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Odd Ancestry & Ancient Axes

- An AOG “Year One” D&D 5e Adventure for a party of 3 to 5 player characters of 2nd to 4th level.

Scenario: Dungeon Crawl Adventure Outline:

Adventure START -
A willful young dwarf wants to join a famous 1. A Meeting with Howie (Social)
adventuring guild… but he’s convinced he won’t be able a. Learn Howie’s request
to do so without first obtaining his “Grandpappy’s” b. Learn Howie’s motivations
legendary battle axe. The party is hired to break into a 2. Into the Quiet Tomb (Explore/Skill/Combat)
sealed dwarven tomb, find the axe, survive the undead a. Learning SteelBuckle History
they have so rudely awakened, and return the axe to b. Participate in Rituals
their young dwarf employer. c. Avoiding Monsters
3. The Ghost of Grandpappy (Social/Combat)
Story Summary: a. Talk to him
b. Fight?
What makes a person family? What makes
c. Flee?
someone a relative? Are they the same? What makes an
4. Escaping the Tomb (Exploration/Skill)
item an Heirloom? What happens when an Heirloom
a. Fight off the Undead
belongs to who you believe to be your family, but you
b. Run from the Undead
aren’t exactly related… and that heirloom hasn't exactly
c. Return to Entrance
been passed along… Can you still claim it?
Such are the questions of the aspiring young dwarf
warrior Howvandi SteelBuckle. “Howie” is convinced
that he is to be the next great warrior in his clan of
What is a Year One Adventure?
We’ve developed a style of adventures for new DMs and
dwarves… but he needs his grandpappy’s legendary
Players. They are typically shorter in length and more
battle axe. Only issue… the axe is buried deep in the
linear in their concept. We have used these adventures
catacombs with the long deceased Grandpappy. And
with great success with an After School group of
though Howie cannot enter the catacombs himself…
players that includes 7th-12th graders. The adventures
who’s to say he can’t ask someone else?
typically include monsters and tropes that experienced
However… This is still against local dwarven law.
players may find cliche. But any well seasoned DM can
So, upon reaching Grandpappy’s tomb, a hired
easily spice these up with a little flair.
adventuring party will find the Ghost of Grandpappy
seriously disturbbed by such rude intrusion. The
grandson’s motivation to wield the “legendary battle What is Amplus Ordo Games?
axe” is found to be without proper permission. His We’re a growing network of DMs and Players that run a
action of hiring adventurers leaves Grandpappi site much like a Digital D&D magazine. We release
unwilling to part with his weapon. The party must then completely free new content several times a week, and
choose to continue as they see fit. Will they follow offer greater benefits to our supporters.
through on their commitment to the inspired young
dwarf by convincing Granpappy to part with his battle Here is a link if you’re interested in supporting us or
axe? Do they take it by force? Do they peacefully leave seeing what we’ve already released.
Grandpappy and return to reprimand young Howie? Amplus Ordo Games | Patreon
…Do they even have the right to choose? Or join our Discord..
Adventure Hooks
Optional hooks to get the party started include:

- Stumbling upon the tomb and dwarf while traveling.

