Arch BLDG Construction - Feb17

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FEB 1.

8 /703

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l,rli:rL ll(. ii I j.,llr,,rri,,ri:l i',i:rt)r.r.'iri l)rrttvi']., I)ist, Ilirigacl - 11.)1.07


SU BJECT: Architectu ra I 13ui ld i ng Construction SUBJECT CODE: 703

DATE: 102 12017 DURATION: 3 HRS



Q1 is compulsorY. n
L 1.)

2.) Answer any three queslions out of remaining five.

3) Support the answers with neat sketches and label all details
4) Use calculator wherever necessary.

1) Enlist the circumstances the pile foundations are used. A group of 3 Piles of 250mm diameter is
plan and
arranged with centre to cerntrc spacirrg of 400mrr. Draw the reinforcement details in both
section. [20 MARKj

?\ llluslrate different mt'thods of Base ment Lxcavation, [L0 MARK]

3) Answer the following questions: [10 MARK]

i) Explain deep foundations and different type of deep foundations.
ii) What is the importance of Earthquake resrstant design reference to construction work and
geogra Ph ical conditiorrs?

L 4) Draw in detailthe structural steelworl< connections for the following : [10 MARKj
i) Column .*column connection
ii) Top tleam bearing connection

5) Describe in detail with stages 0f construction of the Displacement method of pile formation'
[].0 MARKI

6) Write short notes with sl<etches : [].0 MARKI

i) Basement construction with temporary Iateralsupport
ii) Beam to column connection in pre-cast cotrcrete fi'ames
iii) Classification of pile fc;utrdatiorr

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