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INTRODUCTION- In the world that we live in, technology is a very

vital factor. With each passing day a new software or gadget is being
brought into the market and making it much easier and also advanced
day by day. Technology is increasingly growing its importance in the
education sector. The more technology advances, the more benefits it
provide for students at every education level. Students also get to know
how to use the technology through tech and computer classes. This gives
guarantee that students will not have any difficulties using technology.
Today, technology has been incorporated into a good number of
curriculum even those that do not belong to the technology and
computer classes. Students make use of computers to come up with
presentations and also make use of the internet to carry out research on
variety of topics for their essays and papers.

Over the past 20 years, technology has transformed society and changed
many aspects of daily life. The proliferation of technology has led to
growing consensus among educators and public that it should play a
more integral role in student’s education (fouts 2003; CEO forum on
education and technology). In 2003 only 4% of U.S school districts had
implemented one to one computer programs for personal use. In 2006,
more than 24% of school districts were in process of transitioning one to
one computer programs. In 2008, there were on average 3.8 students for
every instructional computer in the nation’s public schools, compared to
5.7 students per computer in 1999 and 125 students per computer in
1983(education week,2008; Glennan and Melmed,1996). McKenzie
(2011) suggests that a lack of expertise and resources, the low value
placed on research and the high demands of implementing technology
programs in schools are factors which hamper through investigation.
Johnson (2013) argues that the lack of research into effectiveness of
technology is inappropriate focus on programmed instruction and poor
research design and execution. The nature of the teaching profession is
such that emphasis is not placed on the communication of innovative
practices in scholarly publication but rather in more informal

Research Methodology:
Research design-descriptive research
In this study only qualitative research methods were used. A survey
using questionaire method by developing different types of questions
and qualitative research was used to analyse the preferences of the

Data Collection Method

A)Primary data collection method
B)Secondary data collection method

It is a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited
evidence as a starting point for further investigation.

In this research, on the importance of technology in education, two kind

of hypothesis can be generated.
➢ Technology has a better or rather positive impact on the field of
education. This statement clears that with the use of technology
in schools and classrooms, students have benefitted in their
study pattern. Students might have improved their grades and
showed positive result with the use of technology in their study
pattern. Technology helped them in learning concepts very

➢ On the other side, technology might not be so effective for

students while studying. They consider as a threat while
learning. Technology might show poor grades in studies for
students who consider technology as a harmful technique over
digital way of teaching. They might prefer teachers over

Thus, we can make an assumption that technology might be a boon

or curse in the filed of education.
Many students are more stimulated and are apt to learn when they can
interact with hands on learning tools which various forms of educational
technology provide. It is good to use technology in modern world’s
education as it gives immense knowledge. Learning children do in
school/college prepares them for the future and for this it is important to
incorporate technology but it should not be over friendly or misused as it
can lead to non-productive struggle in students. Anything beyond a limit
is not good.

Technology is making a positive impact on education overall. Blending
of various learning technologies, incorporating innovative ideas and
techniques, along with the movement for change and growth in modern
world. Technology that is made use of in classroom is very beneficial in
helping the students understand and absorb at every education level.
Parents want their children to graduate with skills that prepare them in
technology world. Technology is a versatile and valuable tool for
teaching and learning and becoming a way of life. Teachers must be
prepared to use these technologies effectively. Schools can use
technology and for the welfare of students, teacher and society, it must
be done.

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