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TECHNICAL WRITING writer the status of an author, but just a

transmitter of messages or a translator of

Technical Writing is your act of
meanings," who has no authority to introduce a
communicating, through writing. whatever you
certain form of discourse in society at the same
think and feel about your job, business,
time claim ownership of the mode of rhetoric
industry, profession, and organization. It is "on-
(Gerson, 2006). Thinking of technical writing
the-job witting a modem way, of defining
as a way of learning that does not deal with
technical writing. Defining if traditionally, you
theories a lot, but with knowledge to survive in
think of technical writing as mainly producing
the "tough and tumble world." Peeples
written outputs about these three fields of
(2003) stressed that this type of writing always
knowledge: Science, Technology and
aim at "getting things done and at the same
Engineering. As an act of writing about a
time inviting a how- 10, or handbook method of
workplace, it pertains to all kinds of
organizations, jobs, and professions, In the
field of Architecture, Agriculture. Business, HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT
Engineering, Music, Medicine, Law,
Tracing the historical development of
Psychology, Radiology, Banking, and so on.
technical wilting, you have to set your thinking
Involving varieties of people, products,
about this kind of writing in the prehistoric time.
services. topics, and expressions that are
Imagine the Stone and lion Age men as well as
unique, special, or exclusive to a particular job,
the other nomadic hunters living in caves and
this type of writing is apt to use these two
creating their own tools out of stones, then
words-diversity and multiculturalism-to
later out of bronze and iron. These early tools
characterize its nature. (Pfeiffer, 2007)
of men reflect, to a certain extent, the artistry,
An etymological definition of technical techniques or technical skills of the prehistoric
writing, makes you discover that this men. Had these nomadic people possessed
expression came from three foreign terms: writing skills during this period, they could have
technikos (Greek), techne (French), and recorded on paper, their unique ways or
teks (Indo-European). The first two mean art, strategies in creating their own tools to suit
craft, or skill; the last, which is the origin of their particular purposes. Unable to write in this
techne, means, to weave or fabricate. Being prehistoric period, they had to wait until 2.000
the root of the word textile, teks indicates that BC. so as to record on a piece of paper their
weaving (35,000 BCE) is one of the very first technical knowledge or special ways of doing
technologies done by people in this world. things. (D.S. MAX, 1996)
Technical Writing takes place within a What helped these early people
writer's field of profession or area of discipline communicate their thoughts or ideas about
composed of readers who are familiar with the their work during this period was the very first
technical writer's subject matter and writing book on communication, Rhetoric, by
style. Expressions circulating in this group Aristotle. The guidelines given by this book on
of readers are not understandable or convincing people of the quality or credibility of
familiar to all kinds of people (McMurray, a certain product or service have remained to
2002). Inclined to using specialized terms, be the basis of the modem-world persuasive
technical writing tends to exclude other readers writing such as technical Writing. Evolving
from its domain. Having its own subject matter, hand in hand with advancements in the field of
format, technical terms, and audience, Arts and Science, technical written works have
technical writing exists to others as: continued to minor technological innovations.
Professional Witting. Business Writing. For instance, in the past century, electricity was
Occupational writing or On-the-Job writing the leading source of light, heat and, power
(Reep. 2003). For Holloway (2008), this is a atomic fusion, and fission emerged. Speedy
type of witting that has the purpose of modernization or changes in the 20 century,
"displaying information on the paper to get other sources of energy such as laser, solar
results." energy. in computer technology further
signaled complexities and innovations in
One French philosopher Michel
technical report witting. (Lay, 2003)
Foucault, wrote that technical writing is the
"rhetoric of the world of work" of commerce The growth of the world's concepts of
and production. But this kind of writing technical writing from the Stone Age to the
according to him does not give the technical present global civilization has resulted in
different modes of life, more chances for structure How the person around you
growth, new issues on sociology, technology, expresses themselves or how you express
ethics, and varied ways or styles in technical ideas as they come to your mind serves as
writing (Winston and Edelbach, 2009). your guide or pattern in things on the paper.
