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Introduction ion of accounting is to accumulate accounting data ; i a lata i made or loss suffered during a periog a ‘The manner that the amo sn which the amount of profit or loss has been F 7 arr ipmined,Themannet it WT nts, prepared at the end of the accounts is dislosd in the enone and expenditure which : ious items of income and €xPe ich arose durin year, The Vario ae detailed ‘ut therein, grouped under significant he a ae seralance sheet, exhibiting assets and liabilities of A ting ied by # bal ‘ tin ! be ts close of the period. In aston, for showing the nature of sativity to which the account pertains, the revenue account as wel economic activity to which 8 up are invariably headed as manufac - profit and loss ‘account or simply as profit and loss account.-These e, trading and profit and loss account and balance sheet are to give the final results ‘of the business. That is why both are collectively called final accounts. ; preparation of final acount isthe last step #9 the accounting cycle. In fact, final accounts include a ‘number of accounts such as (i) Trading accounts (ii) Profit and loss account and (iii) balance sheet. Though balance sheet is a statement, for all practical purposes, it is treated as one of the final accounts. Once the “tal balance” is extracted and ‘errors’ rectified, a trader prepares the “final accounts” so as to know the final results (i.e., net profit or loss) and financial position (i.e, assets and liabilities) of his business. Trading account and profit and loss account ae prepared by transferring from the trial balance, all nominal accounts and accounts concerning goods by passing entries known as “closing entries”. All remaining accounts viz., real and personal accountt pertaining to property, assets, debtors and creditors are just shown ina statement called balance sheet. This procedure is discussed in detail in the following pages. Manufacturing account coer oa sich are converting raw materials into finished goods and perfect aerct hacer hair ay path manufacturing aoootn! to calculate the cost of ig and profit and loss account. This acount is prepar> socal ect ofepes mannered hc transferred to the trading Seca Toe Expres rela to the feotory ga tated 0 manufac } The main object of manufacturing account is to show: pocouts 52 g Cost of finished goods produced and @ Constituent items thereof Such as cost of material consumed, productive wages, direct and indirect expenses, of manufacturing account sie of finished goods since the main Purpose of preparing this account, is to find out the cost of gods produced during the year, the opening and closing stock of finished poise not to be shown in this account, They will be shown in the trading socout. 6 Raw-materials consumed ‘The cost of raw materials consumed during the year is to be debited in the sxcount, It can be found out as follows: Cost of Raw material consumed Opening stock of raw matrials Add: Purchase of raw materials Less: Closing stock of raw materials lnulexl (9 Work-in-progress: (Partly finished stock) Inamanufacturing business concern, there are always some unfinished goods, the cost of closing work-in-prgress is credited in the account, shown in the balance sheet and debited to the manufacturing account of the next year as an opening balance. (@ Factory expenses All factory expenses are debited to this account. E.g. rent, rates, salaries of Supervising staff, power, light, heat and fuel, repairs and renewals, depreciation ‘elating to factory property (i.e., machinery) etc. : © Sale of scrap Scrap is the incidental residue from certain types of manufacture. The value . Ralised from the sale of scrap is credited to the manufacturing account. 0) Cost of production E ; At this stage, the difference between the two sides of the manufacturing "count, shows the cost of goods produced during the year. ; The balancing figure in the account is the cost of goods manufactured which Will be debited to trading account. : ; The trading account therefore, will comprise only the opening stock of finished 8ods, cost of goods manufactured, sales (less sales returns), and the closing “ock of finished goods. a $3 ae Financial A proforma of manufacturing account is biven below: ~ACcounig | Manufacturing Alc forthe year ended, To Work-in-progress (opening) To Material used Opening stock Add: Purchases 0 BY Sale of scrap By Work-in-progress at By Cost of goods a cote transferred to trading Aje (bal.figy z FR 2/ Less: Closing stock To Wages To Purchase expenses Tolmport duty To Carriage inward To Depreciation on machinery To Repairs to Machinery ‘Trading account “ Trading account is prepared for a specific Period to know the trading resuts of the business. It contains in @ summarised form all the transactions occurrn; during a trading Period which have direct relation to the goods dealt in by the business. It is Prepared usually by merchandising concems which purchase 800ds and sell the same during a particular accounting period, It is mainly prepared of goods sold over sale Proceeds]. The ‘Cost of goods sold’ includes the “purchase value” of such goods plus the “buying and bringing” expenses and the “conversion expenses of raw materials into saleable finished goods. Thus, ‘cost of goods’ consists of @ The opening stock of goods plus net purchases (i.e., purchases less returns) less closing stock of such goods and Gi) All expenses of bringing the B00ds into saleable condition and also to the point of sale ie,, all manufacturing expenses, carriage, cartage, freight, duty etc, Preparation of Trading Account . Trading account:is a ledger account, Therefore, its form and construction conform to the rules of double entry principles of debit and credit... fee As the trading account contains the results of operations over a period, heading should be “Trading account for the year (or any period) ended...” hase: 70% ‘foPure! o ‘ToDirect expenses: To Gross profit c/d* Accounts 54 ‘A proforma of a trading account is given below: ‘Trading account for the year ended .... pening stock By Sales 200 Less: Sales returns _ 10 By Closing stock By Gross loss c/d* Lass: Purchase returns Carriage inward Wages Freight Import duty Gas & fuel Royalty on production] Factory expenses etc. EREREEE 2 ORF transferred to Profit & Loss A/c lal 3 * Balancing figure will be either gross profit or loss ems appearing on the debit side of Trading account 1, Opening stock: Stock on hand at the beginning of the year is called opening stock. This item is usually shown as the first item on the debit side of the trading account. The figure is available from the trial balance. Tt may include raw materials, work-in-progress and finished goods. - Purchases: It shows the gross amount of purchases made of the materials, and saleable goods, It includes both cash and credit purchases of goods made during the year which are meant for resale. |. Purchase returns or Returns outwards: The purchase returns is a credit balance showing the return of goods to the suppliers. It should be subtracted from the total purchases to get the net purchases. Net purchases are shown in the trading account. . Direct expenses: It refers to those expenses which are incurred for making the goods saleable. It may include factory or manufacturing expenses incurred on purchase of goods. Factory rent, wages, octroi, Freight on Purchases, manufacturing expenses, import duty, carriage inward, customs duty, dock dues, clearing charges, motive power, oil, grease and waste, Packing charges, wages & salaries, cartage, royalty on production etc, ‘These expenses are shown on the debit side of trading account. ‘tems appearing on the credit side of trading account 1. Sales: It is a credit balance indicating the total sales of goods made during the year, It includes both cash and credit sale of goods. 2, Sales return: This is a debit balance, showing the total amount of are s returned by the customers. Sales returns should be subtracted fro, total sales to find net sales which are shown on the credit side of ae account. ing 3. Closing stock: It refers to the unsold goods which is lying in the godo at the end of the accounting year. Generally, the closing stock does in } appear in the trial balance. It appears outside the trial balance. But when purchases are adjusted with opening and closing stocks, closing stock appears as a debit balance in the trial balance. If itis given outside the tial i will be shown on the credit side of trading account and also in I the assets side ofthe balance sheet. Ifit is given in the trial balance it wi have to be shown only in assets side of the balance sheet, It may include raw materials, work-in-progress and finished goods. Closing entries in respect of trading account ‘The following entries are passed in the journal to transfer the relevant ledger Ibalances to be trading account. @ For transferring opening stock, net, ‘purchases and direct expenses to trading account: ‘Trading account Dr. > To Opening stock A/c i To Purchases (net) A/c mx To Direct expenses A/c x (i) For transferring net sales and closing ‘stock to trading account Sales (net) A/c Dr. mK Closing stock A/c Dr mK To Trading A/c om (iii) (a) For gross profit (®) For gross loss Trading A/c Dr Gross