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Technical Internship Report at Restaurant and Ice Cream Shop


Helder júnior Semedo

ADVISER (ELDS): Elisangelo Spinola

SUPERVISOR (US): Luís Rodrigues

Technical Internship Report at Restaurant and Ice cream Shop

Internship report presented to the Department of the

Education Philosophy and Language Arts of the

University of Santiago, as part of the requirements for

obtaining the degree of Bachelor in English studies.

SUPERVISOR: Prof. Luís Rodrigues.


The successful completion of this internship might never have been possible in time

without the help of some person whose inspiration and suggestion made it happen. First

of all I want to thank my supervisor Luís Rodrigues for giving me the opportunity to do

this Internship. Without his help this report would not have been accomplished. Then I

would like to thank my advisor, Elisangelo Spinola for giving me the opportunity to work

at his establishment and for guiding me during the moment that I was there. I would like

to express my gratitude to all the staff members of the Restaurant and Ice Cream shop,

especially Dilma, Jussara, Vany, Cleusa and Carla for teaching me about things that I

never had before. I also thank my colleagues who helped me by providing informative

instructions. Without them this project would have been very difficult. I also thank my

parents, and some friends who kept on this long process with me, always offering support.

And finally I also express my sincere gratitude to all those who participated to prepare

the report.
“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of
preparation, hard work and learning from failure.”
Colin Powell
Table of contents

Information about the agents involved in the internship ............................................................... 6

Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 7
Theoretical reference ..................................................................................................................... 8
Characterization of the institution in which the internship was held and functions performed .... 9
Description of developed activities ............................................................................................. 11
Critical reflection and self-assessment ........................................................................................ 13
Conclusion................................................................................................................................... 14
References ................................................................................................................................... 15
Appendices .................................................................................................................................. 16
Information about the agents involved in the internship

Internship type Technical

Trainee’s Name Helder Júnior Semedo

Advisor’s Name Elisangelo Spinola

Supervisor’s Name Luís Rodrigues

course English Studies

Hours 200 hours

Start/End March 20th /2023 to May 19 /2023


This technical Internship report was done from March 20 to April 19 /2023 at the Restaurant

and Ice Scream Shop “ELDS” with the objective to complete the bachelor degree in English

studies at the University of Santiago (US).

During one month of experience, I had the opportunity to work as a member of a business

company which helped me to put into practice all the knowledge that I got during the 4 year as

an English studies student. This technical internship has a big relevance in my formation

because during this period I had the opportunity to speak with native speakers belonging to

different countries and cultures which is extremely important for me because it allowed me to

improve my speaking skills and to develop the ability of working in a group.

As a part of our bachelor degree in English studies, a technical internship is considered very

important in our formation, because it is during this period that we will face challenges and get

numerous experiences that will help us in our future career. The main objective of this

internship report is to present and describe all tasks developed during 200 hours of internship

done at Restaurant and Ice Cream shop “ELDS”. This report as the following structure:

• Introduction;

• Theoretical reference;

• Characterization of ELDS;

• Description of developed activities;

• Critical reflection and Self-Assessment;

• Conclusion;

• References;

• Appendix.

Theoretical reference
According to National Association of Colleges and Employers (2018): An Internship

is a form of experiential learning that integrates knowledge and theory learned in the classroom

with practical application and skills development in a professional setting. Internships give

students the opportunity to gain valuable applied experience and make connections in

professional fields they are considering for career paths; and give employers the opportunity to

guide and evaluate talent.

Internships are a bridge between the theory of the classroom and the world of practice. It is

very important because during this stage the Inter will have the opportunity to put in practice all

knowledge acquired in the teaching and learning process. It has enormous benefits for the intern,

because during this process the intern gains valuable work experience such as:

 Opportunity to participate in a “real world” project and gain experience with actual day-

to-day research;

 An experience that might help hone in on a career choice;

 Led to a job offer at the company/laboratory after graduation;

 A real confidence builder to be able to tackle something with which there was no

previous experience;

 Experience with professional communication with others;

 Learning to work in an environment with deadlines;

 Opportunity to use coursework in applied setting.(Cohen 2014)

Characterization of the institution in which the internship was held and
functions performed

Restaurant and Ice cream shop “ELDS” Is located in Assomada city on the pedestrian

street in front of Electra Company. This establishment was created in 2018 By Elisangelo

Spinola who is the owner of the space. It is divided into several parts that contain: restaurant,

ice cream shop, boutique and accommodation.

In this establishment there are three spaces where the customers can sit and appreciate different

kinds of food and Ice cream prepared by the staff. The first place is on the Establishment´s Street . On

the establishment street they have a short and comfortable place where the customers can sit in

an open environment with a nice song and appreciate the different kinds of dishes available at

the restaurant.

Figure 1- Open space at Restaurant and Ice Cream shop ELDS

The second place is a close space inside the restaurant. It is very well organized with Tv, table,

chairs and sofa where the customers can have lunch, dinner and other kinds of dishes.

Figure 2-Restaurant

The backyard Is the third place belong to the restaurant. It is another open space where the

customers can sit and appreciate the dishes. This place is very comfortable and is visited by

different kinds of customers because in this place they have a short space where they create

parakeets. Also, in this place the customers have access to a different kind of games such as:

cards, chess, checkers and they also have a different kind of toys for children to enjoy.

