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Film Review Presentation

Assignment Guidelines
Genap 2023

Assessment 3: Film Review Presentation

Type of assessment:In Pair / Group
What you hand in: Film review presentation (10-15 mins of video if online)
Due date: Week 11-15
Weight: 25%
Task Description: Students are required to present a film review, in the form of a 10-15
minutes of video if done online. Students need to remember that a
review aims to convince its audience whether the film is worth
watching or not. Critical analysis of the film’s formal techniques and
thematic contents in a review is geared to support the personal and
idiosyncratic (i.e. distinct individual) reactions to and evaluation of the
chosen film.
Submission method: Videos to be submitted to the designated submission and forum in
Evaluation rubric:

Evaluation Rubric for Film Review Presentation

Criteria Description Points
Organization Is the information structured in a logical 20%
and in interesting sequence?
Content Are the main points clearly flashed out? 30%
Does presentation (video) introduction
give the audience a clear idea of your
topic and the direction of your review?
Is the presentation free from irrelevant
information? Does the conclusion do a
good job in summarizing the content?
Visual Are the visuals relevant? Are the visual 30%
aids effectively used to enhance the
review? Are the visuals easy to read?
Delivery Did you speak clearly, easily heard and 20%
maintained an appropriate talking rate?
Was your speech free from grammatical
Total 100%

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