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Ali Afzal Malik

Smart Study Partners And


Phase 1

Team 2
Member Name Member Roll # Primary Responsibility
Maaz ahmad 21L-1862 UC-1 ,UC-2, UC-3, UC-22 –
Fatima Amer 21l-6194 UC-14 – UC-19
Zain UC-11,UC-12,UC-13,UC-
Fatima UC-4 – UC-10
Team 2 Smart Study Partners And Planners Phase 2

Table of Contents
Table of Contents...........................................................................................................................ii
Use Case Diagram 2

Analysis Level Class Diagram 3

Use Cases 4
Use Case 1 4
Use Case 2 6
Use Case 3 7
Use Case 4 8
Use Case 5 9
Use Case 6 10
Use Case 7 12
Use Case 8 13
Use Case 9 15
Use Case 10 16
Use Case 11 17
Use Case 12 18
Use Case 13 19
Use Case 14 20
Use Case 15 22
Use Case 16 23
Use Case 17 25
Use Case 18 26
Use Case 19 27
Use Case 20 29
Use Case 21 30Use Case 22

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Use case 1

Identifier UC -1
Name Signup
Summary User Signs up by registering the app.
Priority High
Actor(s) Student, Leading student
Pre-condition(s) The user must enter their details.
condition(s) The user is registered as a user.
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
Enters username / email in text
1 field.
2 Enters password in text field.
3 Saves credentials.
4 Displays “Signup successful”.
5 Gives access to app.
6 Uses the app.

Use case 2

Identifier UC -2
Name Login
Summary User logs in by entering credentials.
Priority High
Actor(s) Student, Leading student, Admin
Pre-condition(s) The user must be registered.
condition(s) The user is logged in.
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
Enters username / email in text
1 field

2 Enters password in text field.

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3 Verifies credentials.
4 Displays “Login successful”.
5 Gives access to app.
6 Uses the app.
Alternate Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
2 Selects “forgot password”.

Use case 3

Identifier UC -3
Name Forgot password
Summary User recovers password with recovery email.
Priority High
Actor(s) Student, Leading student, Admin
Pre-condition(s) The user must be registered.
condition(s) The user is logged in.
Typical Course of Action

S# Actor Action System Response

1 Clicks “Forgot Password”
Asks for Email.

3 Enters email.
4 Sends 6 Digit code.
5 Enters code.
6 Verifies code.
7 Prompts for password.
8 Enters new password.

Use case 4

Identifier UC-4
Name Makes Study Group
The admin will make study group for the specific
Summary course.

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Priority High
Actor(s) Admin
Admin should be logged in the account and should
have the authority.
condition(s) Study group of the course is created in database
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
1 Selects make group option.
2 Displays dialog box to enter
course detail.
3 Enter course details.
4 Displays message ”The group
has been created”
Alternate Course of Action(Error occurs during creation)
S# Actor Action System Response
4 Displays “Error Occurred”.
Go to 2

Use case 5

Identifier UC-5
Name Overview Community Guidelines
The admin will be able to keep track of all activity
Summary and will manage the community guidelines.
Priority High
Actor(s) Admin
Admin must overview a user account to ensure it
obeys all community guidelines.
Post- User account may be issued a warning, or even
condition(s) deleted.
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
Check if system makes any
1 reports or any complaints have
been against a user account in the
reports database.
2 Displays dialog box of all

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unattended reports.
Check if complaints or reports
3 made against an account are valid
and go against community
Delete the account or issue a
4 warning or disregard the
complaint and remove the
reports from the table.

Use case 6

Identifier UC-6
Name Invites Student
Admin will invite the students that are registered in
Summary that course.
Priority High
Actor(s) Admin
Admin should be logged in the account and a new
Pre-condition(s) user has sign up and isn’t registered in study
Post- New user is added into the database of the course
condition(s) study group.
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
1 Send a join request to a new
Sends a join request to the
2 new student account, allowing
them to choose join or decline.
Alternate Course of Action(Invite not send)
S# Actor Action System Response
2 Displays “Invite not send”.
Go to 1

Use case 7

Identifier UC-7
Name Removes Student
The admin will be able to remove the user from the
Summary study group of specific course.

