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MU @wwawm bi wns Go SALIENT FEATURES OF THE DRAFT EXECUTIVE ORDER ON FULL DEVOLUTION Lt —y ay Ww aa Y iix a i &. 4 eee & Bes EXECUTIVE ORDER DIRECTING THE FULL DEVOLUTION OF CERTAIN FUNCTIONS OF THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS ‘SALIENT FEATURES e@fe ese OKO) A. oN y “oLe = Delineation Preparation of Establishment of Creation of of NG and Devolution Growth Committee on LGU Roles Transition Plans Equalization Fund Devolution ime ON hy” KR av Oo @wem 2} i res EXECUTIVE ORDER DIRECTING THE FULL DEVOLUTION OF CERTAIN FUNCTIONS OF THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS ‘SALIENT FEATURES 7) s&s oh @,8 Capacity Strongthening of Panning Development of Options for Building Lira trials Communication Affected NGA and Budgeting unkage for LGUs and MAE Systoms Plan and Strategy Personnel NN A ee, Na “I awe kell COVERAGE, FUNCTIONS, SERVICES, AND FACILITIES FOR FULL DEVOLUTION (SEC. 1-3) * All agencies and instrumentalities of the Executive Branch with devolved functions to LGUs + Excludes LGUs in Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) * Functions, services, and facilities based on Section 17 of the Local Government Code and other pertinent laws NN! ‘:y Kia” Vv 44 MU @wawm bi wns PRINCIPLES AND GUIDELINES FOR THE DEVOLUTION OF SERVICES AND FUNCTIONS (SEC. 4) + Proper role of NG i to set national policy and. = service delivery standards, and assist, oversee and monitor LGUs ia cas NATIONAL * National Government shall formulate and pursue a GOVERNMENT AZ, long-term institutional development program for a? & LGUs to strengthen their capacities and capabilities to fully assume the devolved functions Qy G ‘stanoanos = : ime N yy Kz” Vv 44 MU @wawm bi wns PRINCIPLES AND GUIDELINES FOR THE DEVOLUTION OF SERVICES AND FUNCTIONS (SEC. 3) * LGUs to undertake necessary actions to prepare for the greater role and responsibilities they are ey expected to assume 2 MU @wawm »biwns PREPARATION OF FULL DEVOLUTION TRANSITION PLANS (SEC. 5) Transition plan shall include the following: a. Programs and projects to be devolved per LGU level b. Definition of standards for the delivery of devolved services (minimum cost, scope and quality of services) ¢. Strategy for capacity development of LGUs d. Framework for monitoring and performance assessment of LGUs, including imposition of sanctions provided by pertinent laws e. Department/agency organizational effectiveness proposal “N ‘hy REi4” Vv 4 “MU awoke _~ PREPARATION OF FULL DEVOLUTION TRANSITION PLANS (SEC. 5) + Transition plans to be submitted to DBM for evaluation and approval lil within 120 days from effectivity of EO —. + DILG, NEDA, DOF, and DAP to provide technical assistance to departments agencies concemed National Government =~ fv prepare respective transition plans upon finalization of transition tH Il plans of NGAs concerned + LGUs to ensure alignment and consistency with NGA transition plans + LGUs may consult and collaborate with DILG, NEDA, DOF, and DAP in the Local Government Units _formulation/development of their transition plans ime ON ‘BD’ BRERaw wv 44

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