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Topic Coverage: Benchmarking and Quality Function and Deployment:

1. From the 7 New Management tools, choose four tools and apply them to your work. Present your
output using Minitab or excel.

Answers are indicated in the attached excel.

2. Using the steps in Benchmarking (see below), perform an internal and competitive benchmarking of
your section/department and Company.

Most of us are increasingly comfortable doing stuff online in the age of mobile devices. This is also
true of training schools and other forms of companies. In the past, the admission process has irritated
both students and school administrators who have to process the enrollment of a large number of
students. Students must fill out a nearly endless stack of paperwork, which must be manually processed
by school administrators. With that in mind, the purpose of this study is to strengthen the OG Training
School's enrollment process.

I wanted to compare the OG Training School's enrollment and admissions department. As schools
become more diverse, the agency must become more innovative and effective in the enrollment process.
Now that we live in the modern age, the need for an effective enrollment system is obvious. The days of
relying solely on hardcopy forms and manual procedures are long gone. Aside from the need to adapt to
our current situation, OG Training School needs to speed up the admission process for students. Thus,
having an enrollment system to ease and address the need of digitized process and organized data is
essential for every school entity.

Enrollment is the most important aspect that affects a school's management and operations
during the school year. A student's preference for a school may be influenced by the ease with which they
can enroll. By providing students with a simple and easy way to process their application or registration,
an institution may become more sensitive and offer better service to students. Since the internet is so
readily available nowadays, some students also claim online registration.

OG Training School is a newcomer to the industry with the ability to grow its enrollment every
semester. While this increase benefits the training school directly, attending to the student's needs in
processing the registration becomes cumbersome and time-consuming, resulting in a significant extension
of the enrollment period and causing some issues and problems. This issue had negative consequences
for the organization, such as delaying the start of classes, incurring increased expenses, and causing the
registrar's staff to be overworked, as well as being expensive and inconvenient for students who live far
from the training school because the enrollment process takes longer than anticipated, which usually
takes more than a day or three. Many teaching institutions have adopted the online enrollment system
to make the process efficient and convenient.

The conventional manual enrollment system used by the OG training school was best defined as
a pen and paper system. The enrollee should go to the training school to request the requisite paperwork
and receive a pre-enrolment form. The enrollee must then complete the information descriptions.
Applicants then send it to the enrollment and admission office to request an assessment schedule, which
is typically performed one to two days after the enrollment form is submitted, depending on the number
of applicants. During the evaluation, admissions staff asked enrollees to verify and validate the details
they had submitted. Human intervention is heavily involved in this process. As a consequence, it resulted
in data redundancy and mistakes, causing problems in training school. In addition, the majority of the staff
are managing several activities, including the training school's admission process.

The primary causes, secondary causes, and root causes of the time-consuming enrollment
processing at the OG Training school are detailed in a recent report. Man, Substance, Process, System,
and Environment were the five categories depicted in this diagram. The root causes were discovered in
each of these groups. It revealed three root causes in the Man category: unequal job distribution, lack of
communication, and doing unnecessary things. It identified one root cause in the Material group, which
is a lack of inventory on hand. There were three root causes in the Method category: a lack of task
consistency, a lack of proper instructions, and a lack of system power. On the other hand, the climate
group had two root causes: a shortage of maintenance workers and a noisy workplace. Finally, it was
classified in the Computer Category as a root cause, which was defective office equipment. All of the
above factors ultimately led to a lengthy enrollment period.

Following the determination of the current method, data collection, and review of the available
information relevant to this report, as well as the identification of process gaps and root causes of the
issue, the next step would be to design and create an improved enrollment process. It took into account
a number of considerations when developing the enrollment system. It was agreed to streamline and
remove other activities in the process in order to provide a timely enrollment method, and to add a new
process that is more amiable to all stakeholders. The planned enrollment process was changed to an
online and automated system with the aid of the training school's marketing and IT departments. The
proposed enrollment process was designed according to the expectation of the training school personnel
while considering the experience of the school’s enrollees. The proposed system is an online enrollment
system which will help the manual enrollment system more convenient and time saver. It lessens the
paper works of the manual enrollment system because the proposed system has its own database that
can be stored and retrieved. It includes the online processing of transactions needed for the business. The
proposed system facilitates in keeping track of the records, transactions and other activities of the student
regarding the enrollment. The system generated reports needed by admission personnel and enrollees
like the admission slip. Revising and updating of the operation manual was also taken into consideration.
This contains the detailed instructions on how to perform specific operations efficiently. This procedure
only focused in the registration up to the admission of the enrollee to the training school. Since the
automated online system is the first system in the school, the OG Training school still have so much
opportunity to develop the overall school system. Through this piece of document, the admission and
enrollment office will have the detailed system manual where they can determine their boundaries and
execute their functions fairly in processing the enrollee’s application to the training school.

OG Training School tracks the impact of the changes in the admission process after it has been
taken care of. The best approach implemented to provide a more optimized and structured method in
compliance with the purpose of the OG Training School is to eliminate the conventional pen and paper
process and replace it with the online enrollment process.

3. Create a house of quality of your product/company.

Answers are indicated in the attached excel.

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