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Adobe PageMaker has long been heralded as a great publishing program. Now, many
of us are creating pages for both print and outline distribution. Internal network,
corporate internets, and the World Wide Web have changed the way of page
designers think &. walk.PageMaker features new tools & techniques for creating
publications for the Internet & Private world. You can create all new pages fur both
printing & the web.
It is most useful Package in D.T.P (Desk Top Publishing) to create News Papers,
Layouts, Visiting Cards, Notes etc. D.T.P operators commonly use PageMaker for their
daily work.By using PageMaker we can create different types of headings, sub-
headings format, We can format the written Text with the help of different


POINTER TOOL : Use the pointer tool to select, move, and resize text blocks and

TEXT TOOL :Use the text tool to type, select, and edit text.

ROTATING TOOL:Use the rotating tool to select and rotate objects.

CROP TOOL:Use the cropping tool to trim imported graphics.

STRAIGHT LINE :Use the iine tool to draw straight lines in any direction. Use the
constrained line tool to draw vertical or horizontal lines.

RECTANGLE TOOL : Use the rectangle tool to draw rectangles and squares.

RECTANGLE TOOL :Use the rectangle frame tool to create a rectangular placeholder
for text and graphics.

ELLIPSE TOOL: Use the ellipse tool to draw ellipses and circles.

ELLIPSE FRAME :Use the ellipse frame tool to create a circular or oval placeholder
for text and graphics.

POLYGON TOOL : Use the polygon tool to draw basic polygons.

POLYGON FRAME TOOL: Use the tool to create a polygonal placeholder for text and

SCROLL TOOL: Use the hand tool to scroll the page or preview and text hyperlinks.

ZOOM TOOL: Use the zoom tool to magnify or reduce an area of the page.
NEW:This command is to open a new file.
OPEN:This command is used to open an existing file.

SAVE : This command is used to save a new file by giving particular name, it is also used to
save the recent changes done in your current file.

SAVE AS :This command is used to make a duplicate copy of a open file. This Command is
also used l.o gave the open file on floppy.
REVERT: ,It resorted-s your publication or templates to last saved version. "Revert" means
all the changes made to your publication since you save it. Several operations cause mini-
saves, including. turning, deleting or inserting pages, printing, and copying or pasting
objects to the Clipboard.

PLACE: Imports text, graphics, and spreadsheet or database files into the active publication.
The options available depend on what is selected when you choose this command- The files
you can place depend in part on the import filters installed.

PRINT :Prints your file using the print specifications you selected. Once you print a file,
those print settings become the settings for the file until you do not change them.

DOCUMENT SETUP :This command lets you to modify the basic took of your document. In
this option we can change the Size, Orientation, Margins, etc

PREFERENCES:This command controls various settings that apply to publication-wide

behavior. General, Online, Layout Adjustment, Setting defaults and preferences, Font
Edit menu lists the special features that address separate selections in the PageMaker
project. The general are similar and can be compared to standard word processors.
Cut :- If you want to move text or object from one place to another, we can use cut
option from Edit Menu.
Copy :- If we want to make a duplicate of text or object then we can use copy option from
Edit Menu.
Paste :- Paste works in conjunction with cut or copy Paste places the data we have cut or
copied in the current location where the cursor.
Be Smart and use following Shortcuts Cut -(Ctrl+X) Copy-( Ctrl+C) Paste-( CtrI+V).

USE OF COPY AND PASTE :To COPY data from a particular row or column click the mouse
pointer on the starting cell and keeping the left button pressed drag it over the cells you
want to copy. You will see the highlighted cells.

Now click on the "Edit" menu on the top of your screen and then click on the "Copy" option.
Remember to press the Left Mouse Button every time for selection.

Now move the cursor where you want to copy the selected data/text. Click on the "Edit"
menu and select the "Paste" option of the menu. In the above case the entire selection is
copied from one place to the new place.

USE OF CUT AND PASTE : Select the particular rows and columns you want to "MOVE"

Select the "Edit" menu from the menu bar on top and select the "Cut" optior from it.

Similarly click on the cell where you want to move the data. Now again from the "Edit"
menu select its "Paste" option.

You will see that the selected text from the original position has moved ii-om it place to the
newly selected position.

CLEAR : Deletes the selected object or text without putting it on the Clipboard. This
command is available only if an object or text is selected.

SELECT ALL:This command is used to select all the text and graphics in the active window,
or select all text in the selected object.

DESELECT ALL :This command is used to deselect the selected content of the current page.

INSERT OBJECT :This command is used to insert any object or drawing from other packages
like Microsoft Clipart, Paint, CorelDraw etc. You can insert a graphic from Clip art gallery or
fro other application. To insert object from clip art gallery select Clip art gallery fro object
type dialog box and click on OK and to insert an object from other application select the
appropriate application name.

MULTIPLE PASTE :This command is used to paste copied text more than one time and on
different, position on same page by changing horizontal & vertical offset.

EDIT STORY :Opens the story editor to show the story currently selected, or opens a m
story window if no text is selected, e.g. Editing text, Moving between story editor and layout
LAYOUT : This menu allows you to create columns, inset new pages, remove unwanted
pages, sort the pages and also helps you to move from one page to another.