loss A/c Dr To Gross profit To Trading A/c Profit & Loss Account According to Prof. Carter, “Profit and Loss account is an account into which all gains and losses are collected in order to ascertain the excess of gains over the losses or vice versa”. Profit and loss account is prepared in order to calculate the net profit or net loss of the business. This account starts with the credit from the trading account in respect of gross profit (or debit if there is gross loss). From gross profit, operating and non-operating expenses are deducted and operating and non-operating income is added in order to calculate the net profit. When -total of all the expenses is miore than gross profit and other income, there ins a deficit and ths i called net loss. The net profit or net loss is ultimately transfered to capital account of the proprietor or to partners’ capital accounts in case 2 partnership firm. A —_ 56 | Accounts tion of profit and loss account . main the case of a trading account the profit and loss account is én dessa and hence, its form and construction conform to the rules of ledger aces principles of double entry system. - on Since the profit and loss account is prepared to show the net pro! cared joss incurred during a particular period, it should be headed as under: profit and Loss A/e Of .....4 for the year ended” ‘the speeimen proforma of a profit and loss account is given below: Profit and Loss A/cof...... for the year ended... ge By Gross profit b/d ‘ToManagement expenses: By Interest received By Discount received 7 By Commission received By Rent from tenants By Income from investments By Apprenticeship premium By Interest on debentures By Miscellaneous revenue receipts By Net loss transferred to capital A/c HHHHR REE HEE O Printing & stationery Postage & Telegrams Telephone charges Discount on bills ‘To Selling & Distribution exp.: Advertising Traveller's salaries Expenses & Commission Bad debts Godown rent Carriage outwards Agent's commission Upkeep of motor vans Export expenses ToDepreciation & Maintenance: Depreciation Toba Pais & maintenance 'o Extraordinary expenses: Loss by fire (not covered by insurance) Tones ish defialcations © Net profit transferred to capital Alo 5 i RE RREREREHH HEHE BERR EEEEES lela az lal SRe — ___ Financial Accountin, Items ing on debit side of profit & loss A/c Aten ‘The business expenses are divided into two types. Direct expenses which g recorded in the trading A/c and indirect expenses which are recorded in the deb side of profit & loss A/c. Indirect expenses can be further divided into (wo varieties: (i) Operating expenses and (ii) Non-operating expenses (i) Operating expenses: It refers to those expenses which are incurred in order to operate the business efficiently and smoothly. These include administration. selling, dist bution, finance and maintenance expenses, (ii) Non-operating expenses: These expenses are not related to the operation of the business and include capital losses as loss on the sale of furniture etc, writing off fictitious assets as preliminary expenses. underwriting commission etc.. writing off intangible assets as goodwill. copyright, patents etc. Items appearing on credit side of profit & loss A/c the credit side of profit & loss account. Also other Gross profit is shown on gains and incomes of the business are shown on the credit side. The other incomes are generally classified into two types. i.e., (a) operating income and (b) Non-operating income. (a) Operating income: It refers to that portion of income which is earned from the operations of the business. Example: Interest, commission and discount eamed ete. This income is not earned from the routine es are profit on sale of any fixed assets, refund “(b) Non-operating income: operations of the business. Examp! oftax. Closing entries for profit & loss Alc @ For transferring the various expenses to profit & loss A/c. Profit and loss A/c Dr. To Various expenses A/c (i For transferring the various incomes & gains to profit & loss A/c Various income & gains A/c Dr To profit & Loss A/c ii) (@) For net profit (b) For net loss P&LA/c Dr. Capital A/c Dr. To Capital A/c ToP&LA/ Balance Sheet It is a classified summary of balances remaining open in the General ledger after all the income and expenditure accounts have been closed off by transfer to trading and profit & loss account. It shows readily the financial position of the business at a given date by disclosing the amount of capital contributed how the same has been invested and the values of assets and liabilities and their nature. The capital and liabilities of the business are shown on the left hand side oe assets and other debit balances are shown in the right hand side. It isa neem containing all the unclosed balances of “Real” and “Personal” poco 10 ret is prepared with a view to measure the correct financial position ness enterprise on @ céttain fixed date. It is a device for describing the os position of a business in systematic standard form. By putting the jos sion into such a form it is possible to tell a complicated story of the in less time and space than if the same story were to be written as an tion. “Balance Sheet is a snapshot of the financial condition of the wes" ‘Atone glance, | the situation of the enterprise at certain date, can be sso ‘Therefore, it is rightly called as “Mirror” of the business wherein can see its face /.., its true position. Lae it thing to note about the balance sheet is that it always balances; wee np ttl vale ofthe asset always equal tothe total vale of the wr libilties. In other words, ‘Assets = Liabilities + Capital (or) Assets — Liabilities = Capital. nthe words of Fransis. R. Stead “Balance sheet is a screen picture of the fascial position ofa going business at a certain moment”. ing to RN. Antony “Balance sheet is a statement which reports the rs ed by the enterprise andthe claims of the ereditors and mers against the properties. It shows the status of the business as at a given of time, in so far as counting of figures can show its status”. Cisssification of assets ‘and liabilities = Assets Assets represents everything which a business owns and has money value. ‘Assets are always shown as debit balances. The various types of assets are: Fixed assets Itrefers to those assets which are held by way of equipment and not for the purpose of resale. They are ofa permanent nature and it is by their help that the business is carried on. These are acquired for the purpose of creating production capacity eg., plant & machinery, ildings, furniture, fixtures and motor vehi Mjivided into (a) tangible assets and ic, The assets may be further sub: (>) intangible assets. (@) Tangible assets: It refers to those assets which can be seen, touched and have voluve such as machinery, and & building, furniture et J (b) Intangible assets: These assets do not have physical existence. Goodwill, patents, trade marks and copyrights intangible assets. Though ty ae intangible, they are fixed assets as they are SPS ‘ rales. Further, patents, trade marks and copy Fights 6» Are all useful forearning Tevenues, (W) Current assets 2 rete as xt wih 1 comet ino tne ear or dang the normal operating yee of the Dus Eg. Cash, ek turtle cea, debtors, bils receivable and inventory which consist 0! ise Financial Acco unting 59. work-in-progress and finished goods. These are also calleq floating ws mee their value is constantly floating /.e., changing from One form to ‘another as given in the following chart: > oan ----~- Rewmeterits - - ~ > Work-in-prooren ! ‘ aq Cath Sales Bie Recaveble | ow feo Debtors d-- Sle --. Finished goods (iil) Liquid assets Liquid assets are readily convertible into cash at short notice with little orno tisk of loss. Conversion of inventory into cash will take more time and hence itis not a liquid asset. Example: Cash, Bank, Marketable securities, debtors and bills receivable. 