed that ultimately
identifies all potential errors. Different software methodologies may be used for this process,
providing systematic guidance for developing tests that exercise the software component's internal
logic as well as its input and output domains, in order to detect errors in application features,
behavior, and performance.
There are two primary methods for testing software: white box testing and
black box testing. White box testing involves exercising the internal application logic using various
test case design strategies, while black box testing involves exercising the software requirements
using various test case design strategies. Both methods are designed to identify the maximum

number of errors with minimal time and effort. Ultimately, thorough testing is critical to ensuring
the quality and reliability of the software, and can help to minimize the likelihood of errors and
other issues that may arise once the software is in use.
Machine testing is typically used to identify errors that may arise due to
unexpected interactions between sub-devices and system components. It is essential to test
software thoroughly to detect and rectify any potential errors as soon as the source code is
generated before it is delivered to customers. To identify errors, a series of testing cases must be
developed that ultimately uncover all possible existing errors. Certain software techniques can
assist in this process, providing systematic guidance for building tests that exercise the internal
logic of software components, as well as the input and output domains of the application to detect
issues with software function, behavior, and performance. There are two primary methods for
testing software: white box testing and black box testing. White box testing involves exercising
the internal software logic using specific test case design strategies, while black box testing
involves exercising the software requirements using specific test case design strategies. Both
methods help to identify the maximum number of errors with minimal time and effort. One
common error that is often encountered during software development projects is a linking error,
which occurs when modules are combined but the link is not properly set with all support files. In
such cases, developers must check for interconnections and links, and localize any errors to the
new module and its intercommunications.
To minimize the likelihood of such errors, product development can be staged,
with modules integrated as they complete unit testing. Testing is typically completed once the final
module is integrated and tested thoroughly. By ensuring that software is tested rigorously and
systematically throughout the development process, developers can help to minimize errors and
improve the overall quality and reliability of the final product.

7.3 Acceptance Testing:

The testing process is just one aspect of a broader challenge involving verification
and validation. To ensure that the software meets the customer's needs, we must first understand
the system specifications and strive to meet those requirements. This is where the verification and
validation of the product come into play, as they help to ensure that everything is in order and that
the software meets all relevant criteria and standards. By carefully verifying and validating the

software throughout the development process, we can help to ensure that the final product is of
high quality, meets the customer's needs, and is reliable and effective in use.
Verification and validation are two various things. One is done to ensure that the
software program effectively implements a specific functionality, and the other is accomplished to
ensure if the customer necessities are nicely met or not by using the product. Verification of the
project changed into an achievement to make certain that the task met all the requirements and
specifications of our challenge. We made positive that our venture is as much the same old as we
deliberate at the start of our mission improvement.
The testing process is just one component of a broader challenge involving
verification and validation. It is important to thoroughly understand the system specifications and
strive to meet the customer's requirements. To accomplish this, we must verify and validate the
product to ensure that everything is in order. Verification and validation are two distinct activities
with different goals. Verification is performed to ensure that the software correctly implements a
specific function, while validation is done to ensure that the customer's requirements are met by
the product. In our project, we carried out verification to ensure that it met all of the necessary
requirements and specifications. We took care to ensure that our project met the same high
standards that we set for it at the beginning of development.
Acceptance testing is typically conducted on a prototype or pre-production
product that is not yet available to the public. It is a crucial step in the software testing cycle that
takes place towards the end of the development process, just prior to client or customer acceptance.
This type of testing involves close collaboration between developers and customers to ensure that
the new application meets all requirements and expectations.
Acceptance testing is carried out to simulate the actual usage of a product and
ensure that it is working properly and meets the specifications agreed upon by the customer and
the manufacturer. This testing can involve a range of different tests, such as physical tests,
performance tests, or chemical tests. These tests may be refined and repeated as necessary to ensure
that the product is fully functional. If the results of the tests match the expected outcomes, the
product will be deemed adequate and either accepted or rejected by the customer. If the product is
rejected, it may need to be fixed or abandoned entirely if the required fixes are deemed too costly
or time-consuming.




