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fi CATION- Syllabus-2015
Semester Paper Paper Code No Marks

Semester- I Paper-l : EDNELH- 101 100

Semester - ll Paper-ll EDNELH-201 100

Semester - lll Paper-lll EDNELH.3Ol 100

Semester - lV Paper-lV (Hons) EDNH-401 100

\, Semester - V Paper-V: (Hons) EDNH.5O1 L00

Paper Vl (Hons) EDNH.5O2 100

Semester - Vl Paper-Vll (Hons) EDNH-601 100

Paper-Vlll : (Hons) EDNH-602 100


S: e! /q h)

New B.A Course Str re of Educatlon under the Semester System

w.e.f. 2013

of Papers over 6 Semesters

Semester V Semester Vl

ll, A Elective: l]. A Iilcctlvel

Paper I [)npel Il
Marks: 100 Marks: 100
B.A I}.4 . A-'---"-..-*
Elective: llons lilcctivc: Horts Iilcctive : Horrs lective: I lons
Papel I l'aper ll I)apcr V Ei Vl aoer \/ll &Vll
h4arks: l(X) Marks:100 Nlarks: 200

Papers Nature of the Parier Name of Papers I Marks

Paper I Ele ctive/Elective :FJ ons Educational Psychology | 100
Paoer ll Ele ctive/E lective ons Foundations of Education | 100
Paper lll Elective/E le ctive :li/ ons EducationalSystem in lndia_-_ I 100
Paper lV Elective:Hons @-----l---100
Practices I

Paper V Elective:Hons Educational Evaluation and I 100

roo -

Paper Vl Elective:l-{ons Tre"dr ir a;riempoTarv r";l* f-*

Education __|-
Paper Vll E le ct ive:Hons Ed"catioral Teafiology and f-- i-oo
P.d.rgogy _ _l__ _
Paper Vlll Elective:Hons Schoof ored"irrtion r"d -l-- 100
Administration I

Total I 800

Note: I


1. At the UG level only Honoufs progranlme shall be offered in which the total marks shall be
1800, distributed equally orier 18 papers, teaching of rvhich shall be evenly spread over 6
sernesters. I

2. The Honours course in e.n[ fducation will consist of 8 papers with a total of 800 marks
which shall be evenly ,orur{ over 6 semester.
3. The Elective course in B.A. willconsist of 3 papers with a totalof 300 marks whlch
will be spread in the first 3 sf mester.
4. All papers will be evaluated pxternally for 100 marks each.
5. With regards to the examinLtion modalities at the UG Level there will be no objective type
question paper under Semelter System. (Ref :No.CDC/B/2011/-1984 Coted 26'n Sept,2072l
6. Students can proceed to next higher semester irrespective of arrear papers. However, the
students'"vould be requiredlto complete their programme of study within 10 senresters.
7. The 45% miirk at the +2 lelrel criteria for admission to the UG Course has been relaxed in
view of the introduction of *.r"r,ur. System.
B.A, (H )Education lstsemeste, 9! P" !/q(r)
I :Educatlonal Psychology

Course Objectives

1. To enable the students understand the nature of Educational Psychology

2. To enable them to different asp€cts of Perconality and its

I 3. To develop an
4. To make them
5. To enable them to
and Counselling.
of th€ process of harnlng
the nature of intelligence and creativity
the nature, s@pe, and importance of Guidance

;l Unlt-l : lntroduction to Educatlo I Psychology

Concept, Need & Scope Ed ucati ona I Psych ol ogy

Methods of Educational (lntrospection, Observation, Case study)
Application of Ed Pslchology in Teachirg and Learning.
Stages of Growth &
Adolescent Beharriour : Problerm & Role of Education

Unit - ll : lntelligence & Creativity

- Theories of lntelligence ('fs,'s factor & Multiple lntelligence)

- . Creativity : Concept & Nhure, Oraracteristics of a Creative Person, Promoting
Creativity Through Edu cdtion.

