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Anne Shelley R.


There are numerous political ideologies that exist around the world, each with its own set of principles,
values, and goals. Here are some of the most prominent ones:

1. Liberalism: Liberalism emphasizes individual rights, freedom, and equality. It supports a limited role
for the government, free markets, and civil liberties.

2. Conservatism: Conservatism promotes traditional values and institutions, and advocates for limited
government intervention. It emphasizes individual responsibility, free markets, and social stability.

3. Socialism: Socialism seeks to address economic inequality by advocating for collective ownership and
democratic control of the means of production. It aims to create a more equitable society through the
redistribution of wealth and resources.

4. Communism: Communism envisions a classless society where all property is collectively owned. It
advocates for the abolition of private ownership and the establishment of a centralized government that
oversees the equitable distribution of resources.

5. Libertarianism: Libertarianism emphasizes individual liberty and limited government intervention in

both economic and social spheres. It supports free markets, minimal regulation, and personal freedom.

6. Fascism: Fascism is an authoritarian ideology that promotes dictatorial power, extreme nationalism,
and the suppression of political dissent. It often emphasizes the supremacy of a particular race or nation.

7. Anarchism: Anarchism seeks to abolish all forms of hierarchical authority, including the state. It
promotes self-governance, voluntary cooperation, and the elimination of oppressive systems.

8. Green/Environmentalism: Green or environmentalist ideologies prioritize ecological sustainability and

advocate for policies that protect the environment. They often emphasize social justice and the
interconnectedness of environmental, social, and economic issues.

9. Feminism: Feminism advocates for gender equality and the dismantling of patriarchal systems. It seeks
to address gender-based discrimination and promote equal rights and opportunities for all genders.

10. Nationalism: Nationalism places emphasis on the interests and identity of a particular nation or
ethnic group. It often promotes a strong sense of national pride and sovereignty.

It's important to note that these ideologies can vary significantly in their interpretations and
applications, and there are often multiple variations and subcategories within each ideology.
Additionally, individuals and political parties may combine elements from different ideologies to form
their own unique positions.

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