An intrusion detection system for IoT data is critical to protecting the security
and privacy of IoT devices and networks. With the increasing number of connected devices and
the volume of sensitive data exchanged through them, it is critical to have a dependable method in
place to identify and prevent unauthorized access or malicious behavior. This project used neural
networks to demonstrate the usefulness of a real-time intrusion detection system using IoT data.
By studying network data and analyzing trends and abnormalities, the system can detect potential
attacks instantaneously. We represent a major advance in IoT security and IoT data integrity. As
the Internet of Things ecosystem grows and evolves, it is critical to maintain a proactive security
strategy and employ cutting-edge technologies and procedures to keep one step ahead of potential
threats. The use of neural networks for intrusion detection in IOT data improves accuracy, real-
time scalability, and the ease with which anomalies can be identified.


While neural networks are now utilized in IoT data intrusion detection, future
improvements may include the usage of alternative machine learning methods such as decision
trees or random forests. This would improve the intrusion detection system's accuracy and
efficiency. Text-based alerts are now used by intrusion detection systems for IoT data to advise
security teams of potential risks. In the future, the system might be augmented with new
visualization tools to help security teams discover and respond to threats more quickly. Future
developments could include cloud-based processing, which would enable more efficient and
scalable data analysis. In order to establish a more secure and transparent system, intrusion
detection systems for IoT data could be combined with blockchain technology. This would enable
for a tamper-proof record of all security occurrences, making tracking possible threats easier.


[1] A Novel Attack Detection Scheme for the Industrial Internet of Things Using a Lightweight
Random Neural Network; Authors:Shahid Latif; Zhuo Zou, Zeba Idrees, Jawad Ahmad
[2] IoT Privacy and Security: Challenges and Solutions; Authors:Lo’ai Tawalbeh,Fadi
Muheidat,Mais Tawalbeh,Muhannad Quwaider
[3] Artificial Neural Network Model for Decreased Rank Attack Detection in RPL Based on IoT
Networks; Authors: Musa Osman,Jingsha He , Fawaz Mahiuob, Mohammed Mokbal and Nafei
[4] Optimally Configured Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Attack Detection in Internet of
Things: Impact of Algorithm of the Innovative Gunner; Authors:Subramonian Krishna Sarma

[5]Effective Attack Detection in Internet of Medical Things Smart Environment Using a Deep
Belief Neural Network; Authors:S. Manimurugan; Saad Al-Mutairi; Majed Mohammed
Aborokbah; Naveen Chilamkurti; Subramaniam Ganesan,Rizwan Patan

[6] Efficient Cyber Attack Detection on the Internet of Medical Things-Smart Environment Based
on Deep Recurrent Neural Network and Machine Learning Algorithms
Authors:Yakub Kayode Saheed,Micheal Olaolu Arowolo

[7] Deep recurrent neural network for IoT intrusion detection system; Authors:
Muder Almiani a, Alia AbuGhazleh, Amer Al-Rahayfeh, Saleh Atiewi a, Abdul Razaque

[8] Using machine learning to secure IoT systems; Authors:Janice Cañedo; Anthony Skjellum

[9] Internet of Things attack detection using hybrid Deep Learning Model; Authors: Amiya
Kumar Sahu , Suraj Sharma , M. Tanveer , Rohit Raja

[10] DDoS attack detection in Internet of Things using recurrent neural network; Authors:
Omerah Yousuf, Roohie Naaz Mir

