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Determine the shape

a > 0 – u-shaped ∴ minimum point
1. Functions a < 0 – n-shaped ∴ maximum point
Use the turning point
One-to-one functions: each x value maps to one distinct y Express y = ax 2 + bx + c as y = a (x − h )2 + k
value (check using vertical line test)
by completing the square
e.g. n 2 n 2
x 2 + nx ⟺ (x + ) −( )
2 2
​ ​

f (x ) = 3x − 1
a (x + n) + k
Many-to-one functions: there are some f(x) values
which are generated by more than one x value Where the vertex is (−n, k)
e.g. Find the y -intercept:
Substitute x as 0 to get y intercept
f (x ) = x 2 − 2x + 3
Find the x -intercept:
Domain =x values Range = y values Factorize or use formula
Type of root by calculating discriminant b2 − 4ac
Notation: f (x ) can also be written as f :x↦ If b2 − 4ac = 0 , real and equal roots
To find range: If b2 − 4ac > 0 , real and distinct roots
Complete the square 2
If b − 4ac < 0 , no real roots
Intersections of a line and a curve: if the equations of the
x 2 − 2x + 3 → (x − 1)2 + 2
line and curve leads to a quadratic equation then:
Work out min/max point If b2 − 4ac = 0 , line is tangent to the curve
If b2 − 4ac > 0 , line meets curve in two points
Minimum point = (1, 2) If b2 − 4ac < 0 , line does not meet curve
∴ all y values are greater than or equal to 2 . f(x) ≥2 Quadratic inequality:
One-to-many functions do not exist
(x − d) (x − β ) < 0 ⟹ d < x < β
Domain of g (x ) = Range of g −1 (x)
(x − d ) (x − β ) > 0 ⟹ x < d or x > β
Solving functions:
f(2): substitute x = 2 and solve for f(x) 3. Equations, Inequalities and
fg (x ) : Substitute x = g(x)
f −1 (x ) : let y = f(x) and make x the subject Graphs
Composite Functions:
f (g (x )) or f ⋅ g (x ) Transformation of graphs:
Substitute all instances of x in f(x) with g(x) f(−x): reflection in the y-axis
Simplify −f (x ) : reflection in the x -axis
If it is f 2 (x ) , or f (f (x )) , then for every x in f(x)
f (x ) + a : translation of a units parallel to y-axis
substitute f(x)’s contents
f (x + a) : translation of –a units parallel to x -axis
Inverse Functions
f(ax): stretch, scale factor 1a parallel to x -axis
Only 1 to 1 functions have inverses

If f(x) is a function, equate f(x) to y

af (x ) : stretch, scale factor a parallel to y-axis
Modulus function:
Replace all occurrences of x in f(x) with y
Try to make x the subject of the function again Denoted by ∣f(x)∣
−1 Modulus of a number is its absolute value
That is the f (x)
Never goes below x -axis
Transformation of graphs:
Makes negative graph into positive by reflecting
f(−x): reflection in the y-axis
negative part into x -axis
−f (x ) : reflection in the x -axis
Solving modulus function:
f (x ) + a : translation of a units parallel to y-axis Sketch graphs and find points of intersection
f (x + a) : translation of –a units parallel to x -axis Square the equation and solve quadratic
Relationship of a function and its inverse:

2. Quadratic Functions The graph of the inverse of a function is the reflection

of a graph of the function in y = x

To sketchy = ax 2 + bx + c ; a ≠ 0


Simultaneous linear equations can be solved either by

4. Indices & Surds substitution or elimination
Simultaneous linear and non-linear equations are
generally solved by substitution as follows:
4.1. Indices
Step 1: obtain an equation in one unknown & solve it
Step 2: substitute the results from step 1 into the
linear equation to find the other unknown
for a > 0 and positive integers p and q
The points of intersection of two graphs are given by the
1 solution of their simultaneous equations
a0 = 1 a−p =

ap = ​ p
a ​
a q = ( q a)

7. Logarithmic & Exponential
Rules: Functions
for a > 0 , b > 0 and rational numbers m and n
am × an = am+n an × bn = (ab)n
for a > 0 and a ≠ 1
m n
a a a n
= am−n =( ) y = ax ⇔ x = log a y
an bn b
​ ​ ​

(am ) = amn For log a y to be defined

y > 0 and a > 0 , a ≠ 1

4.2. Surds
When the logarithms are defined
An irrational root is a surd, not all roots are surds log a 1 = 0
​ log a b + log a c ≡
​ ​

