Broiler Proposal 2

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Starting a Broiler/ layer Project

I. Project Type Selection

1. Project Type: Broiler

2. Briefly explain your choice. Why did you choose broiler or layer production?

I choose the Broiler production, because nowadays broiler chicken is the most progressive animal enterprise in the
Philippines. Due to a lack of supply, as well as the higher cost of pork brought on by the African Swine Fever (ASF)
outbreak, consumers also switched from pork to chicken. And According to Rasyaf (1995), broilers have beneficial
properties, both for breeders and consumers.

II. Location and Land Preparation

1. Location Selection: Describe the location for your poultry project. Consider factors like proximity to
markets, water sources, and accessibility.

Since broiler production is essentially a chick-brooding operation, the house should contain equipment so that such
factors as temperature, moisture, air quality, and light can be easily controlled. It should also provide for efficient
installation and operation of brooding, feeding, watering, and other equipment. The broilers require a clean, dry area
that can be well ventilated. The site selected for the broiler pen should be consider the proximity to markets; broiler
production should be urban, but not specifically in the city or along the road. The location is 10-15 minutes driving
to the market. It's so spacing an open area, but the place is not crowded and does not have a lot of people to avoid
the noise level and even the vehicle noises. There is also a water pump so it can easily access clean water, and it
possible to add some equipment or some tools used for disinfectant and for regularly cleaning into the production
area, for example, an irrigation pump. The poultry farm must be easily accessible. Its in the open area so it has
proper ventilation, and its location is not that far from the localities and municipalities, so it can connect the safest
water. Even in this place, the water pump and well are present. It is also important to have a lot of resources on
water because this one is very important and the proper and enough source of electricity. This location is the perfect
place to build a poultry farm. It's so spacious that the water resources are unlimited because there is a spring on the
upper part of the land or in the mountains. The location is not in the mountains, but it's between the mountains or in
our municipalities. Our hometown has a lot of mountains, but it's not that far from the city or our municipality, so
access to the resources is not a problem.

2. Land Preparation: Outline the step

s required to prepare the land for poultry housing, including soil testing and leveling if necessary.

*Choose A Good Place

*Determine The Type
*Required Facilities
*Make Room For New Birds
*Separation of the sick bird
*Required Space
*Feeding Troughs
*Drinking Troughs
*MSU Extension Service Soil Testing Laboratory
*Litter Sample

III. Housing and Equipment

1. Housing Type: Free-range / Battery cage / Deep litter

Deep litter

2. Explain your choice of housing type and discuss the advantages and disadvantages.

I choose the deeper litter for the reason it provides extra insulation in colder temperatures, as well as extra heat from
the decomposition of the litter. Another potential benefit is that when raised under conditions that don't provide
adequate nutrition, deep litter poultry is healthier than poultry raised in the traditional method of housing.

Advantages of deep litter system in poultry management include: It increases efficiency in poultry management,
facilitates the management of very large flock, maximizes use of land, increases rate of growth / production,
maximizes use of labor, reduces loss of eggs to vermin’s, snakes and thieves, protects birds . Deep litter poultry
house design is improved animal welfare. With a deep layer of litter on the floor, birds can engage in natural
scratching and foraging behaviors, which helps to reduce stress and improve their overall health and well-being.


The birds inhale the dust which creates chest congestion, leading to respiratory problems. It cakes up easily. It
harbors more bacteria than other systems. It also contains more foreign bodies like nails, etc. than other systems.

3. Equipment Needed: List the essential equipment required for your chosen housing type.
*Water Supply
*Floor Design
*Add roofing material:
*Install windows and vents:
*Add wire mesh:
*Add litter material:
*Add feeders and waterers:

IV. Poultry Breed Selection

1. Select a Poultry Breed: (Specify breed for broilers or layers)

Arbor Acres Broilers.

2. Justify your choice of poultry breed. Consider factors like growth rate, egg production, and suitability for
local conditions.