GO TO PAGE: This command is used to go on any page Eg. We can directly go from 1st
page to 11th page or from 11th page to 5th page.
INSERT PAGES:This command is used to insert new pages, before or after current page in
our open document.
REMOVE PAGES:This command is used to remove one or more unwanted pages from our
current file, We can select a range of pages to delete.

SORT PAGES: Allows you to move pages from one position to another in the active
publication by arranging thumbnail representations of your pages in the page order you
want. PageMaker then reorders and renumbers your pages based on the change; you make.
GO BACK :Lets you return to the previous page in the sequence of pages you have viewed
since you opened a publication. Unavailable if you have not viewed more than one page in a

GO FORWARD: Lets you advance to the next page in the sequence of pages you have
viewed since you opened a publication. Unavailable if you have reached the end of the
sequence of pages you have viewed.

COLUMN GUIDES: This command allows you to create columns on the current page or
change the existing number of columns. You can create as much as 20 columns. To set

Select Columns Guides from Layout

Type the number of columns per page and space between the columns.

If you are having more than one page and your Double sided option from Document setup is
On, you can use the checkbox to define left and right pages differently.

Click on Ok when finished, and you'll see your guideline in place


When "Auto flow" is checked on the menu, text flows according to the column and margin
guides you have set. PageMaker’ adds pages, as necessary until the entire story has been
placed. When "Auto flow" is not checked on the menu, text flows manually into only one
column at a time. At the bottom of each column you must click the red triangle in the
bottom window shade handle to get another loaded text icon. Automatic text flow, or auto
flow, is the fastest way to place text on a page.
TYPE :Type menu is concerned with every aspect of font usage for your document. Fonts arc
as important to the overall design of a page. Using of wrong fonts detract the design and
the right look of the design is almost wasted. You should never get confused between Type
Style and Style in the Type menu. Type Style refers to the option of selected words or text
block which includes Normal, Bold, italic, Underline, Strikethrough, Outline, Shadow and
Reverse. Style refers to text block style presets, such as Headline, Body text, and Caption.


To change current font for selected text. PageMaker provide you many fonts like Arial,
Times New Roman, Helvetica, Algerian etc.

SIZE: This command is used to change current size of selected text. Type (text) is
traditionally measured in points- There are 72 points in an inch. You can select the size from
the list or click on custom and type the required size i.e. from 4 to 650 and then click on Ok.

LEADINGS: This command is used to increase or decrease the spaces between two lines, By
default leading is Auto.
TYPE STYLE: To change the style of selected text e.g. Normal, Bold, Italic, Underline,
Reverse-: "Reverse" is a paper-coloured type style used for contrasting against solid back

HORIZONTAL SCALE: This command is used to enlarge or reduce the width of selected text.

Expert Tracking: To increase or decrease "space between the character.

CHARACTER :All the above commands from type menu are included in this dialog box, We
can select group of commands at a one time. We can change Case, Position and Colour of
the selected text.
PARAGRAPH :This command is used to change Indents paragraph space alignment.

INDENTS/TAB :This command is used to set Tabs and Indents for any paragraph. There are
four types of tabs e.g. Left, Right, Center and Decimal. Tabs can be used to create Table or
ALIGMENT :This command is used to change alignment of selected text. There are five
types of alignments e.g. Left, Right, Center, Justify and Force Justify.

a) ALIGN LEFT text is flush left against the left side of the column, making a straight line of
text along the left side. You acn flush left alignment as ragged right, referring to ragged
edges of the paragraph.

B)ALIGN RIGHT : is opposite of flush left. Text is align along the right side of column and
left side is ragged.

c) ALIGN CENTER: is centered on the line(s). It automatically calculates the space occupied
by letters and place. the center point of each line. In this case both the side is ragged-

d) JUSTIFY ; aligns text both ways, presenting a straight line on the left and right side.

e) FORCE JUSTIFY : stretches the text across the column. It is used only for special effects,
such as evenly spacing the letters of a single word across a column.

STYLE :This command is used to apply different type of paragraph style to our selected text
e-g- Heading, Subheading, Caption, Hanging indent, Body text, etc.

If die given paragraph style does not match our requirement we can use this command to
create our own style for our text. We can select Font, Size, Alignment or colour for our new
When it's time to create and transform your graphics, the element menu is the place to go.
The most important items listed for modify rectangle, ovals, polygons and freeform .shapes
are first three option they are Fill, Strike, and Fill & Stroke, The first two .option Fill and
Stroke enable you to apply basic fills and strokes. The third option Fill c-; Stroke enables
you to create and apply more complex Fill & Stroke.
FILL : This is command is used to fill colour or pattern in a selected object.

STROKE: This command is used to change line type e.g. Dashed Line, Dotted Line, 0.5 Line,
1,0 T 'FT' etc.