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Priority High
Actor(s) Admin
The user being removed should be a part of the
study group and should select leave study group.
condition(s) User is removed from the database of study group.
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
Check if system makes any
1 reports for student leaving a study
2 Displays dialog box to remove
student confirmation.
3 Selects “Yes”.
4 Remove the student from that
specific subject group.
5 Displays message “The Student
has been removed”.
Alternate Course of Action(Student not removed)
S# Actor Action System Response

4 Displays “Student not

Go to 1

Use case 8

Identifier UC-8
Name Delete Resource Material
The admin will delete content from the study group
Summary of the specified course.
Priority Low
Actor(s) Admin
The resource material must be outdated, or new
guidelines for material.
Post- Resource material for that specific subject is
condition(s) deleted.
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
1 Check if any resource material
needs to be removed.

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2 Select Remove material.

3 Deletes the resource material
from the specific course.
4 Displays message “Material
Alternate Course of Action(Error occurs during deletion)
S# Actor Action System Response
4 Displays “Error Occurred”.
Go to 2

Use case 9

Identifier UC-9
Name Manages audio and video
The admin will control the audio and video of users
Summary during the sessions.
Priority Medium
Actor(s) Admin
Session should be ongoing and request to turn mic
and camera on should be made.
condition(s) Audio and video is enabled and disabled.
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
1 Enables or disables students to
access their audio and video
2 Audio and video is enabled for
the students

Use case 10

Identifier UC-10
Name Records Lecture
The admin will start the recording of live session for
Summary later use of the user.
Priority Medium
Actor(s) Admin
Admin must be logged into the account and the live
session should be on going.

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condition(s) Session is recorded and stored.
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
1 Selects Start Recording.
2 Screen records the lecture.
3 Stores the recording.
Alternate Course of Action(Recording not started)
S# Actor Action System Response
2 Displays “Try recording again”.
Go to 1
Alternate Course of Action(Recording stopped during session)
S# Actor Action System Response

3 Displays “Recording stopped

Go to 1

Use case 11

Identifier UC-11
Name Upload Lecture
Upload a recorded lecture according subjects and
Summary topics.
Priority Medium
Actor(s) Admin
Pre-condition(s) Admin must record the lecture during class.
Post- The lecture is uploaded and available for the
condition(s) students.
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response

1 Selects Upload Lecture option.

2 Asks for the subject and lecture

3 Select the subject and lecture
4 Asks for the recording file.

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5 Selects the file and presses the

upload button
6 Asks for confirmation.
7 Press Confirm button.
8 Displays the message “Lecture
is uploaded.”
Alternate Course of Action(Presses Cancel Button)
S# Actor Action System Response
4 Displays “Error Occurred”.
5 Presses Cancel button instead of
Go to 3

Use case 12

Identifier UC-12
Name Reset Student Password
Resets the Student Password if he/she has
Summary forgotten it.
Priority High
Actor(s) Admin
Admin must verify that the student is trying to
Pre-condition(s) access his/her own account rather than somebody
Post- The Password will be reset.
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
Verify the security email or phone
number before resetting the
1 password associated with the

2 Click reset password of student

Asks to enter the Username
3 and Roll Number of the
4 Enters Username and Roll
5 Asks for the New Password.

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6 Enters New Password.

7 Asks to enter New Password
again for confirmation.
8 Reenters new Password.
9 Displays a message “Password
is changed. “
Verify the security email or phone
number before resetting the
10 password associated with the

11 Click reset password of student

Asks to enter the Username
12 and Roll Number of the
13 Enters Username and Roll
14 Asks for the New Password.
Alternate Course of Action(Wrong User Name)
S# Actor Action System Response
Enters wrong Username or Roll
4 Number

Display “Wrong User Name. Try

5 Again”.

Go to 3

Use case 13

Identifier UC-13
Name Creates Student Account
Creates a Student Account for Students to have
Summary access to study groups.
Priority High
Actor(s) Admin
Pre-condition(s) Admin must login to his account.
Post- A new Student Account is created in database.
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response

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1 Clicks on new Student Account

Asks for Student details like
2 Name, Roll Number, Username,
and password.
3 Enters the details and presses
Create Account button.
4 Displays message “Account
created. “
Alternate Course of Action(Wrong details entered)
S# Actor Action System Response
4 Wrong/Mismatched information

5 Display “Wrong Details”.

Go to 2

Use case 14

Identifier UC-14
Name Joins Study Group
The user will join the study group for the course
Summary they opt for.
Priority High
Actor(s) Admin, Student, Leading Student
Users should have an existing account and have
course code to join the study group.
Post- The user will be added into the study group of
condition(s) respective course.
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
1 Selects Join New Study Group.
2 Dialog box to add course code
3 Enters the course code.
4 Displays the “Added to Study
5 Shows all the available content
of the study group.

