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Mendoza, Airah D

Readings in Philippine History

The Teachings of Katipunan Critically compare the teachings of Katipunan with

Teachings of Christ in the New Testament

 A life that isn't lived for something greater than oneself is like a tree stripped of its

-Everyone has their own unique reasons for being here, some more challenging than
others. No matter the motivation, though, we need to get them done. Simply put, our
existence may be rendered meaningless if we don't.

No matter how often you lend a hand to those in need, it won't amount to much if your
intentions aren't pure.

 A good gesture that was not done truly is not considered a virtue.
 True virtue consists not only of charity and love for one's fellow man, but also of
moral rectitude in one's own conduct.

Charity is what we do for other people; if you aid others for your own benefit, though, it's
not charity.

 Men of different backgrounds, colors, and ethnicities are all created equal.

Remember that not everything we see is what it seems to be on the surface.We are all
treating our physical limitations the same.

Abstinence is more important than indulgence to a smart man because only the truth
can set you free.

Delicacy of speech (delicadeza) is a characteristic we share with the Spanish.The very

word "shame" can be applied to that quality.The moral of this message is clear: if you
want to avoid being labeled as shameless, maintain your word. You may get another
chance at an opportunity, but time lost is gone forever.

Some claim that time is money, while others disagree.But I don't think chances that
were missed will ever come back around.Since some events may only occur once in a
lifetime, we should make the most of our time here.

Eighth: battle for the oppressed and defend the oppressor, just as you would battle for
your country against its conqueror.
 An intelligent person uses restraint in his speech and knows when to keep a
secret to himself; a thoughtful communicator, an intelligent person knows when to
talk and when to remain silent.What this means is that even a very bright person
is trustworthy.
 .Men set an example for their families, and when a leader is headed in the wrong
way, his followers tend to follow suit.

This was analogous to a bottle filled with water: it would go wherever its leader told it to
go, as long as that was where the water gravitated.

Remember your mother raised you from the time you were a baby, and treat women
with respect as equals, not objects of sexual gratification.Women should be loved, not
used as objects of gratification.If you can't appreciate even one, you have no right to
love.Think of other women the way you do your mother.

Do not do to other people's wives, daughters, and sisters what you would not have them
do to your own. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, for this is the
Golden Rule.Like a mirror, it will reflect and display whatever you do to yourself while
staring into it.

One's value does not change based on whether or not they are a king, priest, or
otherwise prominent member of society, nor does it change based on the size of one's
nose or the shade of one's skin.Goodness, honor, and pure intentions; the ability to
neither abuse nor be abused; a sense of patriotism and responsibility to one's country
all play a part.

-Since God created us all on equal footing, it's your unique character—not your title or
status—that others will remember most.However, if you have already accepted Jesus
as your Savior, your goodness and good intents will accomplish more than just get you
into heaven for free.

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