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1.Think of a very pressing problem confronting your school/ your organization .

Provide a
doable solution to it. Present your solution following the steps: Verify, define the detail of the
problem, establish evaluation criteria, identify alternative policies, Assess alternative policies,
Display and distinguish among alternatives, Implement, monitor and evaluate.


A school is an organization where stakeholders depend the education of everyone. A most

trusted place to lane on, where education achieved in a disciplined and a systematic way. It is inevitable
to all organizations that problems would be encountered every now and then due to various reasons,
first students came from different orientation in life, many influences from the outside world. Many
values and beliefs are shared to the learners. Non- cooperation of the students in peace and order of the
community where they live. So problems exist in just a matter of an eye blink.

My school is not exempted to it. Like other school, my organization had also a problem such as
lack of teachers but more students enrolled in the extension school, a school where I belong. Students
do not know where to enter or what subject they will able to follow. The principal of the main school
had requested to the division office that the teacher/s assigned to the extension will be back to the main
school where the item belong. The grade 12 also open, many teachers in the junior high school had
transferred to senior high school for promotion. In my organization there are two teachers promoted in
the senior high school, one had transferred to other school and two teachers in the junior.

The Superintendent of the division had also answered the lacking of educators in my
organization but only few were hired to teach in junior high school. Fortunately, there were three newly
hired teacher sent to school to replace the five teachers who are out or promoted in the organization.
Lacking of teachers may be observed in the organization. The junior high school students suffer from this

I decided to distribute all subjects handled by promoted teachers to the newly hired so the
burden in teaching lessen. Other subjects left by my co- teacher were added to the major teaching force,
the result still overloaded. The remedy to that, we rescheduled or set every conflict subject to three
sessions only to accommodate the students needs.

What is Quality Education? What are the indicators of Quality Education in the following levels:
1. Pre School
2. Elementary Education
3..Secondary Education
4. Tertiary Education
5. Graduate Studies
Propose an educational program for any one of the above-mentioned levels to justify your
contention of quality education.

Indicators of quality education to the following levels :

1. PRE SCHOOL – Quality education is manifested if the pupils/ children in the pre school are ready
to go to elementary grade, can identify the symbols, letters in the alphabet, can identify simple
numbers and read three letter words. Apply table etiquette in a table setting and lastly they
must adopt the good manners and right conduct.

2. Elementary Education -

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