AirForces Monthly 2023-09

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TAKUBA ANOTHER SECRET FRENCH WAR ‘ Centra eis a . ad Pra MONTHLY Azerbaijan’s 44-day war How the Air Force claimed glory Weaseling Abou rs >’ 4 Defender 23 e Russian g Taming Leopard tanks e Stand-off ~~ now King arate sti ns over Romania ¢ RAF in Estonia as September 2023 #426 aise lty eens DO oni Ce ad Cd ee a acer eee eet ee ete eee oo) Rr) Paromita Pepi leery yin emetic entre coon eat ed rere es entre ren Roldaereny ene eek ena ere renee rise 32 Taming the Leopard freee eeret en re ee ere en rS eee ear ere ener Tremnngononnieteat net saa eet eet) PEON E A Ur) F-AIR Colombia ed eee ete are ad feet) Syd Coen oy ee eens eter! ag ety ee ad Oe ee LG] SUBSCRIBE NN Ry WS etd AIRFORCES Oe ‘on the cover price. eee bres) a eS cay Since March, four RAF Typhoons have been ee es ee Leto eat eee! Cee CUP Cg rr ete cel Reentry crs ere ae eae pee een a nea Pe nen 48 Taking Jihadists to task ee rts Pekioo brant uteri ae aa ate tegen report ast month, Onur Kure and Tayfun errata error Pee urn paren CS CUR Ce Pe ete Toad Pe er eae Perc 64 Granite Pegasus New Hampshire's Air National Guard is the Cees tn orn See nee cee tae eas ON Ceo rang Cee eur’ eee ares ee rac Pee) ECU RY ett) SP ran net ent permnenentereme mare pees mean] Peart re ee eRe Coe fomnace an ieentncy oie neg peeve aac rer) Soir ecact cries VISIT OUR ONLINE SHOP egendary but no longer in service, the (ECTS Ae OMe MCOMM |p trvicr vcs the Us Novy snd Us Marine Corps’ primary attack aircraft for 30 years. Grumman built nearly 700 of them. ‘Combat proven in Vietnam, Libya and Iraq, the A-6 Intruder could detect and identify tactical or strategic targets and deliver both conventional and nuclear ordnance under zero-visibility conditions. Its maximum bomb payload was 18,000Ib. ‘A6 Intruder tells the story of the aircraft including numerous accounts by US naval aviators of flying the jet in peacetime and in war from 1963 to 1997. + FREE ea) Ca eMC Pees =| Alaa Nal medal FREE P&P* when you order online at... Call +44 (0)1780 480404 ttonday Fey Som-s.30pm Gur) Also available from W.H Smith and all leading newsagents. *Free 2nd class PAP on all UK& BFPO orders. Overseas charges apply. ‘Subse 1o www Key Aero for breaking rows tors Etna theres ean etoreaictoresmonthiy com Wildcat launches Martlet in counter-UAS role INA recent series of trials, a Leonardo Helicopters AW159 Wiidcat HMA2 mut helicopter from the Royal Navy Feet Air Arm's 815 Naval Air Squadron (NAS) at RNAS Yeorilton, ‘Somerset, cartied out the fist successful test fring of @ Marte ightweight ‘mult-role missie against ‘an aerial target. Led by the Operational ‘Advantage Centre (Mesitime Warfare}, the Royal Navy's lead organisation on tactical development, Inconjunction wth Industry partners, Thales ‘and Qineti, this latest round of extensive lve- fire testing = known as Titon's Arrow Iwas UK Home Office calls [AS PART ofthe UK governments efforts to tackle the use of small boats by immigrants crossing the English Channel the Home Office has contracted Canada's PAL Aerospace to provide an inteligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (SF)- configured Dash 8-815 and ‘orew. C-GFMX (on 410) passed through Shannon Airpon,koland, over May 11-12, while heading for Lydd Airport in Ket, from where the acratt now conducts its patrols and wal continue fo for an inital Period of 18 months, This is one of a number of aircraft being used to Undertake surveilance {or the UK Home Office's Small Boat Command. It is equipped with state- of-the-art ISR technology ‘capable of tracking illegal activity on Water while also hosting UK immigration ‘enforcement officers on worn Key Aero ‘conducted over a two- week period on the UK. MOD's Aberporth range in ‘Wales. The activity, which the Navy announced had been completed on July 21, aimed to extensively tect the boundaries of the Martet's capabiitios and culminated with the fist successful airto- firing ofthe missile from a ‘wideat against a Banshee unmanned aeral target ‘According to the Royal Navy this milestone has proved that Martlet can be stfecively employed in a ‘counter-UAS role. Based ‘on Thales aser-guided lightweight maltiole missile and acquired by the UK MOD to ful the Royal Navy's Future Anti Surface ‘Guided Weapon (Light) requirement, the Marti ‘This Leonardo Helicopters W159 Wildcat HMA2 (eral 22415) rom the Royal Navy Fleet Aivarm’s 815NAS lounches 2 Martet ightweight multiole mzsle at 9 target during the {two-week Triton's Arrow Il tal ItOD Crown Copyright Phot Dan Boconbaury is pray designed to neutralise small, fast ‘moving naval vessels and ‘now airborne treats, In total, 20 Martets can be loaded onto a single Widcat, each able to detach from the helicopter within 0.3 seconds, before it accelerates towards the target at one-and-a-half times the speed of sound. ‘Cmdr Stuart Crombie, the officer commanding 815 INAS, added: “The Martot firings conducted by an 815 NAS Wildcat during the Titon's Arrow tal have proven the devastating airto-airlethaity that the Wildcat offer, This ccapabilty places us In aunique positon amongst the UK's ~ and the worlg's - military helicopters. Maritime ‘Sirke on, under and ‘ow above the waves — ‘sat our core and 815 stands ready to defend (ur caries and their strike groups day and right." in Dash 8 to counter small boats ‘PAL Aerospace’s Dash 8-315 ISR (registration C-GFMX) Zs seen on tho ground at Lydd Alport, Kent Dave Potter board to assist in the identification of small boat pilots and investigation ‘ofthe criminal smugaing ‘gangs behind these ‘operations. PAL states that ‘the Dash 8 wl increase border security while collecting evidence that wal help investigators bring people smugglers to justice "The Dash 8 and its crew have been supplied through PAL Aerospace's Force Multiplier Program, which the fir states “provides users lke the UK Home Office immediate ‘access to proven special mission aiteraft, sensors, ‘and crew. This combined offering also gives ‘cision makers teal- time inteligence via the ‘company’s proprietary CarteNav AIMS-Cé ‘commen operating picture platform: Carmela Peter, president ‘of Exchange income (Corporation E10) of which PAL Aerospace isa part, Said the firm's “Force. ‘Mutter deployment with the UK Home Office further soles th company’s reputation as an innovative provider of on-demand ISR expertise. EIC is proud to suppor this new Force “Muttipier mission which, in combination with PAL ‘Aerospace's ongoing ‘operations in Amsterdam (on behatf of the Netherlands Coastguard, deepens the company’s presence inthe European ‘aerospace market In partnership with ¥JetSupport, PAL has ‘supported the Netherlands Coastguard wth two fully ‘missionised Dash 8s since 2020, The contract for ten years with an option to textond for two additonal ‘one-year terms, Dino Carrara ‘september 2028 1/8 > The Bosing E-7 Wedgta is aeadyin service with ‘the Royal Ausralin Air Force and