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Abdul Wahid – 41423110037

English For Enginnering_Forum 2

1. How does audience analysis play a crucial role in shaping the content and tone of
formal reports?

It involves identifying and understanding the characteristics, needs, expectations and
preferences of your target audience. By conducting a through audience analyasis, you
can tailor your report to effectively communicate your message and achieve your
goals. Here’s how audience analysis play a crucial role in shaping the content and
tone formal reports:
1. Tailoring Content:
Identifying the audience's level of expertise, background knowledge, and
familiarity with the subject matter allows you to determine the depth and
complexity of the content.

2. Determining Scope:
Understanding the time constraints of your audience helps you decide on the
report's length and depth.

3. Setting the Tone:

For formal audiences, you would use a more professional and structured tone,
whereas a less formal tone may be appropriate for a casual audience.

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