RDSCM HowTo Guide

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Electronic RDS Coupon Manager (RDSCM)

Version 3.0

A How-To Guide

September 2012
RDS Coupon Manager: Alternative Settings
Upon opening RDSCM for the first time, type in the password, this is “password” with the
quotation marks (Figure 1).

Figure 1.

Next, under Administrative Tasks, click on “Edit Settings” (Figure 2).

Figure 2.

When prompted for administrative password, type in “password” without the quotation marks
(Figure 3).

Figure 3.

Under Settings, change the Coupon Validation Timeframe to 500 weeks, and click OK
(Figure 4).

Figure 4.

Validating the coupon in RDSCM and starting a RDSCM record for each
In this section are instructions on how to get started using RDSCM. Click on the “A
respondent or seed has just arrived for an interview” button in the top left corner (Figure 5).

Figure 5.

Enter the coupon number that dialog box appears (Figure 6).

Figure 6.

RDSCM will ask you to verify the coupon number (Figure 7).

Figure 7.

RDSCM will verify that the coupon number exists in the database (in the case of a recruit
that the coupon has actually been given to someone to distribute) (Figure 8).

Figure 8.

Verify that the study uses the coupon number for the study ID (Figure 9).

Figure 9.

A new RDSCM record will appear. Enter your ID #. (Figures 10 and 11).

Figure 10.

Figure 11.

Tab down ignoring the popup asking for a recruiter ID (Figure 12).

Figure 12.

To save the new record click on Submit. A warning will tell you that the recruit ID is blank
(what you ignored earlier); Click yes (Figure 13).

Figure 13.

The new record is now saved and can be accessed later for other coupon manager
operations by searching for the StudyID.

Voiding a coupon in RDSCM

If recruit does not meet the eligibility criteria or has already participated in the study, you will
need to VOID the coupon in RDSCM. The first step to void a coupon is to click on the “Void
an ineligible respondent’ coupon button” in the top left of coupon manager (Figure 14).

Figure 14.

A dialog box will appear where you will enter the coupon ID number that you wish to void
(Figure 15).

Figure 15.

Enter the coupon number (Figure 16)

Figure 16.

A dialog box will ask you to confirm your choice (Figure 17).

Figure 17.

And then RDSCM will confirm the voiding and you’ll see that the coupon is now void (Figures
18 and 19).

Figure 18.

Figure 19.

Now write VOID across the face of the actual coupon and file in the VOID coupon box.

Entering Coupon information into RDSCM
All coupons issued to the recruiter are entered in the RDSCM system. Return to or open
RDSCM and search in the keyword box (circled) for the PID belonging to the participant
(Figure 20.)

Figure 20.

When the correct record is retrieved select edit case (Figure 21).

Figure 21.

Add coupon number in the coupon Given Box and click add repeat for each additional
coupon (Figure 22.)

Figure 22.

The coupon numbers will now appear below and their status will be noted as unpaid.
(Unpaid means just given for distribution, pending means they have been redeemed and you
need to pay out for them, void means void) (Figure 23).

Figure 23.

Click Submit (Figure 24.)

Figure 24.

Note validity (time period) on the coupons for recruits. A validity period can be assigned to
encourage use of the coupon after a certain date and in a timely manner. That being said,
individuals arriving at the study site with a coupon outside of the validity period should not be
turned away.

Secondary incentive payments

Establish Identity. Check results card against fingerprint/UID database. If participant file has
yellow sticker move right to verifying UID. If there is not a match consult with Site Manager.

Determine the secondary incentive amount for the number of peers recruited

At the time of this visit, check RDSCM to see how many recruits the recruiter has
successfully referred. Successfully means the recruit was eligible, enrolled and finished the
steps in the study.

If it was a successful recruitment, you will see ‘Pending’ next to the coupon #. This means a
payment is pending for this coupon #.

Open RDSCM to main screen and search for PID (Figure 25).

Figure 25.

Click on appropriate record for the StudyID in question and click edit case (Figure 26).

Figure 26.

You should pay out for all coupons that indicate pending (Figure 27).

Figure 27.

And then change the status of each pending coupon to “paid” (Figure 28).

Figure 28.

Click save changes (Figure 29).

Figure 29.

Pay participant for the number of successful recruitments.


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