has proved is value ‘daring operations i ag and Syria Bor Stary Hal which E-7 is destined to replace, was withdrawn from service shortly after the publication ofthe original Integrated Review in 2021, This has crested an important capability 9p, especially n view of the war in Ukraine. ‘Moreover, the three 7 Wedgetals which the RAF stil intends to buy wil be absolutoly prize targets fr the airforce of ary potential adversary. This makes the reduction in planned airframes from five to three appear an even greater false economy, indeed an absolut fll, not justin financial but ais in operational terms as well Launching the repor wor Key Aero on July 17, Chairman af the Defence Sub. Committee on Defence Equipment and Support Mark Franco MP, sald “Our report finds that the Ministry of Defence's approach to procurement is well and trly broken, Bureaucratic, sloed and slow-moving = this is a dysfunctional system that has left multiple programmes floundering in its wake, This urgently needs to change. ‘Bureaveratc buck passing and the shirking of responsibility has ‘meant that there is all ‘00 often no one to hold personally accountable when highly expensive programmes fall” ‘Simon Lee Capability gap The decision to cut the RAFs Boeing E-7A Wedpetal sirore ely wang and canto (AW fea to jst ‘three ara wileave the fore ony alto provide ia coveforup 012 hous, defence indus emer hae sai ‘in weten eence subtest the UK Detence Select Commitee’ ongnng Inqy ino mitary avaton procurement Norton Grumman is caiming that the cu om ve to tvoe \Weogetas will mean ony two sie woul be operation atany onetime, leaving a severe capably ge. ‘The US defence contractor proving te saphiseates MESA (ut roleBectrorically Scanned Ary radar and oer ystems ortho Weogealscurenty working ‘onthe aircraft being uit InBtain-Te giant US company has sai thatthe warn Uae had exposed the wealoese the Minsky of Detene'scecsin to only purchase te E75. ‘ns eidence Nortrop runman sald “The IR DCP erated Review Detence Command Pan) set ot the procurement oftres 7A arames replace the RAF let ot seven E20 arcraft tat have been retred fom operational service, Nowtistanding te cutstandng sensor capabites ‘atthe E-7A willing, tis Ispotabl or two rasan. The stan nacceptale apatity gap between 30 retirement ard E-7A ety nto service. The secon thatthe planed £7 feet isto smal tote considered a resent apbity wit adequate valbily and redundancy to rane 24-teur operations fram a deployed cat, “Tne MOD has inthe recent past accepted capability {aps o capa olay! where he Department cept the isk that apbity might be egies ut would te urable tobe fede, fora cartn period of time Law grade mitigation usualy put place focussed the temporal ar fhe ik and may nce ‘seed coring with alist alow rapid re-establishment of ‘apabity The mao issue wih his ctrl acceptance of eapeity olay is tht ks wil vont. ou Tis has occured inthe curent European suaton where 3 AE E-30 would have been leo cant tthe NATO ISTAR force being sed for survelanc and Ae Policing tasks rund Urine had tot been removed from service, “History cates that 2417 i C2 (Command and Contr capabity isan pont equrement of ay antngent operation in that in ming one was 0 Took atte geomapticay convenient exampie of Uraine wid STAR ois valle InPoand,a tans from a Ua base such as RAF \Wadngontboginning operations over Warsan oul ake approximately ‘iti arf on tsk 24/7 wou ony be possible ‘wth re ara werkng on ‘the asumpton of sie nous ‘on task nia tree-haur {wm around at base. Cary, the foce mutphing eects of aito-areueing could be cae upon to extend ports but facts such cre duty time nd maintenance requirements ‘Sciats that Bis natn ‘enduring solution" Neco Grumman set ‘oatina tabi, the eet of ‘cperatng wih eet of ust thre ara, saying that taving ot two avail for ‘operatons would mean tat ater 12 haus there would be a RAF cover aval, The company add: “Hfne factors in outro rintorace, alo recta, and upgrade a thre arf eet can ony ‘uarante two avaiable rer is thretoe immediately apparent tat ‘a tvae ara foot annot met te seeming simple task of persistent ori at ‘elatvely shor range fo a ‘single tas thea Ths is ‘obviously exacerbated futher ‘by cancrent operations and rang “Frou exetncein Bosnia showed that o deploy ‘the tree ara nde to const an enduring ‘capa ok our depoyed ‘rows and uses he entraty ‘ofa seven ara eet inrotatin. avers were requrea all greater ‘than pomal duty ims or the crews.” ‘Northrop Grumman's Mult:roe Eletrnicaly Scanned Aray MESA) sansor has been instaled ‘onan E*7 Wedgetall MKi Airborne Early Warning & Control AEWAC) acrft forte RAF Boag September 2025 1/11 Norway postpones helicopter fleet fecp Orie to a ‘THE NORWEGIAN MoD. has approved plans to partially upgrade its ageing Bell 412HP/ SP ullty helicopters and to postpone the recaptalisation ofthe Royal Norwegian Air Force's (RNOAF) special ‘operations rotorcrat fleet byat least 15 years— a ‘move that goes against the advice of the head of, the armed forces. (slo announced on June 26 that it intends to spend $92m on Upgrading nine of the RNOAF's current 18-strong Bell 412HP/SP fleet and extending the type's operational ife by “atleast 15 years ‘This wil gee the elderly rotorcratt remaining in ‘active Norwegian military service well beyond the 80-year mark and its previously planned worn Key Aero retirement date in 2026. ‘The upgrade programme — which stil needs to be approved by the Norwegian Parliament =e due to start betore ‘the ond ofthis year, with the first enhanced helicopters expected tobe operational in 2025. I given the green light, upgrade work wi take place at a new maintenance, repair ‘and overhaul facility at BBardufoss Air Staton. Norway intially received 19 Ball 4125Ps between September 1987 and October 31990 — one aircraft was lost to attrition and a further six helicopters were upgraded to ‘412HP-standard by Hol-One in Stavanger, Norway, in 2010. The type is operated from Bardufoss by 339 upgrade 412s ¢\ iM An RNoAF-operated Bell 412SP coral 161) propares fo land atthe ‘olandar Drop Zane during the Joint Forcible Entry Norway portion ‘Exorcice Swit Response on hay 10 2022 US ArmyiStat Sgt Taras Mort SSkvadron (Squadron), which also maintains @ detachment at Ryage Ale Station However, the Norwegian 'MoD’s move to upgrade ‘these ageing helicopters contracts the recent recommendations outlined by Gen Eirk Kristoffersen - Chief of the Norwegian Armed Forces ~in his Security in Uncertain Times repor, which was published on June 7 and is intended to inform the MoD's long- term defence plan and Is sotto be presented to ‘the nation’s lawmakers in 2024 “The Chief of Defence recommends that the [RNoAE] should not Upgrade its Bell 412 helicopter capabilties and thatthe helicopters bbe phased out atthe ond of theirlife cycle” the report stated Kristoffersen continued, there was an “imbalance between the armed forces" tasks, structures and finances,” adding that ‘ongoing procurement processes