Characterized by diversity and multiculturalism
For the sake of clarity, it is important,
due to global exchange of knowledge,
too, that you apply in your work all the
services, science, and technology through the
principles of good sentence construction like
Internet that is accessible to many web users,
parallelism, consistency of tense, dangling
English or non-English speaking countries, the
modifiers, split infinitive, choppy
development of technical writing is prone to
sentences, run-on sentences, comma
this communication direction-Globalization to
splice, wordiness, and so on. Applying the
Localization. This means that with the
qualities of a good paragraph writing such as
continued worldwide increase of non-English
unity, coherence, and emphasis are Likewise
web users, some non-English speaking
essential to making your technical written work
countries are challenged to localize global
appear clear to your readers. (Gustav, 2008;
ideas; meaning, to translate this global
and Marsh, 2005)
knowledge expressed in English to World
Englishes or varieties of Englishes, such as Formal
Filipino English, Korean English. Chinese
English, Indonesian English, Indian English, In technical wilting, you cannot just write
and so on to suit their particular needs or anything you like in any way you want on your
purposes. (Pfeiffer, 2010) writing paper, because some witting standards
underlie the structure, pattern, format, and
CHARACTERISTICS OR PROPERTIES OF language of this kind of writing. You have to
TECHNICAL WRITING adhere to these agreed upon technical witting
rules because your readers judge the value or
The following descriptive words sum up
reputation of your output based on the how you
all the characteristics or properties of technical
conform to the conventions governing this kind
writing that experts or authoritative people
of writing.
named in the Reference List of this book
clearly expressed in their books. Graphical
Accurate Graphs like tables, charts, figures,
diagrams, maps, pictures, and other
A technical written work is accurate
illustrations are absolutely necessary in
when it deals with facts that are completely
technical writing. This is so because this kind of
true. Instead of things whose Identity,
writing deals with topics that are technical;
appearance, or measurements are so difficult
meaning. it deals with things appealing only
to determine. An accurate report uses words,
to certain group of people, or uses words
sentences, numbers, or figures that exactly
expressing specialized meanings or ideas
express what the written work intends to
known only to a specific set of people.
convey (Bantin, 2008). It avoids the frequent
Considering that this nature of technical writing
use of expressions for hedging such as may,
makes the technical work not readable to all
perhaps, maybe, seem, apparently would,
types of readers in this world, you then have to
etc. Using an expression that conveys one and
include in your work non-prose materials like
only one meaning Instead of an ambiguous
graphs to stress, clarify, simplify or sum up
term with multiple meanings will help readers
ideas which you textually present in your
get an easy and quick understanding of the
written composition. (Bertoline, 2009)
whole composition. (Ling. 2004)
This characteristic of technical writing is
Your written work is clear it, in one
shown by any written work of yours that avoids
reading, your readers are able to get a quick
revealing your individual thinking personal
understanding of the main message or point of
meaning, or emotional attitude about your
the whole composition. You can easily achieve
subject matter. Whatever understanding you
this if you always remember that clear writing
have about your written work comes from
always results from clear thinking, as well as
outside yourself; meaning. from the results of
from the use of simple, concise, specific,
your environmental observations or sensory
and grammatically connect language
experiences. Avoiding to include in your
technical paper your inner thoughts,
sentiments or feelings means adopting an
impartial or impersonal stand or attitude
towards what you've written. Witting something to cater to a specific set
of people rather than to any group of people
This is what others call as the You
using expressions quite understandable and
Attitude or Scientific Attitude. Whereby, in
familiar only to this specific set of readers,
your writing, your focus is on your reader's
not to all kinds of people, is what makes
point of view rather than on your views as the
technical witting special. Inclined to be
writer. The following are some ways to maintain
exclusive and selective of Its topic, language,
an objective or impersonal tone in your
methodology, and readers, this kind of writing
technical written work
is special unique, or extra different from the
1. Use passive voice instead of active other modes of writing.
voice structures
2. Use third-person point of view by using
words like his/her, they, or the user, Considering technical writing as on-the-
instead of the personalized first-person job writing that is prone to extensive exposure
point of view like We, Me, Ours, and the to multicultural clients, coworkers, cross-
like. cultural or multilingual communication brought
3. Downplay the subject or personal nature about by globalization through the Internet or
of the text by avoiding the use of the E-mail, you come to think of this kind of
emotive words like dissatisfied, writing as one that will lead you to various
uninteresting, or undignified. topics, ideas, people, methodologies,
concerns, purposes, formats, language, etc. It
However some experts with modern view
has some aspects or features that are as
on technical writing argued that adopting a
diverse or varied as the different kinds of jobs
modem view of technical writing means
available to all kinds of people all over the
humanizing technical wilting: that is, feeling
world. Though (Perkins, 2008) argued that
free to use personal pronouns to arouse the
intercultural communication is the highest
readers' involvement or interest in what they
art and science of human communication,"
are reading.