5 (ty) Fictitious assets As the name implies such “assets” are notreally assets. Only for the sake of convenience the amount is shown as an asset in the balance sheet. No amount can be realised or further benefit derived from the expenditure concemed: ‘These assets are Shown on the assets side of balance sheet tll they are fully written of It is prudent to write off these assets to P & L account as early as possible, Examples would be: Preliminary expenses Expenses on issue of Shares and debentures To the extent not written off Discount on issue of Shares and debenture Debit balance of P & L Ale 'v) Contingent assets claim by the firm for infringement of trade marks or patent or copy right etc., by others. These assets need not be shown in the balance sheet. They are usually shown as a footnote to the balance sheet. (vi) Wasting assets The fixed assets which have a limited useful life and which, by nature, depreciate rapidly are termed as Wasting assets. A wasting asset is an asset that diminishes in value by reasons of and commensurately with the extraction or removal of a natural product. As soon 8, say, all the oil in an oil well has been _ 5.10 rine! Accounts a the business owes to others are called fial .etor’s capital. They are known as credit balances sry an outsider onthe assets ofthe business Liabilities a four categories: tor’s capital or networth A ot capital is the original fund with which he entered @ eae feronhe may introduce further amounts towards capital and he may wit ai ‘e amounts from the business. Networth means the amount of oa ing on the particular date plus any profits retained in the business. total amount belongs to the proprietor. This is shown on the liabilities side of the sheet as it is payable by the business to the proprietor. : case of a company, equity capital is the amount contributed by equity sparetiolders. Equity shareholder's net worth is the paid up capital plus reserves ind undistributed profits minus any losses. Preference capital is the amount contributed by preference shareholders. (@ Long-term liabilities ‘The liabilities which are repayable after a long period of time are known as fixed liabil ., they do not become due for payment in the ordinary course of the business within a relatively short period. E.g. long-term loans and debentures. ‘These may be secured or unsecured. But generally, they are secured. (i) Current liabilities : Ittefers to those liabilities which are repayable within one year or during the ‘normal operating cycle of the business by the use of the existing resources of current assets or by the creation of similar current liabilities. E.g. trade creditors, bills payable, accrued expenses, bank overdraft, provision for taxation, proposed dividend ete, () Contingent liabilities Contingent liability will become an actual liability only on the happening ofa certain event which may or may not happen. These are: (@) bills discounted and endorsed which may be dishonoured. (b) claim by o thers which has been disputed by the firm or pending in the court of law. (©) unpaid call amounts on investments. These are to be disclosed by way of note to the balance sheet. Grouping and Marshalling of assets and liabilities és A balance sheet is usually prepared in the form of a statement, with assets on $ih-hand side and bilities and capital on the leftand side. The componeat ‘ofa balance sheet should be arranged in an orderly manner and in a sequence that should be adhered to year by year, Such an arrangement of the items in a i ities. It also includes ledger. Liability is @ 8 had be classified The Fa wa COUN ny . There are two ways in which the and liabilities can be arranged in balance sheet, They are: A8sety (a) order of permanence; (b) order of liquidity, The first method is commonly used by companies whereas the se popular among sole traders and partnership firms. However, in case Of cers: concems, such as banking companies, insurance companies, railway com certain | other joint stock companies ec. form of balance sheet is prescribed by pan (i Proforma of balance sheet in the order of permanency ™ Balance sheet of..... as on... ‘Cond One jg Liabilities Rs, Assets TR Capital: 10x Fixed assets: om Add: Net profit XK Goodwill ‘Add: Interest on capital 0K Land & buildings | oe — Loose tools Pa 700 Furniture & fixtures | so, Less: Drawings 70% Vehicles vex Less: Interest on drawings 0K Patents Fi Less: Loss if any 20% Trade marks 0k To Trading A/c > The value of closing stock will appear on the assets side of balance sheet and on the credit side of trading account. (i) Outstanding expenses These are certain expenses which relate to a particular accounting period but they are not paid in that accounting period due to certain reasons. i-e., allexpenses which are due for payment in one accounting year but actually paid in future accounting years or payment of ‘which is postponed are all outstanding or unpaid expenses, At the end of the accounting year, all such expenses must be brought into books, otherwise the profit will be overstated. The adjustment entry is: Expenses A/c Dr. js To Expenses outstanding Ale XXX Expenses outstanding are added to the respective expenses accounts in trading or profit & loss A/c and also shown on the liabilities side of the balance sheet. Next year, the expenses outstanding account ‘will be transferred to the expenses account, S13 Ifthe ———ANtin, adiustmer y been made and hence nothin be ea that ge orP & L account, But the lability already appearing in fea r . waa shown in the balance sheet, ‘al balance Shoulgye (iil) Prepaid expenses Prepaid expenses are those expenses which id ji relating to the future 8ccounting period, These ae Oo ene ee but expenses. The adjustment entry is: 50 called the UNexpireg Prepaid expenses Ale Dr. To Expenses A/e ne Prepaid expenses Sccount is shown on he the asset expense account is shown as a deduction from the ee me sheen intrading and P & L A/c. Ifprepaid ©xPenses appear in the tial bales *°°Ount that the adjustment has already been made and nothing is to be done 425 and P & L accounts, But the prepaid expense will appear as an erating balance sheet, Generally, insurance, tax » telephone subscription, ute ae Paid in advance thus, requiring adjustments oa (iv) Accrued income Outstanding or accrued income is the income which has been D i t x eamed by received during the accounting period. The adjustment entry is: a Accrued income A/c Dr a To Income A/c Accrued income is shown to the respective income /) Income received in advance Many a time, traders receive money during a particular trading period for the work to be done in future period. Thus, without rendering any service they Teceive income. income is knownas income: Teceived in advance, ie. the income received but not earned during the accounting period. The adjustment entry is: Income A/c Dr To Income received in advance A/e ’ Income received in advance is shown as deduction from the respective income inP &L Ale andis shown on the liabilities side of balance sheet. No treatments Tequired in the P & L account if income received in advance account appears in the trial balance. But such account must be shown as a liability in the balance sheet. (vi) Depreciation of assets ie eo Depreciation is a permanent decrease or reduction in the value of a ed asset. The asset may reduce in value due to its constant use or even pole due to its non use i.e., merely by passage of time. Whatever may be the caus 2K x ee Cd 5.14 Js that such reduction js a loss to the business. Therefore, it must ie the asset 80 8810 arrive atthe true results of the business. “ment entry for depreciation of asset is: veciation Alc Dr. 1% at ‘To Asset Ale _ 1K sation is shown on the debit side of profit and loss account and is oem asset in the balance sheet, Depreciation account (Dr.) appearing sq) balance has to be debited to profit and loss account and no deduction ero eae is required because this has already been done. ye aton capital ee to see the real profitability of the business, it is desirable to charge eo ‘capital treating it as a business expenses. In order to bring this into “ak palance i ibe following adjustment entry is passed: interest on capital A/C Dew To Capital A/c 0K on apifal is shown on the debit side of profit & loss account and it xieito the capital on the liabilities side of balance sheet. Interest on capital r ing in the trial balance is only to be shown in P & L A/c in debit nd itis not required to be included in capital account because such interest ipieen already included. fajlotereston drawings ‘When the proprietor withdraws money from the business for personal use, it dsost amounts to temporary loan by the business to the proprietor. This should ‘eteated on par with loan to an outsider from whom interest is receivable by the testes, Therefore, the business charges the proprietor with interest on amounts ‘tam by him. Thus, interest on drawings is a business income. The following ‘usment entry is to be passed to bring this item into account: Capital Ale De ox To Interest on drawings A/c 7 Interest on drawings is shown on the credit side of profit and loss account ‘mlitisdeducted from the capital account on the liabilities side of balance sheet. tuton drawings account appearing in the trial balance has to be transferred Pofit and loss account credit side alone. Bad debts hen aclaim against a debtor becomes irrecoverable. itis called bad debt. If mn files a petition in bankruptcy, his creditors generally write off the able amount due as a bad debt. The entry in the books of the creditor is: Bad debts A/c Dt om Bad de To Debtor's A/c od Moning is shown on the debit side of P & L A/c and also deducted from ‘ibe api’ alance sheet. Alternatively, bad debts amount is closed by transfer "tof provision for bad & doubtful debts. n for doubifil debts Ave Fina ; To Bad debts Alc De If the bad debt amount is recovered j : _ > Fecovered in future is deo had debts recovered A/c is ereited in tha Year. The bulge C88 is debi ged by transferring it to the eredit or han Ale as revenge later agg bad debt appears in the trial balance, ir cans that adjuetes i hat year Pear only in the debit side Sometimes, a merchant feels th; ° lat there i : Fosse may OF may not be realisable. As there ga SebI0rs from whom the losses and in order to provide for such loo the possibility of anticipates doubtful debts is required to be made. Itis generally a pero 2 Prison for and the percentage is fixed on the basis of past experience The Tne On the debtors entry will be made in order to bring ision for doubt ene Siustin ie order to bring the provision for doubtful debts into the Profit and loss A/c To Provision for doubtful debts A/c vex This provision is shown as a deduction from existing debto side of balance sheet. 