relating to new tactical transport helicopters forthe army and special forces will be terminated" He then recommended that "further development ofthe armed forces’ helicopter fleet be assessed holistically ‘and be based on one helicopter family. ‘This means that future procurement of ant submarine helicopters, special forces helicopters and transport helicopters must emphasise cost effective training, Having announced that it was to scrap its contract with NHindustres and ‘mothball its 18 NHEO NATO Frigate Helicopters (NH) with immediate effect in June 2022, due toa long-running dispute over delivery delays and poor availabilty rates, (Oslo revealed in Apri that it wil acquire an intial six-strong float Of Sikorsky MH-60R Seahawk mul-role ‘maritime helcopters to partialy replace its now- ‘axed NHOO fet. ‘As por Kristofferson’ recommendations for building a helicopter floot that spans mutiple capabilities across one platform type, Norway's acquisition of the MH-60R ‘could open the door for future purchases of Black Hawk family-standard helicopters from Sikorsky. September 2025 1/ 7 DELAYS IN confirming future orders ofthe short take-off and vertical landing (STOVL) Lockheed Martin F-258 Lightning IV fith-generation muti role steaith fighter could leave the RAF only able to field a single squadron for combat air operations, Brith MPs have been warned In written evidence to the UK Pariament’s Defence Select Committe's inquiry into military aviation procurement, Northrop Grumman wamed that not ‘committing to go beyon the current order of 48 F-258s could have serious consequences. While the UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) has indicated that itis preparing to order a further 16 alrratt from the next production bloc, ithas not yet formally submitted an order or approved funding for the purchase. Northrop Grumman provides key systems for the F-35, including the communications, navigation and identification sute, the AN/APG-81 active electronically scanned United Kingdom F-35B delays could limit UK combat array (AESA) radar and significant portions of the aireratt's structure, Inits evidence, the firm sai: "The IR/DCP [Integrated Review! Defence Command Plan] was equivocal about F-25 numbers in that ‘an increase in numbers beyond the current 48, was announced but the scale and timing of the increase was not. The UK benefits greatly trom the F-35 programme and entered into on a par with the US services for a comparatively small investment. The UK F-35 fleet on order amounts to 48 aircraft of which some are not permitted to leave the USA and over the air system's service ite, this level of commitment i unlikely to result ina deployable force of greater than a single squadron. ‘Giarty onthe scale and timing of a further F-35 buy would increase confidence of the UK being able to deploy a resilient combat air force land would allow greater Understanding of how the UK plans to deliver combat air capablitis as force composition _ forecasts of FCAS/ ‘changes withthe advent Tempest capabilty and ofthe future combat air waning Typhoon relevance system (FCAS).It'should present a capability be noted that F-258 deficit from which there benefit from a well-found is no acceptable means follow-on development of escape inthe early to programme, which Keeps mid-2030s. The cost per the eystem relevant in the air system of an F-25 wil face of increasing threats. likely rise in this tmascale “Theres an obvious as the production run attraction to MOD to delay declines. further F-35 offtake until “FCAS (as opposed itbecomes clear what to Tempest, the Core the FCAS programme will Manned Platform) cannot oliver. This i sensible, be removed from the but there is ask that | discussion on F-35 and decision delay, optimistic Typhoon numbers. The al ‘two are connected due to the risk already being taken on combat air mass. ‘The only realistic means {or mitigating this risk is @ ‘combination of increased F-35 numbers and early adoption of uncrewed systems that currently {all within the FCAS force mix. However, the publicly stated aspiration to field an uncrewed lightweight atfordable novel combat aircraft (LANCA) alongside F-35 and Typhoon requires significant progress to be made ‘An F-35B Lightning I! assigned tothe RAF" No 617 Squadron ‘The Dambusters' prepares fo land on HiMS Queen Elizabeth (R08) during Exercise Strike Warrior on May 4,2021 MOD Grown CopyightPOPhot Jay Alen Final RAF C-130Js head into storage Lil ‘The formal retirement ofthe RAF's Lockheed Martin C-1904 Hercules C4/CS fleet was completed on June 28, when the fina transport were flown trom RAF Brize Norton, Oxfordshire, to Cambridge City Airport in Cambridgeshire, fo storage and preparation Tor any prospective ‘Second: hand sale by the Marshall Aerospace and Defence Group (MADG). The two aircraft serials 2H067 and ZH670) both of which are the stretched” a variant, performed a low fypast ever Cambridge before landing, aftor which, ZH870— which had special tall sticker to mark the type's retirement ~ was treated fo the radtional waterjet salute from twe ofthe MADG's fre engines Bob Archar UPGRADED KAMOV a-52M Hokum-B attack helicopters are boing used by the Russian ‘Aerospace Forces (RUAF) forthe frst time as part of a response to Uxrain ‘armoured counterotfensive in the nation’s Zaporizhehia region. ‘On duly 27, the UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) revealed in its dally inteligence update that the RUAF was operating *a small number” of the Ka-52Ms on the Zaporizhahia front. t sald the qunship’s improved systems alowed crows to engage targets "beyond the range of Ukrainian air defences” ‘The first dozen or so of te upgraded attack helicopters were delivered to the RUAF on January 4, 2023, according to the Russian state-owned news agency, TASS, The new helicopters Headlines Incorporate many features to improve their right attack and stand- off capabllties. These Inlude the addition of a modernised GOES-451M electro-optical targeting turret with an increased range, strengthened undercarriage, enhanced ‘communications and impeoved cockpit ergonomics to enhance right~vision goggle performance, The LMUR missile, which boasts a range of up to 14.6km, can be fire from the gunship and a new sel-protection system has been ited, replacing the older L370- 5 Vitobek suite that wae previously used. The deployment of the Ka-52M emerged as the Ukrainian Armed Fores tried to step up its counterotfensive in the region, During the final days of July, Ukraine launched two more ‘Above: A stl from a Ruslan MoD video shows what are said tobe a number of destroyed Urrainian armoured vehicles - Including soveral US-made ME Bradley Infantry fighting Vohicles and at last ane Garman-bulf Leopard 2 main battle tank ~at an unidentified Iocation in Ukraine's southern Donatsk region on June 10. Top: RUAF gunships, such as brigad-level armoured relentlessly attacked assaults in the central and by Russian