- Seeing a posting for help in a local adventuring guild.
- Meeting Howie the Dwarf personally and offering aid.
Adventure Start Why Howie Can’t Go in the Tomb:
“Well… in order to go into a dwarven warrior clan
The adventure begins with a conversation with the tomb, you need to prove yourself as a warrior first…
young dwarf fighter Howvandi “Howie” Steelbuckle. And I haven't exactly done that yet. If I were to enter,
After the DM has delivered a fitting hook, read the It would be a terrible disgrace to me clan!”
following text to the players;
Why does Howie Need the Axe?
“...But that’s EXACTLY why I need it! I won’t ever be
Walking toward you is a stout young Dwarf with a able to prove meself a great warrior like Grandpappy
short red beard, wearing chainmail and basic without an axe like his! That Battle Axe has seen
adventuring gear. He waves to you with enthusiasm many battles, and always come out in victory, with a
and calls out, weapon like that, I’ll prove meself in NO TIME!”
“Hello there! Yer just in time. An ya look like yer just “And Besides… I’m FAMILY! It should have gone to
the people for the job! Thank you so much for agreein’ me father first, and then to me.
to listen to my plea an’ help me out.”
He pulls out a large parchment, which looks to be a About Grandpappy’s Battle Axe:
map. Pointing his fingers along an inked trail he says, “Me father told me that it was a large, double edged
“The tombs are just to the north of us! You follow silver battle axe of dwarven make, with a steel plated
this trail and We’ll get there in no time. Ya Ready!?” oak handle. It was spiked at the top, clad with
glittering gold runes, and a big bright emerald
The Party should immediately engage with Howie emblazoned at the bottom of the hilt.” The dwarf
and receive the mission directly from him. sighs with delight. “Ahhhhhh… A swish of silver ‘n
gold with a green shimmer in the wake of each swing!
Sounds so beautiful… doesn’t it?”

1 - Meeting with Howie (Social) If Asked About Father…

“BAH. Me old man died a while ago. Smithin
Howie the Dwarf is looking for an adventuring accident… terribly unfortunate. He was a good dwarf,
party to retrieve his grandfather’s battle axe from inside he was, but he always told me to stick to smithin’. Said
his dwarven clan’s tomb. The Party will need to ask that it would be better that way… I’ll show him! I’ll
Howie about this job, retrieving info for the task. make both him and me Grandpappy proud!

Why Hire the Party?

Howvandi “Howie” Steelbuckle “Interestingly other people CAN visit as admirers of
With a large grin and a boisterous bellow, the dwarf the dwarven warrior’s strength, if given permission
greets you again. “Ha ha! Don’t look so confused! Ya from a clan member! Well, I’m a member… even if I
remember what ya signed up for… right?” haven't actually proven meself a warrior yet.
“So Here’s the plan… I let you in, you go down, you
- Howie is a young dwarf eager for adventure. get Grandpappy’s Battle Axe, you bring it back to me,
- Howie wants to hire the party to enter the and I’ll pay ye for all yer hard work! Easy n’ nuff, ya?
dwarven tombs that local law requires him from
entering, to retrieve Grandpappy’s Battle Axe. Payment up front (Charisma DC 20):
- Howie will be completely honest with the party, not “Oh alright… I suppose ya walked out this far
hiding anything, so long as THEY promise to without much to go on about. Here’s a portion up
genuinely work with him. front… you’ll get the rest when ya come back with
- The Party can convince Howie to pay them a Grandpappy’s Axe! Good!?”
portion up front if they are kind and considerate. *Party Receives 100gp Total, OR 25gp per player

Asking about The Job:

“Oh! Right! I need you to enter me Grandpappy’s - The conversation should end with The Party
tomb, and retrieve his Legendary Battle Axe for me! agreeing to enter the tombs. Howie will walk with
It’s a family heirloom, passed down for generations, them to the gated Mausoleum, where the party will
that HE never passed down… You see, me father then begin the next encounter.
didn’t want to be a warrior like Grandpappy, but I do!
Grandpappy had been buried with the axe, so now I - Howie has a Dwarven Clan Key that will allow
need to go n’ get it! But… well… I can’t. That’s why entrance to the Clan Mausoleum. He will not
YOU'RE here!” willingly part with this item.
Walking to the Mausoleum
- The journey should be simple and easy, following a
path cut up into the nearby hills
- Howie will gladly make small talk with the Party, and
will offer any of his traveling gear to the party to use
along the way.

