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Name: _____________________________________ Date: _____________________
 Energy
I. A. Name the different sources of light energy.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ _______________

B. Answer the following questions. Choose your answers from the pictures below. Write the letters only in the
circle. . .
1. What source of light will you use if there is no electricity at home?

2. What will you use to decorate your Christmas tree at home?

3. What do we use to keep the flow of traffic on the road orderly?

4. What source of light will you use to enjoy camping?

C. Shade the box that indicates where each object is usually used.
1. Lantern and Christmas light
Helps us see in the streets at night
make the surroundings beautiful
2. Flashlight
used during emergencies
used as a signal at home
3. Traffic light
use in brownouts
serves as signals on the road
4. Lampshade
helps us see in the streets at night
helps us see things in the room at night
5. Headlight and Taillight
makes the surroundings beautiful
used as signals on the road

D. Listen very well to the sounds that your teacher will play. Write A if the source of sound comes from
animals, V if it comes from vehicles and MI if it comes from musical instruments.
1. __________ 4. __________
2. __________ 5. __________
3. __________ 6. __________
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E. Describe the sounds produced in the table below. Check () the appropriate column.
Sounds Loud Soft
1. pebble dropping on the floor
2. landing airplane
3. large kitchen pan that drops
4. little girls' whispering
5. dogs' barking
6. tik tak of the clock
7. roaring of the thunder
8. buzzing of the bees
9. band playing
10. tearing a piece of paper

F. Identify the importance of sound shown in each picture. Follow the given instructions.
1. Check the picture that shows sound is useful for communication.
2. Box the picture that shows sound gives us warning.
3. Enclose in a heart the picture that shows sound can be used for entertainment.

G. Answer the following in sentences.

1. Explain some activities that you cannot do without light.

2. Is a noisy environment good for you? Explain why.


 Properties of Matter
II. A. Analyze the following questions carefully. Then circle the letter of the best answer.
1. Below are illustrations that show the experiment on properties of matter.

What can you learn from this experiment?

a. Matter has size.
b. Matter has mass.
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c. Matter occupies space.
d. Matter occupies space and has mass.
2. The objects at the right are grouped according their characteristic. Which of the following best describes
a. They are alike in taste.
b. They are alike in texture.
c. They are grouped according to shape.
d. They are grouped according to odor.
3. Which of the following tells about illustration at the right?
a. The lego block has less mass than the apple.
b. The apple has less mass than the lego block.
c. Their mass cannot be identified.
d. They have equal mass.
4. Which of the following objects can occupy more space in the jar?
a. A nail
b. A paper clip
c. A ping pong ball
d. A 1x1 ID picture

B. Study the examples of the different states of matter below. Classify them according to shape by writing
only the letters under the proper heading.


1 2 3 4 5

soy sauce

6 7 8 9 10

C. Compare the mass of each pair of objects. Write the symbols greater than (>), less than (<), or equal (=) in
the .

1. 2.

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3. 4.

5. 6.

D. Study the given picture. Fill in the blanks with the words ‘more’ or less’.

1. The ball occupies ______________space than the table.

2. The sofa is taking up ______________ space than the pillow.
3. The toy truck is taking up ______________ than the teddy bear.
4. The clock occupies ______________ space than that of the lampshade.
5. The house plant is occupying ______________ space than the books on the first shelf.

E. Determine which object below occupies more space in the given place using greater than (>) or less than
(<) symbols. Write the answer inside the .

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 Forms of Matter
III. A. Analyze each situation carefully. Circle the letter of the best answer.
1. What does the experiment below tell us?

a. Liquids have mass. c. Liquids have no definite shape.

b. Liquids have shape. d. Liquids have no definite volume.