Arbor Acres is the product line of Aviagen with an excellent growth rate. This broiler breed is a steady and high-
quality commercial meat-purpose bird. Delivering tender breast meat is the top-notch quality of Arbor Acres. Arbor
Acres gains a noteworthy live body weight of 2.7 kgs in their first 6 weeks. They can go up to 4.3 kgs at the 8 weeks
of life due to genetic improvement. Most broiler farms keep Arbor Acres because of their good meat characteristics.
Besides, this breed very well adapts itself to farm conditions. For decades, Aviagen has demonstrated commitment
to promoting sustainability across the environmental, economic and social pillars through strategic.The Arbor Acres
product line is steadily improved to ensure all products consistently add value to customer operations through
established breed selection processes that use both traditional scientific techniques and the latest in technology.

V. Feeding and Nutrition Plan

1. Feed Type: (Specify the type of feed)


2. Daily Feed Requirements: Calculate the estimated daily feed requirements for your flock based on their
age and quantity.
VI. Disease Prevention and Health Management

1. Vaccination Schedule: Create a vaccination schedule for your poultry. Include the type of vaccines and the
recommended timing.

2. Disease Prevention: Describe measures you will implement to prevent common poultry diseases.

The following measures are to be followed:

*Brooding management to ensure a good start in poultry production.

*Proper sanitation to reduce the exposure time and number of organisms that can endanger the life of the broiler.

*Well maintained environment to keep the flocks from getting stressed. A clean and damp place can ensure that the
flock can grow healthy and robust.

*Immunization procedures to help build the natural resistance or immunity of the birds.

*Water management. Clean and abundant water will be available in the area. Cleanliness of the drinking
equipment’s used will be maintained.

*Feed management. Broiler will have easy to access to feeds. The height of the feeders should correspond to the
height of the broilers to avoid wastage of feed, avoid the feeds from being mixed with litter and ensure the broilers
are getting the right amount of feed required.

VII. Marketing and Sales Strategy

1. Market Analysis: Research the local market for poultry products. Identify potential buyers and competitors.

The potential buyers of the poultry products are the residents of the Municipality of Palanas. Competitors includes
other poultry production in the localities and Bounty Plus Inc. Other competitors in the area also includes sari-sari
stores that sells other poultry products in retail but doesn’t have a constant supply.

2. Pricing Strategy: Determine how you will price your poultry products.

The price will not exceed the price of poultry products in the market. It will cost consumers less but the initial and
final quality will pass the consumers judgement.

3. Sales Channels: Explain the channels you will use to sell your poultry products (e.g., local markets, direct
to consumers).

The poultry products will be delivered to the local market in large quantities so they can also sell them wholesale.
Poultry products will also be delivered to different stores located in every barangay that so good quality meat can be
accessible to everyone.

VIII. Financial Projections

1. Budget: Prepare a budget for your poultry project, including startup costs, operating expenses, and expected
Start up Budget 100,000

The potential profit are expected to be

For 500 heads broiler:
Estimated Livability Rate (LR): 98%
Estimated Weight (EW): 1.88 kg
Estimated overall costs: 100,000
Estimated overall weight:
1.88 x 98
= 184.24
Estimated Overall Weight (EOW): 184.24
Estimated Price (EP): 200
184.24 x 200
= 36,848
=36,848 multiply by the yearly sales 7.5
= 276,360
Estimated Yearly Sales (EYS): 276,369
Total Net Profit: 276,360- 100,000
= 176,360
Estimated Yearly Net Profit= 85%

IX. Environmental Considerations

1. Environmental Impact: Discuss any potential environmental impact your poultry project may have (e.g.,
waste management).

• Waste materials. Large amount of litter can exceed the amount needed in fertilization of
agricultural land and this excessive amount used can cause serious problem to the soil and water

• Climate change. The production of livestock generates greenhouse gas emissions, including
carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4).

• • Emissions from intensive chicken farming have a negative influence on the air, water, and land.
When fertilizing nearby agricultural land, waste items like manure and poultry litter are frequently
produced in greater volumes.

2. Sustainability Measures: Describe steps you will take to minimize environmental impact and promote
• Excess manures will be stored, transported and sold to other municipalities, and processed to
become a waste by-product that needs to be managed in order to prevent air, soil and water
contamination as well as a negative impact on human health.

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