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Ali Afzal Malik

Project Proposal

Semester: Fall 2023 Section: BCS-5A Team #: 2

Team Lead (name and roll no.) Zain Ahmad 19L-1166

Project Title SmartStudy Partners and Planners

Project Domain (academia, finance, healthcare, etc.) Academics

Implementation Language (C++ or Java) Java

Abstract (less than 250 words)

In the rapidly evolving landscape of education, the importance of effective

study tools cannot be overstated. The “SmartStudy Partners and Planners”
introduces a dynamic software solution aimed at revolutionizing the way
students learn, collaborate and schedule there course material. In the era
where remote and digital learning have become the norm, SmartStudy seeks
to bridge the gap between isolation and effective teamwork, making
education an engaging and enriching experience by providing a platform
where students can seek guidance from other students and enable priority
scheduling on their assignments, quizzes and exams.

This project proposal aligns with the ever-growing demand for advanced
educational technologies, catering to the needs of modern learners. It is a
website designed to promote collaborative learning and planning our task in
a systematic way. It not only fulfills the objectives of the project but also
addresses the pressing need for innovative educational tools in today’s
digital world.

The two major aspects are study groups and a task scheduling. The study
groups will help the students with clarification of concepts and motivate
them to study along with their fellow students. On the other hand the task
scheduler will provide the student with an organized and prioritized structure
which aids them in academic validation.

List of 5 to 10 Main Features

1. Interactive Study Groups

2. Resource Repository
3. Study Reminders
4. Progress Tracking
CS3004 FAST-NUCES Dr. Ali Afzal Malik

5. Sample Quiz for Practice

6. Discussion Forums
7. Video Conferencing
8. Splitting Difficult Tasks
9. Task Schedular
10. Personalized Study Plans

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