Rationalizing the Denominator log a a = 1

​ log a b − log a c ≡
​ ​

When the denominator is a surd, we can simplify by

multiplying both the numerator and the denominator by the log b
rationalization factor to rationalize log a b ≡ log a bn ≡ n
log a
​ ​ ​

When solving logarithmic equations, check solution with

original equation and discard any solutions that causes
logarithm to be undefined
5. Factors of Polynomials Solution of ax = b where a ≠ −1, 0, 1
If b can be easily written as an , then
To find unknowns in a given identity
Substitute suitable values of x ax = an ⇒ x = n
Equalize the given coefficients of like powers of x Otherwise take logarithms on both sides, i.e.

log b
log ax = log b and so x =
log a

Factor Theorem:

If (x − t) is a factor of the function p(x) then p(t) = 0 log ⇒ log 10 ​

ln ⇒ log e ​

Change of base rule:

Remainder Theorem:
log b (x)
log a (x ) =

If a function f(x) is divided by (x − t) then: log b (a)

​ ​

Remainder = f(t) Logarithmic & Exponential Graphs

The formula for remainder theorem:

Dividend = Divisor × Quotient + Remainder

6. Simultaneous Equations


Mostly in the form y= ax n or y = Abn , that must be

converted to the form y = mx + c .

9. Circular Measure
Radian measure:

π = 180º 2π = 360º

8. Straight Line Graphs π

Degree to Rad = × 180 Rad to Degree =
​ × 180
π ​

Arc length:
Equation of a straight line:
s = rθ
y = mx + c
Area of a sector:
y − y1 = m(x − x 1 )
​ ​

1 2
Gradient: A= r θ

y2 − y1
10. Trigonometry
​ ​

x2 − x1

​ ​

Length of a line segment:

Trigonometric ratio of special angles:
2 2
Length = (x 2 − x 1 ) + (y2 − y1 )
​ ​ ​ ​ ​

Midpoint of a line segment:

x 1 + x 2 y1 + y2
( , )
​ ​ ​ ​

2 2
​ ​

Point on line segment with ratio m:n

nx1 + mx 2 ny1 + my2

( , )
​ ​ ​ ​

m+n m+n
​ ​


ABCD is a parallelogram ⟺ diagonals AC and BD
have a common midpoint
Special parallelograms = rhombuses, squares,
Special gradients:
Parallel lines: m1 = m2 ​

Perpendicular lines: m1 m2 = −1
Perpendicular bisector: line passes through midpoint
To work out point of intersection of two lines/curves, solve TANGENT CURVE CAST DIAGRAM
equations simultaneously
Find Tangent: Once the gradient is obtained, substitute
the point into the slope-intercept form to get c and the
Find normal: Obtain the gradient by taking the negative
reciprocal (see perpendicular gradients ). Once the
gradient is obtained, substitute the point (original point)
into the slope-intercept form to get c and the equation.
Find Area, using two methods
Straight Line graphs: find variables when an equation that
does not involve x and y but rather other forms of x and y
example: ( x 3 ) or ln(y) . This is represented as a straight


Trigonometric ratios: e.g. Expand (2x − 1 )4

1 1 1 (2x − 1 )4 = 4 C 0 (2x)4 + 4 C 1 (2x )3 (−1)
sec θ = cosecθ = cot θ = ​ ​

cos θ sin θ tan θ

​ ​ ​

Trigonometric identities: + 4 C 2 (2x )2 (−1 )2 + 4 C 3 (2x ) (−1 )3 + 4 C 4 (−1 )4

​ ​ ​

sin θ = 1(2x)4 + 4 (2x )3 (−1) + 6 (2x )2 (−1 )2

tan θ = sin2 θ + cos2 θ = 1
cos θ

3 4
+4 (2x ) (−1 ) + 1 (−1 )
2 2 2 2
cot θ + 1 = cosec θ tan θ + 1 = sec θ
= 16x 4 − 32x 3 + 24x 2 − 8x + 1
Sketching trigonometric graphs:
The powers of x are in descending order

12.2. Sequences & Series

Arithmetic Progression

A sequence made by adding the same value each time.

