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Envi 11: Environmental Science

Lesson 4.1: What is Pollution?

Lesson Summary
Pollutants cause pollution in the environment. Pollution brings a detrimental effect on our

Learning Outcomes
In this lesson, the students will be able to define pollution and the term “pollutants,” which refers
to the substances that cause it.

Motivation Question
Give at least three potential pollutants that can be found in your house and state the
corresponding type of pollution it can result in.


What is environment?

For us to have an overview and later on discuss the different kinds thoroughly, let us first define
pollution. Pollution refers to the changes in physical and chemical properties and the biological
characteristics detrimental to various bodies of water, land, and air. Pollution brings harmful
effects on human life and the environment as a whole.

Remember that pollutants are used to describe substances that can bring unfavourable changes
to different water bodies, land, and air. It can be dust, smoke, chemicals (e.g., Methyl mercury),
or factors such as heat or noise discharged into our environment. Furthermore, some pollutants
like chemicals can accumulate within the tissues of living organisms and eventually magnified.
This phenomenon is termed bio-magnification, which refers to the gradual increase in
concentration/accumulation of chemicals. At the same time, they move along the food chains
towards the members of the higher tropical level.

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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge TP-IMD-01
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and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
No. 20-001

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