RDTF 2022 063

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RECORD/DOCUMENT TRACKING FORM (RDTF) Revision No. 00 if : Effectivity: | July 16, 2021 NHA-QP-001-F01 Form Record/Document Control No. CPD/RPDD-2022-063 Record/Document Type INTERNAL DOCUMENT Originating Unit Subject CORPORATE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DBM LETTER FOR BUDGET FOR DEVOLUTION AND COMPLETION OF RAP-LGU AND IP HOUSING PROGRAM I hereby cently that ell te documentary requirements have been subjected to the principle of “complete staff work” and have been evaluated with dligence and found in order in accordance with preserbed policies, guidelines and procedures — Dasa Page 1 014 q For/To = ~ From mT Date Remarks / Instructions Name/Position/Unit Name/Position/ Unit/Signature As per the GM's Instructions, Mar. ALL REGIONAL MANAGERS/OICs CROMWELL C. TEVES.,/ | “© oe OT ea ‘i 18, | ‘Acting Department Manage, | copy of the signed Letter to CPD & Concurrent Division | | OBM requesting for budget for 2022 | CC: OGM, OAGM, MSG, FSG & FMD Manager, MED-CPD Noted by: AGNES R. AGAY Group Manager, MSG the devolution and completion of the RAP-LGU and IP Housing Projects, For your information and guidance, Thank You. IMPORTANT: Pursuant to Section 6.8 of RA 9485, response/action shall not be longer than five (6) working days in the case of simple transactions, and ten (10) working days in the case of complex transactions, reckoned from the date of receipt of requesvinstruction

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