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Unit 10 – Lesson 1 :

What Is Electricity?

What is Atom ?

• Atoms are the building blocks of matter.

• Atoms are so small you cannot see them with your eyes alone.

What are the smaller particles of atom?

1. Protons: have a positive charge (+1).

2. Electrons: have a negative charge (–1).
3. Neutrons: are neutral. They have no charge.

Where does proton and electron locate ?

Proton and neutron are found in a region of the atom called the nucleus.

What is electric charge ?

Electric charge is a property of a particle that affects how it behaves around other particles.
Charge Types:

1. If an atom gains electrons, it will have a negative charge.

2. If a neutral atom loses an electron, it will have a positive charge.

Electron = protons Atom Gain electron Atom lose electron

(natural atom) (Negative Charge) (Positive Charge)

Types of electricity:

Static electricity
Current Electricity
Static electricity is the buildup of
electric charges on objects. The flow of electrons inside the
Static means “not moving.” wire called an electric current.

• Lighting
• electrical devices (phone –
• Rub balloon on your hair
laptop ..)
Label parts of wire:

What is Electrostatic discharge?

The jumping of electrons from one object to another.

• Shocked after walking across a rug

What is lightening ?

Lightning is a huge electrostatic discharge.

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