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HE28 34

CAD: User Systems

Database Exercise Booklet

 Doors
 Cars
 Cosmetics

Doors Exercise
 Create a database and call it Doors Details

New College Lanarkshire: Registered Charity Number SC021206

 Within it create a table and call it Doors Schedule

 In the design view use the following field names and choose the correct data type:

 Import the Doors Details text file into the database

(For help with importing text files into Microsoft Access, open the ‘Importing Text
Files into a Table (R2)’ document in the student shared drive)

 Demonstrate sorting skills by organising the table data based on:

• style, ascending
• description, descending
• size, ascending

 Perform query searches and obtain filtered results for:

• framed full glass doors only
• solid vision light doors only
• double doors only
• double doors with medium fire ratings only
• internal doors with 810mm opening width only

 Restructure the table by removing the Style field. What Happens?!

 Restructure the table by adding a new field ‘Ironmongery’.

• Enter sample data to some records under this new field.

Evidence Requirements...
Screen capture of completed design view showing fields and data types
Screen capture of the completed import

New College Lanarkshire: Registered Charity Number SC021206

Screen capture of each sorting requirement
Screen capture of each query

Cars Exercise
Note: Before beginning this task, obtain CAR text file from the Shared area.
• Create a database structure using the following fields (in order) ensuring the correct
data types are used and a key field specified.

New College Lanarkshire: Registered Charity Number SC021206

• Enter the following information into the database table:

• Import the data from the text file supplied by the lecturer (CAR.txt) into the existing

• Using the query function, search for any cars that meet the following requirements:

1. Item Value

Make Audi
Engine Size 1.8
2. Item Value

Colour Racing Green

Engine Size 1.6
• Run reports for the above queries

Evidence Requirements...
Screen capture of completed design view showing primary key specified
Screen Capture of the completed import
Screen capture of each query
Print reports for each query

New College Lanarkshire: Registered Charity Number SC021206

Cosmetics Exercise

Note: Before beginning this task, obtain NEW PRODUCTS text file from the Shared area.
• Create a database structure using the following fields (in order) ensuring the correct
data types are used and a key field specified.

New College Lanarkshire: Registered Charity Number SC021206

• Enter the following information into the database table:

(This could be automatically inserted by importing the NEWPRODUCTS.txt from the

shared drive)

• Import the data from the text file supplied by the lecturer

(NEW PRODUCT ADDITIONS.txt) into the existing database

• Using the query function, search for any cars that meet the following requirements:

Item Value
Stock 250 or more
Location Glasgow
• Using the query function, search for any systems that meet the following

Item Value
Type Toiletries
Price less than 50p

• Run reports for the above queries

New College Lanarkshire: Registered Charity Number SC021206

Evidence Requirements...
Screen capture of completed design view showing fields, data types & primary key
Screen Capture of the completed import
Screen capture of each query
Print reports for each query

New College Lanarkshire: Registered Charity Number SC021206

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