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Citi Global College Inc.

Santa Rosa Branch, Senior High School Department



Experimental Capstone Project

Presented to:

John Marion Castillo

Villareal, Alyanna

Arellano, Ashanti

Lusdoc, Joros

Abias, John Lester

Euden, Nelmhar

Elazigue, Jhon Cedric




Statement of the Problem……………………………………………………………………………………………………

Statement of Hypothesis……………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Scope and Limitation of the Study……………………………………………………………………………………….

Significance of the Study……………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Definition of Terms……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Knowledge Gap to be Filled…………………………………………………………………………………………………


Theoretical Framework……………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Conceptual Framework of the Study…………………………………………………………………………………..


Research Design…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Subject of the Study…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..




Biking has been a hobby and an exercise for people for a lot of years now. Nowadays, it has
become more prevalent among people of all age – especially in pre-teens and teenagers to young
adults as an outlet for their recreation, leisure, and fitness. In the sudden prevalence of biking,
accidents are also active among these cyclists. Since bicycles do not have a light built into it, this is
usually the cause of accidents especially in line switching on roads – and so, to decrease the rate of
danger among the bikers, lights should be added to it.

The DIY Signal Light is a product made for bicycles - especially now that cyclists have increased
in quantity. It makes use of battery-operated string lights, tape, a small cardboard, and zip ties. It is
made waterproof with a tape, plastic cover, or plastic bottle melted to fit around the lights so that
cyclists are free to use it day and night in any weather. Its materials are almost all available in every
person's home which makes it affordable to every cyclist regardless of their age and social status. This
signal light aims to ensure safety to cyclists when doing turns on the road – to make sure that they are
seen and vehicles behind them will be aware on what turn will they do. Signal lights are considered
expensive since they are built with a lot of advanced technology for it to be effective, but what this
product aims to do is to provide function to cyclists while also being affordable and accessible so as to
keep cyclists of any status safe from accidents.

Background of the Study

Riding bicycles have been a source of leisure and exercise for people of all ages, most of the
age ranging from 11 and 13 to 60 get on the road and ride for at least 12 kilometers to 300 kilometers.
However, the farther these cyclists go is also the higher their chances of getting into an accident due
to the lack of lights on a bike. Bicycle accidents happen due to failure of seeing the cyclists when they
are travelling through intersections or in the lanes of traffic (Sweat, 2023) and although hand signals
are a thing for cyclists when turning, it is still cautious for them as not all of drivers of vehicles see this
or know about these hand signals – especially new drivers and drivers that still lack in knowledge about
these signals which is prevalent here in the Philippines.

Due to the reason of cyclists being in danger because of both the lack of knowledge of other
drivers and their own lack of income to be able to purchase a signal light and lack of equipment, a do
it yourself signal light is a great option to be safe on the road when riding the bicycle. The researchers
ought to help these cyclists prevent their own danger and accident by providing them an affordable
signal light which they can create by themselves with the things that are mostly available to them and
inexpensive. Using proper lighting in a bicycle increases the rate of security and safety of the cyclists
and lessens the possibility of collisions with other vehicles – especially with motorcycles. Visibility of
cyclists and their ride of choice is most important and so this product was thought of by the
researchers to help them in the easiest way possible without them having to spend too much.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the Feasibility of Using Battery-Operated String lights, Tape,
Cardboard, and Zip ties as DIY Signal Light for Bicycles.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the level of Feasibility of Using Battery-Operated String lights, Tape, Cardboard, and
Zip ties as DIY Signal Light for Bicycles in terms of:
a) Effectiveness
b) Budget-Friendly
c) Practicality
d) Capabilities
e) Security

2. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

a) Age
b) Gender
c) Income

3. Is there a significant difference between level of Feasibility of Using Battery-Operated String

lights, Tape, Cardboard, and Zip Ties as DIY Signal Light for Bicycles and the aforementioned

Statement of Hypothesis

The following null hypotheses were formulated to find temporary answers to the specific
questions relevant to the study:
1. There is no significant difference between the level of feasibility of using battery-operated
string lights, tape, cardboard, and zip ties as DIY signal light for bicycles in terms of
effectiveness, budget-friendly, practicality, capabilities, and security.
2. There is no significant relationship between the demographic profile of the respondents and
the level of feasibility of using battery-operated string lights, tape, cardboard, and zip ties as
DIY signal light for bicycles.

Scope and Delimitation

This research focuses on level of feasibility of using battery-operated string lights, tape, cardboard,
and zip ties as DIY signal light for bicycles. This would also look into the importance of the product as
it will determine the acceptability of the product in terms effectiveness, budget-friendly, practicality,
capabilities, and security using 30 respondents. It determines the significance of the pe rception of the
respondents in terms of feasibility. The result is based on the data gathered from the 30 evaluators
who will evaluate the product.

Significance of the Study

The results of the study will be deemed beneficial to the following:

Society. This study will give an opportunity for people to gain safety for bikers or cyclists. In the future,
majority of cyclists will have signal lights to ensure their safety on the road.

Researchers. This helps the researchers to create a collegial point of view about the study. This will
make them confident in what they should do for their community.

Entrepreneurs. This study will give entrepreneurs a new business opportunity as distributors of the
product in turn would lead to the development of new industries that create new job opportunities.

Economy. This will give them more relevant information regarding the development of this product.
This can also give additional employment opportunities and income to the government. Hence, it can
be exported to other countries to promote sustainability.