attack westem sectors of the helicopters, loitering Zaporizhzhia front. Just munitions and artilery. lke the attacks in June On the central axis, (eee Taming the Leopard, around the town of, 32-37), the Ukrainian _Staromaiorske, the ‘armoured columne made Ukrainians moved some limited progress forward by just over Skm but they were soon being before becoming bogged ‘down in bitter fighting in ‘the runs ofthe settlement In the space of a week, the Ukeainiane appear to have lost another 70 armoured vehicles, ‘according o analysis ‘of video footage ‘rom the battlefield ‘Tim Ripley BRITAIN'S decision to cutits order for Boeing 7 Wedgetal Arbome Early Warning and Control arratt has been described as “absolute folly” ina damning report by an influential group ofMPs ‘They said that the move te reduce the intial order of five airraft to three, which the report says was ordered by ministers to cut costs, leaves the RAF with a serous capabilty gap and is a alse economy’ Ithas also emerged thatthe contract leaves the Ministry of Defence (MOD) stil obiged to buy five sophisticated radar systems, despite only having three airframes. United Kingdom ‘The MOD was also criticised forthe decision 10 retire the RAF's Bosing 8 Sentry AWACS aroratt in 2021, long before the Wedgetal could enter earvie, leaving the air foree with «a serious capability gap. ‘The report by the Defence Select Committe, tiled “Its Broke - And it's Time to Fixit, examined the current state of UK defence procurement, looking at how miitary equipment is purchased land problems with costs and delays in contracts. Is findings on the Investigation into the Wedgetall contract said “in March 2019 the MOD signed a contract to buy five E-7 Wedgotails. At the time, the €-7 was already in service with the Royal Australian Airforce and had been used during operations in Iraq and Syria. It isa proven’ capability, which is a'so likely to be procured, in timo, by the US Air Force, “The UK's initial order for five E-7s was reduced to three in the Defence Command Paper of 2021. The reduction in fleet size, which was a ministerial decision, was likely related to cost However, the original order of five E-7s was estimated to cost £2 bn, while the three E-7s wil cost £1.89bn (party, because the MOD is contractually obligated to buy five associated arbome radar, regardless), “Even batie arithmetic would suggest that ordering three E-7s rather than five fat some 80% of the original acquisition cost) represents extremely poor value for money.” ‘The report also found that the date forthe Wiedgetal to enter service with the RAF is likely to be delayed further with nti! Operating Capability (100) potential sipping to 2025, The report adds: “in September 2022, the 10 for the E-7 Wedgetall slipped trom 2023 to 2024 but even this date remains subject to stil outstanding confirmation of the Full Business Case (FBC). The |OC may now slip into 2028, ifthe MOD receives its fist E-7 in late 2026 Boeing has put the delay down to supply chain issues related to Covid- 1 and related workforce issues. However, DESS (the MoD's Defence Equipment and Support body) are stil negotiating an FBC and associated in-service support contract with Boeing, which should already have been successtlly finalised tong ago. "This situation i exacerbated by the fact thatthe Boeing E-3 Sentry AWACS aircraft, wee y “Trying to break through the Fussian frontline, st up in the southem reaches of Ukraine ‘around Zaporizhzhia, has been tough going. Tanks, armoured vehicles and many other heavy vehicles have been attacked and destroyed, killing hundreds of Uxzainian Atm personnel who have been trying to reclaim their ‘sovereign tertry Using tanks in open ground, moving behing slow moving mine- Claring tanks must be teiying fas the Russian missiles come rating down. The crews on board the recently acquited Leopard 2 main battle tanks and M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles would have been siting ducks, even in the dark. Advancing in the open without the cover of trees was always going tobe risky business, ‘especially without the appropriate fair cover Russia has not too ‘surprisingly taken advantage of the Etor Modern itary Aton: Sino ee Devt Edtor len haem [asst itary ator Deve por ‘estat itary Eater: ber Sar ak ‘loupPruction Ear bs oor Prandin tors Sty Hato Son Paso, ssa Design an Prout: Lee Howson Deson racy tay Os, at Fae, Non enswoed Ds Waar ‘evergreen Head Soe ana Marcin: Suse Tae tate, comact ou Custon Nawourvbetteushnacom ier can amotio tortion Mesa Savi wor Ky Aero ‘ation on the ground by sending attack helicopters forward when the Ukrainian Army is moving, tipped off by is special forces. “The newly upgraded Kamov a-52M Hokum-Bs appears to hhave been at the centte of these tactics onthe font line, with its improved right attack and stand- off capablity working with a newer, better helicopter-launched Light Muttiourpose Guided Rocket (LMUR,, which has a reported range of around 14.5kms. It means ‘they can fie at vehicles from within their own air defence zone {and the Ukrainians dont appear tohave a solution. Not unless they move more NATO-supplied portable surace-to-air missile (SAM) systems tke the Starstreak fr Stinger, and the bigger Norwegian Advanced Surface-to- ‘Ar Missile System (NASAMs) or Patriot battery systems into the region. Russian aggression does ‘succeed in Ukraine, then other ‘countries will undoubtedly be ooking at their wn tactics and inventories, Some counties wil be looking at what the Russians have done and want a piece of those technologies. ‘Meanisile, come wil even ‘question the need for tanks in ‘open warfare, just asthe former UK Prime Minister Boris Johneon i inate 2021 and those who ‘supported him wil at some point bring up the losses in Ukraine again to fight the argument Inteligence personnel, ‘commanders and tacticlans from miltaies all over the word wil be ‘watching on, learning from some ‘ofthe iesues the Ukrainian mitary has faced and continues to face, Undoubtedy, lots of lessons are bing learnt inthe Ukraine on how to fight the Russians, ensuring that tactics are being honed justin cage the need should ever arse to Confront the Russians themselves. For more on this, se@ Taming the Leopard (982-37), Alan Warnes Group Editor at Large ‘Contact tho team at ‘soraroreronthcm AoverTiseRs: ‘anor, photgrapr opto norman e ‘ire Mot, S085 1081 USES 19s puns Kay Polar, PO Bae 1D alan the USA by get ae Wore Conarer NE ‘15 ube Sara WY 1613 USA Paro postgs pais Bon MY 1258 Postmaster Sos aes change to ures Monty. ‘Bese i acing a alg pr The eter hop ores contbutons AFM Pease ‘eee Submited mate epecay fuctsons shoud ‘ett cobra name to ase Clay raed ahd {anpodassesed omatpe sau bcrcoseat te [Soret curt andcontons wich remy Spattd wit por nee rare ay vl a Rey Fain do dora vom wm haying oom. ‘Mita ager shoud tat 3p and 1028 Shes scm 202 na, au 449470075721 Wali wm ay Aa ‘pre Dentin 2 Paty en non SAS Tce tetris Aces ty © cpg and {ry famot aor ester wo he po pemison Next Issue Cusco ae} September 2025 // 3 Helsing do oui le ibe BS Rm Cr (eC oe > BRAVO DELTA MODELS BD286CC Eurofighter Typhoon “Bla Available September 2023 RN Clute ee Ree RY BCt ene North America Apache on track for major V6.5 upgrade VP-80's last P-8C Orion heads to the Boneyard ‘Squadron 30 (VP-30) Replacement Squadron Commenting on the nation called on us todo Although the US Navy Een aa oe eas ae cE par {P-30's sol remaining Lockheed P-SC Orion (BuNo 161415, “LL-418) on the ground during the types sunset ceremony at NAS Jackson in Florida on June 28 US NavyNiaes Communication Specais and Class Mathew Lombardo Heritage ‘Viper’ marks 75 years of 148th FW Lockneed Martin F-16CiM Fighting Falcon (sri! 61-0406, ln CC-104) ofthe 179th Fighter Squadron ‘Bulldogs"~a component ofthe Minnesota A National Guard's {ANG} 148tn Fighter Wing (FW) at Duluth ANGB ~has received a spacial heritage 'Schame to mark and colebrate 75 yoars of operational servic for the 148th FW. Designed by airmen from the 148th Maintenance Group, the new, striking yellow ‘and dark biveIvry co-ordinates with th 148th FW offical emblem and features ‘Swinged arrowhead, the Urea Minor star constllaon and a pheonix on top of {he ghters fuselage. I also features two lighter et slhoueties and a Minuteman Intercontinental baste missle naer the ANG emblem, The lightning bolts pay homage {a the wings historic electronic warfare mission set. The 14th FW wil formaly mark 75 years of service on September 17, 2029 US ANG/st Lt Crystal Kirchner ‘Firehawks’ mark end of MH-60S operations eT eee ee otcopter Sea Combat Squadron 83 (HSC-85)‘irehawks" banking information off eT ee a Tame me are ree Cea Ce ee [Navy's sole remaining helicopter aquadron dedicated to naval special warfare (NSW) Pe aed re ee ae worn Key Aero Etna the rows ean etoreairtoresmontiy com * USAF C-21As end 32-year CENTCOM mission USAF Maj Jonathan Daniele, Director of Operations with {he 912!" EARS C-21 Dotachmont, and Tst Lt Naomi Shaak, {plot withthe 912t EARS C-21 Datochment, begin taxing (C2214 (seria 84-0072) towards the runway bofee ts ast Might out of Al Used Air Bas HAVING SPENT 32 years fon continuous operations inthe US Central (Command (CENTCOM) area of responsiblity (AOR), the Learjet O-21 has now finished its ‘mission there, ‘The primary role for the iminutive Bombardier Loaret 364-based ‘business jet has been the transportation of distinguished visitors to CENTCOM's AOR, as well fs aeromecical evacuation {and the transportation ‘of medical supplies. Maj ‘Jonathan Daniele, Director (of Operations withthe ‘812th Expeditionary Ar Refueling Squadron (EARS) C-21 Detachment, sald: “Able to carry up to eight passengers, the C-21 is the USAF's ‘uickest and easiest ‘option for moving smal ‘groups of distinguished Visitors in the Middle East” ‘The USAF operates 56 C-21As, witn 38 ‘examples serving the active-duty force and 18 boing employed by the, ‘Air National Guard. Since ‘April 1997, all US-based (C-2%As have fallan under the responsibilty of Air Mobility Command, with the 375th Air Mobility Wing (AMW) at Scott AFB being the lead command. While operating within (ENTOOM's AOR, the -21A has conducted Qatar USAPiSenior Arman, missions during Operations Desert Shield, Desert Storm, Iraqi Freedom, New Dawn, Enduring Freedom, Freedoms Sentinel, Inherent Resolve, Resolute ‘Support, Northern Watch, and Southern Watch, During Operation Desert Shield and Desert Storm, C-21As were used to daliver classified air tasking orders fo units lacking the ability to receive these dally orders electronically, including ‘photos taken by Lockheed U-2 spyplanes for Inteligence analysis and spare parts for disabled aircraft. The final C-21As doparted Al Udeld Air ‘Base, Qatar, on June 30 and wil be absorbed by the 275th AMW at Scott AFB. Commenting on ‘operations in CENTCOM's ‘AOR, Capt David Kocher ~apilot assigned to the 912th EARS C-21 Detachment ~ sald: “Flying the C-21A during the summer isthe hottest thing you can experience, but overall a great time transporting distinguished Visitors, cargo, and ‘aeromedical evacuation Patients around the AOR. Being the crew that gets to fy ithome after a 32-year missions amazing. | fee! very fortunate to fly the jet home and put @ stamp on the historic C-21 mission, ‘september 2028 1/18 > Netherlands looks to Irish EC135P2+ marks 60 years double Reaper fleet of No 3 Ops Wing ‘THE US State Department engines, already an established To commomorato and colebrate the 60th anniversary ofits No'3 Operations Wing, the Insh Air Corps (AC) has granted approval In addon tothe peratrofthe Ma-aa_slse9 Operations Wing the ish Ar Corps (AC forthe poesiie Foreign UGAVs, the Netherlands Block, with four aeratt_amaBhledenent spre nartge many toarbua itary Sale FMS) of is seeking to acmuire up having ready been te oporated by no 308 Saunton a component oh 3 fourGeneriomies ‘100 Embedded Gil previously ordered. The Qperaona Wing at Casement rodrome m Balonnal Aeronautica Sjstams _‘Postioning Syetome/ US State Department ‘oun bin wa raed out on ay 24 ahead of Ine(GAAS} MG-9R Intern Navigation heel mpproved twat) [peasants erg Mercenleaesoy Blocks Reaper UCAVs Systema wth Seloctve sale tothe Netherands a Saude Agertn Catatona Spam the ESTED andested equpment__Avalabilty Anl-Spootng on February 6, 2015, ios hits Fanenron alreproed fo rapresent he to the Netheriands for an Modules: 20 AN/APY-8 before formal Letter of eserves whitelorange colours warn bythe air arm's tetrrated coat ot setim, Lyre Symtic Aperture Offer and Acceptance | amend atoms sts Gece ate The US Detense Security Rages (SARS) and ‘assigned in ly 2018 gartonehaaclr en alc be sve apie tthe all Cooperation Agency eightAWDAS-# Muti- and a procurement itenaneone Confrrmed thatthe Stato Spectral Targeting contact wan red with Department had approved Systems. The proposed GA-ASI on March 21, the prospective FHS. dealaloinckides an, 2019, The FNLAPS fat, inananouncerent _unspeciied number of MQ-9A Back 8 (serial on June 16,aferithad SelexSeaspray SARs; M-O01) was delered on notified the US Congress SeaVue Maritime Radars; February 3, 2022, withthe cof the possible sale that M299 Helifre Longbow aircraft being operated Same day. As part of this missile launchers and AN/ by 308 Squadeon atthe dal, the Netherlands —ARC-210radios, long US Forward Operating has requested to buy with the provision of spare Location in Hato, Curacao. Up to four MQ-0A Block parts, maintenance and The Dutch MoD fist 5s, three MQ-9 Mobile munitions equipment and announced its intention Ground Control Systems support, and technical/ to double the RNLAF's and an unspecified logistics support services. Reaper fleet in a Defence number of Honeywell “The Royal Netheriands White Paper that was, ‘TPESS1-10 turboprop Ar Force (RNLAF} is. published in June 2022 ‘Re Luftwafe Geran Fore) ued Eurofihler E2000 sparing te aa ste! tger-themed special same daring