Roles and Responsibility

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Jackie chan

Your role as a director is to participate in board meetings to enable the board to reach these decisions
and make sure that the company's obligations are fulfilled. The directors are effectively the agents of
the company, appointed by the shareholders to manage the company's day-to-day affairs.
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• To manage all aspects of
filming, sometimes
operating a camera.
supervise the camera crew
to decide on any special
camera moves. work
closely with the lighting
team to decide on lighting
techniques. review film
footage with the director.

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PRODUCER • Producers, or Film
Producers, oversee the
business and financial
matters of a movie,
music album, stage
production or television
show. Their main duties
include hiring
production staff, like
Directors, Crew
Members and Cast
Members, building the
budget for the
production and gaining
intellectual property

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SOUND • Sound
designers collect,
edit, and create
sound effects,
ambient effects, and
even music for
video games,
applications, or any
other form of
interactive media.

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Lighting designers design and plan lighting and electrical systems while
working in collaboration with interior designers, engineers, or architects
and design products for residential, commercial, or industrial sites.


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