A common difference d is added or subtracted (n-1) times
11. Permutations & General form: Un = a + (n − 1 ) d

Where n is the number of the term, a ( U1 ) is the first term

Combinations and d is the common difference

Formula for the sum of the first n terms between u start to ​

Basic counting principle: to find the number of ways of u end ​

performing several tasks in succession, multiply the

number of ways in which each task can be performed: n
Sn = (u start + u end )
​ ​ ​

e.g. 5 × 4 × 3 × 2
Factorial: n! = n × (n − 1 ) × (n − 2 ) … × 3 × 2 × Example:
1 Sequence: 1,2,3,4,5,6
NOTE: 0! = 1 Sum: 21
The number of ordered arrangements of r objects
taken from n unlike objects is: Geometric Progression

n n! A sequence made by multiplying by the same value each

Pr = time.
(n − r )!
​ ​ ​

A common ration r is multiplied or divided (n-1) times

Order matters General form: Un = ar n−1

Where n is the number of the term, a is the first term and

r is the common ratio
The number of ways of selecting r objects from n
unlike objects is: Example:
Sequence: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32
n n! Sum: 62
Cr =
r! (n − r )!
​ ​ ​

Formula for the sum of the first n numbers of a geometric

Order does not matter series

1 − rn
12. Series Sn = a 1 ×
​ ​


12.1. Binomial Expansion Sum to infinity

The binomial theorem allows expansion of any expression Where the common ratio satisfies the condition:
in the form (a + b)n −1 < r < 1 , it is an infinite geometric progression
(convergent progression)
(x + y)n = n C 0 x n + n C 1 x n−1 y + n C 2 x n−2 y2
​ ​ ​

n n S∞ = a 1 ×
+ … + Cn y 1−r
​ ​ ​


2nd Derivative: finds nature of the stationary point

13. Vectors d2 y
If dx2 > ​ 0 → minimum stationary point
d2 y
If dx 2 < 0 → maximum stationary point
Position vector: position of point relative to origin, OP

Chain rule:
Forms of vector:
dy dy du
(a b ) AB p ai − bj = ×
dx du dx
​ ​ ​

Parallel vectors: same direction but different magnitude Product rule:

Generally, AB = OB − OA dy dv du
Magnitude = i2 + j 2 =u +v
dx dx dx
​ ​ ​

Unit vectors: vectors of magnitude 1

Quotient rule:
Examples: consider vector AB
dy v du − u dv
= dx 2 dx
​ ​

AB = 2i + 3j dx
​ ​

∣ ∣ Special Differentials
AB = 13
∣ ∣
​ ​ ​

1 (sin ax) = a cos ax
∴ U nit vector = (2i + 3j) dx



(cos ax) = −a sin ax

Collinear vectors: vectors that lie on the same line dx

Velocity Vector:
(tan ax) = a sec 2 ax

(a b ) ​

Getting velocity from speed: Find k to get velocity based ( eax+b ) = aeax+b

on speed
dy 1
k × ∣∣(a b )∣∣ = speed
​ ​ ​

(ln x) = ​


Point of intersection: dy f (x )

(ln (f (x )) =
dx f (x )
​ ​

Object 1 = ( initial
initial y ) +
​ t (a b ) ​

Related rates of change:

Object 2 = ( initial
initial y ) +
t (c d )
If x and y are related by the equation y = f(x), then
​ ​

Object 1 = Object 2 at time t. If both x and y are not same at dy

the rates of change dx
dt and dt are related by:
intersection time then they will never meet.
​ ​

dy dy dx
= ×
14. Differentiation & dt dx dt
​ ​ ​

Small changes:
Integration If y = f(x) and small change δx in x causes a small
change δy in y , then

14.1. Differentiation dy
δy ≈ ( ) × δx
dx x=k
​ ​


y = xn dy
dx ​
= nx n−1 d y
dx2 ​
= n (n − 1 ) x
14.2. Integration
x n+1
(n + 1)

dy dy
dx ​ >0 dx ​ <0
(ax + b)n+1
Stationary point: equate first derivative to zero ∫ (ax + b)n = +c
a(n + 1)

=0 Definite integral: substitute coordinates/values & find c

Indefinite integral: has c (constant of integration)


Integrating by parts: Special Integrals

dv du sin (ax + b) = − 1a cos (ax + b) + c

∫ u dx = uv − ∫ v dx ∫ ​

dx dx ∫ cos (ax + b) = 1a sin (ax + b) + c

​ ​

What to make u : LATE

∫ sec 2 (ax + b) = 1a tan (ax + b) + c

1 1
∫ ax+b = a ln ∣ax + b∣ + c
​ ​

Logs Algebra Trig e ∫ eax+b = 1a eax+b + c

To find area under the graph (curve and x-axis): 14.3. Kinematics
Integrate curve
Substitute boundaries of x
Subtract one from another (ignore c)
∫ yd̃x ​

Particle at instantaneous rest, v =0
To find area between curve and y -axis:
Make x subject of the formula
Maximum displacement from origin, v =0
Follow above method using y -values instead of x - Maximum velocity, a = 0


Additional Mathematics

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