Arriving at the Mausoleum

After a short journey, you come upon a simple
stone building cut like that of a Dwarven Keep with
shimmering steel pillars standing as decorational a. The Entrance Foyer:
supports. A large gate seals the entrance, its
handles wrapped with a bulbous brass padlock & You walk down the steps and descend into the cold,
chains. Howie pulls a large key from his back pocket dank, underground catacomb. The corridor at the
and approaches the padlock. base of the steps opens into a small room, filled
“Alright friends… Here we are. The Steelbuckle with jars, urns, and decorative tapestries. Emblems
Mausoleum. Now… I’ve never been down there of the SteelBuckle clan are engraved and stamped
before, so I have no idea what awaits. But I trust it upon each of the decorations. You see a long skinny
shouldn’t be hard to find Grandpappy’s resting stone table standing in the center of the wall
place. After all, he was a highly decorated clan furthest from you,, and a wooden door is closed
warrior buried in a place of honor! We dwarves are shut at the far corner.
quite proud of our combat and craft! Etched into the wall directly above the table are a
The Dwarf pops open the padlock and removes the few lines of dwarven runes…
chains. With an eerie creeeeeek of metal on metal,
he pulls upen the large steel gate. *Language Required: Dwarven - The runes seem
“I’ll just be campin’ up here on me lonesome, but to be a piece of Dwarven Poetry, reading:
you can take yer time. Admire the Clan why dontcha
since that’s technically what yer doin here “Here lay the bodies of champions resting,
anyway… Good Luck!” Who lived well, made rich from their fight.
With tools of their trade clung tightly to chest,
May the Clan and its Craft be honored in Life.
Entering the Mausoleum: “Continue thee who chose to admire with a vow:
- The entrance to the Mausoleum is locked, but Howie “To the strength of the SteelBuckle!
has a Family Clan Key that will allow him to let the With Honor! With Tribute! With Rite!
party enter. Lest I meet thee in the Wrath of your Death”

- Howie will set up a small camp and wait for the

party’s return. He will not leave until the Party arrives. Exploring the Entrance
- The players can search the urns, pots, jars, and coffers
for treasure, finding coins and gems easily. With a good
2 - Into the Quiet Tomb Investigation or Perception Check, The Party can find
up to 150gp worth of coins and gems.
(Exploration/Skill/Combat) - Reading the Dwarven Poetry and making a successful
The Party will enter the Dwarven Mausoleum, and DC 15 Insight Checkwill warn the party that they
descend into its catacombs. The following part of the should be as respectful as possible while down here,
adventure should be run as a Dungeon Crawl. Moving and restrain from taking treasures or trophies.
from room to room, using skills to navigate the - Failing to repeat the Dwarven Vow will result in
dungeon. The party might or might not encounter a decreased Favor with Grandpappy.
few roaming monsters, or participate in any of the
following puzzles for attempts at treasure. Taking Treasures:
- Leaving the treasures alone will increase Favor with
Grandpappy, causing him to better trust the Party.
Taking treasures will decrease Favor with Grandpappy,
causing him to be distrustful and angry with the party.
b. The Main Catacombs Applicable Skills & DCs for Uses
Arcana 10 - It seems that few of the Dwarves
The door opens into a large space, where multiple used magic, and never in combat.
stone coffins line the room, sitting upon recesses
built into the walls. Tons of dwarven weapons are History 12 - The SteelBuckle Dwarves are a small
on display around the room. A large carpet rests on clan, considering how big some clans can
the floor, and a few small trophies sit atop stone be. But like all dwarves, they take pride
tables amongst the steel pillars that stand as ceiling in the expert use of weapons and tools.
supports. A statue of a dwarf hunter stands
prominently against the center of the far wall… Religion 14 - Many of the engravings mention
something worshipful about “The
*Passive Perception 12 - You hear the sounds of Maker.” The SteelBuckle Dwarves
scratching on stone… astutely followed God’s decree to be
*Passive Perception 15 - You see shadows moving creative and resourceful for His glory.
along the wall– creatures are hiding behind the
pillars and stone tables! Investigation 12 - Based on the reading of plaques on
coffins, most of the dwarves buried in
this room are simply clan members and
expert artisans, not necessarily warriors.
Combat 1: Catacomb Ghouls
- The party will become surprised by 4 hidden Ghouls Perception 14 - Most of the stone coffins in the room
unless characters spot them with a perception check. are sealed shut… but not all of them.