Unlt - lll : Personallty & lndlvldual lifferences

- Meaning and Nature of

- Type and Trait Approachps to Personality
- Factors lnfluencing PerJnality Development
- Measurement of Personhlity
- lndividual Diffurences : lis Educational significance

'l I

Unit- lV: Learning I


- r_
Learning: Meaning & Ndture

- Factors Influencing teanling

- Theories of Learning : Trlal & Error, Oassical conditioning and lnsight Learning
- Transfer of Learning
Unit -V : Guidance I

- Guidance : Meaning n"{rr", Scope & Types

- Need & lmportance of E&ucational & Vocational Guidance Services in Schools
- Aptitudeg lnterest a ntiitudes, Educational Achievenrents & Perconality Traits




5: ):/?(g)
Meanlng Nature & of Counselling
Types of Counselling
Steps & Techniques of

List of suggested reodlngs: -4

1 Asch, M ples of Guidance and Counselling Sarup & Sons

New Delhi (2000).

2 Bhatt B.D. Sharrna fUuchional Prychology, Kanishka Publishing House, New

s.R. Dethi, (1993)
3 Chaube, S.P. Oevefopment Psychology, M/S Vikas publishfrng House, Agra

4 Chibber, S.K. Guidfne and EducationalCounseling H.P. Bhargava, Book

Housb, Aeta (1999)


Crow & Crow EducAtional Psychdogy, Eurria Publishing House, New Delhi.

6 Crow, t.D. & Crow, gduckio nal Psychology, Revi se d Edition, Eurasia publ ish I ng
A. Hour.b, New Delhi. (1964)
7 Dash, M. Educdtional Psychology, Deep & Deep Publishing PW Ltd,
New Delhl. (2004)

8 Gagne, R.M. The (onditions of learning N.Y. Holt, Rinehart & Winston
PublitHng Hotrse. New York 1970.

9 Kaur, R. Schoil Prychology, Deep & Deep Publishing Pnt, Lt4 New


Jltendra Mohan Educitional Psychology, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhl.


11 Madhukar lndiar Guiddnce & Counsellirg, Balaji Boo* Distributors, Faridabad,


LZ Mangal, S.K. gducJtional Psychology, Prentice Hall of lndia., New Delhi.

13 Narayan Rao Wiley Eastern ltd.,f$ew Delhi.

L4 Nayak, A.K. Book House, A,gra,

,t: 2:/q(7)
15 Naik, D. Fundarirentals of Guidarrce & Counselling Anunbhav
Rublisiling House, Allahabad, (?ftf/ll
16 NCERT Guidanb & €ounselling: TheoreticalApproach, (2 Vols).
Easterri Book House, Guwahati- {19S}
L7 Sharma, R.N. Advan&d Educational Psychology, Eastern Book House,
cuwanhi- (1996)

18 Skinner, C.E. eUucatilnal Psychology, Prentice Hall of lndia., New Delhi.

($es) I

19 SuriS.P. & Sodhi T.S. Cuidanc! & Counselling H.P. Bhargava Book House, Agra, (1998)

20 wrotsky, r.s. I
s.K.Enterprise, Book serrer and

27 Watla, J.S. FoundaJons Educationat Psychology, Jalandhar Puhlishing,

Jalandhdr( (1997)

llnd Semester
Paper ll jroundations of Education

Course Objectlves - !

1. To develop an understan ding,of the meaning aims and objectives of Education
2. To develop an understandinglof the role of Philosoptry and Sociology in Education
3. To develop an understandinsiof the major philosophies of erlucation
4. To enable the students to understand the cdturd heritage of lndia
5. To develop knowledge of ttt"ittruaure and functions of the society and the
process of social interaction a danee tovards better human retationships.