your technical writing acts must always be
Practical "sensitive to pitfalls or hidden dangers arising
from diversities in a multi-cultural environment.
Technical writing is practical fit results in a
(Conavox, 2010)
written output that you can apply, use, or carry
out in your day-to-day living. It does not Straightforward
mainly deal with scenarios or situations that
A straightforward manner of writing
you can just imagine or ponder on but also
means presenting knowledge or ideas
tackles up things you can practice in everyday
honestly and directly. Unlike these other
life situations like designing, constructing,
ways of writing - literary and expository wilting
repairing, selling, traveling, buying, bidding.
that permit the writer to hide some meanings
Inquiring, cooking, painting, and many others.
through figurative language technical writing
Procedural brings out things in frank, unequivocal or clear-
cut way. Metaphorical idiomatic, or
Being a formal and scientific way of writing
circuitous expression of ideas has no place
whereby rules or conventions determine the
in technical writing because your immediate
appropriateness of your written output,
purpose as a technical writer is to persuade
technical writing adheres to a particular course
your readers to say "yes" Instantly to what you
of writing acts. It presents facts and
have written./
Information in a systematic or methodical
manner. Here, you act like a scientist following Hence, to realize this objective, the
a certain procedure or a step-by-step method language of your written work has to be direct,
in proving your point about your subject matter. specific, and simple enough to make you and
For instance, first you have to identify and your readers come to terms with you
analyze your problem, collect data about it, and immediately. The use of complex, highfalutin or
present your conclusions, discoveries, or pretentious words demands longer time for the
findings about the object of your study reader to think or decide about the
effectiveness of your offer. This consequently
hampers or delays the decision-making power You find the value or importance of
of any person you want to agree with what you Technical Writing in the following aspects:
have written.
Completion of task
Technical reports on the progress of a
To describe technical writing as project indicate a thorough, careful, and
authoritative is to think of it as one clothed systematic planning, and performance of work.
with full rights, powers, and influence to do Giving a definite course of action, reports
a thing, to command or be obeyed, or to written technically assures serious involvement
enforce something on any one. The authority or of people and things in their desire to make the
power that your technical writing may wield project reach its full ending. /
over your readers springs from the fact that the
Facility of work
contents of your output does not mainly come
from your own intelligence but also from other A modem view of technical writing is to think
peoples' expertise, knowledge, and experience of this as an act of communicating what are
that could command respect or belief. / happening in a workplace. Writing at a
workplace, you make all parties involved in the
Proofs of the authoritativeness of your
work get an update of the present, past, or
technical paper are the properly cited and
future of the work regardless of their distance
documented ideas of knowledgeable writers of
from the place of the main task/Near or far,
technical writing books in your work,
through a written communication about the job,
specifically, the in-text citations. footnotes,
all project workers are given the opportunity to
and bibliographical entries in your paper.
be informed of the status of the job and to be
Another proof is the reality that you are the
aware of the things they have to contribute for
creator of the paper, and, as such, you have an
the perfection and completion of the task. This
idea of the extent of its excellence, and have
is true especially if your technical written work
the full control over the quality, kind, or extent
includes graphics and figures to help the
of ideas to go into your paper, Including the
project workers get a clear, specific, and
way you react to inquiries about your output.