- The Ghouls will fight ruthlessly to the death, *A quick peek into an open coffin reveals
attempting to gang up on a single target at a time. a dwarf skeleton wearing heavy armor.
The skeletons clutch a heavy weapon in
their hands, laying across their chest.
Exploring the Main Catacombs Survival 12 - The adventuring gear scattered about
- The players can spend time in the catacombs learning as decoration all seem to be crafted
about the SteelBuckle Dwarf Clan. specifically for exploring underground.
- The party should use a variety of skills to discover
clues and history about the SteelBuckle Dwarves.
The Dwarf Hunter Statue
-The more time party members spend learning about
and admiring the SteelBuckle Dwarves, the more Favor The Stone Statue resembles a Male Dwarf Ranger,
they will gain with Grandpappy. hoisting a large dwarven crossbow over his
shoulders. A plaque on the base of the statue reads
- If a Party member uses any of the Dwarven Weapons (*Dwarven):
found on the tables to defeat the Ghouls, they will “Tagrin SteelBuckle - The Underdark Pathfinder -
increase their Favor with Grandpappy Master of the Heavy Crossbow”

- Searching the Statue with a successful DC 12

Significant Items found on the tables: Perception Check reveals a small rhombus shaped
Dwarven War Axe (not Grandpappy’s) key-hole in the statue above the plaque: a follow-up
successful DC 15 investigation Check will alert the
Dwarven Heavy Crossbow & 20 bolts players that the keyhole is shaped like an arrowhead…
Dwarven War Hammer - Inserting one of the Dwarven Bolts found on the
tables into the keyhole will open a secret compartment
Dwarven Shortsword and Kite Shield
in the statue, revealing an item: a blue-green
Dungeoneer’s Pack (with contents) luminescent glass orb: *Tagrin’s Orb of Direction

Ornate Shovel and Pickaxe

Warhorn made from a Ram’s Horn

A hefty pair of Decorative Metal Boots

c. The Tribute Alter d. The Grand Hall
Past the door is a small room; A platform of sorts, Descending a few steps off the platform leads you
where to the left is a large altar scattered with into a grand hall, with a ceiling about 25 feet high.
more jars and urns with a chest sitting in the center Braizures glow orange from crackling red embers,
beneath a large *tapestry. The tapestry depicts a illuminating the room with a feeling of warmth.
pair of hands molding a large mountain range and Another statue of a heavily Armored Dwarf stands
set of verdant hills. To the right is a set of steps that tall in the corner, while more coffins line the walls
lead off the platform, and further down into the around it. A few more steel pillars can be seen
catacombs. lining a large bronze colored carpet that stretches
down the center of the hall towards a platform.
*DC 10 Religion Check - The Tapestry isn’t Upon the platform sits a large stone coffin, cut and
dedicated to the SteelBuckle Dwarves… it’s to the decorated far different from the others.
deity known as “The Maker.”

Exploring the Grand Hall

Combat 2: Spider Swarms - This room is very clean compared to the other rooms,
and no treasures can be found amongst the hall.
- A player that approaches the alter and tapestry will be
ambushed by multiple Spider Swarms that pour out - A successful DC 10 Investigation or Insight Check
from behind the tapestry. The swarm will run down the reveals that the Coffins in this room belong to clan
walls of the altar to attack the nearest player. warriors. The lids on these coffins are shut, but not
sealed as some of the others were previously.
- Peeking behind the tapestry will reveal a small
corridor exit filled with spider sacks and old webbed-up
bodies… it seems the spiders drag away their prey and The Dwarf Warrior Statue
eat them all the way back there… This statue depicts a heavily armored Male Dwarf
wearing a horned helm. The Dwarf wields a
Exploring the Tribute Alter double-edged battle axe in one hand, and raises an
- The players can search the urns, pots, jars, and coffers ornate lantern in the other. A Plaque on the Statue
for treasure, finding coins and gems easily. With a good Base reads (*Dwarven):
Investigation or Perception Check, The Party can find “Khurgrumir “Grandpappy” SteelBuckle
up to 300gp worth of coins and gems. - The Giant Slayer - Master of the Battle Axe”