8 MSNOTS on the assets Ifthe net existing provision is in excess of required Provision and bad debis, fe excess should be credited back to profit & loss account with the following try: Provision for doubtful debts A/c Dr xx To Profit & Loss A/c we In this case also the amount of ‘Provision required’ should be shown as a deduction from the existing debtors on the assets side of the balance sheet. The object of making the provision is to show the debtors on the balance sheet at a realistic value. . Sometimes. bad debts may be written off during the year. Some additional bad debts are to be written offat the time of finalising accounts. There may be existing Provision for doubtful debts (old provision). Provision is required onthe debtors as on the closing date. The following is the usual way of dealing with all these items. . 7K Profit & Loss A/c (debit side) Rs. Rs. Bad debts (as per trial balance) « Add: Bad debts (as per adjustments) RK Add: New provision required 7K 2 Less: Existing provision (given in trial balance) cae Net debit to P & L A/c : 2K The new provision required is to be reduced from the debtors in the balance sheet along with additional bad debts as per adjustments. 5.16 account, —_-—__—— 7 on for dscount on debtors a re provision fOr discount on debtors is calculated at a certain percentage debtors. No discount is allowed on doubtful debtors. This is to provide i in amount for allowing discount to customers for prompt payment. The ae is: vet entry i profit & Loss A/o De xx To Provision for discount on debtors A/c 7 The provision for discount on debtors is shown as a deduction from good jrs on the asset side of balance sheet and is debited to profit & loss account. provision for discount on creditors The creditors may offer some discount for prompt payment by the firm. This iscaleulated at a certain percentage on sundry creditors. The adjustment entry Provision for discount on creditors A/c Dr. xxx To Profit & Loss A/e *« ‘The provision for discount on creditors is shown as a deduction from sundry editors on the liabilities side of balance sheet and is credited to P & L A/c. {ai Loss of stock by accident, fire etc. Stock of goods destroyed due to abnormal:causes must be treated as abnormal \oss. If there is no insurance the entire stock lost should be treated as abnormal iss, The entry is: Abnormal loss A/c Deo To Trading A/c xx Since there will be no recovery, the abnormal loss has to be closed. Profit & Loss A/c Dr xX To Abnormal loss A/e ww IFthereis insurance, amount recoverable from insurance co.. has to be debited ‘sinsurance company and the balance of abnormal loss is written off to P & L. Ae. . Profit & Loss A/e Dr ww Insurance company A/c De wx To Abnormal loss A/e xx TMLUSTRATION, — icy Ace, s Unt) Mostration ; Non comprehensive Mustrations . pare Trading Acey following information; MF Archana fr the A ending 3) 012-96 Opening Stock Rs, “ Purchases 80,009 Freight Inward 560009 Wages 32,009 as 24,000 Purchase Retums "440099 Sales Retums 10000 Closing Stock isso oe 100009 Solution; [Bharathidasan B.Com, Nov, 2005) (Per, ‘Trading Account of Archane for the year ending Serz996 724 To Opening Stock To Purchases 8,60,000| Less: Purchase retums 10,000} 8, 24,000 1,00, To Freight Inward 000 To Wages To Import duty To Gross Profit eld Mlustration 2 From the following balances extracted at the close of the ‘Year ended 31st | Dec.1996, Prepare Profit and Loss account of Mr. Raj as at that date: ea z | Rs. Gross profit 55,000 | Repairs 500 Carriage on sales 500 | Telephone expenses so Office Rent 500 | Interest (Dr.) ; a General expenses 900 | Fire insurance premium oe Discount to customers 360 | Bad debts - 1300 Interest from Bank 200 | Apprentice Premium (Cr) 7x0 Travelling expenses 700 | Printing & Stationery 40 Salaries 900 | Trade expenses . Commission 300 Final Accounts 4 a Solution: Profit & Loss Account of Mr. Raj for the year ending 31-12-1996 Rs. Rs. ToCarriage on Sales 500 | By Gross profit b/d 55,000 ‘ToOffice Rent 500 | By Bank Interest 200 ToGeneral expenses 900 | By Apprentice Premium 1,500 ToDiscount to customers 360 To Travelling expenses 700 To Salaries 900 ToCommission 300 ToRepairs 500 To Telephone expenses 520 Tolnterest paid 480 To Fire Insurance Premium 900 ToBad debts 2,100 To Printing & Stationery 2,500 ToTrade expenses 300 | To Net Profit transferred to Capital A/c 45,240 56,700 56,700 ‘Mustration3 The following are the balances in the Ledger of Mr. Sherif for the year ended 31st March 1996. Rs. Opening Stock: Raw materials 20,000 } Work-in-progress 3,000 Finished goods 10,800 Purchase of raw materials 50,000 Sales 240,000 _ Fuel and coal 1000 Wages 32,000 Factory expenses 40,000 Office expenses 30,000 Depreciation on Plant & Machinery 3,000 Closing Stock: Raw materials 20,000 Work-in-progress 4,000 Finished goods 800 Prepare manufacturing and Trading Account for the year ended 31st March 1996. Manetucturing and Trading Account of Mr. Sherif for the year Particulars To Opening work-in-progress To Cost of Materials consumed: Opening Stock 20,000 Add: Purchases $0,000 70,000 Less: Closing Stock 20,000 To Wages To Fuel & Coal To Factory expenses To Depreciation on Plant & Machinery To Gross Profit c/d Illustration 4 By Closing Stock of finished goods | — g,999 From the following adjusted Trial Balance, prepared after Trading and Prost & Loss Accounts are drafted, prepare Balance Sheet of Ramagopalan as at 31st December 1996. Under: | (@) Permanency order and (b) Liquidity order. | De a Rs. Rs. | Capital = 1,00,000 | Closing Stock 40,000 - Fiked Assets less depreciation Rs.16,000 72,000 - Sundry Debtors 1,00,000 j Provision for Bad debts = 5,000 Profit & Loss Account = 42,000 Sundry Creditors - 80,000 Liabilities for expenses = 11,000 Drawings 6,000 Cash & Bank 20,000 Bags | E00 ~~ Oe p account tienda _— ae # permanency Order = o Sheet of Ramagopalan as on 31-12-96 Anets it RS Fixed Assets 88,000 Less:Depreciation 16,000 | 72,000 Stock 40,000 Debtors _—_—1,00,000 Less:Provision for 95,000 Bad debts 5,000 Cash & Bank ri Balance Sheet of Ramagopalan as on 31-12-96 Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs. Liabilities for expenses 11,000 Cash & Bank 20,000 Sundry Creditors 80,000] . Debtors 1,00,000 Capital A/c: Less: Provision for Opening Balance: 1,00,000 Bad debts 5,000 95,000 ‘Add: Net Profit 42,000 ‘Stock 40,000 1,42,000 Fixed Assets 88,000 Less: Drawings: 6,000 | 1,36,000 | Less: Depreciation 16,000 72,000 2,27,000. 2,27,000 lastration 5 The following is the Trial Balance of Dhandapani of Madras as on 31st December 1996. Balances: Rs. Rs. Opening Stock 6,200 | Carriage on Sales 1,600 Buildings 34,000 | Repairs 1,800 Fumiture 2,000 | Sundry Debtors 12,000 Purchases 42,400 | Bad debts 240 Salaries 4,400 | Cash in hand Rent 1200 | Return inwards Miscellaneous Expenses 1,000 nces: Postage 560 Nisionery 520 Fee 10,400 Tight on purchases 1,120 | Sundry Creditors Return outwards Interest Dividend 521 “The Value of stock on 31 to make the necessary clo 2-1996 was estimated at Rs ing entries and prepare Trad Account and a Balance Sheet as on Jst December 1996, Financial Accountin 5.960, You are Fequired ing and Profit & | ong Solution: Closing Entries Date Particulars | o> Rs. 1996 | Trading A/e Dr. 62,160 | Dec. 31 To Opening Stock A/c 6200 To Purchases A/c 42.400 To Wages Ale yd To Retum Inwards A/c 2040 To Freight on Purchase A/c iit [Being transfer] Dec. 31| Sales A/c Dr. 82,920 Return outwards A/c Dr. 340 To Trading A/c $3,760 [Being Transfer] Dec. 31 | Closing Stock A/c Dr. 5,960 To Trading A/c 5,960 [Being incorporation of closing stock ini Trading A/c] Dec. 31] Trading Alc Dr. 21.560 To Profit & Loss A/c 71,560 [Being Gross Profit transferred] Dec. 31| Profit & Loss A/c Dr. 11,320 To Salaries A/c 4400 To Rent A/c 1,200 To Miscellaneous Expenses A/c 1,000 To Postage Ale 560 To Stationery A/c 50 ‘To Carriage on Sales A/c 1,600 To Repairs A/c 1,800 To Bad debts A/c 240 {Being the various expenses transferred] Dec. 31| interest A/c De 260 Dividend A/c Dr 20 To Profit & Loss A/c “ (Being interest & dividend transferred] Dec. 31| Profit & Loss Alc Dr. 16.720 | gr final Accouns niet intnliantsinndet ——“qrading and P& L A/c of Dhandapani for the year ending 31-12 296 ho [Panter Bs. To Opening Stock 6,200 By Sales 82,920 To Purchases 42.400 Less: Return inward 2,040 | 80,880 ess Returns outward _ 840 | 41,560 By Closing Stock 5,960 To Wages 10,400 To Freight on purchase 1,120 To Gross Profit c/d 27,560 1 86,840 36,840 ToSalaries 4,400 By Gross Profit b/d 21,560 To Rent 1.200 By Interest 260 To Miscellaneous expenses] 1,000 By Dividend 220 To Postage 560 To Stationery 520 ‘ToCarriage on Sales 1,600 To Repairs 1,800 To Bad Debts 240 To Net Profit 16,720 transferred to Capital A/c | 28,040 28, Balance Sheet of Dhandapani as on 31-12-96 Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs. ‘Sundry Creditors 9,840 Cash in hand 2,600 Bank Loan 6,000 Sundry Debtors 12,000 Capital A/c: Stock 5,960 Balance 24,000 Fumiture 2,000 Add: Net Profit 16,720 | 40,720 Buildings 34,000 56,560 56,560 Mlustration 6 Pass necessary adjustment entries for the following adjustments: (a) Depreciation at 10% is to be charged on machinery standing in the books ats 1,00,000. (b) Insurance unexpired is Rs 200. (c) Salaries outstanding Rs 10,000. (d) peerovida provision for Doubtful Debts at 2% on sundry debtors worth 0,000. (€) Closing Stock Rs $5,000. Interest has accrued on investments Rs 500, (g) Commission received in advance Rs 1,000. (h) To provide 10% Interest on capital of Rs 2,50,000. (i) Interest charged on drawings Rs 520. The proprietor has withdrawn goods worth Rs 200 from stock. (k) Goods in stock worth Rs 8,000 are destroyed by fire. Insurance Company accepts the claim of Rs 6,000. () Rs 2,000 to be transferred to Reserve Fund. (m) Goods worth Rs 2,000 distributed as free samples to customers. (a) ©) o (k) a (m) () Adj Particulars Depreciation A/c To Machinery A/c [For depreciation on machinery] Prepaid Insurance A/c Dr. To Insurance A/c [For insurance prepaid] Salaries A/e Dr. To Outstanding Salaries Ale [For salaries outstanding] Profit & Loss A/c Dr. To Provision for Doubtful Debts [For creating provision for doubtful debts} Closing Stock A/c Dr. To Trading A/c [For bringing stock into account} Accrued Interest A/c Dr. To Interest A/c [For interest accrued on investment] Commission A/c Dr. To Commission received in Advance [For commission received in advance] Interest on Capital A/c é Dr. To Capital A/c [For interest on capital] Capital A/c Dr. To interest on drawings {For interest charged on drawings] Drawings Alc Dr. To Purchases A/c 4 [For goods taken from business for personal use] ‘Abnormal Loss Account Dr. To Trading Account {Being Abnormal Loss credited to Trading A/c] Insurance Company A/c Dr. Profit & Loss A/c Dr. To Abnormal Loss A/c {For stock destroyed admitted by insurance company to the extent of Rs 6,000] Profit & Loss Ale Dr. To Reserve Fund A/c : {For transferring to Reserve Fund] Advertising A/c To Purchases A/e " _ {For goods distributed as free sample] Financia inancial Accounting ~ 10,000 200 10,000 55,000 500 25,000 520 200 8,000 6,000 2,000 Credir + 10.000 200 10,000 55,000 25,000 520 8,000 8,000 n_ 5.24 " Accounts parerenereeceen (en — Provision for Bad and Doubtful Debts 1 j siest™ ie) debtors on 31st Dec. '95 are Rs, 40,000. On analysis, itis found Tors fF RS. 36,000 are good, The debtors for Rs. 3,000 are doubtful and gat deh edt realise 2/3rds ofthe amount and the debtors for Rs. 1,000 are bad. vision for doubtful debts, © Me he Journal, Profit & Loss A/c and Balance Sheet. sottion: Journal Particulars Profit & Loss A/c Dr. To Provision for Bad & Doubtful debts [Being amount of provision for Bad & Doubtful Debts —1/3rd of Rs. 3,000 i.e., Rs. 1,000 doubtful and Rs. 1,000 bad] Ledger Provision for Bad & Doubtful Debts A/c Cr. Rs. Rs. 1995 ToBalance c/d 2,000 | Dec. 31 |By Profit & Loss A/c | 2,000 -| 226 1996. |By Balance b/d 2,000 Jan. 1 : Dr. Profit & Loss A/c for the year ended 31-12-'95 cr. Rs. Rs. To Provision for doubtful debts 2,000 Balance Sheet as on 31-12-1995 Liabilities . Rs. Assets Rs. ‘Sundry Debtors 40,000 Less:Provision for bad debts 2,000 38,000 Mhustration 8 on Provision for Bad and Doubtful debts account shows a balance of By 2,000 on Ist January 1994. The Bad debts during the year 1994 amount to 1,600, The sundry debtors on 31st December 1994 are Rs. 32,000. Create anew Provision for Bad debts @ 5%. Show the journal, ledger, Profit & Loss account | Md Balance Sheet. | —— 5 —— Pinanc| = — Nanclal Accoung, Solution: Journal ang Particulars Provision for Bad & Doubtful debts A/c To Bad debts [Being transfer of Bad Debts) Profit & Loss A/c "To Provision for Bad & Doubtful Debts Ki {Being amount of additional reserve required to raise it to Rs.1,600) Date Dec. 31 Dec. 31 Ledger De Bad Debts A/c Rs. 194 195 Dec. 31 | To Balance b/d 1,600 | Dec. 31 | By Provision for Bad & Doubtful Debts A/c (transfer) 1,600 Dr. Provision for Bad and Doubtful Debts A/c Rs. 31-12-94 |To Bad debts 1,600] 1-1-94 |By Balance b/d 31-12-94 |To Balance c/d 1,600] 31-12-94 By Profit & Loss A/c 3,200 1-1-95 [By Balance b/d Dr Profit & Loss A/c for the year ended 31-12-94 Rs. To Bad debts 1,600 Add: New Provision for Bad debts 1,600 3,200 Less:Existing provision for Bad debis 2,000 | 1,200 _______ Balance Sheet as on 31-12-94 Liabilities Rs. Assets Bs Sundry Debtors 32,000 Less: Provision for Bad debs 1.600 30400 ot 7 5.26 09 poison for Bad & Doubtful debts shows a balance of Rs. 1,600 on Ist qh, The Bad debts during the 987. ‘year 1987 amount to Rs, 600. Th \ \, (n3istDevember 1987 are Rs. 16,000. Create a provision osm iabel 7 ry Journal and Led; i Lay \y ee i iger entries and show also the Profit & Loss " St i Journal | an Tor Bad & Doubiful debis Ale >=— Rl | "To Bad debts A/c Sg [Being transfer of bad debts] X Ypet) Povson for Bad & Doubtful debts A/c Dr. ay | To Profit & Loss A/c os nae} [Being amount credited back to P & L A/c to reduce wn ald Reserve from (1,600 = 600) ie., 1,000 to 800] Ly} Ledger ape Bad Debts A/c cr 4 RL 987 na aa | A pet ToBalance b/d 600 | Dec. 31 | By Provision for Bad & SLs ty Doubtful Debts A/o 600 \- __ (transfer) jay oe cy a ‘y ' Dr Provision for Bad and Doubtful Debts A/c Cr Rs. om_3h, we : [Fp De2 To Bed acts 600 | Jan. 1 | By Balance b/d 1,600 11294 |To P&L Ale 200 To Balance c/d 800 7,600 1,600 1-1-98| By Balance b/d 800 Cr. me Profit & Loss A/c for the year ended 31-12-94 By Provision for Bad & Doubtful debts (old) | | Less: Bad debts : 4 New provision 800 | 1,400] 200 m Balance Sheet as on 31-12-87 Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs. Sundry Debtors 16,000 800 | 15,200 Less: Provision for B.D. rw 527 Mustration 10 The following Particulars are extracted from the book: Jan. 1 Provision for bad & doubtful debts Provision for discount on debtors "2009 Dee.31 Discounts allowed during the year sen Ba debts written off during the year 2300 ad debts recovered dis “i Debtors ee % tely bad), Provigi 90,609 2% and for doubtful debts @ 10% are «2, a cson for discount Allowed Show how the relevant items Would ay i : ar Sheet as on Dee. 31,1996. mre MICH PL Asa alge, Solution: (B.Com, Osmania Adapt Dr. Bad Debts A/c Rs. Cr 1996 1996 [Rs Dec. 31 | To Balance b/d 4,700 | Dec. 311 By Provision for Bad Dec. 31 | To Sundry Debtors | 2,400 Debts Ale | 110g 7,100 im Dr. Provision for Bad and Doubtful Debts A/c ce Rs. ; Bs, 1996 1996 Dec. 31 | To Bad debts A/c 7,100 | Jan.1 | By Balance b/d 12,000 To Balance e/d 9,820 | Dec. 31] By P&L Alc (Bal:ig) | 4900 16,920 | 46,920 1-1-97 | By Balance b/d 9,820 Dr. Bad debts Recovered A/c Cr. = Rs. 1996 1996 Dec. 31 | To Profit & Loss Ale | 250 | Dec. 31 |By Balance b/d 23 Discount on Debtors A/c 1996 Provision for Dec. 31 | To Balance b/d TO ron dks 5B Provision tor Discount on De * \ | qo Discount on By Balance b/d 5,600.00 ee! | gebtors Ale ByP& LA 5,467.60 11,067.60 By Balance b/d 1,767.60 ote: pe ors 1,00,600 rs: Further bad debts 2,400 98,200 Provision at 10%= 9,820 2 son for discount = (98,200-9,820)x—2 = prison for discount = (98,200 - 9,8 ) <5 1,767.60 ie Profit & Loss A/c for the year ended 31-12-94 ce [_Rs. Rs. To Provision for Bad debts: Provision required 9,820 By Bad debts recovered 250 Me Bad debts 7,100 16,920 Jy tex: Existing provision 12,000 | 4,920.00 To Provision for Discount on Debtors: Provision required 1,767.60 ‘4k: Discount Allowed 9,300.00 : 11,067.60, des: Existing provision 5,600.00 | 5,467.60 Balance Sheet as on 1-96 klditer seal ae Sundry Debtors 1,00,600.00 Less; Bad debts 2,400.00 98,200.00 Less: Provision for bad debts 9,820.00 Less: Provision for discount Uhutration un Comprehensive Illustrations The following are the ledger balances extracted from the books of Weifa. if Rs Rs. wis Capital 50,000. Sales 3,01,000 Overdraft 8400 Return inwards 5,000 $3) ___ int Furniture 5,200 Discount(Gr) Hal Account Business premises 40,000 Taxes & Insurance Creditors 26,600 General Expenses 40 Opening Stock 44,000 Salaries 8 Debtors 36,000 Commission allowed 180 Rent from tenants 2,000 Carriage on purchases Purchases 220,000. Provision for Doubtful debts Bad debts written off | Adjustments :— 1, () Stock on hand on 31-12-1995 was estimated as Rs. 40,120, Gi) Write off depreciation on business premises Rs. 600 and fur Rs. 520. imiture (ii) Makea provision of 5% on debtors for bad & doubtful debts, (iv) Allow interest on Capital at 5% and carry forward Rs. 1,400 fo unexpired insurance. a Prepare Final Accounts for the year ended 31-12-1995, Solution: [Bharathidasan B.Com., Nov. 2005)} Books of Weifa ‘Trading and Profit & Loss Account for the year ending 31-12-95 Particulars _|_ Rs. Particulars Rs, | To Opening Stock 44,000] By Sales 3,01,000 To Purchases 2,20,000|Less: Sales Returns —_ 5,000 | 2,96,000 To Carriage on purchases 3,600| By Closing Stock 40,120 To Gross Profit o/d 68,520} 3,36,120| 3,36,120 To Taxes & Insurance 4,000 By Gross Profit b/d 68,520, Less:Prepaid 1,400| 2,600] By Rent 2,000 ToGeneral Expenses | 8,000) —_ By Discount 800 To Salaries 18,000] To Commission 4,400 To Bad debts 1,600 Add: New provision for for doubtful debts 1,800 3,400 Less:Existing provision 1,000) 2,400 To Depreciation; ~ iy On Business Premises 600) On Furniture 520 To Interest on capital 5 50,000 | 2,500] To Net profit transferred Wocapttsl Aig 32,300 4 fy n By Closing Stock % 0 1,19,800 a Lae = # ey aaa ans |_| Creditors pank overdraft 20,000|Less; Bad debts outstanding: , Rent 500 ILess: Provision for B.D 4,5 86,640 es 400 900| — Cash in hand 2,060 capital 70,000 Stock 90,000 ss: Drawings 22,000 Prepaid: Insurance 300) 48,000 Salaries I 1,000 dé: Net Profit 90,000| 1,38,000| Plant & Machinery 20,009 Less: Depreciation 1,50, 18,500 Business Premises 12, Less: Depreciation 30g 11,700 Fumiture & Fixtures 10, Less: Depreciation ik 9,000 2,18,900) 2,18,900 Ilustration 13 From the following Trial Balance extracted from the books of Kamalnath. Prepare Trading and Profit & Loss A/c and Balance Sheet for the year ended 31- 256 Debit Balances Rs. | _Credit Balances Rs. Cash at Bank 2,610 | Creditors 4,700 Book Debts 11,070 | Discounts 150 Salaries 4.950 | Creditors for expenses 400 Carriage inwards 1,450 | Returns outwards 2520 Carriage outwards 1,590 | Sales 80,410 Bad debts 1310 | Capital 40,000 Office expenses 5,100 Purchases 67,350 Retum inwards 1,590 Furiture & Fixtures 1,500 Stock 14360 Insurance 3,300 Depreciation on property 1200 Freehold Property 10,800 paints 1,28,180 128,180 —— saa Adinetments Financial Accountin (Make provision for doubtful debts at 5%, ii) (iv) Rs. 50. (v) Outstanding salaries Rs. 150. (ii) Calculate discount on creditors @ 2%, Office expenses include stationery purchased Rs, 800, Carriage Inwards includes carriage paid on Purchase of furniture (vi) Prepaid insurance Rs. 300. (vii) Stock on hand Rs. 10,700 (including Stationery stock Rs 200). (Madras, B.Com., Nov. 2005, Modifid (Andhra, B'¢ B.Com) ‘Trading and Profit & Loss Account of Kamainath for the year ending 3 1-12.96 Particulars Rs, Particulars le To Opening Stock 14,360[ By Sales 80,410 [| —— To Purchases 67,350 Less: Sales Retums 1,599 | 7g 329 Less:Purchase Retums 2,520 | 64,830 To Carriage inwards 1,450 By Closing Stock 10,700 Less: Paid for furniture 50. | 1,400} Less: Stock of stationery200 | 10,599 To Gross Profit c/d 8,730 89,320 89,320 To Salaries 4,950 By Gross profit b/d 8,730 Add: Outstanding 150 | 5,100] By Discounts 150 To Insurance 3,300 By Provision for Discount Less: Prepaid 300 3,000 on creditors 4 To Office expenses 5,100 By Net loss Less: Stationery purchased 800 | 4,300| (transferred to Capital Alc) | 8,679 To Bad debts 1,310 Add: New Provision for bad debts 553 | 1,863 To Carriage outwards 1,590 To Stationery 800 Less:Stock 200 600 To Depreciation on property| 1,200 17,653 ~~ counts: oe ee ee Fa lance Sheet of Kamalnath as at 31-17-1996 ilies —_ Assets 5. Sundry Creditors: Cash at Bank 2,610 Creditors 4,700 Book Debts 11,070 provision for Discount 94) 4,606 Less:Provision for B.D 553) 10,517 Creditors: Stock of 10,500 condenses 400 Stock of aationery 200 ae Salary 150) 550 Prepaid Insurance 300 capital 40,000 Furniture & fixtures (1,500 + 50) 1,550 pss: Net loss 8,679 | 31,321 Freehold property 10,800 36,477 36,471 Tisstration 14 ‘The following are the Ledger balances extracted from the books of Ramani as on 31-12-1996. Rs. Rs. Debit Balances: 2 Drawings 3,000 |. Repairs 360 Goodwill 6000 | Printing & Stationery 10 Land & Buildings 12,000 | ‘Bad debts 0 Plant & Machinery 8000 | Advertisement: (Special) 6,000 Loose tools 600 ® (Normal) 70 Bills Receivable 1,600 ae Stock, 1st Jan. 1996 8,000 80,720 Purchases 10,200 —— Wages 4,000 |Credit Balances: Carriage inwards 200 | ‘Sales 24,000 Carriage outwards 80 | Provision for Bad & ial, Gas & Coke 1,160 Doubtful debts 900 pas Retums 400 | Provision for discount ‘umiture & Fixtures 240 on debtors 342 ral Expenses 1,050 | Loan at 6% 4,000 Provision for Discount on Capital 40,000 Creditors 320 | Sundry Creditors 8,000 hace on Loan 120 | Purchase Returns 500 Rent i 1,000 | Discount Received 300 Deere & Taxes 560 | Commission Received 400 unt Allowed 300 | Bills Payable 2278 Cashin ta 5,000 — Swndty debtors 9000 oe a Adiustmems @ Closing stock on 31-12-96 amount Financial ir ted to Rs, 15,654, % (i) Depreciate Plant & Machinery at 5% , Loose tools at & fixtures at 20%, "Sand furnin, (iii) Provide for Bad & Doubtful Debts at 5% and for di and Creditors at 2%, Un On Debi (iv) Outstanding: Wages Rs. 200; and Rent, Rates & taxes Rg. 100. (¥) Write off one-third of advertisement (special), : (vi) Interest on loan has been paid for six months only, (vil) ADbill forRs, 1,000 included in Bills Receivable has been dishono, (wii) The Manager is entitled to a commission of 50% On net profitg ued charging such commission, after Prepare final accounts for the year ended 31-12-96, Solution: ‘Trading and Profit & Loss A/c of Ramani for the Year endeq 31-12-96 Rs, Particulars le 8,000 By Sales 24,000. 10,200 Less: Returns 400 | 23,609 500 | 9,700 To Carriage Inwards 200 By Closin, Stock To Wages 4,000 . 1S. Add: Outstanding 200 | 4,200 To Coal, Gas & Coke 1,160 To Gross Profit eld 115,994 39,254 39,254 To Carri ‘outwards. 80 By Gross Profit b/d 15,994 To Salaries 1,000 By Commission 400 To Rent, rates & taxes 560 i Outstanding 100} 660 By Discount received 300 To Repairs 360 | Add: New Provision 160 To Printing & Stati 110 . 460 a To Advertisement (Normal)| 700 | Less: Existing provision 320 To General Expenses 1,050 To Interest on loan 120 Add: Outstanding 120] 240 To Bad debts 640 New provision for Bad debts 500 ae 1,140 Less: Existing Provision for Bad debts 900 240 ‘Acooluits 1 Fo Discount Allowed 300 * | y: New provision ay, © | Pr fordiscount 190 Oy 490 \ xxisting provision for so scours 342] 148 qo Advertisement (Special) i 1 ue Written off (6.000 3) 2,000 jation on: ; Plant’& Machinery 00 Loose tools 4 Fumiture & fixtures a 538 Tf TeManager' Conmison ) aa lay Smee is 448 : : 4 To Net Profit transferred | to Capital A/c | 8,960 n — eS i 16,534 16,534 t Balance Sheet of Ramani as on 31-12-1996 Liabi Rs. Assets Rs, ity Creditors Cash in hand 30 7,840 Cash at Bank 5,000 isp 4,000 Bills Receivable 1,600 Of Add: Interest Outstanding — 120 | 4,120 | Less: Dishonoured ~ 1,000 600 Bills Payable. 2,278 Sundry Debtors 9,000 Outstanding expenses: Add: BYR dishonoured 1,000 Wages 200 10,000 Rent, rates & taxes 100 Less: Provision for B.D $00 (agers Commission 448 | 748 9,500 Capital opening 30,000: Less: Provision for Discount 190 | 9,310. 8,960 Stock 15,654 48,960 Loose tools 600 3,000 |45,960 | Less: Depreciation 20} sio Fumiture & fixtures 240 Less: Depreciation 48 192 Plant & Machinery 8,000 Less: Depreciation 400 | 7,600 Land & Buildings 12,000 Advertisement Financ : “*Ouny Balance of Sri. Narayanan, you, are Ne ee Ne for the year ended 3} s1 Decem a Trading and con that date. \ m Balance Sheet «3 7 Rs. | Credit Balances Deba Balance EE Sock on 1st Jan, 1997 ye Woe Outstandin, Zing Plant & Machinery 3,000 | Sales aie | Ret Machinery 5,000 Creditors Shy Depreciation on Plant & 40,000 | Bills Payable ‘iy ‘Drawings 20,000 | Discount. (Cr) logy Wages 2,000 | Bank Overdraft 2 Acome ax 11,000 | Commission (Cy i Salary for 11 5,000 | Purchase returns 8oq Cash 1,60,000 Soy eae on Buildings 8,000 Depreciation 3,00,000 r 80,000 Debtors BillsReceivable 30,000 Discount (Dr) 2,000 ‘Carriage inwards 4,000 Bad debts 6,000 Sales returns 3,000 7,99,000 795M Adjustments: f) Stock on 31stDec.1997 was Rs, 96,000. @ @ Stock destroyed by fire was Rs, 6,000 and the Insurance compan accepted a claim for Rs. 3,600. Gi) ” (i) One Rs, 1,600 paid as rent ofthe office was debited to Landlord esa and was included in the list of Debtors. Goods invoiced Rs, 10,000 was sent to customers on sale or retin basis on 28th December 1997, the customers still having te {0 Tetum the goods. The rate of gross profit was 1/5 of sale. 7 Write off further bad debts Rs. 4,000 and maintain 5% provi for bad debts on debtors, month's i th’s salary was outstanding. Com, Mysore A Co [B. BA May 2! [Periyar Bi ye S38 x Draft & Loss A/c of Se, Narayanan forthe yenr ended 31-12-97 Part lars Rs, Partledars {Rs nein ‘stock 7 70,000 ' by Sales $,00,000, % 00, Less: Retuns 90) go perce _5000|2,95,000 we 00 inwards 4,000 | Less: Goods sent on | ‘poariag® 20,000 sale of return —50,000}4,87,000 1 WH ofl o/d 2,08,000 By Closing Stock 96,000, wore Add: Stock with customers 8,000, Add: Stock destroyed 6,000.1, 10,000 ~~ 597000 j By Gross Profit b/d By Discount 12,000 By Commission $000 \ ’ 6,000 Fortherbad debts 4,000) ; 100] New provision for Bad debts 3,220] 13,220 To Depreciation on? . & Machinery | 5,000 Buildings 8,000 To Loss on stock destroyed 2,400 To Net Profit transferred i to Capital A/c|1,80,780 . 