Unit I : lntroduction to philosopfry AfeUucation

- Educatlon & philosophy: Cor{cept and their Relationship
Aims of Education : inOiviOu*t A So.irt
Objectives of Education at D[ferent Levels
Role of Education in the oevfbpnnnt of Hunran values (social, Moral &
Aesthetic) I

Unit - ll : Philosophies of Education

- ldealism
- Naturalism
- Pragmatism

I tta:r?(s)
Unit lll : Dernocracy, Freedom & Discinline

Education & De.ocracy

Freedom & Discipllne in Ed,ucation
Components of Education Ind thsir Mutual Relationship (Pupils, Teachers, School
and Curriculum

Unit - lV : lntroduction to & Education

Nature & Scope of Educati Sociology

Education as a Social ss
Need for Sociological to Education
School as a Social

Unlt - V Education, Social Change Modernization

- Education as an lnstrurne of Social Change

- Education and Moderniza
- Effect ofSocial Changes Education

Unlt - Vl Educatlon, Soclety and C ture

Social Group : Primary & Sdcondi

Social lnteraction & Socialization
Educatisn & Cultural Xeritke of lndia (Acquisitlon, Preservation & Transrnlssion)
iration of Educationaf Opportunitie*

LIst of suggested rndings: ( eapel'r- n1

I Aggarawal, J.C. f"a.{", & Education in a Developing Society, Vikas
PuHiJHng House, New Delhi, (2005).

2 Agrawal, S. PhilorLphical Foundations of Education, Authors Press, Delhi

3 Bhatacharya, S. S_ocigloeicat Fotrndations of Education, Eastern Book House
Gauhati,( 2000)

Bhattacharjee, pn I oJo'ptr ic* a rrd Sod ologi cal Fou nd atio ns of Education,
Srinibas Heralil Book Service, (1996)

Brubacher, J.S. Philosophies of Education, Mc Graw Hill, Publishing

New Delhi (19771

Dewey, J. and Education, Macrnillan Publislrring Co. New

Hargreaves, David Relations and Education, Routledge & Kegan

D. Paul, ondon l1.972l

Mannkeim, K. & Ani to the Sociology of Educationr, Routledge &

Stewart, W.A.C. Paul, London {1962)
9: 2: / ?(?)
9 Musgrave, P.W.

10 Nayar, P.R. Dave,

P.N. & Arora, Kamla new (1s82).
(eds) irri
11 Pani, R.N. lntegrJl Education, Education ard practice, Ashidr Publishing
nouse{New Delhi (1987)

tZ Ross, J,S. Crountr work of Educational Theory, George G. Harra;r and

Co.r-tA.l London (1966)

13 Saxena,N.R. Philosgphical and Sociologral Foundations of Education

R.Lall liook Depot, I\4eerut (20041

L4 Saxena Shakuntala Sociolckical Perspectives in lrxd i an Education, Ashajana

PuHic*ions, Delhi (1956,

15 Sharma, S.N. F

hi!':seipiiical and Sociolo$cal Fosndations of Education,

HeraicilBook Service, Faridabad (1995)
15 Sodhi T.S. & Suri' philoaJphical and Sociological F$urrdaticns of Education, H.P
Aruna gtrarf*a Book House, Agra- (XSS'S)
L7 Thakur, A.S" The Fhflosop+ricEl Foundations of Education, national
Fubiisiling House, New Delhi ll977l

I stsemester
Paper lll : Educational System in lndia
Course Objectives I

t. To develop an unde
tanding of the Evoludo+r sf the Educational System in lndia
2. To develop familiarity with legal & co{rstihJtional provisions in Education
3. To create an awareness of main cfidlerger md problerm faced toy the system.

