Auditing Assignment 1 - 451

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Jubail Industrial College

Department of Business Administration

Semester 451- 2023

Assignment No: 1 Section No: 201

Course Code: ACCT 457 Course Name: Auditing

Student Name Student ID







Course Lecturer: Tahani Al Muqati

Learning Outcome: In this Assignment, show professionalism while discussing the Audit
issues and Audit opinions as a team in class.


1. Write a max of 3-2 pages’ paper double spaced (APA Style) on the company of your
choice that
has been victimized by fraud, corruptions, bribes, unethical issues in their business
2. Write the History of the company briefly
3. Identify and explain fraud acts, corruptions, misstated information that could potentially
affect your selected company not listing points.
4. Determine the financial position of the company if applicable
5. Give your opinion about the audit issue
6. Conclusion


 Each group should have 5 members only

 The Report should be formatted
(Justify the text, Use Font: Times New Roman, Font Size 12, and Line Spacing: 1.5)
 Submission is through Blackboard
 There will be no repetition of Assignment
 Plagiarized work will not be marked and will be graded as 0
 Deadline: the paper will be due Oct 9, 2022

Rubrics: This Assignment will contain 10% of your final grade divided as following:

 Identify and explain fraud acts, corruptions, misstated information that could potentially affect
your selected company not listing points. 3 points
 Determine the financial position of the company if applicable. 2 point
 Give recommendations and opinion. 1 point
 Conclusion. 1 point
 Formatting the paper. 3 points

Websites Can be used:


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