a NATO Tier ‘Germany on July 7. The newly applied livery to EF-2000 (serial 20+76 “74 Tiger) represents a Sumatran Tiger, with the aircraft's fuselage, wings, canards, varia! siabilser and droptanks burnished in orange with black stipes. Bath of the fighters" canards feature tiger ayes, while artwork depicting the hhead of @ Sumatran Tiger's present on tho fal, slong withthe number 74"te pay tnbute tots operting uni. The naw scheme has been roled out ‘head of the area's pariclpation in NATO Tiger Meet 2023, which willbe hosted by the lalon Aur Force's S6" Stormo (Wing) at Goa del Calle Air ‘Bove tly, in October Ditmar Feners worn Key Aero ‘september 2028 1/18 > ==) Travis welcomes =." =) firstKC-46A 9 = ‘Army Heliport (AHP). BOEING RESUMED _— airframes and isthe frst California base, along The change ~ approved Goliveries of KC-46A of aplanned 27 KC-46As___ withthe 7Sth anniversary by the US Army Pegasus tankers to that willbe assigned Cf the 60th AMW and ‘Aeronautical Services the USAF on July28 to the 60th Air Mobility 100 years ofthe air-to- Agency - took efact on folowing ahiatus that Wing's (AMW) 6th and 8th air refueling capability, July 21. While Mui is the began in March, when AirRefueling Squadrons which the wider USAF had army’s second-busiest 1 problem with the (ARS). Responsiblity for earlier celebrated during miltary-use heliport, arcrat’s centre fuel tank operating and maintaining Operation Centennial iis casstieation as an ‘was discovered. ‘the tankers willbe shared Contact. Bosing is under airfield did rot meet The latest KC-4GA withthe Travis-based contract to deliver 15, the US Army or Federal ‘tobe delivered (serial 349th AMW and its 70th _KC-4As to the USAF this Aviation Administration 20-46081) arrived at and 73th ARS, which are year, but has only handed requirements for that ‘Travis AFB, Calforia, components of Air Force two examples aver thus designation. In 2012, whieh has now become Reserve Command, far. The Pegasus is Muir AHP was deemed the sixth main operating The ceremony that replacing the Travis-based unsafe for fixed-wing first due for delvery to ‘base forthe USAF's marked the KC-46A's—«KC-1OA fies, with the —_arcaft, which is why the RCAF in 2027. The growing Pegasus fleet. arivalat Travis also California base expected the Pennsylvania Amy. C-330s will each be This aircratt grows the commemorated the to bid farewell tots last National Guard's (ARNG) equipped with both a USAF's operational 0th anniversary of the Extenders by September _C-26E Metroiner fects boom and hose-and- Pegasus fleet to 70 establishment of the 2024, Tom Kaminski ‘operated from Harisburg rogue air-to-air efueling Intemational Airport capabiltes. Muir AHP is home to ‘The second-hand numerous Pennsylvania, commercial areratt wal be modified to the MATT configuration by ‘Arbus at alate date, The STTC aircraft wil aso carryout strategie att, aeromedical evacuation, personnel transport And government oficial transport operation. nal ‘ARNG aviation units, including the Eastern ‘Army National Guard, Training Ste, whieh trains aviators to fy the UH-60N/V Black Hawic utility neicopter and (GH-47F Chinook heavy lit tactical transport helicopters. Tom Operational Capability Kaminski is expected between - THE USAF established 2028-2029, with Final ee eee ee eC RS ‘a permanent RC-ASSV/W. Operaton! Carat nA ee a aa 2090-2031. Tom Kaminski Rivet Joint presence at Joint Base Elmendort Richardson, Alaska, New Jersey bids fond farewell to last KC-10A Str dnrsons ‘Group (06) was recently ‘THE DEPARTURE of, legacy of Extender ‘of operational USAF ‘operational for several activated. Reporting KC-10A Extender (erial operations and mark —_—_-misions across six years to give the USAF to the Sth Wing at {84-0188} from Joint Base the end of the tankers different continents. The time to integrate its ‘Offutt AFB, Nebraska, McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst time at JB MDL. The tanker was responsible successor ito Air the OG is responsible 2 MDL) on June 22 airratt performed a {or refusing more than Mobility Command's {for 12 squadrons and ‘marked not only the end farewell fypast before 125,000 arcraft from 25 Total Force tanker, ‘wo detachments and ‘of KC-10 operations for being flown to the 309th different nations and was enterprise. As part of maintain overseas the USAF's 30Sth/S14th Aerospace Maintenance flown by 1,000 aircrew this process, select ‘operating locations ‘Ai Moblty Wings (AMW), and Regeneration Group members, while another portions of the USAF's at RAF Midenhall in but also the type's 33-year at Davis-Monthan AFB, 12,000 maintainers have legacy tanker let is. ‘Suffolk, UK: Naval mmission from Now Jersey. Arizona, where it wil be worked to keep It avaiable being withdrawn from Support Activity ‘The 30Sth/Stdth AMW'S kept in long-term storage for operations. tse, enabling the air Souda Bay, Crete; and last KC-10A departed and used as a source While the USAF is inthe arm to recapitaise Kadena AB, Japan, the New Jersey base of spare parts tohelp __processof phasing out and replaceits ageing «The detachment wil, for the final time after support the KC-10As that its remaining KC-10As, as tankers with newer, inaly serve as a launch participating in maitiple remain operational. itcontinues to welcome more advanced and recovery point farewell ceremonies ‘This particular KO-10A more KC-46A Pegasus platforms, while also for Indo-Pacic Rivet that served to both flew a total of 33,475.58 tankers into servieo, maintaining ite air-to-air Joint operations. Tom ‘commemorate the 83-year ght hours in support the leet will remain, refueling capabilites, Kaminski wor Key Aero ‘september 2028 1/17 > CANADA MINISTER of National Defence Anita, Anand announced on “uly 25 that the nation has purchased four new Afous A830 Mult-Role Tanker Transports (MATS) ~ along with a further three ‘used A330-2008 - for approximately CA$3.66n (USS2.7bn), as it moves to recapitalse is air-to-air refueling capebiities and tenable the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) to replace its ageing CC-150 Polaris feet. ‘The Canadian Department of National Defence's (OND's) mut billon contract with Airbus Defence and Space covers the delvery of four new North America A330 MATT and the Conversion of five used 18330 (acquired through separate procurement efforts) tothe MRTT- standard, Canada inially purchased two second-hand ASG0-2438 from the International AirFinance Corporation for approximately USS102m in June 2022, then three ‘addtional used A902 from the same source at 8 cost of USS150m in July 2023 These acquisitions are part ofthe Canadian DOND's Strategic Tanker ‘Transport Capability {STTO) project, which aims to replace the RCAF's current fleet of five CC-180 Polaris (4910-200) tankers with a newer and more capable platform. Anand stated that this initiative will enable the RCAF to enhance its sovereign ‘operations (including inthe ‘Acti, while strengeening