emphatic understanding of the nature of their
Presentable assigned task. (McMurray, 2002)
The physical appearance of a technical Improvement of Interpersonal Relationships
witting output somehow minors the person who
The ultimate objective of technical
produced such kind of paper. A dirty-looking
writing is to initiate a meeting of minds between
technical written work diminishes its power,
two or more people in relation to the
influence or authoritativeness So, if you want
accomplishment of a certain project/Applying
your technical paper to have a strong impact
the principled and ethical ways of
on the reader or to elicit an immediate and
communicating ideas about the project by
positive response from him, see to it that your
means of the various technical writing products
written work is free from any grammatical and
reports resumes, brochures, fliers, manuals,
typographical errors. Present it neatly
etc.) and of writing letters, E-mails, and
whether it is handwritten, typewritten, or
memos, technical wilting plays an important
role in building better working relationships
The layout, order, or placement of the among people Gerson, 2006)
various parts of your work likewise makes your
Increase of Income
work presentable. In addition, focusing your
attention on these basic elements of a written Money is always involved in technical
prosaic work margin, spacing. punctuation writing. Through research proposals, bid
marks, size/style of the letter, and proposals, brochures sales letters, order
quality/size of the stationery or bond paper letters, and many others buying selling
contributes a lot to making you entire activities happen, Well-written resumes, sales,
composition presentable or capable of getting letters and proposals are capable of getting the
serious and favorable attention from your nod of clients or buyers for the purchase of
readers. items or the carrying out of a big project
involving millions of pesos that will
consequently enrich you by the millions, too.
(Holloway, 2008)
Means of Job Promotion book, the following are the traits or skills of a
successful technical writer:
It is every worker desire to be promoted
to a higher rank for this would mean higher pay Superior communication skills
and beer working conditions. The vehicle to
Listening, speaking, reading, and writing
any job promotion is technical writing abilities
are the four basic communication skills that
and skills that will make you produce written
any kind of writer has to master to be able to
works reflecting your thinking prowess,
exchange ideas excellently with others. While
communicative competence, and professional
writing is the most used skill in technical
preparations. Shown by your technical written
writing, the other skills of listening, speaking,
work, these qualities of yours are your
and reading are your means of obtaining data
Instrument to getting a job promotion. (Beer,
for your technical written work. You need
varieties of ideas, information, opinions, and
Improvement of Personality Traits other forms of knowledge to write on your
paper or computer screen. The answer to this
Viewed in a modem way technical
writing need is the activation of all your
wetting requires a great deal of reading and
communication skill
writing on different areas of knowledge-
science. engineering, technology, arts, law, Listening to peoples' ideas, exchanging
medicine, commerce, architecture. musk, ideas with others, and reading books or
sociology, psychology among others. Engaging journals, especially those related to your target
in these activities makes you do a higher order topic are therefore your ways to substantiate
thinking skills (HOTS) like inferring, analyzing your technical paper. It is through reading that
orating, evaluating, creating and appreciating. you get opportunities to increase your
A frequent practice of these thinking acts vocabulary, improve your language abilities,
enhances your cognitive abilities. and widen your perceptions about life. All these
four macro-skills of communication make you
Technical wilting does not depend
increase your schemata or store ideas in your
mainly on your mental aspect but on your
brain that you will find essential in your writing
emotional stability, interpersonal relationships,
projects or assignments. Thus, to be an
and ethical standards as well the interplay of all
excellent technical writer is to have rich and
of those in your acts of writing technical
wide acquisition of knowledge, perception, or
reports, business letters, and research
understanding of a lot of things in this world
proposals, and in the use of information
through listening and reading and the ability to
technology (E-mail, voice mail fax, telephone,
express these things coherently to others
video- conference, internet, chat room,
through speaking and writing. (McMurray,
hypertext, Web blogs, IM or instant messaging
cell phone, face book, twitter, among others)
gives you enough opportunity to enhance the HOTS or Higher-Order Thinking Skills
moral, mental, emotional, physical and social
Higher-order thinking skits require more
aspects of your personality. (Kolin, 2006)
and deeper mental effort from the thinker.