[11] IoT DoS and DDoS Attack Detection using ResNet; Authors:Faisal Hussain; Syed Ghazanfar
Abbas; Muhammad Husnain; Ubaid U. Fayyaz; Farrukh Shahzad; Ghalib A. Shah
[12] Random Neural Network for Lightweight Attack Detection in the IoT; Authors: Katarzyna
Filus, Joanna Domanska, Erol Gelenbe
[13]IoT Traffic Shaping and the Massive Access Problem; Authors:Erol Gelenbe; Karl Sigman
[14] DDoS Attack Detection Based on Simple ANN with SMOTE for IoT Environment;
Authors:Yan Naung Soe; Paulus Insap Santosa; Rudy Hartanto
[15]Network Intrusion Detection for IoT Security Based on Learning Techniques; Authors:Nadia
Chaabouni; Mohamed Mosbah; Akka Zemmari; Cyrille Sauvignac; Parvez Faruki
[16] A Survey on IoT Security: Application Areas, Security Threats, and Solution Architectures;
Authors:Vikas Hassija; Vinay Chamola; Vikas Saxena; Divyansh Jain; Pranav Goyal; Biplab
[17] IoT Privacy and Security Challenges for Smart Home Environments; Authors:Huichen
Lin,Neil W. Bergmann
[18] A Novel Deep Learning-Based Intrusion Detection System for IoT Networks; Authors:Albara
[19] Internet of Things is a revolutionary approach for future technology enhancement: a review;
Authors: Sachin Kumar, Prayag Tiwari & Mikhail Zymbler

[20] A Comprehensive Survey on Intrusion Detection based Machine Learning for IoT Networks;
Authors:Hela Mliki,Abir Hadj Kaceam,Lamia Chaari Fourati

[21] Identifying vulnerabilities of consumer Internet of Things (IoT) devices: A scalable approach;
Authors:Ryan WIlliams,Emma McMahon, Sagar Samtani, Mark Patton

[22] A survey of intrusion detection in Internet of Things; Authors: Bruno Bogaz Zarpelãoa,⁎ ,
Rodrigo Sanches Mianib , Cláudio Toshio Kawakania , Sean Carlisto de Alvarengaa
[23] Security of the Internet of Things: Vulnerabilities, Attacks, and Countermeasures;
Authors:Ismail Butun; Patrik Österberg; Houbing Song

[24] Securing the Internet of Things: Challenges, threats and solutions; Authors: Panagiotis
I.Radoglou Grammatikis a, Panagiotis G. Sarigiannidis a, Ioannis D. Moscholios

[25] A critical review of intrusion detection systems in the internet of things: techniques,
deployment strategy, validation strategy, attacks, public datasets and challenges; Authors: Ansam
Khraisat & Ammar Alazab

[26] IoT data feature extraction and intrusion detection system for smart cities based on deep
migration learning; Authors: Daming Li, Lianbing Deng, Minchang Lee , Haoxiang Wang
[27] IoT and Cloud Computing Issues, Challenges and Opportunities: A Review; Authors:
Mohammed Mohammed Sadeeq,Nasiba M. Abdulkareem,Subhi R. M. Zeebaree,Dindar Mikaeel
Ahmed,Ahmed Saifullah Sami
[28]Intrusion detection systems in Internet of Things: A literature review; Authors:Leonel
Santos; Carlos Rabadao; Ramiro Gonçalves
[29]A Study of Various Network Security Challenges on the Internet of Things (IoT); Authors:
Abdulrahman Yarali, Manu Srinath, Randal G. Joyce
[30]A Scalable Key and Trust Management Solution for IoT Sensors Using SDN and Blockchain
Technology; Authors:Sufian Hameed; Syed Attique Shah; Qazi Sarmad Saeed; Shahbaz
Siddiqui; Ihsan Ali; Anton Vedeshin
[31]Internet of Things :A Study on Security and Privacy Threats; Authors:Husamuddin
Mohammed,Mohammed Qayyum
[32]A decade of research on patterns and architectures for IoT security; Authors: Tanusan
Rajmohan, Phu H. Nguyen & Nicolas Ferry

[33]A survey on security in internet of things with a focus on the impact of emerging technologies;
Authors: Phillip Williams a, Indira Kaylan Dutta, Hisham Daoud, Magdy Bayoumi

[34]Security Issues in the Internet of Things (IoT): A Comprehensive Study; Authors:irza Abdur
Razzaq, Sajid Habib Gill, Muhammad Ali Qureshi,Saleem Ullah
[35] Blockchain Convergence: Analysis of Issues Affecting IoT, AI and Blockchain; Authors:
Sasho Guergov, Neyara Radwan.


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