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100 Motivational Quotes

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100 Motivational Quotes

Life can be hard. No one goes through life unscathed. Maybe you think
life has knocked you down or maybe you are thriving without a care in the
world right now. Whichever the phrase you are in, you could use some
positivity in your life. Here are 100 motivational quotes to read.
# 1:
“Let obstacles be stepping stones to something greater”.
# 2:
“Don’t just exist, thrive”.
# 3:
“You are the only one who can define your success”.
# 4:
“A thousand miles is just a thousand one miles. The trick is to look at
one mile at a time”.
# 5:
“Don’t compare your journey with anybody else’s. You walk different
# 6:
“Give up on waiting, the time will never be exactly right”.
# 7:
“Ten years later, you would wish you had started today”.
# 8:
“Don’t compare yourself to another. This is your life, it’s about you, not
# 9:
“If there is no road, carve it yourself”.
# 10:
“It’s just priority. What you prioritize is what will thrive”.
# 11:
“Limitations is only inflicted by your minds”.
# 12:
“Let go of who you are so you can be who you might be”.
# 13:
“What your mind can conceive or believe can be achieved”.
# 14:
“What you are searching for is searching for you”.
# 15:
“There will always be haters but their opinion aren’t more important or
more accurate".
# 16:
“If you truly want to succeed, nothing will prevent you from getting
# 17:
“Plan ahead then go with the flow”.
# 18:
“Don’t regret the things you’ve done because you can derive a good
lesson from everything”.
# 19:
“Don’t worry about failures, worry about missed chance”.
# 20:
“When you feel like giving up, remind yourself of why you started and
why you stayed for so long”.
# 21:
“It’s never too late to be what you could have been if circumstances had
been different”.
# 22:
“Life is what you make of it”.
# 23:
“Live your dream, not your fears”.
# 24:
“Go ahead and build your dreams because if you don’t, someone else
will hire you to build their dream”.
# 25:
“With laser-like focus, an average man can become a successful
# 26:
“No one is going to let you and no one is going to stop you”.
# 27:
“Oftentimes, what stands between you and your goals is your doubts”.
# 28:
“The best day is yet to come”.
# 29:
“Don’t pine after the future, now is what matters”.
# 30:
“Life is an adventure. There is no adventure if there is no pain and
# 31:
“Don’t let anyone other than you define your values and worth”.
# 32:
“You are given the power to overcome all your problems”.
# 33:
“Happiness is a choice”.
# 34:
“Struggle breeds progress”.
# 35:
“Follow your passion and the money will follow”.
# 36:
“Learn from your mistakes so if you fail, you fail forward”.
# 37:
“You only have the now”.
# 38:
“Your thoughts are not you but they will become you”.
# 39:
“Life’s ultimate purpose is to be happy”.
# 40:
“Lucky stars follow those who work hard”.
# 41:
“No successful person reframed from having a dream in the first place”.
# 42:
“You never see how hard those people worked, don’t give up because of
an obstacle. All the successful people have been there before”.
# 43:
“Look back at how far you’ve come. You can do it again”.
# 44:
“Your thought can be the beginning of something great”.
# 45:
“Without action, dreams are just dreams”.
# 46:
“If you don’t want to go all the way, don’t go at all”.
# 47:
“The hardest steps to take are the first few”.
# 48:
“It’s okay to not understand why you did what you did. Sometimes your
gut knows more than you think”.
# 49:
“You can accept and stay where you are or take the responsibility to
change them”.
# 50:
“You are your habits, cultivate good habits”.
# 51:
“Sometimes people would try and convince you to not pursue your
dreams because they never dared to carry themselves far enough to reach
their dreams”.
# 52:
“Life goes on”.
# 53:
“Let your massive success be the best revenge”.
# 54:
“Tough people are born from tough times”.
# 55:
“Don’t settle for something less than your worth”.
# 56:
“Some people will only be happy upon your misfortune. Leave them be.
Their wishes don’t spell reality”.
# 57:
“Your attitudes determine much of your life”.
# 58:
“What’s meant to be yours, will be. What is not yours, you should let
# 59:
“Work hard, play hard”.
# 60:
“Dream big because if you fail, you won’t be too far off”.
# 61:
“Don’t be afraid to be different”.
# 62:
“Be ready when the opportunity calls”.
# 63:
“Don’t be afraid to say ‘no’ when you have too much on your plate”.
# 64:
“Your past is not you”.
# 65:
“Love yourself the way you want to be loved”.
# 66:
“Patience can be trained”.
# 67:
“Design your own life or someone else will design it for you”.
# 68:
“Be grateful for what you have before it’s too late”.
# 69:
“Those who are crazy enough to change the world are the ones who
achieve the change”.
# 70:
“You can live a life you imagined”.
# 71:
“Don’t be near someone who is afraid of your success”.
# 72:
“Working smart doesn’t mean don’t work hard”.
# 73:
“When a door closed, look for an open window”.
# 74:
“Stop talking, start doing”.
# 75:
“What you see around you is highly curated. Don’t compare your life
with anyone else’s”.
# 76:
“You only fail if you never learn from your mistakes”.
# 77:
“The biggest regret is not starting when you should”.
# 78:
“Let dreams be your leader, not your problems”.
# 79:
“Everyone dies but not everyone really lives”.
# 80:
“Your memories aren’t greater than your future. Let the past be a past so
you can move forward”.
# 81:
“A lifetime is not enough to truly understand someone. Be careful of
those closest to you”.
# 82:
“Every good and bad choice adds up”.
# 83:
“Suffering is temporary. You’ll come out the other side stronger”.
# 84:
“If it were easy, everybody would be doing it. There is a reason reward
only comes to those who persisted”.
# 85:
“Your mind can be trained”.
# 86:
“No one is perfect but it’s important to improve”.
# 87:
“Don’t live others’ dreams. Live yours”.
# 88:
“There is no elevator to success. Take the stairs”.
# 89:
“There are times in which you should not give up and times in which
you should. You are the only person who knows what you should do”.
# 90:
“There can be a success in giving up. If you didn’t give up on the wrong
project, how can you start the right project”.
# 91:
“Treat your body like a sanctuary. Don’t let anyone disrespect it”.
# 92:
“Every small step is still a step forward”.
# 93:
“Your mind can be your best friend or your worst enemy”.
# 94:
“The world owes you nothing, all hard work needs to be done by
# 95:
“If you never take the leap, you would never sow the seeds”.
# 96:
“Not everyone can afford the change, if you could, take it”.
# 97:
“You are strong and capable”.
# 98:
“A stressed person isn’t necessarily a hard working person. Don’t let
stress overtake progress”.
# 99:
“Life is short. Take some time to recover from the battle then keep
# 100:
“You can be both a dreamer and a doer”.

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