Security of Records Thinking this way is not just focusing your
attention on what appeal to your senses but
Transactions, dealings, or agreements
also on those beyond your sensory experience
have to be recorded or documented for
called abstract knowledge. Abstract thinking
safekeeping purposes or for knowledge
makes you entertain ideas beyond or apart
transmission. Mere verbal exchange of ideas
what your eyes can see. This takes place when
and reliance on various modern electronic"
you perform top-level thinking acts of
communication devices that are prone to
interpreting, evaluating, creating and
mechanical defects do not guarantee a
appreciating. Al these methods of thinking elicit
permanent or lasting existence of essential
meanings based not mainly on concrete
information or ideas. Technical writing prevents
objects but more on the readers' viewpoints or
a possible loss or change of data involved in
personal thoughts and feelings
any working project. (Locker, 2009)
Among the higher-order thinking skills
that you ought to practice frequently in
Gathered from some technical writing technical witting is critical or evaluative
experts named in the Reference List of this thinking. You perform this thinking skill when
you present your technical paper in a problem- enjoyable. Your technical reports, business
solving technique that requires you to evaluate letters, research proposals, instructional
situations well so you can distinguish the most manuals, memos, brochures, or fliers and other
important issues from the most insignificant written applications of technical writing have
ones. In organizing the parts of your technical the power to stimulate your curiosity and your
paper, you likewise use critical thinking for your readers interest if your technical written work
readers' easy and coherent understanding of reflects your sense of humor, optimism, or
the entire composition. (Locker, 2009) positive thinking. As a person with zest, your
positive dispositions in life makes you consider
Persuasive skills
failures as a test of courage and your stepping
In technical wilting, two parties are stone to success. You know the right way to
basically involved: the writer or seller and the overcome any hindrances or difficulties that
reader or buyer. Between the two, the first one may prevent you from producing effective
has the burden of proof or the responsibility to technical written works. (Perkins, 2006)
persuade or convince the other party of the
excellence of the technical paper or of the
object of the selling act. To succeed in this, you
need to know and practice the art of People get informed, entertained,
persuasive writing where you have to apply educated through different types of writing
ethos (appeal to one's moral educational or Fictional witting that produces novels, short
ethical values or standards), pathos (appeal to stories, plays, poems, and other literary works
one's emotions or feelings) and logos (appeal do not only stir up your emotions positively, but
to one's logical, systematic, or orderly thinking. also enlighten you spiritually or mentally.
Likewise, expository, academic, and other
persuasive kinds of writing that yield essays,
Sometimes you hear people, "Money is anecdotes, journals, or biographies aim at
in business. If you want to be rich, you must go informing enlightening, instructing or
to business. Being an act of buying and selling. entertaining readers.
business is always equated with money and
How do you compare and contrast
one sure vehicle towards a profitable business
technical writing with the different types of
is excellent technical writing that will make you
writing? Technical writing is not meant for
offer ideas, services, products, or systems to
entertainment purposes but for knowledge
clients for fees. However, for the sake of
Improvement. Basically, to reveal ideas, views,
money, stiff competition enough to erode your
and feelings about a certain topic is the main
integrity or honesty as a technical writer may
objective of all types of writing regardless of
arise between you or among several technical
whether the readers respond to the writer's
ideas or not, or of what kind of responses or
It is possible that wanting to win a bid reactions the text may get from the readers.
and earn a bigger amount, you may become The impact of the written work entirely depends
morally unsound in succumbing to a temptation on the reader's judgment.
of producing a technical written work full of
In relation to sharing of knowledge as
falsities of gross exaggerations. Or desiring to
the common objective of all types of writing,
appear extra-impressive to your readers, you
technical writing slants a bit, in that, aside from
may make the gross dishonest act of owning
Informing or educating, it necessary elicits
experts’ ideas by presenting these borrowed
responses, reactions, or answers from readers
ideas undocumented in your technical paper.
or clientele. It operates in such a way that it
Keep in mind that a successful and learned
has to establish a connection between two
technical writer must always practice integrity
parties’ seller-buyer/employer-employee/
in all his written projects or assignments. A long
and lasting wealth is based on Godly things
such link must lead to making the second party
(Lesikar 2010)
or reader give his or her feedback to the writer.
Zest The need of an immediate response to the
content of the written work is the ultimate
The expression, technical writing may objective of technical writing. This is not so for
sound difficult to some, but a restful technical expository, academic, literary, and other
writer like you knows how to tum anything persuasive forms of writing which do not
difficult to something that is easy and
demand any reaction or feedback from the
readers. (Searles, 2003)

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