- The Chest on the altar is filled with religious scrolls

- Searching the Statue with a successful DC 16
and texts, all written in dwarven.
Perception Check reveals a small lever hidden inside
- *A successful DC 12 Religion Check will allow a the lantern it holds. Pulling the lever will open a secret
character reading the texts to understand that they all compartment in the base of the statue, revealing an
have to do with finishing life well by serving others. item: A shiny brass lantern, with a steel handle:
They read of receiving a blessed afterlife because of *Grandpappy’s Monster Trackin’ Lantern
one’s acceptance and follow through of the mission to
serve others in life.
- A successful DC 12 Insight Check will clue characters
Approaching Grandpappy’s Coffin
in that they should make an offering or say a prayer - The closer a player gets the Grandpappy’s Coffin, the
while here at this altar. more emotional they should feel: If a player has
consistently increased Favor with Grandpappy, the
- Characters who say a prayer or make an offering to player will feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. If
The Maker will honor the dead by extolling them for a player has consistently decreased Favor with
their dedication to both craft and combat for the sake Grandpappy, the player will feel a sense of dread. This
of protecting others, and will thus increase their Favor player will need to make a successful DC 12 Wisdom
with Grandpappy. Saving Throw, or become frightened by the coffin, and
- Characters who refuse to pray or make an offering will not be able to approach.
will decrease their Favor with Grandpappy. - Approaching Grandpappy’s Coffin will summon the
Ghost of Grandpappy.
3 - The Ghost of Grandpappy Unless…” The dwarf scratches his ghostly beard.
(Social / Skill / Combat) “There is an OLD rite of passage, that if a Steelbuckle can
display his prowess by defeating a superior in battle… BAH!
Approaching Grandpappy’s Coffin will summon No! It’s not worth it.”
Asking about a Rite of Passage
the Ghost of Grandpappy, who will then immediately
“Persistent… The ONLY way I could possibly hand it off,
initiate a social encounter with the party. Depending on
and know that me bloodline wouldn’t be disgraced, is if
how much Favor the party has either gained or lost
Howie himself were to defeat ME in single combat with me
during their exploration of the catacombs, Grandpappy own weapon. ONLY THEN! Would I be willing to part with
will treat them with understanding forgiveness, or with what made me the dwarf I was in life!
harsh judgment. The DM should try to make record of “But… honestly… the poor boy would certainly die. I would
the party’s total Favor before initiating. demolish the lad before he had a chance to even take his
first swing! I’ve slain GIANTS for the Maker’s sake!
“But it IS his right to challenge me…”
The Ghost of Grandpappy
The coffin opens with a windy howl, and a shimmering *Unfavorable Attitude -
blue spirit of an armored dwarf with a huge white beard The ghost draws a gleaming & illusory version of his
emerges, raising into the air in a twist of wind and cold fog. double edged axe up and out from his coffin and shouts, “NO
The Ghost shouts in a deep guttural dwarvish, “WHY have I respect for our people, nor our place of rest, AND ye think ye
been awoken!? WHY have you so rudely disturbed the can take what belongs to the SteelBuckles for yer own!? And
SteelBuckle’s Slumber!?” to think, a clan member put you up to this… That adopted
little brat needs to know that THIS Axe is for BLOODLINE
- The Ghost of Grandpappy is a grumpy and senile old Dwarves ONLY. If he wants it, he needs to come and take it
warrior dwarf, who will not work willingly with the party over me dead body! And… over YOUR DEAD BODIES!”
unless they have successfully admired participated in the “BEGONE YOU VILE DEFILERS!”
SteelBuckle Rituals hidden throughout each checkpoint.
- Grandpappy will not initially attack the players, on Taking the Axe WITHOUT Permission
account that they cleared out the Ghouls and Spider “HANDS OFF what doesn’t belong to you, or anyone else!
Swarm, but he will not want to entertain their stay for You’ll pay for your transgressions, and the spiders will come
long. back to take your sorry carcasses away! YAHHHHH!”
- Grandpappy’s Body is laid to rest, adorned in heavy
dwarven armor, and clutching his “Legendary Battle Axe” - The conversation ends with the party agreeing to either
tightly to its chest. leave in peace or retrieve Howie for a duel, or the party
has angered The Ghost of Grandpappy, and will need to
Asking for Grandpappy’s Axe: escape for their lives.
“Absolutely not! Me AXE was ME LIFE! The only person
that I would ever pass it to, is a SteelBuckle worthy of
wielding it! AN’ me fool of a son never followed in me Combat with Grandpappy
