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Growth - communication can be viewed both

COMMUNICATION IN THE WORKPLACE internally and externally. By being joined up
internally and having strong lines of
 Good communication is an essential tool communication you are ensuring that the
in achieving productivity and maintaining message you are delivering externally is
strong working relationship at all levels of consistent. Any growth project relies on strong
an organization. communication and on all stakeholders,
whether internal or external, being on the same
 Employees who invest time and energy wavelength.
into delivering clear lines of communication
will rapidly build trust among employees, 5. Strong Management - when managers are
leading to increases in productivity, output strong communication, they are better able to
and morale in general. manage their teams. The delegation of tasks,
conflict management, motivation and
 Meanwhile, employees who communicate relationship building (all key responsibilities of
effectively with colleagues, managers and any manager) are all much easier when you are
customers are always valuable assets to a strong communicator. Strong communication
an organization and it is a skill which can is not just the ability to speak people but to
often set people apart from their empower them to speak to each other --
competition when applying for jobs. facilitating strong communication channels is
 Poor communication in the workplace will
unsurprisingly lead to unmotivated staff
that may begin to question their own Key Areas Where Organizations Can
confidence in their abilities and certainly in Improve And Enhance Communication
the organization. Between Their Teams:

 Define goals and expectations.

Five Key Reasons Why You Need To Work - managers need to deliver clear,
On Good Communication: achievable goals to both teams and
individuals, outlining exactly what is
1. Team Building - building effective teams is required on any given project, and ensuring
really all about how those team members that all staff are aware of the objectives of
communicate and collaborate. By implementing the project, the department and the
effective strategies such as those listed below, organization.
to boost communication you will go a long way
toward building effective teams. This, in turn,  Clear deliver your message.
will improve morale and employee satisfaction. - ensure your message is clear and
accessible to your intended audience. To
2. Give Everyone a Voice - as mentioned do this, it is essential that you speak plainly
above, employee satisfaction can rely a lot on and politely -- getting your message across
their having a voice and being listened to, clearly without causing confusion or
whether it be in regards to an idea they have offence.
had or about a complaint they need to make.
Well established lines of communication  Choose your medium carefully.
should afford everyone, no matter their level, - once you’ve created your message,
the ability to freely communicate with their you need to ensure it’s delivered in the
peers, colleagues and superiors. best possible format. While face-to-face
communication is by far the best way to
3. Innovation - where employees are enabled build trust with employees, it is not always
to openly communicate ideas without fear of an option. Take time to decide whether
ridicule or retribution they are far more likely to information delivered in a printed copy
bring their idea to the table. Innovation relies would work better than an email or if a
heavily on this and an organization which general memo will suffice.
encourages communication is far more likely to
be an innovative one.  Keep everyone involved.
- ensure that lines of communication are
kept open at all times. Actively seek and
encourage progress reports and project
updates. This is particularly important when Steps in Creative Decision-Making:
dealing with remote staff.
1. Understanding the problem.
 Listen and show empathy. 2. Learning all relevant information.
- communication is a two-way process 3. Brainstorming new possibilities.
and no company or individual will survive 4. Reviewing new ideas.
long if it doesn’t listen and encourage 5. Implement the change.
dialogue with the other party. Listening
shows respect and allows you to learn
about any outstanding issues you may Different Creative Approach to Problem
need to address as an employer. Solving:

1. There is always a better way of doing things.

Using the DISC Model in Communication 2. Problems have diverse perspective.
3. Things should not be taken for granted.
 DISC is an acronym for the four personality 4. There is always a room for improvement.
styles that make up the DISC model of 5. Managers should not be afraid of failures.
behavior as we know them today:
Driver (D)
Influencer (I) Creativity process requires the following:
Supporter (S)
Controller (C) 1. Convergent Thinking - the problem is hold
according to pre-defined method or course of