Unit -I: Education in Andent and lndia

Baslc ldeas, Obiectives, um, Methods of, Terhing & Role of Teachers
of the following Syrstems -

Eciucation in l\ncient lndia , Brahmanic & Buddhistic Education

Educaiion in Medieval lndia
't9 tta)
Unit- ll : Education in Colonial lndia 1813 - 1882)

- Charter Act (1813)

- Macaulay's Minute {1835}
- Wood's Despatch {1854}
- Hunter/s Commission (188

Unit lll : Education in Colonial lndia 9O2-Lst7l

lndian Universlty C (1e021
Sadle/s Commission (1917)
Hartog Committee (1929)
Sargent Report (1944)

Unlt - lV : Education ln ncp lndia

Educatlon ln the lndlan on

University Education (1948-49)
Secondary Education (1!rs2 - 1es3))
lndian Education (1964S) with Refurence to SchoolEducation
Knowiedge Commission (20071 - with Referenc€ to Sch6olEducation
Right to Education Act

Unit V : National Policy of Educatioh (1986) & Progranrne of Actim (POA,1992)

- Concept of National Systemlof EducaUon

- Primary Education : Recomrirendatiom & Prograrnme of Action

Unit - Vl : Education in North Ert lfidia - (With special refurence to Meghalaya)

Problems & tssues of PrimariV Education
Problems & lssues of Secondarv Educati

LIst of suggestd rmdlngs:

1 Agrawal, A.K. Developrnent of Educational System ln lndia,

Anmol publicatiom Pyt. Ltd, New Delhl,

2 Bareh, H Progress of Education in Meghalaya, S.K.

Enterprise Strillong - (1996)
9: J; / ?O1)
3 Barua, P.K. Educationd Administration in Assam, Eastern
Book House, Guwanati- {2000)

Basu, A, Education in Modern tndia, Bani Mandir,

Guwahati- (2001)

5 Bhatnagar S & Saxena A Developnrent of Eclucation in irndia. R. Lall

Book Depo! lvleeruL (2003)

6 Ministry of Education Report of th€ University Education

Commission 194H9. Ministry of Education,
Governrnent of lndi+ New Delhi.

7 Ministry of Education Report of the Secondary Education

Conrnission 1952-53. Ministry of Education,
Governrnent of lndia New Delhi. (1953)

I Ministry of EducaUon Challenge of Educatior A Policy Perspectlve,.

Mir*stry of Education, Governrn€nt of lndia
New Delhi. (1985).

9 Narulla & Naik A Studentt' History of Education in lndia,

Macnt'llan lnda Ltd. New Delhi. (2000)

10 NCERT Education and National llevelopment NCERT,

1964{5 New Delhi.

LL Pandey, RS. Denelopnrent of lnd{an System of Education,

Wnod Pustak Mandir, Agra, (2003)

L7. Pandey, R5. lndian Educational System, Anubhry

publication Hous€, Allahadad, (2008)

13 Rai, L. Nationd Education in lndia, Bani Mandir, Pan

Barar, Guwahati-l (2001)

t4 Shukla, P.D. Towards the New Pattern of Education in

lndia, Sterling Publishers, New Delhi

15 Sharma, R.N. History & Problenr of Education in lndla.

Laxmi Nanin Agranal Publisher, Agra, (2006)

16 Singh, M.S. Educationd Development in lrdia, Anublrav

Publication Hous€, Allahabad, (2OO7)

t7 Knowledge Commisison Report 2007



| -r-'A''/?(n1

I c* s"-"rt",
Paper rv: gdlcational Thought & Practices
Course Obiectives I

1. To familiarire the student{ with the educational thought o{ anderrt thlnkers
2. the studen{ with the educationd trought & practlces of
To farniliarize
conte mporary lndian tfrin{ers"
3. To expose the students wilh the educational Sroqht & practices r# western
thinkers I

4. To acquaint the students.fn tn" innovative prrtices In educatiorn

Unit - : I Ancient Educational ftrotrgflt


- Educational Thought & Praaf ces in Post Vedic Period with reference to
Upanishads I