Figure 3- Backyard

Description of developed activities

I started my technical internship on March 20/2023. On the 1 day I did my presentation


to the staff belonging to the Restaurant and Ice cream shop. After that my advisor, Elisangelo

spinola showed me the list of services that I was responsible to do at the establishment. I was

responsible to receive all customers whose native language was English and offer all the service

provided by the Restaurant. However, when there was not a presence of native speakers there I

was responsible to help my co-workers (Dilma, Elaisy, Vany, Jussara, Carla and Kelly) with

other kinds of work such as: Home delivery, space cleaning, exchanging banknotes for coins

and other services.

As I started my technical internship on the school holidays. I started to work every day

from Monday till Sunday from 08:00 o'clock until 18:00 and some days until 20:00 o’clock.

However, when I finished the holidays I started to work only in the afternoon because I started

my pedagogical internship in the morning at Amilcar Cabral High School.

On the second day, when I came to the Restaurant, suddenly my advisor Elisangelo

Spinola gave me a short Menu to translate from Portuguese to English. When I opened the

“Menu” I felt a little bit surprised because there was a different kind of food and drinks that I

never noticed that existed before. When I started to translate I had many difficulties. However,

Thanks to the classes about translations taught by Professor Donzilia and Thelma. I was able to

translate the Menu. To translate the Menu I used the Deepl translator, Dictionaries and other

resources learned in the classroom environment.

During these days I attended only customers with the same native language as mine.

However, on the third day I finally had the opportunity to speak with a native speaker. I was

doing another affair when my Co-worker Dilma called me to attend to that customer. At the

beginning of the conversation, I was a little nervous, because it was the first time that I was
speaking with a native speaker, but at the end of the conversation I felt happier because I

understood almost everything that he told me and at same time he understood everything that I

told him. He was from Germany and he wanted to drink a fresh coffee. First of all, I welcomed

him, then served him coffee and he was happy with the service. As the day started to go, I

started to receive more customers from some of them belonging to other countries such as:

French, Spanish, and others, but all of them were very kind to me. All learned many things with

them and the most important point between all these facts is that I started to learn more about

cultural diversities.

Every day was a different learning experience. During this internship I learned how to

prepare different kinds of drinks such us: Caipirinha, coffee, Mojito and other drinks. With the

Menu translation I learned more about different kinds of different kinds of food names in

English and it increased my level of vocabulary in English. I learned how to use the online

software that they use to sell their products, in which the customers place their orders at the

counter and the order is printed in the kitchen.

To sum up, I really like to do my internship at restaurant and Ice cream shop ELDS

because with the staff present and with the presence of native speakers, I learned many things

that will help me to perform better in the future.

Critical reflection and self-assessment

Doing a technical internship at Restaurant and Ice cream Shop “ELDS” was a wonderful

experience for me. During this trajectory I had the opportunity to improve my speaking and to

learn things that I never had known before. It was an amazing experience for me because I had

the opportunity to work with native speakers of different countries and cultures.

I really like the experience of being an Intern there because I never had the opportunity

before to work as an attendant at the restaurant, so it was the first time that I had the opportunity

to work in a group with my co-workers and all of them were very friendly with me. They taught

me many things such as: cooking and cleaning. However there are some points that I would

like to take in consideration that I didn't like during this internship. Restaurant and Ice cream

Shop “ELDS'' is a perfect place to eat, and have a fun with a friend, but It is not a perfect place

for us English studies students to do an internship, because in this place there is a moment that

the presence of Tourists is very weak and at that moment, we do the work that are not included

in our area: such as: cleaning, dishwasher, home delivers, and others. I believe that if during

our internship we work in another place where the presence of tourists is more It will be better

for us because it will help us to improve our speaking skills.

Another negative point of doing an internship there is that we work so much in all fields, but

there is no food for workers and interns. There was a moment at the restaurant where we had

so many orders to deliver that I had to help my co-workers in the kitchen to prepare the dishes

and sometimes customers used to feel upset because we took a while to deliver their food.

However I always try to be very efficient in the service and I tried as much as possible to give

them a better service and to not let them upset. Beside all the negative points I really like this

experience and I strongly believe that I performed well in all of these fields.


In overall, this internship was a good experience for me. During this stage I get the opportunity

to apply many of the concepts I have learned in my classes with real life scenarios. I've been able to

build a great set of skills and make important connections with coworkers and other companies in my

field of interest. I am very grateful for this opportunity because It helps to enhance and develop

my skills , abilities and knowledge. In addition, I would like to express my gratitude to my

advisor Elisangelo Spinola for trusting in my potential and for helping me to conclude my

internship.I am very grateful for his support because during because with him I learned new

things such us: the way that we should receive our customers, the way that we should behave

in a workplace, and others things. Also, I would like to thank all my universities teachers

because the things that I had learned during these 4th years were helped me to overcome many

challenges and to perform better during the internship. I strongly believe that this internship is

just the beginning because the contents learned will help me to open many doors in the future.


NACE's Guide to Internships. (s.d.-b). Default.

Cohen, S. (2014). Some thoughts on the importance of internships as part of an undergraduate

program. ASA Undergraduate Curriculum Committee.

ELDS Espaço Aberto. [S. l.], 2019. Available at:

Accessed on: 10 Aug. 2022.

Apendix-1- Menu translation “Portuguese- English”


P i na colada;
B lue hawai an;
str awber r y;
Mar g ar i ta ;
T oni c g i n;
cai pi mali b;
cai pi r i nha.


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