steps… SO the axe STAYS buried with me! - If Combat is initiated, The Ghost of Grandpappy will
blow on a Ghostly War Horn, to raise the bodies of the
Mentioning Howie SteelBuckle: dwarf warriors slumbering throughout the catacombs.
“What did you say…? Me SON’s, son? All grown up!? Wait…
Howvandi sent you in here!? Oh no… no no no… Howie, - Arisen Dwarven Warriors will join the frey and fight
ohhh poor Howie…” The ghostly dwarf shakes his ghostly to the death, attempting to slay the party members
head. “Unfortunately for you, Howie is still wrong to have before they escape. They
done this. It’s still against the law to let you in here. You’re - Grandpappy will attempt to possess the party member
trespassing, and it’s time for you to leave.” with the least amount of Favor, or the party member
who is currently holding onto Grandpappy’s Battle Axe.
*Favorable Attitude - Grandpappy will put the possessed character into the
“Lads… I’ve noticed you take great care in honoring our
most dangerous position possible.
tradition so I suppose I ought to tell ya… Howie is adopted.
“He’s a clan member, sure… but he’s not bloodline. And the - The Ghost of Grandpappy will pursue the party as far
poor boy doesn’t even know it! I can’t pass the axe to him. I as the Tribute Altar, and the Arisen Dwarven Warriors
can’t! It’s against SteelBuckle law n’ tradition! If I give you will pursue the party as far as the entrance to the
the axe to give to him… and he were to die while wielding mausoleum, but fall apart if attempting to leave it.
MY weapon, my bloodline would be forever disgraced! It’s
one thing to be discontinued… it's another to be disgraced.
4 - Escaping the Tomb Convincing Howie to Duel Grandpappy
(Combat/Skill) - If the party returned peacefully, and offers
Grandpappy’s ultimatum of a duel, They can share this
If the party is forced to escape the tomb under info with Howie. However Howie will not want to
pressure, they will need to push past the arisen undead challenge Grandpappy to a duel, believing that he will
and use various skills to traverse the now active traps lose the battle, unless the party makes several successful
and hazards in the tomb. The DM should use discretion contested Charisma Checks to convince him otherwise.
to make the following encounter very difficult, but not - Howie will ask the party to follow him back into the
impossible. tomb if they convince him to duel Grandpappy. After
Following Howie back into the tomb, The Ghost of
Escaping with Grandpappy’s Battle Axe Grandpappy will be waiting for Howie.
- It IS possible for the party to escape with
- Grandpappy will oblige to Howie’s challenge, and
Grandpappy’s Battle Axe, but it should be extremely
allow Howie to take his Battle Axe for the duel.
difficult to do so.
- The closer that a player wielding Grandpappy’s Battle
Axe gets to the entrance, the more they will feel The Duel of Howie & Grandpappy
tremors in the ground around them. A successful DC 14
Insight or Survival Check will clue the player that the The duel will end quickly with Howie’s Death,
entrance will be collapsing soon. where Grandpappy will then ask the Party to return the
axe to his resting place.
- Once a Party member exits the Mausoleum with
Grandpappy’s Battle Axe, the Mausoleum entrance will The Dwarves square up… Ghost to adopted
collapse, blocking both entry and exits. Any character Grandson. Howie shouts and charges with vigor
standing in the entrance will need to make a DC 14 towards the ghost, making a wild overhead swing.
Dexterity Saving Throw or be caught under the falling Grandpappy gracefully sidesteps the wild swing,
rubble, taking 2d10 bludgeoning damage on a failed spinning ferociously with his ghostly axe , and lops the
save, or half as much damage on a successful save. head off of the young dwarf. The body falls with a
thud… blood spilling onto the bronze colored carpet.
“Welp… That’s unfortunate… Would you mind putin
Escaping through the Spider Caverns me axe back where it belongs? Then it be best you be
- If the entrance is blocked or impassable, players can on your way. Don’t worry about the poor lad’s body.
use the cavern hidden behind the Tribute Altar. Doing The spiders will come for it soon enough…”
so will require several successful Athletics or Acrobatics
Checks in order to push past the Spider Webs without - At this point the players can attempt to steal
getting stuck. Grandpappy’s Battle Axe, initiating the combat
sequence in Encounter 3, or leave peacefully.
5 - Returning to Howie (Social) - Howie’s body will have basic adventuring gear, a
heavy crossbow, and an amount of money equal to
Once the Party returns to Howie, there are several
125gp per player.
ways to end the adventure, depending on their
interactions with Grandpappy inside the tomb.