Canada's abilty to provide air-to-air refueling support for NATO and North ‘American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) operations. In RAF service, the (8390-243MATT wil be designated the CC-380 Husky; the fist two of which ara slatad to be delivered later this year “These intial two AS308 were previously operated by Kuwait Aways, wearing the registrations Sk-APC (€én 1659) and 8K-APD (en 1678), but willbe assigned the RCAF serials 93002 ‘and 32001, respectively After undergoing maintenance checks with AMAC Aerospace in Basal, Switzecana, the jets were repainted by Satys Aerospace in Chateauroux, France. The firt aircraft 1 be rolled ‘out (99002) received a red, white and blue colour scheme similar to that ‘applied to CC-150 Polaris (15001), Known as ‘Can Force One it serves as the main transport for the Canadian Prime Minister. ‘Al subsequent sicraft wll be painted ina gloss grey livery similar to that worn by the currant Polaris feet. ‘The first CC-390 is. ‘expected to arrive at Canadian Forces Base “Trenton in Ontario this summer, with the second following in the autumn, Like the Potars, the Husky fleet will be operated by No 497 Transport Squadron. A second batch ‘comprising three CC-380s is expected to ative in Canada in 2024 (On leaving the Airbus Final Assembly Line in Toulouse, France, the new A390-243 will undergo ‘conversion to MATT- standard by Alrbus at Its facilty in Getate, Spain from mid-2026, withthe ‘The last KC-10A Extonder(srial 84-0188) assigned tothe 30Sth AMW conducts 2 ‘inal typast over JB MDL In New Jersey during Its rotrement ceremony on dune 22 USARSentrarman Sergi Avaiog Middle East US sends fighters to tackle Iran’s oil tanker attacks ‘THE US has sont F-16 Fighting Falcons, with F-25 Lightning Il mutt role fighters following, to ‘the Middle East in a bid ta counter an inerease in Iranian attacks on vessels passing through the Strait ff Hormuz, the Pentagon has revealed. ‘An undisclosed number of aireratt are being deployed to Oman to increase the US presence in te troubled region ater two oil tankers \were intercepted by Iranian naval vesse's on sly 5. During a press, briefing on July 17, US. deputy press secretary Sabrina Singh sai: "In response to a number ‘of recent, alarming fevents inthe Strait of Hormuz, the Secretary of Defense has ordered the deployment of the destroyer USS Thomas Hudner (006-116), F.35 fighters and F416 fighters to the US Central ‘Command (CENTCOM) area of responsibility to fend US Interests and safeguard the freedom of ‘navigation in the region.” Singh outined that the move followed two attempts by Iran to seize ‘ships inthe Strait of Hormu2 and Gulf of Oman atthe start of the month: *One attempt included ‘an Iranian Navy ship firing on the merchant ‘vossol In ight ofthis ‘continued threat, and in ‘co-ordination with our Partners and allies, the ‘department is increasing ‘our presence and ability ‘to monitor the strait and surrounding waters." US CENTCOM revealed {urther details, eaying ‘that the Marshal Islands flagged ol tanker TRF ‘Moss was approached bby an Iranian naval vessel on July 6, bt the Iranians left ater the arrival ofthe US Navy's ‘leigh Burke-class uided-missile destroyer, USS McFaul (006-74), Lato the same day, an Iranian naval vessel ‘came within one mie of the Bahamian-flagged of tanker Richmond Voyager and fired on it using ‘smal arms and crew served weapons. As with the earlier incident, the Iranian vessel departed ‘when USS MeFau! arrived atthe scene. ‘CENTCOM noted ‘that Iran has attacked orattempted to seize approximately 20 merchant ships passing ‘through the area since 2021. Singh sai: “We call upon ran to Immediately cease these able publication for aircraft torians, and students of military aviation, AIRFORCES MONTHLY BINDER A. Perfect for storing 12 issues of your favourite aviation title in bl From the Editor =| AtAirForces Monthly v modern mi th £46.99 by annual Direct Debit SAVING £43.36 . ORDER DIRECT FROM OUR SHOP... shop.keypublishing OR CALL +44 (0)1780 480404 | (Lines open 9.00-5.30, Monday-Friday GMT) vate contractors can be seen preparing an Arash kamikaze drone fr lan in acy hours of July 23 abr Pasa oo Thats to F-9Fs, 97988 and 2.7187 re ‘ted wth rookst pods and can be saan prior departae from Bth TFB in the morning ot uty 24 Kayran Tava icipated in he exercise canbe seen walking towards thee erat the main ramp of eth TFB nthe morning of July 28 Koya Tavaneo wor Key Aero September 2025 1/23 O Ur UK aviation journey for ths issue was widespread, as alwaye. Newquay |s anew locaton for us and represented our most westerly and southerly pints on te interesting aviation compass over recent ‘weeks, Glasgow was our furthest orth, with Prestwick slightly Interesting Places further south, The two main USAF ‘bases in East Angla, Lakenheath ‘and Mildenhall, both feature here, ‘withthe former the furtest west by lust a fow miles. The unique Battersea Heliport in corral London as ou final spot ‘We welcome contributions from ‘our readers across the UK and the Lateran cote Pe ere eat Meee eres 8 arr xno non ett er py dy eared ip emma ney re era cea ern ee eM Ne Lo ee OT prs tr 28 September 2023 Ben Stanley Hall again showcases the rich diversity of movements up and down the UK oi rest ofthe world. you photograph ‘something thats notin ts usual location or you think could be ot intoest to others, please send images, without watermarks, to using the heading Just Passing Through’ ith a shor’ caption incluing as much information as possible, (animeRt) Sean O'Connell Ts Asia-Pacific ‘subse 1o www Key Aero for brsokng rows tors Etna the news ean Rafale M set to replace Indian Navy Fulcrums NEW DELHI has formally ‘announced the selection (of the Rafale Marine (M) mutt-toe fighter to replace the Indian Navy's AWN) ageing MiG-29K/ KUB Fulerum-D feet, marking @ major export boost for Dassault ‘Aviation and another lose for Bosing's continued push to sell more F/A- 1BE/F Super Hornets. India's Defence ‘Acquisition Councit formally approved the procurement of 26 Rafale M fighter ‘and associated ancillary equipment, weapons, simulators, documentation, spares land repair parts and training/ogistical support ‘rom Franca on July 13 While the selection of the Rafale M was formally announced, the total ‘cost ofthe acquisition is, ‘now being negotiate. India’s selection of the Fatale M follows the completion ofan interational competition that was held at INS Hansa in Goa in 2022, During which, the ‘competing fighter types ‘completed multiple sk Jumps, ral-in and fy- in arrestments and performance fights at a varety of weights in a mix of ai-t-ai/ground ‘surface configurations, ‘According to Dassaut, *..the Ratale ‘demonstrated that fully met the IN's operational requirements and was perfectly suited to the ‘specificities ofits aicratt “The aicrat di not ‘operate from the N's aircraft carers, INS Vikramaditya (R33) and INS Vikrant (R11), as these were designed for MiG- 29K/KUB