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Introduction to Photosynthesis: require light energy to split water

molecules, releasing oxygen and

Photosynthesis is the process by which
producing ATP and NADPH.
green plants, algae, and some bacteria
convert light energy, usually from the b. Calvin cycle (Light-independent
sun, into chemical energy stored in reactions): Occurs in the stroma of
glucose and other organic molecules. chloroplasts and uses ATP and NADPH
to convert carbon dioxide into glucose
It is a fundamental process that sustains
through a series of enzyme-driven
life on Earth by providing oxygen and a
primary source of food for most
organisms. Factors Affecting Photosynthesis:
Light intensity: An increase in light
intensity generally increases the rate of
Chemical Equation of
photosynthesis until it reaches a
saturation point.
The overall chemical equation for
Temperature: Photosynthesis is most
photosynthesis is:
efficient within a certain temperature
6 CO2 + 6 H2O + light energy → range; extreme temperatures can inhibit
C6H12O6 (glucose) + 6 O2. the process.

This equation represents the conversion Carbon dioxide concentration: Higher

of carbon dioxide and water into glucose CO2 levels typically lead to increased
and oxygen in the presence of light. photosynthesis.

Photosynthetic Organelles: Importance of Photosynthesis:

Chloroplasts are the organelles where Oxygen production: Photosynthesis is

photosynthesis takes place in plant responsible for the release of oxygen
cells. into the atmosphere, which is vital for
respiration in most organisms.
Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll, a
green pigment that captures light Food production: Plants produce
energy. glucose and other organic compounds
through photosynthesis, serving as the
base of the food chain.
Stages of Photosynthesis: Carbon cycle: Photosynthesis helps
Photosynthesis can be divided into two regulate the Earth's carbon cycle by
main stages: removing CO2 from the atmosphere.

a. Light-dependent reactions: These

reactions occur in the thylakoid
membranes of the chloroplasts and
Adaptations for Photosynthesis:
Some plants have adaptations to
optimize photosynthesis in specific
environments, such as CAM and C4
plants that reduce water loss in arid

Photosynthesis in Other Organisms:

Algae and certain bacteria also perform
photosynthesis, contributing to primary
production in aquatic ecosystems.

Human Impact on Photosynthesis:

Deforestation and pollution can disrupt
photosynthesis in plants and lead to
environmental imbalances.
Increased atmospheric CO2 due to
human activities can affect the efficiency
of photosynthesis in some plants.

Applications of Photosynthesis:
Researchers are exploring artificial
photosynthesis for renewable energy
production and carbon capture.
Understanding photosynthesis helps
improve agricultural practices, crop
yields, and food security.

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