Returning Grandpappy’s Battle Axe

- Howie will not pay the party any extra rewards, unless
Adventure Resolution
The adventure ends with the party successfully
they have returned with Grandpappy’s Battle Axe.
returning to Howie, or leaving the tomb alive.
- If the party has successfully returned Grandpappy’s
Battle Axe, Howie will pay each party member an extra
With the Tomb of the SteelBuckle Clan closed, and
125gp total.
Grandpappy laid back to rest, you go on your way…
- *Upon hearing that he has been adopted, Howie will Perhaps you’ve learned something about ancestry
respond with sorrow and rage. He will not want to and heirlooms, perhaps you haven't. Eitherway, this
believe the party, unless they make several successful was a dilemma you certainly won’t forget.
Charisma Checks to convince him otherwise.
Combat Encounters
Below is a list of items potentially gainable to the
players, both mundane and
Combat 1 - Catacomb Ghouls
- Treasures and coin found in the tombs MONSTER HP workspace:
- Dwarven Weapons and Armor
- Payment from Howie
Ghoul 22
Significant Treasures or Magic Items Ghoul 22
- Orb of Direction Ghoul 22
- Tracker’s Lantern
- Grandpappy’s Battle Axe Ghoul 22
Blah blah… hopefully you understand how to do
this by now. All that’s left is to get to the table and have Combat 2 - Spider Swarms
a blast with it!
Good luck and Happy Adventuring! MONSTER HP workspace:

Spider Swarm 22
Spider Swarm 22
I do want to take one last moment to sincerely thank
Combat 3 - Undead Dwarves
you for playing an AOG Adventure. It means a lot to MONSTER HP workspace:
me as a creator. If you enjoyed it please leave me some
comments on wherever you found this adventure. You Ghost of 55
can support more content like this by subscribing to Grandpappy
our Patreon.
Arisen Dwarf 12
Warrior (Skeleton)
Arisen Dwarf 12
● Wizards of the Coast and D&D for the amazing job
Warrior (Skeleton)
they do providing RPG Content for us to use!
● Original Story Written by Amplus Ordo Games Arisen Dwarf 12
● All Maps and Handouts were done by Amplus Ordo Warrior (Skeleton)
Games using Inkarnate
● PDF Formatting done using The Homebrewery Arisen Dwarf 12
Warrior (Skeleton)
Arisen Dwarf 12
Warrior (Skeleton)
Arisen Dwarf 12
Warrior (Skeleton)
STAT BLOCKS by Encounter:
Medium Undead, Chaotic Evil

Armor Class 12
Hit Points 22 (5d8)
Speed 30 ft.