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Alternate Course of Action(Course Code not correct)

S# Actor Action System Response
4 Displays “Invalid Course Code”.
Go to 2

Use case 15

Identifier UC-15
Name Leaves Study Group
The user will withdraw from the study group of the
Summary course they want to leave.
Priority Medium
Actor(s) Student, Leading Student
Users should be registered into the course they
want to withdraw from
Post- The user will be removed from the study group of
condition(s) respective course.
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
1 Selects Leave Study Group.
Confirmation dialog box
2 appears ”Do you want to leave
this Study Group
3 Selects “Yes”.
4 Displays “Removed
5 Shows the Home Page.
Alternate Course of Action(Selects No)
S# Actor Action System Response
3 Selects “No”.
4 Displays “You weren’t
5 Shows all the available content
of the study group.

Use case 16

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Team 2 Smart Study Partners And Planners Phase 1

Identifier UC-16
Name Share Resources and Notes
The user can upload any type of the content that is
Summary relevant to the course in study group.
Priority High
Actor(s) Admin, Student, Leading Student
Users should be registered into the course they
want to upload content.
Post- The content will be uploaded and will be visible to
condition(s) other users present in that study group.
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
1 Selects Upload Material.
2 Dialog Box for uploading the
content appears.
3 Selects all the desired files, links
4 Clicks on submit.
5 Displays “Material Posted
6 Material is now visible in
Contents areas.
Alternate Course of Action(Material not posted)
S# Actor Action System Response
5 Displays “Error Occurred.”
Go to 2

Use case 17

Identifier UC-17
Name Enable audio and video
The user will be able to turn on their video and
Summary audio during live sessions in the study group.
Priority High
Actor(s) Admin, Student, Leading Student
Users should have working mic and camera and
should have all the permissions required.
Post- User can speak using the mic and can use visual

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condition(s) aids during live study sessions.

Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
1 Clicks on the mic or camera
2 Mic or Camera turns on.
Alternate Course of Action(Camera and Mic don’t have access)
S# Actor Action System Response
2 “Access Denied”.

Use case 18

Identifier UC-18
Name Add task
The user will add the tasks they have completed
Summary and the remaining tasks into the task scheduler also
helps user to keep track of their progress.
Priority High
Actor(s) Student, Leading Student
Users should be registered into the study group of
the course.
The user will be able to see visual representation of
condition(s) the tasks they have completed and tasks they have
yet to complete.
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
1 Selects “Add New Tasks”.
2 Dialog Box to type new tasks
3 Enters the task.
4 Displays “Task Added”.
Shows the list of tasks that are
5 not completed along with
completed tasks.
Alternate Course of Action(Task not Added)
S# Actor Action System Response
4 Displays “Error Occurred”.
Go to 2

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Use case 19

Identifier UC-19
Name Create Self-Study plan
The user will be able to create a private study plan
Summary that he can follow throughout the semester.
Priority Medium
Actor(s) Student, Leading Student
Users should be registered into the course they
want to create plan of.
Post- The user will create a study plan and add tasks into
condition(s) scheduler according to plan.
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
1 Selects “Create Study Plan.”
2 Dialog box appears asking
“Public or Private”.
3 Selects “Private”.
4 Takes to task scheduler.
5 Adds desired tasks according to
6 Selects “Add Study plan”.
7 Displays “Plan Added
Alternate Course of Action(Student tries to create Public Plan)
S# Actor Action System Response
3 Selects “Public”.

Use case 20

Identifier UC-20
Name Use study plan
The student can follow the study plan for the course
Summary that has been shared by the leading student.
Priority Medium
Actor(s) Student, Leading Student

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Pre-condition(s) Study plan should be available.

Post- The user will use the study plan to prepare and
condition(s) practice the course.
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
1 Clicks on Study Guide.
2 Displays the study plan.
3 Selects “Follow this Plan”.
Tasks according to study plan
4 are added to the task
5 Shows the Task Scheduler.
Alternate Course of Action(User creates his own plan)
S# Actor Action System Response
3 Selects “Create Self-Study Plan”.

Use case 21

Identifier UC-21
Name Ask Questions
Summary Asks questions related to any topic or subject.
Priority Medium
Actor(s) Student, Leading Student
Student must login to his/her account and
registered into the course study group.
Post- The question is uploaded.
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
1 Student presses ask question
2 Asks to enter the question.
3 Enters the question.
4 Question is entered.
5 Displays “Question Added”.
6 When the answer is given, it is

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displayed to the student.