2. Divergent Thinking - it does not solve the

problem in pre-defined way. Basically, it
CREATIVITY AND DECISION-MAKING analyzes different aspects of a problem, views
in different ways, and searches for alternative
 Creativity is a cognitive process in courses of action to solve the problem.
developing an idea, concept, commodity,
discovery that is viewed as novel by its
creator or target audience. Five Characteristics that Leaders Have in
 In context of business, it is means creation
of new ideas, new methods, new products, 1. Perseverance in the face of obstacles and
and services. adversity.
2. Willingness to take risks.
 Creative Decision-Making is a process of 3. Willingness to grow and openness to
exploring wider range of option and experience.
possibilities in forming a decision. 4. Tolerance of ambiguity.
5. Effective use of analogy to apply a known
situation to an unknown situation.
Why is creativity important parts of

 It opens up possibilities for new marketing

technique, rebranding, and innovative ways INTUITIVE DECISION-MAKING
to keep a product in front of public.
 Intuition is a form of non-conscious, non-
 It encourages in looking many option or verbal, non-deliver thinking that allows us
possible solutions to a problem rather than to make quick and seemingly instinctive
simply focusing on what has worked judgment and decisions.
 Describe as gut feeling or a sense that 2. Inaccuracy - can lead to incorrect decisions.
something is true without necessarily being
able to explain why. 3. Overconfidence - can lead to poor decision
making and a lack of awareness of potential
 It is also the ability to acquire knowledge risks and consequences.
without recourse to conscious, reasoning,
or needing an explanation. 4. Emotional Influence - can cloud judgment
and lead to decisions that are not in line with an
 Intuitive Decision-Making is very individual’s goals and objectives.
important tool for managers, allowing them
to make quick and accurate decisions even 5. Limited Consideration - can result in
in complex or uncertain situations. It is decisions that need to be better thought out
based on: and may not be optimal.
- Instinct
- Gut feeling
- Unconscious knowledge Models of Intuitive Decision Making:

1. The Recognition-Primed Decision (RPD)

Benefits of Intuitive Decision Making: Model - individuals first recognize their situation
and then instinctively generate a set of potential
1. Speed - intuitive decision making is a fast solutions based on previous experiences.
and automatic process that allows individuals to Developed by Gary Klein.
make quick decision in fast-paced and dynamic
environments. 2. The Deliberation-Without-Attention (DWA)
Model - intuition results from unconscious and
2. Flexibility - intuition is based on previous parallel information processing alongside
experiences and learned patterns, allowing conscious analysis. Developed by Gerd
individuals to adapt quickly to new and Gigerenzer.
changing situations.
3. The Adaptive Unconscious Model -
3. Ease Of Use - intuition is an unconscious individuals can unconsciously recognize
and non-verbal process that requires no formal patterns, processing information, and make
training or expertise. decisions based on previous occasions, even in
complex situation.
4. Effective in Uncertain Situations - intuition
can be particularly valuable in uncertain or 4. The Dual Process - decision making results
ambiguous situations where there is no from two parallel processes:
straight-forward right or wrong answer. Unconscious process, referred to as
intuition, operates quickly and
5. Complementary to Other Forms of automatically.
Reasoning - intuition can be used in Conscious process, referred to as
conjunction with other forms of logic and reasoning, operates deliberately
analysis, such as critical thinking and and systematically.
systematic problem solving.

6. Enhances Creativity - intuition can lead to Ways to Improve/Enhance your Intuitive

innovative and creative solutions by Decision Making:
encouraging individuals to think outside the box
and consider unconventional approaches. 1. Gain expertise and experiences.
2. Reflect from past experiences.
3. Seek feedback.
Problems with Intuitive Decision Making: 4. Practice mindfulness and self-awareness.
5. Use data and analytic.
1. Bias - lead decisions that are not objectively 6. Stay informed.
accurate. This can result in a narrow-minded
approach and can limit the ability to consider
alternative perspectives and options.
Two Distinct Approaches to Making

1. Rational Decision Making - is a deliberate,

systematic, and logical processes based on
conscious analysis and evaluation of available

2. Intuitive Decision Making - is a fast and

automatic process based on unconscious
knowledge, previous experiences, and learned

Examples of the Use of Intuitive Decision

Making in the Workplace:

1. Hiring Decisions
2. Prioritizing Tasks
3. Problem Solving
4. Evaluating Risks
5. Adapting to Change

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