Future Researchers. This can be used as a reference for other researchers who can give new ideas and
a great benefit for those who will plan to do the same concept of study.
Definition of Terms

To better understand the study, the following terms were operationally and conceptually define d:

Capabilities. abilities to adapt to unexpected technological change, develop new products and use
new technological processes in order to meet current and expected future needs

Security. the state of being free from danger or threat.

Effectiveness. the degree to which something is successful in producing a desired result; success.

Tape. a narrow strip of material, as used to hold or fasten something.

Cardboard. pasteboard or stiff paper.

Budget Friendly. of a product for sale, allowing one to stay within one's financial budget if
purchased; reasonably priced; affordable.

Practicality. the quality or state of being practical.

Battery-Operated String Lights. a string of small lights that functions with a battery.

Zip Ties. a fastener consisting of a thin, flexible nylon strap with a notched surface, one end of which
is threaded through a locking mechanism at the other.

Bicycles. a vehicle composed of two wheels held in a frame one behind the other, propelled by
pedals and steered with handlebars attached to the front wheel.

Signal Lights. a flashing light on a vehicle to show that it is about to change lanes or turn.

Knowledge Gap to be Filled

This study explores the level of feasibility of using battery-operated string lights, tape,
cardboard, and zip ties as DIY signal light for bicycles. The researchers will create a product that is
evaluated by selected individuals.


This chapter presents the related foreign and local literature which support the study titled
Feasibility of Using Battery-Operated String lights, Tape, Cardboard, and Zip Ties as DIY Signal Light for

Theoretical Framework


Cyclists and bike riding have increased between 11% and 48% according to data from 736
bicycle counters (Claxton, 2021). Bicycles have been used for both in leisure and exercise for many
years. It is also recommended by doctors for people to use them for transportation because it is an
easy way for them to fit exercise into their busy lives and improve their health (Green, 2021).
Unfortunately, along with the increase of bike riding is also the increase of biking accidents. Most
accidents occur due to cyclists not being visible to other vehicle drivers. This is due to the lack of bicycle
lights especially since bicycles are not built with a light automatically.

This study aims to develop a product that will be effective in ensuring a cyclist’s safety when
bike riding to different places – regardless of how far it is. It also aims to use materials that are
inexpensive and accessible to both newbie and long-time cyclists such as materials easily found in
their home and materials that are cheap when bought from the market. It aims to provide security
and capability as well with the same kind of materials.


Battery-operated string lights are more prevalent today than ever. According to
Constellation’s article in the year 2018, string lights are closely associated with Christmas and other
holidays, LED decorative string lights are increasingly popular for daily use. These string lights are safe
to use and its versatility is what made them popular today. People use them for decoration in door and
outdoor – as a design for their backyard or for their room walls. Because of their versatility, it is
thought by the researchers to use them in a different way; not just for decorations, but also to ensure


Signal lights or turn lights are often seen in vehicles such as cars, motorcycles, and e -bikes to
let other drivers on the road be aware of where you are going so that they can act accordingly and
keep everyone safe on the road (Rosenberg, 2017). These signal lights are unfortunately missing in a
bicycle; therefore, bicycle accidents often happen due to low visibility and other drivers’ unawareness
in what way will they make a turn. Due to the lack of safety in cyclists through signal lights, the
researchers thought of a way to input this important equipment to a cyclist’s choice of transportation
and keep them and other people riding vehicles safe from harm and trouble.

Conceptual Framework

This study has two variables. The independent variable was the feasibility and the dependent
variable was the using battery-operated string lights, tape, cardboard, and zip ties as DIY signal light
for bicycles.


1. Level of Feasibility of the

product in terms of:
a) Effectiveness
b) Budget-Friendly
c) Practicality
• Profiling
d) Capabilities
• Questionnaire Presentation of the DIY
e) Security
Signal Light for bicycles
• Data Gathering
2. Demographic Profile of using inexpensive
Respondents materials
• Data presentation,
a) Age Analysis and
b) Gender Interpretation
c) Income
3. The significant difference
between level of the
product and the
aforementioned criteria


This chapter discuss the methods to be used in the collection of data, the research design, the
survey, methods, instruments used, data gathering procedure, and statistical instrument.

Research Design

This research will use experimental design. It is the blueprint of the procedure that will be the
way for the researchers to test the hypothesis by reaching valid conclusions between the independent
variables and dependent variables' relationships.

Experimental design is the process of a study to meet specific objectives. Planning the
experiments properly is very important to ensure that the right type of data and sufficient sample size
and power are available to answer the research question of interest clearly and efficiently. Repeated
measures, independent groups, and matched pairs design are included in the types of design which
researchers must decide from where they will allocate their sample to different experimental groups.

Subject of the Study

This action research involved 30 evaluators to measure the following criteria of effectiveness,
budget-friendly, practicality, capabilities, and security. The 30 evaluators are composed of 15 STEM
students and 15 HE students from CITI GLOBAL COLLEGE Santa Rosa campus.

The 30 evaluators consisting of cyclists, ICT and HE students from CITI GLOBAL COLLEGE Santa
Rosa campus are chosen by the researchers because: a) The STEM students of CITI GLOBAL COLLEGE
Santa Rosa campus will be of help in terms of evaluating the security and correctness of the creation
of the product; and b) The HE students from CITI GLOBAL COLLEGE Santa Rosa Campus are important
in terms of evaluating the effectiveness and capabilities of the product.

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