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Leadership a practical skill encompassing the ability of an individual, group or organization to

influence or guide other individuals, teams, or entire organizations.
Eight principles of effective law enforcement leadership
1) Service
The act of self-giving, and selflessness giving complete attention and effort, motivate others to
work to their greatest potential toward preventing crime, serve and give themselves toward a
greater good with the highest work ethic possible.
2) Honesty
Honesty is the quality of being upright, fair, truth, and sincere which are essential in both
personal and professional lives without ever hiding or minimizing anything, never undercutting
and having the courage to professionally tell what he believes.
3) Integrity
This depends on consistently doing what is right, meaning that which is in the best interest of
the organization and of others in order to gain their trust and follow us.
4) Humility
Humility is a most vital principle in effective leadership. It means being humble, allowing others
to feel comfortable, use ideas from others to make the organization more dynamic and
responsive to the needs of the employees and the public.
5) Purpose
It is the basic understanding of the importance of what to do to be identified with the central
purpose and nobility of the work. Getting employees to understand that there is no more noble
work than protecting and serving the public well is vital for effective management.
6) Mentoring
This is the process of developing, guiding, teaching, training and providing member into an
effective law enforcement leader, this is continuous, a personal learning process.
7) Positive/Constructive Attitude
This should portray the attitude of moving forward constructively, always looking for positive
improvement, with optimistic attitude enables employees to look for the good and to try to be
constructive working to change things for the better.
8) Trust
It is the ability to rely or place confidence to someone, perform a job effectively and work harder
for the benefit of the team.


1. Communication.
These skills are absolutely crucial who can be able to express yourself openly and build
empathy with other people
And what is the #1 most important part of communication?
Listening. Right up there with empathy, the only way to get people to follow you is to make
them feel heard.
2. Integrity
“Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.”
Without integrity, no real success if possible. Stick to their word, live by their core values,
leads by example, and follow-through.
3. accountability - an effective leader needs to follow the advice of Arnold Glasow when he
“A good leader takes little more than his share of the blame and little less than his share of the
credit.” A strong leader is accountable for the team’s results, good or bad. They hold themselves
and their employees accountable for their actions, which creates a sense of responsibility
among the team.
4. Empathy.
Empathy is understanding, has open-mindedness to understand their followers’ motivations,
hopes, dreams, and problems so that they can forge a deep personal connection with them.
5. Humility.
It means being humble and vulnerable focus on problem-solving and team dynamics much more
than self-promotion.
“Pride makes us artificial and humility makes us real.”
6. Resilience.
It is the act of how they perform during good times, but how they roll up their sleeves and
produce when times get difficult, focus on solutions rather than on problems.
7. Vision – the act of setting the organizational direction, making new ideas, ensuring team
members know the bottom line, and understand the goals and the mission of the organization
Jack Welch said, “Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own
the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion.”
8. Influence – is a certain level of leadership status given to them but it must be earned, can
connect with people emotionally and make others feel important
9. Positivity- means inspiring their team on their exhibited behavior, life outlook, and attitude in
any given situation
10. Delegation - means shifting from doing to leading by entrusting works to other members
they must be more essential and less involved.
They aren’t scared of their subordinates’ successes and don’t feel threatened by them

11. Confidence – is the act of believing enough to lead, knowing that your plans and vision
are not only viable for the team but the absolute best decision possible.

The more that you believe in yourself, the more you’ll be able to manage any stressful situation

What is the best definition of leadership?

The best definition of leadership is the act of motivating other people toward a common goal.
People that have leadership skills showcase a strong personality and interpersonal skills to lead
others in their direction.
Why is leadership an important skill?
Leaders inspire others to follow a certain path in life. These leadership skills are important
because human nature requires that certain people need to take charge and help others.
Without leaders, it’s very difficult to manage large groups of people, set unified goals, and make
What should a leader do?
Leaders help their team and organization make progress and act in the right way. Good leaders
should build a vision, set clear goals and directions, and map a dynamic path forward for their
team or group.
What makes a good leader?
Good leaders need to be empathetic, exhibit the behavior they want from their team, take
responsibility for their actions, delegate effectively, and give praise when needed. The most
important quality is to truly understand each team member on a personal level so that they
understand the motivations that dictate their work ethic.
What should a leader not do?
Leaders should act a certain way and there are some negative qualities that leaders should
never exhibit.
Some of these are:
1. Fail to set clear goals for their teams.
2. Insult or degrade people.
3. Give praise too easily.
4. Act inappropriately or exhibit behavior that you wouldn’t expect from team members.
5. Not hold regular meetings with their subordinates.
6. Fail to take decisive actions.
7. Act tough or lack empathy.

Ethical leaders always know how to do the right thing. It may be difficult to define exactly what
“right” is, but a leader who is ethical is not afraid to do what they truly believe to be right – even
if it is unpopular, unprofitable, or inconvenient.
Here are 10 ethical leadership characteristics:
1. Justice
An ethical leader is always fair and just. They have no favorites, and treat everyone
equally. Under an ethical leader, no employee has any reason to fear biased treatment on the
basis of gender, ethnicity, nationality, or any other factor.
2. Respect others
One of the most important traits of ethical leadership is the respect that is given to
followers. An ethical leader shows respect all members of the team by listening to them
attentively, valuing their contributions, being compassionate, and being generous while
considering opposing viewpoints.
3. Honesty
It goes without saying that anyone who is ethical will also be honest and loyal. Honesty is
particularly important to be an effective ethical leader, because followers trust honest and
dependable leaders. Ethical leaders convey facts transparently, no matter how unpopular they
may be.
4. Humane
Being humane is one of the most revealing traits of a leader who is ethical and moral.
Ethical leaders place importance in being kind, and act in a manner that is always beneficial to
the team.
5. Focus on teambuilding
Ethical leaders foster a sense of community and team spirit within the organization. When
an ethical leader strives to achieve goals, it is not just personal goals that they’re concerned
about. They make genuine efforts to achieve goals that benefit the entire organization – not just
6. Value driven decision-making
In ethical leadership, all decisions are first checked to ensure that they are in accordance
with the overall organizational values. Only those decisions that meet this criterion are
7. Encourages initiative
Under an ethical leader, employees thrive and flourish. Employees are rewarded for
coming up with innovative ideas, and are encouraged to do what it takes to improve the way
things are done. Employees are praised for taking the first step rather than waiting for
somebody else to do it for them.
8. Leadership by example
Ethical leadership is not just about talking the talk, this type of leader also walks the walk.
The high expectations that an ethical leader has of employees are also applicable on the
individual level. Leaders expect others to do the right thing by leading from example.
9. Values awareness
An ethical leader will regularly discuss the high values and expectations that they place
on themselves, other employees, and the organization. By regularly communicating and
discussing values, they ensure that there is consistent understanding across the organization.
10. No tolerance for ethical violations
An ethical leader expects employees to do the right thing at all times, not just when it is
convenient for them. Don’t expect a leader of such high values to overlook or tolerate ethical

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