2,28,000 28,000 Balance Sheet of Sri, Narayanan as on 31-12-1997 Rs. Assets Rs 16,000 Cash 5,000 9,000 Bills Receivable 30,000 45,000 Debtors Less: Rentinchided 78,4 5,000 | Less: Goods on sale or Tetum 10, 68,4 Less: Bad debts 64. Less: Provision for B.D 3,220] 61,180 Insurance Company 3,600 13,38,780 Stock 96,000 Stock with customers on sale or return 8,000 Plant & Machinery $0,000 Buildings {1,60,000 4.0 Mlustration 16 ars Financia, Aceon "he following is the schedule of balances on 31.3.4, ~ books of Manikandan, 3131992 exeateg from reg Debit Balances Rg Credit Batane Cash on hand ~ 2800) Capital Acca Rs, Cash at Bank 5.200 | Discount rec, Say Sundry Debtors 1,72,000 Creditors Stock as on 1-4-91 124,000 | Purchase Returns 3 Fumiture & fixtures 42,800 | Sales 5 Office Equipment 32.000 | Provision for 46, Buildings 1,20,000 | Loan from (a! debts Motor Car 40,000 | Sundry Creditors Purchases 2,80,000 Sales Retums 8,400 Salaries 22,000 Rent for godown 11,000 Interest on loan from Gopu 5,400 Rates and taxes 4200 Discount allowed to Debtors 4.800 Freight on purchases 2,400 Carriage outwards 4,000 Drawings 24,000 Printing & Stationery 3,600 Electric charges 4,400 Insurance premium 11,000 General office Expenses 6,000 Bad debts 4,000 Bank charges 3,200 Motor car expenses 7,200 94400 2A Prepare Trading and Profit & Loss A/e for the year ended 31-3-1992 and Balance Sheet as at that date after making provision for the following: () Value of Stock on 31-3-1992 was Rs. 88,000. Gi) One month's rent for godown is outstanding. (ii) One month's salary is outstanding. j (iv) Interest on loan from Gopu is payable at 12% p.a. This loan was taken on 1-5-1991. (v) Provision for bad debts is to be maintained at 5% on a (Vi) Insurance premium includes Rs. 8,000 paid towards propri a life insurance policy and the balance of the insurance charges cov the period from 1-4-92 to 30-6-92. (vii) Half of the buildings are used for residential purposes of Mi a eo Depreciate:~ (a) Buildings used for business by 5%. (b) Furniture & Fixtures by 10% ~ One steel table purchased during the year for Rs, 2,800 was sold for same price but the sale r were wrongly credited to sales A/c. (c) Office equipment by 15% - Purchase of a typewriter during the year for Rs. 8,000 has been wrongly debited to purchase A/c. (d) Motor Car by 20%. 540 ‘Trading and Profit & Loss A/c of Manikandan for the year ended 31-3-92 Particulars “To Opening Stock Purchases To es: Purchase of office equipment 2,80,000) 8 8,004 772,000 ; Returns ves Freight on purchases 72, 5,200/2,66,800 ‘To Gross Profit o/d 136.800 t To Carriage outward To Printing & Stationery To Electric charges To Ins. premium — 11,000 Less: Premium on own life policy 8,000 Z 3,000 ‘Less: Prepaid 3,000) * To General office exp. To Bad debts 4,000 “7 Add: New provision ——_8,600 } 12,600] Less: Existing provision _ 6,000 To Bank Charges 9 To Motor car expenses { To Depreciation on: Buildings j Fumiture & fittings v Office equipments Motor Car 4 To Net Profit transferred to} Capital A/c} 4,400 Nil 6,000 6,600 3,200 7,200 3,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 |_39,200. 1,46,800 Particulars By Sales Less: Sale of fittings Less: Returns By Closing Stock By Gross profit b/d By Discount received 143,600 3,200 1,46,800 Add: Net Profit Less: Dewwit (24,000+8,000) Loan from Gopu 60,000] Add: Outstanding interest_ 1,200] Sundry Creditors Outstanding expenses: Salaries ies 2, Rent for godown 1,000] Mlustration 17 From the following particulars Presented by Mr, S. Tendulkar, 3 9 | Blogs ————_ 1,20, Lass: Depreciation 29.000 Furniture & fittin, Less: Sale 2700 2,800} 61,200 1,06,000] Less: Depreciation Office “Ro00 Add: Purchase P™=* 3,000 Less: Depreciation Motor Car Less: Depreciation Stock Sundry debtors 1 Less: Provision for BD Cash at Bank Cash on hand Prepaid Insurance A/c, Profit & Loss A/c for the year ended 31st Dec. 1993 and Balance §) that date. Debit Balances Rs. | Credit Balances Plant & Machinery 1,00,000 |" Sales (Net) Drawings 36,000 | Capital Purchases 1,20,000 | Creditors Sundry Debtors 80,000 | Bank Overdraft Wages 20,000 | Provision for Bad debts Carriage 6,000 | Cash credit Salaries 14,000 | Bills Payable Rent 12,000 Repairs 6,000 Insurance ’ 10,000 Opening Stock 24,000 Land & Buildings 80,000 . | Fumiture 20,000 Discount 40,000 Suspense A/c nso sa, ie" Closing Stock Rs. 60,000, o Pare 10 ae of materials used for the construction @ sale ae ar of furniture at a selling price of Rs. 2,000 (book oy Wr gos comer eed coun ut 32,000. Stock destroyed by fire amounted Rs. 20,000. I Wi) . 20,000. Insurance Com] «) admitted only Rs. 16,000 as its liability. a i) Wages include Rs. 6,000 incurred for the erection of a machinery. (vii): The proprietor Mr. S. Tendulkar took goods for his own use from the business amounted to Rs. 2,000. @ Rent included Rs. 2,000 paid for Mrs. S. Tendulkar’s residential portion. : ® Purchase of stationery for Rs. 200 was debited to repairs A/c. @ A customer's cheque returned dishonoured wrongly debited to Discount A/c Rs 2,000. a srading and Profit & Loss A/c of S. ‘Tendulkar for the year ended 31-12-93 Particulars [+ Particulars Rs. To Opening Stock 24,000 By Sales 4,00,000| ToPurchases —_1,20,000 Less: Furniture 2.00013,98,000. Jes: Building, 10,000 By Closing Stock 60,000 1,10,000 By Stock destroyed less: Drawings 2,000 by fire 20,000 1,08,000 is: Plant & Machinery 10,000) 98,000 To Wages 20,000) ‘uss: Plant & Machinery _6,000| 14,000 To Carriage 6,000 To Gross profit o/d 336,000 To Salaries 14,000 By Gross profit b/d 336,000 To Rent 12,000 Less: Drawings 2,000| 10,000 By Provision for bad debts | 4,000 To Repairs 6,000 f Jes: Stationery 200| 5,800 To Insurance 10,000 To Discount 40,000) less: Cheque Dishonour 2,000 38,000 To Loss on sale of furniture 2,000 To Stationery 200 To Loss of stock by, fire 4,000 To Net profit transferred to Capital A/c 2,56,000 3 40,000 [3,40,000 Plant & Add: Net Profit Add: Wages 3, Less; Drawings 36,000 Add: A, Purci 2,000 ‘dditions Land & Build Cer me ~2:002 40,000)3,16,000 | aga: Addtions "8 Sank Over 20.000 | ress. Sumiture Cash credit 20,000 | “Sra femitue Bills Payable 16,000 Sundry Debtors Addl: Cheque Dishonoured Add: Suspense Mlustration 18 The following figures have been extracted from the Tecords 4 proprietorship concern as at 31st December 1995, ee Faney Stores, Ra Rs, Furniture 1,50,000 |Tnsurance 000 Capital 5.40,000| Rent 220,000 Cash in hand 30,000 Sundry Debtors 6,00,000 Opening stock 5,00,000] Sales 60,00,000 Fixed Deposits 13,46,000 Advertisements 1,00,000 Drawings 50,000] Postage & Telephone 34,000 Provision for Bad.debts 30,000] Bad debts 20,000 Cash at Bank 1,00,000 Printing & Stationery 90,000 Purchases 30,00000| . General charges 130,000 Salaries . 1,90,000] Sundry creditors 4,00,000 Carriage Inwards 4,10,000| Deposit from customers 60,000 Prepare Trading and Profit & Loss A/c and Balance Sheet after taking into consideration the following further information: @ The closing stock as on 31-12-1995 was Rs. 1,00,000. Asale of Rs. 2,50,000 made for cash had been credited to the Purchases A/c, : Salary of Rs. 20,000 paid to an employee had been entered in the cash book bank column as Rs. ee Charge depreciation on furniture at 10%. ane ‘had been sold during the year for Rs. 1,00,000 a proceeds had been credited to furniture account. The written do value of furniture sold was Rs. 50,000. Gi) ii) (iv) ) D4 gum of Rs, 1,00,000 "eceived from ~ 5: v Ww) so stocks belonging tg q Separate basa” Which hag Purchased ” credited to the yey debtors Accouny, othe itor wag Oe! ea tOUNng Ry 4 had been credited to the fix deposit Accouny Theo’ . 2,54,009 of the deposit was Rs, 2,00,000, IN Original amount ding liabiti ae eae Re gl IY forrent of Rs 95 i ‘An advance of Rs,10,009 Paid to an employee yes @ January 1996 had been debited ‘0 the salary Ae, 8 laty of 0 alot Ro 0 rn Dn tramontiy ‘ ‘To Carriage Inwards “fo Gross profit eld By Gross profit b/d 21,90,000 Interest on deposit 54,000 By Rent from subletting. 10,000 By Profit on sale of furniture - 50,009 To Depreciation on furniture To Net profit transferred to Capital Ave 14,20, g P| BI : | on Malanee Nheot 0 wy Hdabilitex Nn, Deport fam euatomers 60,000} Agnury ovoditors 4,00,000) Outstanding Ront 20,000) Capltal 5,410,000 tikd: Addition 1,000 “A. ogee Dewi 50,000] ¥,90,000 Addl; Not Prom Muatration 19 Soslkala Isa manufhoturer, Irom the following details prepare: (1) Saxtkila's Manufhpturlng account to show the cost of goods manufactured during the yoar ended 31st Decomber 1994 and (il) Sastkala’s Trading and Profit & Lows Account for the same period, Stock on It Jan, 1994; Raw materials Work-in-progross Finished goods Purchase of Raw materials Carrlage on Raw materials Sale of Finished goods Stock on 3 1st Dec, 1994; Raw Materials Work-in-progress Finished Goods Factory wages Factory expenses Return Inwards Depreciation on Machinery Repairs to Machinery Interest on Bank Overdraft Miscellaneous expenses Depreciation on office furniture Selling expenses 1 + Sasikale's salary isto be allocated 2 to Factory and + to office. __14,20,000)20,10,000) Laem ——124,90,000) Re. 7,000 10,000 25,400 90,000 2,000 3,80,000 Virmnetal Ave ishiny Murer me on SAD9G ' Annoty Cnah In hwnd Cah wt Hank (1,00,000) 14,064) Nook 1,00 Kundry Debtors 1,00,000 Hrovislon for B.D 50,000] 6, ‘Advuiwe Salary ; Jaan 10,09 Ront outstanding Oe Furniture 2,009,000)” Dapreotation 20,000} 4,n0 9 My 0,009 Mixed Dopontta 49,609 _ 24,90, 6065 Rs, Travelling expenses 50 Manufacturing expenses (Miscellaneous) 500 Returns outwards 4,00 Discount allowed 1,000 Discount Received wn Import duty on Raw materials 4,0 Sale of waste materials 6,000 Carriage outwards 1,600 Factory Insurance, Rent & Taxes 12,000 Bad debts 1,200 Salaries (including Sasikala’s Salary Rs,9,600) 25,600 Salary of works Manager 14,400 Office Rent & Insurance 3,000 Motive power 7,000 cai arse oon Net ‘expenses ‘of Machinery DP Machinery By Work-in-progress year on 31-12-94 By Cost of finished goods transferred to trading A/e 12,000 fit & Loss A/c of Sasikala for the year ended 31-12-94 srading and Pro Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs. finished 