13 (+1) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 7 (-2) 10 (+0) 6 (-2)

Damage Immunities poison

Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages Common
Challenge 1 (200 XP)


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.

Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) piercing damage.

Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.

Hit: 7 (2d4 + 2) slashing damage. If the target is a creature
other than an elf or undead, it must succeed on a DC 10
Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. The
target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its
turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Medium Undead, Lawful Evil

Armor Class 13 (armor scraps)

Hit Points 13 (2d8 + 4)
Speed 30 ft.


10 (+0) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 6 (-2) 8 (-1) 5 (-3)

Damage Vulnerabilities bludgeoning

Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9
Languages understands all languages it spoke in life
but can't speak
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)


Battle Axe. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,

one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) slashing damage.

Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range

80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
Possession (Recharge 6). One humanoid that the ghost can
Ghost of Grandpappy see within 5 feet of it must succeed on a DC 13 Charisma
Medium aberration, lawful evil saving throw or be possessed by the ghost; the ghost then
disappears, and the target is incapacitated and loses
Armor Class 12 control of its body. The ghost now controls the body but
Hit Points 45 (10d8) doesn't deprive the target of awareness. The ghost can't be
Speed 0 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover) targeted by any attack, spell, or other effect, except ones
that turn undead, and it retains its alignment, Intelligence,
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Wisdom, Charisma, and immunity to being charmed and
7 (-2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) frightened. It otherwise uses the possessed target's
statistics, but doesn't gain access to the target's knowledge,
Damage Resistances acid, fire, lightning, thunder; class features, or proficiencies.
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from non magical The possession lasts until the body drops to 0 hit points,
attacks the ghost ends it as a bonus action, or the ghost is turned
Damage Immunities cold, necrotic, poison or forced out by an effect like the dispel evil and good
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, spell. When the possession ends, the ghost reappears in an
grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained unoccupied space within 5 feet of the body. The target is
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 immune to this ghost's Possession for 24 hours after
Languages any languages it knew in life succeeding on the saving throw or after the possession
Ethereal Sight. The ghost can see 60 feet into the Ethereal
Plane when it is on the Material Plane, and vice versa.

Incorporeal Movement. The ghost can move through other

creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It
takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an


Multiattack. Ghost of Grandpappy makes two attacks with

it’s Ghostly Battle Axe.

Ghostly Battle Axe. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach

5 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (2d6 + 3) necrotic damage.

Withering Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5

ft., one target. Hit: 17 (4d6 + 3) necrotic damage.

Etherealness. The ghost enters the Ethereal Plane from the

Material Plane, or vice versa. It is visible on the Material
Plane while it is in the Border Ethereal, and vice versa, yet
it can't affect or be affected by anything on another plane.

Horrifying Visage. Each non-undead creature within 60

feet of the ghost that can see it must succeed on a DC 13
Wisdom saving throw or be frightened for 1 minute. If the
save fails by 5 or more, the target also ages 1d4 × 10 years.
A frightened target can repeat the saving throw at the end
of each of its turns, ending the frightened condition on
itself on a success. If a target's saving throw is successful or
the effect ends for it, the target is immune to this ghost's
Horrifying Visage for the next 24 hours. The aging effect
can be reversed with a greater restoration spell, but only
within 24 hours of it occurring.
MAP: Steelbuckle Mausoleum

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