2. How are the two forms of matter similar?

a. Both are solids.
b. Both are liquids.
c. Both have definite shape.
d. Both have no definite shape.
3. Which of the following statements supports the illustration?
a. Gases have mass. balloon
b. Gases have definite shape.
c. Gases occupy a definite space.
d. Gases have no definite volume.
4. What property of solids is shown in the illustration?

a. Solid have mass. c. Solids have no definite shape.

b. Solids occupy space. d. Solids have no definite volume.
5. Samuel poured the contents of the honey jar to another container. He found out that the amount of honey
remained the same. What does this tell us about the property of liquids?

a. Liquids have mass. c. Liquids occupy space.

b. Liquids have definite volume. d. Liquids take the shape of their container.

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B. Observed each form of matter below. Check the box if the property best describes it; cross it out if does

1. 3.
have mass have no mass

in liquid state in liquid state

have definite volume have definite volume

occupy space

2. 4.
have mass have mass

in solid state in solid state

have definite volume have definite volume

occupy space

C. Circle the solids, box the liquids and check the gases in the pictures.

D. Identify the different states of matter in each picture. Write ONE under the proper headings.





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 Living Things
IV. A. Write L for living things and NL for nonliving things.
_________ 1. plants _________ 6. tree
_________ 2. air _________ 7. pencil
_________ 3. people _________ 8. soil
_________ 4. animals _________ 9. paper
_________ 5. water _________ 10. toys

B. Encircle the letter of each correct answer.

1. Which of the following is a living thing?
a. stuff toy b. book c. grasshopper
2. Which of the following is a nonliving thing?
a. plants b. container c. bird
3. Which of these things breathe air?
a. watermelon b. dog c. robot
4. Which of the following shows that a living thing moves?
a. a bird flies b. a boy walks to school c. all of the above
5. Which of the following needs sunlight to make its own food?
a. butterfly b. cat c. tree
6. A plant craws sideward. What characteristic of living things does it show?
a. Living things eat. b. Living things breathe. c. Living things move.
7. Is an airplane a living thing?
a. Yes, because it moves. b. Yes, because it needs air. c. No, because it does not eat.
8. What do you think would happen to an insect inside a closed jar?
a. It would die. b. It would escape. c. It would need water to grow.
9. Which of the following describes a rock?
a. It breathes air. b. It does not move. c. It needs water to grow.
10. Which thing can grow and move?
a. ball b. dog c. stone
11. Which air is needed by human?
a. nitrogen b. oxygen c. carbon dioxide

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12. Which air is needed by plants?
a. nitrogen b. oxygen c. carbon dioxide

C. Analyzed the given situation or picture. Identify the characteristic of living things shown in each. Choose
the BEST answer. Write the letter in the blanks.
A. movement B. growth C. nutrition D. reproduction

_________ 1. The mother and the father are both happy when they saw their new born baby boy.
_________ 2. The children walk from home to school.
_________ 3. The doctor advised Mika to watch out the food that she is eating to stay healthy.
_________ 4. The puppy becomes bigger and taller as it grows into a dog.

_________ 5.

_________ 6.

_________ 7.

_________ 8.

D. Study the pair of living things in each number. Check the box if they have the same characteristics;
otherwise put an X.
1. a. They both use their wings to fly.

b. They can both grow many in number.

c. They both need air and water.
d. They can make their own food.

2. a. They both have parts like leaves, flower and stem.

b. They don’t grow.

c. They stay in one place.
d. They get food from other living things.

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3. a. They both have the same number of legs.

b. They both live in water.

c. They stay in one place.
d. They get their food from other living things.

4. a. Both need sunlight and water.

b. Both live in water.

c. Both don’t need air to live.
d. Both have legs to move from one place to another.

5. a. They both have eyes to see.

b. They both need air to live.

c. They both can move in water.
d. They both have parts like leaves and roots.

E. Check the boxes that contain the characteristic of living things and cross out those that do not.

They change as they grow They do not eat nor drink. They move on their own.

They do not need air to Their parts become bigger. They make their own food.

F. Complete the graphic organizer.

Needs of Living Things

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