operations, FRafao Ms (sorals $2 and 10) from the Fronch Fleet lr Arm's Foto 11F during a routine patrol lant n October 2019. Inala hae become the frst export nation to select thie avalised variant ofthe mult-role lighter, with 26 alrraf planned Dassault AvatonA Peccht meaning they must the conventional Air Undergo a certain degree Force-standard variants ‘of modification work ‘oof the type, as well asthe cater forthe Rafal, ravalised version, whieh The Ratale M selection _ will provide benefits in Is an important one, given both commonality and that India wil Become in helping to consolidate ‘the second nation after training and maintenance France to operate both processes. The Indian Air Force thas taken delivery ‘of 28 single-seat Rafale Ets and eight two-seat Rafale DHs. With the selection ofthe Ratale IM, India wil receive 62 ‘examples ofthe mut-role fighter across all hres variants in tt USAF F-6C/Ds eel up with ROKAF F-35A\ Peete) ees eer Peery CL eo ae en cree ‘trraft tothe runway at Cheonglu AB, South Korea, during 2 buddy squadron training integrate between fourth ser ee ec ev ee wor Key Aero orn penne eae cr) eer) Some ey Ce eee) Cane es Seopa ee rr ena eas eae or pr Sed ota anna Rees So Cason ec poorer et eet ferent) eee tea Pretec) eeu) near to train togeth earer Poa eoe ay assigned tothe 15ist eater ee) erie) cme withthe &th FW and eee Retetcs ee Bema eee) erent een eee Peas oe eee rea pare d orc Petree) USAF F-16C/D plot assigned to speratons are peer ret tabiity on the roo a eee) unity to bridge ea sy res helps us build cohesk Seed cre ro September 2025 1/25 Stand-off weapons 29 Fulerum fighters. This ‘id not come as a suprise as the ‘ype has already been adapted 0 seppine Utranion ArForce Use the US AGN-08 high-speed (Uk continues ant-racation missile (HAA). So successful empoy the US-suppied 5000 wala of ‘Fence’ bomber fleets busy the Joint Dect Attack Munition depieying UK-supplied Storm Extended Range DAM-ER), missiles, t's based on a MKB2 general-purpose logical for tho UKIAF to emo iron bomb. This GPS-guided JDAM-ER on of Ukraine’s counteroffensi ice ale fa) a) fn tne Moar fT guided weapons by bt but it seems the UkrAF fighters are As for the Storm Shadow, this ia and Ukraine has intensified. forced to deploy them prima 8 been put to good Viadimir Trendafilovski ex. their tactio by using ther ad = pop-up attack rn again a = Russian a defence oy. Ths manor mp Known tox mb Teaiced te wespn's ect mos het Atte begining : Ukr pubes nape fh DANE forthe rat tine | | ate eters wen ear aitans a lle Michie eerste ete a va _ NEWs! Australasia RNZAF declares P-8A fleet operational ‘The fourth and fnal RNZAF P-BA (serial NZ4904) arrives at RNZAF Base Oakes on July 17 Now Zoaiand Dotonce Fores THE ROYAL New Zealand Ar Force (RNZAF) declared its newly acquired P-8A Poseidon fleet operational on July 1 Just weeks before the air farm welcomed its fourth and final example of he US-buit mantime patrol aircratt (MPA) to RNZAF Base Onakea, near Palmerston North in the Manawatu, on July 17 ‘New Zealand's final 8A — serial NZ4808 (cin 87020) departed Boeing's production facilty a King County International Airport (otherwise known as aurived at RNZAF Base Ohakea on December 12, 2022, before it was joined by the second (NZ4802) ‘on March 20, and the third (124803) on May 19. This delivery, and the ‘completion of New Zealand's P-2A fleet, ‘comes aftr the RNZAF {formally retired its ageing fleet of six P-2K2 Orion MPA on January 31 ater more than 55 years ‘of operational service. Wellington purchased its P-BAs through the US Foreign Miltary Sales programme, with 2 ‘contract (worth $1.6bn) Boeing Field in Seattle, being signed on July 9, Washington, on July 13, 2018. After four years of before it was formally." preparation, the RNZAF ‘welcomed by the RNZAF's officially declared ts new No 5 Squadron at Onakea Poseidon feat operational four days later. This ‘on July 1, making the delivery completes New aircraft and its capabilities Zealand's four-strong—_avalable for frontine P-GAleet, of which the missions, while plugging first aircraft (NZ4801) the maritime patrol ‘capability gap that was Created by the expectted reticoment of the P-aK2 fleet earler in the year. ‘AVM Andrew Clarks, Chiet of the RNZAF, sai New Zealand's maritime security is central to ‘our wider eacunty. The Poseldan isthe latest in a series of arcraft going back to the early daye ‘of the RNZAF that have kept watch from the air = securing our maritime resources, defending our region against miitary threats, bulding regional reslience, preventing ‘trans-national crime, and ‘of course carrying out search-and-rescue and humantaran aid and isastar relief missions, ‘Tha Poseidon has the breacth of versatility and the depth of capabilty required forthe job in today’s complex security ‘environment RAAF E-7A to support Ukraine supply ops ‘THE ROYAL Australian Air Force (RAAF) wil dopioy a single E-7A Wedgetall, AEWAC aircraft to Germany to help protect the vital gateway of international humanitarian aid and miitary assistance ‘0 Ukraine, The move demonstrates Australia's ‘support for the war-torn nation as it continues to ‘defend itself against the ‘ongoing Russian invasion. “The move was ‘announced by Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese on July 10, following discussions with German Chancellor ‘af Scholz in Borin ahead of his attendance fat the NATO Summit in inius, Lithuania, on July 11. The upcoming ‘deployment is expected to begin in October and will sea single PAAF- ‘operated E-7A and up to 4100 personne! stationed at an as-yet undisclosed location in Germany, 24 1 September 2023, probably Geilenkirchen, for approximately six months, AA press release published by the Office for the Prime Minister of Australia on July 10 explained thatthe deployment ofthe E-7A to Germany “will integrate with the efforts of our partners, including the US, and support the ‘muit-layerad protections in place for assistance into Ukraine.” The release also noted that the RAAF ETA. “provide early warning in the event of any threats outside of Ukraine against the ‘gateway for umanitarian and miltary assistance.” Italso confirmed that Australian Defence Force personnel will not enter Ukraine and that the E-7A will be operated outside of Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian airspace. ‘Commenting on the upcoming deployment, ‘Australia’s Deputy Prime Ukraine's sovereignty and Ministor Richard Marles territorial integrity prevails. sald: "The deployment against Russia's assault" of the E-7A Wedgetal ‘Based on the Basing as an additional early 737-700 aiiner, the E-7A warning capabilty wil help Wedgetal is powered by ‘ensure that vital support two CFM International flowing to Ukraine by the CEMS6-7B27A international community turbofan engines and is protected, Australiais equipped with Northrop ‘committed to ensuring Grumman's mutt-rol

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