Educational Thougtrt & Practlces in Ancjent Greece

- EducationalThought & Practlces in Andent Rome

Unit - ll : Educational Thoughts - lndian

- Rablndra Nath Tagore

- Auroblndo Ghosh

Swami Vlvekanand
Unlt - lll : Educatlonal Thought -W
John Comenius
Jean Jacques Rousseau
Bertrand Russell

Unit lV : Modern Educatlonal

Radha Krishnan
J. Krlshnamurthy
Paulo Frelre

Unit - V : Educational Practlces

- Froebel'sKindergarten
- Montessorl Method
- Dewe/s ProJect Method
- Gandhl's Baslc Education



Unit - Vl : lnnovative Practices in Ef ucation

- Dlstance Education I

- Non formal and Continuind rducation

- lnclusive Education

List of suggested readings: ( - IV)

1 AggarwalJ.C. Theory and principbs of Education, Vani

Educational Book, Vikas Publisfiing House Pvt.
Ltd, New D€lhi, (1985)

2 Chaube,5.P. Educatlon in Ancient and Mediaevallndia,

Eastern Book House, Guwahati (1998)

3 Chaube,S.P. Western Educational Thinkers, S.K. Enterprise,

Shillong- (1990

4 Friere Paulo Pedagogy of the oppressed, Penguine Books,


5 6oswami, M.K. Educational Thoughts and Essays . Asian Book

hrt. Ltd. l{ew Delhi {2006}

6 Kaur, R. Special Education: Itlew Trends & innovations,

Deep & Deep puttkations, New Delhi,2@5

7 Pandey, R.S. Educational Thoughts Anubhave Pu blishin g

Hous€, Allahabad (20071

Rusk, R.R. The Doctrines of the Great Educatorc, Kanishka

Publishers, llew Delhi- (2OOO}.

Safaya, R.N Deneloprnent of Educationat Theory and

Practice, Bani Mandir, Guwahati- {2000}

10 Sharma, A. Develop rne nt of We stern Ed uca'ti onal Thoughts,

Eastern Book House, Guwahati- (19971

56semeste, S'' 2: /90?
Paper V: Ed Evaluation & Statistics


1. To enable the to understand the concept of measurement &

srsruqr.vrr a s|,yrrEs jtv suuwr.vrrr
2. To farniliarize the stu{ents about the various typ€s of educational and
psychological tests
3. To enable the students to develop the competency in solving various
statistical problems

Unit - I lntrodictory Concepts

Concept of Meazurement &lEvaluatlon

Distinction Between Measufement & Evaluation
Process and Purpose of EvatLaUon
Bloont's Taxonorny of Obiectives under Cognitive Domain

Unit - ll Test Characterestics

Classffication of Tests
Concept of Standardized & eacher Made Test
Characteristics of a good
Reliablllty and Method of Reliability by Test - Retest Method
Validity and Method of Content Validity

Unit - lll Psychologieal Test

- Likert's Attitude Scale

- Cattel'sSixtbeniiersonality (16PF)
- Stanford Binet Test of lntell

Unit - lV Graphical Repre Grouped Data

Frequency Polygon
Curnulative Frequency Cu

Unit-V Central Tendency & Dispe on

Measures of Central Te : Mean Median & Mode

Measures of Dispersion : Quartile D€yiation, Average Deviation and
Standard Deviation

SJ 2: r ? (t2)
Unit -Vl Correlation and NPC

Concept and types of Correlation

Spearman's Rank Differe Method of Correlation
Normal Probability curve : Conept & draracteristics

List ol suggestd rmdings: -v)

1 Aggarawal, J.C. of Ex arnin atio n Syste rn: Eval ua tion
Essen tia ls
Tests & Measurement. Vikas Publishing House
New Delhi, {19{17}

2 Best J.W. & Khan J.V. Research in Education {Sixth Edfltion] Prentice
Hdl of lndia, Pvt. Ltd. New Delhl, {1998)

3 Cronbach, LJ. Essentials of Psychological Testing New York,

Harper and Brothers. (1960).

