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Running head: Marxism theory and its relationship with current situation

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Marxism theory

According to Marx's theory which portrays capitalist society with the struggle between capitalist

class, owning different departments and working class, who work at a low wage in order to

balance means of production and transforming raw material into useful economic goods. Marx

believed that in order to cope up with the system of nature it was necessary for the low classes to

sell their labor to property owners. The theory was more focused upon class exploitation,

workplace and cultural norms. Moreover, the theory includes societal and day to day to life

survival rather than artistic and imaginative concepts.

Marxism theory

Though Marxism philosophy was supported among many followers, many of his

prophecies did not come into action thus resulted in criticism. Avoiding the fact that the theory

was ignored by many, yet over the past few years and even nowadays Marx's theory still remains

important for the society and its norm. The private companies are mostly owned and controlled

by few top-notch people. Usually, the owners would decide the plans, give wages and do most of

the savings to invest again. As the workers with no control on the decisions and low income are

facing poverty and lacking chance to run own business,

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