Alternate Course of Action(Question is not uploaded)
S# Actor Action System Response
5 Displays “Error Occurred”.
Go to 2

Use case 22

Identifier UC -22
Name Answer Questions
Summary Answer question from Study groups.
Priority High
Actor(s) Leading student
Pre-condition(s) Logged in as leading student.
condition(s) Answered questions from Study groups.
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
1 Opens any group.
2 Displays group context.
3 Views content.
4 Reads questions.
5 Sends answer through text or file.
6 Saves the file or text.
7 Posts the file or text in the
8 Continues using the app.
Alternate Course of Action(User Exits app)
S# Actor Action System Response
8 Exits app.

Use case 23

Identifier UC - 23
Name Create Group
Summary Creates a study group.
Priority High

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Actor(s) Leading Student

Pre-condition(s) Logged in as a leading group.
condition(s) New group created.
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
1 Selects “Create Group”.
2 Shows a prompt.
3 Asks for group name.
4 Asks for group description.
5 Selects group name and
6 Clicks “Add Participants”
7 Displays all members of the
study space.
8 Selects students.
9 Saves the details.
10 Creates group.
11 Views the group.
Alternate Course of Action(The user Exits group)
S# Actor Action System Response
11 Exits the group.

Use case 24

Identifier UC -24
Name Create Study Plan
Creates a study plan after viewing students’
Summary syllabus.
Priority Medium
Actor(s) Leading Student
Pre-condition(s) Logged in as a leading student.
condition(s) Study plan created.
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
1 Select “View syllabus”.
2 Display syllabus.

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3 Views syllabus.
4 Creates study plan.
5 Posts study plan.
6 Saves study plan.
7 Posts the plan in group.
Alternate Course of Action(Exits after viewing syllabus)
S# Actor Action System Response
4 Exits after viewing syllabus.

Use case 25

Identifier UC - 25
Name Invite Students
Summary Invites students to their study group.
Priority Medium
Actor(s) Leading Student
Pre-condition(s) Logged in as leading student and admin of group.
condition(s) Students invited.
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
1 Opens group.
2 Shoes group content.
3 Clicks “invite members”
4 Displays “study space”
5 Selects students.
6 Writes invite text.
7 Sends invite.
8 Sends invite to student.
9 Continues using the app.
Alternate Course of Action(Exits the App)
S# Actor Action System Response
9 Exits the app.

Use case 26

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Identifier UC -26
Name Prepare Quiz
Summary A leading student prepares quiz for other students.
Priority Medium
Actor(s) Leading Student
Pre-condition(s) Logged in and a leading student.
Post-condition(s) Material Shared
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
1 Select “View Syllabus”
2 Displays Syllabus.
3 Views Syllabus.
4 Chooses material for quiz.
5 Posts the material for quiz.
6 Saves the Quiz material.
7 Verifies the Quiz material.
Alternate Course of Action(Only views syllabus)
S# Actor Action System Response
4 Exits after viewing Syllabus.

Use case 27

Identifier UC-27
Name Schedule tasks
Summary Schedules tasks for students.
Priority Medium
Actor(s) Leading student
Pre-condition(s) Logged in as leading student.
condition(s) Tasks scheduled and posted.
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
1 Selects view syllabus.

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2 Displays syllabus.
3 Views syllabus.
4 Schedules tasks.
5 Posts the tasks.
6 Saves task.
7 Posts tasks.
8 Creates a timed reminder.
9 Continues using the app.
Alternate Course of Action(Exits App)
S# Actor Action System Response
9 Exits the app.

Use case 28

Identifier UC - 28
Name Send Study Reminder
Summary Sends a study reminder to a group.
Priority Medium
Actor(s) Leading Student
Pre-condition(s) Logged in as a Leading student.
Post-condition(s) Study reminder sent.
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
1 Opens a group.
2 Sends a study reminder.
3 Saves the reminder.
4 Exits the app.
5 Notifies students and makes a
Alternate Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
4 Keeps using the app.

Use case 29

Identifier UC - 29
Name Teach other students

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Summary Teaches other students using a video chat.

Priority Medium
Actor(s) Leading student
Pre-condition(s) Logged in as a leading student.
condition(s) Started a video chat with other students.
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
1 Opens a group.
2 Displays group contents.
3 Clicks “Video Call” button
4 Initiates a video call.
5 Sends a notification to
6 Provides microphone access.
7 Checks video and starts teaching.
8 Ends call.
Alternate Course of Action(Video call ended by user)
S# Actor Action System Response
5 Ends call.

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