4 Garrett H.E. Statistics in Prychol'ogy and Education, Eastern

Book House, Shantipur, Guwahati- (1995)

Julian C. Stanley & Kenneth Educatiofial and Psychological Measurement

Hopkin and Evduation, Prentice Hall of lndia, Pvt. Ltd.
New Delhi, (1978)

6 Kerlinger, F.N. Foundations of Behavioural Research, Surjeet

PuHications, Delhi. (1978).

7 Rajamanickam, M. StaUsticd Methods in Psychological and

Educational Res,earch, H.P. Bhargava Book
House, Agra (2001)

8 Singha, H.S. Modern Educationd Testinp Sterling Publisher

& Co. New D€ltti (1974)

9 Sharma, R.A. Essentials of Measurernent in Education &

Psyctrology. R.Ldl Book Depott ileerut, (2004)

10 Sungoh, S.M. Educational Evaluation xrd Testing Himalaya

Book Hoqrse Strillong (2006)


-f: A:/?(/6)

i stn semester

Paper Vt: Cdntemporary lndian Education


Course Objectives, I

1. To familiarize the students with sorne interventions in elernentary educatlon
2. To acquaint the students with the efforts rnade regarding secondary education
3. To farniliarize the students qith some quality issrres in Higher Education
4, To enable the students to unUerstand sorne recent issues & trends in education.
Unit I : Pre-Sch,ool Education
Type of Pre-primary S
Anganwadi's Balwadis, C Day Care Centres
lntegrated Child Service (ICDS)
- Role of lndian Council for ld Welfare (ICCW)

Unit ll : Elolnentary Education

San'a Shiksha Abhiyan ( : Prograrnme for Universalisation of Elementary
Role of Block Resourcc s (8RCS), Ouster Resouroe Centres (CRCS)and
Villege Education (vEcs)
Lite racy Mision

Unit lll : Se,condary Education

Rasl:triya Madhyamik Shiks (RMsA)
Vociitionalization of Education
Role of NCERT, CABE and M E
Navodaya Vidhyalaya's : O ectives and Quality Concerns

Unit lV : Higher Education

Jl 2:/7('/f)
Unit Vl : Current Trends

Concept, Need, Scope and rogrammes of the tollowing :

- Population Education
- EnvironmentalEducation
- Human Rights Education
- Women Empowerrnent Educatio
List of suggested resdings: ( PoPer vt)

1 Adhinarayana P Reddy Post-literacy and Continuing Education, H.P. Bhargava,

Book house, Agra (1999)

2 Bates, A.W. Technology. op€tr Learning and Distilnce Education,

Eastern Book House, Shantipur, Gurvanati (L995)

3 Chauhan, CP.S Modern lndian Educatiorn, Kanishk Publisher, New


4 Dash, M Education in lndia: proHems and perspectives, al

Administration in Assam, Ectern Bo,ok House,
Shantipur, Guwanati- (2000)
5 Gupta P.K. Population Education, H.P. Bhargavat, Book house,

6 Joshi, K.M. H igher Educational Deve lopnre ntal I ssues, H.P.

Bhargava, Book house, Agra t20001

7 Kumar, K. Lifu long Education, Eastern Book Hsuse, Shantipur,

Guwanati- (2OOO)

8 Mehta, A.C. Education for dl

in lndia, Eastern Book House,
Shantipur, Guwanati- (2000)

I Misra B.K. & Mahanty R. Trends & lssues ln Education R.Lall Book Depot,
Meerut, (2003)
10 Mohanty, J. Hunran Rights, Education, Deep & Dreep publications,
New Delhi, l?f,oTl

11 Narktiedi, S.P. Challenge of Higher Education in lndia, Bani Mandir,

Guwahati- (2000)

tZ Rao, V.K. & Reddy R.S. Adult and Non-Formal Education, H.P. Bhargava, Book
house, Agra (1999)

Saxena N.R.; Misra B.K. and Teacher Education. R-Lall Book Depot Meerutn (2004)
Mohanty R.K.