Both the above commands are included in this dialog box, We can select the fill and line
style also change the colour. This option gives you more power over the fill and line applied
to PageMaker object than you get by using the colors palette.


a) BRING TO FRONT : This command is used to bring selected object front of another

b) SEND TO BACK : This command is used to send the selected object behind any object.

c) BRING FORWARD : Moves selected objects up one level in a stack of overlapping objects.
Unavailable if no objects are selected, or no publication is open.

ji) SEND BACKWARD Moves selected objects down one level in a stack of overlapping
objects. Unavailable if no objects are selected, or no publication is open.

ALIGN OBJECTS :You can align objects in relation to one another, Align or distribute objects
based on a common edge or based on the centers of objects. For eg, select the align-right
icon to move objects horizontally so that their right edges line up with the right edge of the
rightmost object.

LOCK POSITION :Maintains objects in place. You can change the attributes of a locked
object as long as the change does not effect the object's size or position.

UNLOCK POSITION :Undoes Lock Position command, allowing movement of selected object,

POLYGON SETTING :Lets you change the shape of polygons. You can change the number of
sides (up to 100) and the degree to which the sides are inset to form a star. With no object
selected, the chosen setting becomes the default for PageMaker-drawn polygons Unavailable
if the selected object is not a polygon drawn in PageMaker.

ROUNDED CORNERS :This command is used to control the shape of the corners of rectangle
or square. You can change pointed comers to rounded.

NON PRINTING : Designates a selected object as non-printing, so that it does not print. You
can hide or display non-printing objects on screen with the Layout > Display Non-Printing

REMOVE TRANSFORMATION : Removes rotation, skewing, and reflection for the selected
object. Unavailable if no object is selected, or because the object selected has not been
rotated, skewed, or reflected.


a) DROP CAP : This command is used to enlarge the first character of a paragraph. We have
to select number of line for dropping.
b) BULLETS & NUMBERING: This command is used to apply bullets or numbering for
different paragraphs. Bullet like ()*&#MN and Numbers like 1, 2, 3, 4, so on.

Locates specified text, characters, or formatting (Font, Size, and so on) in the selected text,
in an entire story, in all stories in 'the active publication, or in all stories in all open

CHANGE :Locates and replaces specified text, characters, or formatting (Font, Size, and ?o
oni in the selected text, in an entire story, in ail stories in the active publication. or in all
stories in all open publications, Available only in Edit Story view,

SPELLING :Checks and helps to correct spellingand basic grammatical error in the
selected ;exi. :n an entire story, in all stories in the active publication, or in all stories in all
open publications. Available only in Edit Story view,

DEFINE COLOURS :Allows you to create and edit custom colors that you can apply to text or
graphic objects.

Step; to create colours .

Select on Utilities-Define Colours.
Click on New.

Select a Library and select a colour.

Now select the anyone of following Model (RGB, HLS or CMYK). For e.g. if you select RGB
mode! increase the proportion of Red, Green or Blue and create the desired colour.

Type any name for the new colour.

VIEW :The view menu lists the option for customizing for customizing PageMaker’s display
and global controls. It is use to display how your publications (document) setting and design
will look after printing.

DISPLAY MASTER ITEM :Makes master page objects ail visible or all invisible on a page,

DISPLAY NON PRINTING :Shows or hides the objects defined as non-printing with the
Element > Nonprinting command.

ZOOM IN :Increase the ?age size to next higher magnification.

ZOOM Out :Decrease the page size to next lower magnification.

ACTUAL SIZE :Increase the page size to actual printing size. It is used to see text and
graphics as they will appear when printed.

FIT IN WINDOW :Displays the entire page by decreasing its zoom. When you need to check
the overall composition o:' a page or a two pages spread i.e. facing pages.

ENTIRE PASTEBOARD :Displays entire- pasteboard so that you can find or view objects.

ZOOM TO :If you want to magnify your page as per your requirement i.e. 200%, 400%, etc.

HIDE RULERS : This command is used to display or hide the Ruler on a screen. It helps us
to take perfect measurement of paragraphs or graphics,

HIDE GUIDES :This command is used to display or hide the Guides on a screen.

LOCK GUIDES :Prevents you from accidentally moving the non-printing guides when you
reposition adjacent text or graphics. Lock Guides is available only when the guides are
turned on,

CLEAR RULER GUIDES :Removes a3i ruler guides on the current, page-

SEND GUIDES TO BACK: Sets guides to display in back of page elements throughout the
current publication. Sending Guides of the back makes selection of objects easier. Bringing
guides to the front makes selection and moving of guides easier.

HIDE SCROLL BARS :Displays or hides the scroll bars. Unavailable if no publication is open.
WINDOW: The Window menu is used to toggle on or off page makers toolbox, Colour box
and Control Palettes, It is also used for move from one document to another which are

TILE :This command is used to arrange two or more windows so they appear side by side
lik'-' tiles on a floor.

CASCADE :This command is used to arrange two or more windows in a stack, with a slight
offset so that you can see the title bar of each.

SHOW/HIDE TOOLS: This command is used to display or hide the toolbox,

SHOW/HIDE CONTROL PALLETE :This command is used to display or hide the control

SHOW/HIDE STYLES: This command is used to display or hide the style pallete.

SHOW/HIDE COLOURS: This command is used to display or hide the colour pallete.

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