25,400 By Sales 3,80,000 i oo Ct -94) Tess: Returns Inwards 4,600 |3,75,400 il) qo Manufacturing A/e (Cost 7 ‘offinished goods) 2,28,000] By Stock of finished {0p Gross profit o/d 150,000 goods on 31-12-94} 28,000 0 03,400 4,03,400 ‘to Depreciation on office funiture 2,200 By Gross profit b/d 1,50,000 ‘To Interest on Bank Overdraft} — 600 By Discount Received 600 “To Miscellaneous Expenses | 2,600 To Travelling Expenses 5,400 «Te Selling Expenses 10,400 ToDiscount Allowed 1,000 ,ToCariage outwards 1,600 To Bad debts 1,200 ‘To Salaries 25,600] + less:213 of Sasikala's salary 6,400} 19,200 To Office Rent & = SY 5 Insurance | 3,000 0 Net Profit transferred to Capital A/e 1,50,600 ap ap - | sa? ee Mustration 20 From the following particulars of Aj Sharma, prepare the Manufac, Trang & Profit and Loss Ale forthe year ended 31st Dec. 1996 and ce Sheet as on that date: Financial Accountin| Rs, Capital A/c (1-1-96) 7,32,000 | Factory Buildings Drawings A/c 1,00,000 | Furniture & fixtures Purchases 21,05,000) Plant & Machinery Rates & taxes 25,000] Sundry Debtors 1g7 Salaries 1,00,000 | 4% Govt. Promissory Notes Carriage 20,000 (Subscribed on 1-1-96) Fuel & Coal 14,000 | Sundry creditors 105,009 Factory Insurance 6,000} Sales 253,000 Advertisement 20,000} Cash in hand 45500 Factory power 16,000] Cash at Bank 194500 Bad debts written off 10,000 Cash Discount allowed 2,000 ‘Sundry Expenses 3,500 Opening Stock: Raw Materials 60,000 Finished goods 50,000 Patents 12000 Postage & Telegrams 13,000 Wages 35,000 Cash Discount received 15,000 Additional Information: @ _ Depreciation to be provided at the following rates: @ @ (@v) w) () (vii) (viii) & ®& Plant & Machinery — 10%; Patents ~ 10%; Buildings - 2.5%; Fumiture 5%. Provide 2.5% on debtors for doubtful debts. Purchases invoices aggregating Rs. 25,000 were omitted tobe entered in the purchase day book. Debtors include Rs. 5,000 due from the proprietor. An amount of Rs. 5,000 received in respect of a private loan advanced by the proprietor which was wrongly credited to debtors A/c. Purchase invoices of the value of Rs. 75,000 were entered in the purchase day book on 29th December 1996 but the goods in respect there of were received on 3rd January 1997, ~ Anamount of Rs.3,500 received from a debtor was wrongly credited] to Sales A/c. ‘The annual interest on Government Promissory Notes accrued due| on 31st Dec. 1996 but was collected only in 1997. Carriages include Rs, 8,000 towards outwards charges. Stock in trade as on 31-12-96 Raw materials Rs. 50,000; Finished goods Rs. 40,000. - (CA Inter Adapted) Trading and Pg 4 ewars inwards - Closing Sto, 19800" 12,000 1.959, on pO Machinery 9.500 ‘vents 1,200 ater Bulldings 5009 Liabilities a 1 capita 722.000 ay oa Additional Capi tory 7 MENet Profit 951000 Less: Depecain® 00000 Plant & Machinery ae [1.95.00 Less: Depreciation 9500 | Fmiture & fiings Sisog | ‘0° ess: Depreciation 2574 | 4.9 Patents | Less: Depreciation ‘| 10.300, 4% Gow. Prominory Nees | 000 Stock-in-trade: Raw raters, $0000+75000) 1 25,900 Finished goods | “oo ‘Sundry Debios (187, 000-5000, + $000 - 3500) 1,83,$00 | Less: Provision for B.D 4.948 |1,78,912 Accrued Interest oa Govt, Promissory Notes , tue ‘Cash at Bank i’ nen Cash in hand 43,509 Bane 49 er: 1. Final A/es are prepared with the help of (8) Journal entries (b) Cash Book (©) Trial Balance (4) None of these 2. Assets are usually shown in the Balance Sheet at (®) Unexpired Cost (b) Replacement Cost (©) Revatued Cost (@) None of these 3. trial balance are ‘shown in : (@) P&L Ac only (©) . Balance Sheet only © P&LA/c and B/S (@) None of these 4. Non-trading income is (@) Debited to trading A/c () ©) _Debited in P&L A/c Balance Sheet is prepared to : (@) know the financial position (4) know the net profit @) () @ 6. Value of scrap material must. be (8) Debited to Manufacturing A/c (b) (©) Debited to P&L A/c @ 7. Value of goods lost by fire must be (@) Credited to Trading A/c () (©) Credited to P&L A/c @ & Loss by theft is debited to (@) Manufacturing A/c () (© TradingA‘c @ 9. Adjusted Purchases’ means adjustment of Credited in P&L Aye None of the above know the profit o loss None of the above, Credited to Manufacturing Ale None of the above, Debited to Trading A/c None of the above P&LA/c Balance Sheet (@) Opening stock and closing stock with purchases (®) Cash purchases and credit Purchases © Current year’s Purchases with last year’s (@)_ None of the above. Balance Sheet is @ statement of ——-—__ (@) Financial position of the organisation (©) Profit ©) Liabilities (@ None of the above, 10. Pe - of profit Jo ' ive to profit and allocation out of profit d 0 po he above. 0 sone Oil ©) anintang ri ret 2386 Intangible asset agile asset () fictitious asset, @ 1 ae Afeis asst (©) aliabitity 0 ges (4) anacerued income 9 ved in advance ibility ©) an asset 0 a expenditure @ ‘contingent lability @ pine following is an example of current asser? Foe a Buldings (b) Plant & Machinery Oi (© Fumiture 0 ste following expenditure is the personal expendi of the over and 1h arged to PAL alc? Ee epoaned (©) Interest accrued i: Commission received @ Income tax tik er for Rs 750 for personal use should be credited 19 (@) Drawings A/c (0) Sales Ae (@) Purchases Ale (@)_ None of the above 9, The debts owed to others by the business are ©) Liabilities (b) Expenses (Debtors (@ None of the above A Thefollowing is one of the current assets : © Building (©) Fumiture © Debtors (@ Land 1 Netrial consumed diaring the year is © Opening stock + purchases ~ closing stock © Opening stock + closing stock ~ purchases © Opening stock — purchases — closing stock © None of these Financial 22. Which one of the following is intangible assai? Account (®) Machinery (©) Goodwilt © Stock @) Debtors 23. Assets convertible into cash easily are : (@) Floating assets (>) Current assets (©) Fixed assets (@) Liquid assets 24. Stock is valued at @ Cost price (©) Market Price (©) Cost Price or Market Price whichever is less, (a) None of these. 25. Ifthe closing stock appears in the trial balance, it is fransferred to @) Trading A/c (>) Trading A/c and Bal. © P&Lac @) Balance: Sheet ect 26. Closing stock is recorded in @) Balance Sheet: ‘only ©) P&LAL © Balance Sheet and Trading A/c @) None of these 27. Accrued income is an item of @) Asset () Liability ©) Neither of the two “ @) Asset or Liability 28. Current Liabilities are such obligations which re to be satisfied : (@) _ within one year (©). within two years ©) within three years (4) None of these 29.. Computers of a firm should be classified as @). Fixed asset (b) Current Asset (c) Liquid asset @) Fictitious Asset 30. The loss on sale of motor car is debited to @ P&Lac (©) Motor Car Ale (© Deprecaition A/c @ Trading A/e 31. Income Tax paid by a sole trader is sh @) onthe debit side of trading ale (©) on the debit side of P&L. a/c (© By way of deduction from th @)_ None of these : 32.Marshalling of Balance Sheet means : (2) the order of assets and liabilities (b) the totalling and arranging of assets and liabilities own le capital in the Balance Sheet | | inal Accounts 552 © Finding the balance in balance sheet (@)_ none of these 33, The value of closing stock should be credited to : (a) Trading account (b) Sales account © P&Laccount (@) None of these [Answers: 1.(e) 2.(a) 3.(b) 4(0) 5.@) 6) 7.0) 8.(b) 9.(a) _:10.(@) 11.) 12-0) 13. (b) 14.(b) 15.(a) 16.(0) 17.) 18(¢) 19-(@) 20. (©) 21.(a) 22.(b+) 23.4) 24.(@) 25.(4) 26.(6) 217. (a) 28.(a) 29.(a) 30.(@) 31. (c) 32. (@) 33. @)) Theory Questions (A) Short Answer Questions + 1. What do you understand by Final Accounts? 2. What are the distinct stages in Final Accounts and what is the result of each such stage? . What is the purpose of preparation of Financial statements? ‘What is gross profit? When-do you prepare a ‘Manufacturing Account”? ‘Are adjustments necessary for the preparation of Final Accounts? If'yes why? ‘What are the situations in which purchases account is credited? |. What is “Balance sheett? Explain the meaning of “Liquidity order’ in arranging Balance sheet items. Explain the meaning of ‘Permanency order’ in arranging the balance sheet items. "What are all the items added to and reduced from the capital of a sole trader in balance sheet? 12, How do you treat stock when it is given in (a) Trial Balance and (b) Adjustments? 13." How do you treat outstanding and prepaid expenses when they are given in (a) Trial balance and (b) Adjustments. 14, How do-you treat accrued Incomes and Incomes received in advance when they are given (a)in Trial Balance (b) In adjustments. (B) Long Answer Questions : . ‘Preparation of Final Accounts js the culmination of the accounting process” explain. Describe the procedure for preparation of the Final Accounts of a sole trader, step by step. . Distinguish between ‘Trial Balance’ and ‘Balance sheet’. between Trading Account and Profit and Loss Account? “The acerual concept isthe basis for Final Accounts” explain. What do you understand by ‘Liquidity order’ and ‘Permanency order’ in the context of preparing Balgnce sheet? When should usage of each of them be appropriate? What is ‘Grouping and Marshalling’ of Assets and Liabilities? How is it done? Rie 40 5 ncn SESeenrarey pe aes z 8 z i 8 >

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