14 Sharma R.A. & Sharrna R.K. Problens of Education, H.P. Bhargara, Book house,
Aera (2001)
15 Shirur, R.R Non#ornral Educadon for Developm,ent, H.P.
Bhargava, Book house, ABra (19991

16 Sharma, R.N. History & Problenx of Education ln lndia. Laxmi Narain

Agrawal PuHisher, Agra {2006)

L7 Singh & Surdarshan Population Education, H.P. Bhargava, Book house,

Aera (19961

18 Singh, M.S. New Tre nds in Education, Anubhav publishing House,


19 Sungoh, S.M. An lntroduction to Environmental Education. Akashi Book

Depot. Shil lons- (Z0OO)

20 Tilak, J.B.G. Wornert's Education and Derrelopment G'yan Books hrt. Ltd,
New Delhi,2fi)7
5th Semester

Paper - : Educational Technology


1. To enable the students to the nature & scop,e of educatlonal

To acquaint the students
2, the various innovations ln educational technology
3. To enable the students to the function$ principles and operations of
4, To familiarire the students yarious lerrels & skills of teaching

Unit - I lntroductory Conc€pt

- Concept andScope of Technology
- Types of Educational T,
- Systems Approach to lr

Unit- ll Communication
Concept & Process of
Types of Class Room
Education through M ia (Radio, Television & Press)
lfiln Education

Unlt - lll Teachlng Technology

P rogrammed lnstructlon

Computer Aided ln
Teachlng Aids : Types & use

5: ;: /7 (/q)
Unit - lV Terhtng Concepts
rin Teaching : Concept, and Principles
Characteristics of Teaching
Teaching Operations at nte r #Ive nd Post-Act ive )
Stages (P re-Active - | a

Unit-V Teaching Methods

Methods of Teaching : , Dernonstration, Problem solvlng and Discussion

Levels of Teaching: ; Understanding and Reflective level
Teacher Behaviour: tarian, Democratic and tafssez faire'

Unit - Vl Skills of Teaching & M
Skills of Teaching
Team Teaching
Evaluation of Teaching.

Ust ol suggestd reodings: -vil)

1 Chand, Tara Educational Tedtnology, H.P. Bhargava, Book
house, Agra1999)

2 Chand, Tara Principlesof Teacfring, H.P. Bhargava, Book

house, agra 1999)

3 Chauhan, S;5. A Textbook d propammed lnstruction, Sterling

Publishers Pyt. Ltd. New Delhi, (1978)

4 Dhand Harry Techniques of Teaching H.p. Bhargava, Book

hous€, Agra (2000)

Maitreya Balsara Principles of Curricul um Reconstruction, H, p,

Bhargava, Book house, Agra (1998)

6 Mohanty, J. Educational Tedrnology. Deep & Deep

Publications, Neur Delhi, (2007)

7 Ram,S. Modern Methods of Teadring H.p. Bhargava,

Book house, Agra 1998)

8 Rawat, S.C. Essentials of Educational Technology, R.lall

Book Depot Meerut (2004)

9 Sankhala D.P. Educational Tecfinology, Anubhav pu blishing

H ouse, Allahaba*{ 20071

Sl a: /g ftD)
10 Saxena SwarooP, N.R. Technologyor.r /
house, Agra (20OO)

11 Saylor, J.Galen; Wiltiam Curriculum Plannr'.o

Alexander & Arthur J.Lewis Learning 4s Edltion, New Yor ^, -

and Wlns.*

12 Sharma, R.A. Pt --

13 Sharma, R.A. Techrnotrr.,

Publishing House .

14 Sharma, R.A. Technology of Teaching H'P. Bhrargava, Book

Hous€, Aera (1999)

15 Vashist, S.R. Curiculum Construction, H.P. Bhargava, Book

House, Agra {2000)
16 Venkataiah, N. Educationd Tedrnology. S. K. Enterprlse Book
Seller and Distributors, Keating Road, P.O. Box
No. 35. Shillong -1{19990

L7 Venkataiah, N. Curriculum lnnorrations for 2O0O A.D. H.P'

Bhargava, Booft House, Agra (2000)

66 Semester

Paper Vlll : School Management


1. To develop knowledge and of the Concept of $chool Managenrent

2. To enable the students to derstand the proc*ss of Scfiool Management. iry
3. To develop the familiarity th the Concept Need and Scope of Educational
4. To enable the students to the Concept Determinants & Principles of
Curriculum Construction.

Unit- | School Management

Concept & Scope ofSchool and Management

Types of School : Centralized and Decentralized Authoritarian &
Objectives and Prindples School Man4ement.
Characterestics of Scfrool Management

{.'a: /1(s2l
Unit - ll Class Roorn Management

- Principles of Class Room rulnlgement

- Process of Class room Mandgement (Planning organizing, leading ;and controlling)
- Techniques of Class Room [llanagement

rl I

Unlt - lll Physical lnfrastructure of School


School Building and design of school plant
School office

Unit lV Functioning of School

*T" Function of a School

Teache/s Diary
Role of Headmaster & Teachiers
Staff Meeting

Unlt - V School I nspection &'Supervision


Obiectives & functlon of rvision

Steps of school supervision

Unlt: Vl lnstitutional Programmes Planning

Programmes of a School
nstitutional Plannihg
I - need, objectives, principes and process
Organization of Activities
Evaluation of School O.o*r"j

Ltst ,ggested reodings: ( Poper

of suggested Poper -lVlll)
1 Amrish
nrish Kumar Ahuia
Ahuia I
Educational Management, Planning & Finance,
Authors press, New Delhi, (2007) 250p

2 Bhatnagar,
atnagar, R.P. & fuarwal i Educational Adrninistration, Superuision,
Planning and Financing ll.P, Bhargava, Book
house, Agra (200U

. , 19


s:;: iq(a:t)
Manage nre nt of Organ izationa I feh aviou r,
3 Chand, Tara S. K.
Enterprises, Book Seller and Distributors,
Keating Road, Shillong (1999)

4 Chandra SS & Chakravorty Sc}lool Administration Organization and

Manage rnent. Surya Publications, Me€rut,

5 Choudhury N.R. Management in Edurcation, H.P. Bhargava, Book

Hous€, ASra (2001)

6 Mohanty Scfrool Administration, Supervision, H.P.

Bhargava Book house, ABr? (2001)

Paul Hersey, Blanchard, K.H. Management of Organizational Behaviour:

Dewey E. Johnson Utilizing Hurnan Resourcet Prentice Hallof
lndia, New Delhi (1999)

I Robbins,5.P. Essentials of Organ ization Be havi our, P re ntice

Hallof India, New Delhi (1998)

9 Singh, Raj Sctrool Organi zatlon and Adm in lstratio n, l'1. P.

Bhargav4 Book Hsuse, Agra (1994)

10 Singh, A Classroom Management: A reflective

perspective, rqffiok Housr:, Guwahati-
11 Singh, H.M.
Fundamentals of Educational Managernettt,
Eastern Book House, Guwahati- {1995}

L2 Slndhu,l.S. Educational Administration & Management.

lnternational PuUishing House, Meerut, (2005)

13 Thakur D and Thakur D.N. Educational Planning and Administration, Deep

& Deep Publications, New Delhi, (2OO7l

L4 Vidya.Prakash Educational Planning .K. Enterpnises, Book

Seller and Distributors, Keating Road, Shillong

X.5. Sharma SctroolManag#fibrft, R" tall Book Depot,

Meerut (U.P)

c ',t tt

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